Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton and Judy Brownlee Ethics Complaint and Amendment
DATE: 6/17/2014
I, Viola Davis and Restore DeKalb submit this 1st amendment to the ethics complaint filed against Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton (District 4) for the following violations:
(1) Violation of the DeKalb County Code of Ethics
(2) Violation of Oath of Office
(3) Violation of the Public's Trust
(4) Violation of the Law (alleged)
(5) Conflict of Interest
I also submit this Ethics Complaint against Judy Brownlee, Commissioner’s Sharon Barnes Sutton’s top aide, for violations of the DeKalb County government’s Code of Ethics.
The conduct, prohibited by the DeKalb County Code of Ethics, that Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton and Judy Brownlee violated include:
• Directly or indirectly request, receive, or agree to receive anything of value which may influence or be perceived to influence, the member's official actions.
• Use his/her position to secure unwarranted privileges for himself or herself;
• Engage in any activity or transaction that is prohibited by a law that is applicable to him/her by virtue of being a member of the governing authority;
• Etc. (Any other violations that the Ethics Board may find)
I have asked for the support of Restore DeKalb which includes Joel Edwards. We issue this ethics complaint to ensure there is transparency, ethics, and accountability in DeKalb County government. We have joined as a coalition to hold elected officials accountable for violating the public's trust. We will welcome other taxpayers and voters who strive to restore public trust once we have the vote of the executive accountability board.
I will use the following documentation and video as evidence:
1. The AJC article, "Officials spend with little oversight", by Johnny Edwards (May 25, 2014) - Mr. Edwards did an excellent article in the AJC which provided the following evidence to demonstrate Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton violated the Code of Ethics and included evidence below:
• Sharon Barnes Sutton’s P-card purchases
• Sharon Barnes Sutton’s cardholder agreement
• Sharon Barnes Sutton’s P-card travel agreement
• Audit of District 4 Purchase Card use
• Criminal Trespass and Simple Battery Police Report
• Open Records Request Documentation on Commission District 4 contract particularly with H.S.I Systems & Consultants, Inc., RightThink Associates, Inc., and Empowerment Planners and Consulting Group. (Conflict of Interest Section)
2. Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton and Judy Brownlee (according to the above article) used their P-card or purchasing cards for personal use which is prohibited to include:
• Barnes Sutton and her top aide put $75,000 on their purchasing cards since 2011, followed by Boyer’s office with $58,000.
• Barnes Sutton was missing receipts for more than $45,000 of purchases.
• Barnes Sutton also topped fellow commissioners in spending at retailers, such as Office Depot, Staples, Walmart, Bed, Bath & Beyond, Tuesday Morning, and Hobby Lobby.
• Barnes Sutton’s office spent about $24,000 at retailers for office equipment such as HDTV and $700 laptop, etc., while Boyer’s office spent about $19,500.
• Barnes Sutton used the Visa card (P-card) to pay a $130 speeding ticket, which she apparently received in January 2013. (see attachment for completed document)
• 8. Conflict of Interest – Sharon Barnes Sutton hired companies owned by her boyfriend (former), Warren Mosby and her executive assistant, Judy Brownlee, to perform duties and receive payments from the District 4 office despite the conflict of interest to include:
• H.S.I Systems & Consultants, Inc. is owned by Warren Mosby and
Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton and Judy Brownlee Ethics Complaint and Amendment
DATE: 6/17/2014
I, Viola Davis and Restore DeKalb submit this 1st amendment to the ethics complaint filed against Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton (District 4) for the following violations:
(1) Violation of the DeKalb County Code of Ethics
(2) Violation of Oath of Office
(3) Violation of the Public's Trust
(4) Violation of the Law (alleged)
(5) Conflict of Interest
I also submit this Ethics Complaint against Judy Brownlee, Commissioner’s Sharon Barnes Sutton’s top aide, for violations of the DeKalb County government’s Code of Ethics.
The conduct, prohibited by the DeKalb County Code of Ethics, that Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton and Judy Brownlee violated include:
• Directly or indirectly request, receive, or agree to receive anything of value which may influence or be perceived to influence, the member's official actions.
• Use his/her position to secure unwarranted privileges for himself or herself;
• Engage in any activity or transaction that is prohibited by a law that is applicable to him/her by virtue of being a member of the governing authority;
• Etc. (Any other violations that the Ethics Board may find)
I have asked for the support of Restore DeKalb which includes Joel Edwards. We issue this ethics complaint to ensure there is transparency, ethics, and accountability in DeKalb County government. We have joined as a coalition to hold elected officials accountable for violating the public's trust. We will welcome other taxpayers and voters who strive to restore public trust once we have the vote of the executive accountability board.
I will use the following documentation and video as evidence:
1. The AJC article, "Officials spend with little oversight", by Johnny Edwards (May 25, 2014) - Mr. Edwards did an excellent article in the AJC which provided the following evidence to demonstrate Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton violated the Code of Ethics and included evidence below:
• Sharon Barnes Sutton’s P-card purchases
• Sharon Barnes Sutton’s cardholder agreement
• Sharon Barnes Sutton’s P-card travel agreement
• Audit of District 4 Purchase Card use
• Criminal Trespass and Simple Battery Police Report
• Open Records Request Documentation on Commission District 4 contract particularly with H.S.I Systems & Consultants, Inc., RightThink Associates, Inc., and Empowerment Planners and Consulting Group. (Conflict of Interest Section)
2. Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton and Judy Brownlee (according to the above article) used their P-card or purchasing cards for personal use which is prohibited to include:
• Barnes Sutton and her top aide put $75,000 on their purchasing cards since 2011, followed by Boyer’s office with $58,000.
• Barnes Sutton was missing receipts for more than $45,000 of purchases.
• Barnes Sutton also topped fellow commissioners in spending at retailers, such as Office Depot, Staples, Walmart, Bed, Bath & Beyond, Tuesday Morning, and Hobby Lobby.
• Barnes Sutton’s office spent about $24,000 at retailers for office equipment such as HDTV and $700 laptop, etc., while Boyer’s office spent about $19,500.
• Barnes Sutton used the Visa card (P-card) to pay a $130 speeding ticket, which she apparently received in January 2013. (see attachment for completed document)
• 8. Conflict of Interest – Sharon Barnes Sutton hired companies owned by her boyfriend (former), Warren Mosby and her executive assistant, Judy Brownlee, to perform duties and receive payments from the District 4 office despite the conflict of interest to include:
• H.S.I Systems & Consultants, Inc. is owned by Warren Mosby and
Manuel J.Maloof Center 1300Commerce Drive Decatur, Georgia 30030 COMPLAINT The Board of Ethics is authorized to receive and hear complaints of alleged violations of the matters set forth in Section 22A of the Dekalb County Code of Ordinances, known as the Code of Ethics. Persons alleging aviolation of the Code of Ethics should complete the following information, sign, and deliver inperson, or by U.S. Mail, or by overnight delivery service to the Clerk at the above address. Complaints received by the Clerk at least ten (10) days prior to ascheduled meeting will beconsidered at that meeting. 1. Name: i\ddress: L I _ ,Sh:rxy A I ~ ( ) ( ~ t a a . 20-0 B ~ J' Daytime phone number: iTlh ~k - ~:Sp Evening phone number: 6 " oC; ~ 5? - ~ r E- mailadd=: CUtt2fiT~ mJ~ 2. Identify the member of the governing au ,rity against whomthe co plaint is beipg filed: - Name 5 ~. POSitioWDepamnentlBoard:f)~ ~ 7kfop iuLt I hereby request thllt the Boa rd of Ethics consider this compla int. I certifY tha t the a bove informa tion is true a nd correct the best a knowledge a nd belief. Date: /()_~ 70. 1'/ Date: / Received by; - - - - - - - - - .J' Clerk DEKALB COUNTY BOARD OF ETHICS c/o Clerk of the Governing Authority Manuel J.Maloof Center 1300 Commerce Drive Decatur, Georgia 30030 COMPLAINT f\EOI'VID M A V S O t0 1 4 ETHICS BOARD The Board of Ethics is authorized to receive and hear complaints of alleged violations of the matters set forth in Section 22A of the DeKalb County Code of Ordinances, known as the Code of Ethics. Persons alleging aviolation of the Code of Ethics should complete the following information, sign, and deliver in person, or by U.S. Mail, or by overnight delivery service to the Clerk at the above address. Complaints received by the Clerk at least ten (10) days prior to ascheduled meeting will be considered at that meeting. 1. Name: Address: ~~~- - ~~~~~~~~~- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . ? Daytime phone number: (770 ) 25&'-( 'Vr3 V Evening phone number: ( 5 '0 0 V'I {{-9.3/ fi? E- mail address: a,11a ~#Q~ ( j}3ma ;j! &r~ 2. Identify themember of the governing authority against whomthe complaint is being filed: Name: ( !0 7I1Jtit~P&[U/f7{ JcudleJ3C{JiI J71 d PositionlDepartmentIBoard: ,{)ii!itti: z( Crr;u111L~f..1Z{ 3. Identify the section of the Code of Ethics you allege is being violated. State with specificity the acts or om' sions yo allege constitute.the violation. (Attach additional ages as necessary) I hereby request tha t the Boa rd of Ethics consider this compla int. is truea nd ~ _the ilzkROW/edge a nd belkf SIgnature: ~c ~ .I 4L~ I certify tha t the a bove informa tion Received by: , Clerk Da te::li2~ za FI Date: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DEKALB COUNTY BO A RD OF ETIDCS c/o Clerk of the Governing Authority Manuel J.Maloof Center 1300 Commerce Drive Decatur, Georgia 30030 COMPLAINT RSCE' \l eO " ,,,'1 sQ to'. a ETH\CS 60 A ~D The Board of Ethics is authorized to receive and hear complaints of alleged violations of the matters set forth in Section 22A of theDeKalb County Code of Ordinances, known as the Code of Ethics. Persons alleging a violation of the Code of Ethics should complete the following information, sign, and deliver inperson, or by u.s. Mail, or by overnight delivery service to the Clerk at the above address. Complaints received by the Clerk at least ten (10) days prior to ascheduled meeting will beconsidered at that meeting. 