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D&D5e - Adventure Shorts - Volume 1 (2nd Edition)

Quick Adventures for DnD5e
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D&D5e - Adventure Shorts - Volume 1 (2nd Edition)

Quick Adventures for DnD5e
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Fifth Edition Compatible

Adventure Shorts
Volume One, Second Edition
Designed for parties of five characters of levels one, three and five

By Rowan & Doug Schultz

R&D Adventures

Adventure Shorts

Fifth Edition Compatible

Adventure Shorts Volume 1, 2nd Edition

The Encounters

Running the Encounters

1. Forgotten Tomb

Encounter Levels

With no apparent signs of recent visitors, it seems the tomb

of these four warriors has been long forgotten.

Balanced encounter numbers, including monsters, NPCs

and treasure, have been provided for a party of five
adventurers of levels one, three and five.

2. Ambush


The adventurers are confronted by a narrow canyon, the

only way they can find to get to where theyre going.

Before beginning play, its recommended that the game

master (GM) become familiar with the encounters. This
will help in planning for the challenges the adventurers will
face and allow time to gather all the materials necessary
for things to run smoothly. Having the fifth edition core
rulebooks handy will also be helpful. Many of the details
have been accounted for, but it may be necessary to reference
the books when more detail is needed. It will also be helpful
to have your characters created in advance so the GM knows
the strengths and weaknesses of your group.

3. Abandoned Mine

The discovery of an old set of mining car tracks leads to

what appears to be an old mine.

4. Old Cottage

The adventurers meet a group of soldiers who tell them of a

disturbance in the area, and a reward.

5. Black Tower

Reading the Entries

On a high outlook stands a lonely black tower that may still

be the home of something interesting.

Setup: Various areas within the adventure contain short

overviews or descriptions, including the number of
monsters, creatures, animals or non-player characters. It
also includes any traps, obstacles, magic items or anything
else that needs to be specifically described. A page number
in the core rulebooks is provided for all creatures and NPC

Doug Schultz
Writer, Artist, Graphic Designer
Rowan Schultz
Writer, Play Tester

Features: The text highlighted in blue typically contains

detailed text that describes the setting, physical features,
rooms, clues, objects, obstacles and items to be found in the
encounter. This text is meant to be read aloud to the players.
It can be read as is or paraphrased as necessary.

We sincerely hope that you enjoy playing our adventure

and welcome any comments, criticism or feedback. If at
any time you have any questions or need clarification about
something please dont hesitate to contact us.

Outcomes: When included, this section is provided to

summarize what the next steps or provide ideas about what
might happen next.

You can connect with R&D Adventures at:


Tactics: If needed, information is given about how the

enemies in the encounter will act before or during combat.
This might include their initial positions, if theres a chance
they surprise the adventurers or any other tactical advantage
they might have.

Adventure Extras

There are also maps, notes, letters and miniature grids

included within the adventure or Appendix to provide all
the materials youll need for a rich visual experience.

2015 Schultz

R&D Adventures

Fifth Edition Compatible

Forgotten Tomb

Adventure Shorts Volume 1, 2nd Edition, Number 1

Monsters per character level: Represented by the Xs on the

GMs map.
Level 1 4 Skeletons (p.272 MM)
Level 3 1 Specter (p.279 MM), 3 Skeletons
Level 5 1 Wraith (p.302 MM), 3 Specters

As the adventurers look into the chamber they observe the

features below. Any humans in the group would need a light
source to see the entire room.
The light in the room ahead of you is very dim. There is a
thick layer of dust and small bits of rubble on the floor, giving
you the impression that no one has been here in a very long
time. To your right you see four stone sarcophagi lined up in
a row. At the head of each there is a niche in the wall with a
large stone statue of a knight in armor. At the foot of each is a
wooden chest.

Location: Any path or road through a wooded area.


Long ago, this tomb was made to honor four great warriors,
but over time it has been forgotten. When the tomb was
built traps were installed to discourage tomb robbers, and
now four monsters have taken up residence there and will
attack anyone who enters. The encounter also includes the
following traps:


The monsters are hidden behind the third sarcophagus until

the adventurers make some sort of noise. Anything louder
than talking will arouses them, causing them to attack.
If the adventurers trigger a trap or try to open one of the
chests, this will also cause the monsters to attack.

