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Interactive Short Term Scheduler

Training Course

Datamine Training Manual

Datamine Software Limited 2 St Cuthbert Street, Wells Somerset, U IT!D "I #D$M %&' 2&W /ames ewland $0erations Manager Datamine Software Limited

Tel( )** +,*- .,-2-1a2( )** +,T*h-is.d,o3c2u-m3 entation is confidential and ma4 not be disclosed to third 0arties 3563*623+3 without the 0rior written 0ermission of Datamine Cor0orate Limited7

8 Datamine Cor0orate Limited

+ Introduction $b9ectives :rere;uisites &cron4ms and &bbreviations Using This Training Manual More information 2 Datamine<s Solution 1oot0rint !20loration and Mine Data Management #eological Inter0retation Mine Strateg4 Mine Design and Scheduling $0erational Mine :lan = :ro9ect and 1ile Management $b9ectives :rinci0les
The :ro9ect 1ile Single :recision and !2tended :recision :ro9ects Data $b9ects

* * * * * ' . . , , , , +3 +3

!2am0le !2am0le !2am0le !2am0le !2am0le +( 2( =( *( '( +( 2( =( *( Create a ew :ro9ect Saving a :ro9ect &dding 1iles to a :ro9ect >emoving and Deleting 1iles from a :ro9ect Co04ing and :asting a 1ile in the :ro9ect Create a ew :ro9ect &dd an e2isting Datamine file to the 0ro9ect >emoving a file from the 0ro9ect Save the 0ro9ect

+= +* +' +. +.

!2ercise !2ercise !2ercise !2ercise

+5 +5 ++-

Data Management $b9ectives :rinci0les

Data T40es Data Ca0ture !20orting Data !diting and ?iewing Data Tables

23 23 23
23 2+ 2' 2'

!2am0le !2am0le !2am0le !2am0le !2am0le !2am0le +( 2( =( *( '( .( Im0orting C&D Data >e@Im0orting 1iles :reviewing Im0orted 1iles !diting and ?iewing Data Tables Im0orting &SCII 1iles !20orting Data

2, 25 25 25 =3 ==

!2ercise +( Im0orting C&D Data !2ercise 2( !diting Data Tables !2ercise =( !20orting to C&D 1ormat

=' =. =.


Data 1ormatting $b9ectives :rinci0les

The ?isual Aierarch4 $b9ects $verla4s and Dis0la4 Tem0lates Legends

=, =, =,
=, =5 =5 =-


1ormat Dis0la4 Dialog


!2am0le !2am0le !2am0le !2am0le !2am0le !2am0le !2am0le !2am0le !2am0le +( 2( =( *( '( .( ,( 5( -( Creating a Legend of ?alue Intervals Creating a Legend B Uni;ue ?alues 1ormatting Strings B St4le, Color and S4mbols 1ormatting Drillholes B Labels 1ormatting Drillholes B Trace Color 1ormatting Drillholes B Downhole #ra0h Create a ew Tem0late !20orting and Im0orting a Tem0late !diting an !2isting Tem0late

*= *. *'2 '= '* ', '.3

!2ercise +( Create a Legend !2ercise 2( &00l4 the Legend to an $b9ect !2ercise =( Data Dis0la4 Tem0lates

.2 .2 .2

Data 1iltering $b9ectives :rinci0les

1iltering Data %uilding 1ilter !20ressions The :IC>!C :rocess

.= .= .=
.= .. .,

!2am0le !2am0le !2am0le !2am0le !2am0le +( 2( =( *( '( 1iltering a Single $b9ect in the Design Window >emoving 1ilters Using the Data $b9ect Manager to Isolate Strings 1iltering Multi0le $b9ects in the Design Window7 1iltering and Saving to a 1ile

..,2 ,= ,* ,.

!2ercise +( 1ilter !20ressions !2ercise 2( !2tract a Subset of Data

,5 ,5

Data ?iewing $b9ectives :rinci0les

?iewing Data $b9ects Design Window ?isualiCer Window ?> Window

,,,,53 5= 5*

!2am0le !2am0le !2am0le !2am0le !2am0le !2am0le !2am0le !2am0le !2am0le +( 2( =( *( '( .( ,( 5( -( +( 2( =( *( '( Loading Data into the Design Window Design Window Doom Commands Design Window :an Command >otating Data in the Design Window Setting and Toggling Cli00ing Limits in the Design Window Moving the ?iew0lane in the Design Window Setting &2is !2aggeration in the Design Window U0dating the ?isualiCer Window S4nchroniCing the ?isualiCer and Design ?iews7 Loading Data into the Design Window Changing the ?iew0lane Setting &2is !2aggeration U0dating the ?isualiCer Window S4nchroniCing the Design and ?isualiCer Windows

5' 5. 5, 5, 5, 55 5-3 -3

!2ercise !2ercise !2ercise !2ercise !2ercise

-2 -2 -= -= -*

Interactive Short Term Scheduler $b9ectives :rinci0les :rere;uisites for this Module Training Module Structure ISTS Data !2ercises
!2ercise +( Loading Training Data !2ercise 2( 1ormatting the Dis0la4 of the Model

-' -' -' -. -. -, --+33


!2ercise !2ercise !2ercise !2ercise !2ercise Defining Defining Defining Defining !2ercise !2ercise !2ercise !2ercise !2ercise !2ercise !2ercise !2ercise !2ercise !2ercise !2ercise !2ercise !2ercise !2ercise !2ercise !2ercise

=( 1ormatting the Dis0la4 of the Strings *( Selecting Data $b9ects for Scheduling '( Configuring 1ield Treatment Settings .( Configuring the Mine @ Calendars ,( Configuring the Mine B Destinations and StocE0iles the DUM: Destination the L!&CA:&D Destination the :lant Destination the StocE0ile Location 5( Configure !;ui0ment -( Configure Aaulage +3( Configure Aaulage >outes ++( Designing a Material Dum0 +2( Dum0 !valuation +=( Se;uencing the Dum0 Design +*( Setting u0 a #lobal Tonnage Target +'( Setting u0 De0endencies +.( Calculate >eserves +,( Scheduling Select %locEs +5( Undoing :revious Mining +-( &d9usting the Schedule 23( &utomatic Scheduling with FThe SolverG 2+( ChecEing 4our >esults 22( ?isualiCing 4our Schedule 2=( ?isualiCing 4our Schedule

+32 +3' +3' +3. +3++3 +++ +++ ++* ++' ++' ++5 +25 +=* +=5 +*2 +*= +*5 +'* +', +'+.3 +.. +.5 +,'

Self &ssessment 1orm Hto be com0leted *weeEs after trainingI +53 Training 1eedbacE 1orm +5+ &00endi2 +( Datamine 1ile Structure &00endi2 2( Studio 1ield ames ames +5= +5* +-* +-' +

&00endi2 =( Standard 1ield &00endi2 *( Color Codes

&00endi2 '( #rade !stimation B >eferences




Jour da4 to da4 activities are geared to ma2imiCing the resource and 0rofit of 4ou o0eration7 This training course has been designed with the s0ecific goal of teaching 4ou how Studio = can be used to assist 4ou in achieving these business ob9ectives7

It is not essential to have 0rior e20erience with Datamine software7 Aowever it is e20ected that 4ou are familiar with standard e20loration and6or mining 0ractices and have e20erience with com0uters under the WindowsK environment7 The training e2ercises can be com0leted using either 4our own data or a s0ecific set of data that is distributed with the software7

Acronyms and Abbreviations

The following table includes acron4ms and abbreviations used document7 in this

&bbreviation DTM ?> DSD C&D >L 7dm file

Descri0tion Digital Terrain Model ?irtual >ealit4 Data Source Drivers Com0uter &ided Drawing >educed Level & Datamine format file

Using This Training Manual

To maEe information as accessible and as eas4 to understand as 0ossible each module is divided into standard sections with each module com0rising the following( L L $b9ectives B This section states the ob9ectiveHsI and the tasEs re;uired to meet them7 :rinci0les B This section contains bacEground information and outlines the underl4ing 0rinci0les 0ertaining to the module7 This section contains a number of worEed e2am0les using the tutorial data set su00lied with the Studio = installation7 This section is where 4ou are asEed to 0erform a variet4 of tasEs de0ending on the module7 &ll the information 4ou need to com0lete the e2ercises can be found in the :rinci0les and !2am0les sections7

!2am0les B

!2ercises B


The following bo2es a00ear throughout the manual( L otes

otes 0rovide su00lementar4 information to the to0ic and give 4ou a broader understanding of the item being discussed7

Ti0s Ti0s are used to 0rovide hints and suggestions about how best to achieve an end result7 Ti0s will be used to 0rovide alternative methods, or shortcuts that ma4 be useful7


Warnings are used to highlight 0otentiall4 destructive actions and raise awareness of how not to use the a00lication7

More information
Studio = includes a wide range of online information available from the Ael0 menu7 1urther information on Datamine software and services can be obtained from the web site at www7datamine7co7uE7





S$LUTI$ 1$$T:>I

Datamine<s main area of e20ertise is the Mine :lanning C4cle and it has 0rovided industr4 recogniCed solutions in this area for man4 4ears7 Datamine resolves the Mine :lanning C4cle 0rocess into si2 sub@0rocesses as shown in the Solution 1oot0rint image below7 !ach of these sub@0rocesses is an im0ortant and discrete ste0 in the 0rocess of turning a mineral resource into an o0erating mine, as well as enabling o0erating mines to 0lan, e2ecute and reconcile on a da4@to@da4 basis7 Datamine has made a strategic commitment to 0rovide solutions for each sub@0rocess of the Mine :lanning C4cle with e;ual ca0abilit4 for clients in $0en :it, Underground and Industrial Minerals environments7 Datamine 0rovides self@contained solutions for each of the si2 sub@ 0rocesses of the Mine :lanning C4cle, and these can be de0lo4ed together as an integrated whole or individuall4 as 0art of a varied environment which includes solutions develo0ed b4 com0etitors or the client7 Datamine has a 0olic4 of ensuring its software is com0atible with that of its main com0etitors to 0rovide clients with ma2imum o0erational fle2ibilit47

Exploration and Mine

ata Management

This area of the foot0rint includes the #eological Data Management S4stem H#DMSI, which( L L Su00orts e20loration 0lanning with 2@ and =@D tools to 0lace strategic holes7 Su00orts remote handheld drill log data collection HDA LiteI as well as remote ma00ed geolog4 HMineMa00erI7

L !nforces com0liance with regulator4 and cor0orate resource measurement standards He7g7 /$>C, #UID! ,, S&M>!C and I *=@+3+I7

:rovides visualiCation of drillhole and sections for 0reliminar4 geological assessment7


:rovides sam0le management integrated to cor0orate lab s4stems through Lab Manager or a full Laborator4 Information Management S4stem HLIMSI7

!eological "nterpretation
This area of the foot0rint encom0asses Datamine<s >esource 6 >eserve Management Solution, which 0rovides( L The geologic tools to visualiCe, model, review, anal4Ce and mani0ulate all t40es of geological data to 0rovide the best 0ossible geological inter0retation7 &dvanced gra0hical and modeling facilities for FdeconstructingG com0le2 geological structures to 0ermit Eriging of the mineraliCation in the original 0h4sical form7 Conditional simulation facilitates mine 0lanning based on cor0orate risE strategies7

Mine #trategy
Datmine<s Mine Strateg4 area com0rises( L :? Scheduler for mid@ to long@term o0en 0it strategies from Lerchs@ #rossman ultimate 0it Hhighest cash flowI, to the $0timal !2traction Se;uence Hhighest :?I7 Logical worE@flow s4stem adds incremental constraints such as environmental, geotechnical, 0roduction ca0acit4, 0lant limits, stocE0iling, leaching, multi0le 0its, etc7 to 0rovide a 0ractical o0timiCed 0ush@bacE strateg4 and schedule7 &00lications for industrial minerals, such as >MS H>aw Materials SchedulerI which o0timiCes to ma2imiCe the life of the reserve and ;ualit4 of 0lant feed rather than the :? Hmeaningless for cement, for e2am0leI7 Underground resources such as M>$ HMineable >eserves $0timiCerI which locates and 0ositions sto0es within the ore bod4 based on 0ractical mining constraints such as minimum mining widths and geotechnical limitations7


esign and #cheduling

The Mine Design and Scheduling area includes( L L Mine2@*D, a uni;ue s4stem for combining mine design and scheduling in one ste07 umerous tools for automatic la4out of mine designs based on strateg4 s4stem out0ut as well as geolog4 and engineering 0arameters to 0roduce 0h4sical designs and 0roduction schedules simultaneousl47 Tools to change the geolog4, strateg4 or engineering designs and schedules immediatel47 0arameters to change

!2cellent visualiCation tools and animation ca0abilities to resolve design issues7

Operational Mine Plan

Datamine<s mine 0roduction solution 0rovides(

In@0it s4stems which translate mine design into instructions, including blast hole design s4stems underground mining H>ing DesignI7

0ractical o0erational for o0en 0it and

The multi@disci0line $reController s4stem which integrates bench sam0ling, laborator4 assa4, geological modeling and blast design to give 0roduction su0ervisors fast and accurate dig lines

The fourth generation of our flagshi0 0roduct, Studio = has all the traditional 0ower and functionalit4 of its 0redecessors for geological, o0en 0it, underground and ;uarr4ing a00lications7 %ut there is much more to Studio = than this7 It has been re@ designed to allow intimate connection with e2ternal data sources and other mining a00lications7 Studio = s4stems are built from a set of standard com0onents which can be configured to 0roduce com0rehensive solutions for an4 e20loration or mining activit47 1or further information www7datamine7co7uE7 visit the web site at




& D

1IL! M&

&#!M! T

The ob9ective of this module is to ma2imiCe 0rofits b4( +7 $rganiCing data files in a logical manner so information can be accessed ;uicEl4 and easil4 thus im0roving efficienc47 The tasEs involved with managing data within Studio = are( L :ro9ect management o o o L Creating 0ro9ects Saving 0ro9ects $0ening and closing 0ro9ects

Data management o o &dding and removing files from a 0ro9ect Saving and deleting files from a 0ro9ect

This module will outline the 0rocesses b4 which the tasEs can be com0leted as well as the underl4ing 0rinci0les allowing 4ou to achieve the ob9ectives7

The :ro9ect 1ile When 4ou first start Studio = a 0ro9ect file is created which stores all the settings that define and control the access, a00earance, views and data relevant to 4our 0ro9ect7 The file is created in the 0ro9ect folder when 4ou start a new 0ro9ect, and has the e2tension 7dm0ro97 The 0ro9ect file has the abilit4 to linE a range of different data categories He7g7 Te2t, C&D, databases, other mining and e20loration a00licationsI as well as linE in data from various locations H0ro9ect folder or data e2ternal to the 0ro9ect folderI7 The :ro9ect 1ile inde2es all Datamine binar4 format files and details for im0orted files7 The :ro9ect 1ile controls how and when data is refreshed from their data source as well as retaining all the information necessar4 to load and dis0la4 data as it was when the 0ro9ect was last saved7 The 0ro9ect file embodies the idea that Studio = can be used to 0erform different t40es of worE, and that different user@grou0s will re;uire access to different data to 0erform different tasEs7 De0ending on the circumstances of the im0lementation, s0ecific users will have control over more or fewer as0ects of the Datamine 0ro9ect7 & consultant doing a feasibilit4 stud4, for instance, will 0robabl4 wish to worE in a data environment that gives greater control and fle2ibilit4 than a technician 0roducing weeEl4 0lans and sections for an o0eration7 &ll the settings that define and control the access, a00earance and views of data relevant to an4 Studio 0ro9ect are stored in a Studio :ro9ect file7 Studio = 0ro9ect files have a 7dm0ro9 e2tension7 + &00endi2

Studio = enables access to data from a wide variet4 of sources according to the tasE in hand and the e2tent to which the data need to be mani0ulated7 The 0ro9ect information( L L L L L file ma4 contain the following main categories of

LinEs to data sources He2ternal dataI LinEs to 0h4sical 7dm files Hinternal dataI &rchived data for records and auditing Settings for the various a00lication views Legends s0ecific to the 0ro9ect

The 0ro9ect file also maintains the conce0t of a current worEing folder, or 0ro9ect folder7 This is used for the batch 0rocesses which re;uire file storage and it also defines the default location for the creation of new file based data7 Single :recision and !2tended :recision :ro9ects Studio = su00orts the use of both single and e2tended Hsometimes referred to as MdoubleM 0recisionMI data sets7 In a single 0recision file, numeric data is stored as real numbers to a 0recision of , significant figures whereas in an e2tended 0recision file it is +. significant figures7 This differentiation is also 0resent when dealing with Studio = :ro9ect filesN both single and e2tended 0recision 0ro9ect files can be created7 The choice of which t40e of file 4ou wish to su00ort within 4our own 0ro9ects is u0 to 4ou, but 4ou should be aware of the following guidelines and limitations( L Default setting( the default setting for all Studio = 0ro9ects is to create single 0recision files7 Jou can elect to create an e2tended 0recision 0ro9ect during the first stage of the :ro9ect WiCard7 Single :recision Limitations( if 4ou create a single 0recision 0ro9ect, 4ou will not be able to add Hor im0ort and createI e2tended 0recision files to it during the current session7 &ll files that need to be im0orted, or loaded into a single 0recision 0ro9ect must either be, or be converted to, single 0recision files before an4 attem0t is made to add them to a single 0recision 0ro9ect7 &n4 attem0t to load an e2tended 0recision file into a single 0recision 0ro9ect will result in a warning informing 4ou that the 0rogram is not able to add the e2tended 0recision file to the 0ro9ect7

Data $b9ects Studio = has the ver4 0owerful ca0acit4 to create and modif4 s0ecific items7 &ll data loaded into Studio = is regarded as ob9ects whether it re0resents tables, 0oints, wireframes or an4thing else7 umerous e2am0les of a single data ob9ect t40e can be loaded at an4 time and an4 one of them can be added to or edited7 Data ob9ects can be
merged and s0lit on attribute fields or b4 using a filter e20ression to either combine or create new ob9ects7

Studio = has the conce0t of a Ocurrent ob9ectO and it is the current ob9ect that will be modified when a save command is e2ecuted7 There will be a current ob9ect for each

+3 +3



++ ++

t40e that has been loaded or created as a new ob9ect7 There are two wa4s in which the current ob9ect for an4 data t40e can be identified( L L The Loaded Data control bar, where a current ob9ect is dis0la4ed in bold te2t7 The Current $b9ect toolbar, where the current ob9ect of each t40e is named7 using either the Current $b9ect toolbar or the

The current ob9ect can be changed Loaded Data control bar7

The Current $b9ect toolbar has two dro0@down lists7 The first allows 4ou to select the ob9ect t40e( 0oints, string, wireframe etc7 whilst the second lets 4ou choose which of the ob9ects of the selected t40e 4ou wish to modif47

In addition to these bo2es there are buttons for creating a new ob9ect H the current ob9ect H I and deleting the current ob9ect H I7

I, saving to

To change the current ob9ect using the Loaded Data control bar double clicE on the ob9ect name to change its status to Ocurrent ob9ectO7 The Data $b9ect Manager utilit4 is accessed either b4 right clicEing on an ob9ect in the Loaded Data control bar and selecting Data $b9ect Manager from the dro0 down list or alternativel4 running the command Data P Data $b9ect Manager7 The utilit4 contains a host of functions that relate to the control and anal4sis of loaded ob9ect data7 The screen is divided into = main areas7

+7 Command buttons(

+2 +2

a7 Im0ort Data H Driver7 b7 >efresh Data H ob9ect7 c7

I( brings data into Studio =, using the selected Data Source

I( refreshes HredrawsI the currentl4 selected I( refreshes all currentl4 listed ob9ects7

>efresh &ll Data H

d7 >eload Data H e7

I( reloads the selected ob9ect7 ote that

Unload Data H I( remove the selected ob9ect from memor47 this does not remove the file from the 0ro9ect7


!20ort Data H I( allows 4ou to e20ort the selected file to a variet4 of different formats7

g7 Combine $b9ects H I( dis0la4s the Combine Data $b9ects dialog7 This dialog is used to 9oin two or more loaded ob9ects together7 h7 !2tract 1rom $b9ect H to e2tract7 27 I( select a 0ro0ert4 or 0ro0erties of an ob9ect

Loaded Data $b9ects list( dis0la4s all currentl4 loaded ob9ects, and is used to add a data column to the selected ob9ect7 $b9ect Details 0anes( two tabs e2ist( Data $b9ect @ shows a summar4 of the currentl4 selected ob9ectMs statistics and functions relating to ob9ect filtering, and Data Table @ which shows a view of the contents of the selected ob9ectMs database table7


In summar4( L & file is a term used to refer to data that is associated with a 0ro9ect file, and is listed in the :ro9ect 1iles control bar7 &n ob9ect is a term a00lied to a file when it is loaded into memor4 using one of the various data loading methods7 $b9ects in memor4 can be edited and mani0ulated7 The current ob9ect is the loaded data that is active, and currentl4 being edited or created7


+= +=

Examples Example $% &reate a 'e( Project

This e2am0le illustrates the ste0s re;uired to create a new Studio = 0ro9ect which will be called Training7 +7 Studio = can be started using the Windows desEto0 shortcut or Start P &ll :rograms P Datamine P Studio =7 27 & new 0ro9ect is created b4( L L L Selecting the Create :ro9ect o0tion in the >ecent :ro9ects window Hu00er leftI ClicEing on the Selecting 1ile P ew 1ile toolbar button ew from the menu7

=7 In the Studio :ro9ect WiCard H:ro9ect :ro0ertiesI dialog, define the settings as re;uired, for e2am0le(


To configure general s4stem@wide 0ro0erties for Studio = select the :ro9ect Settings777 button7 The general settings are used to manage 0ro9ect u0dates and scri0ting files7 The o0tions are( L Detect new files in the 0ro9ect folder when the 0ro9ect is o0ened7 !nsures that an4 files added to the 0ro9ect director4 outside of Studio = Hfor e2am0le, using WindowsI, since the 0ro9ect was last run, are added to the 0ro9ect7 Detect new files added to or removed from the 0ro9ect folder while the 0ro9ect is o0en7 !nsures that all files located in the 0ro9ect folder are automaticall4 added to the 0ro9ect file7


&utomaticall4 u0date 0ro9ect Hno 0rom0tsI7

+* +*

The 0ro9ect file will be u0dated according to the settings above without user


+' +'

0rom0ts7 L Su00ort Datamine e2tended 0recision files7 This o0tion allows 4ou define whether the 0ro9ect file su00orts single or e2tended 0recision files7 &utomaticall4 Com0ress7 This o0tion allows 4ou to com0ress tables when saving to conserve disE s0ace7 1ile !2clusions7 &llows 4ou to e2clude certain files from triggering the 0ro9ect u0date 0rocess7 The list shows all currentl4 e2cluded file t40es7 Scri0ting Ho0tionalI7 &llows 4ou to dis0la4 a scri0t file each time a 0ro9ect is o0ened7

1or more information on an4 of these o0tions refer to the online hel07 '7 Jou are given the o0tion to add an4 e2isting files to the 0ro9ect7 Jou can do this b4 clicEing on the &dd 1ileHsI777 button in the :ro9ect 1iles dialog7 %rowse to the re;uired folder and select all the files 4ou wish to add7 1or e2am0le browse to the folder C(QDatabaseQDMTutorialsQDataQ?%$:QDatamine, select all Datamine files and then clicE $0en7 .7 Jou can review the list of added files and remove an4 that are not re;uired before 0roceeding to the ne2t dialog7

,7 The final dialog allows 4ou to review the :ro9ect Summar4 details7

Example )% #aving a Project


+. +.

