Indian Polity by NIOS
Indian Polity by NIOS
Individual and the State
Y our course in Political Science begins with this lesson. This lesson tries to explore the
meaning of Political Science. Political Science, traditionally, begins and ends with the state. So considered, it is the study of the state and government. The modern view of Political Science lays emphasis on its being the study of power and authority. Political Science also explains its ever-widening scope. Its scope includes study of the state and the study of political system; covering the study of government, study of power; study of man and his political behaviour and study of political issues which influence politics directly or indirectly. In this lesson, you will study some of the core concepts like Justice and its relevance to citizens.
After studying this lesson you will be able to explain the meaning of Political Science in the light of some standard definitions; distinguish between Political Science and Politics; describe the scope of Political Science in terms of role of the State, functions of government and its relationship with citizens; recognize the relevance of Justice for citizens and State.
Individual and the State
Individual and the State
Individual and the State
Individual and the State
Individual and the State
Individual and the State
1.3.3 Liberty
The term liberty is derived form the Latin word liber meaning free. Thus liberty means freedom. Freedom is of paramount importance for the development of an individuals personality. Historically speaking, the term liberty was initially defined as absence of all restraints on an individual. This is known as the negative concept of liberty. Early liberalism championed negative liberty. John Stuart Mill, the nineteenth century English political philosopher, described, Restraint as an evil. Mill was especially worried about the restraints coming from the state and society. However, since individuals live together in a society, complete absence of restraints would be neither possible nor desirable. Further, differentiating between the self-regarding and other-regarding action is not always possible. It has been very aptly said that your liberty to swing your arm ends there where my nose begins. For liberty to be enjoyed by everyone, it should have reasonable restraints. This is the concept of positive liberty. This concept further means freedom to be a master of ones own self. Harold J Laski supported this concept. Freedoms are opportunities which history has shown to be essential to the development of personality. The freedom of many requires restraint of law on the freedom of some. Later liberals supported the positive liberty.
Individual and the State
Decentralization of powers is another important safeguard of liberty. History is witness to the fact that concentration of power has very often led to despotism. Separation of powers, i.e. the executive, the legislature and the judiciary being separate, is a great ally of liberty. Montesquieu said, Power should be a check on power. Rule of law or equality in the eyes of the law is also an important safeguard of liberty. This is the bulwark against discrimination based on caste, class, colour, creed, etc. A large measure of social justice or diffusion of social and economic privileges is a prerequisite for liberty. If privileges become the prerogative of the select few, then effective liberty would be denied to a vast majority. A well-knit party system is also indispensable for the preservation of liberty. All these institutional safeguards are inadequate to preserve liberty if the citizens themselves do not possess the proud spirit to preserve it. People should always be on their toes to ensure that their liberty is not encroached upon. Eternal vigilance, it has been rightly said, is the price of liberty.
Individual and the State
1.4.2 Merit
The first conception argues that each persons social position and (material) wealth must be decided on the basis of merit. When people talk of careers open to talents and equality of opportunity, they have merit in view. However, the question arises as to how to measure merit or talent? The liberals say that the price that someone can command in a free market is the reasonable indicator of his/her value to others. The socialist critics are of the opinion that market receipts are often affected by chance and social background which have nothing to do with merit.
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4. 5.
6. 7.
8. 9.
Terminal Exercises
1. Explain the meaning of Political Science. 11
Individual and the State
6. 7. 8.
(a) Aristotle (b) science (c) Marxists (e) craftiness
(a) Machiavelli (b) Latin (c) Early (d) arm (e) some (f) vigilance
(a) Barker (b) identity of treatment
Individual and the State
Individual and the State
Political Science
The evolution of modern nation state as a political organization took a long period of time.
In ancient times human beings lived in communities. The obvious fact is that human beings are social animals and they cannot live in isolation. They belong to society. The collective life that they need assumes certain rules and regulations and gradually such a group life has led to the formation of political communities and the emergence of State. In its earlier form, the State was very simple in its organisation. From that simple organisation it has evolved and grown into the modern complex organization. Over the years it has acquired different forms and has become a reality found everywhere. In this lesson you will read about the concepts of nation, nationality and state. You will also learn about the elements of State.
After studying this lesson, you will be able to explain the concept of nation and nationality; make a distinction between nation and nationality; describe the elements of nationality; identify the State as a political entity with sovereign power; explain elements of the State.
Individual and the State
Individual and the State
Political Science
2. 3. 4. It is very difficult to find _____________ __________because of increased fusion of blood due to immigrations, inter-caste and inter-racial marriages. The development of nationality is definitely a __________and __________ phenomenon. Nationality is derived from the Latin word________.
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Individual and the State
Political Science
3. 4. 5. 6.
Individual and the State
2.5.1 Population
The State is a human institution. It is the people who make a State. Antarctica is not a State as is it is without any human population. The population must be able to sustain a state. But the question is; how much should be the population? Platos and Aristotles ideals were the Greek City States of Athens and Sparta. Plato fixed the number of people in an ideal state at 5040. Aristotle laid down a general principle 19
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that the state should neither be large nor small; it should be large enough to be selfsufficing and small enough to be well-governed. Rousseau put the number at 10,000.But it is difficult to fix the size of the people of a state. In modern times we have India and China which have huge population and countries like San Marino with a very small population. Countries like former Soviet Union gave incentives to mother of large families. In India, over-population is a big problem while China has enforced a one-child norm. Dictators like Mussolini had openly encouraged large population of the state. So no limit-either theoretical or practical-can be put on population. But it must be enough to constitute governing and governed classes, sufficient to support a political organization. The population should be in proportion to the available land and resources. It should be remembered that the differences in the size of population, other things remaining the same, does not make any difference in the nature of State. The quality of the population is also important. A state requires healthy, intelligent and disciplined citizens. They should be possessed with qualities of vitality. The composition of population is also very important. A state with a homogenous people can be governed easily.
2.5.2 Territory
Just as every person belongs to a state, so does every square yard of earth. There is no state without a fixed territory. Living together on a common land binds people together. Love for the territory inculcates the spirit of patriotism. Some call their countries as fatherland and some call it motherland. But there is a definite attachment with ones territory. The territory has to be definite because it ensures exercise of political authority. Mobile tribals had some sort of political authority but they did not constitute a State because they lacked a fixed land. The Jews were living in different countries and they became State only with the creation of Israel, which had a definite territory. Without a fixed territory it would be difficult to conduct external relations. It is essential for the identification if one state attempts to conquer the territory of another. The territory may be small or large. But the state has to have a definite land. It may be as small as San Marino, which has an area of 62 Square kilometers, or it may be as large as India, USA, Russia or China. The size of a state influences the form of government. For example, smaller states can have a unitary form of government but for the large states like India and the USA, the federal system is relatively suitable. The quality of land is also very important. If the land is rich in minerals and natural resources, it will make the state economically powerful. It should be able to provide enough food for its people. The States of West Asia were insignificant but they acquired prominence after the discovery of oil. Large territory of a State gives it strategic and military advantage during the times of war. Mostly the territory of a state is contiguous and compact though there are exceptions also. Before the creation of Bangladesh, the two wings of Pakistan were miles apart. Hawaii and Alaska are far away from the main territory of USA. Land, water and airspace comprise the territory of the state. The sovereignty of a state is exercised over its land, its rivers, mountains and plains and airspace above the land. The sea up to a certain limit from the land border is also a part of the territory of a State. 20
Individual and the State
2.5.3 Government
The purpose for which people live together cannot be realized unless they are properly organized and accept certain rules of conduct. The agency created to enforce rules of conduct and ensure obedience is called government. Government is also the focus of the common purpose of the people occupying the definite territory. It is through this medium that common policies are determined, common affairs regulated and common interests promoted. Without a government the people will lack cohesion and means of collective action. There would be groups, parties and warring associations and conditions of wars and chaos. So there is a need for common authority and order where people live. This is the pre-requisite of human life. The state cannot and does not exist without a government, no matter what form a government may assume. The government is a must, though it may take any form. It may have a monarchy like Bhutan or republic as in India. It may have a parliamentary form of government like India and Great Britain or a presidential form of government as in the United States of America.
2.5.4 Sovereignty
A people inhabiting a definite portion of territory and having a government do not constitute a state so long as they do not possess sovereignty. India before 15 August 1947 had all the other elements of the state but it lacked sovereignty and therefore it was not a State.Sovereignty is the supreme power by which the state commands and exerts political obedience from its people. A state must be internally supreme and free from external control. Thus sovereignty has two aspects, internal and external. Internal sovereignty is the states monopoly of authority inside its boundaries. This authority cannot be shared with any other state. The state is independent and its will is unaffected by the will of any other external authority. Therefore every state must have a population, a definite territory, a duly established government and sovereignty. The absence of any of these elements deprives it the status of statehood. So the term generally used for the 28 provinces of Indian Republic at times creates confusion and as is the case of 50 States in the United States of America.
Individual and the State
Political Science
Terminal Exercises
Define the following terms: 1. 2. 3. 4. (a) Nation (b) State (c) Government
Name the elements which help the formation of nationality and explain any two of them? What is the State? Briefly explain the elements of the State. Are the following States? Give reasons for your answer in a single line. (a) India (b) United Nations (c) Bihar (d) United States of America
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 22 Culture Scientifically language unity fusion colonial exploitation
Individual and the State
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. good coercive power obedience Class organisation state
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Territory, population, government and sovereignty. 5040,10000 Patriotism Land, water and airspace federal system government internal, external
Individual and the State
Political Science
You have studied about the concept of the state, its elements, and concepts such as
nation, nationality and the distinction between nation and nationality in the last lesson. You have also known, in the previous chapters, the meaning of Political Science and Politics and what makes the two distinct from each other. In this lesson you would know about some other concepts, especially about society, government, and other associations and thereafter distinction between them.
After studying this lesson, you will be able to know the meaning of society, government and other associations; distinguish between state and society; distinguish between state and other associations; distinguish between state and government; distinguish between state and nation.
Individual and the State
Individual and the State
Political Science
(h) The states laws have a binding sanction. The violation of the laws of the state is followed by punishment: physical or otherwise or both. The rules of the society, if violated, lead to social boycott, i.e. social exclusion. The area of the state, we may say, is the area of that of taking action in case of disobedience; it has power is force. The area of society, on the other hand, is the area of voluntary cooperation and its power is goodwill; its method is its flexibility.
Inspite of these distinctions, society and state are closely inter-connected and interdependent. Social conduct and the structure of the society must conform to the laws of the state. The state, on the other hand, must be responsive to the will of the society.
Individual and the State
The relationship between the state and other associations is significant in many respects. The other associations help the state reduce its burden; they perform functions even greater than those of the state; some of them, (for example, the family, friendship groups, church) have been in existence much before the state. The state need not take away their powers; it need not dominate them. What at best, the state can do and in fact, should do is that it should supervise their activities; should co-ordinate their activities, and should see that the other associations function properly within their spheres. Important as these other associations are in their internal domains and in their functions, they need not override the authority of the state, and should never challenge the states sovereignty. The state, on the otherhand, need to ensure the other associations their autonomy.
Individual and the State
Political Science
3. 4.
The Constitution being the collection of basic rules, is the fundamental law according to which the government of a state is organized. (b) The state is a larger entity that includes all the citizens; the government is, relatively a smaller unit that includes only those who are employed to perform its functions. We are all citizens of the state, but we are all not functionaries of the government. Garner writes: The government is an essential organ or agency of the state but it is no more than the state itself than the board of directors of a corporation is itself the corporation. The idea of state is quite abstract. The government is the concretization of the idea of the state. We see the government, not the state. The state is a near permanent institution; it is so because it does not die unless it is attacked and made a part of the other state. The government is temporary; it is so because it may change: todays rulers may not be tomorrows rulers. To put it the other way, the state may be the same everywhere whereas, the government may vary from one state to another. India, the United States, Great Britain and France for example, are all states. But the governments which work in these states may not be of the same type. In India and Great Britian there is a parliamentary government, whereas in the United States of America there is presidential government.
(c) (d)
Parliamentary Government is a system of government where the legislative organ of the government is closely related to its executive organ; the cabinet is taken from the legislature and is responsible to it, especially to the lower house of the legislature. 28
Individual and the State
Individual and the State
Political Science
The state, as we know, is a people organized for law within a definite territory; it is always sovereign-supreme internally and independent externally. The nation is a group of people psychologically bound together while sharing common joys and sorrows. The distinction between state and nation can be explained as under: (a) Nation and state are distinct entities. A nation may not be always a state; India was not a state before August, 1947. A state may not always be a nation. Austria Hungary was a state but not a nation before World War I because the heterogeneous people did not form a culturally homogeneous people. The state is a state because it is sovereign. The nation is not a state if it is not sovereign. Sovereignty is the chief characteristic of a state; it is not a feature of the nation. A nation becomes a nation-state when the nation attains statehood. The state is a political concept while the nation is a cultural, and a psychological body. Hayes says, Nation is primarily cultural, and only incidentally political. What it means is that nation is not a political concept, it is only spiritual. Laws bind the people together in a state; sentiments and emotions bind the people in a nation. The unity of the state is always external; the unity of the nation is eternal. In the case of the state, unity is imposed; it comes from above through laws. In the case of nation, unity comes from within, through emotions. There is an element of force connected with the state. The states laws are binding. There is a coercion exercised by the state if its authority is defied. In the case of the nation, there is the element of persuasion. The elements of the state are definite: population, fixed territory, government and sovereignty. The elements of a nation are not definite. Somewhere common language helps constitute a nation, somewhere else, common race makes a nation. Common religion, for example, was a factor in making Pakistan as a nation; it was common language in the case of the United States as a nation whereas it was common heritage that made India a nation. A state may be larger than a nation. The former USSR had, within it, more than a hundred nationalities. Conversely, a nation may be larger than a state; a nationality may spread over two states. The Korean nationality is spread over two states: North Korea and South Korea.
Individual and the State
Terminal Exercises
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Define the terms: (a) Nation, (b) Government (c) Association Distinguish between State and society. Distinguish between State and Other Associations. Distinguish between State and Government. Distinguish between State and Nation.
(1) particular, (2) compulsory, (3) prior (4) sovereignty
Individual and the State
Political Science
(1) Legislature (2) Executive (3) State (4) Government
(5) Government
(1) nation (2) nation-state (3) Laws (4) political (5) Homogeneous
Individual and the State
You will learn, in this lesson, about major political theories : liberalism, Marxism and
Gandhism. Liberalism and Marxism have caught the attention of the people in most parts of the twentieth century. Liberalism emerged from the Enlightenment, the Glorious revolution in England, the American War of Independence and the French Revolution. It has been with us as the political philosophy of the capitalist West. Marxism rose as a reaction against the liberal-capitalist society. With the disintegration of the USSR in 1991, the last major socialistic/Marxist state, Marxism has lost much of its popularity. Gandhism, while challenging the ideals of both liberalism and Marxism, presents not only a critique of both these ideologies, but also provides relevant alternative theories.
After studying this lesson you will be able to explain the meaning of liberalism and its features; identify the basic tenets of Marxism; describe the theory of dialectical materialism, historical materialism; theory of surplus value, theory of class struggle, revolution, dictatorship of proletariat, and the classless society; know contribution of Lenin and Mao to Marxism; analyse the relevance of Marxism; explain Gandhis views on state, decentralization, democracy, swadeshi, trusteeship, cottage/ small scale industries etc.; describe the significance of purity of means to achieve ends; highlight Gandhis emphasis on Swaraj, Satyagraha, Non-violence; and explain Gandhis steadfast opposition to discrimination based on race and his lifelong efforts for the upliftment of the Harijans / Dalits.
Individual and the State
Political Science
4.1 Liberalism
Liberalism is fairly an old political ideology. Its roots can be traced to the days of the sixteenth century. Since then it has passed through numerous stages. The Western Enlightenment had refused to accept moral goals as absolute truths; the English Glorious revolution (1688) had denounced the divine rights of the kings;
The French Revolution gave the cardinal ideas of Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity and the American War of Independence a little earlier (1775-76) laid emphasis on the declaration of human rights.
Individual and the State
Individual and the State
Political Science
4.2 Marxism
Following the establishment of factories and the capitalistic mode of production during the 17th-18th centuries West, the conditions of the workers deteriorated. The workers who entered the factories were subject to all sorts of exploitation : long hours of work, life in slums, ill-health etc. The result was exploitation of the workers, ever-increasing gap between the rich and the poor, economic inequalities, degradation and alienation. Karl Marx and Frederich Engels realised clearly the adverse effects of capitalism and in the process, brought out what is called scientific socialism or Marxism (after the name of Marx). Those who contributed to the Marxian philosophy after Marx and Engels include, among others, V.I. Lenin (Russia), and Mao Zedong (China).
Alienation means aloofness, estrangement, apathy, cutting off. Marx finds alienation in extermination i.e., man finds himself external (alien) to his activity, his self.
3) 4)
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worker who creates value in the commodity when he produces it. But he does not get what he produces, he gets only the wages: over and above the wages is what goes to the employer. That is the surplus value. The surplus value is the difference between what the value a labourer produces and what he gets in the form of wages. In simple words, the labourer gets the wages; the employer, the profit. This surplus value makes the rich, richer and the poor, poorer. It is through surplus value that capitalists thrive. Theory of Class Struggle is another tenet of Marxism. In the Marxian view, all hitherto history has been the history of class struggle between opposing classes. Class struggle is the characteristic of class societies. In the classless societies, there is no class struggle because there are, in such societies, no opposing/ antagonistic classes. Class struggle, in class societies, (i.e., in slave-owning society, the feudal society, the capitalist society) is of mainly three types: economic, ideological, political. Marxism advocates revolution. Revolutions, the Marxists say, are locomotives of history. Revolutions occur when the relations of production come into conflict with the productive forces, leading, thus, to a new mode of production. They bring about a complete transformation of society, without violence if possible, and with it, if necessary. Revolutions, indicate changes: wholesome changes, changes in the very character of a given society. They signify the coming up of a higher stage of social development. Accordingly, the Marxists regard revolution as a positive phenomenon. Dictatorship of the proletariat means the rule of the working class. It is a state of the workers in the socialist society which follows the capitalist society. It is the dictatorship of the workers in the socialist society in the sense there is the dictatorship of the capitalists in the capitalist society. There capitalists rule the way they want; now the workers rule in the socialist society the way the workers want. Nevertheless, Marx makes it clear that the dictatorship of the proletariat, i.e., the workers state, is an interim or a transitional arrangement which functions between the capitalist society and the communist society. Once the socialist society is completely established, the workers state will not be needed, i.e., it will wither away (disappear slowly). Lenin insists that the dictatorship of the proletariat is better than the bourgeois state, both quantitatively and qualitatively (at it looks after the interests and welfare of the whole multitude of the workers rather than handful of capitalists). The socialist society that follows the capitalist society after its abolition is a classless society. It is a classless society in the sense that all are workers wheresoever they work, in the office, in the factory or on the fields: each gets job according to ones ability (from each according to his abilities to each according to his work). The communist society which follows the socialist society, will be both the classless society and the stateless society.
Individual and the State
4.3 Gandhism
Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) was the supreme leader of the Indian nationalist movement which he had led for about thirty years, between 1917 and 1947. He was a thinker in so far as he had challenged most of the assumptions and doctrines of his times, and in their places, provided possible and plausible alternatives. It is really difficult to project Gandhiji in any particular frame. He was more than a Plato, one can possible call him a Socrates; he was more than an Aristotle, one can call him a Buddha; he was more than a Mill or a Marx, one can call him
Mahatma Gandhi
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Political Science
a Guru Nanak. Gandhiji was a liberal among the Marxists, and a Marxist among the liberals; he was a democrat among the individualists and an individualist among the socialists. He was an idealist among the realists, and a realist among the idealists. He had combined in himself the virtues of all the known ideologies, past and present.
Individual and the State
Individual and the State
Political Science
3. 4. 5.
Terminal Exercises
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What is meant by liberalism? What do you mean by withering away of the state? Discuss dialectical materialism as a feature of Marxism. Is Marxism relevant today? Explain Do you agree with the view that Gandhism is a critique of the western civilization? What was Gandhijis concept of Ramrajya?
Individual and the State
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Capitalism Working Material Forces, Production Work Needs Engines
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Ramrajya Trusteeship Harijans Means Sarvodya
Aspects of the Constitution of India
Political Science
The Constitution of India was framed by a Constituent Assembly. This Assembly was an
indirectly elected body. It had laid down certain ideals to be included in the Constitution. These ideals included commitment to democracy, guarantee to all the people of IndiaJustice, equality and freedom. It had also proclaimed that India will be a Sovereign Democratic Republic. The Constitution of India begins with a Preamble.The Preamble contains the ideals, objectives and basic principles of the Constitution. The salient features of the Constitution have evolved directly and indirectly from these objectives which flow from the Preamble. In this lesson you will learn about the framing of the Constitution, its political philosophy as reflected in the Preamble and the salient features of the Constitution.
After studying this lesson you will be able to : recognize the significance of the Constitution as the fundamental law of the land; describe the composition of the Constituent Assembly and the role of the Drafting Committee and the objectives of the Constituent Assembly; describe the Preamble to the Constitution and its relevance; identify the basic principles of Preamble and their reflection in the constitutional provisions; identify the main features of the Constitution of India; distinguish between a written and an unwritten, as well as a rigid and a flexible constitution; analyse the nature of the Indian Constitution;
Aspects of the Constitution of India
Aspects of the Constitution of India
Political Science
types : (a) relating to matters concerning with procedures, and (b) concerning important issues. In addition there was an Advisory Committee primarily advised from outside. The most important committee was the Drafting Committee. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar was the Chairman of the Drafting Committee. The task of the Committee was to prepare the draft of the Constitution. The Constitutent Assembly met for 166 days spread over a period of 2 years 11months and 18 days. The procedure followed in the Assembly was Similar to that which is followed in legislature. You will study about the legislative procedure in detail in subsequent lesson on Parliament and the legislative Assemblies.
The leaders of the Constituent Assembly were conscious that the need of the hour was general agreement on different issues and principles. As a result, deliberate efforts were made to achive consensus. While arriving at any decision, the aspirations of the people were uppermost in the minds of the members of the Assembly.
Aspects of the Constitution of India
Conscious efforts were made to have consensus on different issues and principles and thereby avoid disagreement. The consensus came in the form of the Objectives Resolution moved by Jawahar Lal Nehru in the Constituent Assembly on December 17, 1946 which was almost unanimously adopted on January 22, 1947. In the light of these Objectives the Assembly completed its task by November 26, 1949. The constitution was enforced with effect from January 26, 1950. From that day India became a Republic. Exactly twenty years before the first independence day was celebrated on Jan. 26, 1930 as decided by the Lahore session of the Congress on Dec. 31, 1929. Hence, January 26, 1950 was decided as the day to enforce the constitution.
Aspects of the Constitution of India
Political Science
what a Preamble is. The Preamble is like an introduction or preface of a book. As an introduction, it is not a part of the contents but it explains the purposes and objectives with which the document has been written. So is the case with the Preamble to the Indian Constitution. As such the Preamble provides the guide lines of the Constitution.
WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a 1[SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC] and to secure to all its citizens: JUSTICE, social, economic and political; LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship; EQUALITY of status and of opportunity; and to promote among them all FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the
1. 2. Subs. by the Constitution (Forty second Amendment) Act, 1976, s. 2 for SOVEREIGN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC (w.e.f. 3-1-1977) Subs. by s. 2. ibid, for unity of the Nation (w.e.f. 3-1-1977). Preamble of Indian Constitution
The Preamble, in brief, explains the objectives of the Constitution in two ways: one, about the structure of the governance and the other, about the ideals to be achieved in independent India. It is because of this, the Preamble is considered to be the key of the Constitution. The objectives, which are laid down in the Preamble, are: i) ii) Description of Indian State as Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic Republic. (Socialist, Secular added by 42nd Amendment, 1976). Provision to all the citizens of India i.e., a) b) c) 48 Justice social, economic and political Liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship Equality of status and opportunity
Aspects of the Constitution of India
Let us see what these objectives mean and how have these been reflected in the Constitution?
Aspects of the Constitution of India
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Aspects of the Constitution of India
Aspects of the Constitution of India
Political Science
c) d) The original Indian Constitution consisted of _______________ Articles. (495, 395, 295) The constitution of India was adopted by ______________. (Constitution Assembly, Committee, State assembly)
Aspects of the Constitution of India
Aspects of the Constitution of India
Political Science
Single Integrated Judicial System India has a single integrated judicial system. The Supreme Court stands as the apex court of the judicial system. Below the Supreme Court are the High Courts. The High Courts control and supervise the lower courts. The Indian judiciary, thus, stands like a pyramid with the lower courts as the base, High Courts in the middle and the Supreme Court at the top. Independence of Judiciary Indian judiciary is independent an impartial. The Indian judiciary is free from the influence of the executive and the legislature. The judges are appointed on the basis of their qualifications and cannot be removed easily. You will read about the independence of the judiciary in detail in Lesson 12. Single Citizenship In a federal state usually the citizens enjoys double citizenship as is the case in the USA. In India there is only single citizenship. It means that every Indian is a citizen of India, irrespective of the place of his/her residence or place of birth. He/she is not a citizen of the Constituent State like Jharkhand, Uttaranchal or Chattisgarh to which he/she may belong to but remains a citizen of India. All the citizens of India can secure employment anywhere in the country and enjoy all the rights equally in all the parts of India. Universal Adult Franchise Indian democracy functions on the basis of one person one vote. Every citizen of India who is 18 years of age or above is entitled to vote in the elections irrespective of caste, sex, race, religion or status. The Indian Constitution establishes political equality in India through the method of universal adult franchise. Emergency Provisions The Constitution makers also foresaw that there could be situations when the government could not be run as in ordinary times. To cope with such situations, the Constitution elaborates on emergency provisions. There are three types of emergency; a) emergency caused by war, external aggression or armed rebellion; b) emergency arising out of the failure of constitutional machinery in states; and c) financial emergency. About emergency provisions you will read in detail in Lesson 9.
Aspects of the Constitution of India
Terminal Exercises
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. a) b) c) What is the importance of the Preamble to the Constitution? Explain the meaning and relevance of Secularism in Indian context. What is the philosophy of the Indian Constitution? Explain the significance of a written Constitution. Distinguish between a rigid and flexible constitution. Explain briefly India as a federal state. Write brief notes on: Independence of Judiciary Integrated judicial system single integrated judicial system Universal Adult Franchise
Aspects of the Constitution of India
Political Science
1. 2. 3. respect for all religions states major role in economy January 26, 1950
1. 2. are entitled to liberty of thought and expression.
a) b) c) d) Basic Laws January 26, 1950 395 Articals Constitution Assembly
a. b. c. d. quasi - federal cabinet justifiable 42nd Amendment
a. b. c. d. double a person is a citizen of the whole country 18 years abnormal times
Aspects of the Constitution of India
Aspects of the Constitution of India
Political Science
People in democractic conutries enjoy certain rights, which are protected by judicial
system of the country concerned. Their violation, even by the State, is not allowed by the courts. India respects the rights of the people, which are listed in our Constitution, under the heading Fundamental Rights. In lesson, a mention has been made of the Fundamental Rights as one of the salient features of the Constitution. In this lesson, we will discuss in detail various Fundamental Rights which are incorporated in chapler III of the Constitution.
After studying this lesson you will be able to explain the meaning and importance of Fundamental Rights; highlight that the dignity of an individual is protected and safe guarded through Fundamental Rights; recognise that the enforcement of Fundamental Rights is ensured through High Courts and the Supreme Court; explain the Right to Equality; recognise the rationale behind protective discrimination in favour of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and other backward classes(OBCs); describe as well as appreciate the Right to Freedom; recall the safeguards against deprivation of life and personal liberty except according to the procedure established by law; explain the Right against Exploitation; appreciate the Right to Freedom of Religion; explain Cultural and Educational Rights; identify the right to Constitutional Remedies; recall the value of writs that may be issued for the protection of Fundamental Rights; and 58
Fundamental Rights
appreciate the Constitutional limitations on the enjoyment of Fundamental Rights.
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Recently by the 86th Amendment Act, the Right to Education has been included in the list of Fundamental Rights as part of the Right to Freedom by adding Article 21(A). We will now study these rights one by one.
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6.2.2 No Discrimnation on Grounds of Religion, Race, Caste, Sex, Place of Birth or any of them
No citizen shall be denied access to shops, restaurants and places of public entertainment. Neither shall any one be denied the use of wells, tanks, bathing ghats, roads etc. maintained wholly or partly out of State funds. However, the State is empowered to make special provisions for women, children and for the uplift of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and other backward classes (OBCs). The State can reserve seats for these categories in educational institutions, grant fee concessions or arrange special coaching classes.
Fundamental Rights
refusing admission to any person to the public institutions; preventing any person from worshipping in place of public worship; insulting a member of Scheduled Caste on the grounds of untouchability; preaching untouchability directly or indirectly.
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(iii) Freedom to form associations or unions. (iv) Freedom to move freely throughout the territory of India.
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(v) Freedom to reside and settle in any part of the territory of India.
(vi) Freedom to practise any profession or to carry on any occupation, trade or business. Let us study these freedoms one by one briefly. (I) Freedom of Speech And Expression It is an important freedom. This freedom ensures free and frank speech, discussion and exchange of opinions. It includes the freedom of the press. However these freedom like freedom of speech and expression are not absolute. The state is empowered to impose reasonable restrictions on the exercise of this right in the interest of security of the state, public order, morality etc. These freedoms can be suspended during the State of National Emergency. As soon as the State of National Emergency is declared under Article 352, the abovementioned freedoms except the right to life and liberty, automatically remain suspended as long as the State of National Emergency continues. All these freedoms get restored as soon as the proclamation of National Emergency is lifted.
