Vti v. Zoskes Sales and Services Et. Al.
Vti v. Zoskes Sales and Services Et. Al.
NATURE OF THE CASE VTI, LLC (VTI), Plaintiff, for Complaint alleging patent infringement against Zoskes Sales & Services, Inc. (Zoskes Sales & Services) and Mick Zoske, Defendants, states: THE PARTIES 1. VTI is an Iowa limited liability company having a principal place of
business in Washington, Iowa. 2. Zoskes Sales & Services is an Iowa corporation having a principal place of
business in Iowa Falls, Iowa. 3. Mick Zoske is an individual residing in Alden, Iowa. JURISDICTION AND VENUE 4. This is an action for patent infringement arising under the Patent Laws of
the United States, 35 U.S.C. 271 et seq. The Court has subject matter jurisdiction over this matter pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1331 and 1338(a).
This Court has personal jurisdiction over Zoskes Sales & Services and
Mick Zoske. Venue is proper in this District pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1391. FACTS 6. On October 8, 2013, U.S. Patent No. 8,550,019 (the 019 Patent) (attached
hereto as Exhibit A), entitled Slurry Applicator for an Agricultural Machine, was duly and legally issued to VTI as assignee on an application filed May 23, 2011. 7. 8. VTI is the owner of all right, title and interest in the 019 Patent. Zoskes Sales & Services and Mick Zoske have been, and are willfully
infringing the 019 Patent by making, using, offering to sell, and selling within the United States, an infringing slurry applicator sold under the name Cyclone Injector, as depicted in Exhibit B (the Cyclone Injector). 9. VTI notified Zoskes Sales & Services and Mick Zoske that the Cyclone
Injector infringed one or more claims of 019 Patent. 10. Zoskes Sales & Services and Mick Zoske responded by placing a mud flap
behind the coulter wheel of the Cyclone Injector in an effort to avoid infringement. 11. The mud flap renders the Cyclone Injector substantially inoperable for its
intended purpose. 12. Zoskes Sales & Services and Mick Zoske continue to advertise and
promote the Cyclone Injector without the mud flap by advertising its operation in a video that clearly shows the Cyclone Injector operating in its intended manner without the mud flap behind the coulter wheel.
Zoskes Sales & Services and Mick Zoske added the mud flap with the
intent that it be removed by the customer after the Cyclone Injector is purchased. 14. Zoskes Sales & Services and Mick Zoske have been, and are willfully
infringing the 019 Patent by inducing others to infringe the 019 Patent. 15. Zoskes Sales & Services and Mick Zoske have been, and are willfully
infringing the 019 Patent by contributing to the infringement by others of the 019 Patent. 16. Unless enjoined by the court, Zoskes Sales & Services and Mick Zoske
will continue to infringe, induce the infringement of, and/or contributorily infringe the 019 Patent. 17. The infringement by Zoskes Sales & Services and Mick Zoske have been,
currently are, and in the future will be a proximate cause of substantial damage to VTI. 18. If not enjoined as requested herein, the infringement by Zoskes Sales &
Services and Mick Zoske will be a proximate cause of irreparable harm to VTI. DEMAND FOR JURY The Plaintiff, VTI, LLC, respectfully request a jury trial for this matter. PRAYER FOR RELIEF WHEREFORE, the Plaintiff, VTI, LLC, demand that judgment be entered in its favor against Zoskes Sales & Services, Inc. and Mick Zoske granting the following relief: A. Issuance of a preliminary injunction and a permanent injunction
restraining Mick Zoske and Zoskes Sales & Services, Inc., its officers, agents, servants, 3
attorneys and all persons in active concert or participation with Mick Zoske and Zoskes Sales & Services, Inc. from further acts of infringement of the 019 Patent; B. Entry of an award of damages sufficient to compensate VTI for the
infringement and other unlawful conduct of Mick Zoske and Zoskes Sales & Services, Inc.; C. Entry of an award of prejudgment interest in an amount based on the
prevailing rate of interest in effect for the period from the date of each act of infringement of the 019 Patent by Mick Zoske and Zoskes Sales & Services, Inc. until the date judgment is entered herein, and a further award of post-judgment interest at the prevailing rate thereafter until such judgment is paid; D. Entry of an award of enhanced damages in an amount not less than three
times the damages found or assessed by this Court for the willful and wanton acts of infringement by Mick Zoske and Zoskes Sales & Services, Inc.; E. F. G. Entry of an award of reasonable attorneys fees; Entry of an award of costs incurred in the prosecution of this suit; and Such other and further relief as this Court shall deem appropriate. /Jason R. Sytsma/ JASON R. SYTSMA AT0009728 for SHUTTLEWORTH & INGERSOLL, P.L.C. 500 Firstar Bank Bldg., P.O. Box 2107 Cedar Rapids, IA 52406 PHONE: (319) 365-9461 FAX: (319) 365-8443 [email protected] ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF VTI, LLC. 4