Battletech 10992 - Technical Readout 3026 Revised-OEF PDF
Battletech 10992 - Technical Readout 3026 Revised-OEF PDF
Battletech 10992 - Technical Readout 3026 Revised-OEF PDF
The year is 3026 and war has ravaged the thousands of worlds of the
Inner Sphere for centuries. Successor Lords send clashing armies to conquer
their neighbors and re-establish the long-lost Star League. Though the
BattleMech is the king of the battlefield, it is supported by a much vaster array
of conventional vehicles that fight every where from premier border worlds to
the back waters of beyond. When in the hands of an experienced field
commander, even a BattleMech must be leery when facing a company of tanks.
This revised edition of the original Technical Readout: 3026 features the
most common military vehicles of the Succession Wars. Additionally, this
volume contains nineteen vehicles, aerospace fighters, DropShips and
JumpShips mentioned in the fictional context of the BattleTech universe but
never before presented in a technical readout.
Though it has been almost ten years since we uploaded the revised version of the document Technical Readout: 3025, both Dragoon warriors and Wolfnet personnel
have commented on its usefulness as well as its accuracy as compared with the original ComStar document. As stated in that document, though obsolete by previous
standards, any warrior foolish enough to discount the potency of the Mechs found with in that volume deserves a forgotten grave.
In a similar vein, select Wolfnet personnel have diligently compiled a report of the various inaccuracies found in the ComStar document Technical Readout: 3026.
That report has been painstakingly folding into the original ComStar document, allowing us to present the most accurate report of its kind on the common vehicles of
the Succession Wars era.
Additionally, this edition contains information on numerous units that previously have not received much attention in modern class rooms or military planning ses-
sions. We extend our thanks to both ComStar for opening its archives, and our own personnel for continuing their exhaustive, diligent research after the Word of Blake
sealed those archives once more. Their efforts were invaluable in obtaining this information.
Though most of these vehicles ceased production centuries ago (some even before the founding of the original Star League), they can and will still surface from
time to time; the unearthing of twin Colossus-class DropShips within the last fifty or so years after all were thought destroyed is proof of that fact. A warrior or agent that
wishes to remain alive would do well not to be surprised by the sudden appearance of such lost designs. Though a few of these lost designs are still rolling off the
factory floor (noted in their appropriate briefs) the vast majority have long ceased production and even circulation.
Most of the vehicles in this book are fully compatible with the Vehicle Construction rules found in the Classic BattleTech Master Rules, Revised (BMR); in an effort
to not invalidate any extent record sheets, those vehicles within this volume which do not adhere to the Vehicle Construction rules in the BMR are considered grandfa-
thered in and are legal Level 1 designs (the only exceptions is the Engineering Vehicle and Hi-Scout Drone Carrier, which are considered Level 3; rules for using that
vehicle are found in Maximum Tech, Revised). To use these vehicles, players will need the Vehicles rules found in the BMR. The aerospace units in this book can be
used with the AeroTech 2 (AT2) game and are fully compatible with that books construction rules.
Winnetkas crew discovered a large Star League supply ing then darting in behind the Locust to pepper its back
VEHICLES facility on an uninhabited Periphery world. They with laser blasts. The Locusts targeting system could not
dumped their cargo of Botany Bay Industrial Sand and get an effective lock on the speeding target, and its own
loaded all their DropShips with every piece of equipment vaunted speed was no match for the hovercrafts.
they could find. Although the Locust would manage a hit or two on the
The recovered salvage was split among the crew. vehicles front or side armor, it would inevitably be
As part of his share, Warrant Officer Lewis requested declared the loser as the sensors would register two or
and received the small fusion plants found at the depot. three laser hits that would have destroyed the Mech.
Unlike the rest of the crew, he did not sell his share to All day the tests continued, and in each one, Lewis
the highest bidder and retire. He held onto the fusion won. Although Johnson had always been level-headed in
plants instead. battle, after twelve defeats, her temper began to wear
Lewis knew that Katrina Steiner was looking for a thin. After her 15th defeat, a cocky Lewis began to taunt
new combat vehicle that could serve on a screening or her over the radio and question her abilities. Finally, dur-
Mass: 5 tons recon force and defeat a Locust in single combat 75 ing the 17th encounter, Savannahs temper snapped.
Movement Type: Hover percent of the time. Most established vehicle manufac- She overrode the power control on her laser and fired a
Power Plant: 25 Omni Fusion turers were submitting proposals costing about burst into the front of the hovercraft. Armor vaporized off
Cruising Speed: 140.4 kph 800,000 C-bills. the front, but the shot did not penetrate. Lewis cranked
Flank Speed: 216.0 kph Lewis felt that he could design an effective and up his power in response, and the two pilots became
Armor: Durallex Light Standard cheaper vehicle using the Omni. After incorporating him- locked in earnest combat.
Armament: self, he began a prototype. He installed the Omni on a After exchanging a few strikes, Lewis pulled back to
1 Medium Laser Skimmer frame, plated additional armor over the hull, long range to assess his damage. Reassured that he
Manufacturer: S.L. Lewis, Inc and mounted a Defiance B3M laser on the bow. was all right, he began a high-speed pass toward the
Primary Factory: Carlisle The final vehicle's speed was incredibleover Locust. Snaking his way toward Savannah, he took
Communications System: TharHes Hm 10 215 kph, faster than any known hovercraft. Its pro- another laser hit on the front and one on the right side.
Targeting and Tracking System: TharHes Alpha-2a duction cost was also impressiveabout 90,000 C- His shot hit the head of the Mech. Momentarily stunned,
bills per copy. Johnson lost sight of the hovercraft. To the astonishment
OVERVIEW When Lewis submitted his proposal to the Steiner of the onlookers, Lewis took the craft between the
The Savannah Master is the only vehicle produced Procurement Office, military leaders were skeptical. Nev- Mechs legs, spun around, and delivered a devastating
by S.L. Lewis, Incorporated. Savannah Masters are cur- ertheless, the Procurement Office could not ignore the blow to the Mechs back.
rently being issued to Steiner cavalry and recon units, quoted price. After stiff resistance from the military, As the hovercraft sped away, the Mech simply van-
but many Periphery worlds have also expressed interest Lewiss machine was allowed to compete with the other ished in a fireball of exploding ammunition. Johnsons
in using this vehicle to counter Bandit King raids. The prototypes. autoeject mechanism rocketed her to safety. Lewis drove
Savannah Master combines extremely high speed, good his battered vehicle up to the astonished officials. Climb-
front armor protection, and a Defiance B3M Medium DEPLOYMENT ing out of the cockpit, covered with sweat and grime, he
Laser. This combination has proven very effective in field The Savannah Master has been used only once in asked them what they thought of his Savannah Master.
tests against light Mechs, with a Savannah Master lance combat, during its prototype trials. Lewis himself showed Despite some strong objections from Mech comman-
halting a lance of Wasps and Locusts. Whether these up at the testing grounds, with his yet-to-be-named hov- ders, that name has stayed with the vehicle.
results will hold up in actual combat remains to be seen. ercraft. Three weeks of grueling testing left just two Currently S.L. Lewis, Inc. has received orders for
machines under consideration: Lewiss machine and a 1,000 of the machines, and is currently negotiating with
CAPABILITIES 30-ton tracked vehicle from Defiance Industries. The final some Periphery worlds for an undisclosed number. The
The Savannah Master uses the most efficient test was to be a combat between each vehicle and a main obstacle to manufacturing the Savannah Master is
fusion engine ever manufacturedthe Omni 25. This Locust, using the lasers on low power and having sen- the limited availability of the Omni 25; it is unlikely that
engine is no longer in production, but a large number sors tied into the computers to register hits. any more such fusion plants can be found. Unless the
(rumored to exceed 2,000) belong to Warrant Officer The Locusts MechWarrior was Savannah Johnson, Savannah Master can prove itself in combat, it is unlike-
Lewis, late of the Merchant-class JumpShip Winnetka a veteran pilot with many kills. During the mock battle, ly that any fusion plant manufacturers will produce the
and now president of S.L. Lewis, Inc. Two years ago, the Lewis kept the hovercraft at long range, continually mov- small engine for Lewiss company.
Equipment Mass
Internal Structure: .5
Engine: 25 1
Type: Fusion
Cruising MP: 13
Flank MP: 20
Heat Sinks: 10 0
Control Equipment: .25
Lift Equipment: .5
Power Amplifier: 0
Turret: 0
Armor Factor: 24 1.5
Front 10
R/L Side 6/6
Rear 2
is used mostly in city fighting, because wheels are son were infantry units. Those troops were ordered to
VEHICLES best-suited for roads and light cross-country move- remain to defend the planet as best they could. She left
ment. Tracked APCs are used mostly in heavy cross- 15 companies of infantry to face 15 lances of Mechs.
country terrain, such as broken or hilly regions. Hover Indeed, some of these Mech lances were among Kuri-
carriers are used in deserts and snow plains because ta's finest troops. As the Steiner infantrymen knew they
they are unhindered by such terrain. had no choice but to fight or surrender, they dug in and
waited for the inevitable onslaught.
CAPABILITIES They did not have long to wait. Several Kurita
Armored Personnel Carriers are among the least lances came storming over the hills in an attempt to
complex and sturdiest vehicles available. They do not overrun the hapless infantry. After several infantry
require any special equipment to repair, and a com- companies had taken heavy losses, the infantry com-
municator is the fanciest piece of equipment they carry. mander ordered his remaining units to open fire at
The APCs usually carry minimal weaponry in order to point-blank range. Several of the Mechs were
Mass: 10 tons increase the number of men the vehicle can transport. destroyed outright by head hits, and the rest were
Movement Type: Wheeled, Tracked and Hover Moreover, the small size of the vehicles dictates that thrown into confusion. It was clear that the Kurita
Power Plant: 60 Type 80 I.C.E. any weapons mounted be light ones. troops never expected the infantry to last this long.
Cruising Speed: 108.0 kph (hover), 64.8 kph Wheeled APCs tend to be cheaper to build and This confusion was all the infantry needed to win
(tracked & wheeled) carry more armor than the other two types. Their cross- the battle. In a heated 20-minute engagement, they
Flank Speed: 162.0 kph (hover), 97.2 kph country mobility, however, is limited. Tracked APCs are destroyed the remaining Mechs completely. In a bril-
(tracked & wheeled) more expensive to build, but can operate in a wider liant strategic move, the infantry commander immedi-
Armor: SimplePlate Manufacturers Standard variety of terrains. Hover APCs sacrifice armor protec- ately ordered all his troops into their APCs, where they
Armament: 2 Various Machine Guns (Hover & tion for speed; though restricted to open areas, the moved into the hills to wait for the other Kurita Mechs.
Wheeled), 1 Various Machine Gun (tracked) hover carrier is the vehicle of choice for any comman- Two hours later, the other Kurita Mechs began to
Manufacturers: Various der who wants his units to be able to respond rapidly. cautiously edge toward the battle site at the foot of the
Primary Factories: Various Modern carriers have communications equipment that hills. In silence, they surveyed all that was left of their
Communications System: LongCom allows their men to keep in touch when away from the fallen comrades. Just then, the infantry commander
Targeting and Tracking System: OptiTrack vehicle. These communications sets may be of almost ordered his troops to attack the remaining Mechs, five
Techniques any type, from personal communicators to long-range of which were immediately cut down. The rest retreat-
systems. ed from the battlefield and left Garrison as quickly as
OVERVIEW they could.
Infantry and Armored Personnel Carriers (APCs) DEPLOYMENT
are the backbone of any vehicular military unit. Popu- There are no battle reports of spectacular APC VARIANTS
lar opinion has it that infantry is almost totally useless actions on the battlefield, but there are accounts of There are many popular variants on Armored
against vehicles, not to mention against Mechs, but infantry units holding back forces that should have Personnel Carriers. The most popular mount more
actual combat situations have almost invariably proved destroyed them easily, at least on paper. Of all the weapons, such as machine guns, at the expense of
this myth to be false. House Lords, Katrina Steiner seems to be the only one carried troops. Quite often, these vehicles no longer
Infantry Carriers are not fighting vehicles, for their who sees the particular advantage of using infantry in carry troops and are used purely for infantry support.
main function is to transport infantry squads from one battles. A single infantryman cannot do much damage Infantrymen are sometimes considered the crazi-
battle to another. Although most APCs mount to a Mech, but a whole company can wipe one out est of all combat troops. To enhance this image and
weapons, these are usually only for defense against with little effort. One example of her strategic sense of strike fear into their opponents, they often paint their
other infantry units. In most cases, the infantrymen will infantrys importance happened during the defense of carriers in bright, garish colors that obviously reveal
dismount from the vehicle and fight on foot rather than Garrison, a Steiner planet under attack from Kurita. their position to anyone within sighting distance.
be trapped under fire in an armored personnel carrier. When Katrina was forced to withdraw her Mech
Each of the three basic types of APCs has its own forces and move them to a more important, even more
individual function on the battlefield. The wheeled APC threatened planet, the only troops left to defend Garri-
easy to maintain, and does not require high-tech pro- few surviving Liao aerospace fighters could no longer
VEHICLES duction facilities. operate, for lack of airfields. The Liao Mech forces were
also shattered, with the remaining units fleeing into the
CAPABILITIES jungle and hoping for the arrival of a relief force.
The Guardian is powered by a Rawlings 140 Air One of these escaped units was the 976th Air Sup-
Turbine, which utilizes four exhaust nozzles, two on port squadron. Its twelve pilots had been able to load up
each side of the fuselage. These nozzles can be rotat- most of their ammunition, fuel, and spare parts onto
ed to give the Guardian VSTOL capabilities. True verti- Karnovs and escape before the Marik forces overran
cal take-off and landings are only possible when the their base. For six months, the 976th staged what has
craft is not loaded with ordnance, but even with a full become a textbook example of an air unit fighting a
bomb load, the Guardian needs only 50 meters of open guerrilla action.
field to get airborne. Using their mobility to the fullest, the 976th contin-
The Guardians construction is a model of simplic- ually hit Marik ground targets without warning. Flying in
Mass: 20 tons ity. Its airframe, avionics, and engine are built up from at treetop-level, they dropped their load of infernos or
Power Plant: Rawlings Air Turbine 140 Turbine component modules for easy removal and replacement high explosives and then escaped in the confusion. With
Armor: Standard in the field. Though most of its electronics are consid- their VSTOL capability, the unit was not tied down to one
Armament: ered obsolete, they are highly reliable. This puts the base area. They only stayed in one place long enough
1 Sian/Ceres Cougar SRM 6 Guardian at a disadvantage against more technologi- to rearm or refuel before going out on another mission;
Manufacturer: Mujika Aerospace Technologies cally advanced units, but it also means an army of meanwhile, the Karnovs moved to another field.
Primary Factory: St. Ives techs is not necessary to keep it operating. Indeed, only The 976th was not invincible, though. They had to
Communications System: XDuoteck 20 one Astechif anyis usually assigned to a Guardian. be particularly wary in areas patrolled by aerospace
Targeting and Tracking System: Radcom T5 This reduction in manpower is possible through the use fighters. Indeed, seven of their number were destroyed in
of a unique electronic system fault-tester. The tester chance encounters with fighters. Fuel was another prob-
OVERVIEW isolates and identifies the problem area and tells the lem. The Rawlings power plant may be fuel-efficient, but
In the era of the Succession Wars, Mechs and Astech what number module to remove and replace. It it cannot run on air. Early on, the squadron was able to
aerospace fighters are assets too rare and valuable to also prints out a list of workable substitute modules hook up with a lance of Vulcans, which helped them raid
be wasted. This is especially true for the Capellan Con- (along with necessary directions for modifications) if the ammo and fuel dumps to keep the 976th supplied. While
federation of House Liao. Controlling the smallest mili- required module is not available. the Vulcans took out the infantry garrison, the Guardians
tary and industrial base in the Inner Sphere, Liao was The Guardian has two major flaws. The first is that bombed any Mechs that tried to intervene. The Karnovs
the first of the Successor Houses to use conventional it cannot withstand damage. Its speed is the aircrafts then hauled away the supplies.
combat equipment to replace Mechs and aerospace only defense against an aerospace fighter, for example, After six months, the 976th were reduced to four
fighters whenever possible. because a fighter can shoot it down easily. Its other Guardians, two Vulcans, and one Karnov. A Marik patrol
Though aerospace fighters can provide decisive defect is the relatively weak primary armament. In spotted these survivors while they were on the ground
intervention in a ground battle, they are best used to ground support, the SRM is not as effective as a laser refueling one day. Within an hour, a battalion of jump
maintain space superiority. In 2831, House Liao began or other energy weapon. Mounting a laser on the troops attacked. The Guardian pilots were gunned down
to issue Guardian conventional fighters to beef up the Guardian would be impractical, however, for it would before they could even reach their machines.
ground attack capabilities of their garrison units rather only further increase its overall weight and thus reduce
than wasting more valuable aerospace fighters on speed even more. VARIANTS
ground support. The most popular variant is the Guardian B,
The Guardian carries a good-sized bomb load, DEPLOYMENT which substitutes the Rawlings 120 for the Rawlings
and its SRM 6 packs a reasonable punch, adequate to Soon after receiving a squadron of Guardians, the 140. This lowers the Guardians speed and reduces
perform ground support missions. In a contest with an Liao forces on Sappho were hit by an overwhelming the bomb load, but it allows the SRM 6 to be replaced
aerospace fighter of similar size, however, the Guardian invasion by House Marik. In the first wave, Marik seized with a medium laser, heat sinks, power amp, and addi-
cannot hold a candle to its fighter cousin. Perhaps most Sapphos major cities and industrial areas, along with tional armor.
important to House Liao is that the Guardian is cheap, the spaceport and all other military installations. The
Weapons and Ammo Location Tonnage Heat SRV MRV LRV ERV
1 SRM 6 Nose 3.0 4 8
Ammo (SRM) 15 1
Equipment Mass
Engine: 140 Turbine 10
Safe Thrust: 7
Max Thrust: 11
Structural Integrity: 7
VSTOL Equipment: 1
Heat Sinks: 0 0
Fuel: 320 2
Cockpit: 2
Armor Factor: 16 1
Nose 6
Wings 3/3
Aft 4
veillance equipment has made specific scout vehicles Techs, as most of their own Techs were gone and they
VEHICLES extremely valuable. Though advanced for its time, the needed the prisoners expertise for themselves. Davion
Skulker is not the best recon vehicle available in the was not pleased about this turn of events, but were
Inner Sphere. Many of its systems are old and outdat- powerless to convince Kurita to comply.
ed, especially the antiquated Communique Equipment It seemed the balance of power had changed,
communications and recon systems. however, when Federated Suns intelligence discov-
Like many recon vehicles, the Skulker is capable ered the location of the prison camp, where the cap-
of deploying and monitoring various light remote sen- tured Davion Techs were awaiting transport to the
sors. The Skulkers sensor drop compartments, how- Combine. Rather than making a straightforward Mech
ever, were designed specifically for smaller, more com- or VTOL raid on the camp, Davion Major Baum con-
pact devices. Current manufactured sensors cannot be trived an overly complicated plan to slip in with a task
carried in the drop tubes, but must be implanted by force of twelve captured Combine Skulkers and other
hand, limiting the tactical usefulness of the vehicle. wheeled transports, under his command. In a strange
Mass: 20 tons Most Skulkers do not use advanced relay equip- breach of protocol, it was the Chief of Davion Intelli-
Movement Type: Wheeled ment, such as the CeresCom Recon system found on gence that gave the go-ahead rather than the Davion
Power Plant: 120 GM Classic I.C.E. the Swift Wind. The cost of these systems is what high command.
Cruising Speed: 75.6 kph keeps them from being retrofitted into the Skulker. It is Task Force Baum moved out under cover of a
Flank Speed: 118.8 kph usually cheaper and more effective for an army to buy Davion diversionary attack. They were easily able to
Armor: ProtecTech Light Standard more Skulkers and then chain the communications penetrate the Combine forward lines, but ran into trou-
Armament: from one tank to the next. ble when they reached the rear area. At this point, the
1 Standard Systems Medium Laser The forward-mounted laser is the newest tech Davion troopers were all wearing Combine uniforms
Manufacturer: Joint Equipment Systems addition to most Skulkers. There was originally a tube and using what they thought were proper Combine
Primary Factory: Alshain antenna on the front, which was later widely passwords. They had no way of knowing that those
Communications System: Communique Equipment exchanged for a machine gun. Because the crew com- codes and passwords had been planted by the Kurita
Targeting and Tracking System: (Unknown) partments ventilation system is poor, however, the Intelligence services for just such a contingency. When
buildup of fumes inside the cabin severely restricted the improper password was given at a road block, the
OVERVIEW the machine guns use. Finally, both the antenna and Kurita forces immediately radioed for help and opened
The Skulker Scout Tank is much larger than any of the gun were removed, exchanged for a complete fire. Two Skulkers and four transports were destroyed
its cousins, such as the Swift Wind Scout Car. It also laser system. before Task Force Baum broke through the road block.
has a four-man crew complement, which is larger than A reserve recon lance was sent to intercept the column.
what most wheeled scout vehicles have. The increased DEPLOYMENT In the first engagement, the Davion task force lost
size in crew and tonnage allows the Skulker to act as In 3025, the Draconis Combine and the Federated three more Skulkers and all their transports. The Kuri-
a mobile communications outpost as well as a recon- Suns waged one of the bloodiest campaigns of recent tans shattered the remaining Skulkers and then hunt-
naissance vehicle. years on Galtor III. Though the Davion Forces were ulti- ed them down one by one. Major Baum was captured
Skulker Scout Tanks are an old design, originally mately victorious, the Kuritans managed to inflict plen- and taken into the Draconis Combine along with the
based on some sort of heavy armor personnel carrier, ty of damage with the help of captured Skulkers. techs he had been trying to rescue.
according to the archives. The original design, howev- During most campaigns, each side takes many
er, has been lost to the ages. Although found in all prisoners, typically ransomed or exchanged back to VARIANTS
parts of the Inner Sphere, the tank is most common in the enemy for their own captured soldiers. In this one, There are many variants of the Skulker, but most
the Draconis Combine. however, the Kurita forces armed their techs and used of these modifications are either cosmetic or electron-
them to cover the withdrawal of the Eighth Galedon ic. Many military units will salvage the equipment from
CAPABILITIES Regulars. Even armed, however, the techs were hard- enemy scout vehicles for use in their own. Because
Wheeled Scout Cars have been a popular means ly the equal of soldiers. The Galedon Tech Defense the Skulker is so large, it can carry almost any piece
of information-gathering ever since the invention of the League was nearly decimated, suffering more than 91 of equipment. The addition of the lasers heat sinks
internal combustion engine. Though any vehicle can percent casualties. Suddenly, the Combine was no ensures that overheating will not damage the delicate
be used as a scout car, the addition of electronic sur- longer interested in exchanging the captured Davion electronics.
Type: Skulker Wheeled Scout Tank Weapons and Ammo Location Tonnage
Technology Base: Inner Sphere 1 Medium Laser Front 1
Movement Type: Wheeled Sensors Body .5
Tonnage: 20 tons
Battle Value: 155
Equipment Mass
Internal Structure: 2
Engine: 120 8
Type: ICE
Cruising MP: 7
Flank MP: 11
Heat Sinks: 3 3
Control Equipment: 1
Lift Equipment: 0
Power Amplifier: 1
Turret: 0
Armor Factor: 72 4.5
Front 18
R/L Side 18/18
Rear 18
doors. They didnt stay closed long, though. The ninth population and the greatest industrial and military con-
VEHICLES battle of Hesperus later that year resulted in the destruc- centrations in the system. Kimball VI, on the other hand,
tion of a significant percentage of House Steiners Mech had a population of only 100,000, a small militia, a mer-
facilities. The LCAF was now frantic for weapons of any cenary helicopter unit and no Mechs. That is exactly why
kind, even flying toys. They placed a substantial order Redjack Ryan ordered Wilsons Hussars to raid the plan-
with Lockheed/CBM at the end of 2957, and the Warrior et. The only reason that Kimball VI had been settled was
has been in production ever since. to exploit its rich bauxite deposit. Ryan needed the min-
ing and ore processing equipment, and it looked as
CAPABILITIES though Kimball VI would be easy pickings.
The Warrior is designed around the SarLon Auto- The Hussars dropped onto Kimball VI and made
Cannon.The SarLon is mated to a N&D Handsfree track- for the mines in a mountain range 30 kilometers to the
ing and targeting system. Using a HUD display and slav- north of the drop zone. Entering the foothills, the Recon
ing the autocannon and missile packs to a helmet worn Lance was engaged by twelve Warrior H-7s. The Hus-
Mass: 21 tons by the pilot, the N&D frees the pilots hands for other sars light Mechs found themselves in need of help a
Movement Type: V.T.O.L functions. short time later, as they could not effectively fire on the
Power Plant: 70 I.C.E. The aircraft itself is a standard rotary wing design. Warriors. When the Recon Lance called for help, Wilson
Cruising Speed: 108.0 kph The two counter-rotating rotor systems negate the need brought up the rest of the company and tried to engage
Flank Speed: 162.0 kph for a tail, as there is no drive torque to be canceled. The the VTOLs.
