1. Fog and cloud formation occurs through condensation.
2. The temperature at the tropical tropopause is typically around -55°C.
3. An altimeter in a parked aircraft will decrease in indication shortly before a cold front passes as the pressure increases.
1. Fog and cloud formation occurs through condensation.
2. The temperature at the tropical tropopause is typically around -55°C.
3. An altimeter in a parked aircraft will decrease in indication shortly before a cold front passes as the pressure increases.
Condensation. A) * Evaporation B) Sublimation. C) None of the above. D) 2 What is the most likely temperature at the tropical tropopause? -25 C. A) -75 C. B) * -55 C. C) -35 C. D) 3 You observe the altimeter in a parked aircraft shortly before an active cold front passes. What does the altimeter indicate? It increases. A) * It decreases. B) It is not affected by a pressure change. C) The pressure changes are very small and therefore, there is no visible change of the indication. D) 4 You intend to overfly a mountain ridge at an altitude of 15000 ft AMSL. The average air temperature is 15 C lower than ISA, the sea level pressure 1003 hPa. Which altimeter indication (standard setting) is needed? 15630 ft. A) 14370 ft. B) 13830 ft. C) 16170 ft. D) * 5 The amount of water vapour which air can hold largely depends on: relative humidity. A) air temperature. B) * stability of air. C) dew point. D) 6 The percent by volume of the gases to be found in the atmosphere is distributed according to size as follows: more oxygen than nitrogen. A) less oxygen than carbon dioxide. B) more nitrogen than oxygen. C) * less nitrogen than water vapour. D) sbado, 4 de Junho de 2011 Page 1 of 287 7 Lines connecting points of equal pressure are called: Isogonic lines. A) Isobars. B) * Agonic. C) Barometric. D) 8 You observe the altimeter in a parked aircraft shortly after an active cold front has passed. What does the altimeter indicate? It increases. A) It decreases. B) * It is not affected by a pressure change. C) The pressure changes are very small and therefore, there is no visible change of the indication. D) 9 The temperature gradient in the international standard atmosphere (ISA) is: 1 C/100m. A) 0,5 C/100m. B) 0.65 C/100m. C) * 0.6 C/100m. D) 10 How does the level of the tropopause vary with latitude in the Northern Hemisphere? Decreases North - South. A) Decreases South - North. B) * Constant. C) It varies with longitude not latitude. D) 11 Where is the ozone layer? Ionosphere. A) Stratosphere. B) * Tropopause. C) Troposphere. D) 12 What is the pressure in surface weather charts called? QFE. A) QFF. B) * QNH. C) QNE. D) sbado, 4 de Junho de 2011 Page 2 of 287 13 The troposphere is deepest: near the equator. A) * near the poles. B) the same all over the earth. C) over the poles in summer. D) 14 What is the primary cause of all changes in the Earths weather? Variation of solar energy at the Earths surface. A) * Changes in air pressure over the Earths surface. B) Movement of air masses from moist areas to dry areas. C) None of the above. D) 15 Given a surface temperature of +10 C, and a dew point of +5 C, at what height might you expect cumulus clouds to form: 2000 ft. A) * 4000 ft. B) 1000 ft. C) 6000 ft. D) 16 In which layer is most of the atmospheric humidity concentrated? Troposphere. A) * Tropopause. B) Stratosphere. C) Stratopause. D) 17 The pressure at sea level in the ISA is: 1012.35 hPa. A) 1025.13 hPa. B) 1013.25 hPa. C) * 29,95 in Hg. D) 18 You observe the altimeter in a parked aircraft while a cold front passes the airport. What does the altimeter indicate? It first decreases and then increases. A) It first increases and then decreases. B) * It is not affected by a pressure change. C) The pressure changes are very small and therefore, there is no visible change of the indication. D) sbado, 4 de Junho de 2011 Page 3 of 287 19 In a cold air advection wind blows towards warmer air and causes: A veering. A) A backing. B) * No wind at all. C) Strong wind forces. D) 20 As a parcel of air warms, its ability to hold water vapour: Decreases. A) Increases. B) * Unable to say - it also depends on the pressure. C) Remains unaltered. D) 21 An OAT of -15 C at the 700 hPa pressure level: equals approximately (+/-5 C) ISA. A) is high. B) is low. C) * is almost impossible. D) 22 What can be said if you encounter +FZRA during flight? Icing will most probably occur. A) * There is no significant icing to expect. B) Freezing rain consists of water droplets which supercooled to below-freezing temperatures on impact. C) Only light rime ice has to be expected. D) 23 FL 140, an OAT -12 C is measured. What will the temperature be at FL 110, if you consider the temperature gradient of the Standard Atmosphere? +2 C. A) -2 C. B) -6 C. C) * -18 C. D) 24 A body of air over the ocean is referred to as: Polar air. A) Oceanic air. B) Maritime air. C) * Moist air. D) sbado, 4 de Junho de 2011 Page 4 of 287 25 What is the boundary layer between troposphere and stratosphere called? Tropopause. A) * Ionosphere. B) Stratosphere. C) Atmosphere. D) 26 Which of the following alternatives applies to the correct composition of the atmosphere by volume? 21 % nitrogen and 78 % oxygen. A) 21 % oxygen and 78 % nitrogen. B) * 50 % oxygen and 50 % nitrogen. C) 25 % oxygen, 50 % nitrogen and 25 % water vapour. D) 27 (Refer to figure 050-017) Flight path A - B, altimeter setting 1013,2 hPa: Your true altitude is greater in B than in A. A) Your true altitude is greater in A than in B. B) * The wind speed is greater in A than in B. C) The wind speed is equal in A and in B. D) 28 Which air mass can be related to thunderstorms during summer in Central Europe? Maritime tropical air. A) * Maritime polar air. B) Continental tropical air. C) Continental equatorial air. D) 29 Going from the equator to the north pole, the altitude of the tropopause: increases and its temperature increases. A) decreases and its temperature increases. B) * increases and its temperature decreases. C) decreases and its temperature decreases. D) 30 The thickness of the troposphere varies with: latitude. A) * longitude. B) rotation of the earth. C) the wind. D) sbado, 4 de Junho de 2011 Page 5 of 287