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TechFlights Community of Practice Webinar Series

Past Webinars

October 2, 2024

Spotlight on In-Space 3D Printing and the Value of the Flight Test

  • Hayden Taylor, Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley
  • Taylor Waddell, Pathways Engineer, NASA’s Kennedy Space Center; Ph.D. student, University of California, Berkeley
  • Kathleen Karika, Director for Research Operations, Virgin Galactic

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Learn about a new 3D printing technology that flew aboard Virgin Galactic’s VSS Unity as part of the Galactic 7 flight test in June 2024

September 4, 2024

Flight Testing Opportunities for Students

  • Anh Nguyen, Ph.D., Small Spacecraft Technology and Flight Opportunities Program Portfolio Integrator, NASA Headquarters
  • Liam Cheney, Mission Manager for the NASA Launch Services Program, NASA’s Kennedy Space Center
  • Jose Núñez, Ph.D., P.E., University Partnerships/SmallSat Capabilities Manager, NASA’s Kennedy Space Center

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In a discussion moderated by Flight Opportunities personnel, representatives from across NASA speak to the various avenues available to students for accessing flight tests. 

August 7, 2024

Journey to the Lunar Surface: From Suborbital Flight Testing to Moon Mission

  • Frank Moreno, NASA’s Commercial Lunar Payload Services Program
  • Farzin Amzajerdian, Ph.D., NASA’s Langley Research Center
  • Greg Zimmerli, Ph.D., NASA’s Glenn Research Center

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Watch our August webinar to hear how two technologies that advanced through the Flight Opportunities program were part of the nation’s first landing on the lunar surface in 50+ years.  

June 5, 2024

Cryogenic Fluid Management for Future In-Space Transfer Systems

  • Issam Mudawar, Ph.D., Betty Ruth and Milton B. Hollander Family Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University

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Check out our June webinar for a spotlight on Purdue University’s cryogenic fluid management technology that researchers advanced through parabolic flight campaigns with Zero Gravity Corporation. 

May 1, 2024

Achieving Small Business Goals through Flight Testing Space Tech

  • Solange Massa, M.D. Ph.D., Founder and CEO, Ecoatoms, Inc.
  • Apostolos “Laki” Vlachos, Senior Payload Integration Manager, Blue Origin

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Learn about Ecoatoms, Inc.’s batch coating of biosensors payload that flew on Blue Origin’s New Shepard reusable suborbital rocket system in December 2023.

April 3, 2024

Researcher Roundtable: Best Practices for Camera Use in Flight Test Payloads

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Flight Opportunities team facilitates a discussion for researchers to engage with each other and share their experiences using cameras to gather data on a variety of flight test platforms.

March 6, 2024

19 Million Miles Away: Infusion of a Flight Tested Technology Enabling Deep-Space Communications

  • Dr. Scott Green, Principal Engineer and Co-Founder, Controlled Dynamics Inc. 
  • Danielle McCulloch, Program Manager, NASA’s Flight Opportunities program 

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This webinar offers insights into the development of a vibration isolation platform that was part of NASA’s first demonstration of optical communications beyond the Earth-Moon system.  

February 7, 2024

Leveraging Iterative Flight Testing to Advance Dust Sensor to Aid in Lunar Landings

  • Adrienne Dove, Ph.D., University of Central Florida 
  • Philip Metzger, Ph.D., University of Central Florida 
  • Sean Bedford, Director of Business Development, Astrobotic 

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Researchers from the University of Central Florida will speak about Ejecta STORM (Sheet Tracking, Opacity, and Regolith Maturity) – an instrument designed to measure the size and speed of surface particles kicked up by the exhaust from a rocket-powered lander on the Moon or Mars.

January 10, 2024

NASA TechLeap Universal Payload Interface Challenge

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Join this month’s Community of Practice to hear about the NASA TechLeap Universal Payload Interface Challenge. To change the pace of space by moving technologies into flight testing and between different flight environments as quickly as possible, NASA’s Flight Opportunities program is asking businesses, academic institutions, entrepreneurs, and other innovators to develop a flight-ready universal payload interface for its third NASA TechLeap Prize.

