This document provides an overview of the key concepts in the foundations of political science:
- Political science is defined as the study of the state, government, and human activities involved in governing. Its scope includes political theory, institutions, parties, and international relations.
- There is debate around whether political science should be considered an art or a science, as it studies human behaviors which are complex and changing versus precise physical phenomena.
- Conflict and cooperation are seen as two sides of the same coin in political science, as conflicts are inevitable but the state aims to integrate society and ensure welfare through laws, education, and other means if needed.
- There are two types of political theories - normative/pres
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Political Science
This document provides an overview of the key concepts in the foundations of political science:
- Political science is defined as the study of the state, government, and human activities involved in governing. Its scope includes political theory, institutions, parties, and international relations.
- There is debate around whether political science should be considered an art or a science, as it studies human behaviors which are complex and changing versus precise physical phenomena.
- Conflict and cooperation are seen as two sides of the same coin in political science, as conflicts are inevitable but the state aims to integrate society and ensure welfare through laws, education, and other means if needed.
- There are two types of political theories - normative/pres
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Chapter 1
Jean Bodin (1530 1596) a French political philosopher coined the term Political Science. Political science is a branch of social science. The study of Political science is of great significance and importance in the present day Global village. Political Science is the study of the state. According to Garner Political science begins and ends with the state. It may be defined as the study of man in the process of governing himself. According to Catlin, politics means either activities of political life or the study of those activities, which are generally treated as activities of the various organs of government. According to R.N. Gilchrist, political science deals with general problems of the state and government. The great Greek political philosopher, Aristotle (384 322 B.C.) was the first thinker to use the term politics. The term Politics is derived from the Greek word Polis which means city state.
Aristotle (B.C. 384 - 322)
Polis or city state was a small independent self contained political society. Greeks did not make any distinction between politics and society. This Greek city states of ancient times provide an ideal point for the beginning of a systematic study of political science.
Unlike, the ancient Greeks, we live in large territorial states today. Greek meaning of the state can be extended to the study of the modern state. In the words of the French scholar, Paul Janet, political science is that part of social science which treats the foundations of the state and principles of government.
Scope of political science:
The term scope refers to the subject matter or the boundaries of political science. The international Political Science Association at its Paris conference in
1984 discussed the scope of the subject political science and marked out the subject matter as follows:
I. Political Theory: 1. Political theory 2. Political ideas
II. Political Institutions: 1. Constitution 2. National government 3. Regional and local government. 4. Public administration. 5. Economic and social functions of government. 6. Comparative political institutions.
III. Political Parties: 1. Political parties. 2. Groups and associations 3. Participation of the citizen in the government and administration. 4. Public opinion.
IV. International Relations: 1. International polities. 2. International organization and administration 3. International law.
Broadly speaking, the scope of political science may be divided into three parts: 1) Scope of political science concerning the state. 2) Scope of political science with reference to human rights. 3) Scope of political science in relation to government.
1. Scope of political science concerning the state:
Present Form Historic Form Ideal Form of the State of the State of the State
In political science, we study the present form of the state. Its aims and objectives and the means adopted by the state to achieve its objectives. This aspect of the study of political science has been termed by Gettell as the analytical study of the state. The present form of the state is the result of its historical development. Political science makes a historical analysis of the origin of the state and the theories of the state. The study of political science has to predict the future of the state that is how it ought to be. According to Gettell political science is a historical investigation of what the state has been an analytical study of what the state is and a politico ethical discussion of what the state should be.
2. Scope of political science with reference to human rights: The citizens have their civil, political and economic rights. These rights have to be preserved and protected by the State for the welfare of its citizens.
3. Scope of political science in relation to government: Stephen Leacock said that, political science deals with government. A state cannot exist without government. Government is the working agency of the state. The different forms of government, various organs of government, political parties, local self - government, judiciary, and internationalism are covered by the political science.
