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NASA STEM Engagement Funding Opportunities

Students from Montgomery College

Engagement Opportunities in NASA STEM (EONS)

The NASA Research Announcement titled “Engagement Opportunities in NASA STEM or EONS” solicits education and research opportunities in support of the NASA STEM projects.

EONS is an omnibus announcement that includes a range of NASA STEM Engagement opportunities for basic and applied science and technology research and education. Specific opportunities with individual requirements and milestones will be issued periodically throughout the year as appendices to this solicitation as funds are made available for new awards. EONS opportunities are announced via the NASA Solicitation and Proposal Integrated Review and Evaluation System (NSPIRES) website and Prospective proposers are required to be registered on NSPIRES.

By offering this information to prospective proposers at this time (prior to formal approval and release by NASA), the agency is under no obligation to issue the solicitation or request for proposals. Any costs incurred by prospective proposers in preparing submissions in response to this information will be incurred completely at the submitters’ own risk. The ability of the government to issue any planned solicitation is contingent upon the expectation of sufficient appropriated funds, and the ability of the government to make awards is contingent upon the availability of sufficient appropriated funds.

For questions please contact [email protected].

Note: The following represents a snapshot of Office of STEM Engagement (OSTEM) funding opportunities under which the agency plans to solicit proposals for new awards. It is important to note that these are projected solicitations and planning dates only. NASA cannot guarantee that the final solicitations will be released or that they will be released by the planning date. Also, NASA has not formally approved the release of any of the planned solicitations listed.

Explore FY2024 Engagement Opportunities in NASA STEM (EONS)