Sheldon Sheep Shell
Sheldon Sheep Shell
Notes The upper shell is knit in 2 pieces, and then a third panel is worked separately with integrated limbs and is attached to the shell top using mattress stitch. The tail is added last. You may wish to mark the beg of each round with a stitch marker or a safety pin. Increases and decreases: In this pattern, the abbreviation m1, or make 1, refers to making a st by creating a loop with the working yarn, twisting it, and placing it on the R needle. The abbreviations kfb and pfb refer to knit into the front and back of the next stitch and purl into the front and back of the next stitch, respectively. The abbreviation dd, or double decrease, refers to the following action: slip one stitch purlwise, purl two stitches together, and pass the first, slipped stitch over the decrease stitch and off the needle.
Finished size: Fits Sheldon Yarn: Knit Picks Shine Sport (60% Pima Cotton, 40% Modal natural beech wood fiber; 110 yards/50 gram ball ): MC: Cream 23615 1 ball; CC: Fedora 24131 1 ball; Needles US 3 (3.25 mm): DPN needles If necessary, adjust needle size to obtain correct gauge. Notions Short lengths of waste yarn (2) Stitch marker (optional) Stuffing Gauge: 25 sts / 34 rows = 4 in St st on US 3. Check your gauge before you begin.
Shell Top
Using MC, CO 18 sts. Row 1: Sl1, m1, p1, m1, p until 2 sts rem, m1, p1, m1, p1. 22 sts. Row 2: Sl1, k2, (k1, p1, k1 into next st; p3tog) 4 times, k3. Row 3: Rep row 1. 26 sts. Row 4: Sl1, (p3tog; k1, p1, k1 into next st) 6 times, k1. Row 5: Rep row 1. 30 sts. Row 6: Sl1, k2, (k1, p1, k1 into next st; p3tog) 6 times, k3. Row 7: Rep row 1. 34 sts. Row 8: Sl1, (p3tog; k1, p1, k1 into next st) 8 times, k1. Row 9: Rep row 1. 38 sts. Row 10: Sl1, k2, (k1, p1, k1 into next st; p3tog) 8 times, k3. Row 11: Rep row 1. 42 sts. Row 12; Sl1, (p3tog; k1, p1, k1 into next st) 10 times, k1. Row 13: Sl 1, p to end. Row 14: Sl1, (k1, p1, k1 into next st; p3tog) 10 times, k1. Row 15: Sl1, p to end. Row 16: Sl1, (p3tog; k1, p1, k1 into next st) 10 times, k1. Row 17: Sl1, dd, p until 4 sts rem, dd, p1. 38 sts. Row 18: Sl1, k2, (k1, p1, k1 into next st; p3tog) 8 times, k3. Row 19: Rep row 17. 34 sts. Row 20: Sl1, (p3tog; k1, p1, k1 into next st) 8 times, k1. Row 21: Rep row 17. 30 sts. Row 22: Sl1, k2, (k1, p1, k1 into next st; p3tog) 6 times, k3. Row 23: Rep row 17. 26 sts. Row 24: Sl1, (p3tog; k1, p1, k1 into next st) 6 times, k1. Row 25: Rep row 17. 22 sts. Row 26: Sl1, k2, (k1, p1, k1 into next st; p3tog) 4 times, k3. Row 27: Rep row 17. 18 sts.
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Row 28: Sl1, (p3tog; k1, p1, k1 into next st) 4 times, k1. Row 29: Rep row 17. 14 sts. Row 30: Sl1, k2, (k1, p1, k1 into next st; p3tog) 2 times, k3. Row 31: Rep row 17. 10 sts. Row 32: Sl1, (p3tog; k1, p1, k1 into next st) 2 times, k1. Row 33: Sl1, p to end. Row 34: BO in knit.
Row 35: P1, p2tog, p to end. 16 sts. Row 36: BO all sts.
Limbs (make 4)
Shell Bottom
Using CC, CO 10 sts. Odd-numbered rows 1-21 (RS): K1, kfb, k to end. Even-numbered rows 2-20 (WS): P1, pfb, p to end. 31 sts when row 21 is complete. Even-numbered rows 22-42 (WS): P1, p2tog, p to end. Odd-numbered rows 23-41 (RS): K1, k2tog, k to end. 10 sts when row 42 is complete. Row 43 (RS): BO all sts. Break yarn and weave in all ends from shell top and bottom on WS. Using a length of MC yarn and yarn needle, and holding shell and shell bottom with WS together, attach shell bottom to shell top, centering shell bottom a few stitches in from the edge all the way around. Use any seaming method you like, as long as it is invisible on the RS. Complete seam, tie a small knot, break yarn, and hide ends using crochet hook or yarn needle.
