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S03-26 Portal of The Sacred Rune


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S03-26 Portal of The Sacred Rune


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Pathfinder Society Scenario #]-26: Portal of the Sacred Rune is a Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 7th- to 11th-level

characters (Tier 7-11; Subtiers 7- 8 and 10-11). This scenario is designed for play in the Pathfinder Society Organized
Play campaign, but can easily be adapted for use with any world.
This product makes use of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook, Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide, Pathfinder RPG
Bestiary, Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2, Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 3, and Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat. These rules can be
found online for free as part of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Reference Document at pai zo.com/prd.
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Pathfinder Society Scenario #3-26: Portal <?fthe Sacred Rune 2012, Paizo Publishing, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Paizo Publishing, LLC, the Paizo golem logo, Pathfinder,
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oon after winning the Hao Jin Tapestry in the

Ruby Phoenix Tournament, the Pathfinder Society
discovered intruders within their newly acquired
demiplane. Agents of the Aspis Consortium were
encountered in a realm they should have been unable to
access, stealing treasures that, by right, were Pathfinder
Society property. With time and effort, the origin of these
intrusions was discovered-a portal that once led from a
temple within the tapestry to the Abyss was diverted to
connect to Golarion by powerful magic.
Upon their rival's acquisition of the tapestry, the Patrons
of the Aspis Consortium decided that such opportunity
could not remain solely in Pathfinder hands. Research
committees were formed, old documents examined,
and a promising possibility discovered: an ancient,
abandoned shrine to Lissala in the mountains of Varisia.
The shrine to the goddess of runes was noted for its
strange properties, namely that each room in the shrine
empowered specific schools of magic. The room dedicated
to conjuration contains the frame of a portal once used
for powerful summoning-a portal that could perhaps
be repurposed to access the Hao Jin Tapestry. Agents were
dispatched to secure the ruin and see if they could find a
way to breach the secure realm within the Society.
The shrine, however, was no longer unoccupied. In the
years between the Aspis Consortium's discovery of the
ruin and their decision to use the asset, an active cult
of Lissala had reclaimed it. Led by Miakovna, a lamia
matriarch, the cult was settled and actively working to
restore the shrine. This shocked the Aspis Consortium
contingent, who, like most in the modern era, assumed
Lissala's faith long dead. More importantly, the cult
stood between them and their prize. Miakovna was not
looking for neighbors whose only interest in the shrine
was profit.
Hostilities seemed inevitable until silver agent Lyone
Ekonian, the task force's leader, came upon a novel
solution: subcontracting the assignment. He met with
Miakovna and assured her no disrespect was intended;
indeed, he would happily allow cultists to personally
enact the portal-shifting magic to avoid any desecration.
Additionally, a handful of agents under his command


- f




Portal ofthe Sacred Rune takes place in the Stony Mountains

of Varisia. Homeland of the Shoanti Wind Clan, this chain
of the greater Kodar range begins as foothills just northeast
of Riddleport and extends over i20 miles, bordering the
Lurkwood and breaking onto the Storval Rise before their
end. The Well of Tainted Virtue itself is located on a low
peak at the range's midpoint, just southwest of the Storval
Plateau. For more information on Varisia, see Pathfinder
Campaign Setting: The Inner Sea World Guide and Pathfinder
Player Companion: Varisia, Birthplace of Legends, both
available at bookstores and game stores everywhere, and
online at paizo.com.

were gifted to the Lissalans as converts to the faith.

Lastly, if Lyone were permitted temporary residence in
the shrine and use of the portal, the cult would receive a
percentage of the profits-most especially the tithe of all
Thassilonian artifacts looted from the demiplane. Eager
for connections to the golden age of Lissala's faith and
a steady stream of funds with which to grow the long
dormant faith's position in the region, Miakovna agreed.
She personally created and bound a portal, usurping an
existing gateway within the tapestry as the other end, and
the Aspis Consortium began operations in the Pathfinder
Society's new museum realm.
Things went smoothly at first, but they have recently
unraveled. Profits halted when Pathfinders discovered



the Material Plane within a Thassilonian ruin. Further

investigation shows it to be an ancient shrine to the
goddess Lissala known as the Well ofTainted Virtue.
Exploring, the PCs encounter the remnants of the
Aspis Consortium's garrison. After a battle, they discover
some unsettling facts: that the portal was constructed not
by the Consortium, but through ancient rune magic, that
the magic in question was performed by a living cult of a
goddess whose religion was thought lost since Earthfall,
and that the Consortium has been diverting a number of
treasures from the Hao Jin Tapestry to those cultists, who
live and worship farther down in this very ruin.
To fulfill their mandate, the PCs must venture into
the shrine and come into conflict with the cultists. After
combat with the bulk of the cult, led by its second-in
command, the party ventures still lower, discovering
mysteries of Lissala's religion both in antiquity and the
present. At the very bottom of the Well, they find the
central hall of worship for the shrine, guarded by the
cult's high priestess. Hidden behind layers of illusion,
she strikes at the party from hiding until forced into
the open and revealed as her true self. In the end, the
party should stand triumphant in the halls of the
forgotten goddess, but one final discovery reveals startling
information regarding Lissala and her faith that could
make the battle for a shrine seem a minor victory.

Portal of the Sacred Rune represents the final installment in

the Pathfinder Society Organized Play campaign's Year of
the Ruby Phoenix season. Players who have stayed up to
date on the events of the last year have worked to increase
the Pathfinder Society's chances of winning the fabled Ruby
Phoenix Tournament in Tian Xia and secured the Hao Jin
Tapestry as the Decemvirate's prize for that victory. Exploring
the demiplane within the artifact brought many treasures
long sequestered from Golarion-to the Pathfinders' vaults,
but also resulted in an open conflict between the Aspis
Consortium and the Pathfinder Society for control of the
treasures in the Ruby Phoenix's museum demi plane. Over
the course of the season, some PCs may have earned boons
granting benefits against Aspis Consortium agents within
the tapestry (namely the Relentless Aspis Hunter Boon in
Pathfinder Society Scenario #3-14: Wonders in the Weave, Part
II: Snakes in the Fold). While the conflict in this adventure
does not take place within the Hao Jin Tapestry, any boons
granting advantages to PCs over Aspis Consortium agents
in the tapestry should still apply during this adventure,
as it represents the conclusion of the year-long conflict
between the two organizations.

the intruders. Aspis agents in the demiplane have not

returned, and reinforcements sent to locate them have
likewise vanished. Lyone fears he is spread too thin; with
too few agents to continue investigating the tapestry, all
he can do is hold the portal. Time is short before it is
discovered on the other side, but he refuses to abandon
his assignment, as it is literally worth his life. He has
sent for reinforcements from Magnimar, but they are
not expected for some time. Making matters worse, the
cult grows restless, viewing cessation of Thassilonian
riches and the Aspis Consortium's weakened numbers as
reasons for eviction from their sacred temple.
Lyone feels threatened from all sides-by cultists
below, Pathfinders through the portal, and his superiors
in the Consortium if he fails in his duty. Miakovna grows
bolder by the day, and the time when she moves against
the Aspis task force approaches. Into this setting, the PCs
enter as agents of an irate Pathfinder Society, seeking an
end to this unwelcome incursion.

Read the following to get the adventure underway:
The conference room is comfortable enough to wait in: plush
chairs surround a table with a pewter samovar of hot tea resting
upon it. However, Aram Zey is, unsurprisingly, late for this
meeting. Finally, the door flies open and the Pathfinder Society's
Master of Spells strides through in peremptory fashion.
"Sit, if you like," he says, coming to a halt at the head of the
table but making no effort to seat himself. "I have a job that
needs doing, and it's an important one. And since the lot of you
are less likely than most to bungle the whole thing, you'll suffice.
"Much of my time over the past year has been involved in
the exploration of the demiplane inside the Hao Jin Tapestry,
the artifact we acquired as a prize for winning the Ruby
Phoenix Tournament. As you may know, those efforts have
been severely hampered by the presence of Aspis Consortium
agents inside what should be our private realm. I cannot even
begin to describe the resources the Decemvirate has spent
tracking this infestation to its source.
"But we're nearly at the end, and I should be able to resume
productive uses of my time. I believe all Aspis agents inside
the tapestry itself have been dealt with, and we have located
their means of access to the demiplane: a portal, torn into
the plane from somewhere on Golarion. We have secured the

With other agents recently securing the portal's terminal
within the tapestry, the PCs are tasked with destroying
the Aspis Consortium's operation by using the portal
to strike back, invading and securing their base. Upon
stepping through, they discover the portal's doorway on






-- --


tapestry end of the portal, but that isn't enough. A second point
of access to the demiplane could be invaluable to our efforts,
especially if it permits quick and easy travel from Absalom to
wherever the static entrance is in Golarion-a shortcut, if you
will. No, I need the other side captured, and whatever facility
the Aspis Consortium maintains there secured. Go through the
portal, eliminate any opposition on the other end, and secure
the base for our own use. Do you think you can manage that?"

Tapestry-safely secured in a vault beneath the Grand

Lodge in Absalom-and speak a command word. They
find themselves within the tapestry's demiplane only a
moment's walk from the portal, which is guarded by a
score of well-armed Pathfinder Society agents. Walking
through the active portal takes the PCs to the heart of the
Aspis Consortium's base in the Well of Tainted Virtue,
commencing the adventure.


Allow the PCs to ask any questions they may have

before heading through the tapestry. Sample
answers to the most likely questions they
might have are provided here.
How are we getting there? "You'll travel
through the Hao ]in Tapestry here, in
Absalom. The tapestry's user determines
where he appears within, so we'll make
sure you access the conect spot-just
adjacent to the end of the backdoor we


The PCs emerge in the top level of an

ancient Lissalan shrine. The shrine
consists of seven levels spiraling down
around a vast shaft boring i70 feet
straight down into the rock. The shaft's
bottom is filled with a pool of water, and
opens on to a chapel. On the surface,
a circle of menhirs and capstones
Do you know where the portal is?
surrounds the shaft's opening; while
"It has proven irritatingly resistant
many have toppled over the ages, they
once resembled a guardrail sized for
to divination, though interrogation
of Aspis agents encountered in the
giants. This, plus the sacred pool
tapestry has revealed that the portal
at the bottom, earned the shrine its
likely leads to somewhere in Varisia.
name: the Well ofTainted Virtue.
Master of Spells
We don't know where, exactly; we can
Originally merely the Well of
Ararn Ze49
tell it's a non-hazardous environment,
Virtue, the shrine was founded in the
early days of Thassilon, before the evil runelords rose
though. You won't be stepping into a volcano's caldera or
off the side of a cliff."
to power. It began as a retreat where elite clergy could
meditate and focus themselves upon the rune-magic
What do you know about the Aspis agents there? "What
of the seven sacred virtues. As the empire corrupted
we've determined, from postmortem interrogation and
documents found, is that it should not be a large group;
and Lissala's faith grew decadent, so too did the well's
purpose change. The runes were redrawn throughout,
most of their agents were inside the tapestry. We do know
they're led by an agent named Lyone Ekarian. Apparently
and the study and glorification of sin became prevalent.
he's a wizard who thinks the best use for his magic is up
Each level of the well is dedicated to a particular sin,
and that sin's associated rune and school of magic. Unless
close fighting, so clearly he's an idiot. "
otherwise stated, all rooms in the well are 20 feet tall. The
What do you mean by "securing" the base? "I mean
all Aspis Consortium agents must be neutralized.
levels spiral around the well, so no level is directly on top
Additionally, any other hostiles must likewise be
of another. All walls are solid granite (count as hewn stone),
neutralized. I don't want any of my researchers being
magically formed from the bedrock of the mountain.
eaten by something because you rushed the job."
Doors, where present, are strong wood. All unoccupied
We're supposed to just kill anything on the other
rooms are unlit, though rooms opening onto the central
side? "Do you imagine the Aspis Consortium's base is
shaft receive diffused light during the day.The shaft is one
an orphanage full of doe-eyed children? Whatever else is
light condition dimmer than the prevailing light outdoors;
there, it's either in league with or tolerant of our enemies.
rooms opening onto it are two degrees dimmer.
We need that side secured for our own safety. If your
Kno wled ge (Reli gion)
conscience requires you capture rather than kill, then
While the Well ofTainted Virtue itself is unlikely to be
nullify any captives' capacity for threat and deliver them
common or even esoteric knowledge, PCs encountering
through the portal to the agents guarding the tapestry
statues, icons, and other representations of Lissala and
side; we'll relocate anything that isn't dangerous."
To reach the Pathfinder-controlled portal, the PCs
her faith may recall what they know of the obscure,
forgotten religion.
simply need to touch a designated spot on the Hao ]in


--- -....:;








settees facing the chamber's center. Here and there among

this seating corroded hookahs lie overturned. A set of narrow
windows in the southern wall let in a faint breath of fresh air.
The walls are bare of coverings, but not of decoration; a band
of tiles twice the width of a human hand snakes around the
room, about five feet off the ground save where it winds over
doorframes. The tiles form a mosaic of runes, variations on
a pattern with one particular rune repeating over and over.
The northern wall is the only place where this mosaic is
interrupted; here the wall itself is pierced by a six-foot-wide
circular gap, filled with a translucent sienna haze. Around this
portal a circle of runes is painted, similar to the one repeated
throughout the mosaic. They pulse with the same light that
fills the portal itself. The portal and the space immediately
beyond it are sealed off by a set of iron bars and a cell door; a
pull-rope and bell are suspended within this crude cell.

