Latest Nintendo Game Stories
Princess Peach: Showtime! is a colorful and fun Nintendo Switch platformer that's best suited for young gamers.
Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection's fun single-player missions can't elevate the beloved series above its many crashes, busted multiplayer lobbies, and outdated presentation.
Penny's Big Breakaway combines retro gameplay with modern indie innovation to create a stylish 3D platformer that plays well and radiates creativity.
Unicorn Overlord is a rewarding, highly strategic RPG that highlights developer Vanillaware's gorgeous graphics style.
You bet your mushroom that Mario Day is a holiday around here. And holidays mean deals, like the ones we found on a Nintendo Switch, Mario Kart 8, game controllers, memory cards, and more.
Splatton 3: Side Order is DLC that injects fun, roguelike freshness into Nintendo's inky third-person shooter.
The developers say Yuzu was fueling 'extensive piracy,' forcing them to pull the plug on the popular Switch emulator and fork over $2.4 million to Nintendo.
Mario vs. Donkey Kong is a serviceable Nintendo Switch remake of an excellent Game Boy Advance puzzle-platformer that could use more content for its price.
The thrilling Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown features skillfully designed mazes, dynamic combat, perfect movement, and clever temporal abilities that make for a welcome series return.
Super Mario RPG for Nintendo Switch is a great-looking and faithful remake that brims with the original release's charm and wonder.
Rumors suggest that the Switch's successor will use Nvidia's groundbreaking DLSS technology to deliver greater visual fidelity. Nintendo should go all in.
Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2 is an awesome toon-based platform fighter that expands upon the previous game by upping the presentation and introducing a robust single-player campaign.
WarioWare: Move It's motion controls inject creative chaos into an already bonkers formula that's great for friends and parties, even if the high wears off a little too quickly.
Don't be fooled by their cutesy pixel art graphics—these are some of the darkest, most haunting games ever made.
Super Mario Bros. Wonder takes the 2D side-scroller in a fresh direction thanks to reality-bending Wonder Flowers that add fun gameplay-changing effects.
Thunder Ray is a fun but brief take on arcade-style boxing with a cool sci-fi spin that separates it from its inspirations.
Detective Pikachu Returns is a decent, though bland, introduction to adventure games that's elevated by its off-kilter use of the Pokémon franchise.
Double Dragon Gaiden: Rise of the Dragons is an entertaining beat 'em up with many unlockable characters, but its relatively long load times and inconsistent difficulty make for an occasionally frustrating brawling experience.
The upcoming Pepper Grinder is a promising indie platformer that trades running and jumping for thrilling drilling