Fire Protection Tanks
Fire Protection Tanks
FIRE SAFE FUEL FARM OPERATIONS Orville M. Bud Slye, Jr., PE, FSFPE Presented at the 30th Annual Airport Conference, Hershey, PA March 6 - 8, 2007 The storage, handling and use of flammable and combustible liquids requires effective measures prevent and protect personnel and facilities from fire and explosion. Experience shows that when safe operating practices and procedures are not followed, flammable and combustible liquids can be a significant fire and explosion hazard exposing facilities to fire damage with a potential for injury to operating personnel. This paper examines steps for maintaining or improving fire safety in flammable and combustible liquid storage tank areas. Observing these key operating and facility design and safe practices can prevent fires and prepare for control and extinguishment of fires should they occur in an airport storage tank facility. Attachment 1 is a review of typical fires in flammable and combustible liquid storage and handling facilities which illustrates the hazards and difficulties inherent in controlling major storage tank fires. WHAT STEPS ARE EFFECTIVE Effective steps to tank fire safety can be determined through answers to the following questions: What is in the tank? What type of tank is being used? Where is the tank located? How are spills controlled? How are vents for the tank arranged? How are ignition sources controlled?
What fire prevention measures are being used? What fire protection is provided for the tank? What fire safety measures are required for the loading rack? How will an emergency (fire) be handled?
WHAT IS IN THE TANK? The first step is to determine what liquid is stored is in a tank. This chemical data is essential to understanding the inherent hazards of the liquid and should include specific data on the chemical and whether or not the liquid is a flammable or combustible liquid. Airport storage tanks will most likely to be a flammable or combustible liquid. However, chemical data is extremely helpful in developing an effective site fire protection plan. Data related to specific hazards of fuel stored should include data from the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) on flash and boiling points, molecular weight, vapor density and flammable range. Other data; such as whether the chemical is an acid, base or solvent, or heating or other special measures for safe storage should be determined. A review of the definitions for the fire hazard of liquids follows: Liquid Hazards Key terms that define flammable and combustible liquids fire hazards are Flashpoint and Vapor Pressure, These terms provide the vital information used for emergency planning and fire prevention Flashpoint This is the liquid temperature at which a liquid releases sufficient vapor to form an ignitable mixture with air, either near the liquid surface or within a vessel. Flashpoint is determined by a flashpoint tester and is the basis for hazard classification. There is a direct connection between volatility and flashpoint. A liquid with a flashpoint near normal temperatures, without being heated, will produce vapor that can be ignited by a small ignition source; such as a spark or pilot flame. Flashpoint and boiling point temperatures are reduced as altitude increases since liquid volatility increases with reduced atmospheric pressure. Liquids that are combustible at sea level may be more hazardous as atmospheric pressure is reduced. Vapor Pressure This is the pressure, measured in pounds per square inch absolute (psia), exerted by vapor against the atmosphere. Just as the atmosphere exerts pressure on the liquid surface, the liquid pushes back. Vapor pressure is normally less than atmospheric pressure and is a measure of the evaporation or change in state from liquid to the gaseous 2
state. This characteristic is often termed volatility and liquids that easily evaporate are termed as volatile liquids. The safety concern is that the higher the vapor pressure, the more the liquid evaporates and the lower the boiling point, resulting in more vapors within an increased risk. Liquid Classifications A uniform system of defining and classifying flammable and combustible liquids has been developed for application of fire and safety code requirements. Flammable liquids are Classified as Class I liquids and combustible liquids are classified as Class II or III liquids. Flammable Liquids - Any liquid with a closed-cup (type of flashpoint test) flashpoint below 1000F (37.80C) and a Reid vapor pressure not exceeding 40 psia (2068 mm Hg) is a flammable liquid. These liquids are referred to as Class I liquids. Liquid classifications are further divided into three sub classifications as follows: Class IA liquids have flashpoints below 730F (22.80C) and boiling points below 1000F (37.80C). Class IB liquids have flashpoints below 730F (22.80C) and boiling points at or above 1000F (37.80C). Class IC liquids have flashpoints at or above 73 0F (22.80C), but below 1000F (37.80C).
