MCQ On Marketing Management
MCQ On Marketing Management
Personal selling tries to achieve three general goals: finding prospects, convincing
prospects to buy, and ___________.
Mr. Kafeel, a sales person from Xerox, develops a list of potential customers and
them on the basis of their ability, willingness, and authority to purchase copy
machines. This process is called __________.
Customer search
Sales preparation
Prospecting (Answer)
Imran tells his wife, Saima, that his last sales call of the day at McDonald was a
He explains that he never really figured out what the purchasing agent was looking
for. Saima, a sales trainer for another firm, hands Imran a book on
Overcoming objections
Product demonstrations
Missionary salesperson
Trade salesperson
how much bottles the customer needs for the coming period. The sales
representative would be classified as which one of the following types of sales
Order getter
Trade salesperson
In many instances the MOST appropriate way to cope with a negative event that may
lead to negative publicity is to __________.
9 Which of the following is the most important consideration when choosing an event
to sponsor?
Consistency in the association between the event and the company's product
The length of the event
A press strategy
Public relations
Publicity (Answer)
Communication (Answer)
If the aim of the promotion to introduce a new consumer product is to achieve high
awareness levels, the firm will most likely make heavy use of _______ in the
promotional mix.
Advertising (Answer)
Sales promotion
Personal selling
Personal selling
Indirect selling
Pioneer advertising
Defensive advertising
Societal marketing
Brands that are promoted through comparative advertising are MOST likely to be
(B) Brands that are attempting to compete with market leaders (Answer)
Industrial products
High-priced products
Specialty goods
A breakeven analysis
8 If a product has an inelastic demand and the manufacturer raises its price, _____
When marginal cost is equal to marginal revenue, the firm should _____.
Which one of the following pricing policies may result in losing money on the
Psychological discounting
Penetration pricing
Special-event pricing
Experience-curve effects
Which one of the following statements by a company chairman best reflects the
marketing concept?
We have organized our business to make certain that we satisfy customer needs.
The marketing concept is a philosophy that states that an organization should try
Increase sales.
When a company adjusts price levels so that it can increase sales volume to
levels that match the organizations expenses, it is said to employ a _____pricing
Market share
Cash flow
Return on investment
Survival (Answer)
If Planters is concerned that acquiring a taste for its new product, honey-roasted
Multiple (Answer)
A carton of orange juice has no brand name on the package, only the name of the
A manufacturer's brand.
A no-frills brand
One distinguishing factor between a brand name and a brand mark is that a brand
name is _______
A firm may decide that all packages are to be similar or include one major
called ______
Family extension.
The _____ stage of the product life cycle generates most sales revenue for the
Maturity (Answer)
The market consists of all the organization that acquire goods and services used in
the production of other products or services that are sold, rented, or supplied to
Consumer market
Niche market
Global market
The relationship is built with a customer over a long period of time and for
The firm that allow the wants and needs of customers and potential customers to
drive all
All of above
term, more intimate bond between an organization and its individual customers.
Integrated marketing
Global marketing
Consumer marketing
__________ is the part of the product in the form of additional consumer services and
All of above
Broad environment
Marketing environment
Customer environment
____________ is the set of marketing tools that the firm uses to pursue its
Consumer mix
Product mix
Customer mix
The ___________ concept holds that the organizations task is to determine the
needs, wants, and interests of target markets and to deliver the desired
Integrated marketing
Relationship marketing
Global marketing
The production of different varieties of the same product, or different products at the
same level of processing, within a single firm. This may, but need not; take place in
Innovation Strategies
Vertical integration
long-term plans.
Market planning
Customer planning
Consumer planning
8 Which of the following is a controllable factor for marketers? Select correct option:
Corporate culture (correct)
Brand marketing
Value marketing
Experiential marketing
The loyalty marketing focuses on establishing long term relationship between: Select
correct option:
Reward competitors
List price
Retail price
Wholesaler price
The buyer must pay within 10 days of receipt of goods but will receive 3% discount
paid in 10 days
The buyer must pay within 3 days of receipt of goods but will receive 10% discount
paid in 40 days
The buyer must pay within 10 days of receipt of goods but will receive 3% discount
paid in 40 days
The buyer must pay within 40 days of receipt of goods but will receive 3% discount
Trade discount
Seasonal discount
Quantity discount
Cash discount
product attributes?
Product oriented
Sales oriented
Production oriented.
Exit interviews
The phenomenon, when a customer dislikes a product and talks against the product,
termed as:
Unfavorable environment
Bad impression
Products that are usually purchased due to adversity and high promotional back up
Sought goods
Unique goods
Preferred goods
A customer requirement about any product in which he/ she needs to avail core
Real need
Unstated need
Delighted need
Intensification (Correct)
Challengers (Correct)
Close followers
Late followers
Customer interface
Which of the following is not a component of a marketing plan? Select correct option:
Marketing advantages (correct Answer)
Environmental analysis
Executive summary
Marketing implementation
The _____ is the central instrument for directing and coordinating the marketing
Business plan
Production plan
Selling plan
Which of the following is NOT an example of variable cost? Select correct option:
Raw material
Seasonal discount
Quantity discount
Cash discount
Which of the following are the people who purchase new products almost as soon as
Innovators (correct)
Late majority
Early majority
Late adopters
Which of the following is NOT one of the stages that customers go through in the
Desire (Correct)
Television set
Which of the following part of a marketing plan defines the plans financial and
Action programs
Issue analysis
Opinion leaders
Late majority
Early majority
Consumer market
Import market
Government market
A seller wants payment from buyer within 10 days of sales (whereas customer can
payment within 30 days) and offers 4% discount if payment is made within 10 days.
What type of cash discount will be suitable?
10/4 net 30
10/30 net 4
4/30 net 10
Which of the following price is quoted to a potential buyer, usually in written form?
Wholesale price
Market price
Retail price
Situation analysis
Process engineering skills are required for the successful implementation of which
Differentiation strategy
Any tangible thing that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use, or
Product (Correct)
Convenience product
Emergency product
Specialty product
Which of the following is the spread of idea from the source of invention to the
user or consumers?
Adoption process
Business (Answer)
Task (Answer)
3. Core Competency:
Production concept
6. When the customer asks a specific product from the retailer, it can be
an impact of _______________.
Executive summary
Salutation (Answer)
that is satisfied to live at this level and enjoys its market shares, is
called _______________.
