NOC Error Correction
NOC Error Correction
Review of existing papers
Analysis of ECC , CAC , LPC codes
Proposed method
Even though a chip passes a manufacturing test and it is integrated to a
system a combination of newer DSM (deep submicron) technologies
and lower voltage makes the chip more vulnerable to
Transient effects
Radiation, electromagnetic interference
Permanent effects
Crosstalk, device aging, and physical wear out.
Thus chip designer has the challenge to create a robust design using
unreliable DSM technologies.
Power dissipation - Again as the complexity increases the power dissipation also
increases but so does the error detection and correction capabilities. This enables the
voltage level of 1 to be reduced which is the case now-a-days with low chip voltages. The
more errors produced because of this is compensated by better detection circuit. Thus the
bit error rate remains constant and with proper balancing power efficiency can be
Also the presence of buffers causes greater dissipation of power.
Codec delay - As complexity increases the codec delay increases but the retransmission
rate decreases. Thus with proper balancing net delay can be reduced.
Indirect Costs
Network Congestion - Here due to packet retransmission greater congestion in the circuit
increases thus increasing the overall delay in the packets.
Error location
Another important factor is that , in the case of any permanent faults
that may occur due to thermal causes or device aging can cause rapid
performance degradation.
But with error location and avoidance methods the graceful
degradation is possible.
It can be implemented in 2 ways :
State machine
Periodic checking