Armor: Longanecker PlastiSteel Standard tail boom mounts a ducted tail that is capable of driving Buzzing around like flies, the Warriors refused to
Armament: the Warrior up to speeds of 162 kph while emitting a very let Wilson's Mechs close with them. The Hussars would
1 SarLon Autocannon/2 low IR signature. charge the Warriors, only to see them scatter and
1 TharHes 4 Pack SRM 4 The Warrior is also capable of carrying up to 250 reform again. Wilson should have ignored the heli-
Manufacturer: Lockheed/CBM Corporation kilograms of remote sensors and their monitoring post. copters and gone straight toward the mines, but he con-
Primary Factory: Furillo This capability allows the copter to seed an area with tinued to chase the helicopters instead. That chase
Communications System: Xilex-2000 sensors, then retire behind any convenient cover. Once ended in a box canyon. The Warriors plunged into the
Targeting and Tracking System: N&D Handsfree the Warrior acquires a target, it can then move into an canyon with the Hussars close behind. Wilson thought
advantageous attack position without ever losing contact that now he finally had the elusive machines. Just then,
OVERVIEW with the target or exposing itself prematurely. the Griffin next to him exploded, as a wave of SRMs
The Warrior H-7 is a tried and true attack helicopter, Tactically, the Warrior is best used when it can rained down on his force. The planetary militia had
manufactured by a small division of Lockheed/CBM. First engage its target at long range and does not have to appeared all along the ridge tops, armed with SRM
produced in 2950, Warriors can now be found operating defend a specific piece of terrain. The SarLon allows the launchers and infernos.
throughout the Inner Sphere, and even in some areas of Warrior to stand off from its target while peppering it with Wilson made a hasty retreat, leaving behind three
the Periphery. shots. If the Mech attempts to close in, the Warrior can crippled Mechs. The Warriors harassed the bewildered
The Warrior was privately designed and produced simply move away. Mechs all the way back to their drop zone. There, they
by Lockheed as a cheap and easily produced alternative There is a price to pay for this mobility, though. boarded their DropShip and went home to Butte Hold, to
to light Mechs. As the Lyran Commonwealth suffered Like all VTOLs, the Warrior is a relatively fragile craft. explain their failure to a very unhappy Redjack Ryan.
many defeats due to the lack of mobility that swifter, Its weapon systems, though accurate, do not cause
lighter Mechs provide, Lockheed offered the Warrior to heavy damage. VARIANTS
the LCAF. After six years of formal testing, with millions There are several variants of the Warrior. The War-
spent in R & D and tooling up of production lines, the DEPLOYMENT rior H-7A replaces the missile system with an Auto Gun
LCAF finally told Lockheed/CBM that the Steiner forces Many Warriors are assigned to garrison units and and half a ton of ammunition, with the extra space being
had no need for their flying toy. airmobile infantry regiments to provide quick response taken up by a SarLon MaxiCannon 5. The Warrior H-7C
Because of that decision, Lockheed/CBM shut fire support. In many cases, the Warriors will be the heav- substitutes a Valiant Heavy CrossBow LRM 10 Rack with
down its VTOL division. A few orders from mercenary iest combat unit on the planet. 240 missiles for the SarLon AutoCannon.
units and Periphery worlds kept the production line open, Such was the case in 3021 in the Combine system
but by 2957, the Lockheed VTOL plant had closed its of Kimball. The planet Kimball II had the majority of the
Type: Warrior H-7 ttack Helicopter Equipment (cont.) Mass Weapons and Ammo Location Tonnage
Technology Base: Inner Sphere Control Equipment: 1.05 1 Autocannon/2 Front 6
Movement Type: VTOL Lift Equipment: 2.1 1 SRM 4 Front 2
Tonnage: 21 tons Power Amplifier: 0 Sensors Body .25
Battle Value: 406 Turret: 0 Ammo (AC) 45 Body 1
Armor Factor: 24 1.5 Ammo (SRM) 25 Body 1
Equipment Mass Armor
Internal Structure: 2.1 Value
Engine: 70 4 Front 6
Type: ICE R/L Side 5/5
Cruising MP: 10 Rear 6
Flank MP: 15 Rotor 2
Heat Sinks: 0 0
tunately, military buyers wanted more firepower from commanded to assault a force obviously much
VEHICLES their vehicles The J. Edgar lost popularity and was stronger than his. The exact composition of the enemy
eventually pulled from the market. Although now rare, varies from storyteller to storyteller, but one version
they are not highly valued. includes 20 Atlases, 27 Mechs of various sizes, and
even a giant mobile weapons platform. The typical ver-
CAPABILITIES sion, however, is that the unit of 12 J. Edgars attacked
The J. Edgar is a sturdy lightweight hovercraft. a unit of 30 larger, slower tanks. The enemy unit had
Utilizing a fusion engine that was popular in its time, encamped in a large clearing inside a ring of trees.
it can travel as fast as almost any hovercraft available Unfortunately for the J. Edgar commander, the enemy
in the Inner Sphere. As fusion engines have become unit was too far away to be bombarded, and there was
almost unattainable, however, the Leenex plant is no artillery or air support available. Not wanting to dis-
usually stripped out for use in more worthwhile mili- appoint his superior officers or to get a court-martial,
tary vehicles. Internal combustion engines usually he ordered an all-out attack.
Mass: 25 tons replace the original fusion engine, degrading perfor- The enemy unit was not prepared for the J.
Movement Type: Hover mance significantly. Edgars rapid onslaught. While the tanks were momen-
Power Plant: 145 Leenex Fusion The Harvester Corporation had been making tarily confused, the hovercraft moved inside the mini-
Cruising Speed: 118.8 kph weapon systems even before the Alphard Trading Cor- mum range of the tanks guns and missiles. At that
Flank Speed: 183.6 kph poration existed. At the time the J. Edgar was pro- point-blank range, they targeted their attacks against
Armor: StarSlab 7 Standard duced, the Harvester SRM 2 Rack was one of the most vulnerable points on the tanks. The J. Edgar comman-
Armament: popular missile systems available, which is why these der himself accounted for over a dozen enemy tanks.
1 Diverse Optics Type 2 Medium Laser weapons were mounted instead of another weapons Stunned by the brave attack, the enemy tanks
2 Harvester SRM 2s system. The missile racks are fairly effective against retreated from their position, only to be destroyed
Manufacturer: Alphard Trading Corporation vehicles, but do not pose much of a threat to a Mech. when their own DropShip miscalculated its landing tra-
Primary Factory: Alphard The original StarSlab armor is still used on some jectory and came down on top of them.
Communications System: Alphard Original Two J. Edgars, but most techs strip the more valuable
Targeting and Tracking System: TracTex Alpha-1 StarSlab for use on Mechs. The popular (and less VARIANTS
expensive) Protectech armor usually replaces this Variants of the J. Edgar usually replace the mis-
OVERVIEW armor. Other pieces of equipment include the Alphard sile systems with quad machine guns and sometimes
The J. Edgar is one of the few vehicles produced Original Two Communications System and the TracTex flamers. The J. Edgar is so old, however, that if the
by the now-defunct Alphard Trading Corporation. To Alpha-1 Targeting and Tracking System. Because weapons are damaged, the whole vehicle is usually
expand its market and increase profits, ATC decided to these two systems are Alphard Trading Corporations sold for parts.
make a number of both military and civilian vehicles to originals, they are obsolete and replacement parts are
sell to any world, government or person willing to buy difficult to find. Like the armor, more popular systems
them. Although the vehicles sold fairly well in early replaced the original.
years, the diversification failed as the years passed.
Fewer and fewer vehicles were sold, until finally ATC DEPLOYMENT
closed down all manufacturing facilities. Little battle history is known about the J. Edgar, as
The J. Edgar was the last military vehicle that the the vehicle was popular so long ago. Nevertheless,
Alphard Trading Corporation produced. Designed as a there is one account that has become a legend. The
cheap, fast and effective fighter, the J. Edgar was only truth behind this story has never been verified.
a marginal success. The fairly small hovercraft sported During an unknown battle on an unknown planet,
two small missile units that were fairly effective. Unfor- the commander of a group of J. Edgar hovercraft was
Type: J. Edgar Light Hover Tank
Technology Base: Inner Sphere
Skye in the Lyran Commonwealth. Its military hydrofoils Glasgow free from the oppression of the Draconis
VEHICLES were part of a reserve unit commanded (and paid for) by Combine. With the Combine nowhere near Skye at this
rich young men who wished to avoid the draft and to time, the mission wasnt so hard to accomplish. Once
wear fancy military uniforms at social functions. a week, the detachment would assemble at the yacht
In 2687, a group of young Lyrans of military age club, take vital supplies and civilian observers on
(most of them the children of prominent Social Gener- board and go off on maneuvers for the day.
als) approached the LCAF with a proposal. As the All that changed in 2895, when Combine forces
Archon had invoked the Military Disaster Act, they jumped into the Skye System. Skye had been rein-
expected to be drafted into the LCAF as expensive forced and the reserves were mobilized; the 348th was
cannon fodder. Wouldnt it be better, they asked, for sent to support the troops holding the city of Inverness
them to form their own military unit that was equipped, in the Mantty River Delta. Contrary to all expectations,
maintained, and paid for by their own resources? All the 348th acquitted themselves well.
that they asked was that the unit be incorporated into When a battalion of Kurita Mechs had broken
Mass: 25 tons the Skye militia and be allowed to equip itself as the through the lines and was advancing over the flood
Movement Type: Hydrofoil Naval group saw fit. With more than a little prodding from plains toward Inverness, the Skye defenders had nothing
Power Plant: 150 Skye Engines Naval I.C.E. some highly placed civilians, the LCAF relented and left to stop them. The 348th was the only reserve force
Cruising Speed: 129.6 kph authorized the group to form the 348th Reserve left, and it had only two operational Sea Skimmers.
Flank Speed: 194.4 kph Detachment of the Skye militia. At worst, the LCAF The commander of the Inverness garrison made a
Armor: Glasgow Limited Standard commanders assumed that they would be getting a desperate decision. Contrary to the rules of war, he
Armament: platoon of lightly armed infantry. decided to use a nuclear device to stop the Kurita
1 Coventry 4 Tube Missile System SRM 4 They were wrong. Most of the young people Mechs. The Mantty River was at flood level, held back
3 Sperry Browning Machine Guns belonged to the New Glasgow Yacht Club, and they from inundating the surrounding farm land by a dam
Manufacturer: Skye Pleasure Craft Ltd. contracted with Skye Pleasure Craft Ltd. to build twelve ten kilometers behind the Combine front lines. The last
Primary Factory: Skye armed hydrofoils for the 348th. Three months later, the two Sea Skimmers were each loaded with a one-kilo-
Communications System: TharHes Seaweed PG-2 members of the 348th could be seen patrolling the ton nuclear demolition charge and ordered to destroy
Targeting and Tracking System: TharHes Nav lakes and rivers around New Glasgow, accompanied by the dam.
Shark pleasure-loving civilians . At first, the dash up the river was easy. As the
Sea Skimmers streaked by at 190 kph, the startled
OVERVIEW CAPABILITIES Kurita troops had no time to react before the vessels
After the Exodus era, the wet navy all but van- The Sea Skimmer is a standard hydrofoil craft. It went out of range. A Kurita Locust and Stinger were
ished from the Inner Sphere. Each newly colonized utilizes a standard displacement hull, on which are both in range, however, and moved to block the Skim-
planet had only one government, and so had no need mounted three wings, or foils: one on the bow and one mers paths; only one managed to survive and con-
to build a wet navy to sink another government's wet each on the port and starboard sides of the hull. These tinue on.
navy. Nor could a colony world hide behind an ocean foils are retracted into the hull for low speed opera- As the Sea Skimmer approached the dam. Kuri-
when invaded from space. tions. At high speed the foils are lowered, which lifts ta infantry began throwing everything they had at the
Some military missions did still remain for wet the hull up out of the water and allowing the Sea Skim- speeding hydrofoil. Some weapons hit, but not
navies, however, even on planets with single govern- mer to achieve speeds in excess of 190 kph. enough to stop it. Seconds later, the infantry, the dam
ments. Counter-insurgency operations on a planets The Sea Skimmers primary weapon system is a and the last remnant of the 348th all vanished in a
waterways and the control of civilian shipping were still Coventry 4-Tube Missile System, which is located in a nuclear fireball.
functions on worlds whose populations were rebellious. turret providing a 360-degree field of fire. Brown-
To carry out such operations, however, the military used ingSperry machine guns provide close-in protection to VARIANTS
conventional land hovercraft supplemented by armed the ships sides and stern. Over the years, unofficial modifications included
commercial vessels rather than expensive, specially stripping out the machine guns and replacing them
designed military vessels. It would be surprising to find DEPLOYMENT with SRM 2s or upgrading the SRM 4 to an SRM 6.
such a specially designed military hydrofoil on a planet For 28 years, the 348th Reserve Detachment of
where no active rebellion exists. The exception was the Skye Militia kept the rivers and lakes near New
Type: Sea Skimmer Hydrofoil Armor
Technology Base: Inner Sphere Value
Movement Type: Hydrofoil Naval Front 10
Tonnage: 25 tons R/L Side 9/9
Battle Value: 195 Rear 6
Turret 6
Equipment Mass
Internal Structure: 2.5 Weapons and Ammo Location Tonnage
Engine: 150 11 1 SRM 4 Turret 2
Type: ICE 1 Machine Gun Left .5
Cruising MP: 12 1 Machine Gun Right .5
Flank MP: 18 1 Machine Gun Rear .5
Heat Sinks: 0 0 Ammo (SRM) 25 Body 1
Control Equipment: 1.25 Ammo (MG) 100 Body .5
Lift Equipment: 2.5
Power Amplifier: 0
Turret: .2
Armor Factor: 40 2.5
a fairly steady seller for Defiance Industries after com- izing that neither could win a long-range fight, the two
VEHICLES manders had a chance to see it perform in the field. Hunter commanders met in the middle of the war-torn
New Hunters are still found in many armies in the Inner field, shook hands and fought hand-to-hand to deter-
Sphere. mine the winner. Both commanders were knocked
unconscious at about the same time.
CAPABILITIES Meanwhile, in another part of the Halstead Station
The Hunters large missile load makes it an battle, a group of five Davion Hunters moved into posi-
extremely effective support vehicle. As Defiance does tion on five different hillsides around an area that Kuri-
not produce the huge long-range missile rack that the ta was using as a holding point for its damaged
tank requires, the battle-proven FarFire Maxi served Mechs. The Hunters on the far north hill opened fire
instead. The FarFire Maxi is the best support weapon with three salvoes. The missiles, firing at optimum
available and is used on many different vehicles. The range, created havoc among the damaged Mechs.
rack is mounted in the popular missile-box style Though not at full fighting capability, the Kurita Mechs
Mass: 35 tons toward the rear of the vehicle, facing forward. This moved to engage the unseen marauders to the north
Movement Type: Tracked allows the Hunter to fire over defensive barriers without as best they could.
Power Plant: 175 Magna 245 Fusion exposing itself to enemy fire. After the force had moved 20 meters, the Hunter
Cruising Speed: 54 kph The Hunters second weapon, the Zippo Flamer, is to the northwest immediately opened fire. Once again
Flank Speed: 86.4 kph mounted as a purely defensive weapon and is used confused, the damaged Mechs changed course in
Armor: StarSlab 5.5 Standard only to set fires to deter pursuers when the tank is their sluggish approach toward the most obvious
Armament: retreating from a battle. In fact, the flamer is normally enemy. After another 20 meters, a new enemy fired.
1 FarFire Maxi-Rack LRM 20 used only as a cookfire for the vehicle crew. The As the Mechs moved in a new direction in
1 Zippo Flamer FarFire's extreme range usually keeps Hunter tanks response to the attacks, it eventually wore down both
Manufacturer: Defiance Industries from ever getting close enough to need their flamers in their Mechs capacities and their pilots nerves. Wound-
Primary Factory: Hesperus II battle. ed and rattled, the Kurita MechWarriors eventually
Communications System: TharHes Mini-Talk The TharHes Mini-Talk and the TharHes AGART ejected from their battered Mechs in a show of surren-
Targeting and Tracking System: TharHes AGART are not the Hunters original targeting and tracking sys- der to superior forces. The Hunter commander permit-
tems. Months after the first few hundred tanks were ted the warriors to walk away from the battlefield, but
OVERVIEW sold, a problem in the power link-ups caused the did not let them learn the identity of their conquerors.
The Hunter is a popular tank produced by Defi- comm gear to surge and burn out. The problem turned By approaching these Kurita Mechs, the Hunter
ance Industries, a well-known manufacturer of all types out to be in the tracking system rather than in the com- commander turned the tide of this major battle in favor
of weapons. They are also the designers of the two munications system, and so Defiance began installing of Davion. Had those Mechs been repaired in time,
new heavy tanks, the Rommel and the Patton. the TharHes AGART Tracking System. The only prob- Kurita would have won by an overwhelming margin.
As its name makes clear, the Hunter Light Sup- lem with this replacement was that some crewmem-
port Tank is a support vehicle. Like most support vehi- bers of the original Hunters complained when they VARIANTS
cles, the Hunter is not equipped to last in a stand-up could no longer patch their communications gear Variants on the Hunter are rare, because there is
fight. It does not, therefore, operate out in the open through the tracking system to receive various clan- no room to add extra weapons and usually no reason
amid the heavy fighting, but remains behind in shel- destine television stations. to remove the LRM-20.
tering terrain to provide the battlefield commander
with indirect fire support. DEPLOYMENT
The Hunter is designed to be a cheap, effective The Hunter is well known for the part it played in
combat vehicle that an army can use as a backup in the battle for Halstead Station. At one point during that
case it needs covering fire in order to pull out of com- famous fight, several units of Hunters on both sides
bat. Equipped with the heaviest long-range support squared off on the outskirts of a battle in progress and
weapons available, it can carry out this function very began to pound each others troops to pieces. When
well. While sales were initially slow, the Hunter became the battle was over, only the Hunters remained. Real-
Type: Hunter Light Support Tank Equipment (cont.) Mass Weapons and Ammo Location Tonnage
Technology Base: Inner Sphere Heat Sinks: 10 0 1 LRM 20 Front 10
Movement Type: Tracked Control Equipment: 2 1 Flamer Rear 1
Tonnage: 35 tons Lift Equipment: 0 Ammo (LRM) 12 Body 2
Battle Value: 427 Power Amplifier: 0
Turret: 0
Equipment Mass Armor Factor: 96 6
Internal Structure: 3.5 Armor
Engine: 175 10.5 Value
Type: Fusion Front 32
Cruising MP: 5 R/L Side 24/24
Flank MP: 8 Rear 16
Type: Saladin Assault Hover Tank Weapons and Ammo Location Tonnage
Technology Base: Inner Sphere 1 Autocannon/20 Front 14
Movement Type: Hover Ammo (AC) 15 Body 3
Tonnage: 35 tons
Battle Value: 483
Equipment Mass
Internal Structure: 3.5
Engine: 105 7
Type: ICE
Cruising MP: 8
Flank MP: 12
Heat Sinks: 0 0
Control Equipment: 2
Lift Equipment: 3.5
Power Amplifier: 0
Armor Factor: 32 2
Front 17
R/L Side 5/5
Rear 5
and armament allow it to perform equally well in both As the Saracen lance reached its headquarters,
VEHICLES functions. however, it discovered enemy Mechs attacking the
base. They were still at enough of a distance, however,
CAPABILITIES that they could use their long-range missiles. The
The Saracen has a variety of weapons systems. artillery support knocked out several surprised Mechs
The Coventry StarLight LRM is one of the most effec- and caused enough chaos to allow the base defenders
tive long-range combat systems available, second only to drive off the invaders.
to the more popular StarLight LRM 15. Although an In the action on Pella II, a Marik raiding force was
autocannon was originally intended for the Saracen, withdrawing back to its DropShip under heavy pres-
the designers decided that the Coventry missile system sure from recently arrived Liao Mechs. The Marik com-
would make the tank more versatile in combat. The mander deployed his two Saracen lances as a cover-
LRM system gives the Saracen the ability to indirectly ing force, while the remnants of his command made its
engage targets without exposing itself to return fire. way back to the DropShip, 100 kilometers away. The
Mass: 35 tons The three Guided Technologies SRM 2 racks were Saracens employed classic delaying tactics. From
Movement Type: Hover installed for three reasons. The first reason was the behind cover, the Saracens would fire a barrage of
Power Plant: 105 ConLee I.C.E. costthe SRM 2 racks were among the cheapest long-range missiles at the pursuing Liao Mechs. When
Cruising Speed: 86.4 kph available. Additionally, Guided Technologies weapons the Liao forces deployed to assault the Saracens, the
Flank Speed: 129.6 kph systems are known for reliability and availability of tanks would speed away to their next position to repeat
Armor: ProtecTech 7 Standard spare parts. Finally, a triple SRM 2 system increased the tactic once again. For over the next 36 hours, the
Armament: the survivability of the Saracens short-range weapon Saracens gave up space for time. Eventually reduced
1 Coventry StarLight LRM 10 systems. A single hit could knock out an SRM 6, but it to three operating vehicles, the Saracens sped up the
3 Guided Technologies SRM 2s would require multiple hits to totally eliminate all of the loading ramp of the waiting Overlord and lifted off,
Manufacturer: Scarborough, Ltd. SRM 2 racks. leaving a very frustrated Liao commander behind.
Primary Factory: Al Nair The Saracens speed allows it to move quickly
Communications System: Scarborough Talky-1 from one firing position to another. In a delaying action, VARIANTS
Targeting and Tracking System: Scarborough this ability allows the tank to easily break off an There are no registered variants of the Saracen.
Track-1-1 engagement, fall back to a new position then engage Scarborough, Ltd. produced two more medium hover
the advancing enemy afresh, with both direct and indi- tanks built from the same chassis, however: the Scim-
OVERVIEW rect fire. itar and the Saladin. Many crews dislike Saracen duty,
The Saracen is the first in a line of medium hover believing that the tank is too light to be effective in a
tanks produced by Scarborough, Ltd. Built in the latter DEPLOYMENT fight. As there is an extra quarter-ton of weight avail-
part of the Third Succession War, the Saracen does Though fairly new, the Saracen has already able, many tank crews attempt to make the Saracen
not have the fusion reactor power plant prevalent in proved itself in combat and become a favorite with the look stronger by adding extra tubes to the LRM and
older vehicles. Scarborough, Ltd. hoped that the sim- troops. While fighting on Holt, a lance of Saracens was SRM racks.
plicity of an internal combustion engine and the avail- cut off from its support units and ended up facing an
ability of parts and supplies would interest prospective enemy Mech unit. The Mechs were too close for the Type: Saracen Medium Hover Tank
buyers. This marketing tactic apparently worked. With- Saracens to use their long-range firepower, so the
in three years, Scarborough had released two other lance switched to the smaller, but more effective, short-
similar hover tanks: the Scimitar and the Saladin. range missiles. Before the enemy troops knew what hit
The Saracen is found throughout the Inner them, the Saracen missile barrage had disabled two
Sphere, though the Free Worlds League uses most of light Mechs and damaged a medium Mech. Taking
the vehicles currently in service. Marik issues the Sara- advantage of their amazing speed, the Saracens dis-
cen to units that have support or screening missions, engaged from combat while friendly Mechs renewed
such as cavalry and recon lances. Its speed, armor, their attack on the enemy.
SRMs short range), it could easily acquire targets at lances effectiveness. This ease of replacement
VEHICLES the SRMs medium range, which the LRMs could not. caused the undoing of a Liao light armor group. Fight-
In addition, the autocannon had range comparable to ing Saracens on Pella II for over eight months, the Liao
the long-range missiles. armor was almost out of supplies. To regain supplies,
Five years after releasing the Saracen, Scarbor- the Liao commander devised a plan to raid the Marik
ough introduced the Scimitar. Initial sales were high supply dump.
because of the success of the Saracen. Although sales First, tanks armed with short-range weapons
have fluctuated over the past years, Scarborough, Ltd. would move in from the north and attack under the
continues to produce the Scimitar. range of the Saracen's long-range missiles. While most
of the Saracens were engaged, the rest of the armor
CAPABILITIES would attack from the south and steal as many sup-
The Scimitar is a better-designed vehicle than the plies as possible. After the supplies were taken, the
Saracen. Like most hovercraft, the Scimitar is very fast, first element would retreat back into the hills. Unbe-
Mass: 35 tons making it easy to engage and disengage an enemy. Its knownst to the Liao commander, however, Marik Scim-
Movement Type: Hover armor is as thick as that on many medium Mechs. itars had replaced the Saracens guarding the supply
Power Plant: 105 ConLee 105 I.C.E. The Armstrong Autocannon 5 is often used in dump. Although Liao recon had seen the Scimitars, it
Cruising Speed: 86.4 kph Mechs such as the Clint. Scarborough engineers assumed that the tanks were Saracens.
Flank Speed: 129.6 kph chose this weapon because it had already been The Liao attack proceeded as planned. The short-
Armor: ProtecTech 7 Standard proven in combat. On the average, the autocannons range units moved in quickly from the north, firing
Armament: range and hitting power is better than the Saracens short-range missiles and laser fire. Instead of finding
1 Armstrong Autocannon/5 LRM 10 rack. The autocannon weighs three tons themselves under the range of Saracen long-range
2 Guided Technologies SRM 2s more than the long-range missile rack, but one ton of missiles, though, they found themselves in the short-
Manufacturer: Scarborough, Ltd. autocannon ammo has more rounds than one ton of range of autocannons. The Scimitars tore the Liao light
Primary Factory: Al Nair LRM ammo. element to shreds.