Market leader
Market challenger
Market nicher
9. When a company upgrade its brand with more signs and appearance
under the same price for capturing more target costumers, is best
under the:
Promotional strategy
Scenario planning
Specialty Goods
Core product
Tangible Product
c. To intermediaries
a. Coupons
b. Sweepstakes
d. Samples
3. In many instances the most appropriate way to cope with a negative event
a. Short-term commitments
7. Slow feedback, high costs, and difficulty in measuring effects on sales are
a. Advertising (Answer)
b. Public relations
c. Sales management
d. Sales promotion
a. Salespersons
b. Mass communication
d. Consumer advocates
a. Medium of transmission
b. Source (Answer)
c. Relay channel
d. Decoder
10. The limitations in using publicity-based public relations tools stem
communication. (Answer)
1) The _________ is the central instrument for directing and coordinating the
marketing effort
d. Mission statement
2) _____ refers to how well the product or service is brought to the customer.
a. Service differentiation
b. Design
c. Delivery (Answer)
d. Performance quality
3) Some products that require the use of other products are called _____
a. Coordinated
b. Complementary
c. Required
d. Captive (Answer)
management questions?
7) _____ refers to how well the product or service is brought to the customer.
a. Service differentiation
b. Design
c. Delivery (Answer)
d. Performance quality
8) Some products that require the use of other products are called _____
a. Coordinated
b. Complementary
c. Required
d. Captive (Answer)
a. Container
b. Label (Answer)
c. Advertisement
d. Warranty
a. Strategic
b. Superior
c. Augmented (Answer)
d. Anticipated
a. Marketing promise
b. Creative offering
d. Competitive advantage
b. Data mining
Customer loyalty
Customer relationship
Customer mix
b. Marketing database
c. Business database
d. Data mine
6. One problem that can hinder a firm from using CRM effectively is _________.
7. An organization that aims to highlight high quality will offer customers more than
a. Performance levels
b. Quality levels
d. Prices
8. The inability of the selling company to match up its offering to the needs of
a. Diversification
b. Failure (Answer)
c. Success
d. Development
d. A product improvement
10. A growth direction through the increase in market share for present product
b. Marketing mix
c. Market development
Product development
Brand marketing
Value marketing
Experiential marketing
The loyalty marketing focuses on establishing long term relationship between: Select
correct option:
List price
Retail price
Wholesaler price
The market price (also called effective price) is the amount actually paid.
The buyer must pay within 10 days of receipt of goods but will receive 3% discount
if paid in 10 days
The buyer must pay within 3 days of receipt of goods but will receive 10% discount
if paid in 40 days
The buyer must pay within 10 days of receipt of goods but will receive 3% discount
if paid in 40 days
The buyer must pay within 40 days of receipt of goods but will receive 3% discount
if paid in 10 days (Correct)
2/15 net 40 ROG - this means the buyer must pay within 40 days of receipt of goods,
but will receive a 2% discount if paid in 15 days.
Trade discount
Quantity discount
Quantity discounts - These are price reductions given for large purchases. The
rationale behind them is to obtain economies of scale and pass some (or all) of these
savings on to the customer. In some industries, buyer groups and co-ops have formed
to take advantage of these discounts. Generally there are two types: Cumulative
quantity discounts (also called accumulation discounts). These are price reductions
based on the quantity purchased over a set period of time. The expectation is that
they will impose an implied switching cost and thereby bond the purchaser to the
Seasonal discount
Quantity discount
Cash discount
Trade discounts (also called functional discounts) These are payments to distribution
channel members for performing some function. Examples of these functions are
warehousing and shelf stocking.
Product oriented
Sales oriented
Production oriented
Exit interviews
The phenomenon, when a customer dislikes a product and talks against the product,
is termed as:
Unfavorable environment
Bad impression
Page # 9 and lesson # 4 the customer still may not fully like the product and have
what we calls bad-mouth. Bad mouth is when a customer talks not in favors of the
product. Bad mouth travels fast.
Products that are usually purchased due to adversity and high promotional back up
rather than desire are called:
Sought goods
Unique goods
Preferred goods
THE SELLING CONCEPT This concept emphasizes on aggressive selling and high
promotional back up. Selling, concept is practical on what we call as unsought
goods such as insurance, encyclopedia etc
A customer requirement about any product in which he/ she needs to avail core
features in that product, is called:
Real need
Unstated need
Delighted need
Intensification (Correct)
Challengers (Correct)
Close followers
Late followers
Innovation Strategies- This deals with the firm rate of new product development and
business model innovation. It asks whether the company is on the cutting edge of
technology and business innovation. There are three types:
o pioneers
o close followers
o late followers
Customer interface
Which of the following is not a component of a marketing plan? Select correct option:
Environmental analysis
Executive summary
Marketing implementation
The _____ is the central instrument for directing and coordinating the marketing
effort. Select correct option:
Business plan
Production plan
Selling plan
References: ... -planning/
Which of the following is NOT an example of variable cost? Select correct option:
Raw material
(Page # 48)
Any costs incurred by a firm may be classed into two groups:Fixed Cost and. Variable
Cost. Fixed costsare incurred by the business at any level of output. These may
Quantity discount
Cash discount
(Page # 45)
Which of the following are the people who purchase new products almost as soon as
the products reach the market?
Innovators (correct)
Late majority
Early majority
Late adopters
Page no 33 of handouts
An innovation refers to anything perceived by some one as new. It may have a long
history of innovating product. But in true sense its an Innovation to the person, who
sees it and it is he who spreads it through a social system.
Which of the following is NOT one of the stages that customers go through in the
process of adopting a new product?
Desire (Correct)
Television set
Which of the following part of a marketing plan defines the plans financial and
marketing goals in terms of sales volume, market share and profit?
Action programs
Issue analysis
b) Marketing Strategy Pricing Pricing objectives, pricing method (eg.: cost plus,
demand based, or competitor indexing), pricing strategy (eg.: skimming, or
penetration), discounts and allowances, price elasticity and customer sensitivity,
price zoning, break even analysis at various prices.
Late majority
Early majority
Page # 34
One who are early adopters. They are very quick in their response. These people are
venture some and willing to try new ideas. In fact they are innovators in life and early
This term is related to managing strategically customers entire experience with the
product and company.
Internet Marketing
Brand Market
Brand Marketing
Cash Discounts
Corporate Culture
Executive Summaries
Internet Marketing
Brand Market
Consumer market
Import market
A seller wants payment from buyer within 10 days of sales (whereas customer can
made payment within 30 days) and offers 4% discount if payment is made within 10
days. What type of cash discount will be suitable?
10/4 net 30
10/30 net 4
4/30 net 10
Page # 44
Cash discounts for prompt payment - These are intended to speed payment and
thereby provide liquidity to the firm. They are sometimes used as a promotional
2/10 net 30 this means the buyer must pay within 30 days, but will receive a 2%
discount if they pay within 10 days.
Which of the following price is quoted to a potential buyer, usually in written form?
