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University students prepare their rocket for launch.
An image of the Moon with the Artemis insignia and the words "You are the Artemis Generation as a text overlay

STEM Engagement at Marshall

STEM Engagement at Marshall Space Flight Center supports the agency’s objectives to advance the STEM workforce pipeline by administering and offering STEM programs at the international, national, state and local levels.

About NASA STEM Engagement about STEM Engagement at Marshall

We Engage Students In NASA’s Mission

K-12 students can dig deeper into STEM topics and experience the thrill of exploration and discovery.

NASA makes vital investments in a diverse portfolio of learning opportunities and activities designed to reach as many U.S. students as possible – from kindergarten through graduate school. NASA seeks to build the next generation STEM workforce and broaden student participation to increase diversity, equity and inclusion in STEM fields.

For Kids and Students
A group of students working on an activity together

Be A NASA Intern

NASA offers paid internships for high school and college-level students to contribute to agency projects under the guidance of a NASA mentor.

Learn More about Be A NASA Intern
A group of students

Contact Us

Kevin McGhaw

Director, Southeast Regional Office of STEM Engagement

Student Launch

Human Exploration Rover Challenge

Artemis Student Challenges

STEM Offices and Mission Leads

Southeast Region Office of STEM Engagement at Marshall Space Flight Center
NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
Mail Code CS01​
Huntsville, AL 35812
Phone: 256-544-8722
Fax: 256-544-4131
Email: [email protected]

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A person looking through a telescope at dusk