Data Rescue PC User Manual
Data Rescue PC User Manual
Launch the Program Select Program Mode Select Source Drive a. Quick Scan or Complete Scan Select Destination Drive Scan Source Drive Select Partition Raw Sector Recovery Recovering Files and Folders Accessing the Recovered Data Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 21
Chapter 7
Data Rescue PC User Guide 2
Program Capabilities
Unlike Windows dependent data recovery software, RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC does NOT require the Windows operating system to run. This means, NO software installation, computer disassembly or boot diskettes are required to set-up and run RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC. Simply, insert the RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC CD and reboot your computer. RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC automatically and safely boots from the CD to access your media, even when you cannot boot to the Windows desktop. RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC then guides you to scan the problem media, select the files to recover, and recover the files to an external USB / Firewire device (or hard disk drive). Second, RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC recovers files when a file or file system has been altered, deleted, lost or damaged. Undelete Software cannot recover files when the file system has been altered, deleted, lost or damaged by Windows, a virus, or another utility. Why choose RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC? Recover deleted, lost and damaged files: Word, My Documents, Excel, etc. Pictures, videos, and music Formatted drives, even after installing Windows Virus attacks, software crashes, power failure Recover files from partition / file system problems: Lost or deleted partition: FDISK, etc. File from Damaged Partitions: MBR, MFT, Root, etc. Clone extracts raw data from mechanically failing drives on any media or operating system, keeping drives out of the clean room. It also creates sector copy to another media or network for back up protection. Expanded Features: Quick Scan for faster use Preview files before recovering Find specific files, filter files and file systems to refine results View file system information / changes Create file recovery reports Show detailed file system component changes Plug-n-Play: Recover to USB / Firewire without hard drive installation Raw Data Scan now gives an option to rebuild files according to their file types Supports: All Microsoft Windows file systems: 2003, XP, 2000, NT, ME, 98, 95, 3.x and DOS Hard drives: (IDE, EIDE, SCSI, ATA, SATA), Zip / Jaz drives, Floppy diskettes, Firewire / USB devices: Compact Flash, Microdrive, Smart Media, MultiMedia, Secure Digital, Memory Sticks, XD-Picture Cards.
The Trial Version of RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC allows you to rebuild any DOS and Windows file system, so that you can see which files and folders can be recovered, before purchasing the program. Each file is given a specific Status, which determines the rate of recovery. The Registered Version of RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC, a purchased copy of RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC, allows you to recover files and folders to another destination.
Chapter 2
2.1 2.2
Burn a bootable CD
1. If you are downloading to Windows XP or Windows 2003, then download the file ending in RecoverSoftDRPC.exe and save it to your desktop. 2. Double-click RecoverSoftDRPC.exe on your desktop and this will launch the RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC CD Writer. The screen will say, This program will create a bootable RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC CD. To proceed, you will need a blank recordable CD, and your computer must be equipped with a CD Writer. This program is compatible with Windows XP or 2003 only. If you have an earlier operating system, or do not have a CD writer and blank CD, press Cancel to exit. 3. Click OK to continue. 4. WinZip Self-Extractor RecoverSoftDRPC.exe screen will appear. It says, To proceed, make sure there is a blank CD in your CD writer, then click Setup, or click Cancel to exit. 5. This will now create a bootable CD. 6. Insert the RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC CD into the failing computer as soon as the computer starts booting, so that the computer boots from the RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC CD (If the computer has already been booted, insert the RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC CD, and then reboot the computer).
Chapter 3
3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4
Purchase / p.6 Registration / p.6 Technical Support / p.6 ACR Data Recovery Services / p.6
Online Registration: a serial number is sent via e-mail after your purchase. Phone Registration: 1-800-4-PROSOFT (if you only have one computer). Registration Hours: Monday Friday 8:00 A.M. 5:00 P.M. (P.S.T.)
Technical Support
Support is available before and after you purchase any of our products. Visit our website for the most current Downloads, Manuals, and Frequently Asked Questions: Website: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) See Chapter 6. Phone: 1-925-426-6306. Technical Support Hours: Monday Friday 8:00 A.M. 5:00 P.M. (P.S.T.).
If RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC cannot access or recover your data, your media has severe file corruption or is mechanically failing (software will not solve your problem at this point). This means, your Drive should be evaluated by professional data recovery personnel. RecoverSoft recommends contacting ACR Data Recovery for In-Lab Data Recovery Services. Visit their website for more details:, or contact them by telephone: 1-800-444-3225 or 1.770.925.4420.