Use a DPN or yarn needle to unpick waste yarn and place sts released on 2 DPNs, divided 5 sts on top needle and 6 on bottom. Using DPNs, join CC and k around, picking up and knitting 3 new sts between the needles on the outer edge of the body and 2 new sts between the needles on the inner part of the body. 16 sts. Rounds 116: K all sts. Round 17: (Kfb, k3) 4 times. 20 sts. Rounds 1821: K all sts. Round 22: K2tog 10 times. 10 sts. Round 23: K2tog 5 times. 5 sts. Break yarn. Using yarn needle, thread yarn tail through all 5 sts, beg with first k2tog and ending with the last st you knit. Pull tightly to close. Make small knot, pull yarn to inside, and trim end.
Using MC, CO 16 sts. Odd-numbered rows 1-9 (WS): P1, pfb, p to end. Even-numbered rows 2-8 (RS): K1, kfb, k to end. 25 sts when row 9 is complete. Row 10: K1. Join waste yarn and k6. Slide these 6 sts back to the working end of the needle and reknit with MC, k11. Join second piece of waste yarn and k6. Slide these 6 sts back to the working end of the needle and reknit with MC, k1. Odd-numbered rows 1115: P1, pfb, p to end. Even-numbered rows 1216: K1, kfb, k to end. Row 17: P1, pfb, p to end. 32 sts. Row 18: K all sts. Odd-numbered rows 1922: P1, p2tog, p to end. Even-numbered rows 2022: K1, k2tog, k to end. Row 23: P1, p2tog, p to end. 27 sts. Row 24: K1, Join waste yarn and k6. Slide these 6 sts back to the working end of the needle and reknit with CC, k13. Join second piece of waste yarn and k6. Slide these 6 sts back to the working end of the needle and reknit with CC, k1. Odd-numbered rows 2533: P1, p2tog, p to end. Even-numbered rows 2634: K1, k2tog, k to end.
Construct Shell Weave in all ends. Seam shell attachment panel to shell top using mattress stitch. You will need to seam approximately one stitch on the top for every two on the bottom along the sides and approximately two stitches on the top for every two on the bottom along the tail end. Leave the top open for the turtles head. Trim seaming yarn, make a small knot, and pull the end into the inside with crochet hook or yarn needle. Make Tail With MC, pick up and knit 6 sts along the butt seam, centering your sts between the two nubbly bits that form the first row of trinity stitch. Row 1: (WS). Sl1, k5. Row 2: (RS). Sl1, p5. Row 3: Rep row 1. Row 4: Sl1, SSP, p2tog, p1. 4 sts. Row 5: Sl, k3. Break yarn. Using yarn needle, thread yarn tail through rem 4 sts. Pull tightly to draw sts together. Weave in ends on underside of tail. Put Sheldon in his sheep costume, stuffing each of his legs into place, and watch him frolic around!
( ) inches rep inst bet ( )s as many times as noted afterward * rep inst foll single * as directed * * rep inst bet * *s as many times as noted after [] rep inst bet [ ]s as many times as noted after alt alternate approx approximately beg begin/beginning bet between BO bind off CC contrast color cm centimeter(s) cn cable needle CO cast on cont continue dec decrease(es) DPN(s) double pointed needle(s)
EOR fl foll inc inst K, k K1-b k2tog KFB kwise LH lps m M1 M1L M1R MC mm ndl(s) oz P1-b P up
every other row front loop(s) follow(s)(ing) increase instructions knit knit 1 st tbl knit two sts together knit into the front and back of stitch knitwise left hand loops meter make one stitch make a left-leaning st make a right-leaning st main color millimeter(s) needle(s) ounce Purl 1 st tbl pick up
P, p p2tog pat pm pop pr prev psso pwise R rem rep Rev st st RH rnd(s) RS sk sk2p skp sl sl st
purl purl 2 sts together pattern place marker popcorn previous row previous pass slipped stitch over purlwise row remain(ing) repeat reverse stockinette stitch right hand round(s) right side skip sl 1, k2tog, pass slipped stitch over k2tog: 2 sts dec sl, k, psso: 1 st dec slip slip stitch(es)
sl1k sl1p sm ssk sssk st st sts tbl tfl tog w&t WE WS wyib wyif yd(s) yfwd yo yon yrn
slip 1 kwise slip 1 pwise slip marker sl, sl, k these 2 sts tog sl, sl, sl, k these 3 sts tog stockinette stitch stitch(es) through back loop through front loop together wrap & turn (see specific instructions in pattern) work even wrong side with yarn in back with yarn in front yard(s) yarn forward yarn over yarn over needle yarn around needle