Finite Element Analysis and Reliability Assessment of Spherical LPG ...
Finite Element Analysis and Reliability Assessment of Spherical LPG ...
NOTATION A : projected area {B} [B ] C cov Cf di do {D} Di Do {DT } E Ee { f }e [ f ]g fus {F } Fys : strain matrix : gradient matrix : base factor : coefficient of variance : pressure coefficient : inner diameter of the column : outer diameter of the column : material property matrix : inner diameter of spherical shell : outer diameter of spherical shell : tangential elasticity matrix : Youngs modulus : gust factor : force matrix for an element : global force matrix : yield stress of the material : nodal/elemental force : Poissons ratio
g( z )
: performance function : height of the column : importance factor : arrangement factor : stiffness matrix an element : global stiffness matrix : exposure coefficient
hc I K {Ke} {K}g Kz
: shape function matrix : internal pressure : probability of failure : site structure resonance : thickness of the shell : displacement vector
p Pf S t {U} V Vw Wa We Z
L R a
lU q
: nodal displacement matrix : volume of shell : velocity of wind : wind load : earthquake load : earthquake zone coefficient : reliability index : mean value of load : mean value of resistance : density of the shell material : density of air IE (I) JournalMC
K Ramaneyulu, Dr D K Sehgal and Dr S Ahmad are with the Department of Applied Mechanics, IIT, Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110 016 while A Husain is with the Department of Civil Engineering, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi 110 025. This paper (modified) was received on December 12, 2002. Written discussion on this paper will be entertained till December 31, 2003.
: matrix for stress tensor : standard deviation of load : standard deviation of resistance : meridonal direct stress : cumulative probability distribution function
= D B UN
l q
l q
where [D] relates stresses to strains. Substituting equation (3) into equation (2).
( )
z BT
D B dv U N e = f e
l q lq
INTRODUCTION The spherical pressure vessels are used extensively to store the liquid chlorine, anhydrous ammonia, sulphur dioxide, ethylene oxide, carbon dioxide, etc. These vessels are used in paper and pulp mills, caustic soda plants, bleaching, plants for water purification, sewage treatment plants, refineries, fertilizer industry, and in PVC plants. Stress analysis problems of pressure vessels entail two types of considerations, ie, applied loads and the corresponding response. A realistic way to tackle the first consideration is to design the loads, which have a high probability of occurring during a rigorously specified usage of the vessel. There are two well-tried types of techniques for handling the second consideration, predicting the response of the structure to specified loads. The first type of technique is model analysis. The response of the model is measured and used to interpret the behaviour of the prototype structure. The second technique is via the solution of the vessels governing equations. Elastic problems are governed by linear differential equations. More complex material behaviour can often be approximated by a sequence of simpler behaviours, eg, by subdividing its time regime into a sequence of time increments. The stress analysis of pressure vessel is carried out by using finite element software. In the present paper, linear static and buckling analysis have been conducted. In static analysis VonMisses stress, resultant displacements and resultant deformation have been observed. In buckling analysis, the buckling load factors and maximum deflection for various mode shape have been observed. FINITE ELEMENT FORMULATION In finite element method, displacement approach is normally adopted, in which one has to proceed as follows1. Assume the variation of displacements element as
lU q = l f q
N e
These element level equations can be assembled and the global stiffness matrix K framed. and global force matrix
can be
lU q = l f q
N g
After putting known displacement boundary condition, the unknown displacements can be solved. After finding displacements, stresses are determined for an element using equation (3). Type of Elements Used While using EMRC-NISA FEM software2, 3-D general shell elements are used for spherical shell and 3-D beam elements are used for the columns. Shell element includes membrane; bending and transverse shear deformation effects and is suited for modelling moderately thick to thin shell structures. The element has six degree-of-freedom per node (Ux, Uy, Uz, Rx, Ry, Rz ). The transverse shear stress is zero on the top and bottom surface and maximum at the middle surface. The element has eight nodes defined on its mid-surface, four on its corners and four on mid-side of each edge. A natural co-ordinate system is also defined on mid-surface. Both and vary between 1 and 1 and have zero values at mid-surface centre. The final deformation in the element is described in terms of the corner nodes only. The middle surface mid-side nodes are used only to establish the appropriate geometrical quantities needed to define the shape of the element. It maintains the usual shell geometric properties and provides membrane and bending stresses separately. In this element, a continuous function representing the through thickness variation of stresses and displacements is used1. The 3D, 2-noded beam elements also have six degree-offreedom (Ux, Uy, Uz, Rx, Ry, Rz ) at each node and capable of taking shear effects into picture. The degree-of-freedom of shell and beam elements are same, hence they are well suited for such type of work, where beams are connected to shell. 99
within an (1)
= Nu
lU q
Now using some variational principal or by applying weighted residual technique to equilibrium equations of elasticity, following equation is obtained.
