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Iso 19879-2005

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Iso 19879-2005

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ISO 19879
First edition 2005-08-01

Metallic tube connections for fluid power and general use Test methods for hydraulic fluid power connections
Raccords de tubes mtalliques pour transmissions hydrauliques et pneumatiques et applications gnrales Mthodes d'essai pour raccords pour transmissions hydrauliques

Reference number ISO 19879:2005(E)

ISO 19879:2005(E)


ISO 19879:2005(E)



Foreword............................................................................................................................................................ iv Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................ v 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Scope ..................................................................................................................................................... 1 Normative references ........................................................................................................................... 1 Terms and definitions........................................................................................................................... 1 General requirements........................................................................................................................... 2 Repeated assembly test ....................................................................................................................... 6 Leakage test .......................................................................................................................................... 6 Proof test ............................................................................................................................................... 7 Burst test ............................................................................................................................................... 8 Cyclic endurance test........................................................................................................................... 9 Vacuum test......................................................................................................................................... 10 Overtightening test ............................................................................................................................. 11 Vibration test ....................................................................................................................................... 11 Cyclic endurance (impulse) test with vibration ............................................................................... 14 Identification statement (reference to this International Standard) ................................................... 15

Annex A (normative) Test data form ............................................................................................................... 16 Bibliography ..................................................................................................................................................... 19


ISO 19879:2005(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2. The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote. Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. ISO 19879 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 131, Fluid power systems, Subcommittee SC 4, Connectors and similar products and components. This first edition of ISO 19879 cancels and replaces ISO 8434-5:1995, which has been technically revised.


ISO 19879:2005(E)

In hydraulic fluid power systems, power is transmitted and controlled through a liquid under pressure within an enclosed circuit. Components must be designed to meet these requirements under varying conditions. Testing of components to meet performance requirements provides a basis of assurance for determining design application and for checking component compliance with the stated requirements.

ISO 19879:2005(E)



ISO 19879:2005(E)

Metallic tube connections for fluid power and general use Test methods for hydraulic fluid power connections


This International Standard specifies uniform methods for the testing and performance evaluation of metallic tube connections, stud ends for ports and flange connections for use in hydraulic fluid power applications. This International Standard does not apply to the testing of hydraulic quick-action couplings, which is covered by ISO 7241-2. Tests outlined in this International Standard are independent of each other and document the method to follow for each test. See the appropriate component International Standard for which tests to conduct and for performance criteria. For qualification of the connector, the minimum number of samples specified in this International Standard are tested, unless otherwise specified in the relevant connector standard or as agreed upon by the manufacturer and the user.

Normative references

The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. ISO 48, Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic Determination of hardness (hardness between 10 IRHD and 100 IRHD) ISO 3448, Industrial liquid lubricants ISO viscosity classification ISO 3601-3, Fluid power systems O-rings Part 3: Quality acceptance criteria1) ISO 5598, Fluid power systems and components Vocabulary1) ISO 6508 (all parts), Metallic materials Rockwell hardness test ISO 6605, Hydraulic fluid power Hoses and hose assemblies Test methods ISO 6743-4, Lubricants, industrial oils and related products (class L) Classification Part 4: Family H (Hydraulic systems)

Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 5598 apply.


Under revision.

ISO 19879:2005(E)

General requirements

WARNING Some of the tests described in this International Standard are considered hazardous. It is therefore essential that, in conducting these tests, all appropriate safety precautions be strictly adhered to. Attention is drawn to the danger of burst, fine jets (which can penetrate the skin) and energy release of expanding gases. To reduce the hazard of energy release, bleed air out of test specimens prior to pressure testing. Tests shall be set up and performed by properly trained personnel.


