Data Analysis and Graphs Rubric

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Name______________________ MV___________________ RV___________________


Below Standard Meeting Standard Above Standard

Information is fragmented, Information is organized in In addition, tables and graphs are
bulleted, or otherwise not paragraph form, with the first inserted (screenshots or copied and
in paragraph form. Written line indented. Typed in Times pasted images) to help the reader
portion is not typed or in New Roman, 12 pt. font, and understand the data.
the wrong format. double-spaced.
Information is presented in Information is consistently
the first person (using I, presented in the third person.
me, my).
Topic sentence is not Topic sentence includes the Topic sentence includes the MV and
present or is incomplete. MV and RV. RV, and also refers the reader to
tables and graphs.
Some data is not discussed. Data from all values of the Additionally, detailed observations
MV, as well as control groups from the experiment are included
(if available), are discussed. along with measured values.
Measure of central Measure of central tendency In addition, there is an explanation of
tendency (mean, median, (mean, median, mode) why the measure of central tendency
mode) not included for included for all values of the was selected for this data.
some or all values of the MV.

Variation in the data Variation in the data (standard Variation in the data is discussed for
(standard deviation, range, deviation, range, frequency all values of the MV, and the reader
frequency distribution) is distribution) is discussed for is referred to error bars on a graph.
not discussed for some or all values of the MV. (ex: Graph 2 shows the variation…)
all values of the MV.
The data is not used to The hypothesis is restated and In addition, numbers are used to
support or refute the is either refuted or supported. support or refute the hypothesis.
Above Standard Example: The plants in acidic water grew more than the plants in basic water. The acidic
water caused 0.5 cm of growth with a standard deviation of 0.1 cm, meaning the average could range from 0.4
to 0.6 cm. The basic water had growth of 0.2 cm and a standard deviation of 0.05 cm, with an average that
ranges from 0.15 to 0.25 cm. The plants in acidic water grew 0.15 more cm than the plants in the basic water.

There are three or more One to two spelling and/or No spelling and/or grammar errors.
spelling and/or grammar grammar errors.
Units are not included for Units are included for all Units are included for all values. In
some values. values. addition, scientific language is used
to enhance the quality of this piece.
Student did not complete Self-grade of the rubric is Self-grade is completed by the
the self-grade. complete. student, as well as by one adult (with
signature). ___________________
Meeting standard in all areas will earn 80%. Each day late will result in a 10% deduction of the 1
grade. This grade will go in the research project category (25% of the grade).
Last updated 12/2009 McGolrick

Qualitative Data

Below Standard Meeting Standard Above Standard

Data tables are missing or Data tables are neatly typed. A In addition, The data tables are
incomplete. Some data separate table is included to labeled “Table A” or “Figure A” so
may be missing or show the mode, median, and that they can be referenced in the
sufficient trials were not frequency distribution. written portion.
completed. Not typed.
Rubric is missing or A rubric used to measure a In addition, the rubric used is
incomplete. qualitative trait is included (ex: labeled “Figure A” or something
cleanliness of pennies, shade of similar. A small explanation in the
green of a leaf, amount of form of a caption or key is also
decomposition of a material). included for the reader.
This can be scanned in as an
image and inserted into the
word document.
Tables or graphs are All tables and graphs are titled Additionally, extra effort was made
missing titles or units. appropriately. All columns, to make information clear to the
rows, and axes are labeled. reader.
Units are included for all
values. No spelling or grammar
Graph does not clearly At least one graph shows the Variation is marked on the graph
show the relationship relationship between the MV (outliers or the max or min).
between the MV and RV. and RV.
The tables and graphs are The tables and graphs are The tables and graphs are included
not included with the included with the written in a professional way, and the
written results/data portion. layout makes it easy for the reader
analysis portion. to find the information.

Meeting standard in all areas will earn 80%. Each day late will result in a 10% deduction of the 2
grade. This grade will go in the research project category (25% of the grade).
Last updated 12/2009 McGolrick

Quantitative Data

Below Standard Meeting Standard Above Standard

Data tables are missing or Data tables are neatly typed. A In addition, The data tables are
incomplete. Some data separate table is included to labeled “Table A” or “Figure A” so
may be missing or show the mode, median, and that they can be referenced in the
sufficient trials were not frequency distribution. written portion.
completed. Not typed.
Tables or graphs are All tables and graphs are titled Additionally, extra effort was made
missing titles or units. appropriately. All columns, to make information clear to the
rows, and axes are labeled. reader.
Units are included for all
values. No spelling or grammar
Graph does not clearly At least one graph shows the In addition, error bars are either
show the relationship relationship between the MV hand-drawn, or included in the
between the MV and RV. and RV. printed graph to show variation
(standard deviation).

The tables and graphs are The tables and graphs are The tables and graphs are included
not included with the included with the written in a professional way, and the
written results/data portion. layout makes it easy for the reader
analysis portion. to find the information.

Meeting standard in all areas will earn 80%. Each day late will result in a 10% deduction of the 3
grade. This grade will go in the research project category (25% of the grade).
Last updated 12/2009 McGolrick

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