Communications System: Scarborough Talky-2 The success of the Saracens short-range mis- The second element of the Liao force fared no bet-
Targeting and Tracking System: Scarborough sile system promoted Scarborough engineers to use ter than the first. Although the first element transmitted
Tracky-2 several smaller short-range missile racks rather than radio messages to the Liao commander, the whole Liao
one large one. The Saracens Guided Technologies attack force had already been committed. Five minutes
OVERVIEW SRM 2 racks were also installed in the Scimitar, after the attack began, every vehicle in the Liao group
After the success of the Saracen, Scarborough, because the Guided Technologies equipment was was either destroyed or disabled. The Liao commander
Ltd. released two more medium hover tanks based on reliable and because Saracen customers would be sued for peace and retreated off-planet.
the Saracens chassis and internal systems. The first more likely to buy a vehicle for which they already
release was the Scimitar, whose weapons systems had replacement parts. VARIANTS
varied slightly from its predecessor. At first, the Sara- Other than the autocannon, the only new systems Like the Saracen, the Scimitar has no registered
cen used a long-range missile rack as its main arma- installed in the Scimitar are the communications and variants. Some crews will, however, add a larger barrel
ment. Its secondary weaponrythree short-range mis- weapons guidance systems. Based on the original to the autocannon so that the gun looks like the super-
sile rackscould not fire at the long-range missile models in the Saracen, the Scarborough Talky and heavy autocannon found on the Demolisher or the Het-
racks short range, however, and the long-range mis- Scarborough Tracky systems needed slight modifica- zer.
siles could not fire at the short-range missile racks tion to accommodate the new weapons.
extreme range. Thus the Saracen could not concen- Type: Scimitar Medium Hover Tank
trate its firepower against one target. DEPLOYMENT
Scarborough engineers replaced the long-range Scarborough, Ltd. was correct: those who had
missiles with an autocannon to solve the range/fire- bought the Saracen immediately bought the Scimitar.
power problem. Although the autocannon had prob- Because the two vehicles were so similar, a Scimitar
lems acquiring targets under 90 meters (which was the could replace a damaged Saracen without reducing a
engineering difficulties of developing new chassis and Minutes later, another Leopard landed to the east,
VEHICLES suspension systems, wheels were used instead of the depositing another group of light Mechs. Once again
more popular track and hover systems. Wheeled vehi- following standard operating procedure, the Strikers
cles are also cheaper to produce than either tracked or moved into a wedge formation to allow maximum fire-
hover types, which meant the manufacturers could power against both units. The Strikers succeeded in
hope to sell the tanks in large quantities. also pinning down the new unit of Mechs.
Five minutes after the second DropShip left, two
CAPABILITIES more DropShips landed to the south and west of the
The Striker is a fairly effective fighting vehicle. Strikers, and deposited another two units of light
Though many other vehicles also employ missile sys- Mechs. This time, the commander of the Strikers
tems of different ranges, the Pilum and Heavy Cross- moved his vehicles into a simple circle and awaited the
Bow missile systems make an excellent combination slaughter to come.
because they can use the same tracking and targeting Because of the surrounding high hills, the Strikers
Mass: 35 tons systems. The Pilum is a new system developed by could not see all the Mechs all the time. Every once in
Movement Type: Wheeled Valiant especially for the Striker. Although not original- a while, a token attack would come from the surround-
Power Plant: 155 InterComBust I.C.E ly battle-tested, the Pilum has proven to be as effec- ing terrain; eventually, however, even these stopped.
Cruising Speed: 54 kph tive, and sometimes more effective, than many other Two hours later, the commander of the company took
Flank Speed: 86.4 kph typical light missile systems. his Striker out to investigate the silence. He discovered
Armor: Valiant Buckler Standard Unlike the Pilum, the CrossBow was an early that the 'Mechs had crawled away and left them alone.
Armament: design from Valiant. After they had tested it extensive-
1 Valiant Pilum SRM 6 ly, the firm sold the original design to other weapons VARIANTS
1 Valiant Heavy Crossbow LRM 10 manufacturers, who used it as a basis for their own The most popular modifications of the Striker
Manufacturers: Valiant Systems and Wunderland missile systems. As the original design was basically either removes the short-range missile racks and add
Enterprises unmodified from company to company, Valiant engi- another long-range missile rack or else increase the
Primary Factory: Johnsondale neers correctly assumed that their missile system size of the LRM 10. Another common modification is to
Communications System: Wunderland XXI-3 series worked well. substitute extra or larger short-range missile racks for
Targeting and Tracking System: Wunderland XXI-3 The communications, targeting, and tracking sys- the Valiant LRM. Some other versions of the Striker
series tem designed and developed by Wunderland Enter- break the SRM 6 pack into three SRM 2 packs.
prises is unique in combining all the electronics into a Depending on the situation, weapons will be removed
OVERVIEW single-component unit. Though this has the advantage and extra ammunition for the other weapon installed.
The Striker is a joint effort between Valiant Sys- of being cheap to produce and easy to repair, a lucky
tems, long known for quality war equipment, and Wun- hit can effectively blind the whole tank.
derland Enterprises, a newer company that has made
a name in the communications and electronic equip- DEPLOYMENT
ment industry. The two companies decided to work During a Davion attack on the Kurita world of
together when it became obvious that neither one had Nirasaki, a company of Strikers on defense found
the capability to produce military vehicles. They real- themselves in a difficult situation. A Leopard-class
ized that by combining their resources, they could cre- DropShip landed six kilometers from their position to
ate a profitable joint company. deposit an attack group of light Mechs. Following
The Striker Light Tank was the first vehicle pro- proper defensive doctrine, the company of Strikers
duced by Valiant and Wunderland, given its great moved into position behind a series of hills and
potential marketability. Combining both short-range opened fire with their long-range missiles. This pinned
and long-range fire capability, the vehicle could be the Mechs down because they did not have the long-
used anywhere for almost any function. To ease the range capability of the Strikers.
Equipment Mass
Internal Structure: 3.5
Engine: 155 11
Type: ICE
Cruising MP: 5
Flank MP: 8
Heat Sinks: 0 0
Control Equipment: 2.0
Lift Equipment: 0
Power Amplifier: 0
Turret: 1
Armor Factor: 104 6.5
Front 24
R/L Side 20/20
Rear 18
Turret 22
Many engineering vehicles are equipped with sev- attempting to relieve elements of the Eridani Light
VEHICLES eral digging mechanisms for making slit trenches or Horse, the Twelfth Star Guards had broken through the
foundations for buildings. The most popular variety has main lines, but had been halted by some ad hoc Marik
a double-scoop shovel, which allows the engineer to forces defending a river line. The Twelfth Star Guards
control each scoop separately. These shovels are often sent a force of Condors to secure the other side, but
mounted on a small turret, so that the engineers can the river was too swift and its banks too steep to allow
dig without having to move the vehicle. Bulldozer Mechs or more conventional vehicles to cross.
blades are another item common to engineering vehi- The Star Guards possessed four engineering
cles. Using its bulldozer and its trencher, an engineer- vehicles and a company of engineers. The engineers
ing vehicle can prepare a dug-in position for a Mech or immediately went to work throwing up a pontoon
heavy vehicle within 15 minutes. bridge, while the vehicles began to prepare a fording
Other popular pieces of equipment for engineer- point. Marik aerospace fighters and long-range artillery
ing vehicles are heavy cutters or trenchers. Cutters are kept the engineers under constant fire, destroying
Mass: 40 tons used to cut down trees or other vertical obstacles. three pontoon bridges before they could be completed.
Movement Type: Tracked Though cutters are not particularly accurate, a skilled The engineer company was decimated almost to a
Power Plant: 240 WorkHorse w. PowerChain I.C.E. operator can make remarkable use of them. Trenchers, man. The engineering vehicles cut down the banks to
Cruising Speed: 64.8 kph which are for digging, can normally cut a two-meter by the river and prepared the river bottom for a Mech
Flank Speed: 97.2 kph one-meter trench at a rate of three meters per minute. crossing. Though three of the vehicles were destroyed
Armor: Basic Metal Plate Standard Trenchers and cutters are normally mounted on the in the process, the final vehicle was able to complete
Armament: back of an engineering vehicle to keep them from the crossing point, which allowed the Star Guards to
None blocking other equipment, such as shovels or dozer cross to relieve the beleaguered Eridani Light Horse.
Manufacturer: Various blades.
Primary Factory: Various VARIANTS
Communications System: Various DEPLOYMENT Although there are many engineering vehicle
Targeting and Tracking System: None Engineering Vehicles have been an important designs, they all perform the same basic functions.
part of wars since the latter half of the 20th century. Their differences tend to consist of the type of equip-
OVERVIEW During some of the smaller wars of that era, engineer- ment they carry. Shovels and cutters are the most pop-
Engineers and engineering equipment are an ing vehicles were used to clear off vast areas of land ular equipment, but winches, drills, towing, and even
important part of any army. It is the engineers who con- for the construction of air strips and hospitals. Other bridge-laying equipment are common additions. Some
struct the buildings, runways, and other mundane times, they were used to dig foxholes and other vehicles mount an AC/20 as a quick means of destroy-
items that allow a military unit to function effectively. infantry emplacements. ing obstacles.
Engineering vehicles are also an important combat During the Succession Wars era, engineering
asset. They can dig trenches, remove obstructions vehicles still carry out the same types of missions.
from a road and make bridges for vehicles to cross. These vehicles are typically assigned in company
The presence of these vehicles on the battlefield can strength to regimental combat teams for the purpose
sometimes tip the balance of victory in their favor. of digging prepared positions for infantry and vehicles,
clearing or creating obstacles on the battlefield and
CAPABILITIES building bridges and fords over rivers. Engineering
Most engineering vehicles have several similar vehicles may also carry out the important role of
characteristics, the first of which is an oversized removing damaged or destroyed units from the battle-
engine. This gives the vehicle extra horsepower to field. The sight of these workhorses hauling tanks and
move heavy objects such as trees or other vehicles. A Mech limbs away to a repair facility is a common one.
special overdrive system ensures that the engine will One of the most notable uses of engineering vehi-
not burn itself out. cles occurred during the battle of Loric, in 2978. While
Equipment Mass
Internal Structure: 4 Weapons and Ammo Location Tonnage
Engine: 240 23 Equipment Front 9
Type: ICE
Cruising MP: 6
Flank MP: 9
Heat Sinks: 0 0
Control Equipment: 2
Lift Equipment: 0
Power Amplifier: 0
Armor Factor: 32 2
Most regular combat crews consider the Hetzer to carries enough ammunition to sustain it in a long
VEHICLES be a rolling coffin because it is so difficult to escape engagement.
its cramped crew compartment in case of fire. Indeed,
most troopers prefer any duty to climbing into a Hetzer, DEPLOYMENT
and so many sergeants use Hetzer assignments as a The only known victory of Hetzers over a superi-
form of punishment for low performance. or force occurred on the planet Barras, in Liao space.
The commander of the Hetzer battalion grew so bored
CAPABILITIES with the simple routine of garrison duty that one day,
The Hetzer is a very simple vehicle to manufac- he decided to put his unit through full field exercises
ture. Using a basic truck chassis and engine, Quickcell and stage war games. One of these was a Command
welds armor plate into a box-shape, cuts out holes for Post exercise, in which the companies called in reports
hatches and weapons, and places enough equipment to the battalion command post just as though a real
inside to allow the vehicle to be marginally effective on battle were occurring. The staff then responded by
Mass: 40 tons the battlefield (or at least not totally ineffective). The maneuvering the battalion against their phantom
Movement Type: Wheeled simplicity of the procedures also allows Quickcell to attackers.
Power Plant: 140 SitiCide I.C.E. employ unskilled labor, which definitely improves the While all this was going on, a Marik Mech com-
Cruising Speed: 43.2 kph firms profit margins. pany performing reconnaissance in force dropped into
Flank Speed: 64.8 kph The manufacturing technique may be cheap and the middle of the wargame. When reports began to
Armor: StarSlab 6 Standard fast, but it can result in a very slipshod product. Many arrive at the Liao Command Post, the commanders
Armament: crew members have complained that their newly responded vigorously, without ever realizing that the
1 Crusher SH Cannon Autocannon/20 issued vehicles do not have all of the equipment prop- attack was a real one. It was not until the Hetzer bat-
Manufacturer: Quickcell Company erly installed. In many cases, gun sights and ammo talion had crushed the Marik company and forced
Primary Factory: Indicass, Kalidasa, Alshain racks have been found thrown into the crew compart- them off-planet that anyone knew how serious the sit-
Communications System: Johnston Q-Band ment. If the crew is lucky enough to find a bag of bolts uation had been.
Targeting and Tracking System: Scantrex Dual Tac also included, they can install these components them-
selves. More often than not, however, the crews are VARIANTS
OVERVIEW unable to install this critical equipment, and so quite a A few variants on the Hetzer have become popu-
The Hetzer Wheeled Assault Gun was designed few brand new vehicles are immediately listed as inop- lar over the years, but the cannon remains the pre-
to provide cheap fire support for units assigned to erable on the unit status reports. Many Hetzer crews ferred weapon. The rare modifications have been on
planets that were important enough to protect, but not refuse to exchange their older vehicles for new ones an individual basis, with long or short-ranged missile
important enough to warrant a full garrison of troops. because of this; their current machine may be old, but racks and even lasers and flamers sometimes replac-
Primary customers are the Capellan Confederation of at least they know it works. ing the Crusher cannon.
House Liao and planets in the Periphery. Another minor problem with the Hetzer is its elec- Some forces use Hetzers with advanced scouting
Although the Crusher Super Heavy Cannon gives trical system. As the Hetzers battery is not large and detection equipment. Such equipment is so pro-
the vehicle enormous fire potential, the Hetzers lack of enough to power its weapons system and radios for hibitively expensive that it is usually reserved for bet-
a turret and other diversified weaponry make it a night- any length of time, the engine must constantly be ter-armed and mobile units.
mare for crews taking it into non-defensive combat sit- turned on to recharge the battery. Not only does this
uations. Another problem with the Hetzer is that it is a waste fuel, but it can also lead to the Hetzer giving Type: Hetzer Wheeled Assault Gun
wheeled vehicle. Though this keeps production costs away its position at an inopportune moment.
down (the whole point of the Hetzer), it restricts the The Hetzers only saving grace is its Crusher SH
vehicles mobility. Troops can always tell when a Hetzer Cannon. This 150mm autocannon is well known for
is around because paths must be cut to allow it to trav- its reliability and accuracy. With the burst the Crusher
el over any terrain that is not flat. fires, it can savage any Mech. In addition, the Hetzer
Equipment Mass
Internal Structure: 4 Weapons and Ammo Location Tonnage
Engine: 140 10 1 Autocannon/20 Front 14
Type: ICE Ammo (AC) 20 Body 4
Cruising MP: 4
Flank MP: 6
Heat Sinks: 0 0
Control Equipment: 2
Lift Equipment: 0
Power Amplifier: 0
Armor Factor: 96 6
charge it. This type of weapon system has the advan- outcome of any future raid on Weisau.
VEHICLES tage of a gun with good range and firepower, but with- The Goblin commander sent out his infantry on a
out the need to carry ammunition. Many other weapon raiding and reconnaissance mission. Their primary
types may run out of ammunition during a sustained assignment was to find food and equipment stores and
firefight, while the laser can effectively fire as many then to report the location of these back to the Goblin
times as needed during an engagement. units temporary headquarters in the hills. The
The BlazeFire Systems Heavy Laser is a standard infantrys secondary mission was to raid any small
turret-mounted large laser. The BlazeFire targeting and towns and villages they encountered. Their tertiary
tracking system has optional link-ups for the rest of the objective was to hit any Mech and vehicle repair sta-
tank's three-man crew, so that one of them can fire if tions found, though only with the utmost caution.
the gunner becomes disabled. The MiniGun is con- Within a week, the infantry had discovered three
trolled by the driver. small villages and a Mech service outpost. The out-
The Goblin's most interesting feature, however, post was to be the first target. The Davion commander
Mass: 45 tons is the infantry compartment in the rear of the tank, held back the infantry as more useful for a later fight,
Movement Type: Tracked which is large enough to hold seven infantrymen and and sent the Goblins in to attack the outpost. They
Power Plant: 180 LongWay I.C.E their equipment or one support weapons team, such managed to destroy it before the outpost troops could
Cruising Speed: 43.2 kph as a medium recoilless rifle. The compartment is relay a message to their own commanders.
Flank Speed: 64.8 kph padded and reasonably comfortable for the inside of The infantry attacked the first village under cover
Armor: ProtecTech 9 Standard a small tank. of night. The village was only lightly defended and cer-
Armament: The infantry carried by the Goblin is not expected tainly not prepared for a sneak attack. After only a few
1 BlazeFire Systems Large Laser to win a stand-up fight on its own. Neither the Goblin minutes, the infantry captured a long-range communi-
1 Johnston Minigun Machine Gun commanders nor the infantry leaders intend an individ- cations station. The commander decided to use this
Manufacturer: Johnston Industries ual tank squad to act as a main offensive weapon in an station after the other villages were under his control.
Primary Factory: New Syrtis attack. Rather, the tank is intended for use in groups of The second and third villages fell just as quickly as
Communications System: CommuTech XL four or more, which would provide a Goblin lance with the first. The last village was somewhat more prepared
Targeting and Tracking System: BlazeFire tracker a whole platoon of infantry support This larger infantry than the first two, however, and so the fighting lasted
with RangeCheck unit can function as support for the Goblin units longer. The village defenders never really had a
attacks, as an independent battlefield unit using the chance, however. against the combined forces of the
OVERVIEW Goblin's heavy armored personnel carriers or to aid infantry platoons supported by the Goblins lasers.
The Goblin is unique among battle tanks in that it other infantry units on the battlefield. After the last village fell, the Goblin commander
carries a small infantry support unit. The support unit is used his captured comm gear to contact any Drop-
used either to add extra firepower to the tanks already DEPLOYMENT Ships that had been in the system, even though he had
formidable main gun or to provide it with security when During a Davion raid on the planet Weisau, a large no real hope of contacting friendly ships. It turned out
the tank is operating in urban areas. No one is sure unit of Goblins became cut off by enemy forces. Just as that DropShips had been sent to look for them. After
who originated the design concept for the Goblin, but it the infantry were ready to disembark, the Goblin com- receiving the SOS, the DropShips arrived to pick up
is assumed to have first been produced during the Star mander saw the last Davion Mech lance destroyed by the unit a day later.
League era. Whatever the case, Johnston Industries enemy assault Mechs. The whole unit then made a
took over production of the vehicle for House Davion hasty but prudent retreat into the surrounding hills. VARIANTS
late in the First Succession War. This situation put the Goblin unit into a difficult sit- Many units remove the Goblins large laser,
uation. Realizing that they were cut off from supplies replacing it with long- or short-range missile systems
CAPABILITIES on a hostile planet and with no news of a DropShip for better firepower. There have been many reports of
The Goblin uses a weapon set-up popular among coming to pick them up, the commander and the sub- Kurita Goblins with an SRM 6 rack in the turret and five
the newer vehicles used in the Inner Sphere. Instead of commanders of the Goblin and infantry units devised a Machine guns controlled by the infantry, but these are
mounting a bulky autocannon or cumbersome missile plan. They hoped to transmit their location to friendly rarely seen except on the Kurita border.
units, this tank uses a large laser with enough heat troops still in the system, or at least to wreak enough
sinks to keep it cool and a small power amplifier to havoc among the enemy to significantly influence the
VEHICLES The Shinobi 250 Turbine is a downrated version of In 3024, three Steiner Mech regiments dropped
the companys 260 Turbine. Downrating allows a 75 onto the Kurita world of Sevren. During the initial hours
percent parts compatibility between the two engines, a of the invasion, it became imperative that a company
factor that can make a supply officers job much easi- of Winfields Brigade be stopped before they took a
er. Unfortunately, this compatibility does not help the strategic bridge. Loss of the bridge would mean that a
military much because the 260 Turbine is found only on battalion of the Dieron Regulars would be cut off and
commercial vehicles. have to face the Thirtieth Lyran Guards alone. Two air
The Shinobi 250 also had development problems lances of MechBusters were sent to do the job.
that delayed deployment of the MechBuster. The pro- The MechBusters came diving out of the sky and
totype MechBuster used turbine blades that were laid a pattern of high explosives in the midst of a
manufactured using a powder-casting technique long Steiner recon lance. Two of the light Mechs went
thought to be lost. The project engineers claimed that down. On their second pass, two more Mechs were
Mass: 50 tons this technique resulted in an operating life of 10,000 immobilized. A lucky burst from a Rifleman brought
Power Plant: Shinobi 250 Turbine hours for the blades. down one of the attackers, but the other three
Armor: Standard Though this held true for 99.9 percent of the escaped unharmed. Four more passes were made,
Armament: blades, .1 percent had catastrophic failures after ten bringing down one Mech each.
1 Zeus-75 Mark IX Autocannon/20 hours of operation. As every engine used 100 Having expended their ammo, the MechBusters
Manufacturer: Wakazashi Enterprises blades, this meant that one in ten engines would fail flew back to their air base, knowing that the rest of the
Primary Factory: Various within ten hours of running. After losing one proto- company would be easy pickings after they were
Communications System: Duoteck 5 type and spending thousands of man-hours trying to rearmed. Unfortunately, the Steiner forces knew of
Targeting and Tracking System: RCA Instract Mk II identify that .1 percent, the military finally ordered their airfield. An air-mobile battalion of infantry had
Shinobi to replace the blades with traditional seized it while the MechBusters were out on their
OVERVIEW dropped forged versions. mission. The aircraft ran out of fuel and were forced to
The MechBuster is the Draconis Combines The aircraft is built around the Zeus 75 autocan- ditch near a Kurita infantry company. At that point, the
answer to their problem with dwindling aerospace non. The Zeus 75 fires a four-round burst of hyper- pilots were issued assault rifles and drafted into the
assets. Designed in 3023, the MechBuster is assigned velocity depleted uranium armor penetrators (HDUAP). companys rapidly diminishing ranks. An hour later,
to replace aerospace fighters in providing air support A single hit can destroy most Mechs of up to 70 tons. the battered company from Winfields Brigade seized
for garrison forces, allowing the fighters to be deployed Unfortunately, both weapon and ammunition are quite the bridge.
in more active units without depriving the garrison heavy. This factor has resulted in other aspects of the
forces of the support they need. aircraft being substandard. Its fuel capacity is limited, VARIANTS
Though its offensive capabilities are good, the as is its ammunition load. The Zeuss excessive weight The size and weight of the Zeus autocannon can
MechBuster has been a disappointment to the Kurita has also precluded VSTOL operations. open up a lot of space when removed. A common
military. Its small bomb load, limited ammo and scant The dive-bombing characteristics of a ground MechBuster variant mounts four SRM 6s along with
reserves of combat fuel mean that it cannot remain support fighter are another important factor in the extra fuel and ammunition. Another experiment has
over the battlefield for very long. Moreover, its lack of a crafts success. The MechBuster utilizes an RCA been to mount three medium lasers, heat sinks and
VSTOL capability keeps the craft tied to fixed air Instract Mk II targeting computer. The Instract projects power amps. Though none of these variants has the
bases, which are likely to be captured or destroyed in a HUD onto the canopy of the fighter. When the one-shot-one-kill capability provided by the Zeus, they
the first hours of an invasion. bombs are armed, a sighting reticule is projected, indi- do go a long way in increasing the MechBusters loi-
It is unlikely that House Kurita will continue to cating where the bombs would strike if released. All tering time over the battlefield.
produce MechBusters. Wakazashi has slated the the pilot has to do is to center the crosshairs on the
crafts assembly line to be converted to Shilone pro- target and to release the bomb. He does not have to
duction as soon as the proper machine tools are make any adjustments for attack angle, drift or alti-
located. Until that time, there is only one workshift on tude, for Instract does all that. The combat effective-
the line; it is engaged in producing spare parts rather ness of this system has still not been fully explored.
than new machines.
Type: MechBuster
Technology Base: Inner Sphere
Tonnage: 50 tons
Battle Value: 434
weaponry, the Condor usually moves while firing rather The Marik forces were dug in behind the Duren River
VEHICLES than standing and fighting like tracked or wheeled and had just completed destroying its only bridge. Not
tanks of similar size. fordable by Mechs, the Duren was to serve as the
Red Devil Industries acquired the Defiance B3M Marik forces final line of defense. After speeding
medium lasers for the Condor in a unique manner. Defi- across the surface of the swiftly flowing river, the Con-
ance initially refused Red Devils request for a license to dors engaged and destroyed the still-unorganized
manufacture the B3M, offering instead to supply them Marik forces but found themselves cut off from the rest
with B3Ms at the going market rate. To avoid paying full of the Steiner army by the river. Instead of withdraw-
price for the weapons or engaging in a costly R&D effort ing back to Steiner lines, the commander of the Third
to design a new laser, Red Devil decided to offer a boun- decided to establish a bridgehead on his side of the
ty for used or slightly damaged lasers, which they then river while the Steiner engineers constructed a new
overhauled and mounted in their Condors. bridge.