The active 0ro9ect can be saved at an4 stage7 The 0rocess of saving stores numerous 0ro9ect settings including im0orted data, loaded data, window a00earance, data views and dialog settings within the 0ro9ect file7 It is considered good 0ractice to save 4our 0ro9ect regularl4 or after adding files to the 0ro9ect, im0orting or loading e2ternal data7 The 0ro9ect file is saved using one of the following methods( L L >un the command 1ile P Save or ClicE Save on the Standard toolbar7

Jou will also be 0rom0ted to save the 0ro9ect on e2iting Studio =7

Example *% Adding +iles to a Project

The following e2am0les show the 0rocedure for adding Te2t, C&D and Datamine format files to an e2isting 0ro9ect7 $nce a file has been added to the 0ro9ect, it is 0ossible to list it from within the :ro9ect 1iles control bar7 Adding a text file% +7 >un the command 1ile P &dd to :ro9ect P !2isting 1iles or clicE on the &dd !2isting 1iles to :ro9ect button which is located along the to0 of the :ro9ect 1iles control bar7

27 #o to the relevant folder and select the files 4ou want to add7 1or e2am0le, browse to C(QDatabaseQDMTutorialsQDataQ?%$:QTe2t, set the 1iles of T40e dro0down o0tion to O&ll 1iles HR7RIO, select all of the listed files and then clicE $0en7 =7 The files can be viewed in the :ro9ect 1iles control bar under the &ll 1iles folder7 Adding a &A file%

+7 >un the command 1ile P &dd to :ro9ect P !2isting 1iles or clicE on the &dd !2isting 1iles to :ro9ect button7 27 #o to the relevant folder and select the files 4ou want to add7 1or e2am0le, browse to C(QDatabaseQDMTutorialsQDataQ?%$:QC&D, set the 1iles of T40e dro0down o0tion to O&ll 1iles HR7RIO, select all of the listed files and then clicE $0en7 Adding existing atamine files%

+7 Select the relevant data table t40e under the sub@menu Data P Load P !2ternal Datamine 1iles7 The 0rom0ts are ver4 similar for each data t40e7 27 &s an e2am0le run the command Data P Load P !2ternal Datamine 1ile P Wireframes and browse to the folder C(QDatabaseQDMTutorialsQDataQ ?%$:QDMDist, select the file SvbSfaulttr7dm and clicE $0en7 Jou will then be asEed to identif4 the wireframe 0oints file7 e2am0le select the SvbSfault0t7dm and clicE $0en7 In the case of this


+, +,

*7 Jou can then select which data fields to load and define the coordinate fields7 1or the


+5 +5

0ur0oses of this e2am0le all fields are selected as are the default Coordinate fields7

Example ,% -emoving and

eleting +iles from a Project

The following 0rocedure allows 4ou to remove or delete files from a :ro9ect7 ote that removing files from a 0ro9ect does not delete the file7 It still e2ists and can be added to another 0ro9ect if necessar47 The delete 0rocess on the other hand deletes the file from both the 0ro9ect and the 0ro9ect folder7 To remove a file% +7 In the :ro9ect 1iles control bar, select the file 4ou wish to remove7 27 >ight@clicE and select >emove from :ro9ect7

To delete a file% +7 In the :ro9ect 1iles control bar, select the file 4ou wish to delete7 27 >ight@clicE and select Delete7

Example .% &opying and Pasting a +ile in the Project



It is 0ossible to cut, co04, 0aste and rename files within the :ro9ect 1iles control bar7 Sim0l4 right@clicE on the relevant file and select the re;uired o0tion from the dro0 down menu7 To 0aste right@clicE on the folder where 4ou want the file located and select :aste7


23 23

In the following e2ercises 4ou will create a new 0ro9ect and im0ort some data files7 Jou can use either 4our own data or the data 0rovided as 0art of the online tutorial database7

Exercise $% &reate a 'e( Project

Create a 0ro9ect using the following settings and maEe note of the name and folder7 ame and Location :ro9ect ame He7g7 TrainingI

:ro9ect 1older He7g7 c(QdatabaseQtrainingI Settings &utomaticall4 add new files to the 0ro9ect whilst the 0ro9ect is o0en Do not 0rom0t to confirm when automaticall4 adding to or removing files from the 0ro9ect Su00ort e2tended 0recision files Location of files to add to the 0ro9ect
He7g7 c(QdatabaseQDMTutorialsQdataQ?%$:QdatamineI

Exercise )% Add an existing

atamine file to the project

Com0lete the following flowchart to add an e2isting Datamine file to the 0ro9ect7 If 4ou are using the e2am0le data set 4ou will find the files located in c(QdatabaseQDMTutorialsQdataQ?%$:QDMdist7


Data P Load P !2ternal Datamine 1ile



2+ 2+

Exercise *% -emoving a file from the project

#o to the :ro9ect 1iles control bar and locate the file 4ou wish to remove from the 0ro9ect7 >emove it using the command in the right@clicE conte2t menu7 1ile to remove He7g7 SvbSsto0oI Does the file e2ist in the 0ro9ect HJ6 IT Does the file e2ist in the 0ro9ect folder HJ6 IT

Exercise ,% #ave the project

Save the 0ro9ect7


22 22


D&T& M&

&#!M! T

The ob9ective of this module is to im0ort data from or e20ort data to different formats so it can be used for further 0rocessing7 The tasEs involved with managing data within Studio = are( L Data ca0ture o o o L L L Im0orting data using the Data Source Drivers Im0orting data using Datamine batch commands DigitiCing from hardco04 0lots, 0lans or sections

!20orting data >eloading6refreshing data from e2ternal sources !diting and viewing data tables

This module will outline the 0rocesses b4 which the tasEs can be com0leted as well as the underl4ing 0rinci0les allowing 4ou to achieve the ob9ective7

Data T40es Studio = uses several t40es of data and it is im0ortant to understand the nature of each and how it is accessed( Data T40e Datamine 1ile H7dmI Descri0tion These are worEing files such as strings and wireframes which are stored as Datamine %inar4 format files7 The4 e2ist in the default 0ro9ect folder7 Datamine files which e2ist in windows folders other than the default 0ro9ect folder7 These cached files are used to access data from a third 0art4 source and store it in the 0ro9ect folder, as a Datamine file for further 0rocessing7 The Ee4 characteristic of this data t40e is that a linE is maintained to the e2ternal source so that the Datamine file can be refreshed easil4 whenever a latest version of the source data is re;uired7

Distributed Datamine 1ile H7dmI Im0orted DSD cached as Datamine files H7dmI


23 23

!2ternal Data, automaticall4 im0orted

Data from an e2ternal data source which is alwa4s loaded into memor4 when the 0ro9ect is o0ened7 This data is not stored as a Datamine file which means that whilst 4ou can view it in =D and access it from scri0ts 4ou cannot use it for batch 0rocessing or macros7 Data which is stored within the :ro9ect file7 This data is loaded into memor4 when the document is o0ened7 This data is not stored as a Datamine file which means that whilst 4ou can view it in =D and access it from scri0ts 4ou cannot use it for batch 0rocessing or macros7 &ll other file based data which is relevant to the 0ro9ect such as 7htm, 7mac, office documents, 7bm0 etc7 Data created in memor4 that has not 4et been saved either within the 0ro9ect or to a file7

&rchived Data

$ther 1iles

In memor4 data

Within Studio = there are a number of standard file t40es, a full list and detailed descri0tion of these files can be found on the online hel07 The most common t40es that are used in this training course are( L L L L L Strings :oint Data Desurve4ed Drillholes %locE Model Wireframe Triangle and :oint Data can be found in

& full descri0tion of the standard fields for each of these file t40es &00endi2 &7 Data Ca0ture

Data available for in0ut into Studio = are usuall4 available in a number of forms7 These include( L L L L L Data tables stored in databasesN $ut0ut from C&D software or other gra0hics 0acEagesN &SCII format files from various 0acEagesN Aardco04 0lots, 0lans or sections i7e7 0a0er based informationN &n4 combination of the above7

Im0orting of files into Studio = can either be done via the Data Source Drivers which allows connectivit4 between the Datamine 0roduct range and other software a00lications or b4 using batch 0rocesses7


2+ 2+

Importing Files using Data Source Drivers When files are im0orted using the Data Source Drivers, the 0ath, field ma00ing and other information of how the files were im0orted is stored in the :ro9ect 1ile7 This allows the im0orted data to be re@im0orted when re;uired, from within the :ro9ect 1iles control bar7 The data im0ort 0rocess generates a new Datamine format file from the e2ternal data source7 This new Datamine file is automaticall4 added to the 0ro9ect7 The Data Source Categories( Driver C&D #eneric Data Tables !20loration U Mining Software #IS Te2t Drivers include the following Driver

1ile T40es R7dwg, R7dgn, R7d2f Data :rovider, Datashed, $D%C Hdatabases, s0readsheetsI !arthworEs, #DM, Meds4stem, Micromine, Sur0ac, ?ulcan, Wavefront, Wescom !S>I &SCII H comma, tab and other delimited formatsI

These driver categories allow the im0ort and e20ort of the following im0ort data t40es( L L L L L L #eneral Data Tables Drillholes :oints %locE Models Strings Wireframe volumes and surfaces The 0ro9ect file can be set to be automaticall4 u0dated after 0ro9ect changes have been made e7g7 im0orting data7 This is set in the $0tions dialog accessed using Tools P $0tions P :ro9ect P&utomatic U0dating, ticE the O&utomaticall4 u0date 0ro9ectO o0tion7

The commands relating to im0ort6e20ort of data are as follows( Command Descri0tion Im0ort data to, or e20ort from, a 0rogram7 The drivers su00ort a variet4 of data t40es including C&D files, >D%MS tables, s0readsheets and a selection of third 0art4 data formats7 Im0orts Centur4, &c;uire or !arthworEs $D%C Im0orts Centur4 database

Data P Load PData Source Driver

Data P Load PDatabase Data P Load PCentur4 Database


22 22

Data P Load PWiCard

>uns generic wiCard

$nce a data file from another source has been im0orted into the current 0ro9ect, the following commands can reload, unload, refresh and e20ort the data( Command Data P >eload Data P Unload Data P >efresh Data P >efresh &ll Data P !20ort Descri0tion >efresh a selected ob9ect from the data source using different im0ort o0tions >emove one or more selected ob9ects from memor4 >efresh a selected ob9ect from the data source >efresh selected ob9ects from the data source !20ort an ob9ect to a different data format

Importing Files using Batch Commands &s an alternative to im0orting data via the Data Source Drivers, Studio = offers a number of batch 0rocesses for im0orting data in fi2ed or comma delimited format7 These commands can be found under the Menu &00lications P 1ile Transfer :rocesses7 The two most commonl4 used commands are( L Im0ort DD and CS? Data HI :1ILI( creates an em0t4 file HData Definition with no recordsI and loads data into this em0t4 file, from a comma delimited te2t file7 Im0ort DD and 1i2ed 1ormat Data HI :1MLI( Creates an em0t4 file and loads data into it from a fi2ed format te2t file7

1or more information on these batch commands refer to the Studio = online hel07 Digitizing DigitiCing allows for the ca0ture of vector information contained on 0a0er, along with associated attribute information7 It is generall4 necessar4 to add one or more fields to record information about data being generated7 These additional fields Hcalled attribute fieldsI allow 4ou to filter 4our data when re;uired7 The names 4ou choose to give these FUser DefinedG or F&ttributeG fields are entirel4 u0 to 4ou the onl4 re;uirement being that the4 must not clash with an4 of the standard Datamine 1ield names Hsee &00endi2 =I7

T40icall4 the t40e of information ca0tured for o0en 0it o0erations is surface to0ogra0h4, 0it 0ositions and stocE0ile outlines7

2= 2=

The standard digitiCing 0rocess within Studio = is as follows( L L L Set u0 digitiCer and 0ut the 0lan6section on the digitiCer7 Identif4 = or * suitable reference 0oints, and ascertain their co@ordinates7 Select Tools P Setu0 DigitiCer from the Studio = menu bar7 If this is the first time 4ou have set u0 4our digitiCer for the current session Hending a session will lose all reference 0oint data 0reviousl4 enteredI, 4ou will see the following dialog(


Select $"7 The DigitiCer Coordinates dialog will o0en7 This is used for entering the coordinates of the selected reference 0oints in the Design window7 $nce 4ou have entered the V, J and D coordinates of the first reference 0oint clicE $"7 The DigitiCer Coordinates dialog is shown again, but this time for the second reference 0oint7 $nce 4ou have entered the V, J and D coordinates of the first reference 0oint clicE $"7 >e0eat this 0rocedure for the third reference 0oint7 In the final dialog, leave the default values for all fields7 This dialog would be used if 4ou wish to s0ecif4 a fourth reference 0oint in the case of com0le2 media sha0es7 The M@M values denote that a reference 0oint is not re;uired7 The following 0rom0t will a00ear on closing the last dialog(


ow digitiCe Hon 4our in0ut deviceI the reference 0oints in the same order as originall4 s0ecified7 It is im0ortant that the same order is followed or data in0ut will be incorrect7 1inall4, 4ou will be asEed to digitiCe a single checE 0oint on the ob9ect to be digitiCed7 This should be a 0oint of a Enown location, and this value should be com0ared with the value re0orted b4 the Design window on digitiCing the 0oint7 If the value matches what is e20ected, $" to continue digitiCing7 $therwise, 4ou can elect to


2* 2*

re0eat the setu0 0rocess7


2' 2'

ow that 4ou have configured 4our a00lication and device for digitiCing, 4ou can use 4our in0ut device to enter data7 The 0osition of the resulting 0oints in the Design window will be dictated b4 the 0osition of the reference 0oints within the a00lication and e2ternall47 Jou can digitiCe with the mouse, or the digitiCer, or both7 new string and choose its color, s4mbol and linest4le7 Use the mouse to start a

The result of the out0ut from this 0rocess is a string file for each grou0 of infrastructure or element grou0ing contained on the 0lans or sections7 U0on com0letion of the digitiCing 0rocess the data will have to be edited to obtain a full = dimensional set of data7

The digitiCing mani0ulation follows(


is as


Delete the D: field in the string file7 !dit the string file and change the !L!? field name to D:7 $0en the file in the design window and use the data as re;uired to 0roduce additional information7

During the digitiCing 0rocess a number of 0oints should be Ee0t in mind7 These are( L &ttributes defined for the data should be color, elevation and an identifier7 $ther user defined attributes can be included as re;uired7 The data on the 0lans and sections should be sub divided into functional grou0s as a00ro0riate and 0referabl4 digitiCed se0aratel47 Colors and attribute identifiers should be assigned to the data elements in a logical fashion7 Convert an4 coordinate s4stem into a Cartesian format before 0erforming the digitiCing 0rocess, or digitiCe in the coordinate s4stem and translate within Studio =7

Choose a00ro0riate ma2imum and minimum coordinates so that all data to be digitiCed fits within these limits7 !20orting Data !20orting data is effectivel4 the reverse of im0orting7 It reads a Datamine format file, and using the a00ro0riate Data Source Driver, it creates and saves a foreign format file7 Jou can e20ort data in a variet4 of formats, and as with the Im0ort facilit4 4ou can access the !20ort function using one of several methods, including( L L Select Data P !20ort and choose an ob9ect from the dialog7 >ight@clicE a file in the :ro9ect 1iles control bar and select !20ort from the dro0 down menu7 Select Data P $b9ect Manager and select an ob9ect to e20ort from the list7


2. 2.

!diting and ?iewing Data Tables


2, 2,

The Studio = Table !ditor is a 0owerful, intuitive tool for viewing, creating and editing Datamine tables7 The Table !ditor contains tem0lates which define the data and set default values for all the main Datamine table t40es including( L L L L :oints Strings Wireframe 0oints and triangles %locE models

The Table !ditor is ver4 similar in a00earance to a s0readsheet and allows 4ou to 0erform all the standard o0erations available within s0readsheets including( L L L L Creating new data tables &dding data columns and 6or records Using formulae to 0o0ulate fields !diting data


25 25


Example $% "mporting &A


This e2am0le outlines the 0rocess of im0orting 7dwg C&D format data7 +7 >un the command 1ile P &dd to :ro9ect P Im0orted from Data Source alternativel4 clicE on the Im0ort !2ternal Data button located in the toolbar along the to0 of the :ro9ect 1iles control bar7

27 In the Data Im0ort dialog, select the C&D Driver Categor4 and &dvanced DV16DW# Data T40e and clicE $"7 =7 Use the browser to locate the C&D file SvbSsto0o7dwg and clicE on the $0en button7 *7 TicE the Load &ll La4ers bo2 and then clicE $"7 '7 It is 0ossible to define the base file name, file t40e and location and which fields to im0ort in the Im0ort 1iles dialog7 The following table is an e2am0le of how the Im0ort 1iles dialog could be com0leted for to0ogra0h4 contours( Im0ort 1iles dialog 1iles tab %ase 1ile :oints 1ile Strings 1ile Table 1ile #enerate !2tended 0recision files Location Im0ort 1ields tab C$L$> TAIC" !SS & #L! L&J!>S LTJ:! Datamine C$L$> field Use Legends to resolve Datamine color values >ename 1ields tab use default values .7 The newl4 im0orted file can be viewed in the :ro9ect 1iles control bar7 C$L$> C(QDatabaseQDMTutorialsQDataQ?%$:QC&D sto0o ame sto0o Save 1ile T40es



Example )% -e/"mporting +iles

It is 0ossible to ;uicEl4 and sim0l4 re@im0ort a data file that has been u0dated with new information7 1or e2am0le re@im0orting a C&D to0ogra0h4 drawing which has been u0dated with the latest surve4 measurements7 In the :ro9ect 1iles control bar, right@clicE on the file that is to be u0dated and select >e@ Im0ort7 The file is re@im0orted using the im0ort 0arameters that are stored in the 0ro9ect file7

Example *% Previe(ing "mported +iles

In Studio = it is 0ossible to 0review =D ob9ects without loading them into the Design Window7 This facilit4 can be used to assist 4ou in finding the re;uired file from the list in the :ro9ect 1iles control bar7 In the :ro9ect 1iles control bar, locate and right@clicE on the re;uired file7 Select :review from the dro0 down menu7 The following images shows to0ogra0h4 contours7

The image can be rotated using b4 holding down the left hand mouse button and moving the mouse7 Sim0l4 clicE on the cross in the u00er right hand corner of the window to close it7

Example ,% Editing and 0ie(ing

ata Tables


=3 =3

To view and6or edit an4 data table in the Datamine Table !ditor right@clicE on the file in the :ro9ect 1iles control bar and select $0en from the dro0 down menu7 The following image shows an e2am0le of a string file which has been digitiCed off 0lan using the method described in the 0revious section7

ote that the D value HD:I is set to 3 and the D coordinates are stored in a field called !L!?7 In order to load the file into the Design window for viewing it is necessar4 to delete the field D: and then rename !L!? to D:7 The 0rocedure for this o0eration is as follows( +7 ClicE on one of the records under the column D:H I7 >ight clicE and select Delete column D: from the menu7

27 To rename the field !L!? run the command Tools P Definition !ditor7 =7 Select the field !L!? from the columns list and in the Column Information section t40e D: ne2t to ame7


=+ =+

*7 ClicE on &00l47 Then Close7 '7 To save the file run the command 1ile P Save &s and enter a filename when 0rom0ted, then clicE Save7 .7 Close the table editor using 1ile P !2it7

Example .% "mporting A#&"" +iles

The general 0rocedure for im0orting &SCII files using the Data Source Drivers is as follows( +7 >un the command 1ile P &dd to :ro9ect P Im0orted from Data Source7 $r clicE on the Im0ort !2ternal Data button located in the toolbar along the to0 of the :ro9ect 1iles control bar7

27 In the Data Im0ort dialog, select the OTe2tO Driver Categor4 and OTablesO Data T40e7 =7 Locate the re;uired file He7g7 SvbS0itsrvStab7t2tI and clicE on the $0en button7 *7 In the first dialog 4ou define the data t40e and header rows7 The following image is an e2am0le of the settings for a fi2ed format file with no header7


=3 =3


If 4ou are im0orting a delimited file 4ou will then be asEed to define the delimiter Hi7e7 comma, tab etcI7 If 4ou are im0orting a fi2ed format file 4ou will be asEed to define the column breaEs b4 clicEing to the right of each column as shown below7


=+ =+


e2t define the field name and t40e7 data column7

To move between columns clicE on the

,7 Lastl4 define the base name and im0ort fields, for e2am0le( Im0ort 1iles Dialog 1iles Tab %ase 1ile Table 1ile Location Im0ort 1ields Tab V: J: D: D!SC Datamine C$L$> field leave blanE Use Legends to resolve Datamine color values >ename 1ields Tab use default values ame 0itsrv 0itsrv C(QdatabaseQTraining Save 1ile T40es


=2 =2

Example 1% Exporting


To e20ort a data table right@clicE on the file in the :ro9ect 1iles control bar and select !20ort from the dro0 down menu7 In the Data !20ort dialog select the re;uired driver and clicE $"7 Jou will then be 0rom0ted for a filename7 The resulting dialogs are de0endent on which driver categor4 4ou have selected7 1or e2am0le if 4ou wished to e20ort some 0it contour data to a 7d2f file then 4ou would use the following 0rocedure( +7 In the :ro9ect 1iles control bar right@clicE on the re;uired file He7g7 0itstgI and select !20ort from the dro0 down menu7 27 In the Data !20ort dialog, select the C&D Driver Categor4 and &dvanced DV16DW# Data T40e and clicE $"7 =7 %rowse to the re;uired folder and enter a filename before clicEing on Save7

*7 Jou are then re;uired to define various fields and the file format then clicE $"7 1or e2am0le(


== ==



In the following e2ercises 4ou will create a new 0ro9ect and im0ort some data files7 Jou can use either 4our own data or the data 0rovided as 0art of the online tutorial database7

Exercise $% "mporting &A


In this e2ercise 4ou will im0ort and view a C&D format file containing to0ogra0h4 contour data7 !nter details of the file in the following table7 1ile
e7g7 SvbSsto0o7dwg

e7g7 C(QDatabaseQDMTutorialsQDataQ?%$:QC&D

e7g7 to0ogra0h4 contours and a bounding 0erimeter

Contour interval
e7g7 +3m

!levation range
e7g7 .3 B 2'3m

V@coordinate range
e7g7 ',.+3 @ .,,53m

J@coordinate range
e7g7 *,.33 @ ',,,-m

Im0ort the C&D file, com0leting the flowchart as 4ou go7

1ile( e7g7 SvbSsto0o7dwg

1ile P &dd to :ro9ect P Im0orted from Data Source H I

1ile( e7g7 sto0o

LooE at the file in Studio = and com0lete the following table(


=' ='



1older Location 1ield ames

:review the file to maEe sure the file has been im0orted 0ro0erl47

Exercise )% Editing

ata Tables

In this e2ercise 4ou will use the Datamine Table !ditor to edit a string file which has been digitiCed off 0lan7 Locate the re;uired file He7g7 SvbS0itdigI and o0en it in using the Datamine Table !ditor7 :erform the following tasEs( +7 Delete the field D: 27 Use the Definition !ditor dialog to rename the field !L!? to D:7 =7 Save the file to a new file name(

Exercise *% Exporting to &A


!20ort to0ogra0h4 contours to a C&D format file7 Datamine file name(

e7g7 sto0o

C&D file name


=. =.


D&T& 1$>M&TTI

The ob9ective of this module is to ma2imiCe worEflow efficienc4 b4( +7 1ormatting the dis0la4 of data using Studio =<s Legends facilities7 27 1ormatting drillhole data using various tools, and understanding how these tools are used6re0resented in each of the available viewing windows7 The tasEs involved with formatting data within Studio = are( L Legends and $verla4s o L Creating and a00l4ing legends to loaded ob9ect overla4s7

1ormatting Drillhole Data o 1ormatting Drillhole Data using o0tions s0ecific to this data t40e7

This module will outline the 0rocesses b4 which the tasEs can be com0leted as well as the underl4ing 0rinci0les allowing 4ou to achieve the ob9ectives7

The ?isual Aierarch4 Studio = data windows HDesign, :lots, >e0orts, Tables etc7I re0resent data ob9ects in memor4 according to both the structure and content of the underl4ing data in con9unction with s0ecific views of this data HEnown as Woverla4s<I7 This module deals with the 0resentation of the ob9ects across the various windows7 Loaded data can be formatted so as to facilitate or enhance worEing with data in the viewing, inter0retation, modeling and 0lotting 0rocesses7 1ormatting t40icall4 involves defining the following formatting settings( L L L L L Colors S4mbol st4les Line st4les Labels HannotationI &ttributes $ther dis0la4 settings







=, =,

available( #rid define V, J and D grid s0acing, line st4les and annotation formats


=5 =5

1ilters Legends &ttributes Dis0la4

filter ob9ects b4 their attributes define legends for formatting table data and data ob9ects add and edit numeric and al0hanumeric ob9ect attributes format drillhole traces, drillhole columns, grids and ob9ects using format settings

&n4 or all of these tools can be used to 0resent data in the most effective wa47 To full4 understand how to use the various data formatting o0tions, it is necessar4 to see how each ob9ect can be viewed in various wa4s without affecting the underl4ing data integrit47 Studio = maEes it eas4 to format data in a variet4 of different wa4s, s0ecific to each window Hif re;uiredI, and even to transform data from one format into another7 This conce0t is handled b4 the 0rovision of ob9ects, overla4s and legends7 $b9ects $b9ects re0resent data, in Wraw< form7 Data ob9ects contain the essential underl4ing string or numeric data that defines the Wcode< for an ob9ect7 This a00lies to both its geometr4 Hif relevantI and other tabular data that can be 0resented according to sets of rules7 In the Design and :lots windows, 4ou can define how each ob9ect is re0resented b4 associating it with an overla47 Jou can also re0resent the same data in more than one wa4 b4 creating multi0le overla4s7 $verla4s are created and formatted using the 1ormat Dis0la4 dialog7 $verla4s and Dis0la4 Tem0lates &n overla4 is, ;uite sim0l4, a set of rules determining how an ob9ect is to be dis0la4ed7 The com0le2it4 of rules is u0 to 4ou, for e2am0le, 4ou could set u0 an overla4 that dis0la4s a to0ogra0hical wireframe as a red mesh, or 4ou could use an overla4 in con9unction with a legend to highlight visual characteristics such as ore grade classification Hor even grade itselfI7 $verla4s are, in summar4, the fundamental rule sets determining how an ob9ect is 0resented in a 0articular Studio = window7 $verla4s can be stored in data dis0la4 tem0lates which can be a00lied to more than one ob9ect, and can be used to create overla4s automaticall4 when an ob9ect of a certain t40e is loaded7 Tem0lates can also be created as e2ternal files, transferable to other 0ro9ects7 & data dis0la4 tem0late can contain a variet4 of information7 In a sim0le form, a tem0late could be used to, sa4, color a wireframe red7 This t40e of dis0la4 tem0late is relativel4 generic and can easil4 be transferred to other ob9ect overla4s of the same ob9ect t40e Hit is not 0ossible to a00l4, sa4, a wireframe dis0la4 tem0late to a blocE model, for e2am0leI7 Data dis0la4 tem0lates can be used to( L L L &00l4 the same dis0la4 format to multi0le ob9ects in memor47 &00l4 the same dis0la4 format to ob9ects in different 0ro9ects7 &utomaticall4 create an overla4 or overla4s each time data of a 0articular t40e is loaded into memor47



Jou need to be aware of the data t40e referenced in the dis0la4 tem0late for e2am0le, if a blocE model dis0la4 tem0late is set u0 so that a 0articular legend is used to dis0la4 the 0resence of &U and the tem0late was a00lied to a blocE model file, with no &U data column, data would not be drawn as e20ected7 In this case the default dis0la4 method would be used as it is not 0ossible to match the information I the tem0late with the contents of the file7

Legends Legends are o0tional formatting o0tions that 0ermit com0le2 dis0la4 of either numerical or string data according to more detailed rules about how data is to be inter0reted7 The4 can be seen as a WEe4< to which the Wcode< of a data ob9ect is matched, and subse;uentl4 dis0la4ed7 Legends can be set u0 to inter0ret either ranges of data He7g7 &U grade values from 372+ to 37=+ g6t to be shown filled with a s0ecific colored bitma0 tile, or can 0rovide instructions on how to inter0ret individual values He7g7 show all ore grade categories stored as WW&ST!< in greenI7 Legends can also be formed from conditional e20ressions He7g7 show all values above +3 but below 23 in trans0arent 0inEI7 &n overla4 can be associated with a single legend onl4,

*3 *3

if legends re;uired7



*+ *+

& legend is a convenient wa4 of assigning a consistent but uni;ue a00earance to a 0redefined value or range of values7 Creating and using legends maEes the re0resentation of data both distinctive and consistent between documents7 The s4stematic use of legends can maEe the inter0retation of data much more intuitive7 Legends 0rovide the tools for both editing e2isting legends and creating new legends7 1ilters, ranges, colors and dis0la4 st4les can all be set to facilitate the inter0retation and 0resentation of drillhole and other data7 Creation and editing of legends is controlled b4 the Legend Manager which is available under 1ormat P Legends7 1our t40es of legends are available( dialog

Legend T40e S4stem

Descri0tion These are necessar4 for the software to worE 0ro0erl47 The4 cannot be edited or deleted, but the4 can, be co0ied and 0asted to the other legend categories where the co0ies ma4 be edited7 The4 are not saved with the 0ro9ectN the4 are saved in the folder Hunder 777:rogram 1iles6Common 1iles6!arthworEs6LegendsI7 Legends