Wholesale price
Market price
Retail price
They could modify either the manufacturer's list price (determined by the
manufacturer and often printed
on the package), the retail price (set by the retailer and often attached to the
product with a sticker), or the
list price (which is quoted to a potential buyer, usually in written form). (handouts)
Situation analysis
Executive Summary
The Plan should open with a brief summary of the plans most important Goals and
Recommendations. The summary can be expressed like in a brief
statement, increase sales by 10% this year or reduce expenses by 5 % or say will
enter UK market this year etc.
Process engineering skills are required for the successful implementation of which
of the following strategy?
Differentiation strategy
Page # 21
Any tangible thing that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use, or
consumption that might satisfy a want or need is called:
Product (Correct)
(Page # 24)
Convenience product
Emergency product
Specialty product
Reference & Explanation:
Convenience Goods: purchased frequently and with minimal effort, often referred to
as FMCG(Fast Moving Consumer Goods)
(Page # 31)
Which of the following is the spread of idea from the source of invention to the
ultimate user or consumers?
Market challenger
Market follower (Answer)
Market nicher
Market leader
In term of marketing mix, a television show like Tariq Aziz show is an example of:
Product (Answer)
Public relations
Direct marketing
Sales promotion (Answer)
Identify which of the following is an aggressive strategy.
Harvesting (Answer)
Vertical integration
Aggressiveness Strategies - This asks whether a firm should grow or not, and if so, how
One scheme divides strategies into:
During which stage of new product development does the firm consider profitability?
Idea generation
Business analysis (Answer)
Market testing
Product development
The growth stage of a product life cycle is associated with:
Which of the following element of marketing mix customer analyzes at the last, taking a
decision of buying a particular product?
Promotion (Answer)
Which of the following is the first step in the new product development process?
Basic revenue
Marginal revenue (Answer)
Average revenue
Total revenue
51. With the ________ heuristic, the consumer sets a minimum acceptable cutoff level for each
attribute and chooses the first alternative that meets the minimum standard for all attributes.
a. conjunctive
b. lexicographic
c. elimination-by-aspects
d. primary
e. secondary
Answer: a
52. Even if consumers form brand evaluations, two general factors can intervene between the
purchase intention and the purchase decision. One of these is unanticipated situational factors.
What is the second factor?
a. Amount of purchasing power.
b. Attitudes of others.
c. Short-term memory capabilities.
d. Ability to return merchandise.
e. The self-concept.
Answer: b
53. ________ risk occurs if the product fails to perform up to expectations.
a. Physical
b. Financial
c. Social
d. Psychological
e. Functional
Answer: e
54. If performance meets consumer expectations, the consumer is ________.
a. delighted
b. satisfied
c. disappointed
d. surprised
e. overwhelmed
Answer: b
55. A key driver of sales frequency is the ________ rate.
a. product consumption
b. disposal
c. refusal
d. utility
e. option
Answer: a
56. The level of engagement and active processing undertaken by the consumer in responding to
a marketing stimulus is called ________.
a. elaboration likelihood
b. consumer disengagement
c. consumer involvement
d. variety-seeking
e. low-involvement
Answer: c
57. If a consumer is persuaded to buy a product by a message that requires little thought and is
based on an association with a brands positive consumption experiences from the past, the
consumer used a ________ to arrive at this purchase decision.
a. central route
b. peripheral route
c. behavioral route
d. subjective route
e. objective route
Answer: b
58. With the ________, predictions of usage are based on quickness and
ease of use.
a. availability heuristic
b. representative heuristic
c. anchoring heuristic
d. adjustment heuristic
e. semantic heuristic
Answer: a
59. Ben always reaches for the bright blue and yellow box of Ritz crackers when he visits the snack
food aisle in the grocery store. He rarely even reads the box or checks the price. Which of the
following heuristics is most likely being used by Ben?
a. Availability
b. Representative
c. Anchoring
d. Adjustment
e. Semantic
Answer: b
60. ________ refers to the manner by which consumers code, categorize, and evaluate financial
outcomes of choices.
a. Cost accounting
b. Financial accounting
c. Behavioral accounting
d. Mental accounting
e. Factual accounting
Answer: d
Chapter 8
New-Product Development and Product Life-Cycle Strategies
1. _____ is the development of original products, product improvements,
product modifications, and new brands through the firms own R&D efforts .
a. Idea generation
b. Concept testing
c. Test marketing
Answer: (d)
2. All of the following are different ways a firm can obtain new
products, except which one?
c. A firm can obtain a new product by licensing someone else's new product
d. A firm can obtain a new product by using the R&D department of other firms
in the same industry.
Answer: (d)
3. All of the following are accurate descriptions of reasons why new products
fail, except which o1ne?
a. Although the market size was correctly estimated, the product idea itself
was not good.
b. The actual product was not designed as well as it should have been.
Answer: (a)
4. All of the following are accurate descriptions of ways companies are anxious to
learn how to improve the odds of new-product success, except which one?
d. Do not overly rely on product innovation when you can succeed by copying
Answer: (d)
a. idea screening
b. idea generation
Answer: (b)
a. Idea generation
b. Idea screening
Answer: (a)
7. All of the following are major internal sources of new-product ideas, except which
Answer: (d)
Answer: (d)
9. All of the following are major external sources of new-product ideas, except which
Answer: (d)
10. All of the following are accurate descriptions of new product ideas, except which
c. At the beginning of the process, carefully scrutinize each idea and throw far-
fetched and impractical ones out the window.
d. Customers must be careful not to rely too heavily on customer input when
developing new products.
Answer: (c)
11. Some companies have installed a(n) _____ that directs the flow of new ideas to
a central point where they can be collected, reviewed, and evaluated.
c. computer system
d. satellite system
Answer: (b)
12. In order to install an idea management system, whereby all ideas are directed to
a central point, a company can do any or all of the following:
Answer: (d)
a. idea screening
b. idea generation
Answer: (b)
14. The first idea reducing stage is _____ , which helps spot good ideas and drop poor
ones as soon as possible.
a. idea generation
b. idea screening
Answer: (b)
15. A _____ is a detailed version of the idea stated in meaningful consumer terms.
a. product idea
b. product concept
c. product image
d. test market
Answer: (b)
a. product idea
b. product concept
c. product image
d. test market
Answer: (c)
a. product idea
b. product concept
c. product image
d. test market
Answer: (b)
18. All of the following are accurate descriptions of activities performed in the idea
screening stage of new product development, except which one?
a. Idea screening helps spot good ideas and drop poor ones as soon as
b. Companies want to go ahead only with the product ideas that will turn into
profitable products.
d. Setting up a toll-free number or Web site for anyone who wants to send
a new idea to the idea manager.
