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CIM and Automation Lab: Department of Mechanical Engineering

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CIM and Automation Lab: Department of Mechanical Engineering

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Channabasaveshwara Institute of Technology

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Institution)

NH 206 (B.H. Road), Gubbi, Tumkur 572 216.Karnataka.

Department of Mechanical Engineering

CIM and Automation Lab

VII Semester
Lab Manual 2015-16

Name :____________________________________

USN :____________________________________

Batch : ________________ Section : ____________

Channabasaveshwara Institute of Technology
(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Institution)

NH 206 (B.H. Road), Gubbi, Tumkur 572 216.Karnataka.

Department of Mechanical Engineering

CIM and Automation Lab

Version 1.0
August 2015

Prepared by: Reviewed by:

Mr.Chikkannaswamy V M Mr. Natesh C P

Assistant Professor Assistant Professor

Approved by:
Dr. Pradeep K Mohan

Professor & Head,

Dept. of ME
Channabasaveshwara Institute of Technology
(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Institution)
NH 206 (B.H. Road), Gubbi, Tumkur 572 216.Karnataka.

Department of Mechanical Engineering


Subject Code: 10MEL78 IA Marks: 25

Hours/Week: 04 Exam Hours: 03
Total Hours: 42 Exam Marks: 50

CNC part programming using CAM packages. Simulation of Turning, Drilling, Milling operations.
3 typical simulations to be carried out using simulation packages like Master- CAM, or any
equivalent software.

(Only for Demo/Viva voce)

1. FMS (Flexible Manufacturing System): Programming of Automatic storage and Retrieval system
(ASRS) and linear shuttle conveyor Interfacing CNC lathe, milling with loading unloading arm and
ASRS to be carried out on simple components.
2. Robot programming: Using Teach Pendent & Offline programming to perform pick and place,
stacking of objects, 2 programs.

(Only for Demo/Viva voce)

Pneumatics and Hydraulics, Electro-Pneumatics: 3 typical experiments on Basics of these topics to

be conducted.

Scheme of Examination:

Two questions from Part-A 40 Marks (20 Write up +20)

Viva - Voce 10 Marks

Total 50 Marks


Record Marks
Manual Marks
(Max . 25)

(Max. 10)

Sl.N Name of the
o Experiment
Submission of
Conduction Repetition


Note: If the student fails to attend the regular lab, the experiment has
to be completed in the same week. Then the manual/observation and
record will be evaluated for 50% of maximum marks.

Channabasaveshwara Institute of Technology
(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Institution)
NH 206 (B.H. Road), Gubbi, Tumkur 572 216.Karnataka.

Department of Mechanical Engineering


The objectives of Computer Integrated Manufacturing and Automation laboratory is

to demonstrate the concepts discussed in Computer Integrated

Manufacturing course.
to introduce CNC part programming for simulation of various machining
to educate the students on Flexible Manufacturing System and Robot
to educate the students on the hydraulics, pneumatics and electro
pneumatic systems.


The expected outcome of Computer Integrated Manufacturing and Automation lab

is that the students will be able

to practically relate to concepts discussed in Computer Integrated

Manufacturing course.
to write CNC part programs using CADEM simulation package for simulation
of machining operations such as Turning, Drilling & Milling.
to understand & write programs for Flexible Manufacturing Systems &
to understand the operating principles of hydraulics, pneumatics and electro
pneumatic systems.
to apply these learnings to automate & improve efficiency of manufacturing

General instruction to Students

Students are informed to present 5 min before the commencement of lab.

Students must enter their name in daily book before entering into lab.
Students must leave Foot wares before entering lab.
Students must not carry any valuable things inside the lab.
Students must inform lab assistant before He/She uses any computer.
Do not touch anything with which you are not completely familiar. Carelessness may
not only break the valuable equipment in the lab but may also cause serious injury to
you and others in the lab.
For any software/hardware/ Electrical failure of computer during working, report it
immediately to your supervisor. Never try to fix the problem yourself because you could
further damage the equipment and harm yourself and others in the lab.
Students must submit Record book for evaluation before the commencement of lab.
Students must keep observation book (if necessary).
Students must keep silent near lab premises.
Students are informed to follow safety rules.
Students must obey lab rules and regulations.
Students must maintain discipline in lab.
Do not crowd around the computers and run inside the laboratory.
Please follow instructions precisely as instructed by your supervisor. Do not start the
experiment unless your setup is verified & approved by your supervisor.


