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MA Buddhist Art - History and Conservation

The Courtauld Institute of Art postgraduate prospectus provides information about its graduate programs in art history, curating, and conservation. It is a world-leading institution for these fields, with a renowned faculty and collection located in London. The prospectus highlights the intimate learning environment, opportunities for research, and successful alumni who work in museums and art world positions around the globe.

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MA Buddhist Art - History and Conservation

The Courtauld Institute of Art postgraduate prospectus provides information about its graduate programs in art history, curating, and conservation. It is a world-leading institution for these fields, with a renowned faculty and collection located in London. The prospectus highlights the intimate learning environment, opportunities for research, and successful alumni who work in museums and art world positions around the globe.

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Győri Péter
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The Courtauld Institute of Art Postgraduate Prospectus 2017/18 1


Directors Welcome 1
About Us 2
Courtauld Graduate Diploma 4
in the History of Art
Postgraduate Diploma in the 5
Conservation of Easel Paintings
MA Buddhist Art: 6
History and Conservation
MA Conservation of 7
Wall Paintings
MA Curating the Art Museum 8
MA History of Art 9
Research Degrees 10
Postgraduate research 11
journal: immediations
Admissions 11
Study Resources 12
Careers 14
Studying in London 16
Accommodation 18
Student Support 20
Fees and Funding 22
Visit Us 24
Contact information 24

2 The Courtauld Institute of Art Postgraduate Prospectus 2017/18

I am delighted you are considering The Courtauld has over 7,500 alumni, many
The Courtauld Institute of Art for your of whom occupy key positions as museum
postgraduate studies. The Courtauld is a directors, curators, academics, conservators,
world leading centre for the study of art critics, journalists, and various roles in the
history, curating and conservation. We have commercial art world. They include the
a world-class faculty of art historians and Directors of the National Gallery, British
conservationists dedicated to specialised Museum and Tate in London, and the
research-led teaching. Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.

At the heart of The Courtauld is its I hope you will join our lively and friendly
Gallery, which boasts a stunning art community of students and scholars who
collection and innovative programme are committed to helping one another to
of exhibitions. It has been enriched over pursue their ambitions. We look forward to
the years and is recognised as one of welcoming you.
the worlds greatest small art museums.
Our extensive collections and libraries
constitute a unique asset and unrivalled
resource, contributing to an exceptional
environment for postgraduate study.
Professor Deborah Swallow
Our emphasis on research is core to our Mrit Rausing Director
ethos and we run a continuous programme
of talks, seminars and conferences
through The Sackler Research Forum,
which strengthens connections with
colleagues throughout the world.

The Courtaulds strength lies in it being a

small, single-subject academic institution,
providing students with an intimate
environment in which to participate,
develop their knowledge, and gain skills for
employment in the arts sector and beyond.

The Courtauld is a world

leading centre for the study
of art history, curating and

The Courtauld Institute of Art Postgraduate Prospectus 2017/18 1

A note from the President of the Whilst enjoying the manifold academic
Students Union benefits to studying here, the Students Union
hosts a whole range of activities and events
across the year to occupy your spare time and
We at the Students Union would like to help everyone take a break from the library.
warmly welcome everyone considering Our calendar of events kicks off in Freshers
studying at The Courtauld Institute of Art. Week and continues throughout the year.
We also run multiple societies with action
The Courtauld offers a truly unique university packed schedules to keep you entertained
experience, with outstanding professors, a and help you meet people who share your
rich research programme and our very own extra-curricular interests. If we dont have any
world class gallery studying here will be societies that appeal however, you can always
unlike studying anywhere else. The Courtauld set a new one up or join one of the many clubs
seeks to support each of its students from and societies on offer throughout London.
the beginning of their academic careers, well
into life after graduation. During your studies For further information visit our website
each student will become a member of our at: courtauldsu.com. If you cannot find the
Students Union and a valued part of the information you require however, do not
Courtauld community. The Students Union hesitate to drop an email to students.union@
is an independent body run by students, for courtauld.ac.uk.
students. After graduation, The Courtauld
continues to support all its students through Tennessee Williams
the Courtauld Alumni Association, a vibrant Student Union President
network of Courtauld alumni, in finding paths
into their chosen profession.

The Courtauld as an
institution leads the whole
higher education sector for
research quality, and is ranked
highest for History of Art
Latest Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2014, Art and Design: History,
Practice and Theory Sub-Panel

2 The Courtauld Institute of Art Postgraduate Prospectus 2017/18
Courtauld in The Courtauld Institute of Art, an
independent college of the University of
London, was founded by Samuel Courtauld,
Ranked 1st
top five for Viscount Lee, and Sir Robert Witt in 1932
as the UKs first university department specialist
overall student institution in
devoted to the study of art. The Courtauld
was originally housed in Portman Square,
Marylebone, where it soon established itself

satisfaction as a beacon of scholarship in art history,

conservation and curating. In 1989 we moved
to our current home in Somerset House
the UK
Latest National Student Satisfaction eighteenth-century Londons greatest public Complete University Guide 2017:
building, and the original home of the Royal
(NSS) 2016 survey Arts, Drama and Music institutional
Academy of Arts. Today, The Courtauld hosts
a population of 500 plus students ranging league table
from BA to PhD; our small size means that you
can meet students from all courses and years.

Plans are being developed for a major

refurbishment and transformation of The
Courtaulds home at Somerset House. The
project, called Courtauld Connects, will
include the development of state of the
art learning and teaching facilities. Further
information is available at courtauld.ac.uk/

The Courtauld Institute of Art Postgraduate Prospectus 2017/18 3

Diploma in the
History of Art
Intake: Up to 30 students

Duration: One year, full-time

Entry requirements: Bachelors degree.

Students will normally have achieved a good
2.1, considered to be an overall average 65%
or above.