Test assemblies

All components tested shall be in the final form, including annealed nuts, as required for brazed components. Unless otherwise specified in the respective connector standard, Type 1 test assemblies shall be as shown in Figure 1 for tube connections (for repeated assembly, leakage, proof, burst and cyclic endurance tests), and Type 2 test assemblies shall be as shown in Figure 2 for male stud ends (for leakage, proof and, if specified, burst and cyclic endurance tests). Alternatively, in order to test the connector to its full capability, use of the metallic tube may be omitted for burst and cyclic endurance tests, and different configurations with similar capability may be combined in a test assembly Type 3, as shown in Figure 3. Type 4 test assemblies for flange connectors shall be as shown in Figure 4. Test assemblies shall conform to the relevant requirements given in Table 1. Table 1 Requirements for test assemblies
Part code A Part name Straight stud connector Description and further information The type of stud end, connector end and sealing method is optional but shall be recorded in the test report. The required tube wall thickness shall be selected according to the working pressure rating of the respective connector. The length of the tube shall be five times the tube outside diameter plus 50 mm. e.g. O-ring.

Metallic tube Shaped connector, with swivel, if applicable Blanking end (cap or plug) Shaped connector with adjustable stud end Flange connector Sealing


ISO 19879:2005(E)

Key 1 A B C D G

swivel nut straight stud connector metallic tube shaped connector blanking end (cap or plug) sealing, e.g. O-ring L = 5 u the tube OD (in millimetres)  50 mm.

Figure 1 Test assembly for tube connection Type 1

a) Key A D E G

Non-adjustable stud end connection


Adjustable stud end connection, with shaped connector, if applicable

straight stud connector blanking end (cap or plug) shaped connector with adjustable stud end sealing, e.g. O-ring

Figure 2 Test assembly for stud end Type 2

ISO 19879:2005(E)

Key 1 C D E G swivel nut shaped connector with swivel blanking end (cap or plug) shaped connector with adjustable stud end sealing, e.g. O-ring

Figure 3 Alternate connector capability test assembly without tube Type 3

Key 1 2 3 4 5 F

O-ring seal split-flange clamp screw washer test adapter flange connector This end capped or plugged.

Figure 4 Test assembly for flange connectors Type 4

ISO 19879:2005(E)


Test equipment
Test block

Test blocks shall be unplated and have a hardness between 35 HRC and 45 HRC in accordance with ISO 6508. For a test block with multiple ports, the distance between the centrelines of test ports shall be a minimum of 1,5 times the port diameter. The distance between the port centreline and the edge of the test block shall be a minimum of 1 times the port diameter. 4.2.2 Test seals

For all tests, except for the overtightening test and unless otherwise specified, seals shall be nitrile (NBR) rubber with a hardness of (90 r 5) IHRD when measured in accordance with ISO 48. Seals shall conform to their respective dimensional requirements, and O-rings shall meet or exceed the quality requirements for grade N (general purpose) of ISO 3601-3, if applicable.


Thread lubrication

For all tests, on connectors made of carbon steel and for testing only, threads and contact surfaces shall be lubricated prior to application of torque using a hydraulic fluid with a viscosity of ISO VG 32 in accordance with ISO 3448. For connectors made of materials other than carbon steel, the manufacturers recommendation for thread lubrication shall be followed. 4.3.2 Torque

For all tests, except the repeated assembly and overtightening tests, tube connections and stud ends shall be tested at the required minimum torques or number of hex flats or turns from finger-tight position given in the respective connector standard, if specified. Otherwise, they shall be tested at the minimum torque values or number of hex flats or turns from finger-tight position supplied by the manufacturer. For test assembly Type 2 and Type 3, adjustable stud torques shall be applied after being backed out one full turn from finger-tight, in order to test correctly the worst possible actual assembly conditions. 4.3.3 Temperature

For all tests, the temperature of the hydraulic fluid shall be between 15 C and 80 C, unless otherwise specified in the respective connector standard.


Test report

Test results and test conditions shall be reported on the test data form given in Annex A.
NOTE ISO/TR 11340 provides a method of reporting leakage.