Syllabus i

Index ii

Course Objectives & Outcomes iii

General instruction to Students iv

Contents v

Introduction 1

CNC Turning exercises 19

CNC Milling exercises 27

Viva Questions 38

References 44

CIM & Automation lab (10MEL78) VII SEM, ME


Numerical control :( NC)

It can be defined has form of programmable automation in which the process is controlled by
numbers, letters and symbols in NC the numbers forms a program of instructions designed
for a particular work part or job.

When the job changes the program of instruction is changed. This capability will change
program for each new job is what gives NC flexibility.


Computer numerical control :( CNC)

Numerical control integrated computer control includes one or more microprocessor, mini
computers. The logic function or program the control comprises a program that is stored in
the memory.

Direct numerical control: (DNC)

It can be defined has a manufacturing system in which a number of machines are controlled
by a computer through direct connection & in real time.

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NC motion control system:

In NC there are 3 basic types of machine control system

1. Point to Point

2. Straight cut

3. Contouring

1) Point to point

It is also sometimes called positioning system. In point to point the objective of the machine
tool control system is to the cutting to pre defined location once the tool reaches the defined
location the machining operation is performed at that position.

EX: NC drill presses.

2) Straight cut NC

Straight cut control system is capable of moving the cutting tool, parallel to one of the major
axes at controlled rate suitable for machining. It is therefore appropriate for performing
milling operation to fabricate work piece of rectangular configurations.

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The following are the basic steps in NC procedure

Process Planning
Part Programming
Part Program entry
Proving the part program

The part programmer will often carry out the task of process planning. Process planning is
the procedure of deciding what operations are to be done on the component, in what order,
and with what tooling and work holding facilities. Both the process planning and part
programming aspects of manufacture occur after the detail drawings of a component have
been prepared. The following procedure may be used as a guide to assist the programmer, by
describing each step required in preparing the method of production.

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Receive the part drawing from part drawing information, check suitability of part
to be machined against the machine capacity.
Determine a method of driving the component (chuck type, chuck size, type of
jaw) and the method of machining.
Determine the tooling required to suit the method of machining and utilize as
much as possible the tools which are permanently in the turret set upon the
Determine the order of machining and the tooling stations.
Determine planned stops for checking dimensional sizes where required by
Determine cutting speeds based on
- Component material, method of driving, rigidity of component
- Tooling selected for roughing and finishing
Determine the depths of cut and feeds for roughing operations
Determine surface finish requirements, the cutter nose radius most suited for
finishing operations and determine feed rates.
Allocates tool offsets as required
Complete planning sheet

After completing the planning sheet, draw the component showing the cutter
paths (a simple sketch is sufficient for simple components)
Select a component datum and carryout the necessary calculations at slopes and
Prepare tooling layout sheet showing tools to be used in the program and indicate
the station number for each tool.
Indicate the ordering code for each tool and grade and type of inserts to be used.
Write the part program according to the sequence of operations.

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CIM & Automation lab (10MEL78) VII SEM, ME


The part program is prepared / punched on a 25 mm wide paper tape with 8 tracks and is fed
to MCU in order to produce a component of interest on machine tool. Other forms of input
media include, punched cards, magnetic tape, 35 mm motion picture film. The input to the
NC system can be in two ways:
1. Manual data input
2. Direct Numerical control.
1) Direct Data Input (MDI): Complete part programs are entered into CNC control unit via
the console keyboard. It is suited only for relatively simple jobs. The most common
application for MDI is the editing of part programs already resident in controllers memory.

One variation of MDI is a concept called Conversational Programming. CNC machines are
programmed via a question and answer technique whereby a resident software program asks
the operator a series of questions. In response to the operators input, and by accessing a pre-
programmed data file, the computer control can.

- Select numerical values for use within machining calculations

- Perform calculations to optimize machining conditions
- Identify standard tools and coordinates
- Calculate cutter paths and coordinates
- Generate the part program to machine the component

A typical dialogue from the machine would be as follows for the operator to identify such
things as:

- Material to be cut
- Surface roughness tolerance
- Machined shape required
- Size of the raw material blank
- Machining allowances, cut
- Tools and tool detail etc.

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The operator may then examine and prove the program via computer graphics simulation on
the console VDU. After this, the program is stored or punched on tape. Although there is
some sacrifice in machine utilization, actual programming time is minimal and much tedious
production engineering work is eliminated.

2) Direct Numerical Control: The process of transferring part programs into memory of a
CNC machine tool from a host computer is called Direct Numerical Control or DNC


It is safe practice to check the programmed path for any interference between the tool
and the work before using the part program for production. The proving part program is done
- Visual inspection
- Single step execution
- Dry run
- Graphical simulation.