Fundamental Rights
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Any person arrested by the police shall have to be produced before the nearest magistrate within a period of : a) b) c) d) 12 hours 24 hours 36 hours 48 hours
A person arrested under Preventive Detention can be kept in Jail without trial for a maximum period of : a) b) c) d) three months six months twelve months eighteen months
Right to education has been made a Fundamental Right by .Amendment Act of the Constitution (84th /86th/ 88th )
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all forms of forced labour as well as traffic in human beings . The violation of this provision is an offence punishable under law. The state require citizens services in times of major calamities such as floods, forestfire, foreign aggression etc. Our Constitution also provides safeguards for children. It bans the employment of children below the age of fourteen years in any factory , mine or hazardous occupations. Traffic in human beings means sale and purchase of human beings as goods and commodities for immoral purposes such as slavery and prostitution
Fundamental Rights
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3. 4.
Fundamental Rights
admission to children on the grounds of religion, race, caste, language or any of them. The Aspects of the minorities have been given the right to establish and manage institutions of their own for Constitution of India the preservation and propagation of their language and culture. While giving financial aid to any institution, the state will not discriminate on the basis of religion or language. Lastly the Constitution guarantees enjoyment of Fundamental Rights by citizens under the Right to Constitutional Remedies. The Supreme Court and High Courts have been given powers to issue orders, directions and writs for the enforcement of Fundamental Rights . Dr. B.R Ambedkar has rightly called the writs as the Soul of the part III of the Constitution:
Terminal Exercises
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Explain the importance of Fundamental Rights as provided in the Constitution. Mention any three aspects of right to equality. Describe six Fundamental Freedoms granted under the Right to Freedom. Explain the Right against Exploitation. How does the Right to Freedom of Religion help in establishing a secular polity in India? Explain. What is writ? Who has the power to issue the writs? Explain the statement that Fundamental Rights are justiciable. Describe all the provisions of Right to Freedom. Mention Right to Education as incorporated in the Constitution by 86th Amendment Act.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Social 5 Equality Special Social
1. b 67
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2. 3. 4. b. a 86th
1. 14.
1. 2. Individual Religious
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Minority High Court Habeas Corpus Quo-Warranto Certiorari
Aspects of the Constitution of India
The Constitution of India aims to establish not only political democracy but also socioeconomic justice to the people to establish a welfare state. With this purpose in mind, our Constitution lays down desirable principle and guidelines in Part IV. These provisions are known as the Directive Principle of State Policy. In this lesson we will study about Directive Principles in detail.
It is a well-established saying that rights have significance only when enjoyed in consonance with the duties. Therefore, the Fundamental Duties were inserted in Article 51A of our Constitution in 1976 by 42nd Amendment Act. In the original Constitution in 1950, there was no mention of these duties. It was expected that the citizens would fulfil their duties willingly. We will also learn about these duties in this lesson.
After studying this lesson, you will be able to understand the meaning of Directive Principles of State Policy. classify the Directive Principles into four groups i.e. economic and social, Gandhian, administrative and those related to international peace. recognize the role of Directive Principles in promotion of universalisation of education, abolition of child labour and improving the status of women. explain the Directive Principles which provide the framework of welfare state to be realised in practice in India . describe that the Directive Principles aim at the establishment of economic and social democracy.
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explain the role of government at different levels in implementing these principles. distinguish between Fundamental Rights and the Directive Principles of State Policy. appreciate the content of Fundamental Duties. identify the Fundamental Duties given in the Constitution. appreciate the importance of Fundamental Duties despite their being non-justiciable.
Aspects of the Constitution of India
There are certain principles, based on the ideals advocated by Mahatma Gandhi. These Principles are as follows : (1) (2) (3) (4) To organize village Panchayats. To promote cottage industries in rural areas. To prohibit intoxicating drinks and drugs that are injurious to health. To preserve and improve the breeds of the cattle and prohibit slaughter of cows, calves and other milch and drought animals.
India should render active cooperation for world peace and security and for that the state shall endeavour to : (1) (2) (3) (4) promote international peace and security. maintain just and honourable relations between nations. foster respect for international laws and treaty obligations. encourage settlements of international disputes by mutual agreement.
(1) (2) (3) (4)
The Directive Principles in this category call upon the state : To secure for all Indians a uniform civil code. To protect historical monuments. To save environment from pollution and protect wild life. To make arrangements for disbursement of free legal justice through suitable legislation.
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(iii) to provide living wages for working sections. (iv) to provide early childhood care and education for all children until they complete the age of 6 years. (v) to protect historical monuments.
(vi) to bring about reforms to save environment from pollution and protect wild life.
7.3 Directive Principles : Universalisation of Education, Child Labour and Status of Women
Illiteracy is a big hindrance in the achievement of the goals of socio-economic justice and welfare state.
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(ii) 14% (iii) 16% (iv) 18% (b) When was the National Educational Policy started? 73
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(i) 1984
(c) In which part of the Constitution is the Provision against Exploitation of Children made? (i) Fundamental Rights
(ii) Fundamental Duties (iii) Directive Principles of State Policy (d) In which of the following Equal Pay for Equal Work for both men and women provide? (i) (ii) Fundamental Rights Fundamental Duties
(iii) Directive Principles of State Policy (e) When was the department of women and child Development set up in India? (i) 1978
Aspects of the Constitution of India
(10) Untouchability has been abolished. Sincere efforts have been made for the upliftment of the SCs ,STs and of other Backward Classes. (11) Through 73rd and 74th Amendments to the constitution, (1991 & 1992 respectively), Panchayati Raj has been given the constitutional status with more powers. (12) Small scale and village industries and Khadi Gram Udyog have been encouraged to bring prosperity to the rural areas. (13) India has also been actively co-operating with the U.N. to promote international peace and security. The above steps on the part of the central and state governments indicate that many Directive Principles of State Policy have been implemented to lay down the foundations of a secular, socialist and welfare state. However, still there is a long way to go to achieve all of them in full. There are many hindrances in the non-implementation of Directive Principles of State Policy. The main reasons are (a) lack of political will on the part of the states, (b) lack of awareness and organized action on the part of the people and (c) limited material resources.
(iii) The ____________ system has been abolished all over India. (capitalist, zamindari, caste) (iv) Khadi and village Industries Board has been set up to promote ___________ industries (small, medium, cottage)
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(v) Panchayati Raj institutions were given constitutional status by ____________ Amendment Act. (72nd, 73rd, 71st)
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(iii) To protect the unity and integrity of India. (iv) To defend the country when the need arises. (v) To promote harmony and brotherhood among all sections of the people and to respect the dignity of women.
(vi) To preserve our rich heritage and composite culture. (vii) To protect and improve our natural environment including forests, rivers, lakes and wildlife. (viii) To develop scientific outlook and humanism. (ix) To protect public property and not to use violence. (x) To strive for excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity.
New Addition (xi) Clasue (K) Art 51A Amendment Act 86th 2002. (K) a parent or guardian to provide opportunities for education of his child or as the case may be ward between the age of six and fourteen years.
(iii) The Fundamental Duties have been mentioned along with the Fundamental Rights. (True/False) (iv) There are ten Fundamental Duties now. (True/False)
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less interesting. Moreover, their ambiguous language is another hindrance in their being obeyed e.g. a citizen does not know how to maintain sovereignty, integrity and glorious heritage of the country. There is a lot of truth in the argument of the critics, yet, it would not be proper to call these duties as only pious declarations.
(i) (ii)
The Directive Principles lay stress on universalisation of education, abolition of child labour and improvement of the status of women. They provide a framework for establishing welfare state and achieving economic and social democracy. There are important differences between the Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles. The former are justiciable and positive in nature. At the same time, there is close relationship between the two. They are equally important to bring social and economic democracy in practice. The Courts have been laying stress on the implementation of Directive Principles. Rights and Duties are two sides of the same coin. In the interest of the well being and progress of the society, Rights and Duties must be adhered to equally by all.
Terminal Exercises
Q.1 Examine the nature of Directive Principles of State Policy. What is the sanction behind them? Q.2 Discuss the classification of Directive Principles of State Policy. 78
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(iii) social and economic (iv) social and economic (v) miscellaneous
(vi) miscellaneous
(i) (ii) 14% 1986
(i) (ii) welfare equitable
(i) (ii) positive individual 79
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(iii) economic (iv) close
(i) (ii) Yes No
(i) (ii) non-justiciable ambiguous
Aspects of the Constitution of India
I n lesson 5 dealing with Salient Features of the constitution of India you have learnt that
the founding fathers of Indian Constitution adopted a Federal structures. In a federal set up there is a two tier of Government with well assigned powers and functions. In this system the central government and the governments of the units act within a well defined sphere, co-ordinate and at the same time act independently. The federal polity, in other words, provides a constitutional device for bringing unity in diversity and for the achievement of common national goals.
After studying this lesson, you will able to recall the nature of federalism ; explain why India adopted a federal set up ; recognize the federal features of the Indian Constitution ; recall the unitary features of the Indian federation ; justify the reason for a strong centre ; list the process of the central government and those of the governments of the states ; analyse that India is federal in character and unitary in spirit ; recognise the legislative, administrative (executive) and the financial relations between the centre and the units ; examine how the central government has an edge over the State governments ; recognise demand for autonomy by various state governments ; and assess the recommendation of the Sarkaria Commission and the need for co-operation between the Centre and the States.
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called a federal constitution troubled the minds of the members of the Constituent Assembly. This question cannot be answered without going into the meaning of federalism and the essential features that are evident in federal state. Let us examine them and try to find out whether India is a federation or not.
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The federal principle envisages a dual system of Courts. But, in India we have unified Judiciary with the Supreme Court at the apex. The Constitution of India establishes a strong Centre by assigning all-important subjects to the Centre as per the Union List. The State Governments have very limited powers. Financially the States are dependent on the Centre From the above discussion, it is clear, that there is a tilt in favor of the Centre at the cost of the States. The States have to work in close co-operation with the Centre. This has lent support to the contention that the Indian Constitution is federal in form but unitary in spirit. Constitutional experts have called it semi-federal of quasi federal system.
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(iii) Taxes levied and collected by the Central and may be distributed between the Central and the states if the Parliament by law so provides, such as union excise duties, excise on toilet preparations etc. (iv) Taxes levied and collected and retained by the Centre such as customs, surcharge on income tax etc. (v) Taxes levied and collected by the Centre and distributed between the union and the states such as taxes other than agriculture etc.
It is clear that in the financial sphere too the Centre is better equipped. The Centre can exercise control over the state finances and grants-in-aid both general and special to meet the expenditure on developmental schemes. During financial emergency, the President has the power to suspend the provisions regarding division of taxes between the Centre and the State. He can also impose other restrictions on the expenses of the State. State plans are framed within the priorities of the central plan and they are executed with the approval of the Planning Commission. Further, the States have to carry out the centresponsored schemes for which the Centre gives grants and the conditions under which these are to be made. The Planning Commission has created an over-centralized planning system. No initiative is left to the states and the centrally formulated schemes have been inappropriately and unimaginatively imposed upon them.
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judiciary to decide disputes between the Union and the States. Though the Indian Constitution has all such features of a federal state, it is indeed difficult to put the Indian Constitution in the category of true federations. The framers of the Constitution have incorporated certain non federal features in it such as single citizenship, single judiciary, a strong centre, appointment of the Governor by the President, unequal of representation in the Rajya Sabha and so on. All these indicate a tilt towards strong centre. The states have to work in close co-operation with the centre. The constitution is federal in form but unitary in spirit. The study of Center-State relationship in legislative, administrative and financial spheres also clearly shows that the Centre is stronger as compared to the states. The Centre has been assigned a dominant role which became necessary keeping in view the dangers to the unity and integrity of the nation. Therefore, there are provisions for a co- operative federalism. The working of the Indian Constitution over the year indicates that relations between the center and the States have not remained very co-ordinal. The states have started demanding more autonomy. Various commissions have been appointed by the Government of India to review the centre- state relations. The Sarkaria Commission examined the problem and recomended changes in the area of federal, legislative, administrative and financial relations.
Terminal Exercises
1. 2. 3. 4. Discuss the unitary feature of the Constitution of India. Write a short note on the legislative relations between the center and the states. Describe the financial relations between the center and states. Explain that the Indian Constitution is federal in form but unitary in spirit.
Q.1. Parliament Q.2. Union Government Q.3 Unequal
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Q.1. 97 Q.2. Union Q.3. Parliament Q.4. State
(1) Central (2) quasi (3) Greater (4) Sarkaria
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You have read in the preceding lesson that the Constitution of India is federal in nature
having a unitary bias. On the one hand, it has all the characteristic features of a federation, while, on the other hand the Centre is more powerful than the States. When the Constitution of India was being drafted, India was passing through a period of stress and strain. Partition of the country, communal riots and the problem concerning the merger of princely states including Kashmir. Thus, the Constitution-makers thought to equip the Central Government with the necessary authority, so that, in the hour of emergency, when the security and stability of the country is threatened by internal and external threats. Therefore, some emergency provisions were made in Constitution to safeguard and protect the security, integrity and stability of the country and effective functioning of State Governments.
After studying this lesson, you will be able to recognise that the Union Government has no option except to assume extraordinary powers in emergencies; identify the situations in which the President can proclaim a state of National Emergency under Article 352; describe the various effects of National Emergency relating to the executive, legislative, and financial matters, with special reference to the fundamental Rights; cite examples of National Emergencies proclaimed in the country with their duration and effect; describe the circumstances in which the President can make a proclamation under Article 356 imposing Presidents Rule in a state; cite a few examples when such proclamations were made due to the breakdown of constitutional machinery; recall that imposition of Presidents Rule has often been controversial in the context of smooth Centre State relations; 90
Emergency Provisions
describe the circumstances under which Financial Emergency can be proclaimed under Article 360; explain the role of Parliament during Financial Emergency; and describe the effects of Financial Emergency.
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For the second time, it was declared on 3 December 1971 in the wake of the second IndiaPakistan War and was lifted on 21 March 1977. While the second emergency, on the basis of external aggression, was in operation, third National Emergency (called internal emergency) was imposed on 25 June 1975. This emergency was declared on the ground of internal disturbances. Internal disturbances justified impositin of the emergency despite the fact that the government was already armed with the powers provided during the second National Emergency of 1971 which was still in operation.
(iii) During this period, the Lok Sabha can extend its tenure by a period of one year at a time. But the same cannot be extended beyond six months after the proclamation ceases to operate. The tenure of State Assemblies can also be extended in the same manner. (iv) During emergency, the President is empowered to modify the provisions regarding distribution of revenues between the Union and the States. (v) The Fundamental Rights under Article 19 about which you have already learnt are automatically suspended and this suspension continues till the end of the emergency. But according to the 44th Amendment, Freedoms listed in Article 19 can be suspended only in case of proclamation on the ground of war or external aggression.
From the above discussion, it becomes quite clear that emergency not only suspends the autonomy of the States but also converts the federal structure of India into a unitary one. Still it is considered necessary as it equips the Union Government with vast powers to cope up with the abnormal situations. The exigencies of the situation prevailing in the period 1975-77 necessitated certain changes in the Constituion reagarding emergency provisions. Therefore, the 44th amendment was passed on 30th April 1979 to strengthen the democratic features of the Indian Constituion and to protect citizens rights even during the national emergency.
Emergency Provisions
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. National Emergency can be declared under Article _______________. (232, 352, 360) During this period of National Emergency Lok Sabha can extend its term by ____________ at a time. (one year, three years, five years) During the period of National Emergency, the Right to _____________ can be restricted. (Equality, Freedom, Constitutional Remedies) On 25 June 1975, National Emergency was declared on the ground of ______________. (external aggression, internal disturbances, financial crisis) The President can declare National Emergency only if _____________. (a) (b) (c) 7. The Prime Minister gives written advice. The Cabinet recommends in writing. He himself is otherwise satisfied.
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Once approved by the Parliament, the National Emergency ordinarily remains in force for a period of ________________. (six months, 1 year, 2 years).
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Janata Government was strongly criticised by the Congress and others. But, when in 1980 (after Janata Government had lost power) Congress came back to power at the Centre under Mrs.Gandhis leadership and dismissed all the then Janata Party State Governments. In both cases there was no failure of Constitutional machinery, but actions were taken only on political grounds. In 1986, emergency was imposed in Jammu and Kashmir due to terrorism and insurgency. In all, there are more than hundred times that emergency has been imposed in various States for one reason or the other. However, after 1995 the use of this provision has rarely been made.
(iii) The President can make any other incidental or consequential provision necessary to give effect to the object of proclamation. The way Presidents Rule was imposed on various occasions has raised many questions. At times the situation really demanded it. But at other times, Presidents Rule was imposed purely on political grounds to topple the ministry formed by a party different from the one at the Centre, even if that particular party enjoyed majority in the Legislative Assembly. Suspending or dissolving assemblies and not giving a chance to the other political parties to form governments in states has been due to partisan consideration of the Union Government, for which Article 356 has been clearly misused. In view of the above facts, Article 356 has become very controversial. In spite of the safeguards provided by the 44th Amendment Act, this provision has been alleged to be misused by the Union Government. That is why, there is a demand either for its deletion or making provision in the Constitution to restrict the misuse of this Article. The Sarkaria Commission which was appointed to review the CentreState relations also recommended that Article 356 should be used only as a last resort. The Commission also suggested that the State Legislative Assembly should not be dissolved unless the proclamation is approved by the Parliament. It further suggested that all possibilities of forming an alternative government should be fully explored before the Centre imposes emergency in a State on grounds of breakdown of Constitutional machinery. The Supreme Court held in the Bommai case that the Assembly may not be dissolved till the Proclamation is approved by the Parliament. On a few occasions such as when Gujral Government recommended use of Article 356 in Uttar Pradesh, the President returned the recommendation for reconsideration. The Union Government took the hint and dropped the proposal. 94
Emergency Provisions
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3. 4. 5. Financial Emergency can be imposed for a period of ___________ at a time. ( two months, six months, desired length). Financial Emergency has to be passed by the Parliament within _____________. (Two months, four months, six months) Under Financial Emergency, the President may give directions to reduce the salaries and allowances of ___________________. (Union Government employees, State Government employees, All government functionaries including judges.)
National emergency under Article 352 has been declared three times so far. Twice it was imposed due to the external aggression once by China and another time by Pakistan, whereas it was declared only once on the basis of the fear of internal disturbances. This emergency was imposed on 25 June 1975. Emergency on account of failure of Constitutional machinery has been declared in most of the States some time or the other. But Financial Emergency has not been declared so far. Emergency, when imposed, affects the Fundamental Rights of the citizens. It also affects the autonomy of the State Governments. The powers of the Union Government increase and it can make laws even on the subjects included in the State List. The Centre gives directions to the State Governments. Practically speaking, the federal nature of the Constitution changes into a unitary form. So much so that when the proclamation of national emergency is in operation, some of the Fundamental Rights guaranteed by the Constitution remain suspended. The second type of emergency under Article 356 is the most frequently imposed emergency. Under this, a State is put under the Presidents Rule if the elected representatives fail to form or run the government in a State according to the Constitution of India. This is the most misused form of emergency which has been vehemently criticised by many. The third type of emergency is Financial Emergency which has not been declared so far. During this type of emergency, the President of India may give directions to the Union as well as State Governments to reduce the salaries and allowances of their employees including the judges. The purpose of declaring this type of emergency is to solve the financial crises.
Emergency Provisions
The proclamation of each type of emergency is made by the President on the written advice of the Union Cabinet. Such a proclamation has to be approved by both the Houses of Parliament within one month in case of National Emergency and within two months in case of the remaining two types of emergencies, from the date of imposition of such emergency. The Proclamation of national emergency as well as the imposition of Presidents Rule, if approved by the Parliament, will continue to be in operation for six months from the date of proclamation. In case it is to be extended beyond six months, a subsequent prior resolution has to be passed by the Parliament to this effect. In case of Financial Emergency once proclaimed, it continues to operate as long as it is required. The Emergency Provisions provide the President with sweeping powers to deal with abnormal and extraordinary situations. Any misuse of these powers can easily lead to subversion of democracy. But the actual working of the Constitution for more than five decades has demonstrated that emergency powers were generally used in the interest of the country barring a few cases where emergency was imposed due to political considerations. In spite of misuse of emergency provisions in some of the States, there is a broad consensus that emergency provisions still have a role to play under the conditions prevailing in India.
Aspects of the Constitution of India
Terminal Exercises
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Describe briefly the emergency provisions contained in the Constitution of India. How does the imposition of National Emergency affect the life of citizens? Under what conditions can the Presidents Rule be imposed in a State? How are the executive and legislative powers of a State exercised during the Presidents Rule? Mention the effects of Financial Emergency.
1. 2. Article 356. 2 months. 97
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3. 4. 5. One year. Governor Six months.
1. Article 356. never. desired length. Two months. All government functionaries including judges.
2. 3. 4. 5.
Union Executive
Structure of Government
at the Central level is called Union Government and at the State level it is known as State Government. The Union Government has three organs the Executive, the Legislature and the Judiciary. The President, the Prime Minister and his Council of Ministers collectively constitute the Union Executive. In this lesson you will read how the Union Executive is constituted and what functions does it perform.
After studying this lesson, you will be able to distinguish between the nominal and real executive in a parliamentary democracy; recall that India is a republic with an elected head of state; describe the qualifications and method of election of the President of India. explain the executive, legislative, financial and judicial powers of the President; explain the position of the President; describe the role of the Vice-President in the Indian Political System; describe how the Prime Minister is appointed and how his/her Council of Ministers is constituted; explain the powers and functions of the Prime Minister and his/her Council of Ministers; analyse the meaning and implications of the individual and collective responsibility.
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Qualifications: The qualifications for the office of President are: (i) (ii) should be a citizen of India; should have completed the age of 35 years;
(iii) should be qualified to be elected as a member of Lok Sabha; and (iv) should not hold any office of profit i.e. the candidate should not be a government servant. However the office of the President, the Vice-President, the Governor or the Minister of the Union or the State is not considered as an office of profit for this purpose; The President cannot at the same time be a member of Parliament or of a State Legislature. If a member of Parliament or State Legislature is elected as President his/her seat will be deemed to have been vacated on the date, he/she assumes office as President of India.
Total population of the State = Number of elected members of State Legislative Assembly 1000
In simple words the total population of the State is divided by the number of elected members of the State Legislative Assembly, and the quotient is divided by 1000. Example: Let us suppose that the population of Punjab is 1,35,51,060 and the number of members of State Vidhan Sabha is 104. The votes which each Legislature is entitled to cast will be:-
Union Executive
of Union Territory of Delhi and Pondichery divided by total member of elected members of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha. =
Structure of Government
Total number of votes of Member of all the State Legislative Assemblies Total number of elected Members of both Houses of Parliament
Example : The votes of all the State Legislative Assemblies are added. Let us suppose that the total number of votes of all the Legislators is 5,44,971 and the total number of elected members of Parliament is 776. Then the number of votes of each member of Parliament will be =
= 702 At both the stages if the remainder is less than 50% of the divides, it is ignored. But when the remainder is 50% or more, one vote is added to the quotient. Single Transferable Vote System: The election of the President is held through single transferable vote system of proportional representation. Under this system names of all the candidates are listed on the ballot paper and the elector gives them numbers according to his/her preference. Every voter may mark on the ballot paper as many preferences as there are candidates. Thus the elector shall place the figure 1 opposite the name of the candidate whom he/she chooses for first preference and may mark as many preferences as he/she wishes by putting the figures 2,3,4 and so on against the names of other candidates. Total number of votes polled 1 The ballot becomes + invalid if first preference is marked against more than one candidate 1 +1 or if the first preference is not marked at all. Counting of Votes and Declaration of Result Members of State Legislative Assemblies cast their votes in States Capitals, while Members of Parliament cast their votes in Delhi in the States Capitals. Counting of votes is done at New Delhi. First preference votes of all the candidates are sorted out and counted. To be declared elected a candidate must get more than 50% of the total valid votes polled. This is known as Quota. The Quota is determined by totalling the total number of votes polled divided by the number of candidates to be elected plus one. In this case, since only the President is to be elected, so division is done by 1+1. One (01) is added to the quotient to make it more than 50%. Quota = At the first count only first preference votes are counted. If any of the candidates reaches the quota, he/she is declared elected. In case no candidate reaches the quota, then the 2nd preference votes of the candidate getting the least number of first preference votes are transferred to other candidates. Thus the candidate getting the least number of votes is eliminated. If after counting, a candidate reaches quota, he/she is declared elected as the President. In case no candidate reaches quota, even at this stage, then the votes of next candidate getting the least number of votes are transferred to the others. It continues till any one candidate gets the quota of votes. 101
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Let us understand it with the following example. Supposing the total number of valid votes is 20,000 and there are four candidates A, B, C and D. The quota in this case will be
= 9000
B = 2000 C = 4000 D = 5000 As no candidate has reached the quota i.e. 10001, candidate B getting the least number of votes gets eliminated and his votes transferred to the other candidates. Supposing as a result of transfer of votes A gets 1100, C gets 500 and D 400. Now the position would be as follows: A = 9000 + 1100 = 10,100 B = 6000 + 400 = 6400 C = 4000 + 500 = 4500 Since A reaches quota he is declared elected as the President. Before entering upon the office the President has to take an oath of office in the presence of the Chief Justice of India.
The Presidential candidate must have the qualifications required for a member of: (a) Lok Sabha (b) Rajya Sabha (c) Vidhan Parishad (d) Zila Parishad
Union Executive
3. Members of which of the following House are not members of the electoral College: (a) Rajya Sabha (b) Vidhan Sabha (c) Vidhan Parishad (d) Lok Sabha
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IMPEACHMENT: An impeachment is a quasi-judicial procedure leading to the removal of a high public official, say, the President as in India, on the grounds of the violation of the Constitution.
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Union Executive
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Union Executive
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The Prime Minister being the head of the Council of Ministers, selects the Ministers to be sworn in by the President. The Ministers in fact are chosen by the Prime Minister and remain Ministers as long as they enjoy the confidence of the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister distributes portfolios among Ministers. The President can change the portfolios as and when he desires. The Prime Minister can drop a Minister or ask for his/her resignation. The Prime Minister presides over the meetings of the Cabinet and conducts its proceedings. As head of the Cabinet, he/she largely influences the decisions of the Cabinet. The Prime Minister co-ordinates the working of various ministers. The President resolves disagreement if any amongst different Ministers. Prime Minister is the link between the President and the Cabinet. The decisions of the Cabinet are conveyed to the President by the Prime Minister. It is he who keeps the President informed of all the policies and decisions of the Government. No Minister can meet the President without the permission of the Prime Minister. All important appointments are made by the President on the advice of the Prime Minister. It is on the advice of the Prime Minister that the President summons and prorogues the session of the Parliament and even dissolves the Lok Sabha. The Prime Minister is the principal spokesman and defender of the policies of the Government in the Parliament. When any Minister is unable to defend his/her actions properly, the Prime Minister comes to the help of that Minister both inside and outside the Parliament. The Prime Minister is the leader of the nation. The nation looks to his/her for guidance. At the time of general elections, it is the Prime Minister who seeks mandate of the people. The Prime Minister plays an important role in the formulation of domestic and foreign policies. The President represents the country in the world arena, by participating in the international meetings such as NAM, SAARC and United Nations. All international agreements and treaties with other countries are concluded with the consent of the Prime Minister. The President is the Chief spokesperson of the policies of the country. The Prime Minister has a special status both in the Government and in the Parliament. This makes him/her the most powerful functionary. His/her position and powers depend upon his/her personality. A person of the stature of Jawaharlal Nehru or Indira Gandhi, is always more effective than a person who lacks vision or depends on support from outside his party. The Prime Minister is not only leader of the Parliament but also leader of the nation. The Prime Minister has to secure the willing cooperation of all important members of his/her own party. In a minority government, the Prime Minister has to depend on outside help that might act as hindrance in his effective role.
Union Executive
Ministers and the Cabinet. The main points of difference are: The Council of Ministers consists of all category of Ministers i.e., Cabinet Ministers and Ministers of State. The Cabinet on the other hand consists of Senior Ministers only. Its number varies from 15 to 30 while the entire Council of Ministers can consist of even more than 70. The Council of Ministers as a whole rarely meets. The Cabinet on the other hand meets as frequently as possible. It is the Cabinet that determines the policies and programmes of the Government and not the Council of Ministers. Thus, Cabinet is an inner body within the Council of Ministers. It acts in the name of the Council of Ministers and exercises all powers on its behalf.
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pleasure of the President. But, in fact, they are responsible to, and removable by the Lok Sabha. Actually the Constitution has itself declared that the Council of Ministers shall be responsible to the Lok Sabha (not to both the Houses). Ministerial responsibility is the essential feature of parliamentary form of government. The principle of ministerial responsibility has two dimensions: collective responsibility and individual responsibility.
Union Executive
The President may resign before the expiry of his/her term or can be removed from office by impeachment. The President enjoys vast powers. His/her powers can be classified into Legislative, Executive, Financial and Judicial. But his/her powers are exercised by the Council of Ministers headed by the Prime Minister. The President enjoys numerous privileges and immunities, and exerts influence in the field of administration. The President possesses the right to be informed, to be consulted and to warn. The President is a guide and advisor of the Council of Ministers. The Prime Minister is the real head of the Government. The President is appointed by the President. The Prime Minister has to appoint the leader of the majority party in Lok Sabha or leader of a group of parties as the Prime Minister. The Council of Ministers headed by the Prime Minister aids and advises the President in the exercise of his functions. The Council of Ministers consists of two levels of Ministers Cabinet Ministers and Ministers of State. The President appoints the Ministers on the advice of the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister is the leader of the nation. He/she is responsible for administration of the country. He/she presides over the meetings of the Cabinet. The Council of Ministers works under his/her. The President represents the nation at all national and international forums. The Prime Minister is the link between the President and the Council of Ministers. He/she supervises and co-ordinates the working of different Ministries. He/she remains in office as long as he/she enjoys the support of the majority of members in the Lok Sabha. All important appointments are made by the President on the recommendation of the Prime Minister. The Council of Ministers consists of all category of Ministers, while the Cabinet is a smaller group consisting of senior Ministers. The Council of Ministers as a whole rarely meets. It is the Cabinet which determines the policies and programmes of the Government. All the Ministers are collectively as well as individually responsible to the Lok Sabha. The Council of Ministers can be removed from office by Lok Sabha if a vote of no-confidence is adopted by it. The Cabinet formulates the external and internal policies of the government. It coordinates the working of various departments. It has full control over the national finance. A money bill can only be introduced in the Lok Sabha by a Minister.