The bounty program was a surprising success, The Marik forces counter-attacked continuously,
Mass: 50 tons but it had an unexpected side effect. Mechs and vehi- putting the engineers under the constant strain of air
Movement Type: Hover cles known to be armed with the B3M (such as the and artillery bombardment. In the end, however, the
Power Plant: 165 Jones I.C.E. Zeus) began to draw more than their fair share of Third Battalion used the Condors high speed to con-
Cruising Speed: 86.4 kph attacks during battles and consequently suffered more centrate attacks and crush any movement against the
Flank Speed: 129.6 kph damage. Among troopers, the machines soon acquired bridgehead. Three days later, the Steiner engineers
Armor: StarSlab/9.5 Mk II Standard the reputation of being death traps. Alarmed that this had succeeded in putting up a bridge heavy enough
Armament: would reflect on their good name, Defiance finally that the Mechs of the Twelfth Star Guards could
1 GM Whirlwind Autocannon/5 relented and allowed Red Devil to manufacture the advance across to relieve the Eridani Light Horse.
2 Defiance B3M Medium Lasers B3M under license.
1 SureFire MiniGun Machine Gun The procurement of the Condors secondary VARIANTS
Manufacturer: Red Devil Industries weaponry proceeded along more traditional lines. The Many variants of the Condor are available. The
Primary Factory: Pandora Whirlwind Autocannon was added as a long-range main reason for modifying the vehicle is because so
Communications System: TharHes KR-A P/Comm weapon system . The SureFire MiniGun is mounted as many commanders find the tank too lightly armed and
Targeting and Tracking System: TharHes Mars 1 an anti-personnel weapon. Both weapon systems have armored for its size. House Davion troops usually strip
proven to be effective and reliable. out the lasers, heat sinks and power amplifiers in order
OVERVIEW to add another autocannon and more ammo and
The Condor is one of the few heavy hover tanks DEPLOYMENT armor. This modification gives the Condor a better
available. Although expensive to buy and to maintain, One of the most impressive uses of Condors chance of surviving a direct hit by a heavy weapon as
this immense hovercraft is capable of moving as fast occurred in 2978, during the Steiner counteroffensive well as better overall firepower.
as the speediest Mech. Despite the cost, the Condor on Loric. The Third Battalion of the Thirty-fourth Provi- House Liao variants replace the machine gun and
is used by armies throughout the Inner Sphere. Many sional Dixie Armored Regiment was assigned to sup- autocannon with additional lasers, heat sinks and
standing armies use the Condor as a main attack vehi- port the advance of the Twelfth Star Guards. The Star power amplifiers. The Liao commanders prefer to arm
cle for reserve and garrison units. Amazing speed and Guards mission was to break through the Marik forces the vehicle with a large number of similar weapons
formidable weaponry make this heavy hover tank an guarding Diggers Pass and relieve elements of the because it simplifies fighting techniques.
excellent combat machine. Eridani Light Horse who had dropped into the Marik
rear areas. For four months, the Marik forces held the
CAPABILITIES pass, repulsing all assaults. When the Steiner forces
With a flank speed of 129 kph and a cruising finally managed to achieve a narrow breakthrough, the
speed of 86 kph, the Condor is fast even for a hover Third Battalion sped forward in their Condors.
tank. Most commanders exploit its speed in combat The Third Battalion advanced ten kilometers
situations. Although equipped with fairly heavy before meeting resistance from Marik reserve units.
The first Drillson was manufactured in 3025 by swamp by two platoons of Davion hover tanks. The
VEHICLES Cyclops Incorporated, a newcomer to the field of mili- swamp slowed down the Mechs so much that they
tary hardware. Its targeting control system has caused could not disengage from the enemy forces.
quite a stir in the normally placid and unimaginative The Liao commander may have been unlucky, but
military design community. With its wraparound video he was not stupid. He immediately ordered all his
monitors and helmeted sight reticule, the Cyclops Evil units to fire on the swamp and anything else that was
Eye system is expected to set a new military standard. flammable. Knowing many Davion tanks used sighting
systems that only functioned in the visual-light spec-
CAPABILITIES trum, he hoped to create a screen of smoke and
The Drillsons main weapon is the turret-mounted steam that would totally blind the Davion tanks, allow-
Cyclops Eye Laser, unique among heavy lasers for hav- ing his force a chance to withdraw. The plan worked,
ing a small emission blister instead of the typical long except that the smoke blinded the sensors of both
barrel. This gun uses both laser technology and particle- sides. This, in turn, made all fire control and tracking
Mass: 50 tons beam technology. Instead of firing a beam of coherent systems next to useless.
Movement Type: Hover light or a stream of electrons, the Cyclops Eye fires a Fortunately for the pursuing Davion forces, they
Power Plant: 215 MaxLift Hover Engine Fusion combination of both. The excited photons release elec- were equipped with Drillson hover tanks, whose radar
Cruising Speed: 97.2 kph trons, which in turn release more excited photons creat- capability functioned even though the normal IR and
Flank Speed: 151.2 kph ing a beam of tremendous power. Though not any more visual systems were out. Using their radar systems,
Armor: ArcShield Heavy Standard effective in combat than the other lasers, the Cyclops the Drillsons were able to engage the Liao Mechs at
Armament: Eye Laser is much easier to maintain and manufacture. close range. As they moved into the darkened swamp,
1 Cyclops Eye Large Laser Another interesting feature of the Drillson is the the Drillsons went hunting for Liao Mechs.
2 Hovertec SRM 2s Evil Eye Tracking & Targeting System. Though it does As the hours passed, the Liao BattleMechs occa-
1 Light Crossbow LRM 10 not use any new components, the interface between sionally fired into the swamp to create more smoke.
2 Kicker Machine Guns the gunner and the turret is unique. The gunner sits Responding immediately, the Davion Drillsons would
Manufacturer: Cyclops Incorporated inside the lower turret ring in front of a wraparound visually estimate the enemys location and open fire.
Primary Factory: New Earth video monitor that provides him with a 360-degree view. This see-and-shoot tactic was only marginally effective
Communications System: Cyclops 1 The gunner has the choice of operating the video mon- for either side, but the Liao forces still could not break
Targeting and Tracking System: Evil Eye itors in IR, visual light or radar spectrumsor switching out of the swamp.
between them at will. The gunners helmet projects a Finally, sensing that his men were becoming rest-
OVERVIEW sight reticule onto the screen, which lines up the turret less, the Davion commander ordered his units into a
The Drillson Heavy Hover Tank is the newest addi- with whatever target the gunner is viewing. The various battle line and moved them forward at high speed. Min-
tion to the Steiner military, in keeping with the Lyran weapons systems then adjust themselves so that the utes later, one of Drillsons ran into a Liao Mech and
predisposition toward heavy combat vehicles. Unlike weapon will hit the target. destroyed its legs. The other tanks immediately con-
most Steiner designs, however, the Drillson has not The other weapon systems on the Drillson are verged, opening fire on the crippled Mech and
sacrificed speed for heavier armor. Indeed, the tank fairly standard. The Hover Tech Short-Range Missile destroying it. After using the ramming tactic several
can hold its own against some of the fastest Mechs Racks and the Light CrossBow Long-Range Missile more times, the Davions finally forced the Liao troops
and vehicles around. Rack have been mounted on Mechs for years. The two to surrender.
The Drillson is normally assigned as a supple- Kicker Machine Guns are also a fairly standard design,
ment to regular Mech forces. Its armor is heavy using large-caliber ammunition at the expense of rate VARIANTS
enough to withstand the severe punishment typical of of fire. The most common variant of the Drillson
a Mech battlefield, and its speed allows it to keep up replaces the LRM 10 rack with more SRM 2 racks.
with any advance. Though it is as vulnerable to fire as DEPLOYMENT The laser is never removed because of the useful-
any other hovercraft, the Drillsons variety of weapons During an unsuccessful raid on Almach, several ness of the Evil Eye.
and heavy firepower make it a formidable vehicle. Liao BattleMechs found themselves backed into a
Type: Maxim Heavy Hover Transport Equipment (cont.) Mass Weapons and Ammo Location Tonnage
Technology Base: Inner Sphere Lift Equipment: 5 1 SRM 6 Turret 3
Movement Type: Hover Power Amplifier: 0 3 Machine Guns Turret 1.5
Tonnage: 50 tons Turret: .5 2 LRM 5 Front 4
Battle Value: 591 Armor Factor: 88 5.5 1 LRM 5 Rear 2
Armor 1 SRM 2 Left 1
Equipment Mass Value 1 SRM 2 Right 1
Internal Structure: 5 Front 20 Ammo (SRM) 15 Body 1
Engine: 165 12 R/L Side 20/20 Ammo (SRM) 50 Body 1
Type: ICE Rear 12 Ammo (LRM) 24 Body 1
Cruising MP: 8 Turret 16 Ammo (MG) 200 Body 1
Flank MP: 12 Cargo (Infantry) Body 3
Heat Sinks: 0 0
Control Equipment: 2.5
can also be quickly and safely loaded onto the Plan- reorganize themselves after the drop. The lance would
VEHICLES etlifter because the entire length of the upper fuselage then move to destroy the complexes. Afterward, they
detaches from the lower fuselage. A Planetlifter lowers would rendezvous at a central point for pickup by the
itself to ground level on its variable landing gear, DropShip. This strategy, ORielly explained, would not
detaches the lower fuselage and then rolls away. The allow the Marik commander to concentrate his forces in
Mech to be transported lies down on top of the now- a timely manner and would allow the DropShip to land
exposed cargo bay floor and is secured by the ground and give support to any lance that got into trouble. Cas-
crew. The aircraft then rolls back over the lower fuse- sion and Reynolds protested this new plan vigorously,
lage, attaches itself, and is ready to take off. An experi- but ORielly was adamant. When he threatened them
enced crew can land, load a Warhammer and take off with summary court-martial, they were forced to relent.
again in under 15 minutes. Colonel Joseph Yetti was the commander of the
751st Jump Regiment and was assigned temporary con-
DEPLOYMENT trol of the military defenses of Autumn Wind. When
Mass: 50 tons The most famous battle involving Planetlifters informed of the Steiner force moving toward the planet,
Power Plant: GM 200 Turbine occurred in 3002, when a Steiner raiding force attacked he quickly mustered the 751st, loaded them onto Plan-
Armor: Standard the Marik planet of Autumn Wind. The Steiner task force etlifters, and moved the regiment to an assembly area
Armament: consisted of the Union-class DropShip Bolans Blood equidistant from the four complexes. When the Steiner
None and the Mech company Cassions Commandos. The drop began, Yetti loaded the 751st and hit the recon
Manufacturer: Imstar Aerospace DropShip and Company Commanders, Commander lance just as they started to move from their drop zone.
Primary Factory: Various Reynolds and Hauptmann Cassion, had been operating The other three lances continued their advance on the
Communications System: IrianUHF together for the previous two years, ranging up and down other complexes, but the local militia slowed them down.
Targeting and Tracking System: None the Marik border and hitting one world after another. The Blood was ordered to land and support the recon
When they returned from their most recent mission, lance. By the time it made planetfall, the lance had been
OVERVIEW the two commanders were met by their new Task Force destroyed and its attackers had vanished. Even as the
The Planetlifter is a typical example of a conven- Commander, Leutnant Colonel ORielly, who had been Blood landed, the 751st was hitting the Commandos
tional heavy transport aircraft. These craft are assigned recently reassigned to combat duty from the Adminis- Fire Lance. The Blood lifted again to support the stricken
directly to a planetary garrison commander, allowing trative Section. Leutnant Colonel O'Rielly explained their lance, but to no avail. They arrived too late.
him to quickly shift his combat assets from one battle- new missiona deep penetration raid into Marik space. Two hours later, Cassions lance had been able to
field to another. This strategic mobility functions effec- Marik opposition was expected to be light: a few battal- brush aside the defending militia and move to within
tively as a force-multiplier, allowing a garrison to be ions of locally raised militia, three Planetlifters and a reg- sight of its assigned complex. At that moment, two Plan-
spread out for population control and as a counter to iment of jump infantry that was refitting. etlifters flew overhead, and two battalions of the 751st
small-unit raids, but still able to concentrate quickly to Cassion and Reynoldss battle plan was based on were floating down toward them. Cassion could take no
blunt major assaults. their two years of experience with raiding Marik hold- more. He ordered his lance to break off and called in the
ings. Autumn Wind possessed no space defense force Blood to pick them up at a clearing ten kilometers to the
CAPABILITIES or conventional fighters, so the Blood would land direct- north.
The Marik-produced Planetlifter can carry up to 70 ly on the planet near the first industrial complex. The Yetti intercepted that signal and sent his final bat-
tons of cargo. The forward armored section of the air- Commandos would disembark and destroy the complex talion in on the remaining Planetlifter to secure the land-
craft can take up to 20 tons, while another 50 tons can with fire support from the Blood. The Mech company ing zone. As the Blood started its final approach, it was
be carried in an unprotected bay. The bulkhead separat- would then re-embark on the DropShip. A suborbital met by a barrage of missiles. One lucky hit later, the
ing the two areas is removable, to allow the aircraft to flight would take the Blood to the next complex, and so Blood was a cripple on the ground. The command lance
carry loads that cannot be stored conveniently in one on down the line. was able to fight its way clear to the DropShip, but there
bay or the other. Much to the Hauptmanns shock, Leutnant Colonel was no way off the planet. Late that afternoon, Cassions
The loading procedures for a Planetlifter are ORielly rejected the plan and laid out his own. Each of Commandos and the DropShip Bolans Blood surren-
unique. Vehicles and infantry can load in the normal the Commando lances would drop from space to land 20 dered to Colonel Yetti and the battered 751st Jump Reg-
manner, via cargo ramps in the tail or the nose. Mechs kilometers away from their assigned complexes, then iment.
Weapons and Ammo Location Tonnage Heat SRV MRV LRV ERV
Cargo Body 20
than a specialist at certain types of missions. Bulldog ever small Liao scout vehicles or medium hovertanks
VEHICLES Enterprises developed this tanks large laser to lower discovered and overtook the Davion unit. These light
their production costs by not having to purchase units were no match for either the tanks large laser or
equipment from other companies. The laser is a fair- its two medium missile racks. The Liao vehicles all
ly typical design, using a powerful energy capacitor to managed to send radio messages to their fellow vehi-
release the energy held in a krypton gas container. cles before being destroyed, which resulted in the Liao
Other systems were tested, but the gas laser was the forces eventually cornering the Davion tank unit in a
most effective. rocky box canyon.
Bulldog did not have the time or money to also Although the whole Liao force had not followed the
design the short-range missile racks so they made a Davion unit, there were enough medium and heavy
deal with Hover Tech, who provided Bulldog with the vehicles to ensure that the Bulldogs would not leave
plans to produce the missile system. The Hovertec the box canyon alive. The Bulldog unit pulled back into
Quad SRM system is used on many other vehicles, as as many defensive positions as the rocks would allow
Mass: 60 tons well as on a few Mechs. The Bulldog Minigun is a and fired at anything that entered the canyon. Many
Movement Type: Tracked small machine gun mounted on the bow of the tank. vehicles were destroyed in Davion laser and missile
Power Plant: 240 Bulldog I.C.E. Like most miniguns, it sacrifices a heavy-caliber round crossfires, but ammunition shortage and attrition even-
Cruising Speed: 43.2 kph for a high rate of fire. The driver controls the minigun. tually caught up with the Davion unit. All thirty-six tanks
Flank Speed: 64.8 kph and their crews were destroyed.
Armor: Bulldog Standard DEPLOYMENT Davion reinforcements eventually arrived to drive
Armament: On a battle for the planet Rio, House Davion sent off the Liao forces, but not soon enough to save the
1 Bulldog Large Laser a battalion of Bulldogs to stop an invading Liao force. brave Bulldog crewmen. A marker was erected at the
2 Hovertec Quad SRM 4s The commanders knew little about the Liao force aside site where the last Bulldog was destroyed, and each
1 Bulldog Minigun Machine Gun from its position, so when the Bulldog unit arrived, it crewman was posthumously promoted two ranks.
Manufacturer: Bulldog Enterprises met with a nasty surprisethe unit had stumbled into
Primary Factory: Proserpina, Ares an assembly area containing over three battalions of VARIANTS
Communications System: Xilex-2000 vehicles and infantry. After the Bulldog commander Many Bulldog units need to have different types of
Targeting and Tracking System: Xilex-2000 relayed this information to his superiors, he received a firepower available to them, especially for long-range
hastily devised plan to delay the Liao army until rein- fire. In such cases, two AC/2 and 135 rounds of ammu-
OVERVIEW forcements could arrive. nition or an LRM 20 with 18 rounds of ammunition are
Bulldog Enterprises is the manufacturer of this Ordering his unit into a line behind cover, he tar- the usual replacements for the large laser, power
heavy tank as well as a successful manufacturer of geted what appeared to be the command center of the amplifier and heat sinks.
non-military vehicles. In producing the Bulldog, the firm invading horde. All thirty-six large lasers fired at once,
was attempting to expand into new markets. The Bull- nearly vaporizing the command post. The Davion com-
dog did not cause much of a stir when it first became manders knew that this would not stop the Liao forces,
available as there were already so many heavy-class however, only delay them. After a few moments of
vehicles on the market. Although the tank mounts for- stunned silence, the Liao long-range missile units
midable weaponry, it does not necessarily out perform began to fire blindly at the Davion battle line while
any other tank, and so has been only a marginal com- small, fast vehicles made their way out of the camp to
mercial success. search for the unseen attackers. The Bulldog unit
immediately pulled out and headed toward a nearby
CAPABILITIES mountain range.
The Bulldog is considered a standard tank The Bulldog unit did its best to avoid fighting on
design. Mounting only one heavy weapon and a few the way to the mountain rage. There were several small
secondary weapons, it is a jack-of-all-trades rather engagements on the way to the range, however, when-
war tool, and that scout Mechs would be the most The Hi-Scouts MultiTrack Coordination System
VEHICLES expensive. This was because the scout Mechs would allows the vehicle to relay information from drone to
always be assigned the most dangerous situations and drone, creating a sensor chain that increases detection
thus would suffer the highest attrition rates. ScolTeck range by over 100 percent. The only problem with this
decided early on to produce the most effective scout system is that some worlds have an unusual amount of
vehicle possible. Devoting all possible resources to background radiation that can interfere with the Multi-
developing sensor systems, ScolTeck released the Hi- Track. The Hi-Scout also contains normal communica-
Scout Drone Carriers in the year 3000. tions systems that enable it to transmit over 500 differ-
ScolTeck Hi-Scout Drone Carriers are used by the ent channels, using all of them at the same time.
armies of nearly all the Successor States. Like many command-type vehicles, the Hi-Scout
carries a small self-defense weapon to discourage nosy
CAPABILITIES infantry units or light vehicles. The missile system uses
The Hi-Scout is the best detection unit available. the TacTex MiniFind as a guidance system.
Mass: 60 tons With its StealthMat-Q Communications System, the Hi-
Movement Type: Tracked Scout can find and identify enemy units on almost any DEPLOYMENT
Power Plant: 240 Vlar I.C.E part of a planet without being detected itself. Its maxi- As the Hi-Scout is not a combat vehicle, there are
Cruising Speed: 43.2 kph mum detection range is 60 kilometers, although the use no outstanding combat reports. As a communications
Flank Speed: 64.8 kph of the vehicles drone sensor units may increase this and detection vehicle, however, the Hi-Scout has proven
Armor: ArcShield V Standard range. The Hi-Scout has infrared, seismic, sound, to be invaluable. During a border raid into Davion space,
Armament: motion, radio, radar and hyperpulse detection systems. a Kurita attack group had to make a blind landing after
1 SureShot II SRM 2 The NapFind and PathTrack Sensor Drones use some the units DropShip sensors were damaged. Fortunately
Manufacturer: ScolTeck Associates of the most complex communications equipment ever for them, the unit had recently purchased a Hi-Scout
Primary Factory: Inarcs developed. The NapFinds sensor range is 10 kilome- Drone Carrier with a full complement of sensor-drones.
Communications System: StealthMat-Q w/ ters, and the PathTracks sensor range is 20 kilometers. The Kuritans immediately dispatched the drones on
MultiTrack The NapFind drone uses a skirtless hover system, recon missions.
Targeting and Tracking System: Tar Tec Mini-Find the most advanced lift system available in the Inner When the drones reported back hours later, they
Sphere. Developed in conjunction with other military had very little information about enemy activity. Wonder-
OVERVIEW vehicle manufacturers, the system employs something ing what could have gone wrong, the Hi-Scout's com-
Intelligence gathering is a major part of any war. In called a venturi-disk, the details of which have not been mander patched his StelthMat-Q into the Davion com-
the early years of the Succession Wars, the only units released to the public. The NapFind sensor system is munications satellite system to increase the Hi-Scout's
that could accurately gather information were scout one of the most advanced available, using infrared, seis- base range from 60 kilometers to 600 kilometers. The
Mechs, such as Stingers or Wasps. Though orbital intel- mic, sound and motion detection systems. attack group immediately reported to the unit comman-
ligence was the most effective means of gaining infor- The PathTrack is a tracked drone similar in design der that they had landed on the wrong side of the plan-
mation, it was often defeated by enemy jamming sys- to the NapFind, except that it has more powerful detec- et and that the original Kurita forces, previously under
tems or simply attacking the scanning DropShip. tion systems. The PathTrack has all the detection capa- radio silence, were victorious.
Many military vehicle manufacturers accurately bilities of the NapFind, but can also detect and inter-
predicted that the Mech would soon become a costly cept radio transmissions and relay them back.
Type: Hi-Scout Drone Carrier Type: Hi-Scout Drone (PathTrack) Type: Hi-Scout Drone (NapFind)
Technology Base: Inner Sphere Technology Base: Inner Sphere Technology Base: Inner Sphere
Movement Type: Wheeled Movement Type: Tracked Movement Type: Hover
Tonnage: 60 tons Tonnage: 3 tons Tonnage: 2 tons
Battle Value: 126 Battle Value: 11 Battle Value: 2
Weapons and Ammo Location Tonnage Weapons and Ammo Location Tonnage
1 SRM 2 Turret 1 Weapons and Ammo Location Tonnage Remote & Sensor Equipment Body .5
Sensor/Communication Eq. Body 5 Remote & Sensor Equipment Body .75
Three (3) Tracked Drones Body 9
Three (3) Hover Drones Body 6
Ammo (SRM) 50 Body 1
to protect the crew and critical components from the destroyed in the first salvo of missiles. The second and
VEHICLES missiles back blast. third salvoes took out the other half.
A barrage fired from a missile carrier is a fear- In another instance, a large unit of House Liao
some sight. One vehicle can launch 60 missiles every LRM 5 carriers, five ammo trucks and several light
ten seconds and most carry enough ammunition to Mechs were attacking the Marik world of Harsefeld.
keep up that rate of fire up for over a minute. The num- Their mission was to capture an important storehouse
ber and size of the missiles that a lorry can mount being guarded by infantry and tanks. When the Liao
depend on its own size. The actual missiles used vary forces arrived, the Marik troops were expecting them
according to which House owns the vehicle. For exam- and opened fire from emplacements set up long before
ple, Davion troops may use DeltaDart LRMs and Hov- the battle.
erTech SRMs, while Kurita forces may use Shigunga Seeing that their Mechs would not be able to get
LRMs and NCK SRMs. close to the small town and storehouse, the Liao com-
mander ordered the LRM units to set up behind a tall
Mass: 60 tons DEPLOYMENT ridge line where they could use indirect fire to weaken
Movement Type: Tracked House Liao is a heavy user both of long- and the town. Within a minute and a half, they had fired
Power Plant: 180 InterComBust I.C.E short-range missile support units. During a Davion raid 2400 missiles at their targets. Ten minutes later, the
Cruising Speed: 32.4 kph on the Liao planet of St. Ives, Davion troops were trav- carriers were reloaded and rained another 2400 mis-
Flank Speed: 54.0 kph eling through a narrow pass in order to reach their siles on the town. After the smoke cleared, the Marik
Armor: Simple Armor Plate Standard objective. According to their intelligence, no Liao commander surrendered without ever firing a shot.
Armament: Mechs were around but there would be some defend-
3 FarFire LRM 20s (LRM Carrier) ing troops. What the Davion invaders did not know was VARIANTS
10 Holly SRM 6s (SRM Carrier) that there were ten short-range missile carriers and The only variation on a weapon system as simple
Manufacturer: Various four platoons of infantry guarding the pass. The as a missile carrier is the name of the manufacturer that
Primary Factory: Various infantry retreated up the pass to draw the Davion happened to produce it. Though other types of support
Communications System: Communicator troops in, then the short-range missile carriers imme- units do exist including AC/2 and laser carriers, they are
Targeting and Tracking System: FireScan with diately opened fire. Of the original one hundred Davion far from being as effective as missile carriers.
IndirecTrack tanks that entered the pass, fifty were disabled or
Ever since the development of the first rocket cen-
turies ago, military units have used mobile missile sys-
tems to provide cheap and effective fire support. The
Long-Range Missile Carrier and the Short-Range Mis-
sile Carrier are two typical examples of missile support
units. Manufactured by almost every major military
supplier, these vehicles are found in every army of the
Inner Sphere.
