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HighBP Hindi

This document discusses high blood pressure in Hindi. It defines blood pressure and how it is measured. It explains what normal and high blood pressure are and describes common signs of high blood pressure. It provides tips for managing high blood pressure such as taking medication as prescribed, exercising, reducing stress, and knowing when to call 911.

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HighBP Hindi

This document discusses high blood pressure in Hindi. It defines blood pressure and how it is measured. It explains what normal and high blood pressure are and describes common signs of high blood pressure. It provides tips for managing high blood pressure such as taking medication as prescribed, exercising, reducing stress, and knowing when to call 911.

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Shailendra SB
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mPp jDrpki

High Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is the force put on the walls jDrpki og cy gS] tks n; dh R;sd /kM+du ds lkFk jDr
of the blood vessels with each heartbeat. okfgdkvksa dh nhokjksa ij iM+rk gSA jDrpki ls vkids iwjs
Blood pressure helps move blood through 'kjhj esa jDr Hkstus esa lgk;rk feyrh gSA
your body.

Taking Your Blood Pressure vius jDrpki dks ekiuk

Blood pressure is often checked by putting jDrpki dh tkap k;% vkidh ckg ds ijh fgLls ds
a wide band called a cuff around your upper vklikl ,d pkSM+h iV~Vh j[kdj dh tkrh g]S ftls dQ+ dgk
arm. Air is pumped into the cuff. Your blood tkrk gSA gok dQ+ esa Mkyh tkrh gSA tc gok dQ+ ls ckgj
pressure is measured as the air is let out of vkrh gS] rc vkidk jDrpki ekik tkrk gSA
the cuff. jDrpki fdlh la[;k ds ij ,d nwljh la[;k gSA
Blood pressure is one number over a second xx ijh la[;k mPprj gksrh gS vkSj bls dqapd ikB~;kad
number. (systolic reading) dgk tkrk gSA ;g n; }kjk iEi
The top number is higher and is called fd, tkus ij jDrokfgdksa esa ncko gSA
the systolic reading. It is the pressure in xx fupyh la[;k fuEurj gS vkSj bls vuqf'kfFkyu ikB~;kad
the blood vessels when the heart pumps. (diastolic reading) dgk tkrk gSA ;g /kM+duksa ds chp
The bottom number is lower and is called n; ds vkjke djus ds le; jDr okfgdkvksa esa ncko
the diastolic reading. It is the pressure in gSA
the blood vessels when the heart rests
between beats.

Normal Blood Pressure lkekU; jDrpki

Normal blood pressure is 120 over 80 or lkekU; jDrpki 80 ;k blls de ij 120 gksrk gSA R;sd
less. Blood pressure varies from person O;fDr dk jDrpki fHkUu gksrk gSA R;sd O;fDr dk jDrpki
to person. Each person's blood pressure fr ?kaVs vkSj frfnu cnyrk jgrk gSA
changes from hour to hour and from day to

High Blood Pressure mPp jDrpki

High blood pressure is also called mPp jDrpki dks vfrfjDr nkc gkbijVsa'ku Hkh dgk tkrk
hypertension. High blood pressure is 140 gSA mPp jDrpki 90 ij 140 ;k blls vf/kd gSA mPp
over 90 or higher. A diagnosis of high jDrpki dk funku (diagnosis) rc rd ugha fd;k tkrk gS
blood pressure is not made until your blood tc rd vkids jDrpki dh dbZ ckj tkap u dh tk, vkSj
pressure is checked several times and it ;g mPp u cuk jgsA
stays high.

High Blood Pressure. Hindi.

2 healthinfotranslations.org

The harder it is for blood to flow through vkids jDr ds fy, vkidh jDr okfgdkvksa esa okfgr gksuk
your blood vessels, the higher your ftruk dfBu gksxk] vkids jDrpki dh la[;k mruh gh mPp
blood pressure numbers. With high blood gksxhA vkidk n; mPp jDrpki ds dkj.k lkekU; ls
pressure, your heart is working harder than vf/kd dke dj jgk gSA mPp jDrpki ds dkj.k fny dk
normal. High blood pressure can lead to nkSjk] jDrk?kkr] xqnsZ dk dke u djuk vkSj jDr okfgdkvksa
heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, and ds dBksj gksus tSls jksx gks ldrs gSaA
hardening of the blood vessels.