Answer: (d)
19. _____ calls for testing new-product concepts with groups of target consumers.
a. Concept development
b. Concept testing
c. Idea generation
d. Idea screening
Answer: (b)
20. _____ entails testing new-product concepts with a target group of consumers to
find out if the concepts have strong consumer appeal.
a. Concept development
b. Concept testing
c. Idea generation
d. Idea screening
Answer: (b)
21. Product concepts are presented to consumers during concept testing in any of
the following ways, except which one?
Answer: (d)
22. Designing an initial marketing strategy for a new product based on the _____ is
called marketing strategy development.
b. product concept
d. product prototype
Answer: (b)
23. The marketing strategy statement in new product development consists of three
parts: _____, _____, and _____.
Answer: (d)
24. _____ involves a review of the sales, costs, and profit projections for a new product
to find out whether they satisfy the company's objectives.
a. Idea generation
b. Idea screening
c. Business analysis
d. Concept development and testing
Answer: (c)
Answer: (a)
26. Once management has decided on a product concept and marketing strategy, it
can next evaluate the _____ of the proposal.
c. business attractiveness
d. commercial viability
Answer: (c)
27. In the product concept stage of new-product development, the product is merely a
a. word description
b. crude mock-up
c. drawing
Answer: (d)
28. In the _____ of new-product development, often products undergo rigorous tests to
make sure that they perform safely and effectively or that consumers will find
value in them.
b. idea generation
Answer: (d)
29. _____ is the stage of new-product development in which the product and marketing
program are tested in more realistic market settings.
a. Business analysis
b. Idea generation
c. Test marketing
Answer: (c)
30. All of the following are accurate descriptions of test marketing, except which
a. Test marketing is the stage at which the product and marketing program are
introduced into realistic market settings.
c. Test marketing costs can be high, and it takes time that may allow
competitors to gain advantages.
Answer: (b)
a. test marketing
c. experimenting
d. commercialization
Answer: (d)
32. A company getting ready to launch a new product must make several decisions.
However, the company must first decide on _____.
Answer: (d)
33. _____ is a new-product development approach in which one company department
works to complete its stage of the process before passing the new product
along to the next department and stage.
Answer: (c)
34. In order to get their new products to market more quickly, many companies are
adopting a faster, team-oriented approach called _____.
c. commercialization
d. introduction timing
Answer: (b)
35. All of the following statements are accurate descriptions of the simultaneous
product development approach to new product development, exceptwhich one?
Answer: (d)
d. The simultaneous team-based approach can be riskier and more costly than
the slower, more orderly sequential approach.
Answer: (c)
37. All of the following are limitations of the simultaneous team-based approach to
new-product development, except which one?
a. Superfast product development can be riskier and more costly than the
slower, more orderly sequential approach.
Answer: (d)
38. All of the following statements accurately reflect the requisites of new-product
success, except which one?
a. Thinking of a few good ideas, turning them into products, and finding
customers for them.
b. A systematic approach for finding new ways to create value for target
consumers, from generating and screening new-product ideas to
creating and rolling out want-satisfying products to customers.
d. At firms known for their new-product success, their culture does not
encourage, support, and reward innovation.
Answer: (d)
39. _____ begins when the company finds and develops a new-product idea. During
product development, sales are zero and the company's investment costs
a. Introduction
b. Growth
c. Maturity
d. Product development
Answer: (d)
40. _____ is a period of slow sales growth as the product is introduced into the market.
Profits are non-existent in this stage because of the heavy expenses of
product introduction.
a. Growth
b. Product development
c. Maturity
d. Introduction
Answer: (d)
a. Product development
b. Maturity
c. Growth
d. Introduction
Answer: (c)
42. _____ is the course of a product's sales and profits over its lifetime, involving five
distinct stages: product development, introduction, growth, maturity, and
b. Maturity
c. Growth
d. Decline
Answer: (a)
43. _____ is the period when sales fall off and profits drop.
a. Introduction
b. Growth
c. Maturity
d. Decline
Answer: (d)
44. All of the following are accurate descriptions of the product life cycle
concept, except which one?
a. The PLC concept can describe a product class.
Answer: (d)
45. All of the following are accurate descriptions of the application of the product life
cycle concept, except which one?
Answer: (d)
46. All of the following are accurate descriptions of the life cycle of a style
product, except which one?
d. Styles last only a short time and tend to attract only a limited following.
Answer: (d)
47. _____ are fashions that enter quickly, are adopted with great zeal, peak early, and
decline very quickly.
a. Fashion
b. Fads
c. Styles
d. Mature products
Answer: (b)
48. The product life-cycle stage in which the new product is first distributed and
made available for purchase is called the _____.
a. maturity stage
b. growth stage
c. introduction stage
d. decline stage
Answer: (c)
49. All of the following are characteristics of the introduction stage of the
PLC, except which one?
d. Educating the market remains a goal, but now the company must also meet
the competition.
Answer: (d)
50. All of the following are accurate descriptions of product launch strategies that
are recommended of market pioneers, except which one?
a. The product launch strategy must be consistent with the intended product
b. The initial strategy is just the first step in a grander marketing plan for the
product's entire life cycle.
c. Pioneers must avoid sacrificing long-run revenue for the sake of short-run
d. Pioneers have the best chance of building and retaining market share if they
decide to take risks from the start.
Answer: (d)
1. If the new product satisfies the market, it will enter a(an) _____, in which sales will
start climbing quickly.
a. introduction stage
b. growth stage
c. maturity stage
d. decline stage
Answer: (b)
2. At some point, a product's sales growth will slow down, and the product will enter
the _____.
a. introduction stage
b. growth stage
c. maturity stage
d. decline stage
Answer: (c)
4. All of the following are characteristics of the growth stage of the product
life cycle, except which one?
b. The early adopters will continue to buy, and later buyers will start following
their lead, especially with favorable word of mouth.
c. Attracted by opportunities for profit, new competitors will enter the market.
Answer: (a)
5. Profits increase during the _____ as promotion costs are spread over a large volume
and as unit manufacturing costs fall.
a. introduction stage
b. decline stage
c. maturity stage
d. growth stage
Answer: (d)
6. In the ____, the firm faces a trade-off between high market share and high current
a. growth stage
b. decline stage
c. maturity stage
d. introduction stage
a. introduction stage
b. growth stage
c. maturity stage
d. decline stage
8. Over the past 100 years or so, Binney and Smith's Crayola crayons have become
a household staple in more than 80 countries around the
world.Crayola crayons is in the _____ of the PLC.
a. introduction stage
b. maturity stage
c. growth stage
d. decline stage
9. Johnson and Johnson targeted the adult market with its baby powder and
shampoo. In _____, Johnson and Johnson increased the consumption of the
current product.