November 1, 2023

Leveraging Suborbital Flight Testing to Advance Fluidic Optics in Microgravity

  • Edward Balaban, Ph.D., Research Scientist, NASA’s Ames Research Center
  • Wanessa Priesmeyer, Deputy Tech Lead for Integration of Automated Systems (IAS), NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center

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Dr. Edward Balaban, research scientist at NASA’s Ames Research Center, will discuss how he and the Fluidic Telescope (FLUTE) team used parabolic flight testing through the Flight Opportunities program, in addition to other mechanisms, to advance their fluidic optics technology.

October 4, 2023

Introducing the Space Tech Catalyst Prize Competition

  • Denna Lambert, Inclusive Innovation Team Lead, NASA’s Early Stage Innovations and Partnerships 
  • Lynn Van Deventer, Open Innovation Advisor, NASA’s Center of Excellence for Collaborative Innovation

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Join us for this month’s Community of Practice webinar to learn more about the launch of the Space Tech Catalyst Prize. The NASA Space Tech Catalyst Prize will engage and celebrate individuals and organizations who amplify the capabilities of underrepresented space technology innovators and researchers.

September 6, 2023

ROSES 2023 APRA H-LCAS Suborbital Research Information Webinar

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NASA will hold an informational webinar focused on the suborbital research aspects of the ROSES-2023 D.3. Astrophysics Research and Analysis (APRA) and B.9 Heliophysics Low Cost Access to Space (H-LCAS) program elements.

August 2, 2023

Practicing Fly-Fix-Fly: Re-flight Opportunity Through NASA TechLeap Prize

  • Ben Gorr, PhD Candidate, SEAK (Systems Engineering, Architecture, and Knowledge) Lab at Texas A&M University
  • Paul De León, Flight Opportunities Campaign Manager

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Principal investigator Ben Gorr from the SEAK (Systems Engineering, Architecture, and Knowledge) Lab at Texas A&M University will speak to his experience as a winner of NASA’s first TechLeap Prize, Autonomous Observation Challenge No. 1, as well as his team’s recent opportunity to re-fly their technology on a station-keeping high-altitude balloon flight. Joined by Flight Opportunities team members, presenters will explore the “fly-fix-fly” ethos of the Flight Opportunities program and highlight best practices for quickly advancing space technologies while responding to unexpected challenges and collaborating with fellow innovators. 

June 7, 2023

Advancing Medical Technology with Suborbital Rocket-Powered Vehicles

  • George Pantalos, Ph.D., University of Louisville
  • Kathleen Karika, Director for Research Operations, Virgin Galactic
  • Ryan Dibley, Flight Opportunities Campaign Manager

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This month’s webinar features a discussion with Dr. George Pantalos, an experienced Flight Opportunities-supported researcher and Kathleen Karika, Director for Research Operations at Virgin Galactic. Dr. Pantalos will highlight his previous flight test experience assessing a method of red blood cell storage for transfusion therapy in space across different suborbital platforms, as well as his upcoming flight test with Virgin Galactic as a TechFlights 2022 awardee. Join the webinar to hear more about integration and technical lessons learned and the value of iterative testing to advance technologies that support long-duration spaceflight – both from a researcher and a flight provider perspective. Flight Opportunities team members will also speak about key takeaways from helping suborbital payload teams get ready for flight.

This session aligns with the June 7 Mandatory Preliminary Proposal deadline for TechFlights 2023. Researchers are encouraged to submit their proposals early and attend the session to learn about flight testing best practices.

May 3, 2023

Flight Opportunities and NASA’s University SmallSat Technology Partnerships

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Join this month’s Community of Practice webinar for an overview of NASA’s University SmallSat Technology Partnership (USTP) initiative. Rodolphe De Rosee with NASA’s Small Spacecraft Technology program will discuss how USTP supports university-based technologies with the potential to advance the small spacecraft industry. The initiative awards cooperative agreements to U.S. colleges and universities for projects that develop new technologies and capabilities for small spacecraft in collaboration with NASA centers. Principal investigators with experience both in the UTSP initiative and preparing for suborbital flight tests through the Flight Opportunities program will provide perspectives on using both mechanisms to rapidly mature technologies. We encourage prospective and seasoned researchers to join this webinar and learn about the various pathways for technology maturation with NASA.

