S03-26 Portal of The Sacred Rune
S03-26 Portal of The Sacred Rune
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Pathfinder Society Scenario #]-26: Portal of the Sacred Rune is a Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 7th- to 11th-level
characters (Tier 7-11; Subtiers 7- 8 and 10-11). This scenario is designed for play in the Pathfinder Society Organized
Play campaign, but can easily be adapted for use with any world.
This product makes use of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook, Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide, Pathfinder RPG
Bestiary, Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2, Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 3, and Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat. These rules can be
found online for free as part of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Reference Document at pai zo.com/prd.
Paizo Publishing, LLC
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- f
Read the following to get the adventure underway:
The conference room is comfortable enough to wait in: plush
chairs surround a table with a pewter samovar of hot tea resting
upon it. However, Aram Zey is, unsurprisingly, late for this
meeting. Finally, the door flies open and the Pathfinder Society's
Master of Spells strides through in peremptory fashion.
"Sit, if you like," he says, coming to a halt at the head of the
table but making no effort to seat himself. "I have a job that
needs doing, and it's an important one. And since the lot of you
are less likely than most to bungle the whole thing, you'll suffice.
"Much of my time over the past year has been involved in
the exploration of the demiplane inside the Hao Jin Tapestry,
the artifact we acquired as a prize for winning the Ruby
Phoenix Tournament. As you may know, those efforts have
been severely hampered by the presence of Aspis Consortium
agents inside what should be our private realm. I cannot even
begin to describe the resources the Decemvirate has spent
tracking this infestation to its source.
"But we're nearly at the end, and I should be able to resume
productive uses of my time. I believe all Aspis agents inside
the tapestry itself have been dealt with, and we have located
their means of access to the demiplane: a portal, torn into
the plane from somewhere on Golarion. We have secured the
With other agents recently securing the portal's terminal
within the tapestry, the PCs are tasked with destroying
the Aspis Consortium's operation by using the portal
to strike back, invading and securing their base. Upon
stepping through, they discover the portal's doorway on
-- --
tapestry end of the portal, but that isn't enough. A second point
of access to the demiplane could be invaluable to our efforts,
especially if it permits quick and easy travel from Absalom to
wherever the static entrance is in Golarion-a shortcut, if you
will. No, I need the other side captured, and whatever facility
the Aspis Consortium maintains there secured. Go through the
portal, eliminate any opposition on the other end, and secure
the base for our own use. Do you think you can manage that?"
--- -....:;
-- --
' J --- -
- f
Her torso and arms are human, but a serpentine coil takes the
place of legs, while a seven-pointed rune sits where her head
should be. Six feathered wings unfurl from her back, and her
arms brandish a whip and quill crossed before her chest. She
faces a pair of open bronze doors, through which a cracked
set of stone stairs lead up. Between door and statue stands
a dry marble font, the only other decoration in this chamber.
maJJe's faitliful hound to guard the chamber each day (in the
square marked X on the map).
Creatures: If the PCs ring the bell, set offLyone's alarm
spell, or trigger his maJJe's faithful hound in Subtier 10-11,
the Aspis Consortium leader sends one of his agents to
investigate, a journey up two levels that takes 5 rounds.
When the agent sees the PCs, he immediately flees back
to level C to alert his allies, who prepare for combat as
directed in their respective tactics (see page 9).
-- --
' J ---
Male tiefling ranger 6 (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 264)
LE Medium outsider (native)
I nit +4 (+6 underground); Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception
+io (+i2 underground)
AC 20, touch i3, flat-footed i7 (+7 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 55 (6d10+i8)
Fort +7, Ref +9, Will +3
Resist cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5
Speed 20 fl.
Melee mwk greatsword +8/+3 (2d6+i/19-20)
Ranged +1 longbow +12/+7 (1d8+2/x3)
Special Attacks favored enemy (humans +4, lawful outsiders +2)
Spell- Like Abilities (CL 6th; concentration +5)
Ranger Spells Prepared (CL 3rd; concentration +4)
ist-alarm, gravity bowAPG
Before Combat Orlicino casts gravity bow as soon as he
becomes aware of the PCs' approach, increasing the damage
dealt by his bow by one size category (2d6) for 3 minutes. He
then climbs to the top of the fountain and readies an arrow to
fire at the first person down the staircase.
During Com bat Orlicino uses a move action on the first round
and every second round following to activate his hunter's
bond for his teammates' benefit, targeting any human
among the PCs. Every other round (or if lacking a suitable
human target) he makes full attacks using Deadly Aim. He
uses his bow as long as possible, even if enemies climb onto
the fountain to engage him in melee, as his Point Blank
Mastery feat allows him to make ranged attacks with his
longbow without provoking attacks of opportunity.
Morale Orlicino does not run until Lyone has surrendered,
fled, or been killed, in which case Orlicino runs for the
balcony and attempts to climb up the interior of the well.