z B kp
dv = f
Analysis Procedure A detailed study of stress analysis of spherical pressure vessel with internal pressure, self-weight, wind load and earthquake load has been carried out with the help of FEM, which is perhaps the best currently known method available for the stress analysis of pressure vessel problems. The objective of this analysis is to find out the locations where stresses and displacements have maximum values, when subjected to the above mentioned load conditions. Geometric model of the pressure vessel is constructed by rotation of meridian about an axis of rotation (in the present paper it is y-axis) in the plane of meridian (xy). Shells used in the vessel construction are considered as thin shells, since wall thickness is quite small in comparison with other dimensions. Stresses and displacements are calculated for working pressure and as well as for maximum designed pressures by means of NISA FEM software. For finite element modelling, total number of elements used are 1090 and total number of nodes used are 1864. Element and Material Properties 3-D shell element: Thickness of the shell, m 3-D beam element: Outer diameter, m Inner diameter, m Cross-sectional area, m2 Moment of inertia, m4 (Ixx = Iyy ) Density, kg/m3 Youngs modulus, Poissons ratio Results The maximum Von-Misses stresses against working and as well as for maximum pressure are given in Table 1. Figure 1 shows the Von-Misses stresses in the storage tank. The maximum stress is well within the limits. Figure 2 shows the resultant deformation. Finally, the Figure 3 shows the displacements in Y direction. The maximum values of displacements in Y and X direction are 0.0056 m and 0.1167 m, respectively.
Table 1 stress The internal pressure and corresponding maximum Von-Misses
Von-Misses Stress View : 0 Range : 1751. 172 (Band * 1.0E1) 175.1 162.6 150.1 137.6 125.1 112.6 100.1 87.56 75.05 62.54 50.03 37.53 25.02 12.51 0.0
: : : : : : : :
Maximum Von-Misses Stress, N/m2 105 1751.172 867.200 Figure 3 Displacements in Y-direction
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BUCKLING ANALYSIS The aim of the buckling analysis is to estimate the maximum load that a structure can support before it becomes elastically unstable or before it collapses. The observed buckling pressure depends on how buckling is defined. According to Galletly3 the buckling pressure is defined as that pressure at which the first buckle becomes visible to the unaided eye. In this paper, the analysis is carried out to examine the elastic buckling behaviour of spherical shells with respect to the geometric parameters. This will enable a designer to predict the elastic internal buckling pressures of sphere quickly, reasonably and accurately. It is assumed that the shells are of constant thickness and are free from imperfections. Analysis Procedure In NISA, buckling analysis is a two-pass analysis, static analysis and eigen values analysis. The analysis is actually a bifurcation buckling. Since, it involves calculating the points at which the structures primary load deflection path, a straight line for a linear static analysis, is bifurcated by a secondary load, deflection path. Governing matrix equation for buckling analysis is a general eigen value problem.
K b = K b
The buckling load factors are multipliers for the reference loads in the static pass. Internal pressure 137.34 N/m2 is applied as a reference load for doing buckling analysis. Results for Buckling of Spherical Pressure Vessel Ten different mode shapes and corresponding buckling load factors are obtained. The values of buckling load factor and maximum deflection for these mode shapes are given in Table 2.
Table 2 The mode shape and corresponding buckling factor Buckling Factor ( ve) 7.52397 6.18975 6.07652 5.87589 5.72907 5.06189 5.49206 5.44479 5.27776 5.32453 Maximum Deflection 103 4.092 3.526 1.832 1.866 1.421 2.097 2.004 1.676 1.730 1.873
Mode Shape 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
The Figure 4 and Figure 5 show the first and fifth mode shapes, respectively and the corresponding buckling load factors. From Table 2, it is observed that the buckling load factor for the lower mode shapes is coming higher. RELIABILITY ASSESSMENT The reliability of an engineering system can be defined as its ability to fulfil its design purpose satisfactorily all through its service period. The theory of statistics and probability provides the mathematical basis to measure this ability. For the present problem, the Von-Misses criteria are considered as the failure criteria and first order second moment method FOSM or MVFOSM as the reliability method4. The FOSM is quite simple to apply and computationally less expensive than other methods and gives reasonably good results. That is why for the present problem this method is selected. The FOSM or MVFOSM method derives its name from the fact that it is based on a first order Taylor series approximation of the limit state function at the mean values of the random 101
variables. Expansion of limit state function g( z ) in a Taylor series about the mean values of zi
g( z ) = g ( z1 , z 2 , z 3 ,....., z i )
Methodology The problem under study contains the internal pressure, wind load and earthquake load as loads. So Von-Misses stress is the function of internal pressure, wind load, earthquake load, diameter and thickness of the pressure vessel.
f v = f ( P , w w , w c , D, t )
i =1
x 1 ( zi zi ) + dz i 2
i=1 j =1
2 g z i z j
Table 3
Variation of Von-Misses stress with pressure and thickness Parameter : : : Pressure and thickness 140 104 N/m2 and 0.03 m, respectively 10% and 20%, respectively Thickness, m 102 Maximum Von-Misses Stress, N/m2 105 1848.354 1815.125 1798.352 1782.376 1767.408 1751.172 1735.992 1721.073 1706.408 1691.992 Mean value Percentage change in variation
( zi zi ) ( z j z j ) + . . . . .