ISO 19879:2005(E)


Repeated assembly test


Unless otherwise specified in the respective connector standard, three Type 1 test assemblies shall be tested to confirm that they are capable of meeting the necessary requirements after being disassembled and re-assembled several times.



The tube connections of the straight stud connector (part A in Figure 1) and shaped connector (part C in Figure 1) shall be disassembled and re-assembled six times. Prior to each re-assembly, the tube shall be turned clockwise by 60q. On re-assembly, the nuts shall be tightened firmly, using the maximum torque values or number of turns given in the respective connector standard or by the manufacturer. All assemblies, after the first and sixth re-assembly, shall be subjected to a leakage test (Clause 6) and a proof test (Clause 7) at the test parameters specified in Table 2.


Re-use of components

Parts that pass this test may be used for burst and cycle endurance tests at the minimum specified assembly torque or number of turns. They shall not be used for actual service or returned to stock. Table 2 Parameters and procedure for repeated assembly test
Test parameter Test medium Test pressure Test duration Pass/fail criterion Any leakage during the leakage and proof tests shall be considered a failure. As specified in Clauses 6 and 7. Value of parameter and procedure


Leakage test

Unless otherwise specified in the respective connector standard, all Type 1 test assemblies from the repeated assembly test and three each of Type 2, Type 3 and Type 4 assemblies (where applicable) shall be subjected to a leakage test to ensure that assemblies do not leak when subjected to test pressure.



Test assemblies shall be pressurized under water as shown in Figure 5 and described in Table 3.


Re-use of components

Parts that pass this test may be used for further tests. They shall not be used for actual service or returned to stock.

ISO 19879:2005(E)

Key 1 2 test fluid inlet water

Figure 5 Typical test set-up for leakage test Table 3 Parameters and procedure for leakage test
Test parameter Test medium Value of parameter and procedure Air, nitrogen or helium The test medium shall be recorded in the test report. The test pressure shall be increased continuously until the pressure reaches a level equal to 15 % of the connectors working pressure, in accordance with the respective standard, where applicable, not exceeding 6,3 MPa (63 bara ). A minimum of 3 min at the test pressure, after all of the air trapped in the connectors threads during test set-up has escaped. Leakage, in the form of ascending bubbles, shall not occur in any of the test assemblies.

Test pressure

Test duration Pass/fail criterion


1 bar = 0,1 MPa = 105 Pa; 1 MPa = 1 N/mm2.


Proof test

Unless otherwise specified in the respective connector standard, three Type 1 test assemblies and, where applicable, three Type 2, Type 3 and Type 4 test assemblies shall be tested to confirm that the specified connections are capable of withstanding a minimum of 2 times the working pressure without any visual sign of leakage.



The test assemblies shall be pressurized as shown in Figure 6 at the test parameters specified in Table 4. Air shall be carefully bled from the test assemblies before applying static pressure.

ISO 19879:2005(E)

Key 1 2 test fluid inlet air

Figure 6 Typical test set-up for static proof pressure and burst test

Table 4 Parameters and procedure for proof test

Test parameter Value of parameter and procedure Hydraulic fluid in accordance with ISO 6743-4, e.g. HM, with a viscosity equal to or less than ISO VG 32, in accordance with ISO 3448, or water. The test medium shall be recorded in the test report. 2 times the working pressure of the connector, in accordance with the respective standard, where applicable. Pressure shall be increased at a rate not exceeding 16 % of the connectors working pressure, per second, until the test pressure is reached. The test assemblies shall be held at the test pressure for a minimum of 60 s. None of the test assemblies shall leak during the test.

Test medium

Test pressure

Test duration Pass/fail criterion


Re-use of components

Parts that pass this test may be used for the burst test. They shall not be used for actual service or returned to stock.


Burst test

Unless otherwise specified in the respective connector standard, three Type 1 or Type 3 assemblies and, where applicable, three Type 2 and Type 4 assemblies shall be tested to confirm that the specified connections are capable of withstanding a minimum of 4 times the working pressure before failure.

