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The key takeaways are that the manual provides principles and methods for construction control of earth and rock-fill dams, including foundation treatment, borrow areas, compaction, testing and quality control.

The purpose of this manual is to present principles and methods for construction control of earth and rock-fill dams.

Topics covered in the construction control of earth and rock-fill dams include foundation treatment, borrow areas, compaction, testing, quality control and seepage control.


Department of the Army

EM 1110-2-1911

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Engineer Manual

Washington, DC 20314-1000

Engineering and Design


Distribution Restriction Statement

Approved for public release; distribution is

30 September 1995

EM 1110-2-1911
30 September 1995

US Army Corps
of Engineers

Construction Control for Earth

and Rock-Fill Dams


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U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Washington, DC 20314-1000

No. 1110-2-1911

EM 1110-2-1911

30 September 1995

Engineering and Design


1. Purpose. The purpose of this manual is to present principles and methods for construction
control of earth and rock-fill dams.
2. Applicability. This manual applies to all Corps of Engineers divisions and districts having
responsibility for construction of earth and rock-fill dams.
3. General. This manual is a guide to construction and inspection of earth and rock-fill dams in
those aspects that pertain to safe and satisfactory performance.

Colonel, Corps of Engineers
Chief of Staff

This manual supersedes EM 1110-2-1911, dated 17 January 1977.


U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Washington, DC 20314-1000

No. 1110-2-1911

EM 1110-2-1911

30 September 1995

Engineering and Design

Table of Contents


Chapter 1
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
General Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
Chapter 2
Field Organization and
Resident Inspection Force . . .
Field Laboratory . . . . . . . . .
Assistance by Higher Echelon
Records and Reports . . . . . .






Chapter 3
Foundation and Abutment
General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Clearing, Grubbing, Stripping, and
Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Seepage Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Treatment of Unfavorable Conditions
Dewatering and Drainage of
Excavated Areas . . . . . . . . . . . .









Borrow Area Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2



. . . . 3-1


. . . . 3-2
. . . . 3-3
. . . . 3-4


. . . . 3-5


Section II
Quarries and Rock Excavation
General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Test Quarries . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Obtaining Specified Rock Fill .













Section III
Final Condition of Borrow Areas,
Quarries, and Spoil Areas
Borrow Areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-7
Quarries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8
Spoil or Waste Areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-9


Chapter 5
Earth-Fill and Rock-Fill

Chapter 4
Borrow Areas and Quarries

Section I
Fill Processing and Compaction
Heavy Compaction Equipment . . . . . . . . 5-1
Hand-Operated Compaction Equipment . . 5-2
Spreading and Processing Equipment . . . . 5-3


Section I
Earth Fill
Excavation, Handling, and
Hauling Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1

Section II
Test Fills
Rock Test Fills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4
Earth Test Fills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5



EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95

Section III
Impervious and Semipervious Fill
Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Compaction Fundamentals . . . . . .
Compaction Specifications . . . . . .
Simple Control Procedures . . . . . .
Field Control Testing and Sampling
Operations in Adverse Weather . . .
Compaction in Confined Areas . . .



Section IV
Pervious Fill
Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Compaction Equipment . . . . . . . . . .
Material Gradations . . . . . . . . . . . .
Water Content Control . . . . . . . . . .
Lift Thicknesses and Number of
Passes or Coverages . . . . . . . . .
Density Requirements . . . . . . . . . . .
Construction Control . . . . . . . . . . .
Test Results and Actions to be Taken




















Section V
Rock Fill
General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-21
Hard Rock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-22
Soft Rock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-23



Section VII
Sequence of Placement and
Measurement of Quantities
Schedule of Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-27
Placement Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-28
Measurement of Quantities . . . . . . . . . . . 5-29




Chapter 6
Miscellaneous Construction
River Diversion . . . . . . . . . . . .
Stage Construction . . . . . . . . . .
Surface Drainage Facilities . . . .
Service Bridge Pier Foundations
Instrumentation . . . . . . . . . . . .
Haul Roads, Maintenance Roads,
and Public Roads . . . . . . . .
Chapter 7
Records and Reports
Daily Reports . . . . . . . . . . . .
Compaction Control Reports . .
Instrumentation Observations . .
Construction Foundation Report
Final Construction Report . . . .





. . . . . . . 6-6











Appendix A
Appendix B
Methods of Relating Field Density
Data to Desired or Specified

Appendix D
Instructions for Preparing Periodic
Summaries of Field Compaction
Control Data on Earth and
Rock-Fill Dams
Appendix E
Description and Use of Instruments
During Earth and Rock-Fill Dam







Appendix C
Field Compaction Control Forms
and Supplemental Instructions

Section VI
Semicompacted Earth Fills
Uses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-24
Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-25
Construction Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-26

Section VIII
Slope Protection
Areas to be Protected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-30
Upstream Slope Protection . . . . . . . . . . . 5-31
Downstream Slope Protection . . . . . . . . . 5-32




EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95

Chapter 1


References pertaining to this manual are listed in

Appendix A. Additional reference materials pertaining to
the subject matter addressed in this manual are also included
in Appendix A.

General Considerations

The safety and satisfactory performance of earth and rockfill dams require competent and adequate supervision,
careful inspection, and control testing. It is the responsibility of the Resident Engineer to bring to the attention of
the Engineering Division any design or construction detail
not adequately covered by the plans and specifications. The
Resident Engineer must provide the field supervision and
control required to accomplish the intent of the plans and
specifications. The resident engineer must also coordinate
the work with design engineers and provide guidance to the
contractor if unexpected conditions are discovered during
a. Importance of construction control. Many earth and
rock-fill dams have shown signs of distress or experienced
partial failure (necessitating expensive remedial measures)
from causes traceable to poor construction practices or to
unexpected adverse conditions. Close observations by soils
engineers and geologists of foundation and abutment
preparation, excavation, fill operations, movements and
deformations of fill and foundation, and seepage can often
enable early detection and correction of undesirable
conditions. Construction control should ensure that:
(1) Necessary actions are taken to remedy or allow for
unexpected conditions. Frequent and careful observations
by inspectors, geologists, and field engineers, who are
familiar with conditions assumed for design, are essential
during stripping of the foundation, opening of borrow areas,
and excavating operations. Immediate reporting of unexpected conditions will enable the Resident Engineer to

coordinate and plan, with design engineers, any additional

investigations needed to establish design modifications.
(2) Equipment and procedures are adequate to satisfactorily accomplish the work. Review of the contractors
plans for quality control, dewatering and draining work
areas, and haul roads, together with inspections of the actual
operations, is an important aspect of construction control.
(3) The completed structure meets the requirements and
intent of the plans and specifications. This involves continuous inspection of foundation and abutment preparation,
material processing, and embankment construction, and a
comprehensive control testing program to ensure proper
material placement and compaction.
(4) Adequate construction records are maintained.
Preparation of completion reports of construction operations
and maintenance of records of test results are essential
aspects of field control. Such reports and records are often
required to evaluate claims by the contractor and to
determine possible causes of distress that might later occur
in portions of the completed work. These documents should
include as many detailed photographs as necessary. Video
photography may also be included in the methods to
document and record construction procedure and methods.
b. Relation of construction and design. The design of
an earth or rock-fill dam is not finished until construction is
complete, the reservoir has been filled, and the dam is
functioning satisfactorily. During construction, design
engineers should frequently reassess design concepts and
assumed conditions in light of actual conditions observed in
the field. This involves frequent visits to the project to
observe actual conditions and construction procedures.
Consultation with specialists may be required to evaluate
unusual problems or foundation conditions. Design evaluation must include analyses of compaction control results.
It may also require reanalysis of stability conditions based
on results of laboratory tests on record samples and
additional foundation samples and field observations of pore
water pressures, settlements, and lateral displacements. A
high degree of coordination between design and construction
engineers is mandatory.


EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95

Chapter 2
Field Organization and

Resident Inspection Force

Each levee, earth or rock-fill dam, or other embankment

must be adequately inspected to ensure that plans and
specifications are observed and followed by the contractor.
This requirement applies to all divisions and districts having
responsibility for design and construction of civil works
projects. The size and composition of the resident
inspection force for foundation and earthwork control
operations should be adequate to provide for continuous
inspection of construction activities, field testing and
sampling, observation of field instrumentation, laboratory
testing, data compilation, maintenance of records, and
preparation of reports. On large projects, the contractor may
operate as many as three shifts, and materials-handling for
fill operations may be highly mechanized to obtain high
production. The inspection force must be so staffed and
organized that inspectors and technicians are available for
continuous inspection of the contractors operations. In
discussing contractor quality control, ER 1180-1-6 states,
The Government is responsible for all phases of the construction project, including the activities necessary to assure
that the contractor has complied with the requirements of
the contract plans and specifications... and In contrast to
the Contractors quality control the government is responsible for quality assurance. This includes checks,
inspections, and tests of the products which comprise the
construction, the processes used in the work and the finished
work for the purpose of determining whether the Contractors quality control is effective and he is meeting the
requirements of the contract. These activities are to assure
that defective work or materials are not incorporated in the
a. Technical responsibilities. The Resident Engineer is
responsible for constructing the embankment and related
appurtenances in compliance with plans and specifications.
On large projects, resident geologists and soils engineers
provide technical assistance. Assisting the Resident Engineer are office and field engineering staffs. The office
engineering staff is responsible for preparing field
modifications to the plans and specifications in accordance
with applicable district regulations, reviewing plans
submitted by the contractor such as those for quality control
and dewatering, evaluating results of construction control
tests, and compiling instrumentation data to send to the
Engineering Division for evaluation. The field engineer in
charge of field supervision and inspection is responsible for

planning, executing, and coordinating all field inspection and

testing to ensure compliance with established standards and
detail drawings and specifications. The field engineer is
assisted by one or more chief construction inspectors on
each shift who coordinate the activities of subordinate
inspectors, and by a materials testing or soils engineer who
supervises a number of technicians in obtaining samples and
performing required field and laboratory tests. Detailed
technical and organizational responsibilities may differ in
the various districts and divisions; however, construction
projects are to be staffed with the number of experienced
Government laboratory technicians needed to perform
Government acceptance testing on compacted fill, including
filter and drainage fills. Acceptance testing should be
performed immediately after placement and compaction of
the lift material to be sampled and tested. Attention should
be given to selection of samples for acceptance testing so
that all materials of generally different descriptions being
placed in the same compacted zone of the embankment will
be tested.
b. Preconstruction training. Every earth or rock-fill
dam is designed for specific foundation conditions and to
utilize locally available materials. Unique features are
inherent in each project, and a wide variety of construction
methods may be utilized. Therefore, good communication
between design and construction personnel is essential. The
construction staff should be familiar with the design
memoranda pertinent to the work. Preconstruction instructions and training should be given to field inspection
personnel to acquaint them with the design concepts and to
provide them with a clear understanding of expected
conditions, methods of construction, and the scope of plans
and specifications. This may be done by training sessions,
preferably with design personnel present, using a manual of
written instructions prepared especially for field personnel,
to discuss engineering considerations involved and to
explain control procedures and required results. Inspection
personnel should be familiar with the plans and specifications; excavation boundaries; types of materials to be
excavated; temporary and permanent drainage and seepage
control measures; approved sources of borrow materials;
procedures and equipment most suitable for excavating,
processing, and hauling borrow materials; characteristics of
fill materials and compaction requirements; capabilities of
various types of compaction equipment; and procedures
required to obtain desired or specified compaction. Closely
supervised on-the-job training should be given to inspectors
and materials testing personnel during initial stages of
construction to increase their proficiency in recognizing
signs of inadequate compaction, in using expedient methods
of checking water content and density of fill materials, in
using selected methods for field density measurements and


EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95
laboratory compaction, and in detecting inadequate construction procedures and unsafe conditions.
c. Number of personnel and skills required. Experienced construction engineers, inspectors, and technicians
are required for construction control operations on earth and
rock-fill dams. The Resident Engineer, the field engineer in
charge of supervision and inspection, chief inspector,
materials engineer or chief soil technician, and geologists
should have been associated with the project from the time
of any preliminary construction operations such as test fills,
quarry blasting and rock production tests, and excavations
of tunneling made to inspect subsurface conditions.
Augmentation of this cadre with less experienced inspectors
and technicians will provide a sufficiently capable inspection
force. An example of a resident inspection force organization for a large earth and rock-fill dam is shown in
Figure 2-1. Additional inspectors and technicians may be
required during certain phases when construction operations
are at their peak or when several major portions of the earth
or rock-fill dam are being constructed concurrently. An
example of a typical similar organization for a smaller earth
dam project is shown in Figure 2-2. It should be noted that
the organization for a small earth dam is very flexible, being
dependent on the magnitude and extent of the construction.
Small projects often require temporary assignment of
specialized personnel, such as soils engineers and geologists,
during certain construction phases.

d. Quality control.
(1) The contractor is responsible for quality control, and
the contract specifications give requirements for the
contractor quality-control organization, personnel qualifications, facilities and types of tests, and reporting of test
data and inspections. The Government field inspection force
has the responsibility of accepting completed work and must
have a staff large enough to accomplish the following:
(a) Check the effectiveness and adequacy of the contractors quality-control system and take action to have
deficiencies corrected.
(b) Inspect construction operations to prevent defective
work and placement of unsatisfactory materials.
(c) Monitor progress.
(d) Perform check tests and acceptance tests.
(e) Resolve or report field problems and conflicts with
contract documents to higher authority.
(f) Make acceptance inspections.
(2) Contractor quality-control operations will, if properly
implemented, assist in achieving adequate construction,

Figure 2-1. Example of resident engineers staff organization for large earth dam project


EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95

Figure 2-2. Example of resident engineers staff for small earth dam project

particularly on those operations where specifications contain

product requirements such as water content limits and
gradation of filter material. However, Government field
inspectors must be present to witness operations for which
construction procedures are specified and to conduct tests to
ensure that results obtained are those required by design.
Several important considerations are listed below:
(a) The contractor is not required to conduct tests on the
quality or durability of materials used for pervious fill, filter
zones, bedding, spalls, or rip-rap. The Government is
responsible for determining such properties in approving
sources of natural or processed (blasted, ripped, or crushed)
pervious materials for use in embankments.
(b) The contractor is not required to provide tests on
compaction characteristics when fill placement procedure is
specified. Government inspection forces are responsible for
inspecting the contractors specified construction activities
and for testing embankment or slope materials to establish
that excavation and fill placement procedures result in an
excavated slope or fill that conforms to properties assumed
in the design.
e. Relationship with contractor. Mutual understanding
between the Resident Engineer and his staff and the
contractor of the requirements of the contract specifications
is necessary to obtain desired construction quality. The
quality of the work must never be compromised. Unnecessary requirements and restrictions should not be
imposed over and above the specification requirements.
Firmness by Resident Engineers and inspectors who are
efficient and know their job will gain the respect and
cooperation of the contractor.


Field Laboratory

Foundation and earth-fill materials are tested in the field

laboratory to determine gradation, water content, in situ
density, compaction, relative density, and Atterberg limits.
The data obtained serve as a basis for ensuring compliance
with specifications and design requirements, for guidance
toward maximum utilization of available materials, and for
providing a record of the properties of materials placed in
all parts of the project.
a. Size. The size of the field laboratory and satellite
testing units depends on the magnitude and areal extent of
construction operations. Remote borrow areas, dikes, or
relocation fills may require a central laboratory, supplemented by one or more skid- or wheel-mounted portable
units. An existing structure, a prefabricated structure, or
trailer may be specified. For relatively large projects, about
500 to 1,500 sq ft may be required for a laboratory space.
The laboratory should have a sound floor, necessary
worktables, benches, storage cabinets, equipment pedestals
(for compaction mold base and sieve shakers), service sinks,
and utilities. Additionally, it may be very advantageous to
have an awning-covered work slab with an area of from 500
to 1,000 sq ft to serve as a work space on which to dry and
work large samples, to perform coarse aggregate gradations,
b. Types of tests and facilities required. The major
portion of testing in the field laboratory is for acceptance
testing of compacted fill. These tests must be conducted in
a manner that will yield results of a quality comparable to
the initial laboratory tests upon which the design was based.


EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95
Discrepancies resulting from variations in testing equipment
and techniques should be carefully avoided. Water content,
compaction, relative density gradation, and Atterberg limits
tests are the most common tests conducted. Water content
and compaction tests are used for control of cohesive soils
in impervious and random fills. Atterberg limits tests may
be used for control of fills of fine-grained cohesive soils
where good correlations of optimum water content and
maximum dry density with the Atterberg limits have been
established. Gradation and relative density tests are used for
control of pervious fills. Gradation tests are also used for
control of rock fill. Field density tests are performed on the
fill, but compaction tests on the material and water content
determinations may be made either in the central laboratory
or in the field. The central laboratory must have equipment
for these tests, but supplemental portable units may be
advisable for gradation, compaction, and water content
testing at remote locations. Panel pickup trucks are often
used to transport equipment for field density testing,
undisturbed (record) sampling in the fill, and sampling in
borrow areas. Specially equipped pickup trucks with a
small hoist may be required where large-scale field density
tests are to be performed on material such as rock fill or
soils with a high percentage of large gravel sizes.

Assistance by Higher Echelon

Unusual conditions encountered during construction

generally require special attention. The advice of specialists
in soil and rock mechanics, geology, and instrumentation of
earth and rock-fill dams, and additional evaluation by design
engineers are often required to obtain effective solution to
unusual problems and conditions.
a. Geologists and soils engineers. Specialists with
experience in soil and rock mechanics, geology, and instrumentation are found in division and district offices, at
Headquarters, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (HQUSACE),
Waterways Experiment Station (WES), and on Corps of
Engineers boards of consultants. The services of soil and
rock mechanics engineers and geologists are particularly
valuable during early stages of construction when the foundation, abutment, and any diversion tunnels or excavations
(such as for spillway foundations) expose existing conditions. At this time, it is vital that actual conditions be
evaluated to determine if they are consistent with conditions
assumed for design. In addition, it is necessary to recognize
any unusual conditions that may affect construction. The
advice of specialists in soil mechanics and rock mechanics
is also valuable in establishing, from observed field conditions, modifications that may significantly improve the
design without increasing the cost of the project.
b. Design engineers. The engineer who designs the


earth or rock-fill dam should visit the project during

construction and assist field personnel in interpreting plans
and specifications and observe problems that may not have
been fully evaluated in the design. Visits should also be
made whenever unexpected conditions are encountered that
may require changes in the plans or specifications. A
cooperative attitude must be maintained between design
engineers and construction personnel so that mutual
understanding is reached on existing problems and feasible
solutions are developed. In some cases, conferences at the
construction site may be necessary between construction
personnel, designers, and specialists to review conditions
and determine if design modifications are required. A
regular schedule of visits should be set up so that design
personnel and representatives from the division office and
HQUSACE can inspect field conditions at critical construction stages.
c. Instrumentation. Instrumentation of earth and rockfill dams is becoming increasingly important. The main
reasons are that many higher earth and rock-fill dams are
being constructed, sites having unfavorable foundation conditions must be used more frequently, interest is increasing
in obtaining meaningful data for evaluating dam behavior,
and continually increasing downstream land development is
increasing the consequences of failure on property damage
and loss of life. Monitoring of pore water pressure, settlements, and deformations of the foundation and embankment
is necessary to check the safety of the dam during construction and to control the rate of construction. The
instrumentation must be of the proper type, placed in critical
locations, and installed properly. Valid readings depend on
techniques and procedures used in installing and observing
the instrumentation. For this reason, specialists experienced
in field instrumentation should plan and supervise the field
installations. These specialists can be from the district
and/or division office, from WES, or from firms specializing
in installations of instrumentation of earth and rock-fill
dams. This applies whether the instrumentation is furnished
and installed by the Government or furnished and installed
by the contractor. Because proper interpretation of instrumentation data is vital to the safety of the dam, the
responsibility for collecting and reporting data to the Engineering Division should be carefully delegated. Installation
and observations of instrumentation are discussed in paragraph 6-5; the general use of instrumentation is described in
Appendix E and by Dunnicliff (1988).

Records and Reports

Construction records and reports are needed to document

results of tests made to verify specification requirements and
action taken to correct deficiencies and to provide a record
describing the field conditions, modifications to plans and

EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95
specifications, construction procedures, sequence of operations, and the location and as-built dimensions of important
features. These are necessary to evaluate claims made by
the contractor based on changed conditions, or claims by the
Contracting Officer that work performed does not meet
contract requirements. Progress reports are also needed for
the district office and to provide a basis for payments to the
contractor for work accomplished. Inspectors must maintain
a daily inspection report (or log), and a master diary must
be kept by the Resident Engineer. The required content of
these documents is outlined in EM 415-1-302, Inspection
and Work Records. Details of specific construction control
records and reports are described in Chapter 7.
a. Construction records. These records provide useful
data for designing future alterations and additions to the
structure, determining causes of later undesirable movement
or seepage, or interpreting piezometric data. As-built
drawings, construction photographs, descriptions of foundation conditions encountered and various treatments,
compaction data, and test data on record samples should be
included in the records.
b. Construction reports. The construction foundation
report should include details such as dip and strike of rock,

faults, artesian and other groundwater conditions, and other

characteristics or conditions of foundation materials. A
complete history of the project in narrative form should be
written, giving the schedule of starting and completing
various phases of the work, describing construction methods
and equipment used, summarizing quantities of materials
involved, and including other pertinent data. Foundation
reports should be supplemented by photographs that clearly
depict foundation conditions. Routine photographs should
be taken at regular intervals, and additional pictures should
be taken of items of specific interest, such as the preparation
of foundations and dam abutments. For these items, colored
photographs should be taken to provide a better depiction of
construction conditions. The captions of all photographs
should contain the name of the project, the date on which
the photograph was taken, the identity of the feature being
reported, and the location of the camera. In reports
containing a number of photographs, an alternative would be
an index map with a circle indicating the location of the
camera with an arrow pointing in the direction the camera
was pointing, with each location keyed to the numbers on
the accompanying photographs. Details concerning the use
and preparation of construction foundation reports are
presented in ER 1110-1-1801.


EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95

Chapter 3
Foundation and Abutment

abutments will require special treatment, a separate contract

for such work is awarded.
a. Soil foundation and abutments.



The preparation of the foundation and abutments for an

earth or rock-fill dam is a most difficult and important phase
of construction; the thoroughness with which it is done is
reflected in the performance of the completed structure. It
is often difficult or sometimes impossible to correct
foundation and abutment deficiencies that show up after
construction is well underway or completed. The primary
purpose of foundation and abutment treatment is to obtain
positive control of under seepage, prepare surfaces to
achieve satisfactory contact with overlying compacted fill,
and minimize differential settlements and thereby prevent
cracking in the fill. Inspection of the work must ensure that
the foundation and abutments are stripped to depths
sufficient to remove soft, organic, fractured, weathered, or
otherwise undesirable materials; depressions and joints in
rock surfaces are cleaned and adequately filled; rock
surfaces are made relatively smooth and uniform by shaping
and filling; subsurface cavities are detected and grouted; and
cutoffs extend to suitable impervious materials. During this
phase of construction, close liaison must be maintained
between construction and design personnel since most
discrepancies between design and field construction occur in
this portion of the work. Few dams are constructed without
encountering some undesirable foundation conditions that
were not discovered in exploration for design, such as zones
of weathered or fractured rock, cavities, soft soil areas,
abandoned pipes or drains, or abandoned stream channels
filled with sand and gravel. This is the reason that
inspection trenches are generally required beneath the
impervious zone of a dam when cutoff trenches are not
specified. These inspection trenches provide the means for
careful examination of the foundation along the entire length
of the dam to ensure that undesirable foundation conditions
are detected.

Clearing, Grubbing, Stripping, and Cleaning

Clearing, grubbing, stripping, and cleaning of areas upon

which a compacted earth or rock-fill dam will lie are
required to remove those materials having undesirable
engineering qualities such as low shear strength, high compressibility, undesirable permeability, or other characteristics
which would interfere with compaction operations; and
provide a surface favorable for a good bond with the
overlying fill. Specifications should provide adequate time
for inspection by the Contracting Officers representative of
exposed foundation and abutments. In some cases where

(1) Clearing consists of removal of all aboveground

obstructions, including trees, vegetation, felled timber, brush,
abandoned structures, local dams, bridges, and debris.
Grubbing includes removal of all objectionable belowground obstructions or material including stumps, roots,
logs, drain tiles, and buried structures or debris. Foundation
or abutment soils disturbed during clearing and grubbing
operations must be removed. Blasting should be avoided if
possible; if unavoidable, explosive charges should be kept
as small as possible.
(2) Foundation and abutment stripping generally follow
clearing and grubbing operations. Stripping consists of the
removal of sod, topsoil, boulders, and organic or foreign
materials. Stripping beneath closure sections should be
performed in the dry after diversion of the river. Necessary
or inadvertent deviation from stripping limits identified in
the plans and specifications should be reported to the design
office so that effects of the changes can be evaluated.
Personnel inspecting stripping operations should be able to
identify the materials to be removed. Inspectors should look
for soft pockets as well as old sloughs or river meanders
that may not have been found during design investigations;
the resident geologist can assist in locating such features.
Several passes of a heavy roller should be made over the
stripped surface to proof test the area to reveal any
unsuitable materials overlooked during stripping.
(3) The sides of holes and depressions left by grubbing
and stripping should be flattened and scarified and the
depressions filled with material of the same type and
compacted to a density at least equal to that of the surrounding foundation material by the specified method and
equipment. Where areal dimensions of depressions are
small, power hand tampers are required to compact fill.
Final preparation of the foundation surface, immediately
prior to placing embankment fill, should include adjusting
soil water contents as near optimum as possible, compacting
as prescribed for the overlying fill, and scarifying the
compacted surface to receive the initial embankment lift.
(4) Compaction of some types of saturated soils in wet
foundation areas may do more harm than good. When it is
not feasible to dry such areas out, it may be necessary to
place a thick initial lift to permit compaction equipment to
operate without remolding and disturbing the foundation
soil. Also, the weight of compacting equipment operating
on the initial lift might be reduced and progressively
increased as more lifts are placed. However, this should not

EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95
be done for foundation areas under the embankment unless
specifically permitted by the plans and specifications or
approved by the design office, as the effects of a lightly
compacted layer at the base of the dam could adversely
affect stability.

subsequent fill operations should avoid dislocating the

concrete. Hand methods involve removal of all loose or
drummy rock (rock that sounds hollow when struck with
a steel hammer or bar), and the scaling down of sloped
surfaces to provide an even, uniform slope.

(5) Preparation of soil abutments prior to fill placement

should be the same as that for soil foundations. To ensure
bonding of the embankment to the natural soil of the
abutments, it is necessary to remove some of the abutment
surface soil. Inspection should confirm that all loose, wet,
or soft soils are removed. In addition, abutment slopes
should be smooth and as flat as economically feasible at
contact with the embankment to improve compaction of fill
against the abutment and to minimize the probability of
differential settlement causing cracking (paragraph 3-4a(5)).
Depressions should be filled with concrete or soil compacted
at proper water contents to densities equal to or greater than
those of the materials to be placed above them in the
embankment fill. See paragraph 3-4a(2) for discussion of
treatment of abutment slopes of clay shales.

(3) Washing the hard rock foundation surface with water

under high pressure and dry brooming to remove loose
residue are generally the last step in foundation preparation.
This is done to clean the surface to the maximum extent
possible and to remove fines that may have worked into
seams. All seams or cracks should be cleaned to a depth of
at least twice their width. Removal of these fines will
facilitate complete filling of seams in subsequent operations
(such as dental treatment) taken to prevent seepage.
Pressure washing also serves to detect rock projections
overlooked during hand excavation which might otherwise
work loose during compaction of the first lift or lifts of fill.
Washing should be performed to clean from higher
elevations to lower elevations.

b. Rock foundations and abutments.

(1) After all rough excavations of overburden and/or
weathered rock have been completed, all grouting is
completed, and the surface of the rock foundation is
exposed, shaping and cleaning operations should begin.
Shaping and cleaning a rough rock foundation are necessary
to provide a smooth, uniform, and clean surface against
which fill can be compacted. The procedure generally
consists of removing large loose rocks, overhangs, and
projecting knobs by scaling, handpicking and wedging, and
light blasting pressure washing followed by some form of
dental treatment to fill all holes, cracks, joints, crevices,
and depressions. Dental treatment involves cleaning the
cavities and backfilling them with concrete, and is discussed
in more detail in paragraph 3-4b(3). The resident geologist
or embankment engineer should inspect and approve this
phase of the work.
(2) The final preparation of almost all rock foundations
requires hand labor. The use of heavy or tracked vehicles
on the final foundation should be avoided, especially if the
rock is thinly bedded or badly jointed. Blasting to remove
knobs or overhangs may prove more harmful than helpful,
and extreme caution must be exercised to prevent the
opening of cracks or actual displacement of blocks or rocks
that would otherwise provide adequate bearing. It is
generally desirable to place concrete fill beneath or around
projections if, by so doing, blasting can be avoided. Where
concrete fill is used, materials and procedures should be
directed towards ensuring good concrete/rock bond;


(4) Particular attention should be given to cleaning

openings that cross the axis of the dam. Accumulated water
from the washing process must be removed. Small air
pumps, hand bailers, or aspirators may be used to empty
narrow, water-filled fissures. If the foundation consists of
blocky rock with frequent joints, caution must be used to
avoid removal of satisfactory foundation material (such as
stiff clay in joints) by overzealous pressure washing. When
the nature of the rock is such that it could be softened by
washing with water, compressed air should be used instead
of water. Air pressure is also often used as a final step in
cleaning sound rock surfaces. Figure 3-1 shows the rock
foundation at DeGray Dam being cleaned with compressed

Figure 3-1. Final foundation cleaning using compressed air, DeGray Dam, Arkansas

EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95
(5) Where rough and irregular surfaces remain after hand
excavation, troughs, pits, and other depressions are filled
with concrete to provide a more even surface on which the
first layer of the embankment may be compacted. As
previously noted, this procedure is termed dental treatment
and is discussed further in paragraph 3-4b(3). If foundation
grouting has been performed, cleanup operations should
include removal of any spilled or washed grout that might
otherwise conceal surface imperfections and pockets of
undesirable material.
(6) Before placing the first layer of embankment
material, the cleaned and prepared rock surface should be
moistened, but no standing water should be permitted.
Moistening the rock surface is recommended instead of
using overly wet soil in the first lift to obtain good contact.
Use of heavy pneumatic equipment (preferably a rubbertired roller) is recommended for compacting the first lift on
rock surfaces. This will enable the rock surface to be kept
intact, especially where the rock surface is irregular or
composed of thin beds of alternating hard and soft rock.
(7) Foundations consisting of compaction-type shales and
slaking tuffs should be protected from disintegration caused
by drying due to exposure to air. The handling of clay
shales is discussed in paragraph 3-4a(2).

geologist and embankment engineer, should be made. Some

common types of cutoffs are discussed in the following
(1) Compacted backfill trenches. Backfill compacted
into a seepage cutoff trench is one of the most effective
construction devices for blocking foundation seepage.
Material and compaction requirements are the same as for
the impervious section of the embankment. When required
by contract specifications, the trench must fully penetrate the
pervious foundation and extend a specified distance into
unweathered and relatively impervious foundation soil or
rock. Treatment (as described in paragraph 3-2a) of the
exposed surface in the bottom and sides of the trench is
essential to ensure firm contact between foundation and
backfill. The trench excavation must be kept dry to prevent
sloughing of the side slopes and to permit proper backfill
placement and compaction. When the water table is near
the ground surface, dewatering the excavation is required
and is frequently a major expense in cutoff construction.
Dewatering and drainage methods are discussed in paragraph 3-5. In any trenching operation, a qualified geotechnical engineer should inspect the construction at regular
intervals to monitor stability of the side slopes.
(2) Slurry trenches.