Overview: The Graduate Diploma is a proposed in the lectures, develop critical skills, 3. The Assessed Essay
concentrated form of the undergraduate and raise any questions they may have. This 5,000-word essay provides an
degree and gives graduates of other opportunity to undertake a more substantial
disciplines the opportunity to transfer their 2. Constellations I and II piece of independent research. It allows
skills to the study of art history. In each term students will take one of our students to engage with an extended
newly-established Constellations courses, treatment of an object or issue on a subject
Structure each of which consists of two components: of their choice.
The Graduate Diploma is structured into a series of twice-weekly lectures on a broad
three elements: theme and/or period in the history of art, and Optional Courses
an accompanying weekly seminar (maximum In addition to these compulsory courses,
1. The Foundations Lecture Course 10 students) which will engage with a particular Diploma students are free to engage in
Foundations consists of a series of 54 lectures aspect of the theme in a separate but other lecture courses, including other
given by Courtauld staff, and offers an complementary way. The courses on offer may Constellations options and Frameworks,
introduction to a selected range of major differ in any given year, but this years courses which provides a challenging introduction
monuments, themes and issues in the history include the following: to art-historical methodologies, ranging
of art from classical antiquity to the present. From Shiraz to Beijing: Persian Arts in the from biography, formalism, and iconology
The lectures are divided into nine blocks, of Global Fifteenth Century to Marxism, psychoanalysis, and post-
which six normally focus on different aspects of Cold War Cultures: Art in a Divided World colonial theory.
the Western tradition, one on the historic arts 1945-1991
of Islam, and one on the global contemporary; Object, Subject, World: American Art
the remaining block addresses the physical 1945-1975
history of works of art, and attendant issues of Arts in Italy 1580-1680: Mass Culture,
conservation. The components of this menu Innovation and Censorship
may be modified from one year to the next. The City and the Country: Painting in
The Foundations lectures are supported by France, 1871-1914
weekly discussion classes, which give students Questioning the Italian Renaissance: Art in
the opportunity to analyse the arguments Italy from 1470-1527

4 The Courtauld Institute of Art Postgraduate Prospectus 2017/18

of the course. Classes and lectures cover Third year
the following topics: the history of artists The third year focuses on research and
materials and techniques; the deterioration increasingly advanced problem-solving,
of paintings and preventative conservation/ planning and critical judgement. Students
environmental control; documentation are expected to gain command of the
and technical examination of paintings; theoretical, conceptual and technical
methods and materials of conservation frameworks of conservation and be
and conservation practice. There is either able to apply their knowledge and skills
a basic science course (for arts graduates) independently within a professional
or a prescribed selection of art history ethical framework. A research project in
lectures (for science graduates). Time is the first term provides an opportunity

divided approximately equally between to specialise in a particular aspect of
the classroom and studio. Practical work conservation and prepare for a professional
starts with the group making replicas before career path. Topics may be technical,
students work individually on paintings under philosophical, analytical or practical.
continuous supervision. This will commence
from the end of the first term. Projects are publicly presented at an
annual conference (Gerry Hedley Student
Second year Symposium) that brings together students
The second year focuses on developing from all three programmes in the UK that
knowledge, skills , approaches and study the conservation of easel paintings. The
frameworks for decision making. Teaching is projects often achieve such high standards
primarily in the studio, with projects designed that they are published in conservation
to develop an understanding of conservation journals or at international conferences.
practice. Students apply problem-solving
skills grounded in theoretical understanding During the spring and summer terms
and art historical research to specific students return to practical work and the
treatments. They work independently under completion of their treatments. By the
continuous supervision. third year students should be able to take

Postgraduate Students also work in a team on an

environmental survey which might focus on
a lead in formulating treatment proposals
and discussing alternatives but the level of
supervision from previous years is maintained.
Diploma in the a problematic room, house, gallery or other
space where paintings are displayed. At the On graduating, students will be:

Conservation of end of the survey, students produce a report

and practical recommendations. Topics
Fully aware of the practical and varied
issues surrounding easel painting

Easel Paintings
from the first year are studied in greater conservation
depth, including the identification and Knowledgeable about a specific artist or
analysis of artists materials and techniques; period techniques
developments in the structural conservation Professional practitioners in easel
of paintings on canvas and on panel; and conservation. After graduation you will
Intake: 5 students new methods of cleaning paintings and be equipped with the knowledge, skills
varnish removal. In order to place the and attitude to work within a professional
Duration: Three years, full-time studies in the broadest context of historical framework in either the public or the
and contemporary practice, there are independent sector.
Entry requirements: Bachelors degree visits to conservation studios and scientific
in art history, fine art or science. Students departments in the national museums and
will normally have achieved a good 2.1, the independent sector. In the second and
considered to be an overall average 65% third years, there are study trips abroad to
or above. centres of excellence.

Overview: The three-year course is a

rigorous programme that combines
conservation theory and practice,
involving subject-based learning and
problem-solving practical work. The
course content is relevant to all aspects of
painting conservation and incorporates
historical and contemporary practice.
It includes interventionist conservation
practice, preventative conservation,
collections management, conservation
science and conservation research.

With about 15 students in total, each working
on two or three paintings, the Conservation
Department is an exceptionally busy place
and a lively forum for the exchange of ideas
and the exploration of treatment options,
actively encouraged through regular work in
progress meetings.

First year
The first year provides a foundation of
knowledge visual and practical skills on
which students will build over the duration

The Courtauld Institute of Art Postgraduate Prospectus 2017/18 5

Postgraduate Programmes

MA Buddhist
Art: History and
Intake: 8 students

Duration: One year, full-time

Entry requirements: Bachelors degree.

Students will normally have achieved a good
2.1, considered to be an overall average 65%
or above.

All applicants are expected to have an

effective knowledge of English, both spoken
and written. For applicants whose first
language is not English, we require proof of
English proficiency.