The chassis for missile carriers vary in basic
design, but they are all essentially military transport
lorries adapted to carry the huge missile launchers and
loading equipment. Those adaptations generally con-
sist of reinforcing the suspension systems and armor-
ing the crew and critical components areas. The armor
is not to protect the vehicle from enemy fire, but rather
situation. Because it is so useful, the Manticore is one Both sides staged a momentary retreat, then
VEHICLES of the few fusion-powered vehicles whose power plant moved back into fighting positions. This time the Stein-
has not been appropriated to supply Mech forces. The er defense forces were more wary of the Kurita
tanks main weapon is the Parti-Kill PPC. Unlike other Mechs, using their long-range missiles for indirect fire
particle cannons, the Parti-Kill does not use an energy instead of trying to move in close for an attack with the
collection capacitor or similar chamber. Instead, it uses shorter-range weapons. Most of this fire was concen-
a series of magnetic collection bottles that gather their trated on the Kurita long-range firepower Mechs, such
energy straight from the fusion reactor. These energies as Archers and Trebuchets. At the end of this second
are then channeled through a larger magnetic bottle engagement, the Kurita forces had lost six Mechs
and released from the cannon. This fires an energy while the Steiner forces had lost only five Manticores.
shell that loses cohesion and disintegrates at 540 Seeing that they could no longer rely on long-
meters. The Parti-Kills bolts are unstable at ranges range firepower, the Kurita forces moved in as quickly
under 90 meters. as possible and attacked the Steiner Manticores. This
Mass: 60 tons The Manticores next main weapon is its SureShot was the most effective tactic against the defending
Movement Type: Tracked Mk VI SRM rack. The weapon is mounted on top of the units because it prevented them from bringing the
Power Plant: 240 Pitban Fusion main turret, just above and behind the particle cannon. power of their main gun to bear on the close targets.
Cruising Speed: 43.2 kph It is mounted on vertical and horizontal swivel mounts, Although eight Mechs were destroyed, the Steiner
Flank Speed: 64.8 kph giving the pack a full 120-degree arc of fire indepen- forces lost over 20 tanks.
Armor: ArcShield Maxi II Standard dent of the turret. Luckily for the remaining Manticore units, the Kuri-
Armament: The Manticore is capable of indirect fire with its ta commander considered his losses were too high to
1 Parti-Kill Heavy Cannon PPC FarFire Medium Missile Rack. Like most long-range continue the fight even though he had severely crip-
1 SureShot Mk VI SRM 6 missile units, the Manticores missiles are patched pled the Steiner defenders. The Kuritans pulled back
1 FarFire LRM 10 through a complex series of fire-control systems that and left the planet.
1 OMI HighBurn Medium Laser can track targets over any type terrain. The TargiTrack
Manufacturer: TechniCorp / Jalstar Aerospace 717 Targeting System gives the tank the ability to com- VARIANTS
Primary Factory: Hesperus II, Armistar bine its fire simultaneously with other missile units to TechniCorp does not allow purchasers of the Man-
Communications System: O/P R Janxiir maximize the effectiveness of a missile strike against a ticore to make any modifications. Any tampering or
Targeting and Tracking System: TargiTrack 717 particular target. exchanging of Manticore equipment immediately voids
the service contract, and TechniCorp will make no
OVERVIEW DEPLOYMENT repairs on a modified vehicle. Strangely enough, most
The Manticore is one of the best-designed and The Manticore has proven itself to be a tough customers respect this restriction.
most powerful tanks ever created. The vehicle is most fighting vehicle, even against superior odds. On one of
commonly seen among the forces of Houses Steiner the many battles for the planet Morningside, a unit of
and Kurita, though the tank also sees service among invading Kurita BattleMechs was intercepted by a
the armies of the other three Houses. Although the small Steiner Manticore force. The Steiner troops knew
Manticore mounts a variety of weapons and is heavily the surrounding terrain better than the invading forces,
armored for a vehicle of its weight, it is not equipped to but the Kurita unit was better equipped.
deal with super-heavy vehicles, such as the Demolish- The battle started out as a meeting engagement
er or the Behemoth. The tank was simply not designed between the two sides. The Manticores fired on the
to be a stand-up fighter. Mechs with their PPCs and long-range missiles.
Momentarily shaken, the Kurita forces staged a with-
CAPABILITIES drawal only to regroup and turn back to fight the tanks.
Mounting a large variety of weapon systems, the Three Steiner Mechs and over ten tanks were
Manticore is capable of handling almost any combat destroyed in this first engagement.
Type: Manticore Heavy Tank
Technology Base: Inner Sphere
Movement Type: Tracked
Tonnage: 60 tons
Battle Value: 619
Equipment Mass Equipment (cont.) Mass Weapons and Ammo Location Tonnage
Internal Structure: 6 Power Amplifier: 0 1 PPC Turret 7
Engine: 240 17.5 Turret: 1.5 1 SRM 6 Turret 3
Type: Fusion Armor Factor: 176 11 1 LRM 10 Turret 5
Cruising MP: 4 Armor 1 Medium Laser Front 1
Flank MP: 6 Value Ammo (SRM) 15 Body 1
Heat Sinks: 13 3 Front 42 Ammo (LRM) 12 Body 1
Control Equipment: 3 R/L Side 33/33
Lift Equipment: 0 Rear 26
Turret 42
harassing Mechs, especially Mechs like the Archer, exported into the Inner Sphere and nearly impossible
VEHICLES whose main weapon is long-range missiles. to find a buyer for untried military vehicles. ComStar
was the first customer for the Pike.
CAPABILITIES The ComStar Pikes were distributed among vari-
The Pike is the closest a military unit can get to ous worlds whose hyperpulse generators were con-
having a short-range artillery weapon without having to sidered at risk. One of these dangerous areas was
purchase Snipers or Long Toms. Although Snipers or near Santander V, homeworld of the bandit king Hel-
Long Toms do more damage, they are usually in great mar Valasek. Valasek carried out raids against this
demand, hard-to-find and very expensive. planet but because he was looking for water and
The three ZeusBolt Long-Range Guns give the Mech parts, not hyperpulse generators. Unfortunate-
Pike the longest range-weapon capability on the bat- ly for ComStar, Valasek always managed to stumble
tlefield. The three guns are mounted in one turret and across the generator no matter where it was moved.
share the same targeting and tracking system. This After becoming weary of recapturing the generator
Mass: 60 tons unique system tracks the flight path of the shells for all from bandit troops, ComStar moved a number of
Movement Type: Tracked three guns at once, automatically adjusting for azimuth Pikes onto the planet for defense.
Power Plant: 180 Jones w. EmissionKill I.C.E. and elevation. This makes the ZeusBolt 74.3 percent Months later, Valasek once again raided the plan-
Cruising Speed: 32.4 kph more accurate than any similar system available. et for water and found the generator. This time, howev-
Flank Speed: 54.0 kph The main drawback of the Pike, however, is ironi- er, Pike units guarded the generator. At the approach
Armor: StarSlab/9 Standard cally its main weapon. For all their vaunted accuracy, of the incoming bandit forces, the Pikes fired at long
Armament: the three ZeusBolt Long-Range Guns do not inflict range. This took the bandits by surprise and threw
3 ZeusBolt Autocannon/2s much damage. Indeed, a hit from a ZeusBolt Gun is them into confusion, which allowed the Pikes to fire on
2 Marklin Mini Missile Pack SRM 2s equivalent to the hit of a machine-gun shot or one the raiders again and again. By the time they were able
Manufacturer: Canopus Industries Alpha short-range missile hit. To compensate for this, the to reorganize and close into effective range, the Pikes
Primary Factory: Canopus engineers of Canopus Industries Alpha gave the Pike had destroyed several Mechs. Deciding to cut their
Communications System: Magestrix Alpha over 200 rounds of ammunition. This allows the tank to losses, the bandits withdrew. Since that battle, no fur-
Targeting and Tracking System: Magestrix Gamma fire more times at a target and presumably do more ther raids have been carried out against the ComStar
damage. The Pike is also equipped with two small installation.
OVERVIEW short-range missile racks for self-defense. These
The Pike Long-Range Support Vehicle is one of SRMs can fire accurately at targets at ranges of 120
the first produced in the Magistracy of Canopus, locat- meters or less, which would be difficult, even futile, for
ed along the rim of the Free Worlds League. The the ZeusBolt.
Magestrix, the leader of Canopus, commissioned the The Pikes engine is equipped with the Emis-
Pike along with several other vehicles in 2987, in sionKill system. This device cuts down on the exhaust
hopes of bringing more trade into her relatively impov- emissions given off by the 14-ton engine, theoretically
erished domain. Like many other vehicle producers, making it difficult to see the Pike in infrared. Pike crews
she surmised that eventually the Lords of the five Suc- are not convinced, however, that the system works.
cessor Houses would not be able to resupply and They also claim that the EmissionKill system drastical-
maintain the immense Mech armies they were throw- ly increases the tank's fuel consumption. Most crews
ing away on useless border skirmishes. Kyalla was will- remove the EmissionKill system the first chance that
ing to produce and sell military vehicles to the Lords they get.
until they could no longer field their full Mech strength,
while she saved her own Mechs for a later time. DEPLOYMENT
The Pikes main function on a battlefield include Although the Pike is 38 years old, it has not seen
destroying small vehicles and infantry units and much combat use. It is difficult enough getting goods
Type:Pike Support Vehicle Equipment (cont.) Mass
Technology Base: Inner Sphere Armor Factor: 144 9
Movement Type: Tracked Armor
Tonnage: 60 tons Value
Battle Value: 334 Front 33
R/L Side 25/25
Equipment Mass Rear 25
Internal Structure: 6 Turret 36
Engine: 180 14
Type: ICE Weapons and Ammo Location Tonnage
Cruising MP: 3 3 Autocannon/2 Turret 18
Flank MP: 5 2 SRM 2 Front 2
Heat Sinks: 0 0 Ammo (AC) 225 Body 5
Control Equipment: 3 Ammo (SRM) 50 Body 1
Lift Equipment: 0
Power Amplifier: 0
Turret: 2
squat, four-tread model is the one most often thought support vehicles or light Mechs to help fight, and so
VEHICLES of as a Demolisher to this day. Aldis Industries soon the heavy tank became known for its ability to destroy
released the Demolisher Mk II, however, a shorter ver- anything on the battlefield, earning its title as the
sion with a better suspension system and only two Mech Slayer.
tread units. Early in the First Succession War, an unknown
Mech force attacked the storehouse on the Kurita
CAPABILITIES planet Kessel. At the time, the Kurita Mech forces nor-
The Demolisher is an efficient battle machine. Its mally stationed there had moved off to attack a Stein-
two turret-mounted 185mm guns use a popular pro- er world, leaving a lance of Demolishers as the only
pellant system that mixes two chemicals in suspension defensive units. The invaders force was composed of
to propel the huge shells out of the barrel. In the origi- four light Mechs, two medium Mechs and two assault
nal model, this system produced an enormous amount Mechs. Acting on information that the normal defen-
of heat, so the chassis was modified to act as a sive force had gone, the attackers believed that their
Mass: 80 tons makeshift heat-sink system. Until the appearance of token force would be sufficient to destroy any opposi-
Movement Type: Tracked the Demolisher Mk II, crew members had to wear spe- tion.
Power Plant: 240 GM Superload I.C.E. cial coolant suits because of the unbearably hot tem- Overconfident, the attacking forces first moved in
Cruising Speed: 32.4 kph peratures inside of the tank during a sustained fire- one of their assault Mechs to scare any defending
Flank Speed: 54.0 kph fight. The Mk II solved the problem by channeling most troops into surrender. Unfortunately, this plan back-
Armor: Durandal 160 Standard of the ejection gases out the barrel. fired. All four of the Demolisher crews fired at the huge
Armament: Another problem with the original Demolisher was Mech at once and destroyed it outright. Seeing one of
2 185mm ChemJet Gun Autocannon/20s that its targeting, tracking, and communications sys- their number so quickly defeated, the other invader
Manufacturer: Aldis Industries tems drew too much power from the main battery. To Mechs regrouped and attacked in waves, hoping to
Primary Factory: Terra compensate, the Aldis engineers first designed mas- wear down the opposition. This worked no better than
Communications System: Omicron 5000 sive power amplifiers to be installed as part of the the previous plan, however; as soon as two or three of
Targeting and Tracking System: Omicron VII engine. Their next attempt to solve the problem pro- the charging Mechs came into range, the four Demol-
duced a smaller, more efficient engine with internal ishers destroyed them before they could inflict enough
OVERVIEW power amplifiers. Though this engine was no larger damage to take out even one of the heavy tanks. Even-
Since its introduction into combat, the Demolish- than a normal one of the same horsepower, its cost tually, the remains of the invading Mech force decided
er Heavy Tank has earned a reputation as one of the was significantly higher. With the eventual develop- it was wiser to depart the planet, but not before a lucky
most deadly vehicles on the battlefield. Although ment of more power-efficient tracking and communica- head shot destroyed the attackers second assault
frightened enemy troops have often exaggerated tion systems, however, the Demolisher became 'Mech.
their reports, the Demolisher is definitely a superb equipped with a regular engine.
battle machine. The number of crew in a Demolisher varies. VARIANTS
The Demolisher was the first heavy tank produced Sometimes, there is a commander, a driver, two gun- There are no known variants of the Demolisher,
by Aldis Industries and still is the most popular. The ners, two loaders and one communications/engineer although some troops will remove armor and install
Aldis engineers conceived of the Demolisher project in crewman. Other times the commander acts as the dri- small defensive weapons if there are enemy infantry
the early days of the Succession Wars as a solution to ver. There are even versions that have only one gunner and small vehicles nearby. Aldis Industries offers a
the Mech technology problem. The Aldis designers and no loaders. The number of crewmen in the tank variety of Demolisher update packages that improve
hoped to create a vehicle heavy enough to destroy any depends on when it was produced. The newer the the capabilities of the tank. The most popular updates
Mech, which they could sell to the worlds unable to model, the less crew it will have. are automatic shell-loaders and a combination com-
afford Mech forces. mander/gunner position.
The first line of Demolishers was an amazing suc- DEPLOYMENT
cess. Many worlds not protected by standing Mech As with any military vehicle, the battle history of
armies bought hundreds of Demolishers. This tall, the Demolisher is a mix of victories and defeats. Most
worlds that bought the Demolisher did not buy any
Type: Demolisher Heavy Tank Value
Technology Base: Inner Sphere Front 40
Movement Type: Tracked R/L Side 30/30
Tonnage: 80 tons Rear 20
Battle Value: 609 Turret 40
CAPABILITIES es. The fighters had been sent as part of a raiding force
VEHICLES The Partisans anti-aircraft weapons consist of that was harassing several nearby planets. The Davion
four medium autocannon mounted on a quad turret. units on the other planets were attempting to fight off
Though no different than other guns of the same size, what looked like major assaults. These attacks were
these weapons fire shells unlike those of other com- only decoys, however, sent out to lure Davion Mechs
bat weapons. Most similar guns use regular-impact away from the Galtor storehouses.
explosives, while the Partisans guns fire proximity- The Kurita fighters were not trying to destroy the
fused rounds. This type of ammunition explodes when storehouse; rather, they were trying to disable the
it gets within five to ten meters of an airborne target, defending units so that infantry could move in and take
which gives the whole system better accuracy than a the warehouse by storm. The only weapons the fight-
normal gun shooting at aircraft. ers could use without danger of hitting the warehouse
Another difference between the Partisan and were their long-and short-range missiles. The only
other gun carriers is the AntiAir Flak Systems-1 track- defensive units guarding the storehouses were ten
Mass: 80 tons ing and targeting equipment. This system can track up Partisan anti-aircraft vehicles. These vehicles had set
Movement Type: Tracked to 200 targets at once, determine the range to each, up in prepared emplacements that left only their turrets
Power Plant: 240 Internal Combustion I.C.E. and then fire at the optimum target. The gunner is and miniguns showing. When the Shilones attacked,
Cruising Speed: 32.4 kph equipped with a Target Identification Screen (TIS) that the Partisans were ready.
Flank Speed: 54.0 kph read out a list of targets, starting with the closest and The first attack wave came and went quickly, scor-
Armor: StarSlab/7 Standard ending with the farthest. Using a simple light-pen sys- ing only rare hits on the Partisans. The next attack
Armament: tem, the gunner can override the computers fire wave came moments later, but now the fighters were
4 Flak Autocannon/5s orders with his own. (The gunner can also remove the more cautious They did score several minor hits
2 Auto Guns Machine Guns TIS from the Partisan and use it up to 20 meters away against the Partisan line, but the ground guns
Manufacturer: Kallon Industries from the vehicle.) destroyed two of the fighters.
Primary Factory: Loyalty, Kirklin, Nanking The Partisans targeting equipment also has an Though the Kurita commander could not afford to
Communications System: JoLex Systems optional fire switch that allows it to fire at ground tar- lose any more fighters, his orders were to destroy the
Targeting and Tracking System: AntiAir Flak gets. When engaged with battlefield targets, the gun- defending units, no matter what the cost. He knew that
Systems-1 ner always chooses this option; while overridden, the taking out those anti-aircraft guns would require that
computer will not switch back to anti-aircraft. As the his fighters hold nothing back, so he ordered his fight-
OVERVIEW computer does not have an identification system for ers to attack full force. On the next attack run, the Par-
One of the most destructive weapons on the bat- ground targets as it does for flying targets, the gunner tisan unit destroyed over a dozen fighters, while the
tlefield is the strafing or bombing aerospace fighter. To must use the systems sights to engage those targets. fighters destroyed only two anti-aircraft guns. The prox-
counteract these attacks, many companies produce When the Partisan is firing at ground targets, the shells imity-fused shells of the Partisans guns continually
some type of anti-aircraft system. Two of the most pop- of the four guns are automatically disarmed of their destroyed the missiles fired by the Shilones, and the
ular are the Rifleman and JagerMech BattleMechs pro- proximity fuses, making them normal-impact rounds. heavy emplacements stopped their lasers. After two
duced by Kallon Industries. These two Mechs are Another feature built into the fire-control system is more unsuccessful runs, the Shilone commander
powerful AA systems because they can each deliver a datalink that allows several Partisans to act as one retreated what was left of his flight. No reinforcements
such a large volume of accurate fire. large anti-aircraft unit. All the computers hook into one were called for, and no other attacks were made.
Kallon no longer has the facilities to produce as large net that picks the best possible targets shown on
many Mechs as they formerly did, so they hoped to meet all the radar screens. The computer then fires at either VARIANTS
the demand for anti-aircraft systems to replace the dam- the most threatening target or the most dangerous There are two popular variants on the Partisan.
aged or destroyed AA Mechs already in use. They filled group of targets. The first replaces the AC/5s with AC/2s, thus extend-
the gap with the development of the Partisan Heavy ing the vehicles range by 180 meters. A second vari-
Tank. The Partisan uses four long-range autocannon of DEPLOYMENT ant replaces the AC/5s with long-range missile racks.
the same design found on both the Rifleman and the A famous Davion battle involving a line of Parti- The latter modification is not always as effective
JagerMech. Providing good firepower with long range is sans using datalink occurred on Galtor, when a flight of because its targeting and tracking system has trouble
what makes these guns so effective against aircraft. Kurita Shilone fighters attacked a group of storehous- coordinating each missiles trajectory.
Type: Partisan Heavy Tank Armor
Technology Base: Inner Sphere Value
Movement Type: Tracked Front 22
Tonnage: 80 tons R/L Side 18/18
Battle Value: 420 Rear 16
Turret 22
Equipment Mass
Internal Structure: 8 Weapons and Ammo Location Tonnage
Engine: 240 23 4 Autocannon/5 Turret 32
Type: ICE 2 Machine Guns Front 1
Cruising MP: 3 Ammo (AC) 40 Body 2
Flank MP: 5 Ammo (MG) 100 Body .5
Heat Sinks: 0 0
Control Equipment: 4
Lift Equipment: 0
Power Amplifier: 0
Turret: 3.5
Armor Factor: 96 6
tial buyers are put off by the cost, however, and the use DEPLOYMENT
VEHICLES of a viable fusion power plant. Many argue that they On one occasion, an undisclosed invader
can purchase a much more effective Mech for the attacked Butte Hold, home world of Periphery bandit
price. Only time will prove the commercial viability of king Redjack Ryan. While Ryan and his troops were
this deadly vehicle. away from the planet, the unknown attackers began
to raid several outposts. Once they had stolen
CAPABILITIES enough of Ryans equipment and supplies, they set
On the battlefield, the Schreks main function is to up a semi-permanent campsite just outside a major
act as long-range heavy fire support to vehicles and city. It was obvious to the city forces that an attack
Mechs. Its three HellStar PPCs allow the vehicle to was being prepared.
engage and destroy practically any unit in combat. Fortunately, the city defense force had acquired
Light Mechs may be able to close with the Schrek, but several Schreks, so they were not totally unpre-
one hit from its PPCs can usually disable or kill any- pared. After a day of setting up dug-in firing positions
Mass: 80 tons thing under 30 tons. The heavier Mechs do not have for the Schreks and other vehicles still in working
Movement Type: Tracked the speed to engage the Schrek before its PPCs order, the defenders believed they could hold out
Power Plant: 240 GoreTex Fusion cause major damage. The greatest threat to the until Ryans return.
Cruising Speed: 32.4 kph Schrek are medium Mechs, for they combine both The invaders force consisted mostly of light and
Flank Speed: 54.0 kph speed and firepower. medium Mechs, but also included several aerospace
Armor: ArcShield VII Mk 5 Standard The Schreks fusion plant has given the Aldis fighters. Though the attack began as an attempt to
Armament: sales force some unexpected problems. There are cur- overwhelm the city defenders, the five Schreks had
3 HellStar PPCs rently very few combat vehicles using fusion power totally decimated the enemy units within a half an hour.
Manufacturer: Aldis Industries plants. Consequently, most of the techs assigned to This included the Cyclops piloted by the enemy leader.
Primary Factory: Terra vehicle units are trained to maintain conventional inter- Within five minutes of the start of the attack, the con-
Communications System: Olmstead 3000 nal combustion engines. While the techs were suppos- centrated firepower of the Schreks had reduced the
Targeting and Tracking System: Omicron IX edly retrained, many Schreks started to break down as assault Mech to a slag heap.
the result of improper maintenance on their engines.
OVERVIEW Aldis has responded by offering a free training program VARIANTS
For many years, both enemy vehicles and Mechs to anyone who purchases ten or more vehicles. The There have been very few variants of the Schrek
considered the Demolisher to be one of the most awe- response to this program, however, has not been as over the years. Sometimes, however, troops do mount
some heavy tanks on the battlefield. The Demolishers favorable as expected. the Schrek with external machine guns or small lasers
main guns had the side effect of generating unbear- One advantage of the Schrek over the Demolisher if they believe that a small enemy raiding force may be
able amounts of heat, however, requiring its crew to is that the Schrek was built mainly for defilade fire, or near, but even this is rare.
wear specially designed coolant suits. Even the fire from prepared, hidden emplacements. The Schreks
coolant suits could not protect the crewmen during a high-angle, sloped armor and low profile make it a diffi-
sustained fire fight, and they would die either from the cult target to spot and destroy. In addition, the Schreks
super-hot temperatures or the inability to continue two treads create less ground pressure than the
fighting. Demolishers four, allowing it to move over softer ter-
Ten years and hundreds of coolant suits later, rain. The Schreks greatest limitation is its lack of close-
Aldis Industries announced that they had developed a range attack capability. The PPC has difficulties con-
vehicle comparable in size and firepower to the Demol- centrating a particle stream at ranges of less than 120
isher but without the heat problems. This vehicle was meters, and so the Schrek must avoid closing with the
the Schrek PPC Carrier. enemy. When it is in a favorable battle position, howev-
Using the latest innovations in particle projector er, the vehicles heavily armored turret and front slope
technology, the Schrek is capable of literally vaporizing give it the protection needed to fight well.
the armor off of any Mech with one shot. Many poten-
Type: Schrek PPC Carrier Equipment (cont.) Mass
Technology Base: Inner Sphere Turret: 2.1
Movement Type: Tracked Armor Factor: 120 7.5
Tonnage: 80 tons Armor
Battle Value: 662 Value
Front 25
Equipment Mass R/L Side 22/22
Internal Structure: 8 Rear 21
Engine: 240 17.25 Turret 30
Type: Fusion
Cruising MP: 3 Weapons and Ammo Location Tonnage
Flank MP: 5 3 PPC Turret 21
Heat Sinks: 30 20
Control Equipment: 4
Lift Equipment: 0
Power Amplifier: 0
The problem with other designs was that some of the The plan was to jump into the Hesperus system at
VEHICLES missiles would collide when all were fired at once. a nonstandard jump point. The jump point that they
Some of the solutions tried were rotary missile packs chose was on the orbital plane opposite from Hespe-
and vertical launch-tubes, but these also suffered from rus II, with the sun between the ship and prying Stein-
the mid-air collision problem. The final solution was a er eyes. The DropShip would then power down and
combination of missile-fire strips and a new terminal wait until the planet had swung around the sun. When
guidance system. One missile rack was mounted fac- operating on low power, the DropShip would be all but
ing up and slightly forward in the right and left rear top undetectable to the Steiner defenses. Once Hesperus
deck of the tank. The new guidance system launched swung into position, the DropShip would make a low-
the missiles straight up and then arced them toward power entry into the upper atmosphere and then land
their target. The other missile rack was mounted in the on top of the production sites with its small Mech raid-
turret, firing on a much flatter arc. This guaranteed that ing force.
there would be no missile collisions. The raiding force consisted of four recon Mechs,
Mass: 85 tons Mounted coaxially to the turret missiles are a two medium Mechs, one heavy Mech and a few
Movement Type: Tracked machine gun and the SturmFeur HighLight tracking armored transports. The attack went exactly as
Power Plant: 255 InterComBust I.C.E. module with BlindFire Radar targeting system. The planned, except that the raiders found more Steiner
Cruising Speed: 32.4 kph HighLight keeps track of each missile racks target, no DropShips around the planet than usual. In order to
Flank Speed: 54.0 kph matter where it is. The BlindFire Radar system can avoid detection by the Steiner ships, the DropShip was
Armor: ProtecTech 7 Standard track over 200 targets simultaneously, and is one of the forced to land about 30 kilometers off-target. What the
Armament: fastest and most advanced units available. Raiders did not realize was that the large amount of
2 SturmFeur LRM 20 The only complaint SturmFeur crews have is that DropShip activity around Hesperus was due to the
2 MiniGuns Machine Guns the vehicles interior provides the four-man crew with arrival of a shipment of SturmFeurs to reinforce the
Manufacturer: Trellshire Heavy Industries no room to move. Each control seat is mounted on a defense garrison. Ten minutes after the pirate force had
Primary Factory: Sudeten rack that slides out of the sides of the tank. Once seat- landed, the newly landed SturmFeur groups were on
Communications System: Angst 2100-b ed, the crewman straps in and slides the chair back their way to their new garrison positions.