1 . Name: Daytime phone number: Evening phone number: E- mail address: 2. I hereby request tha t the Boa rd 0/ Ethics consider this compla int. is true a nd corr t to the b~ ,,:~ ~ ~ owledge a nd belief. Signature: , ~ ~~ I certify tha t the a bove in/orma tion _______________ - ', Clerk Date/tJo/ yo ;PIy Date: _ Receive SPEAK WITH VO SP KWI VOU MEMORANDUM TO: DEKALB COUNlY BOARD OF ETHICS FROM: V IOLA DAV IS WITH UNHAPPY TAXPAYER AND V OTER SUBJECT: 1ST AMENDMENT TO THE ETHICS COMPLAINT FILED AGAINST COMMISSIONER SHARON BARNES SUTTON AND ETHICS COMPLAINT AGAINST JUDY BROWNLEE DATE: 6 /10/2014 CC: RESTORE DEKALB,JOEL EDWARDS, UNHAPPY TAXPAYER AND V OTER AND ALL APPROPRIATE PARTIES I, V iola Davis and Restore DeKalb submit this 1st amendment to the ethics complaint filed against Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton (District 4) for the following violations: (1) V iolation of the DeKalb County Code of Ethics (2) V iolation of Oath of Office (3) V iolation of the Public's Trust (4) V iolation of the Law (alleged) (5) Conflict of Interest I also submit this Ethics Complaint against Judy Brownlee, Commissioner's Sharon Barnes Sutton's top aide, for violations of the DeKalb County government's Code of Ethics. The conduct, prohibited by the DeKalb County Code of Ethics, that Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton and Judy Brownlee violated include: Directly or indirectly request, receive, or agree to receive anything of value which may influence or be perceived to influence, the member's official actions. Use his/her position to secure unwarranted privileges for himself or herself; Engage in any activity or transaction that isprohibited by alawthat is applicable to him/her by virtue of being amember of the governing authority; Etc. (Any other violations that the Ethics Board may find) I have asked for the support of Restore DeKalb which includes Joel Edwards. I had initially planned to obtain the support of additional concerned citizens outside the Restore DeKalb coalition. However, wewereinformed theFBI has aninvestigation started inDeKalb County. Due to prior agreements with confidential sources, we are unable to include additional members of the public at thepresent time. Weissuethis ethics complaint to ensure there is transparency, ethics, and accountability in DeKalb County government. We have joined as acoalition to hold elected officials accountable for violating the public's trust. We will welcome other taxpayers and voters who strive to restore public trust once we have the vote of the executive accountability board. I will usethefollowingdocumentation andvideoasevidence: 1. The AJC article, " Officials spend with little oversight" , by Johnny Edwards (May25, 2014)- Mr.Edwards did an excellent articleintheAJC which provided the following evidence to demonstrate Commissioner Sharon Barnes Suttonviolated the Code of Ethics and included evidence below:
Sharon Barnes Sutton's P- card purchases
Sharon Barnes Sutton's cardholder agreement
Sharon Barnes Sutton's P- card travel agreement
Audit of District 4Purchase Card use
Criminal Trespass and Simple Battery Police Report
2 Open RecordsRequestDocumentation onCommissionDistrict 4 contract particularlywithH.S.I Systems&Consultants, Inc., RightTbink Associates,Inc., andEmpowerment PlannersandConsultingGroup. (Conflictof Interest Section) 2. Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton and Judy Brownlee (according to the above article) used their P- card or purchasing cards for personal use which is prohibited to include: BarnesSuttonandher top aideput $75,000 ontheir purchasingcards since2011, followedbyBoyer'sofficewith$58,000. BarnesSuttonwasmissingreceiptsfor morethan$45,000 of purchases. BarnesSuttonalsotopped fellowcommissionersinspendingat retailers,suchasOfficeDepot, Staples,Walmart, Bed, Bath&Beyond, TuesdayMorning, andHobby Lobby. BarnesSutton's officespent about $24,000 atretailersfor office equipment suchasHDTV and$700 laptop, etc.,whileBoyer'sofficespent about $19,500. Barnes Sutton used the V isa card (P- card) to pay a$130 speeding ticket, which she apparently received inJanuary 2013. BarnesSuttonpaidalmost $6 ,000 of taxpayers'fundsto aprivatelaw firmthat washelpingher deal withinvestigationsinto her spendingbyWSB. AccordingtotheAJC,Attorney Quinton Washingtonsaidmost of thelegal work did not involvetheWSBstories. Etc. (pleaserefer to other additional mediareports) 3. Barnes Sutton andJudy Brownlee have apattern of misuse of the P- card; 4. Barnes Sutton and Judy Brownlee used taxpayer money as a bank for bridge loans; 5. Barnes Sutton also said she didn't know she needed to save receipts for thepurchases despite a2011audit admonishing her todo so and thought transaction records and her verbal explanation were sufficient. 6 . Channel 2 investigation finds retail spending, few receipts among DeKalb Commissioners, byJodie Fleischer (V ideo - May 21,2014); Inews Ilocal/ ch- 2- investigation- finds- retail- spending- few- recei/nf.5Dyl 3 7. County leaders calling for change after commissioner found spending county money onherself by Erica Byfield, WSBTV (V ideo); InewsIcounty- leaders- calling- for- change- after IvCT9zB I 8. Conflict of Interest - Sharon Barnes Sutton hired companies owned byher boyfriend (former), Warren Mosby and her executive assistant, Judy Brownlee, toperformduties and receivepayments fromtheDistrict 4office despite the conflict of interest toinclude: H.S.I Systems &Consultants, Inc. is owned by Warren Mosby and Mosby received several contracts from Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton toinclude: ~ $1,336 .00- Design of program forYLA Kick- off ~ $4,212.00- District 4Commissioner Newsletter ~ $10,000.00- BOC Transition AdvisoryCapacity ~ $4,046 .00- Officesupplies for Commissioner Barnes Sutton ~ $4,500.00- Printing various District 4materials, flyers,newsletter ~ $2,6 87.50- 5000WindowEnvelopes (rush order) ~ $2,6 00.00- Typesetting &Graphics layout services District 4 ~ $1,6 12.50- Photographic editing, scanning, and retouch Dist. 4 RightThink Associates, Inc. isowned byWarrenMosby and Mosby received contracts from Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton to include (alleged): ~ $20,000.00- Professional Servicesfor District 4 Empowerment Planners and Consulting Group is owned by Judy Brownlee(Barnes Sutton's top aid) and Brownleereceivedcontracts and payment fromCommissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton. Wewill provide the full list of contracts once we can verify the date Judy Brownlee started working for Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton (alleged). The partial list include: ~ $1,000- Professional Consulting andAdministration Services ~ $1,125- Professional Consulting andAdministration Services 4 ~ $975 - Professional Consulting andAdministration Services ~ $6 00- Professional Consulting andAdministration Services 9. Commissioner SharonBarnes SuttonandJudy Brownleeabused and allegedly violated county policy and local law by using the Purchasing Cards for personal use and neglected to reimburse the county for the full amount of money. The WSB Channel 2investigation on retail spending among DeKalb Commissioners identified the following violations to include: 1. Commissioner SharonBarnes SuttonandJudy Brownleehad 511 total purchases which added up to $75,583.33, to include 178 receipts or 34.8%. 2. The purchases with receipts total $29,901.6 3 and the purchases without receipts total $45,6 81.70. 3. Barnes Suttonhad 240 purchases with46 receipts or 19.2%. 4. Judy Brownleehad 270purchases with 131receipts or 48.5%. 5. The total retail/ officepurchases equal $24,442.98 withno Office Depot invoices. a. Retail/Office total purchases with receipts - $14,387.46 . b. Retail/Office total purchases without receipts $10,055.52. 6 . Judy Brownleetotal retail/office purchases - $14,6 25.49. a. $9,234.49 withreceipts b. $5,391without receipts 7. SharonBarnes Suttontotal retail/office purchases - $9,6 38.18. a. $4,973.6 6 with receipts b. $4,6 6 4.52 without receipts 8. Judy Brownleehad 27 gift cards which total $106 0. " Red Flag" : Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton deliberately and willfullymisused her P- card dating back toOctober 2009, evidenced by: 5 A. SharonBarnes Suttonwas formallynotified about her misuse of the P- card in two documents fromInternal Audit &Licensing dated April 2, 2010and October 12, 2011(SeeAttachment). She was notified by Eugene O'Mard in2010 and the document was sent to Dr. Michael Bell, KeithBarker, KelvinWalton and Dale Dague(SeeAttachment). Commissioner SharonBarnesSutton's officeof BOC District 4did not comply with DeKalbCounty P- Cardpolicies andprocedures. B. Barnes Sutton was also notified by Cornelia Louis, the Acting Deputy Director of Finance, on October 12, 2011 and the document was sent to Kelvin Walton, Richard Stogner, Joel Gottlieb, and DaleDague. C. Eugene O'Mard gavethreerecommendations intheApril 2'2010 document to include 1) All P- Card transactions should be logged. The logshould becompleted and maintained monthly forall P- Cardtransactions. It shouldbesigned byanauthorized individual per P- Card Policy; 2) All P- Card transactions should have supporting documentation. The final recommendation stated thePurchasing andContracting consider havingaP- Card Training periodically for new cardholders and departmental representatives (SeeAttachment). D. Cornelia Louis gave two recommendations in the October 12, 2011document to include 1) all P- Card transaction should have supporting documentation. Adequate documentation ensures that expenditures incurred are in compliance with the P- Card policy. 2) Per P- Card policy, werecommend that BOC District 4complete and maintain Logs and reconcile the Logs against theelectronic statement monthly (SeeAttachment). E. Since Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton signed the Cardholder User's Agreement on 1/7/2014 and 3/31/2009, she clearly understood that P- cards must be used for county approved purchases and not for personal purchases. Barnes Sutton signed the Purchasing Card for Travel Agreement Form onFebruary 23, 2010(SeeAttachment). As a coalition, we call for an action plan to hold elected officials accountable and ensure their aides uphold policy and procedures, and the law to include: Request a 5- 10 year audit (2003- 2013) of Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton's P- card use to evaluate if this was truly amistake or apattern of misuse which substantiates aviolation of the law. If the evidence shows a 6 pattern of abuse, we demand Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton and others be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law. Require Sharon Barnes Sutton and Judy Brownlee to repay all monies for inappropriate charges on the P- card and/or charges paid by the county. Request the P- card use of every County Commissioner and their aides to evaluate if these actions are asystematic problem that extends to more than one or two commissioners (please include the Interim CEO Lee May and his aides as they represented Commission District 5); Request the information be forwarded to the District Attorney for prosecution if the Board of Ethic determines violation or violations of the law; Request the policy for P- card use be revised to include the Commissioners and all Board of Commissioners' staff; Remove Sharon Barnes Sutton from office and terminate the employment of Judy Brownlee with DeKalb County and bar them both from ever working for DeKalb County in the future. I, V iola Davis and Restore DeKalb, submit this Ethics Complaint and the amendment with the support of Restore DeKalb to hold Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton and Judy Brownlee accountable for their alleged illegal actions. Sin.cerely, fJ ~.