Overview: This unique MA is offered by The

Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Centre
for Buddhist Art and Conservation at The
Courtauld. It combines teaching in the key
tenets of Buddhism, the history of Buddhist
art, and the making and conservation
of Buddhist art. Taught by a wide range Structure Term four
of specialists, it includes a field trip to Teaching is concentrated in three Dissertation
conservation and management projects in 11-week terms. Supervision of the dissertation begins in
Asia. Drawing on The Courtaulds research the summer months (June September).
and conservation work in Bhutan, China Term one Students undertake a dissertation which
and India, this MA is specifically designed to Key tenets of Buddhism through its arts should consider an aspect of the original
equip students with knowledge of: History of Buddhist art techniques, conservation, management,
the central concepts and tenets of The making and conservation of curating, history or use of Buddhist art or
Buddhism, and their historical diffusion; Buddhist art material culture.
the history of Buddhist art in its various
religious, social, cultural and political Term two The MA provides a comprehensive
contexts; History of Buddhist art grounding in the history of Buddhism,
the making of various types of Buddhist The Making and Conservation of Buddhist art and its conservation for those
art; Buddhist Art intending to pursue further specialist
the approaches to the conservation of Regional Buddhism conservation, and for others who wish
Buddhist art, and an understanding of Field trip to the Muse Guimet, Paris to proceed into related fields such as
the ethical, technical and administrative art-historical research, curating, or site-
contexts; Term three management.
conservation and management projects Field trip to Asia
on Buddhist art in Asia through on-site Dissertation Programme content and delivery may be
exposure. subject to change. Please check our website
for the most up-to-date information.

6 The Courtauld Institute of Art Postgraduate Prospectus 2017/18

Postgraduate Programmes

MA Conservation Governed by the philosophy of minimal

intervention and an interdisciplinary
approach, the programme seeks to impart a
produce full written, graphic and
photographic documentation; participate
in the development of the profession, for
of Wall Painting methodology that emphasises investigation
and analysis of component materials and
instance through the presentation and
publication of papers.
techniques, and diagnosis and control
of the causes of deterioration. This aids On graduation, students join a long list of
Intake: 8 students design of a preventive, passive or remedial Courtauld alumni who have gone on to
conservation strategy that is in line with have a major impact in the conservation of
Duration: Three years, full-time. This accepted professional practice, and respects wall paintings and other aspects of cultural
programme accepts students once every the integrity and significance of the object heritage across the world by working for
three years. Next intake is 2019/20. and its context. heritage organisations, universities and in
private roles.
Entry requirements: A Bachelors The programme seeks to provide the student
degree in an appropriate subject in with a strong foundation in all aspects of
the humanities or sciences. Students wall painting conservation. On completion
will normally have achieved a good 2.1, students will be able to:
considered to be an overall overage of contribute to the assessment of the
65% or above. Students must be able to significance of the painting and its context
demonstrate manual dexterity and have examine and assess the original and later
normal colour vision. Previous conservation materials of both the painting and its
experience is not required, though some support and the implications these have for
understanding of the nature of wall deterioration and intervention
painting conservation is desirable. identify relevant factors of deterioration
and evaluate the likely effects on the
Overview: The Courtauld is one of the painting of measures proposed for
leading centres in the world for education their control
and research in wall painting conservation. contribute to the design and
Over the last 30 years, the Conservation implementation of a programme
of Wall Painting Department has had of conservation which may include:
a major impact on the evolution of the preventative measures; passive
discipline and the care of wall paintings measures; emergency and protective
globally. A considerable part of this impact interventions; remedial treatments;
derives from the Masters programme that and design and implement monitoring
aims to ensure the improved care of wall and maintenance programmes
paintings through providing appropriate
education in their conservation.

The Courtauld Institute of Art Postgraduate Prospectus 2017/18 7

Postgraduate Programmes

MA Curating the Structure

Term one
Conservation, Presentation and Access:
Art Museum Ethics and Practice
History and Theory of Museums
Virtual Display
Contemporary Approaches to the Museum
Intake: 12 students Work placement

Duration: One year, full-time Term two

Contemporary Approaches to the
Entry requirements: Bachelors degree. Museum
Students will normally have achieved a good Development of a public Exhibition Project
2.1, considered to be an overall average 65% Text and Interpretation
or above, with at least one specialist module
in the history of art. Term three
Delivery of Exhibition project
Overview: This programme is an excellent Leadership session
entry point for a career in museums and Four-day study trip to Europe
galleries. It puts the physical object at the Dissertation (completed over summer)
heart of curatorial training whilst placing
specialist knowledge firmly within the The MA is designed to:
context of the modern museum. The Expand graduates art historical interests,
course offers a unique balance of seminars, expertise and scholarship
hands-on experience and work placements, Develop their experience of curatorship
focusing on the expanding remit of the art and their active engagement with
curator in the 21st century. The programme collections and exhibitions
provides unrivalled access to exceptional Prepare graduates to contribute to the
resources, drawing on The Courtaulds own future of the art museum profession.
academic faculty, conservation department,
Gallery and collection, as well as making
the most of its close links with other London
museums, galleries, collections and curators.

8 The Courtauld Institute of Art Postgraduate Prospectus 2017/18

Postgraduate Programmes

Early Modern
Bodies of Knowledge in the Early Modern
Netherlands 15401660 Professor Joanna
Baroque Classicism: Style and Society in
17th-century Italy and France Dr Sheila
Modernity and Antiquity in British
Architecture, 16151815 Professor
Christine Stevenson
Art, Object, Sense: Crossings in
Anthropology and Art History. The case of
18th-century France Professor Katie Scott

Modern and Contemporary

Victorian Science and Aesthetic Movement
Art Professor Caroline Arscott
The Male Body in 19th-century European
Art Dr Satish Padiyar
Documenting Fashion: Modernity, Film and
Image in America and Europe, 1920-60
Dr Rebecca Arnold
Experiencing Modernism: German
Architecture, Art and Design, 1900-1930
Dr Robin Schuldenfrei
Modernism After Postmodernism: 20th-
century Art and its Interpretation Dr
Gavin Parkinson