If the are not dis0la4ed b4 default dis0la4 is enabled b4 a checEbo2 in the These are fre;uentl4 used legends which are saved inde0endentl4 from the 0ro9ect7 This categor4 is to enable users to grou0 commonl4 used legends together for easier selection and consistenc4 of a00lication7 The4 can be edited and will be saved, as OUser7elgO in the OC(QDocuments and SettingsQXusernameYQ&00lication DataQDatamineQLegendsO folder7 ote( If a 0ro9ect is sent to another user, an4 user legends, used b4 the 0ro9ect, will not be available to the new These are saved as 0art of the 0ro9ect7 If a user7 0ro9ect is sent to another user, its 0ro9ect legends are available to that user7 The4 can be edited easil47



Created automaticall4 when data is im0orted to the host 0rogram using Data Source Drivers7 ot dis0la4ed b4 default @ Dis0la4 is enabled b4 checEing a bo2 in the Legends Manager7 Driver legends are listed as :>$/!CT legends but contain a 0refi2 identif4ing the driver used to im0ort the data7

2o( are different data types displayed using legends3 Man4 different t40es of al0hanumeric and numeric data can be dis0la4ed distinctivel4 using legends7 & OvalueO is a s0ecific numeric or string value to which a 0articular a00earance Hcolor, linest4le, fill, s4mbol etc7I can be assigned7 ?alues are often used to a00l4 legends to coded data such as rocE t40es, structure t40es and intensit4 grou0ings7

*3 *3

>anges are defined b4 an u00er and a lower limit, and a color and6or te2ture is assigned to the values that fall within the range7 1ilters are used to handle more com0licated situations where sim0le values or ranges will not worE7 1ilters are logical statements which define the conditions under which a s0ecific legend a00earance a00lies7 Com0le2 filters can be develo0ed to ma0 the variation of more than one variable7 $nce defined, a legend is available to all relevant data in all windows7 &n4 changes made to a legend are a00lied to all data ob9ects which are using that legend7 So, in summar4, each overla4 can be re0resented b4 a single legend, but each legend can be associated with an4 number of overla4s Hwh4T Well, 4ou might wish to view several different to0ogra0hical meshes showing a gradient of colors according to the e2tent of the D a2is7 In this situation, 4ou set u0 a legend encom0assing the minimum and ma2imum of all relevant ob9ects, and a00l4 the same legend to more than one ob9ect7 It is for this reason that Studio = not onl4 0ermits the sharing of single legend across multi0le ob9ectsN it also allows 4ou to save legend data as an e2ternal file and a00l4 it to data ob9ects in different 0ro9ects7 This is im0ortant if more than one 0ro9ect is to be com0ared7 1ormat Dis0la4 Dialog The 1ormat Dis0la4 dialog is used to define the dis0la4 0ro0erties for currentl4 loaded data7 The o0tions are set within tabs along the to0 of the dialog, with additional sub@tabs available7

The $verla4s tab used to s0ecif4 ob9ect s0ecific settings that will affect the wa4 it is dis0la4ed in Studio =7 Selecting an ob9ect in the $verla4s list will show the current format settings for that 0articular ob9ect7 The sub@tabs dis0la4ed under the $verla4 1ormat section of the dialog will change de0ending on the ob9ect selected7 1or e2am0le if the selected ob9ect is a drillhole file the tabs available are St4le and Drillholes, however, if the selected ob9ect is a wireframe then the tabs available are St4le and Color7


*+ *+

The following table summariCes the various tabs available and what dis0la4 settings the4 contain7 Tab St4le $b9ects Strings, :oints, Drillholes, Wireframes, %locE Models Strings, :oints, Wireframes, %locE Models Strings, :oints Settings Determines the wa4 in which data is dis0la4ed7 1or e2am0le if 4ou select the Intersection radio button for a wireframe then it will be dis0la4ed as an intersection 0rofile rather than triangle faces7 Determines the color in which the selected ob9ect will be dis0la4ed7 Jou can color ob9ects using a legend or a fi2ed color7 S4mbols are used to highlight the terminal 0oints of strings data7 S4mbols can be varied with regards to siCe, rotation and6or sha0e according to a 0articular field value7 1or e2am0le, it is 0ossible to add a s4mbol re0resenting the s0ecific grade at Ee4 0ositions along a drillhole7 Labels are used to annotate ob9ects in the Design window7





Strings, :oints, %locE Models Drillholes

&llows 4ou to control the wa4 in which drillhole data is dis0la4ed7 This includes the hole name annotation, trace color, line st4le, line thicEness and marEet s4mbols for collars, entr4 and e2it 0oints and end of hole7 Downhole data can be dis0la4ed in a number of st4les including te2t, line gra0h, histograms and color or 0attern filled bars7


Strings, :oints

This tab is used to control the dis0la4 of ob9ects within the 0rimar4 and secondar4 cli00ing regions7


*2 *2


Example $% &reating a 4egend of 0alue "ntervals

In this e2am0le 4ou are going to create a new legend re0resenting downhole gold values7 +7 To dis0la4 the Legends Manager run the command 1ormat P Legends or clicE on the format legends button 7 ew Legend button at the

27 In the Legends Manager dialog, clicE on the bottom of the dialog7

=7 Select the Use !20licit >anges o0tion and then clicE


In the ne2t dialog select where 4ou wish the new legend to be stored7 1or the 0ur0oses of this e2am0le the legend will be stored in the User Legends area7 *7 In the ne2t dialog 4ou are re;uired to define the legend name, t40e H umeric or &l0hanumeric HstringI and whether the categories com0rise uni;ue values or ranges7 1or e2am0le7


*= *=

'7 &s the >anges o0tion was selected 4ou are re;uired to define the number of items or categories and the minimum and ma2imum values7 1or e2am0le(

.7 Define the distribution t40e, in this case it is Linear, and select the !;ual :o0ulation o0tion and then clicE e2t7

,7 In the Coloring WiCard, select the a00ro0riate coloring o0tion and then clicE :review Legend %utton to view the legend7


** **

57 Close the Legend 0review dialog and clicE 1inish in the Coloring WiCard dialog7 -7 In the Legends Manager dialog, checE that the new legend Z&USlegend[ is listed under the US!> Legends grou0, as shown below(

+37 Select one of the legend items on the left@hand side of the dialog and note the changes to the 0ro0erties on the right7 Close the dialog7


*' *'

Example )% &reating a 4egend 5 Unique 0alues

This e2am0le outlines the 0rocedure for creating a new legend re0resenting Cone codes7 +7 Load the file SvbSholes into the Design window b4 selecting it from the Drillholes folder in the :ro9ect 1iles Control bar and dragging it into the Design window7 27 $0en the Legends Manager b4 selecting the 1ormat Legends select 1ormat P Legends7 =7 Select the *7 ew Legend button7 button or

Select the Use $b9ect 1ield radio button and then select SvbSholesHdrillholesI from the $b9ect dro0 down menu and D$ ! from the 1ield dro0@down menu7 Then clicE e2t7

'7 Define where the new legend is to be storedN in this case User Legends Storage o0tion is selected7 .7 Define the legend ame and categor4 t40e Hi7e7 uni;ue valuesI, and whether or not 4ou wish to convert the range values to a filter e20ression7 for e2am0le(

The legend items below on the left have not been converted to a filter e20ression whereas the ones on the right have been converted7

*. *.


The s4stem automaticall4 scans the drillhole file and determines how man4 different values of D$ ! occur within the file7 &ll 4ou need to do is to clicE e2t7 Then clicE 1inish7

57 To change the color of ZD$ !\@[ clicE on this entr4 in the Legends Manager to reveal the legend 0ro0erties 0anel7

-7 ClicE on the 1ill Color label in the Legend Item 1ormat section7


*, *,

+37 Select a color from the dro0 down color list that a00ears when 4ou clicE on the down arrow7 ++7 >e0eat this ste0 to set the line color to match the one 4ou have chosen for the fill color then clicE &00l4 and then Close7 =D $b9ects H0oints, strings, drillholes, wireframes, blocE modelsI can be formatted in the Design, ?isualiCer, :lots and ?> windows7 The following formatting 0ro0erties can be defined(


define dis0la4 st4les for 0oints, labels, lines, faces, blocEs, arrows and drillholes using shading and draw mode settings color using either a fi2ed color or Legends



S4mbols define S4mbol st4le and color Labels define labels for =d ob9ects using ob9ect attributes


*5 *5

Example *% +ormatting #trings 5 #tyle6 &olor and #ymbols

In this e2am0le, 4ou will define St4le, Color and S4mbol formatting settings for the to0ogra0h4 contour strings in the Design window and a00l4 these settings to the :lots windows7 The tools and general 0rocedures covered in this e2am0le are a00licable to all =D $b9ects, both in the Design and :lots windows7 The tabs in the 1ormat Dis0la4 dialog ma4 var4 slightl4 i7e7 the4 are conte2t sensitive, de0ending on the t40e of =D $b9ect being formatted7


Load the following string, wireframe and section definition files into the Design window b4 selecting them from the :ro9ect 1iles control bar and dragging them into the Design window7 a7 SvbSsto0o7dm Hstring fileI b7 SvbSfaulttr7dm Hwireframe triangle fileI c7 SvbSviewdefs7dm Hsection definition fileI

27 Move to a 0lan view and select the 1ormat Dis0la4 Dis0la47 =7

button or 1ormat P

In the 1ormat Dis0la4 dialog, select the item SvbSsto0o7dm HstringsI from the list in the $verla4s tab7

*7 Select the St4le tab and maEe sure that the ?isible o0tion is ticEed and the Lines o0tion under the Dis0la4 &s section is ticEed, as in the image above7 '7 In the Color tab, select the 1i2ed Color o0tion and then select the color Z%right #reen[ from the color 0alette, as shown in the image below(



In the S4mbols tab, S4mbol section, select the 1i2ed o0tion and a Circle from the s4mbol 0alette7

,7 In the S4mbols tab, SiCe section, select the 1i2ed o0tion and set the siCe to O37'O mm7


In the S4mbol tab, >otation section, select the 1i2ed o0tion and set the angle to O3O degrees7 Select &00l4 and then Close7


+37 ?iew the results in the Design window7

The contour strings should be colored bright green and have a small circle s4mbols re0resenting string 0oints7 These 1ormat Dis0la4 settings are onl4 a00lied to the Design window at this stage and not other windows7 To a00l4 these settings to other windows clicE on the checE bo2 ne2t to &00l4 to all overla4s dis0la4ing SvbSsto0o7dm HstringsI7


'3 '3

In the following e2am0les, 4ou will change the format 0ro0erties, listed below, of the static drillholes SvbSholes in the Design window7 In this e2am0le, the 1ormat Dis0la4 dialog will be accessed via the static drillholes file SvbSholes listed in the Sheets control bar7

Labels HAole IdentifierI holes Drillhole Traces Color Downhole #ra0hs

turn on collar labels, rotate labels 0er0endicular to

color the traces using the legend D$ !Slegend &U data field on right


'+ '+

Example ,% +ormatting

rillholes 5 4abels

+7 27

Select the Design window tab7 Select the SvbSholes HdrillholesI ob9ect in the Sheets control bar and then >ight@ clicE P 1ormat In the 1ormat Dis0la4 dialog, select the $verla4s tab7 Select SvbSholes HdrillholesI and then the Drillholes tab7 ClicE on the 1ormat button7 In the Labels tab, ticE the Collar o0tion and then clicE Configure7

=7 *7 '7 .7


In the Label dialog, >otation grou0, select the &ngle o0tion and set the angle to O*'O degrees, in the :osition grou0, set the :arallel $ffset o0tion to O@=7'O mm and then select $", as shown below(


%acE in the Labels tab, clicE 1ont Hlocated at the bottom of the tabI7


'2 '2


In the 1ont dialog, set the SiCe o0tion to O5O and then clicE $"7

+37 %acE in the Traces as Aoles dialog, clicE &00l4 onl47

Example .% +ormatting

rillholes 5 Trace &olor


$0en the 1ormat Dis0la4 dialog b4 right@clicEing on the relevant file in the Sheets control bar and select 1ormat from the dro0 down menu7 Select the Drillhole tab and clicE on the 1ormat button on the right hand side of the dialog7


=7 Select the Color tab and in the $n Section section, select the Color using legend o0tion7 *7 In the Legend grou0 set the Column o0tion to Zdholes HdrillholesI7D$ ![ using the dro0@down list7 In the Legend grou0 set the Legend o0tion to ZD$ !SLegend[ and select $"7



ClicE &00l4 and then Close7


'= '=

Example 1% +ormatting

rillholes 5

o(nhole !raph


Load a drillhole file into the Design Window and move to a section view7

27 =7

>ight@ClicE on the drillhole file in the Sheets control bar and select 1ormat7 Select the Drillholes tab and then the Insert button7

'* '*

*7 '7

In the Select Column dialog, select Z&U[ from the list and then clicE $"7 Select the St4le Tem0lates tab and clicE on the Z1illed Aistogram[ st4le o0tion from the galler4, as shown below7

.7 Select the #ra0h6Color tab and clear the &uto 1it o0tion then set the scale o0tion to O2O7 ,7 In the Color grou0, select the Color using legend o0tion, select the Column o0tion


'' ''

ZSvbSdholes HdrillholesI7&U[ using the dro0down list, select the Z&u@Legend[ o0tion, ticE the 1illed o0tion, as shown below(


Select the :osition tab and clear the &utomatic o0tion7 In the :osition of trace relative to column +, select the Left of the column o0tion and set the offset to O@+O mm7


Select the Width6Margins tab and set the Width !2cluding Margins o0tion to O+3O, in the Left Margin grou0, set the Width o0tion O+O mm, in the >ight Margin grou0, set the Width o0tion O3O mm, clicE &00l4 and then $", as shown below(


'. '.

+37 %acE in the 1ormat Dis0la4 dialog, clicE &00l4 and then Close7

Example 7% &reate a 'e( Template


', ',

This e2am0le will outline the 0rocedure for setting u0 an overla4 for dis0la4ing drillhole information and save it to a new tem0late7 +7 &00l4 the re;uired formatting to the drillhole file using the 1ormat Dis0la4 dialog7 In this e2am0le the following formatting has been a00lied( L L %AID label at the collar7 The D$ ! field is re0resented as a bar located down the drillhole center line and is colored using a user defined legend7 #old grade is re0resented b4 a histogram running down the right hand side of the drillhole and is colored according to a user defined legend7

27 !nsure the $verla4s tab is selected, and select the Show Tem0lates checE bo2 on the left@hand side of the dialog7


To create a new tem0late clicE on the &dd button7 The &dd Tem0late dialog is dis0la4ed7 !nter a ame for 4our new tem0late and select the data t40e that the tem0late will a00l4 to, e7g7 Drillholes and clicE $"7


'5 '5

The &00l4 $n Load checE bo2 is used when 4ou wish the tem0late to be a00lied automaticall4 ever4 time a file of the selected data t40e is loaded into memor47

*7 UnchecE the Show Tem0lates checE bo2 to show a list of ob9ect overla4s and select the drillhole file 4ou wish to a00l4 the tem0late to7 '7 Select 4our new tem0late from the Tem0late dro0@down list and clicE on the Save button7

e2t time 4ou have a drillhole file to which 4ou would liEe to a00l4 the formatting stored in the tem0late DrillholesN D$ ! and &U 9ust select the tem0late name from the tem0late dro0 down list and clicE on the &00l4 button7 The changes will be dis0la4ed when 4ou clicE on either the &00l4 or Close button in the 1ormat Dis0la4 dialog7

Example 8% Exporting and "mporting a Template

This e2am0le outlines the ste0s re;uired to e20ort a tem0late and im0ort it into another 0ro9ect7 +7 $0en the 1ormat Dis0la4 dialog, ensure the $verla4s tab is selected, and checE the &00endi2


Show Tem0lates checE bo2 on the left@hand side of the dialog7

27 ChecE the tem0lates 4ou wish to e20ort and clicE on the !20ort] button7 =7 !nter the name of the $verla4 Tem0late file H7t0lI and clicE Save7 This file can now be im0orted into another 0ro9ect using the Im0ort] button7

Example 9% Editing an Existing Template

This e2am0le outlines the 0rocedure for editing an e2isting tem0late7 +7 $0en the 1ormat Dis0la4 dialog, ensure the $verla4s tab is selected, and select the Show Tem0lates checE bo2 on the left@hand side of the dialog7 27 Select the tem0late 4ou wish to modif4 and then, using the o0tions on the right@ hand


.3 .3

side of the dialog maEe the necessar4 changes7

=7 The changes are automaticall4 saved as 4ou enter them7


.+ .+

Exercises Exercise $% &reate a 4egend

Use the legend manager to create a legend that can be assigned to a blocE model or drillhole file for evaluation 0ur0oses7 Define the characteristics of the legend in the following table7 Legend ame

Where is the legend to be stored #rade He7g7 CuI Legend T40e He7g7 numericI o7 of categories He7g7 ++I List each of the categor4 ranges

Use the legend manager to create the legend 4ou have defined above7

Exercise )% Apply the 4egend to an Object

Use the 1ormat Dis0la4 dialog to format a drillhole or model file and a00l4 the legend created in !2ercise +7

Exercise *%


isplay Templates

Create a drillhole dis0la4 tem0late containing the following formatting o0tions7 L L L %AID label at the collar 0osition Dis0la4 either the litholog4 or Cone field as a bar7 Dis0la4 at least one grade field either as a histogram or te2t7

ame of the dis0la4 tem0late(


.2 .2


D&T& 1ILT!>I

The ob9ective of this module s4stem 0erformance b4(

to ma2imiCe

data efficienc4,

visual clarit4 and

+7 >ationaliCing loaded data according to e20licit logical e20ressions using Studio =<s !20ression WiCard7 27 Managing the contents of records within a data ob9ect, using the :IC>!C 0rocess7 =7 Managing e2isting filters and a00l4ing these changes to ob9ects in memor47 The tasEs involved with filtering data within Studio = are( L 1ilter Management using the !20ression WiCard o Creating, editing and deleting filters, and stud4ing the effect of these changes on loaded data ob9ects7

$ther Datamine filtering commands o Using :IC>!C to filter a data ob9ect and save the results to a different out0ut file7

This module will outline the 0rocesses b4 which the tasEs can be com0leted as well as the underl4ing 0rinci0les allowing 4ou to achieve the ob9ectives7

1iltering Data Studio = deals with its data in the form of ob9ects7 1or e2am0le if multi0le sets of strings are loaded into memor4 then the4 remain se0arate ob9ects and can be formatted, filtered and selected inde0endentl47 Se0arate legends can be created for each ob9ect7 &s well as being selected inde0endentl4, data ob9ects can be merged and s0lit on attribute fields or b4 using a filter e20ression to either combine e2isting ob9ects or create new ob9ects7 The use of data ob9ects gives a lot of 0ower and fle2ibilit4 in the wa4 data is dis0la4ed and formatted7 It maEes it eas4 to define data subsets and to mani0ulate the data7 Studio = also has the conce0t of FCurrent $b9ectsG7 These are the ob9ects that are currentl4 being created or written to7 1or e2am0le, when linEing strings, the triangles will be added to the current ob9ect7 The current ob9ect can be set from the Loaded Data control bar or the Current $b9ects toolbar7 The conce0t of a data ob9ect is inde0endent of the wa4 in which we dis0la4 the ob9ect7 Studio = gives us multi0le windows so that a data ob9ect or more 0robabl4 data ob9ects can be viewed in different wa4s de0ending on the window7 &s well as viewing an ob9ect in a different wa4 in each window, the same ob9ect can be formatted differentl4 in each window7

.= .=

Data ob9ects can be filtered so as to facilitate or enhance worEing with data in the viewing, inter0retation, modeling and 0lotting 0rocesses7 1iltering allows 4ou to view or dis0la4 onl4 the re;uired subset of data from a loaded data ob9ect7 The following table is a summar4 of filtering methods and when the4 should be used7 1ilter Method When to use +7 When needing to load onl4 a subset of a data file $n loading or reloading 27 When needing to reload onl4 a subset of a data file =7 When needing to reduce the siCe of a data ob9ects to be loaded into memor4 *7 When data ob9ects have alread4 been loaded '7 When needing to view and model a subset of a loaded ob9ect7 .7 When data ob9ects have alread4 been loaded ,7 When needing to a00l4 a global filter to multi0le loaded ob9ects 57 When data ob9ects have alread4 been loaded -7 When needing to simultaneousl4 filter and format data for dis0la4 0ur0oses +37 When data ob9ects have alread4 been loaded ++7 When needing to view a subset of the data in table format +27 When wanting to e2tract a subset of data to another file +=7 When wanting to record the 0rocess to a macro +*7 When wanting to e2tract a subset of data to another file H0rovides additional o0tions to :IC>!CI

Data $b9ect Manager

1ilter all ob9ects

In legends

Table and >e0orts Windows

:IC>!C 0rocess

!VT>& 0rocess


.* .*

&ll of the above methods maEe use of 1ilter !20ressions to define the re;uired data filter7 These filter e20ressions can either be t40ed in using the correct s4nta2 or can be constructed using the !20ression %uilder dialog shown below(

This !20ression %uilder interface includes the following functionalit4(

1unctions !20ression 0ane

Descri0tion Dis0la4s the filter being constructed e20ression as it is

ChecE !20ression ?alidit4 button

Used to checE the validit4 of 4our filter e20ression

?ariable Selection 0ane

&llows the selection of variables H1ieldsI 0resent in the selected file &llows selection of the re;uired o0erator from the set of Com0arison, Logical $0erators and !20ressions o0erators Inserts a wildcard character in the filter e20ression

$0erators grou0

Wildcard button


.' .'

>egular !20ression button

Inserts a regular e20ression s4nta2 element in the filter e20ression i7e7 ), @ etc7 &llows the selection of either Column Data or Constant Data values to construct the filter e20ression Dis0la4s a list of values for the variable H1ieldI selected in the variable selection 0ane

Data Selection grou0

Column Data button

%uilding 1ilter !20ressions There are two t40es of e20ressions that can be used for filtering data( L L >elational e20ressions :attern matching e20ressions

-elational Expressions The general s4nta2 for a >elational !20ression is( #eneral S4nta2 X fieldnameY o0erator X valueY !2am0le &U Y\ +7'

X fieldnameY o0erator XfieldnameY &U X CU

There are . relational o0erators( S4mbol \ Y X Y\ X\ XY Descri0tion !;ual to #reater than Less than #reater than or e;ual to Less than or e;ual to ot e;ual to

Pattern Matching Expressions The general s4nta2 of a 0attern matching e20ression is( #eneral S4nta2 !2am0le

WX fieldname Y M&TCA!S X 0attern Y< W%AID M&TCA!S FDA2.,'G<

The e2am0le shown above would result in all records where the %AID field value is e;ual to FDA2.,'G being isolated from the rest of the data7

.. ..

