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Outside the Classroom

Explore STEM Resources for Parents and Families, Youth Groups and Community Organizations, Museums and Planetariums, and Citizen Scientists.

Former NASA Astronaut, Leland Melvin, talks to school children during an Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) education event outside the classroom

In-Flight Education Downlinks

In-flight education downlinks allow students and educators to interact with astronauts onboard the International Space Station. These opportunities are available to both formal and informal U.S.-based education organizations. The proposal period for In-Flight Education Downlinks Expedition 73 is open. Three virtual question-and-answer sessions will be offered throughout the proposal period. Submission Deadline: Oct. 29, 2024.

Learn More and Apply about In-Flight Education Downlinks

Competitive Grant Opportunity

NASA Teams Engaging Affiliated Museums and Informal Institutions (TEAM II)

Next Gen STEM, a project of NASA’s Office of STEM Engagement, enables informal education institutions to bring meaningful NASA connections and mission-inspired STEM content and programs into their communities via the TEAM II competitive awards program.

More About TEAM II
Kennedy Space Center Director Bob Cabana talks to children during Take a Child to Work Day.

Museum and Informal Education (MIE) Alliance

The Museum and Informal Education Alliance is an active community of practice that provides informal educators with access to NASA resources.

Learn More About MIE about Museum and Informal Education (MIE) Alliance
Interior of a museum showing cool NASA artifacts

Visit NASA

The NASA visitor centers invite you to share in America's triumphant adventures in space. Our family of world-class facilities wants your family to experience our unique blend of education and entertainment. It's an insider's view that only we could offer.

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The Rocket Garden and fountain at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex in Florida are lit in green and red for Holidays.

NASA Express Newsletter Sign-up

Are you looking for the latest NASA resources for teachers, parents, caregivers, and students? Subscribe to the NASA EXPRESS newsletter to get the latest NASA STEM opportunities delivered to your inbox every Thursday.

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A person looking through a telescope at dusk

NASA STEM Artemis Moon Trees

NASA’s Office of STEM Engagement partnered with U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Services to fly five species of tree seeds aboard Artemis I as part of a national STEM Engagement and conservation education initiative.  

Learn More about NASA STEM Artemis Moon Trees
A deciduous tree stands tall behind a small plaque identifying it as an Apollo Moon Tree on a grassy mound in North Carolina