April 5, 2023

Commercially Enabled Space Science in TechFlights 2023

  • Stephan Ord, Chief Technologist, NASA’s Flight Opportunities program
  • Lisa Carnell, Program Scientist for Translational Research, NASA’s Science Mission Directorate, Biological and Physical Sciences Division

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Join us for this month’s Community of Practice webinar with Dr. Lisa Carnell, the Program Scientist for Translational Research in the Biological and Physical Sciences Division in NASA’s Science Mission Directorate (SMD). This year, NASA’s Flight Opportunities program is collaborating with SMD’s Commercially Enabled Rapid Space Science (CERISS) project for the 2023 TechFlights solicitation.

One of the two topics anticipated for the solicitation addresses technologies that can support the CERISS initiative, which aims to develop transformative research capabilities with the commercial space industry to increase the pace of research. With the 2023 TechFlights solicitation expected to be released in late April, this webinar presents a timely opportunity for researchers to learn more about this topic.

February 1, 2023

NASA TechFlights: Best Practices for Proposing

  • Danielle McCulloch, Program Manager (Acting), NASA’s Flight Opportunities program
  • Stephan Ord, Chief Technologist, NASA’s Flight Opportunities program

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The NASA TechFlights solicitation is one avenue for researchers to access flight tests through the Flight Opportunities program. TechFlights offers funding opportunities to principal investigators from U.S.-based industry, academia, and non-profit research institutions to flight test innovations that may meet NASA or industry technology needs. This session will share key tips for researchers to keep in mind as they respond to upcoming TechFlights solicitations. The discussion will cover best practices for preparing a proposal and identify resources available to prospective researchers. This session will be valuable to researchers interested in suborbital and hosted orbital flight tests.

January 4, 2023

Advancing NASA Technology Priorities: Cryogenic Fluid Management

  • Jason Hartwig, Ph.D., Research Aerospace Engineer, NASA’s  Glenn Research Center 
  • Alexander van Dijk, Technologist, NASA’s Flight Opportunities program  
  • Florian Chavagnat, Ph.D. Candidate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) 

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Suborbital flight tests through NASA’s Flight Opportunities program can be used to advance technologies with a wide range of applications. The strategic framework developed by NASA’s Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD) names cryogenic fluid management as a key technology need for long-duration space missions. Join representatives from Flight Opportunities and NASA subject matter experts to discuss how suborbital demonstrations can support efficient technology advancement. This session will also include the perspective of Flight Opportunities-supported researchers to illustrate best practices for flight testing technologies with NASA priorities in mind. 

December 7, 2022

Fly, Fix, Fly: Using High-Altitude Balloons to Advance Technologies with Earth and Space Applications

  • Sean Bryan, Associate Research Professor, School of Earth and Space Exploration, Arizona State University 

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Flight Opportunities supports the rapid and iterative testing of technologies that advance NASA’s priorities in space and on Earth. In this session, Dr. Sean Bryan from Arizona State University will share how he is leveraging multiple high-altitude balloon flights in order to accelerate the development of the CubeSounder weather imaging sensor. This session will also highlight best practices for working effectively with flight providers and planning across multiple flight tests to efficiently mature a space technology.

November 2, 2022

Technology Transition Opportunities: CubeSat Launch Initiative (CSLI)

  • Justin Treptow, Deputy Program Executive, NASA’s Small Spacecraft Technology program and Flight Opportunities program
  • Norman Phelps, Mission Manager, NASA’s Kennedy Space Center
  • Paula do Vale Pereira, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Florida Institute of Technology  

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Suborbital testing through Flight Opportunities is just one stop on a space technology’s journey from development to next steps such as an orbital mission or commercial application. NASA’s CubeSat Launch Initiative is a valuable stepping stone for many small spacecraft technologies that have been already tested in a relevant space environment. Join this session to hear the perspectives of NASA’s Launch Services program as well as researchers that have advanced their technologies both through Flight Opportunities and CSLI.

