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Expedition 10 crew insignia

Expedition 10

Occurred 20 years ago

Expedition 10 tested ultrasound technology, investigated space-caused muscle structure changes, researched cell biology, and photographed Earth landmarks.

Mission Type

ISS Expedition

meet the crew

Leroy Chiao, Salizhan Sharipov


Oct. 13, 2004


April 24, 2005

Crew Members

Leroy Chiao, Commander
Salizhan Sharipov, Flight Engineer

Crew and Cargo Missions

4/24/05 – Expedition 10 Land
4/16/05 – Expedition 11 Dock
4/14/05 – Expedition 11 Launch
3/2/05 – ISS Progress 17 Dock
12/27/05 – ISS Progress 16 Undock
12/25/04 – ISS Progress 16 Dock
12/23/04 – ISS Progress 16 Launch
12/22/04 – ISS Progress 15 Undocks
11/29/04 – Soyuz TMA-5 Relocation


Date: March 28, 2005
Duration: 4 hours, 30 minutes
Spacewalkers: Leroy Chiao, Salizhan Sharipov

Jan. 26, 2005
Duration: 5 hours, 28 minutes
Spacewalkers: Leroy Chiao, Salizhan Sharipov

Image Gallery

Expedition 10

During Expedition 10, the crew took images of the Earth views, the orbiting station, their daily lives aboard and the experiments they conducted during their stay, plus so much more. Check out some of the image highlights from Expedition 10 in the gallery.

Expedition 10 Gallery about Expedition 10
Expedition 10 crew portrait
ISS010-S-002 (July 2004) — The crewmembers for Expedition 10 take a break from training in the United States, Russia and other venues to pose for their crew portrait. Astronaut Leroy Chiao, left, is commander and NASA ISS science officer. Cosmonaut Salizhan S. Sharipov, representing Russia’s Federal Space Agency, is flight engineer.