Adjacency Matrix
Adjacency Matrix
Michael Levet
December 24, 2013
This tutorial will introduce the adjacency matrix, as well as spectral graph theory. For those familiar
with Linear Algebra, the spectrum of a matrix denotes its eigenvalues and their algebraic multiplicities.
Spectral Graph Theory deals with the eigenvalues and eigenvectors associated with the Adjacency and
Laplacian matrices. Note that the Laplacian matrix will not be discussed in this tutorial.
Adjacency Matrix
The Adjacency Matrix describes the adjacency relation between two vertices; that is, whether or not
there exists an edge that is incident to the two vertices. Let A be used to denote the adjacency matrix
of a graph. If A describes a simple graph, then Aij = 1 if vertices vi and vj are adjacent. Otherwise,
Aij = 0. If the simple graph is undirected, then the matrix is symmetric. That is, if v[sub]i[/sub] is
adjacent to vj , then vj is adjacent to vi . This is, in fact, the statement of the Handshake Lemma. If
the graph is directed, then the matrix is only symmetric if, for each vertex vi , the in-degree of vi and
the out-degree of vi are the same.
Weighted graphs can also be described more precisely using cost matrices. The cost matrix is defined
the same way as an adjacency matrix. Rather than an indication of an adjacency, a numeric value is
included in the cell to indicate the weight. If a cell has a 0, that means there is no edge connecting two
Lets now consider some examples.
The Adjacency Matrix has application in counting the number of walks between two vertices of a given
length. A walk is a sequence alternating between vertices and edges, starting and ending with vertices.
The two vertices on either side of an edge are incident to that edge. Consider some examples based on
the graph K5 :
From A2 , it can be seen that for all walks that are not closed, there are three walks of length 2 in K5 .
There are four closed walks of length 2 for each vertex in K5 .
Lets examine what exactly is happening. Consider the case when the 2-walk is not closed. For the
purpose of illustrating the concept, consider the 2-walks between vertices v1 and v2 . Since K5 is a
simple graph, there are no loops or multiple edges between two vertices. Thus, there are only three
vertices that can connect v1 and v2 , without violating the length requirement.
of length k from vertex vi to vx . Similarly, if Axj = 1, then there exists an edge connecting vertices vx
to vj . If both values are non-zero, there exists Akix walks of length k + 1 from vi to vj with vertex x
at as the kth vertex in the walk. Adding Aix for each x produces the total number of walks of length
k + 1 from vi to vj . Thus, the k+1 case has been shown.
Thus, by the principle of mathematical induction, An describes the number of n-walks between two
vertices in a graph.
Spectral Graph Theory
This section will briefly introduce the topic of Spectral Graph Theory. At this point, it is assumed
that the reader is familiar with Eigentheory and Matrix Diagonalization. The spectrum of the graph
provides numerous insights into graph properties, that are otherwise difficult to ascertain and prove.
This section will discuss some of those properties.
Trace of a Graph
The first property to explore deals with the trace of the adjacency matrix. The trace of the matrix,
denoted tr(M ), is defined as the sum of the diagonal entries of a matrix. Consider an adjacency matrix
shown above, all of which are simply graphs. It is easy to see that their traces are 0, as the diagonal
entries are 0. So tr(A(K5 )) = 0 since the diagonal entries are 0.
The trace of a matrix can also be written as the sum of the eigenvalues for the matrix. Consider
a diagonalizable matrix A, written as A = QDQ1 (through diagonalization). The trace has the
property that given a product of matrices, their cyclic permutations do not change the result. So
tr(A) = tr(QDQ1 ) = tr(Q1 QD) = tr(DQ1 Q). It follows that since QQ1 = Q1 Q = I, that
tr(A) = tr(D), which means that tr(A) is equal to the sum of the eigenvalues of A.
This property that tr(A) = ni=1 i , where i is an eigenvalue of A, is useful in counting edges and
triangles in a graph. Consider the Handshake
P Lemma, which states that the sum of the vertex degrees
is equal to twice the number of edges ( i deg(vi ) = 2E). The trace-eigenvalue property provides a
combinatorial proof for the Handshake Lemma. Consider A2 , the square of the adjacency matrix of
the given simple graph. The diagonal entries of A2 are the closed 2-walks of the graph. The only
way for a 2-walk on a simple graph to be closed is, starting at vi , go to an adjacent vertex vj , then
return to vi . Thus, vi is adjacent to vj if and only if vj is adjacent to vi . So a closed 2-walk on vj
counts the number of edges incident to vi (ie., the degree of vi ). Consequently, the diagonal entry of A2
corresponding to the closed 2-walks of vj also counts
same edge incident to vj and vi , so the edge
Pn the
is counted twice. Thus, tr(A ) = tr(D D) = i=1 i = 2E. In other words, if i is an eigenvalue
for A, then 2i is an eigenvalue for A2 and the sum of all the 2i counts the number of edges in the graph.
Through a similar argument, it is possible to count the number of triangles in a graph. Consider A3 ,
the cube of the adjacency matrix. Its diagonal entries describe the P
closed 3-walks of the graph. On a
simple graph, these are restricted to triangles (C3 ). Thus, tr(A ) = ni=1 3i = 6C3 . Here, each edge in
a given triangle is double counted, in a similar manner as the edges. Thus, double counting three edges
returns 6C3 .
It should be noted that the trace-eigenvalue property does scale, but with a nuance. Certainly tr(An )
for n > 3 counts the number of closed n-walks in the graph. However, there are multiple ways to
achieve closed n-walks; whereas with closed walks of length 1-3, there is exactly one way to accomplish
each on a simple graph.
Characteristic Polynomial
Just as the trace of the adjacency matrix provides tools for examining properties of the graph, the
It is easy to see the 1 1 principal minors are all 0s, as the diagonal entries are 0s. So clearly
c1 = tr(A) = 0 for simple graphs. Now consider the 2 2 principal minors of C4 . There are six 2x2
principal matrices, with the distinct ones listed above. The first 2 2 principal matrix above is noted
to indicate an adjacency. Lets examine why this is. The first time this principal matrix appear is
with A11 , keeping the second column. Thus, from the image, it is easy to see that there is an edge
between vertices v1 and v2 . The given principal matrix is also the adjacency matrix of P2 , the Path
graph on two vertices, or an edge with two vertices. Thus, clearly, if there is no path of length one
between two vertices, then there is no adjacency. Hence, the other two 2 2 principal matrices clearly
cannot indicate an adjacency, or an edge, between the two selected vertices. Thus, the sum of the 2 2
principal minors counts the edges in the graph, with c2 = |E(G)|. Using C4 as an example, there
are four edges, indicated by the principal matrices starting at A11 keeping the second row and second
and third columns; A22 keeping the fourth row and fourth column; and A33 keeping the fourth row and
fourth column.
The idea is the same in looking for triangles in a graph. Simply look for the 3 3 principal matrices
which are the same as the adjacency matrix for C3 , which is shown below. The determinant of the
adjacency matrix of C3 is 2. All other 3 3 principal matrices have a determinant of 0. Thus, adding
up all the 3 3 principal minors produces the twice the count for the number of triangles in the graph.
More exactingly, c3 = 2C3 . There are no triangles in C4 , so c3 = 0 in the characteristic polynomial of
C4 .
Adjacency Matrix of C3 :
This tutorial served as a brief introduction into the broad topic of spectral graph theory. Hopefully
it has provided a better appreciation and understanding of the various graph properties that can be
explored through use of the graphs spectrum.