~ V iola Davis Taxpayer and V oter in Commission District 4 Attachments Included Amendment 1to Ethics Complaint against Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton and Judy Brownlee and Documentation Attachment. Confidential 7 Receipt NAME DATE PURCH DATE POST VENDOR DESCRIPTION TO TA L A M NT S utton, S haron Barnes 2/1 0 /20 1 4 2/1 1 /20 1 4 PA YPA L ETHYLL ? $50 0 .0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 4 /1 4 /20 1 1 4 /1 5/20 1 1 INTERNA TIO NA L S CHO O L FO UN ? $1 50 .0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 5/4 /20 1 1 5/6/20 1 1 RA @ LO NGWO RTH1 1 1 8731 7 ? $9.50 S utton, S haron Barnes 9/23/20 1 1 9/26/20 1 1 KIN A TLBUS INES S LG ? $1 25.0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 1 0 /4 /20 1 1 1 0 /5/20 1 1 KIN A TLBUS INES S LG ? $1 50 .0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 1 0 /25/20 1 1 1 0 /26/20 1 1 S O DO NA LD EGBULO NU ? $90 .0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 1 0 /28/20 1 1 1 0 /31 /20 1 1 S O DO NA LD EGBULO NU ? $90 .0 0 Brownlee, J udyT 4 /1 8/20 1 3 4 /1 9/20 1 3 PA YPA L DA NCENIA ? $1 0 0 .0 0 Brownlee, J udyT 1 2/1 8/20 1 3 1 2/1 9/20 1 3 PA YPA L GREA TERLITH ? $20 .0 0 Brownlee, J udyT 4 /25/20 1 4 4 /28/20 1 4 PA YPA L CO RNERS TO NE ? $250 .0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 5/1 1 /20 1 1 5/1 3/20 1 1 DELTA A IR 0 0 60 763893267 A IRLINE $25.0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 5/1 1 /20 1 1 5/1 3/20 1 1 DELTA A IR 0 0 621 88895951 A IRLINE $531 .4 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 5/1 2/20 1 1 5/1 3/20 1 1 DELTA A IR 0 0 6824 251 630 0 A IRLINE $23.0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 5/1 2/20 1 1 5/1 3/20 1 1 DELTA A IR 0 0 6824 270 84 23 A IRLINE $23.0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 3/1 /20 1 3 3/4 /20 1 3 DELTA A IR 0 0 6821 0 0 4 4 956 A IRLINE $25.0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 3/5/20 1 3 3/6/20 1 3 DELTA A IR 0 0 6821 0 1 0 0 878 A IRLINE $25.0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 3/5/20 1 3 3/6/20 1 3 DELTA A IR 0 0 6821 0 30 0 70 0 A IRLINE $60 .0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 6/20 /20 1 3 6/21 /20 1 3 DELTA A IR 0 0 62334 851 532 A IRLINE $396.80 S utton, S haron Barnes 1 1 /4 /20 1 3 1 1 /5/20 1 3 DELTA A IR 0 0 68228861 84 5 A IRLINE $25.0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 1 1 /7/20 1 3 1 1 /8/20 1 3 DELTA A IR 0 0 682280 8834 6 A IRLINE $25.0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 1 1 /22/20 1 3 1 1 /25/20 1 3 DELTA A IR 0 0 6234 530 4 676 A IRLINE $299.80 S utton, S haron Barnes 1 2/1 0 /20 1 3 1 2/1 1 /20 1 3 DELTA A IR 0 0 68230 8884 1 5 A IRLINE $25.0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 3/3/20 1 4 3/4 /20 1 4 DELTA A IR 0 0 68235739224 A IRLINE $25.0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 2/4 /20 1 1 2/7/20 1 1 DELTA A IR 0 0 6234 3663853 A IRLINE $24 9.4 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 3/3/20 1 1 3/4 /20 1 1 DELTA A IR 0 0 621 86330 853 A IRLINE $21 7.0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 3/3/20 11 3/4/20 11 DELTA A IR 0 0 682370 281 22 A IRLINE $55.0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 3/7/20 11 3/8/20 11 DELTA A IR 0 0 68237896650 A IRLINE $23.0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 4/1/20 11 4/4/20 11 DELTA A IR 0 0 6234 71 791 68 A IRLINE $275.4 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 4/11/20 11 4/12/20 11 DELTA A IR 0 0 6234 70 5780 9 A IRLINE $229.4 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 4/11/20 11 4/12/20 11 DELTA A IR 0 0 6234 7225821 A IRLINE $34 4 .0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 4/11/20 11 4/12/20 11 DELTA A IR 0 0 6234 78794 0 5 A IRLINE $229.4 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 4/21/20 11 4/22/20 11 DELTA A IR 0 0 621 87394 859 A IRLINE $1 85.0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 4/21/20 11 4/26/20 11 DELTA A IR 0 0 6234 78794 0 5 A IRLINE ($229.4 0 ) S utton, S haron Barnes 4/28/20 11 4/29/20 11 DELTA A IR 0 0 6824 1 30 620 8 A IRLINE $23.0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 5 /2/20 11 5 /3/20 11 DELTA A IR 0 0 6824 1 964 259 A IRLINE $55.0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 5 /5 /20 11 ,5 16/20 11 DELTA A IR 0 0 6824 220 2294 A IRLINE $23.0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 5 /11/20 11 5 /13/20 11 DELTA A IR 0 0 60 763893268 A IRLINE $25.0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 5 /11/20 11 5/1 3/20 1 1 DEL TA A I R 0 0 621 88895952 A IRLINE $531 .4 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 5 /11/20 11 5 /13/20 11 DELTA A IR 0 0 6234 964 2562 A IRLINE $668.80 S utton, S haron Barnes 5/1 4 /20 1 1 5/1 6/20 1 1 DELTA A IR 0 0 6824 234 1 376 A IRLINE $23.0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 5/1 4 /20 1 1 5/1 6/20 1 1 DELTA A IR 0 0 6824 294 2224 A IRLINE $23.0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 7/14/20 11 7/15 /20 11 DELTA A IR 0 0 6824 7556389 A IRLINE $23.0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 7/14/20 11 7/15 /20 11 DELTA A IR 0 0 6824 7568826 A IRLINE $35.0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 7/18/20 11 7/19/20 11 DELTA A IR 0 0 6824 80 4 524 4 A IRLINE $55.0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 9/8/20 11 9/9/20 11 DELTA A IR 0 0 623584 87371 A IRLINE $20 6.4 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 10 /25 /20 11 10 /26/20 11 DELTA A IR 0 0 68255339833 A IRLINE $25.0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 10 /27/20 11 10 /28/20 11 DELTA A IR 0 0 68255371 4 82 A IRLINE $25.0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 1/7/20 13 1/8/20 13 DELTA A IR 0 0 62321 280 94 9 A IRLINE $30 9.80 S utton, S haron Barnes 1/8/20 13 1/9/20 13 DELTA A IR 0 0 62321 925387 A IRLINE $30 7.80 S utton, S haron Barnes 3/1/20 13 3/4/20 13 DELTA A IR 0 0 6821 0 4 4 4 727 A IRLINE $60 .0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 4/16/20 13 4/17/20 13 DELTA A IR 0 0 623291 98679 A IRLINE $358.80 S utton, S haron Barnes 6/18/20 13 6/19/20 13 DELTA A IR 0 0 621 1 882251 0 A IRLINE $1 52.55 S utton, S haron Barnes 6/19/20 13 6/20 /20 13 DELTA A IR 0 0 60 1 7580 290 4 A IRLINE $29.0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 6/19/20 13 6/20 /20 13 DELTA A IR 0 0 621 71 0 7731 5 A IRLINE $265.0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 7/18/20 13 7/19/20 13 DELTA A IR 0 0 68220 327935 A IRLINE $25.0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 7/21/20 13 7/22/20 13 DELTA A IR 0 0 621 724 0 3990 A IRLINE $20 0 .0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 12/13/20 13 12/16/20 13 DELTA A IR 0 0 68230 1 1 981 9 A IRLINE $25.0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 2/5 /20 14 2/6/20 14 DELTA A IR 0 0 62351 635381 A IRLINE $270 .0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 2/27/20 14 2/28/20 14 DELTA A IR 0 0 68235881 0 97 A IRLINE $25.0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 3/2/20 14 3/3/20 14 DELTA A IR 0 0 621 7959234 8 A IRLINE $20 0 .0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 4/3/20 14 4/4/20 14 DELTA A IR 0 0 623561 80 4 1 0 A IRLINE $394 .0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 4/10 /20 14 4/14/20 14 DELTA A IR 0 0 621 81 23961 0 A IRLINE $52.0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 10 /28/20 11 10 /31/20 11 A TL A IRPO RT N PLZ CA S HIER A IRPO RT $4 8.0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 12/14/20 13 12/16/20 13 LA GUA RDIA US A , LLC A IRPO RT $4 7.4 5 S utton, S haron Barnes 12/14/20 13 12/16/20 13 LA GUA RDIA US A , LLC A IRPO RT $3.27 Brownlee, J udy T 8/26120 11 8/29/20 11 S UBURBA N CUS TO M A WA R A WA RDS $21 9.72 Brownlee, J udy T 11/10 /20 11 11/14/20 11 S UBURBA N CUS TO M A WA R A WA RDS $31 .0 0 Brownlee, J udy T 6/8/20 12 6/11/20 12 S UBURBA N CUS TO M A WA R A WA RDS $1 84 .88 Brownlee, J udy T 6/19/20 12 6/21/20 12 S UBURBA N CUS TO M A WA R A WA RDS $23.0 0 Brownlee, J udy T 917120 12 9/10 /20 12 S UBURBA N CUS TO M A WA R A WA RDS $31 .0 0 Brownlee, J udy T 9/26/20 12 9/28/20 12 S UBURBA N CUS TO M A WA R A WA RDS $21 .0 0 Brownlee, J udy T 11/29/20 12 12/3120 12 S UBURBA N CUS TO M A WA RDS A WA RDS $21 .0 0 Brownlee, J udy T 8/4/20 11 8/8/20 11 S UBURBA N CUS TO M A WA R A WA RDS $21 .0 0 Brownlee, J udy T 9/9/20 11 9/12/20 11 S UBURBA N CUS TO M A WA R A WA RDS $31 .0 0 Brownlee, J udy T 1/10 /20 12 1/13/20 12 S UBURBA N CUS TO M A WA R A WA RDS $21 .0 0 Brownlee, J udy T 3/9/20 12 3/12/20 12 S UBURBA N CUS TO M A WA R A WA RDS $1 62.1 7 Brownlee, J udy T 3/26/20 12 3/28/20 12 S UBURBA N CUS TO M A WA R A WA RDS $32.31 Brownlee, J udy T 9/9/20 13 9/11/20 13 S UBURBA N CUS TO M A WA RDS A WA RDS $23.0 0 Brownlee, J udy T 3/13/20 14 3/14/20 14 S UBURBA N PICTURE FRA M E A WA RDS $52.0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 3/5 /20 11 3/7/20 11 A LEXA NDRIA UNIO N 80 3 CA R $23.89 S utton, S haron Barnes 3/9/20 11 3/10 /20 11 M EKO NNEN DES TA TA XI S ERV CA R $1 9.25 S utton, S haron Barnes 5 /7/20 11 5 /9/20 11 YELLO W CA BCO .O F DC CA R $1 5.50 S utton, S haron Barnes 5 /9/20 11 5 /10 /20 11 A RLINGTO N YELLO W CA B CA R $1 6.95 S utton, S haron Barnes 5 /14/20 11 5 /16/20 11 YELLO W CA B CA R $81 .0 0 A . S utton, S haron Barnes 7/15 /20 11 7/25 /20 11 BRO A DWA Y CA B CA R $4 0 .20 S utton, S haron Barnes 7/16/20 11 7/25 /20 11 RA DIO CA BCO CA R $1 0 .50 S utton, S haron Barnes 10 /26/20 11 10 /28/20 11 PA LM BEA CH TRA NS PO RTA TIO N CA R $28.0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 10 /26/20 11 10 /28/20 11 PA LM BEA CH TRA NS PO RTA TIO N CA R $22.63 S utton, S haron Barnes 5 /2/20 12 5 /3/20 12 ENTERPRIS E RENT-A -CA R CA R $24 8.0 7 S utton, S haron Barnes 1/17/20 13 1/18/20 13 A DV A NTA GE CA R #1 1 0 1 0 1 CA R $897.70 S utton, S haron Barnes 1/24/20 13 1/25 /20 13 A DV A NTA GE CA R #1 1 0 1 0 1 CA R ($87.96) S utton, S haron Barnes 3/1/20 13 3/4/20 13 A LEXA NDRIA YELLO W CA B CA R $27.62 S ullon, S haron Barnes 3/2/20 13 3/4/20 13 A RLINGTO N YELLO W CA B CA R $23.98 S utton, S haron Barnes 5 /2/20 13 5 /6/20 13 BUDGET RENT-A -CA R CA R $4 98.96 S ullon, S haron Barnes 7/19/20 13 7/22/20 13 YELLO W CHECKER S HUTTLE CA R $21 .0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 11/7/20 13 11/8/20 13 FLN RH EXECUTIV E TRA NS PO CA R $63.0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 12/12/20 13 12/16/20 13 NYC TA XI3T67 CA R $20 .50 S utton, S haron Barnes 2/28/20 14 3/3120 14 A LEXA NDRIA YELLO W CA B CA R $22.60 S utton, S haron Barnes 3/1/20 14 3/3/20 14 DC TA XI G0 54 CA R $4 6.4 9 S utton, S haron Barnes 3/1/20 14 3/3/20 14 FA LLS CHRCH/FA IRFXYLLWCA B CA R $4 0 .77 S utton, S haron Barnes 3/1/20 14 3/3/20 14 TA XI CHA RGE DC CA R $1 8.65 S utton, S haron Barnes 3/2/20 14 3/4/20 14 GRA ND CA B CA R $27.0 6 S utton, S haron Barnes 4/18/20 14 4/21/20 14 ENTERPRIS E RENT-A -CA R CA R $4 64 .86 S utton, S haron Barnes 10 /20 /20 13 10 /21/20 13 sa A FRICA 'S CHILDREN'S F CHA RITY $1 ,1 0 0 .0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 6/2/20 11 6/3/20 11 PA YPA L NA TIO NA LO RG CHA RITY $250 .0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 3/28/20 13 3/29/20 13 PA YPA L NA TIO NA LO RG CHA RITY $1 50 .0 0 Brownlee, J udyT 10 /19/20 13 10 /21/20 13 PA YPA L A FRICA S CHIL CHA RITY $24 0 .0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 1/7/20 13 118/20 13 NA TIO NA L A S S C CO UNTIES CO UNTY $4 90 .0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 2/4/20 11 2/7/20 11 NA TIO NA L A S S C CO UNTIES CO UNTY $4 90 .0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 3/31/20 11 4/1120 11 A CCG CO UNTY $4 0 0 .0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 6/16/20 11 6/17/20 11 NA TIO NA L A S S C CO UNTIES CO UNTY $4 90 .0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 7/13/20 11 7/14/20 11 NA TIO NA L A S S C CO UNTIES CO UNTY $4 90 .0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 9/15 /20 11 9/16/20 11 A CCG CO UNTY $1 75.0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 1/4/20 12 1/5 /20 12 A CCG CO UNTY $4 0 0 .0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 1/4/20 12 1/5 /20 12 NA TIO NA L A S S C CO UNTIES CO UNTY $250 .0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 1/24/20 12 1/25 /20 12 NA TIO NA L A S S C CO UNTIES CO UNTY $4 90 .0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 4/23/20 12 4/24/20 12 A CCG CO UNTY $550 .0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 11/1/20 12 11/2/20 12 NA TIO NA L A S S C CO UNTIES CO UNTY $1 0 0 .0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 1/17/20 13 1/18/20 13 A CCG CO UNTY $20 0 .0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 3/22/20 13 3/25 /20 13 A CCG CO UNTY $4 50 .0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 5 /2/20 13 5 /6/20 13 A CCG CO UNTY $225.0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 5 /22/20 13 5 /23/20 13 NA TIO NA L A S S C CO UNTIES CO UNTY $50 5.0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 5 /22/20 13 5 /23/20 13 NA TIO NA L A S S C CO UNTIES CO UNTY $4 90 .0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 10 /10 /20 13 10 /11/20 13 PA YPA L LEA DERS HIPD CO UNTY $75.0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 12/16/20 13 12/17/20 13 NA TIO NA L A S S C CO UNTIES CO UNTY $4 90 .0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 2/21/20 14 2/24/20 14 A CCG CO UNTY $60 0 .0 0 Brownlee, J udy T 1/7/20 13 1/9/20 13 PA YPA L NA CIO CO UNTY $75.0 0 3 Brownlee, J udyT 1/8/20 13 1/9/20 13 NA TIO NA L A S S C CO UNTIES CO UNTY $4 90 .0 0 Brownlee, J udyT 4/2/20 13 4/4/20 13 PA YPA L NA CIO CO UNTY $35.0 0 Brownlee, J udyT 1 /21 /20 1 4 1/22/20 14 PA YPA L NA CIO CO UNTY $75.0 0 Brownlee, J udyT 1 0 /1 0 /20 1 3 10 /14/20 13 PA YPA L LEA DERS HIPD CO UNTY $75.0 0 Brownlee, J udyT 1/9/20 14 1/10 /20 14 GO DA DDY.CO M DO M A IN $24 .84 Brownlee, J udyT 11/14/20 11 11/15 /20 11 GO DA DDY.CO M DO M A IN $23.24 Brownlee, J udyT 2/21/20 13 2/25 /20 13 EM O RY CO NTINUING ED EDUCA TIO N $225.0 0 Brownlee, J udyT 3/22/20 13 3/25 /20 13 PA YPA L A DDEDPIZZA Z EV ENT PLA NNER $4 0 0 .0 0 Brownlee, J udyT 12/5 /20 13 12/6/20 13 PA YPA L A DDEDPIZZA Z EV ENT PLA NNER $21 5.0 0 Brownlee, J udyT 10 /20 /20 11 10 /24/20 11 FTD M A UD BA KER FLO RIS T FLO RIS T $1 65.0 0 Brownlee, J udyT 8/23/20 11 8/25 /20 11 FTD M A UD BA KER FLO RIS T FLO RIS T $85.95 Brownlee, J udyT 2/21/20 12 2/23/20 12 EDIBLE A RRA NGEM ENTS - FLO RIS T $72.4 6 Brownlee, J udyT 10 /16/20 12 1 0 /1 8/20 1 2 FTD M A UD BA KER FLO RIS T FLO RIS T $4 9.1 7 Brownlee, J udyT 3/8/20 1 3 3/1 1 /20 1 3 EDIBLE A RRA NGEM ENTS - FLO RIS T $63.1 3 Brownlee, J udyT 1 /1 0 /20 1 4 1 /1 3/20 1 4 EDIBLE A RRA NGEM ENTS 1 73 FLO RIS T $58.85 S utton, S haron Barnes 6/23/20 1 1 6/27/20 1 1 FEA S T RES TA URA NT FO O D $1 50 .0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 1/26/20 11 1 /27/20 1 1 PA S TRIES A GO GO FO O D $24 .1 8 S utton, S haron Barnes 1/26/20 11 1/28/20 11 PRO V INO S #1 0 FO O D $69.1 7 S utton, S haron Barnes 5 /1/20 11 5/2/20 1 1 CRA CKER BA RREL #4 6 M A CO N/ FO O D $34 .60 S utton, S haron Barnes 7/21/20 11 7/22/20 11 PA S TRIES A GO GO FO O D $25.4 4 S utton, S haron Barnes 11/1/20 12 11/5 /20 12 EV ERYBO DYS RES TA URA NT FO O D $81 .28 S utton, S haron Barnes 1117120 12 11/8/20 12 PICCA DILLY FO O D $35.56 S utton, S haron Barnes 3/4/20 13 3/5 /20 13 FIV E GUYS --NA TIO NA FO O D $1 9.98 S utton, S haron Barnes 3/5 /20 13 3/6/20 13 M O ES S O UTHWES T GRILL FO O D $2.74 S utton, S haron Barnes 4 /1 /20 1 3 4 /2/20 1 3 PA S TRIES A GO GO FO O D $27.24 S utton, S haron Barnes 4 /1 7/20 1 3 4/18/20 13 PICCA DILLY FO O D $1 9.66 S utton, S haron Barnes 4 /29/20 1 3 4/30 /20 13 CRA CKER BA RREL #4 6 M A CO N/ FO O D $28.0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 6/6/20 1 3 6/10 /20 13 BO NEFIS H 71 0 7 FO O D $33.1 5 S utton, S haron Barnes 6/7/20 1 3 6/10 /20 13 BO J A NGLES 799 0 1 0 0 7996 FO O D $8.0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 61 1 8/20 1 3 6/19/20 13 TM G0 54 A TLA NTA , GA FO O D $4 1 .0 7 S utton, S haron Barnes 7/20 /20 1 3 7/22/20 13 S TA RBUCKS O M NI FT WO RT FO O D $5.68 S utton, S haron Barnes 7/21 /20 1 3 7/23/20 1 3 DICKEY'S BBQ PIT -GA TE FO O D $1 1 .0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 7/24 /20 1 3 7/26/20 13 FA RM BURGER FO O D $31 .0 9 S utton, S haron Barnes 1 1 1 1 4 /20 1 3 11118/20 13 WA HO O GRILL FO O D $71 .0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 1 1 1 20 /20 1 3 11/21/20 13 RUBY TUES DA Y #4 54 8 FO O D $4 1 .27 S utton, S haron Barnes 1 1 /24 /20 1 3 11/25 /20 13 O RIGINA L PA NCA KE HO US E FO O D $28.34 S utton, S haron Barnes 1 1 1 25/20 1 3 11/26/20 13 J IM N NICKS CO NYERS FO O D $34 .4 2 S utton, S haron Barnes 1 /1 0 /20 1 4 1113/20 14 J A LEXA NDERS 0 20 0 0 297 FO O D $23.38 S utton, S haron Barnes 1 /23/20 1 4 1/27/20 14 FRO NT PA GE NEWS - M O RELA N FO O D $64 .57 S utton, S haron Barnes 1 /24 /20 1 4 1/27/20 14 J A LEXA NDERS 0 20 0 0 297 FO O D $31 .0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 2/3/20 1 4 2/4 /20 1 4 sa LE PETIT M A RCHE FO O D $31 .4 5 S utton, S haron Barnes 2/19/20 14 2/21 /20 1 4 BIG TEX CA NTINA FO O D $74 .4 9 S utton, S haron Barnes 2/21 /20 1 4 2/24/20 14 J A LEXA NDERS 0 20 0 0 24 8 FO O D $52.64 S utton, S haron Barnes 317120 14 3/10 /20 14 LO NGHO RN S TEA KO O 0 50 633 FO O D $4 6.70 S utton, S haron Barnes 3/12/20 14 3/13/20 14 RUBY TUES DA Y #4 54 8 FO O D $32.29 S utton, S haron Barnes 3/20 /20 14 3/24/20 14 A RIZO NA 'S - S TO NECRES T FO O D $79.98 S utton, S haron Barnes 3/28/20 14 3/31/20 14 S O LE PETIT M A RCHE FO O D $26.95 S utton, S haron Barnes 3/29/20 14 3/31/20 14 RHO DES BA KERY FO O D $87.36 S utton, S haron Barnes 3/31/20 14 4 /1 /20 1 4 PA S TRIES A GO GO FO O D $4 2.4 8 S utton, S haron Barnes 4/12/20 14 4/14/20 14 WHO LEFDS S A V #1 0 4 89 FO O D $1 29.67 S utton, S haron Barnes 4/14/20 14 4/15 /20 14 WHO LEFDS S A V #1 0 4 89 FO O D $51 .64 S utton, S haron Barnes 4/15 /20 14 4/16/20 14 FIDDLER'S S O UTHS ID FO O D $1 4 4 .38 Brownlee, J udy T 8/1 0 /20 1 1 8/11/20 11 J A S O N'S DELI #0 56 0 64 FO O D $70 .99 Brownlee, J udy T 9/4/20 12 9/6/20 1 2 J IM M Y J O HNS - 1 60 5 FO O D $4 1 .31 Brownlee, J udy T 9/24 /20 1 2 9/25 /20 12 WM S UPERCENTER#1 1 84 FO O D $50 .1 9 Brownlee, J udy T 1118/20 12 11/9/20 12 PA S TRIES A GO GO FO O D $9.78 Brownlee, J udy T 11/9/20 12 11/12/20 12 TA O UERIA DEL S O L FO O D $25.29 Brownlee, J udy T 12/10 /20 12 12/11/20 12 J A S O N'S DELI #0 56 0 64 FO O D $62.4 4 Brownlee, J udy T 1/24120 13 1/25 /20 13 PA S TRIES A GO GO FO O D $59.4 9 Brownlee, J udy T 1/24/20 13 1/25 /20 13 PA S TRIES A GO GO FO O D $1 1 .88 Brownlee, J udy T 3/7/20 13 3/11/20 13 CV S PHA RM A CY #2367 0 0 3 FO O D $6.99 Brownlee, J udy T 7/23/20 13 7/24/20 13 S O CA LLE LA TINA FO O D $57.78 Brownlee, J udy T 7/30 /20 13 7/31/20 13 Blue Ribbon Grill FO O D $61 .72 Brownlee, J udy T 11/14/20 13 11/18/20 13 S M O O TH IE KING #1 0 29 FO O D $6.61 Brownlee, J udy T 11/21/20 13 11/22120 13 PA S TRIES A GO GO FO O D $1 7.23 Brownlee, J udy T 11/25 /20 13 11/26/20 13 PA S TRIES A GO GO FO O D $8.4 0 Brownlee, J udy T 12/11/20 13 12/12/20 13 S M O O THIE KING #0 4 4 1 FO O D $7.4 8 Brownlee, J udy T 1/18/20 14 1/20 /20 14 CHICK-FIL-A #0 0 81 6 FO O D $7.0 5 Brownlee, J udy T 1/20 /20 14 1/21/20 14 PUBLIX #54 4 FO O D $5.1 4 Brownlee, J udy T 3/19/20 14 3/21/20 14 WA L-M A RT #31 88 FO O D $1 9.52 Brownlee, J udy T 9/13/20 11 9/14/20 11 J A S O N'S DELI #0 56 0 64 FO O D $74 .54 Brownlee, J udy T 5 /31/20 11 6/1120 11 J A S O N'S DELI #0 56 0 64 FO O D $55.4 8 Brownlee, J udy T 12/20 /20 11 12121/20 11 J A S O N'S DELI #0 56 0 64 FO O D $4 3.55 Brownlee, J udy T 1/25 /20 12 1/26/20 12 J A S O N'S DELI #0 56 0 64 FO O D $90 .95 Brownlee, J udy T 2/8/20 12 2/9/20 12 J A S O N'S DELI #0 56 0 64 FO O D $230 .86 Brownlee, J udy T 4/12/20 12 4/16/20 12 J A S O N'S DELI #0 56 0 64 FO O D $258.4 0 Brownlee, J udy T 11/28/20 12 11/29/20 12 PA S TRIES A GO GO FO O D $9.99 Brownlee, J udy T 12/22/20 12 12/24/20 12 DO M INO 'S 4 1 4 7 FO O D $51 .53 Brownlee, J udy T 1/7/20 13 1/8/20 13 PA S TRIES A GO GO FO O D $4 5.31 Brownlee, J udy T 1/10 /20 13 1/11/20 13 PA S TRIES A GO GO FO O D $37.89 Brownlee, J udy T 1/16/20 13 1/18/20 13 M CDO NA LD'S F21 330 FO O D $1 .0 7 Brownlee, J udy T 1/16/20 13 1/17/20 13 PA S TRIES A GO GO FO O D $56.26 Brownlee, J udy T 1/19/20 13 1/21/20 13 CA PTA IN O S 0 0 0 364 0 0 FO O D $9.1 6 Brownlee, J udy T 2/20 /20 13 2/21/20 13 PA S TRIES A GO GO FO O D $30 .60 Brownlee, J udy T 3/4/20 13 3/6/20 13 HILTO N TDL RES TA URA NT FO O D $25.65 Brownlee, J udy T 3/21/20 13 3/22/20 13 PA S TRIES A GO GO FO O D $1 8.80 Brownlee, J udy T 4/17/20 13 4/18/20 13 PICCA DILLY FO O D $1 3.0 2 Brownlee, J udy T 4/20 /20 13 4/22/20 13 A IRPT HILTO N CA FE M A GN FO O D $21 7.79 Brownlee, J udy T 4/27/20 13 4/29/20 13 KRO GER #4 61 FO O D $29.94 Brownlee, J udy T 5 /14/20 13 5 /16/20 13 CHICK-FIL-A #0 1 873 FO O D $6.0 7 Brownlee, J udy T 5 /15 /20 13 5 /17/20 13 TA QUERIA DEL S O L FO O D $1 8.0 0 Brownlee, J udy T 6/7/20 13 6/10 /20 13 BUS Y BEE CA FE FO O D $27.0 1 Brownlee, J udy T 6/12/20 13 6/14/20 13 BUS Y BEE CA FE FO O D $1 4 .87 Brownlee, J udy T 6/12/20 13 6/13/20 13 O RIGINA L PA NCA KE HO US E FO O D $33.4 6 Brownlee, J udy T 7112/20 13 7115 /20 13 TM G0 54 A TLA NTA , GA FO O D $64 .4 7 Brownlee, J udy T 7/15 /20 13 7/16/20 13 S O UTHERN S WEETS BA KERY FO O D $4 2.80 Brownlee, J udy T 7/25 /20 13 7/26/20 13 PA S TRIES A GO GO FO O D $33.50 Brownlee, J udy T 8/9/20 13 8/12/20 13 O RIGINA L PA NCA KE HO US E FO O D $4 2.78 Brownlee, J udy T 8/27/20 13 8/29/20 13 KRIS PY KREM E DO UGH FO O D $52.20 Brownlee, J udy T 9/21/20 13 9/23/20 13 O RIGINA L PA NCA KE HO US E FO O D $36.65 Brownlee, J udy T 10 /3/20 13 10 14/20 13 PA S TRIES A GO GO FO O D $6.78 Brownlee, J udy T 11/11/20 13 11/12/20 13 S M O O THIE KING #0 4 4 1 FO O D $8.54 Brownlee, J udy T 11/14/20 13 11/15 /20 13 PA S TRIES A GO GO FO O D $1 7.38 Brownlee, J udy T 11/26/20 13 11/27/20 13 S M O O THIE KING #1 0 29 FO O D $6.4 0 Brownlee, J udy T 12/2/20 13 12/3/20 13 S M O O THIE KING #0 4 4 1 FO O