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On Direct Game

The document discusses different styles of direct game approaches, including "natural" vs "structured" styles. It argues that as long as the man communicates higher value, the words or style he uses do not matter as much as the subcommunication. With a natural style, the woman will be more contributive to the conversation. Cocky and funny (C&F) approaches can still be used, but should be playful rather than disapproving to maintain the interaction's positive vibe. Structured game relies more on neutral and breaking rapport to retain value, while natural game has the woman qualifying herself to the man through her contributions to the conversation.

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On Direct Game

The document discusses different styles of direct game approaches, including "natural" vs "structured" styles. It argues that as long as the man communicates higher value, the words or style he uses do not matter as much as the subcommunication. With a natural style, the woman will be more contributive to the conversation. Cocky and funny (C&F) approaches can still be used, but should be playful rather than disapproving to maintain the interaction's positive vibe. Structured game relies more on neutral and breaking rapport to retain value, while natural game has the woman qualifying herself to the man through her contributions to the conversation.

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On Direct Game ,Someone forwarded me an email with a post about C&F and direct game and was curious

as to my feedback on it. Direct game, being like the "I want to meet .you" type stuff As I've mentioned before, because girls don't really hear the words ,in a sentence so much as the subcommunication and emotion behind it "I personally don't find there to be any difference between a "direct ,or "indirect" set. I consider the distinction "natural" style or "structured" style because the give and take conversational ratios will differ between the different .styles With a natural style, you will have the girl less REACTIVE and more .CONTRIBUTIVE to the conversation ,At the same time, she will not be so heavily in state as with stacked/structured game so depending on the girl you decide how you want to play it. So long as you aren't ,communicating lower value it doesn't matter how you open. I just think whatever is most efficient to get you into ,an interaction is best and whatever guys want to say is fine. There may be some differing opinions on this .though I've heard some good points about girls finding this approach refreshing because you .aren't excusing yourself ,I think that's fair, especially if YOU YOURSELF are convinced of that ,and going in that way will make you feel more confident. Really I think that it is in the subcommunication and making a big deal out of the words is putting the emphasis of the pick up on the wrong place. Still, FEELING congruent to what you are doing is crucial to the subcommunication that you are putting out there. So if a guy feels better about ,using a natural style then the benefit that he'll derive from it will outweigh the downsides of lacking .structure This is all personality dependent, but above all I would encourage guys who enjoy pickup to field test everything and not to write-off anything that you read until you have tested it for .yourself Even the process of testing something that fails is edifying. Now on a natural style ,set you will see the girl busting her ass to try to impress you, which is something that she does ,as a way of living up to the first impression that you had of her. So essentially .this goes back to the "One game: Higher Value" post that I did a year and a half ago What I basically said in that post was that so long as you have higher value, your .style does not matter The point is that you are clearly cooler than her, and she knows it. If you know how ,to escalate she will not resist it, because you are cooler than her, etc etc.. So of course in a ,natural style set "?there is the issue that if you say something like "Can you cook?" or "Are you rich

this can fuck up the vibe of the conversation. Essentially, you have gone in there with an opener that is generating an almost romantic vibe, and you're throwing a monkey-wrench into the gears by now all of a sudden busting on her. It makes you look .insecure as well as socially/emotionally unintelligent or unaware It's like there is a vibe in the convo, and you're being OUTCOME DEPENDENT by

wanting to generate even MORE attraction by busting on her. Instead, the idea is that she is supposed to be qualifying herself to YOU. She can sense this subconsciously, and it mucks up the set. Now that said, I will still use properly applied C&F in a natural style approach. The types I'll use are the ones that are mostly PLAYFUL, as opposed to the ones that are DISAPPROVING. Some of those are: -Future Adventures Projections -Conspiracies -Cute pimp talk or funny accents or playful inneudo -cold reads -C&F remarks about other people in the club -TONS of misinterpretation -C&F alpha kino, like piggy-backing her, etc The ones I DO NOT use are (or at least a lot less often, but I calibrate): -busting on her -accusations -disqualifier push/pull This goes as well for phone calls. The split second you phone a girl, it becomes "direct" game essentially. How could it not be? In the same way that when a girl phones you, you know that she wants you, she knows the same of you to some extent. A key here is that on a natural style set, the girl is being CONTRIBUTIVE to the set. That means that she is working her ass off to impress you. This is essentially the essence of GOODLOOKING GUY GAME. It is an actual PROCESS in her head. If you have baited her thought process to start doing this, and then you start stacking routines, it will turn off that process and she will just walk away because the social vibe has changed and she will seek out stimulation elsewhere. Many of you guys will have experienced situations where you have heavily gamed a girl and pumped up her buying temperature, and then done a takeaway. She gets aroused and starts gaming on the nearest guy she can find because you are gone. Then you come back in, but she is irremovably stuck on that guy because she is being consistent to the work that she has put into getting him to like her. She is doing this because he is a stronger source of validation than you, because you have done all the work in the interaction, where as she has done all of the work .with this new guy KEY: Conversational ratios are indicative of social value. With structured/stacked game, we use NEUTRAL and BREAKING rapport, in order to retain value over the girl despite that we are the ones doing most of the talking (most of her talking in this case will be done by applying ILLUSIONARY INPUT, as opposed to her actually struggling to think of something to contribute to keep the convo going). However, by laying back and making her qualify herself to you, so that she can live up to the initial impression that you had of her with the natural style "I want to meet you" (and variations) types openers, she is also getting aroused by the PROCESS of gaming YOU. That means that for a set that if you want to use C&F or even routines on a set that is being gamed natural style, it is essential that the routines are SHORT, so that she views it as just some money thing you said, that gave her a quick break to think of what she'll say to you next. But if you run a routine that just sinks her into a reactive and not contributive mindset, it will break that state and she walks away.

Likewise, if you apply hard disqualifier forms of C&F, she will also walk away, because she will interpret them not as playful but as incongruent and you trying too hard to get value over her. Natural Style C&F, with direct game should look something like: YOU: Question HER: Answer YOU: Playfully misinterpeting the question (shows humour aka intelligence) HER: Laughing, and re-explaining, or even elaborating on the misinterpretation to gain more rapport with you (like a conspiracy) YOU: Acknowledging that you liked what she said, and feeling the vibe getting stronger HER: Working to keep the convo going YOU: Appreciating it HER: Getting more and more attracted, so that the physical escalation window opens (you will see the signs) YOU: Physically escalating HER: Asking to trade #s with you, or even venue change (she has put the work into it, she will want her reward) That is C&F with natural style game. What natural style game IS NOT, is you going up to her and asking boring questions as a way of trying to get rapport with someone who is better than you. Everything about your vibe should not even REMOTELY look like that. Higher value (aka "One game" as I called it in the old post) is completely evident. It is being broadcasted from everything about your vibe. The cocky and playful stuff is just one more way of showing your intelligence and sharp wit, which makes her like you that much more. But like with your vibe, it must be something that she has in some ways worked out of you, as well as a part of who you are. It cannot come across like something that you are doing to qualify yourself to her, or incongruently try to gain value over her. If you are interested to combine natural and structured game, you can use REVERSE INVISIBLE THREADS, which is to game her naturally by asking questions, but to have general stock responses to the typical answers that most girls will have. As has been said by others, some of the typical invisible thread busting-on-her responses like "I work at taco bell" and stuff like that are not as useful with natural game, because it breaks the vibe and shows incongruence to vibe that you were applying given your direct/ natural opener. So the vibe must be playful, or even romantic. But never incongruently busting on her, when you went in there without that frame. As always, it comes down to calibration. All of this is learned in the field, but these are some general thoughts and guidelines from my own experience, that may help with the learning curve. ========================================== Sometimes I find myself in a position where the girls are pissed off in the set. It's usually either because I accidentally took something too far, or more often because the girls won't let me into the set, so I'll say something to piss them off, so that I can start drama and get into the set down the line. I was just thinking to post about this, because I had a great turn around last night while I was out. It was a great night, btw. I picked up a Playboy magazine model in front of her boyfriend. She chased me for my # after an hour set. Then we pulled another set of hotties home that we took from two big black dudes. A magazine reporter watched the whole thing go down even back to the house, so I guess the report will be in the Rolling Stone at some point. The funny thing was though, I felt like the turnaround I ran earlier in the night was more interesting than any of this. It was just really well executed, and got me out of a nasty situation. The other stuff is cool but its stuff I've had down for a while. This is something I've more .been working on My friend PlayboyLA and I were in a 2girl/1guy three set, and PlayboyLA was running the CsvsUs routine. He negged the girl on having a U-shaped jaw, and she freaked out. She claimed to workout at the same gym as Christina Aguilera (I'm in