Players might decide it's easier to fly up or down the well's

central shaft and take encounters out of the order they'd
come through traditional dungeon crawling. While this
likely isn't adventure-breaking (since completely clearing
out the dungeon is ultimately required to secure the
location), it's not as simple a course of action as it sounds.
The architects of the shrine are long dead, but their plans
live on long after them-and they were not keen on
intruders using the shaft as a mode of transport.
Starting 10 feet below the shaft's lip and recurring every
20 feet after, rings of antimagic runes surround the well's
circumference. These runes activate if any living being size
Small or larger passes them slower than falling speed in a
downward direction; creatures within the temple can fly or
jump up the shaft but cannot return without triggering the
antimagic rings. Every creature or object within the rune
circle's diameter is affected by a targeted greater dispel
magic spell (CL nth). Each circle of runes can only activate
once per hour, but there are a total of eight circles to pass
through from the shaft's lip to the water below. One set
of dispel runes activating causes all the others within the
shaft to glow a livid green for a minute afterward; even
if someone's flight is not disrupted by the first dispel
attempt, it should be clear that there are more to come.

In ancient days, this room was dedicated to the sin

of sloth. Lissala's faithful would retire here, using the
chamber's enhancement of conjuration magic to pull
intoxicating substances from thin air and dream hazy
dreams gifted to them by their goddess.
This room's magic was what drew the Aspis
Consortium here and, since the current cult has not
yet expanded to occupy the entire shrine, it proved no
inconvenience to grant this and the other upper levels
of the shrine to their guests. The portal into the Hao
]in Tapestry is sustained by the runes of conjuration
embedded in this level; it is continuously open and
cannot be closed without destroying it. Given this,
the bars sealing off the portal are a new security
measure added by Lyone once he realized he had lost
too many agents through the portal to safely guard
against both an invasion through the tapestry and the
cultists downstairs. Ironically, constructing the barrier
worsened his already decaying relationship with the
Lissalans, as it was seen as an act of desecration.
Aside from the portal, two archways lead out of the
room. The western arch leads to room A2. The eastern
arch exits directly onto a broad flight of stairs that curve
down to level B. The windows open into the central shaft,
but are narrow, requiring any PC larger than Small size
to make a DC 30 Escape Artist check to squeeze through.
The bottom of the well is 150 feet below.
All conjuration spells cast in this room are treated as i
caster level higher than normal.
The bars blocking the rest of the room are likely the
first challenge facing the PCs upon their arrival through
the portal. The iron bars were hastily erected and can be
yanked out of place with a DC 20 Strength check. The
cell door is secured with arcane lock and warded with a
silent alarm spell (CL 8th in Subtier 7- 8 and CL 10th in
Subtier 10-11). Additionally, in Subtier 10-11, Lyone casts

15+ Lissala was a goddess mainly venerated in the

ancient empire of Thassilon. Her portfolio included
runes, fate, and the rewards of service. Her faith ended
along with the empire, and the goddess herself is
forgotten or gone.
20+ She was physically depicted as a woman with a
serpentine lower body, six wings, and a sihedron rune
where her head should be. Symbols associated with her
worship are runes, quills, and whips.
25+ Worship of the goddess changed with the nature of
the empire. Over time, rune magic grew darker, the glory of
servitude gave way to self-flagellation, and the virtues once
championed by her faithful became perverted into sin.
30+ Even without a living faith, signs indicate the
goddess herself persists. Some ancient runes from
Thassilon still resonate with divine magic linked to her,
and it is known that the high priest of her faith was the
Runelord Krune, who may still slumber somewhere in
the world.

Al. Wastrel s' Loun ge

The smell of dust and an underlying sweetness pervades this
dim room. A thick indigo carpet coveres the floor, stiff and
crackling with age. The room is lined with low cushions and





-- --


' J --- -





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Her torso and arms are human, but a serpentine coil takes the
place of legs, while a seven-pointed rune sits where her head
should be. Six feathered wings unfurl from her back, and her
arms brandish a whip and quill crossed before her chest. She
faces a pair of open bronze doors, through which a cracked
set of stone stairs lead up. Between door and statue stands
a dry marble font, the only other decoration in this chamber.

maJJe's faitliful hound to guard the chamber each day (in the
square marked X on the map).
Creatures: If the PCs ring the bell, set offLyone's alarm
spell, or trigger his maJJe's faithful hound in Subtier 10-11,
the Aspis Consortium leader sends one of his agents to
investigate, a journey up two levels that takes 5 rounds.
When the agent sees the PCs, he immediately flees back
to level C to alert his allies, who prepare for combat as
directed in their respective tactics (see page 9).

Aside from the well shaft, this is the only entrance to

the shrine. The spiral stairs lead 20 feet up to a surface
exit concealed behind one of the great stone menhirs
overlooking the well.
Mission Notes: Qadira faction PCs must send the
well's coordinates using the magical star chart they
were provided with their faction missive from Aaqir
al'Hakam. This is done by laying the chart out under the
night sky from dusk to dawn, making sure an indicator in
one corner points due north (requiring a DC 22 Survival
check or use of spells such as know direction). Leaving the
star chart positioned perfectly for an entire night earns
Qadira faction PCs i Prestige Point.

A2. Shrine Entrance

This room's most prominent feature is a tall statue of
patinated bronze, cast in the image of a formidable woman.

B. Cells of Cra vin g

This long, narrow hall has fallen into disuse, even compared
to other chambers in these ruins. A thick layer of dust covers
the floor, only broken by a trail leading from one staircase
to another. Numerous narrow alcoves branch
iiliiiiiij off of the main room, each the size of a small
cupboard. The room is otherwise plain and

In the time of the old cult, these alcoves were

used for penitent meditation by the cultists; originally
to facilitate righteous striving, and later to foster abject
envy. Currently they remain unused by either the Aspis
Consortium or the Lissalans deeper down the well.
The contents of each cell are the same: a prayer mat
facing a low wooden bench. The back of each cell is
adorned with a small bronze mirror, etched with the
rune of envy, that radiates faint divination and illusion
magic. If a minute is spent cleaning one of the mirrors of
dust and grime, the magic item activates, reflecting not
the user's face but images of the user's friends and family
possessing vast wealth and immeasurable power. The
architecture and clothing seen in these images suggests
they depict ancient times. Originally used to inflame
envy in the hearts of cultists, the mirrors are now little
more than frustrating curiosities.
Abjuration spells cast in this room are treated as i
caster level higher than normal.
Mission Notes: The mirrors' depictions of ancient
Thassilon in its heyday may be of historical interest to





-- --

' J ---




L on the map. ) If combat breaks out in this fashion,

the remaining guard assists the others while Orlicino
and Lyone cast the spells indicated in their Tactics
sections, albeit without the advantage of positioning
themselves in advance.

some parties. A mirror may be removed from the wall

with a little prying, but doing so endangers the magic
within it; a DC 22 Use Magic Device check keeps it from
breaking while being removed. Osirion faction PCs who
retrieve an undamaged mirror earn 1 Prestige Point.

Subtier 7-8 (CR 9)

C. Fountain of the Or giastic

Rapture (CR 9 or CR 12)


CR 3
Human fighter 2/rogue 2
NE Medium humanoid (human)
I nit +3; Senses Perception +7
AC 20, touch 13, flat-footed 17 (+6 armor, +2 Dex, +i dodge,
+i shield)
hp 34 each (4 HD; 2d10+2d8+10)
Fort +s, Ref +6, Will +2; +1 vs. fear
Defensive Abilities bravery +i, evasion
Speed 20 ft.
Melee mwk rapier +7 (1d6+i/18-20)
Ranged longbow +6 (1d8+i/x3)
Special Attacks sneak attack +1d6
Before Combat If forewarned of the PCs' approach, the
guards drink their potions of invisibility to begin combat with
sneak attacks.
During Com bat The guards attempt to flank enemies if
possible; if this proves impractical, they feint to gain sneak
attacks against their enemies.
Morale The guards fight to the death as long as Orlicino and
Lyone are alive and fighting; if both of their leaders fall,
flee, or surrender, the remaining guards attempt to flee
downstairs to seek the protection of the cult. In this event,
they fall victim to the trap in area D and perish.
Str 12, Dex 16, Con 14, I nt 13, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk +3; C M B +4; CMD 18
Feats Combat Expertise, Dodge, I mproved Feint, Iron Will,
Skill Focus (Bluff), Weapon Finesse
Skills Acrobatics +4, Bluff +io, Climb +o, Perception +7, Sense
Motive +7, Stealth +4, Survival +6, Swim +i
Languages Common, Infernal
SQ rogue talents (finesse rogue), trapfinding +i
Combat Gear potion of cure moderate wounds, potion of
invisibility; Other Gear chainmail, light steel shield,
masterwork rapier, longbow with 20 arrows

Even faded by eons, this room's decor suggests decadent,

libertine usage. The chamber's heart is filled by a five-foot
deep marble indentation, apparently the remains of a once
sumptuous public bath. From the center of this pit rises
a fifteen-foot-tall marble statue of a nude snake-torsoed
woman bearing a giant, tarnished copper bowl above her
head-clearly once a fountain for the pool. Bowl, statue,
and bath are all dry. The walls are covered in faded erotic
murals, and several gauze-curtained alcoves lead off the
main room. A wide arch leads out onto a western balcony,
and northern and southern arches contain stairs leading up
and down, respectively.

