Resume DavidLynam
Resume DavidLynam
2003 Boylston Ave E. Apt #6 Seattle, WA 98102 | 206.890.0648 | Github: Linkedin: Facebook:
I'm one of those rare developers who programs and also understands and can implement good front end design. I have over 4 years of experience using mainly Ruby on Rails and I truly enjoy building stuff that people use.
Self-employed Contract Web Developer December 2011-present I have been doing contract Ruby on Rails development and have worked on a number of various projects during this period. Clients include Annuvia and For I built a location based site using MongoDB and the Mongoid gem for Rails. Features included the ability to send sms to users within a given radius and Google Maps V3 integration. For Annuvia I built a marketplace for companies to sell enrollment for CPR training courses. The site used Stripe to process payments. - FoodDeliveryCity Inc. Lead Developer August 2011 - November 2011 FoodDeliveryCity is a way for restaurants to easily embed a menu into their existing website using one line of javascript. I developed the site in Rails 3.1 and used jQuery for the front end. Built a fast menu api using jQuery templates and JSON. Built an automated phone call system using Asterisk and Adhearsion for order confirmation calls. ActiveMerchant integration with for online payments. eFax integration for outgoing order faxes. Front end design / UI and CSS. Developer / Founder August 2009 Present Created, a flashcard based study tool built on top of a dictionary using Rails 2.3.8 and Prototype.
Implemented a dictionary api with definitions from Wiktionary using Tokyo Cabinet. Built a scraper to find appropriate sentence examples from online news sources (New York Times, Time magazine, The New Yorker, Wired Magazine) for every word. Created an automated multiple choice and fill in the blank quiz that utilizes spaced repetition for more efficient learning. Implemented a stable backend on a Linux host using Nginx and Thin Servers to scale to over 20,000 users. High Score lists for games using Redis. Facebook SDK integration. Design iteration and implementation using CSS. Implemented a CSS generator that allows for customizable themes and backgrounds.
HouseBloom Developer June 2008 August 2009 Worked with Ruby on Rails 2.3 and Prototype while performing all design and backend implementation.
Built social network infrastructure for messaging, integrated calendars, and friendships. Built an Ajax based calendar supporting cell clicks with popups, recurring events, and multiple user integration. Built craigslist resume generator. Recurring Amazon payment integration. Facebook connect integration.
Other Projects is a real time story telling game in the browser that uses Rails 3.1, MongoDB, and Node.js. is a site for collage and mixed media art enthusiast.
Familiar With
Rails (2.3.8, 3.1), Ruby (1.8.7, 1.9), REST, MVC pattern, DRY code implementation, Git, Javascript, jQuery, jQuery Templates, Prototype, Scriptaculous, Ajax, CSS, MySQL, MongoDB, MongoMapper, Nokogiri, Tokyo Cabinet, Memcached, Redis, Capistrano, RSpec, RVM, LAMP, Regular Expressions, Amazon s3, Adhearsion, Asterisk, ActiveMerchant Gem, Amazon S3, Amazon Payments API, Facebook Connect, C++.
University of Washington (in progress) BS in Computer Science 2007-2009 Boston University BS in Hotel Management Minor in Computer Science 2001-2005 Lakeside High School Seattle, WA 1996-2000