D $8.54 Brownlee, J udy T 12/21/20 13 12/23/20 13 M CDO NA LD'S F7679 FO O D $20 .33 Brownlee, J udy T 12/23/20 13 12/26/20 13 CHICK-FIL-A #0 0 81 6 FO O D $8.4 3 Brownlee, J udy T 2/5 /20 14 2/6/20 14 S M O O THIE KING #0 4 4 1 FO O D $8.54 Brownlee, J udy T 2/10 /20 14 2/11/20 14 PA S TRIES A GO GO FO O D $50 .76 Brownlee, J udy T 2/27/20 14 3/3120 14 BIG TEX CA NTINA FO O D $29.61 Brownlee, J udy T 2/28/20 14 3/3120 14 CHICK-FIL-A #0 2799 FO O D $6.35 Brownlee, J udy T 3/5 /20 14 3/6/20 14 PA S TRIES A GO GO FO O D $1 1 .84 Brownlee, J udy T 3/12/20 14 3/13/20 14 FIV E GUYS --GA #0 2 FO O D $6.4 0 Brownlee, J udy T 4/3/20 14 4/7/20 14 THE FLYING BIS CUIT CA FE FO O D $38.1 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 4/28/20 12 4/30 /20 12 TEXA CO 0 0 30 2521 GA S $37.94 S utton, S haron Barnes 4/30 /20 12 5 /1120 12 PA RKER'S #22 Q52 GA S $63.37 S utton, S haron Barnes 5 /1/20 12 5 /2/20 12 CHEV RO N 0 0 20 890 4 GA S $59.59 S utton, S haron Barnes 11/16/20 12 11/19/20 12 QT74 7 0 70 0 74 79 GA S $26.50 S utton, S haron Barnes 1/18/20 13 1/21/20 13 RA CEWA Y 675 81 567521 GA S $4 6.21 S utton, S haron Barnes 1/19/20 13 1/21/20 13 S HELL O IL 54 564 0 80 0 1 5 GA S $55.97 S utton, S haron Barnes 1/21/20 13 1/23/20 13 EXXO NM O BIL 4 21 99299 GA S $4 4 .4 2 S utton, S haron Barnes 1/21/20 13 1/23/20 13 EXXO NM O BIL 4 784 8239 GA S $62.1 1 S utton, S haron Barnes 4/28/20 13 4/30 /20 13 S HELL O IL 5754 255290 6 GA S $51 .84 S utton, S haron Barnes 5 /1/20 13 5 /2/20 13 CHEV RO N 0 0 20 1 84 7 GA S $57.80 S utton, S haron Barnes 4/14/20 14 4/15 /20 14 CHEV RO N 0 0 20 761 1 GA S $75.4 1 S utton, S haron Barnes 4/16/20 14 4/18/20 14 S HELL O IL 5754 23751 0 0 GA S $32.81 S utton, S haron Barnes 4/18/20 14 4/21/20 14 S HELL O IL 575294 5580 0 GA S $20 .32 S utton, S haron Barnes 5 /2/20 11 5 /4/20 11 HYA TT HO TELS S A V A NNA H HO TEL $50 7.72 S utton, S haron Barnes 5 /6/20 11 5 /9/20 11 THE LIA IS O N CA PITO L HILL HO TEL $1 ,757.1 3 S utton, S haron Barnes 5/6/20 1 1 5/9/20 1 1 THE LIA IS O N CA PITO L HILL HO TEL $4 4 .50 S utton, S haron Barnes 5 /14/20 11 5 /17/20 11 O M NI HO TEL FT WO RTH HO TEL $296.97 S utton, S haron Barnes 5/1 4 /20 1 1 5/1 7/20 1 1 O M NI HO TEL FT WO RTH HO TEL $21 7.35 S utton, S haron Barnes 10 /29/20 11 1 0 /31 /20 1 1 WA LDO RF A S TO RIA BO CA R HO TEL $566.4 5 S utton, S haron Barnes 1 /21 /20 1 3 1/23/20 13 RES IDENCE INNS -FA IRFA X HO TEL $867.64 S utton, S haron Barnes 3/6/20 1 3 3/8/20 13 HILTO N HO TELS WA S HNGTN HO TEL $1 ,31 1 .0 5 S utton, S haron Barnes 3/4 /20 1 4 3/6/20 1 4 HILTO N HO TELS WA S HNGTN HO TEL $1 ,30 2.4 2 S utton, S haron Barnes 3/9/20 1 1 3/10 /20 11 M A RRIO TT 337WO WA RDM A N PK HO TEL $839.0 2 S utton, S haron Barnes 3/9/20 1 1 3/10 /20 11 M A RRIO TT 337WO WA RDM A N PK HO TEL $37.4 5 S utton, S haron Barnes 4/30 /20 11 5/2/20 1 1 HO TELS . CO M US HO TEL $235.1 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 5/1 2/20 1 1 5 /16/20 11 O M NI HO TEL FT WO RTH HO TEL $21 7.35 S utton, S haron Barnes 5 /12/20 11 5 /16/20 11 O M NI HO TEL FT WO RTH HO TEL $21 7.35 S utton, S haron Barnes 7/1 3/20 1 1 7/15 /20 11 DECA TUR HO TEL&CO NFERENCE HO TEL $1 4 7.0 6 S utton, S haron Barnes 7/1 5/20 1 1 7/18/20 11 RES IDENCE INNS NO HA RBO UR HO TEL $1 27.1 3 S utton, S haron Barnes 7/1 5/20 1 1 7/18/20 11 RES IDENCE INNS NO HA RBO UR HO TEL ($1 2"7.1 31 S utton, S haron Barnes 7/1 8/20 1 1 7/20 /20 11 RES IDENCE INNS NO HA RBO UR HO TEL $381 .39 S utton, S haron Barnes 7/19/20 11 7/20 /20 11 HILTO N HO TELS HO TEL $936.27 S utton, S haron Barnes 9/10 /20 11 9/12/20 11 WA LDO RF A S TO RIA BO CA R HO TEL $1 79.0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 10 /2/20 12 10 /4/20 12 HO TEL INDIGO A THENS HO TEL $1 4 2.64 S utton, S haron Barnes 11/30 /20 12 12/3120 12 LO EWS HO TEL A TLA NTA HO TEL $4 87.79 S utton, S haron Barnes 11/30 /20 12 1 2/3/20 1 2 M A RRIO TI M A CO N CITY CENTR HO TEL $1 24 .26 S utton, S haron Barnes 1 /23/20 1 3 1/25 /20 13 RES IDENCE INNS -FA IRFA X HO TEL ($;" R"I) S utton, S haron Barnes 3/5 120 13 3/7/20 13 HILTO N HO TELS WA S HNGTN HO TEL $1 ,275.70 S utton, S haron Barnes 3/5 /20 13 3/8/20 13 HILTO N HO TELS WA S HNGTN HO TEL $262.21 S utton, S haron Barnes 4/30 /20 13 5 /2120 13 HYA TI HO TELS S A V A NNA H HO TEL $84 1 .82 S utton, S haron Barnes 5 /8/20 13 5 110 /20 13 HYA TT REGENCY WA S HINGTO N HO TEL $320 .60 S utton, S haron Barnes 6/6/20 13 6110 /20 13 CO URTYA RD BY M A RRIO TT A TL HO TEL $1 90 .97 S utton, S haron Barnes 6/7/20 13 6/12/20 13 LEGA CY LO DGE &CO NFERENCE HO TEL $225.4 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 6/23/20 13 6/24/20 13 HILTO N HO TELS CO LUM BUS HO TEL $767.0 4 S utton, S haron Barnes 7/22/20 13 7/23/20 13 S HERA TO N FT WO RTH HO TEL $388.70 S utton, S haron Barnes 7/23/20 13 7/24/20 13 S HERA TO N FT WO RTH HO TEL $583.0 5 S utton, S haron Barnes 11/7/20 13 11/11/20 13 HILTO N TIM ES S QUA RE HO TEL $32.31 S utton, S haron Barnes 12/16/20 13 12/17/20 13 A FFINIA M A NHA TTA N HO TEL $1 ,4 53.94 S utton, S haron Barnes 3/3/20 14 3/5 /20 14 HILTO N CO FFEE BN TEA HO TEL $9.74 S utton, S haron Barnes 3/4/20 14 3/6/20 1 4 HILTO N CO FFEE BN TEA HO TEL $1 7.66 S utton, S haron Barnes 4/16/20 14 4/17/20 14 S A V A NNA H M A RRIO TT RIV ERFR HO TEL $1 ,1 81 .1 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 4/18/20 14 4/21/20 14 S A V A NNA H M A RRIO TT RIV ERFR HO TEL $1 4 4 .0 0 1 S utton, S haron Barnes 1/11/20 13 1/14/20 13 ere CO NS TA NTCO NTA CTCO M M A RKETING $4 4 .50 1 S utton, S haron Barnes 4/8/20 13 4/9/20 13 ere CO NS TA NTCO NTA CTCO M M A RKETING $35.0 0 1 S utton, S haron Barnes 9/8/20 13 9/9/20 13 eTC CO NS TA NTCO NTA CT.CO M M A RKETING $35.0 0 1 S utton, S haron Barnes 10 /8/20 13 10 /9/20 13 CTe CO NS TA NTCO NTA CTCO M M A RKETING $35.0 0 1 S utton, S haron Barnes 11/7/20 13 11/11/20 13 CO NS TA NT CO NTA CT 1 M A RKETING $35.0 0 1 S utton, S haron Barnes 12/8/20 13 12/9/20 13 ere CO NS TA NTCO NTA CTCO M M A RKETING $35.0 0 1 S utton, S haron Barnes 1/8/20 14 1/9/20 14 CTC CO NS TA NTCO NTA CT.CO M M A RKETING $35.0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 2/8/20 14 2/10 /20 14 CTe CO NS T A NTCO NTA CT.CO M M A RKETING $35.0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 3/8/20 14 3/10 /20 14 CTC CO NS TA NTCO NTA CT.CO M M A RKETING $35.0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 2/8/20 13 2111/20 13 CTC CO NS TA NTCO NTA CT.CO M M A RKETING $35.0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 3/8/20 13 3/11/20 13 CTe CO NS TA NTCO NTA CT.CO M M A RKETING $35.0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 5 /8/20 13 5 /9/20 13 CTC CO NS TA NTCO NTA CT.CO M M A RKETING $35.0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 6/8/20 13 6110 /20 13 CTC CO NS TA NTCO NTA CT.CO M M A RKETING $35.0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 7/8/20 13 7/9/20 13 CTC CO NS T A NTCO NTA CT.CO M M A RKETING $35.0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 8/8/20 13 8/9/20 13 CTC CO NS TA NTCO NTA CT.CO M M A RKETING $35.0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 4/8/20 14 4 /9/20 1 4 CTC CO NS TA NTCO NTA CT.CO M M A RKETING $35.0 0 Brownlee, J udy T 5 /8/20 13 5/1 0 /20 1 3 A TLA NTA BIZ CHRO NICLE NEWS $77.95 S utton, S haron Barnes 1/27/20 14 2/3/20 1 4 CITY O F A TLA NTA UNDERGRO U PA RKING $6.0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 2/21/20 13 2/22/20 1 3 WWWA DV A NTRENTA LFINECO M S PEEDING TICKET $1 30 .0 0 S utton, S haron Barnes 11/1/20 11 1 1 /3/20 1 1 S PRINT S TO RE #938 PHO NE $52.1 5 S utton, S haron Barnes 1/31/20 14 2/3/20 1 4 NEXT S TA R CO M M UNICA TIO NS PHO NE $1 9.99 S utton, S haron Barnes 4/18/20 14 4 /21 /20 1 4 A T&T S PRING M O BILE 81 4 PHO NE $32.0 9 Brownlee, J udy T 10 /24/20 13 1 0 /28/20 1 3 S PRINT S TO RE #1 0 38 PHO NE $32.39 Brownlee, J udy T 3/10 /20 14 3/1 2/20 1 4 NEXT S TA R CO M M UNICA TIO NS PHO NE $26.74 Brownlee, J udy T 6/14/20 11 6/1 5/20 1 1 NEXT S TA R CO M M UNICA TIO NS PHO NE $52.98 Brownlee, J udy T 11/28/20 11 1 1 /30 /20 1 1 S PRINT S TO RE #938 PHO NE $34 .23 Brownlee, J udy T 8/1/20 12 8/3/20 1 2 S PRINT S TO RE #884 PHO NE $1 6.95 Brownlee, J udy T 10 /15 /20 12 1 0 /1 7/20 1 2 S PRINT S TO RE #938 PHO NE $4 7.0 6 Brownlee, J udy T 10 /24/20 12 1 0 /26/20 1 2 S PRINT S TO RE #938 PHO NE ($4 281 Brownlee, J udy T 1/8/20 13 1 /1 0 /20 1 3 S PRINT S TO RE #938 PHO NE $67.39 Brownlee, J udy T 1/29/20 13 1 /31 /20 1 3 S PRINT S TO RE #1 0 38 PHO NE $73.4 2 Brownlee, J udy T 218/20 13 2/1 1 /20 1 3 S PRINT S TO RE #938 PHO NE $55.62 Brownlee, J udy T 2/8/20 13 2/1 1 /20 1 3 S PRINT S TO RE #938 PHO NE $4 2.78 Brownlee, J udy T 218/20 13 2/1 1 /20 1 3 S PRINT S TO RE #938 PHO NE :$55.62) Brownlee, J udy T 10 /28/20 13 1 0 /30 /20 1 3 S PRINT S TO RE #938 PHO NE $32.0 9 Brownlee, J udy T 1/17/20 14 1 /20 /20 1 4 S PRINT S TO RE #938 PHO NE $1 4 9.78 Brownlee, J udy T 3/11/20 14 3/11/20 14 S PRINT WIRELES S PHO NE $88.4 9 Brownlee, J udy T 1/19/20 12 1/20 /20 12 FEDEXO FFICE 0 0 0 1 5636 PO S TA L $1 4 2.96 Brownlee, J udy T 3/13/20 14 3/1 4 /20 1 4 US PS 1 224 4 20 222850 70 0 2 PO S TA L $28.50 Brownlee, J udy T 3/28/20 14 3/31 /20 1 4 FEDEXO FFICE 0 0 0 1 5636 PO S TA L $90 .95 Brownlee, J udy T 7/2/20 13 7/3/20 13 FEDEXO FFICE 0 0 0 1 5636 PO S TA L $81 .59 Brownlee, J udy T 2/5 /20 14 2/6/20 1 4 FEDEXO FFICE 0 0 0 1 5636 PO S TA L $85.58 Brownlee, J udy T 2/10 /20 14 21 1 1 /20 1 4 FEDEXO FFICE 0 0 0 1 5636 PO S TA L $90 .94 Brownlee, J udy T 4/23/20 14 4 /24 /20 1 4 FEDEXO FFICE 0 0 0 1 5636 PO S TA L $220 .99 1 Brownlee, J udy T 9/28/20 11 9/29/20 1 1 CPC CA FEPRES S .CO M PRINTING $524 .0 0 1 Brownlee, J udy T 9/20 /20 12 9/24/20 12 BES T PRINT &DES IGN PRINTING $24 0 .0 0 1 Brownlee, J udy T 9/28/20 12 1 0 1 1 /20 1 2 CPC CA FEPRES S .CO M PRINTING $322.0 0 1 Brownlee, J udy T 2/20 /20 13 2/21/20 13 DECA TUR A TLA NTA PRINTING PRINTING $81 .0 0 1 Brownlee, J udy T 6/14/20 13 6/17/20 13 TICKETPRINTINGCO M PRINTING $81 .0 3 g Brownlee, J udyT 9/12/20 13 9/13/20 13 CPC CA FEPRES S .CO M PRINTING $85.96 Brownlee, J udyT 3/28/20 14 3/31/20 14 DECA TUR A TLA NTA PRINTING PRINTING $1 60 .0 0 Brownlee, J udyT 6/25 /20 11 6/27/20 11 TICKETPRINTINGCO M PRINTING $1 1 6.96 Brownlee, J udyT 1/12/20 12 1/16/20 12 Decatur A tlanta Printing PRINTING $1 52.4 1 Brownlee, J udyT 3/22/20 13 3/25 /20 13 DECA TUR A TLA NTA PRINTING PRINTING $1 6.25 Brownlee, J udyT 8/20 /20 13 8/21/20 13 DECA TUR A TLA NTA PRINTING PRINTING $1 6.25 Brownlee, J udyT 3/6/20 14 3/7/20 14 DECA TUR A TLA NTA PRINTING PRINTING $26.83 1 S ulton, S haron Barnes 2/22/20 13 2/25 /20 13 O FFICE DEPO T#1 37 RETA IL/O FFICE $28.4 4 1 S ulton, S haron Barnes 3/29/20 14 3/31/20 14 S TA PLES 0 0 1 1 91 0 7 RETA IL/O FFICE $1 ,327.74 1 S utton, S haron Barnes 1/3/20 12 1/5 /20 12 O FFICE DEPO T#1 37 RETA IL/O FFICE $4 68.31 1 S utton, S haron Barnes 1/14/20 12 1/16/20 12 O FFICE DEPO T #4 34 RETA IL/O FFICE $31 4 .67 1 S utton, S haron Barnes 1/16/20 12 1/18/20 12 O FFICE DEPO T#1 37 RETA IL/O FFICE $72.93 1 S utton, S haron Barnes 2/17/20 13 2/19/20 13 O FFICE DEPO T #4 34 RETA IL/O FFICE $60 3.95 1 S utton, S haron Barnes 9/3/20 13 9/6/20 13 O FFICE DEPO T#1 37 RETA IL/O FFICE $1 ,4 63.70 1 S utton, S haron Barnes 10 /16/20 13 