WRC107 297
WRC107 297
L.C. Peng1
lhni Engineering, Hou.lun, Tu. 71043
Contributed by lne Pre"ur. Veue\s and Piping Divi.:lon for publication In lb.
Jorn..>;.u OT PUS5lJtUl V<:S5EL TECHNOLOGY. Manus<;ripl received by lhe pyp
Dil'liion. Dl;ember 2t, 1987.
l bJ
The applied loading can generally be divided into four component groups. They are radial force, bending mOUlent, torsional moment, and shear force. In the following discussion
the stress COntributed by each component group is described
first. They are then combined to become the maximum stress.
The discussion follows the WRC~297 stress orientation of
radial and circumferential directions with respect to the nozzle. Because of the different stress otientation adopted in the
cylindrical shell ponion of the WRC-107, reorientation of the
WRC-I07 data is required for the cylindrical vessel The procedure shows the method for calculating the stress in the shell.
The same procedure can be used for calculating the stress in
the nozzle.
S,m (Pl,
S~m (P)
(",) SpMr',c"l
FEBRUARYt988. Vol.t10ft07
s,ress is
S;j(Mn )=-J(Sii(Mdl 2 + (Sjj(MLl
1 Wjchman. K. R. Hoope,. A. G and M=holl, J, L., "Local St'me, ;11
Spherical and Cylindrical ShcU, Due 10 Exlemal Loadifl~." WRC Bulletin No.
107, Aug. 1965. revised Mar. 1919.
2 Mcsohon. J. L., Mo~hlarja.n, Ie, Ranjan. G. V . and Rodabaugh, E. C,
"Local Stresses \.1. Cylindrica.l SheUs Due 10 External Loadings all
NouJes---.,supplemenl to WRC Bulklin No. 107," WRC Bulletin No, 297, Aug.
3 ANSI Code for f'resliure Piping. A!'ISII ASME DJl.3 Cher,ilCal plam and
Petroleum Refinery Piping, ASME, New York, 19&4.
4 ASME Boiler and P'eS>u,e Ve.>scl Code. Se<.--:ion VIII, P,eSit.!,e V",:r.els.
Div. 2. Alternalive Rules, ASME, New York. 1953.
Combined Normal Stress. The combined maximum normal stress is determined by P, Me, and .11!. Since tbe stress
Sij=Sij(P)-SIj(Mo )
R. Natarajan 2
At the outset, I would like to congratulate the autho: for
bringing out certain important points which a deslgner
sometimes forgets while using design cham:. However, there
are some points which are worth mentioning about this paper:
1 While discussing the inconsistency about the location of
the maximum stress in a nozzle-spherical sheet intersection, it
is expected that the designer will defme the geometry and the
loading using the same coordinate system. The location of the
maximum stress, and hence the inconsistency in defining the
maximum stress location, is due to the misunderstanding by
the designer and not due to the examples given in WRC-107 or
2 While calculating the combined stress due to bending
moments, mention should be made that the ITexibility of the
nozzle has not been completely considered, Further, the boundary conditions at the n01.zle and cylinder ends also affect the
value and location of these maximum values.
K. Mokhtarian J
I have the following general comments to make on Peng's
I We have found that generally the maximum stress due to
rnechani<;al loads. I do not know of any simple way of pr?>'iCing those >!uideJines now, but evemuully this question will
haYe to be addressed.
Z, F. Sang:
As stated in the paper by L C. Pengo WRC-107 and
WRC.297 published by PVRC are excellent references for
calculating local stresses in nozzles and attachments. Indeed,
they are widelv used in the design of pressure vessels and have
beCOme indispensable tools.
The author summarizes inconsistencies occurring in so~e
designs due to the designers misapplying the data presented III
the aforementioned tWO documents, He also presents a
method and procedure for calculating the maximum stress intensity, This is of importance and needs to be understood by
designers. It should prove to be an aid in applying the tWO
dOCuments correctly,
1 am in agreement wilh Dr, Peng's opinion about the inconsistency and nonconservation, which will be created in the
desig :;>rocedure if a designer cannot detennine the maximum
stress imensity. In the paper. the formula which is develop~d
for calculating intensity seems to hold only for round radial
noules and attaclunents on spherical shells. Only in this case
are the stresses due to radial load P and torsional moment M r
uniform. For other shapes, particularly in the case of a rectangular attachment on a cylinder, the stresses are not uniform
along the perimeter of the attachment.
In the section "Location of Maximum Stress" the author
states that "the calculations involve only the secondary
stress." From a stress classification point of view, stresses due
to external load on an att3clunent include not only s~ondary
stresses. but also primary ones, This is Important, because
there an: different allowable stresses associated with different
suess categories,
In thanking Messrs, R. Natarajan, K, Mokhtarian. a,nd
Z. F. Sang for the valuable discussions, the author would hke
to make a brief closure,
This paper's main concern is the misapplication of the
bulletins not the validity of the bulletins which are excellent
works. The nozzle flexibility and the vessel end condition,
JUSt as other geometrical parameters, have definite effects on
the stress shape. 111e main point is if the interaction existS be
tween the two moment components.
The offaxis peak stress due to M L may not exist on small
diD vessels, but it does exist on other vessels, as demonstrated
by Prof. Steel, dnd various pipe branch tests. There is indeed
some confusion in the last three sentences concerning the
stresses due to Me and M L Because of the combination
method proposed, the stress loses the orientation after the
calculation. With the proposed sign tracking method, the
maximum calculated membrane stress intensity may be occasionally smaller than the stress calculated at the four major
corners. One way to correct the problem is to reverse one of
the stress signs when the situation is detel.:ted. The author
agrees that there is no simple way to combine the pressure and
the mechanical load effects. Publication of some of the NRC
approved methods. for instance, should be encouraged,
The secondary stress mentioned by Dr. Sang should have
been more accurately stated as local stress. The inclusion of
higher shear stress is always conservative in the calculation of
the stress intensity when it is taken as twice the maximum
shear stress.
/VI"'Wch,~ '3fre9C2-" ~
a.d. t.~eAL5 ~ i..oCIILe..
With reference to the calculation of the maximum stress intensity, it is noted that the maximum shear stre~s generally is
not located at the sallle point where the maxImum normal
stress occurs. But the author assumes that they do occur at the
same locations. Is this a conservative assumption?