October 5, 2022

The Pace of Space: What’s New in Suborbital Flight

  • Michelle Munk, Acting Chief Architect, NASA’s Space Technology Mission Directorate
  • Lucas Moxey, Lead, Commercial Suborbital Initiative, NASA’s Science Mission Directorate
  • Danielle McCulloch, Deputy Program Manager, NASA Flight Opportunities program

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Join leadership from NASA’s Flight Opportunities program to discuss a number of new activities across NASA that influence the suborbital flight community. Hear from stakeholders in NASA’s Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD) and Science Mission Directorate (SMD) about how Flight Opportunities is supporting cross-agency initiatives that serve as resources for current and prospective researchers. These initiatives include the STMD strategic framework, SMD’s ROSES solicitation, and challenges such TechLeap and TechRise. Come ready to engage and ask questions!

September 7, 2022

NASA’s TechLeap Prize: Advancing Space Technologies and Innovative Teams

  • Sara Jennings, Chief Executive Officer, Orion Labs
  • Zachary Gaines, Project Lead, Bronco Space Club at Cal Poly Pomona

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Led by NASA’s Flight Opportunities program, the NASA TechLeap Prize allows the agency to rapidly identify and test promising solutions that address specific NASA goals. While the prize is open to most qualified U.S.-based organizations, its flexibility and ease of application can bolster innovative small businesses and teams of researchers that may not have previously received NASA funding through traditional mechanisms. This webinar will highlight the unique support that TechLeap provides by offering first-hand insight from winners of the inaugural TechLeap Prize: Autonomous Observation Challenge No. 1. Hear from Sara Jennings of Orion Labs and Zachary Gaines from Bronco Space Club at Cal Poly Pomona about their experience preparing and flying their payloads, as well as how TechLeap expanded their teams’ capacity to quickly advance technologies.

August 3, 2022

Providing Students with Hands-On Suborbital Technology Testing Experience

  • Kostas Sierros, Ph.D., West Virginia University
  • Savannah Toney, West Virginia University student

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Flight Opportunities-supported researchers incorporate educational priorities into their work in a variety of ways, offering hands-on experience and building the next generation of space exploration leaders. In this session, Dr. Konstantinos (“Kostas”) Sierros, principal investigator for the 3D printing of hierarchical foams in microgravity demonstration, will highlight how he has leveraged support from NASA’s TechFlights awards to engage undergraduates in the suborbital flight test process. Dr. Sierros will be joined by West Virginia University student Savannah Toney who will share her experience prepping and flying technologies with Flight Opportunities.

July 6, 2022

Testing Payload Return Capabilities on High-Altitude Balloons 

  • Tyler Kunsa, SpaceWorks
  • Kevin Tucker, Near Space Corporation

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High-altitude balloons provide access to the unique environment of the stratosphere. In addition to enabling evaluations of payloads in extreme temperature and pressure conditions, these flights can also allow researchers to evaluate methods for releasing payloads and guiding them back down to Earth. Tyler Kunsa, principal investigator for the Re-entry Device 4U (RED-4U) demonstration from SpaceWorks Enterprises, will highlight how he and his team leveraged this unique feature of high-altitude balloon tests to advance their payload return capsule technology. Tyler will be joined by Kevin Tucker, president of balloon flight provider Near Space Corporation, to discuss their experience working together on two Flight Opportunities-supported flight campaigns. Kevin will also illustrate the capabilities of this versatile suborbital platform.

June 1, 2022

Suborbital Flight for Advancing In-Space Manufacturing Technology

  • Hantang Qin, Ph.D., Iowa State University/University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Curtis Hill, Senior Materials Engineer, NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center

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In-space manufacturing is a critical capability for the commercialization of low-Earth orbit and for supporting extended human presence in deep space. Join Dr. Hantang Qin from Iowa State University and Curtis Hill, senior materials engineer at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, to discuss recent testing and future applications of an electro-hydrodynamic (EHD) additive manufacturing process for printing electronic circuits in microgravity. Together they will share lessons learned from their recent parabolic flight tests and discuss how testing in suborbital environments helps accelerate the maturation of advance important technologies in this area. 

