Lab 1
Lab 1
F i e l d R e p o r t N o . 1 A bo u t :
1. Measure a distance of 25m with a steel tape and Mark the end points.
2. Walk forward over the distance and count your paces.
3. Estimate the fraction of the last pace to the nearest one length. Record the number of
pace in the field book.
4. Repeat step 2 four times.
5. Compute the average length of the natural pace by dividing the total distance walked
(in this case 100m) by the total number of paces. (Table 1.1)
Student 1 2 3
A-B 46 47 44 Paces/25m
B-A 48 47 45 Paces/25m
A-B 47 48 46 Paces/25m
B-A 48 47 47 Paces/25m
SUM 189 189 182 Paces/100m
Average 47.25 47.25 45.5 Paces/25m
Pace length 0.64 0.635 0.65 m
Table 1.1: Determining Average pace length.
1. Choose a flat stretch of ground and locate a survey line (A-B) by means of markers.
2. Walk forward over the survey line and count your paces.
3. Repeat step 2 four times.
4. Compute the average length of survey line.
Student 1 2 3 4
A-B 43 44 43 Paces
B-A 48 44 42 Paces
A-B 47 45 42 Paces
B-A 48 43 43 Paces
SUM 173 176 170 Paces
Average 43.25 44 42.5 Paces
Average length 27.68 27.94 27.63 M
of AB
Table 1.2: Determining the average length of the Survey line (A-B).
Average = 173/4 = 43.25
Length = 43.25 *0.635 = 27.46 m