Visual Inspection: It represents the method of checking visually the program present in the
memory of the CNC machine. In this, actual program is run and the programmed movements
in all axes are to be checked along with ensuring the tool offset and cutter compensation
feature. This method represents the least form of verification and should not be relied up on

Single Step Execution: Before auto-running the part program it should be executed in a step
mode i.e. block by block. During this execution, spindle speed and feed rate override
facilities are to be used so that axes movement can be easily monitored. This operation may
be carried out with or without mounting the component on the machine.

Dry run: A dry run consists of running the part program in auto-mode. During this, the
component is not installed on the machine table and the cutting is done in air. The purpose of
this run is to verify the programmed path of the tool under continuous operation and to check
whether adequate clearance exist between the clamping arrangement and other projections

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CIM & Automation lab (10MEL78) VII SEM, ME

within the set up. Feed rate override facilities are used to slow down the speed of execution
of the program.

Graphical simulation: A graphical simulation package emulates the machine tool and, using
computer graphics, plots out the machine movements on a VDU screen. Machine movement
often takes the form a cutting tool shape moving around the screen according to the
programmed movements. When the tool shape passes over a shaded representation of the
component, it erases that part of the component. The resulting shape, lest after the execution
represents the shape of the finished component. Any gross deviations from the intended tool
path can be observed and any potential interference can be highlighted.

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Machining of a work piece by an NC program requires a coordinate system to be applied to

the machine tool. As all machine tools have more than one slide, it is important that each
slide is identified individually. There are two planes in which movements can take place

Each plane is assigned a letter and is referred to as an axis,

Axis X
Axis Z
The two axis are identified by upper case X, Z and the direction of movement along each axis
(+) or (-). The Z axis is always parallel to the main spindle of the machine. The X axis is
always parallel to the work holding surface, and always at right angles to the Z axis. The
coordinate system for turning operations is shown in figure below


All CNC machine tool traverses are controlled by coordinating systems. Their accurate
position within the machine tool is established by ZERO POINTS.

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MACHINE ZERO POINT (M): is specified by the manufacturer of the machine. This is
the zero point for the coordinate systems and reference points in the machine. On turning
lathes, the machine zero point is generally at the center of the spindle nose face. The main
spindle axis (center line) represents the Z axis; the face determines the X axis. The directions
of the positive X and Z axes point toward the working area as shown in figure below:

WORKPIECE ZERO POINT (W): This point determines the workpiece coordinate system
in relation to the machine zero point. The workpiece zero point is chosen by the programmer
and input into the CNC system when setting up the machine. The position of the workpiece
zero point can be freely chosen by the programmer within the workpiece envelope of the
machine. It is however advisable to place the workpiece zero point in such a manner that the
dimensions in the workpiece drawing can be conveniently converted into coordinate values
and orientation when clamping / chucking, setting up and checking, the traverse measuring
system can be effected easily.

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For turned parts, the work piece zero point should be placed along the spindle axis (center
line), in line with the right hand or left hand end face of the finished contour as shown in
figure. Occasionally the work piece zero point is also called the program zero point.

REFERNCE POINT (R): This point serves for calibrating and for controlling the
measuring system of the slides and tool traverses. The position of the reference point as
shown in figure below is accurately predetermined in every traverse axis by the trip dogs and
limit switches. Therefore, the reference point coordinates always have the same , precisely
known numerical value in relation to the machine zero point. After initiating the control
system, the reference point must always be approached from all axes to calibrate the traverse
measuring system. If current slide and tool position data should be lost in the control system
as for example, through an electrical failure, the machine must again be positioned to the
reference point to re-establish the proper positioning values.


G00 Positioning (Rapid Transverse)

G01 Linear Interpolation (Feed)

G02 Circular Interpolation (CW)

G03 Circular Interpolation (CCW)

G04 Dwell

G20 Inch Data Input

G21 Metric Data Input

G28 Reference point return

G40 Tool nose radius compensation cancel

G41 Tool nose radius compensation left

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G42 Tool nose radius compensation right

G50 Work coordinate change/ Max. Spindle speed setting

G70 Finishing cycle

G71 Multiple Turning Cycle in turning

G72 Stock removal in facing

G73 Pattern repeating

G74 Peck drilling in Z axis

G75 Grooving in X axis

G76 Thread cutting cycle

G90 Cutting cycle A (Turning)

G94 Cutting cycle B (Facing)

G96 Constant surface speed control

G97 Constant surface speed control cancel

G98 Feed per minute

G99 Feed per revolution

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M Codes are instructions describing machine functions such as calling the tool, spindle
rotation, coolant on, door close/open etc.