Jou must 0ut ;uotes around te2t7 1or e2am0le FDA2.,'G7

& F0atternG ma4 com0rise a set of characters to be matched such as a %AID value, or a mi2ture of te2t characters and one or more of the following elements( !lement T R Z777[ Z^777[ Meaning &n4 single character7 & grou0 of Cero or more characters7 &n4 one of the characters enclosed in the s;uare bracEets7 &n4 character e2ce0t one of these7

1or e2am0le, the following e20ression will isolate records where the first * characters of the %AID field are set to FDA25G7 W%AID M&TCA!S FDA25RG< &oncatenation of Expressions Two or more e20ressions can be 9oined using the F& DG or F$>G o0erators7 The e20ression listed below would onl4 co04 records where the %AID field contains the value WDA2.,'< and the corres0onding &U field contains a value greater or e;ual to +7'7 W%AID\GDA2.,'G & D &UY\+< The use of the F $TG o0erator inverts the meaning of the e20ression7 The following e20ression co0ies all records from the in0ut file to the out0ut file e2ce0t where the C$L$U> field is set to the value of 27 $T C$L$U> \ 2 The :IC>!C :rocess The :IC>!C 0rocess allows 4ou to select records from a file based on a set of user defined e20ressions7 The user defined e20ression is a00lied to the in0ut file on a record b4 record basis7 The result of a00l4ing an e20ression is either T>U! or 1&LS!7 If the result is T>U! then the record is co0ied to the out0ut file, if it is 1&LS! then the record is ignored and 0rocessing sEi0s to the ne2t record in the in0ut file7 &n e20ression ma4 be a relational e20ression or a 0attern matching e20ression7 The 0rocess 0rom0ts 4ou for an in0ut and out0ut file name and o0tionall4 allows 4ou to select which fields to co04 to the out0ut file7 $nce all the files, fields, and 0arameters have been entered, the 0rocess 0resents 4ou with a 0rom0t to enter 4our criteria7 The 0rom0t 4ou will see on the screen is FT!STYF7 When 4ou have finished

., .,

t40ing in 4our e20ressions, 4ou must enter the Ee4word F! DG after which :IC>!C will start 0rocessing the in0ut file7


.5 .5

The :IC>!C 0rocess uses the same s4nta2 and has the same functionalit4 as filter e20ressions used b4 an4 of the other methods7




Example $% +iltering a #ingle Object in the

esign :indo(

In this e2am0le, 4ou will use the Data $b9ect Manager to filter SvbSminst7dmHstringsI in the Design window based on the C$L$U> attribute7 +7 Load the string file SvbSminst into the Design Window and move to a at '-='m!7 @S Section

27 Select the Loaded Data control bar and then right@clicE on SvbSminst7dm HstringsI7 Select Data $b9ect Manager from the dro0 down menu7 =7 In the Data $b9ect Manager maEe sure that the file SvbSminst7dm HstringsI is selected and clicE on the !20ression %uilder button7

*7 In the ?ariable Selection 0ane, select the variable ZC$L$U>[ from the list and then clicE Select ?ariable7 '7 In the $0erators grou0, clicE Z\[7 .7 In the Data Selection grou0, clicE Column Data7 ,7 If 4ou can<t see a value of W'< in the 0ane clicE :age Down, select the value Z'[ from the list and then clicE $"7

,3 ,3

57 ChecE that 4our e20ression is the same as that shown below(


,+ ,+

-7 ClicE ChecE !20ression ?alidit4 and then clicE $" in the message dialog7 The following dialog should be dis0la4ed7

+37 %acE in the !20ression %uilder dialog, clicE $"7 ++7 %acE in the Data $b9ect Manager dialog, the Data $b9ect tab, $b9ect &ttributes grou0, checE that the 1ilter has been set to ZC$L$U> \'[7


,3 ,3

+27 ClicE $" to close the Data $b9ect Manager dialog7

+=7 Select the Design window tab and refresh the view b4 clicEing >edraw HrdI +*7 ChecE that onl4 the u00er Cone strings HgreenI are dis0la4ed, as shown below(


,+ ,+

Example )% -emoving +ilters

+7 Select the Loaded Data control bar and right@clicE on SvbSminst7dmHstringsI and select Data $b9ect Manager7 27 In the Data $b9ect Manager dialog, select SvbSminst7dmHstringsI7 =7 In the $b9ect &ttributes grou0, clear the 1ilter setting7

*7 ClicE $" to close the dialog7


,2 ,2

Example *% Using the

ata Object Manager to "solate #trings

The string file SvbSminst contains three sets of strings( L L L U00er ore Cone Lower ore Cone Tag strings

This e2am0le outlines the 0rocedure to e2tract the u00er and lower Cone strings using the Data $b9ect Manager7 +7 !nsure that the file SvbSminst is loaded in the Design window and in the Loaded Data control bar right@clicE on the file and select Data $b9ect Manager7 27 In the Data $b9ect Manager dialog clicE on the !2tract from $b9ect button along the to0 of the dialog on the left hand side7 =7 Select the o0tion to !2tract Using 1ilters and then clicE on the 1ilter WiCard button7 In the !20ression %uilder dialog enter the following e20ression to isolate the u00er and lower ore Cones based on the field C$L$U>7

Jou can either t40e the filter e20ression directl4 into the !20ression bo2 or alternativel4 use the o0tions in the ?ariable Selection, $0erations and Data Selection areas of the dialog

*7 Select $" in the !20ression %uilder, !2tract Data $b9ect and Data $b9ect Manager dialogs7 '7 & new ob9ect called SvbSminstHstringsI B S0lit has been created which contains onl4 the u00er and lower ore Cones Hthe tag strings are not 0resentI7 This ob9ect can be saved to a new file name b4 right@clicEing on it in the Loaded Data control bar and selecting Save &s7


,= ,=

Example ,% +iltering Multiple Objects in the

esign :indo(;

In this e2am0le, the 1ilter &ll $b9ects command is used to filter all string ob9ects in the Design window based on the C$L$U> attribute7 ote this e2am0le uses a section definition file HSvbSviewdefsI to view 0re@defined view 0lanes Hsee cha0ter on :lottingI7 +7 Load the to0ogra0h4 strings into the Design window b4 clicEing on the file SvbSsto0o7dm under the Strings folder in the :ro9ect 1iles control 0anel and drag it into the Design window7 27 +-'m 0lan view using the #et ?iew HgviI button7 In the Command control bar at the Command line t40e O+O and select the X!nterY Ee47 >etrieve the :L&

=7 Use the Doom In as shown below(

button to Coom into the area containing the ore bod4 strings,

*7 Select 1ormat P 1ilter &ll $b9ects P Strings7 '7 In the !20ression %uilder dialog, !20ression Te2t 0ane, t40e in the filter e20ression OC$L$U> \ .O and then clicE $"7


,* ,*

.7 Select the Design window tab and refresh the view b4 clicEing >edraw HrdI ,7 ChecE that onl4 the lower mineraliCation Cone strings HC4anI are dis0la4ed7

57 To remove the filter, select 1ormat P 1ilter &ll $b9ects P !rase &ll 1ilters7


,' ,'

Example .% +iltering and #aving to a +ile

In the 0revious e2am0les data ob9ects have been filtered and the filtered data has been held in memor4 for dis0la4 0ur0oses7 In this e2ercise 4ou will use the command :IC>!C to set a filter in an e2isting file and create a new file of the filtered data7 +7 >un the command &00lications P 1ile Mani0ulation :rocesses P Co04 with 1iltering H:IC>!CI with the following settings7 The field and 0arameter tab 0rom0ts are o0tional and will not be used7 Ait the $" to start the 0rocess7 :IC>!C Dialog 1iles Tab I $UT SvbSholes 22tm0+

27 !nter the following e20ression into the command bar and then clicE $"7

=7 Jou can checE that the correct records have been e2tracted b4 o0ening the file 22tm0+ in the Datamine Table !ditor7


,. ,.

*7 >erun the :IC>!C command7 ClicE on the >estore button along the bottom of the dialog to restore the 0revious settings7 ClicE $"7 '7 !nter the following e20ressions into the command bar7 >emember to enter the word F! DG7

.7 &gain the Datamine 1ile !ditor can be used to checE the correct records have been e2tracted7


,, ,,

Exercises Exercise $% +ilter Expressions

Com0lete the following table b4 determining what filter e20ressions should be used to e2tract the re;uired data7 Descri0tion &ll &u grades over 37' &ll sam0les where &u grades are greater than 37' and Cu grades over +7' &ll Diamond drillholes B the4 have a 0refi2 of DD &ll &u grades over 37. in drillhole ?%25+= 1ilter !20ression

Exercise )% Extract a #ubset of


+7 The string file SvbSminst su00lied as 0art of the tutorial data set contains three sets of strings7 Load the strings into the Design window and com0lete the following table7 String Descri0tion Tag strings Hthe strings running along the northern and southern e2tremities of each string U00er Cone Lower Cone Color Code

27 Select a filtering method to isolate the u00er and lower Cone strings and save them to a file7 >ecord the details in the following table7 _uestion What filtering method has been usedT &nswer

What filter has been usedT ew file containing the u00er and lower Cone strings


,5 ,5


D&T& ?I!WI

The ob9ective of this module is to manage the view of data to assist with resource modeling and mine design7 The tasEs involved with managing data within Studio = are( L L L L Loading and refreshing data ob9ects Changing the orientation of the view 0lane Controlling the field of view S4nchroniCing views between viewing windows7

This module will outline the 0rocesses b4 which the tasEs can be com0leted as well as the underl4ing 0rinci0les allowing 4ou to achieve the ob9ective7

$nce data has been loaded into the 0ro9ect, it is available for viewing, inter0retation, modeling and 0lotting in all windows Hsee section on The InterfaceI( This module deals with the tools available for managing the view in the Design, ?isualiCer and ?> windows, which are the main windows used for string and wireframe modeling, inter0retation of drillhole data and mine design7 ?iewing Data $b9ects The following are treated as =D data b4 Studio = and can be viewed in the ?isualiCer, ?>, :lots and Design windows( L L L L Static drillhole traces D4namic drillhole traces :oints Hsurve4 0oints, ma00ing and sam0le 0ointsI Strings Hto0ogra0h4 contours, geological strings, 0it design crests and toes, surve4 measuresI Wireframes Hto0ogra0h4 surface, geological surfaces and volumes, 0it surfaces, underground worEingsI %locE Models Hgeological and mining modelsI

The common theme in the above file t40es is that the4 re0resent data which can be dis0la4ed in a =D environment7 $ther data t40es such as geolog4 logs cannot be loaded into the Design windowN the4 can be loaded and viewed in the Logs window7 Unless a file has been loaded into memor4, it cannot be viewed in the Studio = windows7


Studio = has the ver4 0owerful ca0acit4 to create, modif4 and view s0ecific items7 &ll data loaded into Studio = is regarded as ob9ects whether it re0resents tables, 0oints, wireframes or an4thing else7 umerous e2am0les of a single data ob9ect t40e can be loaded at an4 time and an4 one of them can be added to or edited7 $nce data has been loaded into memor4 it is listed in the Loaded Data control bar7 & number of functions can be carried out on ob9ects listed in the Loaded Data control bar including unloading, refreshing, saving and e20orting7 These functions can be accessed b4 right@clicEing on the relevant ob9ect7

Loaded data is also listed in the Sheets tab of the :ro9ect 1iles control bar7

The Sheets control bar is used to view all sheets, 0ro9ections, views and overla4s related to a 0articular data window7 The Sheets control bar is situated on the left of the data window area on a default s4stem7 It can be docEed or floated, shown or hidden as an4 other control bar Hrefer to the Studio = Interface moduleI7 MaEing e2tensive use of the right@clicE Hconte2tI menu s4stem, the Sheets control bar can be used to access commands and functions related to both individual items, and grou0s of items, de0ending at which 0oint in the data hierarch4 a menu is selected7 To hide 0articular ob9ects sim0l4 unchecE the ticE bo2 ne2t to the filename7

Design Window The Design Window is the worE area used for all string editing, wireframing, and mine design7 The window re0resents a 0lane whose orientation, dimensions, and

53 53

location can be easil4 changed to suit the current needs7 window is set to a

When Studio = is started this


5+ 5+

horiContal HFVJGI 0lane centered on the origin HV, J, D \ 3,3,3I7 %4 default the bacEground color is blacE with ticEs at the window edges for the grid7

To change the color of the bacEground window, select 1ile P Settings and clicE on Design under the :ro9ect Settings list7 Select a color from the dro0@down list7

Controlling the $rientation of the ?iew0lane & view0lane is defined b4 a center 0oint and orientation 0arameters7 The following general t40es of view0lanes can be defined( L L L :lan Section =D ?iew @ horiContal @ vertical @ inclined

?iew0lanes can be defined and ad9usted using the ?iew P Set ?iew0lane functions( Command ?iew P Set ?iew0lane P%4 + :oint Icon _uicE Descri0tion "e4 + Define a horiContal or vertical section b4 defining a single 0oints7 Define a horiContal or vertical section b4 defining two end 0oints7 Define three 0oints that will form a triangle on the new view 0lane7 Select a defined 0oint He7g7 a 0oint on a string or drill holeI and the view0lane moves to intersect that 0oint7 Aold down the shift Ee4 and ad9ust the view orientation b4 holding down the left mouse button whilst moving the mouse m0l &d9ust view 0lane b4 s0ecified distance Move the 0lane forward Hinto the screenI7 The distance moved is s0ecified b4 the front and bacE cli00ing distances7 1or e2am0le if the front cli00ing distance is ' and the bacE cli00ing distance is +3 then Move 1orward will move the 0lane b4 +'m Move the 0lane bacEward Hout of the screenI7 The distance moved is s0ecified b4 the front and bacE cli00ing distances7 1or e2am0le if the front cli00ing distance is ' and the bacE cli00ing distance is +3 then Move

?iew P Set ?iew0lane P%4 2 :oints

?iew P Set ?iew0lane P%4 = :oints

?iew P Set ?iew0lane PSna0 to 777


D4namic rotation of data

?iew P Set ?iew0lane PMove

?iew P Set ?iew0lane PMove 1orward


?iew P Set ?iew0lane PMove %acEward



52 52

%acEward will move the 0lane b4 +'m

?iew P Set ?iew0lane P:revious ?iew ?iew P Set ?iew0lane P:an


#o to 0revious view Move the dis0la4 across the screen in an4 direction7 Jou can also invoEe this command from the Ee4board using the arrow Ee4s7


>efer to the Studio = online hel0 commands not covered in this course7 Controlling ?iew the 1ield of

for information

on more advanced view0lane

The e2tents of a view can be controlled both in the 0lane of the view and 0er0endicular to the view0lane using the following Doom H?iew P DoomI and Cli00ing H?iew P cli00ing functionI functions7 Command ?iew P Doom P Doom In ?iew P Doom P Doom $ut Icon _uicE "e4 C2 CC Descri0tion Doom in Doom out This command worEs b4 ad9usting the view to fit all dis0la4able data7 The orientation of the view 0lane will not be changed, however, the 0osition of the 0lane will be set so that it 0asses through the center of all the available data7 This command resets dis0la4 limits to show all data in the current view 0lane7 This command will e20and Hor contractI the limits of the current view, but it will not change the 0osition or orientation of the view 0lane7 S0ecif4 how far in front of and behind the current view 0lane data should be dis0la4ed7 Secondar4 cli00ing limits can be used to s0ecif4 further cli00ing Cones in relation to the current view 0lane7 Turn on or off use of cli00ing Turn on or off s0ecified secondar4 cli00ing

?iew P Doom P Doom &ll Data


?iew P Doom P Doom Data in :lane


?iew P Set Cli00ing limits


?iew P Use Cli00ing Limits ?iew P Use Secondar4 Cli00ing ?iew P Set !2aggeration

uc u2 se2

Sets the e2tent b4 which the data will be stretched in one or more a2is directions7 >efer to the Studio = online hel0 for information on more advanced view0lane commands not covered in this course7 >edraw Command

5= 5=

Man4 commands do not automaticall4 refresh the screen after 0rocessing has been com0leted7 The reason for this is that refreshing the Design Window when there is a lot of data loaded into memor4 can be time consuming7 !ven more to the 0oint, it is often not necessar47 It is left u0 to 4ou to choose the most a00ro0riate time to refresh the screen7 ote that man4 commands, such as !rase String, do a 0artial redraw of the screen7 This can cause the screen dis0la4 to be incom0lete com0ared to the data stored in memor47 If 4ou are in doubt about the screen dis0la4, 4ou should alwa4s use >edraw HrdI7 When a redraw is in 0rogress, 4ou can interru0t it b4 clicEing the Cancel7 This saves time if 4ou do not need to see the com0letel4 redrawn screen before using another command7 ?isualiCer Window Whereas the Design Window gives a 2@dimensional section view, the ?isualiCer will dis0la4 all of the data in =@dimensions and will allow the view to be moved, rotated and Coomed such that an4 0art can be e2amined in the smallest detail, and in its conte2t7 The ?isualiCer re0resents the current view 0lane in the Design window as a frame Hcolored white if the bacEground color of the ?isualiCer is blacEI along with V, J, and D a2es to indicate the orientation of the grid7 Whenever the orientation of the Design window view 0lane is changed, the frame in the ?isualiCer is ad9usted accordingl47

The ?isualiCer is

$T an editing toolN it can onl4 be used to view 4our data7

Dooming and 0anning are achieved b4 dragging the mouse whilst holding down a Ee4board Ee4 as follows( ?isualiCer &ction S0in :an Doom "e4 ) Mouse XSAI1TY ) Left %utton XSAI1TY ) >ight %utton XSAI1TY ) both %uttons or XC>TLY ) Left %utton

To activate the continuous@s0in feature, 0ress the arrow Ee4s on the Ee4board when the ?isualiCer Window is active7 To sto0 the s0in, clicE in the ?isualiCer Window7 Several as0ects of the dis0la4 can be controlled via a 0o0@u0 menu within the ?isualiCerN this menu is activated b4 right@clicEing an4where in the ?isualiCer Window7 The o0tions available in the menu is de0endent on what ob9ects are currentl4 loaded7 Jou can control which of the loaded ob9ects are u0dated using the o0tions in the dialog dis0la4ed with the command 1ormat P ?isualiCer P ?isualiCer Settings is

5* 5*

run7 Sim0l4 select HticEI the data 4ou wish u0dated when 4ou run the U0date ?isualiCer command7


5' 5'

?> Window The ?> H?irtual >ealit4I Window is used to render realistic, simulated worlds using the Studio = core data as building blocEs7 The ?> Window 0rovides the following functionalit4( L #eological data immersion allows 4ou to dis0la4 fault 0lanes, geo0h4sical grids, geological inter0retations, structural surface models, grade surface models, drillholes and terrain surfaces, then color and te2ture the ob9ects to reveal their hidden secrets7 >eal world data connection allows 4ou to linE ever4 ob9ect in the virtual world can to other documents and 0rograms accessible on the local networE, com0an4 intranet or worldwide Internet7 Jou can clicE on sa4 a drillhole to dis0la4 a drill log or section 0lot, or on a blast marEu0 line to re0ort the tonnes and grades, or ste0 inside the mine office and clicE on the tele0hone to dial@u0 and u0load the latest drilling results7 Terrain navigation allows 4ou to 9um0 into an4 vehicle and taEe it for a drive u0 the road, across countr4, or down the mine7 TaEe a visitor or a com0an4 director on a virtual tour of 4our e20loration 0ro9ect or minesite7 Change the trans0arenc4 of the terrain surface and 0eer down to see the orebod4 and 0it design surface7 1l4@thruMs allow 4ou to dra0e an aerial 0hoto over 4our terrain surface, grab a 9o4sticE and go fl4ing7 Swing down into the 0it then dive below ground and fl4 right inside the orebod47 Simulations allow 4ou to define haulage routes, then add trucEs, shovels, draglines, drill rigs and service vehicles and watch the mine come to life7


5. 5.


Example $% 4oading

ata into the

esign :indo(

There are several wa4s in which data can be loaded into the Design Window, namel4( L >un the command Data P Load and select the relevant data t40e from the dro0 down menu7 Locate the re;uired file in the :ro9ect 1iles control bar and clicE and drag it into the Design window7 It is 0ossible to select and load several files at once b4 holding down the XSAI1TY or XCT>LY Ee4 whilst selecting each file in turn7

L Locate the re;uired file in the :ro9ect 1iles control bar, right@clicE on it and select Load from the dro0 down menu7 1or e2am0le to load to0ogra0h4 contours into the Design window e20and the Strings folder in the :ro9ect 1iles control bar and locate the file SvbSlto0o7 Select the file and drag it into the Design window7

The file will now be listed in the Loaded Data and Sheets control bars7


5, 5,

Example )%

esign :indo( <oom &ommands

To Coom in select the ?iew P Doom P Doom In HC2I command H I and using the mouse clicE near the center of the to0ogra0h4 contours with the left mouse Ee4 and while holding the mouse button down drag it towards the to0 right hand corner as illustrated below( When 4ou release the mouse button the view will be reset to the defined area7

To reset the view so it is centered on the data use ?iew P Doom P Doom &ll Data HCaI H I7 The co@ordinates of the mouse 0osition are shown at the bottom of the Design window(

ote if the view0lane is horiContal, when the mouse is moved within the Design window the V and J values change whilst the D value remains fi2ed

This e2am0le demonstrates the difference between the commands Doom &ll Data HCaI and Doom Data In :lane HCeI7 Using the e2am0le to0ogra0h4 contours shown in the image above the command ?iew P Set ?iew0lane P Move will allow the view0lane to be moved a user defined distance, for e2am0le '3m7 The value for the D 0osition of the view 0lane will change, for e2am0le to 23,7=,7 If the command ?iew P Doom P Doom In HC2I is used to Coom in to an area of the data and ?iew P Doom P Doom &ll Data HCaI is used to Coom@out, then 4ou will return to a horiContal 0lane where D\+',7=,7 Aowever, in order to remain on the current view0lane H23,7=,I the command ?iew P Doom P Doom Data In :lane HCe or

I should be used7

55 55

Example *%

esign :indo( Pan &ommand

The :an H0anI command allows 4ou to move the dis0la4 across the screen in an4 direction7 Select the ?iew P :an H0an or the center of the Design Window7 of the original 0oint7 I command and using the mouse select a 0oint near Select a second 0oint a few centimeters to the right

Jou can also use the Ee4board arrows to 0an the data in the Design Window7 In this case, the distance the data is 0anned is fi2ed7

Example ,% -otating

ata in the

esign :indo(

To rotate data dis0la4ed in the Design window, using the mouse clicE an4where in the Design window with the left@hand mouse button7 Aold down the XSAI1TY Ee4 and move the mouse to rotate the data7 Select the :revious ?iew button from the toolbar down the right hand side of Studio = to return to the 0revious view7 Jou could also use ?iew P :revious ?iew or the ;uicE Ee4 0v7

Example .% #etting and Toggling &lipping 4imits in the

esign :indo(

The ?iew P Set Cli00ing Limits command H4ou could also use scl or I allows 4ou to set a distance either side of the view0lane7 &ll data falling within the defined region will be dis0la4ed and all data outside this region will be hidden7 It is a useful tool for viewing a single section or bench7 When running this command a FfrontG and FbacEG cli00ing distance is re;uired7 The FfrontG distance direction is defined as the direction towards 4ou7 The FbacEG distance is defined as the direction awa4 from 4ou7 1or e2am0le, assuming a section s0acing of 2'm the cli00ing distance is set as follows( +7 Select the ?iew P Set Cli00ing Limits command Hor use scl or I7

27 Toggle off the infinite cli00ing o0tions and set both the FfrontG and FbacEG cli00ing limits to +27' HThe section s0acing of the drillholes is 2' meters7I



=7 Turn the cli00ing on and off with the ?iew P Use Cli00ing Limits HucI command7 The Use Cli00ing Limits button can be found in the toolbar running down the right hand side of Studio =7 This is an e2am0le of a FtoggleG command7 & toggle command is used to turn a dis0la4 setting on or off7 In this case the Use Cli00ing HucI command allows 4ou to turn cli00ing on and off without having to reset the cli00ing distances7 T40icall4 the cli00ing commands are used b4 setting the cli00ing limits once and then toggling the cli00ing on and off as re;uired7

Example 1% Moving the 0ie(plane in the

esign :indo(

The ?iew P Set ?iew0lane P Move command Hor use m0l or I allows 4ou to move the current view0lane b4 a s0ecified distance7 The distance can be negative or 0ositive with the movement sense being 0er0endicular to the view 0lane7 & 0ositive value will move the view 0lane towards 4ou7 & t40ical use of this command would be to ste0 through a data set on a section b4 section or bench b4 bench basis7 This command is normall4 used in con9unction with cli00ing7 To move to a 0articular easting, double@clicE on the coordinates in the Status %ar7

-3 -3

The Mouse :osition dialog is dis0la4ed(

+7 ClicE the LocEed bo2 and enter the re;uired !asting coordinate in the bo2 ad9acent to V7 27 To move to this easting, run the command ?iew P Set ?iew0lane P b4 + 0oint H+I or select this command button on the toolbar, clicE an4where in the Design window and select orth@South from the dialog7 =7 UnlocE the easting b4 clicEing on the locEed bo27 Close the mouse 0osition dialog7 ote the V coordinate7

Example 7% #etting Axis Exaggeration in the

esign :indo(

The ?iew P Set !2aggeration command Hor use se2 or I allows 4ou to rescale one or more of the three standard coordinate ranges7 This command is generall4 used to a00l4 vertical e2aggeration to data which has large e2tents in the V and J directions but is ver4 narrow in the D direction7 Mineral sands and bau2ite de0osits are two common e2am0les where vertical e2aggeration is routinel4 a00lied7 The 0rocedure to a00l4 e2aggeration is as follows( +7 >un the command ?iew P Set !2aggeration Hor use se2 or I and e20eriment with a00l4ing scaling factors of W+<, W2< and W=< to the D a2is7

-+ -+

27 Use the > o0tion to reset scaling bacE to the original settings7


-2 -2

Example 8% Updating the 0isuali=er :indo(

The ?isualiCer toolbar should be dis0la4ed along the to0 of Studio =7 If it is not dis0la4ed turn it on b4 selecting ?iew P CustomiCation P Toolbars P ?isualiCer7

U0date the ?isualiCer window to dis0la4 the same data as is loaded into the Design window b4 running the command 1ormat P ?isualiCer P U0date ?isualiCer $b9ects Hor use U? or I Jou can control which of the loaded ob9ects are u0dated using the o0tions in the dialog dis0la4ed with the command 1ormat P ?isualiCer P ?isualiCer Settings is run7 Sim0l4 select HticEI the data 4ou wish u0dated when 4ou run the U0date ?isualiCer command7

Example 9% #ynchroni=ing the 0isuali=er and

esign 0ie(s;

The orientation of the current view 0lane from either the ?isualiCer or the Design window can be controlled using the following commands( L

1ormat P ?isualiCer P >eset ?isualiCer ?iew Hor use vv or

-3 -3

1ormat P ?isualiCer P >ead ?isualiCer ?iew Hor use rvv or

This e2am0le illustrates both commands7 +7 Select the ?isualiCer window and change the view0lane b4 rotating the data7 27 Select the Design window and run the 1ormat P ?isualiCer P >ead ?isualiCer ?iew HrvvI command or clicE on the command button in the toolbar7 The changed orientation in the ?isualiCer should now be matched in the Design Window7 =7 In the Design Window use the ?iew P Set ?iew0lane P Custom command to change the di0 and aCimuth of the view 0lane, for e2am0le(

*7 >un the 1ormat P ?isualiCer P >eset ?isualiCer with Design ?iew HvvI command H &gain the view 0lanes in the two windows should now be s4nchroniCed7


The difference between the U0date ?isualiCer ?iew HvvI and the U0date ?isualiCer $b9ects HuvI commands is that the former onl4 resets the view while the latter resets the view and reloads all the data into the ?isualiCer7 The advantage of the U0date ?isualiCer ?iew HvvI command is that it is much ;uicEer to run when there is a large amount of data loaded in the Design window7


-+ -+

In the following e2ercises 4ou will load data into the Design window and 0ractice changing the view0lane in the Design and ?isualiCer windows7 Jou can use either 4our own data or the data 0rovided as 0art of the online tutorial database7

Exercise $% 4oading
Load the window( L L

ata into the

esign :indo(

following data

into the

Drillhole file He7g7 SvbSholesI To0ogra0h4 file He7g7 SvbSlto0oI

List the wa4s in which 4ou can checE what data ob9ects are loaded( +7 27 =7 *7 '7 .7

Exercise )% &hanging the 0ie(plane

+7 What command would 4ou use to dis0la4 the e2tents of the loaded data in the Design window on the current view0laneT &nswer(

27 What ste0s6commands would 4ou use to change to a dataT &nswer(

@S view of the

=7 What ste0s6commands would 4ou use to change to a a 0articular section and onl4 view that sectionT

@S view of the data along

-2 -2


*7 Aow do 4ou ste0 through sectionsT &nswer(

Exercise *% #etting Axis Exaggeration

+7 Aow would 4ou e2aggerate the D a2is b4 a factor of =T &nswer(

27 Aow would 4ou set scaling bacE to the original settingsT &nswer(

Exercise ,% Updating the 0isuali=er :indo(

+7 What command would 4ou use to view onl4 the to0ogra0h4 contours in the ?isualiCerT i7e7 do not dis0la4 the drillholes7 &nswer(


ow include the drillholes when u0dating the ?isualiCer7 ?isualiCer how do 4ou hide the

$nce dis0la4ed in the

drillholesT &nswer(


-= -=

=7 What is the difference between these two methods of dis0la4ing6hiding dataT &nswer(

Exercise .% #ynchroni=ing the

esign and 0isuali=er :indo(s

What is the difference between the following commandsT +7 1ormat P ?isualiCer P >eset ?isualiCer ?iew 27 1ormat P ?isualiCer P >ead ?isualiCer ?iew



-* -*



Interactive Short Term Scheduler HISTSI 0rovides a full set of tools for scheduling the 0roduction from a set of evaluated strings which can re0resent mining units Hmining blocEsI of an4 siCe7 These evaluated strings can also be generated b4 advancing a selected face Hset of ad9acent string segmentsI a set distance or to meet a target tonnage7 The ob9ective of this training module is to become familiar with Studio =<s ISTS a00lication7 Jou will be taught the basic worEflow of ISTS and associated functions7 &ll demonstration data will be installed with Studio =7