LA right now), and apparently she hates her with a passion. She freaks out, and yells "Fuck off. Leave now. Turn around and get out of here. Fuck off." He laughs it off, and again, she says "Fuck off. Go." So this is obviously not a great situation. But it can be turned around, and where there's problem there's opportunity. In this case, they get more emotional, so when you turn it around, the drama you caused will just heat things up. Here's how I did it: First, PlayboyLA and I just look at eachother and start laughing. Like we're congruent with it. We think its funny. Then I turn to her and say "Man, if I wasn't going right now, I'd adopt you as my new little sister. You could definetely roll with me in New York. You are totally New York. You could be my bodyguard. It would be like you know those boxer puppets from the eighties, where you press the two little triggers and they punch backwards like this (I do it). You'd be like that, but with your foot, like kicking guys in the nuts, like this (I make funny kick moves). There'd be a path of destruction, like with guys all hunched over that you fucked up. You know what though? You and I would not get along. You know why? We're too similar. You wouldn't take my shit, and I wouldn't take your shit." Then she starts laughing, but she's still kind of pissed. She's cracking though. Immediately, I follow with "You know, I'm so sorry. We're total dicks sometimes. People think we're dicks sometimes, because we're always fucking around. We like you guys. Sorry for being dicks." I say this *sincere*, but from a position of authority. Like my vocal tonality isn't seeking approval in any way. Then I follow it .(up with a field tested funny story (in this case, the bad ass kids story

SOME ROUGH THOUGHTS ON FEMALE PSYCHOLOGY: Many of the hottest girls are extremely responsive to hard to get guys. Anyone in field has experienced the scenario where he plays hard to get and having the girl chase, but as soon as he shows interest he is blown out. This can happen even as late as the bedroom. Like, you'll have a girl chasing you all night, isolate you back home, but because you make the first move, she locks up and the pickup is over. There are several reasons behind this, and in any given situation one or all of these reasons may have caused the lockup: Firstly, you have autopilot responses. Think to the last time that you walked ,"down the street, and a vagrant asked you for change. Perhaps you said "no and kept walking. You don't consider it a lie. It's just an autopilot response to a social situation. Girls are the same with the LJGD ("let's just go dance") or "let's go to the bathroom", when their buying temperature goes down and their logical social conditioning kicks in and says "This guy is trying to sleep with us. He may be attractive, but who cares, I'm not meeting a guy at a club. I'm leaving this situation to go dance, because that's why I came to the club in the first place." Notice also, how in all of the times that you've told a vagrant "no" when you were asked for spare change, there were those few times when someone asked you for help, and you said "no" out of habit, when in fact as you walked off you might have thought to yourself "Shit, maybe that guys' car really did break down. He didn't look like a vagrant. I wonder if I was a dick to him?" The same goes for girls. They'll screen guys out as an auto-pilot response, and later wonder if they made a mistake (but they don't care, because another guy will come along in two seconds anyway). Attraction and how alpha or how sexual you are is not a factor here. Even very attractive guys get screened out for no logical reason. This is purely an autopilot response that you have

to recognize and dodge. That is why we use opening tactics - they open consistently. Likewise, girls will leave a set as their buying temperature increases too fast, as an autopilot response. They think "I don't know this guy. This guy knows what he's doing, and probably does it to all the girls. I'm getting out of here." This is why we use fractionation tactics, so as to avoid her disengaging you. Note also, that typical C&F push/pull is NOT a fractionation tactic. C&F and the like is not indirect, even if you are flirting around that you are hard to get. Girls know that if you're taking the time to engage them, even in a C&F hard to get flirtish type way, that it is not the case that you are *legitimately* hard to get. This is in the same way that when a girl comes up to me and says that my shirt is stupid - I know that she wants me. There is no difference. C&F is simply a *competent* way of flirting, that says a million and one great things about you. It's still (arguably, depending on semantics) a direct approach in some ways. It's just a direct approach that girls like, because it still shows that you are willing to walk away - you're interested, but you can take it or leave it. So that said, you can see how "You're my new girlfriend.. No wait, you don't have x-whatever? We're broken up." is not a fractionation technique. It's highly competent flirting, but its not *actually* conveying that you don't want her in a way where she really believes it. **If I had to pinpoint one reason why guys who come to this stuff have trouble getting results, its what is outlined in this post. Girls are used to sex going down in a certain way. Walking up to girls and overtly trying to pick .them up goes against what they're used to. It's a violation of social norms Girls will tolerate it as cute, and they'll be interested to see what you'll do. But they'll rarely sleep with you (unless they are at a certain point in their lives where they are open to the idea, which I'll post about below in terms of "fuck rationalizations" and this does happen often, which accounts for alot of the success that we see with other styles of approaches). Guys go in trying to convince the girl, when they should be BAITING the girl into convincing THEM. As a result, most of the bold moves that guys who come to the scene attempt, wind up not yielding any results. So back on female psychology then, why do girls like *actual* hard to get guys? Girls naturally enjoy having their buying temperature pumped up high. So if they can get those emotions out of an interaction, without worrying that the guy will exploit her suggestible state and have sex with her, then she can just get all emotionally aroused around him, and enjoy it. Of course what happens from there is that she backwards rationalizes it, and then convinces herself that she legitimately wants the guy. From there, she decides that she's going to get the guy, and starts chasing him in a manner as unsophisticated and blatantly obvious as how a pissed drunk AFC would chase a girl that he wants at a party. She'll kino him, giggle and scream around him, compliment him, signal her friends to help her, and try to isolate him. Notice, as this post goes on, that this last paragraph explains why just getting a girls' buying temperature up high is not good enough, and that she actually has to chase. It's because of the backwards rationalization process, and the sexual hook point that she crosses over as a result. The S/C switch (screen/chase) gets flipped. There are also issues of validation at work. Notice that if you tell a girl "I hate you", she starts touching you immediately, and begs to know why. Notice that if you engage the whole set, but actively ignore the choice girl, she'll start trying to get you to talk to her. This is all validation. It's more validating for the often insecure hot girls, to sleep with a guy who will reinforce that she is beautiful. Think about your last cute girlfriend. She was cute. She was great in bed. But sooner or later, you got used to it, and took it for granted. Your relationship started stagnating. Then you're out at a party one night, and all these guys are giving her attention. Her friends are there, and

she's having a great time just doing her own thing. All of a sudden, she looks different. She seems different. You say to your friend, "You know man, I was just thinking how cool Kathy is. I really want to stick with her." Then she comes over, and sits with you. And its like "Wow, I actually have this girl with me. This is awesome". Haa - she's no different than she was an hour ago when you were sick of .her But when you can tell that someone doesn't need you, they just SEEM different. There's something about it that's hard to articulate. But what it boils down to, is that all of a sudden, this person's attention has become a source of validation for you. And as a result, they seem more attractive. (BTW: I use the paragraph before this one as a killer routine in sets, except I take out the part about stagnation and focus more on how I know that I appreciate someone and the positive sides of it). In addition to the validation issue, there are basic genetic/status explainations and accounts for why hard to get guys are appealing. Very basically, guys who are sexually pre-selected by other girls because of their genetics and/or social status will be hard to get, because they can't be bothered with chasing women. They simply walk around, and girls chase them. Chasing a girl is in some ways subcommunicating that you are not one of these guys. If you go to the high class venues in Los Angeles, the mere act of actively picking up is looked down on by the highly socially proofed guys. They'll say things like "That guy over there is trying to pull ass. Kick him out." A counter argument is that an alphamale will see a girl that he wants, and will just go up and assume the sell. This can also work, if you genuinely come across that way, and if you have the followup to back it up congruently. Generally though, this is uncommon. Natural PUAs generally just walk around, and girls give them AIs (approach invitations) or make it really easy for them by throwing themselves at them, in a way that most surrounding men just don't recognize (and women don't acknowledge, as this would be a breach of "Secret Society" to admit what's happening, and would break down their whole system of secretly being the CHOOSERS). Note, that the idea of the alphamale who does approaches in society is a SOCIAL MISCONCEPTION. This rarely happens. Generally, natural alphamales do not do cold approaches. I've travelled all over North America and Europe, and I rarely see it. I know exactly what to look for - and I *rarely* see them initiating cold approaches. It happens only in certain communities, like London and NYC. But this is very very uncommon, and even in these communities 99% of the naturals who get laid often are still not doing cold approaches. The ideas that "men take all the risks in escalation" and "men do the approaching, women do the receiving", that the academic community of psychologists and zoologists have espoused is BAD DATA. It is literally a fallacy and blemish of the academic community. It is a pathetic and glaring example of the follies of academia's white ivory tower armchair theorism, from eggheads who couldn't put any of their theory into practice if you gave them 10 years of prepare it (this is a gripe that I have as a student of political and analytic philosophy, that I see transferred over into this field as well). What these social scientists don't see (AFCs that they are), while they're watching all of the interactions that they supposedly use as empirical data in their published studies (which influence social understandings and thus social conditioning), is that while the men are the ones approaching and escalating, it is the women who are throwing themselves at these clueless men, until they do something. So in that case, the woman has virtually ALREADY DECIDED that she wants the man, and from there she just doesn't admit it (secret society breach), but rather throws herself at the guy until he escalates. She even puts up silly shit tests like (this from a

