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Code School: Git Real

by Olivier Lacan and Gregg Pollack

Learn basic concepts of Git version control. Explore staging, cloning, branching, and collaborating with Git.

What you'll learn

In this Git course you will learn basic concepts of Git version control from Git School.


  • Staging
  • Cloning
  • Branching
  • And collaborating with Git

Table of contents

Staging & Remotes
Cloning & Branching
Collaboration Basics
Rebase Belong to Us
History and Configuration

Course FAQ

What is Git?

Git is a version control system that allows users to track changes within any set of files.

What is Git used for?

Git is most often used by programmers who have two or more people working within the same source code during software development.

What is version control?

Version control is a term used within software engineering that is responsible for managing the changes of to computer programs, documents, large web sites, or other collections of data.

What will I learn in this Git course?

In this course, you will learn about staging, cloning, branching, and collaborating within Git.

What is a repository?

A repository within Git is a collection of files that can track all of the changes made within a certain dataset.

About the authors

Olivier likes to use computers to help people and not the other way around. He worked at Code School for many years as a course instructor and platform tech lead. He created to improve open source project communication and Keep a Changelog to make version releases more accessible to humans. He's the weird one who stops in the middle of a book to figure out the etymology of a cool new word because the reason why things are the way they are matters. Olivier's day job at Pluralsight a... more

Gregg is passionate about taking complex topics and teaching them efficiently. He's helped build Envy Labs, Starter Studio, and Code School. He also furthers education through BarCamp in Orlando, the Orlando Ruby Users Group, and the Orlando Tech Events newsletter.

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