LM JanFeb10 Off The Shelf
LM JanFeb10 Off The Shelf
Intelligent Information
New Version of StoredIQ Platform Offers Improved Data Access Control
Information management solutions provider StoredIQ recently released the fifth version of its intelligent information management platform. StoredIQ IIM Platform Version 5 includes improved data access control, scalable storage architecture and folderbased navigation to enhance and simplify e-discovery, records management, information governance and storage management. StoredIQs new version also offers an improved folder-based workflow between the legal and information technology departments and includes a companion product, the Justin-Time Desktop Agent, which reduces the burden of desktop collection. Just-in-Time was designed for organizations that have geographically distributed sites, a highly mobile workforce or a large number of employees. For more information, visit www.storediq.com.
Rescue Operation
Recovery Toolbox for Outlook Repairs and Restores Critical Files
Restore and repair software developer Recovery Toolbox Inc. has released Recovery Toolbox for Outlook, a Windows utility that allows users to recover damaged Microsoft Outlook files. A corrupted Outlook file can result in the loss of valuable emails that have been received and sent to colleagues and customers and can also wipe out contact files, notes, Outlook Calendar appointments and other support files. Recovery Toolbox for Outlook repairs and restores the damaged PST files that hold users important information and maintains the structure of the original folders that it restores. Users also can recover damaged OST files from Microsoft Exchange and convert all Exchange files to Microsoft Outlook PST files. The software also can convert Outlook PST files into standard files that can be imported into many popular Windows email applications. Recovery Toolbox for Outlook allows users to store contact information in VCF format and import it into most personal information manager devices. If notes are saved in standard TXT format, they can be reviewed in any text editor or word processor. For more information or to download a trial version of the software, visit www.recoverytoolbox.com/outlook.html.
Strategic Alliance
Integrated, End-To-End E-Discovery Solution Aims to Reduce Costs, Minimize Risk
Software Technology Inc. announced that Version 15 of its Tabs3 billing and PracticeMaster practice management software is compatible with Windows 7, the newest version of Microsoft Windows. www.tabs3.com Voice productivity application provider BigHand has launched a server-based speech recognition module for organizations looking to further streamline administrative overhead or to support a work upturn as the economy recovers. The BigHand speech recognition add-on is part of the latest version (3.3) of BigHands .NET enterprise digital dictation workflow software. www.bighand.com Wave Software which provides de-duplication, nearduplicate detection, regeneration and export of native and foreign language electronic files recently released Trident Pro 6.2, an upgrade to its pre-processing, filtering and data culling software that includes new interactive searching and filtering capabilities, encryption detection and exception handling. www.discoverthewave.com Document process management technology and service provider Oc Business Services has enhanced its CaseData ASP Document Review System to make it easier for users to review documents and for case managers to administer document reviews. New enhancements include automatic categorization of documents into custodian and media folders. www.obs-innovation.com Legal document automation and quality control software provider Microsystems and document metadata removal provider 3BView are partnering to offer a server-based solution that enables automated and policy-based metadata removal from documents sent by e-mail or documents contained within a content and document management system. www.microsystems.com RainMaker Software has integrated its RainMaker Platinum practice management software with the Microsoft Exchange Server, which will allow users to manage contacts and docket activities while using Microsoft Outlook on a desktop computer or mobile device. www.rainmakerlegal.com Electronic investigation technology developer Nuix has released Version 2.20 of its litigation support system, featuring logical evidence file support and functionality that allows specific custodian or file group selection for processing. www.nuix.com Viewing, collaboration and redaction technology provider Informative Graphics Corporation (IGC) released RedactIt for IBM FileNet Capture, an integration of IGCs electronic redaction tool and IBMs scanning product. www.infograph.com Web-based legal practice management and time and billing solution provider Rocket Matter has updated its softwareas-a-service product calendaring efficiencies and now offers unlimited document storage. www.rocketmatter.com Digital asset protection provider Validian Corporation announced a partnership agreement with Paragon Path Inc., which has licensed Validian ShareProtect for its legal market customers. www.validian.com
CaseCentral, which provides corporate counsel and law firm e-discovery software, and intelligent information management solutions provider StoredIQ have announced a strategic alliance that the companies hope will help firms to reduce the cost of e-discovery processing. The partnership will allow CaseCentral and StoredIQ to offer an integrated e-discovery offering that ranges from identification, preservation, collection and processing of electronically stored information through analysis, review, production and post-production re-use. Using StoredIQ, organizations can locate, identify, index and classify unstructured and semi-structured data and target data that are potentially responsive to litigation or investigations. The data can be further filtered and de-duplicated before being produced in a CaseCentral load file. For more information, contact info@storediq.com or info@casecentral.com.
Green Billing
New Systems Reduce Paper Use, Standardize Invoice Approval Process
RainMaker Software Inc., which provides integrated financial and practice management software to mid-size and large law firms, has implemented its new Green Billing system and also recently launched the e-Payables Spend Management system. The companys Green Billing system eliminates all billing-related paper use by providing clients with email notifications. RainMaker uses the system to notify clients via email that their bills are available for download from the Greenlegalbills.com website. The highly secure, hosted portal site allows clients to access all current and past bill images and review billing payment history, account balances and payment inquiries. Green Billing reduces waste and saves money by eliminating the need for paper, envelopes and postage stamps to mail client bills. Because the service and dedicated portal are fully integrated with RainMakers Platinum product, clients also receive their email billings five to seven days earlier than they would normally receive printed versions via postal mail. RainMaker also recently launched e-Payables Spend Management, designed to reduce firms invoice processing costs, standardize the payment approval process and reduce payment errors. For more information, visit www.rainmakerlegal. com or email legalinfo@rainmakerlegal.com.