Signs of High Blood Pressure mPp jDrpki ds y{k.k

The only way to know if you have high blood D;k vkidks mPp jDrpki gS & bl ckr dks tkuus dk dsoy
pressure is to have it checked. Most people ,d gh rjhdk gS fd bldh tkp djokbZ tk,A vf/kdka'k
do not have any signs. Some people may yksxksa esa dksbZ y{k.k ugha gksrkA dqN yksxksa dks fljnnZ gks
have a headache or blurred vision. ldrk gS ;k n'fV /kqqa/kyh gks ldrh gSA

Your Care vkidh ns[kHkky

Blood pressure control is very important. If jDrpki dks fu;af=r djuk cgqr t+:jh gSA ;fn vkidks mPp
you have high blood pressure you should: jDrpki gS] rks vkidks fuEufyf[kr dke djus pkfg,%
Check your blood pressure often. Call xx vius jDrpki dh vDlj tkap djok,aA ;fn vkidk
your doctor if your blood pressure stays jDrpki mPp cuk jgrk gS] rks vius fpfdRld dks Qksu
high. djsaA
See your doctor as scheduled. xx vius fpfdRld ls iwoZ fu/kkZfjr dk;Ze ds vuqlkj
Take your blood pressure medicine as feysaA
ordered by your doctor. xx vius fpfdRld ds funsZ'k ds vuqlkj jDrpki dh nok
Take your medicine even if you feel well ysaA
or your blood pressure is normal. xx nok dk lsou rc Hkh tkjh j[ksa tcfd vki LoLFk
Lose weight if you are overweight. eglwl dj jgs gksa ;k vkidk jDrpki lkekU; gksA
Limit salt in your food and drinks. xx ;fn vkidk ot+u vf/kd gks rks bls de djsaA
Avoid alcohol. xx vius Hkkstu vkSj is; inkFkks esa ued dh ek=k de djsaA
Stop smoking or tobacco use. xx vydksgy ds lsou ls cpsaA
Exercise most every day. xx /kweziku NksM+ nsa ;k rEckdw dk mi;ksx u djsaA
Reduce stress. xx O;k;ke yxHkx frfnu djsaA
Practice relaxation daily. xx ruko de djsaA
xx frfnu vkjke djsaA

High Blood Pressure. Hindi.

healthinfotranslations.org 3

Call 911 right away if you have: ;fn vkidks fuEufyf[kr gks] rks rqjUr 911 ij
A severe headache Qksu djsa%
Vision changes xx rst fljnnZ
Chest pain, pressure or tightness xx ut+j esa ifjorZu
Have a hard time breathing or get short xx lhus esa nnZ] ncko ;k dM+kiu
of breath xx lkal ysus esa ijs'kkuh gksuk ;k lkal Qwyuk
Sudden numbness, tingling or weakness xx psgjs] ckg ;k Vkax esa vpkud lqUuiu] >qu>quh ;k
in the face, arm or leg det+ksjh
Sudden confusion, trouble understanding xx vpkud ?kcjkgV] le>us esa dfBukbZ ;k cksyus esa
or trouble speaking dfBukbZ
Trouble swallowing xx fuxyus esa dfBukbZ

2005 - February 15, 2016, Health Information Translations.

Unless otherwise stated, user may print or download information from www.healthinfotranslations.org for personal, non-commercial use only. The medical information
found on this website should not be used in place of a consultation with your doctor or other health care provider. You should always seek the advice of your doctor or
other qualified health care provider before you start or stop any treatment or with any questions you may have about a medical condition. The Ohio State University
Wexner Medical Center, Mount Carmel Health System, OhioHealth and Nationwide Childrens Hospital are not responsible for injuries or damages you may incur as
a result of your stopping medical treatment or your failure to obtain treatment.

High Blood Pressure. Hindi.

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