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Microcontroller Based Control

contol of IM

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Microcontroller Based Control

contol of IM

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Dhruvin Patel
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]OJ J International



Electrical Energy

and NeT11'orksr7CEEN

]OJ I!

Micro controller Based Control of Three Phase Induction Technique

S.M.Wank..hede, R.M.Holmukhe,
Bharati Vidyapeeth

Motor Using P\Vl\1


Miss.P.R shinde, *p.s.Chaudhari

Pune, India

Electrical Engineering Department Deemed University College of Engineering, "Scientist, DRDO, Pune, India. Email ID: rajeshmholmukhergjhotmail.com

Abstract-The speed of the induction motor can be controlled by various methods. The stator frequency control is one of simplest methods to control the speed of the Induction motor. The micro controller based speed controlling system can be used in various industries such as chemical, textile and cement to operate the motor according to the desired speed. This is completely dosed loop system and the speed of the motor will be controlled automaucally by use. of feed back from motor in term of rpm , The inductive magnetic sensor can be interfaced .with micro controller easily and can sense rp m of the motor and giv'e it to micro controller in digital form as a feed back from motor. Keywords.cchnicue

using pulse width modulation technique. Here the speed of the motor is controlled by sensing the rprn and current valve of the rpm. The current value of rpm i 5 sensed by inductive magnetic switch and its output is fed :0 the micro controller. The micro controller compares the current value of the rprn with set values and adjusts the rime period ef the pulses applied to the stator to control the frequency of the stator. This system can be used effectively in the industrial applications to control the speed of the 3 phase induction motor. II. BLOCK DIAGRAM A~D WO~Ki:-\G






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1;-.;;]3!-;Y of the industrial applications, an electric motor is tile most imporrant component. A complete production unit
C,l;1SiSt5 primarily of three basic components; an electric motor, an energy- transmining device and L'1eworking (or driven) machine.An electric motor is the source of motive power. An energy- transmitting device delivers power from electric motor to the driven machine (or the load); it usually consists of shaft, belt, chain rope etc. The electric motor is widely classified as I. A.C Motor '1 D.CMotor Several industrial applications need adjustable speeds for their efficient operation. The various methods of speed Control semiconductor devices are as follows: I. Stator voltage control 2. Stator frequency control , Stator voltage and frequency control 4. Stator current control -. Static rotor- resistance control 6. Slip-energy recovery control

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Fig.l.Block Diagram of Comrollcr card

Methods I to 4 are applicable to both (SelM and WRJM) whereas method 5 and 6 can be used for only WRl!\1s. Out of above listed methods. Here stator frequency control method to control the speed of the 3 phase induction motor is used. In this research project paper a micro controller based system to control the speed of the 3 phase LM.is developed

Above figure shows the block diagram of the controller card.The controller card consists of \1 icro controller and related circuitry to it such as oscillator circuit tIC. The rpm of the motor is sensed by inductive magnetic switch. The output of the magnetic switch is fed to the micro controller. The micro controller performs the controlling action in this system. It monitors the status of .he magnetic i.\\litch continuously to measure the current :Vi11 of the motor. Then it compares the read value (current value) of rprn with the set value. If the set value is less than the set value then it increases the frequency of the pulses applied to the stator of the induction motor. It does so by decreasing the lime period of these pulses. When the frequency of the pulses appl ied to the stator increases the speed of the induction motor increases. The exact reverse action will be taken if the current rpm value of motor is greater than the set value.





:;011 international Conference on Electrical Energy and NelWorks(lCEEN 20J 1)

Also the set value and the current displayed by using LCD display.