ISTS o0timiCes the 0roduction re;uired from available blocEs, mining faces or blasts over a number of shifts or da4s to meet current 0rocessing targets and tonnages7 The out0ut can be used as in0ut to dis0atch s4stems ensuring material is trans0orted to its most a00ro0riate location at that time7 %ecause ISTS su00orts one@ste0 multi@0eriod o0timiCation, solutions over the re;uired 0lanning horiCon are not com0romised b4 finding the best blend for the most immediate shift or da4<s 0roduction7 ISTS 0rovides detailed tools for defining haul route networEs together with haulage fleet and e2tractive machiner4 inventories7 This com0rehensive set of e;ui0ment 0lanning functions can e2change data with machiner4 scheduling and trucE dis0atch s4stems7 L ISTS allows engineers to schedule and blend from mining blocEs over one or more time 0eriods whilst honoring o0erating constraints and 0roduction targets7 & 0eriod ma4 be as short as a shift and the mining blocE ma4 re0resent a 0ortion of a blast, an individual blast outline or a grou0 of blasts or e2traction units7


-' -'

Select and view results, and schedule them into the current time 0eriod, with full access to standard re0orts and gra0hs or sim0l4 e20ort the results to !:S @ DatamineMs gra0hical scheduler or a re0orting tool such as Mining :ower :acE B Datamine<s re0orting !2cel 0lug in7 1or mines which have short term blending re;uirements from multi0le 0roduction sources then ISTS is the solution 4ou need7 Define multi0le 0rocessing methods and targets and let ISTS determine the re;uired material to be taEen from each available source to meet toda4Ms 0roduction re;uirements7 >a0id re0orting and feedbacE means that different o0tions can be ;uicEl4 assessed to obtain the best available result7 ISTS is the Studio = re0lacement for the functions covered in the Interactive :roduction Se;uencing, 1ace &dvance and &chieve HblendingI tools within Studio 27

Prerequisites for this Module

Jou must be licensed to use ISTS7 The following licenses must be installed to com0lete this tutorial( L L L L L L Interactive Short Term $0timiCer Interactive Short Term Scheduler ISTS Aaulage and Dum0 Design Datamine Studio =7+-7=.=573 or higher must be installed and licensed7 Microsoft !2cel must be installed !nhanced :roduction Scheduler must be installed and licensed7

Training Module #tructure

This module taEes 4ou through a series of e2ercises that worE towards the generation of an o0eration schedule7 There are four Ee4 areas that will be covered( L S4stem setu0 and configuration( o Data Management( defining the entities that are im0ortant to short@ term o0erational scheduling such as the data Wob9ects< that will be used to determine blocE reserves and outlines, the mining schedule and an4 de0endenc4 tables Hthis will all become clearer as 4ou 0rogress through this moduleI7 Mine Configuration( setting u0 the necessar4 calendars, destinations Hincluding stocE0ilesI, haulage ca0acit4 and routes to deliver a realistic schedule7 Dum0 Modeling( e2ercises to describe effective dum0 design, evaluation and se;uencing7 o L

Constraints( setting global targets and de0endencies7

>eserves Calculations( a series of e2ercises that e20lore the e2tensive

-. -.

face advance functions within ISTS7


-, -,

Scheduling( com0rehensive activities covering both manual and automatic scheduling7 Schedule >eview( ?isualiCing 4our schedule gra0hicall4 and e20orting it to !2cel and Datamine<s !nhanced :roduction Scheduler7



&ll files referenced in this tutorial are 0art of the DMTutorials data set7 :lease asE 4our local Datamine su00ort office for assistance in su00l4ing this data set if 4ou do not have it7 The DMTutorials data files are installed in 4our Datamine Database folder, which is normall4 found as C(QDatabaseQDMTutorialsQ?%$:QDatamine7 The files s0ecific to this tutorial can be found in the FISTSG sub@folder7 The files that will be used throughout the following e2ercises are as follows( L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L SvbS2benches7dm SvbS0anelSeval7dm SvbSto0o0ittr7dm SvbSto0o0it0t7dm SvbScrushhaul7dm SvbSdum0haul7dm SvbSleachhaul7dm SvbS0ithaul7dm SvbSstocEhaul7dm SvbSti0basest7dm SvbSdum0lift5Ss0litSst7dm SvbSdum0lift5tr7dm SvbSdum0lift50t7dm SvbSlift5Ss0littr7dm SvbSlift5Ss0lit0t7dm ISTS+7elg :!>C! T@Color7elg7

The ISTS tutorial model file SvbSmod+7dm is located with the other o0en 0it data files in the DMTutorialsQDataQ?%$:QDatamine

-5 -5




&n4 0ro9ects created during the tutorial should DMTutorialsQ:ro9ectsQISTSTutQ:ro9filesQM4:ro9+ folder7 to create this folder structure if it does not 4et e2ist7a

be stored under ote that 4ou will need


+3 3+


Exercise $% 4oading Training


In this e2ercise, 4ou are going to load the e2am0le data that is re;uired for the ISTS training module7 +7 If Datamine Studio is currentl4 running, save the current 0ro9ect and o0en a new one using the 1ile P ew command7 27 If the Studio :ro9ect WiCard Welcome screen is dis0la4ed, clicE ma4 not be dis0la4ed on all s4stemsI7 =7 $n the :ro9ect :ro0erties screen, enter FISTS TutorialG as the 0ro9ect *7 Select the Create !2tended 0recision 0ro9ect checE bo27 '7 !nsure the Create MineTrust aware 0ro9ect checE bo2 is not selected7 .7 !nsure the &utomaticall4 add files currentl4 in this director4 when checE bo2 is not selected7 ,7 ClicE 57 ClicE e2t7 e2t again7 e2t is clicEed e2t Hthis


-7 ClicE 1inish7 +37 ++7 e2t, add files to the 0ro9ect b4 selecting 1ile P &dd to :ro9ect P !2isting 1iles7 avigate to C(QDatabaseQDataQ?%$:QDatamineQISTS and use the XCT>LY Ee4 in con9unction with the left mouse button to select the following files and clicE $0en( L L L L L L L L L SvbS2benches7dm SvbS0aneleval7dm SvbSto0o0ittr7dm SvbSto0o0it0t7dm SvbScrushhaul7dm SvbSdum0haul7dm SvbSleachhaul7dm SvbS0ithaul7dm SvbSstocEhaul7dm

+27 Select 1ile P &dd to :ro9ect P !2isting 1iles again7 This time navigate to C(QDatabaseQDataQ?%$:QDatamine and select the file SvbSmod+7dm7

+3 ++

+=7 ClicE $0en7 +*7 1inall4, select 1ile P &dd to :ro9ect P !2isting 1iles again and this time, navigate to C(QDatabaseQDataQ?%$:QDatamineQISTS 7 +'7 !20and the 1iles of t40e dro0@down list and select Z&ll 1iles HR7RI[ +.7 Select the files ISTS+7elg and :!>C! T@Colour7elg and clicE $0en7 +,7 Dis0la4 the :ro9ect 1iles control bar and drag and dro0 the following files into the Design window to load them into memor4 H4ou can e20and the F&ll 1ilesG folder to see a full list of available files in the 0ro9ectI( a7 SvbS2benches7dm b7 SvbS0anelSeval7dm c7 SvbSmod+7dm +57 Jou should see a view similar to that shown below(

Exercise )% +ormatting the

isplay of the Model +33 +33+

The ne2t stage is to a00l4 custom legends to the loaded data7 &00endi2

+7 >ight clicE in the Design Window and choose 1ormat Dis0la47 Jou will see a list of available ob9ect overla4s on the left of the dialog(

27 Select the ZSvbSmod+ HblocE modelI[ ob9ect and clicE the Color tab on the right7 =7 e2t, 4ou need to im0ort the tutorial legend files that will be used to format the ISTS data set7 To do this, clicE the !dit Legend button as st0l below(

*7 This launches the Legends Manager7 Scroll the main list down until 4ou see the ZUser Legends[ item as shown below(

'7 >ight clicE this item and select the Load Legend o0tion7 .7 avigate to C(QDatabaseQDataQ?%$:QDatamineQISTS and double clicE the ISTS+7elg file to load it into the Legends Manager7

,7 >e0eat ste0 2= to load the other legend file B :!>C! T@Colour7elg7 Jou should now see both legends listed in the User Legends categor4(


+3+ +3++

57 ClicE Close in the Legends Manager7 -7 %acE in the 1ormat Dis0la4 dialog, e20and the Legend dro0@down list and select the ZISTS+[ item7 +37 Select Z&U[ from the Column dro0@down list7 ++7 ClicE $" to a00l4 the model legend7 Jour data dis0la4 should now be as shown below(

Exercise *% +ormatting the

isplay of the #trings

In this section 4ou will filter and format the loaded strings data SvbS2benches7dm7 +7 1ilter the loaded strings with the e20ression C$L$U>\- so that onl4 the u00er bench strings are dis0la4ed7 Jou can do this b4( a7 In the Design window, select Data P $b9ect Manager7 b7 Aighlight the ZSvbS2benches7dm[ ob9ect in the list on the left7 c7 In the 1ilter field, enter the e20ression FC$L$U>\-G and clicE &00l47

d7 Close the Data $b9ect Manager Huse the red cross in the to0 right cornerI7 e7 Left@clicE inside the Design window and t40e Wrd< to redraw the

+32 +32+

dis0la47 Jour view will u0date to show onl4 the u00er bench string(


+3= +3=+

27 T40e Wst0l< Hsna0 to 0laneI and right clicE near one of the Wedges< of the closed bench string as indicated below(


This will move the dis0la4 into the 0lane of these strings at @+3m7 Jou can checE this for 4ourself b4 looEing at the mouse coordinates at the bottom of the a00lication7 Jou should see a static F@+3G shown for the D value7 When 4ou move 4our mouse around the Design window, the V and J coordinates will be the onl4 values that change7

*7 Select 1ormat P Dis0la4] from the dro0@down menu s4stem7


+3* +3*+

'7 Select the ZSvbS2benches7dm[ strings ob9ect and clicE the Color tab Hif it is not alread4 dis0la4edI7 .7 In the Color section of the dialog( a7 Select Z:!>C! T@Color[ from the Legend dro0@down list7 b7 Select Z:!>C! T[ from the Column dro0@down list7 ,7 In the Line St4le section of the dialog( a7 Select Z:!>C! T@Color[ from the Legend dro0@down list7 b7 Select Z:!>C! T[ from the Column dro0@down list7 57 Select the 1illed checE bo27 -7 Select the Drawing $rder tab(

+37 Left@clicE the ZSvbSmod+ HblocE modelI[ item in the list7 ++7 ClicE Last7 +27 ClicE $"7


+3' +3'+

+=7 Jour view should now looE similar to the one that follows(

Exercise ,% #electing

ata Objects for #cheduling

Data selection is an im0ortant first ste0 when running ISTS7 +7 1irst, maEe sure 4ou have the ISTS Control toolbar dis0la4ed as shown below(

27 Choose &00lications P ISTS P Setu0 P $b9ects7 =7 In the Select $b9ects dialog, select ZSvbS0anelSeval HtableI[ from the %locE >eserves dro0@down list7 *7 Select ZSvbS2benches7dm HstringsI[ from the %locE $utlines dro0@down list7 '7 ClicE $"7

Exercise .% &onfiguring +ield Treatment #ettings

F1ield TreatmentG refers to the wa4 data fields are treated during scheduling calculations7 +7 $n the ISTS Control toolbar, clicE the !dit the 1ield Treatment Settings icon as shown below(


+3. +3.+

27 Jou will see the 1ield Treatment dialog which allows 4ou to choose whether an4 given field is &ccumulated, Co0ied or Weighted in an4 scheduling calculation7 #enerall4, the default settings will be correctl4 a00lied7

ClicE Close to acce0t the default settings7

Exercise 1% &onfiguring the Mine / &alendars

1or this e2ercise, 4ou are going to configure multi0le o0erational calendars( +7 This e2ercise maEes use of the ISTS TasE :ane7 This is normall4 found as a tab on the right of the screen as shown below(

If this tab is not dis0la4ed, 4ou will need to enable it b4 selecting ?iew P CustomiCation P Control %ars P ISTS TasE :ane7 27 1rom the Mine Configuration 0anel of the ISTS TasE :ane, select Calendars(

=7 This dis0la4s the Calendars dialog7 :resuming !nglish regional settings are in use, choose a Start Date of F++6356233-G and a Start Time of F33(33(33G7

+3, +3,+

ISTS dialogs will use the date format that is relevant to 4our o0erating s4stem<s >egional Settings7

*7 The default settings for :eriod Length HhrsI H2*I and are oEa4 to use for this e2ercise7

umber of :eriods H+33I

'7 ClicE the #enerate button and the table below fills with 0eriod numbers and intervals(

.7 &s re;uested, a total of +33 intervals are dis0la4ed7 Scroll down to :eriod ,,7 Jou will see that the 1rom Time and !nd Time values are no longer the s0ecified F33(33(33G time7 The4 have changed to F2=(33(33G7 This is intentional and is to accommodate da4light savings time for the s0ecified $S region7

,7 ClicE $"7 57 $n the ISTS Control toolbar, e20and the dro0@down list as shown to see the new calendar 0eriods that have been generated(


+35 +35+

-7 >eturn to the Calendars dialog again, and this time select the Mine Calendar tab7 This tab is used to record non@worEing and non@standard dates in the established calendar7 +37 1or this e2ercise, 4ou are going to declare the dates 2'6+263- and 2.6+263- as holida4s7 Heven site o0erators get to go home at ChristmasI7 To do this, clicE &dd in the on@WorEing Da4s section7 ++7 In the Define Time :eriod dialog, enter F2'6+263-G into the 1rom Date field and F2.6+263-G into the To field7 &n !nglish date format is 0resumed for this ste07 &d9ust accordingl4 for other regions7 +27 ClicE $"(

+=7 There is scheduled downtime on the +5th $ctober from +(33 :M until midnight7 To s0ecif4 this, clicE &dd in the on@Standard Da4s HDowntimeI area7 +*7 %acE in the Define Time :eriod dialog, enter F+56+363-G into the Date field(


e2t, enter F+=(33(33G into the u00er time field and F2=('-('-G into the To Time field H4ou want the downtime to sto0 at the stroEe of midnightI7 ote that 4ou will need to highlight and edit the hour, minute and second blocEs inde0endentl4 b4 overt40ing7

+.7 ClicE $"(

+,7 Machine maintenance will im0act o0erations, and sometimes in a significant wa47 Most haulage e;ui0ment will have a scheduled Wmaintenance< calendar to determine when e;ui0ment is available7 ISTS full4 su00orts the conce0t of maintenance calendars7


In the Calendars dialog, select the Machine Maintenance Calendars tab7 +57 1or this e2ercise, a new maintenance calendar will be created for the F:C''33G loader7 ClicE &dd to reveal the Maintenance Calendar dialog7 +-7 In the Calendar ame field enter F:C''33SMaintG7

237 The remainder of the dialog is used to define s0ecific ino0erative times for the :C''33 e;ui0ment7 ClicE the u00er &dd button7 2+7 Select 1rom F3.63-63-G To F3,63-63-G7 ClicE $"7 227 ClicE &dd again and enter non@worEing time 1rom F226++63-G To F2=6++63-G7 ClicE $"7 Jou should now see a view similar to that shown below(

2=7 Downtime will be scheduled for Christmas da4N clicE the lower &dd button7 2*7 In the Define Time :eriod dialog, enter 1rom F2'6+263-G at F33(33(33G To F2=('-('-G7 The on@Standard Da4s HDowntimeI table will now show the following entr4(

2'7 ClicE $" to return to the to0@level Calendars dialog7 Jou will see a new calendar entr4 in the main list(

2.7 ClicE $" to dismiss the Calendars dialog7

Exercise 7% &onfiguring the Mine 5


estinations and #toc>piles ++3 ++3+

ISTS uses defined Wdestination< 0arameters in its scheduling calculations to ensure the resulting schedule taEes into account the ca0acit4, acce0table rocE t40eHsI, location, grade U ;ualit4 targets and Enown o0erational constraints for each destination7 The schedule will taEe into account all defined destinations6stocE0iles when calculating a 0ractical o0erational solution7 The first ste0 is to set u0 the basic details for each destination7 In this e2ercise, four destinations will be defined( L L L L DUM:( receives waste ore onl47 L!&CA:&D( to harvest from marginal grade ore7 :L& T( to receive grade determined Wlow< or Whigh<7 ST$C":IL! +( to store material that is destined for the :L& T7

Setting u0 a destination is a sim0le case of worEing through each and defining the relevant 0arameters(

Defining Destination



+7 ClicE the Destinations icon the ISTS Control toolbar, as shown below(

27 In the Destinations dialog Hcurrentl4 em0t4I, clicE &dd7 =7 Jou will see a ew Destination dialog7 Select the #eneral tab and enter the following details( ame( DUM: Dum0T( Select this checE bo2


ote the !dit Settings button that has become enabled B this is used to configure the settings for ISTS<s dum0 design functions7 This will be e20lained in more detail later7 1or now, ignore this button and select the Ca0acit4 tab7

'7 Select the Limited to o0tion and set the value to F+33,333G7 This value is used b4 the solver to limit the ;uantit4 of material allocated to this destination in an4 one 0eriod7 .7 ClicE the >ocE T40es tab7 The DUM: destination will onl4 acce0t material designated as FW&ST!G7 ,7 Select the &cce0ted dro0@down list for the W&ST! row and select ZJes[7 In the corres0onding Weighting row, enter F-G7 This high weighting is given so that material is sent to the DUM: as a 0riorit4 Hthis will ensure that 0ocEets of waste are not allowed to be left in the 0itI B 4ou will notice that all the other destinations that are defined further on will have a lower weighting(

++3 ++3+


o constraints or grade6;ualit4 targets will be set for this destination so clicE $" to return to the Destinations dialog Hwhich now lists FDUM:G as an e2isting itemI7

Defining the L!&CA:&D Destination

+7 ClicE &dd again to define a L!&CA:&D destination7 27 !nter FL!&CA:&DG as the ame of the destination and select the Ca0acit4 tab Hthe StocE0ileT or the Dum0T checE bo2es should not be selected as the4 are not relevant to this destinationI7 =7 In the Ca0acit4 0anel, limit the 0rocessing ca0acit4 to F,3333G mass units7 *7 $n the >ocE T40es tab use the dro0 down lists to select ZJes[ for the Marginal categor4 and set the Weighting to F2G7 These Weighting values are used b4 the solver to set 0riorities for each destination(


o further 0arameters are needed for the L!&CA:&D destination at this stage Ha location will be s0ecified laterI7 ClicE $" to return to the Destinations dialog7

Defining Destination



The :L& T destination will be set u0 in a similar wa4 to the 0revious destinations, but will re;uire a ;ualit4 target to be s0ecified as well7

This tab is used to add, edit and delete grade6;ualit4 scheduling targets7 Targets are a00lied to the total material sent to a destination in a 0eriod and are the 0rimar4 controls for the blending algorithm, and are defined using this 0anel and subse;uent dialogs7 +++ &00endi2 ++++

+7 In the Destinations dialog, clicE &dd and set the F:L& TG7

ame of the destination as

27 Select the Ca0acit4 tab and enter a 0rocessing ca0acit4 limit of F53333G7 =7 In the >ocE T40es dialog, acce0t both L$W #>&D! and AI#A #>&D! and set a weighting of F5G for each(

*7 Select the #rade6_ualit4 Targets tab and clicE &dd7 '7 The Define Target dialog a00ears7 !ach grade target is created as a se0arate entit47 Jou are going to set u0 a target that re0resents the re;uired grade level for the 0lant feed and if that grade value is going to be ad9usted in an4 wa4 Hi7e7 affected b4 a target variableI before it is sub9ect to scheduling calculations7 In addition, 4ou are going to s0ecif4 that for 0eriods + to --, a minimum cutoff grade of 273 g6t will be set and a ma2imum 0ermissible grade of '73 g6t7 In this e2ercise, a grade target will be set for &U that uses the actual grade field value Hwithout modificationI when determining whether the grade level is suitable for the 0lant for destinations + to --7 .7 ClicE &dd7 ,7 In the Define Target dialog, enter a ame of F:lantS1eedG7

57 !nsure the >ate 0er 0eriod radio button is selected7 -7 ote that the grade fields &U, CU2 and LITA are shown7 &s this target onl4 relates to the &U field, set a umerator of + in the &U row(

So what does this actuall4 meanT &s it stands, not ver4 muchN all 4ou have done is to

++2 ++2+

state that the value of grade that is held within the &U field for a s0ecific model cell will be multi0lied b4 + Hi7e7 will not be changedI when it is fed into the scheduling calculation7 The scheduler will then com0are the achieved grade for all model cells within a mining blocE Has defined b4 the outlines of SvbS2benches7dmI and if the com0osite grade is found to be within an acce0table range for the active mining 0eriod, the blocE will be viewed as a viable o0tion for the scheduler7 ote that when defining a target grade 0er 0eriod Has 4ou are doing nowI, the Denominator is not relevant B this is onl4 used when a target ratio is defined7 +37 The onl4 thing that is missing from this situation is the definition of a range of grades that are termed acce0table for a given 0eriod, for this destination7 There are +33 0eriods in 4our current mining calendar, as defined in a 0revious e2ercise7 It is re;uired that 0eriods + to -- inclusive must be met with an achieved grade target of between = and ' grams 0er tonne7 This is set using the Target bounds b4 0eriod table7 ClicE in the first !nd Time cell and enter F--G7 ++7 !nter F27,'G into the Minimum field and F'G into the Ma2imum field7 +27 The Define Target dialog now contains the following information(


++= ++=+

+=7 ClicE $"7 +*7 ClicE $" again to return to the Destinations dialog(

Defining the StocE0ile Location

& stocE0ile destination, as in the real world, will be used as a Wbuffer< between the 0oint of e2traction and a 0rocessing mechanism Hleach0ad, 0lant etc7I7 ISTS su00orts the definition of multi0le stocE0iles, each with inde0endent 0arameters7 1or this e2ercise, a single stocE0ile will be created that stores material for future 0rocessing b4 the :L& T destination7 +7 In the Destinations dialog, clicE &dd7 27 !nter the ame FST$C":IL! +G7

=7 Select the StocE0ileT checE bo27 *7 The ew StocE0ile dialog is dis0la4ed automaticall47

'7 Set the Ma2imum >eclaim >ate to F'3333G .7 ow choose the >eclaim Destinations tab and use the dro0down to set :L& T as !nabled and enter a Weighting value of F,G7 When the scheduler is worEing out the 0riorities with regards to satisf4ing the ultimate schedule, this means that an4 weighted calculation 0arameters that are lower than this will be given a lower Wweighting<7 !ffectivel4, 4ou set a Weighting to determine the 0riorit4 this material is given b4 the scheduling FsolverG7 ,7 ClicE $"7 57 %acE in the StocE0ile dialog, choose the Ca0acit4 tab and set the :rocessing Ca0acit4 as Limited to '33337 -7 1inall4, select the >ocE T40es tab and acce0t both L$W #>&D! and AI#A #>&D!7 Set a weighting of F.G for the L$W #>&D! and F'G for AI#A #>&D!7 When 4ou are more familiar with the &utomatic Scheduling o0tion in ISTS, 4ou can e20eriment with these weighting values to achieve the balance of 0roduction re;uired to the various destinations

+37 ClicE $", then Close to com0lete the definition of 4our stocE0ile and other destinations for this schedule7

++* ++*+

Exercise 8% &onfigure Equipment

The following e2ercise establishes the set of static in@0it machiner4 Hi7e7 not including haul trucEsI such as loaders, drills and crushers that will be taEen into account when a schedule is being calculated7

+7 Select the Machines o0tion from the Mine Configuration menu(


The Machine T40es dialog is dis0la4ed7 = default machine categories Hnot actual machinesI are available for selectionN Loader, Drill and Crusher7 Select the Loader item and choose !dit7

=7 In the Loader Settings dialog, 4ou are going to add a Wclass< of loader machiner47 & class is used to describe a set of 0arameters that define a 0articular 0iece of e;ui0ment7 In effect, it is the same as Wdefining a machine<7 Start b4 adding the Machine Class ame F:C''33G7

*7 Jou have alread4 created a maintenance calendar for this loader in a 0revious e2ercise, so select Z:C''33SMaint[ from the Maintenance Calendar dro0@down list7 '7 e2t, add the following details( >ated Ca0acit4 Ht6$0 ArI( *333 umber of Units( * !nd :eriod( -Mech &vail `( -2733 Use of &vail `( -3733 $0!ff `( -3733 UtiliCation `( ,*7'2 Hthis is automaticall4 calculated based on the 0revious ` fieldsI .7 ClicE $" to return to the Loader Settings dialog7 ,7 ClicE $" to return to the Machine T40es dialog7 57 ClicE $" to return to the Design window7

Exercise 9% &onfigure 2aulage

This e2ercise shows 4ou how haulage is defined for an effective o0erational schedule deliver47 Similarl4 to the 0revious e2ercise, haulage is defined in terms of machiner4 grou0s and classes7


++' ++'+

+7 Choose the Aaul TrucEs o0tion from the Mine Configuration section of the ISTS TasE :ane7 27 Jou will see the Aaul TrucEs dialog, used to enter or edit settings for each categor4 of Aaul TrucE7 =7 Choose &dd TrucE Class7 *7 In the ew Aaul TrucE dialog, enter the following details(

Aaul TrucE ID( Cat ,5umber of Units( 23 >ated Ca0acit4 Ht6loadI( 223 ote that a maintenance calendar for this o0eration has not been e20licitl4 defined 4et7 1or now, leave the Maintenance Calendar field blanE, which leaves the schedule to assume that all trucEs are available throughout the full calendar7 &s mechanical availabilit4, efficienc4 and utiliCation are alread4 defined in the table, this isn<t a The &d9ustment 1actor is not set for this e2ercise7 It maEes use of a custom numeric attribute within the loaded results file Hin this e2ercise SvbS0anelSeval7dmI and treats this value as a factor that will be a00lied to the >ated Ca0acit47 1or e2am0le, if a 0articular Cone of material was 0articularl4 difficult to mine Hdue to the surrounding substrate or location, for e2am0leI a factor of, sa4, 37. listed in a selected FMI 1&CTG field could be used to ad9ust the >ated Ca0acit4 of machiner4 and schedule accordingl47 &n ad9ustment factor can be set for both Aaulage and !;ui0ment7 0roblem7