Chapter 4
4.1 4.2 4.3
Computer Set-up
System Requirements
Minimum: PC with CD-ROM 64MB of RAM Intel Pentium 2 Processor Monitor resolution 800 x 600
BIOS Settings
All computers have a BIOS to help computer software communicate with computer hardware. The computer BIOS must be set to boot from the CD Drive so that RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC can communicate with the computer hardware. If you have problems setting the BIOS refer to your computer manual.
English is the standard interface language in RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC. RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC may also run in German or Japanese by pressing F2 on the initial Select Resolution screen, then use the up and down arrows to select the appropriate language, and then press <ENTER> to continue. If you purchased the software in the German or Japanese markets, then the program will default to German or Japanese. Files and folders can be viewed in English, German, Spanish, French, and Portuguese, without having to make any changes in the Language Set-up. To view files and folders in other languages, click [File > Preferences] from the Menu Bar, and then enter the appropriate Drive Local and Language.
Chapter 5
5.1 Launch the Program / p.9 5.2 Select Program Mode / p.9 5.3 Select Source Drive / p.10 a. Choosing Quick Scan or Complete Scan / p.10 5.4 Select Destination Drive / p.12 5.5 Network Setup / p.14 5.6 Scan Source Drive / p.15 5.7 Select Partition / p.16 5.8 Raw Sector Recovery / p.16 5.9 Recovering Files and Folders / p.18 5.10 Accessing Recovered Files and Folders / p.20
1. Insert the RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC CD as soon as the computer starts booting, so that the computer boots from the RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC CD (If the computer has already been booted, insert the RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC CD and then reboot the computer). Having problems booting into RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC? See Chapter 6, FAQ: 1. What do you mean by setting the BIOS to boot from the CD Drive? / p.18 2. If I have a problem, is there technical support? / p.18 Language Set-up: English is the interface language in RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC. However, files and folders can be viewed in English, German, Spanish, French, and Portuguese, without having to make changes to the Language Set-up. To view files and folders in other languages, click [File > Preferences] from the Menu Bar, and then enter the appropriate Drive Local and Language.
2. It is recommended you use the Clone feature if your drive is mechanically failing. The Clone feature will allow you to Clone your bad drive to a good drive, then scan the good drive for the data you wish to recover, leaving your bad drive intact. To access the Clone feature you must first close the active window (i.e. Select Program Mode/Select Source Drive). Next, go to the Recoversoft Data Rescue PC menu bar and select Tool (alt T) then Clone (alt C). Choose your Source and Destination drive to being the Clone Process. NOTE: The Destination Drive must be the same size or larger when using Clone. If it is not, only a partial clone will be made.
Select Program Mode F1 Help: Standard Mode and Advanced Mode produce the same results. Read the following details of how they differ: Standard Mode: defaults to scan the entire Source Drive (the problem Drive). It does not automatically allow you to select a Partition within the Source Drive to scan, although the choice is available. Selecting a Partition gives the option to select optional scan modes, like [Quick Scan] or [Complete Scan] of the Partition, which could reduce the amount of time to recover data. If the results of a Partition Scan are not what you expect, restart the [> Wizard], and then select the entire Source Drive to scan (not just the Partition). Advanced Mode: defaults to scan the entire Source Drive or a Partition within the Source Drive. Advanced Mode also allows you to modify the scanning positions and view the detailed file system component information. Preferences: by default the program scans the Source Drive for English based file and folder names. Click on the arrow to the left of "Preferences" and use the dropdown box to choose a different language character set to look for (ie. English, European, Japanese, Russian, Chinese).
3. Select the drive that has the data you want to recover. Select Source Drive F1 Help: 1. Choosing Quick Scan or Complete Scan. 2. If the Source Drive is not recognized, but is attached to the computer. 3. If you forgot to attach the Destination Drive before starting the program.
1. Choosing Quick Scan or Complete Scan By default, the first available Drive is selected as the Source Drive (the problem Drive). If the first available Drive is not the Source Drive, click on the appropriate Drive.
Standard Mode does not automatically allow you to select a Partition to scan, although the choice is available. To select a Partition, click the [ > ] icon next to the Source Drive and select the appropriate Partition. Selecting a Partition gives the option to select optional scan modes, like [Quick Scan] or [Complete Scan] of the Partition, which could reduce the amount of time to recover data. If the results of a Partition Scan are not what you expect, restart the [> Wizard], and select the entire Source Drive to scan (not just the Partition). Note: Select a Partition only if you know that the data being recovered lies within that Partition. Otherwise, select the entire Source Drive to scan.