double lay that SB007 and I did on a 2set that we pulled) "Just because you're renting that hotel, doesn't mean we're going up with you."... and later on in the night .... "just because we came up here, doesn't mean we're sleeping with you.." And typical AFCs, will say "Wow, we really plowed through that resistance", when in fact these girls had chosen to sleep with SB007 and I LONG before we'd taken them back to the hotel that we rented right in front of them. We were the hard to get guys, and just let them play out their dramatic act of throwing themselves at us in subtle ways, while pretending that they didn't know what was happening. And then we allowed them to structure the extraction while making it look like it was our idea and not their fault, and then afterwards they denied responsibility for what took place, while they still email us regularly and want to meet up again. These girls would claim that we chose them, when in fact they chose us - which few people realize is the way it almost always happens. The idea that "girls choose" also stems from the male/female social dynamic in our society, and the practices and habits that spawn from it. Men are unconsciously giving sexual validation to attractive women all day long, in one way or another. It's either they're checking them out, asking them the time, trying to make small talk, or pivoting left instead of right as they walk out of a room - when it would be faster to pivot left but he can catch a glimpse of her by pivoting right. Girls are all too aware of this stuff. It's built into them. They also go to the club religiously, to relish the process of guys buying them drinks and checking them out, and then shooting them down. A quote over from literally the hottest girl on my campus two months ago after an off-night: "I'm so depressed. No guys approached me tonight. I would never get together with a guy from a club, but I can't believe that I didn't get approached." So what winds up happening, is that girls get into a pattern of not seeking out sex. They tend to go in cycles, where rather than chasing sex, they simply decide to give it up at arbitrary times. "This is the day that I will give it up." So for example, a typical girl will have a "revenge" fuck, a "just broke up with my boyfriend rebound" fuck, a "I haven't gotten laid in exactly 6 months" fuck, a "I'm on vacation and there are no social consequences and I just want to have fun" fuck, a "I need to revalidate myself being snubbed to prove I'm beautiful" fuck, a "romantic tryst adventure" fuck, a "jump on the sword so my friend can have her guy" fuck, a "I haven't gone home with a guy before, and all my friends have and I want to try it" fuck, etc etc etc. Then of course there is the "I've been dating this guy 3 months, and he provides well and its time to give it up now" fuck, which is the one that we typically aren't concerned about on this chat forum. The girl has had sex available to her continually, but she can't "give it up" at every opportunity that comes around, because she'd wind up sleeping with 15,000 different men by the time she was finished. So instead, she comes up with rationalizations of when and where to give it up. Thus, it is the case that girls are in the habit of making the choice. The second that they see that the guy is trying to make the choice for them, the sequence is broken, and their auto-pilot response kicks in and they automatically go back to screening him (even if they like him), just as they had on every other day prior to this one. (Don't make the mistake of thinking that you still don't have to do the work in making up BS excuses so that it isn't the girls' fault, once the ball is rolling. That is a different story. It still has to be "not her fault". What's being discussed here is a separate issue from that). This is the fallacy that guys make when approaching. They think that they can choose the girl, because they've pumped her buying temperature and she's been receptive to it. In practice though, if the S/C Switch doesn't flip, she'll still just sit back and enjoy the emotions, without having to give up anything in return. That's when you get situations where

the girl will hang with you alll night, but won't give up her #, or she'll give it but she'll flake, or she'll give insurmountable LMR even if you extract. That's because the right SEQUENCE hasn't been initiated, to make her "Today is the day" switch flip (where she'll pick from one of the many fuck-rationalizations, in the heat of the moment). And that sequence is "Guy is attractive. I can't take it anymore, so today is the day. I choose guy. I throw myself at him in oblique ways that he can't directly prove is me actually doing it. He eventually notices my actions and picks me up. I do nothing to help it move along, but if he makes everything happen and alleviates me of responsibility then it happens. He takes the credit for picking me up." The sequence is NOT "Guy walks up and tries to attract me. I decide that I'm attracted. I let him fuck me." For that reason, the guy may have switched every attraction switch in the book in terms of buying temperature, but unless she is the one making the choice, the S/C switch will not be flipped. She is attracted, but her thought process is STILL occupied with trying to find every reason possible not to let anything happen. She must switch from the typical mode of perpetual screening, to chasing. Her THOUGHT PROCESS must be switched. She must believe that you are a guy who is a source of attraction (ie: buying temperature escalation), but that you are not intentionally doing it to her. This is the same reason that if you tell a girl that you study 'pickup', she will be offended. You are breaking the sequence that is protected via the Secret Society, so to speak. You are messing up their ability to make a "good" choice. From there, she has switched into chase mode. She is no longer dwelling whatsoever on why she shouldn't do anything (as she would be perpetually, if she thought that you were trying to lay her). Now, she's focused only on how to make it happen with you. Her thought process has changed. The S/C Switch has been flipped. She's focused solely on making it happen (except that she's not admitting to herself that she's trying to "get laid" - nope - she's just trying to continue the interaction back to somewhere that it could happen, despite that she deep down knows that she IS trying to get laid, but won't actively admit it to herself). So that said, how do you trip that switch early on? Let's look at some straight tactics. ***** FLIPPING THE S/C SWITCH, VIA TIMED FRACTIONATION ON BUYING TEMPERATURE SPIKES: What is a buying temperature spike? You've all seen it. It's when you do or say something to give the girl a quick shot of emotions. Like a C&F remark where she goes "Oh!" and swats you. Or you tell her that you know something that she wants to know bad, and she goes "OMG OMG OMG, tell me tell me tell me!" Or when you run a really tight story that has her dying laughing or excited or intrigued. Or if you do a DHV, like the coin snatch trick or Mystery's 3 and 7 routine, and she freaks out. Or a great joke. Or even just coming in strong with good bodylanguage and tonality, and sucking up the attention of everyone in the set, and her buying temperature shoots up (you see this when you go in with an opener, and the girls just jump to talk to you or answer your question). Whatever. You see it on their face, and you see it in the way that they turn their bodylanguage towards you, and when they kino you. Her buying temperature has shot up. Usually, it hits in abrupt bursts. Little spikes on the graph. You know you can't *maintain* this level indefinetely, but you can hit that level in bursts. These buying temperature spikes are the right time to start doing subtle takeaways. That is, not the kind of takeaway where you walk off into another set. Rather, you just break eyecontact with her, and face away a bit. You *exactly* what the girls do to you, when you're gaming them in a club, and they get distracted because a peice of your material is not strong enough. You turn to your friends or the bar or the dancefloor, and you make it look like you're about to leave. *But*, girls