Aristotle, the father of political science considered political Science as the master of all sciences. Writers like Laski, Burke and Maitland used the title politics instead of political science. Some other Writers like Godwin, Vico, Hume, Bodin, Hobbes, Montesquieu used the title political science
Thomas Hobbes (A.D. 1588 - 1679)
Professor Maitland once wrote, When I see a good set of examination questions headed by the words Political Science, I regret not the questions but the title. Buckle observed in the present state of knowledge, politics far from being a science is one of the most backward of all arts. There is a great deal of controversy over the question whether political science is a science or art. Science means a body of systematized knowledge arranged on certain principles. Art is a systematic knowledge to the solution of problems of human life. Physical science like physics, chemistry etc. follow the scientific method while studying physical phenomena. For example, law of gravity. If you throw a ball upwards, it will come down due to law of gravitation. Similarly, two parts of hydrogen and one part of oxygen constitute water. If you do it anywhere any number of times the result will be the same, correct and exact. Social sciences like history, sociology, political science, and economics also follow the scientific method while studying social phenomena. Laboratory tests are not possible in social sciences. The basic difference lays in the fact that physical sciences study about matter whereas social sciences study about human beings. Hence the results obtained
in physical sciences are precise, perfect and exact at all times. That is not possible in social sciences. This does not mean that political science claim to be a science can be denied. It is true that political science cannot be an exact science, since its laws and conclusions cannot be expressed in precise terms and it cannot predict political events accurately. Besides social and political relationships are constantly changing and what may be true of them today may not be true in the future. Hence political science can be called both a science and an art.
1.3. THE TWO FACES OF POLITICAL SCIENCE: Conflict and co-operation are the two faces of political science. As a matter of fact, they are two sides of the same coin. Conflicts are not desirable but unavoidable and inevitable in human society. Conflicts may arise due to many factors like social, economic, cultural and psychological. Whatever may be the degree or stage of conflict, solution has to be found out to solve it. The state is the final authority in society. It finds solution in the form of integration. State enacts laws, rules and procedures for society. The state can also use force through police, the army and the prisons. But is should be used as a last resort. To be precise force should be used as the very, very last resort. Education plays a major role in the process of integration. The newspapers, the radio, the television and internet are important. Welfare of the people is the aim of every state. With the advancement of science and technology, a new set of conflicts are not ruled out. It is the responsibility of the state to solve the conflicts paving way for the welfare of the people. And of course, there is no denying the fact that, that is the aim of the state.
1.4. NORMATIVE / EMPIRICAL STUDIES: There are two types of political theories: 1. Normative or prescriptive 2. Empirical or descriptive Normative or prescriptive theory is based on postulates, deals, assumptions or values. It concerns itself on what ought to be. It focuses the attention on: 1. Good order of the society. 2. Ends of the state.
Jean Jacques Rousseau (A.D. 1712-1778) The works of Platos Republic, Rousseaus Social Contract are the examples of normative type. To say that, India should not adopt presidential system of government is to make normative. This statement can be accepted or rejected but it cannot be proved or disproved. Empirical or descriptive is based on state structure, political process etc., and a system requiring knowledge of a subject by actual experience. Maximillian Emil Max Weber in his book Bureaucracy. Graham Wallas in his book Human Nature in Politics and Arthur Bentley in his book Process of Government gave an empirical dimension to the study of politics. To say that one political party has more electoral support than the other is to make an empirical statement. This statement is based on facts and facts are verifiable.
1.5. BEHAVIOURALIST MOVEMENT: Behaviouralist movement came into existence after the end of World War II (1939 45). The behaviouralists made significant contributions to political science during the period. Writers like Gabriel A. Almond, Robert A. Dahi and David Easton are some of them. According to Robert A. Dahi behavioralism is a protest movement within political science associated with a number of political scientists mainly Americans who shared a strong sense of dissatisfaction with the achievements of conventional political science, particularly through historical, philosophical and the descriptive institutional approach and a belief that additional methods and approaches either existed or could be developed that would help political science with empirical propositions and theories of a systematic sort, tested by closer, more direct and move vigorously controlled observations of political events.