2. If the Source Drive is not recognized, but is attached to the computer Check the Source Drive connection to make sure it is attached properly and then restart the program. If the Source Drive is not recognized, contact Technical Support [Help -> Technical Support].
3. If you forgot to attach the Destination Drive before starting the program External USB / Firewire Drive: Attach an external (USB or Firewire) Destination Drive. Close [X] the Wizard and then click the [> Wizard] button from the Menu Bar to restart the recovery process. Note: If you do not have a Destination Drive, you can attach an external USB, or Firewire Destination Drive (that has a FAT Partition, or that you will allow RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC to format FAT) at any time during the recovery process to save the scan of the Source Drive and to recover data, without having to start over. Internal Hard Disk Drive: Exit the program and shutdown the computer system. Then, attach an internal (IDE, EIDE, SCSI, ATA, SATA) Destination Drive and reboot the computer system with the program in the CD Drive to restart the recovery process.
4. Select a FAT Partition to save the scan and the recovered data. If a FAT Partition is not available, read the F1 Help notes: Select Destination Drive FI Help: 1. What is a FAT Partition? 2. Destination Drive Options. 3. How to Format your Destination Drive with a FAT Partition. 4. If you forgot to attach your Destination Drive before starting the program.
1. What is a FAT Partition? What is a Partition? A Partition divides storage space on any media into isolated sections, like desks isolate working sections within an office. To store data, each Partition (each isolated section) must be formatted FAT or NTFS (part of the Windows operating system). Formatting a Drive with a FAT or NTFS Partition makes the Partition compatible with the Windows operating system.
2. Destination Drive Options This program requires a Network Mapped Drive or a FAT Partition on the LOCAL Destination Drive (the Drive to save the scan of the problem Drive and the recovered data). By default, the program selects the first available FAT Partition as the Local Destination Drive. If the first available Drive is not the Destination Drive, click on the appropriate Drive. Click on the arrow next to Network Neighborhood to expand and see what network drives are available. If a FAT Partition is not available, read the following information: You can scan the Source Drive (the problem Drive) to view what data can be recovered, without having a Network Mapped Drive or FAT Partition by closing this window and then clicking the [Continue without Destination] button. However, to save the scan of the Source Drive, or to recover data, select one of the following options:
USB / Firewire Drive Options: Select an existing external (USB or Firewire) Destination Drive (that has a FAT Partition, or that you will allow the program to format FAT). Note: New USB and Firewire Drives both come formatted FAT. Note: If you do not have a FAT Partition or an extra Drive to select as the Destination Drive, scan the Source Drive without a Destination Drive. After viewing the files that can be recovered, attach an external (USB or Firewire) Destination Drive (that has a FAT Partition, or that you will allow RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC to format FAT) at any time during the recovery process to save the scan of the Source Drive and to recover data, without having to start over. Internal Hard Drive Options: Select an attached internal Drive (IDE, EIDE, SCSI, ATA, SATA) as the Destination Drive (that has a FAT Partition, or that you will allow the program to format FAT). Warning: Make sure there is no data on the drive that you are choosing as your Destination Drive. If any data exists on the drive, it will be over-written. Note: If you do not have an attached internal Drive, exit the program and shutdown the computer system. Then, attach an internal Drive (IDE, EIDE, SCSI, ATA, SATA) as the Destination Drive (that has a FAT Partition, or that you will allow the program to format FAT) and restart the program. Network Neighborhood: Click the arrow ( -> ) next to Network Neighborhood to expand the available network drives. If the Network Neighborhood is Empty, press the Network Setup button to detect the network settings.
3. How to Format your Destination Drive with a FAT Partition To [Format] a Destination Drive with a FAT Partition: Select the Destination Drive where you want to save the scan and the recovered data (You must select the entire Destination Drive to format. You cannot select a Partition to format.) Then, click the [Format Drive] button and then [Yes] to the question, "Do you want to format this drive now?" ____________________________________________________________ 4. If you forgot to attach your Destination Drive before starting the program External USB / Firewire Drive: Attach an external (USB or Firewire) Destination Drive. Close [X] the Wizard, and then click the [> Wizard] button from the Menu Bar to restart the recovery process. Note: If you do not have a Destination Drive, you can attach an external USB, or Firewire Destination Drive (that has a FAT Partition, or that you will allow RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC to format FAT) at any time during the recovery process to save the scan of the Source Drive and to recover data, without having to start over. Internal Hard Disk Drive: Exit the program and shutdown the computer system. Then, attach an internal (IDE, EIDE, SCSI, ATA, SATA) Destination Drive and reboot the computer system with the program in the CD Drive to restart the recovery process.