Arrow Trap (1): The arrow is released from the visor of

statue #1. Pressure plates to activate the trap are located
at both #1s on the map. Arrow; +5 ranged (1d6); Wisdom
(Perception) to detect DC 15; Dexterity (Acrobatics) DC
15 avoids; Dexterity to disable DC 15. Trap resets when
pressure plate is released.


Torch Holders: All the torch holders are empty but usable.
There is a torch holder on the south wall near the door, and
three more between the statues.

Pit Traps, 10-feet deep (2): Represented by boxes at #2 and

#4 on the map. The trap trigger is located in the lock of the
chest at the foot of the sarcophagus in front of statue #2.
The trap is triggered when anyone tries to open the lock. No
attack roll necessary; multiple targets; 10-ft. deep (1d6, fall);
Dexterity (Acrobatics) DC 15 avoids; Wisdom (Perception)
to detect DC 15; Dexterity to disable DC 15. Trap door
collapses then closes and resets after one minute.

Statues: These are large, about one and a half times as big as
a normal human. The statues have holes in the visors where
the arrow and dart mechanisms are located.
Sarcophagi: The sarcophagi are plain, sealed and cant
be opened without the use of stone masons tools and
someone proficient with the use of them. The sarcophagi
all have a coat of arms and a name carved at the foot end
facing the room. The names are: 1) Engel Rocque, 2) Dietz
Schermerhorn, 3) Kordel McKian, and 4) Hagen DeYoung.
If the adventurers do succeed in opening the sarcophagi
somehow, each warrior is buried with silvered longsword.

Hail of Needles Trap (1): The needles are released from the
visor of statue #3. Pressure plates to activate the trap are
located at both #3s on the map. Needles; +10 ranged (2d4);
Wisdom (Perception) to detect DC 15; Dexterity to disable
DC 15. Trap resets when pressure plate is released.

Wooden Chests: There is a locked wooden chest at the foot

of each sarcophagus. Each has an AC 15 and 8 HP. Each
lock has an AC 19 and 10 HP. To open each lock requires a
successful DC 12 Dexterity check.


As the adventurers approach the tomb they observe the

following features:

Treasure: Each warrior in the tomb was laid to rest with

some of his belongings. Some of the items included in each
chest are dependent on character level.

At the foot of a low hill in the woods you see an opening that
looks like a cave between two large overgrown bushes. When
you look closer you discover that the opening is framed with
carved stone and that the stone door is partially open.

Chest #1: Carved wooden holy symbol of Pelor, holy book,

and a brass chalice.
Level 1 200 sp
Level 3 600 sp
Level 5 1,100 sp, Robe of Useful Items

Beyond the door there is a short flight of stairs leading down

about 20 feet.

2015 Schultz

R&D Adventures

Chest #2: Carved wooden holy symbol of Heironeous,

smoking pipe, chalice with lapis lazuli gems (105gpv).
Level 1 40 gp
Level 3 30 gp
Level 5 1,500 gp
Chest #3: Carved wooden holy symbol of Kord, red dragontooth necklace.
Level 1 300 sp
Level 3 400 sp
Level 5 400 gp, Potion of Resistance
Chest #4: Carved wooden holy symbol of Ohad-Hai, book of
family heraldry, electrum dagger (100gpv).
Level 1 20 gp, 5 Hematite gems (10 gpv each)
Level 3 20 gp, 10 Azurite gems (10 gpv each)
Level 5 90 pp

Statue 4

Statue 3

Statue 2

Statue 1



one square = 5 ft

2015 Schultz

R&D Adventures

Statue 4

Statue 3

Statue 2

Statue 1


Forgotten Tomb

Enlarge 200% for 1" grid

2015 Schultz

one square = 5 ft

R&D Adventures

Fifth Edition Compatible


Adventure Shorts Volume 1, 2nd Edition, Number 2

Monsters per character level: Represented by the Xs on the

GMs map.
Level 1 8 Kobolds (p.195 MM)
Level 3 8 Goblins (p.166 MM)
Level 5 7 Bugbears (p.33 MM)

creatures move down to the road to block their exit. Assume

that the creatures can move to do this rather quickly so the
adventurers cant escape without a fight.
Moving up the slopes on either side of the road should be
considered difficult terrain for the adventurers.

