KD185GH 2PU Eng January 2010
KD185GH 2PU Eng January 2010
Examples of application Grid-connected systems, for e.g. Residential solar power systems Public and industrial solar power systems Solar power stations
TUVdotCOM Service: Internet platform for tested quality and service TUVdotCom-ID: 0000023299 IEC 61215 ed. 2, IEC 61730 and Safety Class II Kyocera is ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certified and registered.
SPECIFICATIONS in mm 46 256.2
1338 ( 2.5)
990 ( 2.5)
965 ( 2.5)
ELECTRICAL CHARACT ERISTICS Current-Voltage characteristics at various cell temperatures 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 Current (A) 2 1 0 Voltage (V) 10 20 30 75C 50C Current (A) 25C Irradiance: AM 1.5, 1 kW/m2 Current-Voltage characteristics at various irradiance levels 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Voltage (V) 10 400 W/m 2 200 W/m 2 1000 W/m 2 800 W/m 2 600 W/m 2 Cell temperature 25 C
ELECTRICAL PE RFORMANC E PV Module Type At 1000 W/m ( STC )* Maximum Power Maximum System Voltage Maximum Power Voltage Maximum Power Current Open Circuit Voltage (VOC) Short Circuit Current (I SC) At 800 W/m ( NOCT )** Maximum Power Maximum Power Voltage Maximum Power Current Open Circuit Voltage (VOC) Short Circuit Current (I SC) NOCT Power Tolerance Maximum Reverse Current RI Series Fuse Rating Temperature Coe cient of VOC Temperature Coe cient of I SC Temperature Coe cient of Max. Power Reduction of E ciency (from 1000 W/m to 200 W/m) [W] [V] [A] [V] [A] [C] [%] [A] [A] [V/C] [A/C] [W/C] [%] 131 21 6.27 26.7 6.96 47.9 +5 / -5 15 15 -1.06 x10 -1 5.15 x10 -3 -8.40x10 -1 5.8 [W] [V] [V] [A] [V] [A] 185 1000 23.6 7.84 29.5 8.58 KD185GH-2PU
DIM ENSIONS Length Width Depth / incl. Junction Box Weight Cable Connection Type Junction Box IP Code GENERAL INFORMATION Performance Guarantee Warranty CELLS Number per Module Cell Technology Cell Shape (square) Cell Bonding
* **
1338 ( 2.5) 990 ( 2.5) 46 16 (+)870 / ()670 MC PV-KBT3 / MC PV-KST3 105x108x20 IP65
Electrical values under standard test conditions (STC): irradiation of 1000 W/m, airmass AM 1.5 and cell temperature of 25 C Electrical values under normal operating cell temperature (NOCT): irradiation of 800 W/m, airmass AM 1.5, wind speed of 1m/s and ambient temperature of 20 C
SFE Solar Logistic, S.L. C/Lope Gmez de Marzoa, Edi cio FEUGA, O cina 12 15705 Santiago De Compostela (A Corua) Tel : + 34 981 59 58 56 Email: [email protected]
KYOC ERA Fineceramics GmbH Solar Division Fritz-Mueller-Strae 27 73730 Esslingen/Germany Tel: +49 (0)711-93 93 49 99 Fax: +49 (0)711-93 93 49 50 E-Mail: [email protected] www.kyocerasolar.de