Str i3, Dex i8, Con i4, I nt 10, Wis i2, Cha 8
Base Atk +6; C M B +7; C M D 21
Feats Deadly Aim, Endurance, Point Blank Mastef'G, Point
Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Weapon Focus (longbow)
Skills Bluff +i, Climb +7, I ntimidate +8, Perception +io (+i2
underground), Stealth +12 (+i4 underground), Survival +io,
Swim +7; Racial Modifiers +2 Bluff, +2 Stealth
Languages Common, Infernal
SQ favored terrain (underground +2), hunter's bond
(companions), track +3, wild empathy +5
Combat Gear potion of cure serious wounds; Other Gear
+1 breastplate, +1 longbow with 40 arrows, masterwork
greatsword, 25 gp
APG See the Advanced Player's Guide.
CR 7
-- --
' J ---
Speed 20 ft.
Melee mwk greatsword +12/+7 (2d6+3/19-20)
Ranged +1 composite longbow +i6/+11 (1d8+3/x3)
Special Attacks favored enemy (humans +4, lawful outsiders +2)
Spell- Like Abilities (CL 9th; concentration +8)
Ranger Spells Prepared (CL 6th; concentration +7)
ist-gravity bowPG ,jump, longstrider
Before Combat Orlicino casts longstrider, barkskin, and gravity
bow (which increases his bow's base damage to 2d6 for 6
minutes) as soon as he becomes aware of the PCs' approach.
He then climbs to the top of the fountain and readies an
arrow to fire at the first person down the staircase.
During Combat Orlicino uses a move action on the first round
and every second round thereafter to activate his hunter's
bond for his teammates' benefit, targeting any human among
the PCs. Every other round (or if lacking a suitable human
target) he makes full attacks using Rapid Shot and Deadly
Aim. He uses his bow as long as possible, even if enemies
climb on the fountain to engage him in melee, since his Point
Blank Master feat allows him to make ranged attacks with his
bow without provoking attacks of opportunity.
Morale Orlicino does not run until Lyone has surrendered,
fled, or been killed, in which case he runs for the balcony
and attempts to climb the well's shaft to escape.
Str 14, Dex i8, Con i4, I nt 10, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk +9; CMB +11; CMD 25
Feats Deadly Aim, Endurance, I ron Will, Point-Blank Shot,
Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Weapon Focus (composite
longbow), Point Blank Master'PG
Skills Bluff +i, Climb +n, Intimidate +n, Perception +i3 (+i7
underground), Stealth +15 (+i9 underground), Survival +i3,
Swim +n; Racial Modifiers +2 Bluff, +2 Stealth
Languages Common, Infernal
SQ favored terrain (mountain +2, underground +4), evasion,
hunter's bond (companions), swift tracker, track +4, wild
empathy +8, woodland stride
Combat Gear potion of cure serious wounds; Other Gear
+ i breastplate, + I composite longbow (+2 Str) with 40 arrows,
masterwork greatsword, lesser bracers of archery, 25 gp
APG See the Advanced Player's Guide.
CR 8
Male tiefling ranger 9 (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 264)
LE Medium outsider (native)
l nit +4 (+8 underground); Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception
+i3 (+i7 underground)
AC 23, touch i3, flat-footed 20 (+7 armor, +3 Dex, +3 natural)
hp 81 (9d10+27)
Fort +8, Ref +10, Will +6
Defensive Abilities evasion; Resist cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5
CR 10
Male human fighter i/transmuter 5/eldritch knight 5
NE Medium humanoid (human)
I nit +2; Senses Perception +n
AC i8, touch 14, flat-footed i6 (+4 armor, +i deflection, +2 Dex,
+i insight)
-- -
' J ---
Subtier 7 - 8:
AC i8, touch 10, flat-footed i8 (+6 armor, +2 shield)
hp 51 each (s HD; 3d8+2d10+23)
Fort +9, Ref +1, Wil l +4; +1 vs. fear
Defensive Abilities bravery +l
Speed 20 ft.
Melee mwk flail +8 (1d8+2)
Ranged mwk light crossbow +s (1d8/19-20)
Special Attacks channel negative energy 4/day (DC i4, 2d6)
Domain Spell- Like Abilities (CL 3rd; concentration +4)
4/day-touch of evil (1 rounds)
4/day-blast rune (1d6+i energy damage, 3 rounds)
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 3rd; concentration +4)
2nd- aid, align weapon (evil only)
ist-cure light wounds, divine favor, entropic shield, protection
from good
o (at will)-bleed (DC 11), detect magic, read magic, resistance
D Domain spell; Domains Rune, Evil
Before Combat If alerted to approaching enemies, the cultists
wait until they can hear the PCs on the stairs and cast aid,
entropic shield, and protection from good, in that order.
During Com bat To begin, two cultists take positions facing
the stairs and engage the PCs in combat with their
crossbows. The other two position themselves along the
wall on either side of the staircase exit and lay down blast
runes in the four squares directly in front of the stairs,
renewing them as needed if the party does not take the bait
and rush into action. Once the PCs are in the room, all four
cultists cast divine favor and engage the party in melee. The
cultists use the Channel Smite feat with each attack they
make until they are out of channeling attempts.
