HighBP Hindi
HighBP Hindi
Blood pressure is the force put on the walls jDrpki og cy gS] tks n; dh R;sd /kM+du ds lkFk jDr
of the blood vessels with each heartbeat. okfgdkvksa dh nhokjksa ij iM+rk gSA jDrpki ls vkids iwjs
Blood pressure helps move blood through 'kjhj esa jDr Hkstus esa lgk;rk feyrh gSA
your body.
The harder it is for blood to flow through vkids jDr ds fy, vkidh jDr okfgdkvksa esa okfgr gksuk
your blood vessels, the higher your ftruk dfBu gksxk] vkids jDrpki dh la[;k mruh gh mPp
blood pressure numbers. With high blood gksxhA vkidk n; mPp jDrpki ds dkj.k lkekU; ls
pressure, your heart is working harder than vf/kd dke dj jgk gSA mPp jDrpki ds dkj.k fny dk
normal. High blood pressure can lead to nkSjk] jDrk?kkr] xqnsZ dk dke u djuk vkSj jDr okfgdkvksa
heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, and ds dBksj gksus tSls jksx gks ldrs gSaA
hardening of the blood vessels.
Call 911 right away if you have: ;fn vkidks fuEufyf[kr gks] rks rqjUr 911 ij
A severe headache Qksu djsa%
Vision changes xx rst fljnnZ
Chest pain, pressure or tightness xx ut+j esa ifjorZu
Have a hard time breathing or get short xx lhus esa nnZ] ncko ;k dM+kiu
of breath xx lkal ysus esa ijs'kkuh gksuk ;k lkal Qwyuk
Sudden numbness, tingling or weakness xx psgjs] ckg ;k Vkax esa vpkud lqUuiu] >qu>quh ;k
in the face, arm or leg det+ksjh
Sudden confusion, trouble understanding xx vpkud ?kcjkgV] le>us esa dfBukbZ ;k cksyus esa
or trouble speaking dfBukbZ
Trouble swallowing xx fuxyus esa dfBukbZ