are very much accostomed to getting what they want. So unlike most guys who will give up, their instant reaction is to go "HEY HEY HEY, keep talking.. What were you saying??? What???" That is your first step in getting the girls chasing. You have conveyed that you might walk away at any point, and all of the aforementioned issues are now dealt with. You are an attractive guy, and you have very clearly (in such a subtle way) demonstrated that you are not trying to get her. IOW, the natural process of her becoming attracted to you and choosing you has begun. This kind of timing takes time and practice to cultivate. It can also be learned right off the opener. Here :are some examples Genuine Behavior and Congruence The latest discussions about genuine behavior have just gotten me thinking about something that hasn't really been cashed out on this board lately. WHAT IS GENUINE? WHAT IS FAKE? WHAT ACTIONS ARE GENUINE ACTIONS? HOW DOES THIS EFFECT US? WHAT PHILOSOPHICAL ISSUES ARISE FROM THIS? WHAT CONSTITUTES MUTUAL BENEFIT IN PICKUP? A very important topic. Try to bear with me, chunks practical and tactical materials ARE buried within.. ------- In my experience, if I ask a girl what sort of way she feels a guy should go about picking her up, she'll often reply with something to the effect of: "Well.. He should come and say 'Hi'. Then he should just be himself..He should be confident.. Introduce himself.. Maybe have a sense of humour.. Talk to me a bit so that we can get to know eachother.. And ask me if I'll go somewhere nice with him.. Oh yeah, also I like it if he'll just give me his number, just in case, you know.." This way, she can screen him on looks, and proceed to make a rational decision on her terms. It would be uncommon to hear a girl say, "I want a guy who will dupe me into a conversation with a chick-bait opener, tease me until I almost lose my mind, weave back and forth with stories that make me go crazy, spin me around and trick me into kissing him with my eyes closed, tell me cute things about himself so I'll go ga-ga for him, and make fake pre-suppositions to be alone with him so he can caveman me." Nor would she likely say "I want a guy to hypnotize me with neuro-linguisticprogramming." Nor would she likely say "I want a guy who will ignore me and blast me off my pedastal by only talking to my friends, so that I'll re-validate myself by sleeping with him." Of course, these last three work consistently on women of exceptional beauty, and the first one doesn't (again, CONSISTENTLY). I draw this conclusion based on experience. My first 8 months in the game, I only had a book called "10 Secrets for Success with Beautiful Women" by a woman named Ursula Lidstrom. She advocated the sort of approach that most women would want, and ."claimed her expertise as exceptional because she is a woman offering "inside info Her system was to be yourself, confident, and genuine. Also, to demonstrate alpha status through good bodylanguage and being well dressed. After hundreds of approaches, I got this down pat. I did at least 5 approaches a day (though usually more), just being myself, confident, and getting to know girls in a way that was very cool and genuine - all as Ursula Lidstrom suggested. Read the book probably 10 15 times. (sidenote: EXCELLENT info on bodylanguage and GWM-style phase shifting can be found in this book, if you screen the rest). Unfortunately, for those eight months I did not have sex even ONCE. I am not good looking, and could have had sex with HB7s, but that did/does not interest me. I was entirely celibate those eight months. I made many non-sexual friendships with girls, who still to this day social-

proof me on campus. But whenever I'd try to escalate, they'd react with "You're a really great guy. I'm just not looking for someone right now. You're really confident, you'll find someone." Bear in mind though also, that I am not goodlooking. This probably could have worked for guys who could convey higher value via their looks. People DO hookup. Also note that in general, YES you CAN pickup a girl within around 1 look-point difference of you, if you use the method that girls want. So if you're a 7 yourself, you can occasionally pickup 6s, 7s, and SOMETIMES 8s using this method. Even higher, but that's a more rare exception. The reason being, that being confident and genuine IS NOT THAT UNCOMMON, and *unless* the girl doesn't have many genuine people in her life, it doesn't CONVEY HIGHER VALUE. I have MANY genuinely confident people in my life, and while pleasant it is not a big deal to me. Girls are no different. Genuine and confident people are EVERYWHERE. There is little correlation between these traits, and an exceptionally drop dead gorgeous woman being attracted to a mediocre looking guy. The ONLY way that you can convey HIGHER value, by using this method, is if you have a RARE connection with the girl. This does happen, though it cannot be called a consistent pickup method, since it relies on external factors (ie: that you actually have a similar world view, or something similar, etc etc). This is FAST-Seduction, which discusses how to be a PLAYER. If you want to read about spirituality, I highly recommend that. I've studied Buddhism and volumes of spiritual writings, as well as all of Western philosophy - but not on THIS forum. Still, strong inner-peace leads to strong inner-game, and its beneficial. Health, wealth, relationships -> go to the gym, eat right, find work you love, read important literature, surround yourself with people you love. ALL IMPORTANT to feeling good about yourself, which is important to pickup in ways that cannot even be adequately described through this limited cyber-medium. But yet, even HAVING those things, will you be a *PLAYER*? I know MANY people who have reached this level of enlightenment who are not. At the time that I was focusing on being genuine and building rapport, I was very much emotionally whole. I had everything going well for me in my life, and I was a genuinely happy person. I had goodwill towards everyone around me, and projected a positive vibe. This was great, but did not result in success with any exceptionally beautiful women. Anyway, that was MY EXPERIENCE after eight long months of field-testing this way of doing things. It's just the experience of ONE GUY, so take it for what its worth. ------ SO, WHAT DO WOMEN WANT? I recall having a convo with Toecutter about his friend who would walk up to women, and tell them that he was rich and wanted to marry them. He would weave the story, work it, and sleep with them that night. Then he'd blow them off the next day, leaving them heartbroken. Now my first reaction to this was to be appalled. I questioned my respect for Toecutter, and generally wondered what he could possibly be thinking. How could he justify this sort of thing? He said that I was living in an AFC mindset, and that women LOVED "to have their hopes and dreams shattered by scoundrels like Han Solo" and such, and that it was something that they actually WANTED. He suggested that I read NANCY FRIDAY "My Secret Garden", to read about women's rape fantasies, and how repressive society has generated a common female fantasy for badboys who will break down their socially-taught resistance, and treat them like the "dirty" girls that deep down they know themselves to be. From reading the book, I interpreted it as saying that the guy tricking/forcing the girl into sex, and leaving her was the girl's way of CONFIRMING that he was the kind of guy that she wants. (sort of to say that the jerk/badboy/untamable behaviour was some sort of CERTIFICATION that the girl has been fertalized by an alpha-seed, or something

bizarre to that effect). Very weird, and disturbing. I did NOT like reading this, nor do I necessarily like it now. Basically, I interpreted that girls like DRAMA of ANY kind. They want INTENSE emotional drama. As Alphahot mentioned in a post a few threads below this one, they gravitate towards sources of extreme emotions. .Scoundrels who use them and thus give them drama. And they gravitate towards it Of course, I was skeptical, and even after reading Nancy Friday I still maintained the view that these fantasies were anomolies, and that most women did not want this sort of thing. Eddy also read this book, and shared my opinion. Be both generally hated it, and I recall Eddy throwing the book across the room several times. Other PUAs who visit us comment on how scuffed up the book is, as Eddy has thrown it literally on almost every occassion he's read it, screaming "that could be my own mom!!! that could be my own mooooommmmmm!!!! ARGHHHHHH!!!" ----- FIELD TESTING NANCY FRIDAY: In California, I talked to Craig from the archives. He talked about Rick H, and how Rick would talk about women being adaptable. "Women are adaptable.. whatever frame you set, they'll adapt to.. if you set a frame of provider candidate, they'll adopt a screen frame.. if you set a frame of them being screened for dirty slutty lesbian sex, they'll turn into sluts" Coming from Rick H, I couldn't downplay this, and decided to explore it more. Particularly after the Toecutter/NancyFriday stuff seemed to gel with this. From this I spawned the idea for JERK ROUTINES, where I would INTENTIONALLY convey that I like to use and abuse women, right from the start of the pickup. The frame would be set. I set to the task of field testing it, which I did non-stop for six straight weeks before posting something potentially misleading. First, I would do things like tell women to close their eyes, and then kiss them. Tell them that I love them within seconds of meeting, even though this is clearly a way to get into their pants. I would even tell subtle stories about how I am currently planning to use women to get to all their friends. Then, I adopted the SWINGCAT STYLE QUALIFYING. "Are you adventurous? Cause if you're not adventurous, I can't hang with you." Up until the Nancy Friday test, I would get them to tell adventurous stories, like extreme sports or travelling or something. But then I REALIZED the TRUE use in the Swingcat adventurous .qualifying. "Adventurous" was to be a EUPHIMISM for SLUTTY I stopped getting them to tell me stories about adventures, and instead would just pause, and wait for them to give me the REAL DIRT. Around 90% of women would start telling me about how they love to suck dick and take it on the face. How they dream about getting gang-raped and fucked by strange men and hot guys from clubs. LITERALLY, I would sit there PRETENDING like I thought this was just great. Making myself out to be NON-JUDGEMENTAL, and even ENCOURAGING. But really, inside, I was thinking "shit I dunno if I can stomach this.." I was still in an AFC mindset. I thought that this was just a series of strange coincidences, and that these girls couldn't represent the majority. I was forced to RE-ASSESS my VALUE SYSTEM for making judgements on what constituted a nice-girl, since clearly ALL girls had a "slut" side to them. ------ SIDENOTE: This was similar to my experience when I first tested routines based on spells and the unknown. I'd always thought that most girls didn't believe in psychics and ESP, until I began making it sound like *I* did, and that I would not JUDGE them on it. I found out that most girls DID believe in ESP, and that those few who didn't could be convinced otherwise with even the most simplistic mentalist illusion. ------ So much like the non-judgemental frame that use with the ESP stuff, I'd appear NON-JUDGEMENTAL for their "slutty" desires. --- THE NEW TD: It was difficult for me, because I've always been extremely conservative/rightwing/republican. I changed my image to include wild