Morale After losing half their hit points, the cultists cast cure
light wounds on themselves. If reduced to 10 or fewer hit
points, they drink their potions. Otherwise, the cultists fight
to the death in defense of their goddess's holy site.
Str 14, Dex 10, Con 16, I nt 10, Wis i3, Cha 12
Base Atk +4; CMB +6; CMD 16
Feats Channel Smite, Combat Casting, I mproved Channel,
Improved I nitiative, Scribe Scroll, Toughness, Weapon
Focus (flail)
Skills Knowledge (arcana) +s, Knowledge (history) +s,
Knowledge (religion) +7, Linguistics +4, Perception +8,
Spellcraft +s
Languages Common, Thassilonian
SQ aura
Combat Gear potion of cure moderate wounds, scroll of
dispel magic, unholy water (2); Other Gear masterwork
breastplate, masterwork heavy steel shield, masterwork
flail, masterwork light crossbow, spell component pouch,
wooden holy symbol
Unlike the rooms above, this level shows every sign of being lived
in. Dirt and grime have been cleansed, revealing an opulent suite
even the most jaded decadent could call home. Firepelt rugs
cover parquet flooring in the main chamber of a communal living
area. Around the room stand fine mahogany tables, desks, and
gilded chairs, and recessed shelves on the walls hold a trove of
books and scrolls. Cloth-of-gold wall hangings show images of
a serpentine goddess raining bounty upon her worshipers. An
arch to the north overlooks the well, while smaller arches west
and east contain downward and upward staircases. A number of
closed doors lead off from the main room as well.
CR 4
' J ---
CR 6
Female human fighter 2/inquisitor of Lissala 5 (Advanced
Player's Guide 38)
LE Medium humanoid (human)
l nit +5; Senses Perception +n
AC 21, touch 14, flat-footed 17 (+5 armor, +4 Dex, +2 shield)
hp 63 (7 HD; 2d10+5d8+26)
Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +5; +i vs. fear
Defensive Abilities bravery +1
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +1 agile whip +11 (1d3+5) or
mwk scimitar +7 (1d6+i/18-20)
Ranged heavy crossbow +9 (1d10/19-20)
Special Attacks bane (5 rounds/day)
Inquisitor Spell- Like Abilities (CL 5th; concentration +6)
4/day-blast rune (1d6+2 energy damage, 5 rounds)
5 rounds/day-discern lies
At will-detect alignment
Inquisitor Spells Known (CL 5th; concentration +5)
2nd (2/day)-detect thoughts (DC 13),.flames ofthe faithfulAPG ,
spiritual weapon
1st (5/day)-bane (DC 12), bless, command (DC 12), cure
light wounds
o (at will)- acid splash, daze (DC 11), light, read magic,
resistance, stabilize
Domain Rune
Before Combat If warned of the PCs' approach, Heshlak casts
bless on herself and the cultists, drinks her potion of cat's
grace, and casts .flames of the faithful on her whip, granting
it the .flaming burst weapon special property for 6 rounds
(caster level +i round as a transmutation spell).
During Com bat Once the PCs are in range, Heshlak casts
spiritual weapon on a spellcaster, pronounces a judgment
of destruction against the party, and moves forward to
threaten any PC entering the room with her whip. She
tries to stay out of the PCs' reach, letting cultists engage
them while using her whip's reach to dominate the floor,
expending a swift action to activate her bane ability,
selecting the most common humanoid subtype among
the Pathfinders. She positions herself to have multiple
PCs within 10 feet, if possible, and uses her action each
round to either strike a target of the subtype of her bane
ability or to make trip attacks. She gleefully takes attacks
of opportunity against anyone within range who provokes
them. If attacked, she trips her assailant and steps away,
laying into them with the whip if trapped. Confronted by
multiple assailants at once, she switches her judgment to
protection and lashes about her as best she can.
Morale Heshlak refuses to surrender. If brought below 15 hit
points, and a PC is between her and the opening to the
CR 9
Female human fighter 4/inquisitor of Lissala 6 (Advanced
Player's Guide 38)
LE Medium humanoid (human)
I nit +s; Senses Perception +i4
AC 22, touch i5, flat-footed i7 (+s armor, +4 Dex, +i dodge,
+2 shield)
hp 89 (10 HD; 4d10+6d8+36)
Fort +11, Ref +7, Will +7; +i vs. fear
Defensive Abilities bravery +i
Speed 30 fl.
Melee +iagile whip +i4/+9 (1d3+7) or
mwk scimitar +10/+5 (1d6+i/18-20)
Ranged heavy crossbow +12 (1d10/19-20)
Special Attacks bane (6 rounds/day)
Inquisitor Spell- Like Abilities (CL 6th; concentration +7)
6 rounds/day-discern lies
4/day-blast rune (1d6+3 energy damage, 6 rounds)
At will-detect alignment
Inquisitor Spells Known (CL 6th; concentration +6)
2nd (3/day)-detect thoughts (DC i3),jlames ofthe faithfu1APG ,
see invisibility, spiritual weapon
ist (5/day)- bane (DC 12), bless, command, cure light wounds
o (at will)-acid splash, daze, light, read magic, resistance, stabilize
Domain Rune
As Subtier 7-8.