10. Mattel's Barbie and Binney and Smith's Crayola crayons are two examples of
products that might have been only _____, but instead were turned into long-
term market winners with plenty of staying power.
a. fashion products
b. fads
c. style products
a. fashion product
b. style product
c. fad
d. none of the above
12. When Heinz introduced EZ Squirt packaging and new colors such as Blastin'
Green and Awesome Orange to revitalize consumer buying, the company was
13. The WD-40 Company's knack for finding new uses has made this popular
substance one of the truly essential survival items in most homes. WD-40 is in
the _____ of the PLC.
a. introduction stage
b. growth stage
c. maturity stage
d. decline stage
14. All of the following are accurate descriptions of different ways companies extend
the maturity stage of the PLC, except which one?
15. The product life-cycle stage, in which sales plunge to zero or drop to a low level
at which they continue for many years, is the _____.
a. introduction stage
b. growth stage
c. maturity stage
d. decline stage
Answer: (d) Difficulty: (2) Page: 285
16. Product sales decline for many reasons, including which of the following?
c. increased competition
17. Management must decide whether to maintain, harvest, or drop aging products in
the _____ of the PLC.
a. introduction stage
b. growth stage
c. maturity stage
d. decline stage
18. All of the following are characteristics of the decline stage of the
PLC, except which one?
a. As sales and profits decline, some firms withdraw from the market.
c. Some firms drop smaller market segments and marginal trade channels.
19. All of the following are stages in the PLC, except which one?
a. introduction
b. adoption
c. growth
d. decline
a. product development
b. introduction
c. growth
d. maturity
21. Profits begin to slowly decline even before sales begin to drop significantly. This
indicates a product is in the _____ of the PLC.
a. introduction stage
b. growth stage
c. maturity stage
d. decline stage
22. All of the following are accurate descriptions of practical problems faced by
marketers using the PLC concept, except which one?
a. The PLC concept can be used as framework to describe how products and
markets work.
d. The PLC concept can be used to determine the factors that affect the
product's movement through the stages.
23. In the _____ of the PLC, marketers use increased sales promotion to encourage
brand switching.
a. introduction stage
c. growth stage
d. maturity stage
a. introduction stage
b. growth stage
c. maturity stage
25. In the _____ of the PLC, marketers build product awareness among early adopters
and dealers.
a. growth stage
b. introduction
c. maturity stage
d. decline
26. The best example of a product(s) towards the end of the maturity stage
and/or early decline stages of the product life cycle is _____.
a. cellular telephones
b. high definition television (HDTV)
c. 3.5 inch floppy disks
d. electric cars
Answer: (c) Difficulty: (3) Page: 281
76. According to the text, all of the following are accurate descriptions of Microsoft,
c. Microsoft used its brute force to muscle into dominance of the operating
system world.
a. marketing strategy
b. product concept
c. business analysis
d. product development
78. Some marketers are finding innovative ways to make _____ more real to consumer
subjects. For example, some are using virtual-reality programs to simulate
a. ideas
b. product concepts
c. business analysis
d. marketing strategy
80. Introducing a new product into the market requires a lot of investment in time
money. The company may have to build or rent a manufacturing facility. And it
may have to spend, in the case of consumer packaged goods, between $10
million and $200 million for advertising, sales promotion and other marketing
efforts. The company is getting ready to go ahead with _____.
a. idea screening
b. product development
81. According to the text, in the _____ of the PLC, there are many _____. A weak
product may take up too much of management's time. It often requires
frequent price and inventory adjustments.
82. All of the following are examples of hidden costs in the decline stage of the
PLC, except which one?
c. Carrying a weak product requires advertising and sales force attention that
might be better used to make "healthy" products more profitable.
83. Procter and Gamble has sold off a number of lesser or declining brands such as
Oxydol detergent and Jif peanut butter. In these examples, management
decided to _____ the products.
a. maintain
b. harvest
c. drop
84. Often in the decline stage of the PLC, management decides to reduce costs
(plant and equipment, R&D, advertising) and hopes sales hold up. This is an
example of _____ the product.
a. harvesting
b. maintaining
c. dropping
d. ignoring
85. Often management may decide to sell a product to another firm or simply
liquidate it at salvage value in the _____ of the PLC.
a. growth stage
b. maturity stage
d. decline stage
a) Modified Rebuy
c) Direct Purchasing
d) New Task
a) Initiators
b) Deciders (Answer)
c) Approvers
d) Gatekeepers
a) Marketing Strategy
b) Marketing Information
c) Marketing (Answer)
d) Marketing Research
5. __________ decides the various goals and plans that the organization will
a) International Marketing
c) Marketing Communication
d) Marketing Research
a) Message (Answer)
b) Market Testing
c) Material
d) Manage
a) Core Product
b) Augmented Product
d) Potential Product
a) Trade Promotion
b) Public Advertising
c) Sales Promotion
9. Tools Inc. buys hammers, bolts and other hardware items and sells them to
hardware shops at a price that includes a profit. Tools Inc. would be part of what kind
of market?
a) Reseller (Answer)
b) Producer
c) Institutional
d) Government
b) Price increase or decrease will not significantly alter demand for a given
product. (Answer)
d) The demand for one product depends heavily on the demand for another
e) Supply for a given product cannot keep up with the demand for it.
12. The fact that organisational customers purchase raw materials or intermediate
products to be used directly or indirectly in the production of goods and services to
satisfy customers' needs means that it is a _______________demand
a) Joint
b) Economically stable
c) Derived (Answer)
d) Inelastic
a) Product.
b) Price.
c) Place.
d) Promotion.
e) Placement. (Answer)
14. Levis manufactures jeans for women, men and children. They are adopting which
method of segmenting
a) psychographic
b) geographic
c) use based
d) demographic (Answer)
16. Parents Against Drunk Drivers is a group that organizes meetings and discussions
to change attitudes and laws about driving under the influence of alcohol. This group
primarily markets
a) goods
b) ideas (Answer)
c) services
d) political messages
17. When Campbell's introduced its line of low-sodium soups in response to consumer
demand, it was following which one of the following philosophies?
a) Selling concept
a. Production concept
b) Customer concept
18. If Nissan finds that it can engineer its Micra to go faster, regardless of whether or
not customers are interested in more speed, decides to make this faster model,
Nissan has characteristics associated with the ___________ concept.
a) production (Answer)
b) sales
c) marketing
d) social
a) marketing planning
a) operating situation
c) trends
d) economic conditions
22 Emirates charges different prices for Business Class, First Class and
Economy class. This type of pricing is called
a) Discriminatory pricing
a) Information search
b) Problem awareness
d) Decision making
a) profit unit.
c) marketing unit.
25. Eppco. is preparing a written document specifying the framework and actions for
implementing and controlling marketing activities. This document is called the
a) profit centre.
b) marketing programme.