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Terminal Exercises
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Explain the method of election of the President. Describe the qualifications for the office of the President of India. What is his and how can he be removed from office. Describe the legislative powers of the President of India. Explain the executive powers of the President. Examine the powers and role of the President of India. Describe functions of the Vice-President of India. How is the Prime Minister of India appointed? Explain. Explain the powers, functions and role of the Prime Minister of India. 113
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Distinguish between the Council of Ministers and the Cabinet.
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You have read in the preceding lesson that India has a parliamentary form of government
in which the Prime Minister and his Council of Ministers are collectively responsible to the lower House of the Parliament i.e. Lok Sabha. In a parliamentary form of government the Parliament is the most important organ. It is the people who elect their representatives to be members of the Parliament and these representatives legislate and control the executive on behalf of the people. The Prime Minister and his Council of Ministers remain at the helm of affairs so long as they enjoy the confidence of Lok Sabha. The Parliament (Lok Sabha) may dislodge them from power by expressing a no confidence against the Prime Minister and his Council of Ministers. Thus the Parliament occupies a central position in our parliamentary system.
After studying this lesson, you will be able to recall that the Parliament of India consists of the President and the two Houses; 115
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describe the composition of the Rajya Sabha and the Lok Sabha; explain the functions of Indian Parliament; describe the procedure of lawmaking in the Indian Parliament, and compare the functions and powers of both the Houses and show that Lok Sabha is more powerful.
11.1.2 Qualifications
The qualifications for becoming a Rajya Sabha member are as follows: 1. 2. 3. He/she should be a citizen of India and at least 30 years of age. He/she should make an oath or affirmation stating that he will bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of India. Thus according to the Representation of People Act 1951, he/she should be registered as a voter in the State from which he is seeking election to the Rajya Sabha. But in 2003, two provisions have been made regarding the elections to Rajya Sabha- (i) Any Indian citizen can contest the Rajya Sabha elections irrespective of the State in which he resides; (ii) elections are to be conducted through open voting system.
11.1.3 Tenure
Every member of Rajya Sabha enjoys a safe tenure of six years. One-third of its members 116
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retire after every two years. They are entitled to contest again for the membership. But a member elected against a mid-term vacancy serves the remaining period only. This system of election ensures continuity in the working of Rajya Sabha.
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vote irrespective of their caste/tribe. There is no separation of voters in terms of caste or tribe. The representation to the Lok Sabha is based on population. Therefore UP which is the most heavily populated State in India sends as many as 80 members while smaller States like Mizoram, Nagaland and Sikkim send just one representative each to the Lok Sabha. Seven members represent Delhi.
For the purpose of elections to the Lok Sabha, the States are divided into single member constituencies on the basis of population.
11.1.6 Qualifications
All the citizens of 18 years of age and above are entitled to vote in the elections to Lok Sabha subject to the laws made by the Parliament. Any Indian citizen can become a member of Lok Sabha provided he/she fulfils the following qualifications: 1. 2. He/she should be not less than 25 years of age. He/she should declare through an oath or affirmation that he has true faith and allegiance in the Constitution and that he will uphold the sovereignty and integrity of India. He/she must possess such other qualifications as may be laid down by the Parliament by law. He must be registered as a voter in any constituency in India. Person contesting from the reserved seat should belong to the Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe as the case may be.
3. 4.
11.1.7 Tenure
The normal term of Lok Sabha is five years. But the President, on the advice of Council of Ministers, may dissolve it before the expiry of five years. In the case of national emergency, its term can be extended for one year at a time. But it will not exceed six months after the emergency is over. On several occasions Lok Sabha was dissolved prior to the end of its term. For example the 12th Lok Sabha elected in 1998 was dissolved in 1999.
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when there is a tie i.e. equal number of votes on both sides, he/she can use his casting vote. But he/she is expected to caste her vote in a manner so that her impartiality and independence is retained. 3. 4. 5. His/her decisions in all parliamentary matters are final. She also rules on points of order raised by the members and her decision is final. He/she is the custodian of rights and privileges of the members. He/she disqualifies a member of his/her membership in case of defection. He/she also accepts the resignation of members and decides about the genuineness of the resignation. In case of joint sitting of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha, the Speaker presides over the meeting.
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Prime Minister and his Council of Ministers are responsible to the Parliament individually as well as collectively. The Parliament can dislodge a ministry by passing a vote of noconfidence or by refusing to endorse a confidence motion. In India this has happened several times. This happened in 1999 when the Atal Bihari Vajpayee Government lost the confidence motion in the Lok Sabha by just one vote and resigned. But the no-confidence motion or the confidence motions are the extreme ways of maintaining the accountability of the Parliament over the executive. They are employed in exceptional cases. Parliament also maintains its control over executive in a routine manner through several ways. Some of them are as follows:a. The members of Parliament can ask questions and supplementary questions regarding any matters connected with the affairs of the Central Government. The first hour of every working day of Parliament relates to the Question Hour in which the Ministers have to answer the questions raised by the members. If the members are not satisfied with the Governments answer then they may demand separate discussion on the subject. The Parliament also exercises control over the executive through several motions. For example calling attention notice or adjournment motion are such ways by which some recent matters of urgent public importance are raised. The government always takes these motions very seriously because the governments policies are criticized severely and their likely impact on the electorate whom the government would have to face ultimately. If the motion is passed then it means that the government is censured. Censure Motion: This motion implies severe indictment of the government; but it does not require resignation of the Council of Members. d. The Lok Sabha can express its lack of confidence in the executive by disapproving budget or money bill or even an ordinary bill.
b. c.
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c. d.
Thus the Indian Parliament, though limited by the federal nature of the political system, has wide functions to perform. In performing its functions, it has to mirror the aspirations and needs of the people of India. It also has to function as an agency for resolving socioeconomic or political conflicts in the country. It also helps in building consensus on specific issues, which are crucial to the nation like foreign policy formulation.
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(A) With the introduction of the bill, the First Reading of the bill starts. This stage is simple. The Minister wanting to introduce a bill, informs the presiding officer. He/she puts the question of introduction to the House. When approved, normally by voicevote, the Minister is called upon to introduce the bill. (B) Second Reading: -This stage is the most vital stage. After general discussion the House has four options: - (i) it may straightaway take the bill into detailed (clauseby-clause) consideration or (ii) refer it to a select committee of the House or, (iii) refers it to the Joint Committee of both the Houses or (iv) circulate it among the people to elicit public opinion. If the bill is referred to a select committee of the House or the joint select committee of both the Houses, the concerned committee examines the bill very minutely. Each and every clause is examined. The committee may also take the opinion of professionals and legal experts. After due deliberations, the committee submits its report to the House. (C) Third Reading:- After the completion of the second reading, the Minister may move that the bill be passed. At this stage normally no discussion takes place. The members may oppose or support the adoption of the bill, by a simple majority of members present and voting. 2. Bill in the other House: -After the bill has been passed by one House, it goes to the other House. Here also the same procedure of three readings is followed. The following consequences may follow: -
(A) It may pass it; then the bill is sent to the President for his assent. (B) It may pass the bill with amendments. The bill will be sent back to the first House. In such a case, the first House will consider the amendments and if it accepts the amendments then the bill will be sent to President for his assent. In case the first House refuses to accept the amendments, then it means there is a deadlock. (C) It may reject it. It means there is a deadlock. In order to remove the deadlock between the two Houses, the President may call for a joint sitting of the two Houses. Such joint sittings are very rare in India and till now only three times such meetings have taken place. They were convened on the occasion of passage of Dowry Prohibition Bill 1959, Banking Service Commission (Repeal) Bill, 1978, and Prevention of Terrorism Bill, 2002. (D) Presidents assent to the Bill:- After being passed by both the Houses or the Joint Sitting of both Houses, the bill is referred to the President for his assent. The President also has some options in this regard: - (i) He may give his assent and with his assent, the bill becomes a law. (ii) He may withhold his assent, but may suggest some changes. In such a case the bill is sent back to the House from where it had originated. But if
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both the Houses pass the bill again with or without accepting the recommendations of the President, the President has no option but to give his assent. (iii) In 1986, the President Giani Zail Singh invented a new option. He neither gave his assent nor he returned it to the Parliament for reconsideration of the Postal Bill. He sought some clarifications, which were never provided. The bill thus, lapsed.
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A new system of departmental select committees has been introduced in India since 1993-94. The Lok Sabha sets up committees for all major Ministries and Departments of Union Government. The select committees consider demand for grants in details and submit their recommendations to the Lok Sabha. After general discussion on the budget, the Houses are adjourned for about three weeks. During this period select committees of Departments of Ministry scrutinise budget demands and may make recommendations. 123
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This saves time of the full House. The full Lok Sabha now does not discuss demands for grants, one by one, in details. Quorum means the minimum number of members required to be present to enable the House to meet. This is one-tenth of the total membership of the House. This means the meeting of the Lok Sabha or Rajya Sabha can take place only if one tenth of the total membership of the House is present.
Members of both houses of Parliament get Rs. 2 Crore per annum from the Members of Parliament Local Development Fund. This fund is not directly allotted to the MP but to the respective district headquarters and the MP can use it for development projects in his area.
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Terminal Exercises
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Describe the composition of Rajya Sabha and method of election of its members? Describe powers of the Speaker of Lok Sabha? Discuss the functions of Parliament? Describe the law-making procedure in India? Analyse the relationship between the two Houses of the Parliament? Write short notes on the following: a. b. c. Qualification for membership of Rajya Sabha Second reading The Budget
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3. 4. 5. 6.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 550 Uttar Pradesh Two Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes All the Indian citizens of 18 years of age and above President Members of Lok Sabha
1. 2. 3. 4. Union List State Legislatures Two or more State Legislatures The Parliament
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. A bill moved by a Minister in the Government is a Government bill. A bill moved by Member of Parliament but not a minister, is called Private members bill. Private Members bills are discussed only on Fridays. Money bills cannot be introduced in Rajya Sabha. Joint Sitting of the two Houses is held to remove the deadlock between the two Houses over a non-money bill. One-tenth of the strength of a House.
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1. 2. 3. Lok Sabha Rajya Sabha Rs. 2 crore
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The Supreme Court is the highest court of India. It is at the apex of the Indian judicial
system. In the previous two lessons, you have learnt that the Union legislature, which is known as Parliament, makes laws for the whole country in respect of the Union and the Concurrent Lists and the executive comprising the President, Council of Ministers and bureaucracy enforces them. Judiciary, the third organ of the government, has an equally important role to play. It settles the disputes, interprets laws, protects fundamental rights and acts as guardian of the Constitution. In this lesson, you will learn that India has a single unified and integrated judicial system and that the Supreme Court is the highest court in India.
After studying this lesson, you will be able to recognise that India has a single integrated and unified judicial system; describe the composition and organization of the Supreme Court of India; 128
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performs the formality of appointing the nominee of the Supreme Court, after the Law Ministry formally recommends these names to him.
b) c)
he/she has been for at least five years a Judge of as High Court or two or more than two such courts; or he/she has been for at least ten years an advocate of a High Court or of two or more than two such courts; or he/she is, in the opinion of the President, a distinguished jurist.
The Chief Justice of India and other judges of the Supreme Court hold office till they attain the age of 65 years. A judge may voluntarily resign before expiry of his term. In exeptional cases a Supreme Court judge may be removed before the age of retirement, according to the procedure laid down in the Constitution. Thus a judge of the Supreme Court can be removed from office by an order of the President passed after an address by each House of the Parliament supported by a majority of total membership of the House and not less than two-third majority of the members of the House present and voting, passed in the same session, has been presented to the President for such removal on the ground of proved misbehavior or capacity. So far, proceedings for removal were initiated only in one case against a judge of the Supreme Court. But he/she could not be removed because the resolution could not be passed by the Parliament. It is clear that Supreme Court judges enjoy security of tenure, and the executive cannot arbitrarily remove them. No person who has held office of a judge of the Supreme Court is allowed to plead as an advocate in any court or before any authority within the territory of India. The judges of the Supreme Court are paid such salaries as are determined by the Parliament from time to time.
(ii) The Supreme Court of India consists of the Chief Justice and _________other judges. (23 / 25 / 27)
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criminal case in a number of situations. Firstly, if a High Court sets aside an appeal or an order of acquittal passed by a lower court and awards death sentence to the accused, he may bring an appeal to the Supreme Court by right. Secondly, appeal can also be made to the Supreme Court if the High Court withdraws a case from a lower court to itself, declares the accused guilty and awards death sentence. In this situation also appeals can be made as a matter of right and without certificate from the High Court.
The appeal in cases other than these two categories may also be brought to the Supreme Court provided the High Court grants a certificate that the case is fit for appeal to the Supreme Court. In case where the High Court refuses to certify a case to be fit for appeal to the Supreme Court, one may seek special leave to appeal from the Supreme Court itself. The Supreme Court may grant such a special leave in its discretion but only in rare cases. (iii) Appeals in Constitutional Cases A constitutional case is neither a civil dispute, nor concerning a crime. It is a case arising out of different interpretations of Constitution, mainly regarding the fundamental rights. In such Constitutional Cases an appeal can be taken to the Supreme Court only if a High Court certifies that the matter in dispute involves a substantial question of law. If the High Court denies a certificate of fitness to appeal to the Supreme Court, the Supreme Court can use its discretion and grant special leave to appeal to itself in any case it deems fit.
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review a law in another situation also. If a person or institution feels that his/her rights are violated, or a certain benefit due to him under a law is being denied, the Court while examining such a petition may come to the conclusion that the law, under which relief is sought, is itself unconstitutional. Therefore, relief may not be granted. In a democratic country like India the power of Judicial Review is an important guarantee of the rights of the people. Besides, the Supreme Court has been interpreting various provisions of the Constitution. Its rulings are treated as law of the land.
Let us now see how the Supreme Court has played its role as a custodian of the civil liberties and in particular of the fundamental rights. The Right to Equality is an important right, which ensures equality before law. The Right to Equality also means absence of special privileges and inequality of treatment. So, the Supreme Court in the name of Protective Discrimination has justified the benefits or concessions in the form of reservations or relaxation of eligibility conditions. The Right to Freedom has given various kinds of freedoms to all of us. But the freedom of press was not mentioned in the Constitution. It was decided by the Supreme Court that freedom of press as a right is implied in right to freedom of expression. Thus, the Court expanded the right to freedom. The Supreme Court has regarded the Right to Know as an important right to be able to take part in the participatory process of development and democracy. The Court had ruled that the Right to life in, Artile 21 implies and includes the right to education and clean environment also. Regarding the delay in deciding the cases, the Supreme Court has held that delay in trial constitutes denial of justice. It has also laid down that speedy trial, release on bail of under trials, free legal aid to the poor and accused are also the fundamental rights. The Supreme Court has used its power of judicial review and given various historic decisions to safeguard the rights of the individuals. It has stood guard of linguistic rights of minorities, religious rights of the people, welfare of the workers and daily wage earners. If has also taken action to protect bonded labour, prevent exploitation of women, children and deprived sections of society. No doubt, the Supreme Court through its power of judicial review has guarded our rights in various walks of life. The Supreme Court has given momentous decisions. Through, what is called judicial activism, the Court has given such rulings as compulsory use of CNG fuel for the use of public transport vehicles in Delhi so that pollution could be brought under control. Similarly, for the protection of lives of people, it has made the use of helmets compulsory for two-wheeler users, and even the pillion riders. The power of judicial review is an important guarantee of the rights of the people. It does not allow any violation of the Constitution. It has given several new interpretations to the Constitutional provisions. Thus, it has protected as well as expanded the Constitution.
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against the law of the land. It interprets the Constitution to explain the provisions which are not very clear. Public Interest Litigation is very helpful to the people in getting justice. It has resulted in judicial activism.
Terminal Exercises
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Describe the composition of the Supreme Court. How can a judge of the Supreme Court be removed from office. Explain the original and appellate jurisdictions of the Supreme Court. Supreme Court is the guardian of Indian Constitution and a protector of Fundamental Rights. Explain. Explain the importance of PIL in our day-to-day life.
(i) original (ii) not bound (iii) Supreme Court
(i) Power of the Supreme Court to determine constitutional validity of a law (ii) Public Interest Litigation - hearing of matters of public interest (iii) Judicial Review
Structure of Government
You have already studied that India is a union of 28 States and 7 Union Territories and that
the Founding Fathers of the Indian Constitution adopted a federal system. The executive under a system is made up of two levels: union and states. You have learnt in Lesson No.10 about the Union Executive. At the State level, genereally following the central pattern, the Governor, like the President, acts as a nominal head and the real powers are exercised by the Council of Ministers headed by the Chief Minister. The members of the Council of Ministers at the State level are also collectively and individually responsible to the lower House of the State Legislature for their acts of omission as well as commission.
After studying this lesson, you will be able to recall the method of appointment of the Governor; explain the qualifications, tenure and privileges of the Governor; describe the powers of the Governor including his discretionary powers; assess the role and position of the Governor; recall the election/ appointment of the Chief Minister; describe the appointment of the Council of Ministers and how it is formed; explain the powers and functions of the Chief Minister and the Council of Ministers; analyse the relation between the Governor and the Council of Ministers at the State level.
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The assent of the Governor is necessary for a bill to become a law. In this regard, the Governor has the following options : (a) He/she may give assent to the bill; in that case the bill becomes a law; (b) He/she may withhold the assent; in which case the bill fails to become a law; (c) He/she may return the bill with his message. If the State Legislature passes the bill in its original shape or in a modified form, the Governor has to give the assent to the bill;
(d) He/she may reserve the bill for the consideration of the President. The Governor has the power to issue ordinances during the period when the State Legislature is not in session. However, the ordinance has to be placed before the State Legislature when it reassembles for the next session. It ceases to operate after six weeks, unless earlier rejected by the Legislature.The Legislative Assembly may replace the ordinance by a law enacted by it within the said period. The legislative powers, like the executive powers, of the Governor are, in practice exercised by the State Council of Ministers, headed by the Chief Minister. (C) Financial Powers 1. 2. 3. No money bill can be introduced in the State Legislative Assembly without the prior permission of the Governor. The annual and supplementary budgets are introduced in the Assembly in the name of the Governor. The Governor has the control over the State Contingency Fund.
(D) Power of Pardon The Governor possesses the power to grant pardon reprieves, respites or remission of punishment or to suspend, remit or commute the sentence of any person convicted by the Courts of any offence against any law relating to a matter to which the executive power of the State extends. (E) Discretionary Powers As has been stated earlier that while exercising the executive, legislative, financial and judicial powers the Governor is aided and advised by the Council of Ministers headed by the Chief Minister. These powers are enjoyed by him/her as the Head of State. There are a few more powers which he/she possesses as the representative of the Central or Union Government. These powers are also called discretionary powers. It is under special circumstance that the Governor may act without the advice of the Council of Ministers. In other words, such powers of the Governor are exercised in his/her own discretion. They are: 1. A situation may arise when in the opinion of the Governor there is the breakdown of the constitutional machinery in the State. In such a case, the Governor may report the situation to the President for imposition of the Presidents Rule in that State. As the Governor exercises this power on his/her own, it is called the discretionary power of the Governor. In case the Governors report is accepted by the President, and he/she proclaims emergency under Article 356, the State Council of Ministers is removed, and the State Legislative Assembly is either dissolved or put under suspension. During
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(a) Home Minister of the State (b) Chief Justice of the High Court (c) The Council of Ministers headed by the Chief Ministers (d) Advocate-General of the State
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2. 3.
5. 6.
The above functions show that the real authority is vested with the Council of Ministers headed by the Chief Minister. The Council of Ministers is the real executive in the State. The position of the State Council of Ministers largely depends upon the strength of the ruling party in the State Assembly and the personality of the Chief Minister. The position of the Chief Minister is more powerful when his party is in power in the Centre as well. As long as the Chief Minister and his Council of Ministers enjoy the confidence of majority in the Legislative Assembly, he exercises the real executive power in the State.
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the President to impose Presidents Rule in the State. If the President is satisfied, he/she will declare emergency under Article 356, popularly known as Presidents Rule in the State. After proclamation, the State comes under the control of the Centre and the Governor acts as the Centres agent. The Council of Ministers is dismissed and Assembly (Vidhan Sabha) is dissolved or suspended. The Constitution provides that there shall be a Council of Ministers with the Chief Minister as its head to aid and advise the Governor in the exercise of his functions, except when he/ she is required by the Constitution to act on his discretion. When the Chief Minister enjoys the confidence of the majority in the State legislature, then the Governors capacity to exercise his/her discretionary powers is reduced. In such a situation the Chief Minister is the real head of the State administration and the Governor is the constitutional head. So we see that the Governor plays a dual role. As the constitutional head of the State, he/she acts on the advice of the Council of Ministers and also serves as the agent of the Central Government. The relations between the Governor and the Chief Minister are influenced by the political and constitutional conditions in the State. In normal conditions, the Governor is the ceremonial head of the State but during the Presidents Rule he/she becomes the agent of the Centre and assumes control of the State administration. Keeping the spirit of the Constitution in mind, the Governor may in a sense be the eyes and ears of the Central Government and as he/she is appointed, removed or transferred by the Centre he continues to be subservient to Centre as well as the party in power there. It may he emphasised that the job of the Governor would not be merely that of an umpire to see that the game is played according to the letter and spirit of the Constitutional provisions.
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Terminal Exercises
Q 1. Q 2. Q 3. Q 4. Q 5. Q 6. How is Governor appointed? What powers are exercised by the Governor? Does the Governor have any discretionary powers ? Mention his/her discretionary powers? What is the position and role of the Governor? How is the Council of Ministers formed in a State? Describe the functions of the Chief Minister? 145
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Q 7. Explain the relationship of the Governor with the Chief Minister?
2. Five Years 3. The Legistative Assembly 4. The Governor 5. The Council of Ministers headed by the Chief Minister.
1. (a) By the Governor; he appoints leader of the majority party, or combination of parties, in Legislative Assembly. (b)The Chief Minister. 2. (a) Chief Minister (b) Chief Minister (c) Legislative Assembly (d) The real head of the Government.
Structure of Government
India is a Union of States. It means that there is one Union Government and several State
Govermments, It also means that Union (Centre) is more powerful than States. At present there are 28 States in the Indian Union and each one of them has a Legislature. You have already read in lesson no.11 about the Parliament of India, which is the law making body at the Union level. The State Legislature is a law making body at state level. In this Lesson you will read about the composition of State Legislature, qualifications and election of their members, powers and functions of the Legislature, and comparison of the powers of two Houses of the Lagislature.
After studying this lesson, you will be able to describe the composition of Vidhan Sabha and Vidhan Parishad; recall qualifications of the Members of Legislature; explain powers and functions of State Legislature; examine relationship between both the Houses; and highlight that Vidhan Sabha is more powerful than Vidhan Parishad.
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Structure of Government
The Vidhan Parishad is partly elected and partly nominated. Most of the members are indirectly elected in accordance with the principle of proportional representation by means of single transferable vote system. Different categories of members represent different interests. The composition of the Legislative Council is as follows: i. One-third members of the Council are elected by the members of the Vidhan Sabha. 149
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ii. One-third of the members of the Vidhan Parishad are elected by the electorates consisting of members of Municipalities, District Boards and other local bodies in the State;
iii. One-twelfth members are elected by the electorate consisting of graduates in the State with a standing of three years; iv. One-twelfth members are elected by the electorate consisting of teachers of educatioal institutions within the State not lower in standard than a secondary school who have teaching experience of at least three years; v. The remaining, i.e. about one-sixth members are nominated by the Governor from amongst the persons having special knowledge in the sphere of literature, science, arts, co-operative movement and social service.
The Vidhan Parishad, like Rajya Sabha is a permanent House. It is never dissolved. The tenure of its members is six years. One-third of its members retire after every two years. The retiring members are eligible for re-election. In case of vacancy arising out of resignation or death by-election is held for the remaining period of such members tenure.
Structure of Government
14.2 Powers and Functions of The State Legislature 14.2.1 Law Making Function
The primary function of the State Legislature, like the Union Parliament, is law-making. The State Legislature is empowered to make laws on State List and Concurrent List. The Parliament and the Legislative Assemblies have the right to make the laws on the subjects mentioned in the Concurrent List. But in case of contradiction between the Union and State law on the subject the law made by the Parliament shall prevail. Bills are of two types-Ordinary bills and Money bills. Ordinary bills can be introduced in either of the Houses (if the State Legislature is bicameral), but Money bill is first introduced in the Vidhan Sabha. After the bill is passed by both Houses, it is sent to the Governor for his assent. The Governor can send back the bill for reconsideration. When this bill is passed again by the Legislature, the Governor has to give his assent. You have read when the Parliament is not in session and if there is a necessity of certain law, the President issues Ordinance. Similarly, the Governor can issue an Ordinance on the State subjects when legislature is not in session. The Ordinances have the force of law. The Ordinances issued are laid before the State Legislature when it reassembles. It ceases to be in operation after the expirty of six weeks, unless rejected by the Legislature earlier. The Legislature passes a regular bill, to become a law, to replace the ordinance. This is usually done within six weeks after reassembly of Legislature.
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by asking questions and supplementary questions, moving adjournment motions and calling attention notices.
Structure of Government
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Structure of Government
Terminal Exercises
1. Describe the composition of Vidhan Sabha (Legislative Assembly) 2. Describe the powers and functions of the State Legislature. 3. Mention the limitations of the powers of the State Legislature.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 30 years 6 years 2 years Parliament Uttar Pradesh
(A) 1. Union 2. Governor 3. 14 days 4. Vidhan Sabha (B) 1. Speaker of the State Assembly 2. State Governor 3. The President, members of Rajya Sabha and 1/3 members of Legislative Council.
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You have already read about the role of Indias highest Court called the Supreme Court.
Just below the Supreme Court, there are High Courts which are the highest courts of law in States. The High Courts are part of the Indian judiciary, and function under the supervision, guidance and control of the Supreme Court. As highest court in the State, a High Court supervises the subordinate courts in the State. The High Courts are mainly courts of appeal. These Courts hear appeals from numerous subordinate courts working at district level. The system of appointment of judges, their qualifications and the working of subordinate courts is under the direct control and supervision of the High Court of the State concerned. In this lesson you will read about the State High Courts. You will also get an idea of subordinate courts, including the District and Session Courts.
After studying this lesson, you will be able to describe the composition and organisation of the High Courts; explain the powers and jurisdiction of the High Courts; appreciate the role of the High Courts as protector of fundamental rights; and explain the working of the subordinate or lower courts.
15.1.1 Composition
There is a High Court for each State. However, there can be a common High Court for 156
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(iii) The judges of the High Court are appointed by the _____________(Governor, President, Prime Minister) (iv) The retirement age of the judges of a High Court is __________ years. (60, 62, 65)
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Civil Courts District Judge or District and Sessions Judge Sub JudgeFamily Courts Munsif Small Causes Courts
Commissioner, Collector Tehsildar Naib Tehsildar Metropolitan Magistrate Or I Class Magistrate II Class Magistrate III Class Magistrate
In each district of India there are various types of subordinate or lower courts. They are civil courts, criminal courts and revenue courts. These Courts hear civil cases, criminal cases and revenue cases, respectively. Civil cases pertain to disputes between two or more persons regarding property, breach of agreement or contract, divorce or landlord tenant disputes. Civil Courts settle these disputes. They do not award any punishment as violation of law is not involved in civil cases. Criminal cases relate to violation of laws. These cases involve theft, dacoity, rape, pickpocketing, physical assault, murder, etc. These cases are filed in the lower court by the police, on behalf of the state, againt the accused. In such cases the accused, if found guilty, is awarded punishment like fine, imprisonment or even death sentence. Revenue cases relate to land revenue on agriculture land in the district.
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Land Revenue: It is a sort of tax on agriculture land which the government collects from the farmers.
. 2. Which is the highest criminal court in a district? . 3. Fill in the blanks: (i) There can be no appeal against the decision of___________ Courts. (ii) The highest revenue court in a State is the______________.
Terminal Exercises
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Describe the composition of the High Court. How can a judge of the High Court be removed from office? Explain the original jurisdiction of the High Court. Describe the appellate jurisdiction of the High Court. How are the subordinate courts in a district organised? In what way are the powers and functions of civil courts different from criminal courts in a district?
Structure of Government
(1) Delhi (2) Death Sentence
(1) Court of the District Judge (District Court) (2) Court of the Sessions Judge (Sessions Court) (3) (i) Small Causes Courts (ii) Board of Revenue
Structure of Government
Political Science
In your day-to-day life you require such basic facilities as water supply, drainage, garbage
disposal, public health and sanitation. You may have watched such activities as installation or repairing of street lights, construction or repairing of roads or say renovation of a village tank . Who does all this? It is not the Central or the State government which immediately comes to your mind. It is the local government with which you can immediately relate yourself. In this leeson you will study about local government at various levels.
After studying this lesson, you will be able to appreciate that the local government has an important role to play both in the rural as well as urban areas; describe the salient features of the 73rd and 74th amendments of the Constitution; describe the organisation and functions of the local bodies (Urban and Rural); identify the financial resources of local bodies; explain the functions of local bodies; and evaluate the performance of Panchayati Raj institutions as instruments of democratic decentralisation (grassroots democracy).
Structure of Government
Some of the voluntary provisions which are not binding, but are expected to be observed by the States are: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Giving voting rights to members of the Union and State Legislatures in these bodies; Providing reservation for backward classes; Giving financial powers in relation to taxes, duties, tolls and fees, etc; Making the municipal bodies autonomous and devolution of powers to these bodies to perform some or all of the functions enumerated in the Twelfth Schedule added to the Constitution through this Act and/or to prepare plans for economic development.
In accordance with the 74th Amendment, municipal corporations and municipalities (municipal boards or municipal committees) are now regulated in a fairly uniform manner in all the States. However you must remember that local self-government continues to be a subject in the State List. Thus, the 73rd and 74th amendments provide framework for the States in 165
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respect of local government. Thus, each State has its own Election Commission which conducts elections to all local bodies after regular intervals of five years. Each State has its Finance Commission to regulate finances of the local bodies. Seates are reserved in the corporations and municipalities for Scheduled Castes and Tribes. One-third seats are reserved for women in all local bodies urban and rural.