Network Setup
Network Setup F1 Help The Network Setup window will help you connect to a mapped network drive across your local area network. By default, the program will attempt to automatically fill in as much information as possible about your network connection when you open this window. If you are not sure of the values that need to be entered in the text boxes, please contact your network administrator. Network Destination Workgroup - if you know the workgroup name enter it in here. Some networks will ignore this field. Username - this is your username to log into the network. Password - this is your password to log into the network. Server List - if you know the name of the destination server or the IP address of the destination server you can enter it in here. It is not necessary to enter anything in this field. The program will browse the network and display all of the available drives that can be mapped. This is a good option when you are not sure which drive is the one you want to map. Advanced - DOS Charset - this is the character set (codepage) the network file server uses for filenames. TCP/IP Network (My Computer) Address, Netmask and Advanced -> Gateway these are the values that are assigned by DHCP to your local computer. It is very rare that you will ever need to change this. If your network doesn't have DHCP turned on this field will show up blank and you will need to manually enter the IP address here. You will need to contact your Network Administrator for the values.
5. Scan the chosen Source Drive that has the data you want to recover. Scan Source Drive F1 Help: To recover data, a Drive or Partition must be scanned. The purpose of the scan is to find and rebuild the components within a file system, so that the data can be recovered and used again. The Source Drive (the problem Drive) is the Drive or Partition you have chosen to scan. The Destination Drive is the Partition on the Destination Drive you have chosen to save the scan of the Source Drive and the recovered data. If you have chosen the wrong Source or Destination Drive, use the [< Back] button to return to the appropriate screen and change your selections.
Load Scan button If you would like to use a saved scan of the Source Drive click the [Load Scan] button, and then select the appropriate saved scan file. Note: If you have saved a Partition Scan and the results are not what you expected DO NOT [Load Scan]. Select the entire Source Drive to scan (not just the Partition).
Select Partition
6. Select a Partition to view the data that can be recovered. Select Partition F1 Help: 1. What is a Partition? 4. Select a Partition ____________________________________________________________ What is a Partition? What is a Partition? A Partition divides storage space on any media into isolated sections, like desks isolate working sections within an office. To store data, each Partition (each isolated section) must be formatted FAT or NTFS (part of the Windows operating system). Formatting a Drive with a FAT or NTFS Partition makes the Partition compatible with the Windows operating system. ____________________________________________________________ Select a Partition To view the recovered data within a Partition, select the appropriate Partition. If you are not sure which Partition has the data you want to recover, select one Partition at a time to view the data. ____________________________________________________________
Here are a list of the file types that the "Found Files - Raw Sectors" will find and where they will be seen after rebuilding:
Archives/ARJ\ Files arj Archives/ZIP\ Files zip Archives/RAR\ Files rar Archives/Other 7z gz bz2 ace bz cab cazip sit sqx sqz stf ufa zoo lha lza marc jar j6i cru dz hap hqx Pictures/BMP\ Images bmp Pictures/GIF\ Images gif Pictures/JPEG\ Images jpeg Pictures/PNG\ Images png Pictures/PSD\ Images psd Pictures/TIFF\ Images tiff Pictures/WMF\ Images wmf Pictures/Other cam cpt mrw pcx rgb pcd fp5 crw dpx msp Mail/EML\ Files eml Mail/Other dbx pst wab snm db Documents/HTML\ Files html Documents/Excel\ Files xls Documents/Power\ Point\ Files ppt Documents/PDF\ Files pdf Documents/Quicken\ Files qsd qdf Documents/QuickBooks\ Files qbw Documents/Word\ Files doc Documents/Other rtf ai eps mny adx nsf fm3 fmt wk1 wk3 wk4 xml wri wpd ole qxd pm5 fla pub vsd mpp vsmacros msi rpt suo chm hlp mdb pwl Multimedia/AVI\ Files avi Multimedia/MOV\ Files mov Multimedia/MP3\ Files mp3 Multimedia/WAV\ Files wav Multimedia/WMA\ Files wma Multimedia/WMV\ Files wmv Multimedia/Other rmi ani mid ra rm ogg riff dvm asf Other unknown
7. To recover files and folders, follow the Recovering File and Folder F1 Help notes: Recovering Files and Folders F1 Help: Step 1: Determining the "Status" of the files and folders to recover. Step 2: Finding a specific file. Step 3: Selecting files and folders to recover. Step 4: Selecting a Destination Drive to recover files and folders. Step 5: Selecting the next Partition to build a new file and folder listing.