Once used by cultists in celebratory rituals of lust, this

room is currently the Aspis Consortium's base camp.
This is part practicality-they are denied access to lower
levels-and part luxury, since the surrounding alcoves
still contain the most comfortable bedding available in
this portion of the shrine.
The dry bath is 5 feet down from the main floor.
Climbing the statue requires a DC 15 Climb check. The
fountain bowl is 10 feet in diameter and grants anyone
standing in it cover from anyone not in the bowl or
otherwise level with themselves (such as by flying ).
Gauzy curtains drape the balcony entrance,
occasionally fluttering with air currents from the shaft.
From here the shaft extends 60 feet to the surface, with
the bottom of the well 110 feet below. The stairs in the
southern arch lead down to level D.
Enchantment spells cast in this room are treated as 1
caster level higher than normal.
Creatures: All remaining Aspis Consortium agents
in the Well ofTainted Virtue are stationed here. Only a
handful remain, led by Lyone. A son ofTaldan nobility,
Lyone fancies himself an expert in magic and swordplay.
His second-in-command is Orlicino, a Chelish tiefling.
Long persecuted in Cheliax for his crimson-tinted
skin and pointed teeth, Orlicino found a home in the
Consortium and follows orders unswervingly.
If alerted to the PCs' approach, the Aspis
Consortium agents here prepare an ambush. If not
prepared, two guards are in the main room, with the
remaining guard, Orlicino, and Lyone resting in their
personal alcoves (at the positions marked G, 0, and





Male tiefling ranger 6 (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 264)
LE Medium outsider (native)
I nit +4 (+6 underground); Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception
+io (+i2 underground)



AC 20, touch i3, flat-footed i7 (+7 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 55 (6d10+i8)
Fort +7, Ref +9, Will +3
Resist cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5
Speed 20 fl.
Melee mwk greatsword +8/+3 (2d6+i/19-20)
Ranged +1 longbow +12/+7 (1d8+2/x3)
Special Attacks favored enemy (humans +4, lawful outsiders +2)
Spell- Like Abilities (CL 6th; concentration +5)
Ranger Spells Prepared (CL 3rd; concentration +4)
ist-alarm, gravity bowAPG
Before Combat Orlicino casts gravity bow as soon as he
becomes aware of the PCs' approach, increasing the damage
dealt by his bow by one size category (2d6) for 3 minutes. He
then climbs to the top of the fountain and readies an arrow to
fire at the first person down the staircase.
During Com bat Orlicino uses a move action on the first round
and every second round following to activate his hunter's
bond for his teammates' benefit, targeting any human
among the PCs. Every other round (or if lacking a suitable
human target) he makes full attacks using Deadly Aim. He
uses his bow as long as possible, even if enemies climb onto
the fountain to engage him in melee, as his Point Blank
Mastery feat allows him to make ranged attacks with his
longbow without provoking attacks of opportunity.
Morale Orlicino does not run until Lyone has surrendered,
fled, or been killed, in which case Orlicino runs for the
balcony and attempts to climb up the interior of the well.
Str i3, Dex i8, Con i4, I nt 10, Wis i2, Cha 8
Base Atk +6; C M B +7; C M D 21
Feats Deadly Aim, Endurance, Point Blank Mastef'G, Point
Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Weapon Focus (longbow)
Skills Bluff +i, Climb +7, I ntimidate +8, Perception +io (+i2
underground), Stealth +12 (+i4 underground), Survival +io,
Swim +7; Racial Modifiers +2 Bluff, +2 Stealth
Languages Common, Infernal
SQ favored terrain (underground +2), hunter's bond
(companions), track +3, wild empathy +5
Combat Gear potion of cure serious wounds; Other Gear
+1 breastplate, +1 longbow with 40 arrows, masterwork
greatsword, 25 gp
APG See the Advanced Player's Guide.

AC i7, touch i3, flat-footed i5 (+4 armor, +i deflection, +2 Dex)

hp 77 (8 HD; 3d10+5d6+29; 11 temporary)
Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +7
Speed 30 fl.
Melee +ifalcata +11 (1d8+6/19-20/x3)
Arcane School Spell- Like Abilities (CL 6th; concentration +8)
5/day-telekinetic fist (1d4+2 bludgeoning)
Transmuter Spells Prepared (CL 6th; concentration +8)
3rd-blink, keen edge, vampiric touch
2nd-cat's grace, false life, mirror image (2), see invisibility
ist-alarm, mage armor, shield, true strike, vanishAPG
o (at will)- acid splash, message, touch of fatigue (DC i2),
Opposition Schools Enchantment, Evocation
Before Combat Lyone casts mage armor and false life daily,
both of which are already reflected in his statistics. Before
engaging in combat, he casts keen edge, cat's grace, mirror
image, and shield.
During Com bat Lyone hangs back and attempts to finish
casting his preparatory spells while his underlings fight.
Once he feels sufficiently prepared or is engaged in melee,
he fights with his falcata, always using Power Attack and
Arcane Strike. If adjacent to multiple opponents he uses
Cleave rather than iterative attacks. After losing 20 hit
points, he casts vampiric touch to heal himself. When
reduced to one-third of his total hit points, he casts blink
and continues fighting.
Morale If reduced to 10 hit points or less, he casts vanish
to turn invisible for 6 rounds and attempts to flee, but is
extremely willing to surrender given the opportunity.
Base Statistics When not under the effects of mage armor and
false life, Lyone's statistics are: AC i3, flat-footed 11; hp 66.
Str i8, Dex i4, Con i6, I nt i4, Wis 10, Cha 8
Base Atk +5; C M B +9; C M D 22
Feats Arcane Strike, Cleave, Combat Casting, Exotic Weapon
Proficiency (falcata), Power Attack, Scribe Scroll, Silent Spell,
Weapon Focus (falcata)
Skills Acrobatics +io, Knowledge (arcana) +io, Knowledge
(dungeoneering) +8, Knowledge (history) +io, Knowledge
(nobility) +8, Perception +8, Spellcrafl +i3
Languages Common, Elven, Varisian
SQ arcane bond (falcata), physical enhancement +2 (Con)
Com bat Gear potion of cure serious wounds; Other Gear
+ifalcata, ring of protection +1, cloak of resistance +2, belt
of giant strength +2, way.finder, spell component pouch,
spellbook (contains all prepared spells, all cantrips, and the
following spells: ist- animate rope, disguise self.feather
fall, grease; 2nd-mirror image, web; 3rd-dispel magic),
50 gp
APG See the Advanced Player's Guide.

CR 7


Male human fighter i/transmuter 5/eldritch knight 2

NE Medium humanoid (human)
l nit +2; Senses Perception +8





-- --

' J ---




Subtier 10-11 (CR 12)

Speed 20 ft.
Melee mwk greatsword +12/+7 (2d6+3/19-20)
Ranged +1 composite longbow +i6/+11 (1d8+3/x3)
Special Attacks favored enemy (humans +4, lawful outsiders +2)
Spell- Like Abilities (CL 9th; concentration +8)
Ranger Spells Prepared (CL 6th; concentration +7)
ist-gravity bowPG ,jump, longstrider
Before Combat Orlicino casts longstrider, barkskin, and gravity
bow (which increases his bow's base damage to 2d6 for 6
minutes) as soon as he becomes aware of the PCs' approach.
He then climbs to the top of the fountain and readies an
arrow to fire at the first person down the staircase.
During Combat Orlicino uses a move action on the first round
and every second round thereafter to activate his hunter's
bond for his teammates' benefit, targeting any human among
the PCs. Every other round (or if lacking a suitable human
target) he makes full attacks using Rapid Shot and Deadly
Aim. He uses his bow as long as possible, even if enemies
climb on the fountain to engage him in melee, since his Point
Blank Master feat allows him to make ranged attacks with his
bow without provoking attacks of opportunity.
Morale Orlicino does not run until Lyone has surrendered,
fled, or been killed, in which case he runs for the balcony
and attempts to climb the well's shaft to escape.
Str 14, Dex i8, Con i4, I nt 10, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk +9; CMB +11; CMD 25
Feats Deadly Aim, Endurance, I ron Will, Point-Blank Shot,
Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Weapon Focus (composite
longbow), Point Blank Master'PG
Skills Bluff +i, Climb +n, Intimidate +n, Perception +i3 (+i7
underground), Stealth +15 (+i9 underground), Survival +i3,
Swim +n; Racial Modifiers +2 Bluff, +2 Stealth
Languages Common, Infernal
SQ favored terrain (mountain +2, underground +4), evasion,
hunter's bond (companions), swift tracker, track +4, wild
empathy +8, woodland stride
Combat Gear potion of cure serious wounds; Other Gear
+ i breastplate, + I composite longbow (+2 Str) with 40 arrows,
masterwork greatsword, lesser bracers of archery, 25 gp
APG See the Advanced Player's Guide.


CR 6
Human fighter 4/rogue 3
NE Medium humanoid (human)
l nit +3; Senses Perception +io
AC 21, touch i3, flat-footed i8 (+7 armor, +3 Dex, +i shield)
hp 64 each (7 HD; 4d10+3d8+25)
Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +4; +1 vs. fear
Defensive Abilities bravery +1, evasion, trap sense +i
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +1 rapier +n/+6 (1d6+4/18-20)
Ranged longbow +9/+4 (1d8/x3)
Special Attacks sneak attack +2d6
Before Combat If forewarned of the PCs' approach, the
guards drink their potions of invisibility to begin combat with
a sneak attack.
During Com bat The guards attempt to flank enemies if
possible; if this proves impractical, they feint to gain sneak
attacks against their enemies.
Morale The guards fight to the death if either Lyone or
Orlicino are active in the battle; if both leaders fall, flee, or
surrender, any remaining guards flee downstairs seeking
the cultists' aid. In this event, the guards perish when they
activate the trap on level D, plummeting to their deaths in
the well's central shaft.
Str 12, Dex i6, Con i4, I nt i3, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk +6; C M B +7; C M D 20
Feats Combat Expertise, Greater Feint, Improved Feint,
Iron Will, Skill Focus (Bluff ), Toughness, Weapon Finesse,
Weapon Focus (rapier), Weapon Specialization (rapier)
Skills Acrobatics +9, Bluff +i3, Climb +4, Perception +io, Sense
Motive +io, Stealth +8, Survival +7, Swim +4
Languages Common, Infernal
SQ armor training i, rogue talents (finesse rogue), trapfinding +i
Combat Gear potion ofcure moderate wounds, potion ofinvisibility;
Other Gear +I chainmail, light steel shield, +I rapier, longbow
with 20 arrows

CR 8
Male tiefling ranger 9 (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 264)
LE Medium outsider (native)
l nit +4 (+8 underground); Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception
+i3 (+i7 underground)
AC 23, touch i3, flat-footed 20 (+7 armor, +3 Dex, +3 natural)
hp 81 (9d10+27)
Fort +8, Ref +10, Will +6
Defensive Abilities evasion; Resist cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5





CR 10
Male human fighter i/transmuter 5/eldritch knight 5
NE Medium humanoid (human)
I nit +2; Senses Perception +n
AC i8, touch 14, flat-footed i6 (+4 armor, +i deflection, +2 Dex,
+i insight)



hp 104 (n HD; 6d10+5d6+38; 14 temporary)

Fort +n, Ref +7, Will +8
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +ifalcata +i4/+9 (1d8+6/19-20/x3)
Arcane School Spell- Like Abilities (CL 9th; concentration +n)
s/day-telekinetic fist (1d4+2 bludgeoning)
Transmuter Spells Prepared (CL 9th; concentration +n)
5th-baleful polymorph (DC i7), mage's faithful hound
4th-dimension door, enervation, mass reduce person (DC 16)
3 rd-blink, keen edge, vampiric touch (2)
2nd-cat's grace.false life, mirror image (2), see invisibility,
web (DC i4)
ist-animate rope, mage armor, shield, true strike, vanishAPG (2)
o (at will)-acid splash, message, touch of fatigue (DC i2),
Opposition Schools Enchantment, Evocation
Before Combat Lyone casts mage armor and false life daily,
and both are reflected in his statistics. Before engaging in
combat, he casts keen edge, cat's grace, mirror image, and
During Com bat Lyone initially hangs back and attempts to
hamper opponents with mass reduce person and animate
rope while his underlings fight. After using up his ranged
spells he wades into melee with his falcata, always using
Power Attack and Arcane Strike. Facing adjacent opponents,
he uses Cleave rather than iterative attacks. Whenever he
loses 20 or more hit points, he casts vampiric touch to heal
himself (he can do so up to three times; twice from his
prepared spells and once by channeling the spell through
his arcane bond). When reduced to half his hit points, he
casts blink and continues fighting.
Morale If reduced to 20 hit points or less, Lyone casts
dimension door to teleport to the surface and flees, leaving
his group behind. If that fails, he casts vanish to turn
invisible for 9 rounds, and attempts to flee, but is extremely
willing to surrender given the opportunity.
Str i8, Dex 14, Con 16, I nt 14, Wis 10, Cha 8
Base Atk +8; C M B +q; C M D 28
Feats Arcane Strike, Cleave, Combat Casting, Exotic Weapon
Proficiency (falcata), Great Cleave, Power Attack, Scribe
Scroll, Silent Spell, Weapon Focus (falcata), Weapon
Specialization (falcata)
Skills Acrobatics +i3, l<nowledge (arcana) +n, Knowledge
(dungeoneering) +io, l<nowledge (history) +n, Knowledge
(nobility) +io, Perception +n, Spellcraft +i6
Languages Common, Elven, Varisian
SQ arcane bond (falcata), physical enhancement +2 (Con)
Combat Gear potion ofcure serious wounds; Other Gear +i falcataAPG ,
ring of protection +1, cloak of resistance +2, belt of giant
strength +2, way.finder wf dusty rose prism ioun stone, spell

