Testing and Commissioning of MetalClad Switchgear
Testing and Commissioning of MetalClad Switchgear
Testing and Commissioning of MetalClad Switchgear
Electrical testing and commissioning of Metal-Clad switchgear is essential to the safe start for the first time, regardless of its size, type or industry. This article cover testing and start-up / commisioning procedures for all the components of medium voltage switchgear like circuit breaker, busbars, instrument transformers (current/voltage), disconnect and grounding switches etc.
1.1. Objective
On testing, voltage shall be applied between one phase and other phases connected with ground, testing shall be repeated for other phases as mentioned above. Test voltage limits mentioned in table below: Rated voltage 100-1000V AC/DC >1000 to <5000V AC > 5000V AC Test voltage 1000V DC 2500V DC 5000V DC
The obtained results should be similar for all phases for each set of measurement. Other influencing factors to be considered, like length of the measured path, rating of the busbar, rating of CB, rating of CT and temperature.
Calibrated AC Hi-pot test set for switchgear with leakage current indicator and overload protection. Calibrated DC Hi-pot test set for cables with leakage current indicator and overload protection.