16.3 Composition
The Municipal bodies are constituted of persons chosen by direct election from the territorial constituencies in the municipal area. However, the Legislature of a State may, by law, provide for the representation in a municipal body of persons having special knowledge or experience of municipal administration, the members of Rajya Sabha, Lok Sabha and the members of Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly of the State, representing constituencies, which comprise wholly or partly the Municipal area and the Chairpersons of Wards Committees. Empowerment of weaker sections of society and women by reserving seats for such groups is one of the important constitutional provisions of the Constitutional Amendment. The offices of chairperson are also be reserved for SC/ST and women. Thus at least one year, out of five year duration of Municipal Corporation of Delhi, the office of Mayor is reserved for a women, and one year is reserved for a Councillor of Scheduled Caste. It gives a term of five years to the municipalities and if any of them is to be dissolved, it must be given an opportunity of being heard. To be able to understand the composition of urban local bodies, we give below a very brief account of Municipal Corporation of Delhi. This Corporation covers entire area of Delhi, except small portion of New Delhi where seat of Union Government is situated. The Corporation has 134 elected members (Councillors). They are directly elected from single-member wards on the basis of universal adult franchise. Several seats are reserved for women and for Scheduled Castes. It is elected for 5 years. Besides, there are 15 persons nominated by the Delhi Legislative Assembly. The Corporation functions through various Committees the standing committee being the most important. The political head of the Corporation is the Mayor, elected by the Councillor for one year. A civil servant, called the Municipal Commissioner is its administrative head. Most other Corporations are generally based on this pattern.
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________________ seats are now reserved for women in local bodies. (Half/One-third/One-fourth)
State Election Commission conducts election of _________________. (State Governor/Vidhan Sabha/Municipal Corporations and Committees)
_______________ is an obligatory function of the urban local bodies. (Maintenance of orphanages/construction of houses for low income group/supply of drinking water)
______________ is the major source of income of urban local bodies. ( Property Tax/Fire Tax/Education Cess)
16.5.1 Recommendations of The Balwant Rai Mehta Committee Structure of Government and The Ashok Mehta Committee
The Balwant Rai Mehta Committee ( 1957) suggested ways of democratic decentralisation in a three-tier structure of panchayati raj. This meant that panchayati raj should be set up at three levels. They should be furnished with sufficient powers and resources. These three tiers of panchayati raj are: zila parishad at district level; panchayat samiti at intermediate or block level; village or gram panchayat at village level. In this scheme, panchayat samiti was to be the most important. These three bodies were interlinked as the lower body was represented in the higher body through its chairperson. Panchayati raj of the Balwant Rai Mehta Committee pattern was first introduced by Rajasthan in 1959. Later, other States also followed. Initially, both the people and the states were enthusiastic about Panchayati Raj. However panchayati raj institutions began to decline very soon owing to government indifference and political interference. The Ashok Mehta Committee set up by the government to review panchayati raj submitted its report in 1978. This Committee felt that panchayati raj had inculcated political awareness among rural masses. However, it had not been successful in carrying out economic development. Unlike the Balwant Rai Mehta Committee, the Asoka Mehta Committee suggested a two tier structure of panchayati raj. These two-tiers were to be: zila parishad at district level; mandal panchayat, an administrative unit between village panchayat and panchayat samiti. In the two-tier system, the main emphasis was laid on zila parishad and not on panchayat samiti as in the case of the earlier committee report. However the recommendations of the Ashok Mehta Committee could not be implemented due to the collapse of the Janata Government in 1980. The States like Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and Tamil Nadu did not hold elections to panchayats for long. At the same time, many new agencies were set up by the Central Government like -District Rural Development Agency, to take up development programmes in collaboration with the State Governments, with panchayats having no role in these programmes. They themselves hardly had any funds to take up development projects in the villages.
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creation of a three-tier Panchayati Raj Structure at the Zila, Block and Village levels; almost all posts, at all levels to be filled by direct elections; minimum age for contesting elections to the Panchayati Raj institutions be twentyone years; the post of Chairman at the Zila and Block levels should be filled by indirect election;
there should be reservation of seats for Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes in Panchayats, in proportion to their population, and for women in Panchayats up to one-third seats; State Election Commission to be set up in each State to conduct elections to Panchayati Raj institutions; the tenure of Panchayati Raj institutions is five years, if dissolved earlier, fresh elections to be held within six months; and a State Finance Commission is set up in each State every five years. (Please refer to 74th Amendment discussed above) Some of the provisions which are not binding on the States, but only guidelines are: Giving voting rights to members of the Central and State legislatures in these bodies; providing reservation for backward classes; and the Panchayati Raj institutions should be given financial powers in relation to taxes, levy fees etc. and efforts shall be made to make Panchayats autonomous bodies.
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Rs. 100 only. There are no lawyers to plead the cases in Nyaya Panchayat. Parties to the disputes argue their own cases. (ii) Panchayat Samiti The second or middle tier of the panchayati raj is Panchayat Samiti which provides a link between Gram Panchayat and a Zila Parishad. The strength of a Panchayat Samiti also depends on the population in a samiti area. In Panchayat Samiti, some members are directly elected. Sarpanchs of gram panchayats are ex-officio members of Panchayat Samitis. However, all the sarpanchs of Gram Panchayats are not members of Panchayat Samitis at the same time. The number varies from State to State and is rotated annually. It means that only chairpersons of some Gram Panchayats in a Samiti area are members of Panchayat Samiti at a time. In some panchayats, members of Legislative Assemblies and Legislative Councils as well as members of Parliament who belong to the Samiti area are co-opted as its members. Chairpersons of Panchayat Samitis are, generally elected from among the directly elected members. (iii) Zila Parishad Zila Parishad at the district level is the uppermost tier of the panchayati raj system. This institution has some directly elected members whose number differs from State to State as it is also based on population. Chairpersons of Panchayat Samitis are ex-officio members of Zila Parishads. Members of Parliament, Legislative Assemblies and Councils belonging to the districts are also nominated members of Zila Parishads. The chairperson of a Zila Pazishad, called Adhyaksha or President, is elected from among the directly elected members. The vice-chairperson is also elected similarly. Zila parishad meetings are conducted once a month. Special meetings can also be convened to discuss special matters. Subject committees are also formed. Ex-officio: A person who holds an office, not because he/she is elected to that post, but by virtue of the fact that he/she holds another office.
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4. The 73rd Amendment has provided for a __________________ finances of local bodies. to regulate the
(State Planning Board/State Election Commission/State Finance Commission) 5. The _________________ is responsible for co-ordinating developmental activities in a Panchayat Samiti areas. (District Magistrate/S.D.M./B.D.O.)
Petty disputes are settled in the rural areas by ________________ (Gram Panchayat/Nyaya Panchayat/Panchayat Samiti)
Chairpersons of Panchayat Samitis are ex-officio members of ________________. (Nyaya Panchayat/Gram Sabha/Zila Parishad)
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strengthened only by reposing faith in them, endowing them with adequate administrative and financial powers and encouraging vigilance and active participation of the people.
Structure of Government
Terminal Exercises
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. What is urban local government? What were the major reforms introduced by the 74th Constitutional Amendment? Identify the major functions of urban local bodies. Mention the important sources of income of Urban Local Bodies. Describe briefly the three-tier structure of Panchayati Raj. Briefly discuss the salient features of the 73rd Amendment of the Constitution of India. Analyse the recommendations of the Balwant Rai Mehta Committee. Evaluate the functioning of panchayats as grassroots institutions of democracy.
EXTENDED LEARNING Read 73rd and 74th (Constitutional Amendment) Acts, 1992. Visit a nearby panchayat, talk to the leaders and try to find out what the panchayat is doing in the area. Also talk to the people and enquire whether they are aware of the panchayat schemes and their functioning. What has been the role of the panchayat in the development of your village or villages nearby.
1. Mahatma Gandhi
Structure of Government
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2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Balwant Rai Mehta Panchayat Samiti State Finance Commission B.D.O. Nyaya Panchayat Gram Sabha Zila Parishad
7. 8.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Gram Panchayat Tax for the use of bridges and roads Zila Parishad To alter the social structure of villages Scarcity of resources Gram Sabha
Structure of Government
Time : 3 Hours
Answer All the questions on a seperate sheet of paper Give the following information on your answer sheet: Name Enrolment Number Subject Assignment Number Address Get your assignment checked by the subject teacher at your Study Centre so that you get positive feedback about your performance.
10. State the meaning of Satyagraha. 11. Give any two definitions of politics as the study of power. 12. Mention two distinctions between state and government. 13. Why do we need the state ? Give any two reasons. 14. Explain the liberal view of the state. 15. Write the meaning of a classless and stateless society. 16. Why did Gandhi regard ends and means as the two sides of the same coin? 17. Briefly describe the scope of Political Science. 18. Explain the term justice and mention its various dimensions
19. What is a State? Briefly explain its essential elements. 20. Write any two elements of nationality. 21. Mention the changing meaning of Political Science. 22. What is nationality? Distinguish between State and Nation. 23. Define liberalism. Explain any three tenets of liberalism. 24 What is Marxism? Is Marxism relevant today? 25. What is meant by Gandhism? Explain Gandhis role as the critic of the western civilization.
Course Objectives
To develop in the learners an interest in the theory and principles of Political Science. To provide an understanding of the underlying philosophy and the logic of the Indian Constitution. To expose the learner to the institutions and organs through which the power is structured and exercised. To develop among learners an insight into various political processes and practices. To sensitise the learners to the democratic values and emerging national and global concerns so as to enable them to become responsible citizens and agents of democratic governance. To acquaint learners with attitudes and values necessary for healthy civic and political life.
Course Structure
The present curriculum in Political Science has been divided into six core modules namely, Individual and the State, Aspects of the Constitution of India., Structure of Government, Democracy at work, Major Contemporary
Issues, as well as India and the World. Besides, the learners have to choose any one out of the two Optional Modules namely, (i) World order and the United Nations, and (ii) Administrative System in India. Each module has been divided further in the units and then into lessons. The number of lessons suggested study time and marks allotted for each unit are as follows : Unit-wise Distribution of Core Modules Number of Lessons Study hours 30 1 2 1 7 16 7 35 1 2 2 7 14 14 50 3 3 1 21 21 8 35 2 3 14 21 35 1 1 1 1 9 8 9 9 25 1 1 1 9 8 8 4 4 4 12 5 4 2 4 15 4 8 12 8 7 2 17 2 5 8 15 2 7 5 14 Marks allotted to each to each Unit modules
Module 1 : Individual and the State 1.1 Sphere of Politics 1.2 Nation, State and the Government 1.3 Major Political Theories Module 2 : Aspects of the Constitution of India 2.1 The Preamble and the Salient Features 2.2 Rights, Duties and Directive Principles of State Policy 2.3 Federalism and Emergency Provisions Module 3 : Structure of Government 3.1 Union Government 3.2 State Government 3.3 Local Government Module 4 : Democrace at work 4.1 Election in India 4.2 Political Parties and Pressure Groups Module 5 : Major Contemporary Issues 5.1 Communalism; Caste and Reservations 5.2 Environmental Awareness 5.3 Good Governance 5.4 Human Rights Module 6 : India and the World 6.1 Indias Foreign Policy and Indias Role 6.2 Indias relations with USA and Russia 6.3 India and its neighbors-China, Pakistan and Sri Lanka
Optional Modules (The learner have to choose any one of the following modules) Units wise Distribution of Core Modules Number of Lesson Study hours 30 1 1 2 OR 8 8 14 OR 2 5 8 OR 15 OR Marks allotted to each to each Unit modules
Module 1 : World Order and the United Nations 1.1 Contemporary World Order 1.2 United Nations : Principal Organs and their Functions 1.3 United Nations Peace and Development Activities or Module 2 : Administrative System in India 1.1 Public Service Commission : Union and States 1.2 Administrative Machinery at the Center, States and District level 1.3 Political Executive, Bureaucracy & Redressal of Public Grievances Total 1 1 2
8 8 14 240 hrs.
5 15 2 8 100
Course Description
Module 1 : Individual and the State Approach : This module aims at acquainting the learners with the concept and their meaning such as politics and Political Science. It seeks to familiarize the learners with various concepts related to citizen, nation, state and government. The module also emphasizes upon the major political theories so that an understanding could be developed among learners about Liberalism, Marxism and Gandhism. 1.1 Sphere of Politics Distinction between Politics and Political Science Concepts of citizen, society, state and nations Nation, State and Government Concept of nation State : meaning and elements Distinction between society, nation, state and government Major Political Theories Liberalism Marxism Gandhism
Module 2 : Aspects of the Constitution of India Approach : This module aims at giving an understanding of the ideals and principles that have been incorporated in the Preamble of the Indian Constitution. It has also been designed to develop among learners an insight into the Fundamental Rights and Duties enshrined in the Constitution. It highlights the importance of Fundamental Duties in a citizens life. Learners are expected to understand the directions and instructions given in the Constitution to the governments, whether Union or States, to follow while framing policies and programmes. These constitutional directions are aimed at establishing a welfare State in India. Further, the module explains how various features of federalism are incorporated in the centre state relationship. Besides, through this module learners are given an understanding of the emergency provisions to meet any national crisis situation. 2.1 The Preamble and the Salient Features The Constituent Assembly The Preamble Salient Features Supportive Audio/Video Programme An audio programme bringing out the ideals and principles enshrined in the Preamble. 2.2 Rights, Duties and Directive Principles of State Policy Fundamental Rights Fundamental Duties Directive Principles of State Policy Supportive Audio/Video Programme A film identifying and explaining the Fundamental Rights : A film identifying and explaining the ten fundamental duties (Article 51 A). 2.3 Federalism and Emergency Provisions Federalism in India Centre-State Relations Emergency Provisions Supportive Audio and Video Programme Right to Equality Right to Freedom Right to Freedom of Religions Right against Exploitation Cultural and Educational Rights Right to Constitutional Remedies
Module 3 : Structure of Government Approach : The purpose of this module is to acquaint the learner with the three organs of government at the Union and State levels in India and their functionaries. The module also deals with structure and functions of Panchayati Raj System and Urban Local Government. 3.1 Union Government President, Prime Minister and the Council of Ministers Parliament : Composition of the two Houses, their functions and relationship Supreme Court : Structure and jurisdiction, Judicial Review and PIL
Supportive Audio/Video Programme A film showing the parliamentary procedure as actually staged in a youths parliament by a shcool or institution 3.2 State Government Governor, Chief Minister and the Council of Ministers State Legislature : Composition and functions High Courts, subordinate courts and Lok Adalat Local Government Panchayati Raj System Urban local-government
Supportive Audio/Video Programme An audio programme explains the Panchayati Raj System Module 4 : Democracy at work Approach : This module has been designed to bring awareness about the functioning of democracy in India. It seeks to impart information about the electoral system in the country. It also highlights the importance of universal adult franchise and the role of political parties both at the national and the regional level in making the Indian democracy a success. It throws light on the importance and role of Election Commission in conducting free and fair elections in the country. 4.1 Election in India Universal Adult Franchise and Methods of Representation Election Commission-Composition, Functions and Role Electoral Process and Electoral Reforms
Supportive Audio/Video Programme A film showing elections in India filling nomination till the declaration of results. Regionalism and Regional Parties Pressure Groups Public Opinion and the Media Supportive Audio/Video Programme An audio explaining policies and programmes of major political parties (national parties only)
Module 5 : This module provides the learners an opportunity to reflect on various emerging national and global concerns. Under the module the concerns and issues that are included are communalism, caste and reservation, environmental awareness, good governance and human rights. 5.1 Communalism, Caste and Reservations Meaning, causes and impact of Communalism Casteism in Indian Politics Policy and Politics of Reservation
Supportive Audio/Video Programme An audio programme bringing out the nature of the problems pertaining to communalism in India. 5.2 Environmental Awareness Environmental Degradation Environmental protection efforts, governmental and non-governmental Good Governance Concept of Good Governance Hindrances to Good Governance Measures towards Good Governance
Supportive Audio/Video Programme an audio programme highlighting corruption and population growths as hindrances to good governances. 5.4 Human Rights Meaning and development of Human Rights Violations of Human Rights Measures to protect Human Rights
Supportive Audio/Video Programme An audio programmes on the nature and significance of Human Rights, and highlighting human rights violations in India. Module 6 : This module has been designed to make the learners aware of Indias foreign policy and its increasing role in World politics. This module explains the objectives and principles of Indias foreign policy. It also explains Indias role in the United Nations and its committment to world peace through this international forum i.e. United Nation. This module also analyses Indias relations with two major powers viz. U.S.A. and Russia and also with three of her neighbours i.e. China, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. 6.1 Aims and principles of Indias Foreign Policy Non-alignment in Indias Foreign Policy Indias role in the UN
Supportive Audio/Programme An audio programme highlighting major principles of Indias foreign policy and bringing out a discussion on some major foreign policy issues such as Kashmir and the nuclear policy. 6.2 Indias relations with USA and Russia Indias relations with USA
India with Russia relations India and its neighbors-China, Pakistan and Sri Lanka Major issues in India-China relations India-Pakistan relations India-Sri Lanka relations
Optional Module 1 : World Order and the United Nations Approach : This module has been designed to enable the learners to understand the postcold war contemporary world order. The learners will also be introduced to the role and working of the United Nations and its principal organs. It also explains the peaceactivities of the United Nations. The module also highlights significance of major United Nations agencies as instruments of socio-economic development. 1.1 Contemporary World Order Bi-polarity, unipolarity and multipolarity Wars, violence and terrorism Economic inequalities and globalisation United Nations : Principle organs and their Functions Purposes and Principles of United Nations Major organs and their functions
Supportive Audio/Video Programme A film on the principle organs of the United Nations and their functions. 1.3 United Nations Peace and Development Activities United Nations activities for peace Agencies concerned with Soci-Economic Development
Supportive Audio/Video Programme A film on some major United Nations agencies and their role. Optional Module 2 : Administrative System in India Approach : This module provides an understanding of the administrative system in India by focusing firstly on the founding or Public Service Commissions at the Union and State levels and secondly analysing the administrative machinery at the centre, state and district levels. The module also deals with the role of bureaucracy, its relationship with the political executive and mechanism for redressel of public grievances. 1.1 Public Service Commission : Union and States Significance of Civil Services UPSC, State PSCs and Joint PSCs
Supportive Audio/Video Programme 1.2 Administrative machinery at the Center, States and District level
An audio programme on the role and importance of Public Service Commissions in India-at the central and state levels. 1.2 Administrative machinery at the Center, States and District level Prime Ministers Office and Central Secretariat State Secretariat 187
District Administration Supportive Audio/Video Programme An audio programme explain of the adminstrative machinery at the centre, states and district levels. 1.3 Political Executive and Bureaucracy and Redressal of Public Grievances Role of Bureaucracy in Development Relationship between Bureaucracy and Political Executive Administrative reforms and redressal of public grievances
Scheme of Evaluation
The learners will be evaluated through Public Examination and through continuous and comprehensive evaluation in the form of Tutor Marked Assignments (TMAs). Mode of Evaluation Public/Final Examination TMA-I or TMA-II TMA-III (Compulsory) Duration 3 Hours Self - paced Self - paced Marks 100 25 25 Paper 1
The awards/grades of TMA will be reflected in the marksheet separately. This will not be considered for inclusion in overall grading in the Public Examination
Democracy at Work
n an earlier lesson, you have studied that the opening words of the Preamble to the Indian I Constitution are: We, the people of India. What do these words signify? These words mean that the ultimate authority resides in the people themselves. People exercise authority through the representatives elected by them. These representatives conduct the functions of the government in accordance with the wishes of the people. People govern themselves through their elected representatives. In a country which is vast and has a large population, the establishment of direct democracy is an impossible task, except in some cases at the local level of governance. That is why all modern democracies have representative governments, that is governments elected by the people. In these democracies all adults have the right to elect their representatives. The right to vote is called franchise, or suffrage.
After studying this lesson, you will be able to comprehend the meaning of universal adult franchise; explain the significance of universal adult franchise; recall that the minimum age for the right to vote differs from country to country; recall that in India minimum voting age is 18 years; identify the various methods of representation.
Democracy at Work
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free exercise of the right to choose ones representatives. Adult franchise means that the right to vote should be given to all adult citizens without the discrimination of caste, class, colour, religion or sex.
It is based on equality which is a basic principle of democracy. It demands that the right to vote should be equally available among all. To deny any class of persons from exercising this right is to violate their right to equality. In fact, the spirit of democracy can be maintained only if the people are given the right to vote without any discrimination. The exercise of right to vote adds to the individuals self-respect, dignity, sense of responsibility, and political and civic education. In other words, the system of adult franchise is the bedrock of a democratic system. People are called political sovereign because they possess the right to vote a government into power, or to vote a government out of power. That is why democracy has sometimes been described as a mode of appointing, controlling and dismissing governments by the people. As provided for, in the Constitution of the land, the citizens cast their votes at regular intervals to elect their representatives to the Parliament, to the Legislative Assemblies, and such other institutions as are essential organs of political power in a democracy. These institutions are called representative institutions precisely because they represent the will of the peoples.
Democracy at Work
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c) 21 years d) 25 years 4. Switzerland introduced Universal Adult Franchise in the year a) 1914 b) 1945
c) 1928 d) 1971
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Democracy at Work
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be removed through proportional representation system. There are two methods by which proportional representation is secured. 1. The Single Transferable Vote System It is also called the Hare system or the Andrae Scheme. According to the single transferable vote system each voter can cast only one vote which can be transferred to other candidates, if necessary, according to the preference of the voter. Therefore, this system is also called the preferential system. This system works under following conditions: (a) (b) Every constituency should be a multi-member constituency, electing three or more members. A voter has only single effective vote which may be cast in order of preference first, second, third or as many preferences as there are candidates. The voter writes 1, 2, 3 and so on against the names of the candidates of his choice. But the voter cannot cast all his preferences in favour of only one candidate. In order to be elected, a candidate must secure a certain quota of votes. The quota is determined by dividing the total votes cast by the number of seats in the constituency.
(c) (d)
Quota =
For instance, if the number of seats in a constituency is 3 and total number of votes cast is 20,000. The quota will be
The counting of votes begins with the first preference votes. A candidate securing the prescribed quota on the basis of the first preference votes is declared elected, and his surplus votes, if any, are transferred to the candidates having second preference indicated on the ballot papers and so on. If one or more seats are left vacant because some candidates do not secure the required quota, the candidates getting least number of votes are eliminated and their votes are transferred according to the preferences of the voters. This system has been adopted in India for the election of the members of the Rajya Sabha and State Legislative Councils. This method is also followed for the election of President of India. 2. List System This is another method of proportional representation. Under this system, large multimember constituencies are formed and many candidates are elected from each constituency. Each political party submits a list of its candidates for election from a particular constituency. A voter votes not to individuals but to the lists of candidates of different political parties. These votes are indivisible. If 4 representatives are to be elected from the
Democracy at Work
Democracy at Work
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3. 4. 5.
Terminal Exercises
1. 2. 3. Explain the meaning and significance of Universal Adult Franchise. What is a simple majority system? Explain. Describe the system of proportional representation. What are the two methods of ensuring proportional representation?
Democracy at Work
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Simple Majority System General Ticket System Territorial Single Transferable Vote System and List System Cumulative vote system and Limited vote plan.
Structure of Government
Political Science
Elections enable every adult citizen of the country to participate in the process of
government formation. You must have observed that elections are held in our country frequently. These include elections to elect members of the Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha, State Legislative Assemblies (Vidhan Sabhas) Legislative Councils (Vidhan Parishad) and of, President and Vice-President of India. Elections are also held for local bodies such as municipalities, municipal corporations and Panchayati Raj justifications. If you have attained the age of 18, you must have voted in some of these elections. If not, you will have the opportunity to vote in the next round of elections. These elections are held on the basis of universal adult franchise, which means all Indians of 18 years of age and above have the right to vote, irrespective of their caste, colour, religion, sex or place of birth. Election is a complex exercise. It involves schedules rules and machinery. This lesson will give you a clear picture of the voting procedure, as also about filing of nominations, their scrutiny and the campaigns carried out by the parties and the candidates before actual polling. In this lesson you will read about the Election Commission, electoral system in India and also some suggestions for electoral reforms.
After studying this lesson, you will be able to describe the composition of the Election Commission of India; enumerate the functions the Election Commission and explain its role; recall the procedure of election from the announcement of schedule, to the declaration of the result; mention various stages in the electoral process; recognise the poll-related officers and describe their functions; identify the drawbacks and need for electoral reforms; suggest the electoral reforms and those already carried on.
Structure of Government
18.1.1 Composition
The Election Commission consists of the Chief Election Commissioner and such other Election Commissioners as may be decided by the President from time to time. Ever since the first Chief Election Commissioner was appointed in 1950, there was no other Election Commissioner till 1989. The Chief Election Commissioner was assisted by a larger number of officials. The Election Commission became a multi-member body on 16 October 1989 when the President appointed two more Election Commissioners. The senior of the two Election Commissioners is appointed as the Chief Election Commissioner.
The task of delimiting constituencies is generally performed by the Delimitation Commission consisting of five serving or retired judges of the Supreme Court and the Chief Election Commissioner who is its ex-officio member. All secretarial assistance (at all levels, national, state, district) is provided to the Delimitation Commission by the Election Commission. The Delimitation Commission is constituted by the Government from time to time. 199
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Election to constitute a new Lok Sabha or Assembly is called General Election. If at any time there is a mid-term vacancy due to the death or resignation of a member either in Lok Sabha or Legislative Assembly only one seat falls vacant. The election for that seat is known as by-election. If the Lok Sabha or State Assembly is dissolved before completion of five years and the election is held to constitute new Lok Sabha or new State Assembly, etc. is called midterm election.
Mid-term Election
The revision is carried out from house to house by the enumerators appointed by Election Commission and all eligible voters are registered. A person can be registered as a voter if he/she fulfils the following conditions: 1. 2. 3. He/she is a citizen of India. He/she is 18 years of age. He/she is resident of the constituency.
Structure of Government
Structure of Government
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2. The Chief Election Commissioner is appointed by: a) b) c) d) The Chief Justice of India The President The Law Minister The Prime Minister
Fill in the blanks : 3. The Chief Election Commissioner is appointed for _______ years. (four/five/six) 4. The procedure for the removal of Chief Election Commissioner is the same as that of the _______________ . (Speaker of the Lok Sabha/Judge of the Supreme Court/ The Prime Minister of India) 5. Match the following symbols with the respective Political Parties: a) b) c) BJP Indian National Congress Telgu Desam Cycle Lotus Hand
6. Which of the following is referred to as Mid-term election ? a) b) c) the election held in middle of the year the election held out of schedule the election held any time during the term when ruling party loses a vote of confidence.
7. Which of the following is essential to be voter? a) b) c) the person should be 21 years of age the person should be a citizen of India the person should have passed secondary examination
Structure of Government
The second day after the scrutiny of nomination papers is the last date for the withdrawal of the candidates. In case that day happens to be a holiday or Sunday, the day immediately after that is fixed as the last day for the withdrawal.
Structure of Government
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iii. iv. Door to door appeal by influential people in the party. Broadcasting and telecasting of speeches by various political leaders.
(ii) Such speeches should not be delivered in a way to create hatred among different communities belonging to different religions, castes and languages, etc. (iii) Official machinery should not be used for election work. (iv) No new grants can be sanctioned, no new schemes or projects can be started once the election dates are announced. (v) One cannot misuse mass media for partisan coverage.
Structure of Government
The sealed ballot boxes or EVMs are shifted in tight security to the counting centre. Counting takes place under the supervision of the Returning Officer and in the presence of candidates and their agents. If there is any doubt about the validity or otherwise of a vote, decision of the Returning Officer is final. As soon as counting is over, the candidate securing the maximum number of votes is declared elected (or returned) by the Returning Officer. Re-poll If at the time of polling, a booth is captured by some anti-social elements, the Election Commission may order holding of re-poll in either the entire constituency or particular booths. Countermanding of Election. If a duly nominated candidate belonging to a recognised party dies at any time after the last date of nomination and before the commencement of polling, the Election Commission orders countermanding the elections. This is not just postponement of polling. The entire election process, beginning from nominations is initiated afresh in the concerned constituency.
Structure of Government
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c) 2. President
Which day is the last date for filing nominations? a) b) c) 4th day 5th day 7th day
Nomination papers should be duly proposed and seconded by: a) b) c) d) 2 voters of the concerned constituency. 3 voters of any constituency 4 voters of the concerned constituency. 6 voters of the concerned constituency.
Campaigning is stopped a) b) c) 12 hours before the polling. 24 hours before the polling. 48 hours before the polling.
The polling booth is manned by the a) b) c) Polling Officers Returning Officer Presiding Officer
The Electronic Voting Machine can accommodate a maximum of: a) b) c) 10 candidates 16 candidates 20 candidates
Structure of Government
Structure of Government
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3. 4. The photo identity cards have been introduced to eradicate bogus voting or impersonation. With the introduction of Electronic Voting Machine (EVM) the voting capturing, rigging, and bogus voting may not be possible. The use of EVM will in the long run result in reducing the cost of holding elections and also the incidence of tampering during counting of votes. If a discrepancy is found between the member of votes polled and number of total votes counted, the Returning officer away report the matter forthwith to Election Commission. Election Commission on such report may either declare the poll at the particular polling station as void and give a date for fresh poll or countermand election in that constituency.
There is no doubt that India needs drastic poll reforms but still the fact remains that Indian elections have been largely free and fair and successfully conducted. It gives the country the proud distinction of being the largest democracy in the world.
Structure of Government
Terminal Exercises
1. 2. 3. What are the functions of Election Commission of India? Explain briefly the electoral process followed during Lok Sabha or Assembly Elections. Write in brief the shortcomings of electoral system in India. Suggest reforms for improving the system.
