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Worthy of Glory


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Worthy of Glory


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SS. OSH bn} Worthy of Glory Se Do= D4 TF, Based on Tradonal Sources with stengih d= ca, 192 ‘Arrangediby Tom Fotthe mf _. _. ee —— 5 5 sila s [a3 33 o4(S]fas ssa4[S][sas4¢ 4 [5]] 2 o | ee — a8 ik alta at 12 a [744112 t]1442 2 447 | ee we — Worthy ofglo = —y, wordhyofhon - or, worthy ofpraise ise. Le-yak-lah Tu - han, muia dana -° gung, kami memy =. jf .- Mu. mf Se _— — 2 55 55..5 5 |66 66 6 eee ee 6 5 . cP Pe oo US =i 1d? 33 33 3 3 41 1 i! Spee laa ee : Wor-thy ofgio - ry, wor-thyofhon —- ‘or, wor-thy of praise_ is He. Layak-lahTu - han, mudia dana - — gung, ka-mi me-mu = - ji > Mu. [iaaeanaay cae _ oa 6 6 s. 44445 [$]]/44 44 45 [Q][44 as 8 2) 3 0 oe ee — a|z22223 2|22 2223 2|22 47 7 2|1 - 7 0 ~— a Vv ! Wor-thy of glo - ry, wor-thyofhon - ‘or, worthy of praise is He. Layek-lahTu - han, mudia dana - —gung, kami memy - ji. - Mu rlee se 6. 6 |e666'6 -6|5555 5 5/5 0 a {z222 2 2|1171 1 1/7785 58 7] 4 ° — WS came Wor-thy ofgio ry, worthy.ofhon - ‘or, wor-thy of praise is He. Layak-lahTu - | han, mu-ia dana - .gung, kami me-mu = - fi - Mu. a) a —- sy, oresc. yes Be ce THES ss{t4 at 2 ° s [SE rere rales s5ssgah «8 [ie i loro A 41 14 14 114i t tt 14 144 4 g 83 5 0 ww Ne He has re-deemed me by the blood of the Lamband Hehas set my — spirit free. karna da-rah- Nya telah me-ne -bus-ku.: Dia tah sla-mat - kan jewa = KU. r [es 44 44 Gales 5s cs s5l6 7 Tt 113 ° es ee ee — Boj44 44 44 44/33 33 33 33] 2 3044 5: . 0 ( ( Worthy of Glory 28 Bandung Choral Sociei a f _— — rit, 33 33 73 i Te aif Sia Tt Te 5 STlee 6 5 s A [55 55 54 3 4544 4 4 ss — Worthy ofglo - ty, wordhyofhon ~~ of, worthyofpreise is Lgyak-lanTu = hen, mia dana = - gung, Kewl mpm = u|[fi tt ¢ 7 [e666 6 s|T7 t SS Se Ce = a —— eT 7 inp fred, _ i ° S| 5 | 444 4.73.) 2 2 o/.3 34 3 2 A [3 offs ti 1 ata fb ofr 77°77 =_ You are the words and You are the song | — Eng-aulah pu - ji Eng kau nya-nyi -- an mp — i offs 66 6 6|s o|[s 66 # 3 [3 ° Do | a Bf 9) 22 eis (oe cia 1 % s. | 4 o}4 7 1 0 alr os Oe |e ato) ort alee 0 ce ~~ sing.. You are the meto - dy, You are thehar-mo~ ny. - ku Eng kau lah mel-o - di Eng kau lahhar-mo- ni, TY 3 Oe oe 0) a 0 0 6 a|s Oto) 0.0 ° ° é | | ! 7 Vamp i ° 6 i sf fg fe sty ade : ‘I A 3 0 1 4 4 2f2 4 7: 0 1 __ Praise to You 1 — bring | —_ You are theMighty God, — A= ku ome -mu - ji Kau Yang Ma-ha Kua -sa mf eee 1. 6 ° 6 6 6 6/5 o|3 33 44 4 B [es Fe CLUr SF trt—sersts——SsSSsSsesS=S 1 ae Tart of Gory 2 Bandung Choral Soceiy D.C al Coda 7 aii i 4, 2 0 =e 5 A s[s ssffz alfs ss 5 [5] 4 : oe 0 oo _ ee, al iti 71 1]3°-33 4 4] 5 Pp oeilp . : oO aenereeemes You arethe Lord of Lords, You arethe King: of Kings Eng-kaulahTu-han- ku, Eng-kaulah Ra = ja: = ky _ —=— ff T. 5 55 66 6 4 44 Todt 2 . . 2 0 oe a tf ne a[3 3344 4/5 55 6 [5 .'.°.]5 ° ee alee You are the Lord of Lords, You" arethe King of * Kings. Eng-kaulahTu-han- fu, Eng-kaulah Ra = ja - Ku, oe a f s {23 ZI i: 0 (FS TT + ojo “4 4 415 : toy ees 2 Oy ics | oe ee | 2 5 worst of praise, worthy of praise, wor thy of praise pu-ji Twhan— pu-ji Tehan,— poe fj Tu = hem oe —— H j Ajes 43 3 o|6543 3 ofo 6.5 6 ][, Worsthy of praise, worthy of praise, wor = thy., of praise pu-ji Tuan, pu-ji Tuhan,_ pu - i Tu - han _ gue __ = H nlt7 Ti ¢ oft7 ti ¢ of o't 7 tf] 2 B[2345 5 o|2345 5 ofo 2 3 4][5 . . worsthy of praise, worthy ofpraise,— wor = thy of praise pu-ji Twhan,— pu-ji Tohén,— pu - fj Tu -hen 7 Aa $ o s|8s S| 4 o 2] 3 | yest aft o or] ¢ [pb als ce is He BANDUNEACHORAL SOCIETY : —_ Rear ana Bani 40259 — AL, = tah, Ti. 220070 Ena bh cat nel om pwnd. ala r. : oO lef a : | — 8. [5 o 5|1 | — is He. = AL lah, Woriy of Gory 30 Bandung Choral Socely

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