M00 Program Stop

M02 Optional Stop

M03 Spindle Forward (CW)

M04 Spindle Reverse (CCW)

M05 Spindle Stop

M06 Tool Change

M08 Coolant On

M09 Coolant Off

M10 Vice Open

M11 Vice Close

M13 Spindle Forward, Coolant On

M14 Spindle Reverse, Coolant On

M30 Program End

M38 Door Open

M39 Door Close

M98 Subprogram Call

M99 Subprogram Exit

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Machining of a work piece by an NC program requires a coordinate system to be applied to

the machine tool. As all machine tools have more than one slide, it is important that each
slide is identified individually. There are three planes in which movement can take place.

Each plane is assigned a letter and is referred to as an axis, i.e,

Axis X
Axis Y
Axis Z
The three axes are identified by upper case X, Y and Z and the direction of movement along
each axis is specified as either + or -. The Z axis is always parallel to the main spindle of
the machine. The X axis is always parallel to the work holding surface, and always at right
angles to the Z axis. The Y axis is at right angles to both Z and X axis. Figure shows the
coordinate system for milling.

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MACHINE ZERO POINT (M): This is specified by the manufacturer of the machine. This
is the x\zero point for the coordinate systems and reference points in the machine. The
machine zero point can be the center of the table or a point along the edge of the traverse
range as shown in figure the position of the machine zero point generally varies from
manufacture. The precise position of the machine zero point as well as the axis direction
must therefore be taken from the operating instructions provided for each individual

REFERENCE POINT (R): this point serves for calibrating and for controlling the
measuring system of the slides as tool traverses. The position of the reference point is
accurately predetermined in every traverse axis by the trip dogs and limit switches.
Therefore, the reference point coordinates always have the same, precisely known numerical
value in relation to the machine zero point. After initiating the control system, the reference
point must always be approached from all axes to calibrate the traverse measuring system. If
current slide and tool position data should be lost in the control systems, for example,
through an electrical failure, the machine must again be positioned to the reference point to
re-establish the proper positioning values.

WORKPIECE ZERO POINT (W): This point determines the work piece coordinate
system in relation to the machine zero point. The work piece zero point is chosen by the
programmer and input into the CNC system when setting up the machine. The position of the
work piece zero point can be freely chosen by the programmer within the work piece
envelope of the machine. It is however, advisable to place the work piece zero point in such a
manner that the dimensions in the work piece drawing can be conveniently converted into
coordinate values and orientation when clamping/ chucking, setting up and checking the
traverse measuring system can be affected easily. For milled parts, it is generally advisable to
use an extreme corner point as the work piece zero point. Occasionally, the work piece
zero point is called the program zero point

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Dimensional information in a work piece drawing can be stated in two ways:

1. Absolute Dimension System: Data in absolute dimension system always refer to a fixed
reference point in the drawing as shown in figure A above. This point has the function of a
coordinate zero point as in figure B. The dimension lines run parallel to the coordinate axes
and always start at the reference point. Absolute dimensions are also called as Reference

2. Incremental Dimension System: When using incremental dimension system, every

measurement refers to a previously dimensioned position as shown in figure A below.
Incremental dimensions are distance between adjacent points. These distances are converted
into incremental coordinates by accepting the last dimension point as the coordinate origin
for the new point. This may be compared to a small coordinate system, i.e. shifted
consequently from point to point as shown in figurer B. Incremental dimensions are also
frequently called Relative dimensions or Chain dimensions.

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CIM & Automation lab (10MEL78) VII SEM, ME



G00 Positioning (Rapid Transverse)

G01 Linear Interpolation (Feed)
G02 Circular Interpolation (CW)
G03 Circular Interpolation (CCW)

G04 Dwell

G20 Inch Data Input

G21 Metric Data Input

G28 Reference point return

G40 Tool nose radius compensation cancel

G41 Tool nose radius compensation left
G42 Tool nose radius compensation right

G43 Tool length compensation + direction

G44 Tool length compensation - direction

G73 Peck drilling cycle

G74 Counter tapping cycle
G76 Fine Boring
G80 Canned cycle cancel
G81 Drilling cycle, spot boring
G82 Drilling cycle, counter boring
G83 Peck drilling cycle
G84 Tapping cycle
G85 Boring cycle
G86 Boring cycle
G87 Back boring cycle
G88 Boring cycle

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G89 Boring cycle

G90 Absolute command

G91 Incremental command

G92 Programming of Absolute zero point.

G94 Feed per minute

G95 Feed per revolution

G98 Return to initial point in canned cycle

G99 Return to R point in canned cycle.