MA History Special Option

The MA History of Art programme is
designed around the study of specific Special
New York London Paris, 1880-1940
Professor David Peters Corbett
Making the Modern: Art and Visual Culture
of Art Options taught by leading academics actively
researching in these areas. For that reason,
in Britain 1890-1970 Dr Sarah Turner
The Sixties: Eccentric, Erotic, Psychotic - Dr
the programme frequently incorporates Jo Applin
new Special Options, with recent additions Counter Cultures: Alternative Art in Eastern
Intake: 160-80 students ranging from medieval architecture to early Europe and Latin America 1959-1989 Dr
modern Persianate painting to contemporary Klara Kemp-Welch
Duration: Nine months, full-time Chinese art. Global Conceptualism: The Last Avant-
Garde or a New Beginning? Professor
Entry requirements: Bachelors degree in a Students follow one option only and select Sarah Wilson
humanities subject. UK students will normally their preferences from a list that changes Global China: Modern and Contemporary
have achieved at least an upper second class annually. Below is the proposed list for 2017- Chinese Art and Geopolitics Dr Wenny
honours degree with an overall average of 18. For the most up-to-date information and Teo
65% or above. detailed course descriptions visit: courtauld. Documentary Reborn: Photography, Film
ac.uk/study/ postgraduate/ma-history-art and Video in Global Contemporary Art
Language skills are sometimes necessary, Professor Julian Stallabrass
depending on the Special Option. Classical, Byzantine and Medieval
Byzantium and its Rivals: Art, Display Special Options vary from year to year and are
Overview: The hallmark of the MA History and Cultural Identity in the Christian and subject to demand. The Courtauld reserves
of Art is its intensive and specialised nature. Islamic Mediterranean Professor Antony the right to make changes as necessary, but
Studying for the MA at The Courtauld is Eastmond will always keep applicants directly informed,
a rewarding experience and an excellent Seeing Sienese Art: Responses to the and potential applicants via courtauld.ac.uk/
gateway to working in the art sector or Works of a Medieval City Professor study/postgraduate/ma-history-art
undertaking further study in the discipline. Joanna Cannon
Arts of Intimacy? Jews, Christians and
Structure Muslims in Medieval Spain Dr Tom
The taught section of the programme is Nickson
made up of two elements: The Supernatural Middle Ages: Images of
A special option in which one particular the Extraordinary Dr Alixe Bovey
area is studied in considerable depth in
groups of up to ten. This accounts for the Renaissance
majority of the teaching time Early Netherlandish Art c. 1380-c.1530.
A core module which focuses on art Reinterpreting the Object Dr Susan
historical methods and techniques, Frances Jones
and their application to the area of Continuity and Innovation: Reframing
specialisation. This section is taught to all Italian Renaissance Art from Masaccio to
MA students together and accounts for Michelangelo Dr Scott Nethersole,
10% of teaching time. Dr Guido Rebecchini and Dr Paula Nuttall

The Courtauld Institute of Art Postgraduate Prospectus 2017/18 9

Postgraduate Programmes

Research scholars is easy and frequent. The faculty

who will make up your supervisory team will
meet with you regularly, both formally to
In the third term of the first year you will
submit your first-year monitoring paper.
This consists of a chapter of your research,
Degrees discuss drafts of your work, and informally
at lectures and seminars, and the receptions
an outline of your thesis, and a plan for the
next two years of work. It will be read by your
held frequently after them. They will be supervisory team, and discussed at a formal
responsible for guiding your research, meeting with them in early June. You have to
Intake: 2030 students helping plan, develop and shape your thesis, pass this monitoring exercise to proceed to
monitoring your progress and finding ways the following year. It is an important milestone
Duration: Three years, full-time to support your project in whatever way they in your PhD research, and the focus of your
Six years, part-time can either though proposing particular writing in the first year.
training options, providing contacts for
Entry requirements: PhD applicants are you in national and international museums Second year
expected to hold a Masters degree in a or archives, and helping you develop your Students often take longer research or field-
subject relevant to their proposed research. professional skills and experience, as well as work trips abroad, and continue to develop
Those with Masters awarded in the UK your own network of scholars in your field. languages and other skills. Students may
normally have received at least 70% in the also work as teaching assistants to build their
dissertation or thesis; applicants from other You can find out more about current faculty professional experience. You will continue
countries should contact the Academic at The Courtauld. Visit: courtauld.ac.uk/ to meet regularly with your supervisory
Registry for advice about our requirements. study/academic-staff team, and there is a further monitoring event
Prior to submitting an application, students during the second year, which takes different
must propose a research topic, and gain the Structure forms in different period sections, but most
agreement of the relevant tutor to supervise The PhD programme is structured to help often involves some sort of presentation of
the project. There are strict limits on how you attain the required skills you need to your research, usually to faculty and fellow
many PhD students any one supervisor can undertake your research and to write your research students.
take on in a given year. thesis, allowing you to build and maintain
momentum and to complete your PhD thesis Third year
Overview: Our PhD programme is one of within the three, or at maximum four year In the final year the focus will be on
the largest and most renowned for art history time span allotted. completing and revising your chapters:
and conservation. At any one time The this can be the most intensive year of
Courtauld hosts over 100 research students First year writing. You will meet with your supervisory
at various stages in their research projects. You will take part in the skills course, a series team regularly and will also be required
We have great expectations of our PhD of sessions that provide guidance on aspects to give a paper at the Postgraduate
students, and recognise the value they bring of the PhD course and training such as Symposium, to MA and PhD students
to The Courtauld and its intellectual life. referencing software, image management and faculty from across The Courtauld.
Our status as the leading centre for doctoral and photography, using social media in
training in art history and conservation is your research, presenting at conferences,
recognised by our outstanding achievements teaching, publishing, and archival research.
in the 2014 Research Excellence Framework During the first year you may also take
(REF), and by the large number of AHRC language classes. Some of these Dutch
(now CHASE AHRC) funded awards for and Latin for example are organised by
studentships we have been allocated over The Courtauld in-house; others will be on
many years: more than half of our Home/EU offer through other institutes in London, such
PhD students have received full funding from as the London School of Economics, Kings
this route. College London, or the Goethe Institute.
There are also important courses held at the
As a PhD student you will be part of a rich, University of London that develop historical
vibrant and active research community, and archival skills, palaeography, public
and will take full part in the academic life speaking etc. Our CHASE partnership also
of The Courtauld. Our postgraduates take provides access to a range of innovative
part in seminars, specialist reading groups, training programmes: recently these have
site visits, conferences and workshops, included Material Witness and Becoming
and contribute to The Sackler Research a Public Intellectual. Another important
Forums intensive programme of cutting element of the first year programme are the
edge research and debate by scholars sessions held by the visual arts community
from across the world, including visiting of scholars across the University of London,
professors, curators, conservation scientists known as ReSkIN. These sessions provide
and artists. They edit and produce a journal an opportunity to meet other doctoral
of postgraduate research, immediations, students in their field, and to attend sessions
and are able to contribute to curatorial about writing and research on the visual arts.
work in our gallery and print room. Our Alongside these various training events, you
doctoral students have opportunities to gain will attend the first-year seminar, which brings
professional experience by teaching at BA the entering PhD cohort together to learn
and MA level, and through work with our about methods and approaches to research,
public programmes department. and to debate and share those methods,
both theoretical and practical. In the first term
Although we have a large body of PhD this involves reading a different text each
students, as a single-subject institution The week, chosen by a student as representative
Courtauld remains an intimate place where of their material or approach; in the second
students and staff know each other well, and term students present their own research
access to the faculty and other postdoctoral topics to the group.