ISO 19879:2005(E)



The test assemblies shall be pressurized as shown in Figure 6 and described in Table 5.


Re-use of components

Parts that pass this test shall not be tested further, nor used for actual service or returned to stock. Table 5 Parameters and procedure for burst test
Test parameter Value of parameter and procedure Hydraulic fluid in accordance with ISO 6743-4, e.g. HM, with a viscosity equal to or less than ISO VG 32, in accordance with ISO 3448, or water. The test medium shall be recorded in the test report. Minimum test pressure shall be 4 times the working pressure of the connector, in accordance with the respective standard, where applicable. Pressure shall be increased at a rate not exceeding 16 % of the connectors working pressure, per second. The test shall be continued until failure. None of the test assemblies shall show visual evidence of leakage at or below the minimum test pressure.

Test medium

Test pressure

Test duration Pass/fail criterion


Cyclic endurance test


Unless otherwise specified in the respective connector standard, three Type 1 or six Type 3 assemblies and, where applicable, six Type 2 and Type 4 test assemblies shall be tested to confirm that they pass a cyclic endurance test at 133 % of working pressure for 1 000 000 cycles without leakage or component failure. For flange assemblies of DN 51 and larger, and connectors for tube OD sizes 50 mm and larger, the testing of three test assemblies shall be sufficient if the design has been verified through calculation or finite element analysis.



The cyclic endurance test shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements specified in Table 6.


Re-use of components

Parts that pass this test shall not be tested further, nor used for actual service or returned to stock.

ISO 19879:2005(E)

Table 6 Parameters and procedure for the cyclic endurance test

Test parameter Value of parameter and procedure Hydraulic fluid in accordance with ISO 6743-4, e.g. HM, with a viscosity of ISO VG 32, in accordance with ISO 3448, or water. The test medium shall be recorded in the test report. Test pressure Test duration Pass/fail criterion Test pressure shall conform to the waveform shown in ISO 6605 with peak pressure of 133 % of working pressure, and an impulse frequency of 0,5 Hz to 1,25 Hz. Minimum of 1 000 000 pressure impulse cycles. None of the test assemblies shall leak or fail during the test.

Test medium

10 Vacuum test
10.1 Principle
Unless otherwise specified in the respective connector standard, two Type 1 test assemblies and, where applicable, Type 2 and Type 4 test assemblies shall be tested to confirm that they are capable of withstanding a vacuum of 6,5 kPa (0,065 bar) absolute pressure for 5 min without leakage.

10.2 Procedure
The vacuum test shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements of Table 7.

10.3 Re-use of components

Parts that pass this test may be used for other tests or for actual service. Table 7 Parameters and procedure for vacuum test
Test parameter Test medium Test pressure Air A vacuum of 6,5 kPa (0,065 bar) absolute pressure. Connect test assembly to a vacuum source with a manometer and a shut-off valve that is close to the vacuum source. Draw a vacuum to the specified test pressure and close the shut-off valve. Hold the assembly at this pressure for the specified test duration. Leakage will be indicated by an increase in the absolute pressure reading. A minimum of 15 min. The increase in the absolute pressure reading on any test assembly shall not exceed 3 kPa (0,03 bar). Value of parameter and procedure

Test procedure

Test duration Pass/fail criterion


ISO 19879:2005(E)

11 Overtightening test
11.1 Principle
Unless otherwise specified in the respective connector standard, six test samples for each size, three samples each of the tube nuts and the 90q swivel elbow (SWE) nut, shall be tested to confirm that tube and swivel nuts are capable of withstanding the overtightening qualification test when tested to the overtightening (overtorque) values or number of turns given in the respective connector standard.

11.2 Test equipment

Unless otherwise specified, an unplated threaded steel mandrel or mating connector test block with a minimum hardness of 40 HRC in accordance with ISO 6508 shall be used.

11.3 Procedure
Connectors shall be restrained during the test, and the wrench shall be located at the threaded end of the nut hex. The overtightening test shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements specified in Table 8.