Targeting and Tracking System: Sturmfeur Highlight into the SturmFeur. This means that the crew cannot Moving cautiously and slowly toward the Mech
w/ BlindFire Radar move inside the vehicle, though the chairs do swivel to production site, the Raiders made their way through a
allow access to all the controls of a particular station. mountain range. They went two at a time, which
OVERVIEW Although the SturmFeur is a heavy tank, it has a allowed the other Mechs to provide covering fire. Fif-
The SturmFeur is the largest missile-carrying tank remarkably low profile. The missiles are mounted inside teen minutes after the first Marik Mech made it to the
available in the Inner Sphere. Mounting a huge number the vehicle with only their exit ports visible. The engine, edge of the mountains, a group of six SturmFeurs in
of long-range missile racks, this heavy tank is capable loading equipment, and ammunition is stored between the other valley detected them on remote radar sen-
of disabling or destroying any known vehicle. It was the missiles. The turret is the only external piece of sors. The commander of the unit sped out on a skim-
commissioned by the LCAF, which wanted a vehicle equipment visible on the SturmFeurs boxlike chassis. mer to find out what was going on. When he saw the
that could support other units without having to worry column, he immediately called down fire from his entire
about being attacked. They also wanted the tank to DEPLOYMENT unit. The force was sent running back to their DropShip
have indirect fire capability so that it could fire over The SturmFeur is a very new vehicle and has not minutes after the attack started.
obstacles, such as hills or trees. The first SturmFeur seen much combat. There are a few reports of engage-
rolled off the assembly line in 3018. It boasted enough ments with these tanks, however, against other vehicles VARIANTS
missiles to support almost any number of units within invading Steiner space. The SturmFeurs first combat The SturmFeur is so new and specialized that
range and a new radar guidance system that guaran- run occurred on Hesperus II, a Steiner planet that still there are no variants available. It is rumored that
teed superior indirect fire capability. possesses a working Mech production facility. The some SturmFeurs have been given to House Davion
world is heavily guarded to prevent a full scale attack, for experimentation, but that several were lost along
CAPABILITIES but one Marik faction believed that a small group could the way.
The SturmFeur went through many design slip past the heavy defenses, land near the production
changes before the current model became standard. sites, and steal as many Mech parts they could carry.
Type: SturmFeur Heavy Tank Weapons and Ammo Location Tonnage
Technology Base: Inner Sphere 1 LRM 20 Turret 10
Movement Type: Tracked 1 LRM 20 Front 10
Tonnage: 85 tons 2 Machine Guns Turret 1
Battle Value: 763 Ammo (LRM) 18 Body 3
Ammo (MG) 200 Body 1
Equipment Mass
Internal Structure: 8.5
Engine: 255 26
Type: ICE
Cruising MP: 3
Flank MP: 5
Heat Sinks: 0 0
Control Equipment: 4.5
Lift Equipment: 0
Power Amplifier: 0
Turret: 1.5
Armor Factor: 312 19.5
Front 66
R/L Side 66/66
Rear 48
Turret 66
sting by its crews and those who have seen it in action. kilometers away from the dropsite. The infantry
VEHICLES Its weapons can disable almost any battlefield target. swarmed over the plant and destroyed it within min-
utes. The second target was a repair facility ten kilo-
CAPABILITIES meters away from the purification plant, which the Liao
Like many vehicles its size, the Ontos gets concen- infantry also destroyed. The Marik defense forces were
trated firepower from a single type of weaponin this not at all effective during the initial stages of the raid.
case, the medium lasers. This feature enhances its over- With the Liao forces threatening multiple targets at
all effectiveness on the battlefield and provides for sim- once, the Free Worlds League forces had to try to pro-
plified maintenance and supply. With its eight Martel tect everything at once. In a lucky stroke, however,
Model 5 medium lasers mounted in a single turret, the their spies managed to capture a copy of the Liao bat-
Ontos can destroy almost any light Mech or vehicle with tle plan, thus discovering that Liaos next objective was
one salvo and can inflict heavy damage to anything else. a mining facility in the mountains. Not wasting any
There was originally a problem with the heat time, the Marik defenders moved to set up an ambush
Mass: 95 tons sink/power amplifier interface in the turret of the Ontos. in the mountains.
Movement Type: Tracked Whenever all eight lasers fired at the same time, the The Marik units set up just as the Liao troops
Power Plant: 285 HeavyLoad w/ PowerBoost I.C.E. massive heat build-up would surge through the heat moved into the mountain range. The defense force
Cruising Speed: 32.4 kph sinks and fuse the power amplifier. This problem was consisted of eighteen Ontos heavy tanks and some
Flank Speed: 54.0 kph eventually solved by adding the Laser Coordination supporting infantry, the only units that could reach the
Armor: SimplePlate Manufacturers Standard Link, which assured that the lasers would fire in a ambush site on such short notice. The Ontos units ini-
Armament: sequence rather than all at once. tially engaged the infantry with indirect missile fire.
8 Martell Model 5 Medium Lasers The two LongFire LRM racks were added to give Believing that they were being shelled by light artillery
2 LongFire LRM 5s the Ontos firepower as protection against long-range units, the Liao forces sped up and charged the Ontos
Manufacturer: Grumman Amalgamated attacks on the tank. Although the eight lasers are for- positions. At three hundred meters, the front ranks of
Primary Factory: Shiro III midable, they cannot attack at the same distances that the Liao forces ran into a barrage from 144 lasers.
Communications System: EasyTalk-2 the LRMs can. The two racks are mounted above the The front ranks of the Liao infantry broke immedi-
Targeting and Tracking System: GuideRite w/ Laser lasers on the right and left. ately and started to retreat to their support vehicles. In
Coordination Link Like all heavy vehicles, the Ontos is slow. This lack the ensuing chaos, the Marik troops destroyed or cap-
of speed means that it cannot effectively exploit a tured all the Liao troops. The Capellan DropShips were
OVERVIEW breakthrough. In most defensive situations, however, barely able to lift before the dropsite was overrun by
The Ontos, which means the thing in Greek, is a commanders would be hard-pressed to find a more the victorious Marik forces.
copy of an obscure 20th-century vehicle that saw limit- effective vehicle.
ed use. It is reported that the project manager for VARIANTS
Grumman Amalgamated combat vehicle division was DEPLOYMENT Because many people believe it is inefficient to
a history buff who was a bit lazy about coming up with House Liao launched an attack against the Marik mount so many lasers on an I.C.E. vehicle, the most
new designs. When assigned the task of designing a world of Myrvoll in the year 3000. Though the reason popular variation replaces the heat sinks, medium
new heavy tank, the story goes that he merely flipped for the attack was never released, it is assumed that lasers and power converters with two LRM 20s and
through some of his old books, saw the original Liao wanted to test the Marik forces readiness to five tons of ammunition.
Ontosand voila, a new tank was born. defend themselves against a sneak attack. The attack
The Ontos heavy tank mounts eight medium lasers group was composed of several companies of motor- Type: Ontos Heavy Tank
and two LRM 5s, a combination that gives it better over- ized infantry and their support vehicles. After landing
all firepower than would a single large system such as on Myrvolls light side in two commercial DropShips,
the AC/20. This combination also effectively covers all the infantry immediately mounted up and started
normal engagement ranges. Like its Terran predeces- toward their various objectives.
sor, the Ontos has been nicknamed the thing with a The first target was a water purification plant 20
Technology Base: Inner Sphere Value
Movement Type: Tracked Front 30
Tonnage: 95 tons R/L Side 25/25
Battle Value: 619 Rear 26
Turret 30
Equipment Mass
Internal Structure: 9.5 Weapons and Ammo Location Tonnage
Engine: 285 33 8 Medium Lasers Turret 8
Type: ICE 2 LRM 5 Turret 4
Cruising MP: 3 Ammo (LRM) 24 Body 1
Flank MP: 5
Heat Sinks: 24 24
Control Equipment: 4.75
Lift Equipment: 0
Power Amplifier: .8
Turret: 1.2
Armor Factor: 136 8.5
the heaviest cannon available and numerous smaller As it turned out, the Kurita troops were closer to
VEHICLES weapons, the Behemoth is a match for almost any the battle than expected. In order to engage the enemy
combat situation. as quickly as possible, the Steiner Mechs and infantry
left the slower Behemoth behind. Looking for some-
CAPABILITIES thing to destroy, the Behemoth eventually found a fair-
Two SarLon MaxiCannons give the Behemoth ly large fuel dump some 30 kilometers to the east. It
heavy firepower with long range. The LongFire Light had been camouflaged to avoid being sighted from the
Missile Racks give the Behemoth added long-range air. Not seeing any enemy troops, the Behemoth
hitting capability. closed in for what looked like an easy kill.
The two Harvester 20K SRM 6s are a time-proven Unfortunately, a Kurita Spider had remained behind
weapon used on many vehicles. They were added to to protect the base. Before the Behemoth knew what hit
it, the Spider had planted a solid kick to the tanks right
the Behemoths arsenal to provide extra firepower, as
side, slightly damaging the armor. The Behemoth crew
short-range missiles provide the best killing power
Mass: 100 tons tried desperately to swing the turret around, but the Spi-
Movement Type: Tracked against vehicles. The Aldis engineers added the Behe- der had already used its jump jets to escape.
Power Plant: 200 GM I.C.E. moth's other weaponsthe four Harvester 2K SRM 2s The Behemoth crew decided on a desperate
Cruising Speed: 21.6 kph and the four MainFire MiniGunsas an afterthought. course of action. Hoping that their heavy armor would
Flank Speed: 32.4 kph The lighter weapons main purpose is to destroy small- protect them and thinking that the Spider would not fol-
Armor: ArcShield Maxi II Standard er units that the tanks main weaponry may not have low, the crew drove the tank into the middle of the
Armament: time to deal with. dump, and then attempted to blow up the whole base
2 SarLon MaxiCannon Autocannon/10s To give it this extra firepower, the engineers decid- by opening up with every weapon they had. Though
4 LongFire Light LRM 5s ed to sacrifice armor. The original commission called they did not manage to destroy the whole base, they
2 Harvester 20K SRM 6s for 21 tons of armor, but the final design uses 13 tons. did succeed in creating so much smoke and fire that
2 Harvester 2K SRM 2s The tanks main drawback is its slow speed. the Spiders sensors were useless.
4 MainFire Minigun Machine Guns Because its maximum speed is only 32 kph, the Behe- Strangely enough, the Spiders superior mobility
Manufacturer: Aldis Industries moth might not be able to regroup or retreat at crucial proved to be its undoing. For two hours, the Behemoth
Primary Factory: New Samarkand, Betelgeuse moments and could end up being overrun in a pro- and the Spider played a game of cat-and-mouse, with
Communications System: Olmstead 30 each side scoring occasional hits. As the battle raged
longed battle.
Targeting and Tracking System: Cirxese on, though, the Spider unwittingly jumped three meters
BallistaCheck w/ Crixese RockeCheck DEPLOYMENT in front of the Behemoth, which immediately fired all its
Although the Behemoths history includes many weapons and destroyed both the Spiders legs. The
OVERVIEW MechWarrior immediately surrendered when the
famous incidents, Aldis Industries especially likes to
In 2947, Aldis Industries (soon to be the producer Behemoth crew threatened to run their 100-ton tank
promote the tanks success during one of House
of the Demolisher and the Schrek), received a com- over his Mechs head.
Steiners raids on Kurita space. After some hasty
mission to produce a super-heavy tank for House
planning for the assault, the Steiner commanders put
Davion. Their assignment was to forego maneuverabil- VARIANTS
all available units into action. The force included sev-
ity and speed in the interests of heavy armor and mas- The Behemoth is one of the few vehicles without
eral heavy Mechs, three infantry companies and one
sive firepower. Five years later, Aldis released the 100- a history of variant models. There have been a few
ton Behemoth Heavy Tank. instances where flamers have replaced the tanks
The raids main purpose was to prevent a Kurita
Many studies had shown that a tanks main weak- SRM 2s, but these occurred on a purely individual
attack group from reaching the site of a battle being
ness was its inability to deal with superior numbers of basis. The main modifications has been when individ-
waged 200 kilometers away. The original plan called for
smaller units, such as infantry or scout vehicles. Anoth- ual unit commanders decided to strip the Behemoth of
a series of hit-and-run raids against the Kurita forces in
er study showed that a main battle tank must have at its roomy internal crew compartment to make space for
order to draw them out into the open, where they would
least one very powerful weapon to be able to stand up transporting extra equipment or supplies. Five crew-
be overwhelmed by the long-range firepower of the
against even the lightest Mech. The Behemoth's men can normally sleep and eat in relative comfort in
Mechs and the Behemoth. The infantry could then
design resolved both of these problems. With two of this extra-spacious compartment.
mop up whatever was left.
Type: Behemoth Heavy Tank Equipment (cont.) Mass Weapons and Ammo Location Tonnage
Technology Base: Inner Sphere Turret: 3 2 Autocannon/10 Turret 24
Movement Type: Tracked Armor Factor: 208 13 4 LRM 5 Front 8
Tonnage: 100 tons Armor 2 SRM 6 Turret 6
Battle Value: 752 Value 2 SRM 2 Front 2
Front 46 1 SRM 2 Right 1
Equipment Mass R/L Side 38/38 1 SRM 2 Left 1
Internal Structure: 10 Rear 40 2 Machine Guns Front 1
Engine: 200 17 Turret 46 1 Machine Gun Right .5
Type: ICE 1 Machine Gun Left .5
Cruising MP: 2 Ammo (AC) 20 Body 2
Flank MP: 3 Ammo (LRM) 48 Body 2
Heat Sinks: 0 0 Ammo (SRM) 30 Body 2
Control Equipment: 5 Ammo (SRM) 50 Body 1
Lift Equipment: 0 Ammo (MG) 200 Body 1
Power Amplifier: 0
from a mobile command post as effectively as from a on lance of House Kuritas Fifth Galedon Regulars was
VEHICLES fixed installation. ordered to destroy the Davion underwater command
Davion has attempted to avoid this problem by plac- post, located three kilometers offshore. The Dragons
ing many of its control complexes underwater. Using waded into the surf and headed out toward the Davion
Extremely Low Frequency radios, the command posts command and control facility.
can effectively control the land battle, while remaining About two kilometers from their objective and 50
invulnerable to aerospace fighter and DropShip attacks. meters below the surface of the water, the Dragons
Only Mechs, which can walk along river and sea bot- started to lose sight of one another. After closing back
toms, are able to attack the underwater command posts; into visual range, they resumed plodding along. The
doing so, however, tends to degrade their offensive capa- going was slow, and occasionally a Dragon would slip
bilities. To provide a defense against such underwater and slowly settle face-first into the bottom muck, throw-
attacks, Davion reintroduced the submarine. ing up clouds of obscuring debris. Suddenly, a cluster of
torpedoes hit the far-left Dragon. Though none of the
Mass: 100 tons CAPABILITIES shots penetrated, the Mech's left arm had sprung a leak
Movement Type: Submarine Naval The Neptune was first produced in 2950 by the Gal- and quickly filled with sea water, becoming useless.
Power Plant: 270 Doorman Naval HyPerOx I.C.E. tor Naval Yards, a builder of commercial ships. Even The Davion Neptune let loose five more salvos of
Cruising Speed: 32.4 kph though the vessel displaces 100 tons, the six-man crew Sea Devastators at their attackers. This resulted in the
Flank Speed: 54.0 kph of a Neptune are cramped because of the bulk and com- torso of a second Dragon becoming flooded. The Nep-
Armor: 14.5 SeaSlab Standard plexity of its machinery. tune came closer and started to pepper the Dragons with
Armament: The Neptune is an outstanding weapon. Its Door- Sea Harvester torpedoes. The Dragons could not effec-
1 Naval Sutel XII Large Laser man Naval 140 power plant allows for maximum sur- tively reply. Their autocannon and LRMs were useless
1 Sea Devastator 20 Rack LR Torpedo 20 face or submerged speeds of 54 kph. While on the sur- underwater, but the Neptune stayed out of range of their
2 Sea Harvester Six Rack SR Torpedo 6s face, the Doorman acts like a diesel engine, using medium lasers.
Manufacturer: Galtor Naval Yards hydrocarbon fuel and burning it with the oxygen in the The Kurita lance commander decided to withdraw.
Primary Factory: Galtor atmosphere. A snorkel allows the diesel to be used The Dragons plodded slowly back through the muck,
Communications System: Lynx-Shur while submerged up to a depth of twelve meters. harassed by the Neptune. One Dragon was lost when its
Targeting and Tracking System: Sonar Sync Tracker Below twelve meters, the Doorman utilizes a hydrogen center torso became flooded and its fusion reactor
peroxide mixture as fuel, with the fuels bound oxygen quenched by the onrushing sea. The other three Drag-
OVERVIEW as a combustion agent. ons managed to emerge from the sea, however, bat-
With the decline of seagoing navies in the late 21st The Neptune has a double-hull construction. The tered and nearly destroyed. The Davion command and
century, the submarine all but vanished from military outer hull is not pressurized, serving only as a frame- control complex remained in action throughout the bat-
inventories. It has made a comeback in recent years, work for the armor plating. The inner hull is the pres- tle for New Ivaarsen, coordinating the planetary defend-
however, because of changes in military defense tactics. sure hull. It is rated for dives as deep as 120 meters, ers and contributing to the eventual defeat of the Com-
As Mech combat became battles of maneuver and though it has been taken down even deeper during bine forces.
position rather than of firepower, any commander who emergency situations.
could disrupt or destroy his enemys command, control The main offensive armament of the Neptune is the VARIANTS
and communication centers could win a quick, bloodless Sea Devastator 20 Rack Torpedo system. A navalized The Neptunes primary limitation has always been
victory. Consequently, the owners of those control com- version of the Devastator LRM, the Sea Devastator has its lack of torpedo reloads. Some Davion versions have
plexes began to heavily protect and guard them as the excellent range and firepower capability. Two Sea Har- therefore removed the Sutel XII and added another Sea
centers had become prime targets for attack. No matter vester 6 rack torpedo systems, another navalized version Devastator system, plus another three tons of torpe-
where the control complexes were located, they imme- of a land-based missile system, back up the Sea Devas- does. Another common variant is to use the Sutel XII
diately drew the fire of every available aerospace fight- tator. As a secondary weapon, the Neptune mounts a space to increase the number of Sea Harvester tubes
er, DropShip and Mech in the area. It became a cliche Sutel XII large laser. and the ammunition load. Both these variants decrease
of war that a fixed command post could not survive the the Neptunes shore bombardment capabilities while
first few hours of an invasion. Another proven tenet is DEPLOYMENT increasing its effectiveness in underwater attacks.
that a commander could not control a planetary battle During the attack on New Ivaarsen in 3021, a Drag-
Equipment Mass
Internal Structure: 10 Weapons and Ammo Location Tonnage
Engine: 270 29 1 Large Laser Front 5
Type: ICE 1 LR Torpedo 20 Front 10
Cruising MP: 3 2 SR Torpedo 6 Front 6
Flank MP: 5 Ammo (LR-T) 6 Body 1
Heat Sinks: 8 8 Ammo (SR-T) 15 Body 1
Control Equipment: 5
Lift Equipment: 0
Power Amplifier: .5
Diving Equipment: 10
Turret: 0
Armor Factor: 232 14.5
Overview years in vehicles used on the frontiers of were forced to choose; either pause to
Seeing their front line mankinds expansion from Terra. In an make adjustments or continue the chase.
forces ground down by the First emergency, the engine can be repaired Time and again, frustrated DCMS patrols
Succession War, the Great Houses using civilian vehicle parts and is capable of could only watch as their quarry used better
attempted to compensate for their running on poorly refined petrochemicals for handling to dart away and raise the alarm,
losses by stripping garrison and militia long periods of time. foiling several surprise attacks.
units of more advanced equipment and Lacking the sophisticated electronics
redistributing it to front-line units. As the found in the vehicles it replaced, the Darter Deployment
wars continued to visit devastation upon the has a generous three-ton cargo capacity that After two centuries of production, the
Inner Spheres industrial base, however, allows it to carry a wide range of mission- Darter can be found across the Federated
even these antiquated units became difficult specific equipment. It only requires a single Suns. The highest concentration remains
to replace. Answering the call by the AFFS to person to operate the Darter Scout Car, with the planetary militia of the Capellan
produce a new (but inexpensive and though the cargo bay can quickly be March, but the low cost and low
maintainable) vehicle suitable for converted to carry additional personnel. A maintenance requirements have found it a
reconnaissance operations, GM retooled the driver-operated machine gun is mounted on home with planetary garrisons and less well
Kathil vehicles plant to produce the Darter the front of the vehicles. equipped line units too. Regrettably, given
Scout Car. Introduced in 2822, this design One innovative feature that GM added an increasing demand for heavier combat
has spread across the Federated Suns, to an otherwise unsophisticated design is a vehicles, GM is cutting back Darter
providing reconnaissance capabilities to system that constantly alters the pressure production on Kathil in favor of other
many conventional units. of the Darters tires to compensate for designs.
terrain conditions. For example, where other
Capabilities units are forced to halt and manually adjust Variants
The Darter Scout Car is representative the tire pressure when moving from a rocky No official variants exist, but a host of
of the kind of unsophisticated vehicle design surface to sand, the Darter can keep going field modifications have emerged. Typically,
introduced during the Succession Wars. The without a pause. This seemingly some of the cargo space is sacrificed to
chassis and armor are designed for unimportant feature proved invaluable to enable an SRM 2 or SRM 4 launcher to be
simplicity and ruggedness. They can be Davion patrols on Kasai IV in 2962, as they mounted.
repaired using widely available parts and scouted the advance of Kurita raiders.
require little maintenance. GM based the Repeatedly switching from one type of
power plant on a proven design, used for terrain to another, the Combine pursuers
Type: Cobra Transport VTOL Control Equipment: 1.5 Weapons and Equipment Location Tonnage
Technology Base: Inner Sphere Lift Equipment: 3 Medium Laser Front 1
Movement Type: VTOL Power Amplifier: 0 Anti-Missile System Front .5
Tonnage: 30 tons Turret: 0 Anti-Missile System Rear .5
Battle Value: 257 Armor Factor: 48 3 Ammo (AMS) 36 Body 3
Armor Cargo Body 10
Equipment: Mass Value
Internal Structure: 3 Front 12
Engine: 100 4.5 R/L Side 12/12
Type: Fusion Rear 10
Cruising MP: 8 Rotor 2
Flank MP: 12
Heat Sinks: 10 0
Overview In 3027, the Daimyo HQ was large Mech operations to the management
Originally designed by discontinued and its production lines of DEST missions.