Merits of Behavioral Methods: 1. It may assist the student of political science to compare and contract institutions of one culture with those of another. 2. Behaviouralism is dynamic in nature and can attempt to relate changes in changes in the social order as they occurred to changes in political orders. 3. Models can be used in relation to a theory and hypothesis of how the world is likely to behave. 4. Field investigations, survey of attitudes and testing of hypothesis may throw new lights upon the old political and social problems.
Demerits: 1. The behavioural approach is possible for micro level studies only. Through behavioural they cannot discuss questions like what is justice? or what is liberty? 2. The ideas generated by behaviouralist are not new and they just introduced only alternative terms in political science. 3. By following inter-disciplinary approach, the content of politics has been considerably reduced.
POST BEHAVIOURALISM: In the late 1960s the behavioural movement lost its original attraction and the momentum of the early years, and soon a reactionstarted which culminated in a new movement called post-behaviouralism.
The post-behaviouralists did not reject the scientific method of the behaviouralists. Their against behaviouralism was that because it had ignored current social problems, it was relevant to contemporary social reality. Political science, they insisted, should be relevant to life and its problems. It should seed to solve the problem of life and thereby enhance human welfare. Post-behaviouralism emphasizes that in political research the substance is more important than the technique. It is more important to be relevant and meaningful for present day urgent problems. David Easton an authority on post behaviouralism impressed the need for relevance and action. Post behaviouralism in action oriented and future oriented.
1.6. POLITICAL SCIENCE AND OTHER SOCIAL AND HUMAN SCIENCES: Social science are those sciences, which discuss about the things connected with the affairs of individuals living in society, political science, economics, history, geography are some of the important social sciences. Political science is immensely benefited from other social sciences. It is essentially connected and related to other social sciences. As a matter of fact, all social sciences are interrelated and interdependent.
Political Science and History: There is closed and intimate relationship between political science and history. The relationship between political science and history is beautifully explained by John Seeley. History without political science has no fruit and Political science without history has no root. To quote the same author again, Politics is vulgar when not liberalized by history and history fades into mere literature when it loses sight of its relation to politics. According to Freeman, History is past politics and politics is present history . They are complementary to each other. Montesquieu and Bryce made use of historical materials to study political science. Lord Bryce claims that, political science stands midway between history and politics, between the past and the present. It has drawn its materials from the one; it has to apply them to the other. History deals with past events, movements revolutions, national struggles etc. and gives information about the origin and development of political institutions and thought. When various issues, concepts and terms, ideologies, are discussed in political science, their historical development is also taken into consideration.
Political Science and Economics: Political science and economics are very closely related. In the past, economics has been regarded as a branch of political science. Adam smith the father of economics in his book An Enquiry into the Nature and Courses of Wealth of Nations also considered economics as an important branch of political science. It was called political economy. Now the two social sciences namely political science and economics have their individuality and identification. Economics is a social science dealing with the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of wealth in the society. All economic activity is carried on within the state on conditions and stipulations laid down by the state. Political science and economics are concerned with such matters, as formulation of five year plans, the socialistic pattern of society economic and welfare activities of government. The political conditions of a country are greatly affected by its economic conditions. Healthy economy depends on a strong, effective and efficient administration of a country.
Political Science and Geography: Political science is also related to geography. Geo means earth and graph means description and geography is the description of the earth. Geography is the study of the earths surface, physical features, natural and political divisions, climatic conditions, population, etc. It helps us to understand the impact and influence of geographical conditions of the political institutions of a country. Political geography is known as geopolitics, a new branch of study in modern times. Montesquieu stressed the influence of physical environments on the forms of government and liberty of the people. As territory is an essential element of a state, geo - political factors influence political environment. According to Rousseau, there is a link between the climatic conditions and form of government. Warm climates are conducive to despots, cold climates to barbarism and moderate climate to a good polity.