'7 In the table below, enter the following details( !nd :eriod( -Mech &vail `( -2733 Uo& `( -3733 $0!ff `( 55733 UtiliCation `( ,275. .7 So far, the Wca0abilit4< of mining e;ui0ment has been defined insofar as availabilit4 and ca0acit4 are concerned7 &nother im0ortant as0ect of haulage anal4sis is the wa4 machiner4 0erforms throughout its tasE He7g7 driving from the bench to the stocE0ile over a variet4 of terrain gradients and road networEs7 ,7 Select the :erformance tab on the Aaul TrucEs Settings dialog7 57 !nsure the Linear Model o0tion is selected is selected7 LinearT >im0ullT >etardationT >im0ull re0resents the force at an4 time60oint that is re;uired to overcome resitance forces7 Manufacturers of mining e;ui0ment su00l4 rim0ull vs s0eed curve and is 0roduced b4 a variet4 of 0acEages, including Tal0ac7

++. ++.+

Conversel4, a linear haulage model indicates a continuous 0erformance throughout the W9ourne4<, which will normall4 be defined in terms of one@time 0arameters to indicate the effective gradient of the road Hover its entire lengthI and the s0eed attainable b4 the trucE Hon averageI in both full and em0t4 states7 &cceleration ca0abilities are also taEen into account7 With a linear setu0, the ram0 haul s0eed is assumed to var4 linearl4 between the flat haul s0eed and the Wram0< s0eeds Hloaded and em0t4, u0 or downI at the reference ram0 gradient7 Setting a minimum s0eed in ISTS will calculate the ma2imum 0ermitted gradient7 Conversel4, the gradient can be set and a minimum s0eed calculated7 -7 Select the :erformance tab on the Aaul TrucEs Settings dialog7 +37 The following settings are relevant for the Cat ,5- haul trucE class( >ef !ffective #radient H`I( +3 Ma2 !ffective #radient H`I( +*7' Minimum S0eed HEm6hI( + S0eed Loaded HEm6hI( +3 HU0I, +' HDownI, =3 H1latI S0eed !m0t4 HEm6hI( +' HU0I, 23 HDownI, *' H1latI &cceleration Distance HmI( '3 ++7 Select the Loaders tab7 +27 Jou have alread4 defined a :C''33 Loader in a 0revious e2ercise, so it is shown in the table(

+=7 S0ecif4 the following settings for the :C''33 Loader class( Use with Loader( Jes Load HminsI( 2 _ueue time HminsI( =

+*7 Select the Dum0ing tab7 This dialog allows 4ou to enter or edit the dum0ing 0arameters for each categor4 of haul trucE7 +'7 Jou will need to set dum0ing 0arameters for each of the destinations where dum0ing o0erations are carried out7 1our values are re;uired for each destination that has been defined( L Initial C4cle is the time taEen for the first load to be dum0ed, it is the c4cle time from dum0 entr4 0oint to com0lete ti00ing and return to the dum0 entr4 0oint7


++, ++,+

Incremental C4cle re0resents the incremental increase in c4cle time for each additional million tonnes of material dum0ed7 _ueue is the ;ueuing time at the ti00ing 0oint7 Dum0 re0resents the time in minutes to com0lete the actual ti00ing o0eration7


1ill out the Dum0ing table as shown below(

+.7 Select the >eclaiming tab7 This dialog allows 4ou to enter or edit reclaiming 0arameters for each categor4 of haul trucE7 +,7 Set the Initial C4cle Time value for ST$C":IL! + to F+733G7 +57 ClicE $" to dismiss the Aaul TrucEs Settings( Cat ,5- dialog7 +-7 ClicE $" to dismiss the Aaul TrucEs dialog7

Exercise $?% &onfigure 2aulage -outes

ow 4ou have set u0 some basic e;ui0ment 0arameters, the schedule also needs to taEe account of the logistics of the mining o0erationN where do trucEs e2it the bench60itT 1or each destination that has been s0ecified, where does it e2ist in =D s0aceT &re there s0ecific dum0ing 0oints on the routeT What is the road networE la4outT &ll of these 0arameters are necessar4 to allow ISTS to deliver a 0ractical schedule7 +7 Select the Aaul >outes item on the ISTS TasE %ar(

27 With the Aaul >outes dialog dis0la4ed, ensure the %ench !2its tab is shown7 This 0anel is used to define the location of the e2it 0oints of each bench in =D s0ace7 Jour loaded data set encom0asses two se0arate benches Hat the @*3m and @23m elevationsI7 &s there are no associated 0ushbacE numbers, it is a case of recording V, J and D coordinate values for each bench7

++5 ++5+

!nter bench e2it data as shown below HclicE &dd to enter each new row before t40ing the values into itI(

=7 ClicE &00l47 *7 Select the :it !2its tab( this is used to define the global e2it location of the 0it Hnote that more than one ma4 be defined, but this e2ercise will onl4 define a single locationI7 1ill out the table as shown below Has before, clicE &dd and fill in the table cells manuall4I(

'7 ClicE &00l47 .7 Select the Intersections tab7 This dialog allows 4ou to enter or edit the locations for the 0ositions where haul routes between destinations cross over each other7 It is 0ossible to define multi0le intersections7 1ill out the table as shown below(

,7 ClicE &00l47 57 Select the Destinations tab7 This is used to define the =D location of each of the destinations alread4 defined7 1ill out the table as shown below(



&llthough the ISTS Aaul >outes dialog doesn<t acce0t interactive mouse@located in0ut directl4 into its table fields, 4ou can find out the VJD location of an4 0oint in the Design window using the _uer4 :oint command HW;0< shortcutI B this will send the VJD information to the $ut0ut window, among other information7

-7 ClicE &00l47 +37 Select the Dum0 :oints tab7 Jou have alread4 set one of 4our destinations as a Wdum0< and another as a WstocE0ile7 &s such, the4 are both listed on this screen so 4ou can give them a s0atial location7 1ill out the table as shown below(

++7 ClicE $" to dismiss the Aaul >outes dialog7 +27 Some files need to be loaded into memor4N these are string ob9ects that re0resent the intended haul routes for the roads that will be defined in the ne2t ste0s7 Dis0la4 the :ro9ect 1iles control bar and drag the following items into the Design window H4ou can find them in the Strings sub@folderI( L L L L L SvbScrushhaul7dm SvbSdum0haul7dm SvbSleachhaul7dm SvbS0ithaul7dm SvbSstocEhaul7dm

+=7 >eo0en the Aaul >outes dialog7


+23 +23+

+*7 $nto the >oads tab now7 & road, in the conte2t of ISTS, is the route between two nodes and can be sim0l4 a straight line linE or can be defined b4 a string ob9ect7 In 0ractice, most roads follow routes defined b4 a string ob9ect and this string ob9ect must have a Ee4 field that uni;uel4 defines each segment of road7 1or this e2ercise, 4ou are going to s0ecif4 an e2isting string data file as a road, and each road segment will be identified b4 a custom attribute field >$&DS!#7 The road will s0an from the e2it 0oint of the bench at the @*3m elevation to the e2it 0oint at the bench e2it on the @23m bench( To do this, clicE &dd and s0ecif4 the following information( ID( F%ench @*3 to @23G 1rom ode( Z%ench !2it[ and Z%ench @*3[ To ode( Z%ench !2it[ and Z%ench @23[ +'7 Select the String $b9ect radio button and enter the following information( String $b9ect( ZSvbS0ithaul7dm HstringsI[ "e4 1ield( >$&DS!# "e4 ?alue( + +.7 e2t, clicE &dd again and s0ecifi4 the following information to determine the road that linEs the u00er bench with the 0it e2it( ID( F%ench @23 to :it !2itG 1rom ode( Z%ench !2it[ and Z%ench @23[ To ode( Z:it !2it[ and Z:it !2it[

+,7 Select the String $b9ect radio button and enter the following information( String $b9ect( ZSvbS0ithaul7dm HstringsI[ "e4 1ield( >$&DS!# "e4 ?alue( 2 +57 &nother , roads need to be defined for this scenario7 To enter a new road, clicE &dd and enter the relevant criteria, following b4 &cce0t to add a new item to the >oads list7 Use the table below to create the remaining roads(






String $b9ect

"e4 1ield

"e4 ?alue


:it !2it to :lant6Dum0

:it !2it ) :it !2it

Intersection SvbScrushhaul7dm ) :lant@ Dum0@ Intersect

:lant6Dum0 to :lant

Intersection ) :lant@Dum0@ Intersect

Destination ) :L& T




+2+ +2++

:lant6Dum0 to Dum0

Intersection ) :lant@Dum0@ Intersect :it !2it ) :it !2it

Destination ) DUM:

SvbSdum0haul7dm >$&DS!#

:it !2it to StocE0ile6Leach

Intersection SvbSleachhaul7dm ) StocE@ Leach@ Intersect


StocE0ile6Leach to Leach0ad

StocE0ile to StocE6Leach

Intersection ) StocE@ Leach@ Intersect Destination ) ST$C":IL! +

Destination ) L!&CA:&D



Intersection SvbSstocEhaul7dm ) StocE@ Leach@ Intersect


StocE6Leach to :lant

Intersection ) StocE@ Leach@ Intersect

Destination ) :L& T



+-7 $nce 4ou have defined all of the roads as listed above, the Aaul >outes dialog should show a list as dis0la4ed below(

237 Two more roads are re;uired @ between the Dum0 !ntr4 :oint and the 0redefined Dum0 0oint Ha dum0 0oint, in ISTS terms is sim0l4 a Wwa40oint< en route to the dum0 destinationI7 This will be done in a slightl4 different mannerN instead of defining the route as a linE between 0redefined 0oints, a new road will be defined e20licitl47 ClicE &dd and enter the following information( ID( FDum0 to Dum0 :ointG 1rom ode( ZDestination[ and ZDum0[ To ode( ZDum0 :oint[ and ZDum0[

+22 +22+

Inc7 Dist HmI( Select this o0tion >olling >esHistanceI( 3 #radient `( 37'1actor( + Ma2 S0d HE0hI( *' 2+7 1inall4 Hfor the >oads tab at leastI 4ou are going to enter a road between the StocE0ile and its associated Dum0 :oint7 ClicE &dd and, if re;uired, move the Aaul >outes dialog out of the wa4 of the Design window so it can be seen7 227 Using left@mouse clicEs, select the two locations shown in below, in the order shown(

2=7 This will transfer the details to the Aaul >outes dialog, as shown below(

2*7 Select the Inc Dist HmI radio button7


+2= +2=+

2'7 Change the ID to read FStocE0ile to Dum0G 2.7 ClicE &cce0t and the final road will be added7 2,7 ClicE $" to dismiss the Aaul >outes dialog7 Jou should now see a list of roads as shown below(

257 ClicE 1ormat Dis0la4 and select the ZSvbSmod+ HblocE modelI[ overla47 2-7 !nsure the St4le tab is shown and disable the ?isible checE bo27 =37 ClicE $"7 =+7 !nsure the bacEground of the Design window is set to white7 If not, select 1ormat P %acEground P Set Color and change it7


+2* +2*+

=27 >edraw the Design window B 4ou should see a view similar to the following(

==7 In the Aaul >outes dialog, select the Sectors tab7 This tab allows 4ou to add or edit sectors to 4our haulage networE7 Sectors are the individual segments which maEe u0 a haul route7 =*7 Choose the >am0 tab(

='7 In the Sectors area, clicE &dd7 =.7 Jou are going to define a ram0 that e2tends from the @23 bench to the 0it e2it7 In the ID field enter F@23 to :!G7 =,7 In the 1rom lists7 =57 In To

ode field select Z%ench !2it[ and Z%ench @23[ from the dro0@down

ode field select Z:it !2it[ and Z:it !2it[ from the dro0@down lists7

+2' +2'+

=-7 The >oute field will be automaticall4 0o0ulated with F%ench @23 to :it !2itG7 *37 ClicE &cce0t and the F@23 to :!G ID is listed in the Sectors 0anel7 *+7 Select the Surface tab7 This is a road sector that will be assumed to be following the surface of the terrain7 !nter the following details( ID( :! to :lant 1rom ode( Z:it !2it[ and Z:it !2it[ To ode( ZDestination[ and Z:lant[ The most effective haulage route is then calculated and shown in the bo2 below7 In this instance, the route will be from the :it !2it to the :lant via the :lant6Dum0 intersection(

*27 ClicE &cce0t and the F:! to :lantG sector ID is transferred to the Sectors list7 *=7 e2t 4ou will need to add a further four sectors b4 clicEing &dd, entering the relevant details and clicEing &cce0t7 Use the table below to create the ne2t four sectors7

**7 &nother surface sector is neededN from the :it !2it to the Dum0 and subse;uent routes between the :it !2it and Leach0ad, StocE0ile and from the StocE0ile to the :lant7

:! to Dum0




Destination ) DUM: Destination ) L!&CA:&D Destination ) ST$C":IL! + Destination ) :L& T

Calculated >outeHsI
:it !2it to :lant6Dum0 :lant6Dum0 to Dum0

:it !2it ) :it !2it :it !2it ) :it !2it :it !2it ) :it !2it Destination ) ST$C":IL! +

:! to Leach0ad

:it !2it to StocE0ile6Leach StocE0ile6Leach to Leach0ad

:! to StocE0ile

:it !2it to StocE0ile6Leach StocE0ile to StocE6Leach

StocE0ile to :lant

StocE0ile to StocE6Leach StocE6Leach to :lant

+2. &00endi2 To do this, clicE &dd and enter the relevant details, then clicE &cce0t to transfer the


new ID to the Sectors list7 Use the following table to construct the remaining haul route sectors(

*'7 Jour list of surface sectors should now be as shown below(

*.7 1inall4, 4ou are going to create a road sector that e2tends from the Dum0 entr4 0oint to the dum0 wa40oint7 Select the Dum0 tab7 *,7 ClicE &dd, enter the following details and clicE &cce0t7 ID( Dum0!ntr4 to Ti0:oint 1rom ode( ZDestination[ and ZDum0[ To ode( ZDum0 :oint[ and ZDum0[ *57 The >oute is automaticall4 set to FDum0 to Dum0 :ointG7 *-7 ClicE $" and the Design window will u0date to show the new sectors(


+2, +2,+

'37 Select the etworE tab7 This 0anel is used to im0ort and e20ort road networE files7 etworE files are VML format and can be shared between ISTS s4stems7 1or this e2ercise, 4ou are going to save the e2isting networE that 4ou have set u07 '+7 ClicE !20ort and enter a filename FnetworE72mlG Hthis is the default nameI7 ClicE Save to store this file in 4our 0ro9ect folder7

Exercise $$%

esigning a Material


FDum0 DesignG is an im0ortant function in ISTS7 Material dum0ing, either in or out of the 0it re;uires careful consideration to avoid unnecessar4 o0erational cost7 & dum0ing area needs to be ca0able of receiving the material that is destined to reach it He7g7 Waste oreI7 This e2ercise taEes 4ou through the stages in designing a material dum0, starting from a base string and rising in lifts of a defined height and with the re;uired slo0es and berms7 There are three basic ste0s to dum0 design( aI The Dum0 is defined in terms of Wlifts<7

+25 +25+

bI Subdivide each dum0 lift into dum0 blocEs and calculate the dum0 blocE volume7



cI Se;uence those dum0 blocEs in the most a00ro0riate manner7 The first ste0 is to design the dum0 wireframes and lifts( +7 Load the wireframe SvbSto0o0ittr60t and the string SvbSti0basest b4 dragging each from the :ro9ect 1iles control bar into the Design window7 Jou should see a dis0la4 similar to that below(

27 This is all ;uite chaotic so 4ou can amend the dis0la4 of the data to show less screen Wclutter<7 Select 1ormat P Dis0la4 and select the SvbSto0o0ittr6SvbSto0o0it0t HwireframeI overla47 =7 Select the St4le tab and the Intersection o0tion7 *7 Select the SvbSti0basest HstringsI overla4 and the Color tab7 '7 Select the 1i2ed Line St4le o0tion and set the Width to F=G7


+=3 +=3+

.7 ClicE $"7 Jour view will u0date as shown below(

,7 Select Dum0 Design from the ISTS TasE :ane(

57 The Studio = CustomiCation Control bar is automaticall4 activated and the following dialog is dis0la4ed(


+=3 +=3+

-7 Leave the default value of F+G for the

e2t Lift, but edit the Lift Aeight to show F+3G7

+37 The default 1ace &ngle is F=2G7 This is fine for this e2ercise7 ++7 !nter an Inter >am0 &ngle of F2+73*G and a %erm Width of F+3G7 +27 Leave all the remaining settings in their default states7 +=7 !nsure the Use To0ogra0h4 checE bo2 is selected Hthis is to maEe sure the dum0 is 0ositioned on to0 of the to0ogra0h4 and accuratel4 follows its surface gradientI7 +*7 %rowse for the wireframe SvbSto0o0ittr7dm7 +'7 In the Design window, left@clicE the base string Hshown in 0ur0leI to highlight it7 +.7 In the Dum0 Design Utilit4, clicE the :ro9ect button7 +,7 Wait for the 0rocessing to com0lete7 What is the s4stem doingT It is creating the first Wlift< of the dum0, taEing into account the face angle, inter@ram0 angle and road width s0ecified7 &s 4ou selected the Use To0ogra0h4 checE bo2, the first lift will be FtrimmedG to the surface of the to0ogra0h47 When com0lete, the Design window should show the following image(


+=+ +=++

+57 The volume of the lift that has been created is now shown on the Dum0 Design dialog(

+-7 The e2t Lift value has been increased to F2G, meaning the second lift is read4 to be 0ro9ected7 ClicE :ro9ect again7 237 Com0lete all 5 lifts b4 clicEing the :ro9ect button when the 0revious lift is com0lete7 &t this stage, 4ou will see F-G in the e2t Lift field and 4our data dis0la4 should looE liEe the following(


+=2 +=2+

2+7 Left@clicE inside the Design window and t40e FvroG to show the view of the dum0 in the ?> window(

227 >otate the view Hhold the XShiftY Ee4 and rotate with the left mouse buttonI to view the dum0 in =D(

2=7 The new Dum0 data ob9ect should be saved to 4our local 0ro9ect fileN o0en the Loaded Data control bar and locate the ZDum0 Wireframe[ entr47 2*7 >ight@clicE this entr4 and select Data P Save &s7 2'7 In the Save ew =D $b9ect dialog, clicE Single :recision Datamine H7dm I file7

2.7 !nter the name FDum0STutorial+7dmG and clicE Save7


+== +==+

2,7 The ne2t ste0 is to 0erform an evaluation of the dum07

Exercise $)%

ump Evaluation

In this e2ercise, the dum0 wireframe that has been created HDum0STutorial+I and to slice each dum0 lift into a00ro0riate segments, with each segment re0resenting a convenient o0erational unit7 The 0ur0ose of this design worE is to ensure the dum0 is ca0able of receiving the material out0ut from o0erations7 This e2ercise will maEe e2tensive use of the wireframe file saved in the 0revious e2ercise B if 4ou do not have it to hand, 4ou can use the SvbSdum0lift5tr60t tutorial file instead, which can be found in 4our DMTutorials data folder under Data P ?%$: P Datamine P ISTS7 Jou will start with lift 5 and move towards the initial lift7 +7 Whenever a dum0 wireframe is created, it is automaticall4 a00ended with a LI1T attribute7 This allows 4ou to easil4 filter the wireframe data to worE on a single lift7 1or this e2ercise, view the :ro9ect 1iles control bar7

27 !20and the Wireframe Triangles folder to =7 !nable the Design window7 *7 Aold the XCT>LY Ee4 down and drag the Dum0STutorial+tr Design window to 0erform a load filter7 item into the


In the Datamine Wireframes dialog, enter FLI1T\5G into the !20ression field and clicE $"7 e2t, 4ou need to remove some of the screen com0onents to maEe the evaluation stage easier7 Doom in H?iew P Doom InI and select onl4 the dum0 area7


,7 $0en the Sheets control bar and e20and the Design P Design ?iew P Design :ro9ection folder(


+=* +=*+

57 Disable all of the sheets a0art from the ZDefault #rid[ and Zdum0Stutorialtr6dum0tutorial0t HwireframeIH2I[7 -7 Left clicE an4where in the Design window and t40e FrdG to redraw(

+37 &t this stage, 4ou would normall4 design 4our dum0 segments b4 digitiCing the relevant Ws0lits< in 0lan view7 1or this e2ercise, load the demonstration data file FSvbSdum0lift5Ss0litSstG b4 dragging it into the Design window from the :ro9ect 1iles control bar(


+=' +='+

++7 Drag a rectangle around all of the strings to highlight them7 +27 Select Dum0 !valuation from the ISTS TasE :ane7 +=7 Use the $b9ect dro0@down list to select Zdum0Stutorial+tr6dum0Stutorial+0t HwireframeIH2I[ B maEe sure 4ou have selected the second of the similarl4 named wireframes7 +*7 The ZLI1T[ attribute will be selected as the Lift 1ield b4 default, and this is re;uired for this e2ercise7 +'7 Select the Use one value o0tion and enter F5G into the te2t field7 +.7 &ll other default settings are fine for this e2ercise7 ClicE $"7 +,7 $nce Studio has s0lit the number 5 lift into the various segments, the4 are dis0la4ed on screen(


+=. +=.+


ew ob9ects have been created in memor47 !20and the Loaded Data control bar7

+-7 Jou will see two new entriesN FDum0StrG and FDum0SstG(

237 >ight@clicE the ZDum0Str[ ob9ect and save it as Flift5Ss0litG7 Save the file as single 0recision7

+=, +=,+

2+7 >ight@clicE the ZDum0Sst[ ob9ect and save it as Flift5Sdum0SstG7 Save the file as single 0recision7 227 The ne2t stage is to se;uence the dum0 segments7

Exercise $*% #equencing the



This e2ercise taEes 4ou through the 0rocess of se;uencing the dum0 segments created from the dum0 lift designed in the 0revious e2ercise7 +7 In the Sheets control bar, disable the view of all Design window overla4s other than the new Zlift5Sdum0Sst[ ob9ect7 27 >edraw the Design window(

=7 Select Dum0 Se;uencing from the ISTS TasE :ane7 *7 Jou will see the Dum0 Se;uencer Dialog, showing the default settings7 '7 Select the :icE button and clicE inside the small orange outline string shown on the far right of the dum0 segment string7 Tr4 to select close to the Wcorner< 0oint, as shown(


+=5 +=5+

.7 This will show a haultrucE icon within the boundar47 ClicE the 1inished button7

If 4ou maEe a mistaEe, 9ust clicE :icE again and reselect until 4ou achieve the result above H4ou ma4 need to Coom in on the design string first to maEe it easierI7 ,7 Jou will see a new entr4 in the Lift !ntr4 %locEs table(

57 ClicE the Se;uence button at the bottom of the dialog7 -7 Jou will see the F&ll blocEs se;uenced successfull4G message7 +37 ClicE Start &nimation7 The view will automaticall4 swa0 to the ?> window and each dum0 segment will be shown a00earing on the screen in se;uence7 This





+*3 +*3+

will continue to loo07 &t the moment, the animation is difficult to see as the dum0 segments are obscured b4 the Wfull< dum0 wireframe(

++7 The Dum0 Se;uencer dialog is modeless B this means 4ou can leave it on screen and 0erform other Studio o0erations7 With the Dum0 Se;uencer in view, show the Sheets control bar and e20and the ?> folder7 +27 Locate and e20and the Surfaces folder7 Disable all ?> overla4s other than Zlift5Ss0littr6lift5Ss0lit0t HwireframeI[(

+=7 In the Dum0 Se;uencer dialog, clicE Sto0 &nimation and then Start &nimation again7 The view is now much clearer H4ou can orient the ?> window during 0la4bacE if 4ou need toI(


+*3 +*3+

+*7 ClicE $" to dismiss the Dum0 Se;uencer dialog7 +'7 The dum0 design for this lift is now com0lete7 What 4ou haven<t done 4et is to FlinEG it to the short@term scheduling data set u0 in the current 0ro9ect7 Jou do this b4 instructing the s4stem to allocate material automaticall4 from the o0eration site to the dum07 Select Destinations and StocE0iles from the ISTS TasE :ane HMine Configuration sectionI7

+.7 Select the ZDUM:[ destination and clicE !dit7 +,7 ClicE the !dit Settings button ne2t to the Dum0T checE bo2 Hwhich is activeI7

+57 Select the !nable Dum0 Modelling checE bo27


+*+ +*++

+-7 Select ZDum0SDef[ from the dro0@down list Hthis ob9ect contains the definition of the dum0 design so far7 The default values are fine for this e2ercise7 237 %4 enabling dum0 modelling, when 4ou ne2t schedule an4 material to the dum0, it will be 0laced in the first available lift blocE7 &s each blocE is filled, the ne2t will be automaticall4 started7 ClicE $" to dismiss the Dum0 Settings dialog7 2+7 ClicE $" to dismiss the Dum0 :ro0erties dialog7 227 ClicE Close to dismiss the Destinations dialog7 Dum0 design is com0lete for this e2ercise Halthough in realit4, 4ou would also set u0 a schedule for the remaining , liftsI7 The ne2t stage is to set u0 the various targets and de0endencies for o0erations, collectivel4 Enown as Wconstraints<7

Exercise $,% #etting up a !lobal Tonnage Target

#lobal targets define the overall 0roduction ca0acit4 for the scheduling o0eration and are an essential com0onent of realistic and 0ractical mining schedules7 In this e2ercise, 4ou are going to ensure that a global tonnage target for high grade ore to the 0lant destination7 In this case, it is the &U volume that is im0ortant in defining the ore categor4 B it is im0ortant to remember that it is not the grade of the element itself7 +7 %efore 4ou start, 4ou can generate some useful default targets based on the current data set7 ISTS includes a FSolverG that will calculate the a00ro0riate global mass targets for 4ou s4stem, but to access these, 4ou will need to o0en the Solver dialog at least once7 In the ISTS TasE :ane, select the Scheduling o0tion7 27 Locate and clicE the Solve button(

=7 ClicE on the #lobal Targets icon from the ISTS Control toolbar or choose #lobal Targets from the Constraints 0anel of the ISTS TasE :ane(


*7 In the #lobal Mass Targets dialog, 4ou will see the calculated variables,

+*2 +*2+

and a single, automaticall4@generated mass target B FTonnesToMineO


+*= +*=+

#lobal mass target variables re0resent the mass of the selected element and not an associated grade7 If no element is selected the variable re0resents the total mass of the selected categor4 for the destination, regardless of the elementHsI involved7 '7 Select the ZTonnesToMine[ Mass Target and clicE !dit .7 ote the default values7 The Target ?ariables are worth4 of e20lanation(

