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NASA STEM Opportunities and Activities For Students

Multiple challenges and opportunities reaching a broad audience of middle and high schools, colleges, and universities across the nation.

NASA, Collaborators Announce a New Student Lunar Autonomy Challenge! 

The new Lunar Autonomy Challenge invites teams of students from U.S. colleges and universities to test their software development skills.…

2025 Gateways to Blue Skies Competition

The agriculture industry faces several challenges, including limited resources and growing demands to reduce agriculture’s environmental impact while increasing its…

2025 RASC-AL Competition

The 2025 RASC-AL Competition is seeking undergraduate and graduate teams to develop new concepts that leverage innovation to improve our…

TechRise (for 6–12 graders)

Middle/high school student teams are invited to submit science and technology experiment ideas to fly on a suborbital flight platform.

Registration Opens for the 2024 NASA International Space Apps Challenge

NASA invites innovators, technologists, storytellers, and problem solvers to register for the 2024 NASA Space Apps Challenge, the largest annual…

NASA Community College Aerospace Scholars

Challenges are designed to build student knowledge and skills in STEM by focusing on NASA's goals, collaboration, and career pathways.


A multi-semester undergraduate level challenge to design and build prototypes for technologies needed in support of the Artemis mission. 

NASA’s BIG Idea Challenge

A real-world experience for college and university students and their advisors to develop technology needed to support NASA’s exploration goals.

NASA Aeronautics “Dream With Us!” Design Challenge

Students ages 13-18, come dream with NASA Aeronautics and help us envision and market a more sustainable commercial aircraft.

Lunabotics Challenge

University-level competition for teams to use the NASA systems engineering process to design, build, and operate a lunar robot.

High School Aerospace Scholars

A year-long commitment for Texas high school juniors related to space exploration, Earth science, technology, and aeronautics.

NASA Student Launch Challenge

Middle/high school and college-level student teams design, build, test, and launch a high-powered rocket carrying a scientific or engineering payload.

High Schools United with NASA to Create Hardware (HUNCH)

A project based learning program for high school students to learn skills by designing and fabricating valued products for NASA.

App Development Challenge

A coding challenge in which NASA presents technical problems to middle/ high school students.

NASA Spacesuit User Interface Technologies for Students

NASA SUITS challenges undergraduate or graduate students to design and create spacesuit information displays within augmented reality (AR) environments.

Micro-g Neutral Buoyancy Experiment Design Teams

Undergraduate students design, build, and test a tool or device that addresses an authentic, current space exploration challenge.

NASA Human Exploration Rover Challenge

Teams of high school and college students design, develop, build, and test human-powered rovers capable of traversing challenging terrain.

NASA Internship Programs

Launch your Future: NASA OSTEM Internships Virtual Webinars Join NASA Internships for an exclusive virtual event showcasing a vibrant and…

First Nations Launch

The competition offers Tribal college-level students the opportunity to demonstrate engineering and design skills through direct application in high-powered rocketry.

MUREP Innovation Tech Transfer Idea Competition

MITTIC is seeking Historically Black College and University and Minority Serving Institution teams of students from all fields of study to rise…

Robotics Alliance Project

Teams of professionals and young people are challenged to solve an engineering design problem in a competitive way.