Political Science and Sociology: Sociology is the root of all social sciences. Auguste Comte is the father of sociology. Sociology is the study of Society. Political science and sociology are inter-related political scientists and sociologists contribute mutually for the benefit of whole society. For example, the institution of marriage and related problems after that, namely divorce are within the domain of sociology. How to solve these problems in a harmonious way for better standard of life is within the competence of political science. What was once a sub-field of sociology has now takes the form of political sociology which is now a legitimate subfield of political science.
Part A
I. Choose and write the correct answer.
1. Which one of the following is the subject matter of political science? a) Democracy b) Nation c) Socialism d) State 2. Which one of the following is regarded the father of political science? a) Aristotle b) Bodin c) Plato d) Socrates 3. Which one of the following is the author of the book The Republic? a) Bodin b) Bryce c) Montesquieu d) Plato
II. Fill in the blanks:
1. Jean Bodin was a political philosopher 2. Politics is both an art and a__________________
III. Answer the following questions by writing true or false:
1. The Greek city state was big in size. 2. Geopolitical factors influence political environment.
1. Describe the relationship of political science to sociology 2. Write a note on behaviouralism
Part C
1. Discuss the scope and significance of political science. 2. Describe the nature of post-behaviouralism.
Part D
1. Bring out the relationship of political science with other social sciences.
2.1 Definitions: The state is the most universal and most powerful of all social institutions. The state is a natural institution. Aristotle said man is a social animal and by nature he is a political being. To him, to live in the state and to be a man were identical. The modern term state is derived from the word status. It was Niccolo Machiavelli (1469 1527) who first used the term state in his writings. His important work is titled as Prince. The state is the highest form of human association. It is necessary because it comes into existence out of the basic needs of life. It continues to remain for the sake of good life. The aims, desires and aspirations of human beings are translated into action through the state. Though the state is a necessary institution, no two writers agree on its definition. To Woodrow Wilson, State is a people organized for law within a definite territory. Aristotle defined the state as a union of families and villages having for its end a perfect and self sufficing life by which it meant a happy and honourable life. To Holland, the state is a numerous assemblage of human beings generally occupying a certain territory amongst whom the will of the majority or class is made to prevail against any of their number who oppose it. Burgess defines the state as a particular portion of mankind viewed as an organized unit. According to Sidgwick. State is a combination or association of persons in the form of government and governed and united together into a politically organized people of a definite territory. According to Garner, State is a community of people occupying a definite form of territory free of external control and possessing an organized government to which people show habitual obedience. Prof. Laski defines state as a territorial society divided into government and subjects whose relationships are determined by the exercise of supreme coercive power.
2.2. Elements : From the above definitions, it is clear that the following are the elements of the state. Physical bases of the State 1. Population 2. Territory Political bases of the State 1. Government 2. Sovereignty
Elements of the State
Population Territory Government Sovereignty
Population: It is the people who make the state. Population is essential for the state. Greek thinkers were of the view that the population should neither be too big nor too small. According to Plato the ideal number would be 5040. According to Aristotle, the number should be neither too large nor too small. It should be large enough to be self sufficing and small enough to be well governed. Rousseau determined 10,000 to be an ideal number for a state. Greek thinkers like Plato and Aristotle thinking on the number was based on small city states like Athens and Sparta. Modern states vary in population. India has a population of 102, 70, 15, 247 people according to 2001 census.
Territory: There can be no state without a fixed territory. People need territory to live and organize them socially and politically. It may be remembered that the territory of the state includes land, water and air space. The modern states differ in their sizes. Territory is necessary for citizenship. As in the case of population, no definite size with regard to extent of area of the state can be fixed. There are small and big states. In the words of Prof. Elliott territorial sovereignty or the Superiority of state overall within its boundaries and complete freedom from external control has been a fundamental principle of the modern state life. India has an area of 32,87,263 sq. km. Approximately India occupies 2.4% of the global area.