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Fig.:!. Block Diagram of Dr inn Circuit

microprocessor CPU, which contains ap' Arithmetic and Logic (ALU) a program Counter (PC), a Stack Pointer (SP), some working registers, clock timing circuit and interrupt circuits. To make a complete microcomputer, one must data memory (RAM), memory decoders, an oscillator and a number of input / output (I/O) devices, such as parallel and serial data ports. In addition, special purpose devices, such as interrupt handlers and counters. may be added to relieve the CPU from time consuming counting or timing chores. Equipping the microcomputer with mass storage devices. commonly a floppy and hard dist drives, and I/O peripherals, such as a keyboard and a CRT display. yields a small computer that can be applied to a range of general purpose software application. ,-----, I ,A.:i(t;metic a'ld

The driver circuit consists of MOSFET driver IC lR 2110 and other additional components as diodes, capacitors etc. The driver circuit is used to drive the induction 1110tor, which is connected as load to the VFD. The Speed of the induction motor, is controlled by varying the frequency of the pulses applied to the stator of the motor .These pulses coming from the microconrroller are fed to the MOSFET driver IC IR 211a.TIle IlUII 0 is high voltage. high- speed power MOSFET and [GBT driver with independent high and low side referenced output channels. The output of the IR 2110 is given to tile \10SFET JRF 540.lt is used for switching purpose because of tile its high current rating .The pulses coming from the frequency of the stator and in tUi11to control the speed of the induction motor.


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of Microprocessor






The most important and basic aspect of the any system is to design the circuit (t.c. hardware design) for the specific application. This inv ohes deciding which component to use. specifications of different components. mathematical calculations, components selection and other related issues. The detailed information of the hardware desizn of the our system is an follows. b) IC FEATCRES AM) BRItJS:-

In our system we hav e used micro and other external peripherals such as Opto isolators. 1\10SFETs. 1\10SFET section focuses on the: features and these IC's peripherals, their significance

controller AT89C51 the magnetic switch, driver IC etc. This brief introduction of etc.

The key term in describing the design of the microprocessor is general purpose. The hardware design O!' a microprocessor CPU is arranged so that a small or \'ei\ large system can be configured around the CPLJ 2S the application demands. The internal CPU architecture as \\ -:1 i as the resultant machine level code that operates rne architecture is comprehensive but as flexible as possible. The prime use of a microprocessor is to read dn~. perform extensive calculations on that data, and store those calculations in a mass storage device or display the resi.lts for human use. The programs used by the microprocessor are stored in the mass storage device and loaded into R.'\ \ j as the user directs. A few microprocessor prclg'l!'11' ,.'2 srored in ROM. The ROM based programs are prirnarilv small fixed programs that operate peripherals and other fixed devices that are connected to the system. The design of the microprocessor is driven by the desire to make it as expandable and flexible as possible, in the expectation of commercial success in the marketplace.

1) Micro Controller AT .\'9C51 Microprocessors and micro controllers stem from the same basic idea. are made b). the same people, and are sold to the same types of sysr m designers and programmers. What is the difference between the \\\-0" Microprocessors A microprocess, r. ~" iItc term has come w be known. is a general purpose digital computer central processing unit (CPU). Although ;->opula;ly know n 2, <I "Computer on a chip", the microprocesso: is in no S=Il'~ a complete digital computer. Figure h:I()\'. sho S 2 block diagram a

Micro Controllers
Figure shows the block diagram of a typical micro controller which is a true computer on a chip. The design incorporates all of the features found in a micro processor CPU: ALU, PC, SP. and registers. It ;,150 has added the other features needed to make a complete computer: RO. 1. RA1\1, parallel 10, serial I '0. counters. and a clock circuit Like the microprocessor. :1 microcontroller is a aeneral purpose device, but one that is meant ro read data, pe-rforms limited calculated on the data. and control its e: \ ironment based on the those calculations. The prime use of a microcontrollcr is to cor-trot the operation of a machin;



Conference on Electrical Energy and J.:erl1'vrks(1CEE\" 201 J)

using a fixed program that is stored in ROM and that does not change over the lifetime of the system, IIG Port I A:"w 1 Ttrrrer/Courner ,
Aceumutetor Registers \nternal ROt.."