!ffectivel4, all of the tonnage6categor4 combinations that have been calculated will be treated Was is< without an4 modif4ing factor7 ,7 In the Target bounds b4 0eriod table, and ensure the following values are a00lied( !nd Time( -Minimum( +53333 Ma2imum( Hleave blanEI 57 ClicE $"7 -7 ClicE Close to dismiss the #lobal Targets dialog7

Exercise $.% #etting up


There are a lot of de0endencies in o0eration at the face7 ISTS is directl4 concerned with the relationshi0 between mining blocEs, and in 0articular, which must be mined before which7 In this e2ercise, 4ou are going to define a relationshi0 between blocEs7 ote that it is not necessar4 to set u0 a de0endenc4 between all mining blocEs Hdoing so would taEe close to foreverIN blocE de0endencies define Wrules< that will be used b4 the scheduler to calculate the o0timum mining se;uence for those criteria7 Setting u0 de0endencies is a case of selecting a FleaderG blocE and then a FfollowerG blocE7 The follower is de0endent on the leader7 +7 Set the dis0la4 so that it is eas4 to mani0ulate dataN for this e2ercise 4ou will need to have a clear view of the blocE model at the @23m elevation and the current ISTS blocEs Hre0resented b4 string outlinesI7 To do this e20and the Sheets P Design P Design ?iew P Design
&00endi2 :ro9ection P $verla4s folder and deselect all items a0art from

+** +**+

a7 Default #rid b7 SvbS2benches7dm HstringsI 27 Set the bacEground color to blacE H1ormat P %acEground P Set ColorI7 =7 >edraw the Design window and Coom in so that the ISTS blocEs are clearl4 visible7 *7 When setting u0 de0endencies, it is ver4 useful to activate :erimeter Selection Mode7 This mode, when enabled, allows 4ou to select each mining blocE b4 clicEing an4where within it7 $therwise, the selection of strings re0resenting each blocE can be tricE4 to select Hthe edge of one blocE overla0s anotherI7 :erimeter Selection Mode is available via a toggle on the ISTS control bar(

ClicE it so it is activated Hshowing an orange bacEgroundI7 :erimeter Selection Mode, once enabled, will 0rohibit the selection of multi0le blocEs7 It must be disabled if 4ou need to select more than one blocE for subse;uent functions7

'7 1inall4, select the &nnotate Strings entr4 in the ISTS TasE :ane H1ormatting areaI and ensure the 1illed checE bo2 is selected7 Dismiss this dialog7 .7 In the ISTS TasE :ane HSetu0 0anelI, clicE De0endencies7 ,7 The De0endencies dialog is dis0la4ed7 This dialog is used to select mining blocEs in a se;uence to indicate o0erational de0endencies7 To add a de0endenc4 4ou will need to select FleaderG and FfollowerG blocEs in turn7 The overall aim of this 0art of the e2ercise is to create a de0endenc4 strateg4 that im0lies a mining direction as shown b4 the arrows below(


+*' +*'+

Jou can set this u0 with three se0arate de0endenc4 WdigitiCing< o0erations7 ClicE &dd7 57 Starting with the left Wstri0< of blocEs, clicE the 0oints as shown in the following image to iterativel4 select leader and follower blocEs7 The numbers re0resent se0arate mouse clicEs7 Jou can clicE an4where within a mining blocE to select it7


+*. +*.+

-7 ClicE 1inished7 Jou should see the following blocE de0endencies shown in the table(


e2t, clicE &dd again and digitiCe the following 0oints in the order shown in the image below(

++7 ClicE 1inished7 +27 Three new rows have been added to the De0endencies dialog(

ote that onl4 = blocE de0endencies were added for this ste0N ISTS will alwa4s

+*, +*,+

attem0t to honor a sensible direction of mining when blocEs are scheduled B b4 defining the three blocE de0endencies above, the remaining blocE de0endencies will be im0lied when other de0endencies for the schedule are taEen into account7 In short B it is not strictl4 necessar4 to setu0 de0endencies for all blocEs7 +=7 ClicE &dd and digitiCe the final de0endenc4 0ositions as shown below(

+*7 ClicE 1inish7 +'7 The final De0endencies Table should now looE liEe the following(

+.7 ClicE Close to dismiss the De0endencies dialog7 +,7 Save 4our :ro9ect7

+*5 +*5+

That<s it7 The setu0 is com0lete7 The ne2t ste0 is to start to calculate the available reserves7

Exercise $1% &alculate -eserves

ISTS reserves are calculated using a face advance method7 The ISTS Scheduling tools schedule material from a >esults file which can sim0l4 be created b4 evaluating a set of reserve blocE outlines with the commands !valuate@single@ string Hev+I, !valuate@between@strings Hev2I or evaluate@all@strings HevaI7 & set of evaluated strings is su00lied in the file SvbS2benches7dm where those outlines on the u00er bench Hlevel @+3 metersI are a set of +5 such evaluated strings7 &s an alternative, a grou0 of 1ace &dvance tools are 0rovided which can generate reserve blocE outlines b4 advancing faces on a bench outline a set distance or to mine a target tonnage7 These tools are covered in the 1ace &dvance section of this tutorial and are 0articularl4 useful for 0roducing outlines where faces are advanced b4 individual blasts or grou0s of blasts in a regular linear fashion7 ote that no scheduling is carried out b4 the 1ace &dvance tools in ISTSN the4 are sim0l4 an alternative wa4 of creating and evaluating reserve blocEs7 +7 Configure the view of 4our data b4 setting the %acEground color to light gre47 27 Use the Sheets control bar to disable the ISTSSDe0endenc4S&rrows table overla47 =7 Disable the view of all ob9ect overla4s other than SvbS2benches7dm HstringsI and SvbSmod+7dm7 *7 MaEe sure :erimeter Selection Mode is switched $117 '7 Select 1ile P Settings P Design and enable both !nable &utomatic >edraw and !nable Trans0arenc4 checE bo2es7 .7 Select Tools P $0tions P :ro9ect and select the &dd su00ort for scheduling functions checE bo27 ,7 Changes to the 0ro9ect settings re;uire the 0ro9ect to be restarted in order to taEe effect7 So, Save 4our 0ro9ect, Close it and then reo0en it7 Wh4 the need to restartT 1ace advance functions in Studio re;uire additional services to be run to su00ort those functions7 To avoid an4 unnecessar4 memor460erformance absorbtion for non@ISTS users, this service has to be enabled as a manual ste07 &s the service will onl4 start when a 0ro9ect is loaded, it is necessar4 to close and reo0en the e2isting 0ro9ect7

57 In the ISTS TasE :ane, clicE &nnotate Strings and disable the 1illed checE bo27 -7 !nsure the view0lane is set to a @=3m elevation in D, and that 0rimar4 cli00ing is enabled7



+37 Set the Coom level so that the outline of the mining blocEs and 0it base string is as shown below(

++7 Choose &00lications P ISTS P 1ace &dvance P Select Inner 1ace and left@clicE inside the right hand outline as shown below(

If 4ou receive an error at this 0oint informing 4ou 4our 0ro9ect settings are not correct, it will be because 4ou did not close and reo0en 4our 0ro9ect in 0oint ,I7 +27 Jou will be shown the 1ace &dvance Distance dialog7 !nter F=3G into the 1ace &dvance >ate field7 +=7 & directional arrow will a00ear on the 0it string to indicate the direction of face advance(

+'3 +'3+

+*7 ClicE Cancel to e2it the current function7 +'7 ClicE the Mine 1ace icon on the ISTS Control toolbar, as shown below(

+.7 ClicE near the 0oint of the directional arrow Hno real accurac4 re;uired at this stage7 Jou will be shown the 1ace &dvance Distance dialog again B this will alread4 contain the re;uired value H=3I so clicE $" and 4ou will be shown the !valuation Settings dialog7 +,7 !nter a !&> 0ro9ection distance of F+3G and a 1&> 0ro9ection distance of F+3G Hthe default Mining %locE Identifier of F+-G will be fine B 4ou have alread4 set u0 +5 mining blocEs in the 0revious e2ercisesI7 +57 ClicE $" and the new blocE will a00ear(


ote that the direction arrow has moved to the new face 0osition, indicating the 0osition of the ne2t blocE formed b4 face advancing7

+'3 +'3+

+-7 Jou can also 0erform a series of face advances to 0roduce the re;uired number of evaluated blocEs7 This is achieved using the Multi0le Mine function7 ClicE the Multi0le Mine icon on the ISTS Control toolbar, as shown below(

237 ClicE close to the selected face s4mbol and 4ou will see the 1ace &dvance Distance dialogN this time, set the distance to F23G and clicE $"7 2+7 Jou will now see the F=G and clicE $"7 umber of &dvances dialog where 4ou should enter the value

227 ChecE that the ne2t dialog @ !valuation Settings a00ears as below and clicE $"7

2=7 ClicE $" to generate = new blocEs(

2*7 There is another alternative to designing mining blocEsN 4ou can advance a face so that it accommodates a 0redefined tonnage target7 In this e2ercise, 4ou are going to advance a new face using the Mine Tonnes Target function7

+'+ +'++

ClicE the Select Inner 1ace icon as shown below(

2'7 Select a new face b4 clicEing inside the 0erimeter string as shown below(

2.7 ClicE $" in the 1ace &dvance Distance dialog7 This value will be ignored as 4ou will be advancing to meet a s0ecific volume target and not a distance7 2,7 ClicE Cancel to e2it the function7 257 ClicE the Mine Tonnes Target icon as shown below(

2-7 ClicE near the 0oint of the new face advance arrow to dis0la4 the &dvance to Tonnage Target dialog7 =37 !nter a Tonnes mined 0er advance value F-3333G and a :ercent Tolerance value F273G7 =+7 ClicE $" to dis0la4 the !valuation Settings dialog7 =27 Use the following details( !&> :ro9ection distance( +3 1&> :ro9ection distance( +3 Mining %locE Identifier( 2=


+'2 +'2+

==7 ClicE $" and 4ou will see a series of lines drawn 0arallel to the selected face while the 0rogram searches for the target tonnage7 &fter a few iterations, it will find a solution and move the selected face to its new 0osition7 =*7 Jou should re@draw the dis0la4 to remove unwanted construction line and then the dis0la4 should looE as follows(

='7 ClicE Cancel7 =.7 e2t, advance the face twice more, but this time using a volume target of +'3333 tons 0er blocEN clicE the Mine Tonnes Target icon and ad9ust the Tonnes mined 0er advance value to +'33337 ClicE $" to advance once7

=,7 1or the second advance 4ou onl4 need to clicE the new 0osition of the face advance arrow and clicE $" to advance again to meet the same tonnage target7 Jou should now see a view similar to the one shown below(


+'= +'=+

1ace advance e2ercises are now com0lete7 In the ne2t e2ercise, 4ou will start to schedule7

Exercise $7% #cheduling #elect @loc>s

The first of the scheduling e2ercises involves manuall4 selecting a blocE to schedule7 +7 If the ISTS Control toolbar isn<t dis0la4ed, enable it using ?iew P CustomiCation P Toolbars P ISTS Control7 27 Jou will also be maEing use of the >esults control bar7 If this isn<t dis0la4ed, 4ou can show it b4 selecting7 ?iew P CustomiCation P Control %ars P >esults7 =7 MaEe sure :erimeter Selection Mode is disabled7 *7 In the Sheets control bar, disable all ob9ect overla4s in the Design window other than( a7 SvbS2benches7dm HstringsI b7 SvbSmod+7dm HblocE modelI '7 Set the view0lane to a @+3m elevation HDI and Coom in so the mining blocE outlines for the u00er bench are in view7 .7 Select the &nnotate Strings menu entr4 on the ISTS TasE :ane and select the 1illed checE bo27 ,7 Select 1ormat P Dis0la4 and ensure the SvbSmod+7dm overla4 is being drawn last7 57 MaEe sure :erimeter Selection Mode is disabled7 -7 Last bit of 0re0aration B 4ou need to maEe sure that 4our Dum0 definition is activeN a7 Select Destinations and StocE0iles b7 Select the ZDUM:[ destination and clicE !dit c7 In the DUM: dialog, clicE !dit Settings7

d7 MaEe sure Zdum0Sdef H0ointsI[ is set in the Dum0 Definition dro0@down list7


+'* +'*+

+37 >edraw the Design window and 4ou should see a view similar to that shown below(

++7 MaEe sure the current 0eriod is set to + in the ISTS Control toolbar(

+27 Select the grou0 of four blocEs as shown below Hdo this b4 dragging a rectangle with the left mouse button held downI(

ote that 4ou should drag a rectangle that Wtouches< the four blocEs, it does not have to com0letel4 include them7

+'' +''+

+=7 Jou should now see the following results in the >eserves table(


ow choose the Mine selected blocEs tool as shown below(

+'7 This will o0en a table showing the available tonnages(

+.7 !nable the Selective Mining checE bo27 +,7 &d9ust the W&ST!, M&>#I &L, L$WS#>&D! and AI#AS#>&D! values so that the4 match the table shown below( Categor4 Tonnes &vailable Tonnes ''',,+2 :ercent Destination Loader







+'. +'.+

M&>#I &L L$WS#>&D! AI#AS#>&D!

232,*== 2,,2*2 +,--.

=,+,'*+ +'=,3'= =,..*

'*75* +,753 '*7*,

L!&CA:&D :L& T :L& T

:C''33 :C''33 :C''33

If 4ou set a scheduled tonnage that e2ceeds the ca0acit4 H0er 0eriodI of a given destination, 4ou will be alerted to this fact when 4ou clicE $"7 &t this 0oint, 4ou will have the choice of overriding the ca0acit4 of the destination and continuing with the scheduled tonnage, or reducing the scheduled tonnage to match the ca0acit4 of the destination7

+57 ClicE $"7 +-7 Jour >eserves table will be u0dated to show the following values(

Exercise $8% Undoing Previous Mining

_uite often it is useful to test a 0articular mining scenario, then undo it and tr4 other values7 The Undo Mining function is used to Wroll bacE< the current state of mining7 +7 In this e2ercise, 4ou are going to undo the mining 0erformed in the 0revious e2ercise, for :eriod +7 27 Select the four blocEs as 0er the 0revious e2ercise7 =7 ClicE the Undo Mining icon on the ISTS Control toolbar(

*7 The Undo Mining dialog is dis0la4ed7 This dialog allows 4ou to undo mining on all blocEs or 9ust the currentl4 selected blocEs and for a choice of 0eriod o0tions(


+', +',+


e2t, ensure the Selected %locEs $nl4 o0tion is selected7

.7 Select the &ll :eriods radio button7 ,7 ClicE $" to Wregress< the mining7 Jou are 0rom0ted that one of the dum0s needs to be rebuilt to return to its 0re@scheduled state(

57 ClicE Jes to 0roceed7 -7 The >eserves table is then u0dated to show the results of the Undo Mining o0eration7 This will be identical to the table shown in ste0 +2I of the 0revious e2ercise7

+37 1inall4, re@mine the blocEs b4 selecting the same four and clicEing the Mine Selected %locEs o0tion again7 ++7 &d9ust the W&ST!, M&>#I &L, L$WS#>&D! and AI#AS#>&D! values so that the4 match the table shown below( Categor4 Tonnes &vailable Tonnes :ercent Destination Loader


+'5 +'5+

W&ST! M&>#I &L L$WS#>&D! AI#AS#>&D!

'*,*5* 232,*== 2,,2*2 +,--.

''',,+2 =,+,'*+ +'=,3'= =,..*

-753 '*75* +,753 '*7*,

DUM: L!&CA:&D :L& T :L& T

:C''33 :C''33 :C''33 :C''33

Jou can use the Undo Mining function as man4 times as 4ou liEe to return to an4 0reviousl4 scheduled state7

Exercise $9% Adjusting the #chedule

This e2ercise taEes 4ou through the basics of maEing u0dates to an e2isting schedule7 In ISTS, scheduling 0arameters are dis0la4ed in a single table so that an4 or all items can be manuall4 ad9usted7 +7 Choose the &d9ust Schedule command from the toolbar or TasE :ane menus7

27 Jou will see the following table which gives a breaEdown b4 reserve %locE and Categor4 for all materials scheduled(



=7 The table describes the destination and amount of ore for each blocE and categor4 combination alongside the haulage routes that will be used to trans0ort the material7 *7 Close the &d9ust Schedule dialog7

Exercise )?% Automatic #cheduling (ith AThe #olverB

$ne of ISTS< 0owerful facilities is the automatic scheduler, also referred to as FThe SolverG7 This function is used to blend automaticall4 from all selected blocEs so that a target tonnage and grade can be achieved7 If a solution can be found, it will be 0resented to the user7 ote that in some cases a solution will not be 0ossible H4ou can<t achieve a grade or tonnage that isn<t thereI7 In this e2ercise, 4ou will select si2 of the blocEs from the e2isting data set and schedule them to meet a s0ecified grade6tonnage target7 1or this e2ercise 4ou are going to mine a total tonnage Hall destinationsI of +'3,333 tonnes 0er 0eriod, and blending will continue until the available reserve Hin the selected blocEsI is de0leted7 +7 &n4 0reviousl4 scheduled blocEs will be Wundone< first7 ClicE the Undo Mining icon on the ISTS Control toolbar7 27 In the Undo Mining dialog, select the &ll %locEs and &ll :eriods o0tions and clicE $"7

+.3 +.3+

=7 MaEe sure :erimeter Selection Mode is disabled and drag a rectangle to select the . blocEs as shown below(

*7 Locate and select the &utomatic %lending icon on the ISTS Control toolbar(

'7 In the &utomatic %lending dialog, for this e2ercise, 4ou will need to checE the %lend until reserve finished checE bo27 This will ensure that scheduling continues 0ast the targeted tonnage until no further reserves are available7 .7 Select the &dvanced Solving Method7 Wh4T In short, the &dvanced method uses a ;uadratic 0rogramming method to find a solution which taEes into account more factors simultaneousl4 when worEing out the o0timum schedule7 The tradeoff is s0eed B linear 0rogramming, achieved using the 1ast o0tion, will taEe less time but is more liEel4 to return a W o solution found< re0ort where scheduling 0arameters are com0le27 ,7 !nsure the &llow Selective Mining from %locEs checE bo2 is selected7 57 !nter F+'3333G into the Total Tonnage to Mine 0er :eriod field7 -7 ClicE $"7 +37 What ha00ens ne2tN the FSolverG will taEe into account the available tonnage6grades6destination targets and ca0acities and attem0t to worE out a solution that will match the s0ecified tonnage 0er 0eriod H=3,333I and destination targets for each 0eriod7 During the scheduling 0rocess, the ISTS solver finds that in :eriod 5, the ma2imum reclaim rate is e2ceeded(


+.+ +.++

++7 ClicE $" to schedule in s0ite of this warning7 +27 The &utomatic %lending >esults dialog is shown(

ote that ++ 0eriods were successfull4 scheduled, but 0eriod +2 could not be scheduled with the e2isting 0arameters7 +=7 This re0ort means that the reserves available from the selected blocEs have been de0leted in :eriod ++ to the 0oint where the s0ecified target cannot be reached in 0eriod +27 &t this 0oint, scheduling is halted7 +*7 >efresh the Design window7 Jou will see that the selected blocEs are now shown in light gre47


+.2 +.2+

This is because the currentl4 a00lied legend HISTS :ercent MinedI has been a00lied to the blocE strings HSvbS2benches7dmI and this color re0resents that -3@+33` of the selected blocEs are mined7 +'7 Select 1ormat Dis0la4 again, and this time change the a00lied legend to Z:ercent@ Colr[ B 4ou will need to reselect the SvbS2benches7dm overla4 beforehand(


+.= +.=+

+.7 Select the :review Legend button to show the Ee4(

+,7 Select the Drawing $rder tab and ensure the ZSvbS2benches7dm HstringsI[ is drawn last7 +57 >edraw the Design window7 Jou should see a view similar to the following(

+-7 The blocEs that are colored in red are +33` mined7 The orange blocE could onl4 be mined to ,3@53` before the targeted tonnage was met7 237 Select the Undo Mining o0tion and undo the mining for all blocEs and all 0eriods7 >edraw the dis0la4 to set all blocEs to darE blue H3@+3 :ercent minedI7 2+7 The second e2am0le describes how 4ou can mine a selected set of blocEs to a 0articular tonnage, but without the re;uirement to de0lete the entire calculated reserves7 1or now, unselect and reselect onl4 four blocEs as shown below(

+.* +.*+

227 Select the &utomatic %lending o0tion again, but this time ensure the %lend until reserve finished checE bo2 is disabled7 2=7 !nter F+G into the 1rom field and F*G into the To field7 2*7 Set the Total Tonnage to Mine 0er :eriod as F+23333G7 2'7 ClicE $" to run the blending solver7 &s 4ou have stated that 4ou wish to mine four 0eriods onl4, and that +23333 tonnes must be mined 0er 0eriod, the resulting calculation determines the o0timum schedule for the selected 0eriod range, taEing into account the e2isting short term scheduling 0arameters7 2.7 The &utomatic %lending >esults dialog a00ears(

Solutions have been found for all four 0eriods7


+.' +.'+

2,7 >edraw the Design window to view the colored blocEs(

257 The results of this o0eration are interesting in that the solver has taEen into account all of the s0ecified de0endencies, destination 0arameters and targets and has mined 0ro0ortionall4 to meet the overall +23,333 tonnes target7

Exercise )$% &hec>ing your -esults

&t an4 0oint in 4our schedule 4ou can checE whether targets have been met b4 looEing at the Targets control %ar7 +7 MaEe sure the Targets control bar is visible b4 toggling its dis0la4N select the Scheduling menu on the ISTS TasE :ane and select the Show6Aide Targets o0tion(


+.. +..+

27 The Targets control bar should contain the following results(

The Z:lantS1eed[ grade target has been met Hthe &ctual blend achieved was =733 g6tonne which e2ceeded the Minimum cut@off grade of 27,'7 In addition, the ZTonnesToMine[ tonnage target has been met Hthe minimum value of +23,333 tonnes has been reachedI7 =7 In the ISTS TasE :ane, select the Show6Aide StocE0iles o0tion7 Select the newl4@ created StocE0iles tab to review the following information(

&s 4ou onl4 have a single ST$C":IL! destination, onl4 a single row is shown in the table7 In :eriod +, the table shows that '3,333 tonnes is delivered to the stocE0ile7 e2t, 4ou can review the machiner4 utiliCation for :eriod +7 &gain, this control bar needs to be activated7 Select the Show6Aide Machines o0tion in the ISTS &00endi2 TasE :ane7 *7

+., +.,+

'7 Select the newl4@created Machines tab to review the results(

This table shows the Wbehaviour< of the two machine classes HLoader and TrucEI throughout 0eriod +7

Exercise ))% 0isuali=ing your #chedule

Studio =<s ?> window is an e2cellent view0ort for 4our o0erational data7 This e2ercise taEes 4ou through the 0rocess of visualiCing 4our schedule7 This will involve rescheduling all of the blocEs in the current bench7 To allow 4our mine to accommodate the relevant out0uts, 4ou will need to e2tend the ca0acit4 of the DUM: destination to ,'3,333 tonnes Hit is currentl4 limited to +33,333I7 +7 Close all o0en dialogs and select the Destinations and StocE0iles icon7 27 In the Destinations dialog, select the ZDUM:[7 =7 ClicE !dit7 *7 ClicE the Ca0acit4 tab and ad9ust the Limited to field to F,'3333G7 '7 ClicE $"7 .7 ClicE Close7 ,7 Drag a rectangle around all of the blocEs in view(

57 Select the &utomatic %lending icon7 -7 Disable the %lend until reserve finished checE bo27 +37 !nter 1rom F+G to F23G7

+.5 +.5+

++7 !nter a Total Tonnage to Mine 0er :eriod of F+'3333G7 +27 ClicE $" and 4ou wish be shown a results dialog indicating solutions have been found from 0eriods + to +,7 The blending sto0s at +5 as no feasible solution can be found7 +=7 ClicE $" and deselect the blocEs in the Design window(

+*7 In the ISTS TasE :ane, select the >eview menu(

+'7 Select the Show %locEs in ?> o0tion7 Jou will see the Show %locEs in ?> dialog7 This is used to determine how each of the blocEs will be recreated in =D when shown in the ?> window7 +.7 !nter a %ench Aeight of F'3G and select the To0 radio button Hthis is used to determine how the string will be W0ro9ected< to create the mining blocE7 %4 selecting To0, 4ou are declaring that the string re0resents the u00ermost surface of the bench7 +,7 Leave the remaining checE bo2 blanE HUse D:LUS and DMI US columns]I7



+57 ClicE $" and the ?> blocEs will be created and dis0la4ed in green(

+-7 The 0revious ste0s have created more than a sim0le blocE wireframe B the new ?> ob9ect that is shown contains additional fields, based on 4our current scheduling results, that can be used to animate the ?> blocEs7 This is a good wa4 to visualiCe 4our schedule7 ClicE Start ?> &nimation7 237 e2t, the blocE will be shown as a series of animation frames7 The animation is loo0ing, and is shown in blocE Wde0letion< order(


+,3 +,3+

ote how 0artiall4@mined blocEs are also re0resented b4 a 0ro0ortional reduction in volume7 If 4ou com0are the final animation frame with the colored Design window legend, 4ou can see the correlation between the 0ercentage mined and animated blocE de0letion ote how the red outlines Hre0resenting full4 mined blocEsI are essentiall4 floating as th blocE beneath has been removed7 Similarl4, the darE blue overla4s Hshown with trans0arenc4 so actuall4 a00ears as darE greenI sit on blocEs that have not been mined 4et Hblue re0resents 3` mined in the :ercent@colr legendI7


+,+ +,++

2+7 ClicE Sto0 &nimation7 227 ow that 4ou are able to visualiCe schedule animations, it is worth s0ending some time running additional schedules and seeing how changes to in0ut 0arameters affect the animated results7 1or the final animation, 4ou are going to remove all of the 0reviousl4@a00lied de0endencies so that blocEs can theoreticall4 be mined in an4 order Hor to 0ut it another wa4 B the scheduler will not be bound b4 de0endenc4 restrictionsI7 >eturn to the Design window7 2=7 In the ISTS TasE :ane, select the Setu0 menu and clicE the De0endencies o0tion7 2*7 The De0endencies dialog will show the table of de0endencies 4ou set u0 earlier7 ClicE >emove &ll7 2'7 ClicE Close7 2.7 e2t, 4ou need to select the Undo Mining icon and undo the mining for all blocEs and all 0eriods7