Step 1: Determining the "Status" of the files and folders to recover: Excellent - indicates the file should have a successful recovery. Technically, the file has valid file chains, and is part of the existing file system. Good - indicates the file should have a successful recovery a majority of the time. Technically, the file may have valid file chains, but is either not part of the existing file system, or has corruption within the file system. Possible - indicates the file could have a successful recovery. Technically, "Possible" and "Good" are equal. However, a Possible file is less likely to be a valid file compared to a "Good" file, because of possible corruption to the file. Poor - indicates the file has a poor chance of recovery. Technically, the file has invalid file chains. Yellow - indicates the file or directory has been tagged for recovery.
Important Note: If a folder (not file) has been renamed "Found", the original name no longer exists. To determine if a file within a "Found" folder can be recovered, refer to the "Status" of the file. Technically, if a folder has been renamed "Found", it has been found during the scan, but is not part of the existing file system.
Step 2: Finding a specific file. To find a specific file select [Options > Find File] from the Menu Bar.
Step 3: Selecting files and folders to recover: A. To recover individual files, right mouse click on the file. A red check-mark will appear, indicating the file has been tagged for recovery. Then, press the [Recover] button from the Menu Bar to start the recovery process. B. To recover all files and folders, right mouse click on the "Root" folder (top left-hand column of folder listings). A red check-mark will appear, indicating all files have been tagged for recovery. Then, press the [Recover] button from the Menu Bar to start the recovery process. Note: If a file cannot be located, try searching in another Partition, if available (See Step 5). C. To recover files by mask (to recover specific file types, like .txt files), select [Options > Select by Mask] from the Menu Bar and refer to the example.
Step 4: Selecting a Destination Drive to recover files and folders: A. External USB/Firewire Drive: If you did not have a Destination Drive with a FAT Partition, you can attach an external USB, or Firewire Destination Drive (that has a FAT Partition, or that you will allow RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC to format FAT) at any time during the recovery process to save the scan of the Source Drive and to recover data, without having to start over. Once the USB or Firewire Destination Drive is attached, select [Options > Select Destination] from the Menu Bar to select the Destination Drive you want to use. Note: If the Destination Drive needs to be Formatted FAT, use the [Format Drive] button within the Select Destination window. B. Internal Hard Disk Drive: If you did not have a FAT Partition, or an extra Drive to select as the Destination Drive at the beginning of the program, and you only have an internal Drive to use as the Destination Drive (to recover data): Exit the program and shutdown the computer system. Then, attach an internal drive as the Destination Drive that has a FAT Partition (or that you will allow the program to format FAT), and restart the program. Note: So that the Source Drive does have to be re-scanned when reentering the program, save the scan to a floppy diskette before exiting RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC . If this is not possible, the drive must be re-scanned.
Step 5: Selecting the next Partition to build a new file and folder listing: To select a different Partition from the Select Partition Window to build a new file and folder listing, select [Options > Select Partition] from the Menu Bar.
