Pipeline Design and Construction
Pipeline Design and Construction
Presented by: Engr. Md. Sanwar Hossain Dy. Manager , Operation Gas Transmission Co. Ltd.
Pipeline design
Qmmscfd=0.00128084((P12-P22)/Lmiles)0.51D2.53 For successful implementation of a pipeline project, the following steps are to be considered in general: 1. Market survey- Present & future demand 2. MAOP & Design pressure 3. Map of the preliminary selected pipeline route (L) 4. Pipe Size (D) 5. Wall thickness (t)
Modified Panhandle equation- most useful for transmission pipeline : Qmmscfd=0.00128084((P12-P22)/Lmiles)0.51D2.53 where , P1=Upstream pressure, PSIA P2=Downstream pressure, PSIA D=Inside pipe dia , inch
t= DP/(2YFL JT) where, t=Pipe wall thickness, mm P=design pressure ,psig D=outside dia of pipe in mm Y=minimum yield strength, psig F=design factor L= Location factor based on class location J=welding joint factor T=Temp. derating factor
Canadian Standards association (CSA) suggests design factor of 0.8 While location factors are:
Area Deserted Village ASME Class Location 1 0.72 2 0.60 0.50 0.40 CSA 0.80 0.72 0.56 0.44
City 3 Metropolis 4
Joint factor :
Weld type Seamless ERW SAW But Welled Spiral seam ASME B31.8 1 1 1 0.6 0.8
Temperature factor:
Temperature ( F) Up to 250 251-300 301-400 401-450 451 and above ASME- B31.8 1.00 0.97 0.93 0.91 0.87
DPP Land acquisition & Requisition Tender Document Preparation Tender Bid Evaluation Tender Award Procurement Mobilization Clearing, Grading and Stringing
Welding and NDT Trenching, Lowering & Backfilling Tie-in Hydrostatic Testing Cleaning Commissioning Operation
Pre construction
ROW Acquisition & Requisition -ROW Selection -DC Office -Compensation -Crop Compensation
Minimize overall pipe length. Parallel existing utility corridors (Highway, High tension Electric transmission line). Avoid areas of high population density. Minimize highways, railways, river, khals, canals, ponds, hills & mountains crossing to reduce the project cost. Cross highways, railways, river, khals, canals at or close to 90 deg. angle. Minimize crossover of existing facilities. Provide adequate construction area.
Avoid the following areas: Swamps and Wetlands Rocky areas Unstable soil Populated areas Historical areas Environmentally sensitive areas ( Forest, Tea garden , Rubber garden etc.) Religious sensitive areas ( Mosque , Graveyard, temple etc.)
Normally 10 m wide strip along the proposed pipeline route is to be acquisition and a 15 m wide strip on one side of the acquisition strip is to be requisition. Acquisition is permanent possession for use of land but requisition is completely a temporary affair , only for the working period. For scraper station and Valve station separate block lands of required size have to be acquisition.
Tender -Floating -Bid Receiving & Evaluation -Contract Award & Contract Management Procurement Mobilization
Cleaning & Grading the ROW Stringing the pipe along ROW Welding the pipe joints together NDT of welding joints Coating & Wrapping Ditching / Trenching Holiday test Lowering & backfilling Pigging Hydro Test Commissioning
Bulldozer- Used to clearing & grading of ROW. Excavator-Used to trenching , pipe lifting, pulling the welding machine etc. Side boom- Used to lift the pipe during welding and lay the pipeline in the trench. Crane Used to handle heavy equipments and machineries. Welding generator Trailer/ Truck- used to carry the line pipe from store yard to the working site.
Side boom
ROW is cleared of barriers and graded for movement of construction equipment, materials and ultimately construction of pipeline.
Welders test - an exam for the welders before going to production weld. Selection Criterion- Visual inspection & NDT ( API 1104) PQR / WPS Test -Tensile strength test -Face bend test -Root bend test -Charpy V notch test
Stringing is aligning the pipe along the ROW ready for welding . Trailer, Side boom etc are used to stringing the pipe.
Root pass/ Stringer pass Hot pass Filling pass Cap Pass Cleaning the welds
Radiography Test o Equipment o Method o Source o Film examination as Per API 1104 Standard
Porosity Cluster porosity Slag inclusion Lack of fusion Lack of penetration Internal concavity Burn through Crack
Welding defects:
Welding defects:
Tie-in welds
The final weld to join two separate section together. Should be properly aligned without use of jacks or any external force. Should be done within operating temp ( 5-30 deg. Celsius). NDT test.
Pipe Coating
All except a portion ( about 6 inch ) of each pipe is often coated in the factory before deliver to the site. Three types of coating -3LPE coating -FBE coating -Polyethylene coating 3LPE coating -Apply adhesive on clean pipe surface -Epoxy paint ( 40-100 micron) -Polyethylene coating
Bare pipe
Features: -Cleaning ( sand Blasting) -Apply Adhesive -Apply epoxy paint ( 40100 micron thick) -Polyethylene coating
Features: -Apply 3LPE Coating -Set wire mesh above 3LPE Coating -Apply Concrete coating - Provide Ve buoyancy force - Apply on ditch, canal , pond, khal, small river
-Put on above 3LPE coated pipe -one on each pipe -Provide Ve buoyancy force - Apply on marshy area
Joint coating
Heat shrink sleeves -Approx. 14 inch length and dia larger than pipe dia. -Shrink on applying heat and fitted to the pipe.
Ditching Holyday test - Apply 10 KV on coated pipe surface -Any coating defect will result an audible sound. Lowering - Lay pipeline on Trench of approx. 1.2 m depth -Put Set-on-weight on burried pipe for anti-buoyancy force
Testing :
Brush / cup pig -Clean internal rust Gauge pig -To check pipe ovality Foam Pig
-To dry internal surface
Pig Receiver
Pig Traps
Hydro test
After mechanical completion of pipeline Min test pressure should be 1.5 times of design pressure. Conventional hydro test pressure for high pressure pipeline= 1.5 X 1135 psi = 1703 psi Before commencing pressurization need to obtain necessary permission from the competent authority .As per Gas Safety rules Department of explosive is the competent authority in Bangladesh. Prior notification of testing should be given, in writing to persons in the vicinity of the pipeline .
Prior notification of testing should be given to local police and other authorities, who may be affected. Warning notice stating Warning-PipeLine Under Test and No Parking should be placed at appropriate locations for the duration of the test. Patrols should be provided to watch special points of hazard during the test, in particular road, rail and water crossing and points of public access. Standby emergency crew should be available to deal any unwanted situation.
Prior to the commissioning the pipeline should be dry up. Methods available for drying up are: -Using dry air (compressor) push a series of foam pigs through the pipeline collecting water until the required dryness is achieved. The pipeline should be purged of before the admission of the gas to be transmitted . Use inert gas to purge of air. After drying up a pipeline can be commissioned straight to gas.
ASME B31.8 ( Onshore & Offshore) ASME B16.5 (Flange & Flange Fittings) ASME B16.21 ( Gaskets for Flanges) API 5L ( Line Pipe) API 6D (Valves) API 1104 (Welding Inspection) ASME U- Stamp ( Pig Traps & Launcher) ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code ( Scrubber, KOD and Other pressure Vessels)