26. Corporate strategy planners are concerned with many different issues as they
attempt to match the organisation's __________ with the opportunities and risks in the
a) strengths (Answer)
b) mission statement
d) resources
27. in seeking to identify new demographic groups who can be encouraged to buy
Levi Strauss products for the first time, the company is pursuing which growth
a) Market penetration
c) Product development
d) Diversification
b) market niche
c) market target
d) market positioning
29. The arranging for a product to occupy a clear, distinctive, and desirable place
relative to competing products in the minds of target consumers is called:
a) market segmentation
b) market targeting
c) market positioning (Answer)
d) market positioning
a) Costs
b) Competitors
c) Price of substitutes
a) Market leaders
c) Market followers
d) Market nichers
a) marketing plan
b) strategic plan
d) profitability plan
33. Costs that vary directly with level of production ________________ are called
a) Product costs
b) Total costs
d) Fixed costs
b) Value-based pricing
d) Breakeven pricing
a) Premium strategy
d) Economy strategy
a) Seasonal
b) Quantity
c) Trade
d) Quality (Answer)
38 A ________ pricing objective results in prices being set to recover cash as quickly
as possible.
a. market share
b. product quality
c. return on investment
40. _____________ consumers are concerned about brand image of the product
a) Price-conscious.
b) Value-conscious.
c) Prestige-sensitive. (Answer)
d) Cost-sensitive.
41. The steps involved in the process of establishing a price include all of the
following EXCEPT
c. cost-based pricing.
d. competition-based pricing.
43. Hertz prices its rental cars to match precisely the prices set by Avis. Hertz is
c. demand-based pricing.
d. reference pricing.
44. ____________is defined as all activities of designing and producing the container
for a product
a) branding
b) packaging (Answer)
c) labeling
d) advertising
b) direct marketing
c) targeting
d) segmenting
a) sales promotion
b) direct marketing
c) advertising (Answer)
d) exhibitions
a. inform
b. remind
c. reinforce
d. none of the above (Answer)
a. 20%
b. 300.00
c. 225
d. 299 (Answer)
b. Direct Mail.
c. Telemarketing.
a. Leader
b. Challenger
c. Nichers (Answer)
d. None of above
a) Premiums
a) promotional pricing
d) geographical pricing
a) secondary package
c) line extension
55 Mercedes is an expensive, well-built and prestigious car, which also offers the
driver High performance, and safety. From this sentence identify the different levels
of meaning:
56 Al Massa Cinemas price for a movie ticket is Dhs 25/- but if a student
produces his/her Identity Card they are given a discount. What type of Pricing Method
has Al Massa Cinema adopted here:
b) Psychological Pricing
c) Promotional Pricing
a) -decline
b) maturity (Answer)
c) -introduction
d) -growth
a) -direct marketing
b) -branding
b) -value pricing
60___________ includes all the activities that help increasing the awareness of the
product in the minds of consumers
a) -place
b) -price
c) promotion (Answer)
d) product
a) -market testing
b) -product development
62 A persons __________ consists of all the groups that have a direct (face-to-face) or
indirect influence on the persons attitudes or behaviour.
a) -focus group
c) -memebership group
d) -business group
e) -consumer group
63) Mixing several tools to deliver a consistent brand image to customers at every
brand contact is known as __________.
a) -customization
c) -customer database
64)_______ has the aim of building mutually satisfying long term relationships with
key parties customers, suppliers , distributors in order to earn and retain their
a) -marketing network
d) -direct marketing
b) sampling
c) research
66 _____ deals with implementing the marketing strategy for target markets and
marketing mix
b) communications
c) sampling
67 Raw materials, major equipment, component parts and process materials are
example of-
a. Consumer goods
c. Process goods
a) Slow penetration
c) Rapid penetration
d) Rapid skimming
70 At Boeing, the all digital development of the 777 aircraft made use of a
computer-generated human who would climb inside the 3 dimensional design on-
screen to show how difficult maintenance access would be for a live mechanic. This
allowed the engineers to spot errors that would have remained undiscovered. What
stage of the new product development is Boeing in
a) Concept development
b) Concept screening
c) Concept testing
A. reminder advertising
B. infomercials
C. persuasive advertising
D. public relations
E. sales promotions (Answer)
73 Maytag has long built high-quality washing machines and priced them higher
than competitors. It now tries to emphasize on innovative features. It new ads points
that the washers are custodians of high priced garments. Which type of pricing is
Maytag using
c) Social pricing
74 In order to select a pricing for a product, after estimating all your costs what
would be the next logical step to take
a) Geographical pricing
b) Promotional pricing
d) Discriminatory pricing
a) Brand
d) Trademark
b) Trade promotions
c) Brand names
d) Products
b) Repositioning strategy
B. prize promotions
C. point-of-purchase promotions
D. cross-promotions
80 When compared to the consumer market, the demand for goods and
services in the business market is:
C. derived (Answer)
D. more likely to be affected by changes in price
A. environmental (Answer)
B. interpersonal
C. organizational
D. entrepreneurial
E. individual
a) true (Answer)
b) false
A. customer training
C. installation
D. delivery
E. distribution
A. introduction
B. repositioning
C. growth (Answer)
D. maturity
E. decline
A. introduction (Answer)
B. growth
C. repositioning
D. maturity
E. decline
A. personal selling
B. direct marketing
C. advertising
87 The necessary interaction between service provider and customer that allows a
service to be delivered is called
a. service exchange
d. Customer interactivity.
B. false
89. It took three and a half years of research, and 500 formulas, to
develop individually wrapped peanut butter slices. The difficulty was in
finding a formula that preserved the flavor and texture of peanut butter, but
had the "releasability" required for easy separation from a plastic wrapper.
This describes the _____ stage of new-product development.
A. idea screening
C. concept testing
D. market testing
not sure that consumers would be willing to pay $44 for the system. So its
product manager offered the strips exclusively online. In eight
months, it sold 144,000 whitening kits to a heterogeneous
market. P&G used _____ testing to determine if the teeth
whitening system would sell.