Gasoline, Jet B, and JP 4 are typical examples of a flammable liquid. Combustible Liquid - A liquid with a closed-cup flashpoint at or above 1000F (37.80C) is a combustible liquid. These liquids are referred to as either a Class II or Class III liquids based on the following: Class II Liquids have flashpoints at or above 100 0F (37.80C) and below 1400F (600C). Class IIIA Liquids have flashpoints at or above 140 0F, but below 2000F (930C). Class IIIB Liquids have flashpoints at or above 200 0F (930C).
Class IIIB liquids are generally not included in the scope of codes and standards with the exception of the International Fire Code which does not differentiate between Class IIIA and IIIB liquids requiring the same safety measures despite the lower hazard. Fuel Oil No. 2, kerosene, and some Jet A and A-1 fuels are typical examples of a combustible liquid.
WHAT TYPE OF STORAGE TANK IS BEING USED? Fuel storage tanks can be either a horizontal or vertical configuration and are normally designed to operate at atmospheric pressure. Tanks that are pressurized to facilitate dispensing or some other purpose are rarely used for fuel storage. A number of options may be used to arrange storage tanks in a facility. Some key factors in tank design and arrangement include: Tanks are designed for either installed above or below ground installation. Tanks can be either vertical or horizontal configuration. Tanks are most likely to be metal construction, but concrete and fiberglass tanks for underground are common. Tanks may be lined with corrosion resistant materials; such as plastic for protection from corrosives; however, this would be unusual for aboveground fuel tanks. Tanks can be double containment metal tanks to contain leaks from an inner tank, or more likely, will be located in a dike or spill collection basin. Smaller tank systems are available with an integral spill basin, pump and hose reel for product transfer. Since aboveground vertical and horizontal tanks are the most common tanks, protective measures associated with these tanks will be discussed in this paper. Atmospheric Above Ground Storage Tanks Atmospheric storage tanks operate at pressures ranging from atmospheric up to and including 1.0 psig. Larger atmospheric storage tanks may have a maximum operating pressure below 1 psig in order to eliminate roof plate weld stress from continuous exposure to higher operating pressure. Some locations may have Low Pressure Tanks designed to operate at pressures greater than 1 psig but not more than 15 psig. The primary differences between an atmospheric and low pressure tank is that protection is provided to the low pressure tanks to prevent explosive tank failure when exposed to fire. Atmospheric tanks can be vertical or horizontal tanks. Storage tanks are defined in NFPA Standard 30, as any vessel having a liquid capacity exceeding 60 gallons, intended for fixed installation and not used for processing.
Atmospheric Tank Design Standards The most commonly used standards for the design and construction of atmospheric storage tanks are listed in Table 1. The definitive standard that is commonly used for fire safety in the handling, storage and use of flammable and combustible liquids is the National Fire Protection Association, Standard 30, The Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code. Most building and fire codes and the standards developed by other organizations use NFPA 30 as the definitive standard for flammable and combustible liquids fire safety. Vertical Storage Tanks The configuration of a vertical aboveground tank design can be either an open top with the roof floating on the stored liquid or a fixed roof. The safe design of floating roof tank offers a considerable level of fire safety over other vertical tank designs. As a result, fire codes allow closer spacing between floating roof tanks and for separation from adjacent properties or operations providing a cost advantage in tank farm layout and arrangement. Open Top Tanks An open top tank has a floating roof exposed to the environment. Open top tanks have a low fire potential with the most likely fire exposure being a limited amount of liquid in the seal area between the shell and the roof. The fire potential is very low this area, which is the only space on the tank roof where an ignitable mixture normally exists. Fires in the seal area can be readily extinguished by a hose line or a portable extinguisher on small to medium sized tanks; while a fixed foam system is normally installed on larger tanks. Lightning is the most prevalent ignition source for a seal area fire and is preventable by installing a bond between the roof and the shell. Routine inspection of lighting protection bonding straps is required to assure that protection measures are in place and not damaged by roof movement, maintenance activities or by weather effects. Another ignition source is hot work on the roof or near the seal area without proper precautions to prevent ignition. Fire in a dike area near or impinging on the tank can ignite seal area vapors. Fire activities should minimize tank shell fire impingement to prevent fire spread to the seal area. Covered Floating Roof Tanks This tank design is a floating roof which is protected by another fixed roof for weather or environmental control. During filling, an ignitable mixture can be present in the vapor space between roofs. Gas tests should be conducted before personnel entry or during hot work in the vapor space above the floating roof. Personnel entries into the vapor space should be conducted as a confined space entry. It is possible for the floating roof to be less substantial or stable