clothes that projected myself as a badboy sexual being. I started wearing clothes of a female sex fantasy, such as racecar jackets, industrial plat boots, bondage shit, spikey dyed hair, outrageous coolguy accessories, etc etc. Initially, this was hard for me to stomach. I felt very incongruent for the first week or two. I began PROJECTING that I was a SCOUNDREL JERK who would intentionally and openly USE and ABUSE of women. I projected "TD is a jerk, who MAKES NO EXCUSES for it.. Like a rockstar, he fucks his groupies, and sends them home happy that they could get even ."that It's funny, because this isn't the case - I didnt feel that way. But in the past, projecting the CONSERVATIVE REAL ME wasn't eliciting any SEXUAL reaction from women. I decided that IF I CONTINUED DOING WHAT I HAD ALWAYS DONE, I'D CONTINUE TO GET THE RESULTS THAT I'D ALWAYS GOTTEN. (this isn't my catchphrase..maybe Tony Robbins, I dunno.. Mys uses it all the time). I know that CLOUD9 also has had inner-conflicts with this. For me, one of top students in my country, its been difficult to DEGENERATE my speaking mannerisms to a more colloquial level.. "like, you know, totally, like, cool.." But unfortunately, my "Queens-talk" (as everyone used to describe my articulate speaking mannerisms) wasn't eliciting strong sexual responses from the sexy girls that I was interested in. They wanted to validate themselves with me, sure. But what they wanted to validate was that they could be as sophisticated as me. IOW, that they're smart, and that they're ladies. So go ahead and bust on me for being incongruent and not real to myself or something like that. But at the end of the day my girlfriend is an HB10...aside also from the HB8 and HB8.5 that I am also seeing, all of who are really cool girls and who I am genuine with now, AFTER having gotten with them - NOT BEFORE. WOMEN'S REACTIONS: Now, when I walk into a room on campus, women start giggling and checking me out. They touch me, shit test me immediately to see if I really AM what I project, and show massive physical IOIs (face me, lean in, perk up their breasts, lick their lips, big eyes, etc etc etc). I do NOTHING other than just walk into the room, and convey the attitude that's discussed in this post. "I will fuck you the second you let your guard down, because I am a badboy and that's just me" is the image that I convey, and women respond instantly. Of course, MOST women will be initially ATTRACTED, but still won't sleep with me from that feeling alone. They cant quite justify their desire, because of social-conditioning. So the SOLUTION: Show that they have a CHANCE to tame you, and that you have a sensitive inside somewhere deep down.. -> GET RAPPORT. This leads me to the all important ......... --- WILLFUL COGNITIVE DISSONANCE: Going back to the TOECUTTER "marry-me" routine, what have I learned? Toecutter explained that women WILLFULLY IGNORE the truth, in order to preserve the feelings that they are .deriving from the massive drama that you provide This is also from MANIAC_HIGH, so if you disagree then maybe check out the new maniac plan for more detailed explication. Anyway, Toecutter states that the girls who were "duped" by the marriage trick were in fact WELL-AWARE that it was clearly bullshit, but that they WANTED to go along with it, so that they could experience the ADVENTURE. The same goes for Mystery's girlfriend of 5 years, who STILL BELIEVES that he genuinely has MAGIC POWER, including an ability to levitate himself from the ground, move objects with his mind, and read thoughts telepathically. Of course, having been with him for 5 years, there is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY that she wouldn't have figured out how he does his illusions. Despite his sharp skills, many illusions I figured out after hanging with him for just a month. He may have done it over 300 times before I figured it out, but EVENTUALLY I DID

figure it out. This girl is with him FIVE YEARS and CHOOSES TO BELIEVE THAT THE WORLD IS NOT MUNDANE. There is NO WAY she wouldn't have caught the illusion at least ONE TIME in FIVE YEARS. She WILLFULLY DECEIVES HERSELF to believe what she wants, because she likes the DRAMA and ADVENTURE. Same goes with Mystery's other long term girlfriends, who KNOW, read *KNOW*, that he is constantly with other women. Why does Mystery have condoms all over his room? hmmmmmm... Could he really go months without sex while he travels??? hmmmmm.... What does it mean when girls call him non-stop while they're in bed together??? hmmmmm... He walks into the club and girls SWARM him... hmmmmmm.. He picked her up and fucked her first night they met... hmmmm.... But still they CHOOSE to IGNORE it, because he provides the drama that they want. And as a BONUS, they get to go home and spend time convincing their parents and friends how great Mystery is, which gives them even MORE drama. Likewise, in my small community, I go pickup girls. They go back to their roommates, who inevitably on some occasions will have been picked up by me a month earlier. But does that REPEL them from me, like our LOGICAL AFCINDOCTRINATED brains would have so long expected? NOPE. It just gives them MORE DRAMA and sucks them in even deeper. This was even the case when theyve heard that I used the SAME OPENERS and ROUTINES. Strange, huh? Youd think that it would break their interest. But not the case. Why not? Could it be that finding out that I am a womanizing-jerk was congruent with what I projected ?during the pickup WHAT *IS* GENUINE? So if people play these games, what constitutes genuine? What *is* genuine? If I were to be TRULY genuine with what *I* wanted to talk to girls about, I'd discuss logic and other esoteric philosophical issues. Id discuss cars, and mechanics, and sports, and wars, and taking extreme risks and my criminal youth. I'd discuss how I'm right-wing and how I believe in certain repressive traditional values. I'd discuss John Rawls vs. Robert Nozick.. I'd discuss Heideger and Nietzche and Sartre, and subjective morality in a world without dogmatic value sources. Id discuss Kripke and causal theory. Id discuss flaws in symbolic notation. This stuff FASCINATES me. I don't LIKE talking about social dynamics and feelings. It BORES me. *Most* things that *most* girls like to talk about are of NO INTEREST to me. I DO NOT ENJOY running JUGGLER's rapport routines like "I really like pizza" and "this is what my own palm says about me" and what would your life be rated if it was a movie?, and making those kind of self revealing statements. Nor .would I like them any better had I invented them Or rather, I LIKE running them, for the purpose of PICKING UP. But I dont run them for the SOLE SAKE of running them. I will USE this stuff, but I don't LIKE it anymore than ANY OTHER stuff that I use. NONE of it is the REAL ME in the TRADITIONAL SENSE, so both MM and Juggler method are EQUAL in my mind. I AM NOT stating that they don't work, or that Juggler's method isn't GREAT Juggler-method WORKS - its GREAT. But I *AM* stating that it is NO MORE GENUINE for me to PRETEND that I am enjoying talking about real genuine feelings in a Juggler-style that I really don't care to talk about, than it is for me to run the routines that I do most of the time now. Either way, I'm FAKING SOMETHING. As are MOST sensitive new aged guys who will talk about this sappy crap, in the subconscious hope that it will gain attention from women. Picking up by talking about real stuff that I feel, but DO NOT want to be talking about, is of no greater