Str i3, Dex i8, Con i4, I nt 8, Wis i3, Cha 10
-- --
. ,
' J ---
F. Mess Hall
This room is dominated by a long wooden table with
matching benches on either side of it. The table is long
enough to fit a dozen or more diners at once, though less
than half a dozen places are set at the moment. To the
south, a wide counter stretches across the length of the
room, broken by a half-door midway across. On the other
side of this barrier a kitchen is arranged around a central
fire pit. A sideboard contains a number of stacked plates
and flatware. Stairwells provide exits from this room to the
northwest and southeast.
CR 12
Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 3 i74
LE Large outsider (evil, extraplanar,
kyton, lawful)
l nit +7; Senses darkvision 60 fl:.;
Perception +23
AC 26, touch 13, flat-footed 22 (+3 Dex,
+i dodge, +i3 natural, -1 size)
hp i47 (14d10+70); regeneration 5 (good
weapons and spells, silver weapons)
Fort +14, Ref +9, Will +17
DR io/silver or good; I m m une cold; SR 23
CR 6
-- --
' J ---
The bronze doors open onto a darkened shrine. A dais rises off
the floor, every foot of it inlaid with runes of assorted metals.
On it, a marble sculpture of the serpentine goddess coils
around an altar carved to resemble a book. Six pillars line the
sides of the hall, each wrapped by a twenty-foot-tall statue of
the goddess; their snaky tails coil about the bottoms, unfurled
wings brushing each other and rune-like heads gazing down at
the altar. Each holds a different implement; a quill, a chain, an
hourglass, a scroll, a spool of thread, and a whip. The ceiling
rises higher here than in previous rooms; at least thirty feet
tall. High above, deep purple banners emblazoned with golden
runic text hang from granite buttresses linking the pillars.
- f
-- -
. ,
' J ---
AC 26, touch 14, flat-footed 21 (+4 armor, +5 Dex, +8 natural,
-1 size)
hp 143 (14 HD; 12d10+2d6+70)
Fort +9, Ref +i3, Will +15
I m m une mind-affecting effects; SR 21
Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft., swim 40 ft.
Melee +I scimitar +15/+io/+5 (1d6+6/15-20 plus 1 Wisdom drain
on first hit each round), +I whip +i4/+9 (1d3+6 nonlethal) or
touch +i7 (1d4 Wisdom drain)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks Wisdom drain
Spell- Like Abilities (CL 12th; concentration +i9)
At will-charm monster ( DC 21), ventriloquism (DC 18)
3/day-deep slumber (DC 20), dream, major image (DC 20),
mirror image, suggestion (DC 20)
Sorcerer Spells Known (caster level 8th; concentration +i5)
4th (4/day)-stoneskin
3rd (7/day)-glyph of warding (DC 20), haste
2nd (8/day)-bull's strength, cure moderate wounds, invisibility
lSt (8/day)-alarm, divine favor, mage armor, magic missile,
shield of faith
o (at will)-bleed (DC 17), dancing lights, daze (DC 17),
detect magic, ghost sound (DC 17), mage hand, mending,
Bloodline Arcane
Before Combat Miakovna casts mage armor daily. As soon as
she is warned by one of her alarm spells going off, she casts
invisibility and slithers up to the top of the north-central
pillar. She then casts the following spells in order: stoneskin,
shield of faith, bull's strength, mirror image, extended divine
favor, and extended haste. If she hears the PCs attempting
to enter the chamber before she is prepared, she creates a
major image as described above and continues preparing,
using her ventrilloquism spell-like ability to throw her voice
elsewhere in the room as she casts spells, and recasting
major image as needed to keep the distraction going.
During Com bat Once all her spells are in place, she draws
her whip and drops down to attack with both weapons,
using the whip to trip opponents at range while slashing
at closer foes with her scimitar. She stays in melee until
she loses 50 or more hit points, at which point she climbs
a pillar, recasts invisibility, and slithers around interlocking
wings of Lissala's idols to keep her position hidden while
healing and recasting protective spells. If presented with
one particularly formidable opponent, Miakovna uses charm
monster or suggestion to try and get the PC to leave combat.
Morale When reduced to 30 or fewer hit points, Miakovna
attempts to flee, swimming straight across the pool and
racing up through the levels of the temple complex. As
soon as she is out of sight of the PCs, she uses her change
shape ability, hoping that i f the PCs catch her i n this form,
they'll assume it is another distraction and leave her alone.