(8) The same degree of care should be exercised in

abutment treatment as in foundation treatment. A good
bond between the embankment and the abutment is critically
important. Areas to be cleaned at rock abutments should
include not only those beneath the embankment core but
also those beneath transition or filter zones. Within these
areas, all irregularities should be removed or trimmed back
to form a reasonably uniform slope on the entire abutment
with vertical surfaces no higher than 5 ft. Benches between
near-vertical surfaces should be of such width as to provide
a stepped slope comparable to the slope on adjacent areas
but not steeper than 1V on 1H. Overhangs should not be
permitted at any locations. Methods of overhang removal
are discussed in paragraph 3-4b(4).

(a) The slurry trench method of constructing a seepage

cutoff involves excavating a relatively narrow trench with
near-vertical walls, keeping the trench filled with a bentonite
slurry to support the walls and prevent inflow of water, and
then backfilling with a plastic impervious mixture of wellgraded clayey gravel to protect against piping, to reduce
seepage, and to minimize consolidation of the backfill

(9) The treatment of cracks, fissures, and other

undesirable conditions in rock foundations and abutments is
discussed in paragraph 3-4b(2).

(c) Depending on the required depth, the excavation may

be accomplished with a dragline, backhoe, clamshell, or
trenching machine. A trenching machine is limited to
depths less than about 40 ft, provided no cobbles exist.
Unmodified backhoes are limited to depths less than about
45 ft but with special modification can reach depths of 55
to 60 ft; their main advantage is that they can be used in
areas where cobbles exist. Maximum depths of about 100 ft
have been achieved with a dragline. Required equipment
modifications for excavation to a great depth (with a dragline) include weighting the bucket to overcome the buoyant
effect of the slurry and providing heavy-duty bearings and


Seepage Control

a. Cutoffs. Foundation cutoffs or core trenches serve as

barriers to underseepage. The design of foundation cutoffs
is based largely on borings made during field investigations
for design. Therefore, the open excavation of a cutoff
trench provides the first real look at actual foundation
conditions; frequent inspections, particularly by the field

(b) The backfill should be a mixture of impervious

borrow, sand, gravel, and bentonite slurry (U.S. Army
Engineer District, Savannah 1968). The backfill may be a
mixture of material excavated from the cutoff trench and
other material to provide an acceptable blend.


EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95
hydraulic systems. A dragline excavating a slurry trench is
shown in Figure 3-2.
(d) The specific gravity of the slurry must be high
enough to ensure that hydrostatic pressure exerted by the
slurry will prevent caving of the sides of the trench and yet
not be so high as to limit the depth to which the excavating
bucket will operate. Typical values of specific gravity of
slurries used in past jobs range from 1.05 to 1.2, with some
values as high as 1.5. The slurry level is generally
maintained 2 to 3 ft above the groundwater level.
(e) Procedures for cleaning the bottom of the trench,
removing sand which settles out of the slurry, continuous
control of viscosity and specific gravity of the slurry, and
mixing and placing the backfill are critical in achieving
successful results. An example of successful slurry trench
construction is that at West Point Dam, Chattahoochee
River, Alabama and Georgia, in which the bottom of the
trench was cleaned with a modified dragline bucket (Jones

Figure 3-2. Dragline excavation of slurry trench, West

Point Dam, Georgia


1967; U.S. Army Engineer District, Savannah 1968). A

scraper blade was attached to the bucket which, when
dragged along the bottom of the trench, removed coarser
soil particles and some of the finer loose material at the top
of the rock. An air jet was used to remove sand, gravel,
and other undesirable material from potholes, cracks and
crevices; these materials subsequently became entrained in
the slurry. Suction and discharge pipes were used to remove
contaminated slurry (from the trench), which was cleaned by
sending it to shallow sediment ponds along the sides of the
trench where the contaminants settled out of suspension.
The clean slurry was then placed back into the trench.
Mechanical desanders are available and may be desirable or
even required for removing sand (from the bottom of the
trench) in some situations. The bottom of a trench should
be sampled after it has been cleaned to ensure that it is
properly free of undesirable material.
(f) After the bottom of the trench has been cleaned,
backfill is placed in the trench with a clamshell to form a
gentle slope parallel to the axis of the trench; backfill is
then successively pushed into the trench with a bulldozer
and allowed to slide down the slope, intermixing with and
displacing the slurry. The slope of the backfill should be
flat enough to prevent sliding and sloughing. The trench
surface should be observed/inspected as long as possible to
detect unusual settlements which might indicate slurry
pockets entrapped during the backfilling process. A sketch/
schematic of the progressive excavation and backfilling
scheme used at West Point Dam is shown in Figure 3-3.
The ultimate objective is to achieve a positive cutoff by the
combined effects of the backfill and a filter cake formed
on the sides of the trench by the slurry. Since the integrity
of the filter cake after backfill placement cannot be assured,
it is recommended that the added benefit of the cake be
considered as an additional safety factor with the backfill as
the primary element of seepage cutoff.
(g) The slurry trench as a construction technique for
forming a cutoff barrier was first used in the United States
in the 1940s, and its widespread use began in the late 1960s
and early 1970s. Presently, the technique is used routinely
although design studies for cutoff walls must be comprehensive and include parameters such as wall depth,
thickness, layout, grade, and preparation of the working
surface. Design studies must also consider properties of the
slurry. Water of adequate quality for slurry mixing must be
provided. Typical water quality requirements for bentonite
slurry are hardness less than 50 parts per million (ppm),
total dissolved solids content less than 500 ppm, organic
content less than 50 ppm, and pH of about 7. A satisfactory
procedure for the design of slurry trenches and slurry trench
construction is given by Winterkorn and Fang (1975).

EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95
(3) Grout curtains.
(a) Grouting is the injection by pressure of grout (a
mixture of water, cement, and other chemical compounds)
into openings (voids, cracks, or joints) in a rock mass. The
grout is designed to be injected as a fluid and to stiffen or
solidify after injection.
(b) The rock foundation and abutments of most large
dams require grouting to reduce seepage and to reduce
hydrostatic uplift pressures in dam foundations. Grout
curtains are frequently tied into the bottom of cutoff
trenches which extend through soil overburden to the rock
foundation. Grouting procedures must be tailored to the
formation characteristics of the foundation being grouted,
and close supervision and inspection are required to obtain
satisfactory and economical results. The resident geologist
should direct and supervise the inspection of grouting work;
he should be experienced in this type of work since many
decisions must be made as the work progresses based on
judgment and evaluation of results. Successful and economical grouting requires a complete and reliable subsurface
investigation to allow determination of the volume which
must be grouted. Items which must be determined by the
grouting inspector are grout hole location, geometry, length
and inclination; injection pressure and rate; grout properties
(liquid, transition, set); and necessary degree of improvement in soil properties.
b. Blankets, relief wells, galleries, and toe drains.
(1) Upstream impervious blankets.
A horizontal
upstream impervious blanket controls underseepage by
lengthening the path of underseepage. The effectiveness of
the blanket depends on its length, thickness, continuity, and
the permeability of the material/soil from which it is

constructed. At sites where a natural blanket of impervious

soil already exists, the blanket should be closely examined
for breaches such as outcrops of pervious strata, root holes,
boreholes, and similar (seepage) paths in the foundation
which, if present, should be filled or covered with
impervious material to provide a continuous impervious
blanket. This is especially important in areas where old
stream beds may exist. It may be necessary to make
additional shallow auger borings during construction to
define the extent of breaches, if any, in the natural blanket.
(2) Pressure relief wells. Relief wells are installed along
the downstream toe of an embankment to intercept underseepage water and relieve excess uplift pressures that would
otherwise develop at the toe of an embankment. Relief of
hydrostatic pressure and removal of the associated water
volume prevents the transport of soil which might occur in
the formation of sand boils and also prevents heaving at the
toe. The installation of relief wells is discussed briefly in
EM 1110-2-1901 and TM 5-818-5 and in greater detail in
EM 1110-2-1914.
(3) Drainage galleries and tunnels.
To facilitate
foundation and abutment grouting and interception of
seepage water, drainage galleries and tunnels are sometimes
used in high dams. Drainage tunnels into rock abutments
should be examined by a geologist or rock mechanics expert
to obtain information on in situ jointing and rock types.
Information on the subterranean makeup of the site should
be acquired, collated, and interpreted by experienced
personnel with geological training for the express purpose
of evaluating the site for grouting. The plan for grouting
should include design of the location, spacing, depth, and
size of grout holes as well as a method to install drain pipes
required to block or intercept seepage. The inspector must
also be experienced in rock tunneling to ensure satisfactory

Figure 3-3. Progressive excavation and backfilling scheme for slurry trench construction


EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95
installation of rock bolts and other structural support
features by plans and specifications. Drainage galleries at
the base of a dam or in an abutment of soil or weathered
rock are usually concrete-lined tunnels. Inspection of
concrete-lined tunnels requires knowledge of concrete
placement and backfill practices around concrete structures
in addition to knowledge of grouting and seepage control in
pervious soils. Inspection of concrete, including proper
placement techniques, is thoroughly discussed in the ACI
Manual of Concrete Inspection (1967). EM 1110-2-2000
also contains information related to the inspection of
concrete placement.
(4) Toe drains.
(a) Toe drains collect and facilitate removal of seepage
water at the downstream toe of the dam to prevent formation of soft boggy areas and/or boils. Toe drains are
generally connected to the horizontal drainage blanket and
sometimes to the relief well system to collect and remove
seepage water in thin pervious strata in the upper foundation
that the deeper relief wells cannot drain.
(b) Toe drains generally consist of a trench containing a
perforated collector pipe surrounded by filter gravel with the
remainder of the trench backfilled with sand. Particular care
must be exercised in placement of the backfill. Unless the
sides of the trench are approximately sloped at the angle of
repose of the filter material, a wood or steel form must be
used to keep the filter layers separated as the backfill is
brought up. Additionally, filter materials must be protected
from contamination which could result from inwash during
a rainstorm. Construction (backfilling) of toe drains in short
sections could minimize contamination.
(c) The same control procedures are used for toe drains
as those that are used in construction of impervious fill in
the main embankment; these are described in Section IV of
Chapter 5. Gradation tests on filter materials should be run
at least twice each day during placement operations. Stockpiled as well as in-place filter material should be tested.
Handling and compaction of the filter material must be
closely controlled to avoid segregation and particle

Treatment of Unfavorable Conditions

Unexpected unfavorable conditions are frequently discovered

during early construction, and may range from undesirable
deposits of material not detected in exploratory drilling to
adverse seepage conditions that were impossible to predict.
Very often, when undesirable materials are found, additional
exploration by test pits, borings, or calyx holes is necessary
to define the extent of the unexpected deposits and their


characteristics. In this way, the impact of a problem deposit

can be properly evaluated in relation to the original design.
Some common undesirable conditions are discussed in the
following paragraphs.
a. Unfavorable soil conditions.
(1) Highly compressible and low strength soils. Organic
soils exhibit high compressibility and low shear strength and
are generally recognized by their dark color, the presence of
organic particles, and often a distinctive organic odor.
Inorganic clays with high water content also exhibit high
compressibility and low shear strength. If an embankment
is constructed on a deposit of either highly organic soil or
highly compressible inorganic soil, excessive differential
settlement could cause cracking of the embankment, or
shear failure might occur; if significant deposits of either of
these materials are discovered during early construction,
their extent should be established and, if it is feasible, they
should be removed and replaced with acceptable compacted
backfill. If extensive and/or deep deposits of such materials
are found, engineering personnel should be consulted to
determine if design modifications (such as flattening
embankment slopes or adding berms) are required.
(2) Clay shales.
(a) Clay shales are among the most troublesome and
unpredictable soils. They are often termed compaction or
soil-like shales if they have been highly overconsolidated
by great thicknesses of overlying sediment and have no
appreciable cementation. Clay shales tend to slake rapidly
when subjected to cycles of wetting and drying; some
exhibit very high dry strength, but upon wetting swell and
slake profusely, losing strength rapidly. They vary in color
from brown to green to black and are often slickensided (a
slickenside is a smooth, shiny, striated, discontinuous
surface that shows evidence of movement). Problem clay
shales can be identified on the basis of slickensides found
by breaking undisturbed blocks or chunks apart, and from
the speed of slaking during cycles of wetting and drying.
Clay shales that are slickensided may be unstable even in
relatively flat slopes. Rapidly slaking shales will deteriorate
into soft clays with low strength upon exposure to air and
water and require protection of exposed surfaces prior to fill
placement. Stability in deposits of problem clay shales is
further compounded if they are highly fractured or jointed
or show evidence of faulting.
(b) Some clay shales also tend to swell or expand
considerably when unloaded by excavating overlying
material. Expansion may progress deeper into the clay shale
deposit with time and cause nonuniform rebound across
excavation surfaces. This is caused by stored strain energy

EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95
that is released with time after overlying materials are
removed. Therefore, excavating in clay shales should be
completed and backfilled without delay. The last foot or so
of excavation into a slaking clay shale should be deferred
until just prior to backfill operations in order to minimize
the time of exposure of the final clay shale surface. During
winter, the depth of cover should be no less than the frost
penetration depth; operating in this manner will provide a
fresh surface to compact the fill against and eliminate the
chance of a soft stratum between the unweathered shale and
the fill. This is generally a costly procedure for steep
slopes, but becomes more economical for slopes flat enough
for equipment to work on.
(c) Only rubber-tired equipment should be used in final
excavation, cleanup, and initial fill placement on clay shales
to minimize disturbance. Final clay shale surfaces should
not be scarified prior to covering with fill. If pressure
cleaning is required, only air pressure (i.e, no water) should
be used.
(d) Various types of coatings have been applied to
protect exposed clay-shale surfaces; they include gunite,
sprayed asphalt, and other bituminous materials and resin
emulsions. Gunite is reliable when reinforced and anchored
to the shale, but particular care must be exercised to avoid
a drummy condition. This type of protection was successfully used at Waco and Proctor Dams in Texas. Although
bituminous coatings and resins have been used successfully,
they do not always provide adequate protection for the clay
shale. At Waco Dam, an asphalt emulsion membrane used
on near-vertical cuts was not always adequate, even with
multiple application. Evidence of its inadequacy was that
the shale surfaces spalled and slaked. Concrete slabs,
whether placed specifically for protective purposes or as
slabs for an overlying structure, provide good protection.
Exposed surfaces may also be protected by wet mats.
Burlap has proven to be an unsatisfactory mat because it is
too porous to retain water for any length of time. Maximum allowable exposure time can vary from a few minutes
to several hours depending on the characteristics of the shale
and the prevailing weather conditions.
(3) Collapsible soils.
(a) Collapsible soils are generally soils of low density
and plasticity which are susceptible to large decreases in
bulk volume when they are exposed to water. Collapsible
soils are characterized by bulky grains (in the silt-to-finesand grain size) along with some clay. Collapse results from
softening of clay binder between larger particles or the loss
of particle-to-particle cementation due to wetting. Volume
change from collapse occurs rapidly (relative to consolidation) and can be very significant especially if the soil is

under high stress. If an embankment is founded on a

collapsible soil which is subjected to wetting for the first
time, substantial settlement and possibly cracking in the
overlying embankment could result. Therefore, unaltered
collapsible soils should not be allowed in a dam foundation.
If it is not practicable to remove such deposits, they should
be treated to break down their structure prior to
(b) Prewetting has been used as a treatment for collapsible soils; the deposits are flooded with water in flat areas
where ponding is possible, or by continuous sprinkling on
slopes where ponding is not possible. Later, as the embankment is constructed, its weight compresses the foundation
soil, causing primary consolidation to take place during
construction rather than a sudden and possibly catastrophic
foundation collapse when the reservoir is filled for the first
(4) Loose granular soils. Loose, water-saturated sands
and silts of low plasticity may have adequate shear strength
under static loading conditions; however, if such materials
are subjected to vibratory loading, they may lose strength to
the point where they flow like a fluid. The process in
which susceptible soils become unstable and flow when
shocked by vibratory loading is called liquefaction, and it
can be produced by vibration from blasting operations,
earthquakes, or reciprocating machinery. In very loose and
unstable deposits, liquefaction can occur as the result of
disturbances so small that they are unidentifiable. Loose silt
and sand deposits have been compacted by blasting
(Layman 1942), vibroflotation, and driving compaction
piles; however, the effectiveness of these procedures for
deposit densification is not predictable. Vibroflotation has
been successfully used in treating limited areas, but it is
very expensive. Blasting is generally not effective in
densifying loose granular deposits because the vibratory
energy produced is of such high frequency.
(5) Steep abutment slopes. Steep abutment slopes of
earth tend to increase the possibility of transverse cracks
developing in the embankment after construction. During
construction, they may become unstable and endanger
construction personnel. Slides can occur in clays, sands,
and gravel, particularly in slopes subjected to seepage.
Slides may damage completed works and require costly
repairs. In many cases, it may be necessary to bench the
slopes to provide safety against sloughing material and
sliding. Frequent inspection should be made by the resident
geologist or other experienced personnel to determine
whether flattening of specified slopes is required.
(6) Old river channels. Old abandoned river channels
filled with pervious or impervious materials are often

EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95
encountered unexpectedly during construction. As mentioned earlier, the extent of these deposits is often
impossible to establish accurately during the exploratory
stages, and in some cases an entire deposit may be missed.
Old river channels beneath a dam foundation, filled with
course-grained pervious material, would constitute a
dangerous open path of seepage. Channel fillings of soft
fine-grained materials can cause differential settlements and
cracking of the embankment if not removed and replaced
with properly compacted material. Where the existence of
such deposits has been revealed, additional exploration by
borings, test pits, etc., to establish their extent may be
necessary. The design engineer can then decide what
measures will have to be taken to modify the design or to
remove the deposit. An old river channel found during
foundation excavation for the core trench at Fall Creek
Dam, Fall Creek, Oregon is shown in Figure 3-4.

(2) Open joints and fractures. All open joints, cracks,

fissures, and fractures in the foundation rock surface must
be filled to prevent erosion or scour of embankment material
at the rock contact. A sand-cement mortar is generally used
to fill these openings. The mortar is worked into the
fractures using a stiff broom, taking care to prevent the
accumulation of mortar on unfractured surfaces, where it
would not be needed in any event and might be harmful if
it cracked or broke off during rolling of embankment fill.
The water-to-solids ratio of the mortar should be varied as
required to accommodate the conditions encountered. If the
rock is closely fractured with fine cracks, the water content
may be increased and a fine sand used to permit easy entry
of the mortar into the minute seams. If wide, deep cracks
are present, a stiffer mortar with coarser sand should be
employed to reduce the extent of shrinkage cracking (in the
cured mortar). A rock surface after mortar treatment is
shown in Figure 3-5.

Figure 3-4. Old River Channel in foundation of Fall

Creek Dam, Oregon
Figure 3-5. Mortar-treated rock surface

b. Unfavorable rock conditions.

(3) Cavities and solution features.
(1) Weathered rock.
Weathered rock may have
undesirable characteristics such as high compressibility, low
strength, and high permeability. Removal of weathered rock
is generally required for embankments founded on rock to
obtain impervious contact beneath the core and to eliminate
the possibility of differential settlements and low shear
strengths beneath the core and other zones. The weathering
of rock is a transitional process; a sharp line of demarcation
does not exist between weathered and unweathered zones,
and the degree of weathering usually decreases with depth.
It may be necessary to excavate deeper in some areas than
in others to remove weathered rock. The elevation to solid
rock sometimes shown on plans can be used only as a
guide. Excavation in abutment and foundation areas being
stripped should be inspected by a geologist as work
progresses to determine when solid rock is reached.

(a) Cavities, potholes, and other voids caused by solution

of the rock are dangerous, and field personnel should always
be on the lookout for such conditions during foundation
preparation. Personnel should be especially alert where a
dam is being built on rock susceptible to solution, such as
limestone or gypsum. Potholes and cavities exposed or
daylighted on the foundation surface are usually remedied
by dental treatment. Concrete should be thoroughly vibrated
or rodded into the voids and its upper surface brought up to
the general level of the surrounding rock. Dental treatment
serves to smooth up the foundation to reduce compaction
difficulties as well as provide a nonerodable impervious seal
as a measure of protection against scour of the embankment
fill along the rock contact. Figure 3-6 shows a solution
channel located directly under the center line of

EM 1110-2-1911
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Figure 3-6. Solution channel, Mississinewa Dam,


Figure 3-7. Abutment overhang, DeGray Dam,


Mississinewa Dam, Indiana, discovered during excavation

for the cutoff trench. After extensive exploration to trace its
limits, the channel was backfilled with concrete.
(b) The presence of daylighted cavities on the foundation surface indicates the possibility of buried cavities or
even caverns below grade. Cavities left untreated are highly
dangerous, as emphasized by past experience; there have
been cases where leakage through underground cavities was
so great that it was impossible to fill the reservoir and the
dams were eventually abandoned. Hence, any indication of
underground cavities (such as sink holes, disappearance of
surface water, etc.) should be reported so that further
exploration may be undertaken if required. If an extensive
network of solution cavities is found, extensive grouting
may be required to ensure the imperviousness of the
(4) Overhangs and surface depressions. Overhangs and
other irregularities in the rock surface of an abutment or
foundation must be corrected. An abutment overhang at
DeGray Dam, Arkansas, is shown in Figure 3-7. Overhangs
should be removed by drilling and blasting with care so as
not to disturb the adjacent sound rock. Line drilling and
blasting (or blasting with presplitting) have been used
successfully to form a relatively smooth surface (EM 11102-3800). Presplitting has generally given better results than
line drilling for a variety of rock types. Figure 3-8 shows
the left abutment at J. Percy Priest Dam, Tennessee, formed
by the presplitting method. Concrete dental treatment can
be used to fill depressions created by blasting and to remedy
some types of overhangs. An example of the use of dental
concrete to eliminate an abutment overhang is shown in
Figure 3-9. Tamping of soil under overhangs instead of
removal or dental treatment must not be permitted. Surface

Figure 3-8. Presplit abutment, J. Percy Priest Dam,


depressions are generally filled with select impervious

borrow using heavy mechanical hand tampers to even up the
foundation surface in preparation for the first lift of material
to be compacted by heavy roller equipment. If the rock is
very irregular, it may be more economical to cover the
entire area with a concrete slab. It should be noted that a
gently undulating rock surface is desirable, and only when
surface depressions interfere with compaction of the first lift
should concrete backfilling be required.
(5) Springs. Springs, often encountered in rock foundations and abutments, are simply groundwater sources

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Figure 3-9. Abutment overhang after concreting

seeping to the ground surface driven by artesian pressure.

Attempts to place impervious fill over springs issuing from
joints or rock fractures will result in extremely wet soil in
the vicinity of the spring which is impossible to properly
compact. Depending on the flow rate and pressure driving
the spring, seepage will continue through the wet soil,
creating an uncompacted weak zone of increasing size if fill
placement is continued without properly removing this
source of water. The zone created around an improperly
controlled spring is a very dangerous situation which will
cause problems both during construction and over the life of
the embankment. Where the water is under a low head and
has a single point of issue, a standpipe can usually be
installed. A corrugated metal pipe of a diameter depending
upon the size of the spring is placed over the spring area,
and a damp mixture of quick-setting cement, sand, and
gravel is packed around the standpipe base. Earth is then
compacted around the outside of the pipe at the base. The
water is kept pumped down within the standpipe until an
impervious seal is obtained and enough pipe sections have
been added to retain the head of water in the pipe. The
pipe is then filled with vibrated concrete or grout, and
construction of the fill continued upwards and across the top
of the plugged pipe by conventional methods. The area is
then examined for evidence of new springs, which often
appear after an old spring is plugged. This procedure can
also be used for springs on the abutment when the fill
reaches the same elevation as the spring. While filling
operations are progressing below the spring, a small pipe
can be grouted into the source of seepage and discharged
away from the fill as a temporary measure. This procedure
was used at Green River Dam, Kentucky, to eliminate
seepage from the abutment spring shown in Figure 3-10. If
the springs are not fully localized in area, more extensive
methods as described in paragraph 3-5 may be required.


Figure 3-10. Seepage from spring in abutment at

Green River Dam, Kentucky

3-5. Dewatering and Drainage of Excavated

Inadequate control of groundwater seepage and surface
drainage during construction can cause major problems in
maintaining excavated slopes and foundation surfaces and in
compacting fill on the foundation and adjacent to abutment
slopes. Plans and specifications seldom contain detailed
procedures for dewatering and other drainage control measures during construction, and the contractor is responsible
for dewatering systems adequate to control seepage and
hydrostatic uplift in excavations, and for collection and
disposal of surface drainage and seepage into excavations.
Inspections and observations must ensure that dewatering
and drainage control systems are installed correctly and are
functioning properly.
a. Dewatering.
(1) Potential troubles can often be detected in early
stages by visual observation of increased seepage flow,
piping of material from the foundation of slopes, development of soft wet areas, uplift of excavated surfaces, lateral
movement of slopes, or failure of piezometer water levels to
drop sufficiently as pumping is continued. Water pumped
from dewatering systems must be observed daily at the discharge outlet; if the discharge water is muddy or contains
fine sand, fines are being pumped from the foundation.
This can be observed by obtaining a jar of the water and
observing sediment settling near the bottom. The pumping
of fines from the foundation can cause internal erosion
channels or piping to develop in the embankment structure;
if this happens it is crucial that corrective measures be

EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95
taken. Wells or wellpoints from which fines are being
discharged must be sealed and replaced with wells having
adequate filters. Piezometers should be installed with
dewatering systems to monitor drawdown levels in the
excavated area. Piezometers should be read daily and the
readings plotted to enable continuous evaluation. Daily
pumping records should also be kept and evaluated to
determine the quantity of water removed by dewatering
systems and sump systems. These records are valuable for
detecting inadequate seepage control and for evaluating
claims by the contractor of changed conditions with respect
to the plans and specifications. A detailed description of
various types of dewatering systems, installation procedures,
and performance evaluation is given in TM 5-818-5. A
sketch of a single-stage wellpoint dewatering system is
shown in Figure 3-11a, and a sketch of a multistage
dewatering system with provisions for drainage of surface
water is shown in Figure 3-11b. The two-stage wellpoint
system used to dewater the core trench at Carlyle Dam,
Illinois, in the St. Louis district is shown in Figure 3-12.
(2) Failure of the dewatering system can result in
extremely serious problems, often requiring extensive and
expensive remedial work. In excavations bottoming in
impervious material, unchecked artesian pressure in underlying pervious strata can cause heaving of the excavation

Figure 3-12. Core trench at Carlyle Dam, Illinois, with

two-stage wellpoint dewatering systems on each slope

bottom. If the impervious stratum ruptures under these

pressures, boils (violent emission of soil and water) will
develop, causing the loss of the underlying foundation
material and thereby endangering the entire structure.
Figure 3-13 shows sand boils that developed at Friars Point,
Mississippi, landward of a levee during a high river stage.
Similar boils could develop on the bottom of an excavation
from excessive artesian pressures in the underlying strata.
Failure of excavation slopes may also occur because of
excessive artesian pressures. In order to prevent failure of
the dewatering system, all power sources should have standby gas or diesel-powered pumping or generating equipment,
and standby pumps should be available.
b. Sumps and ditches.
(1) When an excavation such as a cutoff trench is
extended to rock or to an impervious stratum, there will
usually be some water seeping into the excavation and/or

Figure 3-11. Dewatering systems

Figure 3-13. Sand boils at Friars Point, Mississippi


EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95
wet spots in the bottom of the excavation, even with deep
wells or wellpoint systems in operation. Water seeping into
the excavation from the upstream and downstream slopes of
a long cutoff trench can usually be captured by excavating
narrow longitudinal ditches or drainage trenches at the
intersection of the slopes and the bottom of the excavation
(see Figure 3-11b), or by forming such trenches with sandbags, with sumps located as necessary for pumping the
water out. If the bottom of the excavation will still not dry
out, smaller ditches can be cut through the problem areas
and sloped to drain to the side trenches.
(2) To keep the bottom of the cutoff trench dry while
placing backfill, the drainage ditch system can be filled with
gravel so that the system can continue to function even after
being covered with soil. These gravel-filled ditches should
constitute only a very small portion of the overall area being
drained to preclude the necessity of later grouting large
portions of the bottom of the cutoff trench containing gravel.
The surface of the gravel can be covered with a layer of
heavy felt paper, burlap, or plastic sheeting, or by a layer of
stiff concrete to prevent migration of fines from the fill
material. The ditches are blocked at the ends of the excavation by means of concrete plugs. Riser pipes are brought up
from each sump (low point in the ditch) with the result that
water can be pumped from one or more of the riser pipes as
necessary, with the remaining riser pipes serving as vent
(3) After the backfill is brought to a height that will
counteract the hydraulic head, the gravel-filled ditches are
grouted. Cement grout is introduced under gravity through
one riser pipe with the vent pipes serving as an escape for
air and water in the gravel. When grout issues from the
vent pipes, the vent pipes are shut off and a slight pressure
is maintained in the system until the grout has set. After
grouting, normal fill placement operations are continued. If
only one sump is used in the drainage system, a vent pipe
will have to be installed at an appropriate location before
backfilling starts.
(4) Figures 3-14a and 3-14b show the drainage system
successfully used at Laurel Dam, Kentucky, to remove
localized flow cracks in the shale. The system provided a
dry foundation for impervious material. Figure 3-14a shows
a trench dug along a water-producing crack in the shale. A
perforated collector pipe was placed in the trench with a
vent hose and grout pipe attached. The collector pipe was
surrounded with stone and the remaining portion of the
trench filled with concrete. Water volume from various
collector pipes discharged into a collection box from which
a single pipe carried the water to a pump located in a 60-in.
corrugated metal pipe (CMP) sump (see Figure 3-14b). The
vent hoses, grout, pipes, and CMP were extended as the fill
was brought up. After 20 to 30 ft of embankment fill had

Figure 3-14. Foundation drainage system at Laurel

Dam, Kentucky

been placed, the collector pipes were grouted and the CMP
was filled with -3-in. stone and grouted.
(5) In many cases where a dewatering system is being
used, a 4- to 5-ft-high impervious blanket placed at the toe
of the slope will prevent the minor seepage flow that
otherwise might occur and will therefore provide a dry
c. Surface erosion. Surface erosion may present
problems on slopes cut in silts, fine sands, and lean clays.

EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95
Eroded material will wash down and fill in the excavation
below the slope. The slope itself will be left deeply scoured
and rutted, making it necessary for costly smoothing
operations to be performed before the fill can be placed
against it. Figure 3-15 shows surface erosion on an
unprotected excavation at Kaskaskia Dam, Illinois. The best
way to combat surface erosion of temporary excavation
slopes is to backfill as soon as possible, thus cutting down
on exposure time. This often cannot be done, however, and
it becomes necessary to take other measures. Grass cover
on the slopes is a good means of preventing surface erosion
if it can be readily established and if the slopes are to
remain open for a season or two. Other slope protection
measures such as rip-rap or asphaltic treatment are rarely
justified for construction slopes. Thus, it is necessary to
keep as much water off the slope as possible. Most slopes
can withstand rain falling directly on them with only minor
Perimeter ditches and/or dikes (see Figure 3-11b) at the top of the slope are needed to carry other
surface waters away from the excavation if surface waters
outside the excavation would otherwise run into it. Ditches
may be needed at several elevations along the excavation
slopes to catch surface waters, as shown in Figure 3-11b.

Figure 3-15. Surface erosion of unprotected

construction slope of Kaskaskia Dam, Illinois

d. Other seepage control measures. Other means of

stabilizing excavation slopes and preventing seepage from
entering an excavation (such as electro-osmosis, freezing,
sheet-piling, and grouting) have been used for structure
excavations. These methods are not economically feasible
for extensive foundation excavations for dams but might be
used in structures where conventional dewatering methods
are not suitable for various reasons.