Government: Government is the third element of the state. There can be no state without government. Government is the working agency of the state. It is the political organization of the state. Prof. Appadorai defined government as the agency through which the will of the State is formulated, expressed and realized. According to C.F. Strong, in order to make and enforce laws the state must have supreme authority. This is called the government.
Sovereignty: The fourth essential element of the state is sovereignty. The word sovereignty means supreme and final legal authority above and beyond which no legal power exists. The concept of sovereignty was developed in conjunction with the rise of the modern state. The term Sovereignty is derived from the Latin word superanus which means supreme. the father of modern theory of sovereignty was Jean Bodin (1530 1597) a French political thinker. Sovereignty has two aspects : 1) Internal sovereignty 2) External sovereignty Internal sovereignty means that the State is supreme over all its citizens, and associations. External sovereignty means that the state is independent and free from foreign or outside control. According to Harold J. Laski, It is by possession of sovereignty that the state is distinguished from all other forms of human association. The diagram given below shows that the society is the outer most and the government is the inner most.
Chart showing the outermost and the innermost of the State
2.3 State and Society The society consists of a large number of individuals, families, group and institutions. The early political thinkers considered both state and society as one. State is a part of society but is not a form of society.
Differences between state and society: Following are the differences between state and society.
Sl. No. State Society
1 State came into existence after the origin of the society. Society is prior to the state. 2 The scope of the state is limited. The scope of society is much wider. 3 State has fixed territory. Society has no fixed territory. 4 State is a political organization. Society is a social organization. 5 The state has power to enforce laws. Society has no power to enforce laws.
Prof. Earnest Barker in his book entitled Principles of Social and Political Theory clearly brings out the difference between state and society under three headings. They are: 1. Purpose or function 2. Organization and structure
3. Method From the point of view of purpose the state is a legal association, which acts for the single purpose of making and enforcing a permanent system of law and order. But society comprising of a plurality of associations, acts for a variety of purposes other than legal. These purposes are: 1. Intellectual 2. Moral 3. Religious 4. Economic 5. Aesthetic and 6. Recreational The membership of the state and society are the same. But they differ as regards purpose. The state exists for one great but single, purpose; society exists for a number of purposes some great and some small, but all in their aggregate deep as well as broad. From the point of view of organization the state is a single organization legal, whereas society comprises within itself many organizations. As regards method as pointed out before the state employs the method of coercion or compulsion, society employs method of voluntary action. The purposes for which society exists makes the persuasive methods necessary and the multiplicity of its organization give ample opportunity to the members to relinquish one association and join another in case coercion is ever attempted.
2.4 State and Nation: The word nation is derived from the Latin word natio which means birth or race. The terms nation and state are used as synonym. According to Leacock, a nation is a body of people united by common descent and language. But the modern writers do not emphasize the racial aspects so much as the psychological and spiritual. It has acquired a political meaning in the recent times. People who share common ideas and naturally linked together by some affinities and united are now called a nation. In the case of state feeling of oneness is not necessary as in the case of the four elements constituting the State. Thus, the distinction between the state and nation in clear. See the table below.
Sl. No. State Nation 1 Existed not only at present but also in the ancient period. Modern phenomenon. 2 It is legal political. It is racial cultural. 3 People organized for law within a definite territory.
People psychologically joined together with common will to live together. 4 A state must be sovereign. People continue as a nation even if they do not remain sovereign. 5 Inhabited by heterogeneous groups of people. Inhabited by homogeneous groups of people.
Since the Second World War (1939-1945) the theory of one nation, one state has become the practical politics with all nations and new nation states have been created after the Second World War. After 1947 India became the nation state.
If a nation with self - government becomes independent, a nation state comes into existence.
2.5 State and Government: Government is often used with the state as synonym. But both the government and the state are two different entities. There are differences between the state and the government. They are explained in the table given below.