10 The Courtauld Institute of Art Postgraduate Prospectus 2017/18

Postgraduate Programmes


research journal:
immediations, the first peer-reviewed
research journal to come out of The
Courtauld, publishes innovative research
from across the entire span of art history.
Reflecting the strong research record of
The Courtauld, immediations approaches
the history of art from a wide range of
perspectives, accommodating close
reading of individual works of art and
architecture, as well as broad theoretical
issues. immediations welcomes articles from
current and recent postgraduate students
at The Courtauld. Visit: courtauld.ac.uk/

How International
to apply students
English proficiency
International students wishing to apply to
The Courtauld, and for whom English is
not their first language, must be able to
demonstrate their competence in English
in order to benefit fully from their course of
study. Non-EEA nationals must also satisfy
the UK Border Agency (UKBA) immigration
requirements for English language before
The Courtauld can issue a Confirmation
of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) for visa
purposes. For applicants whose first
language is not English, we require proof of
Applicants may apply directly to The The Courtauld has a long tradition of English proficiency. As government guidance
Courtauld for entry in 2017 using our online welcoming students from many different on English language test providers is subject
application form. For further information and countries around the world. to change, it is best to check The Courtaulds
to check individual programme application website for the most-up-to-date information.
deadlines visit: information courtauld.ac.uk/ Equivalency of qualifications
study/ postgraduate/postgraduate-how-to- We accept overseas qualifications equivalent
apply to a 2.1 in a UK first degree (e.g. US applicants
should have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or
above). For further advice on entrance
requirements contact Student and Academic
Services at: pgadmissions@courtauld.ac.uk

The Courtauld Institute of Art Postgraduate Prospectus 2017/18 11


12 The Courtauld Institute of Art Postgraduate Prospectus 2017/18

The Courtauld Gallery The Sackler Research Forum
The Courtauld Gallery is one of Londons Students are encouraged to attend events
must-see art museums. Its collection hosted by The Sackler Research Forum,
stretches from the early Renaissance to which is the hub of The Courtaulds research
the twentieth century and beyond, and is community and attracts visiting speakers
displayed in the elegant setting of Somerset from around the world. The Sackler Research
House, one of the citys most dynamic Forum offers an extensive programme
cultural venues. The Courtauld Gallery is of lectures, conferences, workshops and
renowned for its unrivalled impressionist seminars supporting advanced enquiry in
and post-impressionist paintings, including the history of art, conservation and museum
masterpieces by Monet, Van Gogh and studies. Recent speakers have included

Gauguin, and the largest collection of TJ Clark, Tracey Emin, Boris Groys, Carlo
Czannes in the UK. It houses a major Ginzburg, Michael Ann Holly, Shirin Neshat,
collection of Old Master paintings and is one Cornelia Parker, and Richard Serra. Visit:
of the few museums in the country to display courtauld.ac.uk/researchforum
a rich selection of early twentieth century
art. The Gallery also holds an outstanding
collection of drawings and prints, and fine
works of sculpture and decorative arts. The Book Library
Students have access to one of the major
The Courtauld Gallery regularly presents international collections of art historical
major exhibitions and special displays, books, periodicals and exhibition catalogues,
which are consistently acclaimed for their with some 200,000 volumes. The Book
outstanding quality and originality. Library is housed in a striking architectural
conversion in the vaulted basement of
The Gallery is at the heart of The Courtauld Somerset House. An online catalogue can
Institute of Art; it plays an important role be accessed remotely and from terminals
in the capitals cultural life and is part of in the library. Students can also make use of
Londons Museum Mile. To find out more the University of London Library, the British
about The Courtauld Gallery, including Library and other specialist libraries in major
details about tours and talks visit: museums and galleries. IT Facilities
courtauld.ac.uk/gallery The IT Centre provides a space for private
The Witt and Conway Photographic study as well as computers, scanning and
Libraries printing facilities. Wireless internet is available
The Courtaulds photographic libraries are across the site. The IT Department provides
valuable research collections used by staff technical support and guides for all services,
and students as well as the general public. and all students are given a Courtauld
Together, the Witt and Conway libraries email address and student login following
hold in excess of three million images. The enrolment.
Conway Library focuses on photographs
of architecture, architectural drawings, Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)
sculpture and illuminated manuscripts as well The VLE allows students to access our digital
as having sections devoted to metalwork, image resources and texts, participate in
ivories, stained glass, panel and wall painting. forum discussions for courses, see a calendar
The photographs cover examples from fifth of events and download course materials.
century BC up to the present. The collection
in the Witt Library includes photographs
and reproductions of Western paintings,
drawings and engravings from c.1200 to the
present day.

Prints and Drawings Study Room

The Courtauld Gallery houses one of the
most significant collections of works on
paper in Britain, with approximately 7,000
drawings and watercolours and 20,000 prints
ranging from the late Middle Ages to the
twentieth-century avant-garde. This includes
masterpieces by artists such as Drer,
Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Rembrandt
and Turner, and provides coverage of major
national schools and periods. Students
are warmly welcome in the Prints and
Drawings Study Room, which is also used Digital resources
for collections-based teaching. In January The Courtaulds eMuseum contains more
2015, The Courtauld unveiled The Gilbert than 130,000 images covering painting,
and Ildiko Butler Drawings Gallery, a new sculpture and architecture to illuminated
exhibition space for our drawings collection. manuscripts, prints and decorative arts. The
Art and Architecture website features the
Courtauld Gallerys complete collections
of paintings and drawings, and over 40,000
images of world architecture and sculpture
from our Conway Photographic Library.