M Codes are instructions describing machine functions such as calling the tool, spindle
rotation, coolant on, door close/open etc.
M00 Program stop
M01 Optional stop
M02 Program end
M03 Spindle forward
M04 Spindle reverse
M05 Spindle stop
M06 Tool change
M08 Coolant on
M09 Coolant off
M10 Vice open
M11 Vice close
M13 Coolant, spindle fwd
M14 Coolant, spindle rev
M30 Program stop and rewind

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M70 X mirror On
M71 Y mirror On
M80 X mirror off
M81 Y mirror off
M98 Subprogram call
M99 Subprogram exit

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1. Write a manual part program for Linear Interpolation for the given part and execute.

O 20

O 15

O 10

20 20 20

Note: All dimensions are in mm only

CNC Part Program:

G21 G98
G28 X0 Z0
M06 T0101
M03 S100
G00 X10 Z1 M08
G00 X7.5
G01 Z-40 F0.2
G00 X10 Z1
G00 X5
G01 Z-20 F0.2
G00 X10 Z1
G28 X0 Z0
M05 M09

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2. Write a manual part program for Taper turning for the given part and execute.

Note: All dimensions are in mm only

CNC Part Program:

G21 G98
G28 X0 Z0
M06 T0101
M03 S100
G00 X15 Z1 M08
G00 X10
G01 Z-40 F0.2
G00 X15 Z1
G00 X5
G01 Z-20 F0.2
G00 X15 Z1
G00 X10 Z-40
G01 X15 Z-60 F0.2
G00 X15 Z1
G00 X5 Z-20
G01 X10 Z-25 F0.2
G00 X15 Z1G28 X0 Z0
M05 M09

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3. Write a manual part program on Chamfering& Step turning for the given part and execute.

Note: All dimensions are in mm only

CNC Part Program:

G21 G98
G28 X0 Z0
M06 T0101
M03 S100
G00 X50 Z1 M08
G00 X40
G01 Z-230 F0.2
G00 X50 Z1
G00 X25
G01 Z-130 F0.2
G00 X50 Z1
G00 X15
G01 Z-50 F0.2
G00 X50 Z1
G00 X40 Z-135
G01 X35 Z-130 F0.2
G00 X50 Z1
G00 X25 Z-55
G01 X20 Z-50 F0.2
G00 X50 Z1
G00 X15 Z-5
G01 X10 Z0 F0.2
G00 X50 Z1
G28 X0 Z0
M05 M09

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4. Write a manual part program on fillet & Step turning for the given part.

Note: All dimensions are in mm only

CNC Part Program:

G21 G98
G28 X0 Z0
M06 T0101
M03 S100
G00 X60 Z1 M08
G00 X50
G01 Z-330 F0.2
G00 X60 Z1
G00 X30
G01 Z-180 F0.2
G00 X60 Z1
G00 X20
G01 Z-80 F0.2
G00 X60 Z1
G00 X50 Z-185
G02 X45 Z-180 R5
G00 X60 Z1
G00 X30 Z-83
G02 X27 Z-80 R3
G00 X60 Z1
G00 X20 Z-2
G02 X18 Z0 R2
G00 X60 Z1
G28 X0 Z0
M05 M09

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5. Write a manual part program for the given profile and execute.

Note: All dimensions are in mm only

CNC Part Program:

O1015 G00 X10
G21 G98 G01 X15 Z-30 F0.2
G28 X0 Z0 G00 X50 Z1
M06 T0101 G28 X0 Z0
M03 S100 M05 M09
G00 X50 Z1 M08 M30
G00 X40
G01 Z-134 F0.2
G00 X50 Z1
G00 X30
G01 Z-98 F0.2
G00 X50 Z1
G00 X15
G01 Z-58 F0.2
G00 X50 Z1
G00 X40 Z-134
G01 X50 Z-154 F0.2
G00 X50 Z1
G00 X30 Z-98
G03 X40 Z-114 R16
G00 X50 Z1
G00 X15 Z-58
G02 X30 Z-78 R20
G00 X50 Z1

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6. Write a manual part program for the given profile and execute.

Note: All dimensions are in mm only

CNC Part Program:

O1016 G02 X0 Z0 R10
G21 G98 G00 X25 Z1
G28 X0 Z0 G28 X0 Z0
M06 T0101 M05 M09
M03 S100 M30
G00 X25 Z1 M08
G00 X15
G01 Z-30 F0.2
G00 X25 Z1
G00 X25 Z-60
G01 X15 Z-95 F0.2
G00 X25 Z-95
G00 X25 Z1
G00 X25 Z-95
G00 X15 Z-95
G01 X15 Z-125 F0.2
G00 X25 Z-125
G00 X25 Z1
G00 X25 Z-125
G00 X15 Z-125
G02 X25 Z-135 R10
G00 X25 Z-135
G00 X25 Z1
G00 X15 Z-30
G02 X25 Z-40 R10
G00 X25 Z1
G00 X15 Z-10

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7. Write a manual part program for the given profile and execute.

