Global Geography 12 C.P. Allen High School Global Geography 12 Independent Study Seminars
This document outlines the requirements for a group presentation project on global issues for a high school Global Geography class. Students will work in groups of two to research, organize, and present on a topic exploring the relationships between place, people, history and current realities. The presentation must include visual aids, a reading provided in advance, guiding discussion questions, a 10 question quiz administered at the end, and a handout for the teacher summarizing the main points. Groups will be randomly assigned presentation dates and will be evaluated based on content, visuals, an engaging introductory activity, preparation materials, presentation skills, and the quality of their quiz.
Global Geography 12 C.P. Allen High School Global Geography 12 Independent Study Seminars
This document outlines the requirements for a group presentation project on global issues for a high school Global Geography class. Students will work in groups of two to research, organize, and present on a topic exploring the relationships between place, people, history and current realities. The presentation must include visual aids, a reading provided in advance, guiding discussion questions, a 10 question quiz administered at the end, and a handout for the teacher summarizing the main points. Groups will be randomly assigned presentation dates and will be evaluated based on content, visuals, an engaging introductory activity, preparation materials, presentation skills, and the quality of their quiz.
You are required to select, research, organize and present on a global issue that explores the relationships between place & people, as well as historic context and present reality.
This presentation will be done in groups of two unless previously agreed upon and will include the following: 1. The use of relevant visual aids (PowerPoint, video, overheads, posters, etc) Students will have access to an LCD projector, computer with speakers, a DVD/VCR, & an overhead projector. Arrange to test drive all technological elements using the equipment in class in advance of your presentation to ensure the classroom PC is compatible with the technology used to create your presentation If you want to use your laptop, make sure you know how to hook it up before you present! 2. You must give a 10-question quiz at the end of your presentation T/F, multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, etc Total value of 10 points Class may take jot notes during seminar, use during quiz You mark the quizzes and record the marks in a folder that will be provided the following class ***Remember that you are being marked on the quality of the quizzes! ***You will also need an excused absence to be exempt from the quizzes that missed. 3. Each group must have a handout for the teacher Summarizes the main points of your presentation. (Do not copy & paste from your PowerPoint) Should look like a brochure with pictures, diagrams, etc 4. All groups are required to provide a reading on their topic to the class prior to their presentation. This reading may be: a. A news article b. An interview c. A scholarly journal d. An information report e. A blog post from a journalist, scholar or other credible source This reading must be provided by the presenting group two school days prior to their presentation in print or via email to the teacher and all peers in the class. You may also provide me with a link and I will tweet the article to the class.
The presenting group should also provide a list of several guiding questions for a discussion period related to the article at some point during their presentation. **Presenting groups are required to include at least two questions on their quiz based on their reading**
5. Time Requirement: 30 minutes total for groups of two, plus a few minutes for your quiz. Your presentation and quiz cannot exceed a total of 35 minutes. Your presentation will be stopped at 30 minutes and marked on what was completed. 6. Dates for presentation will be decided by random draw. You must present on the day that is assigned to you. If you miss the day of your presentation, you will need a doctors note to excuse you and you will be given a separate assignment to complete. If your partner does not show-up the day of your presentation, you must present by yourself. Be prepared for anything!!! If a group does not present, we go immediately to the next group, so be prepared to present on the first day of presentations. 7. Before your presentation, you must hand in the following: One copy of the seminar rubric per group Handout/brochure for teacher Reading/guiding questions A blank quiz with an answer key. A works cited list (APA format, minimum 5 sources, at least 2 in print)
Due Dates: 1. Topic : __________________________________________________ 2. Presentation Outline (Handout): DUE: ________________________ 3. Start Date of Presentations: ________________________ 4. The day of your presentation: ________________________
Topics: EXPLORING THE IMPACT OF CULTURE IN GLOBAL ISSUES You and your group members are responsible to propose a topic under the umbrella of culture and politics. You and your group members must divide this topic equally and each presenter is responsible to research and prepare the content for their section of the seminar.