11.4 Re-use of components

Parts that pass this test shall not be tested further, used for actual service or returned to stock. Table 8 Parameters and procedure for overtightening test
Test parameter Value of parameter and procedure Continue to apply torque to the nuts until the specified torque or number of turns has been achieved. Unless otherwise specified, the overtightening torque shall be at least 1,5 times the test torque specified in the respective standard. Parts are considered failing the test, if  the nut cannot be removed by hand after breakaway; Pass/fail criterion  the nut cannot swivel freely by hand;  the nut will not retract to its original position by hand;  any visible cracks in the sealing surface or nut that would render the nut unusable appear.

Test duration

12 Vibration test
12.1 Principle
Unless otherwise specified in the respective connector standard, six test assemblies as shown in 12.2 shall be tested to confirm that the connector is able to withstand the specified vibration without leakage or component failure. For flange assemblies of DN 51 and larger and connectors for tube OD sizes 50 mm and larger, the testing of three test assemblies shall be sufficient if the design has been verified through calculation or finite element analysis.


ISO 19879:2005(E)

12.2 Procedure
12.2.1 Conduct the vibration test in accordance with the requirements of Table 9 and as described in 12.2.2 to 12.2.7. Table 9 Parameters and procedures for the vibration test
Test parameter Test medium Value of parameter and procedure Hydraulic fluid in accordance with ISO 6743-4, e.g. HM, with a viscosity of ISO VG 32, in accordance with ISO 3448, or water. The test medium shall be recorded in the test report. Test pressure Test stress level Test vibration frequency Test duration Pass/fail criterion Working pressure of the tube selected. 25 % of the minimum yield strength of the tube.a 10 Hz to 50 Hz. Minimum of 10 000 000 vibration cycles. Any leakage or failure of any component prior to 10 000 000 cycles shall be considered a failure.

a The use of tubes with minimum yield strength greater than 235 MPa requires that the dynamic capability of the tube be taken into consideration when determining the stress level used in the test.

12.2.2 Prepare the test assembly as shown in Figure 7. The strain gauge shall be installed at the location specified in Figure 8. The minimum gauge length, L, shall be in accordance with Table 10. 12.2.3 Install the test assembly in a test fixture that provides either rotary or axial (planar) vibration, as shown in Figure 7. 12.2.4 Pressurize the test assembly to the working pressure of the tube. 12.2.5 Apply a bending load to the end of the tube opposite to the strain gauge until the combined axial stress is 25 % of the minimum yield strength of the tube.
NOTE The use of tubes with minimum yield strength greater than 235 MPa requires that the dynamic capability of the tube be taken into consideration when determining the stress level used in the test.

Table 10 Minimum gauge lengths for vibration tests

Dimensions in millimetres Tube outside diameter, X X u 20 20  X u 50 X ! 50 Minimum gauge length, L 250 250 or 8X, whichever is greater 400 or 8X, whichever is greater


ISO 19879:2005(E)

Dimensions in millimetres

Key 1 2 3 4 5 strain gauge driven end test assembly fixed end hydraulic fluid or water supply a) Rotary or planar vibration test assembly and setup

Key 1 2 3 4 5 strain gauge driven end test assembly hydraulic fluid or water supply location of load application b) Optional rotary vibration test assembly and setup

Figure 7 Vibration test assemblies and setups


ISO 19879:2005(E)

12.2.6 Submit the test assembly to vibration of 10 Hz to 50 Hz until failure or 10 000 000 cycles, whichever occurs first. 12.2.7 If failure occurs before the test sample reaches 10 000 000 cycles, record the number of cycles reached and type of failure.

12.3 Re-use of components

Parts that pass this test shall not be tested further, nor used for actual service or returned to stock.