Location: A canyon along any road or path.


Canyon: The road passes through a narrow canyon in the

middle of a high ridge line. Its the only place to pass for
many miles in either direction. The sides of the canyon rise
sharply from the road at about a 45-degree angle. The sides
of the hills are mostly grassy down low near the road, with a
few rocks scattered about and gradually gets rockier toward
the top of the ridge.


A group of greedy creatures has been ambushing travelers

on the road using a small canyon and a trap theyve made
to slow their victims down. The canyon is on the way to a
destination the adventurers are trying to reach, and there
is no other way to get there. The encounter includes the
following trap:

1. Road: The road that runs through the canyon is flat and
level. There is some flat ground between the edge of the road
and the bottom of the slope on either side.

Covered Pit Trap, 10-feet deep (2): p. 115 DMG,

Represented by the box at #2 on the map. No attack roll
necessary; multiple targets; 10-ft. deep (1d6, fall); Dexterity
(Acrobatics) DC 15 avoids; Wisdom (Perception) to detect
DC 15.

2. Hay Cart: There is a hay cart in the middle of the canyon

on the west side of the trail. One of the wheels is broken and
there is hay strewn all around.


As the adventurers approach the canyon they observe the

following features:

3. Pit Trap: The pit trap is located behind the hay cart. To
camouflage it the creatures have covered the opening with
hay. Its not easy to locate because hay is spread over the
entire area.

As youre traveling on the road through a wooded area you

suddenly come out of the trees and are faced with a ridge
line that extends east and west as far as you can see. Directly
ahead you can see that the only way to get past it is through a
narrow canyon.

4. Cave: About halfway up the west side of the canyon is a

cave that the creatures are using to hide the spoils of their
raids. One side of the cave is piled with items of clothing
and bones. The other side of the cave looks like a makeshift
sleeping area and an area where valuables are being stored.
The cache contains: plain gold ring (10gpv), silver bracelet
with carved designs (5gpv), bronze cloak pin (1gpv), dagger
(2gpv), throwing axe (8gpv), hooded lantern (7gpv), silver
flask (2gpv), and an unopened bottle of wine. The cache also
includes the following level-dependent treasure:


The creatures stay hidden until the adventurers enter the

canyon and get near the hay cart, then they begin their
attack with ranged weapons from the high ground. They
have also dug a covered pit trap next to the broken down
hay cart hoping that when they start their attack someone
trying to use the cart as cover will fall into it. Assume that
the creatures are attacking from above with 1/2 cover (+2
to AC) and gain the advantage of a surprise attack in the
first round of combat. Be sure to consider the range of the
their weapons, which could give them a disadvantage to
attack rolls when their target is beyond the range increment.
They continue their attack with their ranged weapons until
the adventurers have been significantly weakened or begin
to climb the slopes and engage them in melee combat. If
the adventurers simply try to run out of the canyon the

Level 1 and 3 2,803 cp, 1,345 sp, 93 gp, 2 Obsidian gems

(20 gpv), 1 Tiger Eye gem (10 gpv), 1 Rhodochrosite gem
(10 gpv), 2 blue Quartz gems (20 gpv)
Level 5 907 cp, 3,457 sp, 1,591 gp, 46 pp, 3 Moonstones
gems (150 gpv), 1 Star Rose Quartz gems (50 gpv), 2
Zircon gems (100 pgv), 1 Chrysoprase gem (50 gpv), 2
Chalcendony gems (100 gpv)

2015 Schultz

R&D Adventures





one square = 5 ft


Enlarge 1,600% for 1" grid

2015 Schultz

R&D Adventures



one square = 5 ft


Enlarge 1,600% for 1" grid

2015 Schultz

R&D Adventures

Fifth Edition Compatible

Abandoned Mine

Adventure Shorts Volume 1, 2nd Edition, Number 3

light of your torches (or lanterns) it looks like there might be

another old ore car on the other side.

