// System Status

Discover Job Status

Due to changes in Discover's reporting processes​, system hardware, and resource allocation, the information on the jobmon page is no longer accurate so we have removed it while we investigate a more scalable and flexible solution.

In the interim, you may use the following command to get a rough idea of when your batch job is likely to run:

squeue --start --user <USERID>

Please Note: The time reported by this command is only an estimate and will change if jobs finish sooner than expected or if higher priority work is submitted. If there are a large number of jobs ahead of yours, or if your job was recently submitted, Slurm may not be able to estimate your job start time and may return a value of “null” or "N/A".

We strongly recommend specifying your job timelimit as accurately as possible to increase the chances that Slurm will be able to backfill your job and get it started sooner. (i.e. Don't request 12 hrs for a job that only uses 30 mins.)

If there was information provided by jobmon that you found particularly helpful, please let us know by emailing [email protected] as this will help focus our efforts as we investigate providing a new tool.

ADAPT System Status

ADAPT users can access the system status dashboard with their ADAPT login credentials in Ganglia. Team systems can be found by selecting the appropriate group from the “Choose a Source” pull-down beside “Distributed Science Cloud Grid”.
