
: max(seven, two)?
(Example: nine)

The Note You're Voting On

stepanic dot matija at gmail dot com
14 years ago
FIX-ed problem with highlighting second 'o' OR 'a', in this string

function highlight_string ($haystack, $needle, $highlight_class) {
// return $haystack if there is no highlight color or strings given, nothing to do.

$first_encode='XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'; //ENCODE string


preg_match_all("/$needle+/i", $haystack, $matches);
if (
is_array($matches[0]) && count($matches[0]) >= 1) {
foreach (
$matches[0] as $match) {
$haystack = str_replace($match, $first_encode.$match.$second_encode, $haystack);

'<font class="'.$highlight_class.'" >','</font>'),$haystack);


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