Note: All dimensions are in mm only

CNC Part Program:

G28 X0 Z0
M06 T0101
M03 S100
G00 X25 Z1 M08
G00 X20
G01 Z-135 F0.2
G00 X25 Z1
G00 X15
G01 Z-95 F0.2
G00 X25 Z1
G00 X10
G01 Z-55 F0.2
G00 X25 Z1
G00 X10 Z-20
G01 X0 Z0 F0.2
G00 X25 Z1
G28 X0 Z0
M05 M09

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Note: All dimensions are in mm only

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1) Write a manual part program for Slotting operation for the component as shown in
drawing and execute.

Material Mild Steel,

Operation - Slotting

Billet size 100 x 100 x 15mm

Tool Radiused end mill 10


Note: All dimensions are in mm only

CNC Part Program:
G21 G98
G28 X0 Y0 Z0
M06 T0101
M03 S100
G00 X25 Y75 Z5 M08
G01 Z-5 F0.2
G00 Z5
G28 X0 Y0 Z10
M05 M09

2) Write a manual part program for Drillingoperationfor the component as shown in drawing.

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Note: All dimensions are in mm only

Material Mild Steel, Operation - Drilling

Billet size 60 x 60 x 30mm Tool Slot drill 10 mm

CNC Part Program:

G21 G98
G28 X0 Y0 Z0
M06 T0101
M03 S100
G00 X15 Y15 Z5 M08
G01 Z-10 F0.2
G00 Z5
G00 X15 Y45
G01 Z-10 F0.2
G00 Z5
G00 X45 Y45
G01 Z-10 F0.2
G00 Z5
G00 X45 Y15
G01 Z-10 F0.2
G00 Z5
G28 X0 Y0 Z0
M05 M09

3) Write a manual part program for the profile as shown in the drawing and execute.

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CIM & Automation lab (10MEL78) VII SEM, ME

Note: All dimensions are in mm only

Material Mild Steel, Operation Milling

Billet size 120 x 80 x 10mm Tool Radiused end mill 5mm

CNC Part Program:

G21 G98
G28 X0 Y0 Z0
M06 T0101
M03 S100
G00 X0 Y10 Z5 M08
G01 Z-10 F60
X10 Y0
X90 Y10
G02 X120 Y40 Z-10 R30
G01 X120 Y80 Z-10 F60
X60 Y80
X60 Y70
X50 Y70
G02 X30 Y60 Z-10 R20
G01 X0 Y60 Z-10 F60
X0 Y10
G28 X0 Y0 Z0
M05 M09
4) Write a manual part program for the profile as shown in the drawing and execute.

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CIM & Automation lab (10MEL78) VII SEM, ME

Note: All dimensions are in mm only

Material Mild Steel, Operation Milling

Billet size 100 x 60 x 15mm Tool Radiused end mill 10mm

CNC Part Program:

G21 G98
G28 X0 Y0 Z0
G41 M06 T0101
M03 S600
G00 X0Y0 Z5 M08
G01 Z-10 F0.2
G01 X0 Y45
G01 X15 Y60
G01 X100
G01 Y15
G01 X80
G01 Y0
G01 X0
G0 Z5
G28 X0 Y0 Z0

5) Write a manual part program for the profile as shown in the drawing and execute.

Dept. of ME, CIT, Gubbi, Tumkur 30

CIM & Automation lab (10MEL78) VII SEM, ME

Note: All dimensions are in mm only

Material Mild Steel, Operation Milling

Billet size 100 x 60 x 15mm Tool Radiused end mill 10mm

CNC Part Program:

G21 G98
G28 X0 Y0 Z0
G42 M06 T0101
M03 S100
G00 X20 Y20 M08
G01 Z-10 F0.2
G03 X60 Y20 R20
G03 X60 Y60 R20
G03 X20 Y60 R20
G03 X20 Y20 R20
G00 Z5
G28 X0 Y0 Z0
M05 M09

6) Write a manual part program for the profile as shown in the drawing and execute.