The Courtauld Institute of Art Postgraduate Prospectus 2017/18 13

Individual careers support The Certificate is awarded to students Emmanuel di Donna, Director, Blain |
All students can access bespoke, one-to- who demonstrate commitment to their DiDonna
one careers guidance throughout their personal and professional development by Kaywin Feldman, Director and President,
studies. The Courtauld careers service offers either attending five one-to-one careers Minneapolis Institute of Arts
advice and support on exploring career and guidance appointments/five careers events Gabriele Finaldi, Director, National Gallery
further study options, finding internships, or through a combination of one-to-one London
enhancing employability, understanding and sessions and careers events. All students Ashley Givens, Head of Education,
navigating the jobs and self-employment who complete the Certificate are invited to Kreeger Museum
market, and making successful applications. an exclusive alumni networking event, giving RoseLee Goldberg, Art historian and
The Courtaulds careers consultants also them the opportunity to meet a wide range founder of Performa
offer a tailored interview practice service, of alumni and build valuable professional Andrew Graham-Dixon, Broadcaster
with detailed feedback, enabling students to contacts. Each year, students secure work William Griswold, Director, Cleveland
prepare effectively for interviews. opportunities through attending this event. Museum of Art
Alan Halliday, Artist
The Courtauld Student Ambassador Opportunities to gain work experience Jennifer Harris, Deputy Director,
Scheme Many students work part-time to gain Whitworth Art Gallery
The Ambassador Scheme is run by The valuable work experience and supplement Sara Harrison, Senior Director, Hauser
Courtaulds Public Programmes department, their income. They may also embark on full- & Wirth
which puts on an extensive programme of time internships during the holiday periods. Joanne Heyler, Founding Director and
public events and opportunities for adults Some find jobs in galleries, museums, Chief Curator of The Broad Art Foundation
and young people, whatever their age or auction houses and other arts institutions to Noah Horowitz, Director Americas,
background, to benefit from The Courtaulds complement their studies, while others gain Art Basel
unique resources. Students can get involved internships to explore sectors outside of the Min Jung Kim, Director, New Britain
in schools, community, outreach and public arts. Through the Courtauld Association Museum of American Art
events, gain invaluable skills and help Careers Centre jobs board, students Tim Knox, Director, The Fitzwilliam
promote art history as a subject and the work can access exclusive internships and job Museum, Cambridge
of The Courtauld more widely. opportunities within the arts, sourced John Leighton, Director General, National
through The Courtaulds extensive alumni Galleries of Scotland
The Courtauld Association network. The Courtauld also has various Gilbert Guy Lloyd, Director, Marlborough
Events and resources are also provided by opportunities internally, such as giving tours Fine Art Ltd
The Courtauld Association, a networking in the Gallery, acting as assistants in the Prints Stuart Lochhead, Director, Daniel Katz
base made up of current students, alumni and Drawings Study Room and providing Gallery
and current and former staff. Students general services in the libraries. In addition, Tim Marlow, Presenter and Artistic
can sign up to The Courtauld Association JobOnline, the University of Londons jobs Director, Royal Academy of Art, London
Network, an exclusive social networking board, offers a range of vacancies across Lucy Mitchell-Innes, Director,
website, which includes job vacancies and various industries. The careers service will MitchellInness & Nash and President, Art
events information posted by members. provide support and guidance in finding and Dealers Association of America
Students can also sign up to the Alumni applying for work experience opportunities. Jessica Morgan, Director, DIA Foundation
Ambassadors Scheme, allowing them to Frances Morris, Director, Tate Modern
network with various alumni who may act as Career prospects Helly Nahmad, Owner, Helly Nahmad
informal careers mentors. The Courtauld supports its students paths Gallery
into careers in the art world and beyond Griselda Pollock, Art historian
The Courtauld Association Careers by offering unique opportunities for them Gemma Rolls-Bentley, UK Gallery Liaison
Certificate to develop their skills and experience. Manager, Artsy
The Courtauld Association Careers The Courtaulds graduates continue to Patricia Rubin, Director, Institute of Fine
Certificate is a comprehensive careers fill prestigious positions around the world Arts, New York University
education programme designed to help as art historians, curators, journalists, art Frances Scott, Artist Nicholas Serota,
students to explore their career options, dealers and heads of major museums Director, Tate
receive practical tips from and network with and galleries. Alumni have also become Laurence Sillars, Chief Curator, Baltic
alumni and employers, and develop their lawyers, entrepreneurs, publishers, media Centre for Contemporary Art
employability skills. The programme consists professionals and teachers. Anna Somers Cocks, Founding Editor, The
of a wide variety of events, including: Art Newspaper
Panel sessions led by alumni in a range Notable alumni include: Alastair Sooke, Art critic and presenter
of careers Antonia Bostrom, Keeper of European Jonathan Stone, Chairman, Christies Asia
Talks by recruitment and careers Sculpture, Metalworks, Ceramics and Alexander Sturgis, Director, Ashmolean
professionals Glass, V&A Museum, Oxford
Employability skills workshops on a range Bruce Boucher, Director, Sir John Soanes Matthew Teitelbaum, Director, Museum of
of topics, including career management, Museum Fine Arts, Boston
interview techniques and networking. Thomas Campbell, Director and CEO Jeff Wall, Artist

Metropolitan Museum of Art
Sam Chatterton Dickson, Director,
Lisson Gallery
T J Clark, Professor Emeritus Modern Art,
University of California, Berkeley
Gabriel Coxhead, Jouralist and Art Critic
Nicholas Cullinan, Director, National
Portrait Gallery, London
Penelope Curtis, Director, Calouste
Gulbenkian Museum, Lisbon
Jeremy Deller, Artist, Winner of 2004
Turner Prize
Emma Dexter, Director, Visual Arts, The
British Council