10 /18/20 13 O FFICE DEPO T #1 37 RETA ILIO FFICE $89.94 1 S utton, S haron Barnes 11/17120 13 11/19/20 13 O FFICE DEPO T #591 RETA IL/O FFICE $1 24 .4 9 1 S utton, S haron Barnes 3/31/20 14 4/2120 14 S TA PLES 0 0 1 1 91 0 7 RETA IL/O FFICE $1 34 .93 1 S utton, S haron Barnes 4/2/20 14 4/7/20 14 O FFICE DEPO T #96 RETA IL/O FFICE $34 4 .56 S utton, S haron Barnes 3/31/20 11 4/1120 11 S TA PLS 70 723690 720 0 0 0 0 1 RETA IL/O FFICE $1 21 .30 S utton, S haron Barnes 1/3/20 12 1/5 /20 12 O FFICE DEPO T #1 37 RETA IL/O FFICE $4 0 .60 S utton, S haron Barnes 9/22/20 12 9/24/20 12 O FFICE DEPO T #4 64 RETA IL/O FFICE $2,371 .1 6 S utton, S haron Barnes 2/8/20 13 2/11/20 13 BA RNES &NO BLE #220 4 RETA IL/O FFICE $361 .39 S utton, S haron Barnes 2/9/20 13 2/11/20 13 BA RNES &NO BLE #220 4 RETA IL/O FFICE $1 60 .77 S utton, S haron Barnes 2/11/20 13 2/14/20 13 CRA TE &BA RREL #851 RETA IL/O FFICE $4 3.0 9 S utton, S haron Barnes 5 /3/20 13 5 /6/20 13 A PPLE S TO RE #R225 RETA IL/O FFICE $229.70 S utton, S haron Barnes 9/2/20 13 9/4/20 13 BED BA TH &BEYO ND #57 RETA IL/O FFICE $239.97 S utton, S haron Barnes 12/1/20 13 12/3/20 13 A PPLE S TO RE #R1 84 RETA IL/O FFICE $1 33.65 S utton, S haron Barnes 3/27/20 14 3128/20 14 TUES DA Y M O RNING #0 90 9 RETA IL/O FFICE $21 3.26 S utton, S haron Barnes 3/28/20 14 3/31120 14 TUES DA Y M O RNING #0 653 RETA IL/O FFICE $1 1 9.26 S utton, S haron Barnes 3129/20 14 3131/20 14 TUES DA Y M O RNING #0 90 9 RETA IL/O FFICE $274 .88 S utton, S haron Barnes 4/1/20 14 4/3/20 14 BA RNES &NO BLE #220 4 RETA IL/O FFICE $1 59.0 3 S utton, S haron Barnes 4/6/20 14 4/8/20 14 O FFICE M A X RETA IL/O FFICE $1 27.4 4 S utton, S haron Barnes 4/14/20 14 4115 /20 14 PUBLIX #521 RETA IL/O FFICE $69.0 2 1 GRIGLEY, V A LERIE 4/22/20 11 S TA PLES RETA IL/O FFICE 1 79.31 1 Brownlee, J udyT 6/1/20 11 613/20 11 O FFICE DEPO T #96 RETA IL/O FFICE $1 38.0 4 1 Brownlee, J udyT 6/11/20 11 6/13120 11 HEYS US A RETA IL/O FFICE $1 70 .0 0 1 Brownlee, J udyT 6/13/20 11 6115 /20 11 BRO O KS TO NE 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 4 9 RETA IL/O FFICE $1 0 6.99 1 Brownlee, J udyT 7/8/20 11 7111/20 11 O FFICE DEPO T #360 RETA IL/O FFICE $1 96.60 1 Brownlee, J udyT 7/28/20 11 8/1120 11 O FFICE DEPO T #1 1 65 RETA IL/O FFICE $4 8.55 1 Brownlee, J udyT 7/28/20 11 8/1120 11 O FFICE DEPO T #1 21 4 RETA IL/O FFICE $1 39.0 7 1 Brownlee, J udyT 8/1/20 11 8/3120 11 O FFICE DEPO T #1 21 4 RETA IL/O FFICE $38.4 1 1 Brownlee, J udyT 8110 /20 11 81 1 1 1 20 1 1 FEDEX O FFICE #1 563 RETA IL/O FFICE $54 .51 1 Brownlee, J udyT 8/24/20 11 81 251 20 1 1 DM I DELL BUS O NLINE RETA IL/O FFICE $1 75.54 1 Brownlee, J udyT 11/30 /20 11 12/2120 11 O FFICE DEPO T #96 RETA IUO FFICE $275.97 1 Brownlee, J udyT 12116/20 11 12/19/20 11 O FFICE DEPO T #96 RETA IUO FFICE $1 23.76 1 Brownlee, J udyT 1/25 /20 12 1/27/20 12 O FFICE DEPO T #96 RETA IUO FFICE $1 95.73 1 Brownlee, J udyT 2/24/20 12 2/27/20 12 HEYS US A RETA IUO FFICE $1 87.50 1 Brownlee, J udyT 4/4/20 12 4/6/20 12 O FFICE DEPO T #96 RETA IUO FFICE $76.0 3 1 Brownlee, J udyT 4/26/20 12 4/30 /20 12 O FFICE DEPO T #96 RETA IUO FFICE $1 1 8.33 1 Brownlee, J udyT 5 /24/20 12 5 /28/20 12 O FFICE DEPO T #96 RETA IUO FFICE $1 4 .99 1 Brownlee, J udyT 6/18/20 12 6/20 /20 12 O FFICE DEPO T #96 RETA IUO FFICE $52.4 0 1 Brownlee, J udy T 8/15 /20 12 8/17/20 12 CV S PHA RM A CY #2367 Q0 3 RETA IUO FFICE $1 2.29 1 Brownlee, J udyT 9/7/20 12 9/10 /20 12 O FFICE DEPO T #591 RETA IUO FFICE $62.29 1 Brownlee, J udyT 9/26/20 12 9/28/20 12 O FFICE DEPO T #96 RETA IUO FFICE $236.96 1 Brownlee, J udy T 10 /1/20 12 10 /3/20 12 O FFICE DEPO T #96 RETA IUO FFICE $258.93 1 Brownlee, J udy T 10 /6/20 12 10 /8/20 12 WM S UPERCENTER#1 1 84 RETA IUO FFICE $4 3.21 1 Brownlee, J udyT 10 /20 /20 12 10 /22/20 12 O FFICE DEPO T #591 RETA IUO FFICE $21 3.23 1 Brownlee, J udy T 10 /25 /20 12 10 /26/20 12 WM S UPERCENTER#370 9 RETA IUO FFICE $282.66 1 Brownlee, J udy T 10 /29/20 12 10 /30 /20 12 O FFICE DEPO T #96 RETA IUO FFICE $65.51 1 Brownlee, J udy T 10 /29/20 12 10 /31/20 12 PA RTY CITY 1 83 RETA IUO FFICE $50 .92 1 Brownlee, J udyT 10 /29/20 12 10 /31/20 12 PA RTY CITY 1 83 RETA IUO FFICE $1 7.0 8 1 Brownlee, J udy T 11/21/20 12 11/23/20 12 O FFICE DEPO T #2296 RETA IUO FFICE $1 1 1 .92 1 Brownlee, J udy T 12/8/20 12 12110 /20 12 WA L-M A RT#2584 RETA IUO FFICE $1 0 0 .0 0 1 Brownlee, J udy T 12/12/20 12 12/13/20 12 M ICHA ELS #2860 RETA IUO FFICE $30 .36 1 Brownlee, J udy T 12/21/20 12 12/24/20 12 FEDEXO FFICE 0 0 0 4 4 0 81 RETA IUO FFICE $4 2.79 1 Brownlee, J udy T 12/22/20 12 12/24/20 12 WM S UPERCENTER#1 1 84 RETA IUO FFICE $1 30 .62 1 Brownlee, J udy T 1/4/20 13 117120 13 O FFICE DEPO T #2226 RETA IUO FFICE $1 65.0 3 1 Brownlee, J udy T 1/16/20 13 1/18/20 13 O FFICE DEPO T #2226 RETA IUO FFICE $1 28.0 7 1 Brownlee, J udy T 2/18/20 13 2/20 /20 13 BA RNES &NO BLE #220 4 RETA IUO FFICE $4 8.4 2 1 Brownlee, J udy T 2/18/20 13 2/20 /20 13 O FFICE DEPO T #2296 RETA IUO FFICE $4 9.4 6 1 Brownlee, J udy T 3/14/20 13 3/18/20 13 O FFICE DEPO T#1 21 4 RETA IUO FFICE $86.63 1 Brownlee, J udy T 4/11/20 13 4/15 /20 13 O FFICE DEPO T #96 RETA IUO FFICE $77.98 1 Brownlee, J udy T 4/16/20 13 4/18/20 13 O FFICE DEPO T#1 21 4 RETA IUO FFICE $61 .62 1 Brownlee, J udy T 4/16/20 13 4/18/20 13 O FFICE DEPO T#1 21 4 RETA IUO FFICE $30 .98 1 Brownlee, J udy T 5 /1/20 13 5 /3/20 13 O FFICE DEPO T #2226 RETA IUO FFICE $1 52.67 1 Brownlee, J udy T 5 /27/20 13 5 /28/20 13 TA RGET 0 0 0 1 964 6 RETA IUO FFICE $1 20 .0 0 1 Brownlee, J udy T 7/24/20 13 7/26/20 13 O FFICE DEPO T #96 RETA IUO FFICE $21 7.94 1 Brownlee, J udy T 8/4/20 13 8/5 /20 13 WA L-M A RT #3775 RETA IUO FFICE $9.27 1 Brownlee, J udy T 10 /9/20 13 10 /11/20 13 O FFICE DEPO T #96 RETA IUO FFICE $283.0 5 1 Brownlee, J udy T 10 /16/20 13 10 /18/20 13 O FFICE DEPO T #96 RETA IUO FFICE $31 .1 6 1 Brownlee, J udy T 10 /24/20 13 10 /28/20 13 O FFICE DEPO T #2296 RETA IUO FFICE $23.98 1 Brownlee, J udy T 11/6/20 13 11/7/20 13 TA RGET 0 0 0 1 390 4 RETA IUO FFICE $73.58 1 Brownlee, J udy T 11/12/20 13 11/13/20 13 M ICHA ELS S TO RES 2860 RETA IUO FFICE $39.50 1 Brownlee, J udy T 12/2/20 13 12/4/20 13 TUES DA Y M O RNING #0 0 0 4 RETA IUO FFICE $35.67 1 Brownlee, J udy T 12/2/20 13 12/3/20 13 WA L-M A RT #1 1 84 RETA IUO FFICE $79.4 5 1 Brownlee, J udy T 12/11/20 13 12/13/20 13 O FFICE DEPO T #96 RETA IUO FFICE $94 .60 1 0 1 Brownlee, J udyT 1 2/1 6/20 1 3 1 2/1 7/20 1 3 WA L-M A RT #1 1 84 RETA IL/O FFICE $88.85 1 Brownlee, J udyT 1 /4 /20 1 4 1 /6/20 1 4 TA RGET 0 0 0 1 390 4 RETA IL/O FFICE $29.94 1 Brownlee, J udyT 21 1 1 /20 1 4 2/1 3/20 1 4 S TA PLES 0 0 1 1 91 0 7 RETA IL/O FFICE $1 1 3.1 3 1 Brownlee, J udyT 3/2/20 1 4 3/4 /20 1 4 S TA PLES 0 0 1 1 91 0 7 RETA IL/O FFICE $82.68 1 Brownlee, J udyT 3/3/20 1 4 3/5/20 1 4 S TA PLES 0 0 1 1 91 0 7 RETA IL/O FFICE $1 0 6.99 1 Brownlee, J udyT 9/12/20 11 9/14/20 11 O FFICE DEPO T #96 RETA IL/O FFICE $90 .0 4 1 Brownlee, J udyT 8/10 /20 11 8/12/20 11 O FFICE DEPO T #96 RETA IL/O FFICE $1 28.30 1 Brownlee, J udyT 3/26/20 12 3/28/20 12 O FFICE DEPO T #96 RETA IL/O FFICE $1 96.24 1 Brownlee, J udyT 4/12/20 12 4/16/20 12 O FFICE DEPO T #1 37 RETA IL/O FFICE $78.4 2 1 Brownlee, J udyT 5 /2/20 12 5 /4/20 12 O FFICE DEPO T #96 RETA IL/O FFICE $1 0 6.25 1 Brownlee, J udyT 5 /15 /20 12 5 /17/20 12 O FFICE DEPO T #96 RETA IL/O FFICE $1 4 .99 1 Brownlee, J udyT 8/1 7/20 1 2 8/20 /20 12 O FFICE DEPO T #96 RETA IL/O FFICE $1 28.0 4 1 Brownlee, J udyT 8/23/20 12 8/27/20 12 S TA PLES 0 0 1 0 5684 RETA IL/O FFICE $1 1 2.92 1 Brownlee, J udyT 1 /1 4 /20 1 3 1/15 /20 13 TA RGET 0 0 0 1 390 4 RETA IL/O FFICE $1 0 1 .4 4 1 Brownlee, J udyT 1/24/20 13 1/28/20 13 O FFICE DEPO T #96 RETA IL/O FFICE $80 .0 4 1 Brownlee, J udyT 3/15 /20 13 3/18/20 13 O FFICE DEPO T #1 21 4 RETA IL/O FFICE $4 1 2.97 1 Brownlee, J udyT 3/15 /20 13 3/18/20 13 O FFICE DEPO T #1 21 4 RETA IL/O FFICE $1 39.0 9 1 Brownlee, J udyT 3/23/20 13 3/25 /20 13 O FFICE DEPO T #2296 RETA IL/O FFICE $1 4 .86 1 Brownlee, J udyT 3/27/20 13 3/29/20 13 O FFICE DEPO T #96 RETA IL/O FFICE $52.4 6 1 Brownlee, J udyT 8/1/20 13 8/2/20 13 TA RGET 0 0 0 1 964 6 RETA IL/O FFICE $1 2.98 1 Brownlee, J udyT 9/6/20 13 9/9/20 13 O FFICE DEPO T #2296 RETA IL/O FFICE $1 4 3.1 9 1 Brownlee, J udyT 1 0 /1 1 /20 1 3 10 /14/20 13 O FFICE DEPO T #96 RETA IL/O FFICE $98.4 6 1 Brownlee, J udyT 10 /17/20 13 10 /21/20 13 O FFICE DEPO T #96 RETA IL/O FFICE $23.37 1 Brownlee, J udyT 11/14/20 13 11/18/20 13 O FFICE DEPO T #96 RETA IL/O FFICE $1 0 3.94 1 Brownlee, J udyT 12/9/20 13 12110 /20 13 TA RGET 0 0 0 1 390 4 RETA IL/O FFICE $66.77 1 Brownlee, J udyT 1/9/20 14 1/13/20 14 O FFICE DEPO T #96 RETA IL/O FFICE $1 54 .61 1 Brownlee, J udyT 1/17/20 14 1/20 /20 14 O FFICE DEPO T #96 RETA IL/O FFICE $1 27.55 1 Brownlee, J udyT + 2/7/20 1 4 O FFICE DEPO T #96 RETA IL/O FFICE $1 50 .52 1 Brownlee, J udyT 2/24/20 14 2/26/20 1 4 S TA PLES 0 0 1 1 91 0 7 RETA IL/O FFICE $4 4 3.4 6 1 Brownlee, J udyT 3/29/20 14 3/31 /20 1 4 O FFICE DEPO T #591 RETA IL/O FFICE $4 1 .63 1 Brownlee, J udyT 4 /21 /20 1 4 4 /23/20 1 4 O FFICE DEPO T #96 RETA IL/O FFICE $21 0 .1 1 Brownlee, J udyT 9/29/20 1 1 1 0 /3/20 1 1 O FFICE DEPO T #360 RETA IL/O FFICE $96.0 5 Brownlee, J udyT 7/15 /20 11 7/18/20 11 CS I CRES TLINE CO INC RETA IL/O FFICE $50 4 .0 0 Brownlee, J udyT 10 /31/20 11 11/3/20 11 O FFICE DEPO T #96 RETA IL/O FFICE $80 .57 Brownlee, J udyT 11/14/20 11 11/16/20 11 O FFICE DEPO T #96 RETA IL/O FFICE $1 1 1 .77 Brownlee, J udyT 11/16/20 11 11/18/20 11 O FFICE DEPO T #1 1 65 RETA IL/O FFICE $61 .62 Brownlee, J udyT 11/16/20 11 11/18/20 11 O FFICE DEPO T #1 1 65 RETA IL/O FFICE $61 .62 Brownlee, J udyT 11/17/20 11 11/21/20 11 O FFICE DEPO T #1 21 4 RETA IL/O FFICE $1 30 .53 Brownlee, J udyT 11/17/20 11 1 1 /21 /20 1 1 O FFICE DEPO T #1 21 4 RETA IL/O FFICE $1 30 .53 Brownlee, J udyT 11/28/20 11 11/30 /20 11 O FFICE DEPO T #96 RETA IL/O FFICE $5.30 Brownlee, J udyT 1/11120 12 1/13/20 12 O FFICE DEPO T #96 RETA IL/O FFICE $20 2.0 5 Brownlee, J udyT 2/7/20 12 2/9/20 12 O FFICE DEPO T#1 37 RETA IL/O FFICE $21 4 .1 5 Brownlee, J udyT 6/7/20 12 6/11/20 12 O FFICE DEPO T #591 RETA IL/O FFICE $93.68 j( Brownlee, J udyT 6/20 /20 1 2 6/22/20 1 2 O FFICE DEPO T #96 RETA IL/O FFICE $70 .0 5 Brownlee, J udyT 6/25/20 1 2 6/26/20 1 2 BA TTERIES PLUS #1 2 RETA IL/O FFICE $64 .1 9 Brownlee, J udyT 61 271 20 1 2 6/29/20 1 2 A PPLE S TO RE #R1 84 RETA IL/O FFICE $1 0 .65 Brownlee, J udyT 71 22/20 1 2 7/23/20 12 WM S UPERCENTER#3389 RETA IL/O FFICE $1 87.4 4 Brownlee, J udyT 8/8/20 12 819/20 12 BES T BUY M HT 0 0 0 0 50 4 1 RETA IL/O FFICE $55.0 9 Brownlee, J udyT 9/5 /20 12 917/20 12 O FFICE DEPO T #96 RETA IL/O FFICE $69.4 0 Brownlee, J udyT 9112/20 12 9/1 3/20 1 2 FEDEXO FFICE 0 0 0 1 5636 RETA IL/O FFICE $1 34 .66 Brownlee, J udyT 9/17/20 12 9/19/20 12 O FFICE DEPO T #96 RETA IL/O FFICE $1 51 .71 Brownlee, J udyT 10 /24/20 12 10 /25 /20 12 WA L-M A RT#2584 RETA IL/O FFICE $54 .20 Brownlee, J udyT 10 /24/20 12 10 /25 /20 12 WA L-M A RT#2584 RETA IL/O FFICE $28.4 4 Brownlee, J udyT 1 1 1 21 20 1 2 1 1 1 51 20 1 2 WM S UPERCENTER#1 1 84 RETA IL/O FFICE $31 .67 Brownlee, J udyT 1 1 1 91 20 1 2 11/12/20 12 O FFICE DEPO T #2226 RETA IL/O FFICE $1 60 .50 Brownlee, J udyT 11/12120 12 11/13/20 12 WM S UPERCENTER#34 0 2 RETA IL/O FFICE $1 