Case Study Rubric
Case Study Rubric
Mastery of marketing fundamentals is critical to success in the world of marketing management. However, tools are not enough the skill to apply them and utilize them to drive organizational thinking, develop strategies and assess risks and opportunities are critical to success. Each Team will do an in-depth analysis of one case from the text or additional cases posted on Blackboard. The teams will identify and present:
The key issue (or issues) the organization in the case faces? A SWOT Analysis PEST analysis and application of Porters five Forces...where appropriate and relevant The teams recommendation as to how the organization should face this issue? What other options were explored? (alternative scenarios) What are the facts and analysis which resulted in the specific recommendation? What are the potential risks of the recommended option? What can be done to minimize the impact of those risks?
What are the recommended next steps or additional areas of exploration, research etc. that the team would suggest that the organization follow?
While each case is different, and is intentionally designed to focus on a specific area of marketing or part of the marketing mix, some of the key areas to assess might be: Pricing Consumer Retailer/Distribution External environment Competitive threats Communication strategy Product Strategy Sales Ethics and social responsibility
Presentation + Report
Each team will develop and present an analysis of their chosen case and present to the class in PowerPoint format. The PowerPoint presentation will be given to the professor prior to the class presentation. In addition, the teams will develop a written analysis to be handed in the class 1 week following their presentation. This is to allow time for the team to amend and improve their analysis based on questions and comments from their peers and the instructor.
Team Formation:
Teams will consist of 3 members. You are free to choose your own team members. Individuals who are not teamed should submit their names to me and I will assign them to an existing team. Teams and Case Study selections to be submitted to me by Wednesday September 11th.
You are free to choose from any topic in the text or others that has been posted on Blackboard excluding those which the instructor will be presenting. Only 1 team may present any individual case. In cases of two teams picking the same case, it will be decided on a first come, first pick basis.
The presentations should be 60 minutes in length including time allowed for general discussion, class questions and comments. Each person in the Team must be present for the Teams presentation and must present a section of the case. How those sections are allocated, is left to the discretion of the team. What makes for a good presentation? 1. Clear, concise points do we understand your point? Have you focused on the key points? 2. Well rehearsed, polished is it well presented? 3. A logical flow can someone who has not done all of the analysis you have done understand what you are saying? 4. Use of audio/visual tools are you taking full advantage of the fact that this is a presentation, not a document you have an audience how will you keep them engaged and entertained. 5. Time management Are you using the time well? Are you running long without providing additional value? Did you not use all of the time available to you when more content would be appropriate?
The report provides additional content and detail to the PPT presentation. There are no guidelines for the length of the report, but 5-7 pages (excluding any attachments) is a good guideline. What makes for a good report? 1. Good business writing are your points well articulated and clearly written. 2. Content you have more room to include content in a written report than in a presentation what additional content can you provide that adds value. 3. Use of additional sources have you taken the time to do research on the topic these are real companies and real industries what additional information can you bring to the report?
4. Incorporation of peer and instructor comments have you amended your work since your presentation? Is it obvious that you took to heart the comments and inputs to improve the quality of your analysis? 5. Charts, bibliography, appendices while these do not form the body of your report, a written report is the ideal format to provide additional information that you have utilized in your analysis in its raw form, to show what research you did to come up with your analysis? A Work Credit Allocation Form will be completed by the team to show an even balance between the group members.
Total: 60%
Marking Rubric: Business Plan or Case Written Submissions:
1) Written submission: Is the document professional looking? Is the submission well-written? (i.e. clear and easy to follow) Are the grammar and spelling correct? Is the submission professionally packaged? Is there a bibliography reflecting outside research? (15%) 2) Analysis, Synthesis & Option Creation: Is the submission informative, thoughtful and reflect critical thinking. Does it expand on the key points presented in the PPT? If required, does it define the problem? Does it provide insight? Does it clearly articulate and address the key issues for the business? Is it accurate? Do the attachments, graphs and tables give the reader enough information to follow the line of logic? Does it indicate that the team understands how all key programs and plans need to come together in a coordinated fashion , to achieve the companys goals. (15%) 3) Creativity: Does the case show original thought that relates to the opportunities and issues in the case? Was the document easy to ready? Does the reader come away with a good understanding of the content being presented? (10%)
Total: 40%