1. c) 6. a) 2. c) 7. b) 3. c) 4. a) 5. c)
1. a) Money power b) Muscle power c) Role of Caste and religion d) Misuse of government machinery 2. i) Lowering of voting age
Structure of Government
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iii) Introduction of Photo Identity Card iv) Introduction of Electronic Voting Machines
In the previous lessons you have read about the methods of representation and the electoral
process. In this lesson you will study about political parties. Political parties exist in every democratic society and even in authoritarian systems. In a political system, parties act as the carrier of ideas, opinions and approaches to social needs and national goals. Parties provide a link between the citizens and the government, between the electorate and the representative institutions. In fact a successful democracy requires a healthy party-system for its sustenance. Political parties are instruments through which citizens choose those who constitute the government. They explain merits and dangers of alternate policies and provide political education to the citizens.
After studying this lesson, you will be able to recognise the importance of political parties; identify the different types of party system; recall the features of Indian party-system; distinguish between national and regional parties; describe the ideals and objectives of major national parties; appreciate the role of these national parties in sustaining Indias democratic system.
Political Science
acquire and retain political power. Political parties which run the government are called the ruling party. In a coalition government, there may be more than one ruling party. Those who sit in the opposition and criticise and analyse the performance of the ruling party/ parties generally or on specific issues are called opposition parties. A political party as such should have the following essential features: i) it must be an organised body of people with a formal membership; it must have clearly spelt out policies and programmes;
iii) its members should agree with its ideology, policies and programmes; iv) it must aim at getting power through the democratic process; v) it must have a clear and acceptable leadership; and
vi) it must focus on broad issues and major areas of government policies.
Political Science
of Indian party system which began in 1989 and is still continuing has been aptly called a phase of coalition politics. No single party has been able to form government on its own at the Centre.
2. The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) was formed in 1980. Since then it has extended its influence in the Hindi belt, Gujarat and Maharashtra. Since 1989, it has been trying to extend its base in South India also. Since its formation in 1980, the BJP has been increasing its number of seats in the Lok Sabha gradually. In 1984, general elections it secured only two seats. In 1989 the number of seats increased to 88. In 1991 general elections BJPs strength in the Lok Sabha increased to 122 which rose to 161 in the 1996 elections. In 1998 it won 180 seats and in 1999 its 215
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number in Lok Sabha increased to 182. In the 1999 general elections, BJP contested as an alliance partner in the National Democratic Alliance (NDA). In the recent 2004 general elections BJP as an alliance of NDA could not get the required majority. It is playing the role of the opposition party. The BJP has emerged as a significant national party but its support base as yet is limited to certain areas, rather than spread all over India. 3. The Communist Parties
The two communist parties are the Communist Party of India (CPI) and the Communist Party of India (Marxist) [CPI(M)]. Next to the Congress, the Communist Party is the oldest in India. The communist movement began in the early twenties and the Communist Party was founded in 1925. The communists participated in the national movement, though often they had serious differences with the Congress. The communists assert that the people should be economically equal and the society should not be divided into classes of rich and poor. The workers and peasants and other toiling people who do most of the productive work for the society, should be given due recognition and power. The communists were the main opposition in the Lok Sabha throughout the Nehru Era. In the first Lok Sabha they had 26 members, in the second and the third Lok Sabha, they had 27 and 29 members respectively. In 1957, the CPI won absolute majority in the Kerala Assembly and formed the first Communist government in India. In the early sixties specially after the Chinese aggression of 1962 there were serious differences among the members of the Communist Party. As a result, the party split into two. Those who broke away from CPI, formed CPI(M) in 1964. The CPI(M)s main support base has been concentrated in West Bengal, Kerala and Tripura, though it has registered its presence in Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Maharashtra, Orissa and Punjab. The CPI has its pockets of influence in states like Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Manipur, Orissa, Pondicherry, Punjab, etc. Moreover CPI has been a part of the left front coalition in Kerala and West Bengal. In the Lok Sabha elections of 2004, both the CPI and the CPI (M) were alliance partners of the Congress. They are supporting the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government at the Centre from outside. 4. Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) The BSP acquired the status of a national party in 1996. The BSP champions the cause of those sections which belong to low castes, deprived groups and minorities. In fact, these sections of Indian society (the Bahujan Samaj) form the majority of the Indian population. The BSP believes that this samaj should be freed from the exploitation of the upper castes and by forming their own government. BSPs influence lies in states like Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Punjab. In 1995 and 1997 BSP was a partner in the coalition governments in Uttar Pradesh.
Terminal Exercises
1. 2. Describe the essential features of a political party. Discuss about the major National Political Parties of India.
(a) (b) (c) one-party system multi-party system conservative and labour parties
(a) (b) (c) (d) one-party dominance authoritarian coalitional politics thirteen
(a) (b) (c) (d) four national regional regional
Political Science
(a) (b) (c) 1885 common people 1975
(a) (b) (c) 2 Kerala Uttar Pradesh
One of the notable features of the Indian Party System is the presence of a large
number of regional parties. By regional party we mean a party which generally operates within a limited geographical area and its activities are confined only to a single or handful of states. Further as compared to the broad ranging diverse interests of national parties, the regional parties represent the interest of a particular area. In simple words, regional parties differ from All India parties both in terms of their outlook as well as the interests they pursue. Their activities are focused on specific issues concerning the region and they operate within the limited area. They merely seek to capture power at the state or regional level and do not aspire to control the national government. It is noteworthy that in India, the number of regional parties is much larger than the national parties and some of the States are being ruled by the regional parties, viz., Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Assam, Jammu & Kashmir etc.
After studying this lesson, you will be able to analyse the factors responsible for the growth of regionalism; determine the factors instrumental for the growth of regional parties; create awareness about the role of regional parties; distinguish a regional party from a national party.
Political Science
background. The negative sense regionalism is a great threat to the unity and integrity of the country. In the Indian context generally the term regionalism has been used in the negative sense. The feeling of regionalism may arise either due to the continuous neglect of a particular area or region by the ruling authorities or it may spring up as a result of increasing political awareness of backward people that have been discriminated against. Quite often some political leaders encourage the feeling of regionalism to maintain their hold over a particular area or group of people.
Political Science
4. The desire of regional elites to capture power has also led to rise of regionalism. It is well known that political parties like DMK, AIADMK, Akali Dal, Telugu Desam Asom Gana Parishad etc., have encouraged regionalism to capture power. The interaction between the forces of modernisation and mass participation have also largely contributed to the growth of regionalism in India. As the country is still away from realising the goal of a nation state, the various groups have failed to identify their group interests with national interests, hence the feeling of regionalism has persisted. The growing awareness among the people of backward areas that they are being discriminated against has also promoted feeling of regionalism. The local political leaders have fully exploited this factor and tried to feed the people with the idea that the Central Government was deliberately trying to maintain regional imbalances by neglecting social and economic development of certain areas.
Political Science
Terminal Exercises
1. 2. 3. Explain the meaning of regionalism? Why is it dangerous? Discuss the different forms of regionalism? Discuss the role of regional parties?
(1) True (2) True
(1) Regionalism (2) 19471967 (3) Central, Regional (4) Cause
(1) c (2) d
Democracy at Work
he views, interests and aspirations of the people constitute the core of the democratic T system. There are certain groups or associations that try to influence the decision-making or policy formulation by the government in accordance with their specific interests. Such groups are called pressure groups. The government that represents the people carries on administration in accordance with the public opinion expressed by the people. In fact, democracy derives its authority from the people. It seeks peoples opinion on various issues of common interest. Infact, no government whether it is democratic or not, can afford to ignore the public opinion and pressure groups. Every government respects the feelings of the public. It is always keen to know their response to various issues that are directly or indirectly related to them. In any political system, public opinion and pressure groups play a very significant role. We shall discuss various aspects of public opinion and pressure groups in this lesson.
After studying this lesson, you will be able to explain the meaning and characteristics of public opinion ; recognize the significance and role of public opinion ; learn about various agencies that contribute to the formation of public opinion ; identify the hindrances to the formation of healthy public opinion ; appreciate the significance of pressure groups in India ; differentiate between a pressure group and a political party ; evaluate public opinion and pressure groups with special reference to India.
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of the people. But public exactly does not mean people. There is no single public. In fact, there are several public. The total people as a whole do not constitute one single homogeneous public, having similar views or opinion. The public is not a fixed body of individuals. The term public means a section of society, sharing common interests. It holds similar views and opinions on matters of public concern. It is therefore, not necessary that public opinion will be the opinion of all the people. It is not even the opinion of the majority. As there are many publics, there are also different opinions and different problems. Public opinion necessarily reflects diversity of opinion.
It is also important to understand that public opinion is not the opinion of an individual, though he or she may be a highly respected person. It is not a private opinion. It is also not an expert opinion, irrespective of the wisdom of the expert. Public opinion is an organised and considered opinion of a section or many sections of the people on any public issue or concern. It is genuinely both public and opinion. It is neither a propaganda nor a public relations exercise.
Public opinion is not the unanimous opinion but there is a general agreement on the issue. It may change with the circumstances, time and new information.
Democracy at Work
Democracy at Work
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(c) Governments today_____________concious of international public opinion. (are/ are not) II. Mark True or False : (a) The government can easily afford to ignore public opinion. (b) Public opinion keeps a check on the arbitrary acts of the government. (True/False) (c) Public opinion has no impact on protection of rights and liberties. (d) International relations are influenced by public opinion. (True/False) (True/False) (True/False)
Democracy at Work
21.3.2 Press
The print media includes newspaper, periodicals, pamphlets, journals, leaflets etc. Press or print media supplies the news regarding all political and social happenings in the world. It throws a flood of light on current issues. In fact press is regarded as the watchdog of democracy by carrying the voice of the public to the government. People express their criticism or support in the form of articles, or comments through press. Hence, make the government responsible and answerable.In fact, government also propagates its policies and programmes through media. It tries to highlight its achievements to make public opinion in its favour.
21.3.4 Cinema
Cinema has been the traditional medium of entertainment and awareness. The cinema caters to the artistic and intellectual needs of the people. It cultivates new ideas and norms in the society on political and social problems. Feature films and documentary films have their natural impact on the thinking of the people. This audio visual method can even influence the illiterates.
Democracy at Work
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There have been instances when these opinion polls have not been able to analyse the situation correctly and the results or predictions have been falsified. But they surely have significant influence on public opinion.
(d) Opinion poll is the barometer to check the satisfaction of public towards government. (True/False) (e) Electronic media acts as a mirror of social life. (f) Public does not take interest in local and national affairs. II. Fill in the blanks : (a) Television and Radio play an important part in moulding the opinion of the _____________ masses also. (educated/uneducated) (True/False) (True/False)
Democracy at Work
Democracy at Work
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(b) The people and political parties in democracy have to rise above the feelings of ________________ and _________________. (castes and communities / secularism and patriotism) (c) Sound and healthy public opinion demands economically _______________ society. (balanced/imbalanced)
(b) Pressure groups are different from ___________ as they do not contest election. (political parties, non voluntary groups) (c) Pressure groups help in mobilizing the __________. (public opinion/ political parties) (d) The method and style of work of the pressure groups ___________ (vary/ is same) in different political systems. (e) The political culture and attitudes of leaders and people__________ (affect/ do not affect) the working of the Pressure Groups. 232
Democracy at Work
(a) Professional Pressure Groups: - This category includes the pressure groups that are formed by the employees of a particular occupation or profession for the protection of their interests. The big business houses with their vast outlay of resources, availability of technical and managerial personnel and due to close links elite groups in government, media, administration and opposition parties have always had the most organized and powerful pressure groups at their command.
Several big business houses have a powerful lobby in the parliament and in the legislature. They also have representatives and Public Relations Officers who keep in touch with administration and top bureaucracy. The largest and the most influencial organization of private capital in India is the FICCI. It represents more than 40,000 firms. It has a large business corporate world with it. The political parties are dependent on it for funds. In turn they serve their interests in giving them the concession in the form of trade, tariff, investment tax etc. In the contemporary scenario of globalisation and liberalization, the role of FICCI is all the more important. The government seeks the suggestions and advice of this group particularly on major policy issues of economical and commercial nature. The other known business groups like ASSOCHAM i.e. Associated Chambers of Commerce, Confederation of Indian Industries.(CII) the Tatas, Birlas, DCM, Dalmia and Hindustan Lever etc. They all try to influence the industrial policies and laws of the government.
Democracy at Work
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Professional pressure groups also includes Trade Unions, Peasant organizations, Teachers and students organizations and also other association like All India Medical Association, All India Postal & Telegraph Workers Union etc. Thus, the influence of big business on financial, industrial and commercial politics of the country over the years has been considerable. The history of Trade Unions and Peasant Organisations dates back to the period before independence. All India Trade Union Congress (AITUC) was formed in 1920 with the objective to promote socio economic interests of the working class. Hind Mazdoor Sangh, Centre of India Trade unions (CITU) are the examples of these types of Trade Unions. The other trade unions in other parts of the country in electricity, water, banks, insurance etc. are somewhat affiliated to the All India organisations. It has been observed that political parties have been exploiting the farmers and the peasants for their own interests. So there was a call for them to unite to get their interests fulfilled. They all want their interest in the field of agriculture should be duly protected. Their chief objectives include getting higher prices for agriculture products, subsidy for fertilizers availability of loans and manures etc. Farmers organizations like Bhartiya Kisan Union in Haryana, U.P. and Punjab, Karnataka Rajya Sabha etc. influence the decisions of the government in the agricultural field. They also contribute to the sharpening of national awareness and class- consciousness. They do not have the money power of the capital but have the will and solidarity to work for the upliftment of the downdrodden. In the educational field also the students, the teachers, non-vocational staff (school, college, university) have their unions to mobilize the public opinion and also to influence the government for their protection of their interests like, P.F., Gratuity, Bonus, LTC Facility, Leaves opening of more professional institutions, adequate transporation facilities, fee structure etc. e.g. National Students Union of India, Bhartiya Janata Yuva Morcha, All India Teachers Association, All India Students Union, Delhi University Students Union etc. (b) Socio Cultural Pressure Groups: There are various kinds of socio cultural pressure groups which are concerned with community service and the promotion of the interests of the whole community. Also there are a few for the promotion of their language and religion. Examples are given below: Arya Pratinidhi Sabha, Jan Sewa Sangh, Rama Krishna Mission, Arya Samaj, Jamat-IIslami, Rashtriya Sawayam Sewak Sangh, Vishwa Hindu Parishad, Shiromani Gurudwara Prabandhak Committee, Parsee Anymans, Young Men Christian Association, Bajrang Dal, Sanskrit Sahitya Academy, Panjabi Academy, Marathi Sangh, Bhartiya Adim Jati Sangh, Sernarthi of People Society. (c) Institutional Pressure Groups: There are certain pressure groups that are working within the governmental machinery itself. They influence the government policies in their favour without directly getting involved in the political system. The pressure groups like Civil Services Association, Police Welfare organization, Gazetted Officers Union, Defence Personnel Association, Army Officers organizations Red Cross Society etc. all came under this category. The decision on matters such as transfers-leave rules, adequate D.A. due to inflation, allocation of duties etc. are influenced by these pressure groups. Although their activities are public, they remain very active within the system.
Democracy at Work
Democracy at Work
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Democracy at Work
Terminal Exercises
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Define Public Opinion. Examine the role of public opinion in the democratic system of India. Describe the various agencies of public opinion. Analyse the hindrances in the formation of sound public opinion. On what basis do we classify the pressure groups in India? Discuss the role of pressure groups. Evaluate the methods adopted by the pressure groups in India.
I. (a) public opinion (b) watchdog (c) are II. (a) False 237
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(b) True (c) False (d) True
I (a) True (b) False (c) False (d) True (e) True (f) False II. (a) uneducated (b) natural (c) audience
(a) impartial and free (b) castes and communities (c) balanced
(a) pressure (b) political parties (c) public opinion (d) vary (e) affect
(a) public (b) government and citizens (c) political institutions
(a) extremist (b) strong (c) publicity 238
Democracy at Work
Major Contemporary Issues
Political Science
In a democratic system, it is quite common that people use different methods for expressing
solidarity and achieving political power. In a country like India, politics has been dominated by promoting communalism and castism. The social diversities and disparities in our country are understood in terms of the existence of many groups linked to a caste or religion. Tensions have prevailed for long among them due to suspicion, economic deprivation and social dissemination. Playing up these factors and pitting one group against another describes the politics of communalism and castism. These trends have vitiated not only the democratic process at the time of election, but have also become serious obstacles to good governance, economic development and social harmony. For upliftment of the backward and downtrodden classes, provision has been made for reservation. In this lesson, we will understand the use of caste and religious identity, its significance and also effects on Indian political system.
After studying this lesson, you will be able to explain the meaning of communalism ; describe the impact of communalism on Indian Politics ; explain various factors behind communal violence ; explain the role of caste in our society ; describe the impact of casteism upon the Indian electoral system ; describe the reservation policy and the rationale behind it ; describe the various constitutional provisions for reservation ; recognise the importance of womens reservation ; analyse reservation policy in the context of electoral politics. 240
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Major Contemporary Issues
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between traders of different communities often leads to such violence. Large cities are also prone to periodic communal riots because of the power of smugglers and criminal gangs. The communal violence after the demolition of the Babri Masjid in 1993 is an example. Secondly, communal riots occur in towns which have a history of communal riots. Aligarh and Hydrabad, among other cities, suffer from this trend. Presence of a large proportion of religious minorities increases political rivalry between the upper strata of both these communities who often appeal to their communal identity to gain support. Whatever may be the cause of communal violence, whenever it occurs, it immediately attracts attention of the nation. In our society class identities still remain submerged under caste and communal identities. With economic problems becoming important, the ruling elite of our country manages to convert economic problems like poverty unemployment, price rise etc. into caste and communal ones. People should be careful not to be influenced by such tactics. Economic problems of the people, like-poverty and unemployment must be resolved in the country before the problem of communal violence can be totally eliminated.
Major Contemporary Issues
Major Contemporary Issues
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Major Contemporary Issues
Major Contemporary Issues
Political Science
The constitution provides for three types of reservations for the SCs and STs. These are (1) reservation of jobs in government services and in public sector, (2) reservation in educational institutions, and (3) reservations in legislative representations. Under Articles 16(A), 320(4) and 333, 15% and 7% of the jobs are reserved at all levels in the public services for the SCs and STs respectively. This reservation however, must as far as it may be, consistent with the maintenance of efficiency of the administration (Article 35).
Article 15(4) deals with the reservation of seats in the educational institutions. Article 15(4) states: Nothing in Article 15 or clause (2) of Article 29 shall prevent the state from making any special provision for the advancement of any socially and educationally backward classes of citizens or for the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. Accordingly, the Union and the State governments have reserved 20% of the seats in all educational institutions maintained by public money. Moreover, qualifications for admission have also been relaxed for the SCs and STs so that they can get access to educational opportunities. Articles 330 and 332 provide for reservation of seats in the Lok Sabha and State Legislative Assemblies. 78 seats for the SCs and 38 seats for the STs are reserved in the Lok Sabha. In State Legislative Assemblies 540 and 282 seats ar reserved for SCs and STs respectively. Moreover seats are also reserved in the Panchayati Raj institutions.
Major Contemporary Issues
Name the commission that recommended reservations to OBCs (a) Sarkaria Commission (b) Mandal Commission (c) Ramanand Prasad Committee.
As per the Supreme Court ______________ is not eligible for OBC reservation.
Major Contemporary Issues
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Terminal Exercises
1) 2) 3) What is communalism? Briefly discuss the role of caste in Indian Society? Discuss about the Reservation Policy in India?
1) Castes, 2) Hierarchically, 3) Varna-Vyvastha, social 4) Open, caste
1) 15 and 7.5 2) True 3) Mandal Commission 4) Creamy layer.
Envrionmental Awareness
Major Contemporary Issues
Environment includes all living and non-living objects. We live in the environment and
use the environmental resources like air, land and water to meet our needs. Development also means meeting the needs of the people. While meeting the ever-growing needs, we put pressure on the environment. When the pressure exceeds the carrying capacity of the environment to repair or replace itself, it creates a serious problem of environmental degradation. If we use any environmental resource such as ground water beyond its limit of replacement, we may lose it forever. Therefore, there is a need to create awareness about Environmental protection. While efforts are being made at the national and international level to protect our environment, it is also the responsibility of every citizen to use our environmental resources with care and protect them from degradation. In this lesson we will discuss the meaning and causes of environmental degradation and the importance of environmental conservation.
After studying this lesson, the learner will be able to explain the concept of environmental degradation ; identify various factors causing environmental degradation ; recognize the growing awareness about Environmental degradation ; explain the concept of sustainable development ; recognize the national and international commitment to the protection of Environment.
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growth and the fast development in science and technology. These two are the major factors in reducing the quality of environment and causing its degradation. The environmental degradation poses a great danger to man's own survival. It should be realized, sooner than later, that conservation and improvement of the environment are vital for the survival, and well being of mankind. Natural resources of land, air and water have to be used wisely as a trust to ensure a healthy environment for the present and future generations.
Envrionmental Awareness
2. 3. 4. The fast development in science and technology is a major factor contributing to the environmental degradation. The growing population in India does not contribute to the environmental degradation. Trees are a good example of non-renewable resource.
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accept industry if it is on small scale and is for purpose of self-sufficiency. They advocate extensive decentralization. The concept of sustainable development is more about environment and less about development; more about stability and less about change; more about restricting one's wants and less about the continuing material development more about the non-exploitative attitude towards environment and less about harnessing it; more about small communities and less about the larger ones. It is not a concept of development with environment, but is environment without growth. Indeed, ecological degradation should stop. But why should the pace of development stop? A disciplined uses of environmental benefits go a long way for all round development. Scholars and activists assert that environmental degradation can be controlled and reversed only by ensuring that the parties causing the damage should be made accountable for their action and that they should participate in improving environmental conditions. What is needed is a set of norms, which bring the demands of development and the compulsion of environment closer to each other.
6) 7) 8) 9) 10)
Envrionmental Awareness
11) Develop adequate manpower within the country, of ecologists, environmental scientists, planners and managers of the highest quality and recognize their work as an important component of national development.
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6) 7)
8) 9)
10) Solar Energy Commission: Since the energy sector is the major polluter, the idea is to create decentralized energy at the village level, instead of multiplying the mainstream producer. 11) No Smoking In Public Places: A ban is proposed on smoking in public places. The Delhi government has taken a lead in this direction.
Envrionmental Awareness
2. Give the name of the world commission which popularized the concept of sustainable development i) ________________________________________________________________ 3. Identify any three objective of India's National Environment Policy. i) ________________________________________________________________ ii) ________________________________________________________________ iii) ________________________________________________________________ 4. Identify any three measures taken by the Government of India to check Environmental Pollution. i) ________________________________________________________________ ii) ________________________________________________________________ iii) ________________________________________________________________
Major Contemporary Issues
Terminal Exercises
1. 2. 3. Describe the meaning of environment and environmental degradation. Discuss any two environmental problems. What is sustainable development? Explain.
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4. Outline the various efforts made by the Indian Government towards creating a better natural Environment.
Good Governance
Major Contemporary Issues
Every one of us expects and aspires that our government should be good and effective.
In fact, we also know that it was for the purpose of securing conditions for safe and happy life that the state came into existence and its continuity is justified in terms of promoting and preserving the quality of life. Kautilya considered it as the bounden duty of the government to act in a manner that realizes the material, mental, moral and cultural well being of the people. It is in this context that the study of good governance has become very important in the study of political science. The lesson explains the meaning of good governance, governance and measures to overcome these hindrances as well as the role of citizens to ensure good governance.
After studying this lesson, you will be able to explain the concept of good governance ; describe the major components or characteristics of good governance like Accountability, Openness, etc. ; discuss major hindrances to good governance like corruption, population growth and culture of violence ; appreciate the role of citizens in the process of good governance ; describe the ways to promote good governance like use of computers, the right to information and citizens charter.
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with its tasks in a way that maximum results follow with minimum cost or investment. Governance becomes good when the decisions and actions of the government are based on peoples consent, legitimacy and accountability. Thus good governance is concerned with high quality in governance. All sections of the society today judge their government by their governance. Earlier, coercive state was considered to be most effective instrument of good governance. In ancient and medieval India a king, though authoritarian, was supposed to be conscientious and responsive to the needs of the subjects. In modern times, good governance implies enlightened citizenship as well as accountable and constitutional government. Good governance is also a key developmental concept today. The debate only relates to the question of how to bring about development. It is a concept that is inclusive and positive in nature. It is inclusive in so far as it aims at involvement of people in the process of development. Thus development is not merely people-oriented but people- centered. It is positive to the extent of building up new levels of skills, knowledge and support for development. Let us now discuss some of the features or characteristics of good governance.
Good Governance
Major Contemporary Issues
24.2.1 Accountability
It has been emphasized almost unanimously that governance has to be based on the principle of accountability of those who are responsible for it. Accountability, in fact, implies that the bureaucracy should be answerable for what they do or dont do? This is sought to be administered in a parliamentary system through questions, debates, discussions, budgetary approvals, committees and such other methods by parliament. The executive is to be responsive to the people through their representatives. It is, however, also true that this mechanism has increasingly proved to be ineffective for reasons of decline in the quality and character of debates and the representatives, transformation of parliamentary system into a cabinet system of government, criminalization of politics and fragmentation of society and politics. Secondly, accountability is also ensured through judicial review of the governmental decisions or laws. The citizens are also seeking judicial intervention through Public Interest Litigation (PIL) for prompt action on certain issues affecting the common life. Such practices are in vogue, directly or indirectly in several countries like New Zeeland, Canada, Australia and India. Recently, a more effective mode of public accountability is the system of citizens charter. The idea is to change the bureaucratic culture to include people friendly attitudes instead of patriarchal, indifferent, casual and callous behavior to citizens. The old feudal value must give place to modern democratic values in bureaucracy. An accountable system of governance, thus, presupposes the following functional and behavioral traits of the civil servants: Achievement oriented behaviour, Judicious use of authority, Pursuit of happiness of the people, Use of reason and experience as the basis of decision, Shirking of work to be identified and punished, Time bound implementation of Policies and Plans, Strength of character, intelligence, perseverance and extensity of civil servants, Uprightness, friendliness and firmness of devotion in dealing with others, Capacity for doing a work which should be supplemented by the skill-in-action and question for perfection. In every country a number of institutional and legal arrangements have been made to secure the prevalence of the characteristics of an accountable administration. For example, in India setting up of institutions like Central Vigilance Commission and national commissions for Women, Schedules Tribes, Schedules Castes, Minorities and Backward Classes, National Labour Commission, National Commissions for Human Rights and Minorities, and Comptroller and Auditor General of India are some such efforts or steps to administer social, legal constitutional and systemic commitments in bureaucracy. It seeks to remove the tendencies of administrative bias, corruption, alienation and secrecy. The aim is to make administration poor-sensitive, gender-sensitive, and more sensitive to the demands and grievances of the public. The purpose is to prevent undesirable acts or behavior and to promote efficiency and integrity of public servants. The Governments have also initiated a number of other measures to see the actual operations of accountability in administration.
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A reference can be made to the following : Management by Objective (MBO) Machinery for the redress of public grievances Reognition of the Right to Information E Governance and Information Technology use
Democratization and Decentralisation of power Empowerment of the marginalized groups, especially women Fair Competition between public and private sectors Review of a number of laws, rules and regulations In order to establish accountability at the level of local Government and empowerment of the marginalized groups, Indian Parliament passed 73rd and 74th Amendment Acts in 1992 providing for among other things 33.3% reservation for women and for scheduled castes/ tribes in proportion to their population, decentralized development planning, enhancing financial abilities through increased financial powers and support to the local bodies. Decentralization and democratization thus are made benchmarks of development administration. Moreover, 79 ministries and departments of the central government are operating the structure of citizens charter. This charter is an account of : Time limits and standards for services Avenues of grievance redressal and Putting in place monitoring system and independent scrutiny of imple mentation of the charter. A number of States and Union Government have created special agencies and units to deal with the grievances of the public emanating mainly from non-reachability of the officials, absence of a time frame for disposal of the cases and unsympathetic attitude of public officials. Accountability is related to the system of openness and transparency. If the decisions are not taken in a transparent and open manner, one can question the impartiality of such a decision. There shall be much less place for favouritism, nepotism and prejudice in the treatment of the citizens. Indian Parliament has enacted the Right to Information Act to facilitate openness in government. Central ministries and departments have set up facilitation counters with wide publicity for the purpose of information and making complaints.
Good Governance
3. The concept of good governance became popular in administrative discussion with the publication of ___________ (World Bank Report 1989 & 1992/ Mechiavalis the Prince). Governance is good if it based on ___________ (Peoples consent/Guardian Like behaviour of the civil servants).
Major Contemporary Issues
24.3.1 Corruption
Corruption is an illegal use of authority for personal gains. Corruption is a universal disease causing harm to the people and government almost everywhere in the world. However, in the countries like India it has assumed the shape of a cancer. Since the days of Kautilya the issue of ethics and integrity in government has been a major concern. At times the political leaders have expressed their helplessness to contain corruption by arguing that corruption is a worldwide phenomenon. But the question of probity and corruption is getting a little more attention than earlier. The exposure of the scams and the demand for action against the corruption is now increasing. But no step to fight corruption will be effective unless all forms of corruption political, economic, moral and administrative are fought with a sense of commitment and will. In order to meet the threat of corruption to good governance, the following steps are necessary: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Breaking the nexus between politicians, bureaucrats and criminals. Ensuring a cost-effective administration of justice. Setting up of Public interest litigation courts at the national, state and local levels. Making right to information more effective. Strengthening law enforcement agencies in terms of autonomy, skills, attitudinal change and awareness of the social problems. Forfeiture of the properties of the corrupt immediately after the charges are framed. Such a property can be released only after the person is proved innocent. Improving bureaucratic functioning by way of simplification of rules, regulations and procedures of work. Mobilizing the society to support the system of rule of law. Putting an end to the system of patronage and nepotism from government organizations. 261
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3. 4. 5. Corruption can be reduced by ___________ (simplification/ reviving of Rules and Regulations) Population has been stabilized in ___________ (Uttar Pradesh/ Kerala) Violence is the greatest threat to ___________ (Rule of Law/ Police).