14 The Courtauld Institute of Art Postgraduate Prospectus 2017/18

Where do Courtauld
graduates work?
American University Museum Museum of Photographic Arts
Barnebys Auctions Perrett Laver
Big Worldwide PwC
British Museum Rise Art
Chatsworth House Royal Collection Trust
Christine Park Gallery Sothebys
Chrysler Museum of Art Tate Britain
Financial Times The Hatton Gallery

Greenpeace UK The National Trust
Groeninge Museum The Wallace Collection
Hauser and Wirth Gallery UK Parliament
House and Garden Magazine Victoria and Albert Museum
Julian Simon Fine Art Virginia Museum of Fine Arts
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston White Cube Gallery
Latest Destinations of Leavers from Higher
Education (DLHE) survey: 6 months after
graduation, 2014/15

The Courtauld Institute of Art Postgraduate Prospectus 2017/18 15

16 The Courtauld Institute of Art Postgraduate Prospectus 2017/18
There is no better place in the entire world TEDx
than London to study the history of art, Since 2014 TEDxCourtauldInstitute has
curating or conservation, and few more been a key part of student life at The
exciting places to live. The Courtauld is Courtauld, connecting the worlds brightest
located in the historic Somerset House on minds with the worlds best stories. TEDx
the Strand, right in the heart of the capital is an independently organised TED event
and on Londons Museum Mile. This central (Technology, Entertainment, Design)
location gives students easy access to a that brings together ideas, stories and
wealth of museums, galleries and libraries, performances from a diverse and engaging
such as the National Gallery, the British range of speakers. As the synthesis of two
Museum and British Library. intellectual and cultural powerhouses TED
and The Courtauld TEDxCourtauldInstitute
Students Union provides a learning environment for the
Our students benefit from the best of both Somerset House community based on
worlds a close and intimate community TEDs mission: ideas worth spreading.
within The Courtauld and the chance to be As an entirely student led event, with a
a part of the larger University of London. core team of dedicated organisers and
The Courtauld Students Union represents East Wing Biennial volunteers, TEDxCourtauldInstitute fosters
the interests of all our students and The East Wing Biennial is a contemporary community and participation for all. Visit:
organises a variety of activities, societies, art exhibition entirely managed and curated tedxcourtauldinstitute.com
outings and parties throughout the by our students and displayed around The
year. Current societies include: Business Courtauld. The current edition features the Student Caf
of Art Society, Film Society, Medieval work of artists such as Rachel Whiteread, The on-site caf, located in a sky-lit
Society, Law Society and many more. Visit: Tracey Emin and Antony Gormley. Now in its conservatory, is the social centre of
courtauldsu.com for more information. 25th year, the exhibition is widely regarded The Courtauld. It serves delicious home
as one of the most prestigious student art cooking and a range of cakes, freshly
The University of Londons Student exhibitions in the world. Find out more at: baked every day. It has a friendly, relaxed
Central, situated on Malet Street in nearby eastwingbiennial.org atmosphere and is a perfect meeting place
Bloomsbury, offers a wide-range of facilities for our students.
and activities for students in London. These
include: sports and societies, cafes, bars, live
music and events, a health and fitness studio,
and the largest swimming pool in central
London. Membership is free for students
enrolled at one of the University of London THEST BRITISH

1 1

96 Euston Road 96 Euston Road
colleges. Visit: student-central.co.uk for EUSTON
more information. 1 THE BRITISH MUSEUM
Great Russell Street
13 Great Russell Street
The Courtauldian 3 THE BRUNEI GALLERY
Thornhaugh Street
The Courtaulds student newspaper is an WARREN EUSTON


STREET SQUARE Thornhaugh Street


opportunity for students to showcase their 12
35 Little Russell Street
artistic and creative talent through illustrated 35 Little Russell Street



articles and photographs. It includes an 5 CHARLES DICKENS 48 Doughty Street
arts section, with exhibition reviews and GOODGE
48 Doughty Street 6 THE COURTAULD
interviews with artists and arts professionals, GALLERY

Somerset House, Strand

as well as a wide-range of other topics 6 THE COURTAULD
including literature, fashion, film, music, 3 BRUNSWICK SQUARE
Somerset House, Strand MUSEUM

SQUARE 40 Brunswick Square

current affairs and competitions. To view the


latest edition visit: courtauldian.com
40 Brunswick Square

3543 Lincolns Inn Fields


8 5







2 60 Great Queen Street




The Piazza, Covent Garden
60 Great Queen Street
WO 10
XFO MUSEUM 13 Lincolns Inn Fields
VE N The Piazza, Covent Garden





11 13 Lincolns Inn Fields
HOLBORN H IG UCL, Gower Street

OR ART, 13


MUSEUMS AND 183 Euston Road

GA 8
UCL, Gower Street 14

B LE Trafalgar Square



10 R US 13




183 Euston Road GALLERY


St. Martins Place







The Courtauld Institute of Art Postgraduate Prospectus 2017/18 17

The Courtauld provides rooms in our Duchy Allocations Policy
House and a small number of rooms at the Applications are accepted from candidates
University of Londons Intercollegiate Halls. who have a conditional or unconditional
offer only for a full academic year course
Duchy House at The Courtauld. Rooms are prioritised to
Duchy House accommodates 64 students those students who live furthest away from
(undergraduate and postgraduate) and The Courtauld and are engaging in their
is located next to The Courtauld. Single first year of study in the UK. If you have a
occupancy rooms are available with most physical disability and would like to apply for
having en-suite facilities. There is a communal accommodation, please include a covering
kitchen on all floors including access to a letter with your accommodation application
common room on three floors. There is a describing the nature of your disability.
laundry room on the lower ground floor. Free You will also need to provide a medical
wired and wireless internet access is provided certificate or other relevant documentation.
within all rooms. Where possible The Courtauld will attempt
to accommodate students in suitable
Intercollegiate Halls residences; however, please note that not all
These are located within walking distance of residences will be suitable for all applicants.
The Courtauld and most of the rooms offered
are en-suite rooms in catered halls. Students
who live in Intercollegiate Halls are housed
with students from other University of London
colleges, which is a great way to meet a
diverse community of neighbours studying a
wide range of subjects. University of London
halls are mostly catered and offer both single
and shared accommodation. Laundry and
some cooking facilities are available on-site.