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30 Sep 95

Chapter 4
Borrow Areas and Quarries
Section I
Earth Fill
4-1. Excavation, Handling, and Hauling
Over the past several decades, significant improvements in
earth-moving equipment have been made at an increasing
rate, and there is no indication that this trend will slow.
While the basic types of equipment have remained virtually
the same, speed, power, and capacity have continuously
increased. Some of the basic principles of the more
common units are discussed in the following paragraphs.
a. Excavation equipment.
(1) Power shovels, draglines, elevating graders, wheel
excavators, and scrapers. Excavation is usually accomplished with power shovels, draglines, scrapers, wheel
excavators, or side-delivery loaders. Each offers certain
advantages and has certain disadvantages; therefore, several
types are often used on the same job. Discussion of the
four major types of excavation units is given in Figures 4-1
through 4-3.
(2) Dredges. Dredging is sometimes employed to move
material from borrow areas to the damsite. Dredges are
particularly suitable for use when large quantities of material
are to be obtained from borrow areas submerged in rivers,
lakes, etc. The two basic types of dredges are the bucket
dredge and the hydraulic dredge.
(a) Bucket dredge. A limiting disadvantage of bucket
dredges is that the discharge is alongside the place of
excavation. They can best be used for localized dredging or
where the borrow area is located so that the material can be
economically transported by trucks or barges to the site.
There are three types of bucket dredges: grab dredges,
dipper dredges, and ladder dredges. The grab dredge is
essentially a grab bucket operated from a derrick mounted
on a flat-topped barge. The dipper dredge is simply a
power shovel operating from a barge. The ladder dredge
excavates with a continuous chain of buckets supported on
an inclined ladder. Bucket dredges have the advantage that
they can excavate in most any material. Dredging depths
greater than 100 ft are not uncommon for grab dredges.
Digging depths of the dipper dredge are limited by the
length of the boom (65 ft is about the maximum, although
greater lengths are available for special projects) while the
digging depth of the ladder dredge is limited by the length

of the ladder (usually around 40 ft, but lengths greater than

75 ft are not uncommon).
(b) Hydraulic dredges. All hydraulic dredges basically
consist of a centrifugal pump and a suction line through
which the pump is supplied with material, but different
means are used to loosen and pick up material. Hydraulic
dredges can transport material without rehandling for practically unlimited distance if booster pumps are used; this
feature is particularly useful in the construction of temporary
dikes and permanent structures by the hydraulic fill method.
However, it must be mentioned that material placed by the
hydraulic fill method will be loose, essentially watersaturated, and probably susceptible to liquefaction if
sufficiently disturbed by the mechanisms specified in
paragraph 3-4a(4). The most common dredge in current use
is the cutterhead dredge, which excavates material with a
rotating cutterhead then removes it by suction. The cutter
is attached to the forward end of a ladder or to the suction
pipe itself; rotation of the cutter agitates soft material and/or
cuts hard material. Various types of cutters are available,
and the type to be used depends on the hardness of the
material to be excavated. Some cutters can cut into sound
rock. The maximum suction available at the pump is about
28 ft of water; therefore, head losses must be kept to a
minimum in order to provide adequate suction.
b. Hauling, handling, and separating equipment.
Borrow material excavated by scrapers or by dredging is
usually taken directly to its point of deposition on the
embankment under construction. However, when most other
excavation procedures and equipment are used, additional
hauling and handling are required. Regardless of the
equipment used, borrow material may require sorting and/or
separation according to size or material type. Some of the
equipment used for hauling, handling, and separating borrow
materials is discussed in the following paragraphs.
(1) Trucks. Trucks of many types are used to transport
embankment material from the borrow pit to the dam,
capacities of up to 50 tons being common. They can be
categorized according to method of unloading as bottom
dump, end dump, or side dump.
(2) Belt conveyors. Belt conveyors (Figure 4-4) are
used to transport material from the borrow area to the
damsite when very large quantities of material must be
moved under difficult conditions. Belt conveyors are most
suitable for moving large quantities of material over rough
terrain where there are large differences in elevation
between the borrow pit and the dam, and where the cost of
building and maintaining haul roads would be high. Conveyor systems are adaptable to different types of automated
processing procedures: screening plants, crushing plants,

Primary Use:

Excavation above working level

Advantages :

Very versatile for mixing layered materials during excavation; can

excavate much harder materials than can a dragline


Fairly accurate truck spotting required when loading; excavates hard

materials in large chunks that must be broken prior to compaction


Common bucket capacities are 4 to 14 cu yd although larger capacities

are not uncommon; typical rates of excavation for average construction
conditions range between 70 and 90 cu ydlhr per cu yd of bucket

Courtesy of Koehring, Milwaulcee, Wisconrin


Courtesy of Koehring , Milwauku, Wisconrin

Figure 4-1. Power shovel and dragllne

Primary Use :

Excavation below working level

Advantages :

Especially effective in excavating pervious materials from below water

table ; effective where borrow pit bottom is too soft to support trucks or


Generally slower than shovels and scrapers ; cannot excavate hard

materials ; not as efficient as power shovel in mixing layered material in
borrow pit


Bucket capacity frequently about same as that of power shovel,

although some draglines are used with buckets much larger than those
usually used on shovels

EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95


Primary Use:

Excavation in large, flat areas of uniform material with direct discharge

into hauling equipment

Advantages :

When the borrow areas are large with flat topography and uniform soil
conditions, side delivery loaders generally provide the most economical
and rapid means of excavation


Not particularly efficient in borrow pits containing cobbles and sands


Normal cut 3 to 4 ft deep and common production rates between 800

and 1,200 cu ydlhr

Courtesy of Barber-Greene, Aurora, Illinois



Figure 4-2. Elevating grader and wheel excavator

Excavation in large areas of reasonably uniform topography and

material, with direct discharge into hauling equipment


High volume of excavation; exceptionally good blending of material;

good conditioning of material; can work in granular materials, materials
containing cobbles, and materials with some cementation


Borrow areas must have reasonably flat and uniform topography; slow
travel speed to other areas; if unit breaks down, all borrow operations


Face cut up to 10ft wide and 13ft deep; 1,750 nominal bank ydlhr

EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95

Courtuy of Barbtr-Greene, Aurora, Illinois

Primary Use:

Primary Use :

Excavation in uniform material or where it is desired to excavate

horizontally stratified deposits selectively

Advantages :

Serve as both excavating and hauling units ; larger and faster units can
compete with trucks as hauling units; deposit borrow material in even
layers, sometimes eliminating use of additional spreading equipment;
borrow material is broken up when excavated, making compaction

Disadvantages :

Unsatisfactory for use in very soft materials ; pusher tractor sometimes

required when loading


Capacities of 30 cu yd are common

Note : Self-propelled rubber-tired scrapers are rapid-moving type ; scrapers towed by slower moving crawler tractors may be preferred where better traction is needed in
the pit and the haul is relatively short.

Figure 43. Scraper

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EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95
blending operations, water additions, etc. Transfer points
(where the material is transferred from one belt to another)
are usually required. Automatic facilities for loading trucks
at the terminal points can be easily provided, or sometimes
the material can be dumped directly from the belt onto the
embankment, spread with bulldozers or grader, and
(3) Separation plants. Separation or screening plants
(Figure 4-5) are employed where it is desired to separate
different particle sizes of a granular material. Generally, the
purpose is to remove oversize rocks or cobbles to facilitate
compaction or to remove fines from filter material. There
are four principal types of screening plants:
(a) Horizontal or sloping stationary screens. With this
equipment, material is directed through a stack of stationary
screens/sieves with screen opening sizes decreasing toward
the bottom of the stack. Larger soil particles are retained on
the upper screens while smaller particles fall through to be
retained on a lower screen.
(b) Vibrating screens. This equipment is basically like
the stationary system described above except that soil
separation through the screens is facilitated and expedited by
vibrating the screens.
(c) Rotating trommels. This equipment consists of an
inclined rotating cylinder with screens or holes of different
sizes around the periphery. Separation is accomplished
when soil particles of different sizes fall through the appropriate hole size as the mixed material rolls around inside the
rotating cylinder.
(d) Wobblers (or rotating cams). In wobblers, rotating
cams produce vibrations which cause fines to fall through

Figure 4-4. Belt conveyor system

sloping screens, whereas the larger (rock) particles tumble

down the sloped screens and fall over the edge onto a pile
or a conveyer belt. Each type of separator is discussed in
more detail in paragraph 4-4c. Various plants have capacities ranging from 100 to 2,000 cu yd/hr, but most plants
process 300 to 500 cu yd/hr. Wet materials having appreciable clay content are the most difficult to process, since
the clay tends to clog the screen openings.

Borrow Area Operation

a. Plans for development. The contractor should be

required to submit detailed plans prior to construction for
the development of borrow areas and quarries. These plans
should be carefully reviewed prior to approval and rigidly
followed during construction.
b. Inspection. Inspection of borrow pits includes
observing and recording all earthwork operations performed
in the borrow pit prior to dumping the material on the
embankment. Working under the supervision of the construction engineer and chief inspector, the borrow pit
inspector observes areas excavated, depth of cut, and adequacy of the contractors equipment for the tasks at hand.
Inspectors should inform the chief inspector of conditions
that deviate from the plans and specifications, so that
corrective action can be taken if necessary; these deviations
(1) Borrow materials that are different from those
expected to be obtained in the borrow area.
(2) Borrow excavation operations that are not producing
the desired blend or type of material required.
(3) Borrow materials that are too wet for proper

Figure 4-5. Vibrating screen separating plant


EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95
compaction. During excavation and processing, the inspector observes all adjustments made to the water content
of the material. If separation or blending is required, the
inspector performs tests to ensure that the soil type and/or
gradation of the processed material meets the specifications.

soil is being processed through a screening plant to remove

oversize cobbles, a considerable amount of water can be
blended into the soil by sprinkling within the plant.

c. Water content control. Water content changes occur

in borrow pits because of rain, evaporation, or the addition
of water for the direct purpose of raising the borrow
material water content. Earthwork contractors should be
encouraged to take steps to hold the water content of the
excavated borrow material as close to the desired placement
water content as possible prior to delivery to the embankment.

(a) It is generally easier to add water to dry soil than to

reduce the water content of wet soil. The difficulty of
lowering the water content of a soil deposit will depend on
the plasticity of the deposit and on the amount and type of
rainfall during construction. The rainfall pattern is important; for example, a few scattered cloudbursts are less
harmful than the same amount of precipitation falling as rain
over a longer period of time. It is practically impossible to
dry out borrow material to any extent without excessive
work and cost unless a dry season of sufficient length
permits evaporative water loss.

(1) Dry soils.

(a) For most clays it is not desirable to add more than 3
to 4 percent water on the fill, and in arid regions the
average natural water content of soils in borrow areas may
be 10 to 15 percent below the desired value for compaction.
Under such conditions, irrigation of borrow areas generally
results in more uniform water content distribution, while
also being the most economical method of adding water.
Borrow areas are frequently wetted to depths of 5 to 15 ft
or more by surface irrigation.
(b) The water content of soils in a borrow area may be
increased by constructing low dikes and ponding/flooding
the area or with a pressure sprinkling system. Controlled
ponding/flooding is most suitable in low-lying flat areas and
tight soils for which long wetting periods are needed.
Sprinkling is advantageous on sloping ground and in large
borrow areas where only relatively shallow wetting is
needed. It is desirable in some borrow areas not to strip
topsoil before ponding/flooding, since stripping tends to seal
natural holes and cracks in the ground surface which
facilitate the entry of water. Ripping tight surface layers
has been found effective in speeding up the wetting process.
When sprinkling is used on hillside/sloped borrow, it may
be desirable to use contour plowing to prevent surface
runoff. Good judgment should be used in prewetting steep
hillside borrow so that slides are not induced. The length of
time required for wetting/hydration may vary from a few
days to several months, depending on soil permeability and
the depth to which moistening is desired. A curing period
is desirable after wetting to allow added water to be
absorbed uniformly by the soil. The time needed and the
best technique to use can be determined by experimentation.
(c) If general borrow pit irrigation is not satisfactory,
supplemental water can be added by sprinkling the face of
a shovel excavation; the water is mixed into the matrix as
the material is shoveled, hauled, dumped, and spread. If


(2) Wet soils.

(b) The first step in either drying out or maintaining the

in situ water content of borrow material is to provide
surface drainage in the borrow area; this is done by cutting
ditches and sloping surfaces to drain to these ditches. Since
water is drained away from the borrow material, absorption
of subsequent rainfall is minimized. Wet soil can sometimes be dried by ripping, plowing, disking, or otherwise
aerating the soil to a depth of several inches. The time
required for drying (and hence the production of usable
material) will depend on soil plasticity, the depth to which
the material can be aerated, and climatic conditions. After
the soil has dried to a usable water content, it may be
removed with elevating scrapers or graders and the process
of aeration, drying, and removal repeated. The procedure
described is relatively effective for silty and sandy soils, but
is not effective for plastic clays; if the water content of
plastic clays is lowered by aeration in dry climates, the
result may be hard dry chunks which are difficult to
process. Open ditches in borrow areas of sandy and silty
soils with a high water table will drain off excess water and
lower the water table.
(c) In the construction of Dorena Dam, Oregon, by the
Portland district, disking the borrow areas did not break up
and mix the clay material enough to obtain uniform water
content distribution within the soil. This problem was
solved by using a heavy rotary pulverizer pulled by a
crawler tractor after the disking. Shortly after pulverizing,
the material was at or near placement water content, was
easy to load, and was in excellent condition for compaction.
(d) In very wet climates and adverse weather conditions,
it may only be possible to prevent borrow material from
becoming wetter during construction. This may be accomplished by such techniques as providing surface drainage
and/or using equipment that minimizes the chance for

EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95
material to absorb additional water. Excavating with power
shovels on a vertical face is an example of this strategy.
d. Blending soil layers with excavating equipment.
(1) Blending two or more soil types may be required
where different soil strata are present in borrow areas or
required excavation. Reasons for blending soils are to
obtain borrow materials having acceptable characteristics for
a particular embankment zone and to utilize borrow
materials so stratified in situ that it would not be feasible to
load and place material from individual soil strata.
(2) Where materials to be blended occur as horizontal
strata, shovels, draglines, wheel excavators, or in some
cases, scrapers have been used to blend them during
excavation. Excavation with a power shovel on a vertical
cut will blend the materials. Where more extensive mixing
is required, it can be achieved by running the open bucket
through the mixture several times before loading. Construction control in this case will require maintaining the
height of cut necessary to obtain the desired proportions of
each type of material and to ensure that the materials are
blended thoroughly.
(3) Blending different materials from different sources
can be accomplished by stockpiling one layer on the other
so that excavation can be made through the two materials as
in a stratified natural deposit. However, this procedure is
expensive and is seldom used.
(4) Scrapers have been used to mix stratified deposits by
developing the excavation in such a way that the scraper is
loaded on an incline, cutting across several horizontal strata
of different materials; however, this procedure is generally
not as effective in mixing as the use of a shovel, dragline,
or wheel excavator.
e. Selection of materials intended for different embankment zones.
(1) The borrow pit inspector must assure that materials
intended for a certain embankment zone are within specification limits. Selection of materials will, to a large extent,
have been accomplished on the basis of design studies; that
is, borrow areas for the various zones will have been
designated. Design studies should have disclosed the nature
of the materials and the expected ranges of variation.
Therefore, field personnel should review the results of all
investigations and know what materials are acceptable; the
inspector must be able to identify these materials visually as
far as possible, and with a minimum of index tests.
(2) The use of proper equipment by the contractor will

also aid in preventing undesirable mixing of soil types. For

instance, stratified deposits of distinct soil types to be kept
separate should be excavated with a scraper since scrapers
excavate by cutting relatively thin strips of soil, thereby
avoiding mixing of strata. Screening plants are sometimes
employed to obtain required gradations. Although screening
of natural materials for major embankment volumes is an
expensive process, it may not be excessively so when
compared with the benefits. The use of screening plants
may avoid major placement problems, allow steeper embankment slopes, and employ a lesser volume of material.
Screening is used most often in connection with filter
(3) If any materials are encountered in borrow areas
having characteristics that differ appreciably from those
anticipated, such materials should not be used unless
approved by the design office.
(4) The borrow pit inspector must ensure that materials
of possible short supply are conserved.
f. Oversized materials. The maximum diameter of
stone or cobble allowed in compacted fill is generally
limited to about three-fourths the thickness of the compacted
layer. Where a high percentage of oversized cobbles or
stones is present, oversize material removed may be used in
the outer portions of the dam. Oversize materials can be
removed on the fill surface by hand labor or by special
rakes mounted on tractors, or they can be screened out in
the borrow areas. Generally, removal of oversized rock is
more efficiently accomplished in the borrow areas. Rock
separation plants are usually employed for this purpose.
Processing methods are discussed further in paragraph 4-4c.
g. Stockpiling. When excavation of fill material from
borrow sources progresses at a faster rate than its placement
in the embankment, the material can be stockpiled near
locations where it is to be used. Stockpiling involves
expensive rehandling and is generally only used on large
projects where borrow is to be used from an excavation
made before embankment construction, where borrow areas
will be flooded during construction, or when material must
be stockpiled close to its point of intended placement for
rapid construction of a closure section. Unless stockpiling
is a specified item, its use is at the expense of the
contractor. Stockpiling is advantageous in cases where
borrow must be transported long distances and moved by
conveyor belt or other means at the site. Filter materials are
often stockpiled when it is necessary to obtain them from
commercial sources or to manufacture them on the site.
Care should be taken in stockpiling filter materials to avoid
segregation, contamination, and particle breakage. In
dumping filter material onto a stockpile, drop heights should

EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95
be kept at a minimum; the filter material stockpile should be
located well away from other types of material, the area
should be sloped so that water drains away from filter
stockpiles, and heavy equipment should not be operated over
filter materials. Gradation tests should be performed on
samples of filter material from a number of locations around
the stockpile before and after it is placed to ensure that
specifications have been met.
advantages of
maintaining stockpile quality should be well understood and
appreciated by site personnel, especially if many contractors
will use the stockpile.
h. Cold weather operations. Borrow area operations
can often continue into freezing weather without loss of
embankment fill quality. Frost penetration progresses slowly in undisturbed (in situ) fine-grained soils except in
extremely cold weather, and soils will generally remain
unfrozen if borrow operations are conducted continuously.
Material satisfactory for fill placement can be obtained if the
in situ water contents do not require adjustment on the fill.
Sands and gravel can generally be excavated and handled
effectively under very low temperatures, but the addition of
water on the fill for compaction may present problems.
Borrow excavation in cold weather is usually limited by fill
placement requirements; it should be limited to use only in
special situations and should be practiced with considerable
Section II
Quarries and Rock Excavation


Even experienced geologists and engineers often cannot

predict how rock obtained from a quarry or excavation will
break down after blasting. Consequently, field personnel
must be particularly observant of the contractors methods
and the results obtained. The most frequent trouble occurs
when the quarried material either contains more quarry fines
and dust or more oversized material than had been
anticipated in the design. It has sometimes been necessary
to make major design changes because rock behavior or
breakdown was contrary to that anticipated by the designers.
See EM 1110-2-3800 for further guidance on the subject.


a. Loading.
(1) Power shovels and front-end loaders are used almost
exclusively today for loading trucks or other vehicles in
rock excavations or quarries. Power shovels have been used
for many years; large front-end loaders have recently come
into prominence with the advent of more powerful units


with large capacity buckets. In a deep quarry, the walls and

face must be carefully scaled as rubbelized material from a
blast is cleaned up to prevent rockfall accidents.
(2) The power shovel, either electric or diesel, is still the
most common piece of equipment for loading directly from
the muck pile, although front-end loaders have been used in
this capacity also. The power shovel is generally desired
because of its large capacity, its powerful bite, and its
efficiency in getting the load from the bucket to the carrier.
(3) Front-end loaders are used most often to load
processed material from stockpiles. A front-end loader may
be either tracked (crawler) or rubber-tired. The crawler type
has been used often in the past, but the four-wheel-drive
rubber-tired type has recently become popular. Although
the rubber-tired loader lacks the traction of the crawler, it is
faster and usually has sufficient traction on most surfaces to
load a full bucket efficiently.
b. Hauling. Trucks are generally used as prime movers
of rock fill. The three basic truck types are the end dump,
the bottom dump, and the side dump. Side dumps are rarely
used for the construction of compacted rock-fill dams; they
are more useful for building out the edges of fills. Bottom
dumps are more frequently used, but they have definite
limitations; they are somewhat unwieldy, and oversize rock
has a tendency to become trapped in their discharge gates,
requiring bulldozers to push them off the rock and thus
costing time and disrupting the hauling schedule. At the
Lewis Smith Dam, Alabama, all bottom dumps had to be
taken off the job and replaced with end dumps for this
reason. End dump trucks are probably the most frequently
used vehicles for rock hauling because of their speed,
mobility, and generally lower first costs to the contractor.
End dumps vary in size from the light dump truck to
semitrailer types with capacities in excess of 100 cu yd.
Since in most cases hauling from rock excavations and
quarries is off-the-road hauling, these trucks are not
subject to size and weight limitations imposed upon carriers
that travel on public highways, thus allowing the large
c. Processing. It is usually necessary to process
fragmented rock produced by blasting since it is unlikely
that the required sizes and/or gradation would occur directly
from blasting. Processing may involve removal of oversize
or undersize (fines) material, or obtaining a specific size
range for use in a particular zone of the embankment such
as a graded filter. Preparations should be made to stockpile
filter material when it is convenient to prepare the proper
gradation; this ensures an adequate supply of filter material
during rainy periods when the screens of a processing plant
tend to clog. There are several types of separation or

EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95
processing plants, each with its own advantages and disadvantages; the use and end product desired will dictate the
choice of plant. Some of the more common plants are
briefly discussed below.
(1) Grizzlies. The grizzly is perhaps the most common
separating device; it is used only for removing oversize rock
from the material which, in some cases, is all that is needed
to obtain the gradation specified. A grizzly consists of a
sloped grate made of heavy bars which are wider at the top
than at the bottom to ensure that particles do not bind
partway through the gratings and clog the openings between
the bars. Grizzlies are often constructed with sloped vibrating screens or with rotating cams (grizzly wobblers) so that
oversize material passes over the grate and falls off the end
while the desired material falls through the grate. Grizzlies
may be constructed in many ways, but they always involve
the use of a grate or lattice of heavy bars. Figure 4-6 shows
a sloping grizzly in operation at Gathright Dam, Virginia.
A grizzly wobbler used at Stockton Lake Dam, Missouri, is
shown in Figure 4-7.
(2) Trommel. A trommel is a separating device which
consists of a rotating cylinder of perforated sheet metal or
wire screen. Like the grizzly, it is used for eliminating
oversize particles, but it can also separate the remaining
material into various size fractions. A trommel can be open
at either one end or both ends with the axis of the cylinder
horizontal or slightly inclined so that the material is
advanced by rotation of the cylinder. Size of the perforations in the sheet metal or of the openings in the screen
can be varied to obtain more than one size fraction. As
material is fed into the rotating cylinder, the oversize
material passes through and is discharged at the other end,
while each of the fractional sizes falls through a properly

Figure 4-6. Rock separation by means of a sloping bar

(grizzly) arrangement at Gathright Dam, Virginia

sized opening into hoppers or onto conveyor belts which

transport the various sizes to stockpiles.
(3) Shaking or vibrating screen. This device is generally
used for sizing. It consists of a metal screen or multiple
screens with desired opening sizes, mounted either
horizontally or inclined on a rigid frame and given either a
reciprocating motion (in the case of a shaking screen) or a
vibrating motion (in the case of a vibrating screen). A
vibrating screen separating plant is shown in Figure 4-5.
Material retained on a given screen passes on to one end of
the screen, where it is discharged into a hopper or onto a
belt. More than one size can be separated by having
screens of successively smaller openings below the initial

Test Quarries

a. Test quarries aid the designer in determining the

sizes, shapes, and gradations of rock produced by excavation
and handling. Test quarries are usually operated in conjunction with a test fill so that all aspects of rock behavior
from blasting to compaction can be evaluated. Variables in
quarrying operations include drilling, blasting techniques,
loading, processing, and hauling procedures and equipment.
A properly executed test quarry program will provide the
designers and field personnel valuable information pertinent
to cut slope design, evaluation and control of geologic
structures, best blasting technique, and rock fragmentation
control to be used; provide representative materials for test
fills; give prospective bidders a better understanding of the
drilling and blasting behavior of the rock; and determine
what processing, if any, of the rock will be required. A test

Figure 4-7. Grizzly wobbler discharging +2-in. rock

into end-dump truck and -2-in. material into bottomdump truck (spillway-powerhouse excavation at
Stockton Lake Dam, Missouri)


EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95
quarry in operation at Foster Dam, Oregon, is shown in
Figure 4-8.

should be familiar with methods of operation that affect the

rock fill.
a. Drilling and blasting.
(1) It would be very desirable and economical to obtain
the required gradation directly from the piles of blasted
rock, but this is generally difficult and some experimentation
by the contractor will be necessary. Preliminary experimental shots should provide criteria for establishing
satisfactory drilling and blasting patterns. The spacing of
boreholes and intensity of charge required will depend on in
situ rock conditions. See EM 1110-2-3800 for information
required from contractors and for guidance on approving
blasting procedures and inspecting blasted areas.

Figure 4-8. Test quarry in operation at Foster Dam,


b. Even though test quarries are usually established

during design, contracts are frequently administered by the
construction division, working in cooperation with the
design engineers. It is desirable that construction personnel
assigned to the test quarry be later assigned to the dam
construction, if possible. These personnel will have gained
valuable insight into construction procedures and material
behavior and would form an important nucleus when staffing for dam construction.
c. The purpose of construction control is primarily to
ensure that different test methods and procedures called for
in the plans and specifications for a test quarry are followed
so that comparison of different methods and analysis of data
acquired will be meaningful. It is important that complete
and accurate records are kept throughout the job. Records
should include types of drilling equipment used; rates of
drilling in each type of rock; hole diameter, depth and
spacing; explosive type, charge, and spacing; stemming
material and procedure; time sequence of firing; and details
of results obtained by blasting.

Obtaining Specified Rock Fill

The specifications will prescribe the gradations of the rock

fill to be placed in the various zones. It may be possible to
obtain acceptable material directly from blasting, but the
rock may have to be processed in one form or another. In
any case, the inspector must ensure that the placed rock
meets the criteria set forth in the plans and specifications.
The contractors method of operation has a significant effect
on the gradation of rock obtained. Therefore, the inspector


(2) Rock is excavated or quarried either by the bench

method using vertical holes, or by coyote holing, which
involves firing large explosive charges placed in tunnels
driven into a rock face at floor level. Coyote holing is
initially cheaper than the bench method, but frequently
results in excess fines and oversize stones that require
secondary blasting. As a general rule, the coyote method
should not be used when quarrying for rock-fill structures.
(3) In quarry experimentation, the material broken by the
first blast should be cleared away not only to determine if
the correct gradation has been achieved, but to examine the
excavation rock face and the condition of the excavation
floor. The power shovel has been mentioned above as the
best means of loading/moving blasted rock in quantity, but
it must be operated from a relatively level floor.
(4) In a normal shot, the coarser material will be located
away from the face and on the top; the finer materials will
be concentrated toward the working face and at the bottom.
The operator of the loading equipment should be cautioned
and instructed on loading procedures that will help ensure
a uniform distribution of sizes in each load if the rock is
used without processing. In many quarries, a layer of fines
will become concentrated on the quarry floor as loading
progresses and must be either used elsewhere or wasted.
b. Processing. If the contractor cannot obtain the
correct rock sizes by blasting or if special treatment is called
for in the specifications, processing will be required. The
degree of processing will vary from using a simple grizzly
to remove oversize rocks, or washing to remove excess
fines, to running material through a crusher plant. Rock
crusher plants are not generally used for processing rock fill
due to high operational cost. However, crusher plants are
sometimes used to produce select filter materials such as
transition or bedding material. The amount of processing

EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95
required will depend on the results of the blasting unless
special processing is expressly called for in the specifications. Different types of separation equipment and their
utilization have been described above.

in them. All slopes should be scales and trimmed to eliminate the probability of falling rocks and debris. All areas
that can support vegetation should be seeded. In some
cases, fencing may be needed to restrict free access.

Section III
Final Condition of Borrow Areas, Quarries, and Spoil Areas



Borrow Areas

Generally, no treatment is required for reservoir-side borrow

areas located below minimum operating pool elevation.
However, for reservoir-side borrow areas located above this
elevation and land-side borrow areas, some treatment is
generally required to eliminate what would otherwise be
unsightly scars. Treatment of these borrow areas usually
begins with the contractor stockpiling topsoil when first
opening the borrow pit. After all usable borrow has been
removed (the contractor should not be allowed to excavate
to bedrock, but should be required to leave a foot or two of
soil over rock), the previously stockpiled topsoil should be
spread back over the borrow area and graded to a smooth,
uniform surface, sloped to drain. On steep slopes, benches
or terraces may have to be specified to help control erosion.
As a final step, the entire area should be fertilized and
seeded. These procedures are intended to prevent erosion
and bring the borrow area to a pleasing aesthetic appearance
and possibly make it available for future use.


Abandoned quarries are unsightly and may be a safety

hazard. As far as practicable, old quarries should be drained
and provisions made to prevent any further ponding of water

Spoil or Waste Areas

Specific areas must be provided for the disposal of waste or

spoil materials. These areas should be clearly shown on
specification drawings. Material which is unsuitable for
other purposes is usually used to fill and shape depressions
such as ditches, sloughs, etc., located outside the limits of
the embankment. Waste material in excess of that required
to fill these depressions may be used upstream to reinforce
seepage blankets or used as berms to add to the stability of
the structure. Waste areas located downstream of the
embankment must be carefully selected to avoid interference
with any component of the structure or creation of
undesirable areas requiring excessive maintenance or
remedial work. Waste materials should never be permitted
to block seepage from drains, pervious zones, or rock toes.
Additionally, disposal areas should not be located such that
they could possibly cause contamination of natural
groundwater. Generally, no compaction of material in waste
areas is needed other than that produced by hauling
equipment except on the finished outside slopes. Surfaces
should be left reasonably smooth and sloped to provide
drainage away from the embankment and construction
activities. Outside slopes of waste areas composed of easily
erodible materials should be compacted or track-walked to
prevent erosion. If possible, the areas should be fertilized
and seeded to improve their appearance and prevent erosion,
thus possibly making them suitable for recreational


EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95

Chapter 5
Earth-Fill and Rock-Fill Construction

Section II
Test Fills

Section I
Fill Processing and Compaction Equipment

Heavy Compaction Equipment

The three principal types of heavy equipment used to

compact embankment fill are the tamping roller (sheepsfoot), the rubber-tired roller, and the vibratory steel-wheel
roller. Corps of Engineers specifications, uses, advantages,
and disadvantages of each roller are summarized in
Figures 5-1, 5-2, and 5-3. Other general-purpose equipment
sometimes used to compact fill are the fill hauling and
spreading equipment itself, which is routed over fill to be
semicompacted (paragraph 5-25), and crawler tractors,
which sometimes can produce adequate compaction of
pervious cohesionless materials.

Hand-Operated Compaction Equipment

For compaction in restricted areas such as those immediately

adjacent to concrete walls, around conduits, or in depressions in rock surfaces, hand-operated power tampers or
vibrated plate compactors are used. Power tampers should
weigh at least 100 lb, and vibrated plate compactors are
effective only in clean cohesionless backfill.