Monsters per character level:

Level 1 3 Troglodytes (p.290 MM) Represented by the Xs
on the GMs map.
Level 3 1 Basilisk (p.24 MM) Represented by the X on the
GMs map leading to chamber number seven.
Level 5 1 Blue Slaad (p.276 MM) Represented by the X on
the GMs map leading to chamber number seven.


The creatures stay hidden until the adventurers enter the

chamber and start to look around. Assume that they are well
hidden and gain the advantage of a surprise attack in the
first round of combat.

Location: Any path or road through a wooded area.



Tunnel: The tunnel is very dark, and only adventurers with

darkvision will be able to see without a light source. Some
support beams have fallen, partially blocking the tunnel.
The tunnel is approximately 70-feet long, sloping down
moderately from the opening to the main chamber. Ore car
rails follow the tunnel from the entrance all the way down to
the main chamber. There are a few small spider tunnels that
lead off the main tunnel, but they are all short and lead to
dead ends.

Long ago this mine was worked by dwarves but was left
abandoned when they were attacked. Recently the creatures
have made the mine their home and will defend it if theyre
disturbed. The encounter also includes the following
Chasm (20-feet wide, wall-to-wall): Adventurers must
succeed in a Dexterity (Acrobatics) check DC15. A
successful check lets the PC move across the rails safely. A
failure means the PC falls. 20-ft. deep (2d6, fall). To climb
out requires a Strength (Athletics) check DC 12.

Ore Car in the Tunnel: The ore car is small, only big enough
for one adventurer to ride in at a time. It can be used to ferry
the adventurers across the chasm using a rope and grappling
hook, if they have one. The rails can only support the ore car
and one occupant weighing less than 170 pounds, otherwise
it will collapse. The rope could be used to hook the car and
bring it across the chasm with a Dexterity (Acrobatics) check
DC 20. The adventurers will have to cross it on the way out
of the tunnel too.


As the adventurers approach the mine entrance they observe

the following features:
Near a low, rocky cliff in the forest you notice what looks like
a small ore car. The car is small, rusted and its wheels are
partially embedded in the ground. You also observe a set of
rails leading away from the ore car, toward the cliff.

1. Main Chamber: The main chamber has a low ceiling,

roughly hewn walls and timber support beams all around.
There are three passageways leading off to the north, east
and west.

The rails lead to what appears to be a mining tunnel. You

assume this because you can see support timbers at the
opening. The opening itself is small, about 2-1/2 feet wide by
4-1/2 feet tall.

2. Junk Pile: The junk pile consists of wood scraps, broken

earthenware jars, an old cloth, pieces of rusted metal and
other miscellaneous junk piled up in a heap.

If the adventurers venture inside the tunnel they observe the

following features. Theyll most likely need a light source:

3. Rubble Pile: The pile is mostly rocks and stones left

over from excavation of the mine chambers. A successful
Wisdom (Perception) check DC 15 yields 30 small gold
nuggets, each worth about 1gp.

Looking around at the hewn stone tunnel walls there appears

to be bands of something glittering sprinkled throughout the
rock. It might mean that gold was mined here.
About 20 feet into the tunnel you come to an area where the
tunnel floor has completely collapsed. The chasm appears
to be about 20 feet to the opposite side, about 20-feet deep
and spans the entire width of the tunnel. The rails are still in
tact and bridge the void like two balance beams. In the dim

4. Bone Pile: A fairly large bone pile. Some of the bones are
old and some are fresh.
5. Mining Chamber: Remains of two dwarves are found
in this chamber. One has a plain gold ring (10gpv) on his

2015 Schultz

R&D Adventures

skeletal hand along with a pouch containing the following

level-dependent treasure:
Level 1 22gp, 56sp, 32cp
Level 3 47 gp, 115 sp, 69 cp
Level 5 93 gp, 231 sp, 142 cp
Around the neck of the second dwarf is a silver necklace
with a black onyx pendant (75gpv). The second is carrying a
pouch with the following level-dependent treasure:
Level 1 18gp, 62sp, 54cp
Level 3 39 gp, 128 sp, 143 cp
Level 5 72 gp, 253 sp, 216 cp
All of their other clothing and personal items on the
dwarves are decayed and useless.
6 & 7. Mining Chambers: The troglodytes used these as
areas to store a neatly arranged cache of steel mining tools.
In higher-level encounters assume these chambers contain a
few mining tools left behind by the dwarves.