Str 20, Dex 21, Con 21, I nt 14, Wis 18, Cha 25
Base Atk +i3; CMB +i9; C M D 34 (can't be tripped)
Feats Double Slice, Eschew Materials, Exotic Weapon
Proficiency (whip), Extend Spell, Improved Critical
(scimitar), I mproved Two-Weapon Fighting, Two-Weapon
Fighting, Weapon Focus (scimitar)
Skills Acrobatics +9, Bluff +22, Climb +13, Diplomacy +12,
Disguise +12, I ntimidate +20, Knowledge (arcana) +19,
Knowledge (religion) +i9, Linguistics +4, Spellcraft +i9,
Swim +i3, Use Magic Device +20; Racial Modifiers +4 Bluff,
+4 Use Magic Device
Languages Abyssal, Common, Infernal, Shoanti, Thassilonian
SQ arcane bond (ring), bloodline arcana (+i DC for
metamagicked spells that increase spell level), change shape
(fixed Medium humanoid form; alter self)
Combat Gear potion ofcure serious wounds; Other Gear +I scimitar,
+I whip, ring of counterspelfs (invisibility purge), silver holy
symbol, 700 gp worth of diamond dust
Spells A lamia matriarch casts spells as a 6th-level sorcerer,
and can cast spells from the cleric list as well as those
normally available to a sorcerer. Cleric spells are considered
arcane spells for a lamia matriarch.
Wisdom Drain (Su) A lamia matriarch drains ld4 points of
Wisdom each time she hits with her melee touch attack.
The first time each round that she strikes a foe with a melee
weapon, she also drains 1 point of Wisdom. A DC 23 Will
save negates the Wisdom drain. Unlike with other kinds
of ability drain attacks, a lamia matriarch does not heal
damage when she uses her Wisdom drain. The save DC is
-- --
' J ---
Once the PCs have secured the Well ofTainted Virtue by
removing all opposition, the Pathfinder Society is able to
move in to the locale, secure it against further intrusion,
and establish it as a research and storage facility for
artifacts pertaining to the Hao ]in Tapestry. Artifacts
that had been stolen from the tapestry are reclaimed
and cataloged, though frustratingly many have already
been sent elsewhere either by the Aspis Consortium or
the Lissalan cultists. Furthermore, the now-secure portal
allows the distinct advantage of near-instant and free
transport for vast numbers of personnel and materials
between Absalom and Varisia; while the Well of Tainted
Virtue is not the most convenient of locations in Varisia,
traveling from the portal's location to Riddleport,
Magnimar, Korvosa, or other points in the region is still
much faster than the months-long voyage by sea or the
costly option of teleportation from Absalom.
Any prisoners taken by the PCs are treated well, and
sent back through the portal for holding until such time
as they can be given more permanent detention or else
ransomed back to the Aspis Consortium. Lyone, if made
a prisoner, is led away wearing a smirk that indicates he
doesn't expect to be a captive for long. But escape from
within the Hao Jin Tapestry proved impossible for beings
much more powerful than him for centuries.
If the PCs discovered Miakovna's correspondence,
they have already learned that the Lissalan religion is
living and established throughout Varisia, and possibly
Success Conditions
If the PCs kill, capture, or drive off all opposition
within the Well of Tainted Virtue, the Pathfinders are
considered to have successfully cleared and secured the
Material Plane terminal of the backdoor into the Hao ]in
Tapestry, and each earns 1 Prestige Point.
Faction Missions
In addition to their primary mission on behalf of the
Pathfinder Society, members of each faction may earn
extra prestige for completing faction missions to forward
their allies' goals.
Andoran Faction: Andoran faction PCs who dispel or
call for the dispelling of the charm monster effect on the
cult initiates in area G earn i Prestige Point.
-- --
' J ---
My heart swells knowing that you are rooting out the infiltrators of the Society's prize. On the topic of hearts,
I require a favor. It is my understanding that an Aspis agent you might encounter is a revolting infernal
Poor things. Despised by many, they have difficulty finding purpose in this world. One might weep, if one
could bother oneself to care. As it happens, I have an associate who has found purpose for such an individual.
Or at least part of one. Bring me the tiefling's heart. As an enemy of yours, he will surely meet a violent end,
but aside from unavoidable injury incurred in that violence, do make an effort not to damage it further upon
Else I call for the extraction of yours instead,
Loya I Pathfinder,
While you go on this mission to eliminate a threat, I must ask you to be even more thorough. Remember, we
are claiming the other end of the portal for Society use after you are finished with your work, and I strongly
desire the location to be completely safe. Should you encounter any traps there-especially those which reset
themselves-make certain not to leave them active behind you, for the sake of Pathfinders less hardy than
yourself who might stumble across them at a later date.
Auspicious Seeker,
The wise warrior allows no distractions, yet once your safety is assured, I would beseech your aid in a minor
interest of mine. These thieves you seek have stolen many items from the tapestry, including artifacts
dating from the Thassilonian empire. I have studied scrolls and texts from that period upon occasion,
and am often impressed by the quality of ink used; some texts have not faded in eons. Yet I have never
managed to replicate it.