Spreading and Processing Equipment

Spreading and processing equipment commonly used on embankment fills is as follows.

a. Crawler and rubber-tired tractors and bulldozers.
This equipment is used to tow compactors, plows, harrows,
etc., with bulldozer blades to move and spread material and
to remove oversize stones from embankment fill.
b. Motor graders (road patrols). Graders are used to
spread and mix material, dress up boundaries between
different zones (such as core, transition and filter), work out
oversize stones, and scarify surfaces of previously compacted lifts.
c. Disks. Disks are typically towed by rubber-tired or
crawler tractors (Figure 5-4) and used to scarify surfaces of
previously compacted lifts or to aerate and blend water into
uncompacted lifts before compaction.

Rock Test Fills

a. In the design of rock-fill dams, the construction of

test embankments can often be of considerable value, and in
some cases it is absolutely necessary. Design engineers
should manage the test fill program, although construction
personnel may administer the contract under which testing
is performed. Test fills aid the designer by defining the
effects of variables which would otherwise remain unknown.
A properly executed test fill program should determine the
most effective type of compaction equipment, the lift
thickness, and the number of passes; maximum rock sizes;
amount of degradation or segregation occurring during
rolling; and physical properties of the in-place fill, such as
density and grain-size distribution.
The knowledge
developed and the consequent improvement of design can
significantly influence the cost of the structure. Hammer
and Torrey (1973) provide guidance on the design and
construction of test fills.
b. Test fills are often operated in conjunction with test
quarries. This practice not only provides information about
rock behavior during quarrying procedures, but also ensures
that material used in the test fill is representative of material
that will be produced by the proposed excavation. As in
test quarries, test fill programs are often administered by
both construction and design personnel, and it is advisable,
when possible, to assign construction personnel involved in
the test fill program to actual dam construction.
c. Construction of a test fill should be very strict,
otherwise data obtained may be of questionable value.
Plans and specifications for the test fill are prepared by the
design engineer to evaluate construction procedures and
material behavior so that results of the test fill can be used
in design and construction of the prototype; therefore,
changes or additions should not be made without approval
of the design engineer.
d. Records and data required should be established by
the design office; records should be kept up to date, and
data plotted daily, as changes in the test program may be
necessary to obtain desired information. It is important to
record any and all observations made by field personnel, no
matter how insignificant they may seem at the time.
Photographs and notes or visual observations are extremely
important, as they often provide answers to perplexing
questions that would otherwise go unanswered.


EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95

Double-drum unit:

Water or sand and water ballasted. Towed by crawler or rubber-tired tractor at not more than
5 mph.


Diameter, 60 in. (minimum); length, 60 in. (minimum).


Weighted: at least 4,000 lb/ft of drum length. Empty: not more than 2,500 lb/ft of drum length.


Uniformly spaced. Approximately three feet per each 2 sq ft of drum surface. Foot length: 9
to 11 in. Face area: 7 to 10 sq in.

Cleaning fingers:

Provided to prevent accumulation of material between feet.


May be used in lieu of towed roller if it causes no shearing of or laminations in fill.

Specifications same as above except that (a) empty weight greater than 2,000 lb/ft of drum
length may be used with face areas of feet not greater than 14 sq in. to approximate nominal
foot pressure of towed roller, (b) inflation pressures of rubber-tired front wheels not greater
than 40 psi. Speed not greater than 5 mph.


To compact fine-grained soils or coarse-grained soils with appreciable plastic fines.


Kneading, churning, and tamping action mixes soil and water better than other compaction
equipment (this does not preclude proper processing of material prior to compaction, however);
produces good bond between lifts; and breaks down weak rock or cemented soils.


Leaves surface rough and loose, and therefore susceptible to wetting by rains or surface
waters. Compacts to shallower depth than other equipment. Effectiveness diminished in
compacting soils containing cobbles or large rock fragments. Self-propelled rollers sometimes
cause shearing of or laminations in fill.

Figure 5-1. Tamping roller (sheepsfoot)


EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95
Unit with pneumatic-tired wheels towed at speeds not exceeding 5 mph.


Minimum of 4 wheels abreast, each carrying equal load in traversing uneven surfaces.

Wheel spacing:

Distance between nearest edges of adjacent tires not to exceed one-half of tire width under
25,000-lb wheel load. Tire pressure 80 to 100 psi.


Ballast loading to provide wheel loads from 18,000 to 25,000 lb.


To compact cohesive (and sometimes cohesionless) soils.


Compacts to greater depths than sheepsfoot roller. Produces relatively smooth compacted
surface which is rain-resistant. Effective in compacting in closer quarters than sheepsfoot (i.e.,
against rock abutments and concrete structures). More effective than sheepsfoot in
compacting cohesive soils containing large particle sizes. Wet areas of fill can be determined
by observation of roller rutting.


Compacted surfaces must be scarified before placing next lift. Not as effective as sheepsfoot
roller in breaking down soft rock or in mixing fill material.

Figure 5-2. Rubber-tired roller


EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95
Single drum unit. Towed by crawler tractor with minimum drawbar horsepower of 50 at speed not to exceed 1.5 mph (when
compacting rock fill or sands and gravels), or self-propelled at speed not to exceed 1.5 mph (when compacting sands and
gravels only).


Minimum total weight, 20,000 lb; 90 percent transmitted to ground by smooth drum with roller
in level position attached to towing vehicle. Unsprung weight of drum shaft and internal
mechanism not less than 12,000 lb. (Note: while guide specification CW 02212 specifies a
roller with a minimum static weight of 20,000 lb, lighter rollers (7,000 to 10,000 lb) have been
effectively used to compact pervious sand and/or gravel, and to compact soft rock that would
be broken down too much by heavier rollers.)


Frequency: between 1,100 and 1,500 vpm. Dynamic force: not less than 40,000 lb at
1,400 vpm.


To compact cohesionless materials.


Greater densities can be obtained in cohesionless soils than with tamping or rubber-tired
equipment. Fill may be flooded with water to improve compaction.


May cause degradation of soil or rock-fill particles and create layers of fines.

Figure 5-3. Vibratory steel-wheel roller


EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95

Figure 5-4. 36-in.-diam disk towed by D-8 tractor at

DeGray Dam, Arkansas

e. Gradation tests should be performed on rock before

and after compaction. A comparison of the before and after
gradation curves will indicate the probable amount of
particle breakage to be expected during handling and
compaction. Lift thicknesses must be measured. In-place
density of the compacted material after rolling must be
determined directly by large-scale conventional methods or
indirectly by observing settlement of the fill. The latter
method is generally used because conventional density tests
in rock fills are difficult and settlement measurements
provide a better relative measurement of density. If densification of a layer is determined from settlement readings,
caution must be exercised to ensure that settlement is in fact
that of the layer in question and does not include settlement
of the foundation or underlying layers. Settlement in the
foundation and within lifts can be determined from settlement plates. A number of conventional density tests should
be made to supplement settlement data in any case.
f. Test trenches should be excavated through the
completed test fill to allow visual observation of compacted
lift thicknesses, distribution of fines, and distribution of
density. Test fill operations, including inspection of test
trenches, should be thoroughly documented with measurements, photographs, and written results of visual observations. A test trench cut through a portion of the test fill for
New Melones Dam, California, is shown in Figure 5-5.

Earth Test Fills

Test fills for earth embankments are often necessary to

establish proper loose lift thicknesses and the number of

Figure 5-5. Test trench through portion of rock test fill

at New Melones Dam, California. General view of
trench (top); closeup view of trench wall (bottom)

passes required to compact soils for which there is no

previous compaction experience. Test fills may be needed
to determine the best procedure and equipment for adding
and mixing in water to obtain the desired water content
uniformity throughout the lift. Test fills are also constructed
(at the contractors expense) when the contractor wants to
use equipment other than that permitted by the specifications, as the contractor must prove that desired results can
be obtained with the proposed equipment. Test fills are also
used to determine if desired densities can be economically
obtained in the field, (for example, at Canyon Dam, Texas,
Figure 5-6). A test fill is often a part of the embankment,
and if satisfactory results are achieved, the compacted fill
can be utilized as part of the embankment fill.
Section III
Impervious and Semipervious Fill


Impervious materials include clays of high and low plasticity (CH and CL), clayey sand or gravel (SC and GC), and


EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95
the laboratory by compacting five or more specimens of a
soil at different water contents using a test procedure which
utilizes a standard amount of energy called standard
compactive effort. A detailed description of the laboratory
compaction procedure to establish maximum dry density and
optimum water content is contained in EM 1110-2-1906.
b. In the field as in the laboratory, the two variables
that control fill density are placement water content and
field compactive effort applied by the passage of a piece of
equipment a certain number of times over a lift of a specific
thickness. When the water content of a soil being compacted with a certain compactive effort deviates from the
optimum water content for that effort, a dry density less
than maximum will result; the greater the water content
deviation from optimum, the lower the resulting density will
be. For soil with a water content on the dry side of
optimum or at optimum, an increase in compactive effort
will generally increase the density. For soil with water
content considerably greater than optimum, an increase in
compactive effort will tend to shear the soil but not further
compact it.
c. Compactive effort can be increased by increasing
contact pressure of the roller on the soil, increasing the
number of passes, or decreasing the lift thickness. Combinations of these procedures to increase and control
compaction on a job will depend on difficulty of compaction, degree of compaction required, and economic factors.
Figure 5-6. Test fill data from Canyon Dam, Texas

clayey silt (CL-ML). Semipervious materials include silts

(ML) and silty sands and gravel (SM and GM). Note that
sands with borderline gradations classifying as SM-SP, that
is, sands having as high as 12 percent passing the No. 200
sieve (5 percent is the usual upper limit for a material to be
classified as pervious), may have the characteristics of
semipervious material even though such materials may be
allowed by the specifications in embankment zones
designated pervious fill. Generally, compaction curves
indicating adequately defined optimum water contents and
maximum dry densities can be developed using the standard
compaction tests on impervious and most semipervious

Compaction Fundamentals

a. Soils containing fines can be compacted to a specific

maximum dry density with a given amount of energy; however, maximum density can be achieved only at a unique
water content called the optimum water content. Maximum
dry density and optimum water content are determined in



Compaction Specifications

a. Requirements of the more important compaction

features (such as water content limits, layer thickness,
compaction equipment, and number of passes) will be
contained in the specifications and must be checked closely
by the inspection force to ensure compliance.
b. Specifications will generally state the type and size
of compaction equipment to be used and require that the
contractor furnish the Government manufacturers data and
specifications on the equipment. Those data should be
checked against job specification requirements along with a
visual inspection to ensure that the equipment is in condition
to produce the required compaction. If a sheepsfoot or
tamping roller is to be used, some of the items to be
checked include: drum diameter and length; empty weight
and ballasted weight; arrangement of feet and length and
face area of feet; and yoking arrangement. For a rubbertired roller, tire inflation pressure, spacing of tires, and
empty and ballasted wheel loads should be checked. For a
vibratory roller, static weight, imparted dynamic force,
operating frequency of vibration, and drum diameter and
length should be checked.

EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95
c. Uncompacted or loose lift thickness will be specified.
Lift thickness specified will be based on type of material
and compacting equipment used. Impervious or semipervious materials are commonly placed in 6-to-8-in. loose
lift thicknesses and compacted with six to eight passes of a
sheepsfoot roller or in 9-to-12-in. loose lift thicknesses and
compacted with four coverages or a 50-ton rubber-tired
roller. When using a rubber-tired roller or any roller that
leaves a smooth surface after compaction, scarification of
the compacted lift prior to placing the next lift is specified
to ensure a good bond between the lifts. In confined areas
where hand-operated power tampers must be used, fill is
commonly place in 4-in. loose lifts and compacted to
densities achieved with sheepsfoot or pneumatic-tired
equipment under the above-mentioned conditions.
d. In-place water content and density must be related to
optimum water content and to maximum dry density to
judge whether a compacted soil is suitable or unsuitable.
Minimum acceptable field density is normally established in
design as a percent (usually 95 or above) of maximum dry
density1, and an allowable range of placement water
contents is given in the specifications relative to optimum
water content of the soil being compacted. Each soil type
has a different maximum dry density and optimum water
content for a given compactive effort, and it is necessary
that in-place field densities and water contents be compared
with laboratory-determined optimum water contents and
maximum densities of the same soil. Because mixing
different soil strata in borrow areas can result in materials
with unexpected compaction characteristics, if a material
being compacted in the field cannot be related to available
laboratory compaction data, a laboratory compaction test
should be performed on that material. Check companion
tests should be performed by field personnel before fill
placement to ensure consistency with target values for a
given soil.
e. Assumptions are made in design regarding shear
strength, permeability, and deformation characteristics of the
embankment fill. These properties vary with density and
water content of the compacted soil. Therefore, soil must
be placed as specified; otherwise, design assumptions are
not met and problems may occur in the completed structure.
Thus, desired density and placement water content range are
not arbitrarily established but are specified for very definite
reasons, and both requirements must be satisfied. If the
water content is outside its specified range, even though the
desired density is obtained, the soil must be reworked and

When the compaction procedures are set forth in the specifications, the
percentage of maximum dry density is not specified, but the desired value
is given to field inspection forces by the design office.

recompacted. If the minimum density is not obtained even

though the water content is within the specified limits,
additional roller passes at Government expense will be
required. Procedures for performing tests to determine field
densities and water contents are contained in paragraph 5-10, and application of these tests to compaction
control is included in Appendix B.

Simple Control Procedures

a. Simple controls using both visual observations and

rough measurements are the primary means by which construction control is carried out. However, they must not be
used as the only means of control, but must be supplemented by an extensive program of control testing. For any
estimate to be meaningful and accurate, the observer must
have his eye and hand calibrated to all conditions expected.
It is desirable to construct a small test section prior to the
beginning of major fill placement so inspectors and the
contractor can become familiar with the behavior and
compaction characteristics of the fill material and with the
performance of the compacting equipment. Noncritical
locations are often used for such experimentation, such as
in reaches where embankment heights are low.
b. An inspector should be familiar enough with the
materials at a job site to recognize when the soils are too
dry, too wet, or at optimum water content. To gain needed
familiarity with site materials, an inspector should spend
time in the field laboratory performing compaction tests and
index tests such as Atterberg limits so as to become familiar
with differences in appearance and behavior of site fill
c. A trained inspector should be able to pick up a
handful of soil and make a reasonable estimate of its water
content relative to optimum by feel and appearance.
Experienced inspectors can often estimate deviation from
optimum water content to within 1 percent. Material may
be examined by rolling a small amount on a clipboard or
between the hands to get an indication of how close to the
plastic limit the soil is. Comparison with the plastic limit is
a good rule-of-thumb because there is often good
correspondence between optimum water content and the
plastic limit of a soil. However, after the inspector has
made visual and contact examination, a water content test
should be performed on the material in question for
confirmation of water content.
d. In addition to having a feel for how a soil looks and
feels when it is at the proper density, a penetration
resistance index test is often devised by inspectors. The
resistance index test itself can range from the use of a
Proctor needle (Proctor penetrometer) to that of a common


EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95
spade. Many inspectors, in fact, have had success in
judging density by noticing the resistance of the compacted
soil to penetration by a spade.
e. Proper lift thickness is fairly easy to estimate when
the inspectors judgement has been calibrated by actual
thickness measurements. However, many contractors are
interested in placing lifts as thick as they can get by with,
and conflict often arises on this point. Therefore, control of
lift thickness by visual observation alone is not sufficient
and must be supplemented with measurements. Contractor
behavior dictates the level of force that must be exercised to
maintain proper lift thicknesses. As a minimum practice by
the inspector, it is necessary to make measurements on the
same point on the construction surface after every few
f. Much useful information can be gained by observing
the action of compacting and heavy hauling equipment on
the construction surface. If the water content of the fill
material is uniform and the lift thickness is not too great,
the action of the roller will indicate whether water content
of the material is satisfactory and good compaction is being
obtained. For example, it is likely that soil-water content is
too high if on the first pass of a rubber-tired roller the tires
sink to a depth greater than or equal to half the tire width,
after several passes, excessive rutting of the soil surface is
observed, the surface ahead of the roller shows signs of
weaving or undulating (as opposed to springing). It
should be noted that the characteristics just described may
sometimes be caused by tire pressure which is too high, but
in most instances they are caused by water content which is
too great. On the other hand, if the roller tracks only vary
slightly or not at all and leave the surface hard and stiff
after several passes, the soil is probably too dry. For most
soils with the proper water content, the roller will track
nicely on the first pass and wheels will embed 3 to 4 in.;
there should always be some penetration into soil at its
proper water content, although penetration will decrease as
the number of passes increases. After several passes of a
sheepsfoot roller, the roller should start walking out of the
fill if adequate and efficient compaction is being obtained.
Walking out means that the roller begins bearing on the soil
through its feet with the drum riding a few inches above the
soil surface. If the roller walks out after only a few passes,
the soil is likely too dry. If the roller does not walk out but
continues churning up the material after the desired number
of passes, either the soil is too wet or foot contact pressure
is too high.
Another significant observation during
compaction by sheepsfoot roller is whether or not the feet
are coming out clean. Soil is generally too wet when large
amounts of material are being picked up by the feet and
knocked off by the cleaning teeth. If soil is at the proper
water content, only a small amount of sticking should occur.


g. At a proper water content there will always be a

noticeable springing of the embankment surface as it
reacts to the passage of any heavy construction equipment;
the amount will depend largely on soil type. However, a
sudden sinking or rising of the surface under the weight of
the passing equipment is a good indication that a soft layer
or pocket exists below the surface; if there is no spring at
all, it is probable that several lifts of fill have been placed
too dry. If such a condition is noticed, it should be checked
by the laboratory and the condition corrected if the
underlying layers do not meet specifications.
5-10. Field Control Testing and Sampling
a. General. Field control testing (field density tests)
and record sampling of compacted fill are conducted for two
basic reasons: to ensure compliance with design requirements, and to furnish a permanent record of as-built
conditions of the embankment. Field control testing consists
largely of determinations of the water content, density, and
classification of the field-compacted material. Record
sampling consists of obtaining undisturbed samples (often
with companion disturbed bag samples) at selected locations
in the embankment during construction.
b. Field density testing and record sample programs.
(1) Frequent control tests should be performed at the
start of fill placement; after rolling requirements have been
firmly established and inspection personnel have become
familiar with material behavior and acceptable compaction
procedures, the amount of testing can be reduced. Many
factors influence the frequency and location of control tests
and record samples. Frequency of testing will depend on
the type of material and how critical the fill being compacted is relative to the overall job (for example, an
impervious core will naturally require more control than will
a random berm). Sampling should be carried out at locations representative of the area being checked. It is vitally
important in control tests that soil specimens be properly
sized; specimens that are too small yield inaccurate and
misleading results. Guidance regarding proper specimen
sizing is given in EM 1110-2-1906 and by Gilbert (1990).
(2) A systematic testing and sampling plan should be
established at the beginning of the job. Control tests are
usually designated as routine and are performed at designated locations, no matter how smoothly the compaction
operations are being accomplished. A routine control test
should be performed for every 1,000 to 3,000 cu yd of
compacted material and even more frequently in narrow
embankment sections where only a small volume of material
raises the section height considerably. In the first lift above
the foundation, tests should be made more frequently to

EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95
ensure that proper construction is attained in this important
area. The locations of record samples should be at the
discretion of the design engineer and should also be stated
on a predetermined plan of testing. A rough guide for
taking record samples is one for every 30,000 cu yd of core
fill and every 30,000 to 50,000 cu yd of compacted material
outside the core. Since the record samples are taken primarily to determine the shear strength of the fill, it may be
more important in many dams to concentrate more tests in
the material outside the core because this is where a major
portion of the resistance to sliding is developed. For dams
with narrow central plastic clay cores placed wet of
optimum water content for impermeability and flexibility,
flanked by large lean clay zones, record samples should be
taken mainly in the clay shells.
(3) In addition to routine control tests, tests should be
made in the following areas: where the inspector has reason
to doubt the adequacy of the compaction, where the
contractor is concentrating fill operations over relatively
small areas, where special compaction procedures are being
used (power tampers in confined areas, etc.), where
instruments are located, and adjacent to abutments.
c. Record samples. Undisturbed record samples may be
obtained by carefully carving out about a cubic foot block
of the compacted fill. The sample is then sealed in wax and
encased in a wooden box or protected by other methods of
packaging against disturbance or water loss. Undisturbed
record samples are also taken by trimming around a large
steel cylinder as it is pushed into the fill (e.g., the Fort
Worth district has used a sampler 7-1/2 in. in diam by 10 in.
high). Details for obtaining and preserving record samples
are described in EM 1110-2-1907. Undisturbed record
samples are subjected to shear and perhaps consolidation
testing by the division laboratory, and the material from
trimmings and unused portions of the record samples or of
the companion bag samples are used for laboratory
compaction, gradation, specific gravity, Atterberg limits, and
other laboratory tests. Undisturbed record samples and bag
samples must be tested promptly if the results are to be
useful in construction control.
d. Field density tests. Field density determination
consists of volume and weight measurements to determine
wet density of in-place fill and water content measurement
to determine fill water content and dry density. Volume and
weight measurement can be determined by direct or indirect
methods. In direct measurements, weight of the material
removed from a hole in the fill and hole volume are used to
determine wet density. Direct water content determination
involves drying the soil in an oven at 110 5 C, then
weighing the dry soil to determine water loss. Determining
density and water content by indirect methods involves

measuring a characteristic of the material that has been

previously correlated with density and/or water content. As
a rule, field density tests should be taken one lift thickness
(1) Direct methods.
(a) Direct methods of measuring volume include sand
displacement, water balloon, drive cylinder, piston sampler,
and water displacement. Apparatus, procedures, and guidance in obtaining satisfactory results for the sand displacement, water balloon, drive cylinder, and piston sampler
are given in EM 1110-2-1907. The sand displacement and
water balloon methods are the most widely used for
measuring in-place density because of their applicability to
a wide range of material types and good past performance
records. Apparatus for these two methods is shown in
Figure 5-7. Sand displacement is the most reliable and most
frequently used method; it should be the referee test for all
other control methods. The drive cylinder and piston
sampler are good for obtaining samples from which the
density can be ascertained, but are limited to moist finegrained cohesive soils containing little or no gravel and
moist fine sands that exhibit apparent cohesion. The water
displacement method is generally used for testing gravelly
soils where holes as large as one cubic yard are needed to
obtain accurate results. A water-displacement density test
is shown in Figure 5-8. A thin plastic sheet is necessary to
line the hole to prevent leakage, and special equipment is
often required for handling and weighing the large volume
of excavated material and measuring the large volume of
water. A 3-to-5-ft-diam steel ring with a height about equal
to the compacted lift thickness is often used where the fill
surface is rough and uneven. The volume of water required
to fill the ring with the plastic liner in place is determined,
the water and liner removed, and then the hole is dug without moving the ring. The liner is then placed in the hole,
and the volume of water required to fill the hole to the top
of the ring is determined. The difference between the two
volume measurements is the in-place volume of excavated
fill material. Apparatus and procedures for large volume
water displacement tests are described by Hammer and
Torrey (1973) and by Gordon and Miller (1966).
(b) Water content measurement is required to control
placement water content and to determine dry density for
field tests. Methods for direct water content determination
include conventional oven drying, hot plate or open flame
drying, drying by forced air, and drying in a microwave
oven. In conventional oven drying, a soil specimen is dried
to a constant weight in an oven maintained at a temperature
of 110 5 C and the weight loss determined. Conventional oven drying is the standard for accuracy in water content
measurement; details of the test are described in EM 1110-


EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95

Figure 5-7. Displacement density apparatus

the forced hot air or moisture teller procedure, a specimen

is placed in a commercially available apparatus containing
an electric heater and blower. Hot air at 150 to 300 F is
blown over and around the specimen for a preset time. A
110- or 230-V source is required for the apparatus, which
can accommodate specimen masses from 25 to 500 g.
Drying times will depend on specimen size and material
type but are estimated to vary from 5 min for a sand to as
long as 30 min or more for a plastic clay. Care must be
exercised when using this method also, since the soil may
be overdried or underdried with a resulting inaccuracy in
water content.

Figure 5-8. Large-scale water displacement density

test in progress at New Hope Dam, North Carolina

2-1906. The hot plate method utilizes a small tin pan and
a hot plate, oil burner, gas burner, or some other device to
apply high temperature quickly; the test is performed by
weighing a sample of wet soil, drying the soil on a tin pan
over high heat, and weighing again to determine how much
water was lost. Hot plate drying is fast but can result in
inaccuracy in water content because high uncontrolled
temperature applied to the soil can drive off adsorbed water
and burn or drive off volatile organic matter, neither of
which should be removed in a normal water content test. In

(c) Microwave oven. A Computer Controlled Microwave Oven System (CCMOS) has been developed at WES
and demonstrated to be an acceptable and useful piece of
equipment for rapid determination of water content for
compaction control. The principal of operation of the
system is that water content specimens are weighed
continuously while being heated by microwave energy; a
small computer monitors change in water content with time
and terminates drying when all free water has been
removed. CCMOS is essentially automatic; after the
operator has placed a specimen in the oven system, the
controlling computer performs all required tasks (including
calculations) through software, and returns the final water
content with no additional input required from the operator.
A water content test in the CCMOS typically requires 10 to

EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95
15 min; the system has been field-tested at the Yatesville
Lake and Gallipolis Lock projects in the Ohio River
division. At the projects, companion tests were performed
in a conventional oven at 110 5 C and in CCMOS. Data
returned from the projects are shown in Figure 5-9;
statistical analysis of the data shows that CCMOS produces
water contents that are within 0.5 percent of the conventional oven water content. Special procedures must be used
when drying materials which burst from internal steam
pressure during microwave drying (which includes some
gravel particles and shales) and highly organic material,
which requires a special drying cycle. CCMOS will not
produce correct water contents in soils with high gypsum
content; therefore, no attempt should be made to use the
system to dry such materials. (However, it must be noted
that a special drying procedure is required to dry gypsum
rich soils in the conventional constant temperature oven).
CCMOS and its operation and use are described by Gilbert
Components of the system are shown in
Figure 5-10.
(d) Pressure tester methods. The pressure tester method
for water content determination involves combining moist
soil in a sealed chamber with calcium carbide (these react
with water in the soil to release gas) and relating the
resulting gas pressure to soil water content. Accuracy can
be a problem when using this technique since soils and
especially fine grained clays bind and hold water at different
energy levels. Consequently, there is no assurance that
calcium carbide will react correctly with bound or adsorbed
water; calibration tests must be performed to correlate
pressure tester water content with conventional oven water

Figure 5-10. Components of the microwave drying


content. Special care should also be taken in using the

pressure tester technique with organic soils, since accuracy
is affected by the presence of organic matter in soils. The
pressure tester technique is most effective and accurate on
relatively dry soils (less than 20 percent water content)
which readily disaggregate; the technique becomes cumbersome and possibly dangerous when testing excessively wet
soils, as very high gas pressure may develop in the test
chamber. The American Society for Testing and Materials
(ASTM) has recently prepared a standard for the calcium
carbide pressure tester method of water content determination (ASTM D 4944). The procedure states that
uncertainty and sources of error in using the procedure arise
from the fact that water entrapped in soil clods does not
react correctly or completely with calcium carbide;
additionally, some soils contain chemicals which react
unpredictably with the reagent to give erroneous results. It
is important to realize that when calcium carbide reacts with
water, acetylene gas is released which is highly flammable
to the point of being explosive; additionally, the gas is
irritating to the skin and eyes. Therefore, appropriate safety
measures must be exercised when using this procedure.
(2) Indirect methods. Indirect methods can often be
successfully used to measure density and water content;
however, indirect methods should never be used instead of
direct methods or without careful calibration and correlation
with results obtained from direct methods. Additionally,
indirect measurement results should be periodically checked
against direct measurement results during construction.
Indirect methods include the use of the nuclear moisturedensity meter, the Proctor penetrometer (often called the
Proctor needle) and the pressure tester method of water
content measurement.

Figure 5-9. Conventional oven versus CCMOS water

content data

(a) Proctor penetrometer. The Proctor penetrometer is

generally accurate only under ideal conditions; it requires


EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95
careful calibration using soils of known density and water
content and considerable operating experience. Even then
the results may be questionable due to the significant
influence of nonuniform water content or variation due to
the influence a small piece of gravel can have on the
penetration resistance.
The Proctor penetrometer is,
therefore, not recommended for general use in compaction
control; it can be a very useful tool in supplementing the
inspectors visual observations and providing a general
guide for detecting areas of doubtful compaction. The
procedure for determining the relation between wet unit
weight, penetration resistance, and water content is
described in the ASTM Standards, Designation D 1558-63.

minimized. The backscatter method avoids the need

to create an access hole in the compacted soil
because the unit rests on the surface. The air-gap
method (shown in Figure 5-11c) raises the device
above the surface to lessen composition error, but
accuracy will still not match that of the direct
transmission method. Moisture measurements utilize
a method based on the principle of measuring the
slowing of neutrons emitted into the soil from a fast
neutron source, usually using the backscatter method.
Generally, the density and water content measuring
devices are incorporated into a single self-contained
unit. Both surface-type nuclear gauges, which test
materials at depths greater than 1 ft, are now
available. Descriptions of gauges available from a
number of manufacturers are given by Smith (1968).
Modern nuclear gauges contain a microcomputer
which processes gauge readings to directly calculate
and display wet density, dry density, degree of
compaction, and water content.

(b) Nuclear method.


The nuclear method is an expedient means by which

both water content and density determinations can be
made more rapidly than by conventional direct
methods. Improvements in the design of nuclear
equipment and a better understanding of the nuclear
principles have led to increasingly widespread use of
nuclear gauges. The nuclear method is not permitted
as a primary control, but is used to supplement direct
methods. A 1969 survey of Corps of Engineers use
of nuclear gauges showed 13 Corps offices were
using such instruments in various applications. A
1990 survey of nuclear density gauge use in
earthwork construction within the Corps showed that
seven districts were using nuclear instruments to
supplement other methods of density and water
content determination. Guidance given by Webster
(1974) and by Rosser and Webster (1969) requires
that before a nuclear density gauge is used on a
Corps of Engineers job, results obtained using
factory curves must be compared with density and
water contents determined by conventional methods.
Based on this comparison, corrections may be
required to the factory curve or a new calibration
curve may have to be developed. It should be noted
here that recent research has shown that the
calibration of nuclear gauges is highly nonlinear in
determination of water content or soil density at
water contents greater than about 40 percent, and
steps should be taken to account for this nonlinearity.
Most nuclear gauges are built to measure density by
one or more methods, classified as the direct transmission, backscatter, and air-gap density methods as
shown in the schematics of Figure 5-11; however, all
nuclear gauge methods are based on the principle of
using gamma radiation to establish a density relationship. The direct transmission method is reported
to yield the best accuracy, in that material
composition and surface roughness influences are

No license is required by the Atomic Energy

Commission (AEC) for using nuclear gauges when
the radiation-emitting source is a naturally occurring
radioactive nuclide. A license is needed when the
radiation-emitting source is a by-product radioactive
nuclide. All Corps applications for AEC licenses,
renewals, amendments, and correspondence thereto
must be forwarded through normal Corps channels to
HQDA (CESO-ZA), Washington, DC 20314, for
processing. AEC standards are contained in Title 10,
Part 20, Code of Federal Regulations (Atomic Energy Commission 1966). Full time radiation inspectors
with special training must be present on Corps
projects where nuclear gauges are used. This
requirement can be a barrier on small jobs or jobs
with marginal funding.

The advantage of the nuclear method is the speed

with which density and water content determinations
can be obtained as compared with conventional
methods. An in situ density and water content determination can be made in approximately 15 min as
compared with a period as long as 24 hr for conventional methods when oven drying is used. In
addition, the possibility of human error is minimized.
However, the field density and water content must
still be related to a compaction curve or to maximum
and minimum densities, as is the case with data
obtained by conventional methods. Consequently, it
is necessary to obtain a sample of the material at the
location of the nuclear test in order to relate the field
and laboratory date.

EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95

Figure 5-11. Schematic diagrams of density and moisture measurements

The operating principle of the nuclear moisture

gauge is, very basically, that neutrons from a
radioactive source are released into a soil/water
mixture then detected some distance away after they
have traveled through the soil.
The (initial)
statistical energy spectrum of the released neutrons
is known; after reacting with the soil/water medium
for a period of time, the neutrons reach a state of
energy equilibrium which is detected and measured
by a probe. Detected energy level is then related to
soil water content through calibration. Neutrons lose

energy primarily by colliding with chemically bound

hydrogen present in the (soil-water) medium, and
neutrons are absorbed by certain elements which may
be present in the soil. Therefore, some of the factors
that adversely affect water content measurement
using this procedure may be more clearly visualized:
(1) All chemically bound hydrogen causes neutron
energy loss, including that in organic matter,
adsorbed water, and structurally bound water as well
as free water. Only free water should be included
in a normal water content determination; the gauge


EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95

cannot discriminate between hydrogen in free water

and hydrogen in other sources. (2) Certain elements
(such as iron, potassium, manganese, boron, and
chlorine) are highly absorptive of neutrons. The
presence of these elements in soils will cause
erroneous water content determination using a
nuclear gauge. Because of the possible presence of
generally unknown quantities of organic matter,
adsorbed water, structurally bound water, and highly
absorptive elements, water content measured by the
nuclear gauge must be frequently checked against
that determined in the conventional oven to account
for the factors which are known to influence nuclear
gauge results. In addition, nuclear gauges react with
and are affected by other nuclear gauges in close
proximity; therefore, a nuclear gauge should not be
used within 30 to 40 ft of another nuclear gauge in
use in the field. A major disadvantage of nuclear
gauges is that specimen size is unknown and can
never be established with certainty; the volume
probed by a nuclear gauge is determined by water
content, soil mineralogy, grain-size distribution, and
geometry of the test configuration (for example,
results determined in a narrow utility trench may be
in considerable error relative to results obtained on
a flat, obstruction-free soil surface).

f. Methods of relating fill density and water content to

maximum density and optimum water content.

Additional disadvantages of nuclear methods for

determining field densities and water contents are
general lack of understanding of the method as well
as factors affecting the results and, consequently,
lack of confidence in the results; calibration curves
must be developed and/or verified by field tests for
each instrument; and although the proper use of
nuclear gauges presents no health hazards, rigid
safety regulations and documentation requirements
must be met. For this last reason, field parties are
sometimes reluctant to use nuclear equipment.

(c) U.S. Bureau

compaction control.

e. Test pits. It is sometimes desirable to excavate deep

test pits to determine the overall condition of the compacted
embankment. Field density tests can be made and undisturbed record samples can be obtained at various
elevations as the pit is being dug, and the degree of
uniformity or water content with depth can be obtained by
testing samples at frequent depths. An important advantage
of the test pit is that it allows a visual inspection of the
compacted fill; soft spots can be detected, and it can be
determined whether or not successful bonding of the fill lifts
has been accomplished. Large-diameter bucket auger holes
(30 to 36 in.) can also be utilized effectively for this
purpose. All tests and visual observations should be
thoroughly documented, including numerous photographs.
Test pits must be backfilled with properly compacted soil.


(1) The fill density and water content must be related to

laboratory values of maximum density and optimum water
content of the same material in terms of percent compaction
and variation of fill water content from optimum. For this
comparison to be meaningful, valid laboratory values must
be selected.
(2) Performance of the standard five-point compaction
test on the field density test material is ideal, as it gives the
correct values of maximum dry density and optimum water
content directly. However, the five-point test is timeconsuming and generally not possible on material from each
field density test.
(3) There are other, less time-consuming methods based
on identification of the field density material with one of the
soils on which standard compaction tests have been performed in connection with design studies and during
construction. The means of identification are as follows:
(a) Two-point compaction test.
(b) One-point compaction test.




(d) Atterberg limits correlations.

(e) Grain-size distribution correlation (sometimes used
for coarse-grained soils).
(f) Visual comparison.
These methods are discussed in detail in Appendix B. The
two-point and one-point methods follow essentially the same
procedure as the five-point method, but are quicker since
fewer points need to be run. It should be noted that the
five-point method requires wetted soil cured overnight prior
to compaction to allow uniform distribution of added water.
In the one- and two-point methods, whether adding water to
or drying back the fill material, thorough mixing is required
to obtain valid results. Water contents and dry densities
from the one- and two-point methods are plotted on the
same plot as the five-point laboratory compaction curves
used for control. The curve best fitting the plotted points is
selected, and the field values are compared with the
maximum density and optimum water content of that curve.
Atterberg limits correlations are based on correlations of
liquid limit, plastic limit, or plasticity index with optimum
water content and maximum dry density. In the USBR

EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95
rapid method, a wet density compaction curve is developed
from three wet density compaction points, and the percent
of maximum dry density and deviation from optimum water
content are computed without having to perform water
content tests. The visual method consists of establishing by
visual examination that the field density material is the same
as one of the materials on which laboratory compaction
curves were developed. It is a frequently used method, but
is the least desirable because materials that look very much
alike and have the same soil classification can have widely
varying compaction characteristics.
g. Procedures for gravelly soils. Results of the fivepoint, two-point, one-point, and visual methods are usually
correlated directly with field density test results if
appropriately sized compaction molds are used (see
EM 1110-2-1906). However, the Atterberg limits correlations and USBR rapid methods are based on the minus
No. 4 sieve fraction; consequently, the field density test
results must be corrected to obtain the water content and
density of the minus No. 4 fraction. Corrections must also
be applied to the field results if the laboratory compaction
curve is based on a scalped material (corrections would not
be made if particles larger than 2 in. are replaced with an
equal weight of particles from 2 in. to the No. 4 sieve and
tested in the laboratory in a 12-in. compaction mold). The
equations necessary to make these corrections and procedures for applying them are given in Appendix B.
h. Evaluation of test results and subsequent actions to
be taken. As soon as field test results are obtained, they
must be compared to appropriate values of maximum dry
density and optimum water content to determine if specification requirements have been met. If measured values
match or exceed specification requirements, the next lift can
be added. If test results show that specifications have not
been met, corrective measures must be taken immediately.
A lift must be rejected if the material is too wet or too dry.
If density is too low but water content is acceptable, additional rolling is all that is required. If, however, water
content is outside specifications, the entire lift should be
reworked and rerolled. A lift that is too wet should be
worked by disking until the water content is lowered to an
acceptable value and then recompacted. A lift that is too
dry should be disked, sprinkled, and redisked until the
additional water is uniformly distributed, then recompacted.
It is important when reworking a rejected lift that the full
lift depth be reworked, not just the upper portion. All
reworked lifts should be retested for density and water
content. It is desirable to determine the reason(s) for an
unsatisfactory lift in either borrow or fill operations, so that
conditions causing the problem may be corrected on future

5-11. Operations in Adverse Weather

a. Cold weather.
(1) Research (Sherards et al. 1963) has shown that good
compaction is not obtained on frozen soil or on soil at
temperatures near freezing. Contractors will often want to
keep working as long as possible in cold weather, and the
Resident Engineer may be faced with a difficult problem in
deciding exactly when it becomes too cold for further fill
placement. There are no definite criteria for establishing the
temperature below which satisfactory work is impossible.
The rate at which unfrozen soil loses heat and freezes
depends on the size of the construction surface and the rate
of fill placement. In cold weather it is important to keep
the construction surface active, i.e., fill placement must
continue without lengthy interruptions. Work has been
continued at some dam sites in 20 to 30 F weather 24 hr a
day, 7 days a week to keep the construction surface active.
Work must be terminated whenever water in the soil freezes
quickly and equipment operation becomes awkward. Underwater dumping in water with floating ice should not be
allowed because of the possibility of entrapping ice in the
fill. Construction in cold weather must be limited to special
situations and always performed under close observation
with extreme care.
(2) Protecting the construction surface during the winter
when operations are shut down is another problem. The
degree of protection required depends on the severity of the
winter. In most parts of the United States, it is not
necessary to use any protection if the embankment surface
has been properly seal-rolled; the worst damage is a heaving
and loosening of the upper few inches of the embankment
fill by frost action. Before construction starts again in the
spring, the surface material should be excavated to a depth
below the line of frost action. The depth at which to
excavate is best determined by visual examination of
shallow test holes. In colder climates where the embankment freezes to a depth of several feet, it may be desirable
to protect the construction surface during winter with several
feet of loose material. Other methods of protection have
been used in extremely cold areas, such as ponding water
over the construction surface and even using some type of
heating coils on foundations for structures (spillway, outlet
works tower, etc.).
b. Wet weather.
(1) Maintaining proper water content during periods of
high precipitation is always a problem.
materials should never be placed on embankments during
rain, although construction operations can often be continued


EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95
successfully between rains. Water content of material
spread on embankments can be reduced somewhat during
periods between rains by plowing or disking before rolling.
(2) It is desirable to compact fill material as soon as
possible after spreading to minimize the time loose fill is
exposed to precipitation. Rubber-tired rollers are superior
to sheepsfoot rollers when rains are frequent because they
leave a relatively smooth compacted surface, whereas the
sheepsfoot roller leaves a loose rough surface that readily
soaks up rain water. If a sheepsfoot roller is used for
general compaction, smooth-wheel rollers (steel or rubber)
can be employed to seal the surface when rain is imminent.
In any event, the construction surface should be kept sloped
to allow the water to run off instead of standing in puddles
and soaking in. After a rain, if some ponding does occur,
it is usually easy for the contractor to install a few small
ditches to drain these areas.
(3) It is often necessary after a rain to scarify and work
the construction surface to a depth below that of excessive
moisture penetration until it is dried to a satisfactory water
content or, to remove and waste all affected material. If
procedures to facilitate runoff are followed (sloping the
surface, sealing the surface with smooth rollers, etc.), the
depth of moisture penetration will be kept to a minimum.

is very difficult to obtain uniform water content distribution

in plastic clays containing lumps without a curing period
of a few days; this is, of course, not practical on the
embankment surface. Consequently, disking followed by
addition of water and then thorough mixing with a heavy
rotary pulverizer may be required to obtain uniform
distribution of water in such soils.
5-12. Compaction in Confined Areas
a. Confined areas are those where normal rolling
operations with heavy equipment are restricted or where
heavy equipment cannot be used at all and hand compactors
must be used. Compaction with hand compactors should be
avoided and heavy equipment used in these areas if at all
possible. Confined areas, where heavy equipment can often
be used on a careful basis if maneuvering room is available,
include fairly smooth abutments (rock or earth), conduit
barrels, towers, etc. Confined areas where hand compactors
often must be employed are adjacent to thin concrete
structures, such as wing walls, guide walls, etc., where
heavy equipment might damage the structure; adjacent to
rough, irregular rock abutment slopes where heavy equipment cannot get in close enough to the surface to squeeze
the fill into all the irregularities and openings in the rock;
and around seep rings or plugs where maneuverability is a

c. Dry weather.
(1) If material being dumped on the fill is too dry for
proper compaction, water must be added by sprinkling after
it is spread and before it is rolled. The amount of water
added and the blending required will depend on grain size
and plasticity of the soil, fine-grained soils of high plasticity
requiring the greatest amount of blending. Soil must be
worked with disks to thoroughly blend and homogenize
added water into the soil. The importance of uniform
moisture distribution cannot be overemphasized; if pockets
of wet and dry soil are allowed in uncompacted material,
very poor compaction will result.
(2) Sprinkling the soil can be accomplished by hosing
from a pipeline, located along either the embankment toe or
the crest, or by the use of water trucks. The latter method
is the most effective and the most commonly used today.
Pressure sprinkling systems on trucks are superior to gravity
systems and should be employed if at all possible. Water
sprays must not be directed on the soil with such force as to
cause fines to be washed out. Until the inspectors and
contractor personnel have gained a feel for the amount of
water needed, rough computations of the number of gallons
to add for a given area should be made, and water applied
accordingly. After a few trials, a feel for the proper amount
will develop. The coarser and less plastic the soil, the more
easily water can be added and worked uniformly into it. It

(1) Heavy equipment. When conditions are such that

heavy compaction equipment can be used to compact the
soil against rock abutments or walls of concrete structures,
the construction surface of the embankment should be
sloped at about 1V on 6H for a distance of 8 to 12 ft away
from the rock or concrete. This will allow the roller to act
more directly in compacting the soil against the abutment or
structure. The area can then be rolled perpendicular to the
face of the abutment or structure by heavy pneumatic
equipment or a sheepsfoot roller or by heavy pneumatic
equipment in a direction parallel to the face.
(2) Hand compactors. If heavy rollers cannot be used in
this manner, the roller should be allowed to work as close
as possible, and the portion of embankment directly against
the rock or concrete should be compacted with smaller
equipment in thinner lifts. Smaller equipment refers to
hand-operated power tampers, as shown in Figure 5-12, or
power tampers mounted on small tractors. These tampers
are usually gasoline-operated or operate on compressed air.
Hand-operated power tampers (sometimes called rammer
compactors) are probably the most widely used equipment
for compacting fine-grained soils in confined areas. A loose
lift thickness of not more than 4 in. should be employed in
conjunction with these power tampers. Hand compactors
should have a minimum static weight of 100 lb, and the

EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95
sieve.1 Standard impact compaction tests on such materials
do not yield well-defined values of optimum water content
and maximum dry density, and field densities are related to
maximum and minimum density determinations made
according to the relative density procedures in EM 11102-1906 rather than to maximum dry density as determined
in the standard compaction test.
5-14. Compaction Equipment

Figure 5-12. Compacting against rock abutment with a

hand-operated power tamper, Green River Dam,

inspector should carefully check to ensure that the manufacturers recommended air pressure is being developed.
Experience has shown two-by-four wood rammers, or
single-foot compressed air tampers (commonly referred to
as powder puffs or pogo sticks) do not produce
adequate compaction. It is important that zones of hand
compaction and compaction by heavy equipment overlap so
that no uncompacted material exists between them.
b. Where impervious material is to be placed adjacent
to abutments or concrete structures, it should be as finegrained as practicable. Soil must be plastic enough to
penetrate all irregularities in the abutments and to form a
well bonded seal.
c. Close compaction control must be exercised in these
areas since they are generally more critical with respect to
seepage and damaging settlements causing cracking and
piping than the main embankment. A special sampling
program should be established, and an inspector must watch
operations involving the use of power tampers at all times.
Section IV
Pervious Fill
5-13. Definition
Pervious fill material as used in this manual is defined as
free-draining cohesionless sand and/or gravel, containing
less than approximately 5 percent passing the No. 200

a. Vibratory steel-wheel rollers in the weight range of

5 to 10 tons are the best equipment for compacting pervious
sands and/or gravel. It should be noted that compaction
equipment has been steadily increasing in weight and it is
not uncommon to find steel-wheel roller compactors with a
weight of 15 or more tons. Drum-drive self-propelled
vibratory rollers have been found to be effective on fine
uniform sands when other vibratory rollers were not.
Rubber-tired rollers are sometimes specified, and crawler
tractors are sometimes used if they can produce required
densities. Crawler tractors may be effective for compaction
in rough or hilly areas where a vibratory roller cannot
operate wellfor example, in compacting a horizontal
drainage layer on an undulating foundation. The contact
pressure of the tractor should be at least 9 PSI, and the
tractor should operate at that speed which imparts the
greatest vibration to the fill.
b. Where free-draining pervious material is placed as
backfill against concrete walls and around concrete
structures such as outlet conduits, small compaction
equipment is needed because of restricted area or because
heavy equipment is not allowed close to the walls. Two
common types of vibratory compactors are a small steelwheel vibratory roller and a vibrating plate compactor.
Air-operated concrete vibrators have also been used successfully in densifying narrow, relatively deep zones of pervious
backfill. Figure 5-13 shows pervious backfill being placed
against a concrete wall with a hand-operated compactor in
the background. Vibratory-type units should be checked
frequently to ensure that they are operating at a frequency
level giving the highest possible density. For cohesionless
materials, the frequency of vibration should generally fall
between 1,100 and 1,500 vibrations/cycles per minute.

Outer embankment zones of some dams composed of coarse-grained soils

containing appreciable amounts of fines (i.e., greater than 5 percent) are
sometimes designated as pervious zones. The compaction equipment,
procedures, and control for materials comprising the pervious zones referred
to here are those presented in Section III on impervious and semipervious


EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95

Figure 5-13. Placement of pervious material adjacent

to stilling basin wall, Brookville Dam

5-15. Material Gradations

Figure 5-14. Sprinkling system built on frame of

vibratory roller (feeder pipes are shown above frame,
spray bars are attached below) used at DeGray Dam,

Gradations of materials to be placed in large pervious

embankment zones are generally not specified except to
restrict the maximum size and/or the percentage by weight
of particles smaller than the No. 200 sieve. On the other
hand, a particle-size distribution within limits defined by
roughly parallel gradation curves on the standard grain-size
(semi-log) plot is specified for select pervious materials to
be used in horizontal and inclined drainage layers and in
pervious transition layers.

means of a long hose connected to a water truck which

moved as necessary to accommodate the roller. Very good
results were achieved with this arrangement. If a so-called
pervious material contains appreciable fines (say, more than
5 to 10 percent passing the No. 200 sieve), it is probable
that water content control must be exercised to ensure that
the water content is within a range that will permit desired
compacted densities to be obtained.

5-16. Water Content Control

Water content control is unnecessary in gravel, and the
material may simply be compacted in its as-received
condition. If the material is sand or contains a significant
proportion of sand sizes, the material must be maintained in
a high degree of saturation during compaction using water
trucks with pressure spray bars, hoses connected to header
pipes laid along the embankment, or other approved
methods of water application.
If pervious sand is
compacted at a low degree of saturation (with insufficient
water), surface tension between the water present and the
sand grains will cause the moist soil to bulk, and in this
state it will not densify efficiently under an applied
compactive effort; the result will be a poorly compacted
weak layer which may cause problems. It is therefore
imperative that sand be in a high degree of saturation as the
roller passes over it, but it is often difficult to achieve a
high degree of saturation because surface tension will also
prevent water from flowing freely through sandy soils.
Figure 5-14 shows the unique wetting system used to
saturate the sand for the vertical sand drain at DeGray Dam.
The entire spray system was attached to the frame of the
vibratory roller itself. The water was fed to the system by

5-17. Lift Thicknesses and Number of Passes or

These will be established in the specifications. Pervious fill
is commonly placed in 6- to 15-in. lifts when it is to be
compacted by three or four passes of a vibratory steel-wheel
roller or a 50-ton rubber-tired roller, or in 6- to 8-in. loose
lifts when it is to be compacted by three to six coverages by
a crawler tractor. A note of clarification is necessary here.
Guide Specification CE-1306 calls for a specified number of
complete passes of a rubber-tired roller or a vibratory
steel-wheel roller, where a complete pass is defined to be
complete areal coverage of the lift. This concept does not
retain the same meaning in a crawler tractor where the
tracks (because of their wide separation) do not make complete areal coverage of the lift. Therefore, when compaction
by a crawler tractor is specified, the specification should
require coverages by the tracks of the tractor. In confined
areas where small vibratory rollers or hand-operated
vibrating compactors are required, material is normally
placed in 2- to 3-in.-thick layers with vibratory compaction
applied until densities comparable to those required for areas
compacted with heavy equipment are achieved.

EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95
5-18. Density Requirements
Compaction equipment and procedures are normally specified without field densities being specified. The expectation
is that the prescribed field compaction methods will produce
the desired densities. If these are not achieved in the field,
then the contractor is paid for additional rolling. Requirements established by the Office of Chief of Engineers are
that the average in-place relative density of pervious fill
zones should be at least 85 percent and that no portion of
the fill should have a relative density less than 80 percent.
5-19. Construction Control
a. Simple control procedures.
(1) Checking lift thicknesses of pervious fill can be
accomplished by the simple procedures described for
impervious and semipervious materials, except that in using
a shovel or rod it is often difficult to determine when the
top of the underlying compacted layer is reached. This
procedure is also not practical in fills containing large gravel
particles. In some cases, it is possible to excavate a small
hole in the loose material to the top of the underlying layer,
which is identified by a relatively higher resistance to
(2) The inspector must make certain that the
embankment is always graded so that surface waters will not
wash fines from impervious or semipervious fill materials
into the pervious fill. During construction of earth dams,
placement of filter materials for drainage layers should be
kept higher than adjacent fill containing fines in order to
prevent spillage of fine-grained soil onto the pervious
material or to reduce the washing of fine-grained soils into
the materials by surface runoff. The inspector should be
trained to recognize the appearance of pervious material
meeting specifications so that he can more easily detect,
without the delay of testing, the presence of excess fines.
A good indication of excessive fines is when the hauling
and compacting equipment sinks in and causes ruts in the
fill surface. This usually indicates that water applied during
compaction is not draining through the material as it should
because of clogging by excess fines.
(3) In general, a vibratory roller should push only a
small amount of material ahead of it and leave a smooth
surface behind on the first pass. If the roller sinks in and
pushes a large amount of material in front of it, either the
frequency of vibration is not correct for the particular soil
being compacted or the material contains too many fines.
(4) It is more difficult to judge the compacted density of
pervious material than that of fine-grained material.

Resistance to penetration of a shovel or a reinforcing steel

rod often is not a suitable way of checking density, and it is
necessary for the inspector to rely more heavily on field
control tests. Some inspectors can judge the compaction
obtained in pervious fill by walking over it and feeling the
reaction of the material. The uniformity of particle-size
gradations in the lift should be observed. Too much
vibration may cause segregation of the fill material, causing
the fines to settle to the bottom of the lift. Conversely, if
particles are being crushed during compaction, a layer of
fines will develop in the upper few inches of the lift.
(5) The inspector should observe loading, dumping, and
spreading operations, particularly if the pervious fill is wellgraded material, to ensure that undesirable segregation of
particles is not occurring as a result of such operations.
(6) The particular importance of horizontal and inclined
drainage layers to the function of a dam, and the fact that
these features are so limited in thickness, justify the special
attention of inspectors to see that gradations and densities of
the in-place filter materials meet the specifications.
b. Gradation. Gradation tests should be performed to
ensure that the material being placed is within specification
limits. The number of gradation tests needed will, of
course, depend on the variability of natural pervious material
as obtained from the borrow areas. Complete gradation
tests should be performed on material for which the entire
range of particle sizes is specified. For those materials for
which only the percent finer than the No. 200 sieve or some
other sieve is specified, the material should be soaked and
then washed over the No. 4 and the designated lower-limit
sieve in accordance with procedures given in EM 1110-21906. Gradation tests should also be performed on
compacted material especially when it is suspected that there
has been contamination with fines from surface waters or
when the fill material may have been degraded by breakage
of particles during compaction.
c. Field density





(1) The water balloon and sand volume density test

methods described in paragraph 5-10d(1) can be used to
determine the in-place density of pervious fill. It is, of
course, more difficult to dig holes in pervious materials.
When the fill material contains high percentages of large
particles, it may be necessary to increase the volume of
holes substantially and to line the holes with plastic film so
that the volume may be determined by the quantity of water
or oil needed to fill it. The nuclear density meter can be
used for supplementary density determinations under the
conditions stated in paragraph 5-10d(2)(b). The density of


EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95
free-draining pervious fills and filter materials cannot be
related to standard impact compaction test results since
water content/density relations are not valid for such
materials, as they are for materials having varying degrees
of plasticity. Field densities must be expressed in terms of
maximum-minimum densities as determined by laboratory
tests described in EM 1110-2-1906. Field densities are
expressed in terms of their relation to these laboratory
values, i.e., in terms of relative density. The percent
relative density, Dd, of the in-place material can be
computed by the equation:






d = dry unit weight of the pervious fill in place (the inplace density), pcf
min = minimum density, pcf, from laboratory tests
max = maximum density, pcf, from laboratory tests
(2) Field density determinations using the water balloon
or sand volume procedures should be made for every
1,000 cu yd of pervious fill placed at the beginning of the
job and for every 3,000 cu yd thereafter, with more frequent
determinations desirable for testing in drainage layers.
These tests generally should be taken one lift thickness
deep, especially in sands. Although the performance of
maximum and minimum density determinations on material
from each field density test would give the most accurate
determination of the relative density of the in-place material,
this is frequently not feasible because of time and manpower
restrictions. Therefore, it is often advisable to attempt to
develop correlations between the gradation data and the
maximum-minimum density values on materials representing
the range of gradations to be expected from the sources of
supply. Figure 5-15 is an example of a correlation between
the percent finer than the No. 16 sieve and the maximumminimum density values. Where a good correlation like this
is developed, a simple determination of the percent finer
than the No. 16 sieve is all that is needed to obtain the
appropriate maximum-minimum density values in the inplace material. In other instances, good correlations may be
developed between maximum-minimum density values and
the percent of material passing other sieve sizes or the
coefficient of uniformity. Correlations developed between
minimum and maximum density values can be used to
obtain minimum density after the performance of a
maximum density test alone. Caution should be exercised
in using such correlations for uniform sands, since the


Figure 5-15. Correlation between density and percent

passing No. 16 sieve

spread between the maximum and minimum density is very

small and large errors may result.
(3) Correlations such as those described above should be
used only on materials from the particular sources for which
the correlations were developed. Application to materials
from other, geologically different sources may lead to
considerable error because of differences in particle shapes
and degradation characteristics. The selection of maximumminimum density values by visual comparisons of field
density test material with samples of materials on which
maximum-minimum density determination have previously
been made is generally not a good procedure; small
differences in particle sizes that cannot be adequately
detected by visual comparisons have significant effects on
these density values.
5-20. Test Results and Actions to be Taken
Assume, for example, that it has been established that a lift
has in-place relative densities between 80 and 85 percent.
A review must be made of the relative densities of all
previous lifts to ensure that a minimum average of 85 percent relative density will be maintained if the questionable
lift is to be accepted. The intent of the relative density
criteria is that the relative density of the material measured
immediately after compaction must conform to the requirements stated in paragraph 5-18 without any consideration of
increase in density caused by the placement and compaction
of subsequent lifts.

EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95
Section V
Rock Fill
5-21. General
a. Embankments with large rock-fill zones are
becoming more common. This is primarily due to the
necessity of using sites where rock foundation conditions are
unsuitable for concrete dams, the suitability of modern
construction equipment to handle rock, the increasingly
higher dams being constructed, and the economic benefit
obtained by the maximum use of rock from required
b. Rock for construction purposes falls into two
categories, soft rock and hard rock. Soft rocks such as
shales, mudstones, siltstones, claystones, chalk, earthy
limestones, weakly cemented sandstones, and badly
weathered igneous and metamorphic rocks break down in
varying degrees during compaction, some into tight compact
masses similar to impervious soils. Soft rocks are generally
susceptible to further softening by exposure to air and water.
Conversely, hard rocks do not readily break down during
handling and compaction, and their use results in a pervious
to very pervious fill depending on the amount of fines
c. There are no well-established criteria for construction
methods best suited to either type of rock. The breakdown
of most types of rock is very unpredictable, and this fact has
led to the widespread use of test quarries and test fills for
large rock-fill dams.
5-22. Hard Rock
a. Specifications. The specifications for pervious rockfill sections generally require that the rock be sound, well
graded, and free draining. Gradation is not usually
specified, but the maximum permissible size is normally
specified together with lift thickness. Rock fill is usually
required to be placed by dumping from trucks, with
bulldozers spreading the material to the desired lift
thickness. The required placement and spreading operations
should be that segregation of rock sizes is avoided. This is
discussed in more detail in the following paragraphs. The
type of roller, lift thickness, and number of passes will be
specified, preferably based on results of test fills.
b. Placement operations.
(1) When rock is dumped on the fill surface and pushed
into place by a bulldozer, the fines are moved into the upper
part of the lift, thereby creating a smoother working surface

for the compacting equipment. If, however, a layer of fines

of such a thickness as to choke the upper part of the lift and
prevent distribution of the fines throughout the lift is
produced, it is necessary to specify that the rock be dumped
directly in place.
(2) All oversized rock must be removed prior to
compaction. This is usually done with bulldozers, crawler
tractors fitted with special rock rakes, or cranes.
Oversized rocks are often pushed into a specified zone in
the outer slopes. Excessively large rocks are sometimes
hauled off to be dumped elsewhere, or they are broken up
with a drop weight or explosives and used in the rock fill or
riprap zone. Oversized rocks should never be pushed to
accumulate along the contact slope of a closure section.
(3) Close inspection is also required to ensure that the
material does not contain excessive fines, which can cause
excessive post-construction settlements when the reservoir
is filled. It is difficult to define a limiting amount of fines
in the specifications and, consequently, this is rarely done.
However, the design office should provide some guidance
to field personnel, based on results of rock tests and fill
studies, which will aid in determining when excessive fines
are present. The inspector must be alert for material
variations that could result in undesirable changes in
gradation of the material being brought to the embankment.
Such changes should be called to the attention of the
contractor so that quarrying techniques can be changed.
c. Compaction.
(1) With the introduction of smooth steel-wheel vibratory
rollers to this country in the last 20 years, current practice
is to compact all sound rock fill, using these rollers, in
comparatively thin lifts of unsluiced rock. Vibratory rollers
having static weights of 5, 10, and 15 tons have been used
to construct several Corps rock-fill dams.
(2) The lift thickness specified is dependent on the size
and type of rock and the type of compaction equipment to
be used, and is usually determined from results obtained
during construction of a test fill. Generally, specified lift
thickness will be no thicker than 24 in. unless test fills show
that adequate compaction can be obtained using thicker lifts.
Maximum size rock should not exceed 0.9 of the lift thickness.
(3) Scarification of compacted lift surfaces is not
necessary and should not be allowed because it disturbs the
compacted mass.


EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95
5-23. Soft Rock
a. The use of soft rocks in the past has been dictated by
their availability in large quantities from required
excavations. The main concern about these materials is
their tendency to weather and soften with time when
exposed to air and water. However, cases in which large
portions of embankments were composed of soft rocks have
shown that they can be used satisfactorily in random and
semipervious zones, attaining adequate shear strength and
experiencing no appreciable softening after placement.
Where soft rocks will constitute a significant structural
portion of a fill, their properties and the best methods of
compaction should be determined by means of a test
embankment constructed during the design studies.
b. Some types of soft rock have been compacted by
first rolling over the loose lift with a heavy tamping roller
equipped with long spike or chisel-type teeth (shell
breaker), and then compacting the lift with conventional
tamping or rubber-tired rollers. A summary of this
technique is given by Bennett (1958).
Section VI
Semicompacted Earth Fills

may require stage (or phase) construction. In a wide flat

valley, the embankment on one side of the river may be
constructed to the full height under one contract, with
subsequent portions constructed during following years.
Where foundations are soft, the embankment may be
constructed to a specified elevation and further fill
placement deferred for a year or more to permit dissipation
of foundation pore pressures or to achieve an adequate
degree of consolidation. In a narrow steep valley with rock
foundations, the entire embankment may have to be
completed to a stipulated elevation by a certain date to
prevent overtopping during the flood season.
construction schedule is developed to make maximum use
of available borrow and excavation materials, considering
river diversion requirements, foundation conditions, and
seasonal weather conditions. The contractor is responsible
for constructing the particular stage or section of
embankment within the time limit specified. The inspection
force is responsible for determining that each stage or
section of embankment is being built in proper sequence and
also that each stage or section is constructed using proper
placement sequence. Changes in sequence or timing of
stages should not be made without approval of the design
5-28. Placement Sequence

5-24. Uses
Spoil berms, channel fillings, and low levees to protect
farmlands are often constructed of semicompacted fills.
5-25. Specifications
Semicompacted fills are those specified to be compacted by
the routing of hauling and spreading equipment over the
spread layer. Lift thickness is specified, but the range of
placement water contents is either not specified or permitted
to vary widely.
5-26. Construction Control
Inspection of semicompacted fill is usually entirely visual,
although a few density tests may be made for record
purposes. The primary concern of the inspector is to ensure
that the specified lift thickness is not exceeded, suitable
materials are being used, and hauling and spreading
equipment covers the fill uniformly.
Section VII
Sequence of Placement and Measurement of Quantities
5-27. Schedule of Construction
The schedule for construction of an earth or rock-fill dam


a. It is usually required that the embankment be brought

up fairly uniformly over the entire width and length of the
section under construction. Interim embankment crests
should be crowned slightly to provide surface drainage
during wet weather. Specified transverse slopes of interim
crests may range from 1 to 5 percent. During periods of
dry weather, the fill heights of central impervious zones are
sometimes allowed to exceed the heights of adjacent
pervious zones by as much as 5 ft to permit continuous
placement of impervious material. However, special
precautions such as sloping the impervious fill material
away from the pervious zone are required to keep
impervious material out of inclined filter zones.
b. Placing material in a cutoff trench should be
accomplished by dumping and spreading the first lift of the
downstream filter zone material (if such a filter is required
at the downstream trench slope) and then dumping and
spreading the first lift of impervious material. This should
be followed by compaction of both zones concurrently, with
separate equipment being used on each zone. Dumping and
spreading filter layers first will help to maintain the
specified width of the filter zone. A downstream horizontal
drainage zone should be completely placed and covered by
two lifts of downstream shell materials as soon as possible
to prevent contamination of the blanket by exposure to
surface waters carrying fines.

EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95
5-29. Measurement of Quantities
Measurement of excavated materials is usually based on
cross-section surveys of the area before and after
excavation, using the average end area method for
computing quantities. For embankment fill, a cross-section
survey of the outer boundaries and average end area method
are used in computing quantities. For separate zones within
an embankment, the theoretical quantities are computed
from the lines and grades shown in the construction
drawings. Inspection personnel should be completely
familiar with provisions of the specifications and lines and
grades shown on construction drawings so that instances of
overexcavation or fill placement outside contract lines and
grades are recorded. This will assist in preventing possible
errors in measurement and certification of payment for
quantities in excess of contract provisions.
Section VIII
Slope Protection
5-30. Areas to be Protected
Slope protection is required to protect upstream slopes
against damage from wave erosion, weathering, ice damage,
and damage from floating debris. Upstream slope protection
of earth dams usually consists of riprap, although soil
cement, concrete paving, and asphalt paving have been
occasionally used when riprap was not economically
justified. Dams with outer shells of sound, durable, large
rock may not require further protection. Downstream slope
protection is required to protect against damage from surface
erosion by wind and rain. Downstream slope protection
includes gravel for dry climates, turf in humid climates,
riprap where tailwater may create wave action, and waste
rock. Proper field construction procedures and enforcement
of specifications are particularly important in obtaining slope
protection that will remain in place and in minimizing
maintenance during the life of the dam.
5-31. Upstream Slope Protection
Placement of upstream slope protection may be accomplished either as the embankment is being built or after the
embankment is completed. This depends on the elevation
limits of slope protection, the schedule for impounding
reservoir water, and the type of slope protection. The best
procedure is to require that the slope protection construction
not lag behind earth-fill construction more than 10 ft in
a. Riprap. Riprap is the most commonly specified type
of upstream slope protection. Properly graded riprap, placed
to provide a well-integrated mass with minimum void spaces

so that underlying bedding cannot be washed out, provides

excellent slope protection. Two primary factors govern
successful construction and are discussed below.
(1) Loading from the quarry to provide a good mixture
of different sizes within the required gradation in each load.
Proper loading from the quarry requires that blasting
operations produce proper sizes and that the inspector be
experienced in inspecting the loading operations.
(2) Placing loads on the slope to provide uniform
distribution of different sizes without segregation and
rearrangement of individual rocks to provide a rock mass
without large voids. A gradation test (performed by weighing a sufficient quantity) should be made for each 10,000 cu
yd of placed riprap. Two ENG forms for plotting gradations curves are available. These forms are ENG Form
4055 dated April 1967, Riprap Gradation Curves and
ENG Form 4056 dated April 1967, Gradation Curves for
Riprap, Filter, and Bedding.
Placement should be
accomplished by placing loads along the slope against
previously placed riprap; this will reduce segregation of
sizes that would otherwise occur if loads were dumped in
separated piles. The best method of placement to avoid
segregation is to use a skip as shown in Figure 5-16a.
Dumping rock at the top of the slope into a chute should
never be allowed since this will result in segregation. If
dumping is done from trucks, it is usually necessary to
winch load haulers down the slope to the placement
location. Dumping should proceed along horizontal rows
and progress up the slope; loads should not be dumped to
form rows up the slope. If very large (4 to 5 ft diam) rock
is specified, a crane with an orange peel attachment
(Figure 5-16b) operating on a platform built up on the slope
can be used. Other equipment such as Gradalls, cranes with
clamshell buckets, and rubber-tired front end loaders, can be
used to place riprap. These are preferable to dumping from
haulers. Close visual inspection after dumping and spreading is required to determine the degree of uniform
distribution of different sizes and close-knit arrangement of
individual pieces. Reworking, generally by hand, will
almost always be required; however, reworking can be kept
to a minimum if care is taken when loading to ensure that
each individual load has the proper amount of each size
rock (i.e., the proper gradation). Supplemental gradation
checks might be made by the photogrid method, described
by Curry (1964), in which a 10-ft-by-10-ft aluminum pipe
form containing a 1-ft-by-1-ft grid or rope is placed on the
riprap and photographed. From the photograph, the number
and size of stones visible at the surface are determined.
However, for materials that have been selectively arranged,
as by hand, this may not provide an accurate determination
of size distribution. Firm enforcement of specifications is
required, especially during early stages of riprap placement


EM 1110-2-1911
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stable base for riprap. Placement is shown in Figure 5-16c.
Many riprap failures have occurred because the bedding
material was not large enough to preclude being washed out
by wave action through interstices of the riprap. Removal
of the bedding causes settling and dislodging of overlying
riprap, further exposing bedding and embankment material
to direct wave action. It is, therefore, necessary that
bedding material meet specifications relating to gradation
and layer thickness. It is good practice to place rock spalls
or crushed stones of like size between the bedding and
riprap if they are available from quarry or required
excavation. The term spalls refers to the finer materials
resulting from rock excavation for materials such as riprap.
Spalls must be durable fragments of rock, free of clay, silt,
sand, or other debris. The gradation of spalls will vary and
must be specified for each particular job. The use and
minimum and maximum size of spalls or equivalent crushed
stone should be established in the design memo and should
be specified if it is appropriate. In some cases, spalls may
replace graded bedding material.

Figure 5-16. Placement of riprap and bedding material.

(a) Dragline with skip placing riprap at Texarkana Dam,
Texas; (b) Dragline with orange peel attachment
placing riprap at Lavon Dam, Texas; (c) Gradall used to
place bedding material, main stem levee, Chariton
River Project, Missouri

to ensure a well-graded mass having no large voids.

(3) A bedding layer or layers must be provided between
the riprap and embankment material (except in the rare case
that the latter is highly cohesive) to protect the embankment
material from eroding by wave action and to provide a


b. Soil cement. Soil-cement slope protection has not

been used for Corps of Engineers dams in the past, but may
be used in the future if riprap would be excessively
expensive. The recommended method is to use plant-mixed
rather than mixed-in-place soil cement. Inorganic sandy or
gravelly soils with not more than 35 percent finer than the
No. 200 sieve are suitable for soil cement use. The
plasticity of the fines should be low. Soils classified as
would be suitable. The amount of cement and water added
to the soil is based on laboratory tests to determine
compaction properties and resistance to freezing and
thawing cycles. Plant-mixed soil cement is usually spread
in 6-in. horizontal lifts along the slope in a strip, 7 to 10 ft
wide (depending on the slope angle and specified thickness
perpendicular to the slope), and compacted by sheepsfoot or
rubber-tired rollers. Succeeding lifts are stairstepped up the
slope. Control of cement and water content, uniformity of
mixture, and density tests are required, as well as measurement of both lift thickness and lift width. Bonding of the
compacted layers is important, and scarifying is usually
specified on surfaces of compacted layers prior to placing
the next lift. Curing is also important, and in dry climates
special measures may be needed to prevent drying of
compacted layer surfaces. Reference material on construction operations can be obtained from the Portland
Cement Association. Another source of information is the
U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, which has used soil-cement
slope protection extensively.
c. Other upstream protection. Monolithic concrete,
hand-placed riprip paving (grouted and ungrouted), and

EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95
asphalt paving are other methods of protection for upstream
slopes. These methods have been used infrequently, if at
all, for Corps of Engineers dams in the past.
5-32. Downstream Slope Protection
a. Grass turf. Grass turf for protection of downstream
slopes is usually specified in humid climates for earth
embankments. Where the downstream embankment zone is
composed of pervious material, sufficient fine-grained soil
or topsoil must be placed to support vegetation growth. The
method usually specified consists of clearing the slope of
any roots and stones, tilling to a depth of at least 4 in.,
fertilizing, seeding or sprigging, compacting, watering, and
maintaining as required to establish the turf. Temporary or
permanent protection should be established on completed
portions of the embankment as soon as possible. The usual
practice of waiting until near the end of construction and
trimming slopes by filling erosion channels with loose
material and then fertilizing and seeding has resulted in
continuing maintenance problems at several projects.
Specifications usually provide detailed instructions with
which inspection personnel should be familiar. Frequent
inspection should be made to ensure the following:
(1) That the soil is properly tilled and not allowed to
migrate down the slope during tilling, which might create
depressions or undulations.

(2) That the specified type, quality, and quantity of

fertilizer and seed are used.
(3) That turfing operations are conducted during good
weather conditions, and necessary interim precautions are
taken to prevent erosion, such as mulching with hay or
burlap for a protective covering.
b. Riprap. Riprap placed on the lower downstream
slope to protect against wave action from tailwater should
be controlled in the same manner as upstream riprap.
Above the elevation needing such protection, dumped rock
(usually waste rock) is used only when readily available
from required excavation or stripping operations. (Control
should conform with specification requirements).
c. Gravel. Gravel or rock spalls (depending on
available material) are sometimes used for downstream slope
protection. Where the outer downstream shell contains
random granular materials, it is often specified that cobbles
and rocks be pushed out to the edge and used in the slope
protection. In this case, it is desirable that placement of
downstream slope protection be kept 5 to 10 ft behind
embankment placement. The gravel or spalls are usually
dumped and spread horizontally along the outer slope to
depths of at least 1 ft measured perpendicular to the surface.


EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95

Chapter 6
Miscellaneous Construction Features

River Diversion

Control of the river during construction is accomplished by

the construction of cofferdams and rerouting of the river to
permit foundation preparation and construction of the
embankment in the dry. In narrow steep valleys, a diversion
tunnel is usually constructed in one of the abutments, and
the river is diverted through the tunnel by an upstream
cofferdam. A downstream cofferdam may also be required
to control the tailwater. In wide valleys, after construction
of the outlet works and most of the embankment except for
a gap at the river, river flow is diverted through the outlet
works. To do this, it may be necessary to excavate a
diversion channel from the river and to block off the river
channel by dumping fill. An earth cofferdam can then be
constructed upstream across the gap, tying into embankment
sections already constructed, or as the case may be, to an
abutment on one side. Following construction of a downstream cofferdam, if needed, the foundation of the closure
section of the dam is prepared in the dry and the closure
section constructed. Cellular-type cofferdams constructed in
connection with lock-and-dam projects are beyond the scope
of this manual, and only embankment-type cofferdams are
discussed below.
a. Cofferdams. The schedule and method of cofferdam
construction and the degree of construction and control
required are influenced by the diversion scheme. Sometimes the cofferdams can be built in the dry using normal
embankment construction procedures, but in other cases
cofferdam construction may involve placement of fill under
water. Current Corps of Engineers policy requires that the
location, sequence of construction, source of materials,
zonation, section geometry, top elevations, construction
methods, and time schedule be specified.
(1) River closure. Cofferdam construction for river
closure can be accomplished by placing loose material such
as earth, sand, gravel rock, or precast concrete elements
from one bank to the other. The type of material required
depends on the severity of river currents. The closure
should be scheduled during low river stages when conditions
are favorable for embankment placement and flood possibility is at a minimum. Two methods of placement are
generally used. One is the end fill method, as shown in
Figure 6-1, where fill is dumped or pushed off the end of
the embankment to advance it across the river. The other
is the level method, in which the fill is placed across the
river at the same height. The first method is simpler, but
may require large rock or concrete elements to withstand

Figure 6-1. Examples of end fill closure method.

(a) River closure, cofferdam, Mica Dam, British
Columbia; (b) two days before final closure, Dalles
Closure Dam, Columbia River

erosion by high current velocities caused by the channel

width reduction. The second method keeps velocities low,
since water flows over a long section of the cofferdam crest
as it is being built. However, special facilities such as a
bridge or trestle, a cableway, or barges may be required
over deep water to provide a means of dumping fill into the
river. In addition, continuous monitoring of underwater fill
elevations is required to detect detrimental erosion. A
summary of construction methods and equipment used in
cofferdam construction is found in EM 1110-2-1602.
(2) Design and construction requirements.
(a) Normally, cofferdams will be designed by the Government and the contractor may be permitted to recommend
changes leading to a superior or more economical and
adequate plan (ER 1110-2-8152). Design of a cofferdam by
the contractor is allowed only when the construction
schedule provides ample review and design time to ensure
a competent and safe design or where no major damage or


EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95
significant delays would occur from a failure. Compaction
procedures as well as other pertinent construction aspects,
including construction and surveillance requirements, would
be covered in the contract plans and specifications. Inspection and control testing, as outlined in Chapter 5, are
required especially for cofferdams which will become part
of the dam to ensure compliance with specifications or to
determine when specified procedures need to be modified.
The safety of cofferdams depends to a large extent on
competent construction. Intensive inspection is required to
ensure compliance with design requirements and safe
construction practices. A contract requirement for quality
control by the contractor does not relieve resident inspection
forces from performing necessary and adequate inspection
and surveillance.
(b) Slopes of temporary cofferdams depend on the type
of material used, degree of compaction, and their height.
Cofferdams are often designed on the basis of past experience. If the contractor is permitted to design a cofferdam,
it should be required that an analysis of slope stability with
plans for construction be furnished. Slopes of cofferdams
designed by the Government are specified in the contract
(c) Seepage under cofferdams and through uncompacted
rock-fill cofferdams can be a serious problem unless seepage
control provisions such as a cutoff and/or an upstream
impervious zone are included. For cofferdams designed by
the Government the plans provide necessary measures for
controlling underseepage and through-seepage. However,
particular attention should be given to any contractors plans
for temporary cofferdams to ensure that adequate seepage
control measures are included. It is also important that
where thin upstream blankets are placed against rock-fill or
coarse gravel, careful attention be given to providing
properly graded transitions between the impervious and
coarser materials.
(3) Slope protection. Slope protection against wave
action is usually not required for cofferdams. However,
where a river is restricted to a channel by temporary
cofferdams prior to diversion, slope protection against
current action may be required. EM 1110-2-1601 should be
referred to for guidance on rock weights required to resist
various current velocities.
b. Closure sections. After portions of the dam have
been constructed with the river confined to a natural or
constructed channel, cofferdams are constructed to divert the
river through the outlet works so that the closure section can
be constructed in the dry. This may cause flooding of
upstream borrow areas, in which case alternate borrow areas


or stockpiling of borrow materials for the closure section

should be considered prior to river diversion.
(1) Foundation preparation and fill compaction.
Clearing, stripping, and cleaning of the foundation area in
the closure section must be carefully inspected to ensure an
adequate foundation. The closure section is generally the
highest section of the dam and is constructed to final grade
in a much shorter time than the rest of the embankment;
consequently, special emphasis on inspection and control
testing is justified to ensure that proper materials are placed
at the specified water contents and compacted to the desired
or specified densities.
(2) Cleaning of adjacent embankment slopes. Riprap
placed on the end slopes of completed embankment sections
to prevent stream erosion must be removed prior to placing
fill for the closure section. In addition, the end slopes must
be cut back as necessary to provide unweathered and
adequately compacted material adjacent to the closure
section fill.
(3) Observations during construction. Because of the
rapid construction, the following problems may occur in
earth-fill closure sections:
(a) High excess pore water pressures in impervious
zones of the embankment and in impervious foundations.
(b) Transverse cracking between the closure section and
previously completed embankment sections caused by
differential settlement.
(c) Bulging of outer slopes of largely impervious sections from the use of material which is too wet.
The procedures for construction and criteria for compaction
stipulated in the plans and specifications for minimizing
these problems may include drainage layers in the
embankment and at the contact between embankment and
foundation (but never under or through an impervious core)
to help dissipate pore pressures, flattening of slopes, and fill
water contents wet of optimum to provide a more plastic fill
to minimize cracking. The use of higher fill water contents
may, however, accentuate problems of bulging and high
pore water pressures. If potential problems are indicated,
surface movements data and piezometer readings must be
obtained daily and continuous plots maintained so that the
development of excessive pore water pressures and/or
bulging can be detected early and corrective action taken.
Corrective measures taken after consultation with the design
office may include slowing down fill placement, removal of

EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95
fill, flattening slopes, addition of stability berms, or
installation of drains.

Stage Construction

a. Stage construction refers here to construction of an

embankment in stages with substantial intervals of time
during which little or no fill is placed. This may be necessitated by environmental conditions which make the
construction season very short or because fill placement
must be restricted or even stopped to allow excess pore
water pressure in the foundation and/or fill to dissipate.
b. Important features of construction control for stage
construction include the following:
(1) Review of contractors plans of operation as required
by specifications to establish the adequacy of methods and
procedures, and field inspection to ensure that approved time
schedules and construction methods and procedures are
(2) Inspection to ensure that the surfaces of completed
sections of embankment on which additional fill will not be
placed for several months are sealed and/or shaped to drain
readily to prevent saturation and adequately protected
against erosion.
(3) Inspection to ensure that outside slopes of stageconstructed embankments that will eventually form the final
slopes of the dam are within specified tolerances.
(4) Observation and evaluation of piezometer and
settlement data for soft foundations and consultation with
the design office to determine when fill placement can be
safely resumed. The design office has the responsibility to
determine when fill placement can be resumed.
(5) Inspection to ensure that protective materials such as
riprap, grass sodding, and trash or other debris are removed
from previously completed embankment surfaces prior to
resuming fill placement.
(6) Inspection of completed embankment surfaces prior
to resuming fill placement to determine the need for
removal of pervious surfaces materials which have become
contaminated with fines or recompaction of surface materials where water content and density are unsatisfactory.
Field density and water content tests should be performed to
check visual observations.


Surface Drainage Facilities

Temporary surface drainage facilities are required to keep

surface runoff and slope seepage out of excavations, to
prevent contamination of filter zones by muddy runoff, to
prevent saturation of loose fill before and during compaction, and to prevent ponding of water on compacted fill.
Surface drainage is the responsibility of the contractor, as
the specifications require certain phases of foundation
preparation and embankment construction to be performed
in the dry. Past field experience has shown that the
provision and maintenance of adequate drainage have
frequently been neglected, and more attention needs to be
given to them by the inspection force. Grading to direct
surface water away from excavations, ditching to intercept
water before it reaches an excavation or work area, provision of sumps to collect seepage water, and pumping from
the sumps are common means of handling surface drainage.
The extent of needed facilities is dependent on the
frequency, intensity, and seasonal distribution of precipitation. For permanent drainage facilities for roads and other
features, reference should be made to TM 5-820-4.

Service Bridge Pier Foundations

Piers for service bridges to intake structures are sometimes

constructed during early stages of embankment construction.
At several dams, lateral deformations of the embankment
under the stresses imposed by fill placed after pier
construction have caused significant upstream movements of
the piers. Therefore, construction of piers should be delayed
until the embankment has been carried to near its final
height. After construction of the piers, surveys should be
made at regular intervals to monitor any movement of the
piers no matter what steps are taken to prevent movement.


Instrumentation of earth and rock-fill dams includes

piezometers, slope indicators, settlement devices, surface
movement monuments, internal vertical and horizontal
movement indicators, and seismic movement devices (see
paragraph 7-3 for required records). Seismic movement
devices are described in detail in ER 1110-2-103. Various
types of instrumentation devices, procedures for installation,
observation and maintenance, frequency of observations,
collection, recording, analysis, and reporting of data, and
possible causes of malfunctions are discussed in EM 11102-1908. The basic description and operating mechanism of
instruments generally installed in embankment dams are


EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95
given in Appendix E. A comprehensive reference on geotechnical instrumentation for monitoring field performance
including calibration, use, installation, and maintenance is
given in EM 1110-2-1908.
a. Installation. Installation of instrumentation devices,
particularly electronic types, should be supervised, if not
actually done, by experienced personnel from within the
Corps of Engineers or by firms specializing in instrumentation installation. The Resident Engineer staff must be
familiar with the planned locations of all instruments and
appurtenant apparatus or structures (such as trenches for
piezometer lines and terminal house, etc.) so that necessary
arrangements and a schedule for installation can be made
with the contractor and/or with the office or firm that will
install the devices. Inspectors should inspect settlement
gauges furnished and installed by the contractor. Records
must be made of exact locations and procedures used for
installation and initial observations. Riser pipes, tubes, or
leads extending above the embankment surface must be
protected from damage by earth mounds, guard posts, or
other means. Inspectors should ensure that necessary extensions are added as the fill is constructed to higher
elevations. This feature of construction generally occurs at
a time when the contractor is anxious to begin or accelerate
embankment construction. Therefore, patience, cooperation,
and understanding must be exercised by the contractor and
the Resident Staff.
b. Observations. Schedules for observations during
construction are generally established by the design office.
Pore pressure piezometers are observed frequently during
construction to provide data for use in slope stability checks
and to control, if necessary, the rate of fill construction on
soft foundations. Initial observations should be checked to
ensure their validity and accuracy, since these readings
usually form the basis to which subsequent observations are
related. Observations should be plotted immediately after
each set of readings is taken and evaluated for reasonableness against the previous set of readings. In this way,
it is often possible to detect errors in readings and to obtain
check readings before significant changes in field conditions
occur. On large projects all records should immediately be
processed by computers. This will generally result in the
quickest results with a minimum amount of effort. Possible
sources of errors other than erroneous readings are discussed
in EM 1110-2-1908. ER 1110-2-1925 prescribes the forms


for recording instrumentation data and instructions for

reporting them.
6-6. Haul Roads, Maintenance Roads, and
Public Roads
Haul roads are temporary roads built by the contractor for
access to work areas. Maintenance roads (or service roads)
are temporary or permanent roads for access by Government
forces to facilities requiring maintenance. Public roads
include relocated permanent roads and roads for access to
public-use facilities at the site.
a. Haul roads. Haul roads, although usually not shown
on the plans, should be discussed in the specifications in
general terms. The contractor should be required to submit
detailed plans for all haul road layouts including grades,
widths, locations, and post-construction obliteration and
cleanup. Construction control consists generally of seeing
that the contractor maintains and operates on the haul roads
in accordance with sound safety practices, and enforces
adequate traffic control where public-use roads are crossed.
Haul roads should not be located near the edge of excavated
slopes where the weight of road fill and/or heavy equipment
or ponding of water could endanger the stability of slopes.
Haul roads up embankment slopes should be scabbed on the
outside or final embankment slope and relocated periodically
where highly compacted zones could develop in the
embankment under the road which could lead to cracking.
The contractor should be required to remove haul roads that
would endanger slope stability. The practice of placing
pervious material across impervious zones to support heavy
hauling equipment should be discouraged. If allowed, all
pervious material must be carefully removed. Lastly, it is
important that environmental considerations be made in
connection with haul roads so that no permanent scars in the
project aesthetics remain.
b. Maintenance and public roads. Construction control
of maintenance or surface roads and public roads is required
to ensure compliance with specifications relating to fill,
filter, base coarse, and pavement materials; compaction of
fills, subgrades, base course, and wearing course; and
installation of drainage structures. Field compaction control
is similar to that required for earth fill as discussed in
Chapter 5.

EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95

Chapter 7
Records and Reports

Daily Reports

Daily reports or logs are prepared by inspection personnel

covering their assigned areas of work. The reports are prepared on ENG Forms 2538-1-R (MILITARY) and 2538-2-R
(CIVIL), Daily Log of Construction (Figures 7-1, 7-2,
7-3, 7-4). Similar locally prepared forms or books may also
be used. The importance of daily reports should be stressed
at all levels of the Resident Engineers force, since daily
reports form a part of official Government records and may
by used as evidence in court or in other legal action. The
reports are also valuable in determining possible causes of
distress, unusual seepage, or other potentially critical conditions during and after construction is completed. Inspectors
reports are not personal records and should be carefully
controlled and accounted for as official records. The daily
reports must be thorough, accurate, neat, and legible. Detailed information on the following items should be included
as outlined in ER 1180-1-6:

Daily reports are often included in a weekly progress report

to the District Construction Division. The weekly report
also contains information on overall progress on unusual
conditions, and on instructions and directions given to the
contractor by the Resident Engineer to attain desired results
in accordance with plans and specifications.

Compaction Control Reports

b. Description and location of the work.

Records of compaction control are required to document the

procedure used and the adequacy of results obtained. The
records also provide information for evaluation of compaction control and for use in determining causes of distress
or unusual conditions that may develop during or after
construction. Forms for use in tabulating daily field control
data are contained in Appendix C, together with instructions
for their preparation and additional information required
when submitting the forms to higher echelons. These forms
can also be used in submitting monthly reports of data, as
required by ER 1110-2-1925. Evaluation of compaction
control is necessary to ensure that the method and procedures are producing the quality of in-place fill required by
the specifications. Summaries of compaction control data
described in Appendix D provide a convenient means of
evaluating the adequacy of compaction. These summaries
are required to be submitted by the district office for review
by higher echelons (ER 1110-2-1925).

c. Date.


d. Weather.

a. Records of instrumentation observations are important in determining changes in pore water pressure,
deformations, and settlements. The data, when summarized
and evaluated, are useful in substantiating design assumptions and thus in verifying stability during construction,
designing modifications, and additions to structures, or
determining causes of operating difficulties. Standard forms
and instructions for recording the following types of
instrumentation readings are contained in Appendix E.

a. Contract number and contractors name.

e. Items of equipment and procedures used.

f. Type and amount of work performed.
g. Type and number of field control tests performed by
the contractor and by Government forces, and brief comments on results obtained.
h. Progress of work, delays, causes of delays, and
extent of delays.
i. Instructions given to contractor, including name of
contractor representative talked to, and resulting actions
taken by contractor.
j. Details of any controversial matters.
k. Visitors to the inspectors area of responsibility.
l. Safety infractions/violations observed and corrective
actions taken.

Instrumentation Observations

(1) Closed-system piezometer data.

(2) Open-system piezometer data.
(3) Subsurface settlement plate data.
(4) Surface reference point data.
b. For guidance on recording of data not covered by
Appendix E, frequency of observations, and evaluating
instrumentation data, see EM 1110-2-1908. Instructions for
submission of data to a higher echelon are contained in
ER 1110-2-1925.


EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95





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Figure 7-1. Front of ENG FORM 2538-1








EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95

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Figure 7-2. Back of ENG FORM 2538-1


EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95





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EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95







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(Reverse of ENG Form 2538-2-R)




Page 2 of 2 pages.

Figure 7-4. Back of ENG FORM 2538-2


EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95
c. Observations of seepage quantities from relief wells,
toe drains, seepage galleries, and other seepage control
installations should be recorded on appropriate locally
developed forms for evaluation at the project and district
levels. Unusual seepage conditions should be reported
immediately to the district office along with available
observational data for evaluation of the effect of existing
conditions on the safety of the dam.

Construction Foundation Report

a. Construction foundation reports are to be prepared

for major projects as required in ER 1110-1-1801. Voluminous records are maintained during construction and are
often filed on completion of the project without regard for
possible future usefulness. Such information is readily
available if it is assembled in a concise foundation report.
Because of the complexity of this report, responsibility for
its preparation should be assigned at a very early stage of
construction so that its preparation can progress as the work
b. Instructions for preparation of the foundation report,
including a suggested outline, are contained in ER 1110-11801. Drawings in the reports should accurately pinpoint
major features and not simply be rough sketches. Photographs are especially useful if foundation problems arise in
the future. Therefore, good photographs of major features,
labeled accurately as to location, should be used liberally
throughout the report.



Final Construction Report

A final construction report should include the foundation

report outlined in ER 1110-1-1801 and the following:
a. A narrative history of the project, including schedules
of starting and completing various phases, treatment of
unusual conditions, construction methods and equipment
used, quantities of materials involved, and other pertinent
b. As-built drawings.
c. Construction photographs.
d. Summary of field compaction control data and laboratory test results.
e. Summary of other tests for acceptance control.
f. Test results on record samples.
g. Results of stability and other analyses during construction.
h. Summary of instrumentation data.
i. Summaries or references to conferences and inspection visits and resulting actions implemented.

EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95

Appendix A
A-1. Required Publications
TM 5-818-5
Dewatering and Ground Water Control
TM 5-820-4
Drainage for Areas Other Than Airfields
ER 1110-1-1801
Construction Foundation Report
ER 1110-2-103
Strong Motion Instrument for Recording Earthquake
Motions on Dams
ER 1110-2-1925
Field Control Data for Earth and Rockfill Dams
ER 1110-2-8152
Planning and Design of Temporary Cofferdams and Braced
ER 1180-1-6
Construction Quality Management
EM 1110-2-1601
Hydraulic Design of Flood Control Channels
EM 1110-2-1602
Hydraulic Design of Reservoir Outlet Works
EM 1110-2-1901
Seepage Analysis and Control for Dams
EM 1110-2-1906
Laboratory Soils Testing
EM 1110-2-1907
Soil Sampling
EM 1110-2-1908
Instrumentation of Earth and Rock-Fill Dams
EM 1110-2-1914
Design, Construction and Maintenance of Relief Wells

U. S. Army Engineer District, Savannah 1968

U. S. Army Engineer District, Savannah. 1968. West
Point Project, Chattahoochee River, Alabama and Georgia;
Construction of Slurry Trench Cutoff, Savannah, GA.
A-2. Related Publications
American Concrete Institute 1967
American Concrete Institute. 1967. ACI Manual of
Concrete Inspection, Publication SP-2, Detroit, MI.
American Society for Testing and Materials 1973
American Society for Testing and Materials. 1973. Variability of Laboratory Relative Density Test Results, Special
Technical Publication 523, Evaluation of Relative Density
and its Roll in Geotechnical Projects Involving Cohesionless
Soils, E. T. Selig and R. S. Ladd, ed., Philadelphia, PA.
Atomic Energy Commission 1966
Atomic Energy Commission. 1966. Standard Protection
Against Radiation, Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10,
Part 20, 9, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC.
Bennett 1958
Bennett, P. T. 1958. Materials and Compaction Methods,
Missouri Basin Dams, Transactions, Sixth International
Congress on Large Dams, New York, Vol III, pp 299-315.
Curry 1964
Curry, R. L. 1964. Investigation of the Feasibility of
Manufacturing Aggregate by Nuclear Methods, Miscellaneous Paper No. 6-643, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways
Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS.
Dunnicliff 1988
Dunnicliff, J. 1988. Geotechnical Instrumentation for
Monitoring Field Performance, Wiley, New York.
Edris 1991
Edris, E. V., Strohm, W. E., and Woo, K, G. 1991.
Microcomputer Geotechnical Quality Assurance of Compacted Earth Fill Data Package: Users Guide, Instruction
Report GL-91-2, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS.
Gilbert 1990
Gilbert, P. A. 1990. Computer-Controlled Microwave
Drying of Potentially Difficult Organic and Inorganic Soils,
Technical Report GL-90-26, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS.