A. market (Answer)
B. functional
C. alpha
D. rank-order
E. concept
b) aluminum cookware
c) breakfast cereals
d) computer monitors
A. rational (Answer)
B. practical
C. reciprocal
D. emotional
E. provocative
95 The zoo buys much of the fresh food it needs to feed its animals from a
local farm. As a part of the contract between the two parties, the farm buys all the
manure the zoo can produce for its organic vegetables. This is an example
of:indirect purchasing relationship marketing
A. leasing
B. systems selling
C. reciprocity (Answer)
B. modified rebuy
D. routine rebuy
E. direct purchase
B. proposal solicitation
C. product specification
D. performance review
E. order-routine specification
a) product scale
b) time scale
c) space scale
A. fragmented markets
Market segmentation
Targeting (Answer)
Both a and b
Market share
Both a and b
Southwest Airlines
Customer equity
None of above
6. Value proposition consists of
persuasive advertising
reminder advertising
reminder advertising
Marketing intermediaries
None of above
2 types
3 types
4 types (Answer)
5 types
All of above
Potential buyers
Actual buyers
advertising objective
advertising messages
advertising budget
17. According to management guru Peter Drucker, marketing aims to
None of above
Both a and b
None of above
to increase demand
to differentiate a product
all of the options (Answer)
raw materials
intangible (Answer)
growth stage
maturity stage
introduction stage
distribution (Answer)
merchants (Answer)
none of these
25. Putting the right good in the right place, at the accurate price, at
the right
time (Answer)
channels (Answer)
27. The short run or long run method by which a company settle on the
price and output rank that returns the maximum profit is
product enhancement
E J McCarthy (Answer)
Rob Gray
Commodity (Answer)
raw materials
merchandise (Answer)
raw materials
parallel pricing
price discrimination
marketing mix (Answer)
33. The quantity of money that a firm receives from its usual buy and
sell activities is
revenue (Answer)
Idea generation
Concept testing
Test marketing
Information search
Alternative evaluation
41. Emma noticed that she was almost out of gas, so she pulled into
the nearest gas station and filled up her tank. Emma's decision on
which gas to purchase is characterized by _____.
42. Which type of consumer decision making only includes the stages
of problem recognition, limited internal information search, purchase,
and limited post purchase behaviour?
Nominal decision making (Answer)
Problem recognition
Purchase evaluation
Routine decision
Inexpensive decision
Primary decision
52. Brad was out of soft drinks in his dorm room, so he went to the
store and purchased Coke. This is the brand he always buys, and he
would not even consider purchasing another brand. Which type of
nominal decision does this illustrate?
Routine decision
Primary decision
Routine decision
Secondary decision
Inconsequential decision
Indifferent decision
54. Rita is doing her family's grocery shopping and purchases ice
cream. She's purchased Blue Bell ice cream before and purchases it
again. She's not committed to this brand; it's just that she and her
family like it. Which type of nominal decision is this?
Inconsequential decision
Indifferent decision
Automatic decision
Secondary decision
56. Which type of decision making covers the middle ground between
nominal and extended decision making?
MCQs Part 2
Execution (Answer)
An image
A service (Answer)
A good
An idea
Buying power
Demographic segment
Market (Answer)
Selling (Answer)
Holistic marketing
A religion. (Answer)
A group of close friends.
Your university.
Your occupation.
Delighted (Answer)
Specialty Products
Shopping products
Unsought products
10. Parents buy toys for their children act as _______________ in the
buying process.
Double-up marketing
Interactive marketing
Service marketing
Market place
Market space
Resource Market
13. Adding new features to a product is advocated by which of the
Production Approach
Marketing Approach
Selling Approach
To do marketing surveys
Problem recognition
Alternative evaluation
Business-to-business (industrial)
Channel (Answer)
Suppliers or vendors
Distributors or retailers
18. Marketing Mix is the most visible part of the marketing strategy of
an organization.
True (Answer)
False (Answer)
Delayed purchase
New-task purchase (Answer)
Business-to-business (Industrial)
Institutional (Answer)
Manufacturer (Answer)
Product Differentiation
Direct marketing
Multi-level marketing
Integrated marketing
25. In marketing theory, every contribution from the supply chain adds
________ to the product.
Value (Answer)
False (Answer)
27. Listing alternatives that will solve the problem at hand and
determining the characteristics of each occurs during which stage of
the final consumers decision process?
Information search
Exchange (Answer)
Central product.
Fundamental product.
Augmented product.
Product. (Answer)
31. In ________ consumers may share a strong need that cannot be
satisfied by an existing product.
Negative demand
Declining demand
Irregular demand
Creative (Answer)
33. Mr. Lopez buys goods and services for use in the production of
products that are sold and supplied to others. Mr. Lopez is involved in
Post-purchase dissonance
True (Answer)
36. The ________ holds that the organizations task is to determine the
needs, wants, and interests of target markets and to deliver the
desired satisfactions more effectively and efficiently than competitors
in a way that preserves or enhances the consumers and the societys
Customer-centered business
Learning (Answer)
Role selection
38. Holistic marketers achieve profitable growth by expanding
customer share, ________, and capturing customer lifetime value.
39. ________ pricing is the approach of setting a low initial price in order
to attract a large number of buyers quickly and win a large market
Market-penetration (Answer)
Business-to-business (Industrial)
Institutional (Answer)
Manufacturer (Answer)
Product Differentiation
Marketing Communication(Answer)
Direct marketing
Multi-level marketing
Integrated marketing
45. In marketing theory, every contribution from the supply chain adds
________ to the product.
Value (Answer)
False (Answer)
47. Listing alternatives that will solve the problem at hand and
determining the characteristics of each occurs during which stage of
the final consumers decision process?
Information search
Post purchase
Exchange (Answer)
Central product.
Fundamental product.
Augmented product.
Product. (Answer)
Negative demand
Declining demand
Irregular demand
52. Marketing is both an art and a science there is constant tension
between the formulated side of marketing and the ________ side.
Creative (Answer)
53. Mr. Lopez buys goods and services for use in the production of
products that are sold and supplied to others. Mr. Lopez is involved in
Post-purchase dissonance
True (Answer)
56. The ________ holds that the organizations task is to determine the
needs, wants, and interests of target markets and to deliver the
desired satisfactions more effectively and efficiently than competitors
in a way that preserves or enhances the consumers and the societys
Customer-centered business
Learning (Answer)
Role selection
Market-penetration (Answer)
Distribution (Answer)
Marketing (Answer)
Very expensive
Intangibility (Answer)
65. Which one of the following phrases reflects the marketing concept?
Customer needs
Improved quality
False (Answer)
69. You purchase cleaning supplies for your custodial help regularly. It
is showing which Buying situation?
Modified re buy
Consumer buy
True (Answer)
Marketing myopia
72. Buying goods and services for further processing or for use in the
production process refers to which of the following markets?
Consumer markets
Government markets
International markets
73. The packaging concept states what the package should be or do
for the product.
True (Answer)
Sales strategies
Marketing concepts
Brand images
True (Answer)
76. The materials and ingredients used in producing the product are
obtained from other companies who are referred to as distributors.
False (Answer)
77. The ________ refers to the various companies that are involved in
moving a product from its manufacturer into the hands of its buyer.
Supply chain
Promotion network
Target marketing
Psychographic segmentation
Product Differentiation
79. A persons ________ consist(s) of all the groups that have a direct
(face-to-face) or indirect influence on his/her attitudes or behaviour.