13 Cyclic endurance (impulse) test with vibration

13.1 Principle
Unless otherwise specified in the respective connector standard, three assemblies in accordance with Figure 8 shall be tested to confirm that they pass, without leakage or component failure, a cyclic endurance test at 133 % of working pressure for 500 000 cycles, while simultaneously being subjected to vibration. For flange assemblies of DN 51 and larger and connectors for tube OD sizes 50 mm and larger, the testing of three test assemblies shall be sufficient if the design has been verified through calculation or finite element analysis.

13.2 Procedure
13.2.1 Conduct the cyclic endurance (impulse) test with vibration in accordance with the requirements of Table 11 and Figure 8. Table 11 Parameters and procedures for the cyclic endurance (impulse) test with vibration
Test parameter Value of parameter and procedure Hydraulic fluid in accordance with ISO 6743-4, e.g. HM, with a viscosity of ISO VG 32, in accordance with ISO 3448, or water. The test medium shall be recorded in the test report. Test pressure Test stress level Test vibration frequency Test duration Pass/fail criterion

Test medium

Test pressure shall conform to the waveform shown in ISO 6605 with peak pressure of 133 % of working pressure, with an impulse frequency of 0,5 Hz to 1,25 Hz. 25 % of the minimum yield strength of the tube.a u 20 the impulse frequency. Minimum of 500 000 pressure impulse cycles. None of the test assemblies shall leak or fail during the test.

The use of tubes with minimum yield strength greater than 235 MPa requires that the dynamic capability of the tube be taken into consideration when determining the stress level used in the test.

13.2.2 Prepare the test assembly as shown in Figure 8. The strain gauge shall be installed at the location specified in Figure 8. The minimum gauge length, L, shall be in accordance with Table 10.

13.3 Re-use of components

Parts that pass this test shall not be tested further, nor used for actual service or returned to stock.


ISO 19879:2005(E)

Dimensions in millimetres

Key 1 2 3 4 5 strain gauge driven end supply of hydraulic fluid or water test assembly fixed end

Figure 8 Cyclic endurance (impulse) test with vibration test assembly and setup

14 Identification statement (Reference to this International Standard)

It is strongly recommended to manufacturers who have chosen to conform to this International Standard that the following statement be used in test reports, catalogues and sales literature: Test methods for metallic tube connections conform to ISO 19879:2005, Metallic tube connections for fluid power and general use Test methods for hydraulic fluid power connections


ISO 19879:2005(E)

Annex A (normative) Test data form

Specifications for connection being tested: ISO standard Manufacturer Stud end: Type: Size: Size: Material type Test facility Sealing type: Sealing type:

Connector end: Type:

Repeated assembly and leakage test results: minimum number of samples tested = 3 (see Clauses 5 and 6) Sample No. Torque (Nm) or number of turns Test medium Repeated assembly After first assembly 1 2 3 After sixth reassembly 1 2 3 Proof pressure test results: minimum number of samples tested = 3 (see Clause 7) Sample No. 1 2 3 Torque (Nm) or number of turns Test medium Test pressure MPa MPa MPa Type of failure Type of failure Leakage test Proof test

Burst test results: minimum number of samples tested = 3 (see Clause 8) Sample No. 1 2 3 Torque (Nm) or number of turns Test medium Test pressure MPa MPa MPa Type of failure MPa MPa MPa


ISO 19879:2005(E)

Cyclic endurance test results: minimum number of samples tested = 6 (see Clause 9) Torque (Nm) or number of turns Test medium Number of test cycles Number of cycles at failure

Sample No.

Type of failure

1 2 3 4 5 6 Vacuum test results: minimum number of samples tested = 2 (see Clause 10) Sample No. 1 2 Torque (Nm) or number of turns Absolute pressure kPa kPa Type of failure

Overtightening test results: minimum number of samples tested = 6 (see Clause 11) Nut type 1 2 3 4 5 6 Vibration test results: minimum number of samples tested = 6 (see Clause 12) Sample No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Test pressure MPa MPa MPa MPa MPa MPa Combined axial stress Number of test cycles Number of cycles at failure Type of failure Torque (Nm) or number of turns Type of failure


ISO 19879:2005(E)

Cyclic endurance (impulse) test with vibration results: minimum number of samples tested = 3 or 6 (see Clause 13) Torque (Nm) or number of turns Test medium Impulse pressure Combined axial stress Number of test cycles Number of cycles at failure Impulse Vibration Type of failure

Sample No.