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number of Scheduled tribes in 1% in a village than 1% seats shall be reserved for the Scheduled Tribes in the Gram Panchayat. Reservation for the backward classes has been left to the state government. It may not be wrong, however, to state that there is still a gap between what is provided and what is implemented in the area of the peoples participation in governance, especially in the local governments. It is only a handful of people who appear to be empowered.
24.5 Role of Computer and Information Technology (IT) as means of good governance
From the discussion held so far you must have noted that the essence of good governance is being people-friendly and power-sharing system on the one hand and being responsive, accessible, moral, transparent and corruption free system on the other. The use of computers and information technology is visualized as a very effective tool of good governance. It seeks to improve. Delivery of services to the people at low cost. Empowerment of people through dissemination of information. Openness and transparency in the working of government. Innovations and introduction of new ideas and concepts in the performance by the government and the people. Effective linkages between citizens and the administration Comprehensive monitoring and assessment of the performance of the government. Computers, thus, can increase peoples reach to the information relating to rules, regulations or procedures or about the welfare and development scheme of the government or about the welfare and development scheme of the government or information about weather and climate that can be used by farmers and citizens. It is said corruption is the product of face-to-face meeting between the giver and receiver of a decision. Computers can reduce their personal contacts to curb corruption. For example, a farmer can get his land record copy on the computer, a citizen can pay any bill or tax without actually going to the cash counter and suffering the agony of long queue or losing the earnings of the day. The Gyandoot programme being implemented in Dhar district of Madhya Pradesh in India provides the number of services like online registration, copies of land record, agriculture produce auction center to the people at a nominal price. The list may further include facilities like eligibility rules and application for loans; prices of seeds, fertilizers and tools, the power cut schedule, availability of diesel etc. Such a system would cut the administrative delays, which is another source of corruption. It would reduce time and financial cost of the facility as the citizens would get them through computer at their doorsteps. The government of Karnataka is using computers for transparency in educational admission and recruitment, transfers and payment of salaries of teachers. Computers are also used to know the implementation of the instructions or orders of the chief minister. It is also being used for the management of the constituency and prepare summarized data on major projects in health, housing and other social welfare schemes. In Kerala a computerized project known as FRIENDS (Fast, Reliable, Instant, Efficient Network for disbursement of services) is working to provide a range of public services
Good Governance
through computers to the people. The central government in India has also introduced computerized system of administration in various departments and ministries like Railways, Human Resource Development, Rural Development, Planning Commission and UGC.
Major Contemporary Issues
Terminal Exercises
1. 2. 3. 4. Discuss the meaning and the concept of good governance. Identify three features of good governance. Explain the importance of accountability in good governance. Discuss the main hindrances to good governance. Describe measures for good governance, the government of India has taken.
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Political Science
1. 2. 3. 4. Illegal Probity Simplification Review Rule of Law
1. 2. 3. Peoples involvement Cheap Gyandoot Programme
HIV weakens the bodys defence or immune system. AIDS is the late stage of HIV infection, when the immune system of the infected person has been completely destroyed, and when the person contracts a variety of diseases and infections. AIDS is thus not one particular isolated disease but a syndrome, which means that it shows a variety of symptoms related to different disorders and diseases. AIDS may develop as early as 6 months after HIV infection in a severe case, or as late as 810 years after infection.
Human Rights
Major Contemporary Issues
The basic fact to remember about human rights is that they are not the gift or bounty of
any political sovereign through legislation or any edict, but are rights inherent in human existence. The purpose of any law dealing with these rights is merely to recognize them, to regulate their exercise and to provide for their enforcement, and the related matters. Inviolability of some basic rights in a civilized society is based on this premise. Human rights are considered to be universal, indivisible and interdependent.
Human rights in practice have been defined to include all aspects of dignified human existence which make every human being an equal member of the human family. Human dignity is the essence of human rights. It is the wide understanding of this aspect and appreciation of the range of dignity of the individual which defines the true scope of human rights.
After studing this lesson, you will be able to Explain the basic concept of human rights ; Classify the main categories of human rights ; Recall the major landmarks in the development of human rights ; Trace the evolution of human rights in India ; Recognize the role of non-governmental organizations in the promotion and protecton of human rights.
25.1.1 Classical
These have been defined to include civil and political rights and generally restrict the powers of the state in respect of actions affecting the individual. 267
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Human Rights
enjoy and freely exercise his or her rights to the full.
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25.2.6 The promotion and protection of human rights is not limited to national boundaries but rather stipulates certain ideals that apply the world over
Human rights hold nations accountable for meeting the conditions which satisfy the promotion, protection and respect for these rights.
(c) The promotion and protection of human rights is limited to national boundaries. (True/False) 2. Fill in the blanks :
(a) Human rights are ____________. (universal, local). (b) Human rights are necessarily __________. (static, dynamic, closed) (c) Human Rights encompass the ______________ principles of humanity. (oldest, medieval, fundamental)
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universal equality, and the existence of certain inalienable rights. These documents were eventually incorporated into the American Bill of Rights which is a part of the U.S. Constitution. The international growth of the concept can be demonstrated by the French Declaration of the Rights of Man in 1789. The rights of the 18th and 19th centuries can be termed as classic rights, relating to the freedom of the individual and were incorporated in many national constitutions. Today, governments provide new category of ritghts in the fields of employment, education, health and welfare. These are termed as social rights. The social rights were first embodied in international regulations for example, the International Labour Organisation (ILO) was founded in 1919 and was the originator of various labour regulations.
Human Rights
years it had drafted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which was adopted by the UN General Assembly (UNGA) in 1948. In 1966 the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Together with the First and Second Optional Protocols to the International covenant on Civil and Political Rights, these five documents comprise the International Bill of Human Rights. Thus internationally recognized human rights have become a new international standard of civilization. After the Second World War there has developed a body of international human rights code reaffirming the morally appealing idea of adherence to shared standards of justice to qualify for membership of the international community. It has become a factor of political legitimacy. These standards of civilized behaviour link national and international legitimacy. The visible rise of universal human rights culture depicts moral progress and is an effective response to major threats to human dignity posed by modern political and economic trends. Viewing development with the rights perspective for sustainable development appears to be gaining ground. That we are all equally human seems to be more acceptable now, with the current slogans: All human rights for all and The world is one family. To us Indians, it is nothing new. We have for long believed: Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah, and Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam.
Major Contemporary Issues
(a) Human Rights have now become _____________ (local, national universal) (b) The world leaders gathered in ____________ for the World Conference on Human Rights (Vienna, Geneva,New York) (c) The rights of the 18th and 19th centuries can be termed as_______ rights (individual, social, classic)
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Fundamental Rights. This is the protection of individuals against invasion of their human rights. Part-IV of the Indian Constitution contains Directive Principles of State Policy which are the principles fundamental in governance, to be observed by the State in the formulation of its policies. These include the duty of the State to secure a social order for the promotion of the welfare of the people, social justice, right to work, to education and social security, provision for just and humane conditions of work, promotion of interests of the weaker sections, duty to raise the level of nutrition and the standards of living and to improve public health, protection and improvement of environment, ecology and wild life etc. In addition, the Fundamental Duties of every citizen covering a wide range to strengthen the guarantee of Fundamental Rights are in Article 51A (Part IVA of the Constitution). In addition to Article 32 empowering the Supreme Court to enforce the Fundamental Rights, the High Court is empowered by Article 226 for the same purpose to exercise its powers. The primary duty of the higher judiciary to protect and enforce human rights is the constitutional mandate. Rule of law is a basic feature of our Constitution, as is judicial review. The role of the Supreme Court of India is commendable in expanding the human rights and it has found Article 21 of the Constitution as the most fruitful article. In several cases the Indian Supreme Court has said that compensation is to be given for violation of rights under the article, such as, right to human dignity, right to healthy environment, right to social security, right to protection of childhood etc. The impact of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights on the drafting ( Parts III and IV ) of the Indian Constitution is felt throughout. India has acceded to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as well as to both the Covenants with certain reservations.
Human Rights
The National Human Rights Commission has also interpreted its functions enumerated in Section 12 of the Act especially to include therein monitoring of the functioning of the institutions of governance with a view to ensure better protection of human rights and to prevent their violation. The NHRC visualizes its role as that of a catalyst to improve the quality of governance with the firm belief that good governance in accordance with the Constitution and the rule of law alone can be effective for better protection of human rights. The linkage between the two is direct and clear. The nature and extent of States responsibility for the protection of human rights was indicated by the NHRC in its orders made in the case of recent Gujarat communal disturbances. The Commission observed : It is the primary and inescapable responsibility of the State to protect the right to life, liberty, equality and dignity of all of those who constitute it. It is also the responsibility of the State to ensure that such rights are not violated either through overt acts, or through abetment or negligence. It is a clear and emerging principle of human rights jurisprudence that the State is responsible not only for the acts of its own agents, but also for the acts of non-State players acting within its jurisdiction. The State is, in addition, responsible for any inaction that may cause or facilitate the violation of human rights. The National Commission on Human Rights has investigated several cases of gross violation of human rights by official agencies and also terrorist groups. The commission while inquiring into the complaint of the violation of human rights may call for information or report from the Central Government or any State Government or any other authority or organisation subordinate there to, within such time as may be specified by it. When after the inquiry the Commission comes to the conclusion that violation of human rights has occurred, it may take the following steps : 1. where the inquiry discloses that violation of human rights or negligence in the prevention of human rights by a public servant, it may recommend to initiate proceedings for prosecution by the concerned government or authority. approach the Supreme Court or the High Court concerned for directions. recommend to the concerned government or authority for the grant of immediate interim relief to the victim or the members of his family.
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2. 3.
Whenever a complaint of violation of human rights is made against a member of the Armed Forces the commission is required to follow a different procedure, It may seek a report from the Central government and may make its recommendations.The Commission took notice of reports dated 22 March 2000, which appeared in all leading newspapers, concerning the killing of 35 members of the Sikh community in a village of Anantnag District during the night of 21 March 2000 by armed militants. It was stated that all those killed were men, aged between 16 and 55. Later, a woman died of shock on seeing the bodies of those killed. At least two families lost all of their male members. The incident occurred a few hours before the President of the United States of America was to begin an official tour to India. The Commission issued notice to the Chief Secretary and Director General of Police, Government of J&K as well as to the Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India calling for detailed reports. On 15 April 1996 six naxalites were killed by the police at Murumdag village, Daltonganj, Bihar. The Peoples Union for Civil Liberties at Palamau which had earlier enquired into
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the matter stated that an armed group came to the village to settle a dispute. On receipt of information: the police came and encircled the members of the armed group who surrendered to the police. Thereafter, the members of the group were made to stand at different places and fired at by the police. In all six persons were killed as a result of the firing by the police. The PUCL found that the allegation of the police that the naxalite group had attacked the police party with bombs and firearms and that the police returned fire in self-defence resulting in the death of six persons to be untrue. The armed group came in plain clothes but after their post mortem they were dressed in khaki uniforms which had neither any holes nor bullet marks on them. The dead bodies were thrown away but when there was a protest by the people, six bodies were transported in a police van and cremated by the police.As the police attached to the same police station were involved in the firing resulting in the killing, the Commission recommended that the case should be made to an independent investigation agency, namely, CID and to complete the investigation within four months. If the investigation called for launching of prosecution, steps for speedy trial be taken. The Commission expressed the hope that compensation would be awarded by the State if the case ended in conviction. The Commission took notice of a matter reported in the newspaper Indian Express dated 27 January 1999 captioned Bihar: old script, new victims, and upper caste Ranbir Sena kills 21 Dalits in Jehanabad. According to the report, the Ranbir Sena, a private army of upper caste landlords in Bihar, armed with sophisticated weapons, had killed at least 21 people including 6 children and 5 women on 25 January 1999 in Rukhsagar Bigha village under the Mehandia Police Station in Jehanabad district of Bihar. The victims were all from the backward castes and included several Dalits. The Commission, while taking cognizance of the matter on 27 January 1999 expressed shock at the news of the killing of 21 Dalits in Jehanabad and effectively investigate and bring to book the guilty persons, and to ensure that there was no recurrence of such incidents. It further directed the State Government to grant relief and succour to the members of the families of the deceased and to the injured victims. National Human Rights Commission neither does render decisions the way a Court of law does, nor can its recommendations be enforced like judgements of the Courts. The recommendations of the Commission receive wide publicity and have a tremendous impact politically and socially. The role played by the Commission in the campaign against TADA is worth mentioning. It has a temporary legislation which expired on 23 May 1995. When TADA lapsed a substitute legislation by the government was not cleared by Parliament.
Human Rights
other places of conflict are obvious examples of this concern. The activities of such organizations are coordinated at the international level through the Human Rights Commission established by the General Assembly of the United Nations in 1946. As a result of these activities of the non-governmental organizations it has now become familiar requirement for States to submit reports to a statutory organ (Human Rights Committee, Childrens Committee, Womens Committee, Committee on Elimination of Racial Discrimination etc.) about their internal implementation of human rights obligations. Half a century back it would have appeared unthinkable that sovereign States would periodically submit a report to an international body about their internal matters involving treatment of their citizens by the government, and then the States participation in a discussion of the report with members of an international body drawn from all over the world. Such is the power of the idea of human rights today. Impact of non-governmental organizations with regard to protection and promotion of human rights is no longer debatable. The impact is clear and visible. Along with the genuine human rights agencies, official or non-govermental, the human rights movement in India is quite strong. One great stumbling block in preventing violation of human rights is poverty.
Major Contemporary Issues
Terminal Exercises
1. 2. 3. 4. How can we classify human rights? What are the six basic features of human rights? Discuss the significance of human rights in the Constitution of India. Write short notes on: (a) Universalisation of Human Rights (b) Role of the National Human Rights Commission in India.
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(c) Role of Non-governmental organizations in the promotion and protection of human rights.
1. (a) Fasle (b) True (c) False 2. (a) Universal (b) Vienna (c) Classic
India and the World
the sum total of principles, interests and objectives which a country promotes while interacting with other countries. Even though there are certain basic features of a foreign policy it is not a fixed concept. The thrust of foreign policy keeps on changing according to changing international conditions. Indias foreign policy is shaped by several factors including its history, culture, geography and economy. Our Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, gave a definite shape to the countrys foreign policy.
Every sovereign country has its foreign policy. India too has one. Foreign policy refers to
After studying this lesson, you will be able to identify the basic principles of Indias foreign policy ; explain the meaning and significance of non-alignment ; analyse the relevance of non-alignment in the post cold war period ; explain the major concerns in Indias foreign policy in the post cold war period ; recognise Indias contribution to UN efforts for peace and disarmament ; explain Indias participation in UN peace keeping and its claim for a permanent seat in the Security Council.
26.1.1 Panchsheel
Nehru was a believer in world peace. He understood the linkage between peace for 277
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development and survival of mankind. He had seen the destruction caused by the two world wars and therefore realized that for the progress of a nation a long spell of peace was needed. In its absence social and economic priorities relating to development tend to get pushed to the background. The production of nuclear weapons strengthened Nehrus faith in the peaceful philosophy even more. Hence he gave utmost importance to world peace in his policy planning. Indias desired peaceful and friendly relations with all countries, particularly the big powers and the neighbouring nations, while signing an agreement with China, on April 28, 1954, India advocated adherence to five guiding principles known as Panchsheel for the conduct of bilitral relations. It includes the following: Mutual respect for each others territorial integrity and sovereignty. Mutual non-aggression Mutual non-interference in each others internal affairs Equality and mutual benefit Peaceful co-existence. The Panchsheel agreement enumerates best the principles of peaceful co-existence with neighbours. It is an important component of Indias foreign policy.
26.1.2 Non-alignment
Non-alignment has been regarded as the most important feature of Indias foreign policy. Non alignment aimed to maintain national independence in foreign affairs by not joining any military alliance formed by the USA and Soviet Union in the aftermath of the Second World War. Non-alignment was neither neutrality nor non-involvement nor isolationism. It was a dynamic concept which meant not committing to any military bloc but taking an independent stand on international issues according to the merits of each case. The policy of non-alignment won many supporters in the developing countries as it provided an opportunity to them for protecting their sovereignty as also retaining their freedom of action during the tension ridden cold war period. India played an important role in forging the non-aligned movement (NAM). The concept of NAM emerged through a gradual process. Nehru took the initiative to convene the Asian Relations Conference in New Delhi in 1947. Later on a Conference, of 29 countries of Asia and Africa was held in Bandung (Indonesia) in 1955. This was the first gathering of its kind which pledged to work together for colonial liberation, peace, cultural, economic and political cooperation. Bandung to Belgrade in 1961 where the first NAM conference was held was a logical process to project an alternative to cold war bloc politics and assertion of newly independent countries of their independent and sovereign rights. Cold War was intense rivalry between USA and Soviet Union without fightling a direct war to attract allies in Africa, Asia and Latin America. It started soon after the Second World War and continued for forty five years. These two big countries became two opposite poles known as East and West. The world politics revolved around these two poles. Thus the world became bipolar. Among the non-aligned, Nehru had evolved special relationship with President Tito of Yugoslavia and Nasser of Egypt. These three are regarded as the founding fathers of the Non-Aligned Movement. The non-aligned movement was a group of the newly independent states who refused to accept the dictates of the former colonial masters and decided to 278
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26.1.4 Strengthening of UN
India has always viewed UN as a vehicle for peace and for peaceful change in world politics. Apart from this, India has always expected UN to actively involve countries to moderate their differences through talks or negotiations. Further, India has advocated active role for UN in development effort of Third World countries.India has pleaded for a common united front of the third world countries in the UN. It believes that the nonaligned world by virtue of its massive number could play a constructive and meaningful role in the UN by stopping the superpowers from using this world body for their own designs. As early as 1950 India linked the reduction of armaments with the larger goal of development. The UN has in fact played a key role in preserving world peace by helping in the decolonization process, by providing humanitarian and developmental assistance and through peacekeeping. Decolonization refers to achievement of independence from colonial rule. After the Second World War many colonies of achieved freedom in Asia and Africa. 279
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(c) The first NAM Conference was held at ___________ in the year __________. (d) The Panchsheel agreement was signed between ____________ and ________. (e) India hosted NAM Summit in ___________. 2. Tick ( ) the correct answer : (a) Non-alignment and neutrality can be treated as same. (True/False)
(b) India opposed the policy of apartheid as practised by the government of South Africa. (True/False) (c) Nehru along with Tito and Nasser played a major role in the founding of NAM. (True/False)
26.2 Major Concerns in Indias Foreign Policy in the Post Cold War Period
The end of cold war in 1989 has brought about significant changes in the international scene and hence new policy problems for the various states in the developing world including India. The new situation is made by greater uncertainty and complexity. For India, disintegration of the Soviet Union has meant uncertainty on several aspects viz. supply of weapons system, supply of spare parts, diplomatic support on Kashmir and other politico-strategic issues in and outside the United Nations and as a counter weight to US in South Asia.During the last one decade and a half international politics has undergone major changes. The cold war has ended, the world has become unipolar, a number of states have disintegrated, cold war military blocs have lost their significance, some such blocs have dissolved and new regional economic blocs are shaping up. Globalisation has given rise to new set of problems such as terrorism, money laundering, proliferation of weapons, global warming etc. These problems are not endemic to any region but affect all the countries to some extent or the other. This has forced many nation states which were hitherto enemies to cooperate with each other to solve problems which are universal in nature. In this changed international scenario it has become imperative for UN to restructure and reform itself if it is to effectively respond to emerging challenges. Militancy in Kashmir has emerged as the formost challenge to our foreign policy. Pakistan and the Western countries blamed India for violating human rights and denial of rights to self determination.Gradually, India brought the situation under control. Because of the Kashmir dispute, Indias relations with Pakistan sharply deteriorated. India accused Pakistan of fanning trouble through cross border terrorism in Kashmir and other parts of our country. India conducted nuclear weapon tests in 1998, followed by Pakistans 280
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26.3 India and the United Nations 26.3.1 Indias Contribution to UN Efforts for Peace and Disarmament
The United Nations which came into being on Oct. 24, 1945 has been the most important international organisation since the Second World War. The formal basis for UN activities is the UN charter. The UN has a vital role in world affairs. For more than fifty years UN has helped to manage relations between states and regulate a broad range of international activities. It has worked to protect the security of people and promote peace and development. One way in which UN has contributed to world peace is by taking up the cause of disarmament India has also contributed immensely to UNs disarmament efforts. Disarmament is limitation, reduction and possible elimination of dangerous (like nuclear) weapons.
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Since independence, India has consistently pursued the objective of global disarmament based on the principles of non-discrimination. Given the destructive capacity of nuclear weapons, India has always believed that a world free of nuclear weapons would enhance global security. Thus India has always advocated that highest priority be given to nuclear disarmament as a first step towards general and complete disarmament. India has contributed to UN significantly on disarmament in terms of ideas, resolutions, initiatives and bridging differences through action plans. In 1948, India had proposed limiting the use of atomic energy to peaceful purposes and elimination of nuclear weapons from national arsenals. In 1950, India suggested formation of a UN Peace Fund created through peaceful reduction of arms and directing the amount thus released towards development purposes. In 1954, India advocated the cause for a comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty. India was the first to become party to partial Test Ban Treaty in 1963. Hence India strongly and consistents refused to join the Treaty. In 1964, India took the initiative to place the item non-proliferation of weapons on UN agenda. However, the purpose was defeated by the (1968) carried that a large numbering of counties from going nuclear, without firm restrictions on the few nuclear weapon countries activities Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty Although our country allged to the oppose to problem. In 1984, India launched a Six-Nation Five Continent Peace Initiative along with Argentina, Greece, Mexico, Sweden and Tanzania. Four years later (in a joint declaration issued on the occasion of visit of President Gorbachev of Soviet Union the then Prime Minister, Rajiv Gandhi made a forceful plea for the elimination of nuclear weapons. The Delhi declaration enumerated ten principles for building a nuclear weapon free world). In 1988, Rajiv Gandhi proposed an Action Plan for ushering in a nuclear weapon free and nonviolent world order. The Action Plan envisaged a binding commitment by all nations to the elimination of nuclear weapons in stages by 2010. India is also an original signatory to the Chemical Weapons Convention, having signed it on Jan. 14, 1993 and was among the first 65 countries to have ratified the treaty. In 1993 India sponsored a resolution on comprehensive test ban along with the US within the overall framework of advancing towards nuclear disarmament. India was distressed when final version of the CTBT was rushed through without consenses. And it failed to address the security reasons of India. Hence it bravely stood against the steadlity fashion in which some tests use canned while sophisticated nuclear tests were not in a way, Indias conduct of nuclear tests in 1998 could we linked to the unfair framework of CTBT, though many initially misunderstood Indias tests as a negative development for disarmament; India pledged to continue to work for inaugural and non-discriminaly nuclear disarmament.
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Q.2. Which of the following statements is false ? (a) (b) (c) India is one of the second largest troop contributors to UN peacekeeping. Peacekeeping was confined to cold war years. Indias role was significant in protecting the Congo from separation.
Q.3. Indias contribution to peacekeeping included (a) (b) (c) only troops. only non-military staff. both military and civilian staff.
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India and the World
Terminal Exercises
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Discuss the basic tenets of Indias foreign policy. Discuss the relevance of the policy of non-alignment. How far are Indias claim for a permanent seat in the Security Council justified ? What are the challenges that confront India after the end of cold war and disintegration of Soviet Union ? Write short notes on (a) Panchsheel agreement (b) Indias contribution to UN efforts for disarmament (c) Indias participation in UN peacekeeping.
1. (a) False (b) True (c) False (d) True
1. 2. (a) a nuclear weapons free world (a) Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (b) Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
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1. 2. 3. (b) (c) (c)
1. 2. (c) (d)
India and the World
fter the Second World War (1945), the United States of America (USA or US in short) emerged as one of the two super powers, the other being the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR/ Soviet Union). These countries were militarily and economically so strong as compared to other states that they could project their power to every nook and corner of the world. When India attained independence in 1947, it wanted to have good relations with both the countries. It was widely believed that a natural tie would exist between India and the US since India seemed destined to emerge as the worlds largest and Asias first, fully democratic state. And the US was considered the most powerful and celebrated democracy of the world. So far as the relationship between India and the USSR was concerned, a number of commonalties were easily noticed. But the directions of Indias relationships with these two countries took different courses.
After studying this lesson, you will able to recognize US support for Indias struggle for independence ; identify problems in Indo-US relations during the Cold War period ; analyse Indo-US relations in the light of contemporary issues ; explain the strong ties between India and the erstwhile Soviet Union in political and economic fields ; identify the areas of cooperation between India and Russia
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believed that Britain should promise self-government to India after the War, in exchange for Indias participation in the struggle against Hitler. The Atlantic Charter, spelt out by the US and Britain, had offered hope of a new dawn to the suppressed people of the world once the War had been successfully concluded. America got a lot of credit in Indian eyes for this. However, Britain subsequently declared that the Charter applied solely to fellow Europeans under Hitlers Nazi occupation.
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pouring in; and Indian skilled professionals in communication and information technology projected India to US in a positive light. President Clinton paid a hugely successful visit to India in 2000. On political front terrorism, non-prolification have been major issues. One of the turning points of Indo-US relations in recent years was the American role in the Kargil crisis in 1999. India viewed President Bill J Clintons role during the 1999 Kargil crisis in persuading Pakistan to withdraw its troops from the Indian side of the Line of Control (LOC) in Kashmir as an important milestone. India tried to impress the importance of fighting the menace of terrorism, by highlighting Pakistans role in Jammu and Kashmir. But the United States did not show much interest in acting against terrorism till the US cities (New York and Washington) were struck in a big way on 11th September 2001. India offered full cooperation to the US in counter terrorism compaign. However our plea to US that Pakistans support to Taliban in Afghanistan, and Jehadists in Kashmir made it the epicentre of international terrorism fell on deaf ears. The US needed Pakistan more than India to contact Al-Qaeda terrorists. So US distinguished good terrorists and bad terrorists. They extended sympathy when terrorists attacted Kashmir Assembly and Indias Parliament in October and December 2001 respectively. Anxious to enlist allies in the war against terrorism, USA reverted to Cold War partnership with Pakistan. Once highly critical of the military regime in Pakistan run by General Pervez Musharraf, Washington now welcomed Musharraf as a full-fledged partner in the international coalition against terrorism. The Bush administration lifted the sanctions against Pakistan, pledged to provide generous assistance and gave the Musharraf government a legitimacy it had never before enjoyed. India legitimately feared that Washington would tilt toward Islamabad once more. USA was alarmed that events might go out of control. To show New Delhi that it took seriously Indias accusations about Pakistans collusion in these attacks, the administration of President George Bush placed the two Pakistan-based groups, India thought responsible for the attacks on the US list of terrorist organizations. While not publicly accepting Indias claim that the Pakistani government itself was involved in terrorist activities, Washingtons words and actions clearly implied that Islamabad could and must do more to crack down on terrorism. US besides countries like Canada, helped India established nuclear power stations in 1963. But the cooperation came under a cloud in 1970s, because of Indias peaceful nuclear explosion at Pokhran in 1974 and Indias refusal to sign nuclear non-prolification treaty. In 1978, the US Congress passed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Act in 1978. This law stipulated that uranium could be exported to those countries which allow all their nuclear plants to be inspected and safeguarded by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). It must not be forgotten that non-proliferation has been a steadfast goal of the US. And major differences between the two countries over nuclear issues persisted. The US hoped that India would sign the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) of 1996, but India did not. When it detonated five nuclear bombs in May 1998 again at Pokhran and declared itself a nuclear weapons state, the US imposed military and economic sanctions. Bilateral relations seemed to have reached a new low, but India stood its ground. For two years, a number of discussions between Jaswant Singh, then Foreign Minister of India and Strobe Talbott, the US deputy secretary of state were held. Not since the early 1960s had the two countries engaged each other in such a serious and sustained fashion. These discussions transformed the bilateral relationship to a large extent. In 1999 US Congress lifted some of the sanctions against India. This was the first among many such subsequent instances
India and the World
Fill in the blanks : The American Congress passed _____________ to allow sale of wheat to India. (PL 480) ( PL 408) The development assistance from US to India reached a peak in ________. (1962) (1965))
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The terms of Soviet aid were favourable to India: when the western countries were charging 6 per cent as rate of interest, the Soviet Union charged only 2.5 per cent. In December 1953, India and the Soviet Union signed a longterm trade agreement. An attractive feature of this agreement was the fact that payment for Indian imports could be made in rupees and not in hard currency like dollar. Trade with the Western countries, by contrast, was in hard currency. For this purpose, accounts of the Soviet Union were opened and maintained in several Indian banks. Military supplies to India emerged as a prominent symbol of Indo-Soviet friendship. In 1962, just before the India-China war, the MiG (the fighter aircraft) deal was signed despite Chinese protest. The USSR replaced the British as the biggest supplier of fighter aircraft. The Soviet Union hosted a meeting of leaders of India and Pakistan in Tashkant in January 1966 after the 1965 war. In August 1971, the Soviet and the Indian leaders signed the historic Treaty of Peace, Friendship and Cooperation, the first of its kind that India had signed. The Treaty provided for immediate mutual consultations in case either country was attacked from outside. This clearly signalled Moscows commitment to stand by India on the Bangladesh question. India, in a way, reciprocated with support to the Soviet Union after it invaded Afghanistan in December 1979. India was restrained in its public statements. For India, the Afghanistan issue had been somewhat overshadowed by the virtual military alliance between Pakistan and the US. With the coming to power of Mikhail Gorbachev in 1985, the Soviet foreign relations went through a sea change. The emphasis shifted to the need for mutually beneficial relations with the US and the West. His efforts to build a Common European Home undermined the importance of the developing world like India. This along with the Soviet/ Russian rapprochement with China led to a temporary downturn in Indo-Soviet relations.
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looking up. Energy Cooperation is one of them. India is emerging as a large consumer of energy. Russias oil and gas reserves and its expertise in thermal, hydropower and nuclear energy sector will be crucial in ensuring Indias energy security in future. A number of thermal and hydropower projects have already been built with Soviet/ Russian collaboration. Indias ambitious goals in the field of nuclear energy need Russian help since it is the only important nuclear power which is ready to co-operate with India in the atomic energy sector.
