Varian TOGA
Varian TOGA
Technique: Varian 450-GC Gas Chromatograph Dual channel stripper column oven Dual channel gas sampling valve (GSV) system with full EFC control Columns Channel 1: Varian CP-PoraPLOT U, 25 m x 0.53 mm (pn: CP7584) Channel 2: Varian CP-Molsieve 5 , 15 m x 0.53 mm (pn:CP7543) Detector: FID with full DEFC control, TCD with full DEFC control
Sample Preparation
The system was equipped with luer lock connections for easy operation. This approach is widely used for TOGA eld applications. The TOGA syringe infusion pump was used to introduce the oil sample to the TOGA analyzer.
Stripper column oven
Sample IN 10 9 8 Vent A OUT 7 6 Carrier Gas 1 Carrier Gas 2 5 Carrier Gas Carrier Gas V1 4 3 PoraBOND Q CP7353 1 2 9 8 Vent B OUT 7 6 5 V2 4 3 10 1 2
Sample OUT
Molsieve 5A CP7543
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Conditions Stripper column oven settings Temp (C) Initial 90 120 Column oven settings Temp (C) Initial 25 30 150 25 2 20 20 Rate (C/min) Hold (min) 0.10 0.50 8.40 1.00 Total (min) 0.10 3.10 17.50 24.75 20 Rate (C/min) Hold (min) 9.00 9.00 Total (min) 9.00 19.50
Analysis Methodology Through the use of a syringe infusion pump, the oil sample is injected via two, ten port valves, each equipped with sample loops connected to stripper columns. Each stripper column extracts the dissolved gases contained in the oil and passes them to two separate channels for analysis. One channel is equipped with two CP-Molsieve 5 columns using argon as the carrier gas. The column is optimized to separate lighter gases such as hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen. The other channel is equipped with a CP-PoraBOND Q and a CP-PoraPLOT Q column and uses helium as the carrier gas. This channel is used to separate carbon gases including CO and CO2.
Carrier Gases: Helium, 35.5 psi; Argon, 10.4 psi Methanizer Oven: 400 C Detection: TCD, 120 C; FID, 200 C Options Varian Galaxie Data Handling and GC Control Software TOGA Calculation Software TOGA Syringe Pump Kit
O2 N2
From these measurements, lowest detection limits, commonly referred to as LDA, can be derived. In this case, the LDA from hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen are determined (Figure 2). These gures are compliant with the specications in the ASTM method.
A special catalytic bed (methanizer) is used in combination with the ame ionization detector (FID) so that the carbon gases are converted to hydrocarbons, which enables them to be detected at low ppm levels. The use of argon as one of the carrier gases ensures that the best detection levels for hydrogen are obtained while still providing more than adequate detection levels for both oxygen and nitrogen. Once the extraction of the oil has been completed, all remaining components (of non interest) are back ushed (the ow is reversed) and vented. The components of interest in
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the extracted gas are typically hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, methane, ethane, ethylene, acetylene, propane and propylene. Figures 5 and 6 show representative chromatograms from the two GC channels.
Analysis Results The peak areas obtained from the analysis are summarized in Table 1. Also shown are the corresponding concentrations, all of which are in the % range. The repeatabilities shown are well in line with those called for in the ASTM method. It is important to note that the component peak shapes are signicantly better when the gases are analyzed directly using GC than when the stripper method is used. This is due to the interaction of the dissolved gases with the stripper column and the length of time it takes for the gases to evaporate and move on to the analytic columns.
ASTM D 3612-02, Analysis of Gases Dissolved in Electrical Insulationg Oil by Gas Chromatography. Method B, Stripper Column Extraction, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA,
Figure 6. Oil sample, FID channel. Table 1. Repeatability values from the oil sample analysis. Repeatability Report TOGA Oil Analysis Serial Nr 101542 Area Report Run # 1 2 3 n Mean St. Dev. Re. St. Dev. (%)
These data represent typical results. For further information, contact your local Varian Sales Ofce. Varian, Inc. North America: 800.926.3000 925.939.2400 Europe: The Netherlands: Asia Pacic: Australia: 613.9560.7133 Latin America: Brazil: 55.11.3238.0400
Galaxie, CP-PoraPlot, CP-Molsieve, CP-PoraBOND, Varian and the Varian Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Varian, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries.
Varian, Inc. 2008