May 4, 2022

Sounding Rockets as a Platform for Suborbital Technology Testing

  • Jerry Larson, President, UP Aerospace
  • Adam Sidor, Ph.D., Aerospace Technologist, NASA’s Johnson Space Center
  • Lisa Valencia, Engineer and Project Manager, NASA’s Kennedy Space Center

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Sounding rockets are a useful platform for testing a technology’s ability to withstand the forces of launch and function in microgravity. Space launch services company UP Aerospace works with NASA’s Flight Opportunities program to facilitate sounding rocket flight tests for researchers. This webinar will illustrate best practices for testing on this unique platform, with examples from two researchers, and highlight the UP Aerospace vehicle capability enhancements that Flight Opportunities is supporting.  

April 6, 2022

From Suborbital Flight to the International Space Station

  • Dmitry Starodubov, Ph.D., FOMS Inc.
  • Steve Huning, Research Portfolio Manager, NASA’s Johnson Space Center
  • Kevin Engelbert, Commercial Portfolio Manager for In Space Production Applications (InSPA), NASA’s Johnson Space Center

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Brief periods of microgravity in suborbital flights facilitated by Flight Opportunities can validate a technology’s functionality in a cost-efficient and timely manner, reducing risk for longer, more expensive missions. FOMS’s Dr. Dmitry Starodubov, principal investigator (PI) for the Space Fibers 3 project, will share how his team leveraged parabolic flights to validate technology performance and improve crew instructions before the project’s transition to the International Space Station later this year. He will be joined by NASA’s Steve Huning and Kevin Engelbert, who will help illustrate how PIs can make the most of NASA-supported flight tests and why suborbital demonstrations have become a best practice for technologies looking to advance to orbital missions.​ 

March 2, 2022

Testing Lunar Landing and Surface Sampling Technologies Suborbitally

  • Kris Zacny, Ph.D., Vice President of Exploration Systems, Honeybee Robotics
  • Luke Sanasarian, Engineering Lead, Honeybee Robotics
  • Reuben Garcia, Director of Technical Operations, Masten Space Systems

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Testing on vertical takeoff vertical landing (VTVL) rocket systems like Masten’s Xodiac can help validate technologies for lunar landings, as well as surface sampling innovations and other tools needed for planetary surfaces. Join Dr. Kris Zacny of Honeybee Robotics to hear his experience testing the company’s lunar sampling technology PlanetVac on this unique platform. Masten’s Reuben Garcia will highlight best practices that researchers should keep in mind when planning for tests on Masten’s VTVL vehicles and when approaching suborbital flight testing in general. This webinar will be of particular interest to researchers applying to the NASA TechLeap Prize.

February 2, 2022

Designing a Flight Test-Ready Payload

  • Veerle Reumers, Ph.D., R&D Manager, imec USA
  • Earl Adams, Flight Campaign Manager, NASA’s Flight Opportunities program
  • Michelle Peters, Director of Research & Education, Zero Gravity Corporation (ZERO-G)

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In addition to developing and planning their technology flight tests, researchers supported by NASA’s Flight Opportunities program are tasked with a variety of other priorities to achieve a successful flight: designing and building a rugged payload, creating and rehearsing team procedures, and communicating their demonstration’s needs to their flight provider. In this session, imec’s Dr. Veerle Reumers, principal investigator of the Silicon-based Microfluidic Blood Test for Spaceflight project, will share her experience developing a flight-ready payload. She will also illustrate how she established clear communication with her team’s flight provider – Zero Gravity Corporation – and campaign manager, Earl Adams. Earl and ZERO-G Director Michelle Peters will also share their perspectives on preparing for successful flight tests and will clarify how to best utilize the resources provided to Flight Opportunities-supported researchers.