Terminal Exercises
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Write a note on the Indo-US political relations during the Cold War. Describe the Indo-US relations with regard to the nuclear issues. Analyse the Indo-US relations with regard to terrorism. Write a note on Indo-US economic relations. Highlight the major achievements of Indo-USSR relations during the Cold War. Analyse the Indo-Russian relations in the post-Cold War phase.
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(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) True True True True True
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Bhilai 1955 1966 1971 Putin
India and the World
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In the previous chapter you have learnt that the major objective of Indias policy has been
the promotion of international peace and cooperation and developing friendly relations with all countries, especially the neighbouring countries. Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Burma and China are Indias immediate neighbours with whom it has friendly relations based on bonds of common culture and heritage. In this lesson we will study about Indias relations with Pakistan, China and Sri Lanka.
After studying this lesson, you would be able to identify the major sources of friction in Sino-Indian bilateral relations; identify the various initiatives for resolving the border dispute with China; analyse Indo-Pak bilateral relations in the historical perspective of Kashmir problem; identify the nuclear rivalry between India and Pakistan; trace historical, cultural and ethnic ties between India and Sri Lanka; and explain the growth of Tamil Separatist Movement and its impact on Indo-Sri Lankan relations.
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A futile attempt to work out a peaceful settlement between the two countries was made by Sri Lanka. The Colombo Proposals failed because China refused to agree on conditions contained in them. For long in the years following the war, ChinaIndia relations did not show any improvement. In fact, China went out of the way to make friends with Pakistan, just to isolate and contain India.
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of Jammu and Kashmir (nearly 2/5 of the State) under Pakistans possession, which we call Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (POK). In 1950s the UN mediators put forward several plans to resolve the dispute, but they failed to bridge the differences between the two conuntries. The problem of Kashmir is still pending. Plebiscite was to be conducted only after Pakistan withdrew its forces from the occupied territory, as per the UN resolution of 1948, which Pakistan refused to comply. Hence India pleaded that the wishes of the people were ascertained in 1954 in the form the direct election to the Constituent Assembly which satisfied the accession of Jammu and Kashmir to India. The mediation come to an end. Pakistan was desperate to capture Kashmir. Thinking that Indias army was weak after defeat in the war with China in 1962, Pakistan tried through a war to take Kashmir in 1965. But Indian forces defeated the Pakistani designs. LoC The Ceasefire line determined in 1949 was called the LoC after 1972. Some people believe that the possible solution to Indo-Pak problem on Kashmir is the conversion of LoC into international boundary. Moreover, Pakistan suffered another humiliation, when its eastern wing, 1000 miles away from West Pakistan successfully waged independence struggle in 1971. India played a key role in the war to liberate Bangladesh. The birth of Bangladesh proved to be the final burial of two-nation theory on the basis of which Pakistan put a claim to Kashmir. Pakistan was reduced to one-fourth of the size of India. This altered the power equation in South Asia in Indias favour. In order to normalise relations India invited Pakistan for an agreement, the result of which was the Shimla Pact of 1972. This Shimla agreement however bears important significance as the two countries agreed to seek the settlement of all bilateral problems, including Kashmir, mutually without the intervention of any third party. Thus under the Shimla Pact, the Kashmir issue cannot be raised in international or any other forum, although Pakistan has not hesitated to ignore the sprit of the agreement. The agreement also talked about the return of Prisoners of War (POW). Though Pakistans territory in Indias possession was returned, a new cease-fire line (in place of the old cease-fire line of 194849) was drawn, which is known as the LoC, Pakistan found ways other than open war to destabilise India by encouraging and assisting terrorism in Punjab, and the State-sponsored militancy in Jammu and Kashmir since the mid 1980s. Pakistan still continues to encourage terrorist and separatist tendencies in Kashmir, operating mainly from terrorist training camps situated in POK. The sanctity of the LoC that came to be agreed upon between India and Pakistan under the Shimla Agreement of 1972, was violated by Pakistan in May 1999 as a part of a big plan. This was done when the Pakistani forces infiltrated into India, after crossing the line of control in Kargil, Drass and Batelik sectors of J &K. Indian army once again gave a befitting defeat in a war that continued for about 60 days. The purpose of Pakistani operation in Kargil was to create a crisis with a threat of nuclear war, which would in turn ensure intervention by the United States in its favour on Kashmir dispute. Neither United States nor China came to Pakistans help. In fact, Pakistan had a diplomatic and military defeat.
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Maharaja Hari Singh of Jammu and Kashmir demanded assistance from both India and Pakistan but only India responded. (True/False) Pakistan occupied Kashmir is known as Azad Kashmir in Pakistan. (True/False)
The people of East Pakistan declared themselves independent in April 1971. (True/False)
The Shimla Agreement was signed between India and Bangladesh in 1972. (True/False)
Kargil war happened immediately after the nuclear test by India in May1972. (True/False)
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and strategic sea and air routes) and its closeness to US naval base in Deigo Garcia indicates its importance far beyond its size, population and resources. The history of cultural relations between India and Sri Lanka dates back to the ancient times. Out of the total population of Sri Lanka, about 64 percent believe in Buddhism and about 15 percent believe in Hinduism. Sri Lanka became a British colony in early 19th century. It was granted independence on February 4, 1948. India-Sri Lanka relations have generally been cordial, though there have been occasions of tense relations due to the ethnic conflict between Tamils and the Sinhalese. Despite ethnic problems, India has never sought to impose its will on Sri Lanka and has always based its foreign policy towards this southern neighbour on mutual understanding and friendship. An important area of common interest between the two neighbours is the foreign policy of non-alignment. Sri Lanka has generally stood neutral in Sino-Indian disputes. In fact, it made efforts to mediate between India and China after the war of 1962. Sri Lanka also showed understanding when India become nuclear. Recently in 2005, India extended valuable help to Sri Lanka after Tsunami devastated the coastal areas of that country.
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4. In what year did India send IPKF to Sri Lanka?
Terminal Exercises
1. 2. 3. 4. Discuss the causes of 1962 war between India and China. Explain normalisation of the relations between India and China since the 1990s. Kashmir is the root cause of all problems between India and Pakisistan. Do you agree? Trace the causes of the separatist problem in Sri Lanka. Also discuss the steps taken by India to help resolve this problem.
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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. False False True True False False
1. 2. 3. 4. February 4, 1948 Indian Tamils and Ceylonese Tamils Kacchativu island 1987
Answer All the questions on a seperate sheet of paper Give the following information on your answer sheet: Name Enrolment Number Subject Assignment Number Address Get your assignment checked by the subject teacher at your Study Centre so that you get positive feedback about your performance.
10. List any four guiding principles of Panchsheel. 11. Describe any four functions of the Security Council. 12. What functions are performed by WHO. 13. What is Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Mention any three Human Rights. 14. List any four functions of UNESCO. 15. Identity any two problems of Indo-US relations during the Cold War period. 16. Highlight any two areas of co-operation between India and Russia. 17. Describe the boundary dispute between India and China. 18. Briefly explain the Kashmir issue between India and Pakistan. 306
19. Describe any four steps talen by India to strengthen the United Nations. 20. Explain the factors that determine Indias foreign policy ? 21. Explain the role of United Nations in maintaining world peace ? 22. Discuss Indias relations with the USA. 23. Explain Indo-Pak relations since 1990. 24. Write a detailed note on the relavance of Non-alignment.
4 8 8 8 8 8
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The world of today consists of nearly 200 states, which are also known as countries. They
are similar in many ways. Each enjoys independence, with a government to administer an army to protect the country against foreign invader. But, at the same time, states are different in their geographical size, population, natural resources, economic conditions and type of government, etc. However, no country whether strong or weak, big or small can afford to conduct its affairs in isolation. They need to live together and work with others for mutual benefit.
Although world affairs is mainly the sum total of relations among States, it is not limited to States only. Contact and cooperation between ordinary people like us in our capacities as tourists, journalists, businessmen, sportsmen, etc. are growing very fast. With satellite technology and introduction of mobile, telephone conversations between people living in distant countries has become easy. Not only this but also the live telecasts of sports, political or cultural events or even of wars are brought to our sitting rooms by cable television. All these developments have virtually made the huge world into a village where a sense of togetherness prevails and problems are handled in that spirit. Hence, it is essential for us to be aware of the happenings around the world. That necessarily includes trends in world around us and also its problems.
After studying this lesson, you will be able to explain the meaning of world order; discuss the working of bipolar world during the Cold War years; trace the emergence of a multipolar world; recognise that after the end of the Cold War, the world order has become unipolar; recall the enormity of human suffering on account of wars, violence and terrorist
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orderly which is not readily noticed. For example, exchange of diplomats, rules regarding wars, postal communication, air and sea traffic, treatment of foreigners, exchange of currencies are part of international order. These and other aspects of international affairs are regulated through customs and traditions, and also by rules laid down in various international agreements and treaties. It is also common that states having differences seek the help of another country or an international agency for reaching a compromise. The talks currently in progress between India and Pakistan mirror these features of the existing world order. That a world war has not taken place after 1945 speaks about the positive side of the world order. Let us recognise that world order cannot be idealistic ignoring the realities completely. Political and other conditions continuously influence the nature of the world order at any time. The world order in turn evolves gradually in response to these developments by making necessary adjustments. The order does not completely break up to give place to a new order; it only makes changes as per the actual trends in the world. These changes may be good or bad, minor or major. In other words, major developments like the end of the Cold War necessitate change in the existing order, not change of the existing order.
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developed countries. (India played leadership role in this effort.) Their collective voice and influence could not be missed in the working of world forums like the United Nations. Great many initiatives were undertaken to pressurise the super powers for disarmament, and also calling for creating just and equitable economic order. Side by side, the clout of the oil-rich countries (in West Asia and elsewhere) asserted their importance by manipulated production and price levels. By 1970s, significantly the bipolar world started yielding place to multipolarity. Scholars and statesmen perceived presence of not two but many centres of power and influence in world affairs. Apart from the collective bargaining strength of the Third World there were many more interesting developments. The West European countries after enjoying the economic and military protection from the United States recovered as part of regional integration process known as the European Union. These countries have become a major competitor for world markets to the United States. In East Asia too, economic rise of first Japan and then China, followed by the Asian Tigers (like South Korea, Singapore, etc.) loosened the grip of the bipolar world order. Interestingly, concerned over the challenge from these new poles, the bipolar powers briefly tried reconciliation known as dtente during 1970s but they failed to sustain it. The bipolar world order continued till the totally unexpected collapse of socialism in East Europe and the Soviet Union, which spelled formal end to the Cold War era in the beginning of 1990s.
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Eritrea got independence from Ethiopia after prolonged struggle for exercise of right to self-determination, although problems over border have brought the burden of a new war between the two poor nations. East Timor is the latest in the list of territories that successfully claimed right to self-determination in a violent atmosphere. No one could say that worst is over. The idea of right to self-determination aims to enable a population, under foreign occupation or domination, to freely choose their own system of government. The American War of Independence and the French Revolution in the 18th century promoted this idea. After the First World War, new states like Austria, Yugoslavia came into being by applying the right to self-determination in central Europe. After 1945, the colonized people in Africa, Asia and Caribbean successfully demanded the right to self-determination to gain freedom from their colonial masters. Of late, some disgruntled groups (like in Kashmir) are interpreting the right to self-determination to secede or separate from the existing state. There are widespread fears that agreeing to such demand would lead to break of many countries on ethnic, linguistic, religious lines. It could even pose a major danger to the contemporary world order. Regimes in many countries are fighting civil war against one or more rebel groups, and as a consequence state machinery has ceased to function or even exist in these unfortunate countries. Afghanistan, Angola, Burundi, Congo, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Somalia are among the victims of this kind of instability. Some of them have been branded as failed states a source of worry to the rest of the world. At the same time some countries continued to face threats of interference and military intervention from outside. The delicate situation of Georgia in Europe and Zaire in Africa illustrates this trend. The civil wars are being fought in the most brutal and uncivil fashion. Reports are available about reckless use of small arms (like AK-47s), hand grenades, and landmines, which have brought misery to the millions of unconnected and innocent men, women and children. Nearly 20 million lives were lost in violent clashes in the past 15 years. According to estimates 95 out of a hundred deaths in these wars are innocent civilians. Clearing a city or town of ethnic minority groups through mass killings, forcible use of children as soldiers, gang rapes of women are key and inhumane features of the civil wars. Human rights violations by the official troops or rebels have now become a central concern for those interested in security and stability as components of the post-Cold War global order. The focus clearly shifted from the state security during the Cold War era to human security. On the other hand, a number of countries fear that human rights could be used as a pretext for foreign military interventions. In 2003 the United States invaded and occupied Iraq after accusing the regime of Saddam Hussein of using deadly weapons against Shia and Kurd sections of Iraqi population. A vast majority of countries criticised the US action as illegal and unjustified, and also accused the US of misusing the human rights plank for its own selfish interests. Ironically thousands of Iraqis and Americans lost are losing their lives because of the continuing warfare between the American coalition and the Iraqi resistance forces. There are apprehensions that the Iraqi venture could turn out as the biggest mistake of the United States comparable to its defeat in the war against Vietnam (1963 73). Among other factors, religious intolerance is contributing to instability in the contemporary world. Though religious extremism is commonly identified with Islam, it is not true that it is confined to one religion alone. Many of these groups enjoy wide network of patronage cutting across national boundaries encompassing supply of military hardware and funds.
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World Order and the United Nations
Political Science
Globalisation is a process of integrating the world into one market to enable easy movement of capital, goods, information and even workers across borders with no barriers. Private firms can invest and disinvest at will, locate production centres at a profit yielding or cost reducing anywhere in the world, hire employees of foreign origin on cheaper rates, assign work to far away people with the desired skills and experience, and flood markets in the developing countries with consumer and other goods for sale at rates competitive to local products, and safely take back profits. All this is happening with the help of technology access to which is not yet universal or equal. The globalisation process as manifested in the activities of multinational corporations, media giants and non-governmental organisations has considerably undermined the sovereign prerogatives of the state structures in the Third World. Territorial borders identified with nation states have become less effective to check ill effects of globalisation. The bulk of the world community the developing countries - has become part of globalisation with great hope. Let us look at Indias experience. With strengths like well developed and highly competitive computer software industry, the availability of technical and skilled work force and its potential as a very large middle class market, India has hopes to benefit in the era of globalisation. Since 1991, India changed the orientation of its economic policy by injecting pronounced features of privatization, liberalisation of rules for foreign investment, and disinvestment of public sector companies. Customers are flooded with an amazing choice of goods in the market from motor cars to food products. Indias exports have gone up especially in service sector, investments have come into the country, and our foreign exchange reserves are extremely comfortable. Overall, India during globalisation has emerged as one of the fastest growing economies in the world. Though India is open to beneficial aspects of globalisation, it is concerned over the adverse effects. American companies, currency, TV channels and weapons have taken over the world. Many local companies are being shut down causing unemployment to millions even in the advanced countries. Withdrawal of Governmental support through subsidies in fertilizers, electricity and other essential needs has added to the misery of rural and farming sections. The income gaps between the rich and the poor both among and within countries have sharply widened. Nearly one half of the world population (concentrated mostly in sub-Saharan Africa and south Asia) are in terrible poverty. While official aid from the rich donor countries has not grown, the debt burden of the developing countries has increased to worrying levels. On the other hand, the assets of top 3 billionaires in the world are said to be greater than the combined national wealth of all the least developed countries put together. Goods of the least developed countries are denied preferential access to markets in the advanced countries. Moreover, our life styles are undergoing significant shift embracing meaningless consumerism. Thanks to globalisation, nations live with the fear about the spread of the diseases like AIDS. The initiatives taken so far to address the above problems have proved insufficient. There is need to provide human face to make globalisation just and even-handed in its effects. Otherwise the credibility of contemporary world order may come under question.
World Order and the United Nations
Terminal Exercises
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Outline the meaning and basic features of world order. How did United States and the Soviet Union fight the Cold War? Elaborate how the bipolar world gradually gave place to multipolarity? Describe civil wars and terrorism as features of the unipolar world. Discuss the negative effects of globalisation.
(1) The United States, the Soviet Union, and Great Britain. (2) Yes. (3) The US and the Former Soviet Union. (4) NATO and the Warsaw Treaty Organisation. (5) Yes, it was known as Dtente.
(1) The Soviet Union. 317
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Political Science
(2) Mikhail Gorbachov. (3) The United States. (4) No.
(1) Yes.
(2) Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, etc. (3) Afghanistan, Somalia, Sierra Leone, Yugoslavia, etc. (4) False.
1. False 2. True 3. True 4. Yes
World Order and the United Nations
institution of our times. It was set up in 1945 with 51 countries as member nations and its current membership is 192. Most of the countries in the world today are members of the United Nations. The activities of the United Nations reflect the needs and hopes of not just the governments but the people of the world at large. The United Nations is, therefore, a world organization and its activities are wideranging. Without exaggerating, there is not a single aspect of our life that is not touched by the ever-increasing scope of the United Nations activities.
After studying this lesson, you will be able to trace the origins of the United Nations (UN); identify its objectives and basic principles; describe the composition and functions of the principal organs of the UN; recall its contributions in the fight against evil practices like apartheid, colonialism and promotion of human rights; emphasize the need for restructuring of the Security Council to make it more representative; explain that the United Nations is the only hope for a peaceful and better world.
World Order and the United Nations
Political Science
Even before the complete defeat of the enemy countries (viz. Germany, Japan, and Italy) in the Second World War, the allied powers led by the USA, former Soviet Union and the UK started planning an organization in place of the League of Nations. The US president, Roosevelt and the British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill signed the Atlantic Charter in August 1941 indicating their desire for a post-war peace institution. Then, a series of conferences followed at Moscow, Teheran, Dumbarton Oaks and Yalta to discuss various ideas and proposals. Finally, the United States hosted the San Francisco Conference in early 1945 to finalise and sign the Charter of the new organisation, the United Nations. The United Nations was established on 24th October 1945. Since then, we celebrate 24th October as UN Day. The Charter is the Constitution of the United Nations. It lists the purposes of the organization, the principles guiding the conduct of both the United Nations and its member countries, the principal organs along with their composition and powers.
(iii) to achieve international cooperation in the economic, social, cultural or humanitarian fields, and (iv) to encourage respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. In pursuit of the above objectives, both the United Nations and its member states are required to adhere to a set of important guiding principles. The foremost among them is the principle of equality among countries whether big or small, strong or weak. The United Nations will not interfere in the domestic matters of the member countries. The member states of the United Nations are expected to resolve their disputes with other states in a peaceful manner without endangering international peace and security. Further, the member states should refrain from threats or use of force against another member. It is the duty of the members to assist the United Nations in the enforcement of peace. As we have already noted, the maintenance of international peace and security is a very important purpose of the UN. Other purposes are complementary to the purpose of peace. In discussing the role of the UN, we should bear in mind one basic aspect of the world body: it is a political body serving its member governments in the context of global politics. Neither the preferences of governments, nor the trends in international politics are static; they change from time to time. Hence, in the exercise of its powers, the UN cannot be rigid, mechanical or uniform. The role of the UN is marked, therefore, by flexibility and pragmatism. Generally, the UN preferred not to take a harsh view or condemn the aggressor country whenever it received complaints on a breach of peace. Instead, it directed its efforts to stop the fighting immediately and to seek withdrawal of troops to pre-war locations. 320
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Mark the following sentences as True or False 4. 5. 6. Sovereign equality among the member states is a cardinal principle of the United Nations. (True/false) The United Nations cannot normally take up domestic problems of its member countries. (True/ false) The United Nations membership has not increased since its existence. (True/False)
Although these principal organs are inter-linked in many ways, each one of them is distinct in terms of its compositions and powers. Let us examine them one by one.
World Order and the United Nations
Political Science
The General Assembly is some times called as the world parliament. It can discuss any matter. It discusses matters which include peace and security questions, environmental protection, economic development, problems of colonial administration, disarmament, refugees, population explosion, use of global commons like outer space and deep seaboard. It can only make recommendations. As part of this function, the Assembly has adopted a number of important declarations containing principles of international cooperation in political, economic, social and other matters. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), the Declaration on Decolonisation (1960), Declaration on New International Economic Order (1974), Declaration on Rights of the Child (1989), Declaration on International Terrorism (1994) are only a few examples. They are common goals desirable for governments to implement in their national policies and programmes. The Declarations are not binding on countries. Yet, they carry great moral and political weight. Therefore, governments find it difficult to ignore them. The Assembly has also adopted several laws like the covenant on civil, political, economic rights of individuals, the laws of exploitation of seas, laws prohibiting or controlling chemical and biological weapons, and so on. These laws are not like the laws of our Parliament which are automatically binding on all of us whereas these international laws and conventions are legally binding only on those states that agree to comply with them. The Assembly elects members of various organs. It appoints the Secretary General. It supervises the work of the Economic and Social Council, the Security Council, the Trusteeship Council and other bodies. The Assembly has the power to approve the budget of the United Nations and to apportion the amount among all the member countries.
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World Order and the United Nations
Political Science
free. Now that there is no trust territory to be administered, the Trusteeship Council has ceased to play an active role in the UN system and does not hold meetings. The Charter has to be amended to dissolve this organ. International trusteeship system was created for administration and supervision of such territories, which had not attained independence. It replaced the League mandate system
4. 5. 6.
_________________ is at present the UN Secretary General . (Kofi Annan/Bam Kimoon) The judges of the World Court are elected by ________________ (General Assembly/ Security Council/both Security Council and General Assembly)
World Order and the United Nations
World Order and the United Nations
Political Science
to the drafting of two legally binding covenants, one on economic, social and cultural rights and the other on civil and political rights. Both these covenants became applicable to the signatory states from 1976 onwards. These two covenants, together with the universal declaration, are known as the International Bill of Rights. The covenant on economic, social and cultural rights highlights the right to work in just condition, the right to adequate standard of living and the right to social protection. The Covenant on civil and political rights emphasizes freedom of movement, equality before the law, freedom of religion, freedom of participation in elections, and protection of minority rights. A specially constituted committee monitors the compliance of the signatory states to this covenant on HR. A remarkable feature is the UN is empowered under the civil and political rights covenant to receive and redress complaints from individuals against the behavior of their own respective governments. The UN has adopted other declarations and covenants with the aim of stopping the practice of torture and racial discrimination or protecting vulnerable section like children, women and migrant workers The activities of the UN include the convening of periodical conferences on human rights. Recently, in 1993 the UN organized at Vienna an international conference on Human rights. Acting upon the recommendations of the conference, the General Assembly appointed in 1994 the UN high commissioner for HR whose task is to promote more scrupulous respect for human rights throughout the world.
World Order and the United Nations
Terminal Exercises
1. 2. 3. 4. Discuss the purposes and principles of the UN charter Compare and contrast the composition and functions of the General assembly and the Security Council. Discus the importance of the UN role in the decolonisation effort. Explain the need for restructuring the Scurity Council 327
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Political Science
5. Write a short note on the following (a) UN Secretary General (b) Universal Declaration of Human Rights (c) Trusteeship Council (d) Economic and Social Council
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The Security Council 11 The Economic and Social Council Bam Ki-moon Both the Security Council and the General Assembly
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1960 True Nelson Mandela False 10 December 1976 High Commissioner for Human Rights
World Order and the United Nations
Extended Learning
Basic Facts about the United Nations (New York, 1995) Image and Reality: Question and Answers about the UN (New York 1996)
1. 2. 3. Allied Powers League of Nations Charter
World Order and the United Nations
Political Science
very difficult to achieve other goals like economic and social progress. Peace became all the more essential as the wars became very destructive and bloody due to development of dangerous weapons in the twentieth century. Moreover, a number of countries and their people are experiencing the negative effects of wars. Hence, leaders of the world joined hands to prevent war and to manage the peaceful relations among the nations. That is the reason why the United Nations was created at the end of Second World War. The United Nations was created to work for peace in all parts of the world. In fact, peace is its top most aim. United Nations is today the most important organisation dedicated to world peace. Many organs of the United Nations work for peace. The efforts of Security Council, the General Assembly and the Secretary General are notable. There have been more than 300 wars after the Second World War. But to the credit of the United Nations, third world war has not occurred.
Peace is one of the most cherished goals of the nations of the world. Without peace, it is
After studying this lesson, you will able to identify different ways in which United Nations strives for international peace and security; recall the efforts of the United Nations to mediate between countries so that their problems are peacefully settled; identify the impact of Cold War in the functioning of the United Nations in regard to peace and security; recognise importance of peacekeeping activities of the United Nations; explain the sanctions imposed by the United Nations as punishment against peaceviolating country; explain the significance of disarmament efforts of the United Nations. 330
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Political Science
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Political Science
wage another war against Iraq in 2003. It is different matter that United States went ahead with its war plans without having the benefit of UN permission.
3. The United Nations________ to grant US request for permission to wage another war 334
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Political Science
2. The preservation of life on the planet is the first and foremost reason behind the need forarms race means diversion of _______________ which could be used for economic development. Discriminated between nuclear and non-nuclear weapon countries. General Assembly held ____________ special setting on disarmament. UN General Assembly approved The ComprehehensiveTest Ban Treaty (CTBT) in __________________.
3. 4. 5.
Terminal Exercises
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What are the four main aspects of the United Nations activities which have made our world peaceful? Discuss few of the examples of the United Nations mediation. What are the different types of non-military sanctions which are imposed by the United Nations? Why does the United Nations not have its own military force to carry out its military action? What is peacekeeping? What for these operations have been sent? Discuss some of the aspects in regard to UN disarmament efforts.
World Order and the United Nations
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Standing army United States Iraq 60 Cambodia
1. 2. 3 4. 5. Nuclear Resources Non-proliferation Treaty Three 1996
World Order and the United Nations
Political Science
The UN and its affiliated agencies play an important role in the promotion of international
co-operation in the economic and social fields. The United Nations considered that stable peace cannot be achieved without economic and social development of all nations. Hence, much of the UNs resources are devoted to economic and social activities. Since 1960 economic and social development of the newly independent, poor countries has been the main preoccupation of the United Nations. Activities in these fields are varied, aimed at tackling problems like poverty, housing, food and disease which have both economic and social characteristics and effects.
After studying this lesson, you will able to recall major initiatives of the United Nations for socio-economic development of developing countries; identify the network of UN agencies and bodies for development; recall the activities of various socio-economic development agencies; appreciate that despite obstacles, UN role goes a long way to help in the developmental needs of the backward countries.
World Order and the United Nations
World Order and the United Nations
Political Science
diverse economic interests within the Group of 77, putting oil importing countries against the oil rich countries. and also least developed against the middle income countries like India and Brazil. By the end of 1970s many developing countries were facing serious balance of payments problems and were forced to turn to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank for loan. These institutions are controlled by rich countries. This gave them the opportunity to exercise considerable influence over economic and trade policies in the developing world. Because of the economic crisis, the goals of the Second Development Decade achieved little compared to the first Decade. United Nations convened a series of International Conferences to discuss strategies to address economic and social development concern and plans of action were adopted. Among the most important conferences related to development are: on Environment and Development, also known as Earth Summit on Environment and Development (in 1992), Conference on Human Rights (1993), International Conference on Population and Development (1994), World Summit for Social Development (1995), World Conference on Women(1995), and the UN City Summit on Human Settlement (1997). Besides the UN Secretaries-General also played their part in pushing the cause of economic and social development of the Third World. In 1994, the former Secretary General, Boutros Boutros-Ghali, presented a grand vision in An Agenda for Development. At a UN summit in 2000 the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) were adopted. These goals include the elimination of extreme poverty, achieving universal primary education, improving maternal health and reducing child mortality. The development goals were adopted unanimously by all UN Member States and set out yardsticks for measuring development progress by 2015 by curing many of the worlds ills such as poverty, lack of access to education and health services.
World Order and the United Nations
World Order and the United Nations
Political Science
UNDP in partnership with the Indian government initiated in July 2004 a four year project in Kutch district of the state of Gujarat (a disaster prone area) to promote productive use of renewable energy. UNDP supported project on Community Health Financing Initiative in India as a majority of the rural and urban slum population remains outside the health care system even after 50 years of independence.
On 23 January 2004 UNDP launched a new initiative to provide technology training in community education centres across the developing world.
World Order and the United Nations
World Order and the United Nations
Political Science
5. Mark the following as True or False: (i) The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is the main funding agency for development projects and programmes. (True/False) (True/False)
(iii) The World Bank helps the developing countries to correct balance of payments deficits. (True/False)
Terminal Exercises
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Describe the structure of the United Nations for the economic and social development activities. What are the major initiatives of the United Nations for the promotion of economic and social development? Describe the functions of the World Bank as the main UN financial agency for development. Explain the working of the United Nations Development programme (UNDP). Describe the role of UNICEF in promoting the welfare of children.
1. 2. 344 The General Assembly and the Economic and Social Council. Rome
World Order and the United Nations
Administrative System in India
Political Science
The civil servants occupy an important role in the successful administration of state at
different levels. Therefore, their recruitment, training, emoluments, conditions of service, promotion policies, etc. assume importance. For an impartial consideration of these matters relating to civil servants, an independent and expert authority is required which is known as the institution of public service commission. One of the important features of our Constitution is the inclusion of Public Service Commission at both Union and State levels in the Constitution itself. While UPSC and SPSC are constitutional bodies, a joint public service commission is created by an Act of Parliament.
After completing this lesson, you will be able to explain the necessity of an independent agency to recruit civil servants; describe the composition of the UPSC; explain the functions of the UPSC; explain the composition of State Public Service Commission; identify functions of State Public Service Commission; recall the constitutional provision for the Joint Public Service Commission; discuss the constitutional provisions relating to independence of Public Service Commission.
Administrative System in India
(ii) the agency thus created is an extra-departmental body such as a commission, which functions outside the normal machinery of government. (iii) a special constitutional status is conferred on this agency to ensure autonomous functioning. It must be remembered that the commission is only a recruiting agency, and not an appointing authority. The authority of making appointments rests with the government. The commission is an advisory and recommendatory body. Its decisions are not mandatory. Normally, government accepts its recommendations, but government may not always accept what the commission suggests. However, in such cases the reasons for not accepting the recommendations have to be explained and recorded.