Dept. of ME, CIT, Gubbi, Tumkur 31

CIM & Automation lab (10MEL78) VII SEM, ME

Note: All dimensions are in mm only

Material Mild Steel, Operation Slotting

Billet size 100 x 105 x 15mm Tool slot drill 15mm

CNC Part Program:

G21 G98
G28 X0 Y0 Z0
M06 T0101
M03 S100
G00 X-8 Y22.5 M08
G01 Z-5 F0.2
G01 X108 F0.2
G00 Y52.5
G01 X-8 F0.2
G00 Y82.5
G01 X108 F0.2
G00 Z10
G28 X0 Y0 Z10
M05 M09

7) Write a manual part program for the profile as shown in the drawing and execute.

Dept. of ME, CIT, Gubbi, Tumkur 32

CIM & Automation lab (10MEL78) VII SEM, ME

Material Mild Steel,

Operation milling & drilling

Billet size 120 x 80 x 10mm

Tool slot drill 10mm

Note: All dimensions are in mm only

CNC Part Program:
O1027 G00 X105 Y70 Z5
G21 G98 G01 Z-10 F60
G28 X0 Y0 Z0 G00 Z5
M06 T0101 G28 X0 Y0 Z0
M03 S600 M05 M09
G00 X0 Y10 Z5 M08 M30
G01 Z-10 F60
X10 Y0
X90 Y10
G02 X120 Y40 Z-10 R30
G01 X120 Y80 Z-10 F60
X60 Y80
X60 Y70
X50 Y70
G02 X30 Y60 Z-10 R20
G01 X0 Y60 Z-10 F60
X0 Y10
G00 X0 Y0 Z5
G00 X25 Y20 Z5
G01 Z-10 F60
G00 Z5
G00 X65 Y20 Z5
G01 Z-10 F60
G00 Z5


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CIM & Automation lab (10MEL78) VII SEM, ME


Note: All dimensions are in mm only


Note: All dimensions are in mm only


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CIM & Automation lab (10MEL78) VII SEM, ME

Note: All dimensions are in mm only


8 steps in CAPSTURN/CAPSMILL NC programming

Dept. of ME, CIT, Gubbi, Tumkur 35

CIM & Automation lab (10MEL78) VII SEM, ME

1. Start new program

2. Define work setup Geometry

3. Draw the part

4. Draw the blank

5. Perform machining

6. Select machine

7. View tool path

Tool path

8. Generate NC program

1. Start new program

Double click on the CAPSTURN icon


Select start- program CADEM CAPSTURN

2. Define work setup

Setup data is required for machining, and documentation is related to the details of the
program. The work setup data is divided into

Setup data 1,

Setup data 2 and


Entering the setup data I mandatory, while documentation is optional.

3. Draw the part

Draw-use the drawing tools to construct the geometry of the part

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CIM & Automation lab (10MEL78) VII SEM, ME

Draw-define part create part shape

4. Draw the blank

Draw define blank

5. Perform machining

Switch to the machining menu clicking on the machining tab

Select appropriate machining operation and define tool details used for that operation

6. Select machine

Select suitable machine from the available list

7. View tool path.

Switch to tool path mode by clicking on tool path tab

Select tool path-start

8. Generate NC program

Click on NC PROGRAM ON THE menu bar

1. What is CAD?

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CIM & Automation lab (10MEL78) VII SEM, ME

Computer-aided design (CAD) is the use of computer systems to assist in the creation,
modification, analysis, or optimization of a design.
2. What is CAM?
Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) is the use of computer software to control machine
tools and related machinery in the manufacturing of work pieces.
3. What is CAE?
Computer-aided engineering (CAE) is the broad usage of computer software to aid
in engineering tasks.
4. What is Automation?
Automation is the use of machines, control systems and information technologies to optimize
productivity in the production of goods and delivery of services.
5. What are the benefits of CAD?
Improved engineering productivity
Reduced engineering personnel requirements
Customer modifications are easier to make
Faster response to requests for quotations
Minimized transcription errors
Improved accuracy of design
Improved productivity in tool design
6. What is design process?
Define the Problem
Do Background Research
Specify Requirements
Create Alternative Solutions
Choose the Best Solution
Do Development Work
Build a Prototype
Test and Redesign
7. What is geometric modeling?
Geometric modeling is a branch of applied mathematics and geometry that studies methods
and algorithms for the mathematical description of shapes.
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CIM & Automation lab (10MEL78) VII SEM, ME

8. Advantages of CAD/CAM?
Savings in geometry definition.
Immediate visual verification.
Use of automatic programming routines.
One-of-a-kind jobs.
Integration with other related functions.
09. Define NC?
Numerical control (NC) is the automation of machine tools that are operated by abstractly
programmed commands encoded on a storage medium.
10. What are the basic components of NC system?
An operational numerical control system consists of the following three basic components:
1. Program of instructions
2. Controller unit, also called a machine control unit (MCU)
3. Machine tool or other controlled process
11. What is NC procedure?
Process planning.
Part programming
Manual part programming
Computer-assisted part programming
Tape preparation.
Tape verification.
12. What is cutter offsetcompensation?
An offset used on the mill that accounts for variations in tool diameter. Cutter compensation
is necessary only for tools that travel in the X- or Y-axes.

