Supervisor Observation Reflection 3 Science-Rocks
Supervisor Observation Reflection 3 Science-Rocks
visualization for each type of rock whether it would be a drawing, a collage, or a web
based printed picture the students could make that decision on their own. After teaching
this lesson it really made me think about how my students could display their knowledge
of rocks in a fun and creative way that I could implement for next time.
Overall, 19 out of 21 students learned what was intended for them to learn for this
science lesson on rocks. I can account for this learning based on the students Nearpod
quiz questions and the students short answer written responses. My instructional
materials of using the technology tool Nearpod was effective because the multiple
interactive activities embedded in the PowerPoint greatly increased the engagement in
my classroom. The students really enjoyed drawing their own sedimentary rock as well as
completing the rock website exploration with a partner. My instructional material of
using an electronic quiz at the end of the lesson was effective because this technology
tool provided immediate feedback to the students once their answers were submitted.
This immediate feedback helped the students either reinsure their reasoning for their
answer or help them realize why their answer was not the best choice.
The students who struggled in todays lesson were A.H, and C.K. I can account
for this performance based on these students short answer written responses and their
quiz questions. Both students had a hard time explaining what they learned from the rock
website without having the rock website opened to refer back to. Although these two
students showed a big effort in participation for this lesson they struggled with the
electronic quiz at the end of the lesson. Both students answered three out of four
questions accurately scoring a 75% on the summative assessment. In order to help these
students comprehend the objectives of the lesson, I allowed these two students to use
their graphic organizer/ notes when answering questions about rocks to provide guidance
with the content. The students who did exceptionally well in todays lesson were A.C.,
L.C., A.D., M.G., K.R., Y.J., E.P., I.C., M.M., T.N., E.K., E.H., H.F, E.B., D.N., K.O.,
A.D., E.W., and H.S. I can account for this performance by these students Nearpod quiz
and sedimentary rock drawings. All of these students answered four out of four questions
accurately receiving a 100% on their summative assessment and drew an accurate and
descriptive sedimentary rock showing layers and labels on their pictures. Based on what
happened in this lesson, my next step is to provide accommodations or modifications for
the students who are struggling during the lesson. My goal is to help the students during
the lesson in order for them to confidently perform well on the summative assessment.