Sl. No. State Government
1 State consists of population, territory, government and sovereignty. Government is part of the state. 2 State possesses original powers. Powers of the government are derived from a state. 3 State is permanent and continues forever. Government is temporary. It may come and go. 4 State is abstract and invisible. Government is concrete and visible.
2.5. 1 Executive: It is one of the three branches of government as given above. State functions through the executive, the namely the government. It is the duty of the executive or enforce the laws passed by the legislature. The executive who exercise real power is the real executive. The executive who has nominal power is the normal executive. The President of India is the nominal executive. The union council of ministers led by the Prime Minister of India is the real executive. Parliamentary executive is chosen from the legislature and is responsible to the legislature. The executive in India is parliamentary in its character.
Powers and functions of executive are: 1. Enforcing law 2. Maintaining peace and order. 3. Repelling aggression. 4. Building friendly relations with other states 5. When necessary to wage war to protect the country. 6. Making appointments to higher posts. 7. Raising money and spending them. 8. Convening the sessions of the legislature and conducting business. 9. Issues ordinances whenever the legislature is to in session. 10. Implement schemes and projects to improve he social and economic conditions of the people. 11. Power to grant pardon, reprieve or remission of punishment.
2.5.2 Legislature: The legislature is the law making branch. The legislature has an important role in the amendment of the constitution. The legislature is a deliberative body where matters of social, economic and political concerns are discussed, debated and decided. The British parliament is said to be the mother of parliaments. It is the oldest legislature in the world. According to Prof. Laski, law- making is not the only function of the legislature but its real function is to watch the process of administration to safeguard the liberties of private citizens. The legislature of the union is called the parliament in India. It consists of two chambers. 1. The House of the People or the Lok Sabha as the Lower House. 2. The Council of State or the Rajya Sabha as the Upper House.
The functions of legislature are a) Enact laws b) Oversee administration c) Pass the budget d) Hear public grievances. e) Discuss subjects like 1) Development plans 2) National policies 3) International relations.
2.5.3 Judiciary: Judiciary is the third important organ of the government machinery. Their main functions are to interrupter laws and administer justice. Lord Bryce has said that there is to better test of excellence of government than the efficiency of its judicial system. The welfare of citizens depends to a larger extent upon the judiciary. Judiciary is one of the pillars of democracy. Its interpretation ensures justice, equality and liberty to all its citizens. An independent and impartial judiciary is an essential feature of a democratic setup. The Supreme Court of India consists of a Chief Justice and other judges. The Supreme Court has its permanent seat in Delhi. According to Justice Hughes, we are under a constitution, but the constitution is what the judges say it is.
Functions of Judiciary: 1. Administration of justice. 2. To determine what is law and what is the cope and meaning of it. 3. To give advisory opinion on matters referred to it. 4. To issue orders or writs for the purpose of preventing violation of rights and laws. 5. To act as guardian of the constitution.
A. THE STUDY OF POLITICAL SCIENCE Meaning of Political Science The term political science is the systematic study of the state and the government. Political Science is a social science regarding the practice and theory of politics, the analysis of political systems, and the study of political behavior. Simply put, political science is the study of politics. Some particular areas that political scientists study include public policy, national politics, political theory, international relations, and comparative politics. Etymological definition Greek The word politics has its origins in Ancient Greece. All of the cities in Ancient Greece, such as Athens, Sparta, and Corinth, were referred to as city-states and the Greek word for a city-state was polis () Latin Politicus was an adjective that was used to describe anything of the state. According to Harry Truman, Politics is a fascinating game, because politics is government. It is the art of government. Aneurin Bevan says that, I have never regarded politics as the arena of morals. It is the arena of interest. Definition of Politics: Poli in latin meaning many and tics meaning blood-sucking parasites.