value to me than telling stories that I read from the internet. Im still being ungenuine, in a SENSE, because my motivations extend BEYOND the expression itself. Again, this is NO CRITICISM OF JUGGLER. His stuff ROCKS. My sole statement though is that it is NO MORE OR LESS GENUINE for me to run one pickup style, or another. They are all equal in that respect. So what if I just talked about things I *AM* interested in talking about. The esoteric technical stuff. Well if I talk about these things girls will leave. They'll either argue, get bored, or flat walk away. They won't be interested, and they'll anchour feelings of boredom to me. I've TESTED this. Why? Basic supply and demand. There are many genuine and confident people out there, and some give them better emotions than others. So I set the bait with the stuff that theyll react to sexually. Of course you could cry supplication!, but then really we all supplicate ourselves in one way or another. The trapper supplicates by laying bait, but then he reaps the rewards later. Putting in work to get a result is not supplication. And lets say that being myself DID find me that ONE special girl.. I STILL wouldn't care, because I'm not INTERESTED in that kind of relationship in my early twenties anyway. SO: Is REFUSING to play games genuine? If that's the case, then WHY have I SO RARELY had a girl angry or upset with me? I mean, even after NUMEROUS relationships, have I had less problems than my average .AFC friend with just a handful Many people probably QUESTION why I would pawn off 2 HB7s to pickup a HB9 or 10. Rightly so. But what they don't realize from behind their remote computer screens is that so long as you ACTIONS ARE CONGRUENT TO YOUR BADBOY FRAME, girls will EXPECT this behaviour, and NEVER be surprised when it happens. It's part of who you are, and they're SMART enough to know its coming. Even with the bit of rapport that they NEED to justify their embarkment on your adventure, they still KNOW what is coming, and ACCEPT IT. I'll have girls that I never called back, or pawned off for hotter girls, ALWAYS coming over to chat me and catch up. They're never upset. Always very happy to see me again. In my opinion, there is a clear cut reason -> While my sexual persona may not be as congruent with my real personality as I'd like, my *ACTIONS* are CONGRUENT with what I *PROJECT*. Since the girls I associate with KNOW and EXPECT that its going to be a short-lived ADVENTURE (given that I've made it fully obvious from the start), they NEVER get genuinely upset when it ends. Sure, they may pout briefly, but then they're off to the NEXT STIMULUS - be it the next socially-proofed jerk, or dancing, or drinks. On the other hand, back when I used to be the LOYAL-AFC, when I'd dump the few girls I got they'd get VERY UPSET. Which makes me think: Is it more genuine to build connections where you project that you are a more quiet one-girl type, when that is not you (even if you state polyamory, you still come-off that way). Or is it more genuine to be a jerk up front, and allow the chick to FREELY CHOOSE to go along for the short-adventure or not. I guess we have to come to our own answers, and find our own subjective value systems. That's life. I don't judge. Call it aggrandized self-rationalization, but this is just the way that I make sense of the world that I've been thrown into, given my life experiences and how I've assimilated them. The interactions with the women in my life ARE genuine, but during the initial phases of our relationship - the period where the FRAME is BARGAINED for and ESTABLISHED - I strive to convey that there are only CERTAIN parameters that I am comfortable with. And making it obvious that I am only a short-lived adventure for them, through the jerk-way that I present myself, is the way that I go about doing it Once the pact is made (sex), I'm comfortable to be fully myself. Discuss what I want, etc etc.. And the girls are ALWAYS happy to discuss stuff that is important to

me AFTER we've had sex, because she's made that investment in me, and NOW FINALLY wants to know more about who I am. I fully believe that as a sexualpartner-candidate, you are NOTHING to a girl before you've had sex. Or rather, you may be a friend. But that entitles you to nothing sexually. Nor should it. BECOMING :CONGRUENT When taking a job-interview, youll present yourself in a particular way. During a family gathering, it may be another way. And with your friends, it may be another way. Everyone has different SIDES to their personality, and each judges when it is APPROPRIATE to exhibit a particular side. Why not just be yourself at ALL times? Because EACH of these sides ARE the real you, just different aspects. Acting the SAME in ALL situations is INCONSIDERATE to the people around you If you horse around at a job interview, you show lack of respect for the interviewers experience. If you act overly sophisticated with your friends, you show lack of respect for the bond that you have with them, and the clowning-around that goes along with it. And as with the boss at the job interview, you hope to eventually get to know your girl on a more genuine level, when the time is APPROPRIATE. When INITIALLY PICKING UP A GIRL, showing the side of yourself that ELICITS SEXUAL REACTION is MOST APPROPRIATE, because you are not putting the girl in a position where she has to snub you based on sexual indifference to your approach. You dont like it that most girls like to party? TO BAD. Dont post about it on the PLAYER board. Being unsexual during pickup can be UNAPPROPRIATE. The girls that I pickup CLEARLY KNOW that I am someone who is TOYING with them, that it gives them drama that they like, and that our relationship will likely be shortlived. It is OBVIOUS, because at this point I am THAT GOOD. Women are no more in the dark about my nature than men are about women with fake breasts. They KNOW whats up, but they DONT CARE. And REALLY, these had been my intentions ALL ALONG. I am young, want to PARTY, and am not interested in actively seeking anything beyond a sexual connection at this point. Should it happen GREAT. But Im not SEEKING it. So why did I try to gain sexually via rapport and connections in the past? Solely for PRAGMATIC reasons. I thought that it would WORK. So was I really congruent before? NO. I was just CONFORMING, and hadnt the NERVE to show my intentions. Also, I didnt REALIZE that my intentions WERE NOT EVIL. Women APPRECIATE these kinds of guys, and you BENEFIT when you openly demonstrate that you are that guy making no excuses for it. While AT FIRST I felt INCONGRUENT, I later realized that in fact I HAD BECOME congruent. I began PROJECTING the sort of image that was congruent with my INTENTIONS, and girls were reacting better, and never showing unpleasant .surprises as in they had in the past My act of pre-planning and studying lines and tactics to project my badboy image IS CONGRUENT with who I am, because who I am is someone whose intentions are to interact with women in this way. They enjoy it. I enjoy it. They benefit. I benefit. We MUTUALLY benefit. I am now congruent. I feel good for it. If you want to judge it, go ahead. Just dont claim that your philosophy has any superiority over any other subjective value-judgement, because it is just that. A subjective value judgement. CONCLUSION: So there you have it. Many chicks dig jerk-asshole types. Who ever said that the community never makes new discoveries anyway? hmmmmm.... And what is genuine? What is truth? Those questions are to be pondered over a lifetime, and they are part of what makes the human experience dynamic. But if I can draw one solid conclusion, its that claiming absolute knowledge

of such questions is self-indulgent. And in the opinion of this lowly-PUA, its not .genuine :Toecutter comments Just checking in here ... ran a search to see what people are saying about my ideas. The things you have quoted me on is not the sort of advice I would have put out onto this public forum with all sorts of dysfunctional whackos reading it. On the other hand, it is nice that you are breaking out of a "square" view of sexuality. The reason I jump in here and post is because I know that people do things just because I said it was a good thing to do. Do not read the wrong things into what TD has said of my advice. Not unless you are sexually hip. Like when you can watch 2 men kissing in a film without turning away. When you are gentle and like women. When you can do all of the sexual role playing with a smile and affection for the girl. Most of you .reading this are not there, so dont even bother. Nevertheless I will expand a little

Think: Black guy = attraction Business nerd = value NEITHER are CONSISTENTLY getting laid by girls in a situation where its not fools mate. These guys play NUMBERS game. These black player guys attract, but the girls run off giggling.. They LIKE the guy, but they won't FUCK him.. He keeps approaching until one DOES. He never looks like an idiot. Girls don't think bad of him. They just think "I'd like to, but I never would". Conversely, the business nerd has all the girls WANTING to be attracted to him, and giving him all the chances. But most won't get with him, because he can't attract them. The key is in recognizing the sequencing.. 1- value .... which makes her very open to feeling 2- attraction ..... which pumps her full of feelings 3- comfort (if needed for non-party chicks) .... which makes her prepared and wanting physical escalation By understanding that value is SOCIALLY -4 CONSTRUCTED, we can look to what it actually is. In the past, I'd just run the same game on every girl. Sometimes it wouldn't work in different scenes. Then I recognized the distinction, and modified. Now I can work any scene, given the adaquate preparation time and observation. This is what I'm talking about when I say that attraction/value are separate. The game you run won't be effective unless you have the right value prior to the sarge. I first realized this in Miami South Beach, at a club called Skybar. The roots of pure Mystery-MM is LA/Toronto. I wasn't trained properly to convey value at Skybar. I shifted my value via both clothing (noncollegiate peacocking) and the stuff you're talking about in this post. Then the game I ran was as effective as it was on college girls. Unless you have the right value beforehand, she will block your game, IN THE SAME WAY that you'd block the game of a fatgirl who is touching you (physically, her touch feels good, but she doesn't have the value for you to allow it to escalate so you cut it off before it can start.. our attract tactics are massively field tested and are effective, but the girl will not allow herself to be taken in by them if you fail to present the social value). Girls game = visual/touch (we like lapdances and porno) Guys game = emotions (they like emotionally charged drama/convo, chasing, romance novels blah blah) When you chat a girl, she can shut your game down by shit testing, because you'll stop gaming her in order to justify her accusations. IMHO this is not biological like everyone in the scene thinks. It's purely psychological/social construct. I also have strong empirical data that shows that David DeAngelo's theories about biological evolution are not what's actually at work in attraction (they are ONE way, but that's it.. The argument