one square = 5 ft

2015 Schultz

R&D Adventures



one square = 5 ft

Abandoned Mine

Enlarge 400% for 1" grid

2015 Schultz

R&D Adventures

Fifth Edition Compatible

Old Cottage

Adventure Shorts Volume 1, 2nd Edition, Number 4

soldiers tell you theyve been tracking something they think is

the culprit but have just lost the trail. They say that the tracks
look like those of some kind of large humanoid that doesnt
wear any boots.

Monsters per character level:

Level 1 1 Half-ogre (p.238 MM) The damage a halfogre can deal with a single attack may be a bit strong for
adventurers of this level so it must to be played carefully if
everyone is to survive the encounter.
Level 3 1 Ogre (p.237 MM)
Level 5 1 Troll (p.291 MM)

If the adventurers are unreasonable the soldiers are not

friendly. They still end up sharing some information with
them but dont tell them what the tracks look like or that
they have just lost the trail. In this case the difficulty to
initially pick up the trail requires a Wisdom (Survival) check
DC 17. Each failed attempt by all adventurers results in a
one-hour time delay.

Location: Any path or road through a wooded area.


Someone or something has been attacking and robbing rural

farms and homes. The local authorities have dispatched
soldiers to hunt down the offender but with no luck. This has
led to the offering of a 100gp reward for the resolution of the
matter. The culprit is a creature who has taken up residence
in an old cottage deep in the woods where its hoarding the
spoils of its raids. The adventurers follow the his trail to
the old cottage and when they arrive no one is there. Upon
searching the cottage they find miscellaneous hoardings and
some treasure. While theyre inside the creature returns. The
encounter also includes the following challenge:
Tracking: The adventurers must succeed in tracking the
half-ogre through the woods for six miles using a Wisdom
(Survival) check DC 12. A skill check should be made when
they begin and for each mile of tracking. A failed attempt by
all adventurers results in a one-hour time delay.

Soldier: Youd better mind yourselves. Were on important

business tracking something thats been raiding these parts.
The local magistrate has offered a 100gp reward to anyone
who deals with the problem. He authorized us to use force
too, so dont get our way.


Once the adventurers get to the cottage they find it empty. If

someone is on lookout they see the creature coming and are
not surprised. The adventurers could shoot ranged weapons
from the windows. They could also try to hold the door
shut by attempting a Strength (Athletics) check against the
creature. The door is big enough for two adventurers to work
together to gain advantage on the check.
If no one is on lookout, have the adventurers roll for a
Wisdom (Perception) check against the creature. If they
fail the creature surprises them, enters the cottage and
immediately attacks.


As the adventurers are traveling through they have the

following encounter:


One day while traveling on the road through the woods you
meet two soldiers leading their horses. When they meet
you they seem very wary and look you over carefully before
speaking to you.

The Cottage: The cottage is a one-room structure with a

thatched roof, earthen brick walls and a dirt floor. From
the outside the cottage looked like is was once a humble but
cozy home but now the windows are broken and the door is
barely on its hinges. Inside, the cottage has a foul smell and
place is a mess. All the contents of the cottage have obviously
been fouled by the creature. Some of the debris has been
piled into the corners. Inside theres some crude furniture,

Soldier: Who are you and what are you doing in these
If the adventurers are reasonable and give a reasonable
answer the soldiers calm down and share more information
with them.

1. Wardrobe: In the wardrobe theres a few sets of cheap

commoners clothes and a pair of old leather boots.

The soldiers tell you that theres been attacks on nearby

houses and farms lately. The local magistrate has ordered
them out to search for the offender and has even offered
a 100gp reward to anyone who resolves the problem. The

2. Chest: An unlocked chest at the foot of the bed contains

bed linens, a couple of blankets and a small wooden box
with a comb, a bronze cloak pin, a steel mirror, a small knife,
needle and thread, and a candle.