EM 1110-2-3800
Systematic Drilling and Blasting for Surface Excavations


EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95
Gordon 1966
Gordon, B. B., and Miller, R. K. 1966 (May). Control of
Earth and Rock-Fill for Oroville Dam, Journal, Soil
Mechanics and Foundations Division American Society of
Civil Engineers, Vol 92, No SM3, pp 1-23.
Hammer 1973
Hammer, D. P., and Torrey, V. H., III. 1973. Test Fills
for Rock Fill Dams, Miscellaneous Paper S-73-7, U.S.
Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg,
Layman 1942
Layman, A. K. B. 1942. Compaction of Cohesionless
Foundation Soils by Explosives, Transactions, American
Society of Civil Engineers, New York, Vol 107, Paper No.
2160, pp 1330-1341.
Rosser 1969
Rosser, T. B., III, and Webster, S. L. 1969. Evaluation of
Nuclear Methods of Determining Surface in Situ Soil Water
Content and Density, Miscellaneous Paper S-69-15, U.S.
Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg,
Sherards 1963
Sherards, J. L., et al. 1963. Earth and Earth-Rock Dams,
Wiley, New York.
Smith 1968
Smith, P. C. 1968. The Use of Nuclear Meters in Soils
Investigations: A Summary of Worldwide Research and
Practice, Special Technical Publication No. 412, American
Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, PA.
Torrey 1970
Torrey, V. H., III. 1970. Analysis of Field Compaction
Control Data; Perry Dam, Delaware River, Kansas, Miscellaneous Paper S-70-13, Report 1, U.S. Army Engineer
Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS.
Torrey 1991
Torrey, V. H., III, and Donaghe, R. T. 1991. Compaction
Control of Earth-Rock Mixtures, Technical Report GL-9116, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station,
Vicksburg, MS.
Tokue 1976
Tokue, T. 1976. Characteristics and Mechanisms of Vibratory Densification of Sand and the Role of Acceleration,
Soil and Foundations, Vol 16, No. 3.


U.S. Bureau of Reclamation 1963

U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. 1963. Earth Manual, Denver,
Webster 1974
Webster, S. L. 1974. Determination of In-Place Moisture
by Nuclear Methods, Instruction Report S-74-1, U.S. Army
Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS.
Winterkorn 1975
Winterkorn, H. F., and Fang, H. Y., ed. 1975. Foundation
Engineering Handbook, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company,
New York.
A-3. Selected Bibliography
TM 5-331a
Utilization of Engineer Construction Equipment; Volume A:
Earthmoving, Compaction, Grading, and Ditching Equipment
TM 5-332
Pits and Quarries
TM 5-818-4
Backfill for Subsurface Structures
TM 5-818-6
Grouting Methods and Equipment
TM 5-852-2
Arctic and Subarctic Construction
ER 1110-2-100
Periodic Inspection and Continuing Evaluation of Completed
Civil Works Structures
ER 1110-2-101
Reporting of Evidence of Distress of Civil Works Structures
ER 1110-2-1200
Plans and Specifications for Civil Works Projects
ER 1110-2-1901
Embankment Criteria and Performance Report
EM 1110-2-1902
Stability of Earth and Rock Fill Dams
EM 1110-2-1909
Calibration of Laboratory Soils Testing Equipment

EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95
EM 1110-2-2000
Standard Practice for Concrete for Civil Works Structures
EM 1110-2-2300
Earth and Rock-Fill Dams, General Design and Construction
Subsurface Drilling, Sampling and Testing
Foundation Drilling and Grouting
Embankment (for Earth Dams)
Relief Wells
Stone Protection (Slopes and Channels)
Bertram 1963
Bertram, G. E. 1963. Rock-Fill Compaction by Vibratory
Rollers, Proceedings, Second Panamerican Conference on
Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Brazil, Vol 1,
pp 441-455.
Cedergren 1967
Cedergren, H. R. 1967. Seepage, Drains and Flow Nets,
Wiley, New York.
Fang 1991
Fang, Hsai-Yang, ed. 1991. Foundation Engineering
Handbook, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York.
Huston 1970
Huston, J. 1970. Hydraulic Dredging: Theoretical and
Applied, Cornell Maritime Press, Cambridge, MD.

Leonards 1962
Leonards, G. A., ed. 1962.
McGraw-Hill, New York.

Foundation Engineering,

Robeson 1966
Robeson, F. A., and Crisp, R. L., Jr. 1966 (Sept).
Rockfill DesignCarters Dam, Journal of the Construction Division, Proceedings of the American Society of
Civil Engineers, Vol 92, CO3, pp 51-74.
Terzaghi 1967
Terzaghi, K., and Peck, R. B. 1967. Soil Mechanics in
Engineering Practice, 2d ed., Wiley, New York.
Tschebotarioff 1951
Tschebotarioff, G. 1951. Soil Mechanics, Foundations, and
Earth Structures, McGraw-Hill, New York.
Turnbull 1958 and 1959
Turnbull, W. J., and Shockley, W. G. 1958 and 1959.
Compaction of Earth Dams in the Corps of Engineers, U.S.
Army, Transactions, Sixth International Congress on Large
Dams, New York, Paris, Vol. 3, pp. 317-331.
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation 1973
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. 1973. Design of Small Dams,
2d ed., U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC.
U.S. Army Engineer District, Rock Island 1965
U.S. Army Engineer District, Rock Island.
Engineering Investigation and Design Studies for Underseepage Control (Slurry Trench Cutoff) for Taylorville Dam,
Des Moines River, Iowa, Design Memorandum, Harza
Engineering Co., Rock Island, IL.
Wilson 1969
Wilson, D. S., and Squier, R. 1969. Earth and Rockfill
Dams, State-of-the-Art Volume, Seventh International
Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering,
Mexico, pp 137-223.

Jones 1967
Jones, J. C. 1967. Deep Cut-offs in Pervious Alluvium,
Combining Slurry Trenches and Grouting, Transactions,
Ninth International Congress on Large Dams, Istanbul, Vol
I, pp 509-524.


EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95

Appendix B
Methods of Relating Field Density Data
to Desired or Specified Values
B-1. General
Compaction control of soils requires the comparison of fill
water content and/or dry density values obtained in field
density tests with optimum water content and/or maximum
dry density or determination of relative density if the fill
materials are cohesionless. For fine-grained soils or coarsegrained with appreciable fines, field results are compared
with results of laboratory standard effort (or in special cases
15-blow or modified effort) compaction tests performed in
accordance with procedures given in EM 1110-2-1906
(Appendices VI and VIA). For free-draining cohesionless
soils, relative density of the fill material is determined using
test procedures described in EM 1110-2-1906 (Appendices XII and XIIA). However, see Control Using Relative
Density under paragraph B-4a below.
B-2. Fine-Grained Soils
a. Standard compaction test. The performance of a
standard laboratory compaction test on material from each
field density test would give the most accurate relation of
the in-place material to optimum water content and
maximum density, but it is not generally feasible to do this
because testing could not keep pace with the rate of fill

Figure B-1. Illustration of one-point compaction


placement. However, standard compaction tests should be

performed during construction when an insufficient number
of the compaction curves were developed during the design
phase, when borrow material is obtained from a new source,
and when material similar to that being placed has not been
tested previously. In any event, laboratory compaction tests
should be performed periodically on each type of fill
material (preferably one for every ten field density tests) to
check the optimum water content and maximum dry density
values being used for correlation with field density test
b. One-point compaction method.
(1) In the one-point compaction method, material from
the field density test is allowed to dry to a water content on
the dry side of estimated optimum and is then compacted
using the same equipment and procedures used in the fivepoint standard compaction test. (It must be mentioned that
during drying, the material must be thoroughly and continuously mixed to obtain uniform drying; otherwise,
erroneous results may be obtained). The water content and
dry density of the compacted sample are then used to
estimate its optimum water content and maximum dry
density as illustrated in Figure B-1.
(2) In Figure B-1, the line of optimums is well-defined
and the compaction curves are approximately parallel to
each other; consequently, the one-point compaction method
could be used with a relatively high degree of confidence.
In Figure B-2, however, the optimums define not a line but
a broad band. Also, the compaction curves are not parallel
to each other and in several instances cross on the dry side.
To illustrate an error that could result from using the

Figure B-2. Illustration of possible error using oneand two-point compaction methods


EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95
one-point method, consider the field density and water content shown by point B in Figure B-2. Point B is close to
three compaction curves. Consequently, the correct curve
cannot be determined from the one point. The estimated
maximum dry density and optimum water content could
vary from about 92.8 pcf and 26 percent, respectively, to
95.0 pcf and 24 percent, respectively, depending on which
curve was used. Therefore, the one-point method should be
used only when the data define a relatively good line of
c. Two-point compaction test results.
(1) In the two-point test, using the same equipment and
procedures used in the five-point compaction test, one
sample of material from the location of the field density test
is compacted at the fill water content, if thought to be at or
on the dry side of optimum water content (otherwise, reduce
the water content by drying to this condition). A second
sample of material is allowed to dry back about 2 to 3 percentage points dry of the water content of the first sample
and then compacted in the same manner. After compaction,
the water contents of the two samples are determined by
oven drying or other more rapid means, and the dry
densities are computed. The results are used to identify the
appropriate compaction curve for the material tested as
shown in Figure B-3.
(2) The data shown in Figure B-3 warrant the use of the
two-point compaction test since the five-point compaction

Figure B-3. Illustration of two-point compaction



curves are not parallel. Using point A only, as in the onepoint test method, would result in appreciable error as the
shape of the curve would not be defined. The established
compaction curve can be more accurately defined by two
compaction points as shown. Although the two-point method is more accurate than the one-point method, neither
method would have acceptable accuracy when applied to the
set of compaction curves shown in Figure B-2. There are
materials and instances when the two-point compaction test
fails to identify the proper compaction curve. Experienced
embankment construction engineers suggest that when this
occurs, a third compaction point is necessary, and is performed for proper definition of the soil compaction curve.
d. Visual comparison. In the visual comparison method, selection of an appropriate compaction curve is based on
visual identification of the type of material from the field
density test with material (usually jar samples) on which
five-point compaction tests have been run. Unfortunately,
materials that appear similar can have widely varying
compaction characteristics, and this method is not considered reliable.
e. Atterberg limits correlations. To develop Atterberg
limits correlations, liquid limit, and plastic limit determinations and five-point compaction tests are made and plots
are prepared of optimum water content versus liquid limit,
versus plastic limit, and versus plasticity index. Similar
plots are made of the limits values versus maximum densities. The plots are then analyzed to determine if adequate
correlations exist (exhibited by plotted points falling in a
narrow band across the plot). Figures B-4 and B-5 are
examples of such plots. If a good correlation exists, appropriate limits tests are performed on the field density test
material and the plots used to estimate optimum water
contents and maximum densities of the in-place material.
This method is applicable to fine-grained cohesive soils
classified as CL and CH. Statistical analyses of the data
shown in Figures B-4 and B-5 indicate relatively good
correlations. Least square linear regressions were performed
on the data shown in Figures B-4 and B-5 to determine the
best fit linear equations to correlate optimum water
content and maximum dry density with liquid limit and
plasticity index. Using properties of statistical parameters,
it can be shown that about 68 percent of the data points (of
true optimum water content) on Figure B-4a will lie within
plus or minus 1.4 percentage points of the indicated line of
best fit; similarly, about 65 percent of the maximum dry
density data points will lie within plus or minus 2.7 pcf of
the indicated line. (Conversely, 32 percent of the data
points will fall outside of these limits around the respective
lines). Optimum water content and maximum dry density
did not correlate as well with plasticity index. Approximately 68 percent of the actual optimum water contents and

EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95



..,(' /

'1-._ z








1--- ..... --


=0. ZlO








__ 0


()'/ ~



L L t 1.5.fg











' 1).

'u '



' ' ~c











MAX-::::.-0.41-tLL -1125.704

' 'BQ








~~ "n. ' '



', ',
















Figure B-4. Examples of plots of optimum water content and maximum dry density versus liquid limit


EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95












,.'Y ~~
fO 8""''J~- -


. --...-<




, . ....







v WOPT=O.Z63 P/112.262













'~ ",s

'0 MAX= -O. .t.t9 PI

f l/l.J72




" " ,o ~~ "


" t-,



10 0

















' "-,



1:-- .tJ.6











Figure B-5. Examples of plots of optimum water content and maximum dry density versus plasticity index


EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95
dry densities will be within 2.1 percent and 3.6 pcf,
respectively, of those indicated by the lines of best fit.
Therefore, when this method is used, it is very important
that additional five-point compaction tests and Atterberg
limits tests be performed to check the correlation and to
extend the correlation for new borrow material for mixtures
not previously tested. The Atterberg limits correlation
method includes more variables than the two-point method
and thus can be less accurate, depending on how carefully
the particular method is used. However, the limits
correlation method has the advantage of providing the exact
classification of the soil, and of providing data that can be
correlated with design strength studies.
f. Analysis of Atterberg limits correlations. A discussion of Atterberg limits correlations and comparison of
results with the one-point method are given in by Torrey
(1970). However, additional discussion of the method is
deemed appropriate here to point out mathematical weaknesses in the procedure. In order to determine a mathematical relationship between the variables of interest (that is
liquid limit, plastic limit, optimum water content, maximum
dry density) using the methods of statistics, it is necessary
to assume a frequency distribution between the variables.
It was assumed that there is a normal or Gaussian distribution between the variables. A normal distribution has a
very specific mathematical definition and, although the
assumption of normal distribution is reasonable, it must be
pointed out that there is no insurance that the assumption is
valid. Additionally, it was assumed that the relationship
between the variables of interest is linear; again, there is no
evidence to support such an assumption; in fact, it is very
likely that there is a curvilinear relationship between the
variables of interest. Analysis of the data presented in Figures B-4 and B-5. showed that the linear correlations between optimum water content and liquid limit (shown in
Figure B-4a) and maximum density and liquid limit (shown
in Figure B-4b) explain only 77.6 percent and 76.3 percent,
respectively, of variation between the regression line and the
data points. This means that unidentified mechanisms
explain about one quarter of the variation between the
regression line and the points. Similarly, the linear correlations between optimum water content and plasticity index
(shown in Figure B-5a) and maximum dry density and
plasticity index (shown in Figure B-5b) explain only
57.8 percent and 55.7 percent of the variation, respectively;
about 43 percent of the observed variation is unexplained by
the mathematical model chosen. In this light, the correlation
between the variables appears less sound, especially considering that there is no mathematical assurance that a
relationship exists between these variables; the mathematical
curve-fit procedure used in the analysis ensures only that the
mathematical expressions given are the best possible linear
fits. The numbers defining the error bands of the regression

lines of Figures B-4 and B-5 are called the standard error of
the estimate. Again, if the data are normally distributed
about this line, theory predicts that about 68 percent of the
points lie between the (error band) lines. However, this also
indicates that 32 percent (about one-third) of the points will
statistically lie outside the band. For example, since the
standard error between maximum dry density and liquid
limit is 2.7 pcf, if maximum dry density were estimated
based on a determination of liquid limit of a soil sample
taken from the area, chances are about one in three that the
error in maximum density would be greater than 2.7 pcf. In
this light, the use of this procedure to estimate either
maximum dry density or optimum water content appears to
be unsound and inappropriate. The use of one- and twopoint compaction test results appears to be much more
sound, especially considering that the results of a one-point
compaction test may be obtained in about 40 min using
microwave drying techniques outlined in paragraph 5-10d
(1)(c). Conversely, the time required to obtain the results of
a liquid and/or plastic limit test may be prohibitive in a
construction environment where large volume rates of earth
are being placed.
g. USBR rapid compaction control method. Details of
this method are described in the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
Earth Manual (1963). The test is applicable to fine-grained
(100 percent minus No. 4 sieve) cohesive soils with liquid
limits less than 50. The method, however, is applicable to
soils containing oversize particles providing the proper
corrections, as stated in Torrey (1970) or in the Earth
Manual (1963), are applied. It is a faster method than the
standard compaction test, and is often more accurate than
other methods. The method usually requires adding water
to or drying back sampled fill material, and thorough mixing
is required to obtain uniform drying or distribution of added
water. Otherwise, the results may be erroneous, especially
for highly plastic clays. In highly plastic (and probably
difficult) clays, it is likely to be inaccurate because of the
lack of sufficient curing time of the specimens.
B-3. Cohesive Soils
a. Oversize particles. The term oversize particles as
used in this work refers to those particles larger than the
maximum size allowed when using a given mold (i.e., No. 4
for a 4-in. mold, 3/4-in. for a 6-in. mold, 2-in. for a 12-in.
mold). The term fine fraction refers to that part of the
soil composed of particles equal to and smaller than the
maximum size allowed for a given mold. Results of field
density tests made in fill material containing oversize
particles must sometimes be related to results of compaction
tests made on materials from which oversize particles have
been scalped, if the USBR rapid compaction control method
is used, or if it has not been possible to perform compaction


EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95
tests using molds of sufficient size to accommodate the
large particles.

should be based on laboratory compaction tests performed

in molds of appropriate sizes.

b. Correction of field density test results. When the

proportion of oversize material is not greater than about
35 percent, the dry density of the fine fraction can be
calculated with reasonable accuracy from the following
equation which associates all voids with the fine fraction:

c. Modified Ziegler equation to estimate maximum density. A procedure to compute dry density of earth-rock mixtures has been determined as an extension of the Ziegler
procedure and is discussed by Torrey and Donaghe (1991);
the procedure is a modification of the development which
resulted in Equation B-1. The modified equation accounts
for the actual percent compaction of the gravel fraction
when the total material (gravel and fines) is at its maximum
density. This is done by incorporating the effect of a factor
called the density interference coefficient, which is defined

wG m



f = dry density of fine fraction, pcf
f = proportion of fine fraction by weight expressed
as a decimal fraction
t = dry density of total field sample, pcf
w = unit weight of water, 62.4 pcf
Gm = bulk specific gravity of oversize particles (dry
method), dimensionless
c = proportion of oversize particles by weight
expressed as a decimal fraction
The water content of the fine fraction can be calculated
from the following equation:





wf = water content of fine fraction, percent
wt = water content of the total field density sample,
expressed as a decimal fraction
wc = water content of oversize fraction, expressed as a
decimal fraction
At the beginning of construction, charts can be prepared for
materials having oversize particles relating dry densities and
water contents of total samples to dry densities and water
contents of fine fractions (Figures B-6a and B-6b) if it is
desired to use the original Ziegler equation. Different charts
are required for materials having oversize particles with
significantly different bulk specific gravity and/or absorption
values. In field density testing, the appropriate chart is
entered using the percent oversize particles and the water
content or dry density determined on the total sample to
obtain the water content, dry density, and wet density of the
fine fraction. Corrections for oversize particles will be subject to large errors if the percent of oversize particles is
greater than about 35; in such cases, compaction control






Rc = decimal fraction of the percent compaction of
the minus No. 4 or -3/4-in. fraction
Pg = decimal fraction of percent gravel in the total
Gm = bulk specific gravity of the gravel
To determine the maximum dry density corresponding to the
gradation of the total fill sample, use the equation




tmax = maximum dry density of the gradation of the
total fill
fmax = maximum dry density of the finer fraction
determined at its optimum water content, Wfopt,
by the one- or two-point compaction method
It should be noted that fmax may be determined based on
gravel content defined as either the -3/4-in. or the minus
No. 4 sieve fraction of the total material to be placed in the
fill. However, it is more efficient to use the minus No. 4
fraction because percent oversize particles (c) and percent
gravel in the total material (Pg) are the same number. This
will eliminate an extra sieving operation which would be
required if fmax and Wfopt are used for the -3/4-in. fraction,
since both the percent oversize (+3/4-in. material) and the
percent gravel in the total material would have to be
To facilitate its numerical evaluation,
Equation B-4 may be rewritten in the form


































c..,= 2


A= 3%

A ::::10%

















'YT' Per


Figure 8-6. Density and water content correction curves










EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95



EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95



Pg Ic


which consists of three groups of terms. Figures B-7 and

B-8 were prepared from data presented by Torrey and
Donaghe (1991) and allow numerical evaluation of the
groups of terms PgIcwGm and Pg2Ic, respectively, in terms of
the percent gravel in the total material. It should be noted
that the term c in Equation B-4 is the decimal value of
percent oversize particles by weight, and is equal to Pg if Ic
is based on the minus No. 4 fraction. The value of bulk
specific gravity used to determine the relationship presented
in Figure B-7 is 2.5. The remaining group of terms in
Equation B-5 is fw/fmax, and is easily evaluated. Accordingly, the maximum dry density of the fill containing up to
70 percent gravel may be determined from Equation B-5.
As an extension of Equation B-2, the optimum water content
of the total material is given as





When the optimum water content factor, Fopt, versus gravel

content in the total material is plotted in log-log coordinates,
the relationship is linear over a significant range of gravel
content, up to more than 60 percent gravel content for some
gravels. However, it appears necessary to demonstrate
linearity above gravel contents of 50 percent, since some
data examined deviated from linearity above about 50 percent gravel content. Linearity of the water content factor,
Fopt, versus gravel content in the total material in log-log
coordinates may be used to establish the total material curve
without testing the total material, which would require largescale compaction equipment. This may be achieved if the
-3/4-in. fraction of the total material contains a sufficient
range in gravel content to base the water content factor, Fopt,
on the minus No. 4 fraction, while treating the -3/4-in.
fraction as a total material.
B-4. Cohesionless Soils

wtopt fwfopt



wfopt = optimum water content of the fine fraction
The optimum water content of the fine fraction, wfopt, can be
directly related to that of the total material, wtopt, and the
gravel content of the total material, Pg, by an optimum
water content factor, Fopt, defined as

Figure B-7. Relationship between gravel content and

parameters in the numerator of Equation B-5


Gradation tests are performed on sands and gravels used in

pervious zones to determine compliance with specifications,
and field density tests are performed and compared with
laboratory relative density tests to ensure that in-place
densities are adequate. Gradation tests are required on
compacted filter layer samples to ensure specification
compliance after compaction.

Figure B-8. Relationship between gravel content and

parameters in the denominator of Equation B-5

EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95
a. Control using relative density. Where materials
available for cohesionless fill vary significantly in gradation,
maximum-minimum density tests should be performed on
material from each field density test at least in the initial
construction stages. Where cohesionless materials can be
grouped into categories with relatively constant gradations,
relative density tests and gradation tests can be performed
on each different material. Gradation tests on material from
field density tests can then make it possible to match field
densities with appropriate relative density test results.
However, it is necessary to point out that relative density is
computed from maximum and minimum densities determined on the material in question, using the procedure
outlined in EM 1110-2-1906. It was concluded by ASTM
(1973) that the maximum density of cohesionless materials
as determined on the vibratory table (as described in
EM 1110-2-1906) is subject to considerable uncertainty.
Further, the conclusions are that vibratory tables cannot, in
general, be successfully calibrated for repeatable energy
application to the soil specimen, large local density
variations exist throughout the vibrated soil specimen, and
density results obtained with the vibratory table are
generally not repeatable from laboratory to laboratory.
Therefore, control of the gradation and density of
cohesionless fill using the method of relative density may be
unacceptable, especially if the procedure involves
coordinated effort and testing between two laboratories. An
example is given by ASTM (1973) in which the standard
deviation in maximum density of one sand tested by
14 laboratories is greater than 6 pcf. It is specified in
EM 1110-2-1906 that minimum density tests be repeated
until densities from two successive runs agree within
1 percent. Maximum density is then obtained by placing
a minimum density specimen on the vibratory table; only
one maximum density test is required. Variation and uncertainty in laboratory-measured values of maximum density
can cause serious problems in the construction of cohesionless fill and graded filters. Basic laboratory research is
needed to resolve difficulties with the shaking table test for
maximum density. Until research is performed and the

source of uncertainty identified and resolved, particular care

and caution should be used in determining maximum
density. One method of minimizing uncertainty is to perform several maximum density tests to determine and ensure
that large variations in maximum density are not being
observed. A control criterion for maximum density specimens similar to that for minimum density specimens may be
usedthat is, agreement between two successive specimens
within 1 percent.
b. Alternative maximum density procedure. In light of
the difficulty of obtaining duplicate results of maximum
density on the vibratory table, consideration must be given
to eliminating the test. A possible alternative procedure for
maximum density determination is the Modified Providence
Vibrated Density Test as described in EM 1110-2-1906. In
this test, a sample of oven-dried soil is placed in a heavy
steel mold, compressed under a surcharge, and vibrated to
a maximum density by repeatedly striking the side of the
mold with a hammer. Research presented by Tokue (1976)
suggests that the level of shear strain, not acceleration, is
directly related to densification of cohesionless soil. Many
of the unknown uncertainties associated with the vibratory
table may be avoided by use of this relatively simple
c. Materials with +3-in. particles. Relative density
tests described in EM 1110-2-1906 are performed on cohesionless soils with particle sizes not greater than 3 in. If
cohesionless soils contain a large amount of +3-in. material,
large-scale field density tests would be needed for
comparison with results of field density tests performed
during construction of test fills to develop adequate compaction procedures. When no field density test results are
available, control is achieved by careful inspection to ensure
that the specified gradation is being met and that the
specified compaction procedures are followed. Visual inspection of the sides of a test pit dug in the compacted fill
can provide qualitative indications of the denseness of the
material and of the existence of any significant voids.


EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95

Appendix C
Field Compaction Control Forms and
Supplemental Instructions
C-1. General
ENG Form 4080 (Figure C-1) is for use where water content control is required to obtain adequate compaction; the
title of this form is Summary of Field Compaction Control
of Impervious or Semipervious Soils for Civil Works
Projects. ENG Form 4081 (Figure C-2) is for use when
water content control (other than complete saturation) is not
required; the title of this form is Summary of Field Compaction Control of Pervious Soils and Rockfill for Civil
Works Projects. Use of these forms is described in
ER 1110-2-1925.
a. A database package utilizing the commercially
available software routine dBase III Plus (Trademark of
Ashton-Tate) was developed around the information required
for ENG Forms 4080 and 4081; the system uses the microcomputer to analyze data for use in the quality assurance
(QA) program. Specially prepared Computer Applications
in Geotechnical Engineering (CAGE) software interacts with
the database to reduce data, perform statistical analysis, and
generate ENG Forms 4080 and 4081 with the information
required for reporting. Data from field notes is entered into
a microcomputer in a dBase III-driven format; for data
manipulation, the system is menu driven and user interactive. CAGE is designed to store, retrieve, and display
earthwork construction control data as well as provide
summaries of required construction parameters. Hard copies
of any of the summaries, reports, and graphs generated may
be printed by the system along with computer-generated
copies of ENG Forms 4080 and 4081 if they are required in
hard copy form. The use and operation of the CAGE
system is described by Edris, Strohm, and Woo (1991).
b. If construction control data are recorded manually on
ENG Forms 4080 and 4081, information at the top of each
form could be placed on a master sheet from which reproducible copies could be made for recording data and for
making subsequent copies for submission.
c. Explanation of any abbreviations used which are not
explained in the forms, should be furnished with the first
report submitted on a project.
d. Lower lines of the forms may be used for necessary

C-2. Additional Information

Information on items below, as appropriate, should be submitted with the initial reports and also whenever changes are
a. Borrow sources and operations.
(1) Description of borrow materials (each borrow or excavation area).
(2) Natural water content.
(3) Method of adding water in pit.
(4) Method of reducing water content in pit.
(5) Method of excavating and mixing (describe equipment used).
(6) Equipment used for loading and transporting material.
b. Compaction equipment. Describe in detail.
(1) Sheepsfoot roller.
(a) Make, model, and whether self-propelled or towed.
(b) State size (diameter and length) and number of
(c) Describe tamping feet: number of rows, feet per
row, and total number of feet per drum; length, shape and
base area of foot.
(d) Give weight of roller empty, weight as used, type of
ballast, and unit pressure (weight of roller divided by total
contact areas of tamping feet).
(e) Specify type of frame (rigid or oscillating), speed of
travel during compaction, and if cleaners are used.
(2) Rubber-tired roller.
(a) Make and model.
(b) Number of boxes or sections, rolling width, overall
width and length.
(c) Number of tires, tire size, ply rating and spacing.




Closure Section


EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95




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Figure c-1. Specimen sheet showing data actually reported from several projects

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Figure C-2. Specimen sheet showing both pervious fill and rock-fill data actually reported from two districts

EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95

EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95
(d) Weight empty and as used, type of ballast, tire
pressure, and load per tire as used.

(3) Method of adding water on the fill.

(4) Method of reducing water content of the fill.

(e) Speed of travel during compaction.

d. Compaction control methods.
(3) Vibratory roller.
(a) Make and model.
(b) State size (diameter and length) and number of
(c) Give weight of roller empty, static weight per roller
used, dynamic ground pressure exerted, type of ballast, and
vibrating frequency.
(d) Speed of travel during compaction.
c. Embankment operations.
(1) Type of equipment used in spreading and mixing the
(2) Method of removing oversize rock fragments.


(1) For impervious or semipervious fill: Describe the

methods used to determine in-place density and water content. Also report method of correcting for oversize particles
and for correlating field density and water content for
material with oversize particles with laboratory density and
water content. Submit a copy of any reference curves used
for correlating the field data with the laboratory data.
(2) For pervious fill or rock fill: Describe in detail
methods used in determining laboratory maximum and minimum densities (if different from those specified in
EM 1110-2-1906) and in determining field densities of
pervious soils and rock fill. Also include details of methods
used for correlating field and laboratory densities in
determining percent compaction or relative density and
details of methods used in correcting for oversize particles.

EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95

Appendix D
Instructions for Preparing Periodic
Summaries of Field Compaction Control
Data on Earth and Rock-Fill Dams
D-1. Compaction Control Data Summary Forms
Summaries of compaction control data are prepared at least
monthly, using tabular summary form, ENG Form 4287, and
one or both of two summary plots: ENG Form 4287A for
soils requiring control of both water content and density and
ENG Form 4287B for soils requiring only density control.
D-2. Separate Summary Forms and Plots
Separate summary forms and plots should be prepared for
(a) significantly different materials (impervious, random,
pervious, etc.) used in different zones of the embankment
and (b) materials compacted by different equipment (e.g.,
impervious fill compacted by towed rollers and impervious
backfill compacted by hand-operated power tampers).
D-3. Example Summary Forms and Plots
Examples of prepared summary forms and plots are shown
in Figures D-1 through D-4. Examples of appropriate entries for tabular summaries are given in Table D-1.

lines are first drawn on the plot to show the limiting values
of water content in percentage points wet or dry of standard
optimum. A horizontal line is drawn to show the desired or
specified minimum percent of maximum standard and dry
density. The top margin and right side margin of the plot
are marked to show the limiting values illustrated in
Figure D-2. The data are then plotted using symbols shown
on the legend. Should an area be reworked more than once
or reworked and tested more than once, only the last test
result or last set of test results should be plotted. The test
results are summarized in the tabulation form on the right
side of the plot in Figure D-2. Total number of tests is the
total number of plotted data points excluding retests and
check tests. Check tests should not be included in the
number retested.
D-5. Summary Plot for Materials Requiring Only
Density Control
Use of the summary plot for material requiring only density
control is illustrated in Figure D-4. Inappropriate labels at
the top and bottom of the plot are lined out. If control is
based on maximum density determined using a vibratory
procedure, STD should also be lined out. Suitable scales
are added to the plot, and a vertical line is drawn to indicate
the minimum value of relative density, minimum percent of
maximum standard dry density, or minimum percent of
maximum dry density by a vibratory procedure, whichever

D-4. Summary Plot for Materials Requiring

Water Content and Density Control
A summary plot for materials requiring water content and
density control is illustrated in Figure D-2. Two vertical


EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95




Resident Engr



Location of Projec-t

Report No



5 N g v 68


S. J. Smith

Insp. or Tech J. S. Jones

(Nearest town, state)
5 Dec 68


Soil Classification


(USCS Symbols)
stationing of Areas Tested
~levation of Areas


Fompaction Equipment
Number of Passes

Sheepsfoot roller. Ferguson selfpropelled model SP-!20B (615 psi)


Lift Thick.