Given their interests, it is possible these Aspis Consortium agents have stolen an original source of this
ink. If so, a sample-or information on where I might locate some-would help satisfy an abiding curiosity.
e good of us all,
Venture-Captain Amara Li
- .M'l.1/
Amenopheus, the Sapphire Sage
This back portal in the tapestry represents a phenomenal opportunity for us. Wherever it may lead, it could
cut weeks or months off standard trade routes. I am certain I can persuade the Decemvirate to permit
caravans' passage through the demiplane for a small stake in the profits generated from such an endeavor.
What I need you to do is find where the portal exits to. The sooner this information is in my hands, the
sooner I can make preparations. The back of this note is a star chart, magically linked to an identical one at my
estate. Lay it flat outdoors under the open sky with the imprinted compass rose pointed due north, from dusk
to dawn, and it will record the position of the stars where you are and relay them here. I have astronomers
and navigators on staff that will do the rest.
For profit,
#/{-ft t /-
Brother Wanderer,
I 've been thinking of late: this whole notion of backdoors into the tapestry is kind of an interesting one. Now,
don't get me wrong, we don't want one in the hands of Aspis goons, and it looks like wherever it is you're
headed is going be under watch by Society muckety-mucks after this. But, still. If you find any info over there
about how these guys made a portal in the first place-notes on spells, rituals, whatever-I 'd like it if those
could be returned to my hands instead of Aram Zey's.
Brave Friend,
I understand you're likely to confront an Aspis Consortium agent named Lyone Ekarian. He's battled
Pathfinders in the past, and to date remains uncaptured, so be wary. Another loyal to our cause-a seasoned
spy and source of very valuable information-was killed by him in a previous altercation. In addition to
murdering a good man, this Aspis snake stole my friend's wayfinder off of his body. This particular wayfinder
had been in his family for generations; he has a widow and children who deserve to have this heirloom
returned to them, not held as a trophy by their father's killer. If you find him and he still carries it, bring the
wayfinder to me and I will see it restored to its rightful owners.
The struggle never ends,
Grandmaster Torch
-- --
' J ---
Empire's Arm,
It has reached my ears that the group you will face is led by one Lyone Ekonian. I regret to say he is an imperial
citizen; more, he is the son of a significant noble house from Yanmass. I will spare you the genealogical
details, but it would be a matter of some embarrassment were he killed by a group that included any known
associates of mine.
Were he imprisoned, on the other hand, any embarrassment would shift back upon his family. If possible,
I would prefer him to be taken alive. No need to drag him behind you in chains; simply deliver him back
through the portal and I shall have my own agents there to take him into custody. He is known to use
teleportation magic, so be prepared.
scretion in this matter,
- --
- f
T h e fo l l ow i n g t e x t is t h e p r o p e rty of W i z a r d s of t h e C o a s t , I n c . a n d i s
C o p y r i g h t 2 0 0 0 W i z a r d s of t h e C o a s t , l n c ("Wiza rds"). A l l R i g h t s Reserve d .
L Defi n i t i o n s : (a) " C o n t r i b utors" m e a n s t h e copyright a n d/o r t r a d e m a r k
o w n e r s w h o h a v e c o n t r i b uted O p e n G a m e C o n t e n t ; ( b) " D e rivative Material"
m e a n s copyrighted material i n c l u d i n g d e r ivative works and translations ( i n cl u d i n g
i n t o other c o m p uter l a n g u a ges), potati o n , m o d ifi c a t i o n , correct i o n , a d d i t i o n ,
exte n s i o n , u p grade, i m p rove m e n t , c o m p i l a t i o n , a b r i d g m e n t o r other fo r m i n
w h i c h a n exist i n g work may be recast, t r a n s fo r m e d o r a d a pted; (c) " D istrib ute"
m e a n s to repro d u ce, license, rent, lease, s e l l , broad cast, p u b licly d i s p l ay, t r a n s m i t
o r otherwise d i s t r i b ute; (d ) "Open G a m e C o n tent" m e a n s t h e g a m e m e c h a n i c
a n d i n c l u d e s t h e m e t h o d s , p r o ced u res, processes a n d r o u t i n e s to t h e exte nt s u c h
c o n t e n t does not e m body t h e P r o d u ct I d e n tity a n d is a n e n h a n c e m e n t o v e r t h e