According to Oscar Ameringer Politics is the gentle art of getting votes from the poor and campaign funds from the rich by promising to protect each from the other. Scope of Political Science Political Theory - entire body of doctrines relating to the origin, form, behavior and purposes of the state. Public Law - limitations upon government authority. Public Administration - methods and techniques used in actual management of state affairs. Interrelationship with other branches of learning History Economics Geography Sociology and Anthropology Psychology Philosophy Statistics and Logic Jurisprudence Function and importance of Political Science The function of political science is to discover the principles that should be adhered to in public affairs that eventually would serve as a model that can be applied to matters of urgent concern to public officials and to private citizens. Goal in the study of Political Science Education for citizenship - the primary objective of the political science curriculum is to equip students to discharge the obligations of democratic citizenship Essential parts of liberal education - Intelligent, responsible citizenship can save democracy; ignorance and negligence can lose it Essential parts of Liberal Education Knowledge and understanding of government - the good citizen knows how his government operates, what his rights and obligations are, who his elected representatives are, and what they stand for B. Concepts of State and Government Meaning of State A state is a community of persons more or less numerous, permanently occupying a definite portion of territory, having a government of their own to which the great body of inhabitants render obedience, and enjoying freedom from external control. The Philippines is a state. Elements of a state People - The mass of the population living within the state. People answers the question, who governs whom? - No specific number requirement - the state shall neither be too small nor yet one that seems great but has no unity. (Plato) Territory - demarcated area that rightly belongs to the population. Territory answers the question, where? - terrestrial, fluvial, maritime and aerial - should be permanent and large enough to be self-sufficing Government - Refers to the agency to which the will of the state is formulated, expressed, and carried out.
Sovereignty - May be defined as the supreme power of the state to command and enforce obedience to its will from the people within its jurisdiction and corollary to have freedom from foreign control. I. Internal power of the state to rule within its territory II. External the freedom of the state to carry out its activities without subjection to or control by other states. ORIGIN OF STATES Divine right theory - he state is of divine creation and the ruler is ordained by God to govern the people. Necessity or force theory - states must have been created through force by some great warriors. Paternalistic theory - under the authority of the father or mother.
Social contract theory - theory justifies the right of the people to revolt against bad ruler.
STATE DISTINGUISHED FROM NATION The state is a political concept while a nation is an ethnic concept. A state is not subject to external control while a nation may or may not be independent of external control. A single state may consist of one or more nations or people and conversely, a single nation may be made up of several states.
STATE DISTINGUISHED FROM GOVERNMENT they are usually regarded as identical. As ordinarily, the acts of the government are the acts of the state. A state cannot exist without a government, but it is possible to have a government without a state. A government may change, its form may change, but the state, as long as its essential elements are present, remains the same.
FORMS OF GOVERNMENT Forms of government refer to the basic rules by which a nation carries out its policies There is no standard for the classification of governments Actual arrangements differ from theoretical ones AS TO NUMBER OF PERSONS EXERCISING SOVERIEGN POWERS MONARCHY - supreme and final authority is in the hands of a single person. ARISTOCRACY - which political power is exercised by privileged class. DEMOCRACY - which political power is exercised by a majority of the people
CLASSIFICATIONS OF MONARCHY Absolute monarchy - which the ruler rules by divine right. Limited monarchy - which the ruler rules in accordance with the constitution.
CLASSIFICATIONS OF DEMOCRACY Pure democracy - through people in a mass meeting. Indirect democracy - select body of persons chosen by the people to act as their representatives.
AS TO EXTENT OF POWERS EXERCISED BY THE CENTRAL OR NATIONAL GOVERNMENT Unitary - control of national and local affairs is exercised by the central or national government Federal powers of the government are divided between two sets of organs, one of the national and the other for local affairs
AS TO THE RELATIONSHIP OF THE BETWEEN THE EXECUTIVE AND THE LEGISLATIVE BRANCHES OF THE GOVERNMENT Parliamentary legislative and executive bodies are fused together Presidential the executive is constitutionally independent of the legislature.