18 The Courtauld Institute of Art Postgraduate Prospectus 2017/18

The Courtauld Institute of Art Postgraduate Prospectus 2017/18 19
20 The Courtauld Institute of Art Postgraduate Prospectus 2017/18
Academic Staff
Our first-rate academic staff are dedicated
to providing you with an exciting and
challenging experience as you discover the
history of art from antiquity to the present.
The Courtauld has a teaching staff of about
30, including six conservation teachers,
covering a broad spectrum of the history
of art and architecture. While they have a
wide range of approaches to the study of
the history of art, all share a commitment
to the close examination of individual
works. Students also have access to an
Academic Support Tutor who can help with
time management, research skills, reading
techniques and other study skills. Further
help with essay writing is provided by two
Royal Literary Fund Fellows. The Fellows are
published authors who offer students help
with all aspects of writing, and do so in a
friendly and confidential fashion.

Student and Academic Services

The Student and Academic Services team
provides a range of support services
focused on improving the overall student
experience. The Student and Academic
Services office is open Monday to Friday,
between 9.30am and 5.30pm. Staff are
available to help with a wide range of general
enquiries regarding the courses offered by
The Courtauld, as well as providing official
status letters, advice about accommodation,
health issues, immigration matters,
financial support and careers. Staff are also
responsible for receiving formally assessed
work from students through the year.

Health and Welfare

The Gower Street Practice, located a short
walk from The Courtauld, offers a full range
of medical services, including a travel clinic,
lifestyle clinics and counselling services.
Students experiencing personal difficulty may
make an appointment with our counsellor
or contact their Personal Tutor. In addition,
the University of London offers a Student
range of counselling and advice services.

The Courtauld Institute of Art Postgraduate Prospectus 2017/18 21

& Fundi
Postgraduate Programmes
At the time of going to press, tuition fees for
2017/18 have not yet been confirmed. The
information below lists the fees for 2016/17. All
Graduate Diploma in the History of Art
MA History of Art
Home/EU fee
Overseas fee
fees are per year (except where stated) and
MA Buddhist Art 9,864 20,500
are subject to review.
MA Curating the Art Museum 9,864 20,500
MA Conservation of Wall Paintings 7,500 18,500
PgDip in the Conservation of Easel Paintings 11,916 20,500

Research fees Part-time Full-time Overseas fee

Home/ EU fee Home/ EU fee
MPhil and PhD Research 2,400 4,880 16,650
PhD writing-up year 674
Occasional student 3,360 per term

Fees Assessment: Home/EU or Overseas? Consortium for the Humanities and Arts Alumni Loyalty Scheme
Visit: courtauld.ac.uk/study/fees-and- South-East England (CHASE) This scheme is open to any graduate of
funding for further information. The Courtauld is one of nine leading The Courtauld Institute of Art admitted
institutions of higher education together to a taught postgraduate programme of
Courtauld Institute of Art Scholarships with the Universities of East Anglia, Essex, study. Recipients will receive a 10% loyalty
Thanks to the generosity of many donors Kent and Sussex, The Open University, discount off their tuition fee for the duration
The Courtauld has a number of scholarships Goldsmiths, Birkbeck and SOAS which form of the course. This discount will be applied
to support postgraduate and research the CHASE Doctoral Training Partnership, automatically and does not require any
students. Scholarships are offered on the funded by the Arts and Humanities Research further action from applicants.
basis of academic merit, with the level of Council. The Consortium (until 2019)
funding determined by financial need. Please annually offers around 75 scholarships to
check the website at: courtauld.ac.uk/study/ PhD students from the UK and the European
fees-and-funding/postgraduates for Union. Providing an enhanced training
further information. programme for its funded scholars, CHASE
seeks to shape a future in which the values
and dispositions of scholarship in the arts
and humanities inventiveness, craft,
rigour, intuitive and counter-intuitive insight
can flourish alongside developments in
creative practice, digital technologies and
media forms. Studentships cover tuition
fees, research training, and a maintenance
allowance (the last for UK students only).
For further information visit: chase.ac.uk

22 The Courtauld Institute of Art Postgraduate Prospectus 2017/18


The Courtauld Institute of Art Postgraduate Prospectus 2017/18 23

Open Days
The Courtauld holds a Postgraduate
Open Day annually, normally in November
providing an opportunity for prospective
students to meet staff and students, view the
facilities, and discuss the course in an informal
session. For further information and to book
online visit: courtauld.ac.uk/study/open-day

If you have any queries please email:


Campus tours
Book a tour with a Student Ambassador
during term time at: advice@courtauld.ac.uk

The Courtauld Gallery

is accessed via the Strand
Contact information High Holborn

Student and Academic Services

Covent Garden Holborn
The Courtauld Institute of Art
Somerset House, Strand wy
Ald ch
London WC2R 0RN UK
T: +44 (0) 20 7848 2635 Strand
Charing Cross Somerset
E: pgadmissions@courtauld.ac.uk House

Connect with us Embankment

TheCourtauldInstituteofArt Waterloo
Front cover: Somerset House
@Courtauld from the Aldwych entrance,
CourtauldInstitute Frederick Mackenzie (1787-1854).
The Samuel Courtauld Trust,
ecourtauld The Courtauld Gallery, London.

24 The Courtauld Institute of Art Postgraduate Prospectus 2017/18

The Courtauld Institute of Art Postgraduate Prospectus 2017/18 25
The Courtauld Institute of Art has taken
all reasonable care to ensure that the
information in this prospectus is correct
at the time of going to print. Information
may be subject to change without prior
notice. The Courtauld disclaims all liability
in this respect.

If you require the prospectus in large

print please contact the Marketing and
Communications Department.

26 The Courtauld Institute of Art Postgraduate Prospectus 2017/18

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