P-V-Badoso Case Digest
P-V-Badoso Case Digest
BODOSO Y BOLOR, accused-appellant.
LEAD: TRIAL COURTS MUST TAKE HEED that in criminal cases
involving capital offenses the waiver of the right to present
evidence and be heard should not be considered haphazardly,
perfunctorily, lightly or trivially, because the right is inherent in
due process, but must at all times be scrutinized by means of a
test and procedure to ascertain that the waiver was done
voluntarily, knowingly and intelligently with sufficient awareness
of its relevant cNIRCumstances and likely consequences.
FACTS: Jenny Bodoso (Jenny) filed a case of qualified rape by
means of force and intimidation against his father Ricardo Bodoso
(Ricardo). A warrant of arrest was issued by the court and Ricardo
was subsequently detained. He was subjected by the same court
to preliminary investigation where he failed to submit counter
affidavit/rebuttal evidence against his daughters complaintaffidavit.
Prosecution presented two witnesses Jenny and the doctor who
issued the medical certificate; after which, the defense counsel
cross-examined the prosecution witnesses. Jenny did not
substantiate the allegation that she was only 14 y.o. when the
crime was supposedly perpetrated.
The prosecution then submitted documentary evidence ,
which was admitted by the court, and then rested its case. Upon
the manifestation of the counsel de oficio, reception of the
evidence for the defense was deferred to the next month.
After a month, as booked in the trial calendar, the defense
was summoned to present its evidence. Lamentably, unlike in the
previous settings of the trial court, the consolidated records of the
criminal case do not indicate whether accused-appellant was
present on the scheduled trial date. There were also no transcript
of stenographic notes nor minutes of the proceedings on that date
that would have elucidated on the cryptic order of the trial judge
of even date tersely stating Upon the manifestation of counsel
for the accused, Atty. Danilo Brotamonte, that the defense is not
intending to present any evidence and now resting its case today,
this case therefore is now submitted for decision.
RTC: Ricardo guilty of 2 counts of qualified rape against his
14 y.o.old daughter; He was sentenced with capital punishment;
hence, the case was submitted to SC for automatic review.
we can properly infer that the witness has told the truth in other
respects." 6 It is enough that the testimony of a co-conspirator is
corroborated by some other witness or evidence. In the case at bar, we are
satisfied from a reading of the records that the testimonies of Abutin and
Tampelix are corroborated on important points by each other's testimonies
and the circumstances disclosed through the testimonies of the other
prosecution witnesses, and "to such extent that their trustworthiness
becomes manifest." 7
As part of the conspiracy, Abutin and Tampelix can testify on the
criminal plan of the conspirators. Where a crime is contrived in secret, the
discharge of one of the conspirators is essential because only they have
knowledge of the crime. 8 The other prosecution witnesses are not
eyewitnesses to the crime, as, in fact, there is none. No one except the
conspirators knew and witnessed the murder. The testimonies of the
accused and proposed state witnesses Abutin and Tampelix can directly
link petitioner to the commission of the crime.
VERGARA, petitioners, vs. SANDIGANBAYAN, respondent
Dominador Lopez, Jr., Fernando Maramag, Jr., and Jose Crisanto, Jr., were
charged with violation of the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act (R.A.
3019)||| .
Except for petitioner Araneta, all the accused in Criminal Case No.
11960 were arraigned.|||
In the interim, the late President Ferdinand E. Marcos and Mrs.
Imelda R. Marcos were charged in New York with violations of the
Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act (RICO) by transporting
to the United States and concealing the investment of money through
cronies and offshore organizations
After the interview, the PCGG granted them immunity from
prosecution subject to condition that they will testify as witness against
.But despite their availability and willingness to testify, the US
prosecutors decided not to call them to the witness stand. Then, mapa and
vergara filed a Joint Motion to Dismiss. The PCGG did not object. However,
the Sandiganbayan denied there motion and contend that T]he granting of
'Immunity' from criminal liability and/or prosecution is a matter subject to the
court's judicious determination and approval, after applying the test of
compliance and the standard of reasonableness with the rigid requirements
for such grant under Section 5 of Executive Order No. 14-A
whether the respondent court has jurisdiction to review the
immunity granted by PCGG in favor of the petitioners.
Whether or not respondent court can reverse the grant of immunity
made by the PCGG by supplanting the latter's judgment.
not shared with any other authority. Nor is its exercise subject to the
approval or disapproval of another agency of government. The basic
reason for vesting the power exclusively on the PCGG lies in the principles
of separation of power. The decision to grant immunity from prosecution
forms a constituent part of the prosecution process. It is essentially a
tactical decision to forego prosecution of a person for government to
achieve a higher objective.
we hold that in reviewing the grant of a section 5 immunity made by
the PCGG to the petitioners, the power of the respondents court can go
no further than to pass upon its procedural regularity. The respondent
court should only ascertain: (a) whether the person claiming immunity has
provided information or testimony in any investigation conducted by the
PCGG in the discharge of its functions; (b) whether in the bona fide
judgment of the PCGG, the information or testimony given would establish
the unlawful manner in which the respondent, defendant or accused has
acquired or accumulated the property or properties in question; and (c)
whether in the bona fide judgment of the PCGG, such information or
testimony is necessary to ascertain or prove the guilt or civil liability of the
respondent, defendant or accused. Respondent court cannot substitute its
judgment to the discretion of the PCGG without involving itself in
prosecution and without ceasing to be a court catering untilted justice.
Contrary to the ruling of the respondent court, the failure of
petitioners to testify in the RICO cases against the Marcoses in New York
can not nullify their immunity. They have satisfied the requirements both of
the law and the parties' implementing agreements. Under section 5 of E.O.
No. 14, as amended, their duty was to give information to the prosecution,
and they did. Under their Memorandum of Agreement, they promised to
make themselves available as witnesses in the said RICO cases, and they
Since petitioners' failure to testify was not of their own
choosing nor was it due to any fault of their own, justice and equity
forbid that they be penalized by the withdrawal of their immunity.
We also rule that there was nothing irregular when PCGG granted a
section 5 immunity to petitioners while they were already undergoing trial in
Criminal Case No. 11960. Section 5 of E.O. 14, as amended, does not
prohibit the PCGG from granting immunity to persons already charged in
court and undergoing trial. As long as the privilege of immunity so given will
in the judgment of the PCGG assist it in attaining its greater objectives, the
PCGG is well within legal grounds to exercise this power at any stage of the
proceedings. This section 5 immunity frees and releases one from liability,
and as it inures to the benefit of an accused, it can be invoked at any time
after its acquisition and before his final conviction.