component pouch, spellbook (warded with explosive runes

[6d6 damage, DC is Reflex save for half, reader gets no
save] and contains all prepared spells, all cantrips, and the
following spells: 1st-alarm, disguise self, feather fall, grease;
2nd-spider climb; 3rd-dispel magic, explosive runes, haste;
4th-elemental body !, fear), 62 gp
Resonant loun Stone Abi lities Lyone receives a +2 insight
bonus to CMB and CMD from his dusty rose quartz ioun
stone in addition to the normal +1 insight bonus to AC
because the ioun stone is embedded in a special notch in
his stolen way.finder. For more information on ioun stone
resonant powers and their interaction with way.finders, see
Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Seekers of Secrets.
APG See the Advanced Player's Guide.
Development: If the PCs investigate the sleeping
alcoves, in Lyone's they find a ledger detailing the Aspis
Consortium's entire tapestry operation and his duty
roster for the agents under his command. Reading this
lets the PCs know they have dealt with all remaining
Aspis Consortium agents within the Well of Tainted
Virtue, but also that the remainder of the well is far from
unoccupied. While not detailing the remaining levels,
Lyone's notes mention the Lissalan cultists, as well as
discussing the payment of Thassilonian artifacts and
other wealth to them in thanks for their assistance in
breaching the Hao ]in Tapestry.
If Lyone is taken alive, the above information
is obtainable with a successful Intimidate check.
Additionally, if interrogated, he offers his own
observations on the cultists. He doesn't know their
exact numbers, but he does know they are led by a
"hideous giant of a Shoanti woman," and "a man with
red hair and dead eyes." (The latter is Miakovna's
favored form when disguised as human; she has never
revealed her true form to Lyone, saving that sight only
for her faithful disciples. )
Mission Notes: Cheliax faction PCs have the
unpleasant task of collecting Orlicino's heart. Doing so
without damaging the organ any further requires a DC 22
Heal check. Retrieving the tiefling's heart earns Cheliax
faction PCs i Prestige Point.
Shadow Lodge faction PCs have been asked to reclaim
the stolen way.finder on Lyone's belt. This can be achieved
automatically if he is killed or captured, or done in
combat by means of the Steal combat maneuver. ( In
Subtier 10-11, this deprives Lyone of the +i insight bonus
to AC, and the +2 insight bonuses to CME and CMD from
the ioun stone the way.finder holds.) Retrieving the way.finder
earns Shadow Lodge faction PCs i Prestige Point.
Taldor faction PCs are tasked with taking Lyone alive.
This requires nonlethal means of defeating the Aspis





-- -


' J ---




Consortium agent, or bargaining with him and promising

him his life. If he is able to cast dimension door he attempts
escape over captivity. Alternatively, a DC 22 Diplomacy or
Intimidate check convinces him to surrender once he is
reduced to 20 or fewer hit points. (For purposes of this
check alone, Diplomacy can be used in combat as a free
action; Intimidate used in this manner is also a free
action and does not demoralize.) Capturing Lyone earns
Taldor faction PCs 1 Prestige Point.
Rewards: lf the PCs defeat the Aspis Consortium agents
here, award each subtier thusly:

that led to the now-collapsed balcony is covered by the

illusion of another archway and descending stairs. A
third illusion activates when anyone steps in the square
directly in front of the stairway to area C , making it
seem as though the sagging ceiling collapses, starting
in the southeastern end of the room and moving toward
the northwest. Once activated, these illusions continue
for a number of rounds indicated in the respective
subtier's stat block below.
The collapse progresses slowly, taking two rounds to
reach the midpoint of the chamber. Anyone there when
the cave-in arrives automatically discovers the illusory
nature of it, as no weight falls upon them or pushes them
in any way. Anyone making for the false exit, however, risks
plummeting into the shaft. Anyone moving within 5 feet of
the opening receives a Will save to disbelieve the illusion
(as their senses come in contact with open air where they
expect an enclosed archway and downward stairs). PCs
who have looked down the central shaft from a higher level
and have spotted the gap from the other side receive a +2
bonus on this save. Otherwise, they stumble through the
illusory wall and onto the narrow lip of the pit. Even if they
halt here, the lip here is slanted and difficult to stand on,
requiring a Reflex save to avoid falling.

Subtier 7 - 8:

Give each PC 1,844 gp.



Give each PC 3, 4 63 gp.

D. What Goes Before a Fall (CR 8 or

CR ll)
Unlike other rooms in the complex, this one shows no signs
of even cursory habitation. The reason for this desertion
seems clear: time and decay have rendered the level unstable.
A crack runs across the ceiling, sagging under the weight of
unsupported earth above. Dust and pebbles trickle down
with the vibration of the slightest footstep. The room itself
is almost completely bare, with undecorated walls. Stairwells
lead up and down from the main room.

Subtier 7-8 (CR 8)

CR 8
Type magic; Perception DC 28; Disable Device DC 28
Trigger proximity (alarm); Duration 6 rounds; Reset automatic
after 1 minute
Effect spell effect (major image, DC 20 Will save disbelieves);
90-ft. fall into water ( sd6+2d3 falling damage, DC 20 Reflex
save to avoid)

This level marks the boundary between the territories

of the Aspis Consortium and the cultists. Even before
relations between the groups broke down, no one in the
cult, least of all Miakovna, desired outsiders intruding
on sacred rites. Accordingly, she declared the life of
anyone traveling to this level or lower forfeit. The room
is not as treacherous as it seems; instead the cultists
deliberately inflicted inconsequential cosmetic damage
upon the room to deter visitors from progressing farther
into their temple. The only natural damage to the level
is that in the centuries the Well of Tainted Virtue was
unoccupied, a balcony broke off and fell down the shaft.
Miakovna chose to incorporate this structural damage
into a trap for intruders, keeping with the ancient runic
enhancements to illusions this level (once dedicated to
the sin of pride) still provides.
All illusion spells cast in this room are treated as 1
caster level higher than normal.
Trap: While Miakovna could have laid down wards
to blast intruders, enemies falling victim to their own
senses amused her more. Halfway down the stairs
between level C and this level, the passage of any living
thing causes several complex illusions to activate here.
First, the stairs down to level E become covered by the
illusion of a wall. Second, the central shaft opening





Subtier 10-11 (CR 11)

CR 11
Type magic; Perception DC 31; Disable Device DC 31
Trigger proximity (alarm); Duration i mintue; Reset automatic
after 5 minutes
Effect spell effect ( programmed image, DC 24 Will save
disbelieves); 90-ft. fall into water ( sd6+2d3 falling damage,
DC 20 Reflex save to avoid)
Mission Notes: Grand Lodge faction PCs are asked
to ensure all automatically resetting traps within the
Well of Tainted Virtue are disabled. A faction member
disabling the trap on this level or convincing another PC
to do so (even after it no longer poses a threat to any of the
PCs) earns 1 Prestige Point.



E. Den of Luxury (CR 9 or CR 12)

AC i8, touch 10, flat-footed i8 (+6 armor, +2 shield)
hp 51 each (s HD; 3d8+2d10+23)
Fort +9, Ref +1, Wil l +4; +1 vs. fear
Defensive Abilities bravery +l
Speed 20 ft.
Melee mwk flail +8 (1d8+2)
Ranged mwk light crossbow +s (1d8/19-20)
Special Attacks channel negative energy 4/day (DC i4, 2d6)
Domain Spell- Like Abilities (CL 3rd; concentration +4)
4/day-touch of evil (1 rounds)
4/day-blast rune (1d6+i energy damage, 3 rounds)
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 3rd; concentration +4)
2nd- aid, align weapon (evil only)
ist-cure light wounds, divine favor, entropic shield, protection
from good
o (at will)-bleed (DC 11), detect magic, read magic, resistance
D Domain spell; Domains Rune, Evil
Before Combat If alerted to approaching enemies, the cultists
wait until they can hear the PCs on the stairs and cast aid,
entropic shield, and protection from good, in that order.
During Com bat To begin, two cultists take positions facing
the stairs and engage the PCs in combat with their
crossbows. The other two position themselves along the
wall on either side of the staircase exit and lay down blast
runes in the four squares directly in front of the stairs,
renewing them as needed if the party does not take the bait
and rush into action. Once the PCs are in the room, all four
cultists cast divine favor and engage the party in melee. The
cultists use the Channel Smite feat with each attack they
make until they are out of channeling attempts.
Morale After losing half their hit points, the cultists cast cure
light wounds on themselves. If reduced to 10 or fewer hit
points, they drink their potions. Otherwise, the cultists fight
to the death in defense of their goddess's holy site.
Str 14, Dex 10, Con 16, I nt 10, Wis i3, Cha 12
Base Atk +4; CMB +6; CMD 16
Feats Channel Smite, Combat Casting, I mproved Channel,
Improved I nitiative, Scribe Scroll, Toughness, Weapon
Focus (flail)
Skills Knowledge (arcana) +s, Knowledge (history) +s,
Knowledge (religion) +7, Linguistics +4, Perception +8,
Spellcraft +s
Languages Common, Thassilonian
SQ aura
Combat Gear potion of cure moderate wounds, scroll of
dispel magic, unholy water (2); Other Gear masterwork
breastplate, masterwork heavy steel shield, masterwork
flail, masterwork light crossbow, spell component pouch,
wooden holy symbol

Unlike the rooms above, this level shows every sign of being lived
in. Dirt and grime have been cleansed, revealing an opulent suite
even the most jaded decadent could call home. Firepelt rugs
cover parquet flooring in the main chamber of a communal living
area. Around the room stand fine mahogany tables, desks, and
gilded chairs, and recessed shelves on the walls hold a trove of
books and scrolls. Cloth-of-gold wall hangings show images of
a serpentine goddess raining bounty upon her worshipers. An
arch to the north overlooks the well, while smaller arches west
and east contain downward and upward staircases. A number of
closed doors lead off from the main room as well.

In both antiquity and the modern day, these chambers

dedicated to greed and wealth serve as the cult's personal
quarters. The lavish dressings helped attract worshipers
who otherwise would never know more of a home than
hovels or garrets. When Miakovna re-established the cult
in the Well of Tainted Virtue, this level was the first to be
fully refurbished after the chapel.
The shelves on the wall contain mostly mundane texts
relating to the cultists' educational interests, along with
rites and traditions of Lissala's worship. The four side
rooms are the personal bedchambers of the cultists, all
well furnished and comfortable, containing nothing
besides a few personal effects. The largest room is
Heshlak's (and Miakovna's, when she deigns to grace her
followers with her personal presence.)
All transmutation spells cast on this level are treated as
i caster level higher than normal.
Creatures: The majority of the cult resides on this
level. At this time, they are few in number, Miakovna
being painstakingly careful in recruitment. Prior to their
conversion to the worship of Lissala, most cultists were
scholars ofThassilonian history whose research brought
them to the priestess's attention. Discipline and oversight
of the cult falls to Miakovna's lieutenant Heshlak, a tall,
rawboned Shoanti woman. ATamiir-Quah exile, Heshlak
found the Well ofTainted Virtue when Miakovna had only
recently taken up residence here, and through seduction
and promises of opening new worlds, the lamia made the
angry young tribeswoman her first disciple.
The cultists here are on alert if the trap in level D
above is triggered and anyone in this room succeeds on
a DC i7 Perception check.