Speed, MPH

In-Place Density Method

(Give % of tests made
~i th each method)
Method of Determining

14+75 to 46+50
832 to 840

Method of Relating
Field w to Std Opt w,
and Field Density to
Max. Dry Density, or
Relative Density

8 in.
3 to 5
Sand Volume (90%)

Nuclear ( 1 Oo/oP
Oven Drying
Field results compared to laboratory
compaction curve for similar soil. Appropriate laboratory curve selected by I - or
2-point Std compaction test at field w or
drier, supplemented "':ith liquid 1imit test

Specified Range of w (Percentage

Points Above & Below S td ()pt w)
(% Comp. or
(SE_eci tied)
Rei. Density)*''
No. Areas Tested

Opt - I % to Opt + 2 o/o

9 5%

No. with w Outside

Acceptable Limits

jNo. with Density

Below Min.
jNo. with w and Density
Outside Acceptable Limits


INo. Areas Reworked

INo. Areas Retested


Only the two 11 1nthal 11 tests shown on the summary plot were by nuclear method;
check tests and remainder of tests were by ;and volume method
**Strike out inapplicable words.

ENG Form 4287

JUN 69

(ER lll0-2-1925)

Summary Prepared by
Summary Checked by




6 Dec 68
7 Dec bB

Figure D-1. Example of a prepared summary form, field compaction control data, impervious (core)


PROJECT: - - - - - - - - - - - Dam


DISTRICT: ------........_-__,,..._
5 Nov - 5 Dec 68
aM TERIAL : ---!:
MPE R:.:.













_ _1_









X 111


)1.1' )1.









e . g.,",- e,,

A, -


Figure 0-2. Example of a prepared summary plot for materials requiring water content and .density control


(ER 1110-2-1925)

EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95

ENG For m 4 28 7A
JUN 69



EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95




Resident Engr ---;J,.;-,S:,..'-S.:,.cm=it"'h'--

Insp. or Tech ~J~~S~-~~J~o~n~e~s~Loc~tion of Project -=--~~----~~(~R~iv~e~r~l--------~----~~(un~e~a~r~e~s~t~to~vv~nu_~s~ta~tu.e)


Report No


Soi 1 Classification

of Areas Tested

Compaction Equipment
Number of Passes


5 D ~~ 68


15+50 to 37+50
830 to 839
Vibratory Roller, Tampo Model vcso
(static wt. = 3. 5 tons, ,)entrifugal force
of 7 5 tons at 1600 rom

Lift Thick.

~oller Speed,

6 in.


In-Place Density Method

(Give % of tests made
~ i th each me tho d)
Method of Determining
Field w
Method of RelatJng

Field w to Std Opt w,

and Field Density to
Max. Dry Density, or
~elative rrensity

Specified Range
~oints Above


w (Percentage

& Below Std Opt w)

(1. Comp. or
Rei. Density)+
"o. Areas Tested
th W Outside
Acceptable Limits
~o. with Density
Below M1 n.
~o. With w and Density
Outside Acceptable Limits




(USCS Symbols)
Stationing of Areas Tested



Sand Volume '90%)

Nuclear ( 1 O%)*''
Visual Observation
Field results compared to results of
laboratory maximum (modified Providence
vibrated) and minimum density tests on
Appropriate laboratory
similar material.
results selected by gradati.on correlation.
Saturated during compact-ion




Not Applicable

Not applicable

1;o. Areas Reworked

No. Areas Retested


If compacted by crawler tractor, change "passes" to ''coverages

Only the two "initial" tests shown on summary plot were by nuclear method.
Check tests and all other tests were by the Sand Volume method.

+strike out inapplicable words.

ENG Form 4287

JUN 69

(ER 1110-2-1925)

Summary Prepared by
Summary Checked by




6 Dec 68
7 Dec 68

Figure D-3. Example of a prepared summary form, field compaction control data, pervious
(sand drain)


ltMiif:Cflt;lll(fll)fiPtpJUUI IHN WA !INP


I .. u II)

Ml " :' " 111


DIS11tiCT : - - - - - - - - - -


-+;__;_,+-..J-:.~-r-_L-h--- _j -+-~-- _1-t_-i!---1"f-:-:_r-, +:.:.._+:1:_:_::-1-:__:_

:: :._j::.:.._
: :4::
I :
~: ~~--~~-~--~-+~--r-+-4-~-+~--~+-~~
! --~---~~-~ .:.._
:. : !.:. i
! j_-t-1-+--t---+--:..__I-+-~-+-'-'-l....:..:..J

!""; _


. i.

~ ::- L :

. .

: -<:1.;.:


;.: . : ... ::.






5 Nov - 5 Dec

REPORT NO, - - - = 1 2 = - - - - - - TYPE OF


::: ..:;:























(Bml :IN I



II@ MAl (H 111) IM IM8)

JUN 69


Figure 0-4. Example of a summary plot for material requiring only density control

(ER 1110- 2-1925)

EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95

E!o!G Form 4287 8

EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95
Table D-1
Samples of Appropriate Entries on Tabular Summary

Compaction Equipment

Method of Relating Field w to Standard Optimum w and Field Density to Maximum Dry
Density or Relative Density

Sheepsfoot roller, Bros, self-propelled,

SP244DA (636 psi)

Field results compared with results of complete standard compaction test on material
from field test.

Pneumatic roller, 50-ton Ferguson Model

RT-100 S, 4-wheel (80 psi)

Field results compared with laboratory curves selected by two-point standard

compaction test on material from field test.

Sheepsfoot roller, Southwest Model

2DM-120S, 25,335 lb (towed)(527 psi)

Field results compared with results of rapid compaction (USBR) tests on fill material.

Sheepsfoot roller, Ferguson Model SP-120B,

self-propelled (615 psi)

Field results compared with laboratory standard compaction results for minus 1-in.
material, corrected for percent plus 1-in. material. Appropriate laboratory results
selected by Atterberg limits correlations.

Sheepsfoot roller, (towed), American Steel

Works, similar to Model ABD 120 (547 psi)

Compared visually with materials on which laboratory standard compaction tests were

D-8 crawler tractor (12.2 psi)

Maximum (vibratory table)1 and minimum density determined for each field density test.

Pneumatic roller, 50-ton Bros Model 450,

4-wheel (80 psi)

Compared with results of laboratory maximum (modified Providence vibrated) and

minimum density test on minus 2-1/2-in. fraction.

Vibratory roller, Bros Model VP-20D (static

weight = 10 tons; centrifugal force = 20 tons
at 1,300 rpm)

Appropriate laboratory results selected by gradation correlation.

Note: if more than one method is used, show percentage use of each method.
Use care to confirm reliability of maximum density as determined on the vibratory table. See the caution in Appendix B,
paragraph B-4a.


EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95

Appendix E
Description and Use of Instruments
During Earth and Rock-Fill Dam


Stability of an earth and rock-fill dam is often more uncertain during construction than upon completion. Unfavorable conditions produced, for example, by inclement weather
during construction may result in transient conditions of
marginal stability, which may be the most dangerous over
the life of an embankment. For that reason, it is important
to carefully and continuously monitor the state of a
compacted earth structure during construction. Instruments
to monitor displacement, slope (change), pore water pressure, soil stress, and water flow are necessary to monitor
changes in an embankment that may signify the onset of
instability and indicate the need of a change in construction
technique or procedure. The basic instruments, their function and basic operating principal will be described here.
However, EM-1110-2-1908 is under preparation at this
writing and will clarify the philosophy, policy, use, and
installation of instrumentation with respect to earth and
rock-fill dams.
E-2. Displacement Measuring Techniques
and Instruments
a. Slope indicators (inclinometers). Slope indicators are
used primarily to monitor earth movement in undisturbed
soil masses as well as compacted embankments by detecting
changes in slope within the soil structures. A specially
designed plastic or aluminum casing with an alignment
groove along one edge may be installed in a bore hole up to
900 ft deep. Slope indicator instruments are lowered into
the casings on spring-loaded rollers which ride into the
grooves to maintain alignment. Deviation from the vertical
is detected by monitoring an electronic signal from either a
Wheatstone Bridge circuit or piezoelectric crystals within
the sensor, which is generated by a change in stress in a
mechanical system such as a pendulum or cantilever arm.
Slope versus electronic signal from a slope indicator
instrument is established by calibration; therefore the slope
of the bore hole with depth is determined from the output
signal of the sensor as it is lowered into the bore hole.
Change in slope with time is an indication of embankment
movement. Plots of slope versus depth at various locations
over the site of the embankment will indicate patterns of
movement and will therefore index the stability of the
embankment. Manufacturers of slope indicator instruments
claim that some models have the sensitivity to detect a

deviation in slope of one part in 10,000. A careful calibration is recommended before installation of this or any
instrument to confirm that devices are operational, and that
they deliver the measurement accuracy required for proper
b. Settlement/heave measurement devices. Settlement
devices are sometimes used in the same casings as slope
indicators. Settlement meter casings are designed to telescope in order to follow settlement or heave within the soil
structure. Special couplings in the casing may allow from 6
to 12 in. of movement per casing section. A probe which
hooks to the bottom lip of a casing section is lowered into
the bore hole. After hooking onto the bottom lip of a casing
section, distance from the top of the casing is measured with
a surveyors chain. The elevation of the casing top may be
determined by standard level survey techniques based on
bench marks outside the settlement zone. Calibration required for this procedure is accomplished with a surveyors
chain. A slight variation to this procedure is to measure
settlement in emplaced structures by placing ferrous metal
washers around the casings. The vertical position of the
washers may be monitored using magnetic or inductive
pickup sensors.

Stress Measurement

a. Carlson soil stress meters. These instruments are

designed for the direct measurement of soil pressure against
a solid structure. The meter consists of two steel discs
connected along their circumferences/edges by a flexible
rim. A thin film of mercury fills the space between the
discs. When subjected to stress, the mercury deflects an
internal diaphragm. The device is calibrated in a pressure
chamber under hydrostatic pressure such that a relationship
between pressure and diaphragm deflection is established.
When implanted in a soil structure, the stress pattern over
the area/face of the meter is averaged. The Carlson soil
stress meter is usually placed next to a solid structure with
its top side exposed to soil. In such an installation, the flexible rim is covered with neoprene rubber to prevent binding
and damage to the instrument.
b. Flat jacks. These stress measurement devices are
variations of the Carlson soil stress meter and consist,
essentially, of a fluid-filled space between two flat parallel
plates with a pressure-tight hinged seal around the periphery.
These instruments are permanently installed in structures of
interest at the desired location and orientation. The average
pressure exerted by the soil on the face of the jack is transmitted to the fluid inside, which is measured electronically
or mechanically. The main advantage of these devices is
that they require little deformation for activation; the main
disadvantage is that their stiffness may not match that of the


EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95
structure in which they are installed and, as a result, the
stress measured may be in error. Calibration of these devices can be difficult, and installation must be performed by
an experienced technician.

Pore Pressure Measurement

Piezometers are instruments permanently installed in a soil

or rock structure to measure fluid pressure. Several types
of piezometers based on different pressure sensing mechanisms are available for general use. Each type will be
identified and the operating mechanism briefly described.
a. Open standpipe piezometer. This type of device
consists of an open tube in which the level of fluid is
measured by sounding, or by lowering a tape into the tube
to measure the water level.
b. Casagrande piezometer. The tip of the device
consists of a 2-ft-long porous tube connected to a riser pipe
of 3/8-in. tubing. Water level (pressure) is measured with
an electronic sounding device or a pressure gauge if the
water level is higher than the ground surface.
c. Wellpoint piezometer. The instrument consists of a
perforated tip (well screen, epoxied sand filter, well strainer,
etc.) connected to a standpipe. Water level is measured by
lowering a sounding device into the standpipe.
d. Hydraulic piezometer. Two designs are in general
use: the USBR device and the Bishop device. This type of
piezometer consists of two tubes leading to the tip, which
contains a porous element common to the two tubes. The
tip must be de-aired for proper operation; de-airing is accomplished by flushing water through one tube and bleeding
through the other until saturation is achieved. One tube is
then shut off and the other connected to a vacuum/pressure
gauge which reads fluid level directly.
e. Diaphragm piezometers. Two designs are in general
use: the Warlan device and the Gloetzl device. The diaphragm piezometer consists of two tubes leading to the
piezometric porous tip. A membrane is forced against the
end of one of the tubes by in situ water pressure. To make
pore pressure measurement, from the observation station, air
pressure is introduced into the tube that has the membrane
against it until the pore pressure acting on the opposite side
is slightly exceeded, allowing air past the membrane flapper.
This air, escaping through the opposite tube, is detected with
a bubble chamber at the observation station. The air pressure is then reduced until bubbling stops, at which time the
air pressure in the line is assumed to equal the pore water


f. Electronic strain gauge piezometers. The Carlson

piezometer and electronic pressure transducers are examples
of this design of piezometer. The principal of operation is
that water pressure deflects a diaphragm which has been
strain-gauged or otherwise fitted for electronic displacement
measurement. Pressure versus strain meter reading is
established by calibration so that pore water pressure is
determined directly by a meter reading.
g. Vibrating wire piezometers. Mechanical resonance
or vibrating wire transducers are sometimes used to measure
water pore pressure. In these instruments, a wire under
tension is connected to (the center of) a diaphragm which
deflects as the result of water pressure. Deflection of the
membrane changes the tension in the wire and therefore the
resonant frequency of the structure. The system is configured so that the wire under tension may be excited to
resonance by a magnetic coil and the resonant frequency
measured electronically. The relationship between resonant
frequency and pressure is established by calibration. Vibrating wire piezometers are essentially like electronic strain
gauge transducers except that the internal displacement, or
strain associated with pressure change is measured using
electromechanical means.

Flow Measurement

Flow measurement associated with dam construction may be

achieved using two basic devices, weirs and impeller flow
transducers. Each will be briefly described.
a. Weirs. A weir is an obstruction in a channel that
causes water to back up behind it and to flow over or
through it. By measuring the height of the upstream water
surface, the rate of flow is determined. Weirs constructed
from a sheet of metal or other material such that the jet, or
nappe, springs free as it leaves the upstream face are called
sharp-crested weirs. For example, the V-notch weir is a
very effective and widely used sharp-crested weir which
may be calibrated quite precisely and reliably for use in
flow measurement. Other weir types, such as the broadcrested weir, support water flow in a longitudinal direction.
The relationship between flow rate versus height above the
crest of a particular weir is established by calibration against
a standard with known volume discharge characteristics.
b. Impeller flow transducers. The impeller flow
transducer consists of a flow chamber around an impeller
shaft and rotor. As fluid flows through the chamber, it impinges on the blades to cause rotation of the impeller shaft,
the speed of which is measured electronically with an
encoder. A relationship between quantity of flow and shaft
rotation speed/electronic output may be established by

EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95
calibration. Impeller flow transducers are generally used to
measure relatively small rates of flow which must be
obtained precisely. However, impeller flow transducers do
not work well when used with water containing sediment, as
particles of grit tend to jam the mechanism, causing it to

Temperature Measurement

One possible benefit of temperature measurement connected

with dam construction is that it may aid in determining the
source of seepage or leakage water. Temperature measurement sensors may be permanently installed in a compacted
earth structure during construction or may be mobile and
simply lowered into boreholes for spot temperature checks.
Two electronic devices are generally used for temperature
measurement, the thermocouple and the thermistor. The
mercury thermometer is also useful. Each will be briefly
a. Thermocouples. A thermocouple is an electronic
circuit consisting of two dissimilar metals in which a
voltage is produced when two junctions of the metals are at
different temperatures. For example, the temperature of ice
water is typically used as a reference junction temperature
and the voltage produced by the opposite junction calibrated
versus temperature (of that junction). In many commercial
thermocouple instruments, the function of the reference
junction is simulated electronically. For the temperature
range expected in earth dam construction, copper/constantan
or iron/constantan thermocouples (commonly called ISA1
J-type or T-type thermocouples, respectively) will be most
appropriate and useful.
b. Thermistors. A thermistor is a composite semiconductor that has a large negative temperature coefficient
of resistance and, as such, can be used for temperature
measurement. The electronic circuit associated with a
thermistor is designed to measure the resistance of the
thermistor and, therefore, the temperature-resistance characteristics of the device must be established by calibration.
The electronic circuitry associated with thermistors is often
designed to produce readings directly in engineering temperature units.

c. Mercury thermometer. A mercury thermometer is a

closed evacuated glass tube containing a quantity of mercury. Mercury has a relatively high coefficient of temperature expansion, and when the tube is placed in a
temperature environment, the mercury will expand to fill a
given portion of the tube. The tube is graduated, and the
relationship between temperature and the expansion of the
mercury in the tube as quantified by graduations on the tube
is established by calibration. The mercury thermometer is
very easy to use and relatively precise; however, because of
the fast time response of thermal expansion of mercury, the
device must be used only in applications when the tube may
be observed directly (that is, it may not be lowered into

Strong Motion Monitoring

Strong motion monitoring is used to measure the response

of an embankment dam to seismic activity. The most important benefit obtained is to guide decisions on inspection
and repair after the structure has been subjected to a seismic
event. The information may be used to determine if the
event was larger or smaller than the design earthquake and
to decide what repair or strengthening is needed. Instruments for strong motion monitoring are called strong motion
accelographs of seismographs. The key element of the
instrument is an accelerometer, which consists of a mass
suspended in a case. The case itself is securely fastened to
the dam. During an earthquake, relative movement between
the mass and the case is converted to an electrical signal
which is converted to either the acceleration or the velocity
of the ground motion. An accelograph also contains signal
amplifiers, a recording device such as paper, photographic
film, or magnetic tape, along with a rechargeable battery
power supply, a very accurate clock, and a motion trigger to
turn on the instrument when a predetermined level of
ground motion is exceeded. An important consideration in
the design and installation of such instruments is that they
be sensitive enough to give an accurate account of the
motion, yet be protected so that they are not damaged
during the event.

Instrument Society of America.


EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95


Blending soil layers (See Borrow

area operations - Water content
Borrow area and quarries . . . . . .
Earth fill (See Equipment,
earth-fill and rock-fill and
Borrow area operations.)
Final conditions . . . . . . . . .
Borrow areas . . . . . . . .
Quarries . . . . . . . . . . .
Spoil areas . . . . . . . . . .
Obtaining rock fill (See
Rock-fill, obtaining.)
Rock excavation (See Equipment, rock excavation.)
Test quarries (See Quarries,
Borrow area operations . . . . . . . .
Blending soil layers . . . . . .
Equipment . . . . . . . . . .
Methods . . . . . . . . . . .
Reasons for . . . . . . . . .
Cold weather . . . . . . . . . . .
Deviations . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Stockpiling . . . . . . . . . . . .
Water content control . . . . .
Dry soil . . . . . . . . . . . .
Wet soil . . . . . . . . . . .
Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Clay shales . . . . . . . . . . . .
Foundations and abutments,
rock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Slurry trench . . . . . . . . . . .
Compaction, impervious and semipervious fill . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Adverse weather . . . . . . . . .
Confined areas . . . . . . . . . .
Density . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Field compaction effort . . . .
Fundamentals . . . . . . . . . . .
Lift thickness . . . . . . . . . . .
Inspection . . . . . . . . . .
Specifications . . . . . . . .
Placement water content . . .
Specifications . . . . . . . . . . .
Standard compaction effort .
Water content . . . . . . . . . .


. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1





























. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2
. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4










. . . 5-6
. . . 5-15
. . . 5-16
5-6, 5-7
. . . 5-6
. . . 5-6
5-7, 5-8
. . . 5-8
. . . 5-7
5-6, 5-7
. . . 5-6
. . . 5-6
5-7, 5-8

Construction control
Fill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Pervious . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Semipervious earth . . . . . . . . .
Importance of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Personnel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Purpose of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Relation to design . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Test fill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Test quarries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Verification of requirements . . . . . .
Construction, earth-fill and rock-fill . . . .
Earth test fills (See Test fills,
Equipment (See Equipment,
earth-fill and rock fill.)
Impervious fills (See Fill,
impervious and semipervious.)
Pervious fills (see Fill,
Placement sequence . . . . . . . . . . .
Quantity measurement . . . . . . . . . .
Rock fill (See Fill, rock.)
Rock test fills (See Test fills, rock.)
Semipervious fills (See Fill,
impervious and semipervious.)
Slope protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Placement of protection . . . . . .
Reasons for . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Types of damage . . . . . . . . . .
Types of protection . . . . . . . . .
Construction features, miscellaneous . . .
Drainage, surface . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Necessity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Instrumentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
River diversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Closure section . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cofferdams, embankment-type .
Roads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Haul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Public . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Service bridge pier foundations . . .
Stage construction . . . . . . . . . . . .
Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Necessity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Construction records (See Records and
reports, construction.)
Relations with resident engineer . . .








. . . . . . . . 5-22
. . . . . . . . 5-23






. . . . . . . . 2-3

EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95

Borrow area operations . . . .
Dewatering systems . . . . . .
Quality control . . . . . . . . . .
Contract specifications (See Specifications, contract.)
Dental treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cavities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Overhangs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Rock foundations and abutments
Surface depressions . . . . . . . . .
Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Evaluation of . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Relation to construction . . . . . . .
Design engineers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Preconstruction training . . . . . . .
Relation to construction . . . . . . .
Responsibilities . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dewatering of excavated areas . . . . .
Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Failure of system . . . . . . . . . . .
Grouting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Impervious blanket . . . . . . . . . .
Necessity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Pumping of fines . . . . . . . . . . .
Responsibilities of . . . . . . . . . .
Sumps and ditches . . . . . . . . . .
Surface erosion . . . . . . . . . . . .
Types of systems . . . . . . . . . . .
Drainage of excavated areas (See
Dewatering of excavated areas.)
Equipment, earth-fill and rock-fill
Compaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Confined areas . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Excavating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Hauling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Separating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Spreading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Equipment, rock excavation . . . . . . .
Hauling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Field control, testing and sampling . . .
Evaluation of results . . . . . . . . .
Field density and water content
related to maximum density
and optimum water content . .
Aspects of comparison . . . .
Gravely soils, methods for . .
Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


. . . . . . . . . . 4-5
. . . . . . . . . . 3-10
. . . . . . . . . . 2-2









. . 3-2
. . 3-8
. . 3-9
. . 3-2
. . 3-9
. . 1-1
. . 1-1
. . 1-1
1-1, 2-1
. . . 2-1
. . . 1-1
. . . 1-1
. . . 3-10
. . . 3-10
. . . 3-10
. . . 3-11
. . . 3-12
. . . 3-12
. . . 3-10
. . . 3-10
. . . 3-10
. . . 3-11
. . . 3-12
. . . 3-10






















Field density tests, direct

methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Drive cylinder . . . . . . . . .
Piston sampler . . . . . . . . .
Sand displacement . . . . . .
Water balloon . . . . . . . . . .
Water content measurement
Water displacement . . . . . .
Field density tests, indirect
methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Nuclear method . . . . . . . .
Proctor penetrometer . . . . .
Frequency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Reasons for . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Record samples . . . . . . . . . . .
Subsequent actions . . . . . . . . .
Test pits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Field density data related to specified
values (See Field control, testing
and sampling.)
Methods of comparison . . . . . .
Fine-grained soils . . . . . . .
Cohesionless soils . . . . . . .
Cohesive soils . . . . . . . . .
Necessity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Field laboratory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Facilities required . . . . . . . . . .
Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Types of tests . . . . . . . . . . . .
Use of test results . . . . . . . . . .
Fill, impervious and semipervious . .
Compaction (See Compaction,
impervious and semipervious
Control procedures . . . . . . . . .
Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Testing and sampling, field
control (See Field control,
testing and sampling.)
Fill, pervious . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Compaction equipment . . . . . .
Construction control . . . . . . . .
Gradation . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . .
Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Density, relative . . . . . . . . . . .
Density requirements . . . . . . .
Density tests . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Evaluation of test results and
subsequent action . . . . . . . .
Gradation of materials . . . . . . .
Lift thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . .






































. . . . . . . . . . . 5-7
. . . . . . . . . . . 5-5













. . . . . . . . . . . 5-20
. . . . . . . . . . . 5-18
. . . . . . 5-18, 5-19

EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95

Water content control . . . . . . . .

Fill, rock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Hard rock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Compaction . . . . . . . . . . . .
Placement . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Specifications . . . . . . . . . . .
Increased usage . . . . . . . . . . . .
Soft rock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Compaction . . . . . . . . . . . .
Disadvantages . . . . . . . . . .
Fill, semicompacted earth . . . . . . . . .
Construction control . . . . . . . . .
Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Uses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Foundation and abutment treatment . .
Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Clearing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Grubbing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Inspection of . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Inspection trenches . . . . . . . . . .
Purposes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Rock foundations and abutments
(See Foundation and abutment
treatment, rock.)
Soil foundations and abutments
(See Foundation and abutment
treatment, soil.)
Special treatment . . . . . . . . . . .
Stripping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Undesirable conditions (See Soil
conditions, unfavorable, and
Rock conditions, unfavorable.)
Foundation and abutment treatment,
rock (See Rock conditions,
Air pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Blasting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Clay shales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cracks and fissures . . . . . . . . . .
Dental treatment . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dry brooming . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Hand methods . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Heavy vehicles . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Removal of water . . . . . . . . . . .
Shaping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Slopes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Tuffs, slaking . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Washing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Foundation and abutment treatment,
soil (See Soil conditions,














Blasting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Clearing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Compaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Depressions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Final preparation . . . . . . . . . . . .
Grubbing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Slopes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Stripping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Government inspection force . . . . . . . .
Pervious zones . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Riprap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Rock test fills . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Grout curtains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Borrow pits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Closure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Compaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Construction control . . . . . . . . . .
Construction procedures, pervious
fill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dewatering systems . . . . . . . . . .
Excavation of weathered rock . . .
Field conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Foundation and abutment treatment
Galleries, drainage . . . . . . . . . . .
Resident inspection force . . . . . . .
Rock fill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Shaping and cleaning operations . .
Stripping operations . . . . . . . . . .
Test trenches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Importance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Observations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Reports, observations . . . . . . . . .
Specialists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Materials, borrow area (See Borrow
area operations - Materials.)
Quality control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Aspects of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Compaction tests . . . . . . . . . . . .
Durability of materials . . . . . . . .
Fill placement procedures . . . . . .
Quality of materials . . . . . . . . . .
Responsibility of contractor . . . . .
Responsibility of Government
inspection force . . . . . . . . . . . .
Quarries (See Borrow areas and
Quarries, test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Personnel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . 3-1
. . . . . . . . . . 3-1








. . . 3-2
. . . 3-2
. . . 3-6
3-2, 3-3
. . . 3-8
3-2, 3-3
. . . 3-2
. . . 3-2
3-2, 3-3
. . . 3-2
3-2, 3-3
. . . 3-2
. . . 3-3
. . . 3-3
. . . 3-2








. . . 3-1
. . . 3-1
. . . 3-1
3-1, 3-2
. . . 3-1
. . . 3-1
. . . 3-2
. . . 3-1
2-2, 2-3












4-5, 4-7
. . . 6-2
. . . 5-6
. . . 1-1
































. . . . . . . . . 2-2

. . . . . . . . . 4-9
. . . . . . . . . 4-10

EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95

Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Purpose of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Records and reports, construction
Additional information . . . . . .
Compaction control . . . . . . . .
Construction foundation . . . . .
Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Daily . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Documentation of test results . .
Evaluation of claims . . . . . . . .
Final . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Forms, field compaction control
Inspection report . . . . . . . . . .
Instrumentation observations . .
Maintenance of . . . . . . . . . . .
Master diary . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Necessity of . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Payments, basis for . . . . . . . . .
Photographs . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Preparation instructions . . . . . .
Test fills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Test quarries . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Use of data . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Reports (See Records and reports,
Resident engineer . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Assistants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Relationship with contractor . . .
Responsibilities . . . . . . . . . . .
Technical responsibilities . . . . .
Resident inspection force . . . . . . . .
Composition . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Duties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Preconstruction training . . . . . .
Relationship with contractor . . .
Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Riprap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Stream protection . . . . . . . . . .
Rock conditions, unfavorable . . . . .
Cavities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Causes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Remedies . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Untreated . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Detrimental characteristics . . . .
Erosion and scour . . . . . . . . . .
Fill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fractures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Inspection of excavations . . . . .
Open joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



. . . . . . . . . . . 4-9
. . . . . . . . . . . 4-9
. . . . . . . . . . . 4-10

















. . C-1
. . 7-1
. . 7-6
. . 2-5
. . 7-1
. . 2-4
. . 2-5
. . 7-6
. . C-1
. . 2-5
. . 7-1
. . 1-1
. . 2-5
. . 1-1
. . 2-5
1-1, 2-5
. . . D-1
. . . 5-1
. . . 4-10
. . . 2-4

1-1, 2-1
. . 2-1
. . 2-3
. . 1-1
. . 2-1
. . 2-1
. . 2-1
. . 2-1
2-1, 2-2
. . . 2-1
. . . 2-3
. . . 2-1
5-23, 6-2
. . . . 6-2
. . . . 5-23
. . . . 3-8
. . . . 3-8
. . . . 3-8
. . . . 3-8
. . . . 3-8
. . . . 3-8
. . . . 3-8
. . . . 3-8
. . . . 3-8
. . . . 3-8
. . . . 3-8


Overhangs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dental treatment . . . . . . . . .
Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Tamping of soil . . . . . . . . .
Springs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Surface depressions . . . . . . . . .
Dental treatment . . . . . . . . .
Fill procedure . . . . . . . . . . .
Weathered rock . . . . . . . . . . . .
Rock fill, obtaining . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Blasting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Drilling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Seepage control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Blankets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Core trenches (See Seepage
control - Cutoffs.)
Cutoffs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Compacted backfill trenches .
Grout curtains . . . . . . . . . .
Slurry trenches . . . . . . . . . .
Excavated areas . . . . . . . . . . . .
Galleries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Relief wells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Toe drains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Soil conditions, unfavorable . . . . . . .
Clay shales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Collapsible soils . . . . . . . . . . . .
Highly compressible soils . . . . .
Loose granular soils . . . . . . . . .
Low-strength soils . . . . . . . . . .
Old river channels . . . . . . . . . .
Steep abutment slopes . . . . . . . .
Specialists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Design engineers . . . . . . . . . . .
Field instrumentation technicians
Geologists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Geotechnical engineers . . . . . . .
Specifications, contract
Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Compaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Compliance with . . . . . . . . . . .
Rock fill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Test fill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Understanding of . . . . . . . . . . .
Verification of requirements . . . .
Stockpiling (See Borrow area
operations - Stockpiling.)
Test fills, earth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Test fills, rock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Construction control . . . . . . . . .
Gradation tests . . . . . . . . . . . . .





























. . . . . 2-4
. . . . . 5-6
. . 1-1, 2-1
4-10, 5-21
. . . . . 5-1
. . 2-1, 2-3
. . . . . 2-4












EM 1110-2-1911
30 Sep 95


Purposes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1
Test quarries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1
Trenches, compacted backfill (See
Seepage control - Cutoffs.)
Trenches, slurry. (See Seepage
control - Cutoffs.)


Water content
Borrow area operations . . . . .
Compaction . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Measurements . . . . . . . . . . .
Microwave oven . . . . . . . . . .
Pervious materials . . . . . . . .
Related to maximum density
and optimum water content















. . . . . . . . . . . . 5-14


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