Engineer Frank Beuren, the retooled to produce the Tokugawa, which Armed with a turret mounted RAMtech
Daimyo Headquarters was intended shares a similar chassis. Large Laser and four type-87 machine guns,
to let a battlefield commander the Daimyo has a defensive armament
communicate with units at the theater Capabilities superior to other HQ vehicles. It also carries
level. In order to compete with other The Daimyo has the same command a full platoon of infantry.
manufacturers, he designed it to fulfill its capabilities as other Mobile Headquarters
role while making sure it could defend itself. vehicles with a couple of notable Deployment
Not being one to compromise on quality, exceptions. The most important is that the Like other mobile headquarters, the few
Beuren incorporated the best available vehicle has expandable sides. When these remaining Daimyo HQ units in service are
technology into the vehicle. sides are contracted, the vehicle is capable only partially operable. Ironically, one of the
Unfortunately, the Daimyo HQ vehicle of command and control functions at flank few remaining Daimyos has been kept fully
gained a stigma shortly after production speed. There is only room for the command operational: the original vehicle used by
began. In late 2796, the majority of orders crew, however, and its capabilities are Coordinator Jinjiro Kurita. It has undergone
issued to units on Kentares were from the somewhat diminished. at least five refits over its career, and its
first Daimyo HQ produced, one used by the When expanded, the Daimyo acts as a most recent use was at the defense of
Coordinator himself. In the first two months fixed command center. Communications and Luthien in 3052. Once called Jinjiros
of the Kentares Massacre, Coordinator Jinjiro control stations are evenly placed in each Revenge, this Daimyo is now called the
Kurita watched the executions on the side of the vehicle to keep the weight evenly Vengeance and can be found in the service
monitors inside this Daimyo. Once Jinjiro distributed. As each side deploys, a holo of the Second Sword of Light Regiment. It is
started attending these executions, horrified tank is revealed at the front of the vehicle assigned to the second battalionwho also
members of the crew passed off recordings and the interior space of the command participated in the Kentares massacre.
to a local ComStar representative, who then portion is nearly doubled. The sophisticated
made certain that they were broadcast to Sipher Battlesys command computer feeds
the rest of the Inner Sphere. When the news constant information updates to the
of this treachery reached Coordinator Jinjiro, holotank. This powerful piece of equipment
he and his Otomo put the entire crew of the allows the Commander to command
vehicle to the sword. operations ranging from orbital defense and
Overview than the original. The structure benefited The lessons taught by the successful use of
In 3028, the Gray Death from an early success in ferro-aluminum the Starfire, and subsequent trials using
Legion discovered a Star League armor manufacture, however, though limits other examples of Star League engineering,
memory core on Helm that would on the production process kept the Starfire enabled the Federated Suns to deploy
eventually lead to a widespread down to only seven tons of such protection recovered technology more quickly and
renaissance of military technology. Though rather than the twelve tons enjoyed by the safely than other Successor Sates.
new equipment would soon infuse the Hellcat II.
armies of all five Successor States with the At the same time, efforts to work out Deployment
wonders of the Star League, nowhere were semi-modular weapons ports eluded the The Starfire was never intended for full
the effects of this discovery more designers. The goal was to create something production, but rather as a test craft for
immediately applied than at the New Avalon that would be a better fit for fast and easy recovered technology, Only a handful were
Institute of Science. In the scramble to be testing of various experimental systems. ever produced by the Banzai Weapons
the first state to field the advanced They were unable to accomplish this at first, Design Company on New Avalon. Many of
technology found in the so-called Gray Death and as a result, each equipment loadout these were scrapped upon the completion of
Memory Core, the NAIS and Banzai Weapon required extensive work to remove and the tests, or hopelessly damaged during the
Design Company immediately began working replace parts. Technicians and engineers course of experimentation. Only one Starfire
on prototypes to test the feasibility and had to return to their drawing boards for is known to exist today. This mothballed
capabilities of various recovered systems. each new system they wanted to implement, craft is on display at the NAIS as a
The Starfire medium fighter was one such a time-consuming and expensive practice. testament to Davion ingenuity.
prototype, though it served as little more A baseline model for the Starfire,
than a proof-of-concept design, rather than a however, was quickly devised. Centering on Variants
production craft in itself. a nose-mounted Ultra Autocannon/5a As a guinea pig for lostech equipment
rapid-firing version of the standard GM tests, the Starfire underwent a number of
Capabilities Whirlwind seriesthe fighter also featured a field refits during its brief career, each
The Starfires flying-wing chassis pair of medium lasers on each wing and a putting a different system or combination of
configuration was strongly influenced by tail-mounted small laser. These weapons systems through their paces. Some refits
technical specs of the Star League-era combined to produce a craft that, while not included an LB 10-X autocannon or
Hellcat II, though efforts to develop a copy overly powerful, did give Davion engineers a extended-range large lasers, while others
of that craft fell short due to a heavier chance to field test lostech weaponry in experimented with double heat sinks or
airframe, which required more engine power conjunction with readily available systems. targeting-enhanced missile launchers.
Type: SF-1X Starfire Weapons and Ammo Location Tonnage Heat SRV MRV LRV ERV
Technology Base: Inner Sphere Ultra AC/5 Nose 9 1 7 7 7
Tonnage: 55 Ammo (Ultra) 20 1
Battle value: 955 2 Medium Lasers LW 2 6 10
2 Medium Lasers RW 2 6 10
Equipment Mass Small Laser Aft .5 1 3
Engine: 275 15.5
Safe Thrust: 7
Max Thrust: 11
Structural Integrity: 7
Heat Sinks: 20 10
Fuel: 400 5
Cockpit: 3
Armor Factor: 125 7
Nose 42
Wings 31/31
Aft 21
Overview some dating as far back as the late 20th comparable fighters used by the SLDF and
Though regarded by its century on Terra. Rather than create drag, its member states. During trial flights, test
own designers and military however, engineers at Andurien AeroTech (a pilots were repeatedly outmaneuvered and
aerospace experts of the day as a division of Free Worlds Defense Industries) killed by opposing craft, though even with
visionary concept, the F-77 realized that when properly applied, this each death, the F-77 managed to claim a
Deathstalker was perhaps just a few years alternate wing design could not only produce number of kills for itself. Far worse,
too far ahead of its time. Unveiled in 2744 a remarkably stable flight profile, but also however, were flaws in the airframe
in response to a call by House Marik for a allowed for the use of lighter, thinner designprimarily stemming from a weight
cutting-edge attack fighter, Andurien materials in construction. In a supreme imbalance between the wings and the
AeroTechs Deathstalker was designed to example of thinking outside the box, fuselage. This imbalance became
compete with some of the best craft flown Andurien AeroTech moved on this devastatingly apparent during a much-
by the Star League Defense Force. unorthodox plan and debuted the publicized demonstration flight for potential
Unfortunately, the revolutionary wing design, Deathstalker in 2744. customers, when one of prototypes wings
combined with the old-fashioned mindset of Intended for an air supremacy role, the suddenly ripped off, sending it to a fiery
the reviewing generals and a much- Deathstalker mounted a powerful Imperator crash that permanently grounded the
publicized crash of one prototype during X Heavy AutoCannon in its nose, backed up Deathstalker and led to a massive redesign
flight trails prompted the stillborn death of by twin Hellion Extended-Range Large Lasers that would ultimately produce the F-90
this revolutionary aircraft. in each wing. Twenty-five double-strength Stingray.
freezers permitted the craft to fire all of
Capabilities these weapons at once, though any pilot Deployment
The F-77 Deathstalker began as an doing so would still notice the spike from Free Worlds Defense Industries only
experimental concept, a departure from the powerful VOX 240a fusion plant. Even manufactured twenty F-77s, none of which
conventional aerospace theory. The main so, an additional pair of wing-mounted ever saw action in live combat. All but four
wings of the Deathstalker sweep forward medium lasers provided a reliable fallback of these craftwhich today are the
from the aft quarter of the craft, rather than when cooling down. The combination of this centerpiece of air museums throughout the
toward the back from the nose or mid- weapon load and the thick armor made the Leaguewere destroyed in the centuries
fuselage. As unorthodox as this might Deathstalker formidable in combat. since its debut.
seem, this design is hardly original, based Unfortunately, the Deathstalkers
largely on various older aircraft models airspeed was too slow to compete with
Type: F-77 Deathstalker Weapons and Ammo Location Tonnage Heat SRV MRV LRV ERV
Technology Base: Inner Sphere Autocannon/10 Nose 12 3 10 10
Tonnage: 80 Ammo (AC) 10 1
Battle value: 1,603 2 ER Large Lasers LW 10 24 8 8 8
2 ER Large Lasers RW 10 24 8 8 8
Equipment Mass Medium Laser LW 1 6 5
Engine: 240 11.5 Medium Laser RW 1 6 5
Safe Thrust: 5
Max Thrust: 8
Structural Integrity: 8
Heat Sinks: 25 [50] 15
Fuel: 400 5
Cockpit: 3
Armor Factor: 168 10.5
Nose 55
Wings 41/41
Aft 31
Overview autocannon variant is the one most Typhoon featured a nose mounted LRM-15
As a pre-Star League rememberedit was the chosen fighter of rack and wing-mounted particle cannons,
design, the autocannon variant of Robert Steiner. rounding out its firepower with weapons as
the heavy Typhoon-class fighter was The Typhoon and the Typhoon-A both equally fearsome.
already in decline well before the featured a simple flying wing design,
founding of the Star League and the start intended to provide ample room for bomb Deployment
of humanity's Golden Age. Eclipsed by newer ports, while also giving the craft excellent Both the Typhoon-A and the original
craft and technology, it was formally glider capabilities that could enhance its Typhoon served almost exclusively in the
abandoned in favor of new fighter lines in fuel efficiency and improving its ability to Lyran Commonwealths aerospace branch,
2485, soon after CBM Aerospace entered sneak up on unwary surface targets. Slow but attrition during the border raids, fighting
into a business alliance with the Lockheed by modern standards, both craft could keep in the Periphery and the early years of the
Corporation of Tharkad to produce the TRB- pace with contemporary medium fighters Succession Wars whittled the ranks of these
D36 Thunderbird heavy fighter. This joint and were more than swift enough to deliver fighters to nearly nothing. The merger of
effort would mark the beginnings of the a devastating attack on ground targets. Only CBM and Lockheed included the closing of
corporations' eventual merge into the the difference in firepowerdeliberately the Typhoon production line, a move that
powerful Lockheed/CBM Corporation. fashioned to be visually indistinguishable, finished the job. Today, any of these craft
especially during a dogfightseparated their still in existence (we estimate no more than
Capabilities battlefield capabilities. three throughout the Inner Sphere) have
In its heyday, the Typhoon was a vital In the case of the Typhoon-A and its become museum pieces, gathering dust as
part of Lyran military strength. It was often surface-attack role, wing-mounted heavy the remnants of a long bygone era.
flown as the core unit in air assault autocannons provided a solid punch that
missions, with its powerful arsenal, heavy could flatten even an unsuspecting Variants
armor and large bomb payload. It was BattleMech with one shot. These powerful Aside from the basic Typhoon and the
produced in a laser-heavy baseline guns replaced the two pairs of wing-mounted Typhoon-A, the only other variant of this craft,
configuration, but also featured an large lasers used on the base model. They the Typhoon-M, swapped additional LRM
autocannon variant (the Typhoon-A) that allowed the craft to strafe more efficiently, racks for the heavy autocannons and large
proved wildly successful. While the laser though its heat sinks were only partially lasers. To the best of our knowledge, none of
weapons were far more prevalent at the successful in keeping the craft cool enough these variants survived to the present.
time, it is somehow ironic that the for continuous fire. In both versions, the
Type: Typhoon-A Weapons and Ammo Location Tonnage Heat SRV MRV LRV ERV
Technology Base: Inner Sphere LRM 15 Nose 7 5 9 9 9
Tonnage: 90 Ammo (LRM) 16 2
Autocannon/10 LW 12 3 10 10
Battle value: 1,211
Autocannon/10 RW 12 3 10 10
Ammo (AC) 20 2
Equipment Mass PPC LW 7 10 10 10
Engine: 270 14.5 PPC RW 7 10 10 10
Safe Thrust: 5
Max Thrust: 8
Structural Integrity: 9
Heat Sinks: 20 10
Fuel: 400 5
Cockpit: 3
Armor Factor: 136 8.5
Nose 45
Wings 34/34
Aft 23
Developed originally by Andurien AeroTech, the Andurien-based aerospace Weapons and Ammo Location Tonnage Heat SRV MRV LRV ERV
manufacturer whose ambitious designs included the Stingray and the Riever 2 Large Lasers Nose 10 16 8 8
aerospace fighters, the Aquarius and Lyonesse surface-to-orbit escort craft once LRM 15 LW 7 5 9 9 9
explored a niche today filled by heavy fighters and small DropShips. The Aquarius LRM 15 RW 7 5 9 9 9
and Lyonesse-classes shown here were among the most common escort craft Ammo (LRM) 16 2
used in the Star League era. They were among Anduriens most profitable product SRM 6 LW 3 4 8
lines before its merger with Gibson Federated BattleMechs in 2562, creating the SRM 6 RW 3 4 8
formidable Free Worlds Defense Industries. Sharing features common to such Ammo (SRM) 30 2
craft, namely heavy armor, super-heavy chassis and impressive weaponry, these Medium Laser LW (Aft) 1 3 5
craft are typical of the suborbital escort class that often accompanied important Medium Laser RW (Aft) 1 3 5
DropShips to waiting WarShips or stations close to a planet surface. 2 Medium Lasers Aft 2 6 5
The Aquarius, a typical heavy escort, massed a full 200 tonsthe largest of
any small craft in existenceand was protected by more armor than some
military DropShips. With an average speed perfect for ascent and descent and LYONESSE (ESCORT)
enough fuel for short combat missions, this escort packed a particularly lethal
array of large lasers and missiles designed to discourage attacking fighters and Type: Military Aerodyne Use: Surface-to-Orbit Escort
DropShips at long and intermediate ranges. A quartet of medium lasers further Tech: Inner Sphere Introduced: 2513
discouraged pursuit, as few fighters could afford such a blistering while tailing a Mass: 175 tons Fuel: 5 tons (400)
heavily armored Aquarius. Battle Value: 1,764 Safe Thrust: 4
The lighter Lyonesse-class featured a smaller chassis, and slightly reduced Maximum Thrust: 6
airspeed, but packed a no less devastating array of weapons and armor that was Dimensions Heat Sinks: 40
only slightly thinner than the heavy Aquarius. Primarily intended for closer escort Length: 28 meters Structural Integrity: 7
operations, the Lyonesse relied more on a medium-range weapons assortment Width: 22 meters Crew: 6
including fourteen medium lasers, which blanketed every potential arc of fire in an
effort to discourageor outright destroyany attacking craft. Armor
Nose: 165
Aft: 101
Type: Military Aerodyne Use: Surface-to-Orbit Escort
Tech: Inner Sphere Introduced: 2515 Weapons and Ammo Location Tonnage Heat SRV MRV LRV ERV
Mass: 200 tons Fuel: 5 tons (400) LRM 20 Nose 10 6 12 12 12
Battle Value: 1,912 Safe Thrust: 5 Ammo (LRM) 24 4
Maximum Thrust: 8 SRM 6 Nose 3 4 8
Dimensions Heat Sinks: 35 Ammo (SRM) 30 2
Length: 29 meters Structural Integrity: 8 4 Medium Lasers LW 4 12 20
Width: 25 meters Crew: 6 4 Medium Lasers RW 4 12 20
Medium Laser LW (Aft) 1 3 5
Armor Medium Laser RW (Aft) 1 3 5
Nose: 183 3 Medium Lasers Aft 3 9 15
Sides: 162 Small Laser Aft .5 1 3
Aft: 101
The uninitiated could easily mistake the Vampire for a heavy aerospace Fuel: 38 tons (2,660)
fighter, and performance and weaponry would appear to back up this Tons/Burn-day: 1.84
assumption. In reality, however, the Vampire was the smallest DropShip ever to Safe Thrust: 6
see combat. Developed by Markesan Aeronautics, the Vampire was conceived to Maximum Thrust: 9
minimize the time jump troopers were exposed to enemy aerospace action. Heat Sinks: 34
Through the simple expedient of making the DropShip equal in performance to Structural Integrity: 11
any fighter it could encounter, it was envisaged that the Vampire could keep one
step ahead of all but the fastest interceptors. When over the target, the jump Armor
infantry could drop from the ship using four special drop hatches in the ventral Nose: 134
surface and the DropShip could continue on to safety. Sides: 107
To the relief of the three squads of jump infantry squeezed into the cramped Aft: 92
infantry bay, the Vampire was never intended for long-range transport. Rather, the
troops traveled to the target system (sometimes even into orbit around the target Cargo:
world), then transferred to the Vampire for the ground assault. Bay 1: Infantry (3 jump platoons) 4 Door
The Avalon Hussars used a number of Vampires during the brief Border Bay 2: Cargo (10 tons) 1 Door
War between the Federated Suns and Capellan Confederation. In 2762, the
Hussars dropped infantry onto key Capellan command posts on Redfield. Unable Escape Pods: 0
to tell the difference between the DropShips and their fighter escort, Liao troops Life Boats: 0
were thrown into total confusion when elite jump infantry began to rain down on Crew: 1 officer, 5 enlisted/non-rated
them instead of bombs. With the Capellan command structure shattered,
Redfield finally fell to the Federated Suns. Ammunition: 30 rounds SRM 6 ammunition (2 tons), 36 rounds LRM 20
The Vampires high performance came at a high price, though. The powerful ammunition (6 tons).
Donovan XVIII engines had a relatively short lifespan and required much more
maintenance than conventional propulsion units. The destruction of the Markesan Notes: Mounts 25 tons of standard armor.
Astronautics manufacturing facilities during the Combine thrust towards New
Avalon effectively doomed the few Vampire DropShips that survived the fighting. Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
2 Medium Laser 1 (10) Laser
Type: Military Aerodyne 1 SRM 6 (30) 1 (8) SRM
Use: Troop carrier L/R Wing (14 Heat)
Tech: Inner Sphere 1 LRM 20 (18) 1 (12) 1 (12) 1 (12) LRM
Introduced: 2715 1 Large Laser 1 (8) 1 (8) Laser
Mass: 400 tons Aft (6 Heat)
Battle Value: 1,827 2 Medium Lasers 1 (10) Laser
Length: 42 meters
Width: 28 meters
Height: 9.5 meters
With the invention of the BattleMech, the face of warfare changed forever. As Fuel: 135 tons (5,400)
effective as this new weapon system was, however, it was only good if you could Tons/Burn-day: 1.84
get it to the intended battlefield. The limiting factor for the military planners of Safe Thrust: 4
the time was not how many BattleMechs they could build, but how to transport Maximum Thrust: 6
them from the jump point to the planets soil. Since they did not have any Heat Sinks: 129
specialized ships, they really had no transportation. This was the first item to be Structural Integrity: 10
The Terran Hegemony Naval Department came up with an idea to take a Armor
cargo ship and convert it to a Mech hauler. They selected the Manatee for its Nose: 80
compact size and robust systems. This ship was originally designed to drop on Sides: 70
planets whose atmospheres were less then hospitable. Needless to say, the Aft: 60
ships would suit the needs of the ground forces in delivering the Mech troops to
the target. Cargo
Originally, the Manatee was capable of carrying up to 1,000 tons of cargo. Bay 1: Cargo (332 tons) 1 Door
The ships cargo bays were all open and located on the same deck. This made it Bay 2: 'Mech (1) 1 Door
easier for the Mechs to be serviced and allowed for the massive Mech gantries Bay 3: 'Mech (1) 1 Door
that would hold the BattleMechs in transit. The bays were redesigned so that Bay 4: 'Mech (1) 1 Door
each Mech bay had its own bay door. The ship was then armed with energy- Bay 5: 'Mech (1) 1 Door
based weapons as a way to save on space for Mech spare parts and supplies.
The Manatees first deployment was against Davion forces on Kentares in Life Boats: 0
2449. Hegemony Mech forces faced the Fourth Avalon Hussars contesting Escape Pods: 2
Davion ownership. Initially the battle went well against the Hussars, with the Crew: 2 officers, 2 enlisted / non-rated, 6 gunners, and 6 bay personnel
Mech technology proving its worth. As time went on, however, the delivery
vessels were found to be too lightly armed and armored, thus vulnerable to Ammunition: None.
attack. The Hussars exploited this by shooting down some of the DropShips. Due
to this flaw, the Manatee was discontinued, though it would be the inspiration for Notes: Mounts 15 tons of standard armor.
the Confederate later used by the Star League.
Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
MANATEE CLASS DROPSHIP Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Nose (22 Heat)
Type: Military Spheroid 1 Large Laser, 3 (26) 1 (8) Laser
Use: 'Mech carrier 2 Medium Lasers
Tech: Inner Sphere FL/FR (62 Heat)
Introduced: 2449 1 Large Laser, 4 (41) 1 (8) Laser
Mass: 1,900 tons 2 Medium Lasers
Battle Value: 2,508 AL/AR (62 Heat)
1 Large Laser, 4 (41) 1 (8) Laser
Dimensions 2 Medium Lasers
Length: 37 meters Aft (22 Heat)
Width: 35 meters 1 Large Laser, 3 (26) 1 (8) Laser
Height: 31 meters 2 Medium Lasers
The Vulture-class troops transport was developed by the Alliance of Galedon Fuel: 300 tons (9,000)
(the embryonic Draconis Combine) to support Coordinator Shiro Kuritas Tons/Burn-day: 1.84
aggressive expansionist policies. Possession of a dedicated troop transport Safe Thrust: 4
proved decisive in those early campaigns against the Ozawa Mercantile Maximum Thrust: 6
Association, the Principality of Rasalhague and numerous independent worlds. Heat Sinks: 78
Time and again, the troops of Warlord Urizen Kurita would descend on a target Structural Integrity: 9
world with lightning speed. Other Inner Sphere powers watched with no little
trepidation as Shiros brother expanded his domain. Armor
With little space for anything more than the cramped quarters for six Nose: 145
platoons of infantry (quickly dubbed cattle-class by the troopers crammed into Sides: 115
them), and a compact bay just capable of transporting a company of light Aft: 98
vehicles, the Vulture lacks amenities. The four V450 engines, power plant and
spaceframe, however, have proven their low maintenance requirements, reliability Cargo
and durability time and again. As a prime example, a Vulture DropShip discovered Bay 1: Infantry (6 foot platoons) 1 Door
on Algedi in 2612the crew dead since 2497, from a virus that decimated Bay 2: Vehicles (12 light) 2 Door
DCMS forces when they landedwas easily restored to flying condition. Bay 3: Cargo (855.5 tons) 1 Door
Over time, the Vulture fell into disfavor with the DCMS, who preferred higher
capacity transports for the escalating conflicts that marked the beginning of the Escape Pods: 20
brutal Age of War. When deploying under fire, Combine officers had experienced Life Boats: 7
difficulties recombining companies split between two ships. After several Crew: 3 officers, 11 enlisted/non-rated
ignominious defeats where defending forces encircled the Combine landing zones
and destroyed infantry battalions piecemeal, Kurita commanders began to only Ammunition: 280 rounds AC/5 ammunition (14 tons), 192 rounds LRM 15
carry complete companies of four platoons aboard Vultures when making combat ammunition (24 tons).
landings. Another limitation is an inability to carry the heavy combat vehicles that
became more common as conflict between the new Houses escalated. Notes: Mounts 27.5 tons of standard armor.
Despite these limitations, the design was copied extensively, especially in
the Capellan Confederation. The introduction of the more flexible Seeker saw the Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
end of the Vultures time in military service. Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Nose (13 Heat)
VULTURE CLASS DROPSHIP 3 Autocannon/5 (120) 2 (15) 2 (15) Autocannon
2 LRM 15 (64) 2 (18) 2 (18) 2 (18) LRM
Type: Military Spheroid FL/FR (4 Heat)
Use: Troop carrier Autocannon/5 (40) 1 (5) 1 (5) 1 (5) Autocannon
Tech: Inner Sphere Medium Laser 1 (5) Laser
Introduced: 2312 AL/AR (11 Heat)
Mass: 3,500 tons Autocannon/5 (40) 1 (5) 1 (5) Autocannon
Battle Value: 3,031 2 LRM 15 (64) 2 (18) 2 (18) LRM
Aft (6 Heat)
Dimensions 2 Medium Laser 1 (10) Laser
Length: 75.5 meters
Width: 71 meters
Height: 75.5 meters
The Pentagon was the first DropShip of its kind, designed for deployment Maximum Thrust: 11
with a specific WarShip. When the Terran Hegemony Navy began deploying their Heat Sinks: 170 (240)
new Congress-class WarShip, it was realized that this new ship lacked small-craft Structural Integrity: 21
defenses. In order to defend against other assault DropShips, the Pentagon was
designed as a large gun platform that detached from the frigate in a fight. Armor
The strength of this assault ship was its massive GM 5600 Sublite Maneuver Nose: 368
Drives, which gave the Pentagon a maximum 5.573 Gs of thrust. This ship was as Sides: 323
fast as most aerospace fighters, and certainly faster then any DropShip built at Aft: 278
the time. 600 tons of fuel was allotted, giving the ship a high endurance. The
armament was the best the Hegemony had to offer at the time: Gauss rifles and Cargo
extended-range energy weapons were backed by large missile racks to give the Bay 1: Cargo (407 tons) 0 Doors
Pentagon the ability to reduce its targets to scrap. The ship carries 75.5 tons of
standard armor, as much found on the largest DropShips, such as the Colossus. Life Boats: 1
Through the formation of the Star League, the Periphery wars and the Amaris Escape Pods: 8
Coup, the Pentagon served with distinction.
During the Second Periphery uprising, the SLS Star Devil was in an Crew: 4 officers, 10 enlisted / non-rated, 8 gunners, and 25 marines
uninhabited system, where it ran across and surprised four older Taurian Lola IIs.