Subtier 7-8 (CR 9)

Cu L TISTS (4)
Human cleric of Lissala 3/fighter 2
LE Medium humanoid (human)
l nit +4; Senses Perception +8

CR 4


' J ---




central well, she attempts a bull rush to knock her enemy

and herself into the shaft for a 60-foot drop.
Str 12, Dex 18, Con 14, I nt 8, Wis 13, Cha 10
Base Atk +5; C M B +9; C M D 20
Feats Agile Maneuvers, Combat Reflexes, Toughness, Weapon
Finesse, Weapon Focus (whip), Whip Masteryuc, Improved
Whip Masteryuc, Tandem Tripuc
Skills Intimidate +i2, l<nowledge (religion) +5, Linguistics +2,
Perception +11, Sense Motive +13, Survival +11
Languages Common, Shoanti, Skald, Thassilonian, Varisian
SQ cunning initiative, detect alignment, judgment 2/day,
monster lore +i, solo tactics, stern gaze, track +2
Combat Gear potion of cat's grace, potion of cure serious
wounds; Other Gear +i mithral shirt, heavy steel shield, +i
agile whip, masterwork scimitar, heavy crossbow with 10
bolts, spell component pouch, wooden holy symbol
Bane {Su) Heshlak can imbue one of her weapons with the bane
weapon special ability as a swift action. She must select one
creature type when she uses this ability (and a subtype if the
creature type is humanoid or outsider). Once selected, the
type can be changed as a swift action. This ability lasts for a
number of rounds per day equal to her inquisitor level. These
rounds do not need to be consecutive.
Improved Whip Mastery {Ex) When wielding a whip, Heshlak
threatens an area equal to her natural reach plus 5 feet.
J udgments (Su) Heshlak can pronounce judgment on her
foes as a swift action. Starting when the judgment is made,
she receives a bonus or special ability based on the type of
judgment made.
Once activated, this ability lasts until the combat ends, at
which point all of the bonuses immediately end. She must
participate in the combat to gain these bonuses. If she is
frightened, panicked, paralyzed, stunned, unsconscious,
or otherwise prevented from participating in combat, the
ability does not end, but the bonuses do not resume until
she can participate in the combat again.
When Heshlak uses this ability, she must select one type
of judgment to make. As a swift action, she can change this
judgment to another type. The two judgment types Heshlak
uses in this combat are as follows:
Destruction: Heshlak is filled with divine wrath, gaining
a +2 profane bonus on all weapon damage rolls.
Protection: Heshlak is surrounded by a protective aura,
granting a +2 profane bonus to Armor Class.
Solo Tactics {Ex) All of Heshlak's allies are treated as if they
possessed the same teamwork feats as her for the purpose
of determining whether Heshlak receives a bonus from her
teamwork feats. Her allies do not receive any bonuses from
these feats unless they actually posses the feats themselves.
The allies' positioning and actions must still meet the
prerequisities listed in the teamwork feat for Heshlak to

CR 6
Female human fighter 2/inquisitor of Lissala 5 (Advanced
Player's Guide 38)
LE Medium humanoid (human)
l nit +5; Senses Perception +n
AC 21, touch 14, flat-footed 17 (+5 armor, +4 Dex, +2 shield)
hp 63 (7 HD; 2d10+5d8+26)
Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +5; +i vs. fear
Defensive Abilities bravery +1
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +1 agile whip +11 (1d3+5) or
mwk scimitar +7 (1d6+i/18-20)
Ranged heavy crossbow +9 (1d10/19-20)
Special Attacks bane (5 rounds/day)
Inquisitor Spell- Like Abilities (CL 5th; concentration +6)
4/day-blast rune (1d6+2 energy damage, 5 rounds)
5 rounds/day-discern lies
At will-detect alignment
Inquisitor Spells Known (CL 5th; concentration +5)
2nd (2/day)-detect thoughts (DC 13),.flames ofthe faithfulAPG ,
spiritual weapon
1st (5/day)-bane (DC 12), bless, command (DC 12), cure
light wounds
o (at will)- acid splash, daze (DC 11), light, read magic,
resistance, stabilize
Domain Rune
Before Combat If warned of the PCs' approach, Heshlak casts
bless on herself and the cultists, drinks her potion of cat's
grace, and casts .flames of the faithful on her whip, granting
it the .flaming burst weapon special property for 6 rounds
(caster level +i round as a transmutation spell).
During Com bat Once the PCs are in range, Heshlak casts
spiritual weapon on a spellcaster, pronounces a judgment
of destruction against the party, and moves forward to
threaten any PC entering the room with her whip. She
tries to stay out of the PCs' reach, letting cultists engage
them while using her whip's reach to dominate the floor,
expending a swift action to activate her bane ability,
selecting the most common humanoid subtype among
the Pathfinders. She positions herself to have multiple
PCs within 10 feet, if possible, and uses her action each
round to either strike a target of the subtype of her bane
ability or to make trip attacks. She gleefully takes attacks
of opportunity against anyone within range who provokes
them. If attacked, she trips her assailant and steps away,
laying into them with the whip if trapped. Confronted by
multiple assailants at once, she switches her judgment to
protection and lashes about her as best she can.
Morale Heshlak refuses to surrender. If brought below 15 hit
points, and a PC is between her and the opening to the







using Channel Smite until out of channeling uses. They use

their attack spells as needed to hinder the party.
Morale After losing half their hit points, the cultists cast cure
light wounds on themselves. If reduced to 20 or fewer hit
points, they drink their potions. Otherwise, the cultists fight
to the death in defense of their goddess's holy site.
Str i4, Dex 10, Con i6, I nt 10, Wis i4, Cha 12
Base Atk +6; C M B +8; C M D i8
Feats Channel Smite, Combat Casting, Extra Channel,
Improved Channel, Improved Initiative, Scribe Scroll,
Toughness, Weapon Focus (flail)
Skills Knowledge (arcana) +6, Knowledge (history) +6,
Knowledge (religion) +8, Linguistics +4, Perception +12,
Spellcrafl +8
Languages Common, Thassilonian
SQ aura
Combat Gear potion of cure serious wounds; Other Gear
+ibreastplate, masterwork heavy steel shield, +1jlail,
masterwork light crossbow, silver holy symbol, spell
component pouch

receive the listed bonus.

Tandem Trip (Ex) Whenever Heshlak makes a trip attempt
against an enemy who is threatened by an ally with this feat,
she may roll twice and take the better result.
Whip Mastery (Ex) Heshlak does not provoke attacks of
opportunity when making attacks with a whip. Additionally,
she can deal lethal damage with a whip, but can still deal
nonlethal damage when she chooses. Finally, she can deal
damage with a whip despite a creature's armor bonus or
natural armor bonus.
See the Advanced Player's Guide.
See Ultimate Combat.

Subtier 10-11 (CR 12)

CR 7
Cu L TISTS (4)
Human cleric of Lissala 6/fighter 2
LE Medium humanoid (human)
l nit +4; Senses Perception +12
AC i9, touch 10, flat-footed i9 (+7 armor, +2 shield)
hp 79 each (8 HD; 6d8+2d10+38)
Fort +11, Ref +2, Wil l +7; +1 vs. fear
Defensive Abilities bravery +1
Speed 20 fl.
Melee +1jlail +10/+5 (1d8+3)
Ranged mwk light crossbow +7 (1d8/19-20)
Special Attacks channel negative energy 6/day (DC i6, 3d6)
Domain Spell- Like Abilities (CL 6th; concentration +8)
5/day-touch of evil (3 rounds)
5/day-blast rune (1d6+3 energy damage, 6 rounds)
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 6th; concentration +8)
3rd-cure serious wounds, invisibility purge, magic circle
against good
2nd-aid, align weapon (evil only), cure moderate wounds,
hold person (DC i4), spiritual weapon
ist-cure light wounds, divine favor, doom (DC i3), entropic
shield, erase
o (at will)- bleed (DC i2), detect magic, read magic, resistance
D Domain spell; Domains Rune, Evil
Before Combat If alerted to enemies approaching, the cultists
wait until they can hear the PCs on the stairs, and cast
magic circle against evil, aid, and entropic shield.
During Com bat To begin, two cultists take positions facing
the stairs and engage the PCs in combat with their
crossbows. The other two position themselves along the
wall on either side of the staircase exit and lay down blast
runes in the four squares directly in front of the stairs,
renewing them as needed if the party does not take the
bait and rush into action. Once the PCs are in the room, all
four cultists cast divine favor and engage the party in melee,

CR 9
Female human fighter 4/inquisitor of Lissala 6 (Advanced
Player's Guide 38)
LE Medium humanoid (human)
I nit +s; Senses Perception +i4
AC 22, touch i5, flat-footed i7 (+s armor, +4 Dex, +i dodge,
+2 shield)
hp 89 (10 HD; 4d10+6d8+36)
Fort +11, Ref +7, Will +7; +i vs. fear
Defensive Abilities bravery +i
Speed 30 fl.
Melee +iagile whip +i4/+9 (1d3+7) or
mwk scimitar +10/+5 (1d6+i/18-20)
Ranged heavy crossbow +12 (1d10/19-20)
Special Attacks bane (6 rounds/day)
Inquisitor Spell- Like Abilities (CL 6th; concentration +7)
6 rounds/day-discern lies
4/day-blast rune (1d6+3 energy damage, 6 rounds)
At will-detect alignment
Inquisitor Spells Known (CL 6th; concentration +6)
2nd (3/day)-detect thoughts (DC i3),jlames ofthe faithfu1APG ,
see invisibility, spiritual weapon
ist (5/day)- bane (DC 12), bless, command, cure light wounds
o (at will)-acid splash, daze, light, read magic, resistance, stabilize
Domain Rune
As Subtier 7-8.
Str i3, Dex i8, Con i4, I nt 8, Wis i3, Cha 10






-- --

. ,

' J ---




Base Atk +8; C M B +12; C M D 24

Feats Agile Maneuvers, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Precise
StrikeAPG, Toughness, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus
(whip), Weapon Specialization (whip), I mproved Whip
Masteryuc, Tandem Tripuc, Whip Masteryuc
Skills Intimidate +16, l<nowledge (religion) +7, Linguistics +2,
Perception +q, Sense Motive +i5 , Survival +i2
Languages Common, Shoanti, Skald, Thassilonian, Varisian
SQ armor training 1, cunning initiative, detect alignment,
judgment 2/day, monster lore +i, solo tactics, stern gaze,
track +3
Combat Gear potion ofcat's grace, potion ofcure serious wounds;
Other Gear +i mithral shirt, heavy steel shield, +i agile whip,
masterwork scimitar, heavy crossbow with 20 bolts, spell
component pouch, silver holy symbol
J udgments (Su) As Subtier 7-8, with the following adjustment:
Destruction: Heshlak is filled with divine wrath, gaining a
+3 profane bonus on all weapon damage rolls.
Precise Strike (Ex) Whenever Heshlak and an ally who also
has this feat are flanking the same creature, Heshlak deals
an additional ld6 points of precision damage with each
successful melee attack. This bonus stacks with other
sources of precision damage, and is not multiplied on a
critical hit.
APG See the Advanced Player's Guide.
See Ultimate Combat.

The encounter with the kytons on level G is optional. If

the PCs have more than 2 hours to complete the scenario,
run the encounter as written. If less than 2 hours remain
to complete the scenario, however, skip the encounter
and remove the kytons from the room, leaving the Aspis
Consortium prisoners, who recount their torture at the
kytons' hands-they don't know where the torturers have
gone but are thankful to be free of their whips and chains.

to grow hungry and truly gorge themselves. Between

mealtimes, there are no cultists here.
The kitchen is well-stocked with cookware and
seasonings; a pantry to the side holds a number of
barrels of rice, grain, salted meats and the like. The
plates and cutlery are made from tin and without
significant value.
All necromancy spells cast on this level are treated as 1
caster level higher than normal.

G. Parlor of the Flesh Made Pure

(CR 9 or CR 12)
The scent of blood seasoned with herbal and floral notes
assaults the nostrils. This room is laid out for function, not
aesthetics, the walls hewn from dark granite and lined with
hanging chains and manacles. The floor is bare but for a path
of runes laid down the center, painted crudely in a dark brown
pigment. A rack on the wall contains several varieties of whips,
ranging from simple knotted lengths of rope to cats-o'-nine
tails and knouts. Two arches lead to stairs at opposite ends of
the room. A southeastern opening overlooks the well shafl:,
egress blocked by iron bars. From these bars hang three human
forms, hands chained above their heads, facing out on the well.
Patterns of half-healed runic scars decorate their naked backs.

