Types of Air Conditioning Systems
Types of Air Conditioning Systems
The term air conditioning means treating of air or conditioning the air to change
its temperature or the moisture as per the requirements of various applications.
Air conditioners are used throughout the world for a number of applications and
one just can’t imagine the life without them. They are the devices or machine
that condition or alter the state of the air by changing its temperature and the
humidity level. Though you may have read about the various types of air
conditioning systems, you may have hardly bothered about reading the various
constituents of the air and what changes occur in them that lead to reduction in
the temperature of the air and changes in its humidity.
Common applications:
The principles of psychometric apply to any physical system consisting of gas-
vapor mixtures. The most common system of interest, however, is mixtures of
water vapor and air because of its application in heating, ventilating, and air-
conditioning and meteorology.
Psychometric ratio:
The psychometric ratio is the ratio of the heat transfer coefficient to the product
of mass transfer coefficient and humid heat at a wetted surface. It may be
evaluated with the following equation:
Humid heat is the constant-pressure specific heat of moist air, per unit mass of
dry air.
Mixtures of air and water vapor are the most common systems encountered in
psychometric. The psychometric ratio of air-water vapor mixtures is
approximately unity which implies that the difference between the adiabatic
saturation temperature and wet bulb temperature of air-water vapor mixtures is
small. This property of air-water vapor systems simplifies drying and cooling
calculations often performed using psychometric relationships.
Psychometric chart:
A psychometric chart is a graph of the physical properties of moist air at a
constant pressure (often equated to an elevation relative to sea level). The chart
graphically expresses how various properties relate to each other, and is thus a
graphical equation of state. The thermo physical properties found on most
psychometric charts are:
Figure: Psychometric chart
The relationship between DBT, WBT, and RH is given by the Mollier diagram
(pressure-enthalpy) for water in air, developed by Richard Mollier. Willis
Carrier, considered the 'father' of modern air-conditioning, rearranged the
Mollier diagram for moist air (its T-s chart) to allow such graphical solutions.
Many variations and improvements to the psychometric charts have occurred
since, and most charts do not show the specific entropy(s) like the Mollier
diagram. ASHRAE now publishes what are considered the modern, standard
psychometric charts, in both I-P and SI units, for a variety of elevations or air
In order to use a particular chart, for a given air pressure or elevation, at least
two of the six independent properties must be known (DBT, WBT, RH,
humidity ratio, specific enthalpy, and specific volume). This gives rise to
possible combinations.
DBT: This can be determined from the abscissa on the x-axis, the horizontal
DPT: Follow the horizontal line from the point where the line from the
horizontal axis arrives at 100% RH, also known as the saturation curve.
WBT: Line inclined to the horizontal and intersects saturation curve at DBT
RH: Hyperbolic lines drawn asymptotically with respect to the saturation curve
which corresponds to 100% RH.
Dry-bulb temperature
Wet-bulb temperature
The accuracy of a simple wet-bulb thermometer depends on how fast air passes
over the bulb and how well the thermometer is shielded from the radiant
temperature of its surroundings. Speeds up to 5,000 ft/min (60 mph) are best but
dangerous to move a thermometer at that speed. Errors up to 15% can occur if
the air movement is too slow or if there is too much radiant heat present
(sunlight, for example).
A wet bulb temperature taken with air moving at about 1-2 m/s is referred to as
a screen temperature, whereas a temperature taken with air moving about 3.5
m/s or more is referred to as sling temperature.
• Humidity
• Airflow
• Temperature
This is often referred to as the drying pie and each has a direct influence on the
rate of evaporation (or condensation) that will occur when moisture and
materials interact. In order for evaporation to occur at a rate that will bring the
"body of water" to a net loss, there must be sufficient energy generated within
the body of water itself so that the water molecules move rapidly and break their
bonds with one another and their state is altered.
"While water temperature and air moisture content define whether condensation
or evaporation will win the battle, airflow determines the rate at which the battle
will play out. Where no airflow exists, the net change will be slow. Where
airflow does exist, the net change will occur at a more rapid rate.
"Humidity, airflow and temperature directly affect the sate in which water exists
- solid (ice), liquid (water) or gas (vapor) and the rate at which the change of
state occurs. It is critical to have a clear understanding of the methods for
measuring psychometric properties and of how to use them appropriately when
evaluating a restorative drying environment.
There are several changes of state that can occur, depending upon whether
energy is being added or removed. The amount of energy required to change
water's state is quite phenomenal. In fact, it requires more energy to change
water from one state to the next than is required with almost any other
"The rate at which moisture will move is most related to the actual amount of
water in the air. In addition to relative humidity, humidity can be measured as a
weight. This measurement is much more specific to the amount of water in air.
It also directly affects how quickly water will move. Where water vapor in air
weighs more, it exerts more pressure. This pressure pushes back against water
leaving materials, or adds force to water entering materials.
The weight measurement used in the restorative drying industry (United States,
Canada) is grains per pound of dry air, abbreviated as GPP. It is a ratio,
expressing the weight of water in a given weight of air (a pound of
air)... Because this measurement is of the water vapor weight, it tells the restorer
where the moisture is in greatest concentration. Greater weight means more
moisture. Higher GPP (g/kg) in the air surrounding a material will retard the
evaporation process because the weight of water vapor resists vapor leaving the
material. GPP (g/kg) therefore influences the rate at moisture moves toward
"Air movement in the drying environment speeds the effect of humidity and
temperature. It provides a blending effect, ensuring that the warm, dry air
created by drying equipment (e.g., dehumidifiers) is quickly and continuously
placed into contact with wet materials. It also ensures that evaporated water
vapor is removed from the same surfaces.
Another important purpose of air movement is to create air exchange between
adjacent affected areas. Without airflow, humidity and temperature would
greatly vary from one area to the next. Restorers would need to install drying
equipment in every affected air space within the structure. This would be
impractical for most applications... The more moisture a material contains, the
faster water will evaporate. Greater evaporation rates require more airflow to
maintain low humidity along the surface. As materials dry, less airflow is
necessary. This relationship is directly related to the type of water present.
Where surface water is present, the greatest amount of airflow is necessary.
Where only bound water is present, the least amount of airflow is necessary".
1) Book: Principles of Refrigeration by Roy J. Dossat
3) Internet: www.wikipedia.com
4) Internet: www.google.com
5) Internet: www.searchw3.net