than a standard open top floating roof tank. Where the roof is a pan configuration, see discussion below on Fixed Roof Tanks. Fixed (Cone) Roof Tanks Fire exposure to a tank increases internal pressure from boiling liquids or, very rarely, from an internal explosion. Fixed roof tanks are designed to vent during an emergency by opening weak roof-to-shell joint seams at the point of panel attachment to the tank shell. The weak seam allows the roof to tear free from the tank shell to prevent failure of other joints. An internal pan roof floats on the liquid. These roofs are typically constructed of honeycombed aluminum panels, metal on plastic floats or similar style roof design. This type of roof lacks substantial support and stability inherent in an open or covered floating roof tank and is not fire resistant. A common failure mode for this style of roof is tilting or sinking resulting in fire exposure to the tank. This style of roof is commonly used for emission control purposes, but is unlikely to have a substantial effect on tank fire safety. Installation of a pan roof can also result in blocking application of foam during a fire, especially where the tank is protected by sub-surface foam and/or the roof sinks blocked foam inlets Horizontal Storage Tanks Horizontal tanks are commonly cylindrical in shape with flat ends and are usually mounted on legs or steel or concrete support structure. The structure may not be fire proofed or protected to prevent failure when fire exposed. Supports over 12 inches in height should be protected by fire proofing materials or water spray protected to prevent catastrophic failure where fire exposed. Emergency venting of horizontal tanks is provided by vent devices similar to those for fixed roof vertical tanks. In addition to emergency vents, pressure relief vents protect the tank from overpressure during tank filling and from collapse during liquid discharge from the tank. Secondary tanks are becoming a common means of enclosure of the primary tank to achieve spill or leak containment. Small horizontal tank sets are available which include containment dikes sized for the tank. Some tanks are capable of being moved by a forklift truck. When installing portable tanks near buildings, sufficient clearance from the exposed building should be provided to assure that a tank fire does not expose adjacent equipment or the building. Tanks and their contiguous spill basins should be carefully evaluated to assure that emergency vents are sized to prevent tank collapse or failure during fire exposure.
WHERE ARE THE TANKS LOCATED? The location of a tank facility has a direct impact on fire safety. The tank location should be arranged to prevent exposing fires from spreading into the tank farm; and conversely adjacent buildings should be located so that a fire in the tank farm will not spread off of the property or spread to adjacent tanks. NFPA 30 contains requirements for spacing between tanks and to or from property lines and adjacent structures and facilities. These distances are minimal and increased spacing may be beneficial when constructing a new facility since increased separation will reduce risk of fire exposure. Reference should be made to NFPA 30 minimum spacing requirements during emergency planning to prepare for exposure protection during fire fighting operations. Accessibility is a key factor in effective storage tank fire control. Fire fighting operations require separation from the tanks in order to avoid fire exposure to fire equipment and personnel. Where subsurface inlets are installed for tank fire control, access to foam inlets should be outside the dike area or in an easily accessible location where tank shell connections are utilized. Where foam trucks and other portable equipment will be used for fire fighting operations, the tank farm should be accessible from at least two directions. The ideal arrangement provides complete access around the tank dike areas with roads and access points sufficiently wide for fire trucks. Vehicles should be able to move by fire trucks parked at fire department connections to foam systems and at hydrants. HOW ARE SPILLS CONTAINED OR CONTROLLED? Product spills occur when tanks are overfilled, as pump seals or pipeline flanges leak or holes occur in tank shells. The ground area around the tanks should be arranged to direct spilled liquids away from the tanks to lower sections of dike areas, into diked impoundment areas or to a basin, remote impounding. If space is available in a tank farm the most desirable and safest arrangement is a containment area that is remote from equipment, tanks, and exposed structures. Dike area drains should be a fire sealed and extend through the dike wall. Each drain valve should be clearly labeled and located outside the dike discharging to the site drainage system for treatment of small spills in an environmentally correct manner.