p r i o r art a n d a n y a d d i t i o n a l c o n t e n t c l e a r l y ide ntified as O p e n G a m e Content
by t h e C o n t r i b utor, a n d m e a n s a n y work cove red by t h i s License, i n c l u d i n g
t r a n s l a t i o n s a n d d e r ivative works u n d e r copyright l aw, b u t s p e cifi c a l l y exc l u d es
P r o d u c t I d e ntity. (e) " P rod u ct I d e n t ity" m e a n s p r o d u ct a n d p r o d u ct l i n e n a m es ,
logos a n d i d e ntify i n g m a rks i n c l u d i n g trade d ress; a rtifacts, creatu res, c h a racters,
sto ries, story l i nes, p l ots, thematic elements, d i a l ogue, i n cidents, l a n g u a ge,
artwork, s y m b o l s , d e s i g n s , d e p i ct i o n s , l i ke n esses, fo r m ats, poses, c o n cepts,
themes and graphic, p h otogra p h i c and other visual o r audio representations;
n a m e s a n d descriptions of c h a racters, s p e l l s , e n c h a n t m e n t s , perso n a l ities,
teams, personas, l i ke n esses a n d s p e c i a l a b i l ities; p l a ces, locations, envi r o n m e nts,
creatu res, e q u i p m e n t , magical o r s u pe r n a t u r a l a b i l ities o r effects, logos, sy m bo l s ,
o r g r a p h i c designs; a n d a n y other t r a d e m a r k o r registered t r a d e m a r k c l e a r l y
i d e ntified a s P ro d u ct i d e n tity b y t h e owner of t h e P r o d u ct I d e n tity, a n d w h i c h
specifi c a l ly excl u d e s t h e O p e n G a m e Content; (f) "Tr a d e m a rk" m e a n s t h e l o g o s ,
n a mes, m a rk, s i g n , m otto, d e s i g n s t h a t a re used b y a C o n t r i b u t o r to i d e n t ify itself
o r its p r o d u cts o r t h e associated p r o d u cts c o n t r i b uted to t h e O p e n Game License
by t h e C o n t r i b u t o r (g) " U se'', " U sed" o r " U s i n g" m e a n s to use, D i s t r i b ute, co py,
edit, fo r m a t , m o d ify, t r a n s l ate a n d otherwise create De rivative Material of O p e n
G a m e Content. (h) "Yo u" o r "Yo u r" m e a n s t h e l i censee i n terms of t h i s a g r e e m e n t .
2 . T h e License: T h i s Lice n s e a p p l i es to a n y O p e n G a m e C o n t e n t t h a t c o n t a i n s
a n otice i n d icat i n g t h a t t h e O p e n G a m e C o n t e n t m ay o n ly be U s e d u n d e r a n d i n
t e r m s of t h i s Lice n s e . Yo u m u st a ffi x s u c h a n ot i ce t o a n y O p e n G a m e C o ntent
t h a t y o u U s e . N o t e r m s m a y be a d d e d to o r s u btracted fro m t h i s License exce pt
a s d e s c r i b e d by the Lice n s e itself. No o t h e r terms o r c o n d i t i o n s m ay be a p p l i e d
to a n y O p e n G a m e C o n t e n t d is t r i b uted u s i n g t h i s L i c e n s e .
3 . Offe r a n d Acce pta n ce : By U s i n g t h e O p e n G a m e C o ntent Yo u i n d icate
Yo u r acceptance of t h e terms of this Lice n s e .
4 . G r a n t a n d C o n s i d e r a t i o n : I n c o n s i d e r a t i o n fo r agreei n g to use t h i s License,
t h e C o n t r i b u t o r s g r a n t Yo u a p e r p et u a l , worldwide, royal ty-free, n o n -exc l u s ive
l i c e n s e with the exact t e r m s of t h i s Lice n s e t o Use, the O p e n G a m e C o n t e n t .
5 . Re p res e n t a t i o n of A u t h o rity to C o n t r i b u te: I f Yo u a r e c o n t r i b u t i n g o r i g i n a l
m a t e r i a l a s O p e n G a m e C o n t e n t , Yo u represent t h a t Yo u r C o n t r i b u t i o n s a r e
Yo u r o r i gi n a l creat i o n a n d/o r Yo u h ave s u ffi c i e n t r i g h t s to g r a n t t h e r i g h t s
conveyed by t h i s Lice n s e .
6 . N otice of L i c e n s e C o py r i g ht: Yo u m u st u p d ate t h e COPYR I G H T N OT I C E
p o r t i o n of t h i s License to i n c l u d e t h e exact text of t h e C O PY R I G H T N OT I C E
of a n y O p e n G a m e C o n t e n t Yo u a r e c o p y i n g , m o d ify i n g o r d is t r i b u t i n g, a n d
Yo u m u st a d d t h e t i t l e , t h e copyright d ate, a n d t h e copyright h o l d e r's n a m e t o
t h e C O PY R I G H T N OT I C E of a n y o r i gi n a l O p e n G a m e C o n t e n t y o u D i s t r i b ute.
7. Use of Prod u ct I d e ntity: Yo u agree n o t to U s e a n y P ro d u ct I d e nt ity, i n c l u d i n g
as a n i n d ication as to c o m p a t i b i l ity, except as expressly licensed i n a n ot h e r,
i n d e p e n d e n t Agree m e n t with t h e own e r of each e l e m e n t of that P r o d u ct I d e nt ity.
