Tech Play 2 Week 3
Tech Play 2 Week 3
Spring 2015
Wikis - A wiki is a website that many people can edit. Most have controls so that the
owner of the wiki can determine who can edit the page and who can just view the
page. Many free wikis can be found through a Google search. Some are free to
educators and their students.
Websites - You can use any of a broad array of creation and hosting tools that fit
into this category. Free sites, such as Weebly or Google Sites, can do both. These
online tools offer point-and-click design templates and content creation. However,
some might have ads or unwanted content. Those of you with more technical
proficiency might prefer to obtain your own domain and an HTML editor such as
Dreamweaver or code your site with HTML to create your eportfolio.
Proprietary tools - eportfolio vendors (developers and sellers of proprietary
software specifically for eportfolio creation, dissemination, and collection) often
provide free trials to allow for play or tutorial videos that describe the wondrous
capabilities of their tools (recognize that theres some bias in their descriptions);
these can be found with a Google search.
Weve created a threaded discussion for brainstorming below. If you are unsure about
where to begin, feel free to post questions in the forum below so that your classmates can
help you. If you feel very capable in this area, please read others questions and offer
assistance and guidance. Note that posting questions or answers below is not part of the
Play-testing Activity that will be graded. Instead, you must make a blog post reflecting on
your exploration of eportfolio tools. Post your reflection on the blog you created last week.
ETEC 524
Spring 2015
Then, reflect on which you would prefer (note: the first question asks which
would be more relevant/meaningful to your learning, not which you would
prefer) and explain why.
Create something. You can begin building your portfolio or just play around with
various tools, but you need to select one tool that youll use to create your eportfolio
for this class. We ask that you post the link to the eportfolio that you create this
week in your blog post/reflection.