Spendable income
Occupation (Answer)
Borrowing power
Personality (Answer)
82. ________ portrays the whole person interacting with his or her
Reference group
Lifestyle (Answer)
84. The five-stage model of the consumer buying process includes all
of the following stages EXCEPT ________.
Problem recognition
Information search
Purchase decision
Satisfied (Answer)
True (Answer)
87. Merchant wholesalers sell goods and services directly to final
consumers for their personal, no business use.
False (Answer)
88. A service can be defined as any activity or benefit that one party
can offer another that is essentially intangible and that does not result
in the ownership of anything.
True (Answer)
True (Answer)
True (Answer)
Actual product
Augmented product
Attitude (Answer)
94. Which one of the following factor relates to family that influences
consumer behaviour?
Social (Answer)
95. Unique psychological characteristics that lead to relatively
consistent and lasting responses to ones own environment refers to
which one of the following?
Belief (Answer)
Need recognition
Quality of product
98. The factors such as the buyers age, life-cycle stage, occupation,
economic situation, lifestyle, personality and self-concept that
influences buyers decisions refers to which one of the following
Personal characteristics
Psychological characteristics
Behavioural characteristics
99. Companies selling mass consumer goods and services such as soft
drinks, cosmetics, air travel, and athletic shoes and equipment spend
a great deal of time trying to establish a superior brand image in
markets called ________.
Business markets
Global markets
Service markets
Customer orientation.
Marketing orientation.
Competitor orientation.
101. The ________ is practiced most aggressively with unsought goods,
goods that buyers normally do not think of buying, such as insurance,
encyclopaedias, and funeral plots.
Marketing concept
Production concept
Product concept
102. The ________ concept holds that consumers will favor those
products that offer the most quality, performance, or innovative
Product (Answer)
Holistic marketing
103. ________ marketing has the aim of building mutually satisfying long-
term relations with key parties such as customers, suppliers,
distributors, and other marketing partners in order to earn and retain
their business.
Relationship (Answer)
Uninformed managers
Sells (Answer)
107. __________ is the single factor that best indicates social class.
Occupation (Answer)
Sales strategies
Advertising strategies
Export strategies
Product or service.
Cognitive dissonance
Product research
Marketing research
Order processing
Order booking
Need recognition
Production orientation
Sales orientation
Sales Orientation
Marketing Orientation
Product oriented
Sales oriented
Production oriented
118. Products that are usually purchased due to adversity and high
promotional back up rather than desire are called:
Sought goods
Unique goods
Preferred goods
Television set
120. Luxury products, such as Rolex watches, are also known as:
Convenience product
Emergency product
Specialty product
Customer satisfaction
Production era
Sales era
Productivity (Answer)
Customer satisfaction
Satisfaction scale
Profit margin
Competitive benefit
True (Answer)
127. ____________ is defined as communication with large numbers of
customers at the same time.
Personal selling
Sales promotion
False (Answer)
Marketing (Answer)
False (Answer)
131. When a manager focuses on making whatever products are easy
to produce, and then trying to sell them, that manager has a
___________________ orientation.
Production (Answer)
133. Often, the best way to improve customer value, and beat the
competition, is to be first to satisfy a need that others have not even
False (Answer)
134. It is more costly to retain current customers by satisfying their
needs, than to get new customers by taking them away from a
False (Answer)
Government agencies
Religious groups
Marketing strategy
Strategic planning
Marketing concept
Customer orientation.
Marketing orientation.
Competitor orientation.
Planning excellence
A quality rift
A value line
141. A critical marketing perspective is the process of determining:
142. The way in which the product is delivered to meet the customers'
needs refers to:
Product development
Promotion (Answer)
Short-term; customers
Long-term; customers
Packaging (Answer)
Product line
Communication (Answer)
Advertising (Answer)
Sales promotion
Personal selling
Personal selling
Sales promotion (Answer)
Indirect selling
Industrial products
High-priced products
Specialty goods
Pioneer advertising
Defensive advertising
Societal marketing
157. Need becomes ________ when they are directed towards a specific
Actual need
Want (Answer)
158. Which of the following BEST describes the consumers preference
for products that are widely available to them?
Marketing concept
Selling concept
Product concept
159. Buying and selling of mass consumer goods and services comes
under which of the following markets?
Business markets
Global markets
Government markets
160. Which one of the following BEST describes the human need?
Food (Answer)
Product attributes.
Product oriented
Sales oriented
Production oriented
162. All of the following are the examples of unsought goods EXCEPT:
Funeral plots
Insurance policy
Unsought Goods
163. While considering the place for a product which of the following is
important for customer.
Convenience (Answer)
Customers (Answer)
165. Price is the only element in the marketing mix that produces:
Fixed cost
Variable cost
Revenue (Answer)
166. Identify the products that the customer usually buys frequently
and with a minimum of comparison and buying effort.
Convenience (Answer)
Brand name
Warehousing (Answer)
Exchange (Answer)
Production concept
Marketing concept
Product concept
Brand (Answer)
Product Cost
Product Satisfaction
Petrol. (Answer)
A motorcycle.
A bicycle.
Athletic shoes.
Shopping (Answer)
Convenience (Answer)
Accessory equipment.
Component parts.
Raw materials.
Consumable supplies.
178. Items that are purchased routinely, do not become part of the
final physical product, and are treated like expense items rather than
capital goods are called
Raw materials.
Major equipment.
Component parts.
Process materials.
179. Products that are used directly in the production of a final product
but are not easily identifiable are categorised as
Accessory products.
Component parts.
Consumable supplies.
Assembly components.
Marketing concept
Selling concept
Production concept
Place (Answer)
Telemarketing (Answer)
Public relations
Sales promotion
184. A dissonance-reducing buying behaviour is designed to probe
consumers hidden, subconscious motivations.
False (Answer)
False (Answer)
To intermediaries
Label (Answer)
Augmented (Answer)
189. Which of the following are products and services bought by final
consumers for personal consumption? These include convenience
products, shopping products, specialty products, and unsought
Consumer products
Industrial products
Capital items
Place Decisions
Product Decisions
Promotion Decisions
Selling Activities
Advertising activities
Promotion Activities
193. How many stages are involved in the consumer buying / adoption
Five (Answer)
194. Which one of the following factor relates to family that influences
consumer behavior?
Personal (Answer)
195. Buy it now refers to which one of the following options?
Sales promotion
Two (Answer)
197. The buyer decision process consists of five stages. Which of the
following is NOT one of these stages?
Evaluation of Alternatives
Information search
198. You are planning to install a steel manufacturing plant in your city.
For that purpose you want to have a supplier who supplies you the
steel in raw form for manufacturing. Here supplier supplies you which
of the following form of industrial product?
199. How are you telling consumers in your target group about your
product This question belongs to which marketing concept?
Promotion (Answer)
Delayed purchase