Rewards: If the PCs defeat the cultists here, award each

subtier thusly:
Subtier 7-8:
Give each PC 1,653 gp.


Give each PC 2 ,32 8 gp.

F. Mess Hall
This room is dominated by a long wooden table with
matching benches on either side of it. The table is long
enough to fit a dozen or more diners at once, though less
than half a dozen places are set at the moment. To the
south, a wide counter stretches across the length of the
room, broken by a half-door midway across. On the other
side of this barrier a kitchen is arranged around a central
fire pit. A sideboard contains a number of stacked plates
and flatware. Stairwells provide exits from this room to the
northwest and southeast.

New cultists are indoctrinated here, the room of wrath,

before being allowed to exult in the more pleasurable
sins Lissala bestows. Here, they spend weeks having
their bodies remade into a canvas where the gifts of the
Lady of Runes are displayed. The placement of this room
as the last before the chapel below is deliberate; when
presenting themselves at Lissala's altar, all are expected
to engage in self-mutilation before worship.
The three chained to the bars are the Aspis Consortium
agents bargained away to Miakovna by Lyone, currently
in the process of being initiated.They are all unconscious
and stabilized, the most recent treatment with caustic
acids to etch Lissala's runes into their backs having
proven more than they could stand.

Dedicated to gluttony, this level serves as the cult's

commissary and feast hall. Specific, formal mealtimes
are typically held twice per day, with considerable lengths
of time passing between them-the better for the cultists







roles in combat. One stands back and specifically targets

enemies with its unnerving gaze. Another avoids melee,
commanding four chains hanging from the walls to
attack four different PCs. The third heads into melee,
concentrating its attacks on the strongest PC. They switch
off positions as needed.
Morale The terms of the kytons' binding do not allow for
anything but a fight to their destruction.

All evocation spells cast in this room are treated as 1

caster level higher than normal.
Creatures: Several experts in the art of the flesh
are bound here by ancient oaths to Lissala's highest
mortal clergy. Aside from serving as flesh artisans and
disciplinarians, the kytons in this room are also a final
defense in the event of invasion. They know the cultists
by sight; even if the PCs disguise themselves, failure to
self-flagellate tips the kytons off to their deception.

Subtier 10-11 {CR 12)

Subtier 7-8 {CR 9)

CR 12
Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 3 i74
LE Large outsider (evil, extraplanar,
kyton, lawful)
l nit +7; Senses darkvision 60 fl:.;
Perception +23
AC 26, touch 13, flat-footed 22 (+3 Dex,
+i dodge, +i3 natural, -1 size)
hp i47 (14d10+70); regeneration 5 (good
weapons and spells, silver weapons)
Fort +14, Ref +9, Will +17
DR io/silver or good; I m m une cold; SR 23

CR 6


hp 60 each (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 185)


Melee 4 claws +20 (1d8+7/19-20 plus bleed)

Space 10 fl:.; Reach 10 fl:.
Special Attacks bleed (1d6), poison, rend (2
claws, id8+7), surgical strikes, unnerving
gaze (30 fl:.; DC 22)
Spe l l - Like Abilities (CL i4th;
concentration +i9)
At will-bleed (DC is), plane shift (from the
Material Plane to the Shadow Plane, self
only), stabilize
3/day-cure serious wounds, restoration
l/day-breath of life
During Combat The interlocutor heads directly into
melee, delivering full attacks to the most vulnerable
opponent within reach. If combat goes well and it
successfully strikes down an opponent, it may spend an
action casting stabilize on that PC, even going so far as to
cast breath of life to restore the final PC to life should the
kyton wipe out the entire party-all so it has a potential
experimental subject in its debt.
Morale The terms of the kyton's binding do not allow for
anything but a fight until its destruction.
Str 24, Dex i7, Con 21, I nt i5, Wis 22, Cha 20
Base Atk +i4; CMB +n; CMD 36 (38 vs. trip)
Feats Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, I mproved I nitiative,







-- --

' J ---




Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack

Skills Heal +23, Intimidate +22, Knowledge (arcana, local,
religion) +9, Knowledge (dungeoneering, nature, planes)
+i2, Perception +23, Sense Motive +23, Stealth +16
Languages Common, Infernal
Surgical Strikes {Ex) An interlocutor's claws threaten a critical
hit on a roll of 19-20. On a successful critical hit, that claw
deals 2d6 bleed damage rather than ld6.
Unnerving Gaze {Ex) A creature that succumbs to an
interlocutor's unnerving gaze becomes staggered for i
round as it becomes convinced that it recognizes some of
its own body parts entangled in the interlocutor's body.

and calm. The pool radiates faint transmutation magic;

while mundane water in most respects, consumable with
no effect, the well water is blessed by Lissala for use in her
greatest gift: writing. Water drawn from the well remains
clear to the eye, but if a writing implement is dipped in it
and used to write with, it acts as fine black ink. Well ink can
be used as an additional material component in writing
based spells such as iJlyph ef wardinjJ; this reduces the cost
of any other material components used in the spell by half.
The water only functions in this way within the physical
confines of the Well ofTainted Virtue; outside the shrine, it
reverts to normal water (although anything already written
with it does not vanish when removed.) These properties
can be identified with a DC 24 Spellcraft check.
The doors to the chapel (area I ) are unlocked, though they
are heavy and require a DC 15 Strength check to push open.
Development: Miakovna casts four mental alarm spells
on the walkway (at the shaded locations on the map)
nightly. Since she casts these spells before resting, they
do not count against her spell slots when encountered.
Heshlak and the other cultists know the password to
bypass them; if the alarm sounds, Miakovna assumes the
worst and begins spell preparations as outlined in her
Tactics (see area I ).
Mission Notes: Lantern Lodge faction PCs who discover
the ink-like properties of the water realize it could be the
source of the ink Amara Li is interested in. Reporting
back to her on this earns them l Prestige Point.

Development: The three Aspis Consortium agents

chained to the bars are unconscious. Any healing rouses
them, but even then they are uncooperative; their initial
processing involved Miakovna using charm monster to
bring them under her sway, and they remain loyal in spite
of torture. If this effect is dispelled, the prisoners express
gratitude to their rescuers and share what they know.They
give the full details of Lyone's dealings with the cult as
detailed in the adventure background, but they have never
been below this level.They have, however, seen Miakovna's
natural form, and relate that to the PCs. Even if left
charmed, they are in no condition to fight and submit to
being taken into Pathfinder captivity if the PCs choose to
do so. Miakovna has keys for their manacles, though a DC
25 Disable Device check unlocks them as well.
Mission Notes: Andoran faction PCs likely wish to
liberate the prisoners. A DC 25 Sense Motive check
reveals the charm affecting them. Breaking the
enchantment earns Andoran faction PCs l Prestige Point.
Silver Crusade faction PCs who show mercy to the
prisoners and advocate healing them in addition to
merely unchaining them earn l Prestige Point.


The bronze doors open onto a darkened shrine. A dais rises off
the floor, every foot of it inlaid with runes of assorted metals.
On it, a marble sculpture of the serpentine goddess coils
around an altar carved to resemble a book. Six pillars line the
sides of the hall, each wrapped by a twenty-foot-tall statue of
the goddess; their snaky tails coil about the bottoms, unfurled
wings brushing each other and rune-like heads gazing down at
the altar. Each holds a different implement; a quill, a chain, an
hourglass, a scroll, a spool of thread, and a whip. The ceiling
rises higher here than in previous rooms; at least thirty feet
tall. High above, deep purple banners emblazoned with golden
runic text hang from granite buttresses linking the pillars.

H. Pool of the Quill

The shaft ends here in a vast circular pool. An open stair
descends thirty feet from a stone archway, ending a few feet
above the water and becoming a narrow walkway snaking
around the interior curve of the well. This path ends three
quarters of the way around the pool where a set of massive
bronze doors set with the serpentine goddess in relief stand
closed. High above, the opening to the surface seems a dot
that could be eclipsed with one hand; even in brightest day any
admitted light fades to shadows at the well's bottom. The only
sound comes from the light slapping of water against stone.

This chapel is the heart of the shrine; however, since

routine embracing of the sins embodied in the chambers
above is part of Lissala's worship, full services attended
by all are only held twice weekly.
Creatures: The leader of the cultists, the lamia
matriarch Miakovna, resides here. She spends much
of her day offering prayers to her goddess and penning
missives to other Lissalan houses of worship throughout
Varisia, planning the day when their numbers will have

The pool of water here is 25 feet deep, fed by and

emptying into an underground stream. Aside from the very
faint ripples the stream's motion causes, the pool is still


- f




Runic Chapel (CR 10 or CR 13)


GameMastery Map Pack: Shrines

grown enough to reveal themselves as a living religion.

Miakovna is formidable-looking, even for a lamia
matriarch. She keeps her head shaven bare, the better to
show off the full circle of sin-runes she has branded and
inked around her head like a tiara of maimed flesh. Other
runic tattoos run down her forearms; she wears a sleeveless
tunic of diaphanous material that provides fleeting
glimpses of the self-inflicted lashings and glyphs graven
on her body. When dealing with those not indoctrinated
in her faith, including all Aspis Consortium agents save
the three signed over to her as new cultists, she takes the
form of a redheaded male Shoanti warrior.
Before the PCs enter the chapel, Miakovna casts major
ima.!Je, creating the illusion of a tall, wiry redheaded
Shoanti man decked in rune-covered armor standing at
the altar-the image of her humanoid disguise. Using
this image as her mouthpiece, she taunts the PCs,
promising them that if they fall, their lives will be spared,

so that their minds may be wiped clean and rededicated as

the newest thralls of Lissala. The illusion does not engage
the PCs, but rather tries to lure them about the chapel
into the path of the prepared .!Jlyphs of wardin.!J the lamia
matriarch has set up throughout the room (see Traps,
below). When she fears the PCs will discover her ruse,
she drops concentration on the spell while the Shoanti
warrior lets out a loud sustained scream and uses the final
3 rounds of the illusory effect to cast any remaining spells
before entering combat, using the ongoing sound of the
illusion to cover for the sound of her casting.

Subtier 7-8 (CR 10)

CR 10
Female lamia matriarch sorcerer 2 (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 i75)
LE Large monstrous humanoid (shapechanger)
I nit +s; Senses darkvision 60 ft:., low-light vision; Perception +4