Each seminar MUST include: A media anchor (a video, song, slideshow, etc) to engage your audience A discussion/question period based on a reading A presentation on your topic (assisted by photo essay, PowerPoint presentation, etc.) A quiz
How you will be assessed: This is a Major Project! 1. 80% based on presentation (see evaluation scheme & criteria) 2. 20% based on learning demonstrated through quizzes
All work must be in your own words and properly cited (APA format). Cutting and pasting is considered plagiarism and will result in a mark of zero on this assignment. Each team member must take an active role in the preparation and delivery of your seminar. Researching and presenting a component of your topic must be divided equally amongst your team. Global Geography 12 C.P. Allen High School twitter: @MrBrewerCPA Mr. Brewer
Evaluation Scheme & Criteria CATEGORY 20 15 10 5-0 Mark Content Demonstrates a thorough, multifaceted understanding of topic, exploring diverse perspectives, broader context and global implications Demonstrates a thorough understanding of topic, with some effort to explore more than one perspective Understanding of topic is uneven or imbalanced; one perspective explored at the expense of others Understanding of topic is limited, superficial, demonstrating little effort to go beyond cursory understanding or to explore varying perspectives /20 10 8 6 4-0 Visual Aids (photos/PPT/etc.) Group uses a variety of visuals demonstrating creativity & impeccable editing; use of aids enriches message and enhances understanding of topic Group uses a one or two effective visuals demonstrating careful editing; use of aids compliments message Group uses a one or two somewhat effective visuals; errors and flaws are present; aids serve as an add on, rather than a cohesive part of presentation Group relies on one ineffective visual with significant errors and flaws; aids interfere with delivery of message /10 Anchor Media (The Hook) Anchor media is an effectively selected item from an existing source OR an original creation featuring effectively selected images & graphics with an organized script, appropriate music; group provides basic context for each selection; personally engages and connects audience seminar topic Anchor media is an from an existing source with a clear connection/solid relevance to seminar topic; effectively captures attention or focus of audience Anchor media is from an existing source with some relevance or connection to seminar topic; captures attention or focus of some of the audience Anchor media is an ineffectively selected item from an existing source with questionable connection to seminar topic; media may serve to distract or mislead audience, weak connection to seminar topic; not present at all /10 5 4 3 2-0 Handout Outline provides detailed and organized framework of ideas, and plan that effectively budgets time for required seminar elements Outline provides basic framework of ideas, and plan that largely budgets time for required seminar elements Framework of ideas is generic, lacking specifics to aid preparation; order of required seminar elements present, lacks consideration of time each will require Framework of ideas is vague, disjointed, unlikely to support meaningful preparation; no attempt to account for order of or time allotment for required seminar elements /5 Time-Limit Presentation makes optimal use of 30 minutes Presentation makes effective use of 35 minute limit Presentation makes adequate use of 25-30 minutes of time required Presentation exceeds required time limit or is short by more than 5 minutes /5 Speaks Clearly Speaks clearly and distinctly throughout presentation Speaks clearly and distinctly most of the time; volume, mispronunciation occasionally an issue Speaks clearly most of the time; volume and mispronunciation intermittently impact delivery Often mumbles or cannot be heard; frequent mispronunciation impacts delivery /5 Posture and Eye Contact Stands straight, establishes eye contact with everyone in the room during the presentation. Stands straight; establishes eye contact with variety of listeners during seminar Sometimes stands straight; eye contact with audience is intermittent Slouches and/or does not look at people during the presentation. /5 Preparedness Student makes effective use of presentation notes and cues; transitions with peers enhance seminar delivery; effort to rehearse is supremely evident Student makes some use of presentation notes and cues; transitions managed effectively; effort to rehearse delivery is evident Student is over reliant on presentation notes or cues; transitions are awkward at times; delivery of seminar is choppy Students lacks materials to assist with delivery of seminar; sequencing is random and problematic; no evidence that delivery of seminar was rehearsed or considered in advance /5 Works Cited Extensive list that exceeds research requirement present formatted error-free in APA 5 required works, including two print sources are properly formatted in APA Sources listed do not include print sources; formatting may have flaws/be present in incorrect format A list of sources is either present without effort to respect academic formatting or not present /5 10 8 6 4-0 Quiz Development/ Administration Quiz constructed using variety of questioning strategies that present appropriate challenge; error free. Marked, recorded and passed back on time. Quiz constructed using variety of questioning strategies that present acceptable challenge; largely error free. Marked, recorded and passed back on time. Quiz may be over reliant on one type of questioning strategy; degree of challenge may not be appropriate; some errors present. Marked, recorded and passed back on time. Quiz is constructed carelessly, with an inappropriate degree of challenge and significant errors. Marked, recorded and passed back, but not on time. /10 Quiz Average prorated /20 Quiz Average 100% average= 20/20 80% average= 16/20 70 percent average=14/20 50% average= 10/20 /20
Name: Class:
Topic: Date:
Seminar Mark /80 Final Mark: /100 Quiz Average /20