2015 Schultz

R&D Adventures

3. Fireplace: In the fireplace theres a small iron pot hanging

from hook. Next to the fireplace theres a small pile of wood.
4. Shelves: On the shelf theres a partial wheel of moldy
cheese, cookware, dishes, utensils, two small empty casks,
various empty peck-sized baskets, small earthenware jars of
cooking spices ( some of which have been spilled).
5. Random Items: Other random items in the kitchen area
include: benches, stools and chairs, a tables, moldy sacks of
corn meal and flour.
6. Table: One of the tables has a candle in a holder.
7. Bed: The single bed is simple and very dirty. This is where
the creature has been storing all its valuables, under the bed.
Theres a wooden box (unlocked) with the following leveldependent treasure:
Level 1 75gp, 262sp, 331cp, a plain gold ring (10gpv), a
silver ring with engraved designs (4gpv), a moonstone gem
(50gpv) and a silver necklace with an amethyst pendant
Level 3 In addition to the level 1 items include the
following: 2 Banded Agate gems (20 gpv), 1 Lapis Lazuli
gems (10 gpv), 1 Hematite gems (10 gpv), 2 Obsidian gems
(20 gpv)
Level 5 In addition to the level 1 and level 3 items include
the following: Masterwork dragon scale bracers +1 to AC.
Theres also a few weapons, including: a dagger, longsword, a
short sword, and a light crossbow.
8. Junk Pile: The junk pile looks like a place where the halfogre has been casting things he considers useless. It contains
wood scraps, broken earthenware jars, old clothes, a few
metal household utensils and other miscellaneous junk piled
up in a heap. A Wisdom (Perception) check DC 12 reveals
a few potentially useful items, including: a map case with
four sheets of parchment, a vial of ink and an ink pen, a
whetstone, a hand axe, a spade, a smoking pipe and box of
tobacco, and a flask containing some strong-smelling liquid.
9. Bone Pile: A fairly large bone pile. Some of the bones are
old and some are fresh.

2015 Schultz

R&D Adventures





one square = 5 ft

2015 Schultz

R&D Adventures



one square = 5 ft

The Scribes Cottage

Enlarge 200% for 1" grid

2015 Schultz

R&D Adventures

Fifth Edition Compatible

Black Tower

Adventure Shorts Volume 1, 2nd Edition, Number 5

hilltop by a narrow stone bridge. The tower has an ominous

look, as its made entirely of black stone.

Monsters per character level: The darkmantle(s) are lurking

in the stairwell.
Level 1 1 Darkmantle (p.46 MM)
Level 3 2 Darkmantles
Level 5 3 Darkmantles

As you approach you see the main door has a portcullis thats
open. Entering the tower you see a large compass design inset
into the floor pavers in the middle of the room. It doesnt look
like anyone has been here for a very long time because the
floor is covered in dirt and pigeon droppings, and there are a
few scattered boards and shingles lying around. Looking up
you see the inside of a timber frame roof 60 feet above your
head thats beginning to collapse. Theres a fair-sized hole in
the roof letting in a stream of light and a light breeze thats
blowing tattered banners hanging from the beams. Just then
a flock of pigeons takes flight, circling around the room before
they fly out the hole in the roof.

Location: Any path or road through a wooded area.


Many years ago the black tower on the hilltop was inhabited
by an eccentric old knight who is said to have come into
the possession of a cursed ring. Little is known about the
towers history since then and it has been left abandoned for
many years. This encounter includes the following creatures,
obstacles and items:


Secret Door: To open the secret door the adventurers must

find and solve the clue, a rebus letter. The clue reads: To
open the secret door step to the west. The door is opened by
stepping on the small, dark colored triangular stone on the
outer ring of floor compass near the west W paver stone.
The door only stays open for one round then resets.
Ring of Agoraphobia (cursed magic item): At first glance
the ring seems like a plain silver ring with an opal gemstone,
but when worn over time it causes wearers to become
more possessive of it and increasingly afraid to go outside
whatever building they happen to be in. Once someone
wears the ring, its effects immediately begin to take hold.
What seemed like a normal ring now appears to be special,
and wearers must succeed at an initial Wisdom saving throw
DC 13 to be able to remove it, allow someone to remove it, or
be able to leave the room theyre currently in. After another
minute passes the Wisdom saving throw difficulty increases
to DC 15 and continues to increase by two every minute
until the DC reaches 30. The effects of the ring can strike
wherever it is worn. If the ring is put on outdoors the wearer
will immediately seek shelter in the nearest structure. A
Remove Curse spell will allow the wearer or someone else to
remove the ring.

