4: Mavdi Study and Approch: Site Devlopment: Site and Context

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4 : mavdi
study and approch

Site model showing building development and road

access to the site. it shows on left side Mavdi village the
fragmented built grains and on bottom right cluster of
streets and row houses. the center bottom of the model
shows multistory blocks placed as result of rapid
development of Rajkot city.

gure groud dia.

site and context

site devlopment :

By studying the gure ground dia,

land use dia, and circulation dia of site and
surrounding areas we found there is three
type of build grain and their unique
arrangements are there.

land use dia

open vs built dia

one is old statements of Mavdi

village and out skirts of village, in
extension of Rajkot city couple of years
ago there were row houses started to
emerged. and due to new 150 feet ring
road is passing near by and recent
development in Rajkot due to lots of
multistory buildings are being developed
in immediate surrounding context.
The approach to the built is to
response the immediate context as well as
being a large scale housing scheme it self
and its going to impact on all aspects of
urban development of Rajkot city and by
looking around the site the green is almost
not there. we found some issues were
reason by which the green in
neighborhood is not that signicant
compare to built in context ......................

road and site approch dia

open v/s built and green

so we kept a green belt around the

site which oers habitat the ora fauna
and buer to existing context.

conceptual site approch

conceptual dia for
vertical circulation

conceptual site model

concept models are been evolved keeping in mind one basic
idea to give habitants vertically yet character of dwelling on ground
and we found out the spillover activities of living can be performed
on the vertical open or unbuilt spaces which will behave like Faliyu
Vertically for the dwellers.
the idea for building type not just build high-rise but the built
type will be mixed and so the terraces will be the open space for
other higher one.

conceptual water reuse dia.

since the scheme is going to house almost 1500 persons on

site the issues of city like water and drainage should be tackled
preliminary on site it self for that we went for rein water harvesting
and waste water reusing in gradaning and ushing.

conceptual of built v/s green

the conceptual plan for rain water harvesting and using

the terrace as a resource for growing green and as extension
of sleeping space as well as gathering space
diagram is showing the plan for waste water ltration
and reuse of water in site. used for ushing and watering the
green spaces.
conceptual unite model

site analysis
and approach

dwelling and cluster


dwelling and cluster


ground floor plan

sectional elevations

terrace floor plan

terrace floor plan

site model

cluster sectional model

cluster sectional model

conceptual models
illustrating the concept
of multi level open spaces
In vertical building topology
to sustain the relation with

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