extrapolates itself in a way that's not sound). IMHO, his stream of causation is flat wrong. However, his MODEL works, so I still endorse his material fully - this is stuff only eggheads like myself would be interested in, and aren't relevant to his actual material. Value and attraction are social constructs, not purely biological. Don't post this outside the Lounge. David D's stuff is dogma in the scene, and I'm not inclined to debate it with the 95% armchair-not-in-field scene. I'll debate it in field where I can show exactly what I mean on the spot - that's it. However, if you're curious, its my belief that value/attraction are entirely social constructs. The frame is perhaps laid out innately (like in Noam Chomsky's language philosophy, how the parameters of language are laid out from birth, and we fill in those parameters by around age 5. However the possibilities of language are finite, by virtue of genetics. The possibilities of attraction are finite, but they are socially constructs like language). I can argue this into the ground. I am fully familiar with the entire biological argument, and my opinion is that it totally fallacious. Now as for girls shit testing, IMO not biological. Psychological/social. They want to cut off what's happening, so they shut your game down by trying to turn the conversation logical. This is like AMOGs who are *naturals*, when you try to PU their GFs. They shut your game down by saying "hey buddy, do you like it here? What's your name man.. Where do you come from.. You're cool man, tell me more". They shut your game down by forcing you to go logical and also stops you from talking to their girl. If you ask these guys "how does everyone knows eachother" (classic MM line), they say "her? I fucked her".. Then the girl crawls on him, and he takes her away from you. Again, classic MM being built for specific environments - the parameters not filled for other environments. Mods are necessary. The same PROCESS (assessing the relations in the group) must be fulfilled, but MODS are necessary. Girls, likewise, are trying to shut your game down. This is why when we pass the shit tests too rapidly they start tearing/crying/freaking out. They can't stop what you're doing to them and they can't handle it. I've had girls cry several times on the way to a lay, begging me to stop what I'm doing to them or to explain how I'm doing it. Funny thing - I'm just running proper game, nothing more. I'm just not making mistakes - repetition has built speed and accuracy. Their natural defences to guys heating them up aren't doing their working, they can't figure out why. Now what we're talking about here is projecting the right things to make her OPEN to being heated up (gamed) by you. With these kinda of girls (I have these in every city, but they are clearly much more common in your social circle), [note: he's referring to Style's models and pornstars] you need to fuck with them hard before they'll even let you game them. Neutral opinion openers won't work without laying down the right foundation of proper value via disinterest they take everything as an IOI. Even rolling up with social proof may not be enough. I've seen this. I have tricks to get around it though. 1) When I have a superhottie introduced to me in my social circle (like what you had with porn stars), I do the following: I use disinterested/powerful bodylanguage/tonality. I roll in and get the girls I know laughing and touching me *immediately*. I ignore the girl. Then I look at the girl (who will usually be open to the introduction at this point, but not much ,(more and say "oh cute.. I like this one" (or "I like her", depending on how bad I want to diss her - calibrate). From there I ignore her for around 45 minutes minimum. I proceed to work the venue properly, and keep ignoring her. What's going on here is that she's confused. You came in cold to her, but then said you liked her. She's confused as fuck. She can't figure out what's going on. You obviously have high value, and she thinks that she does too. So maybe you seriously liked her. But maybe

it was a blow-off. Which was it??? You'll notice her keeping themselves a little bit isolated, waiting for you to come talk to her. Eventually, when you do, she's completely open. Your game will run effectively. 2) They "Hey" opener. Walk up and say "Hey." - that's *it*. You just sit there like she's a FUCKING IDIOT for not saying 'hi' back. You don't even face her more than she's facing you. It might take like 30 seconds. You're conveying "I'll talk to you out of social courtesy, but I'm not qualifying myself to you whatsoever. If you're ungenuine, then whatever - BYE." Some of the bitchiest girls will instantly say "What's your name?" Of course if you crack here, you're blown out. This is a FORCED/rapidfire solution to the problem, not ideal but can work in a time constraint. I run a game where I am very unresponsive. Sickboy007 is very keyed into this, because he lives in NYC and plays the JAP scene. I'd bet his NYC-game has fallen apart while we were away. Why? Because the British/Amsterdam girls we sarged (all of Ibiza was British chicks) were super friendly. If you play that game, you're overqualified. But he'll adapt back to the NYC scene soon or maybe has already. 3) The shit like you said, tearing them down fastfast-fast. They react instantly. It's obvious. Again, your game is actually them gaming you. It's like they're AFCs, and they even run the same lame game that AFCs do (asking you boring questions while looking like every answer is amazing, etc). Bizzarre to watch this in action. Very strange. I've lost many girls right at the layvenue, for being nice and giving them IOIs. Like superhottie 10s that dragged me home, and lost interest instantly once I was nice to them at their place. I've also held it back, and pulled it off. This is why I posted about chasing. Because there is some kind of mental momentum process that gets fucked up as soon as you chase, but at the same time with lesser girls I feel like I need to give them that. SWEEPING GENERALIZATION: NORMAL girl: -calibrate value -attract -comfort ((qualification phase subclass of comfort seduce Party girl: -calibrate value -attract -seduce OR High value party girl: -calibrate value -she takes care of attraction stuff -seduce OR Lesser value party girl: -attract -she takes care of value stuff, because any fun guy who attracts her has value -seduce :More on the difference between Value and Attraction There are several SUB COMMUNICATIONS going on at all times. -Verbal communication (logic, convey information, etc) -Sexual communication (flirting, push/pull, triangular gazing, giggling, etc) -VALUE communication (what direction you face in, eagerness to respond or impress, being in your own reality, voice projection, stuff you're on about here) -Physical superiority communication (I just thought of this one, but you can see it at the gym.. its like a subclass of value communication) -Trust communication (her being unlocked, her not being afraid to move venues with you, her being comfortable with touching - aka what gay guys have even though they may not have attraction) People's reality is SOCIALLY CONSTRUCTED. We constantly ping from each other and the reactions determine how we act. Look at PUFF DADDY. The guy is totally obnoxious. But everyone around him is his ENTOURAGE. No matter what he does, they're all "Puffy, you da man". He can sit there with a fur-coat, and say "this is dope", and his social circle will sit there with him ooo-ing and awww-ing over it, just cause he's Puffy. So he goes further into ******************************************************************

VALUE AND ACTIVE DISINTEREST Some thoughts - hopefully helpful despite their absurd complexity. Distinction: C&F False disqualification. ACTUAL false disqualification. The C&F False disqualification is like busting her on her mannerisms. "I'm gay. This is my boyfriend. You can't to us, we're gay." Or she's giggling, and you say "Go away! Go away!", while doing the pushaway move that I described in the Tonguedown notes. Or saying "I would definitely NOT get along with this chick!" while the friends are laughing. Again, this is all C&F type stuff. It AMPLIFIES attraction at key points, because it pre-emptively disarms the natural cutoff mechanism that girls have when they feel themselves heating up to an uncomfortable buying temperature too quickly, before proceeding to game more. --- OK so what's REAL false disqualification, and what is its purpose? There exists many social SUBCOMMUNICATIONS that convey social value. -breaking rapport -neutral to rapport -trying to gain rapport This goes on in social interactions all day long. Notice that the "coolest" people in the club venue are trying to break rapport with everyone. (They even wear sunglasses in a dark club, to convey that they are too cool and don't want to make eye contact with anyone). They roll in with their Cadillac SUV, hot chicks in tow, and don't talk to anyone in the whole club except maybe the people similar to them. YET, if they were to approach YOU or YOUR GROUP in the club, you'd chat THEM, despite that .they'd blow you off You'd chat them because they have high social value in that specific venue. PEOPLE ARE DRAWN TO INTERACT WITH PEOPLE OF VALUE, EVEN IF THEY'RE NOT ATTRACTED. If Bill Gates wanted to chat, would I? Yes. Even if it was about nothing that helped me whatsoever, I'd just do it for some reason. What Style is talking about here (which is a related to stuff I've discussed extensively on the Mystery Lounge), is that value re-adjustments may be necessary PRIOR to gaming. Gaming = emotionally arousing (pumping her through states in a way that keeps her happy, aka C&F, and many other ways) A girl can still CUT OFF who she allows to emotionally arouse her. VALUE / ATTRACTION are DISTINCT. Value is a FILTER to see if the girl will ALLOW you to attract her. Think to the REVERSE. Girls are aroused EMOTIONALLY (they purchase romance novels that are descriptive). Guys are aroused mostly VISUALLY and PHYSICALLY (they purchase porno and lapances). A fat girl approaches me, and starts touching me. She is arousing me because she is touching my legs with her hands. She is breathing on me. I'm feeling myself getting hard. Immediately I push her away from me, and CUT OFF what she is doing. Do I do this because I am INCAPABLE of deriving some pleasure from fucking her? No. Men fucked fat chicks for years, back when they were socially desirable (IOW: HAD VALUE). There's no biological reason for me not fucking her. It's just social. Similarly, girls emotionally cut off men from gaming them. They won't even acknowledge that you exist, or if they do, what you're saying is just cute or entertaining. Again, they are of high social value, and thus exhibit this by breaking rapport with people (both through verbal communications "why are you ..asking me this go away", and non-verbal subcommunications like turning away from you, not matching your facial expressions or excitement levels, not being responsive to your presence, etc) Value is established by: -OUTER APPEARANCE (genetics, grooming, and clothing subcommunications) -SOCIAL PROOF (both your entourage, the level to which the surrounding women are appearing to be unlocked to you (which is made obvious by things they subcommunicate as you are in the area, and girls