The Lola IIs were guarding an assault force scheduled to attack the SLDF on Ammunition: 80 rounds Gauss ammunition (10 tons), 174 rounds LRM 20
Brisbane. Knowing they could not leave, the Congress launched her Pentagons ammunition (29 tons).
with the mission of destroying the Taurian troopships. The two Pentagons fought
off fighters from four JumpShips, destroying them before being destroyed Notes: Mounts 75.5 tons of standard armor.
themselves. The Star Devil was lost, but not before destroying three of the Lola
IIs with it. Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
There are no records of any surviving Pentagons following the campaign to Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
retake Terra from the Usurper. Nose (68 Heat)
2 Gauss Rifles (48) 3 (30) 3 (30) 3 (30) Autocannon
PENTAGON CLASS DROPSHIP 2 LRM 20+Artemis (24) 3 (32) 3 (32) 3 (32) LRM
2 ER PPC 2 (20) 2 (20) 2 (20) PPC
Type: Military Spheroid 2 ER Large Laser 2 (16) 2 (16) 2 (16) Laser
Use: Assault FL/FR (134 Heat)
Tech: Star League 2 ER PPC 2 (20) 2 (20) 2 (20) PPC
Introduced: 2540 Gauss Rifles (16) 2 (15) 2 (15) 2 (15) Autocannon
Mass: 4,000 tons 2 ER Large Lasers 2 (16) 2 (16) 2 (16) Laser
Battle Value: 12,186 2 LRM 20+Artemis (48) 3 (32) 3 (32) 3 (32) LRM
AL/AR (114 Heat)
Dimensions 1 ER Large Laser, 3 (28) 1 (8) 1 (8) Laser
Length: 89 meters 4 Medium Lasers
Width: 75 meters ER PPC 1 (10) 1 (10) 1 (10) PPC
Height: 75 meters LRM 20+Artemis (30) 2 (16) 2 (16) 2 (16) LRM
Aft (24 Heat)
Fuel: 600 tons (18,000) 1 ER Large Laser, 3 (28) 1 (8) 1(8) Laser
Tons/Burn-day: 1.84 4 Medium Lasers
Safe Thrust: 7 ER PPC 1 (10) 1 (10) 1 (10) PPC
The Reunification War outlined the shortcomings of SLDF Mech transports. Safe Thrust: 3
With few exceptions (such as the Leopard), most were converted vehicle and Maximum Thrust: 5
infantry transports, or worse, modified cargo hulls. Time and again, the inability Heat Sinks: 109
to rapidly deploy large Mech forces hindered operations. The need for an Structural Integrity: 12
effective, high-capacity Mech carrier prompted Di Tron Heavy Industries to
embark on a research and development project in 2582. They were stymied, Armor
however, when the Dictator, their leading design capable of carrying three full Nose: 205
BattleMech companies, was dogged with bureaucratic and technical delays. The Sides: 182
war was long over by the time the design became operational in 2600. Aft: 151
The spheroid hull is built around three separate company-sized Mech bays,
stacked one atop the other. Each bay is isolated from the other and has a Cargo
dedicated drop mechanism, access ramp, and door. While this arrangement helps Bay 1: 'Mechs (12) 1 Door
protect individual companies should one bay receive damage, moving Mechs and Bay 2: 'Mechs (12) 1 Door
heavy equipment between bays is virtually impossible unless the ship is Bay 3: 'Mechs (12) 1 Door
grounded. Envisaged as operating as part of a taskforce, the DropShip has no Bay 4: Cargo (580 tons) 1 Door
provision for fighter bays. Independent actions were to remain the domain of the
smaller Leopard and Confederate. The Dictator proved itself reliable and Escape Pods: 9
effective, serving with distinction long after production ceased in 2725. Operation Life Boats: 4
Smother, the SLDF campaign to end hostilities between the Federated Suns and Crew: 6 officers, 33 enlisted/non-rated
the Draconis Combine in 2729, depended heavily on the design.
The Amaris Civil War proved to be the Dictators last campaign. As one of the Ammunition: 120 rounds SRM 6 ammunition (5 tons), 220 rounds AC/10
primary Mech transports in the drive to liberate the Terran Hegemony, many were ammunition (22 tons), 180 rounds LRM 20 ammunition (20 tons).
destroyed by automated SDS Casper Drones. When the SLDF departed the Inner
Sphere, they preferred the new Overlord design and abandoned most of the aging Notes: Mounts 42 tons of standard armor.
Dictators. Three Succession Wars have taken their toll on the Dictator, and the
handful that survive are in a very poor state of repair. Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
2 Medium Laser 1 (10) Laser
Type: Military Spheroid 2 LRM 20 (48) 2 (24) 2 (24) 2 (24) LRM
Use: Mech carrier 3 Autocannon/10 (60) 3 (30) 3 (30) Autocannon
Tech: Inner Sphere FR/FL (32 Heat)
Introduced: 2600 2 LRM 20 (48) 2 (24) 2 (24) 2 (24) LRM
Mass: 9,000 tons 1 Large Laser, 2 (18) 1 (8) Laser
Battle Value: 4,459 2 Medium Lasers
2 Autocannon/10 (40) 2 (20) 2 (20) Autocannon
Dimensions AR/AL (17 Heat)
Length: 85 meters 2 Medium Laser 1 (10) Laser
Width: 85 meters 2 SRM 6 (120) 2 (16) SRM
Height: 121.5 meters 1 Autocannon/10 (20) 1 (10) 1 (10) Autocannon
Aft (18 Heat)
Fuel: 150 tons (4,500) 2 Medium Laser 1 (10) Laser
Tons/Burn-day: 1.84 2 Autocannon/10 (40) 2 (20) 2 (20) Autocannon
Perhaps one of the best cargo transports designed for military space lift, yet Safe Thrust: 3
never built, was the Cargomaster. Federated-Boeing Interstellara former Terran Maximum Thrust: 5
Hegemony / Star League company now of the Federated Sunsdesigned a new Heat Sinks: 128 (256)
class of DropShip to replace the aged yet still venerable Mule-class DropShip. Structural Integrity: 12
Larger and fitted with more powerful engines, the Cargomaster could carry more
cargo in one of its four unique cargo bays than the Mule could in a single ship. Armor
These specially designed cargo bays were all interconnected, with the ability to Nose: 82
be isolated in the event of an emergency such as a fire, or catastrophic failure of Sides: 72
any one of the bays caused by hull breech or explosions. Aft: 62
What really made the Cargomasters bays so unique, however, is that they
were fully automated and self loading. Fully computerized, this self-loading system Cargo
was a cargo teams dream. It reduced the manpower normally assigned to the Bay 1: Cargo (2,200 tons) 2 Doors
bays to none. The crew could handle the loading without taking on extra members Bay 2: Cargo (2,200 tons) 2 Doors
just for working the cargo bays. Star League accepted the design and asked them Bay 3: Cargo (2,200 tons) 2 Doors
to produce a civilian model called the Cargoking. Bay 4: Cargo (2,200 tons) 2 Doors
Pre-production began on the Cargomaster in 2781, when Federated-Boeing
started to build their newest facilities around Galax. The Galax Megaplex was Life Boats: 2
completed in December of 2786 after the fall of the Star League and the exodus Escape Pods: 2
of the Star League Defense Force. The Port Naval Yards were authorized to begin Crew: 3 officers, 10 enlisted / non-rated, 5 Gunners
production on the Cargomaster line, and the first Cargomaster rolled off the
assembly line in 2790, after major delays in construction the results of the First Ammunition: 132 rounds LRM 10 ammunition (22 tons).
Succession War. The ship completed its test trials in good order and passed final
inspection. Notes: Mounts 17.5 tons of standard armor.
Unfortunately, the fate of the Cargomaster was to be short-lived indeed. At
the time of the designs original commission, the presence of the Star League Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
ensured that the Inner Sphere would remain stable. Resources were high. The Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
cost of such a ship, while expensive, was nothing to be concerned with. By the Nose (63 Heat)
time the first Cargomaster rolled off the production lines, however, the universe ER Large Laser 1 (8) 1 (18) 1 (8) Laser
was a very different place than the one in which it had been conceived. An 3 ER PPC 3 (30) 3 (30) 3 (30) PPC
expensive and prolonged war was costing tremendous amounts of both money LRM 20+Artemis (12) 2 (16) 2 (16) 2 (16) LRM
and material, including DropShips. Deemed a waste of resources, the FL/FR (102 Heat)
technologies to manufacture the Cargomaster were suddenly too prohibitive to ER Large Laser, 3 (28) 1 (8) 1 (8) Laser
continue. The prototype was dismantled, and its parts used elsewhere. 2 Medium Lasers
ER PPC 1 (10) 1 (10) 1 (10) PPC
CARGOMASTER CLASS DROPSHIP LRM 20+Artemis (30) 2 (16) 2 (16) 2 (16) LRM
AL/AR (102 Heat)
Type: Military Spheroid Dimensions ER Large Laser, 3 (28) 1 (8) 1 (8) Laser
Use: Cargo Transport Length: 175 meters 2 Medium Lasers
Tech: Star League Width: 160 meters ER PPC 1 (10) 1 (10) 1 (10) PPC
Introduced: 2790 Height: 120 meters LRM 20+Artemis (30) 2 (16) 2 (16) 2 (16) LRM
Mass: 12,500 tons Aft (15 Heat)
Battle Value: 4,555 Fuel: 364 tons (10,680) ER Large Laser, 3 (28) 1 (8) 1 (8) Laser
Tons/Burn-day: 1.84 2 Medium Lasers
Like the Cargomaster, the Cargoking project was cancelled for the same Maximum Thrust: 5
reasons. When Federated-Boeing began preparations for pre-production of the Heat Sinks: 128
Cargomaster, they had already completed preparations to lay the keel and begin Structural Integrity: 12
the production phase. The two DropShips were nearly identical, save that one
was a military craft and the other was civilian. The Cargokings design Armor
specifications were the same as its military cousin, with the lone exception giving Nose: 82
the edge in fuel reserves to the Cargoking. Both shared the same armor and Sides: 72
structural integrity designs. The engineering on the two ships was identical, Aft: 62
including sharing the same drivesMerlin 2400 Interplanetary Drives specifically
designed for the two DropShips. Cargo
The Cargoking used the automated cargo bay system found in the military Bay 1: Cargo (2,200 tons) 2 Doors
counterpart. This standardization across the board made logistics more Bay 2: Cargo (2,200 tons) 2 Doors
manageable. Since the ship was automated in the cargo bay, the rest of the ship Bay 3: Cargo (2,200 tons) 2 Doors
was not far behind. The crew size was small for such a large vessel. This allowed Bay 4: Cargo (2,200 tons) 2 Doors
for the crew to have far more comfortable quarters then what was normally found
on a DropShip. Federated-Boeing was pulling out all the stops on this new Life Boats: 2
DropShip. They were all ready to sign contracts with a few shipping Escape Pods: 2
conglomerates when the First Succession War broke out. Crew: 3 officers, 10 enlisted / non-rated, 3 gunners
Officially the Cargoking was produced in 2790, but in reality the first one was
off the lines in 2789. The shipFSDS Richard IIIfinished testing and was Ammunition: 132 rounds LRM 10 ammunition (22 tons)
authorized for operations. The ship later disappeared in the Kesai IV system in
2825. One other ship was produced before the project was cancelled. It was lost Notes: Mounts 17.5 tons of standard armor
during testing at the Port Simon Test Facilities. In a freak accident, the ship lost
control crashing into Galaxs moon, Malabar, and exploding in a spectacular Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
fireball that decimated the landing facility, killing most of the ground crew. Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Nose (18 Heat)
CARGOKING CLASS DROPSHIP ER Large Laser 1 (8) 1 (18) 1 (8) Laser
LRM 20+Artemis (12) 2 (16) 2 (16) 2 (16) LRM
Type: Civilian Spheroid FL/ FR (42 Heat)
Use: Cargo transport ER Large Laser, 3 (28) 1 (8) 1 (8) Laser
Tech: Star League 2 Medium Lasers
Introduced: 2790 LRM 20+Artemis (30) 2 (16) 2 (16) 2 (16) LRM
Mass: 12,500 tons AL/AR (42 Heat)
Battle Value: 2,980 ER Large Laser, 3 (28) 1 (8) 1 (8) Laser
2 Medium Lasers
Dimensions LRM 20+Artemis (30) 2 (16) 2 (16) 2 (16) LRM
Length: 175 meters Aft (15 Heat)
Width: 160 meters ER Large Laser, 3 (28) 1 (8) 1 (8) Laser
Height: 120 meters 2 Medium Lasers
During the build up of the Star League Navy, a heavy tug class DropShip was Cargo:
needed to help with their growing fleet of WarShips. The SLDF Navy Department Bay 1: Cargo (2,178.5 tons) 2 Doors
of Procurement issued a request for bids to design a new DropShip. The Bay 2: Cargo (Small Craft 4+1) 1 Door
requirements included that not only would it help dock WarShips, but the Bay 3: 'Mechs (12) 4 Doors
DropShip would also be used in a support role as an assault DropShip. Only the Bay 4: Vehicles (8 Heavy) 2 Doors
design by Nimakachi Fusion Products Ltd. fulfilled the requirements requested. Bay 5: Infantry (4 jump platoons) 2 Doors
At the time, the Elephant was the largest Tug-class DropShip ever built. The
ship was built around massive PlasmaStar Interplanetary Drives capable of an Life Boats: 2
astounding 4Gs of thrust. This would enable the new DropShip to maneuver the Escape Pods: 10
largest of WarShips in the SLDF Navy. The ship was designed with a reinforced Crew: 7 officers, 28 enlisted / non-rated, 9 gunners, 25 marines and 192 bay
bowa rounded triangle shape that would allow it to mate up most WarShip personnel
hulls. At each point there is a retractable arm with a powerful magnetic locking
device attached for securing to the ship. From the front, the design gave the Ammunition: 240 rounds Gauss ammunition (60 tons), 72 rounds LRM 10
appearance of an elephants head, earning the ship its nickname. The ship was ammunition (6 tons).
covered with nearly 77 tons of ferro-fibrous armor and armed with enough
firepowerincluding bays for a short combined arms battalionto classify it as Notes: Mounts 76.5 tons of ferro-aluminum armor.
an assault ship.
The DropShip entered service in May 2600. Just over a hundred of the Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Model 96s were constructed. The Elephant saw service throughout the Inner Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Sphere and was attached to several naval fleets, including major yards like Nose (84 Heat)
Terras Titan Yards. During the Amaris Coup of 2766, fifty Elephants helped ER Large Laser, 2 (18) 1 (8) 1 (8) Laser
defend Terran shipyards orbiting Titan, Mars and Venus. All were destroyed due to 2 Medium Lasers
overwhelming odds, but not before two squadrons of the Twenty-Third Wing (Little LRM 10+Artemis (24) 1 (8) 1 (8) 1 (8) LRM
Beavers) destroyed the RWRS Conquistador Dart-class cruiser over Mars in the 4 ER PPC 4 (40) 4 (40) 4 (40) PPC
opening days of the Coup. 2 Gauss Rifles (48) 3 (30) 3 (30) 3 (30 Autocannon
FL/FR (108 Heat)
LRM 10+Artemis (24) 1 (8) 1 (8) 1 (8) LRM
1 ER Large Laser, 2 (18) 1 (8) 1 (8) Laser
Type: Military Spheroid Fuel: 700 tons (21,000) 2 Medium Lasers
Use: Tug/Assault Tons/Burn-day: 1.84 2 Gauss Rifles (48) 3 (30) 3 (30) 3 (30) Autocannon
Tech: Star League Safe Thrust: 5 AL/AR (124 Heat)
Introduced: 2600 Maximum Thrust: 8 2 ER Large Lasers, 3 (26) 2 (16) 2 (16) Laser
Mass: 15,000 tons Heat Sinks: 200 (400) 2 Medium Lasers
Battle Value: 13,097 Structural Integrity: 25 2 Gauss Rifles (48) 3 (30) 3 (30) 3 (30 Autocannon
Aft (58 Heat)
Dimensions Armor 4 ER Large Lasers, 4 (42) 3 (32) 3 (32) Laser
Length: 150 meters Nose: 371 2 Medium Lasers
Width: 68 meters Sides: 325 LRM 10+Artemis (24) 1 (8) 1 (8) 1 (8) LRM
Height: 68 meters Aft: 279
In 2651, the SLDF was embarrassed during war games held in the Periphery
after sending 5 regiments to participate. Because of the deplorable results caused Cargo:
by lack of coordination and cooperation, the SLDF High Command created their Bay 1: Vehicles (72 Heavy) 2 Doors
famous Regimental Combat Teams (RCT). This specialized combat team would need Bay 2: 'Mechs (36) 4 Doors
transportation that would enhance the units qualities. Bay 3: Infantry (12 foot platoons) 4 Doors
Enter Mitchell Vehicles Interstellar. They delivered a design to SLDF that would Bay 4: Cargo (726 tons) 0 Doors
fulfill the needs of the RCT, supporting it during its operation. It was a bold design
massing 20,000 tons; the largest Assault DropShip ever built. The Colossus was Life Boats: 4
designed to be easily repaired and its components were remarkably robust, adding Escape Pods: 25
to its reliability. The ship was equipped with the Star Leagues most advanced Crew: 9 officers, 37 enlisted / non-rated, 9 gunners, and 984 bay personnel
armor and weapons technologies, driving the vessel costs to over 700 million a
ship. While they performed their intended function admirably, the cost of replacing Ammunition: 30 rounds Arrow IV ammunition (6 tons), 96 rounds Gauss
them was too prohibitive. After the ships were destroyed during the Amaris War ammunition (12 tons), 96 rounds LRM 20 ammunition (16 tons).
including the company that made them, Mitchell Vehicles Interstellarthe Colossus
was replaced by the smaller yet just as capable Excalibur, at half the cost. After the Notes: Mounts 59.5 tons of Ferro-Aluminum Armor with case.
war, only five Colossus ships were known to have survived; those disappeared with
Kerenskys army. Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
In 3014, however, Snords Irregulars stumbled across a buried Colossus on Arc (Heat) Type Short Medium Long Extreme Class
the Lyran world of Phecda. The ships structural integrity was still sound, a Nose (76 Heat)
testament to its design. In its holds, Snord found a large stockpile of Mechs. The 2 Gauss Rifles (96) 3 (30) 3 (30) 3 (30 Autocannon
ship was later cannibalized by Lyran forces. Then, in the summer of 3067, another ER Large Laser, 3 (28) 1 (8) 1 (8) Laser
Colossus was discovered on the planet Epsilon Eridani. While Renfields Renegades 4 Medium Lasers
and the Lone Star Regiment were battling, they unearthed a Star League Depot 2 Arrow IV Systems (30) 4 (40) 4 (40) 4 (40) 4 (40) Artillery
hidden in the Shamus Mountains. Both laid claims to the pristine DropShip, 2 ER PPC 2 (20) 2 (20) 2 (20) PPC
exacerbating the situation at hand. Both suffered greatly in the conflict, driven by FL/FR (108 Heat)
greed as much as their assignments. The Lone Star Regiment emerged the victor ER PPC 1 (10) 1 (10) 1 (10) PPC
and laid claim to the ship, making up for much of its losses. 2 LRM 20+Artemis (24) 3 (32) 3 (32) 3 (32) LRM
1 ER Large Laser, 3 (28) 1 (8) 1(8) Laser
AL/AR (124 Heat)
Type: Military Spheroid Fuel: 375 tons (7,500) 1 ER Large Laser, 3 (28) 1 (8) 1(8) Laser
Use: Assault Ship Tons/Burn-day: 1.84 4 Medium Lasers
Tech: Star League Safe Thrust: 3 ER PPC 1 (10) 1 (10) 1 (10) PPC
Introduced: 2660 Maximum Thrust: 5 2 LRM 20+Artemis (24) 3 (32) 3 (32) 3 (32) LRM
Mass: 20,000 tons Heat Sinks: 255 Singles Aft (58 Heat)
Battle Value: 6,720 Structural Integrity: 20 2 ER Large Lasers, 4 (36) 2 (16) 2(16) Laser
4 Medium Lasers
Dimensions Armor
Length: 125 meters Fore: 252 Can only be used when the DroShip is grounded.
Width: 135 meters Sides: 221
Height: 165 meters Aft: 190
Though many have regarded the Scout-class JumpShip as the smallest in EXPLORER CLASS JUMPSHIP
use today, such claims have long overlooked the tiny Explorer-class, a civilian
JumpShip that enjoyed a longif uncelebratedhistory in almost every Tech: Inner Sphere
Successor State. Massing a mere 50,000 tons and reliant on small craft for in- Introduced: 2703
system flight, the Explorer was introduced at the peak of the Star League era, Mass: 50,000 tons
primarily as a touring craft to ferry VIPs or the wealthy elite when DropShips Length: 205 meters
werent required. In its heyday, there wasnt a major corporation or important Sail Diameter: 740 meters
dignitary in any realm who didnt have access to one of these reliable vessels. Fuel: 75 tons (750)
The passage of time and the ravages of the Succession Wars, however, winnowed Tons/Burn Day: 9.77
these vessels to a mere few handfuls. Today, Irian Technologies maintains the Station-Keeping Thrust: 0.10
largest concentration of the remaining Explorers, a minor surprise, considering Sail Integrity: 3
that their Clipperton factory once produced this humble spacecraft. KF Drive Integrity: 2
The Explorer was actually designed along utilitarian lines rather than luxury Heat Sinks: 79
travel, catering to the practical as well as the affluent. Built as small as possible Structural Integrity: 1
to minimize cost and unarmed so as not to appear a threat to hostile traffic, this Battle Value: 424
JumpShip relies on a quartet of shuttlecraft for in-system transit, saving the
tonnage normally allocated to a DropShips docking collar for cargo space and Armor
passenger quarters. An 80-meter grav deck allows shipboard personnel and Nose: 7
passengers alike the comforts of home, and can adjust its rotation to that of the Fore Sides: 3
local planet, which greatly aids acclamation to alien worlds. The vessel also Aft Sides: 3
features a number of fully automated systems that canin a pinchallow a Aft: 3
skeleton crew to operate it during long voyages. Indeed, Irian Technologies has
often done just over the years, sometimes dispatching Explorers with a mere 4 Weapons: None
crewmen on board during leaner years.
A single variant emerged during the closing years of the Star League Cargo
mounting an HPG. This exuberant cost was incurred only by large corporation, the Bay 1: Cargo (247 tons) 1 Door
ultra rich and in many cases, governmental diplomats. Bay 2: Small Craft (4) 2 Doors
DropShip Capacity: 0
Grav Deck: 1 (80-meter diameter)
Escape Pods: 3
Life Boats: 0
Crew: 1 officers, 8 enlisted/non-rated
The Quetzalcoatl JumpShip is not, in fact, a true class unto itself, but a QUETZALCOATL-SCOUT CLASS JUMPSHIP
variant on the popular Scout-class, born of necessity in the fires of the Third
Succession War. The original Quetzalcoatl, a Capellan military Scout, suffered Tech: Inner Sphere
severe damage to its docking collar during an enemy boarding attempt. Rather Introduced: 2876
than replace the collar or decommission the vessel outright, however, the Mass: 90,000 tons
vessels owners instead took the extraordinary step of converting it to a carrier Length: 273 meters
configuration. Aerospace fighter cubicles were added, enough to accommodate Sail Diameter: 890 meters
two full squadrons at once. This innovation transformed the Scout from a mere Fuel: 52 tons (520)
transport to an effective jump point picket. The redesign was so successful, in Tons/Burn Day: 9.77
fact, that other such carrier configurations began to emerge as other Station-Keeping Thrust: 0.1G
owner/operators opted for such a refit. Sail Integrity: 3
The Quetzalcoatl-Scout-class, as this variant came to be called, boasts not KF Drive Integrity: 3
only large aerospace fighter bays, but also ample supplies of fuel for multiple Heat Sinks: 91
sorties, thanks to its fuel bay conversion of the original Scouts cargo area. With Structural Integrity: 1
over three hundred tons of space, this reserve supply can be used either to Battle Value: 549
replenish the vessels station-keeping drive, or keep its fighter complement fully
prepared for action. This feature has even allowed the Quetzalcoatl to maintain Armor
aerospace forces as large as 20 craft, despite the on-board capacity of 12. To Nose: 6
attain such a sizeable presence, however, aerospace fighters must work in shifts, Fore Sides: 3
with some on active patrol nearby, while others in the same formation remain on Aft Sides: 3
board for repairs and maintenance. Aft: 3
The original Quetzalcoatl was destroyed during the intense fighting of the
Fourth Succession War, but today, one can still come across other Scouts with Cargo
the same capabilities and profile. The rise in more capable DropShips, however, Bay 1: Fighters (12) 2 Doors
which often boast extra armor and firepower in addition to dedicated fighter bays, Bay 2: Cargo (327 tons) 1 Door
has outstripped the demand for Quetzalcoatl-Scout conversions.
Escape Pods: 0
Life Boats: 3
Crew: 4 officers, 13 enlisted/non-rated
C L A S S I C B AT T L E T E C H T E C H N I C A L R E A D O U T: 3 0 2 6
The year is 3026 and war has ravaged the thousands of worlds of the
Inner Sphere for centuries. Successor Lords send clashing armies to conquer
their neighbors and re-establish the long-lost Star League. Though the
BattleMech is the king of the battlefield, it is supported by a much vaster array
of conventional vehicles that fight every where from premier border worlds to
the back waters of beyond. When in the hands of an experienced field
commander, even a BattleMech must be leery when facing a company of tanks.
This revised edition of the original Technical Readout: 3026 features the
most common military vehicles of the Succession Wars. Additionally, this
volume contains nineteen vehicles, aerospace fighters, DropShips and
JumpShips mentioned in the fictional context of the BattleTech universe but
never before presented in a technical readout.