HOW DOES THE TANK VENT IN AN EMERGENCY? Tanks exposed to a fire in contact with or near the tank shell will have an increase in pressure as tank contents are heated. Tank vents are arranged to facilitate pressure changes as liquid is added or withdrawn or changes resulting from atmospheric temperature and pressure. Fire exposure to an aboveground tank heats the contents to their boiling point which substantially increases tank pressure. Fire exposure also can damage tank supports and unwetted portions of the tank shell. Increased pressure can be controlled either by tank design or by tank vent devices. Emergency pressure relief through tank design includes lifter or floating roofs, a weak roof to shell tank roof seam or emergency vent devices. Without pressure relief the tank is likely to rupture randomly, or even rocket as a result of a failure of the shell to bottom seam. Liquids, such as LPG in pressure tanks having boiling points below atmospheric temperature have relief valves which are set to maintain the tank at a higher pressure setting. Fire exposure to the portions of the vessel shell not in contact with the liquid can cause a loss of vessel shell strength as the fire heats unprotected metal to failure. The resulting metal tear is likely to completely encircle the tank and to release tank contents; often with pieces of the tank rocketing explosively away from the vessel. This action, known as a Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion (or BLEVE), is the catastrophic failure of a container into at least two major pieces and simultaneously releasing the contained liquid which is at a temperature well above its boiling point at normal atmospheric pressure. BLEVES have occurred when LPG filled railroad cars or storage tanks were fire exposed. Pressurized tanks may be used for storage of LPG for heating or similar uses in an airport. WHAT FIRE PREVENTION MEASURES ARE BEING USED? Precautions need to be taken to prevent ignition of flammable vapors through the control of open flames, lightning, hot surfaces, radiant heat, smoking, cutting and welding, static electricity, electrical sparks and stray currents, heating equipment and other ignition sources. Smoking should be confined to designated and properly identified areas. Welding, cutting and similar spark producing operations should only be conducted under a strict hot work control system. Adequate controls for hot work should include comprehensive testing of the area to assure that flammable vapors are not present in the work area. All combustibles that may be ignited by hot sparks from hot work should be removed or properly protected to prevent against ignition. Static electricity controls start with proper operating practices and controls to minimize the potential for generation of static electricity. Metallic equipment
should be bonded or grounded when used in areas where an ignitable mixture could be present. All non-metallic equipment and piping, where an ignitable mixture could be present, should be carefully reviewed to assure that the generation of static is not a possibility. Electrical equipment should be designed, selected and installed to meet requirements of NFPA 70, The National Electrical Code. In areas where there is likely to be the presence of an ignitable vapor mixture, the equipment should meet requirements for electrical area classification in accordance with NFPA 30 and 70. NFPA 30 requires an engineering evaluation of the installation and operation to determine the extent of fire prevention and control measures followed by the application of sound fire protection and process engineering principles. The analysis is required to include: 1) 2) 3) Analysis of fire and explosion hazards of the facility; Analysis of local conditions, such as exposure to and from adjacent properties, flood potential or earthquake potential; and Fire department or mutual aid response.