pickup on this), and the level to which people treat you (ie: are they breaking rapport with you, being neutral to it, or trying to gain it) -ATTITUDE (bodylanguages and tonalities that you convey, by the words that you say and the way that you say it, and by the people who you interact with in a particular order and the way you interact with them) So with girls, you can open with a NEUTRAL OPINION OPENER, and this is NOT ENOUGH. Hence Style's "Neg First" post. This was derived from "JAP Busting I & II" You must break rapport, perhaps several times, prior to gaming. Girls will not ALLOW themselves to become emotionally heated (aka; for their buying temperature to increase) for someone who does not pass through their filter of VALUE. So what does that amount to in practical terms? Here's an example: TD: Hey guys, I need a female opinion.. Do girls think that the rockstar David Bowie is hot? HBS: I dunno.. TD: Hey, you're cool.. You guys are smart.. You're from Long Island, I can tell.. HBS: Hey, we're not from there.. TD: Yeah OK.. ummm BYE (turns back) HBS: WTF? TD: hahaa.. OK remain calm.. My friends little sister gets this poster of David Bowie on her wall. That is an OLD MAN.. Do you guys like OLD MEN?!?! HBS: Why are you asking us this? TD: (looks at wingman like they are RETARDED and mumbles).... I'm talking. (turns back HARD, engages other set) HBS: What a jerk blah blah.. TD: (turns around) hahhhaa, are you guys still talking .about me?? haahhaa turns back) HBS: No, we're just saying blah blah TD: (now commencing NORMAL) game) You guys are so cute.. You know, I'm going to adopt you guys, you guys will be my new little sisters.. This is a VALUE ADUSTMENT. Neg first. (I'd also game a high value set differently, but that's another story.. I'd use the same stuff, but at a different rate, direct it at different people, and also alot less of it) You do the SAME with UG THEORY. Try to gain rapport with them first. Value calibrations imply rapidly ascertaining what their perceived social value is, and matching it. Girls are typically only inclined to allow themselves to be gamed with someone of simliar value. There are exceptions however. TRUST ATTRACTION VALUE These three things are SUBCOMMUNICATED at all times. Some girls want guys with high value ONLY (NYC JAPs are like this, ChickJunkie's 10$ Opener is good for girls like this, although an NYC JAP would probably pull out her attack whistle if you tried it on them) Some girls value TRUST, which is subcommunicated through many things. Like when you see guys who are out with their girlfriends, and NEVER turn to face them. The girls always have to do the initiating. Some guys telegraph this, and it telegraphs trust. This is why simlar to girls who just want high value guys (like NYC Jewish American Princesses), some girls want to fuck gay guys and convert them. Queers subcommunicate feelings of trust so strong that some girls fall in love with them instantly. Weird - ask 10 girls and 2 or 3 will answer you this. Some girls value ATTRACTION. These girls want the construction worker or badboy or the prejudicial racist stereotype of black guys. There are also piles of PROFILES for this that you can spot, and piles of subcommunications that you can learn (think "AMOG TACTICS" post - what do the out-alpha tactics subcommunicate, beyond their surface (?verbal level AN EXAMPLE OF VALUE: Sickboy007 and I want entrance into an exclusive club. We ont only want entrance, but we want if free and we want to be bumped to the front of the line. We do this all the time - I sit back and pretend to be a celeb. I say nothing, acknowledge nobody, and act aloof. Sickboy007 is my manager. Sickboy007: Hey, we're heading up to VIP. BOUNCER: Are you on the guest list? Sickboy007: You guys treat us really good here. Actually, we're going to need to bring in our friends tommorow, and we need it Saturday as well. BOUNCER: Are

you guys celebrities? Who are you guys? Sickboy007: (pauses) BOUNCER: Hello? Sickboy007: Yeah, umm we'll definetely need that Saturday. I like you guys, you guys treat us good. BOUNCER: OK bring in you and your friend. Talk to the manager about Saturday and Sunday, I don't do that stuff. TD & Sickboy007 skip the line, free cover, admitted to VIP. Look at the subcommunications. He didn't answer the bouncer's quesitons directly. He barely looked the guy in the eyes. He didn't shift his body towards him. He didn't show any nervousness or regard for the bouncer's physical presence. He didn't even answer the quesitons with anything COHERENT. The bouncer is TRAINED to pick up on this behaviour, and admit high value guests. I'm not sure if this makes sense, but this is the behaviour we use in the pickup of high value girls. P.S.: Active disinterest can also cause attraction because it engages certain things in a girl.. many things actually. A few are: 1- She feels that she can become emotional around you, and you won't fuck her while she's in this illogical state (which then its too late and you do) - This is hard to explain, and is a concept that has never been discussed on mASF. So I'd have to post wack of stuff to get you up to speed on this. It's very real though man. Logic is the BREAKS that girls use to .stop emotion When you disengage logic, emotion takes over, and she becomes sexually RECEPTIVE. This is DIFFERENT from how guys get (which is sexually AGGRESSIVE). Girls become sexually aggressive sometimes, but most lays will happen when they're too emotional to adaquetely object, rather than when they're horny and want to fuck. Remember the lay report from Ryobi, where I said "just drag her out of the club caveman style"? I could recognize that she was in a sexually AGGRESSIVE state, so I advised him to caveman. But if girls are sexually RECEPTIVE, you need to go about it differently. Different gameplan. A gameplan where active disinterest is fundamental. 2- It engages her "chase" instinct, which prevents the "screen" instinct. Think to when you're at a store, and the salesman is PUSHING something on you. Your thought process is "find stuff wrong with it.. find reasons not to".. If its the last one, and other people are buying it, you SCRAMBLE to get it. Your thought process is totally different. 3- It subcommunicates VALUE, which some girls actually find to be a huge turnon. (like girls who want gay guys because their core desire is trust, many girls just want value and don't care about attraction that much.. the mere PRESENCE of someone with value is ENOUGH to make them EMOTIONALLY AROUSED, so the value actally takes care of the (arousal process FOR YOU

when you are ignoring the target, you obviously aren't talking to them, you body language isn't turned to them and most importantly you are not looking at them. this includes NOT turning around every once in a while to quickly check her out (by the way: the people who are doing this do it to get another image for the wank bank because the only person they'll be sleeping with if they do this is palm and her 5 .(sisters one thing i've found is that that hotter your target is, the more you should ignore her at the start. (on very rare occasions i've gotten IOIs from the target i've ignored if anyone has any criticism/advice on this let me know

cheers europa PS .this may be irrelevent (and i'll delete it if requested) but is how i found this out before i ever read the game or knew about the community, i wasn't great with girls, i was so shy of the hb 9 and 10s that i totally ignored them because i was proud and didn't want to seem like another guy just looking them up and down and knew i would .get shot down anyway, i did a mostly male course in college and amazingly one of the 20 girls in a class of 90 was a hb10(i've seen very few in my life). as a result every guy in the class licked her ass. i totally ignored her but used to glance over to get some for the wank bank. then i stopped looking over because i thought i might freak her out or .something anyway after a couple of months of this i noticed that she was looking at me when we were on a field trip and tossing her hair, trying to get me to look at her but i still ignored her. then the same thing started happening in a club i was at with my brother. .i was chuffed with myself so over about a year until college finished it intensified and she would turn around in class to look at me and i would look just over her head or to the side of her at something so she would do something to try and get my attention (pretty fucking (pathetic i know, but thats how i was back then anyway she became my oneitis(even though she was vacuous and just a pretty boring person) and i eventually blew it with her when i eventually decided to .approach her and say something stupid anyway that's how i found that out

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