January 5, 2022

Leveraging SBIR Awards for Suborbital Flight Tests

  • Stephen Caskey, Ph.D., Air Squared
  • Michael Ewert, NASA’s Johnson Space Center
  • Alexander Van Dijk, Flight Opportunities Technologist

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Accessing a suborbital flight test via a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) award is a lesser-known but highly valuable avenue into the Flight Opportunities program. In this session, Dr. Stephen Caskey of manufacturer Air Squared and NASA’s Michael Ewert will share how they collaborated with Alexander van Dijk to secure Flight Opportunities as an external investor for Air Squared’s SBIR award. The conversation will highlight how NASA stakeholders and the Flight Opportunities program can work together to support small businesses with technology advancement, especially into the later stages of technology readiness.

December 1, 2021 

Making the Most of Rocket-Powered Suborbital Tests

  • Christine Escobar, Space Lab Technologies
  • Paula Adhikari, Blue Origin
  • Ryan Dibley, Flight Opportunities Campaign Manager

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Testing technologies on suborbital rocket-powered vehicles requires careful planning and clear communication with your flight provider, but this valuable tool for technology maturation is accessible to all researchers regardless of suborbital flight test experience. This session will outline how the flight provider, principal investigator, and Flight Opportunities team work together to make tests on rocket-powered vehicles successful. The panel will also share why suborbital testing is beneficial for researchers across disciplines.

October 6, 2021 

An Open Conversation About Suborbital Flight Testing

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Flight Opportunities’ Community of Practice initiative is designed to capture, organize, and communicate lessons learned by suborbital researchers. In this month’s extended session, we’ll be opening up the conversation so that our audience can participate with live questions and comments to an expert panel of Flight Opportunities-supported investigators. We encourage the community to join this interactive discussion with their peers to engage in dialogue about important flight test topics including:

  • Designing a successful experiment
  • Building a robust payload
  • Pre-launch preparation
  • ​On-site flight logistics

September 8, 2021  

Advancing Small Spacecraft Technologies with Suborbital Flight Tests

  • Anh Nguyen, Ph.D., NASA’s Ames Research Center 
  • Mary Palmer, Raven Aerostar
  • Paul De León, Flight Opportunities Campaign Manager

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A primary aim of the Flight Opportunities program is to prepare technologies for larger missions. Earlier this year, Flight Opportunities supported high-altitude balloon flight tests for NASA’s Payload Accelerator for CubeSat Endeavors initiative (PACE) through Raven Aerostar. In this webinar, PACE Project Manager Dr. Anh Nguyen will share how she and her team leveraged suborbital flight tests to better prepare their small spacecraft technologies for orbital missions. She will be joined by Raven Program Manager Mary Palmer and Flight Opportunities Campaign Manager Paul De León to discuss how researchers can get the most out of suborbital flight tests so that they are poised for success in future tests and missions.

August 4, 2021 

Planning Successful Tests on Suborbital Rocket-Powered Vehicles

  • Ryan Dibley, Flight Opportunities Campaign Manager
  • H. Todd Smith, Ph.D., Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (APL)

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Flight tests on rocket-powered vehicles are critical for understanding how technologies perform in the intense and unique environment of launching to suborbital space. Preparation for these tests, however, requires a unique and careful approach to planning. Join Flight Opportunities Campaign Manager Ryan Dibley and Flight Opportunities-supported researcher Dr. Todd Smith to get their perspectives on best practices for preparing for suborbital rocket flights. This session will benefit researchers planning for flight tests of any kind, as well as anyone interested in learning more about building flight test logistics into a technology development plan.

June 2, 2021

From the Mojave Desert to the Jezero Crater: Lander Vision for Perseverance

  • Andrew Johnson, Ph.D., NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory
  • Behçet Açikmeşe, Ph.D., University of Washington
  • Christopher Baker, NASA Flight Opportunities and Small Spacecraft Technology

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On February 18, 2021, the world watched as NASA’s Perseverance rover safely touched down at the Jezero Crater on Mars. In this month’s webinar, Dr. Andrew Johnson of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory and University of Washington Professor Dr. Behçet Açikmeşe will share how extensive testing through Flight Opportunities matured the guidance, navigation, and control technology necessary to manage the landing site’s rough terrain and crater walls. They will be joined by Christopher Baker, program executive for both Flight Opportunities and the Small Spacecraft Technology program, to discuss how rapid flight testing is critical to accelerating our exploration of deep space. This session will also include information on some exciting new funding opportunities available to researchers and students interested in securing their own flight test.