2,7 Drag a rectangle around all of the blocEs to highlight them7 257 Select the &utomatic Schedule icon7 2-7 Use the same 0arameters as before H0eriods +@23, &dvanced, &llow selective mining, +'3333 tonnes 0er 0eriodI and clicE $"7 =37 This time, all 23 0eriods were scheduled as without the additional rules im0arted due to the 0revious de0endencies, more solution o0tions are available to reach

+,2 +,2+



+,= +,=+

+'3333 tonnes 0er 0eriod target(

=+7 ClicE $" and clicE outside the highlighted blocEs to deselect them(


e2t, select the >eview menu in the ISTS TasE :ane7

==7 ClicE Show %locEs in ?>7 &cce0t the default settings7 The ?> window dis0la4s the following out0ut(

+,* +,*+

=*7 ClicE Start ?> &nimation and the blocE mining se;uence is 0la4ed out(



Without the de0endencies, the general direction of mining will be maintained b4 the solver, however, the 0racticalities of mining in the se;uence outlined above are ;uestionable, 0articularl4 taEing into account the mining of 0eriod =, where an or0haned blocE is mined B which in realit4 would incur im0ractical cost7 So, the 0ractical use of de0endencies will ensure the resulting Wsolution< is both 0ractical and 0rofitable7

Exercise )*% 0isuali=ing your #chedule

ow 4ou have generated scheduling information, the ne2t ste0 is to e20ort it in a format that can be used to 0roduce true o0erational timetables7 This can be done using a variet4 of 0acEages, but for this e2ercise, 4ou will be shown how to e20ort 4our scheduling information in both !2cel Hmust be installed on the host machineI and also to e20ort directl4 to Datamine<s !nhanced :roduction Scheduler 0acEage Halthough following this e2ercise will re;uire a se0arate licensed installation of !nhanced :roduction scheduler on the host machineI7 If 4ou do not have installed co0ies of !2cel or !:S on the host machine, 4ou will not be able to com0lete the following e2ercise7 +7 Close all o0en dialogs7 27 :resuming !2cel is installed on the host machine Han4 versionI, select the ?iew Schedule in !2cel o0tion from the ISTS TasE :ane H>eview menuI


+,' +,'+

=7 The current scheduling results are e20orted to !2cel, which is launched automaticall4(

*7 Jou can use this data however 4ou liEeN 4ou ma4 wish to set u0 a 0ivot table, for e2am0le, to show the tonnage ac;uired 0er 0eriod for each destination, or a histogram re0resenting the grade s0lit for one or more destinations60eriods etc7 '7 !nhanced :roduction Scheduler H!:SI is the 0remier 0ro9ect scheduling 0acEage for the mineral e2traction industries7 !:S 0rovides the abilit4 to manage and mani0ulate tasE information in wa4s s0ecificall4 designed for the needs of the mining industries7 !nough of the sales 0itch7 :resuming 4ou have !:S installed, 4ou can select the !20ort to !:S] o0tion from the ISTS TasE :ane7 .7 Jou are asEed to save the file to a location on 4our hard disE7 The file will be given an F7e2fG e2tension to indicate it contains !:S !2change 1ormat data7 &cce0t the default 0ath Hwhich will save an FistsSschedule7e2fG file in 4our local 0ro9ect folder7 ,7 !nsure the Launch !:S o0tion is enabled7 57 !nsure the S4nchroniCe Selection o0tion is enabled7


+,. +,.+

-7 ClicE $" and !:S is launched to dis0la4 the e20orted schedule(

+37 In the to0@right 0anel of !:S, select the FISTSS+G activit47 the corres0onding blocE is highlighted in the ?> window(

ote how

++7 Jou can gather a lot of useful information from the !:SN b4 using the crosstab at the bottom of the screen, for e2am0le, 4ou can view the grades achieved 0er calendar weeE(


+,, +,,+

+27 Double@clicE the title of the table He7g7 &ugust 233-I and select the Middle Tier tab7 +=7 Change the Units to ZWeeEs[ and clicE $"

+*7 Select the %ottom Tier tab and also set the Units to ZWeeEs[7 +'7 ClicE $" and the crosstab will u0date to show the following out0ut(

!:S contains a wealth of features to design 0ractical o0erational schedules7 With a full4@ featured 0ro9ect gannt chart and s4nchroniCed integration with Studio =<s ISTS module, 4ou can instantl4 visualiCe the actual worEing schedule that was created from 4our design worE in ISTS7 Jou can find out more about !:S at www7datamine7co7uE7 This concludes this ISTS training module7


+,5 +,5+



#elf Assessment +orm Cto be completed ,(ee>s after trainingD

Jour in0ut is im0ortant for the continuous im0rovement of our training7 We a00reciate 4our feedbacE7 &ttendee Details ame Com0an4 Site >ole WorE :hone !mail &ddress

1eedbacE Aave 4ou been able to a00l4 what 4ou learnt on the course to 4our da4 to da4 activitiesT

If 4ou have not been able to a00l4 what 4ou learnt wh4T What can be im0roved with regards to the content and6or deliver4T

&re there an4 additional to0ics 4ou would have liEed coveredT Would 4ou recommend the course to othersT

Would 4ou benefit from an ongoing training 0rogramT

#eneral Comments

ThanE 4ou for 4our feedbacE


+53 +53+

Training +eedbac> +orm

Jour in0ut is im0ortant for the continuous im0rovement of our training7 We a00reciate 4our feedbacE7 &ttendee Details ame Com0an4 Site >ole WorE :hone !mail &ddress

1eedbacE Aave 4ou achieved 4our goals with res0ect to the training courseT If 4our goals have not been achieved wh4T Is the course relevant to 4our da4 to da4 activitiesT Aow would 4ou describe the contentT What can be im0roved with regards to the contentT Aow would 4ou describe the deliver4T What can be im0roved with regards to the deliver4T

&re there an4 additional to0ics 4ou would liEe coveredT

Would 4ou be interested in an ongoing training 0rogramT :lease rate 4our understanding of the modules 4ou have com0leted during the course and 0rovide comments

+5+ +5++

Fadd the training modules6business ob9ectives hereG :ro9ect and 1ile Management

:oor H+I !2cellent H'I + 2 = * '


The Interface

+ 2 =

* '

Data Management Him0ort6e20ortI

+ 2 =

* '

Data ?iewing61ormatting6Dis0la4

+ 2 =

* '

String Tools Wireframing Hsurfaces6mani0luationI Macros

+ 2 =

* '

+ 2 = * '

+ 2 =

* '

Introductor4 %locE Modeling

+ 2 =

* '

$0en :it Design

+ 2 =

* '

Tonnes and #rade !valuation

+ 2 =

* '

#eneral Comments

ThanE 4ou for 4our feedbacE




DIV +(


! 1IL! ST>UCTU>!

&ll data files used b4 Datamine are binar4 and have the same format7 Whether the file stores 0oint data, drill hole data, blocE models or an4thing else, the same structure is used7 !ach file can be considered to be a flat table made u0 of two 0arts as illustrated below( Aeader HData DefinitionI Data >ecords The Aeader is used to store details of the number of records in the file along with details on each of the fields used7 The Aeader section is followed b4 the actual data7 The file does not contain an4 s0ecific descri0tion of the 0ur0ose for which it was created7 In other words, there is no Ofile t40eO 0arameter that sa4s that Othis is a drill hole fileO or Othis is a model fileO7 Instead, each file t40e uses a uni;ue set of field names which allows Datamine to identif4 string files, drillholes files, 0oint files etc sim0l4 b4 e2amining the Aeader7 &s an e2am0le, ever4 string file contains the fields :?&LU!, :T , V:, J:, D:, and C$L$U>7 In addition to the standard Datamine fields there will usuall4 be additional F&ttributeG fields7 &ttribute fields are used to store site and or 9ob t40e information such as rocE codes, densit4 values, grade fields and so on7 The header is used to store the following four 0ieces information for each field7 1I!LD :&>&M!T!> &M! D!SC>I:TI$ !ach field is named using a ma2imum of 5 characters7 1ield names are case sensitive and so to avoid confusion it is suggested 4ou Eee0 all field names u00er case7 Datamine su00orts numeric and al0hanumeric fields7 umeric fields He7g7 T$ !SI are used to store numbers while al0hanumeric fields He7g7 %AIDI can store mi2tures of numbers and letters7 TJ:! &l0hanumeric fields have a length com0onent which is set to a multi0le of *7 In other words al0hanumeric fields can be * or 5 or +2 or +. ] characters wide7 This width 0arameter is set to accommodate the ma2imum width of the values to be stored in the field7 !20licit fields are also Enown as FStoredG fields and refer to fields with a reference in the Aeader and a column of values in the records section7 Im0licit fields are onl4 listed in the header and are used to store fields with fi2ed HconstantI values7



+5= +5=+

D!1&ULT ?&LU!

!ach field must have a default value7 1or Im0licit fields the default value is the actual field value7 In the case of !20licit HstoredI fields, the default value is used when new records are added to a file7


+5* +5*+


DIV 2(



D>ILLA$L! 1IL!S Static drillhole files have each sam0le of a drillhole identified inde0endentl4 b4 its location and direction in s0ace7 !ver4 drillhole file contains eleven com0ulsor4 fields, regardless of whether it is FrawG Has drilledI sam0les, or com0osited7 The are( standard fields

1I!LD %AID 1>$M T$ L! #TA V J D

TJ:! &6

ST$>!D J J J J J J J

C$MM! TS The hole number or identifier for the hole7 %AID is usuall4 an &L:A& field, but ma4 be numeric The downhole de0th to the start of the sam0le7 The downhole de0th to the end of the sam0le7 The length of the sam0le7 The V coordinate at the centre of the sam0le7 The J coordinate at the centre of the sam0le7 The D coordinate at the centre of the sam0le7 The bearing or direction of the sam0le, looEing along the hole from the collar7 This is e20ressed in degrees and is in the range 3 to =.37 &3 is normall4 a stored He20licitI field, but if all the holes in the file have the same bearing, it ma4 be im0licit7 This could occur where, for e2am0le, all the holes are vertical and havedi0 a bearing ofsam0le, Cero7 The of the looEing along the hole from the collar, %3 is in the range B-3 to -3, with 0ositive di0s down, so a di0 of -3 means the sam0le is oriented verticall4 downward7 LiEe the &3 field, %3 is normall4 e20licit but can be im0licit7 ot used ot used7







In addition to these fields, drillholes can have additional fields which contain data recorded for the sam0le, such as an assa4 value or a litholog4 value7 These additional fields ma4 be numeric or al0hanumeric7 Some t40ical e2am0les are(

1I!LD &U >$C"


ST$>!D J

C$MM! TS #old assa4 values7 Litholog4 codes7



+5' +5'+

ST>I # 1IL!S String files contain a minimum of five fields which describe the 0oint on the string and the string it belongs to7 & 0erimeter is sim0l4 a closed stringN i7e7 the first and last 0oint of the string is the same so that it forms an enclosed area7 The are( standard fields

1I!LD :?&LU!



:T J V: J: D: C$L$U> J J J J

C$MM! TS The number of the string in the field7 This is sim0l4 a numeric identifier, and has a constant value for the entire string7 :?&LU! does not have to be se;uential from one string to the ne2t7 In general, :?&LU! is of no concern to the user, as the software will select and use an a00ro0riate value7 on the string7 The 0oint number This number is se;uential from 0oint to 0oint, and must start at one7 Thus the starting 0oint of the string has :T \+, the ne2t 0oint has :T \2 and so on7 The V coordinate value of the 0oint7 The J coordinate value of the 0oint7 The D coordinate value of the 0oint7 The Datamine color value to be used when dis0la4ing or 0lotting the string7

In addition to these fields, strings can have additional attribute fields which describe some 0ro0ert4 associated with the string, such as a rocE t40e or material destination code7 &ttribute fields ma4 be numeric or al0hanumeric and are t40icall4 constant for the entire string7 Some t40ical e2am0les off string attributes are(

1I!LD >$C" D!ST


ST$>!D J

C$MM! TS umeric rocE t40e codes7 Destination codes for the material enclosed b4 the string7 T40ical values might be W&ST!, S6:IL! or C>USA!>7



+5. +5.+

:$I T 1IL!S :oint files contain a minimum of five fields which define the V, J and D coordinates of each 0oint, the s4mbol sha0e and the color of the s4mbol7 The standard fields are( 1I!LD V:T J:T D:T C$L$U> SJM%$L TJ:! ST$>!D J J J J J C$MM! TS The V coordinate value of the 0oint7 The J coordinate value of the 0oint7 The D coordinate value of the 0oint7 The Datamine when dis0la4ing The Datamine when dis0la4ing color value to be used or 0lotting the string7 s4mbol t40e to be used or 0lotting the 0oint7

:oint files can o0tionall4 contain the following additional fields( 1I!LD SDI: DI:DI> SJMSID! TJ:! ST$>!D J J J C$MM! TS Di0 Di0 Direction S4mbol SiCe in millimeters

In addition to these fields, 0oints can have additional attribute fields which describe some 0ro0ert4 associated with the 0oint such as a sam0le identification number or 0ro9ect area code7 Some e2am0les off 0oint attributes are( 1I!LD S&M:ID &>!& & TJ:! ST$>!D J J C$MM! TS Sam0le identification number for a soil or a stream sam0le7 The name of the 0ro9ect the sam0le was taEen7 area from which


+5, +5,+

WI>!1>&M! 1IL!S Two files are re;uired to define a wireframe, a triangle file and a 0oint file7 The triangle file defines each triangle b4 the three 0oints at the vertices, whilst the 0oint file contains the coordinates of each 0oint7 Two files are used 0rimaril4 to reduce the storage s0ace re;uired7 The wireframe triangle file has five standard fields( 1I!LD T>I& #L! :ID+ :ID2 :ID= C$L$U> TJ:! ST$>!D J J J J J C$MM! TS & number for the triangle, used sim0l4 as an identifier7 Identification number for the first 0oint of the triangle7 This is cross@referenced to the 0oint file7 Identification number for the second 0oint of the triangle7 Identification number for the third 0oint of the triangle The Datamine color value to be used when dis0la4ing or 0lotting the wireframe7

In addition to these fields, an4 user defined attribute fields associated with the wireframe data are stored in this file7 Some t40ical e2am0les off wireframe attributes included( 1I!LD >$C" :IT & TJ:! ST$>!D J J C$MM! TS umeric rocE t40e codes7 Codes to identif4 different o0en 0it wireframes7 T40ical values might be !&ST or M&I 7

The wireframe 0oints file has four standard fields( 1I!LD :ID V: J: D: TJ:! ST$>!D J J J J C$MM! TS & numeric identifier for the 0oint7 This corres0onds to :ID+, :ID2 and :ID= of the triangle file7 The V coordinate of the 0oint7 The J coordinate of the 0oint7 The D coordinate of the 0oint7


+55 +55+

M$D!L 1IL!S !ver4 record in a model file defines the siCe and location of a rectangular blocE or cell7 There are += standard fields7 The standard fields are( 1I!LD VC JC DC TJ:! ST$>!D J J J C$MM! TS The V coordinate at the centre of the cell7 The J coordinate at the centre of the cell7 The D coordinate at the centre of the cell7 The V dimension of the cell7 If the model contains subcells, then VI C is stored He20licitI, as the dimensions can ver4 from blocE to blocE7 If there are no subcells then ever4 blocE is the same siCe and the VI C value ma4 be im0licit7 The J dimension of the cell7 The D dimension of the cell7 The minimum V coordinate of the model7 The minimum J coordinate of the model7 The minimum D coordinate of the model7 The number of 0arent cells in the V direction7 With the VI C value this determines the ma2imum V coordinate of the modelN i7e7 VM$>I# )HVI C R VI The number of 0arent cells in the J direction7 The number of 0arent cells in the D direction7 & code which is generated and used b4 Studio = to identif4 each 0arent cell in the model7 Subcells have the same I/" value as their 0arent7 I/" is calculated as a function of the 0osition of the cell in the model, and has a minimum value of Cero7 In general, the I/" value is of no im0ortance to the user, e2ce0t that model files should be sorted b4 I/"7



JI C DI C VM$>I# JM$>I# DM$>I# V

J6 J6

J D I/"

In addition to these fields, models can have additional fields such as grade values or litholog4 codes7 These additional fields ma4 be numeric or al0hanumeric7 Some t40ical e2am0les are( 1I!LD &U >$C" D! SITJ TJ:! ST$>!D J J J C$MM! TS #old assa4 values7 Stratigra0h4 codes7 Densit4 value7

In 0ractice the VI C, JI C, and DI C fields are set as e20licit HstoredI fields7 is necessar4 if the model is to be later changed using the SLIM$D 0rocess7




S!&>CA 1IL!



The search volume 0arameter file defines a set of search volumes to be used b4 grade inter0olation 0rocesses such as !STIM&T!, !STIM& and V?&LID7 It can be created using standard database 0rocesses such as the Datamine Table !ditor, the 0rocess D!1:&>M or the grade estimation menu !STIM&T!7 The file contains 2* fields all of which are com0ulsor47 & more detailed descri0tion of the fields is given in the #rade !stimation User #uide7
1ield S>!1 UM SM!TA$D SDIST+ SDIST2 SDIST= S& #L!+ S& #L!2 S& #L!= S&VIS+ S&VIS2 S&VIS= MI UM+ umeric 6 Descri0tion &l0hanumeric Search volume reference number7 This is a numeric identifier to allow one or more search volumes to be selected from the file7 Search volume method H+ \ =D rectangle, 2 \ elli0soidI7 Length of a2is +, initiall4 in V direction 0rior to rotation7 Length of a2is 2, initiall4 in J direction 0rior to rotation7 Length of a2is =, initiall4 in D direction 0rior to rotation7 1irst rotation angle, defining orientation of search elli0soid7 Second rotation angle, defining orientation of search elli0soid7 Third rotation angle, defining orientation of search elli0soid7 1irst rotation a2is( +\V a2is, Second rotation a2is( +\V a2is, Third rotation a2is( +\V a2is, 2\J a2is, =\D a2is7 2\J a2is, =\D a2is7

2\J a2is, =\D a2is7

Minimum number of sam0les for first d4namic search volume7 Ma2imum number of sam0les for first d4namic search volume7 &2is multi0l4ing factor for second d4namic search volume7 Minimum number of sam0les for second d4namic search volume7 Ma2imum number of sam0les for second d4namic search volume7 &2is multi0l4ing factor for third d4namic search volume7 Minimum number of sam0les for third d4namic search volume7 Ma2imum number of sam0les for third d4namic search volume7 $ctant definition method( 3 \ do not use octants, + \ use octants7 Minimum number of octants to be filled7 Minimum number of sam0les in an octant7 Ma2imum number of sam0les in an octant7 Ma2imum number of sam0les with same Ee4 field value7

M&V UM+ S?$L1&C2 MI UM2

M&V UM2 S?$L1&C= MI UM=

M&V UM= $CTM!TA MI $CT MI :!>$C M&V:!>$C M&V"!J


:&>&M!T!> 1IL!

+-3 +-3+

The grade estimation 0arameter file defines a set of grade estimation 0arameters to be used b4 grade estimation 0rocesses such as !STIM&, !STIM&T! and V?&LID7 It can be created using standard database 0rocesses such as I :UTD and the Datamine Table !ditor, or the easiest wa4 is to use !STIM&T!7 The file contains u0 to 2- fields of which onl4 ?&LU!SI and S>!1 UM are com0ulsor47 & more detailed descri0tion of the fields is given in the #rade !stimation User #uide7 1ield ?&LU!SI ?&LU!S$U S>!1 UM aD$ !+S1b aD$ !2S1b UMS&MS1 S?$LS1 ?&>S1 MI DISS1 &6 &6 &@5 &@5 &@5 &@5 umeric 6 Descri0tion &l0hanumeric &@5 &@5 ame of field to be estimated7 ame of field to be created7 Search volume reference number7 1irst field controlling estimation b4 Cone7 Second field controlling estimation b4 Cone7 1ield to contain number of sam0les used7 1ield to contain d4namic search volume7 1ield to contain variance7 1ield to contain transformed distance to nearest sam0le7 !stimation method( +\ earest eighbour, 2\Inverse :ower of Distance, =\$rdinar4 "riging, *\Sim0le "riging, '\SichelMs t@ !stimator7 &nisotro04 method for IM!TA$D\+ or 2( 3\isotro0ic, +\use search volume, 2\use & & #L!+, etc7 1irst rotation angle, defining anisotro04 elli0soid for IM!TA$D\+ or 27 Second rotation angle, defining anisotro04 elli0soid for IM!TA$D\+ or 27 Third rotation angle, defining anisotro04 elli0soid for IM!TA$D\+ or 27 Length of anisotro04 a2is +, initiall4 in V direction 0rior to rotation, for IM!TA$D\+ or 27 Length of anisotro04 a2is 2, initiall4 in J direction 0rior to rotation, for IM!TA$D\+ or 27 Length of anisotro04 a2is =, initiall4 in D direction 0rior to rotation, for IM!TA$D\+ or 27 :ower of distance for Inverse :ower of Distance HI:DI weighting7 I:D @ constant added to distance7 Sichels t @ additive constant for lognormal distribution7 ?ariogram model reference number Lognormal Eriging flag(


& IS$ & & #L!+ & & #L!2 & & #L!= & DIST+ & DIST2 & DIST= :$W!> &DDC$ ?>!1 UM L$#


+-3 +-3+

3\linear, +\log7 #! C&S! D!:M!& T$L M&VIT!> ">I# !#W ">I#?&>S L$C&LM : L$C&LMS1 &@5 Lognormal Eriging method(3\>endu, +\#eneral Case7 Mean for lognormal variance calculation7 Convergence tolerance for log Eriging7 Ma2imum number of iterations for log Eriging7 Treatment of negative Eriging weights( 3\Eee0 and use, +\ignore sam0les with negative weights7 Treatment of Eriging variance Y sill( 3\Eee0 "?Ysill, +\set "?\sill7 Method for calculation of local mean for sim0le Eriging( +\field from :>$T$ file, 2\calculate mean7 ame of local mean field in :>$T$ for sim0le Eriging7



?&>I$#>&M 1IL!


The variogram model file defines a set of variogram 0arameters to be used b4 grade estimation 0rocesses such as !STIM&, !STIM&T! and V?&LID7 It is created b4 the interactive variogram fitting 0rocess ?&>1IT7 & more detailed descri0tion of the fields is given in the #rade !stimation User #uide7 1ield ?>!1 UM ?& #L!+ ?& #L!2 ?& #L!= ?&VIS+ ?&VIS2 ?&VIS= U##!T ST+ umeric 6 Descri0tion &l0hanumeric ?ariogram reference number7 This is a numeric identifier to enable one or more variograms to be selected from the file7 1irst rotation angle, defining orientation of range elli0soid Second rotation angle, defining orientation of range elli0soid Third rotation angle, defining orientation of range elli0soid 1irst rotation a2is H+\V a2is, 2\J a2is, =\D a2isI Second rotation a2is H+\V a2is, 2\J a2is, =\D a2isI Third rotation a2is H+\V a2is, 2\J a2is, =\D a2isI ugget ?ariance ?ariogram model t40e for structure +( + \ S0herical, 2\0ower, =\e20onential, *\#aussian, '\De Wi9sian Structure +, 0arameter + H>ange in V direction for s0herical modelI Structure +, 0arameter 2 H>ange in J direction for s0herical modelI Structure +, 0arameter = H>ange in D direction for s0herical modelI Structure +, 0arameter * HS0atial variance for s0herical modelI

ST+:&>+ ST+:&>2 ST+:&>= ST+:&>*

The fields shown in the above table are the minimum re;uired for a single structure variogram model7 If the model variogram includes two or more structures then an additional four fields are re;uired for each structure @ STi, STi:&>+, STi:&>2, STi:&>=, STi:&>* for each structure i7


+-2 +-2+

LI ! STJL! C$D!S +33+ +332 +33= +33* +33' +33. +33,



+-= +-=+


DIV =(





The following fields are reserved for Studio = use7 When creating new fields ensure that the4 are not one of the following( &@! &3 &T %3 %AID %L$C"ID %># C3 CA&>SID! C$D! C$L$U> D! SITJ DI: DI:DI> 1@/ 1&C! 1ILL$D! 1IL! &M T$ 1>$M T>I& #L! #>$U: U@D ASID! I/" "@$ L&J!> L! #TA LI " LSTJL! $>M&L@V $>M&L@J $>M&L@D V J D :@T :ID :ID+ :ID2 JC$LL&> :ID= JI C

:T >D1L&# S+ :?&LU! >&DIUS S2 S&DI SDI: SU>1&C! SJM%$L SJMSID! T&# T$ T$ T$ T$ T$ to !SD !S !S& !S% !SC

JM&V JMI DC! T>! DC$LL&> JM$>I# J: J:T J>T JSC&L! D DC DI C DM$>I# D: D:T DC! T>!


+-* +-*+


DIV *(

C$L$> C$D!S
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ClarE, I7 M:ractical #eostatisticsM &00lied Science :ublishers Ltd, London +-,IS% 3@5'==*@5*=@V David, M7 M#eostatistical $re >eserve !stimationM7 !lsevier Scientific :ublishing Com0an4, +-,, IS% 3@***@*+.3-@- HseriesI 3@***@*+'=2@, Hvol7 2I David, M7 MAandbooE of &00lied &dvanced #eostatistical $re >eserve !stimationM7 !lsevier Scientific :ublishing Com0an4, +-55 Deutch, C7?7 and /ournel, &7#7 M#SLI%7 #eostatistical Software Librar4 and UserMs #uideM $2ford Universit4 :ress, +--2 IS% 3@+-@'3,=-2@* Dowd, :7&7 MLognormal "riging @ The #eneral CaseM7 Mathematical #eolog4, +-52 IsaaEs, !7A7 and Srivastava, >7M7 M&n Introduction to &00lied #eostatisticsM $2ford Universit4 :ress, +-5IS% 3@+-@'3'3+2@. 3@+-@'3'3+=@* H0bE7I ewton, M7/7 M?ariogram Calculation and "riging for 1olded De0ositsM7 Mineral >esource !valuationM -' Conference, &0ril +--' Leeds Universit4, U" Sichel, A7S7 MThe !stimation of Means and &ssociated Confidence Limits for Small Sam0les from Lognormal :o0ulationsM7 S4m0osium on Mathematical Statistics and Com0uter &00lications in $re ?aluation, /ournal of the South &frican Institute of Mining and Metallurg4, March +-..

Interactive Short Term Scheduler

Datamine Software Limited 2 St Cuthbert Street, Wells Somerset, U IT!D "I #D$M %&' 2&W

Tel( )** +,*- .,-2-1a2( )** +,*.,32-3 www7datamine7co7uE

Interactive Short Term Scheduler

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