The darkmantle is perched above the top of the stairwell just

inside the secret door. It stays hidden until the adventurers
start down the stairs then attacks the last one in line. The
adventurers might see the darkmantle if they are actively
looking. Have them roll a Spot check versus the darkmantles
Hide check. Keep in mind that it will be difficult for the
adventurers to maneuver to attack the darkmantle when its
attacking the last person above them on the stairs.


Tower: To your left and right (east and west) there are two
wooden doors (both locked AC 15, HP 10). Straight ahead
(north) the stone wall is blank except for a large metal shield
with a faded crest mounted about 10 feet above the floor. Set
in each of the remaining four walls is an arrow slit. There
are torch holders mounted to the walls between the doors
and arrow slits. The door in the east wall leads to the guard
house. The door in the west wall leads to a spiral staircase
that leads up to the top of the tower.

The adventurers observe the following features as they

approach the old tower:

Guard House: Upon entering the guard house there is a

fireplace straight ahead. The room also has some sparse
furnishings, including a table, a chair, a bench, a tapestry,
a bed, and an old chest the chest contains an old tattered
wool blanket, an old pair of boots, a flask, a bottle, a pouch
with 10sp and 22cp, and a scroll case (with a clue to open the
secret door). The clue uses pictographs (Rebus letter).

In a remote area of the forest you spot an old tower on a


Compass: The paver with the W in the compass on the floor

opens the secret door when its stepped on.

Once youre on the hilltop you see that the tower is perched
on an outcropping of rock, connected to the main part of the

Secret Door and Staircase: The secret door is on the north

wall and opens directly under the hanging shield. Behind it


2015 Schultz

R&D Adventures

is a spiral staircase the leads to the lower chamber. There is

light filtering in from somewhere and is evidently how the
darkmantle got in. At the bottom of the stairs is a wooden
door to the knights chamber (unlocked).

The chest also contains the following level-dependent

Level 1 72gp, 194sp, 120cp
Level 3 122 gp, 1,233 sp, 964 cp
Level 5 87 pp, 534 gp, 1,675 sp, 754 cp

Knights Chamber: The lower chamber was the knights

quarters and is the same size as the main room in the tower
above. There is a window in the north wall that overlooks
the lands beyond the tower, and theres a fireplace in the
east wall. The chamber is full of furniture and the knights
possessions, including his bed, a bookshelf lined with
books, wardrobe, a small wooden chest, a suit of half plate
armor (masterwork +1), his longsword, his shield and other
assorted weapons (two daggers, a heavy mace and a great
sword). The strangest feature of all is the remains of what
appears to be the knight himself, sitting in a chair behind
a table strewn with papers. Hes dressed in what once must
have been a rich set of clothes but now have been decayed by
time. On his skeletal hand is a plain silver ring with an opal
gemstone (the Ring of Agoraphobia). The wooden chest has
a hardness of 5 and 5HP and the lock has an AC 19 and 10
HP. To open the lock requires a successful DC 12 Dexterity
check. In the chest is a carved wooden holy symbol of Kord,
a holy book, an hourglass (25gpv), and a silver chalice

2015 Schultz

R&D Adventures

one square = 5 ft

2015 Schultz

R&D Adventures

one square = 5 ft

Black Tower

Enlarge 400% for 1" grid

2015 Schultz

Adventure Shorts
Forgotten Tomb
Abandoned Mine
Old Cottage
Black Tower
A collection of short, challenging
adventures each that can be played in
a single gaming session.

An Adventure to be played using rules

from the fifth edition of the worlds
most popular roleplaying game.

2015 Schultz

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