5.97 Brownlee, J udyT 1 1 1 1 61 20 1 2 11/19/20 12 O FFICE DEPO T #96 RETA IL/O FFICE $80 .79 Brownlee, J udyT 11/20 /20 12 11/21/20 12 WM S UPERCENTER#370 9 RETA IL/O FFICE $21 .36 Brownlee, J udyT 12/6120 12 12/10 /20 12 O FFICE DEPO T #96 RETA IL/O FFICE $21 2.1 8 Brownlee, J udyT 1 21 1 0 1 20 1 2 12/12/20 12 CV S PHA RM A CY #2367 0 0 3 RETA IL/O FFICE $1 0 .68 Brownlee, J udyT 12/15 /20 12 12/17/20 12 WM S UPERCENTER#371 0 RETA IL/O FFICE $1 21 .80 Brownlee, J udyT 1 21 1 91 20 1 2 12/21120 12 O FFICE DEPO T #2226 RETA IL/O FFICE $1 84 .61 Brownlee, J udyT 1121/20 13 1/23120 13 O FFICE DEPO T #96 RETA IL/O FFICE $86.25 Brownlee, J udyT 1130 /20 13 1/31/20 13 PUBLIX #752 RETA IL/O FFICE $1 4 .65 Brownlee, J udyT 3/30 120 13 411/20 13 WA L-M A RT #1 1 84 RETA IL/O FFICE $53.55 Brownlee, J udyT 4 1 1 1 1 20 1 3 4/12/20 13 KRO GER #4 79 RETA IL/O FFICE $33.62 Brownlee, J udyT 4 1 1 21 20 1 3 4/15 /20 13 WA L-M A RT #2584 RETA IL/O FFICE $75.20 Brownlee, J udyT 5 110 /20 13 5 /13/20 13 O FFICE DEPO T #224 4 RETA IL/O FFICE $1 76.64 Brownlee, J udyT 7/16/20 13 7/17/20 13 PUBLIX #665 RETA IL/O FFICE $27.81 Brownlee, J udyT 9121/20 13 9/23/20 13 KRO GER 31 8 RETA IL/O FFICE $60 .62 Brownlee, J udyT 10 /27120 13 10 /29/20 13 O FFICE DEPO T #2296 RETA IL/O FFICE $1 4 9.92 Brownlee, J udyT 11/9/20 13 11/11/20 13 WA L-M A RT #2584 RETA IL/O FFICE $53.94 Brownlee, J udyT 11/9120 13 11/11/20 13 WA L-M A RT #2584 RETA IL/O FFICE $6.90 Brownlee, J udyT 11/26/20 13 11/29/20 13 O FFICE DEPO T #96 RETA IL/O FFICE $1 87.73 Brownlee, J udyT 11/26/20 13 11/27/20 13 TA RGET 0 0 0 1 390 4 RETA IL/O FFICE $63.1 3 Brownlee, J udyT 1 1 1 261 20 1 3 11/27/20 13 TA RGET 0 0 0 1 4 860 RETA IL/O FFICE $63.1 3 Brownlee, J udyT 12120 /20 13 12/23/20 13 WA L-M A RT #2584 RETA IL/O FFICE $1 30 .60 Brownlee, J udyT 1/10 /20 14 1/13/20 14 KRO GER 21 2 RETA IL/O FFICE $26.4 0 Brownlee, J udyT 1/18/20 14 1/20 /20 14 PUBLIX #54 4 RETA IL/O FFICE $2.39 Brownlee, J udyT 2/17120 14 2/18/20 14 WA L-M A RT #1 1 84 RETA IL/O FFICE $34 .64 Brownlee, J udyT 2119/20 14 2/20 /20 14 WA L-M A RT #2584 RETA IL/O FFICE $38.52 Brownlee, J udyT 3/7/20 14 3/10 /20 14 S TA PLES 0 0 1 1 91 0 7 RETA IL/O FFICE ($4 0 J \:1 U) Brownlee, J udyT 3/23/20 14 3/24/20 14 A RETA IL/O FFICE $30 1 .35 Brownlee, J udyT 31 261 20 1 4 3/27/20 14 A RETA IL/O FFICE $221 .29 Brownlee, J udyT 31 261 20 1 4 3/28/20 14 HO BBY LO BBY #338 RETA IL/O FFICE $1 0 8.93 Brownlee, J udyT 31 291 20 1 4 3/31/20 14 HO BBY LO BBY #338 RETA IL/O FFICE ($HU2) 12. Brownlee, J udyT Brownlee, J udyT Brownlee, J udyT Brownlee, J udyT Brownlee, J udyT 3/30 120 14 4/2/20 14 4/2/20 14 4/25 /20 14 4/26/20 14 PUBLlX#54 4 TA RGET 0 0 0 1 390 4 TA RGET 0 0 0 1 390 4 WA L-M A RT#1 1 84 PUBLIX #54 4 3/31120 14 4/3/20 14 4/3/20 14 4/28/20 14 4/28/20 14 51 1 total purchases: $75,583.33 1 78 receipts Barnes S utton 24 0 purchases total 4 6receipts Brownlee 270 purchases total 1 31 receipts Grigley 1 purchase total 1 receipt TO TA L RETA IL/O FFICE $24 ,4 4 2.98 O FFICE DEPO T INV O ICES - 0 Retail/O ffice total purch with receipts $1 4 ,387.4 6 Retail/O ffice total purch w/o receipts $1 0 ,0 55.52 $1 4 ,625.4 9Brownlee total retail/office $9234 .4 9w/ receipts -- $5391 w/o receipts $9638.1 8Barnes S utton total retail/office $4 973.66w/ receipts -- $4 664 .52w/o receipts Grigleyretail office: 1 79.31 $1 ,74 0 CHA RITY Brownlee 27 gift cards $1 0 60 A dded Pizzazz total: $324 5.75wI invoices 34 .8% 1 9.2% 4 8.5% Receipts: $29,90 1 .63 RETA IL/O FFICE RETA I L/O FFICE RETA IL/O FFICE RETA IL/O FFICE RETA IL/O FFICE No Receipts $4 5,681 .70 $4 4 2.88 $32.0 9 $5.0 3 $1 3.55 $4 6.0 0 ~~A ~G~EN~C~Y~ID~(~~I~_~A ~G~~~Y~~~~ ----I C!J I'OA GA0440200 I " IN CID E N T TIPE CO UNTS r - ; : R=I ~M~I ~N~A~L - - T- R- E- S- P- A- S- S- - - - T~R~E~S~P~A~SS~1~6~- 7~- ~2~1- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' [ ] I MPL E BATTERY 16- 5- 23 [J o INCIDENT REPORT CA S ENUM BER ~4- 01l 1163 INCIDENTCO DE fu70 7 PREM IS ETIPE HIGHWA Y S V C.S TA TIO N CO NV ENIENCE BA NK S TO RE
ICHO O U A LL O THER CA M PUS ~313 TIM E DA TE I =" ':':'-=::" ::" ':~ __ L-. . ::. =. :. . :. . :; __ --,T O102-11-2014 11:39 GUN HA NDS IFIS T.ETC BUS INES S ~HO NE RA CE S EX DO B ~ !ill iiiiiiiLI = : J EM A IL OSBY, WARREN NKNOWN OR ~~~H~A~B~S~ER~S~H~A~M~D~R~D~E~C~A~T~U~" ~R_ G~A~3~O~O~3~2_ - ~ NOT STATED I~ ~ILI ~ a:.:.::=-=-=:..:..:.:::::.::... __ ---l S TUDENT? 0YES NO IF YES ,NA M EV ICTIM 'S S CHO O L. -----------------------------':"':'"O ::-----------::::::--------;;:::;;:c;:;: NA M E RA CE S EX DA TEO F BIRTH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' TA GNUM BER S TA TE YEA R ;.:.V .!;!;I.N~. -, ~S TO LEN I 0 [=:J LI ~ Q RECO V D YEA R j!!M A K=E --, M O DEL S TYLE J :!CO ~L~O R~ ____, ~ S US PECTS D I I I I I > L - ~ L - ~ M O TO RS IZE(CID) A UTO M A N. I I TRANSD D WA NTEDA DDRES S ~ c=J ~ :g WA RRA NTCHA RGES f f i c=J ~R~R~I ~M~I - N- A- L - - T- R- E- S- P- A- S- S- - - - T- R- E~S~P~A~SS~1~6~- 7~- ~2- 1- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , f.I. ~ A RRES T ! s I MPL E BATTERY 16- 5- 23 c=J ! CRI MI NAL TRESPASS - TRESPASS 16- 7- 21 TO TA LNUM BERA RRES TED A RRES TA T O RNEA RO FFENS ES CENE ~ YES D NO D DA TEO F O FFENS E / 02- 11- 2014 ~ NA M ES w i ~==============================~ A DDRES S HEIGHT WEIGHT HA IR I ~.I.I, cO UNTS O FFENS ECO DE O FFENS E'J A RRES T J URIS iiI @707 U U m 11313 U U [II @. ; . " , : 70; " ; " , . 7_ _ DD INS UREDBY PHO NENUM BER V EHICLES !~:~rY' NO TES ,ETC I tTIf'PREC.M ETA LS , O FA CE EQUIP. TV , RA DIO ,ETC ~~:~~ I ~~:~~ I CO NS UM A BLEGO O DS U-,-,V E""S T""O ""C!!,.K O TH=ER"-,- --, ~O.OO ~O.OO ~_O,_O_O ---i ~O,OO ~O , 00 ~.:..:$O:..:.,.:..:OO=- - __I IS TO LEN 1$0. 00 IRECO V ERED 1$0.00 CLO THING 0,00 0, 00 ==~_ _ ~FI~REA R~M ~S ~ ~ j S TO LEN ~O,OO RECO V ERED ~O,00 GCICENTRY oWA RRA NT DA RTICLE oM IS S INGPERS O NS DV EHICLE DIDINV ES TIGA TIO NINDICA TETHA TTHIS INCIDENTWA S DRUG-RELA TED? IF YES ,PlEA S E INDICA TETHETIPE O F DRUG(S }US EDBY O FFENDER 8 1 , A M PHETA M INE 82, BA RBITURA TE 83 CO CA INE 6, M A RIJ UA NA 7 M ETfWA PHETA M INE 8 O PIUM DYES III NO 8 4 , HA lLUCINO GEN 9 S YNTHETICNA RCO TIC FURS 0.00 HO US EHO LDGO O DS ~O,OO 0, 00 TO TA L ; 0,00 $0, 00 DBO A T DGUN oS ECURITIES 8 5,HERO IN UUNKNO WN ~" REQUIREDDA TA FIELDS Iii FO RCLEA RA NCEREPO RT d DATE OF ClEARANCE r- - - - - - - - - - , c=J CLEA REDBY A RRES T DA DULT DEXCEPTIO NA LLYCLEA RED J UV ENILE oUNFO UNDED REPO RTDA TE 102- 11- 2014 NI TI AL REPORT ~ O n. ,)2-1 1 -1 4 . O f!icer Bar:ne.s1 l27')2 and I responded to 24 57 Habersham Drive. in reference to a Person Down call. Upon my l= arrival I spoke With the victim M r. Warren M osby. M r, M osbystated the suspect M s, a. came to the above ~ location knocking on his door stating she needed to speak to his female friend. witness Doreen Carter who was visiting, M r. ~I-M _o_s_b_y_s_ta __te_d_h_e __e_x_ite_d __{)._ut_th __e_s_id_e __d_o_O _fo_f_h_is __h_o_m_e_a_n_d_" _s_po_k_e_W1 _'th __ M _s_, --..:2:..-.I_e_av __in_g__M _s_,_C_a_rt_e_r_i_ns_id_. _e_th_e_h_o_m_e_._ Z, REPO RTINGO FA CER D L L OYD NUM BER A PPRO V INGO FFICER NUM BER L....:tl6 c.::..:83=---_1 1 1 J L-_---.J ADDITIONAL NARRATIVE gencyName: RI#: A0440200 Report DatefTime: 2- 11- 2014 Case Number #: 4- 01416 3 INITIAL REPORT M r. M osby stated M s. became upset he bad a female visitor and began to-tryonenter into- his home. trying to force. . herself past him into the home. He blocked the entrance to the door bystandlng in the doorway. Hesta~ed M s. . continued to beagaressive and began to hit him in the chest with her fist M r. M osbystoted the suspect grabbed his glasses off his face and threw them into the front yard. M r. M osby stated he grabbed M s. and began to hold her againsta 2006 Blue Ford Five Hundred parked in his driveway belonging to M rs. Carter. M r. M osbystated M s. ? bentthefrontpassenger side windshield wiper to the vehicle during the struggle. M r. M osbystated he pulled a muscle inhis right leywhile attempting to physicallyrestrainthe M s. I iil~as he placed her onto the ground restraining her. He then took her keys from her pocket and threw them into the front yard. telling her to go get her keys. M r. M osby stated when M ~. went to get her keys he went back into his home and locked the door. M r. M osby~rther stated he was the campaign manaqer for M s. . when she ran fu.r office. M r. M osbystated he and M s. are in a relationship but never lived together nor do theyhave children together. O fficer Barnes spoke with M s. as she was being seen by DeKalb EM S for a left ankle injury. M s. told O fficer Barnes she and M r. M oshyhave been in relationship for the last seven years. r.1 s. I stated she came to the above location and attempted to walk inside the victim's home when he grabbed her and threw her down to the ground. I observed 9rass and dirtqn her clothing. S he did notstatewhyshewasatthevidim's home. M s. stated she does n.othave anypersonal belonqinps at the home. S gt. Pierre and S gt Coleman were notified of this incident and responded to the above location. S outh CEDLT. Deloach responded to the location and took photos of M r. M osby and M s. and conducted interviews. Domestic V iolence Unit. 8g1 . M ercer and Del. Guess also responded to assist with the investigation. M ajor J ones. Captain M ears. and LT. S heirling. also responded for further investigations. The witness. M s. Carter stated she only heard the knock on the door and both M r. M osby and M rs. 2 speakinq outside the residence. she did not observe anyaltercation. O fficer Barnes informed M s. L of Criminal Trespass Warning upon request of M r. M osby. Both M r. M osbyand M s. S utton -Bernes were advised of their legal rights and how to obtain warrants. Neither had visible injuries. Theywere provided a case number in reference to this incident, ADDITIONAL NARRATIVE gencyName: O RI#: A0440200 Report DateiTime: 2- 11- 2014 Case Number #: 4- 01416 3 ADDITIONAL NARRATIV E O n 0 2l111'20 14 at approximately 1 {)53 hours 1.O fficer T. Barnes#27D2, made contact with M s. S haron S utton-Barnes while responding to 24 57 Habersham Drive. S he stat~d ~he arrived at the. location because M r. R ~ aweed to assist her with getting some Kerosene for her heater on yesterdays date. S he adV ised_told her to come m e mornmg. M s. S utton-Barnes stated she attempted several timestocontact~ upon her arrival bycell phone; however. he did not answer the phone. S he stated when she arrived she knocked on the door several times butthere was no response. M s. S utton-Barnes advised M r. -.finally came to the door and stated he was in a meeting. S he noticed an additional vehicle in the driveway parked behind M r. vehicle. S he stated M r. _ advised his meeting was with M s. Doreen Carter. an acquaintance known to M s. S utton-Barnes. S he stated theyhad an argumentover his meeting with M rs. Carter. S he advised she told him, "I don'twantanything more to do with you:' S he stated she attempted to enter the residence of M r._and was pushed out onto, the driveway. S he advised M r." then continued to argue about her being at the location. S he stated she got up to her feet and M r. "pushed her back down onto the driveway. S he stated M r. "'then threw her againstthe car as she