May 5, 2021

Effectively Preparing for Flight

  • Paul De León, Flight Opportunities Campaign Manager
  • Annie Meier, Ph.D., NASA’s Kennedy Space Center
  • Brett Streetman, Ph.D., Draper

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Early and thorough preparation is key to conducting a suborbital flight test. In this webinar, Flight Opportunities Campaign Manager Paul De León will share insights from his extensive experience working with researchers through the flight test process. He will be joined by Dr. Annie Meier and Dr. Brett Streetman, both experienced researchers with Flight Opportunities, to share concrete actions that principal investigators can build into their plans to optimize test logistics. The panel will also discuss how researchers can be better prepared to respond to changes and challenges as they arise.

April 7, 2021 

Shared Experiences in Space: Learning from Each Other in the Suborbital Flight Community

  • George Pantalos, Ph.D., University of Louisville 
  • Rob Ferl, Ph.D., University of Florida

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When preparing for suborbital flight tests, connecting with and learning from the greater space community can help reduce risks related to technology development, experiment design, and flight integration, as well as lead researchers to new future opportunities. In this session, experienced Flight Opportunities researchers Dr. George Pantalos and Dr. Robert Ferl will outline their own experience with building community relationships, share tips for getting the most out of these interactions, and discuss how their peers have helped improve their work. This webinar will be helpful for newcomers to Flight Opportunities hoping to lean on the community for support, as well as veteran investigators interested in both elevating their own research and sharing their experience with others. 

March 3, 2021 

Growing Research Careers with Suborbital Flight Testing

  • Adrienne (Addie) Dove, Ph.D., University of Central Florida 
  • Kevin Crosby, Ph.D., Carthage College

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Flight Opportunities proudly supports researchers from a wide variety of institutions and disciplines, each with a unique set of resources available to support the flight test process. This webinar features two seasoned Flight Opportunities investigators – Dr. Addie Dove and Dr. Kevin Crosby – who share how they intelligently leverage the resources available at their own institutions to advance their research while also developing their students’ skills for career success in academia and industry. They illustrate how suborbital flight testing is a truly unique experiential learning opportunity, and why cultivating student experience and career growth is important for the growing the space community. This presentation also offers tips on effectively using project management tools for payload development, employing design review processes, and ensuring your team is ready for flight – topics that are valuable to academics and industry stakeholders across disciplines.  

February 3, 2021

Tips for Preparing Proposals for Suborbital Flight Testing

  • Stephan Ord, NASA’s Flight Opportunities Program
  • Brock LaMeres, Ph.D., Montana State University

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Chief Technologist Stephan Ord has reviewed hundreds of proposals submitted for suborbital flight testing through Flight Opportunities each year. In this webinar, he will share useful advice for researchers preparing to respond to NASA’s Tech Flights Solicitations or other opportunities that provide access to flight tests. Stephan will also be joined by veteran Principal Investigator Brock LaMeres of Montana State University to discuss the most important things prospective researchers should keep in mind while preparing a Flight Opportunities proposal, as well as how to be sure a proposed technology aligns with the funding organization’s priorities. The panel’s insights will be valuable to all researchers seeking suborbital flight tests.

January 6, 2021

25 Years of Microgravity Flight Research

  • Dr. Steven Collicott, Purdue University

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As an experienced and prolific Flight Opportunities-supported researcher, Dr. Collicott presents the innovative ways in which he involves students in his flight campaigns and offers recommendations for other researchers looking to do the same. He also shares his perspective on important aspects of preparing for flight, best practices for designing experiments and conducting tests, and creative ways of communicating outcomes with potential users.