WHAT FIRE PROTECTION MEASURES ARE PROVIDED? Fire Protection measures for storage tanks should be based on the relative hazard of the stored materials instead of on every tank regardless of hazard. Consideration should be given to the relative hazard of the stored materials, the hazards inherent in the type of tanks in the storage facility, and the availability of public and private fire fighting support and equipment. NFPA 30 requires that a fire-extinguishing system be provided for vertical atmospheric fixed-roof storage tanks storing Class I flammable liquids larger than 50,000 gallons (1190 bbl) capacity. Fire Protection is especially desirable where tanks are located in a congested area with an unusual exposure hazard between the tank and adjacent property. Fixed roof tanks storing Class II or III liquids at temperatures below their flashpoints and floating roof tanks storing any liquid, generally do not require protection when the tanks are installed in compliance with spacing and installation requirements of NFPA 30. Relative Hazard of Stored Materials Class IIB liquids (flashpoints above 2000F) can be safely stored without fire protection systems unless the oils are being heated to or above their flashpoint. Tank spacing, containment measures and fire extinguishing systems are not required by most codes for combustible liquids with a flashpoint of 200 0F or
above. A low curb or other spill control means should be provided and spacing for maintenance activities should be provided between tanks. Class III liquids (flashpoints over 1400F and below 2000F) are not normally fire protected, except when heated to or above their flashpoints. Unheated tanks in this category will usually not require foam protection unless there are unusual conditions such as: There is a potential that the tanks will be filled with materials with a flashpoint below 1400F. Overheating of the tanks can occur resulting in storage temperatures exceeding the flashpoint of the stored materials. The tank is vulnerable to fires involving adjacent equipment or facilities. Tanks containing flammable liquids, those with a flashpoint below 140 0F, may require fire protection. Industry experience with gasoline and other flammable liquids stored in open top or covered floating roofs show minimal fire experience; and with good spacing between tanks and minimal fire exposure, these types of tanks storing flammable liquids have a low fire hazard. NFPA 30 requirements for protection for Class I liquids was discussed previously. Basis for Foam Protection Requirements Evaluate the storage tank facility for relative fire risk and associated foam protection requirements. As noted above, NFPA 30 contains requirements for foam protection for Class I liquids. Extinguishment of the largest cone roof tank fire is typically the design basis for a tank foam system. Cone roof tanks are typically protected by sub-surface foam systems, unless the tanks containing polar solvents and alcohol resistant foams are not available or pan roofs are installed in the tank. Open-top floating roof tanks require protection from rim fires. Foam Application Foam application rates should be at least the minimum rates required by NFPA Standard 11, Low, Medium and High Expansion Foam. Foam application, once started, is required to be applied continuously at the minimum recommended rate and duration in order to extinguish a tank fire. Intermittent or shortened foam application without fire extinguishment results in foam breakdown and destruction of any established foam blanket. Additional foam concentrate will be required to re-establish the lost foam blanket and blanket the entire liquid surface. The NFPA II recommended quantities of foam-producing material are sufficient for fire extinguishment, however, application of additional foam-producing concentrate can decrease the time for fire extinguishment.
Cone Roof Tanks Foam application on cone roof tank fires can be achieved by various methods: subsurface foam injection; portable foam towers; fixed foam chambers mounted on the tank shell or portable hose streams or monitors. Application by subsurface injection, towers or fixed foam chambers is applied at a rate of 0.1 gallons per minute per square foot and application rates for portable hose streams or monitors is 0.16 gallons per minute per square foot. Fires in more volatile materials such as gasoline may require higher rates of up to 0.2 gallons per minute per square foot, depending on pre-burn time Cone Roof Tanks with Internal Floating Covers (Pans) Foam protection using an over-the-top system designed for coverage of the entire tank liquid surface area of the tank should be provided when internal covers are a pan-type design, constructed of combustible materials, or are thin aluminum skin and floats. Subsurface applications are not recommended since the inlets may be blocked by a sunken roof and thus prevent foam application into the tank. Open Top Floating Roof Tanks - Open-top floating roof tanks are protected for seal fires. For tanks up to 150 feet in diameter, foam can be applied from portable hose lines supplied from fire trucks for tanks up to 120 feet diameter and from a foam solution standpipe on tanks 120 to 150 feet diameter. Tanks over 150 foot diameter are more suited for a fixed foam application system for rim fire protection. The rim fire protection system (catenary design) can be supplied foam from a fire truck or from a piped foam system. The rim seal protection system should meet NFPA 11 requirements for application rate dependant upon the type of seal and foam outlet arrangement. Portable hose streams should be a minimum of two 50 60 gpm foam nozzles supplied from foam fire trucks or a foam-proportioning system. A foam dam is required when hose streams are used for protection when the seal is a tube seal or includes metal weather shields or a noncombustible secondary seal. Covered Floating Roof Tanks - When the floating roof in a covered floating roof tank is a steel floating roof of the single or double-deck design, a foam system is normally not required due to the low risk of a fire inherent with this tank design. However, other styles and designs for covered floating roof tanks should be provided with foam systems for control of seal fires meeting requirements for open top floating tanks when the tank diameter exceeds 150 feet or when the tank has significant value or risk to the site.