Truncating the series and retaining only the linear terms, the first order approximate mean and variance of g( z ) are g = g ( z1 , z 2 , z 3 , ....., z n ) .
2 = g
i =1 j =1
g g cov ( zi z j ) z i z j
Maximum Von-Misses Stress, N/m2 105 1663.636 1676.140 1701.152 1713.657 1739.259 1751.172 1763.678 1788.688 1801.193 1826.264
2.850 2.900 2.925 2.950 2.975 3.000 3.025 3.050 3.075 3.100
where cov( z i z j ) is the covariance of z i and z j ; g , the mean value of g and is variance of g( z ) . The partial derivative has been evaluated at the mean value of the basic random variables.
2 = g
i =1
FG g IJ H z K
var ( z i )
where var (zi ) is the variance of zi. Reliability Index Reliability index is a measure of reliability (safety) of a structure. It is defined as the ratio of mean and standard deviation of limit state function, ie,
Variation of Von-Misses stress with wind load and earthquake Parameter Mean value Percentage change in variation : : : Wind load and earthquake load 830 N per node and 395 N per node, respectively 20% for both Earthquake Load, 10 N 35.55 36.34 37.13 37.92 38.71 39.50 40.29 41.08 41.87 42.66 43.45 Maximum Von-Misses Stress, 105 N/m2 1746.433 1751.171 1751.504 1751.883 1753.528 1759.127 1765.408 1777.508 1779.409 1779.730 1781.466
= z z
Wind Load, 10 N
where z and z are the mean value and standard deviation of limit state function g( z ) . is the reciprocal of the coefficient of variation of g( z ) , ie, = 1 / ( z / z ) . The safety is defined by the condition g( z ) > 0, therefore failure by g( z ) < 0. Probability of Failure Probability of failure is defined as the probability of limit state violation expressed through a limit state function, ie, probability of g( z ) < 0 is assumed to be normally distributed. It can be shown that the probability of failure P f = 1 ( ) , where is the cumulative probability distribution function of standard normal variate. The aforementioned MVFOSM produces accurate results when the random variables are normally distributed and the limit state function g(z) is linear. 102
Maximum Von-Misses Stress, 105 N/m2 1765.666 1767.147 1769.113 1772.238 1773.539 1774.772 1776.741 1777.296 1778.397 1781.456 1782.743
74.70 76.36 78.02 79.68 82.34 83.00 84.66 86.32 87.98 89.64 91.30
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The present analysis has been done by varying the individual parameters for number of time and the maximum Von-Misses stress for each and every time is obtained for individual parameters. The variation of Von-Misses stress with respect to individual parameters like internal pressure wind load, earthquake load, diameter and thickness of pressure vessel are given in Table 3 and Table 4. Results for Reliability From the individual study of parametric variation, the stress is mostly effected by the variation of the internal pressure. A linear variation is observed against change of thickness of the shell. A small variation in the Von-Misses stress is observed in case of wind load and earthquake load. But in the earthquake load, drastic increase of stress is observed at a load of 410 N per node, which can be concluded as a critical load. Reliability index ( ) = 2.464 Probability of failure (Pf ) = 0.70% CONCLUSIONS The working pressure of the vessel is 63.765 N/m2 to 78.48 N/m2 and the maximum design pressure is 137.34 N/m2. The other loads, which are acting on the vessel, are wind load and earthquake load along with the self-weight of the vessel. Failure of the vessel is a matter of great concerns, which at the upper extreme involves bursting of the vessel and at lower extreme, involves the attainment by the stress intensity of some critical value. The maximum values of effective stresses and deflections have been determined. The maximum
effective Von-Misses stresses are near the junctions at the upstream side of the wind. It has been investigated that the pressure vessel is safe from buckling failure because buckling load factor is 7.52397. From the reliability analysis, it has been shown that the vessel is 99.3% reliable and the safety or reliability index is 2.464, which is within the required limit between 2 to 5. It has also been observed that, the effect of earthquake and wind loads is quite less due to the reason that a heavy supporting frame of columns has been provided to avoid any catastrophic calamity. REFERENCES
1. O C Zienkiewiz. Finite Element Method in Engineering Science. McGraw Hill, London, 1976. 2. EMRC NISA FEM Package user Manual Volume I and II, Michigan, USA, 1997. 3. G D Gattely (ed). Pressure Vessel Technology, Part IDesign and Analysis. Proceeding of First International Conference, ASME, 1969. 4. D Bushnell and G D Galletly. Stress and Buckling of Internally Pressurized Elastic Plastic Torispherical Vessel Heads Comparison of Test and Theory. February 1977, p 39. 5. H C Martin and G F Carey. Introduction to the Finite Element Analysis. Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co Ltd, New Delhi, 1975. 6. H Chang and S Y Chang. A Practical Reliability Method for Engineers. Reliability Engineering and Safety, 1997, p 125.