powerful microcomputer which provides a highly flexible and cost effective solution to many embedded control applications, C) INTERFACING DETAILS In this chapter the interfacing of the micro controller with other iC's is discussed. Tha: is it explains connection of the each pin of micro- vnuoller ":ith the other lC's and external peripherals used in '1-' -vsrern. The Controller Card The controller card .s the .: .- :'IC:, the Micro controller AT 89(51 is placed. The other objects 011 the C llj(, .iner card are power supply and the connectors for display. tvlOSFET driver Circuit etc. The interfacing of the master micro conrroller with all these components is listed in .he following table,
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Fig_4, Block


ofT) pical Microcontroller

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The design approach of the micro controller mirrors that of the microprocessor. The microcontroller design uses a similar. much more limited set of single and do~ble byte instructions that are used in microprocessors to move code ad data from internal memory to the ALU. Many instructions are coupled with pins on the integrated package the pins are "Programmable" that is capable of having several di fferern functions depending on the wishes of the r;'()grammer, The microconrroller is concerned with ceninz data from and to it" own pins: the archite ture and I~struc~ion .et are opurmzed to handle data in bit and byte size, Comparison
-',f icrocontrollers

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between a microcontrolier and a is best explained by the fact that most have many operational codes Cop codes) for from external memory to the CPU; microcontrollers mav have one or two, Microprocessors may hav e one or rwo types of bit handling instructions; mici ocomrollers will have many, surnmarize: the microprocessor is concerned with rapid mov ernent of code and data from external addresses to the chip; the microcontrcller is concerned with rapid movement of bits within the chip, The microcontroller can function as a computer with the addition of no external digital parts; the microprocessor must have many additional pans to be operational.
croprocessor rr.icroprocessors moving data



D) PULSE WIDTH, TODl'LI:" Figure shows a bl.vck ',,1:;1" ," .he power onversion unit in a P\\ \\' dr:v <: I ;, i~ "l of dnve. a diode bndge recutier PI'" 11..1.:, t,;~ Iku; .,.: Ul c irc n: the DC voltage is filtered in a LC 1,'\\ pass filter. Output frequency and voltage is controlled electronically by controlling the width of the pulses ,1' voltage to the motor. Essentially, there techniques reqi.u , ,', ilchi:ig the inverter power devices (Transistor or ICBT<oj t':l and air many times in order to generate the proper R;"1S .l,;t;Jg:: levels,



The AT8,-,C52 is a low power, high performance (MO 8-bit microcomputer with 8K bytes of Flash programmable and erasable read only memory (PEROM), The dev ice is manufactured using Armel's high density nonvolatile memory technology and is compatible \\ ith the industry ';cdHL;-J :--'OC.'i I and 80C52 instruction ".'t an i i~::llll1. The (':1 UHf rla~h allow s the pru~raI" mcm. r, l~ reprogr mined 111 5) stem or b) a COI1\ enuonal 11)i1\ -Lule mcmor. programmer. B~ cornl-imng a \ cr s.nile \; bit L'PLJ \Ilth Hash on a monolithic chip. the .vtmel AT. -IL:,2 I' a



::C11 International



Electrical Energy and Networks(ICEEN 2011)

This switching scheme requires a more complex regulator than the VVI. With the use of a microprocessor, these complex, regulator functions are effectively handled. Combining a triangle \\ ave and a sine wave produces the output voltage waveform.
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explained with the help of the flow charts includes in this chapter. . 1_ The next step is to understand the software programming incorporated in the microcontroller to achieve the given task.While performing its calculations and control, the rnicrocontroller need to be human friendly both in terms of data input and display, . 2. The software has been written instructured manner in which all the subroutines are linked to a single main program, Each subroutine is further divided ir .o sub sub routine as per the requiremen_t. _
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Fig.7.PWM Generator