Portable Monitors and Hose Nozzles Portable foam monitors and hose streams have limited ability to extinguish tank fires. Protection from monitors is generally ineffective on cylindrical or cone roof tanks over 60 feet in diameter and hose lines are not effective for tanks over 30 feet in diameter and over 20 feet high. While foam monitors have been successful in extinguishing fires that involved tanks up to 130 feet in diameter and 42 feet high, the use of large monitors should not be depended upon as a primary means for extinguishment of large cone roof tank fires. There are substantial limitations when using portable monitors or hose streams for tank fire extinguishment. Low tank product levels, wind effects and intense fire updrafts can prevent foam from reaching the product surface and forming a foam blanket. Foam requires continuous and even application to establish a foam blanket, since foam streams should be directed against the inner tank shell so that the foam flows gently onto the burning liquid surface without undue submergence. Due to the difficulties in use of portable foam devices hose and monitor nozzles a foam solution rate of at least 0.16 gallon per minute per square foot of tank liquid surface areas is required. Due to the difficulty in directing the foam into the narrow annular space of the roof seal, and the potential to sink the roof, ground level monitors are not recommended for seal fires. Often poorly executed monitor application for foam fires has resulted in roofs sinking or tilting, which results in a larger fuel surface fire in the tank. Boom mounted nozzles on fire trucks may be useful in application of foam providing there is foam truck accessibility and the tanks are relatively small in diameter. Water Supply Subsurface injection or topside foam application rates are determined by the tank size, the application rate and the amount of water required for cooling the tank and exposures. For flammable and combustible liquids the water application rate for subsurface or topside application is typically 0.1 gallon per minute per square foot. Additional water will be required for foam hose streams and water cooling streams. Water Requirements - The following example illustrates the additive quantities of water required to meet the full water demand for tank protection: Example 1 40 ft diameter Tank Required Foam Solution - 125 gpm Foam Hose Streams 50 gpm Water Cooling Streams 500 gpm Total Water Requirement 675 gpm
Foam Solution Rate (@0.1 gpm/sq ft) Example 2 150 ft diameter Tank Required Foam Solution - 1,767 gpm Foam Hose Streams 150 gpm Water Cooling Streams 1,000 gpm Total Water Requirement 2,900 gpm Foam Solution Rate (@0.1 gpm/sq ft)
= 176 gpm
= 1,917 gpm
Water Pressure- Water cooling streams can be taken directly from fire hydrants, however, hydrant residual pressure less than 80 psig will require fire truck booster pumps to supply hose streams. As an example, a 250 gpm cooling stream will reach over the curb angle of a 75 foot high tank from a horizontal distance of 65 feet with 50 psig nozzle pressure using a solid stream nozzle of 1 1/8 inches. Minimum residual hydrant outlet pressure should be 80 psig in order to supply 50 gpm through 250 feet of 1 inch fire hose. Foam hose streams are typically supplied from foam fire trucks. When a fixed foam system is installed, foam hydrants might be capable of supplying foam hose streams. Alternatively, foam nozzles can be equipped with pickup tubes, but these require foam liquid in 5 gallon containers to be available at the nozzle in easily handled containers. Ranges of foam nozzles typically rated at 100 psig vary based on the manufacture. The effective range for 100 gpm nozzles on 1 inch hose lines can vary from 50 to 65 feet depending on flow and inlet pressure while larger 2 inch nozzles have ranges from 60 to 120 feet. Fire Mains and Hydrants The storage tank farm fire water demand is based on the quantity of water required to protect the largest cone roof tank, plus the water needed for cooling hose streams to protect exposed tanks or adjacent facilities. As a general rule of thumb sufficient water will be required to extinguish a fire in the largest tank, plus the amount of water required for protection of unshielded neighboring tanks. Water pressure in the hydrants and the water system should be adequate to provide 100 psig residual pressure when flowing sufficient water to supply cooling streams directly from hydrants. A fire water system looped around the facility provides flexibility during use. Isolation of damaged sections without impairment of the entire fire protection system can be aided by provision of division valves arranged so that any section of the fire main grid or loop may be removed from service while fire water continues to be supplied for tank fire protection. System hydraulic calculations can assist in determining that there is an adequate