1 2 3 4 5 6 Conclusions: Pass/fail, with reason for failure

Dimensions (list any exceptions): Name (printed/typed) and signature of person certifying report: Date:


ISO 19879:2005(E)



ISO 1179-2:2), Connections for general use and fluid power Ports and stud ends with ISO 228-1 threads with elastomeric or metal-to-metal sealing Part 2: Heavy-duty (S series) and light-duty (L series) stud ends with ISO 228-1 threads and elastomeric sealing (type E) ISO 1179-3:2), Connections for general use and fluid power Ports and stud ends with ISO 228-1 threads with elastomeric or metal-to-metal sealing Part 3: Light-duty (L series) stud ends with sealing by O-ring with retaining ring (types G and H) ISO 1179-4:2), Connections for general use and fluid power Ports and stud ends with ISO 228-1 threads with elastomeric or metal-to-metal sealing Part 4: Stud ends for general use only with metal-to-metal sealing (type B) ISO 6149-2:19933) , Connections for fluid power and general use Ports and stud ends with ISO 261 threads and O-ring sealing Part 2: Heavy-duty (S series) stud ends Dimensions, design, test methods and requirements ISO 6149-3:19933), Connections for fluid power and general use Ports and stud ends with ISO 261 threads and O-ring sealing Part 3: Light-duty (L series) stud ends Dimensions, design, test methods and requirements ISO 6162-1:2002, Hydraulic fluid power Flange connectors with split or one-piece flange clamps and metric or inch screws Part 1: Flange connectors for use at pressures of 3,5 MPa (35 bar) to 35 MPa (350 bar), DN 13 to DN 127 ISO 6162-2:2002, Hydraulic fluid power Flange connectors with split or one-piece flange clamps and metric or inch screws Part 2: Flange connectors for use at pressures of 35 MPa (350 bar) to 40 MPa (400 bar), DN 13 to DN 51 ISO 6164:1994, Hydraulic fluid power Four-screw, one-piece square-flange connections for use at pressures of 25 MPa and 40 MPa (250 bar and 400 bar) ISO 7241-2:2000, Hydraulic fluid power Quick-action couplings Part 2: Test methods ISO 8434-1:19943), Metallic tube connections for fluid power and general use Part 1: 24 degree compression fittings ISO 8434-2:19943), Metallic tube connections for fluid power and general use Part 2: 37 degree flared fittings ISO 8434-3:19953), Metallic tube connections for fluid power and general use Part 3: O-ring face seal fittings ISO 8434-4:1995, Metallic tube connections for fluid power and general use Part 4: 24 degree cone connectors with O-ring weld-on nipples ISO 9974-2:1996, Connections for general use and fluid power Ports and stud ends with ISO 261 threads with elastomeric or metal-to-metal sealing Part 2: Stud ends with elastomeric sealing (type E)








[9] [10]





2) 3)

To be published. Under revision.


ISO 19879:2005(E)


ISO 9974-3:1996, Connections for general use and fluid power Ports and stud ends with ISO 261 threads with elastomeric or metal-to-metal sealing Part 3: Stud ends with metal-to-metal sealing (type B) ISO/TR 11340:1994, Rubber and rubber products Hydraulic hose assemblies External leakage classification for hydraulic systems ISO 11926-2:1995, Connections for general use and fluid power Ports and stud ends with ISO 725 threads and O-ring sealing Part 2: Heavy-duty (S series) stud ends ISO 11926-3:1995, Connections for general use and fluid power Ports and stud ends with ISO 725 threads and O-ring sealing Part 3: Light duty (L series) stud ends





ISO 19879:2005(E)


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