was ~ to run. S he also stated M r. ~ grabbed her and she reached for his glasses during the incident M s. S utton-Barnes stated M r. then threw her between the vehicles then he tookher car keys out of her pocket S he advised M r. _ put his knee in her chest below her throat S he stated she could barelybreathe and could not get up from his restrains. S he advised he stated to her This is whythat men beat that woman in the middle of the street!" she advised he was r.ererringto an incident she observed around the 2nd week in J anuary. S he advised there had been other incidents where she was assaulted by M r. __ . M s. S utton-Barnes advised M r. also stated "It's your word against mine!" S he stated M r. __ released her after he was going to retrieve something out of the house. S he advised at the time she could not breathe and her leftankle was hurting. I observed M s. S utton-Barnes with dirt all over her left side and back. S he was being treated by M edic 55. M s. S utton-Barnes was visually upset crying, and rubbing her chest Her left shoe Was partiallyoff and M 55advised that her blood pressure was elevated. M 55staff advised her car keys were located in the front yard. M 55advised M s. S utton-Barnes to seek additional treatment due to her cardiec history. S he advised she did not want to be transported. M r. 3 advised he did not want M s. S utton-Barnes back on his property. M s. S utton-Barnes was advised verbally not to come back to 2457 Habersham Drive. S he was advised it would be deemed criminal trespass after beinq given a 1 st warning by lawenforcement S he was advised she could be arrested iffound beck on M r. property, S he stated, Tmnever coming back here me". M s. S utton-Barnes advised she did notwanttoseek charges against M r."atthistime. Both parties were provided a case number and advised of the legal process. M s. S utton-Barnes stated she was able to drive home; she left the location without further incident -. A DDITIO NA L V ICTIM S 114- 01416 3 V ICTIM S NA M E RA CE S EX DO B A GE RES IDENCE PHO NE BUS INES S PHO NE @ARNES, SHARON SUT T ON I~ /ill
I~H , I 1 I A DDRES S EM PLO YER O R O CCUPA TIO N EM PLO YER NA M E EM A IL WGATEWAY POINT STONE MOUNTAIN GA 30087 II /I II I S TUDENT? L J YES Ill! NO IF YES , NA M E V ICTIM 'S S CHO O L V ICTIM S NA M E RA CE S EX DO B A GE RES IDENCE PHO NE BUS INES S PHO NE I I 0D I IDI I I I A DDRES S EM PLO YER O R O CCUPA TIO N EM PLO YER NA M E EM A lL I II I " I S TUDENT? lJ YES lJ NO IF YES , NA M E V ICTIM 'S S CHO O L V ICTIM S NA M E RA CE S EX DO B A GE RES IDENCE PHO NE BUS INES S PHO NE I 1 D 0 1 101 I I I A DDRES S EM PLO YER O R O CCUPA TIO N EM PLO YER NA M E EM A ll I II I II I S TUDENT? L J YES I INO IF YES , NA M E V ICTIM 'S S CHO O L V ICTIM S NA M E RA CE S EX DO B A GE RES IDENCE PHO NE BUS INES S PHO NE I 1 00I 101 I I I A DDRES S EM PLO YER O R O CCUPA TIO N EM PLO YER NA M E EMAlL I " I II I S TUDENT? lJ YES lJ NO IF YES , NA M E V ICTIM 'S S CHO O L V ICTIM S NA M E RA CE S EX DO B A GE RES IDENCE PHO NE BUS INES S PHO NE I 1 D 0 I 101 I I I A DDRES S EM PLO YER O R O CCUPA TIO N EM PLO YER NA M E EM A ll I II I II I S TUDENT? I IYES I INO IF YES . NA M E V ICTIM 'S S CHO O L V ICTIM S NA M E RA CE S EX DO B A GE RES IDENCE PHO NE BUS INES S PHO NE I I 0 0I 101 I I I A DDRES S EM PLO YER O R O CCUPA TIO N EM PLO YER NA M E EM A lL I II I II I S TUDENT? I IYES I INO IF YES . NA M E V ICTIM 'S S CHO O L V ICTIM S NA M E RA CE S EX ooB A GE RES IDENCE PHO NE BUS INES S PHO NE I _. 1 D 01 101 I I I A DDRES S EM PLO YER O R O CCUPA TIO N EM PLO YER NA M E EM A lL I II I II I S TUDENT? I IYES I INO IF YES , NA M E V ICTIM 'S S CHO O L V ICTIM S NA M E RA CE S EX DO B A GE RES IDENCE PHO NE BUS INES S PHO NE I 1 D D I 101 I I 1 A DDRES S EM PLO YER O R O CCUPA TIO N EM PLO YER NA M E EM A IL I II I " I S TUDENT? I IYES I INO IF YES . NA M E V ICTIM 'S S CHO O L V ICTIM S NA M E RA CE S EX DO B A GE RES IDENCE PHO NE BUS INES S PHO NE I I D D I 101 I I I A DDRES S EM PLO YER O R O CCUPA TIO N EM PLO YER NA M E EM A IL I II I II I S TUDENT? I IYES I INO IF YES , NA M E V ICTIM 'S S CHO O L CASE NUMBER Memo To: Dionne McKenzie, Special Project Manager, andDirector BenitaRansom From: V iola Davis Unhappy Taxpayer & V oter, CTEA, Restore DeKalb, CEO LeeMay, Barbara Sanders and all cc: appropriate parties. Date: May 9, 2014 TheDateJudy Brownlee Started Working for Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton withDeKalb Re: County, Georgia. The Date Judy Brownlee Started Working for Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton with DeKa~ County, Georgia. Pur s uant t o t he Geor gi a Open Recor ds L aw ( O. C. G. A. 50- 18- 70 et s eq. ) ( The L aw) and/ or Fr eedom of I nf or mat i on Act , copyi ng: al l f i l es , r ecor ds , and ot her document s concer ni ng t he dat e J udy Br ownl ee s t ar t ed wor ki ng f or Commi s s i oner Shar on Bar nes Sut t on wi t h DeKal b Count y, Geor gi a. I t i s i mpor t ant t o i ncr eas e t r ans par ency, et hi cs , and account abi l i t y i n DeKal b Count y Gover nment . I t i s par amount t hat we i ncr eas e " Publ i c Tr us t " i n DeKal b Count y. We mus t hol d our el ect ed of f i ci al s account abl e. I f t hi s r eques t i s deni ed i n whol e or i n par t , we as k t hat you ci t e i n wr i t i ng t he s peci f i c s t at ut or y exempt i on upon whi ch you have r el i ed, as r equi r ed by l aw, we al s o as k t hat you r el eas e al l s epar at e por t i ons of ot her wi s e exempt mat er i al . Pl eas e wai ve any cos t s as s oci at ed wi t h t hi s r eques t , or f i r s t i nf or m us about s uch cos t s as r equi r ed by Geor gi a L aw. As you know, t he L aw r equi r es a r es pons e by you wi t hi n t hr ee bus i nes s days of your r ecei pt of t hi s Open Recor ds Reques t and pr ovi des s anct i ons f or non- compl i ance. I l ook f or war d t o hear i ng f r om you. I can be r eached at 770- 256- 0034 or vi a emai l at UnhappyTaxpayer s @gmai l . com. Si ncer el y, Vi ol a Davi s Communi t y Mi s s i onar y Memo To: Dionne McKenzie, Special Project Manager, andDirector BenitaRansom From: V iola Davis Unhappy Taxpayer &V oter, CTEA, Restore DeKalb, CEO LeeMay, Barbara Sanders and all cc: appropriate parties. Date: May 9, 2014 TheDateJudy Brownlee Started Working for Commissioner Sharon Barnes Suttonwith DeKalb Re: County, Georgia The Date Judy Brownlee Started Working for Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton with DeKalb County, Georgia. Pur s uant t o t he Geor gi a Open Recor ds L aw ( O. C. G. A. 50- 18- 70 et s eq. ) ( The L aw) and/ or Fr eedom of I nf or mat i on Act , copyi ng: al l f i l es , r ecor ds , and ot her document s concer ni ng t he dat e J udy Br ownl ee s t ar t ed wor ki ng f or Commi s s i oner Shar on Bar nes Sut t on wi t h DeKal b Count y, Geor gi a. I t i s i mpor t ant t o i ncr eas e t r ans par ency, et hi cs , and account abi l i t y i n DeKal b Count y Gover nment . I t i s par amount t hat we i ncr eas e " Publ i c Tr us t " i n DeKal b Count y. We mus t hol d our el ect ed of f i ci al s account abl e. I f t hi s r eques t i s deni ed i n whol e or i n par t , we as k t hat you ci t e i n wr i t i ng t he s peci f i c s t at ut or y exempt i on upon whi ch you have r el i ed, as r equi r ed by l aw, we al s o as k t hat you r el eas e al l s epar at e por t i ons of ot her wi s e exempt mat er i al . Pl eas e wai ve any cos t s as s oci at ed wi t h t hi s r eques t , or f i r s t i nf or m us about s uch cos t s as r equi r ed by Geor gi a L aw. As you know, t he L aw r equi r es a r es pons e by you wi t hi n t hr ee bus i nes s days of your r ecei pt of t hi s Open Recor ds Reques t and pr ovi des s anct i ons f or non- compl i ance. I l ook f or war d t o hear i ng f r om you. I can be r eached at 770- 256- 0034 or vi a emai l at UnhappyTaxpayer s @gmai l . com. Si ncer el y, Vi ol a Davi s Communi t y Mi s s i onar y VENDOR_NAME HS I S YS TEM S &CO NS ULTA NTS DECA TUR A TLA NTA PRINTING KA THRYN A PHIFER EM PO WERM ENT PLA NNERS A ND CO NS ULTING GRO UP DELL M A RKETING LP TO WNLEY KENTO N INC DECA TUR A TLA NTA PRINTING DECA TUR A TLA NTA PRINTING EM PO WERM ENT PLA NNERS A ND CO NS ULTING GRO UP DECA TUR A TLA NTA PRINTING EM PO WERM ENT PLA NNERS A ND CO NS ULTING GRO UP EM PO WERM ENT PLA NNERS A ND CO NS ULTING GRO UP A M ERICA N S YS TEM S INC DBA S IM O N S YS TEM S HS I S YS TEM S &CO NS ULTA NTS HS I S YS TEM S &CO NS ULTA NTS DECA TUR A TLA NTA PRINTING DECA TUR A TLA NTA PRINTING A DDED PIZZA ZZ CRO S S RO A DS NEWS INC CO NS TA NT CO NTA CT INC M ICHA EL A RM S TRO NG RIGHTHINK A S S O CIA TES INC A S S O CIA TIO N CO UNTY CO M M IS S IO NERS O F GEO RGIA PR_TOTAL $ 725.00 $ 77.70 $ 400.00 $ 975.00 $ 16 4.57 $ 325.00 s 875.00 $ 775.00 $ 1.125.00 $ 150.00 s 1,000.00 $ 6 00.00 $ 6 0.00 $ 5,6 40.00 $ 1,336 .00 s 545.00 $ 73.0 0 $ 175.00 $ 70.00 s 108.00 $ 108.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 9,700.00 $ 45,007.27 0 4/21/20 0 90 0 :0 0 :0 0 0 6/15 /20 0 90 0 :0 0 :0 0 0 6f15 /20 0 9 0 0 :0 0 :0 0 0 6/15 /20 0 9 0 0 :0 0 :0 0 0 6/15 /20 0 90 0 :0 0 :0 0 0 6116/20 0 90 0 :0 0 :0 0 0 6123/20 0 9 0 0 :0 0 :0 0 0 6/23/20 0 9 0 0 :0 0 :0 0 0 6/30 /20 0 90 0 :0 0 :0 0 0 7/0 7120 0 90 0 :0 0 :0 0 0 7/20 /20 0 90 0 :0 0 :0 0 0 7127/20 0 90 0 :0 0 :0 0 0 7/27120 0 90 0 :0 0 :0 0 0 8/10 120 0 90 0 :0 0 :0 0 0 8/28/20 0 9 0 0 :0 0 :0 0 10/20/2009 00:00:00 10 /20 /20 0 90 0 :0 0 :0 0 10 /20 /20 0 9 0 0 :0 0 :0 0 10 120 /20 0 90 0 :0 0 :0 0 10 /20 /20 0 90 0 :0 0 :0 0 11/0 6/20 0 90 0 :0 0 :0 0 12122120 0 90 0 :0 0 :0 0 011041201000:00:00 TRUNC(PRHA.APPRO' PO_NUM PO_DATE 0 4/21/20 0 90 0 :0 0 :0 0 736365 0 6/12120 0 90 0 :0 0 :0 0 742743 0 6115 /20 0 90 0 :0 0 :0 0 742744 0 6/15 /20 0 90 0 :0 0 :0 0 742746 0 6115 /20 0 90 0 :0 0 :0 0 742663 0 6/15 /20 0 90 0 :0 0 :0 0 74290 7 0 6/19120 0 90 0 :0 0 :0 0 74375 1 0 6/19/20 0 90 0 :0 0 :0 0 743798 0 6/30 /20 0 90 0 :0 0 :0 0 744664 0 6/30 /20 0 90 0 :0 0 :0 0 745 173 0 7/17/20 0 90 0 :0 0 :0 0 746690 0 7/27/20 0 90 0 :0 0 :0 0 7475 66 0 7/27/20 0 90 0 :0 0 :0 0 7475 65 0 8/10 /20 0 90 0 :0 0 :0 0 749115 0 8/28/20 0 90 0 :0 0 :0 0 75 1378 10 /19/20 0 90 0 :0 0 :0 0 75 7194 10 /19/20 0 9 00:00:00 757199 10 /19/20 0 9 00:00:00 757200 10 /19/20 0 9 00:00:00 757202 10 /19/20 0 9 00:00:00 757203 11/0 6/20 0 90 0 :0 0 :0 0 7610 99 11/23/20 0 90 0 :0 0 :0 0 763125 12129/20 0 9 00:00:00 76 3455 Restore DeKalb,org Restore DeKalb is a coalition of private citizens with a mission to hold elected officials accountable and restore public trust. We join private citizens that step out on the frontline to ensure transparency, ethics, and accountability. We join together as a coalition to submit an amendment to the ethics complaint against S haron Barnes S utton and J udyBrownlee. We also submit an amendment to the ethics complaint against Kelvin Walton and Nina Hall. We have a mission to restore public trust. We strive to hold elected officials accountable. V iola Davis - Unhappy Taxpayer and V oter &Restore DeKalb J el Edwards - Restore DeKalb, King Ridge Homeowners A ssociation, & WO RC Willie Pringle - Restore DeKalb, WO RC, and a S outhwest DeKalb High SChO::~~r2~J2 D - 'r~ Coalition of Concerned ~~(; ; ; j; ; - ae,endment after Petition