water flow rate. The number of valves needed for system reliability should be based on no more than six hydrants out of service as a result of a single main break. Hydrants should be provided in sufficient number to permit fire fighting operations regardless of wind direction and sized to supply 500 gpm from a 4 inch hydrant and 100 gpm from a 6 inch hydrant. Outlets should be two hose connections and a large diameter 5 inch minimum fire truck connection outlet. Hydrants should be located outside of tank dike walls, adjacent to roadways and a minimum of 1 tank diameter; but no less than 50 feet from the tank shell to avoid heat exposure to fire trucks when connected to the hydrant. Hydrant outlets should be no more than 6 feet from the approach of a fire truck to the hydrant. The local fire authorities should be consulted to assure that truck connections, hose threads and location are compatible with the equipment used by the mutual aid fire fighting organizations in your area. Tank Protection Using Passive and Active Systems Fire exposure protection can be provided by passive systems including fire proof insulation, concrete encasement or similar insulation materials applied on the tank shell. Protection should be provided by methods tested by the Underwriters Laboratories (UL) to a 2 to 4 hour hydrocarbon fire exposure in order to protect the tank from direct hydrocarbon fire exposure. Insulation systems are difficult to apply to vertical tanks and are more suited for horizontal vessels. Careful consideration should be given to the type of fire exposure and potential fire duration when applying hydrocarbon fire exposure insulation methods. Active tank protection systems include water spray systems for application of water onto the vessel shell. This type of system, designed to requirements of NFPA 15, Water Spray Systems, typically applies water through a system of specially designed nozzles at minimum application rates of 0.15 to 0.40 gpm/square foot of vessel surface area. Water spray systems require a strong fire water supply and a means to automatically apply the water in order to avoid delay which will heat tank contents and possible result in tank rupture. IS THE TRUCK LOADING RACK PROTECTED? The potential fire hazards of tank truck loading and unloading facilities include open filling through truck domes, making and breaking of fill connections, and compartment overfilling leading to a product spill. Ignition sources that may be present include truck engine ignition systems and electrostatic charges.
Electrostatic Ignition Prevention Prevention of electrostatic ignition requires bonding of the fill system to the tuck to ensure that equipment is at the same electrical potential to prevent sparking. The term switch loading is the loading of a low or intermediate vapor pressure product into a compartment that contains flammable vapors from previous use. An example would be loading a combustible liquid, such as kerosene, fuel oil, or high flashpoint Jet A into a compartment that had contained motor or aviation gasoline on the previous load. The procedure to be followed in switch loading should be posted at the loading rack. Conductivity additives can be added to low-conductivity products to diminish the potential for static ignition. Loading controls required to minimize the possibility of electrostatic ignition should be well communicated to loaders and/or drivers to assure maximum safety of rack operations. Spills Since ignition sources are always present, there is the potential for flashback and fire in the event of a major spill of volatile product. A drainage system should be provided to permit such spills to be flushed and drained away from the rack to a sate location without entering a public sewer system. Water steams can be used to divert spills from the truck loading area and foam can be used to blanket large spills and to prevent ignition until cleanup can be achieved. To minimize spills and associated hazards, an emergency shutdown system for pumps and product shutoff valves should be provided in all product lines to the rack area for remote fuel source shut off. Hand operated valves should be at least 50 feet from the nearest truck loading position Power operated valves can be closed by emergency shutdown switches at the rack loading position from remote locations and by fire detection devices. Fire protection systems should be interlocked on operation to shut down product flow. Drainage systems should be provided to remove spills from the loading area into a spill retention area or tank located away from the rack. The drainage system should include fire stops and should be connected to collection and separation systems provided to prevent flow into public sewers or other disposal units. Loading Rack Fire Protection A fire protection system should be considered for loading racks handling flammable liquids, especially where switch loading is conducted. Protection is particularly desirable for those locations where the driver is the sole attendant during loading, where there are potentially hazardous conditions at the rack or fire exposure to the rack exists.