-- -


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' J ---




AC 26, touch 14, flat-footed 21 (+4 armor, +5 Dex, +8 natural,
-1 size)
hp 143 (14 HD; 12d10+2d6+70)
Fort +9, Ref +i3, Will +15
I m m une mind-affecting effects; SR 21
Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft., swim 40 ft.
Melee +I scimitar +15/+io/+5 (1d6+6/15-20 plus 1 Wisdom drain
on first hit each round), +I whip +i4/+9 (1d3+6 nonlethal) or
touch +i7 (1d4 Wisdom drain)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks Wisdom drain
Spell- Like Abilities (CL 12th; concentration +i9)
At will-charm monster ( DC 21), ventriloquism (DC 18)
3/day-deep slumber (DC 20), dream, major image (DC 20),
mirror image, suggestion (DC 20)
Sorcerer Spells Known (caster level 8th; concentration +i5)
4th (4/day)-stoneskin
3rd (7/day)-glyph of warding (DC 20), haste
2nd (8/day)-bull's strength, cure moderate wounds, invisibility
lSt (8/day)-alarm, divine favor, mage armor, magic missile,
shield of faith
o (at will)-bleed (DC 17), dancing lights, daze (DC 17),
detect magic, ghost sound (DC 17), mage hand, mending,
Bloodline Arcane
Before Combat Miakovna casts mage armor daily. As soon as
she is warned by one of her alarm spells going off, she casts
invisibility and slithers up to the top of the north-central
pillar. She then casts the following spells in order: stoneskin,
shield of faith, bull's strength, mirror image, extended divine
favor, and extended haste. If she hears the PCs attempting
to enter the chamber before she is prepared, she creates a
major image as described above and continues preparing,
using her ventrilloquism spell-like ability to throw her voice
elsewhere in the room as she casts spells, and recasting
major image as needed to keep the distraction going.
During Com bat Once all her spells are in place, she draws
her whip and drops down to attack with both weapons,
using the whip to trip opponents at range while slashing
at closer foes with her scimitar. She stays in melee until
she loses 50 or more hit points, at which point she climbs
a pillar, recasts invisibility, and slithers around interlocking
wings of Lissala's idols to keep her position hidden while
healing and recasting protective spells. If presented with
one particularly formidable opponent, Miakovna uses charm
monster or suggestion to try and get the PC to leave combat.
Morale When reduced to 30 or fewer hit points, Miakovna
attempts to flee, swimming straight across the pool and
racing up through the levels of the temple complex. As
soon as she is out of sight of the PCs, she uses her change





shape ability, hoping that i f the PCs catch her i n this form,
they'll assume it is another distraction and leave her alone.
Str 20, Dex 21, Con 21, I nt 14, Wis 18, Cha 25
Base Atk +i3; CMB +i9; C M D 34 (can't be tripped)
Feats Double Slice, Eschew Materials, Exotic Weapon
Proficiency (whip), Extend Spell, Improved Critical
(scimitar), I mproved Two-Weapon Fighting, Two-Weapon
Fighting, Weapon Focus (scimitar)
Skills Acrobatics +9, Bluff +22, Climb +13, Diplomacy +12,
Disguise +12, I ntimidate +20, Knowledge (arcana) +19,
Knowledge (religion) +i9, Linguistics +4, Spellcraft +i9,
Swim +i3, Use Magic Device +20; Racial Modifiers +4 Bluff,
+4 Use Magic Device
Languages Abyssal, Common, Infernal, Shoanti, Thassilonian
SQ arcane bond (ring), bloodline arcana (+i DC for
metamagicked spells that increase spell level), change shape
(fixed Medium humanoid form; alter self)
Combat Gear potion ofcure serious wounds; Other Gear +I scimitar,
+I whip, ring of counterspelfs (invisibility purge), silver holy
symbol, 700 gp worth of diamond dust
Spells A lamia matriarch casts spells as a 6th-level sorcerer,
and can cast spells from the cleric list as well as those
normally available to a sorcerer. Cleric spells are considered
arcane spells for a lamia matriarch.
Wisdom Drain (Su) A lamia matriarch drains ld4 points of
Wisdom each time she hits with her melee touch attack.
The first time each round that she strikes a foe with a melee
weapon, she also drains 1 point of Wisdom. A DC 23 Will
save negates the Wisdom drain. Unlike with other kinds
of ability drain attacks, a lamia matriarch does not heal
damage when she uses her Wisdom drain. The save DC is

Subtier 10-11 (CR 13)

CR 13
Female lamia matriarch sorcerer 5 (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 175)
LE Large monstrous humanoid (shapechanger)
I nit +s; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +4
AC 27, touch 14, flat-footed 22 (+4 armor, +s Dex, +9 natural,
-1 size)
hp 173 (17 HD; 12d10+5d6+90)
Fort +io, Ref +i4, Wi ll +i6
I m m une mind-affecting effects; SR 24
Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft., swim 40 ft.
Melee +ispell storing scimitar +16/+11/+6 (1d6+6/15-20 plus
1 wisdom drain on first hit each round), +I spell storing
whip +i5/+10 (1d3+6 nonlethal) or
touch +i8 (1d4 Wisdom drain)



detect magic, ghost sound (DC 18), mage hand, mending,

Bloodline Arcane
Before Combat Miakovna casts mage armor daily. As soon as
she is warned by one of her alarm spells going off, she casts
invisibility and slithers up to the top of the northeastern
pillar. She then casts the following spells in order:
stoneskin, shield of faith, bull's strength, eagle's splendor,
blur, extended divine favor, and extended haste. If she hears
the PCs attempting to enter the chamber before she is
prepared, she creates a major image as described above
and continues preparing, using her ventriloquism spell-like
ability to throw her voice elsewhere in the room as she
casts spells, and recasting major image as needed to keep
the distraction going.
During Com bat Once all her spells are in place, she casts
quickened mirror image and then targets the PCs with
debilitating spells from atop the statue. When she feels
they have been sufficiently softened, she draws her whip
and drops down to attack with both weapons, using the
whip to trip opponents at range while slashing at closer
foes with her scimitar. She stays in melee until she loses
50 or more hit points, at which point she recasts invisibility
and slithers around the room to hide her position while
healing and recasting protective spells. When faced with
one particularly overpowering foe, Miakovna uses charm
monster or suggestion to get the PC to leave combat.
Morale When reduced to 30 or fewer hit points, Miakovna
attempts to flee, swimming straight across the pool and
racing up through the levels of the temple complex.
As soon as she is out of sight of the PCs, she uses
change shape, hoping that if the PCs catch her in
this form, they'll assume it is another distraction
and leave her.
Str 20, Dex 21, Con 21, I nt 14, Wis 18, Cha 26
Base Atk +i4; CMB +20; CMD 35 (can't be tripped)
Feats Double Slice, Eschew Materials, Exotic
Weapon Proficiency (whip), Extend Spell,
Improved Critical (scimitar), I mproved Two
Weapon Fighting, Quicken Spell, Quicken
Spell- Like Ability (mirror image), Two-Weapon
Fighting, Weapon Focus (scimitar)
Skills Acrobatics +9, Bluff +25, Climb +i3,
Diplomacy +i3, Disguise +i3, I ntimidate +23,
l<nowledge (arcana) +21, Knowledge (religion)
+21, Linguistics +4, Spellcrafl +21, Swim +i3,
Use Magic Device +21; Racial Modifiers +4 Bluff,
+4 Use Magic Device
Languages Abyssal, Common, Infernal, Shoanti,
SQ arcane bond (ring), bloodline arcana (+i DC for

Space 10 fl.; Reach 5 fl.

Special Attacks Wisdom drain
Spell- Like Abilities (CL 12th; concentration +20)
At will- charm monster ( DC 22), ventriloquism (DC 19)
3/day- deep slumber (DC 21), dream, major image (DC 21),
mirror image, suggestion (DC 21)
Sorcerer Spells Known (caster level nth; concentration +i9)
5th (4/day)-jlame strike (DC 23), waves of fatigue (DC 23)
4th (8/day) - cure critical wounds, stoneskin, unholy blight
(DC 22)
3rd (8/day)- g ly ph of warding (DC 21), haste, inflict serious
wounds (DC 21), eagle's splendor, slow (DC 21)
2nd (8/day)- acid arrow, blur, bull's strength, cure moderate
wounds, invisibility
lSt (8/day)- alarm, divine favor, identify, mage armor, magic
missile, shield of faith
o (at will)- bleed (DC 18), dancing lights, daze (DC 18),





-- --

' J ---




metamagic spells that increase spell level), change shape

(fixed Medium humanoid form; alter self), metamagic adept
Combat Gear potion of protection from energy (fire); Other
Gear + i spell storing scimitar (inflict serious wounds), + i spe((
storing whip (inflict serious wounds), amulet ofnatural armor
+I, ring of counterspeHs (invisibility purge), silver holy symbol,
700 gp worth of diamond dust
Spells A lamia matriarch casts spells as a 6th-level sorcerer,
and can cast spells from the cleric list as well as those
normally available to a sorcerer. Cleric spells are considered
arcane spells for a lamia matriarch.
Energy Drain (Su) A lamia matriarch drains ld4 points of
Wisdom each time she hits with her melee touch attack.
The first time each round that she strikes a foe with a melee
weapon, she also drains 1 point of Wisdom. A DC 22 Will
save negates the Wisdom drain. Unlike with other kinds
of ability drain attacks, a lamia matriarch does not heal
damage when she uses her Wisdom drain. The save DC is

the cult by the Aspis Consortium have been sent forth to

other shrines throughout Varisia, including undisclosed
locations in Kaer Maga, Magnimar, Palin's Cove, and
Riddleport. While the fact that relics like these have been
stolen from the Pathfinder Society in the first place is
unfortunate, much more disturbing are the number of
individuals Miakovna has been in contact with, and the
implications. The Well of Tainted Virtue was not a lone
cult; the church of Lissala is an active, living religion
hidden throughout Varisia. ( See the Conclusion section
for more information.)
Mission Notes: Sczarni faction PCs have an interest in
discovering how the cult broke into the Hao ]in Tapestry.
Finding the notes concealed by secret pa.!Je and securing
them earns Sczarni faction PCs 1 Prestige Point.
Rewards: If the PCs defeat Miakovna and discover the
cache of valuables beneath the dais, award each subtier
Subtier 7 - 8:

Give each PC 1,051 gp.



Give each PC 2 , 218 gp.

Traps: Miakovna has set four .!Jlyphs ofwardin.!J around
the room at the locations marked on the map and attempts
to lure PCs into them as noted in herTactics section.


CR Type spell; Perception DC 28; Disable Device DC 28
Trigger proximity; Reset none
Effect (Subtier 7-8) 4d8 acid (DC 20 Reflex save for half );
multiple targets (all targets within 5 ft.)
Effect (Subtier io-11) 5d8 acid (DC 21 Reflex save for half);
multiple targets (all targets within 5 ft.)
Treasure: A sliding door in the rear of the dais opens
into a small cavity, which the PCs can locate with a DC
2 0 Perception check. Stored here are valuables used in
services, plus some Thassilonian antiques Miakovna has
taken in tribute. Included are a silk altar cloth with runic
embroidering in platinum thread worth 50 gp, four heavy
silver candlesticks worth 100 gp total, an abacus with
counters made from Thassilonian coins worth 150 gp, a
set of ancient stone tablets chiseled with Thassilonian
runes worth 250 gp, and a golden icon shaped as a foot
long peacock feather quill worth 400 gp.
A sheaf of what seem to be sermons and homilies to
Lissala radiates faint transmutation magic. These are
actually notes on the construction of the portal concealed
by a secret pa.!Je spell (CL 3rd).
Additionally, a gilded coffer contains Miakovna's
correspondence with other Lissalan cults; cursory reading
reveals that a number ofThassilonian artifacts tithed to





Once the PCs have secured the Well ofTainted Virtue by
removing all opposition, the Pathfinder Society is able to
move in to the locale, secure it against further intrusion,
and establish it as a research and storage facility for
artifacts pertaining to the Hao ]in Tapestry. Artifacts
that had been stolen from the tapestry are reclaimed
and cataloged, though frustratingly many have already
been sent elsewhere either by the Aspis Consortium or
the Lissalan cultists. Furthermore, the now-secure portal
allows the distinct advantage of near-instant and free
transport for vast numbers of personnel and materials
between Absalom and Varisia; while the Well of Tainted
Virtue is not the most convenient of locations in Varisia,
traveling from the portal's location to Riddleport,
Magnimar, Korvosa, or other points in the region is still
much faster than the months-long voyage by sea or the
costly option of teleportation from Absalom.
Any prisoners taken by the PCs are treated well, and
sent back through the portal for holding until such time
as they can be given more permanent detention or else
ransomed back to the Aspis Consortium. Lyone, if made
a prisoner, is led away wearing a smirk that indicates he
doesn't expect to be a captive for long. But escape from
within the Hao Jin Tapestry proved impossible for beings
much more powerful than him for centuries.
If the PCs discovered Miakovna's correspondence,
they have already learned that the Lissalan religion is
living and established throughout Varisia, and possibly



Chelia x Faction: Cheliax faction PCs who extract

Orlicino's heart in area C earn 1 Prestige Point.
Grand Lodge Faction: Grand Lodge faction PCs who
see to the disabling of the illusion trap in area D earn i
Prestige Point.
Lantern Lodge Faction: Lantern Lodge faction PCs
who discover the magic nature of the water in area H
earn i Prestige Point.
Osirion Faction: Osirion faction PCs who retrieve one
of the mirrors from area B earn i Prestige Point.
Qadira Faction : Qadira faction PCs who transmit the
location of the well with the magic star chart outside the
well's exit in room Ai earn i Prestige Point.
Sczarni Faction: Sczarni faction PCs who discover and
retrieve the notes concealed by secret pa13e in room I earn
i Prestige Point.
Shadow Lodge Faction: Shadow Lodge faction PCs who
reclaim the stolen way.finder from Lyone in area C earn i
Prestige Point.
Silver Crusade Faction: Silver Crusade faction PCs
who heal the tortured initiate cultists in area G earn i
Prestige Point.
Taldor Faction:Taldor faction PCs who manage to take
Lyone alive in area C earn i Prestige Point.

beyond. Should they report this, the news is met with

both astonishment and concern. Word quickly spreads
through the Society that the Ten are eager to look into
this reborn ancient religion, and many venture-captains
can be heard weighing among themselves the potential
value of studying the ancient faith in the flesh versus the
danger posed by a religion clearly favoring a return to the
old ways of theThassilonian empire.