Administrative System in India
Political Science
were perhaps guided in their decision by the fact that the task requires experts and longer specialized knowledge also and that facilitates collective deliberation by a group of experts who are able to pool their knowledge and experience to arrive at informed and objective decisions. Such a method of making decisions collectively is described as corporate mode of functioning or decision making. Further a plural body like public service commission consisting of experts in parts professional and technical weightage in the process of decision making. When several heads combine for deliberations, biases are eliminated and objectivity is ensured. A commission functions outside the normal governmental machinery, hence greater flexibility and innovativeness of approach is possible. Bureaucratic rigidities and delays, which characterize government departments can thus be avoided.
Administrative System in India
(iii) To conduct examinations for appointment to All India services. (iv) To advise on disciplinary matters affecting government servants. (v) To advise on claims of legal proceedings instituted against a government servant and on the claims in respect of injuries sustained by a government servant while on duty.
(vi) To advise on any other matter specifically referred by the President. 349
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There is also a provision for extending the functions of the Commission by Parliament not only in respect of government services but also in respect of services under local authorities, corporations or other public institutions. The jurisdiction of the Commission can be reduced by taking away some posts from its purview. For example, the Commission is not consulted in regard to selections for the folowing appointments:
(ii) posts of high diplomatic nature (iii) Group C and Group D employees who constitute nearly 90% of the total number of the Central Government employees. The Commission is consulted in matters of censure, compulsory, retirement, removal or dismissal from service, seduction to lower same grade or post or scale, with holding of increments or promotion, recovery of the whole or part of any loss caused to the government by negligence or branch of order. Moreover, the Commission is also consulted in relation to an order of the President on an appeal against any of the above penalties made by a subordinate authority after consideration of any petition or memorandum or otherwise. The Commission also tenders advice to government on methods of recruitment, and the principle to be followed in making appointments, promotions and transfers from one service to another and the suitability of candidates for such appointments, promotions or transfers. It is the duty of the Commission to present annually to the President a report as to the work done by the Commission.The report along with the memorandum explaining the action taken by the government on the recommendations of the Commission, is placed before the Parliament. Government, thus, becomes responsible to explain the reasons in case it has not accepted the recommendations of the commission.
Administrative System in India
Administrative System in India
Political Science
5. All regulations to be issued by the government excluding any matter from the purview of the commission will have to be laid before the Parliament or the state legislature for such modification as it may deem fit to make.
2. 3. 4. 5.
Administrative System in India
Terminal Exercises
1. 2. 3. 4. Describe the need for an independent agency to recruit civil servants. Explain the composition and functions of The Union Public Service Commission. How are the chairman and the other members of the UPSC and the State Public Service Commission appointed and what are their qualifications? How does the Constitution of India ensure independence of the Public Service Commissions?
1. 2. 3. a a b
1. 2. b c
1. 2. 3. b c a
Administrative System in India
Political Science
I ndia has adopted a federal form where there is a clear demarcation of subjects and
powers between the central government, i.e. government of the union and the state governments. It is a federation but with a distinction. Though, federations have two-tier governing arrangement but India has created a third structure of governance. Since 1992 when the country enacted the 73rd and 74th amendments of the Constitution. Since then local government in India both rural and urban has been included in the constitution. It is a bold measure of empowerment of local government. Today, there are twenty eight states and seven centrally administered territories. Study of Indian administration is a study among other things of the structures at the district,local and the central levels. The most influential level among these, continues to be of the central government which determines to a great extent, the role and responsibilities of other organs. The purpose of this lesson is to describe the administrative machinery at the Cental, states and district levels. There is no mention of the machinery of the government or the term like the Secretariat in the Constitution. There is simply a provision which empowers the President of India to make rules for the transaction of business.
After studying this lesson, you will be able to explain administrative machinery at the Centre, State and District levels; identify at the Centre level the important administrative organizations are the Central Secretariat comprising Ministries, Departments and independent agencies Boards and Commissions, the Cabinet Secretariat and the Prime Ministers Office; learn about the structure of administration at the state level is mainly the State Secretariat/ and the office of the Chief Secretary;
Administrative System in India
Organisation Chart of the Secretariat Ministry Department Wing Division Branches Head Minister (political executive) Addl./Jt. Secretary Dy. Secretary Under Secretary Secretary(Administrative Head)
Administrative System in India
Political Science
The three essential components of the govt. at the centre are: the minister who decides upon policy, the secretary who provides material and advice to reach such decisions and to oversee the implementation of decisions, and the executive head, who carries the decisions into effect. The secretaries are secretaries to the union government as a whole but not to any particular minister. The secretariat is a policy forming, coordinating and supervising agency of the government. The secretariats primary responsibility is to assist and advise the ministers in respect to the following matters : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Making and modifying policies from time to time. Forming legislation rules and regulations. Sectoral planning and programme formulation, Budgeting and control of expenditure, Supervision and control over execution of policies and programmes by field agencies and evaluation of results, Coordination and integration of policies and programmes, contact with state governments. Developing greater organizational competence, and Assisting the minister in discharge of his parliamentary responsibilities.
Secretariat is to assist and advise the political executive in policy making. However, the secretariat has come to be criticized on various grounds which may be stated as follows: it takes upon itself a number of field functions; it tends to indulge in empire building; over a period of time the secretariat has turned into an over grown institution and over staffing is apparent in many areas; secretaries very often tend to take a superior attitude vis--vis the field agencies. With the increase of a number of departments in the secretariat, coordination has become the real problem. Lack of adequate delegation of work to executive agencies, cumbersome procedures of doing work, widespread desire to postpone decisions to over-consult, to over-coordinate, etc. all lead to delay in the work of the Secretariat. These faults lie not with the concept of the secretariat but with the manner in which it has been functioning.
Who is the administrative head of the secretariat? The Secretariat works as a ______ unit with ______ responsibility.
Administrative System in India
Administrative System in India
Political Science
b. Military Wing c. Administrative Wing d. Intelligence Wing 2. 3. Describe the organization of the Cabinet Secretariat. In which year the Cabinet Secretariat was established? a. 1947 b. 1961
Administrative System in India
34.4.1 Composition
PMO is headed politically by the Prime Minister and administratively by the principal secretary. It consists of some additional secretaries and joint secretaries. The Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister(PM) plays an important role and performs the following functions : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Deals with all governmental files in the office. Puts before the Prime Minister(PM) all important documents and information for orders and instructions. Prepares notes on matters to be discussed by the PM with important dignitaries. On the directions of the PM looks after the affairs of different ministries and departments. Coordinates the activities of various personnel in the office.
The PMO performs several other functions such as:- Maintaining liaison with central ministries and the state governmentts, help the PM in discharging his responsibilities as chairman of the Planning Commission and the National Development Council acts as the public relations agency of the PM and is considered as the think-tank* of the PM. It also deals with all such subjects which are not allotted to any ministry or department. Think-tank - Group of experts studying and solving problems. 359
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Over the years, it has grown very big and powerful. At present, the PMO has over 350 people under its roof. This large establishment runs as a parallel administration, i.e., every ministry department of the central government is duplicated here. The critics have described the PMO variously as super cabinet, micro cabinet, super secretariat, the government of India and so on. PMO has specially been strengthened during Smt. Indira Gandhi and Sri Rajiv Gandhis time and continues to be so till today.
34.5.1 Organisation
The number of secretariat departments vary from state to state. It ranges from 15 to 35 departments. There are certain departments which are found common to all the states. These are mainly General Administration, Home, Finance, Jail, Forest, Agriculture, Labour and Employment, Panchayati Raj, Public Works, Education, Planning, Social Welfare, Housing, Transport, Irrigation and Power, Law, local government, Health, Excise and Taxation, Industries, Publicity and Informations unclear etc. Secretariat department consists of officers who are appointed for a fixed tenure. The hierarchy of the secretariat officers is similar to the Central Secretariat.
34.5.2 Functions
The State Secretariat performs mainly the following functions: To assist the Minister in the fulfilment of his task. To formulate the policies and programmes of the state government. To coordinate amongst the programmes of the state government.
Administrative System in India
5. 6.
Administrative System in India
Political Science
a. Joint Secretary b. Deputy Secretary c. Additional Secretary d. Secretary e. Under Secretary
2. 3. 4.
f. Section Officer Secretariat is the nerve center of ________________. The two main functions of State secretariat________and__________. Chief Secretary stands at the _________of the state administrative machinery.
Besides, Directorates constantly try to improve the efficiency in the implementation of the departmental programmes.
Administrative System in India
Which of the following statements is false ? a. District has been the basic territorial unit of administration in India. (True/False) b. A district is defined as a sufficiently large territory with an overall unity, having common historical, geographical, social and economic conditions. (True/False)
Administrative System in India
Political Science
Administrative System in India
10. To prosecute offenders under the Factories Act and Trade Mark Act. 11. To order disposal of unclaimed property.
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Political Science
12. To recommend schemes for the development of forests. 13. To supervise and control local bodies. He also acts in many ways as an agent of the judiciary. The executions of writs of the civil and criminal courts, including criminal writs from courts outside the district, is normally done through the magisterial elements of the district administration. He supervises the subordinate magistracy and orders magisterial postings when required.
The District Jail is under his general control. He can visit the Jail from time to time to see that all is well and ensure the expeditious disposal of cases of under-trial prisoners. He deals with different problems connected with the Jail administration.
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Administrative System in India
Political Science
34.9.2 Functions
1. 2. 3. 4. To convene the meetings of the block Samiti, to prepare its agenda and keep its records. To prepare the budget at the block level. To prepare programme for the development work and to assist in its implementation. He supervises the work of the different agencies like Agriculture, Fisheries, Cattle stock etc.
Administrative System in India
Administrative System in India
Political Science
Terminal Exercises
1. 2. 3. Discuss the organization of the Central Secretariat. What are the main functions of the Cabinet Secretariat? What is the important role of the Prime Ministers office and the Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister? What do you understand by the State Secretariat? Explain its importance. What is the main function of the Directorate? Discuss the powers and functions of the District Collector. Discuss the functions of the Block Development Officer.
4. 5. 6. 7.
a) b) c) d) (i) Ministries (ii) Departments (i) to assist in policy making The Secretary (i) Single (ii) Collective
1. 2. 3. 4. C It is composed of three wings Civil, Military and Intelligence and the Directorate of Public grievances. 34.1.1 A
1. 2. 3. 4. 370 Council of Ministers Cabinet Secretary Secrecy Prime Minister
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1. 2. 3. 4. (i) Secretarial assistance (ii) Crucial Prime Ministers Office Principal Secretary 350
1. 2. 3. 4. f,e,b,a,c,d State administration (i) to prepare the state budget (ii) To serve as Think Tank of state government apex
1. 2. 3. (b) (b) Government
1. 2. 3. 4. (b) (b) (c) (i) Collect land revenue (ii) Maintain land records
1. 2. (i) Development Management (ii) Management of Panchayat Samiti block level
Administrative System in India
Political Science
The working of government rests on two pillars political and permanent executive. The
smooth working of this system depends on the harmonious relationship between the two. In recent years, however, the administrative and political environment has changed which has produced tensions in the mutual relationship of the two groups. So, let us first understand the meaning and role of bureaucracy and then analyse the relationship between the political executive and bureaucracy and finally identify the recommendations of Administrative Reforms Commission for streamlining the relationship between the minister and the civil servants and reflect upon the present scenario in India in this respect.
After reading this lesson, you will able to Explain the meaning of the term Bureaucracy; Recognize the role and importance of bureaucracy in development; Analyse the relations between the political and administrative wings of government; Identify the causes of stress and sources of confrontation between them; Recall the recommendations of the Administrative Reform Commission; Understand what is meant by politicization of bureaucracy and reflect upon the present scenario.
Administrative System in India
Bureaucracy with such formal characteristics is considered essential for running any large organisation. To quote Max Weber the decisive reason for the advance of bureaucratic organisation has always been its purely technical superiority over any other form of organisationprecision, speed, unambiguity, reduction of friction and of material and personal costs these are raised to the optimum level in the structurally bureaucratic administration.
Concept of bureaucracy was first developed by German philosopher _________. (Karl Marx / Max Weber). Max Weber described bureaucracy as the _________ and most _________ form of government. (rotten / efficient / slow / rational)
Administrative System in India
Political Science
Administrative System in India
Administrative System in India
Political Science
For a developing country like India where speedy socio-economic development has to be steadily pushed through, the nature and character of bureaucracy assume special significance. The involvement of civil servants in numerous decisions be it the location of a steel plant or a school building in a village, makes them partners in development along with the politicians. Their value preferences get inextricably mixed up with technical advice. In the context of large-scale welfare programmes therefore, neutrality is not possible. In fact a certain commitment to the goals and objectives of the state on the part of bureaucracy is inescapable. Neutrality cannot be allowed to degenerate into disinterestedness. The successful carrying out of developmental tasks requires on the part of administrators not only qualities of initiative and leadership but also a sense of emotional integration with the policies and programmes and identification with the interests of the common man. The idea of bureaucracy as a neutral instrument in the conduct of public affairs thus stands refuted.
Administrative System in India
Administrative System in India
Political Science
Administrative System in India
Administrative System in India
Political Science
The administrators blame the politicians for their irrational, partisan and idealistic approach and for disturbing their service conditions through transfers and promotions. The politicians blame the administrators for their prejudice and flair for creating procedural difficulties. Such irritants have led to deterioration of administrative efficiency. The Administrative Reforms Commission was set up in 1966 to suggest measures to streamline their relationship. The relationship between the two elite is crucial to the smooth functioning of the government.
Terminal Exercises
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Define Bureaucracy. Explain the role of bureaucracy in development? What are the major characteristics of Webers model of Bureaucracy? Explain the principle of politics-administration dichotomy? Enumerate the factors responsible for the break down of the concept of neutrality? What do you mean by Committed Bureaucracy? Is it desirable for India? Mention the causes of stress in the minister-civil servant relationship? How does politicization of bureaucracy affect the political system? Outline the various suggestions made by the Administrative Reforms Commission for improving the minister-civil servant relationship?
a) b) Bureaucracy Regulatory, Welfare
Administrative System in India
Administrative System in India
Political Science
After studying this lesson, you will able to recognise the importance of redressal of public grievances in a democracy; identify and explain various instruments of redressal of public grievances; explain the role of Lokpal and Lokayukta; understand the role and working of Central Vigilance Commission.
Administrative System in India
Indian Instrumentation
In India, it has been observed by many committees and commissions that special machinery should be set up to deal with public complaints against the administration. Various institutions 383
Administrative System in India
Political Science
exist to redress public grievances. For instance, a citizen can move the court to seek remedy against any wrong done to him by a public servant or a public agency in the course of discharge of public duty: This is called Judicial remedy. Many kinds of administrative tribunals have been set up to provide cheap and speedy justice to the complainant. The Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Labour Tribunals etc. are instances of this type of institution. Secondly, Parliamentary procedure provides for opportunities to raise questions in Parliament by the elected representatives concerning their constituencies. Also, there is a Parliamentary Committee called the Committee on Petitions. A citizen may submit petitions to secure redress against an act of injustice. So, even though a distant body, Parliament or State Legislature can take up the cause of an aggrieved citizen. Thirdly, under the provisions of the Public Servants (Enquiries) Act, departmental as well as public agencies can be instituted against a public servant for his misconduct. Not day-to-day dealing but more serious matter of maladministration come under the purview of this Act. Fourthly, complaint forums have been set up at different levels to deal with public complaints. For example, in a public bus or in a railway station, there are complaint boxes to receive complaints from public. Consumers Fora are now available to deal with complaints against any supplier of goods and services such as telephone services. Within large public organization such as Railways and Telecommunication etc., there are complaint cells to deal with public complaints. The government has also created Department of Adminstrative Reforms and Public Grievances. This is the nodal agency of the government for Administrative Reforms as well as redressal of public grievances. The enactment of Administrative Tribunal Act 1985 opened a new chapter in the sphere of administrating justice to the aggrieved government servant and in some cases public members.
Administrative System in India
The Lokayukta
Although no institution of Lokpal has yet been established at the Centre, there are states like Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Karnataka, Bihar, Orissa, Himachal Pradesh and National Capital Territory of Delhi which have appointed Lokayukta for dealing with the public grievances on the lines suggested by the ARC. Maharashtra was the first state to enact such legislation in 1971. The other state legislations were based more or less on the Maharashtra lines which provide the Lolkayukta with exclusive powers to look into complaints against state ministers, secretaries and other senior officers. Section 12 of the Himachal Pradesh Lokayukta Act, 1983, provides, If, after enquiry in respect of a complaint, the Lokayukta is satisfied that all or any of the allegations made in the complaint have or have been substantiated either wholly or partly, he shall, by report in writing, 385
Administrative System in India
Political Science
communicate his bindings and recommendations to the competent authority and intimate the complaint and the public servant concerned about his having made the report. The competent authority examines the report and has to communicate to the lokayukta within a period of three months of the receipt of such report, the action taken thereon. It may be noted that the Lokayukta is only a recommending authority. Its recommendations have no legal sanctity, nor are these binding. The final judgement in respect of the offence lies with the competent government authority.
(iii) the CBI direction to register a case and conduct an investigation. Prosecution, however, depends on the approval by the appropriate sanctioning authority. The CVC has laid clown procedures to be followed by the administrative ministries/ departments in the case of complaints received by them. These complaints are to be dealt with by the ministries/departments concerned. The CVC may advise the ministries/ departments in respect of all matters relating to integrity in administration. It may also call for reports, returns or statements from all ministries/departments so as to enable it, to exercise a general check and supervision over vigilance and anti-corruption work in the 386
Administrative System in India
Administrative System in India
Political Science
and Lokayukta for dealing with complaints against the administrative acts of ministers or secretaries to government, both at the Centre and in the States. Although, no institution of Lokpal and Lokayukta has yet been established at the Centre, some States have appointed Lokayukta. There is a Central Vigilance Commission for several government departments and public sector undertakings to deal with increasing corruption. Thus, there are varied institutional devices to deal with redressal of public grievances.
1. 2. 3. 4.
Terminal Exercises
Why is redressal of public grievances very important for a democracy? What are the various instruments of redressal of public grievances? What is the role of Lokpal and Lokayukta? What is the role of Central Vigilance Commission?
(a) Lokpal, Lokayukta. (b) Maharashtra. (c) Santhanam, (d) limited.
Extended Learning
1) 2) 3) 4) Mohit Bhattacharyya Public Administration: Structures, Process and Behaviour, Calcutta, World Press, 1987. Vidya Bhushan, Vishnoo Bhagawan Indian Administration : New Delhi, S Chand &. Co., 1974. Avasthi & Maheswari Public Administration: Agra, L.N. Agarwal, 1980. Runki Basu Public Administration; Concepts & Theories: New Delhi, Sterling Publishers, 1986.
in India
40 40 20
Marks 14 15 17 12 15 12 15 OR 15 100
Optional Module 1. World Order and the United Nations OR 2. Admisatrative System of India Total
(i) (ii) (ii) The paper consists of section A & B All questions in core module (i.e., section A) are compulsory. Candidates are given choice in Section B. They are required to attempt questions from either Option I or Option II.
(iv) Maximum marks of each question and each part thereof have been indicated againsh it.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 11. Define Political Science. What is the meaning of liberalism ? Mention any two essential elements of the state. What is the relevance of the Preamble of the Indian Constitution ? Define Republic. Mention any two qualfications of the judges of the Supreme Court. What is the meaning of communalism ? What is the meaning of pressure groups ? Identify any two areas of co-operation between India and Russia. Explain any five executive functions of the President of India. 2 2 1+1=2 2 2 1+1=2 2 2 1+1=2 5 5 5 5 2 +3 = 5 5 5 2+6=8 42=8 8 8 2+4=8 OR Describe the legislative relation between the Union and the States. 19. How is the Prime Minister of India appointed ? Analyse his powers, position and role. OR 390
10. Describe briefly any five salient features of the Constitution of India. 12. Explain any five function of the Election Commission of India. 13. Describe any five features of the Indian Party System. 14. Define governance. Mention any three hindrances in the way of good governance. 15. Explain any five basic principles of Indias foreign policy. 16. Describe the India-Pakistan relationship during the last decade. 17. Define nation. Mention the eesential elements of nationality. OR Describe any four tenets of Gandhism. 18. Explain that the Indian Constitution is federal in form but unitary in spirit.
Examine the organisation, jurisdiction and position of the High Court. 20. Examine the role of Caste in the Indian politics. OR Make out a case either for or against reservation policy in India.
2+4+2=8 8 8
5. 6.
7. 8. 9.
10. The five basic features of the Constitution of India are : (i) It is the most lengthy constitution in the world; the original constitution had 395 articles; (ii) It is partly flexible and partly rigid; (iii) It is federal in nature and unitary in spirit; (iv) It provides for a parliamentary form of government; (v) There is a provision for singular judiciary. 11. The five executive functions of the President of India are : (a) The President appoints the Prime Minister and on his/her advice, other ministers; (b) He appoints the Governors of the states; (c) He is the Supreme Commander of the armed forces; (d) He appoints ambassadors and accept credentials from ambessadors and (e) High Commissioners coming form vaious states.
12. The five functions of the Elections Commission are : (i) Preparation of the electoral rolls for all types of elections in India; (ii) Supervision of the election machinery with regard to all elections; (iii) Determination of the dates relating to election schedules; (iv) Granting election symbols to the political parties; (v) Recognising national and regional parties. 13. The five features of the Indian party system are : (i) Dominant party system with emphasis on leadership (ii) Multiparty system (iii) Politics of defection (iv) Increasing role of the opposition (v) Increasing role of regional political parties. 14. Governence is concerned with powers, strategies, policies, plans and projects to improve the substance or quality of life. Hindrances : (a) Growth of population (b) corruption (c) increasing culture of violence. 15. (i) Faith in United Nations, (ii) Faith in Non-alignment Movement, (3) Advocacy of the Panch sheets, (4) Friendly and peaceful relations with all the countries, in particular with neighbouring countires; (5) Settlement of disputes through negotiations.
16. With the friendly stance in the relationship, during the last decade inspite of Kargil, terrorism and Kashmir. The exchange of visits by the heads of the state and government, signing of treaties relating to trade and commerce; starting of trains and bus services for the exchange of visits by the general public. 17. A nation is a body of people who feel themselves to be naturally linked together by strong affinities Elements of Nationality. Common geography, common religion, common political aspirations, common culture. These elements are to be briefly explained. OR Gandhism : (a) Non-violence/Ahimsa, (b) satya and Satyagraha, (c) Ramrajya, (d) close relationship between politics and religion, (d) faith in the policy of trusteeeship (any four). The above tenets are to be briefly explained. 18. The Indian Constitution is partly federal and partly unitary, as it contains the features of both the form of government. The condidates are expected to explain briefly their features and conclude that India is normally federal and can become unitary during emergencies. OR The candidates are expected to high-light the division of powers between the union and the states through the Union, the State and the Concurrent lists as provided in the constitution, as well as to show that the Union Government is more powerful than the states governements. 19. India has adopted the parlimentary system in which the Prime Minister is appointed by the President of India wherein the leader of the majority party or that of the coalition of parties is invited to be Prime Minister. All the powers of the President as mentioned in the Constitution are exercised by the Prime Minister. The students should briefly explain them. The Prime Minister is the real head of the executive as well as the head of the goverment. OR The chief justice and the judges of the High Court are appointed by the President of India as per the proivision of the Constitution of India. The High Court enjoys, the following jurisdictions : (a) Original Jurisdiction, (b) cases relating to the substantial question of law, (c) superintendence of the subordinate courts, (d) the Court of Record. These points may be briefly explained. The High Court is subordinate to the Supreme Court but is one that supervises the lower/subordinate courts. 20. Indias social structure is based on caste and jati. Verna Vyvastha provides more the theory than the actuality of the caste. Caste is a collection of families or group of families having a common name, claiming a common descent and form a single homogeneous community. In independent india - a democratic caste system has started playing a nefarious role. Be it choice of candidates at the time of election, or filling governmental jobs preferance is given to the caste. Even people cast their votes keeping in mind the candidates caste. OR Reservation policy is based on protective discrimination. Equality of opportunity in the absence of equality of conditions results in the deepening of inequalities instead of promoting equalities. In india, reservations have been provided for the people belonging to the Schedule Caste, the Scheduled Tribes, the Other Backword Classes, as well as have been provided in order to fulfil the promises of women empowerment. The candidates are supposed to make the case for or against the policy of reservation. 393
(i) (ii) (ii) The paper consists of section A & B All questions in core module (i.e., section A) are compulsory. Candidates are given choice in Section B. They are required to attempt questions from either Option I or Option II.
(iv) Maximum marks of each question and each part thereof have been indicated againsh it.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Define Political Science. What is the meaning of liberalism ? Mention any two essential elements of the state. What is the relevance of the Preamble of the Indian Constitution ? Define Republic. Mention any two qualfications of the judges of the Supreme Court. What is the meaning of communalism ? What is the meaning of pressure groups ? Identify any two areas of co-operation between India and Russia. 2 2 1+1=2 2 2 1+1=2 2 2 1+1=2 5 5 5 5 2 +3 = 5 5 5 2+6=8 42=8 8 8 2+4=8 OR Describe the legislative relation between the Union and the States. 19. How is the Prime Minister of India appointed ? Analyse his powers, position and role. OR
10. Describe briefly any five salient features of the Constitution of India. 11. Explain any five executive functions of the President of India. 12. Explain any five function of the Election Commission of India. 13. Describe any five features of the Indian Party System. 14. Define governance. Mention any three hindrances in the way of good governance. 15. Explain any five basic principles of Indias foreign policy. 16. Describe the India-Pakistan relationship during the last decade. 17. Define nation. Mention the eesential elements of nationality. OR Describe any four tenets of Gandhism. 18. Explain that the Indian Constitution is federal in form but unitary in spirit.
Examine the organisation, jurisdiction and position of the High Court. 20. Examine the role of Caste in the Indian politics. OR Make out a case either for or against reservation policy in India.
2+4+2=8 8 8
5. 6.
7. 8. 9.
10. The five basic features of the Constitution of India are : (i) It is the most lengthy constitution in the world; the original constitution had 395 articles; (ii) It is partly flexible and partly rigid; (iii) It is federal in nature and unitary in spirit; (iv) It provides for a parliamentary form of government; (v) There is a provision for singular judiciary. 11. The five executive functions of the President of India are : (a) The President appoints the Prime Minister and on his/her advice, other ministers; (b) He appoints the Governors of the states; (c) He is the Supreme Commander of the armed forces; (d) He appoints ambassadors and accept credentials from ambessadors and (e) High Commissioners coming form vaious states. 12. The five functions of the Elections Commission are : (i) Preparation of the electoral rolls for all types of elections in India; (ii) Supervision of the election machinery with regard to all elections; (iii) Determination of the dates relating to election schedules; (iv) Granting election symbols to the political parties; (v) Recognising national and regional parties. 13. The five features of the Indian party system are : (i) Dominant party system with emphasis on leadership (ii) Multiparty system (iii) Politics of defection (iv) Increasing role of the opposition (v) Increasing role of regional political parties. 14. Governence is concerned with powers, strategies, policies, plans and projects to improve the substance or quality of life. Hindrances : (a) Growth of population (b) corruption (c) increasing culture of violence. 15. (i) Faith in United Nations, (ii) Faith in Non-alignment Movement, (3) Advocacy of the Panch sheets, (4) Friendly and peaceful relations with all the countries, in particular with neighbouring countires; (5) Settlement of disputes through negotiations. 16. With the friendly stance in the relationship, during the last decade inspite of Kargil, terrorism and
Kashmir. The exchange of visits by the heads of the state and government, signing of treaties relating to trade and commerce; starting of trains and bus services for the exchange of visits by the general public. 17. A nation is a body of people who feel themselves to be naturally linked together by strong affinities Elements of Nationality. Common geography, common religion, common political aspirations, common culture. These elements are to be briefly explained. OR Gandhism : (a) Non-violence/Ahimsa, (b) satya and Satyagraha, (c) Ramrajya, (d) close relationship between politics and religion, (d) faith in the policy of trusteeeship (any four). The above tenets are to be briefly explained. 18. The Indian Constitution is partly federal and partly unitary, as it contains the features of both the form of government. The condidates are expected to explain briefly their features and conclude that India is normally federal and can become unitary during emergencies. OR The candidates are expected to high-light the division of powers between the union and the states through the Union, the State and the Concurrent lists as provided in the constitution, as well as to show that the Union Government is more powerful than the states governements. 19. India has adopted the parlimentary system in which the Prime Minister is appointed by the President of India wherein the leader of the majority party or that of the coalition of parties is invited to be Prime Minister. All the powers of the President as mentioned in the Constitution are exercised by the Prime Minister. The students should briefly explain them. The Prime Minister is the real head of the executive as well as the head of the goverment. OR The chief justice and the judges of the High Court are appointed by the President of India as per the proivision of the Constitution of India. The High Court enjoys, the following jurisdictions : (a) Original Jurisdiction, (b) cases relating to the substantial question of law, (c) superintendence of the subordinate courts, (d) the Court of Record. These points may be briefly explained. The High Court is subordinate to the Supreme Court but is one that supervises the lower/subordinate courts. 20. Indias social structure is based on caste and jati. Verna Vyvastha provides more the theory than the actuality of the caste. Caste is a collection of families or group of families having a common name, claiming a common descent and form a single homogeneous community. In independent india - a democratic caste system has started playing a nefarious role. Be it choice of candidates at the time of election, or filling governmental jobs preferance is given to the caste. Even people cast their votes keeping in mind the candidates caste. OR Reservation policy is based on protective discrimination. Equality of opportunity in the absence of equality of conditions results in the deepening of inequalities instead of promoting equalities. In india, reservations have been provided for the people belonging to the Schedule Caste, the Scheduled Tribes, the Other Backword Classes, as well as have been provided in order to fulfil the promises of women empowerment. The candidates are supposed to make the case for or against the policy of reservation.
Optional Module 1. World Order and the United Nations OR 2. Admisatrative System of India Total