Chapter 6
6.1 Standard FAQ a. How does RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC differ than other data recovery utilities? / p.22 b. Will RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC recover my Word documents? Excel? (Microsoft Office)? / p.22 c. Can RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC recover my digital pictures? music? videos? / p.22 d. I accidentally deleted a file. / p.22 e. Can RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC work on my computer? / p.22 f. Can RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC recover from Windows XP? / p.22 g. If I have a problem, is there Technical Support? / p.22 h. How do I burn a bootable CD? / p.23 i. What do you mean by setting the BIOS to boot from the CD Drive? / p.23 j. How do I know RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC will recover my data? / p.24 k. How do I purchase RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC? / p.24 l. How do I register RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC? / p.24 m. Why cant I recover data to my problem Drive? / p.24 n. When I open a file, the content looks distorted / p.24 6.2 a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. Advanced FAQ I accidentally formatted my hard drive. / p.25 I used FDISK and cant access my data. / p.25 I deleted a Partition using FDISK (Partition Magic, etc). / p.25 I re-installed Windows and lost all my data. / p.25 I used Ghost and my data is gone. / p.25 I got hit by a virus. / p.25 CMOS and FDISK do not recognize my drive. / p.25 What operating systems are supported? / p.25 What types of media are supported? / p.26 Can I recover over a network? / p.26
Standard FAQ
a. How does RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC differ than other data recovery utilities? Unlike Windows-dependent data recovery software, RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC does NOT require the Windows operating system to run. This means, NO software installation, computer disassembly or boot diskettes are required to set-up and run RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC. Simply, insert the RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC CD and reboot your computer. RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC automatically and safely boots from the RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC CD to access your media, even when you cannot boot to the Windows desktop. RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC then guides you to scan the problem media, select the files to recover, and recover the files to an external USB / Firewire device (or hard disk drive). Second, RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC recovers files when a file or file system has been altered, deleted, lost or damaged. Undelete Software cannot recover files when the file system has been altered, deleted, lost or damaged by Windows, a virus, or another utility. b. Will RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC recover my Word documents? Excel? (Microsoft Office)? If you recently lost the file and it has not been over-written by other data or damaged, RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC can recover them. c. Can RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC recover my digital pictures? music? videos? If you recently formatted the media, or deleted the pictures (music, and videos), and they have not been over-written by other data or damaged, RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC can recover them. d. I accidentally deleted a file. If you recently deleted the file and it has not been over-written by other data or damaged, RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC can recover them. e. Can RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC work on my computer? If your operating system is Windows, your computer system meets the minimum System Requirements, and your media is supported, RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC will work. f. Can RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC recover from Windows XP?
Yes. RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC supports all Microsoft Windows operating systems. g. If I have a problem, is there Technical Support? Yes. Support is available before and after you purchase any of our products. Visit our website for the most current Downloads, Manuals, and Frequently Asked Questions: Website: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) See Chapter 6. Phone: 1-925-426-6306. Technical Support Hours: Monday Friday 8:00 A.M. 5:00 P.M. (P.S.T.).
h. How do I burn a bootable CD? Download RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC online: Windows XP or 2003: 1. If you are downloading to Windows XP or 2003, then download the file ending in RecoverSoftDRPC.exe and save it to your desktop. 2. Double-click RecoverSoftDRPC.exe on your desktop and this will launch the RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC CD Writer. The screen will say, This program will create a bootable RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC CD. To proceed, you will need a blank recordable CD, and your computer must be equipped with a CD Writer. This program is compatible with Windows XP or 2003 only. If you have an earlier operating system, or do not have a CD writer and blank CD, press Cancel to exit. 3. Click OK to continue. 4. WinZip Self-Extractor RecoverSoftDRPC.exe screen will appear. It says, To proceed, make sure there is a blank CD in your CD writer, then click Setup, or click Cancel to exit. 5. This will now create a bootable CD. 6. Insert the RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC CD into the failing computer as soon as the computer starts booting, so that the computer boots from the RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC CD (If the computer has already been booted, insert the RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC CD, and then reboot the computer). Other Windows Operating Systems: 1. If you are downloading to an operating system other than Windows XP or 2003, then you must download the version of the software ending in RecoverSoft.iso and save it to your desktop. 2. How to burn a bootable CD: Windows cannot burn a bootable CD. Computers with a CD-R (CD-Recordable) or CD-RW (CD-Rewritable) Drive have CD burning software that can burn a bootable CD preinstalled on the computer [Check your computer: Start button (bottom lefthand corner of the screen) > Programs > (Nero and Roxio are the most popular]. 3. Nero step-by-step directions (This program is free unless Nero is updating the Demo): a. Download NERO 6 Trial Version: b. Save NERO to the desktop. c. Double-click the NERO file on the desktop. d. Insert a new CD in the CD Drive of the computer. e. Double-click the Nero Start Smart icon on the desktop. f. Double-click the image of 2 CDs (Copy and Backup). g. Double-click Burn Image to Disk. h. Click [Demo] on the pop-up window, and then click [OK] to the next pop-up window. i. A Windows window appears. Locate the RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC ISO Image (Downloaded at and most likely saved to the desktop). Highlight the file, and click [Open]. j. Confirm the Image File and the Destination Drive, and then click [> Next] to start the burning process. k. Insert the RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC CD into the failing computer as soon as the computer starts booting, so that the computer boots from the RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC CD (If the computer has already been booted, insert the RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC CD, and then reboot the computer). i. What do you mean by setting the BIOS to boot from the CD Drive?