Yo u agree not to i n d icate c o m p a t i b i l ity o r c o - a d a pta b i l ity with any Tra d e m a r k o r
Registered Tra d e m a r k i n conj u n c t i o n with a w o r k conta i n i n g O p e n G a m e Content
except as expressly licensed i n a n ot h e r, i n d e p e n d e n t Agree m e n t with t h e own e r
of s u c h Tra d e m a r k o r Registered Tra d e m a rk. The use of a n y Prod u ct I d e n tity i n
O p e n G a m e C o n t e n t d oes n o t constitute a c h a l l e n ge to t h e own e r s h i p of t h a t
P r o d u c t I d e n t ity. T h e ow n e r of any P ro d u ct I d e n tity u s e d i n O p e n G a m e Content
shall ret a i n all rights, title a n d i n terest i n a n d to t h a t Prod u ct I d e n tity.
8 . I d entifi cati o n : I f you d istrib ute Open G a m e Content Yo u m ust clearly i n d icate
which portions of the work that yo u are distributing a re Open G a m e Content.
9 . U p d a t i n g t h e License: Wizards o r its d e s i g n ated Agents m a y p u b l i s h
u p d ated ve r s i o n s of t h i s Lice n s e . Yo u m a y u s e a n y a u t h o rized ve r s i o n of t h i s
License to co py, m o d ify a n d d i s t r i b ute a n y O p e n G a m e C o n t e n t o r i gi n a l ly
d is t r i b uted u n d e r a n y vers i o n of t h i s License.
1 0 . C o py of t h i s License: Yo u M U ST i n c l u d e a copy of t h i s Lice n s e with every
copy of the O p e n G a m e C o n t e n t Yo u d i s t r i b ute.
1 1 . U s e of C o n t r i b u t o r C r e d i t s : Yo u m ay n o t m a r ket o r advertise t h e Open
Game C o n t e n t using t h e name of a n y C o n t r i b u t o r u n less Yo u h ave written
p e r m i s s i o n fro m t h e C o n t r i b u t o r t o d o s o .
1 2 . I n a b i l ity to C o m p ly: I f it i s i m p o s s i b l e fo r Yo u t o c o m p l y with a n y of t h e
t e r m s of t h i s L i c e n s e with respect to s o m e o r a l l of t h e O p e n G a m e C o n t e n t d u e
to s t a t u t e , j u d i c i a l o r d e r, o r gove r n m e n t a l regu l a t i o n t h e n Yo u may n o t U s e a n y
O p e n G a m e M a t e r i a l s o affected.
1 3 . Te r m i n a t i o n : T h i s License will t e r m i nate a u t o m at i c a l l y if Yo u fa i l to
co m p ly with all t e r m s herein and fail to c u re such b r e a c h wit h i n 3 0 d ays of
beco m i n g aware of the b r e a c h . All s u b l icenses s h a l l s u rvive the t e r m i n a t i o n of
this License.
14. Reformation: If any p rovis i o n of this License is h e l d to be u n enforceable, s u c h
provision s h a l l be reformed o n ly to the exte nt necessary to m a ke it e n fo rcea ble.
Open Game License v i.oa 2 0 0 0 , W i z a r d s of t h e C o a s t , I n c.
System Reference Document 2000, Wizards of t h e C o a s t , I n c; A u t h o rs :
J o n a t h a n Tweet, M o nte C o o k, S k i p W i l l i a m s , based o n m a t e r i a l by E . G a ry
Gygax a n d Dave A r n e s o n .
Pathfinder Society Scenario #3-26: Portal of t h e Sacred R u n e 2 0 1 2 , P a i z o
P u b l i s h i n g, L L C ; A u t h o r : S e a n M cG owa n .
GM C h a racte r #
GM #
G M P restige E a rn ed
GM N a m e
0 Chel iax
0 G rand Lodge
O Qadira
0 Sczarni
0 Lantern Lodge
0 0sirion
0 Taldor
Cha racte r #
Prestige Points
Cha racter N a m e
0 Chel iax
0 G rand Lodge
O Qadira
0 Sczarni
0 Taldor
Cha racte r #
Prestige Points
Cha racter N a m e
0 Chel iax
0 G rand Lodge
O Qadira
0 Sczarni
0 Taldor
Cha racte r #
Prestige Points
Cha racter N a m e
0 Chel iax
0 G rand Lodge
D Qadira
0 Sczarni
0 Taldor
Cha racte r #
Prestige Points
Cha racter N a m e
D Andoran
0 Chel iax
D G rand Lodge
O Qadira
0 Sczarni
0 Taldor
Cha racte r #
Prestige Points
Cha racter N a m e
0 Chel iax
D G rand Lodge
D Qadira
0 Sczarni
O Taldor
Cha racte r #
Prestige Points
Cha racter N a m e
D Andoran
0 Chel iax
D G rand Lodge
D Qadira
O sczarni
0 Taldor
-- --
Scenario Chronicle #
0 Normal
Character Name
Player Name
Pathfinder Society #
Starting XP
G M 's
I . I
Prestige Spent
Start G P
G P Gained (G M O N LY}
Items Sold
Items Bought
Add i/2 t h i s va l u e to t h e " Items S o l d " Box
For GM Only
GM Pathfinder Society #