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.The triangular _izual is the carrier or switching frequency of the in;;:'rter. The modulation generator produces a sinewave signal the determines the width of tile pulses, and therefore the RMS voltage output of the inverter.
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AC drives that use :1 PWM type schemes have varying levels of performance based on control algorithms. There are 4 basis rypes of con n I for AC drives t~day. There are 'olts per Hertz. Sensor e s Vector Control. Flux Vector Control and field Oriented Control. V/Hz control is a basic control method. providing a variable frequency drive for applications like fan <InJ "lump. It provides fair speed and torque control. at a re:i~ vnable cost. Sensor less Vector Control provides better s;,,'eo regulation. and the ability to produce high starring W'_'.i,~. Flux Vector control provides more precise speed Cl':c- torque control, with dynamic response. Field Orieme.t ~'ornrol drives provide the best speed and torque CO!J1r,; available for AC motors, It provides DC performance tor AC motors. and is well suited for typical DC applications.

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---,--Fig. 9.FJo\\ chart

2011 International

Conference on Electrical Energy and Networks (JCEE.'" ]011)



PWM l-ridges the. gap between the digital and analog regimes allowing one to exchange tone for voltage. Most people use hardware to generate PWW waveforms. There art! few different techniques for generating pulse width Modulated square waves using software. It 'turns out that many of techniques described here mav also be implemented in VijDL.

'ON' at a time and at that instant other MOSFET should be turned 'OFF' but while testing it is observed that turning 'ON' and turning 'OFF' both these two pair were overlapping.

Following may be the reason behind this:

Mismatching of actual delay time of MOSFET bridge ckt. with programmed delay time. Due to failure oflR21 10 Ie Following are the remedies Taken TO overcome the problems: I) Modification of the program in the microcontroller 2) Application of heat sink for the ;,10SFET bridge circuit 3) Addition ofTC MCT 2E for isolation purpose. 3) High Voltage Testing 011 Moto>. By providing the above modif.cauon. we proceeded for 230 volt motor testing. In this volt testing we observed the proper functioning of micro controller circuit as well as of the drive circuit. Also by varying the load the variation in Frequency according to load current Ie observed.

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There are certain features thai can be added in this system. Some of the fearures ar ii. ed below. Incorporate RTC chip DS I '(j- which can be used to how the time. and w e can soft different readings ofrpm in timely manner. Use serial memory hip. T 2kO.:l and can store the e records il the system. Upload this data to the PC by serial communication using MAX 232 IC Efficiency of motor can b controlled using this system. Instead of a \liLw-:Oilti', I,: .v e can use? CPLD chip since the CPLD I"','q~,)]'aie~ mall) more features than a Microcor.rroiler. \'LSI VHDL can be used for CPLD programming. COI\'CLUSIU:" Micro controller based system cun be effectively used for speed control of the 3phase induction motor along with PWM techniques, ACKNOWLL"GHE\:T Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemer' '.': '<::<lY, Pune.

Following testing are carried out in the three phase variable frequency drive model. I) Low voltage with lamp load 2) High voltage (230V) testing with lamp load. 3) High voltage (230V) testing with motor load.

voltage testing lamp load:

To observe the proper functioning of drive circuit, low voltage testing is carried out. A 12V DC supply coming out from the transformer and bridge rectifier circuit is given to input of drive circuit and following observation are made Square waves across the s\\ itching transistors Square waves acres load i.e. in bridge inverter

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Controller anJ

-~iJ!;cclUrc. -nbeddcc

programming Svstcms


The SC5~ Education-M, Power Power

pen ram inrernationa.

t-licro controller A .. tazio: - P. S. Birnbhra -

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Similarly desired waveforms across the rnicrocontroller circuit. 2) High voltage (230 V) Testing will! Lamp Load: \\1 ile Joing this 230 V testing with sing!.: phase Variable fr quency drive problem faced was: heaung and l-urning of \10SFET bridge circuit.The reason IS that. the bridge circuit it is required thr.t two \IU F[T should be

Electronics Electronics

:-'1 Rashid
. B. L Thera;" .. HTI \'. rnSITES:



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