All computers have a BIOS to help computer software communicate with computer hardware. The computer BIOS must be set to boot from the CD Drive so that RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC can communicate with the computer hardware. If you have problems setting the BIOS contact Technical Support.
Each file is given a specific Status, which determines the rate of recovery. Standard Mode Users can easily follow the color-coding Status, while Advanced Mode Users can read the Technical Information. k. How do I purchase RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC ? RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC can be purchased online: l. How do I register RecoverSoft?
A purchased version of RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC has a Registration Code within the CD case of the box you purchased RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC , and are waiting for the box, but need to use the product immediately, the following registration options are available: Online Registration: a Registration Key is sent via e-mail after your purchase. Phone Registration: 1-800-4-PROSOFT (if you only have one computer). Registration Hours: Monday Friday 9:00 A.M. 6:00 P.M. (P.S.T.) m. Why cant I recover data to my problem Drive? Data cannot be recovered to the problem Drive, because the data being recovered will over-write data that still needs to be recovered. Doing this can also cause corruption to the file system, making your data permanently unrecoverable. n. When I try to open a file, the content looks distorted. If the content of a file shows distorted, call Technical Support for additional options. The cause could be over-written data, viruses, etc.
Advanced FAQ
a. I accidentally formatted my hard drive. A Windows Quick Format can be recovered if the data has not been over-written or damaged. A Windows Full Format low-level formats every sector. Therefore, all data most likely will be destroyed (Exception: Windows 95, 98, and ME format function acts as a Quick Format. Therefore, it can be recovered if the data has not been over-written or damaged). b. I used FDISK and cant access my data. FDISK resets the partition and boot sectors, but does not affect the data. Therefore, RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC can recover the data. c. I deleted a Partition using FDISK (Partition Magic, etc). FDISK (and other partitioning utilities) resets the partition and boot sectors, but does not affect the data. Therefore, RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC can recover the data. d. I re-installed Windows and cant access my data. If the data has not been over-written or damaged by re-installing Windows, RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC can recover it. e. I used Ghost and my data is gone. If the data has not been over-written or damaged by re-installing Windows, RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC can recover it. f. I got hit by a virus
If the virus has not physically damaged the files data, RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC can recover it. If you have one of these error messages when booting: INVALID DRIVE SPECIFICATION or MISSING OPERATING SYSTEM, a virus has probably infected the Boot Sector and/or Partition Table, while leaving the rest of your file system intact. Therefore, RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC can recover the data. g. CMOS and FDISK do not recognize my drive. If RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC cannot access or recover your data, your media has severe file corruption or is mechanically failing (software will not solve your problem at this point). This means, your Drive should be evaluated by professional data recovery personnel. RecoverSoft recommends contacting ACR Data Recovery for In-Lab Data Recovery Services. Visit their website for more details:, or contact them by telephone: 1-800-444-3225 or 1.770.925.4420. h. What operating systems are supported? RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC supports all Microsoft Windows operating systems.
RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC supports Firewire and USB Devices (Compact Flash Type I, II, Microdrives, Smart Media, Secure Digital Cards, Memory Sticks, XD-Picture Cards, etc.), Zip, Jaz, Floppy Diskettes, and hard disk drives (IDE, EIDE, SCSI, ATA, SATA). j. Can I recover over a network?
Coming soon! We are programming network capabilities as you read this. Register your copy of RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC online and you will receive program updates as they are released.
If RecoverSoft Data Rescue PC cannot access or recover your data, your media has severe file corruption or is mechanically failing (software will not solve your problem at this point). This means, your Drive needs to be evaluated by professional data recovery personnel. RecoverSoft recommends contacting ACR Data Recovery for In-Lab Data Recovery Services. Visit their website for more details:, or contact them by telephone: 1-800-444-3225 or 1.770.925.4420.
About RecoverSoft
RecoverSoft is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Prosoft Engineering, Incorporated. Established in 1985, Prosoft Engineering, Inc. specializes in creating professional quality software designed to be easily used by both novice and expert users. Prosoft's lines of networking and utility software products are engineered to empower users to effectively manage their data. Prosoft Engineering, Inc. is headquartered in Pleasanton, CA. Please visit the website at
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