13. Discuss NC coordinate system?

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CIM & Automation lab (10MEL78) VII SEM, ME

14. What is workpiece Zero point?

The origin of both the work piece coordinates system and the part program for a particular
work piece. Work piece zero, commonly called program zero, is unique to each work piece
design and is selected by a part programmer.
15. What is Machine zero point?
The origin of the machine coordinates system located above the far upper right-hand corner
of the mill table. The unchangeable machine zero point is also known as the home position.
16. What Home zero point?
The origin of the machine coordinate system located above the lathe spindle and to the far
upper right-hand corner of the lathe work area. The unchangeable machine zero point is also
known as the home position.
17. Applications of NC systems?
Batch and high volume production
Repeat and repetitive order
Complex part geometries
Many separate operations on one part
18. Advantages and disadvantages of NC machine?
Part program tape and tape reader
Editing the program
Metric conversion

Dept. of ME, CIT, Gubbi, Tumkur 40

CIM & Automation lab (10MEL78) VII SEM, ME

Highly flexible
Easier programming
Higher investment cost.
Higher maintenance cost
Finding and/or training NC personnel
19. What does N Word stands for?
N - Sequence number (Used for line identification)
20. What does G word stands for?
G - Preparatory function
21. What does M Word stands for?
M - Miscellaneous function
22. What does T word stands for?
T - Tool Designation
23. Steps in computer assisted part programming?
Typically starts with the receipt (by the manufacturing department) of a
design in the form of a CAD/NC drawing or model
Review of the model by a production planner and then design/selection of the
Selection of cutting process parameters (cutting conditions, direction of cut,
roughing and finishing, etc)
Generation of cutter path
Verification of the cutter path by replaying the path computer assists the
programmer by animating the entire path, showing the location of the cutter
visually and displaying the XYZ coordinates
24. What is robot?
A robot is a mechanical or virtual agent, usually an electro-mechanical machine that is
guided by a computer program or electronic circuitry.

25. Physical configurations of robot.

Cartesian configuration

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CIM & Automation lab (10MEL78) VII SEM, ME

Cylindrical configuration
Polar configuration
Jointed-arm configuration
26. Basic robot motions.
1. Arm and body motions
Vertical traverse
Radial traverse
Rotational traverse
2. Wrist Motion
Wrist swivel
Wrist bend
Wrist yaw
27. Robot programming language.
The VALTM Language
The MCL Language
28. Basic commands for robot
29. Applications of robot
Hazardous work environment for humans
Repetitive work cycle
Difficult handling task for humans
Multi shift operations
Infrequent changeovers
Part position and orientation are established in the work cell
30.Advantages and disadvantages of robot
Robotics and automation can, in many situation, increase productivity, safety,
efficiency, quality, and consistency of Products
Robots can work in hazardous environments
Robots need no environmental comfort

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CIM & Automation lab (10MEL78) VII SEM, ME

Robots work continuously without any humanity needs and illnesses

Robots have repeatable precision at all time
Robots lack capability to respond in emergencies, this can cause:
Inappropriate and wrong responses
A lack of decision-making power
A loss of power
Robots may have limited capabilities in
Degrees of Freedom
Robots are costly, due to
Initial cost of equipment
Installation Costs
31.What is FMS?
A flexible manufacturing system (FMS) is a manufacturing system in which there is
some amount of flexibility that allows the system to react in the case of changes, whether
predicted or unpredicted.
32. What is automatic storage and retrieval system?
An automated storage and retrieval system (ASRS or AS/RS) consists of a variety of
computer-controlled systems for automatically placing and retrieving loads from defined
storage locations.
33. What is meant by canned cycle (or) fixed cycle? Give an example.
A canned cycle simplifies a program by using a few blocks containing G code functions
to specify the machining operations usually specified in several blocks.
Ex.Drilling (G81), Peck drilling (G83), Tapping (G84), Boring (G86)

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CIM & Automation lab (10MEL78) VII SEM, ME

1. Automation, Production system & Computer Integrated manufacturing, M. P. Groover
Person India, 2007 2nd edition.

2. Principles of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, S. Kant Vajpayee, Prentice Hall India.

Dept. of ME, CIT, Gubbi, Tumkur 44

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