Fire protection may be provided by a fixed foam water or dry chemical fire protection system. System design should be compliant with NFPA 11 for Foam Protection and NFPA 17, Dry Chemical Extinguishing Systems for dry chemical systems. Automatic fire detection systems should be considered for racks that are not constantly attended by personnel other than the driver during loading operations. The systems can be arranged to actuate all loading rack fire extinguishing systems. The automatic detection system should consist of line or spot-type heat detectors or photoelectric detectors installed in accordance with NFPA 72, The National Fire Alarm Code. Manual actuation should also be provided for the rack protection system so that personnel can actuate the system. Product flow to the rack should be shut down on operation of the fire alarm system. HOW WILL AN EMERGENCY BE HANDLED? Emergency planning can never be successful if it is started when the facility is on fire. Emergency planning requires a great deal of effort including time to develop an emergency plan, arrange mutual aid agreements, identify sources of foam and other fire fighting chemicals, develop procedures for all operations and plans for controlling emergencies, and last but not least, conducting drills to practice emergency plans and procedures. Planning for the Emergency A comprehensive plan should be developed with participation of all parties involved in emergency operations for storage, handling and use of bulk quantities of fuels. Guidance on development of emergency plans for fighting fires in atmospheric storage tanks can be found in API Recommended Practice 2021, Management of Atmospheric Storage Tank Fires . CONCLUSION AND SUMMARY Past experience has proven that storage and handling of flammable and combustible liquids can be conducted without fire losses to storage tanks. Operators should be aware of the hazards associates with operation of storage tanks and fuel transfer. Proper precautions begin with the design and installation of storage tanks taking into account the accepted safety measures for the use, storage and handling of flammable and combustible liquids. Application of effective fire protection to the protection of storage tanks and facilities related to handling fuels at an airport can be achieved through an evaluation of fire hazards and installation of protective measures and practices.
The facility designer has available a number of tools to provide a fire safe facility including good engineering practices as outlined in NFPA Standards.
REFERENCES 1. 2. Fire Investigation Report, Tank Farm Fire, Denver, CO. November 25, 1990, M.S. Isner, National Fire Protection Association Aviation Accident Report, Fuel Farm Fire at Stapleton International Airport, Denver CO, November 25, 1990, NTSB/AAR-91/07. Adopted October 1, 1991 Notation 5576 Truck Loading Rack Safety, Loss Prevention and Protection , Industrial Risk Insurers, 1983. Tank Fires, Review of Fire Incidents 1951 2003 , Brandforsk Project 513021, SP Swedish National Testing and Research Institute, SP Report 2004:14 Interim Study-Prevention and Suppression of Fires in Large Aboveground Atmospheric Storage Tanks. American Petroleum Institute, API Publication 2021A, July 1998, prepared by Loss Control Associates, Inc., O.M.Slye, Jr, PE Dark Skies Over England, Explosion, Flames Destroy U.K. Fuel Storage Depot, Kevin D. Westwood, Industrial Fire World, January/February 2005. NFPA Documents Causes of AST Fires, R. Benedetti, NFPA Staff Liaison NFPA 30, Tank Talk, Steel Tank Institute, March/April 1994. The Lastfire Project (Large Atmospheric Storage Tank Fire Project ), Dr. Niall Ramsden,, undated. Lastfire Project, Review of Escalation Mechanisms, June 1997. Buncefield Anatomy of a disaster, Industrial Fire Journal, January 2006. Fire, water & pollution Buncefield incident post-mortem, Industrial Fire Journal, April 2006 Management of Atmospheric Storage Tank Fires,. Recommended practice 2021, American Petroleum Institute, Fourth Edition, May 2001. Guidelines for Technical Planning for On-Site Emergencies , American Institute of Chemical Engineers. 1910.38, Employee Emergency Plans and Fire Prevention Plans, Occupational Safety and Health Administrations, US Department of Labor.
3. 4.
13, 14.
NFPA PUBLICATION STANDARDS LIST 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. NFPA 11, Standard for Low-, Medium-, and High-Expansion Foam , 2002 Edition. NFPA 15, Standard for Water Spray Fixed systems for Fire Protection , 2001 Edition. NFPA 17, Standard for Dry Chemical Extinguishing Systems, 2002 Edition. NFPA 30, Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code, 2003 Edition. NFPA 70, National Electrical Code, 2002 Edition. NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm Code, 2007 Edition NFPA 1561, Fire Department Incident Management System, 2005 Edition.
NOTE: This listing of standards is limited to the most cited standards and documents. A complete listing of related standards can be found in NFPA 30, Annex H, which contains a complete listing of informational references related to the design, installation and operation of flammable and combustible liquids handing systems, tanks, and equipment.