Success Conditions
If the PCs kill, capture, or drive off all opposition
within the Well of Tainted Virtue, the Pathfinders are
considered to have successfully cleared and secured the
Material Plane terminal of the backdoor into the Hao ]in
Tapestry, and each earns 1 Prestige Point.

Faction Missions
In addition to their primary mission on behalf of the
Pathfinder Society, members of each faction may earn
extra prestige for completing faction missions to forward
their allies' goals.
Andoran Faction: Andoran faction PCs who dispel or
call for the dispelling of the charm monster effect on the
cult initiates in area G earn i Prestige Point.





-- --


' J ---





Fellow Free Soul,

Remember, as you battle your enemies, from whence they come. The Aspis Consortium has its roots in
Chelish corruption, and the worst practices of that land can be expected from our rivals. While none can fault
you for striking down foes, keep in mind that not all those foes know they have the gift of free will. Slavery or
worse may be found among those you encounter-if not within their own ranks, then perhaps among those
they work with. Those bound against their will by means mundane or magical should be freed.
Chose your path wisely,


Major Colson Maldris

My heart swells knowing that you are rooting out the infiltrators of the Society's prize. On the topic of hearts,
I require a favor. It is my understanding that an Aspis agent you might encounter is a revolting infernal
Poor things. Despised by many, they have difficulty finding purpose in this world. One might weep, if one
could bother oneself to care. As it happens, I have an associate who has found purpose for such an individual.
Or at least part of one. Bring me the tiefling's heart. As an enemy of yours, he will surely meet a violent end,
but aside from unavoidable injury incurred in that violence, do make an effort not to damage it further upon
Else I call for the extraction of yours instead,

9 Paracountess Zarta Dralneen

Loya I Pathfinder,
While you go on this mission to eliminate a threat, I must ask you to be even more thorough. Remember, we
are claiming the other end of the portal for Society use after you are finished with your work, and I strongly
desire the location to be completely safe. Should you encounter any traps there-especially those which reset
themselves-make certain not to leave them active behind you, for the sake of Pathfinders less hardy than
yourself who might stumble across them at a later date.

With the respect of a seasoned calligrapher,




7nture-Captain Ambrus Valsin

Auspicious Seeker,
The wise warrior allows no distractions, yet once your safety is assured, I would beseech your aid in a minor
interest of mine. These thieves you seek have stolen many items from the tapestry, including artifacts
dating from the Thassilonian empire. I have studied scrolls and texts from that period upon occasion,
and am often impressed by the quality of ink used; some texts have not faded in eons. Yet I have never
managed to replicate it.
Given their interests, it is possible these Aspis Consortium agents have stolen an original source of this
ink. If so, a sample-or information on where I might locate some-would help satisfy an abiding curiosity.


e good of us all,






Venture-Captain Amara Li


Seeker of the Ages,

The fury I feel in knowing these thieves have plundered antiquities from the Society for their own profit rather
than the pursuit of knowledge is mitigated by knowing you are set to put an end to such doings. I realize
these stolen wonders must be returned for the benefit of the Society as a whole, but it does occur to me
that these raiders may be in possession of other items not originally the Ten's. I am particularly interested in
anything that might show actual images of the past: engravings, paintings, or anything else visual in nature.
If you find such a curiosity, and it is not of Hao Ji n's collection, I would very much like to study it before
handing it over to others.
Yours in wisdom,

- .M'l.1/
Amenopheus, the Sapphire Sage


This back portal in the tapestry represents a phenomenal opportunity for us. Wherever it may lead, it could
cut weeks or months off standard trade routes. I am certain I can persuade the Decemvirate to permit
caravans' passage through the demiplane for a small stake in the profits generated from such an endeavor.
What I need you to do is find where the portal exits to. The sooner this information is in my hands, the
sooner I can make preparations. The back of this note is a star chart, magically linked to an identical one at my
estate. Lay it flat outdoors under the open sky with the imprinted compass rose pointed due north, from dusk
to dawn, and it will record the position of the stars where you are and relay them here. I have astronomers
and navigators on staff that will do the rest.
For profit,

#/{-ft t /-

Trade Prince Aaqir al' Hakam

Brother Wanderer,
I 've been thinking of late: this whole notion of backdoors into the tapestry is kind of an interesting one. Now,
don't get me wrong, we don't want one in the hands of Aspis goons, and it looks like wherever it is you're
headed is going be under watch by Society muckety-mucks after this. But, still. If you find any info over there
about how these guys made a portal in the first place-notes on spells, rituals, whatever-I 'd like it if those
could be returned to my hands instead of Aram Zey's.

riosity, mind you,

Guaril Karela

Just for purp

Brave Friend,
I understand you're likely to confront an Aspis Consortium agent named Lyone Ekarian. He's battled
Pathfinders in the past, and to date remains uncaptured, so be wary. Another loyal to our cause-a seasoned
spy and source of very valuable information-was killed by him in a previous altercation. In addition to
murdering a good man, this Aspis snake stole my friend's wayfinder off of his body. This particular wayfinder
had been in his family for generations; he has a widow and children who deserve to have this heirloom
returned to them, not held as a trophy by their father's killer. If you find him and he still carries it, bring the
wayfinder to me and I will see it restored to its rightful owners.
The struggle never ends,






Grandmaster Torch

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' J ---





Valiant Soul, Champion, and Friend,

The need for your mission saddens me. There is so much strife and wickedness in this world, so much we
could do, that to have to defend ourselves from petty theft and invasion from ones whose primary sin is
greed-such a waste.
Still, we must ever strive to set an example. Your enemies are not demons, tainted souls, or mad
necromancers, but people who have set foot on the wrong path. Strike them as you must, but remember to
always temper justice with mercy. And should any among your enemies prove weak, or even in need of your
aid, remember that sowing mercy now can bring forth a garden of souls in the future.


tu:u r wisdom always,

Ollysta Zadrian

Empire's Arm,
It has reached my ears that the group you will face is led by one Lyone Ekonian. I regret to say he is an imperial
citizen; more, he is the son of a significant noble house from Yanmass. I will spare you the genealogical
details, but it would be a matter of some embarrassment were he killed by a group that included any known
associates of mine.
Were he imprisoned, on the other hand, any embarrassment would shift back upon his family. If possible,
I would prefer him to be taken alive. No need to drag him behind you in chains; simply deliver him back
through the portal and I shall have my own agents there to take him into custody. He is known to use
teleportation magic, so be prepared.
scretion in this matter,

- --

- f




Lady Gloriana Mori Ila



O P E N GAM E LI C E N S E Ve rsion i.oa


Eve nt

T h e fo l l ow i n g t e x t is t h e p r o p e rty of W i z a r d s of t h e C o a s t , I n c . a n d i s
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beco m i n g aware of the b r e a c h . All s u b l icenses s h a l l s u rvive the t e r m i n a t i o n of
this License.
14. Reformation: If any p rovis i o n of this License is h e l d to be u n enforceable, s u c h
provision s h a l l be reformed o n ly to the exte nt necessary to m a ke it e n fo rcea ble.
Open Game License v i.oa 2 0 0 0 , W i z a r d s of t h e C o a s t , I n c.
System Reference Document 2000, Wizards of t h e C o a s t , I n c; A u t h o rs :
J o n a t h a n Tweet, M o nte C o o k, S k i p W i l l i a m s , based o n m a t e r i a l by E . G a ry
Gygax a n d Dave A r n e s o n .
Pathfinder Society Scenario #3-26: Portal of t h e Sacred R u n e 2 0 1 2 , P a i z o
P u b l i s h i n g, L L C ; A u t h o r : S e a n M cG owa n .

GM C h a racte r #

GM #

G M P restige E a rn ed

GM N a m e

0 Chel iax

0 G rand Lodge

O Qadira

0 Sczarni

0 Shadow Lodge 0 Silver Crusade

0 Lantern Lodge

0 0sirion
0 Taldor

Cha racte r #

Prestige Points

Cha racter N a m e

0 Lantern Lodge O Osirion


0 Chel iax

0 G rand Lodge

O Qadira

0 Sczarni

0 Shadow Lodge 0 Silver Crusade

0 Taldor

Cha racte r #

Prestige Points

Cha racter N a m e

0 Lantern Lodge O Osirion


0 Chel iax

0 G rand Lodge

O Qadira

0 Sczarni

0 Shadow Lodge 0 Silver Crusade

0 Taldor

Cha racte r #

Prestige Points

Cha racter N a m e

D Lantern Lodge O Osirion


0 Chel iax

0 G rand Lodge

D Qadira

0 Sczarni

D Shadow Lodge D Silver Crusade

0 Taldor

Cha racte r #

Prestige Points

Cha racter N a m e

D Lantern Lodge O Osirion

D Andoran

0 Chel iax

D G rand Lodge

O Qadira

0 Sczarni

D Shadow Lodge D Silver Crusade

0 Taldor

Cha racte r #

Prestige Points

Cha racter N a m e

D Lantern Lodge O Osirion


0 Chel iax

D G rand Lodge

D Qadira

0 Sczarni

D Shadow Lodge D Silver Crusade

O Taldor

Cha racte r #

Prestige Points

Cha racter N a m e

D Lantern Lodge O Osirion

D Andoran

0 Chel iax

D G rand Lodge

D Qadira

O sczarni

D Shadow Lodge D Silver Crusade

0 Taldor





-- --



Scenario Chronicle #

0 Normal

This Chronicle Certifies That

Character Name

Player Name


Pathfinder Society #


Has Completed This Scenario.

Items Found During This Scenario

Starting XP

With the backdoor into the HaoJin Tapestry secured for

the Pathfinder Society's use, travel between the Grand Lodge in Absalom (where the physical
tapestry hangs) and the wilds of Varisia is shortened from a costly or time-consuming
journey to little more than quick entry into the tapestry and exit into the Well of Tainted
Virtue. Whenever you are adventuring in Varisia, you may take advantage of any boon or
vanity that relies on you being in the city of Absalom as if you were in the city.

Shortcut to the Center ofthe World:

G M 's


XP Gained (GM O N LY}

I . I

a11ile whip (8,301 gp; Pathfinder Society Field Guide 50)

belt oflJiant stren.gth +2 (4,000 gp)
cloak of resistance +2 (4,000 gp)
potion of cure moderate wounds (300 gp)
potion of cure serious wounds (750 gp)
potion ofinvisibility (30 0 gp)
rin.g of counterspells (4,000 gp)
rin.g of protection +I (2 ,000 gp)
scroll of dispel ma.gic (375 gp)

Initial Fame Initial Prestige


Prestige Gained (GM O N LY}

Prestige Spent

spell storin.g scimitar (8,315 gp)

spell storin.g whip (8,301 gp)
amulet of natural armor +1 (2 ,000 gp)
dusty rose prism ioun stone (5,000 gp)
lesser bracers ofarchery (5,000 gp)
potion of protection from ener.gy,jire (750 gp)


Start G P

G P Gained (G M O N LY}

Day Job (G M O N LY}

Items Sold / Conditions Gained

-----------------------------------------------------I-Items Bought / Conditions Cleared


Items Sold


Items Bought
Add i/2 t h i s va l u e to t h e " Items S o l d " Box



For GM Only



Game Master's Signature

GM Pathfinder Society #


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